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2 TIGHTEN NET ON WHYBARK SLAYER Santa Clara Officers Expect I Soon to Arrest Man Who Murdered Watchman feelieve Him Not Far From the Scene of Crime and Have Strong Clew {Special Dispatch to The Call] SAXTA CLARA, March 16. — Con stable Lyle is convinced tonight that the murderer of Watchman George Whybak will be captured before the md of the week. He is certain that the fugitive is close nt hand — in facs, •within the confines of Santa Clara county. Several suspects have been picked up in various parts of the vounty, but they are not thought to ljave any connection with the Fhooting. Micky Doyle, alias Kid Johnson, i&ken from a train at Gilroy. was brought to Sah Jose today and placed in detenue pending an investigation of his stories. •Tied" Walsh, porter in Liebes' y&loon, where the crime was committed. is still missing, despite the efforts of officers to find him. Constable Lyle said this afternoon that he did not think "lied" was in iiny way connected with the crime, but If anxious to locate him and find out what he knows. \u25a0 The most important clew up to the prrsent is the one given by the farmer Jiving on the Brokaw road toward Coyote creek, north of here. Early Monday morning a man was seen tramping along- the road past the farm f-r's hoxjpe, and when questioned said that h^ had come from Sa:i Diego two riays= before. His description is said to tally exactly with the one given by Ferry, the companion of Whybark on that fatal night. Though not ad mitted. It is almost certain that this man is tlie one the officers are seeking most strenuously and hope to land be 3iind the bars as the murderer of Why bark. Masonic services were held at Why- I. ark's funeral today, after which the body was escorted to the 12:08 train for San Lorenzo by True Fellowship l«.dpe No. SSS. I. O. O. F.. Court Sher wood Xo. 60. Foresters of America, jnember? of the different volunteer fire <i apartments and a host of friends. £ Shot by Two Assassins [Special Dispatch to The Call] SAN' JOSE, March 16.— Officers of this county are now working upon the theory that Night Watchman George Wliybark of Santa Clara was shot In a pistol duel- with two opponents, instead lo one, as was at first supposed. At the autopsy it was discovered from the angle of the wounds In the body and bullet marks In the walls where he Cell that he was probably rsught between two fires. Two wxfunds v.err- inflicted In his side and one from straight In front of him. The suppo sition Is that the wounds In the side were made by the bullets of a marks man concealed in a small apartment close to Whybark, whom he did not not notice when he called to the man of one, as was at first supposed. GLASS HOUSES MAY SOON BE POSSIBLE Manufacturer Believe Struc- tures Will Become Common Thomas A.. Edison says the time is <oming when everybody who' wishes can have a concrete house of any Miape or size desired and at very mod orate cost, and that this will help to polve the problem of living inexpen sively in comfort and amid healthful purroundings, says the Xew Haven Palladium. And here comes a Pitts burg man who predicts that in 10 yearfTttie glass house will have been so perfected that all these desirable ends may b<? attained at still less outlay. This pentleman declares it will soon be possible to furnish th« finest habita tion, fireproof, waterproof, windproof, germ proof, disease proof and perhaps burjrlar proof. The. houses are to be built on con crete foundations and have glass walls, roof, ctllingE, wainscoting and all the rest -of It, wired and made opaque ex cept where there is need of windows. If the owner wishes the house may be so constructed as to admit light with out windows. There will be tiled floors of glass, and the finish and deco ration may be In any color* or de signs required. The statement is made that in addi tion to the low original cost these houses will be of exceptional econ omy, becauee they will be free from the wearing effects of time and there fore exempt from outlays for repairs, and the life of a building will be prac- Uc&ny unlimited. Furthermore, "there will b<> no gathering of unpleasant or unwholesome elements, because it will he entirely sanitary in spite of what tlje «>eeiipants may do, or at* least fit to be redeemed from the terrors of any .kind of occupation." "Of course due must be made for this glowing prediction, the prophet bring a glass manufacturer. And there is to be remembered what may possibly happen to the dwellers in prlass houses in a neighborhood