Desperate Parliamentary Con«
.-Jlict Unequaled in History
nf the> HmiCP
V)Y lllv. IIUUcv
Fight Will Be Renewed Today
and Test of Strength
Will Be Made
s:buve had voted to adjourn. He, him
self,, bad voted to remain in session.
. . "The insurgents who voted for this
postponement did so because they be
lieved it might provide an easier way
of accotnpuiehfnj? what, we want and I
do not disapprove their action in the
ifciVt. It will, give us opportunity to
ei^fer with the leaders of the regulars
and see how far Lhey are willing to go
is conceding us victory.
"You may be sure of one thins:. We
E*ha!l not compromise. We will be
voting at the finish for just what we
Voted for at the start."
representative Madison of Kansas.
Dne of the insurgent leaders, declared:
• "You can .«ay for me I would rather
be !irked to a finish than to stand for
any sort of milk and water compro
mise. I intend to nj?ht this thing
through ar>d I tiiink all the insurgents
will «and solid."
The regulars, following Adjournment.
talked over the situation iuformally
end individually Th^ir mood is a wait
ing one. If the republican insurgents
xirin the f.ght they say that upon the
"Rllies" wil! devolve the responsibility
©f legislation.
The particular obstruction In the
t>aih of agreement between the regu
lars and the insurgents is the proposed
elimination of the speaker from the
cojiiaiittee on rules. The regulars say
the speaker, having committed no
Nvrorg. should not be discredited.
Cannon Remains Silent
. Trends of the speaker contend if the
house overrules him tomorrow he
wqu'.cL "welcome" relief from the com
tniitfte. The speaker himself is silent
a,n<i an statement has been forthcoming
iron him.
Representative Champ Clark, leader
of the minority, and Ins chief lieuten
ejit. Representative Underwood of Ala
bama, were satisfied with the situation
at adjournment, although, with their
solid party they had voted against it.
.Concerning: the conferences of the
repui.'.kan regulars and the insurgents
held "today and that will continue to
taorrow rooming Clark said:
"They may agree upon something we
tlemoorats can also stand for, but I
don't believe it. If they get together
on- something we don't believe in we
xrVA fight It and you can depend on
that." -
•\u25a0-Upon Clark has fa'.le:: the great bur
ern;c>f the battle for the last two days
from the democratic side and he showed
the effects of the long strain. When
Xiie motion to adjourn was put and car
rier!, fee arose slowly from his seat on
thf democratic side and made his way
wearily out of the chamber, apparently
glad a respite had come.
- -Representative Underwood was more
ep-i'in'e as to what attitude the demo
crats might be expected to take when
lite house convenes tomorrow.
- "If the regulars and Insurgents .come
together upon any basis that does not
provide for the election of a new com
ctittee on rules by the house and the
elimination of the speaker from that
committee the democrats will oppose it
to a man," he said.
Cannon Is Stubborn
'-".'Tomorrow morning at S o'clock the
rt-guiars and the insurgent leaders will
meet In the room of the ways and
zn^shs committee of the house to dis
cb« a possible compromise. Both
siOes admitted tonight no tangible basis
<of compromise had been suggested.
TUey said only vague generalities had
been discussed in the conference today
and nothing had been broached by
either tide giving promise of a ground
for getting together* It was said to
day the attitude of Speaker Cannon
hlinself is the greatest stumbling block
in- the way of a compromise. The
speaker declines to be eliminated from
the rules committee.
The insurgents who voted today on
4 he. final rollcall with the regulars for
ft j>«stpor.ement of the business until to
ir.orrow were Parsons and Fish of New
York,- Davidson of Wisconsin. Woods.,
Good. Pickett and Kendall of lowa,
Ste^iierfon and Miller of Minnesota,
Kincaid and Hinshaw of Nebraska.