given to throwing stones. PICTURES ON STONE PUZZLE ARCHITECTS Paintings Taken From Building to Adorn Museum A puzzle that the architect of the new Carnavalot' museum Is Jlevoting himself to is for the decoration of the grand staircase of the future annex. The paintings on stone were taken from the demolition of the ancient Hotel de Luynes. say* the London Globe. Instead of being taken to pieces stone by ston© find separated with care, the historic panels were sawn through without discretion. Still worse. '"\u25a0' the Ftones were taken down from the wail without marking them and thrown lo pether in heaps In the under buildings of the Galliera museum. The architect has enjoyej all the emotions of the \u25a0 "puzzle." since he has had to recon struct provisionally on the ground the whole of the painting. The game of patience is finished for the central panel. Between the inter stices of the fragments carefully placed together plaster mixed with oil and soap has been run in. It remains to trace on the whole a check work In water colors for the guidance In plac ing in vertical position of the stones. Finally the modeler will put An the missing pieces, and the artist, M. Chois nard, will make the Indispensable addi tions and complete the picture. . a i • COLDS CAUSE HEADACHES Laxative Eromo Quinine, the world wide Cold and Grip remedy, removes cause. See signature E.W.Grove.- 25c. • * Elizabeth Hlrsch of Liepnitz, Ger-. many, who is at the head of and per sonally manages a l&rge factory in that place, has been recognized! as, a • factor in : the bueiness. community .and has been chosen a member, of thf,'gov erning council of the Hansa bund. .- .' VAST SIBERIAN FORESTS AWAIT LUMBERMAN'S AX Timbering Unheard Of in Great Districts Consul Lester Maynard of Vladivo stok writee that there are no exact data regarding the total area of- forest land in the maritime province of Si beria and the neighborhood of the Amur province. According to the forestry department's estimates there are about 490,000,000 acres of forest land belonging to the department of the domain and about 19,000,000 acres be longing to the Cossack administration, lie continues: In the southern part of the province the species are very much mixed, de ciduous and coniferous trees growing one next to the other; In the northern part most of the forces consist of co niferous species. The forests, being gov ernment property, are managed by a local office of the department of the do main, with a head office in Habarovsk. The government's income Is collected in the form of a tax per cubic contents of logs sold. The tax varies from a half to 7 cents per cubic foot, accord ing to the importance of the forest, si2e, kind and form of , wrfod, the dis tance frora the market and the means of transportation. The whole of the Amur district has practically only Nikolaevsk as a har bor, the bar of which is passable for steamers of not more than 16 foot draft, and which has a short naviga tion season. The Ussuri district ships timber by rail to Vladivostok. The •awmill on the river Bikln supplies the Habarovsk military demand. The Sun- Brarl district ships timber and firewood, also by rail, to Harbin and Vladivostok. Timbering on the Amur Is In its in fancy, in most places the forest is either directly on the river banks or one to three miles from . the main stream and Its tributaries. Timber is cut where it can be supplied as fire wood for the steamers or for the local demand. There are several sawmills between Habarovsk and Lake Kisi, all operated on a small scale. Nik&laevsk has very little timber and the local de mand U supplied by rafting it from Lake Ktsi, about 150 miles up the river. Crude Chinese methods of rafting are employed. As there are comparatively few steamers on the Amur there would be no difficulty in rafting on a large scale, the river having high water two thirds of the season. Probably 3.000,000 to 5,0*0,000 logs could be rafted down to Mkolaevek from the Amur district every year. De Katsri, Emperors harbor, Turney bay, St. Olga and Amur and Ussuri bays could be used for sbipping timber on a larg« scale-, especially the first two. Turner bay is open to southwest winds which prevail from May to August. Loading at any time Is Impracticable without a steam launch and is difficult even in summer. St. Olga has an inner and outer harbor. The former can be used by small steamers of about 16 foot draft and the latter, although good in calm weather, is exposed to storms. The forests around De Katsri bay could supply about 