HAyes of California and Gardner of
Massachusetts. ;• "V: \u25a0"
.Speaker Cannon looked fresh as a
"peony, considering \u25a0 the tax on his
strength during his all night vlgiL
'From noon yesterday to 2 o'clock this
mcroing he sat almost continuously in
, thf chair. or stood near the rostrum.
Fight Without Parallel
'' *it r was a memorable flght which day
light found still in progress in the
bouse. A stubborn filibuster on the
part of Speaker Cannon and the house
organization: an equally relentless at
tack on the part of the "allies.** th.ese
were the distinguishing features in the
"JiOltest fight that has yet been made
-t/s Jirerthrow the present control of the
It was extraordinary In many ways.
fW-'instanee the odd spectacle was pre
,-*«iUfcd of the house, preponderantly re
publican, ordering the arrest of the
JJ*'*r-nt«>es of that party on the motion
•of a democrat, carried* by democratic
£ votes.
« Then, too, it is not often that' a
•filibuster is carried on by the regular
I!hous«> organization, virtually led by
"the rpeaker. supposeJly In full control
Jof the house machinery, to prevent
•consideration of a resolution designed
*to overthrow that organization, make
-the rules and reorganize radically the
'committees, the tenure of whose chair
fcmanship is supposed to be the chief
£ass?t in the'speaker's wealth of power.
» It is maoy years, old observers say— |
*i» fact no precise parallel was «ug
•.gested last night— since the house re
•'nia'.ned actually in session all night
Sand that after an all day session. To
"make the odd situation odder still, the
2 weary tack of "watching the hole" was
t- left to the theoretically triumphant
•-'minority, while the recalcitrant mem
libers of the majority— such as escaped
•*the pearching deputies— stole" naps or
sleeps in places of 'comfort.
• The long night /was replete with
incidents as the weary demo-
Mcrats tried to while away the hours of
v waiting for the sergeant at arms to
wbring in the recalcitrant republicans.
a The funniest of. them all came when
£the oSlcers found one lone republican—
*Hollingsworth of Ohio — peacefully
Jasleep at his hotel. They served the
s- house warrant, requiring the Ohioan to
Iget up and dress and come before the,
"Hbar of the house. He came, protesting
voluble indignation -that he was
paired and entitled to be in
..-'Maker Is Angry
~ "1 want to "know." : Hollingsworth
Only One "Brnmo Qulnlnf"
"That is Laxative' Bromo Quinine. Look
-for (signature of E.W.Grove. Used world
•*over to Cure a Cold in One Day." 25c. •
Insurgents Confident of
Victory in Final Test
WASHINGTON, March 18.— What the outcome xvill be when
the house convenes tomorrow no one would venture to predict. The repub~ t
lican leaders are sparing no effort to get everp regular republican absentee
on the ground for the final lest if it comes.
Although practically all of those who are unpaired have arrived, it
teas apparent the leaders were not sure of their strength or the issue would
have come to a vote today. . .
The insurgents confidently claim when the final vole is taken on~ihe
Norris resolution their total vole will be 33, which, combined with the
full democratic vote, would be more than a safe majority of the house.
The democratic leaders so far have held their forces strictly in hand 'and
on every vote polled their full strength. #
— . . . — —
shouted, v "who maJe the motion on
which I was arrested." .
The record waa read and Holllngs
worth was informed that- he was ar
rested on tlie order of the house. ,
"But was anybody else included in
that order besides me?" demanded the
angry representative.
During Holllngsworth's whole speech,
which was a long one, the house was in
a gale of laughter; the democrats evi
dently finding peculiar joy. in baiting :
the one poor victim of the search of the ;
sergeant at arms and paired with a
democrat. •- o:'-» : - \u25a0-': \u25a0-"\u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-
Clapton of Alabama made the point
of order when he heard that Hollings
worth had been asleep at a leading
hotel that no republican who stayed at
an expensive hotel had a right to be
paired with any democrat.
"I want to know why I «vas arrest
ed." demanded Hollingsworth. "and -who
signed th«» warrant?"
For half an hour the "horseplay
went on. the democrats shrieking with
laughter at Hollingsworth's indigna
tion. Finally he was excused.
During the later afternoon as the de
t^ate grew heated. Speaker Cannon sat
quietly in his chair, now and then
shifting his crossed legs and nervously
fingering the gavel with his left hand<
now and then sipping the glass of
water at his side. His face wore a
serious look and his lips were tightly
compressed. A red carnation in the
buttonhole of his coat supplied the
only bit of color In the speaker's other
wise somber appearance.
Now and then he leaned with his
elbows on the desk in front of him and
gazed Intently at members who were
denouncing the speaker's alleged domi
nation of the house.
At times. wMien the disorder grew so
great that members who were engaged
in debate could be heard but a few
feet outside of the interested and clam
orous groups which surrounded them,
the speaker wielded his gavel vigor
ously.* demanding "the house will come
to order!" •
With quiet once more restored lie
would again recognize the fiery insur
gent engaged in berating him. .
Several times, he called "regular re
publicans to the chair and walked into
the corridor for a few moments or min
gled with the throng of members in
front of the. speaker's desk.
New Sergeant at Arms
About 5:30 a. m. there was a hot
debate about the possibility of appoint
ing a new sergeant at arms or other
officers necessary to bring in the absent
members. It was the general opinion
that the sergeant at arms and his depu
ties were making no sincere, effort to
find the massing republicans. Dalzell.
in the chair, ruled that' the minority
there .present was helpless to appoint
any additional officers of the house.
The democrats contended that the ap
pointment of additional officers neces
sary to secure a quorum was an essen
tial part of the powers conferred upon
"less than a quorum" by the constltu
; tion of the United States and the rules
; of the house. . .
There was a long wrangle about this
and finally Representative Hard wick
(D ) of Georgia moved the appointment
of a temporary assistant sergeant at
arms with authority to employ addi
tional assistance to bring in the miss
ing representatives. "-
The chair ruled the motion out of
order, but on appeal was overruled
with a shout. The same procedure
was gone through with on a motion
that the newly appointed officers be
equipped with new warrants.
This affair took on a somewhat dif
ferent aspect, however, when Speaker
Cannon himself came on the scene.
This was about 6 a. m.. 3-*^*.
Burleson of Texas demanded of the
speaker whether he had signed the
new warrants, "as ordered by this
house." "r-.: ; ,
"Uncle" Joe's voice quivered with
suppressed rage as he replied, with a
bang of the gavel:
"The chair declines to be catechised
by the gentleman from Texas!"
This defiance by the speaker struck
sparks all over the room. Burleson' s
face was very red and his voice, too,
shook with passion as he said: •
"With all respect to the speaker of
the house, am I to understand that the
speaker declines to obey the mandate
of this house? Have not these war
rants been issued?"
Clash Is Heated
"Warrants were issued," shouted the
speaker, "under the rules, for summon
ing of each of the absentees."
"I mean the warrants ordered by this
house to be given to Joe Sinnott, who
was appointed by this house a special
assistant sergeant at arms," persisted
"The chair has no knowledge of any
Joe Sinnott. whoever he may be," re
torted the speaker with scornful de
liberation." , -
"I submit— the .speaker, is as much
bound." shouted the Texan,' "to carry
out the will of this house when there
is not a quorum as when there is a
Then followed a lively Interchange,
participated m" by Underwood of Ala
bama. Olmsted of Pennsylvania, James
of Kentucky and the speaker, the lat
ter evidently suppressing his emotions
with much difficulty.
The end of it was the speaker re
fused to recognfze the authority of less
than a quorum to issue any warrants
for anybody. - ' :>;.'.>'•
•"Less than a quorum has no powers
in this respect -save those conferred
upon it by the rules. Such a warrant
as that -requested" — the speaker care
fully emphasized the word "requested"
"by the gentleman from Texas and
the members, less than a quorum, would
be null and void arid would be no pro
tection to Joe 1 Sinnott— whoever h«
may be. The speaker? will hesitate long
before performing a ministerial duty
otfierwise. than prescribed by the rules.'