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 trees, and if connections were made with Lake Kisi and its river system the number of trees could be increased to 15,000.000. Emperors harbor with Vanlna and Data bays could supply from 500.000 to 1,000,000 trees per an num, and it might be possible "to keep these harbors open the whole year round. \u25a0 / Pine does not grow in the maritime province and vicinity, being found only in the upper Amur and in the valleys of its northern tributaries, the rivers Zea and Burea. In these localities pine grows In large forests, the trees often reaching the size of rough spars, over 100 feet high and more than four feet In diameter. The trunk is straight and clean of twigs almost to the top. The wood Is of high quality, light yel lowish or rose colored, fine grained and takes a high pollfh. The superiority of cedar, in com parison with the other coniferous spe cies, such as larch, fir and spruce, has been demonstrated by the fact that IX finds a ready market in China and Aus tralia, whereas the other species hay« not been well Introduced into these markets, and command a lower price. The home of the cedar is the southern part of the maritime province, the most thickly populated part of tho country, and in consequence is the tree mostly used by the lumbermen of the province, and to such an extent that this species Is cut away in all localities easily ac cessible for lumbering on a large scale. The present cedar forests are 15 to 25 miles from the rivers, which, on account of the absence of logging railways, makes logging with horses necessary, and as the country is becoming more thickly populated the tendency of the forestry department Is to "save these forests for future use. Large cedar forests are to be found inland and in the neighborhood of Man churia. ._ BANANA WHISKY > IS LATEST DRINK Waste Fruit Used for Distilla- tion of Spirits About 20 per cent of the bananas grown in banana producing countries are unfit for export and are often com pletely wasted. Various attempts have been made to utilize this waste ma terial, such as drying the frultand making banana flour. Greater success, however, has been gained by taking the waste fruit to breweries and con verting it into spirit resembling whisky in flavor. *".-i":' . A similar problem has been solved In the same way in South-Australia, where the production of raisins has far ex ceeded the local consumption and there is no prospect of a successful export trade. About 150 gallons of proof spirit can be obtained from a ton of raisins, with profit to the grower. Whisky can be made from potatoes and even from sawdust, and perhaps, says the University Correspondent, ono day the peat deposits of our heaths and moors will be exploited for the same purpose. • LEIPSIC UNIVERSITY TO OBSERVE QUINCENTENARY Prince Frederick of ., Saxony to Deliver Address' Among the many scats of learning which shortly will be 'celebrating cen tenaries Is, the University of Leipsic, says the London Globe. This founda tion will celebrate its five hundredth anniversary toward the end of July and its thousandth session. The prd gram will include a service in the uni versity church, the <PaulinerKirche. 'a meeting In the new .-.; theater, \with an address by Prince Frederick August of Saxony, a fete champetre at ; the Pal mengarten, a historic procession,, gala performances In, all" the theaters and a 'teommers", in a .specially "constructed hall, at which 10,000 will be: present." The arrangements are in. the hands. of the rector' an J professors,' assisted '. by the various students' societies. : ''.. v FRENCH CINEMATOGRAPH FILMS ARE BOYCOTTED Although the cinematograph eeems to please most persons, the films emanat ing from French houses seem to be* giv ing offense in Germany. ? Somo = * of the French pictures 'depict' the war of- 1870, and it goes without: 6aylng: that, , the German is not/painted; more .beautiful than ' he' really is, J- says ~~ the I-" London Globe. .-.'\u25a0 The J. consequence \u25a0'=• is '•) that2t pa triotic Germans are ineensed.l-Thejrsay that i these, pfctures; libel- the 5 fatherland throughout tlift .world, *6 they call upon' their countrymenito, boycott all clnematosVaph^establi'shincnts.rv-7.' \u25a0->: V: • \u25a0 \u25a0 • .: - . \u25a0-. - .-•-..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. \u25a0 - \u25a0 .\u25a0---,- ; - - , - . \u25a0 ... ...\u25a0.".-\u25a0 - . v -\u25a0 . .\u25a0--'.