The speaker then . modified ; his T ag
gressive tone and continued, remarking
that the, long, night vigil had evidentlj
led certain, members to" be somewha:
careless in the use of language and tc
cast 1 suspicion upon "employes
-At 9:30 *a. m.- Representative ' Norrh
of Nebraska asserted his confidence 01
a majority of from 10 to 15 for hi:
resolution. > . '\u25a0'.. "
"We will beat them," he said- "Then
is no doubt of the result unless then
Is some legerdermain."
Minority^ Leader Champ -Clark, ,wh(
remained at his, post all night, mad<
the same prediction,' adding that it was
the most remarkable struggle in^thi
history of, congress.
House Appears Serene
.'At 1 1 * o'clock \u25a0. the"' tense ; situation ex
isting never would have been suspectet
from- "the]; appearance of -the ; floor o
the.- house.' f *"Apparently it .was; inueV
more serene than "It had 'been 'any "Urn*
since the condition developed yester
day. The insurgent republicans still
were in. conference and the regular
republicans were contending that the
result- of the meeting- would' be a com
The election af Minority Leader
Chajnp Clark as speaker was seriously
considered today by some regrular re
publicans. They say, they would follow
a democrat in preference to a republi
can who defies the majority of. his
party. This course would be contin
gent upon defeat of the organization
in the present crisis.
At 2 p.' m. a motion by Representative
Martin of South Dakota— a.' regular—
that the house recess until 4-p. m. was
carried — 161. to 151. > Indescribable
confusion and deafening yells greeted
the result of this, the fourth test- of
Btrengrth. *, *
At 4:15 a roll call was ordered in thft
house on a motion to postpone the
whole subject of amending the rules
until noon tomorrow. The motion was
Taft Remains Silent
ASHTABULA, 0., March 15. — On his
way from Chicago to Rochester, where
he is to speak before the chamber of
commerce tonight. President; Taft made
a brief stop here early today.
The president eagerly read the.morn
ing papers put aboard 1 his train at
Cleveland, but would not comment on
the fight against Cannon in any way.
It was said" the developments' in the
house would in no way alter the presi
dent's t p!ans for his trip.
The president * all along let it be
known that he would not interfere
with any fight the insurgents might
make on the. speaker or on the rules
of the house. He has insisted, .how
ever, that* the insurgents give the ad
ministration's bills loyal support if they
are still to be regarded as republicans
and desire to share in the patronage
which a republican president can give.
Norris Wins Praise
LINCOLN', Neb.. March IS. — The fol
lowing telegram was sent this evening
to Congressman Norris. member from
the fifth Nebraska district, who is lead
ing the fight against Speaker Cannon:
"Congratulations to you. Fight on
and win."
The telegram is signed by about 20
state and county officials and business
Body Found Near Livery Stable
Where Men Were Seen
BAKERSFIELD, March 18. — A man
supposed to be Charles Main, a stranger
in this city. 1 -was found dead early this
morning in a corral attached to a livery
stable owned "by J. E. Bailey. He had
been', dead several hours, his throat
having been cut.
A union card marked local 192, Port
land, Ore., Industrial Workers of the
World, was the sole mark of identi
There were unmistakable signs of a
terrific struggle. V*
The police are searching for a cripple
who traveled on two crutches and who
was seen in company with Main last
After having several drinks together
Main and his companion departed in
the direction of the corral where Main's
body was later found. .
It is said that Main exhibited consid
erable money during his carousal.
Neither money nor jewelry was found
in his clothes. .
Provides for Reciprocal Deal
ings' With Foreigners
TOKYO, March 18.^ — The government's
land, ownership bill was passed by the
lower house today.
This measure permits the ownership
of land in Japan by such foreigners
only as come from a country which ex
tends similar privileges to Japanese
It has been stated in Tokyo that
Americans would be given the right of
ownership in. Japan, notwithstanding
the restrictions placed . upon Japanese
Immigrants by certain states of the
union. v . • r"-^''.'
Brown Palace, Worth $1,500,000,
Part of Endowment
ii DENVER,' March 18.— The Brown
*Palace. oneof Denver's best known ho
tels; today became a part of the '.ehdoW-'.
ment of the Myron Stratton home for
aged miners, which is to be built in El
Paso county. This Is ,in compliance
with the willof the late W. S-Strat
ton. The trustees of the home.Tinstead
of selling the hotel, which is .valued at
J1,*50,000, : will operate .the property. •;
BAKER'S cmacas sweet
The Fmest Ea^
WpmA A delightful combination of the highest
d/BmC^ " grade cocoa, pure sugar and vanilla
S If|!\ If you d° not find it at your grocer's, we will send a
Mr v 1 m — .package by mail, prepaid,'on receipt of 1 0 cents
fg | iVA in stamps or money. '
'^'PlW^ Established 178(K DORCHESTER, MASS.
%'U.*B7P»VOfflca , • ..•\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0:•-\u25a0.\u25a0 '-. :\- '\u25a0\u25a0: -.-'V.:-.. "'\u25a0; £:•\u25a0{-\u25a0< -" • . \u25a0\u25a0••" \u25a0'- -\u25a0 "'- \u25a0\u25a0 --'\u25a0•\u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0 "~" : •\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0-.- :• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0• -
Tells of Wife's Prayer to the
Devil and Her Efforts to
Secure Divorce
Attorney Appears in Court With
Guard, but Proceedings
; Xre Quiet
Continued From I'njre One
saying: "I have \ had • three offers of
marriage^' .
"What kind/of . a man - is it who
would make an offer of marriage to a
wife arid mother?" the ; husband de
manded of her. k
" 'I just want you to know that other
people regard and appreciate me," .ex
plained the wife. :
: Reed opened the • afternoon session
with the. story o f the -.trouble during
the Portola festival. . '
Mrs. Reed's curious prayer was re
cited" by her husband. She had told
him that every, night she prayed:
"Dear devil,, grant that my children
will hate their father as I do.','
This phrase of demon worship was
repeated twice by Mrs. Reed, accord
ing to. the- memorandum which Reed
read, as he' testified. '
Mrs. Reed only spoke once during the
day. ': Shadburne" was asking nerd *f
he;* had been absent from the state
oftenVV ~- ; \u25a0' ' ; . -'-\u25a0';. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 .. \u25a0 ' it. -\u25a0, *f
- ''We are not suing for divorce on that
kind of desertion/' . objected Dunne. «
"No. there is nq "mention of that in
the complaint," interpolated Mrs. Reed.
Lot. your attorney speak for you.
madam;" said Judge Cabaniss.
One pathetic, letter-by the wife was
introduced during the afternoon by
Reed. The wife had written to him:
"You said nothing of coming home.
I never felt so helplessly., piteously
poor in all my life. So alone.- There
should be some comfort somewhere.
I am neither young, happy, hopeful
nor strong. •• * \u25a0 The children think
their mamma a pretty nice lady all
around, though you seem to think to
the contrary — for reasons which are
beyond my knowledge. Every letter
(to you)' has been written with tears
of weakness and misery blinding my
eyes. I would be utterly wretchedif
it were not for the friends you invar
iably sneer at — probably because they
love ME."
When the cross examination started
Reed objected to Dunne's "putting an
oration into ray mouth," but the objec
tion did not develop any thrilling fea
Reed said that he and his wife haa
not maintained marital relations since
September, 190 S.
There can be no doubt that present
economic and industrial conditions are
tending to rapid deterioration of the
race throughout the world. A young,
vigorous, undeveloped nation ourselves,
whose life blood is constantly freshened
by a sturdy class of immigrants, such
tendency is not yet as apparent with
us as with the older nations, where
greater congestion and fiercer com
petition are rapidly bringing about de
cadence, says the Medical Record. •\u25a0.