\u25a0\u25a0 - THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL,; THURSDAY, MARCH I^-1910;; BALLINGER SPEAKS AGAINST RADICALS Secretary of Interior Declares Himself an Earnest Advo cate of Conservation Tells Minnesota Farmers That Coal Deposits Will Last for 7,000 Years ST. PAUL, March 16.— Asserting that he is "as earnest an advocate of wise conservation as the most radical, s but it must be wise conservation to appeal, to me," Secretary of the Interior Balllnger spoke today before the Minnesota con servation and agricultural development congress. • • Ballinger was greeted With applause by the farmer delegates when he stated that it was the objector the adminis tration to put homes into the hands of as many citizens as possible. At tomorrow morning's session James J. Hill will speak. on "Conservation of Capital." \ Delegates were -'present today from all parts of Minnesota and from a num ber of neighboring states. ARCHBISHOP IRELAND PRESIDES Governor Eberhardt welcomed the delegates and introduced' Archbishop Ireland, who presided at I tb"e fir9t ses sion. \u0084 ; The congress will continue four days and several noted speakers are on • the program. Including government experts. Ballinger;.. declared: himself dut -of sympathy~with those radicals. who- fear that all natural resources are being used up without any consideration for future generations. *-• 'Our country," he said, "is the richest of all in natural resources. Its soil, its minerals.Mts coal, its iron, its gran: ite, its limestone, its \yater power and its climate possess \ immeasurable wealth and, If properly utilized, contain sufficient resource to care for all prob able increase in the population of our country in the years to come." He said: v COAI, ENOUGH FOR T.OOO YEARS While th 6 doctrinaires figure that the^coal deposits of the United States and Alaska wtllb* exhaust ed in a period of about 100 years, the fact is. that, according to the production of coal in the United btates at the close of 1908, only 0.4 per cent of the original supply of coal had been exhausted, leaving as the apparent supply still avail able 99.6 per cent of the original supply, or coal enough to last, as some claim, for a period Of 7,000- r years. After long indifference on the part of the people as to the pub- Jic domain, a deep concern has sud denly arisen respecting the rem- ' nant of the national estates, with a wholly exaggerated notion of what should be done with it by the gov ernment. There is /much talk about the conservation of our national re sources, and nebulous theories that sound good to the ear, but are im possible of practical application"to existing conditions, are advanced. : Between the hysteria that exists on the one side and the tendency to despoil the public domain on the other, we will, it is hoped, .be able to find the true policy of the gov ernment. PUTS BURDEN' ON* STATES Ballinger expressed, the opinion tftat "a greater obligation rests updn the states than upon ' the gonoral govern ment to inaugurate- laws' to -prevent waste In the utilization of national resources," and added: . But we must not fortet that we are not through with tlie policy of development, of building up new - communities and settlements, even in far off Alaska. have not reached that period where- we can saj' the remainder of our public lands shall be auctioned off to the' • highest bidder to increase the reve nue of the national treasury. They must still be used tas inducements to increase thrifty settlements and provide new homes to landless set tlers and to promote commerce and industrial pursuits in the most re mote regions of the west. What the public domain needs to day .is a speedy survey of' all • available areas for settlement: and adequate and scientific classifica tion of the remainder of the public lands and such legislation as will enable a determination ! of all pri-. vate entries and rights in the in terest of the bona fide claimant' . without unreasonable delay, and, ,' \u25a0 above all. protection against the. monopolization or waste of our • natural resources. . \u25a0 «. HE CAL.T..S LAW IMPRACTICAL Ballinger declared that the- present laws and methods of disposal of de posits of coal, phosphates, oil and nat ural gas. were utterly impractical, and he added:. . l l^^^^ Inadequate method exists for controlling or supervising hydro electric power produced from power ] plants installed on . government water power sites. No man or set - of men can comply, with the pres ent hi tv and finance a coal mine on the public domain on 640 acres of land except under • extremely fa vorable conditions. • . . \u25a0 The absurdity of the law in itself Invites fraud