Yet if existing conditions in this
country are to be : allowed to prevail
such deterioration is undoubtedly in
evitable for us, even, if delayed, and it
behooves us to look: ahead and take
preventive measures for the future ac
cordingly. Nor does the situation admit
of delay. Great Britain is today con
fronted by a not only numerically great
but steadily increasing class of phys
ical, mental and moral: defectives of
her own producing, who have in turn
created problems in sociology, crim
inology and public health which threat
en her national existence. l
It is stated that the average British
recruit for the Crimean war, when
England contained a large class of well
fed. sturdy yeomanry, was nearly three
inches taller- and nearly 30 pounds
heavier than the average recruit for
the Boer war, two generations later,
when an undernourished, degenerate
population, four out of five of which
lived in cities, was found to have de
veloped. And before the end of the
latter war, in which only about 250.000
soldiers out of a. population of some
35,000,000 were required, the recruiting
officers had to accept as soldiers adult
males only five feet tall, in spite of 'the
fact that such undersized racial degen
erates were fully recognized as lacking
not only in physical strength but also
in constitutional stamina and mental
Statistics for 1906 show : - that v the
height of the average British infantry
recruit for that year was 64^ inches,
his weight was 123 pounds and his
chest measure was 33 inches. When
we .compare this stunted: development
with Sargent's actual averages for
youthful American college students of
68 inches height, 13f> pounds weight and
36.3 inches chest measure, we can ap
preciate that the days of the sturdy
Knglish "beef eater 1 * are gone, and that
Kipling's reference to the "thin red- line
of 'crocs" has more applications than
.Even the German government, which
requires thorough^ physical training in
schools and gives great attention to the
maintenance of .a high standard of liv
ing" in the Industrial classes, finds a
steadily, decreasing percentage of Ger
man conscripts able to conform to array
physical standards. Its investigations
have V demonstrated the fact that the
larger the town the greater the pro
portion of. male inhabitants unfit for
military service, and that this unfitness
'materially . increases with -the second
generation. * i
President Taft Demands
Support From His Party
Passes the for Pledges to the
1 People Upon Congress
ROCHESTISR, March lS.^President
Taft tonight in an address before the
Roche^er chamber of comerce, again
appealed to* members of congress to
sacrifice their individual opinions that
the platform promises of the republican
party might be fulfilled and that the
party might showthat it has '.'the sense
and ':the discipline to meet its respon
sibilities." \u25a0 \u25a0;. . : :-.
The: impression was abroad tliat the
president migh t have ; something to say
tonight, on -the acute situation in the
house of representatives at Washing
ton, but ' this-.was'his \u25a0nea^est'• refer
ence to the ; subject. At one point of
his speech, which was devoted entirely
to the legislation he* had recommended
in. the last few months, the' president
further declared:-- \u25a0
"If this congress is to be treated as
a;, republican- congress '-> these-, things
ought to pass-in fulfillment of party
pledges. After this is done it does not
mater -what happens at at the next
election. We- will have .done some
thing, the country will he grateful
whether it thinks ,it ought to express
this, gratitude in the immediate future
or not." " , \u25a0 \u25a0' : - '
"Taft constantly was interrupted by
applause, and when, toward the end of
his remarks, he declared with great
emphasis that .he had tried as presi
dent to do what he believed was I right
rather than those things .that ;would
bring political strength, the audience
of nearly a thousand businessmen stood
up and cheered ' for several . minutes.
His reception. was the most demonstra
tive, he has had in his recent travels.
He- was followed as a speaker at the
banquet by President W. C. Brown of
the New ork. Central railroad, who paid
a glowing tribute to hi- mand told of
the progress , and stability that' had
come to the business world since his
Inauguration. , >
President Taft summed up the things
he declared had caused some of his ad
visers to characterize him as a bad
,' First, he said/ there was the tariff
law and a new, tariff bill always de
feats a party.