and indirect methods of evading its provisions. It Ib hoped congress will- furnish, the interior department.with the neces sary machinery to guard safely \u25a0 and properly the < public interests In their ultimate dißposltion. COMMENTS ON' INSURGENTS "The insurgent movement is some thing like a fantasy, and the Ballinger- Pinchot T hearing is of less importance in the east than the west," said .Bal linger this, morning. :- "When you are riding on the plains, a cow on -the horizon ; looks 4,0 feet high, but when you come up to it, It's Ohly an ordinary cow." • , Regarding the . Investigation :of the Glavls charges, Ballinger. said:. ..v ; "So far nothing has beeir brought to light but suspicions, innuendo and inti-; mations. These I will dispel as soon aa my evidence is in." - . , \u25a0 - DECAY OF BRIGANDAGE IS SHOWN BY REBATE Big Ransom Demanded, but Smaller Sum Accepted Another dying industry!; Brigandage,' says a Paris contemporary, is not; what it was,' and in proof { of tho cites a recent experience. At Viterbo,' about 40 miles from Rome; in the Cam» pagna, an Italian priest ; who. was hunt ing. In! company .with v h is v brother,^was captured and ; robbed. 1 The brother was released, with: instructions.? to. bring back a ; ransdm of 50,000 -lire *. (about £2,00Q). The : family, however, his V r*yerence iat a father low -I figure and offered ,s,ooo lire; (£200);v;'~; -' S \u25a0Now comes the: 'distressing: part from the point of view of old, traditions/; Th« brother \u25a0 returned ; to Y the brigands >.wl th the £200, and the.sum: was "at.bnce^ac cepted!'; ' ' i- { . — True, as our.' contemporary Justly, re marks, -_ it ;'\u25a0 is quite \ in > accordance with Italian custom to accept a rebate. Even the '-. itinerant '; venders *of s plaster 'casts ask^6s t or ._ what they are willing to 'sell for. a fe w ' pence. ;~ But '..with" brigandage It .was another matter.'rS.There;, used? to beV a ., sort : of /; professional ?'•; etiquette which discountenanced any bargaining with- victims. " Surely ; it iWimsoon^ be ; a thing; of the past/ . y ;./ - ~" \u25a0•. 'The Germans fare -laylngithe'founda tions;; forjincreisedii foreign iUradftibj-; more j attention; tx» ,th"» teaching ; of slan- ; euages in: the public schools.- ... . ; LOVELAND WOULD KEEP HIS OFFICE Colonel Announces Candidacy to Succeed Himself on Slate Railroad Commission Alden Anderson Plans His Fight and Johnson Will Tour the State in Autos -Colonel Harvey D. Loveland an nounced -yesterday that he would be a candidate for the republican nomina tion to succeed himself as a member of the railroad commission.. " Loveland was appointed to the rail rotvd' commission In .1907,' vice Andy Wilson, the boodle supervisor, who was forced to resign. He Injected new life into the moribund commission, and suc ceeded, in a measure, in making it re spectable. /VThen the commission was investigated by the legislature in 1909 Lbveland came- out 'with flying colors. The legislature especially commended him and the. democratic proponents of the Inquisition were forced to give him a clean bill of health. ."I am going to be a candidate on my record," said Loveland yesterday, "and nothing will give me greater pleasure than to have that record the test of my fitness. To those who. may wish to in vestigate my record, I will lend every assistance and extend every facility. When the senate. haled the commission before it last year I rested on my rec ord and a vote of confidence was tho result. TALKS ABOUT HARD WOHK "Since I have been on the commis sion it has been art active/hard work ing, aggressive board. Several impor tant cases have been tried and adjudi cated and we now have a great num ber of important cases on the docket. "I am not the candidate of any or ganization.- I am going before the peo ple at the primary election'squarely on my record, and it will not be difficult for any to satisfy himself as to that record if he Cares to Investigate." ~ Loveland has been associated with the wholesale interests of San Fran cisco for 23 years, and during that time actively interested in tho protection of those Interests in traffic matters. He was presiding over the trans-Missis elppi commercial congress at Muskogee, Okla., when he was notified that Gover nor Glllett had named him to succeed Wilson. He was president of the Pa cific Coast jobbers' and manufacturers' association for six years. In the work of that organization he was associated with r William R. Wheeler, Seth Mann and others as representative of the coast shipping 'interests beforo the in terstate commerce commission. ANDERSOX PLANS CAMPAIGN* Alden Anderson is hastening the pre liminary arrangements for the opening of a systematic campaign. Ho has chosen C. A. Famsworth, a well known local newspaperman, for publicity dlr rector and will open permanent head quarters at Kearny and Post streets Monday. The businessmen's club, which is promoted by C. C. Moore, it is an nounced, will be launched next week. It is understood that Moore has consented to accept the executive, post and direct the club's work for Anderson. >\u25a0;• . Anderson announced .yesterday that former Senator G. Kuss Lukens of Ala meda county would be one of the asso ciate managers of. his campaign in the state. Lukens was once upon a time a wheelhorse in the Pardee organization across the bay, and it was Lukens and his friends who made Anderson a can didate for the presidency of the state league of republican clubs in 1900. Anderson likes the stories about his withdrawal at the \u25a0 psychological mo ment no more than Curry, who is the hero of those tales on the days that are not working for Anderson. The super intendent of banks entered a direct ref utation of these stories yesterday. Will fight to the last "I am in this fight to stay until the last Run is fired," he said. "I did not hasten into this campaign. The urging of my candidacy came from serious and responsible persons. I was never more confident of a satisfactory conclusion to any of the efforts of my life than I am of the success of this campaign. However, I am not in this race as a job hunter. I expect to be nominated. If I am not nominated I shall be for the fellow, that is. There is nothing in my personal or official record of which I am ashamed. I shall do nothing in this campaign for which I need blush.". . Max J. Kuhl, state organizer for th« Lincoln-Roosevelt league, started last night on a trip through the Sacramento valley which is to consume 10 days..His organization tour will, begin*' at Yreka and end at Sacramento. The Lincoln- Roosevelt leaguers are delighted with the confidential reports from the field, .and especially so with those from south ern California, where Hiram W." John son and A. J. Wallace, their candidate for lieutenant governor, are making a whirlwind campaign. - WILL TOUR THE STATE . Immediately after the conclusion of the 10 days' trip through the south Johnson and Wallace will begin an auto mobile tour of the .state. They will speak in all the centers of population and visit as many of the smaller com munities as possible./ : The. leaguers look for great results STEIN-BLOCH \u25a0 1 Have bettered their best this season Their finest p r.oduc tio n s of Spring Suits and Overcoats In /all the popular . colors, weaves and patterns, to fit all types. • ROBERT S.ATKINS 168 Suffer Street Near Kearny Col. H. D. Loveland, Who Asks Voters For Another Term from the tour of their candidates In chief. Wallace, like Johnson, is an ora tor. He" is about 50 years old, a vigor ous and experienced campaigner. He has figured prominently and creditably in the politics of Los Angeles. "In 1906 he was the only independent candidate for the city council indorsed by the re publican city, convention. The independent republicans* row in the thirty-ninth district has taken a tvHst which insures' more than passing interest for the annual meeting of the club, which will be held tomorrow night. E. T. McMurray's quest for the club's indorsement for the senate has entered the petition stage and charges of broken faith are flying thick and fast. ' About 20 of the lights of the big club held an executive meeting a week ago last Friday night. McMurray was there. According to the leaks from the executive council McMurray broke the candidate ice by declaring that if Assemblyman E. J. Callan would be a candidate for the senate it would be the duty of every member of the club to support him to the last ditch. OF COURSE HE'S FOR CAIUX Callan was pleased to hear the kind ly things said about him and for him by the former dictator of the club's affairs. The assemblyman told his club fellows that his services were at their command; he would be a candi date for the senate if the club desired it. So the matter was passed up to the club for Its decision at the annual meeting to be held tomorrow night. Meanwhile .McMurray has circulated a petition by which the signers are made to say that E. T. McMusray is the one best bet in the senatorial handicap and that the independent club will be doing Itself and an ex pectant public a grave injury If it does not insist upon McMurray becom ing a candidate. Just to make it good McMurray is out to oust Olin Berry from the presi dency, of the club and seat in his stead Joe Cutten, lately a of the board of health. McMurray is prose cuting a telephone campaign for him* self based ori . two main arguments. To : one j breed of republicans he gives solemn assurance that he has the sup port of the machine and for the con sumption of the long hairs he has a list of reform -republicans in the for tieth district, -who he alleges are pleading with him to. get in and save a flabbergasted people. Gates Declines Offer [Special Dispatch to The Call] LOS ANGELES, March 16.— Lee C. Gates, who was tendered the support of the Llncoln-RoOseVelt league if he would become a candidate for United States senator, "announced tonight that on account of the expense necessary for the compaign, he has declined the league's offer and will not be a candi date. ; l -lif 1 CRUISER NEW QRLEANS LEAVES FOR ORIENT Will Visit Honolulu Before Pro- ceeding to China Coast [Special Dispatch Id The Call] VALL.E JO, March 1 6. — After two un successful starts tho cruiser Srew Or leans left the local station this after noon for Honolulu, whence It will pro ceed to the coast of China, to remain at least a year. Several months ago the New Orleans, after getting about 200 miles from San Francisco, • broke down and had to return" for repairs. Several weeks ago, when the ship was ready to leave again, officers on the way from the east were delayed! TARIFF REFORM FAVORED BY LONDON BUSINESSMEN LONDON, March 16. — The association of chambers of commerce of the United Kingdom in session here marked its jubilee annual meeting by adopting to day, resolutions, in favor of tariff re form ''in the interests of British trade, increased . employment and colonial preference." The association proopses to urge the government' to" take the necessary stepsl to carry out the pur pose of the resolutions. . CONVICT HUSBAND FAILS TO APPEAR Wife of Former Stock Broker Obtains Divorce and Order j^,i^ for Alimony George Burton Chancy, once a well known stock broker here, did not ap pear- in* Judge Van .Nostrand's court yesterday to defend the suit for divorce of Margaret A. Chancy. for the very good reason that he Is serving a term in San Quentlnfor fraudulent use of the mails. A divorce was granted on the ground of desertion. Chancy having abandoned his wife before he got en tangled with the federal authorities. In the belief t^at he will begin earn ing money as soon as his term in prison ends, during November next, Mrs. Chancy asked for and was granted alimony in the sum of $30 a month. . "My Antonio: I am going away for ever. I can not live like this. You have treated me very bad last week. So goodby. I leave tHe key on the fence by the bottle. EVELYN." Antonio Esposito,- a San Bruno real estate man, producing Irr court this letter from his wife, Evelyn, was granted a divorce by Judge Van Nostrand yesterday. William jB. Ilois. president of the American construction .company, was ordered by Judge Cabaniss yesterday to p«y his wife $275 a month for th« support of herself and child during pendency of her action for divorce, as well as $500 counsel fees and $125 costs. Morris J. Ryan, a druggist, was sued by his wife." Catherine, for $160 a month for her separata maintenance. Divorces were granted yesterday as follows: By Judge Cabaniss— S. O. Abbott from John T. Abbott, annulled on the ground tbflt Abbott had another wife at the time of his marriage with the plaintiff; Samuel A. Wells from llortense J. Wells, cruelty. By ! Judge Van Nostrand — William J. Wilson from Mary Lillian Wilson, desertion; Agnea Hanlon from Mark Hanlon, cruelty. \u25a0 By Judge Mogan — Oscar Lewis from Mlnetta Lewis, desertion. • Suits for divorce were begun yester day by: Katberina WlHemann agaln-it Joseph Wlllo mnnn, cruelty. Emma Westerhelde against Carl S. West^r helde, desertion. * Grace Banks against Robert W. Banks, deser tion. \ Frank White against Fanny White, desertion. pomromra \l f — Tfers the maximum of com- 1 II S~\ FORT AT A MINIMUM OK EX- /I \l vJ PENSE - 11 \| Stopover privfleges are given on all firs! a j « I class through Railroad tickets between San I I i\ Francisco and Los Angeles, enabling southbound \& MB** .travelers to visit beautiful Santa Barbara without extra V m I \u25a0 expense. Is only; three hours* ride from Los Angeles. H \u25a0 I is famous for its equable climate, its magnificent rnoun- 111 1 1/ tain scenery and many points of historic and romantic I I M Hotel Potter is a great, comfortable hotel in ths | I II midst of a large floral park, fronting the sea. It If \u25a0 1 offers every facility, for Golf on the sportiest course V II in CALIFORNIA. Polo, Autompbiling. Tennis. | Iff: Boating, Bathing, Horseback Riding, and all other M W out of door sports. 1 1 ff Open all: the year round and is operated on the 11 A American plan only, with rates from $3.50 a day lj fl| upward for each person. Special rates by week ox b || MILO M. POTTER, II ! PALACE HOTEL ; c o m p Any Calls • attention to the ".brilliant spectacle presented in the restau- rant?, grills and cafes of the palatial PALACE HOTEL . Entirely rebuilt since the fire/ and the magnificent FAIRMOJIT HOTEL Tn Its superb situation. HOTEL PLE ASANTON 845 TURK STREET NEAR FOLK. \u25a0 Family and commercial botel; rooms, detached. bath. $1 per day; rooms, prttate bath. $1.50 day; restaurant attached. Taks Eddy car at ferry; 8. P. car at SJ and Townsend. B. 8. Prtslay, manager. ' ,-.\u25a0 - BELMONT HOTEL :730 EDDY ST. NEAR YAK HESS. first class family hotel. American or Boropeaa plan, at reduced ratts. I New and moderaly equlp- ped. Toorlgts Eddy cars from ferry. HOTEL ST. JAMES \AS - XESS AXD ;FUI/roX Reduced Rates 75c Pay :: $3 TVe-ete 512.50 Month \u25a0•-•''-•. - . '\u25a0 \u25a0-.--- - . " \u25a0 \u25a0-- '\u25a0 - - • I HARBOR VIEW PARK Tennlnum Union Street Cur Line HOT AND COLD SALT Vi ATEE \u25a0 TUB BATHS ; K E^V TAVERN IN BEAUTIFUL l^lgfg? GROUNDS x SPECIALTIES CLAM CHOWDER, CRACKED 1 "\u25a0 :-"'--V ; :- \u25a0'-\u25a0 -V- * CBAB \u25a0:>%\u25a0-. -.r . . -.-/< AND .ALL SHORT ORDERS Open Dally from "a.m. to 8 p. ru. Every Woman's Hair Should Be Beautiful (From StyU and Fashion.. New TorkV "Beautiful, glossy andjustrous hair is within the reach of every woman wbo will only try/ said Mmc. Le Claire, the French beauty, specialist, today.' "By trying I mean she must use in- telligence as well as be willing .to put forth the physical effort required. H your hair is dull, brittle, dry and streaked, it means that you arc not taking intelligent care of it. _ ' "Stop your scrubbing, rubbing and rinsing. Soap and water shampoos only sive you a headache, keep you indoors the better part of a day and expose you to catching cold. "Every woman who wants abun- dant, lustrous hair should use a dry shampoo. Mix four ounces of pow- dered orris root with four ounces ot therox. Sprinkle about a tablespopn- ful.of this mixture upon the. head; then brush the powder thoroughly through the hair. "This cleanses the scalp and hair and gives the hair a beautiful glossy luster— in addition to making it light and fluffy. Therox encourages the growth of hair." FREE LECTURE ON FRENCH And Illustration lesson on Thnr*day an 4 Friday at 8:13 p. m. Spanish lecture £atnr- day. 3:13. Th* public lnrlted. Regular ooucs# to commence Monday. March 21. Kf-s- l»ter now for free Spanish or French coarse for a whole year to aft under 16. To keen the prestige of the GEH MAX LANGUAGE allre we maKe an apponl to tn« colony to follow oar German course and trt send also their children. Onr professor I* a distinguished gradnate of the Bremen hizh school. Ewnlng course. ?2.50 a month. Three lessons a week. New School of Languages 1845 LACUNA. >'E.\n PIKE Rid of Her Fat Used Kengo. A trial package free to all. It Is perfectly caf e. You eat It like f ruitor candy and easily and safely reduce your fat a pound a day. For sale by »U druggists at »1.00 per full sired box, or by mall prepaid. byTheKengoCo..soi; Rengo Bid*.. Detroit. MIcB.'BOC trial package tree by mall on receipt Of lOC In sfctmp§ or silver. Hotel Colonial STOCKTO.V STREET, Above Sutt«r American Plan, $3.00 Per Day European Plan, $1.50 Per Day; SAX FRANCISCO BAY STATE Hotel and Restaurant In New and Commodious Quarter*, ' 263-69-75 O'Farrell St. Superior Lunch. SOc. Ela&orata Frencn Dinner. DAILY and SUJJDAY, 7So. Catering' particularly to After Theater Pa- trons. Hungarian Orchestra from * to 9 p. m. and from 12 noon to 2 p. tn. Phon« reservations promptly takta car* ot. Pnoaea Stutter 1234. Bom* C3S2B. , . Vl HOTEL STANFORD Headquarters (or former patrons of tas Lick. Grand and Rnss Hotels. 190 rooms with bath. Rate* $1 day op. 230 Kearnr »t. bet. Satter and Bosh. HOTEL STEWART : Geary Street, Above Union Square European Plan, $l.|o » day un American . Plan. $3.00 a, day U JJ HOTEL DALE TURK AXD MARKET STREETS European Plan Rate* . . . . .• . . $I.oo, Per Day With Bath, * HOTEL NORMANDIE BXr^ R Ho^^SSg?^ S - \u25a0 THOS. a. BHKDPEN. MaMftr. . '|TJSE CALL WANT ADS f •— - — ~ — - — — — — - •- * g