. Second, Had come the corporation- tax,
.bringing with it the enmity of everj'
body directly or indirectly - interested
in the more than 400,000 corporations
affected. .'- \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0 _ -.. . .
•Third, there was. the "alleged" postal
deficit charged to the ca-rrj-ing of mag
azines and periodicals at 1 cent a
pound." I
'Fourth, congress only reduced the
duty on print paper 30 per cent, in
stead of putting it on the free list.
And last of all, the postal savings
bank; bill had turned all the bankers
against the administration. •
The president referred to the meas
ures that he hoped congress would
adopt at this session in the following
order: j
The bill amending the interstate
commerce law. ' -
The bill for postal savings banks.
The anti-injunction bill. .
The statehood bill.
.The conservation bills. - -
A Vlttipr.^lve, had explained briefly the
provisions of Uiese measures the presi
dent'continued:*. ;
One great difficulty about being
president, and I assure you there
are a great many of them, is, he is
the titular head of. the party apd is
made" responsible for the laws
adopted by the party, although he
has had nothing more to do with
them than a recommendation at the
beginning and the uower of veto
at the end." He is held -responsible
for the promises made by the party.
And if in his enthusiasm and
„ desire to fulfill the party pledges —
and to help the country, as he
thinks— he goes about and consults
all the interests so as to recom
4 mend a fair- law and makes sug
gestions to congress and some con
gressmen differ with him he Is held
up as. a tyrant trying to force his
views down the throats of unwil
ling congressmen and unwilling
And so he is in a bad fix. On
the one hand it Is satfl of him that
he is not doing what he ought to
do arid on the other hand he is
trying to frighten an unwilling
. congress to do what it does not
want to do.
But this is a ' government of
party. If it were not* a govern
ment of party we might as well go
out of the government business,
for we will never get ahead with
out parties. \u25a0 How are you going
to give expression to the varying
< views of 90,000,000 people and put
them into the form of legislation
to be agreed upon bj' a majority
of your representatives and sena
i tors unless you organize parties to
select . those representatives and
senators and agree within the party
to subordinate your less material
predilections and opinions in favor
of certain fundamental principles ,
of improvement, in order to ad
vance which you are willing to
sacrifice all less important . ma.t
- ters? Therefore ybuihaye to have
what' is known on ; the football
field as -team work.
It is now more than a year since
the present administration began.
.' We had promised 'to revise the
tariff.and we did so. The opera
tion of that law during the seven
months it has been In existence is
vindicating the pledge we made for
•Mt. A comparison with the preced
ing law shows the new law to; be
• a : good revenue . producer, shows a.
reduced percentage in rates' of duty
and- an . increased percentage of
articles on the free list. ,--.
Business has increased and pros
, perity:is here. Conditions are all
that could be hoped according to
" the \u25a0 measure' of the businessman. •
".- We ,have been trying to cut down
expenses at -Washington; The - es
timates for the next fiscal year, are
" $48,000,0001e5s than the appropria-
tions for the current year. In the
navy we cut down $10,000,000, but
sayed enough to continue the policy
of two batleships a year until the
completion of the Panama ' canaL
That was one : of. th.c dearest pol
icies, of my predecessor— the one he
thought perhaps the most:of — and
r -would have felt the keenest re
gret to have departed from^ it; in
the first year of my administration.
I" would like now to direct your
attention to the legislation "which
I .hope to get at this session of
congress. First and - most impor
tant are the amendments to* the
- interstate commerce \u25a0 act.'
| The president then went into detailed
explanations of the bill which he said
he felt was not generally understood.
He explained the necessity of ji com
merce court to hear appeals -from the
interstate commerce commission. First
of all it* would expedite matters, he as
serted. He said:
The one thing which disgraces
our civilization today is the delay
of criminal and civil justice. These
delays always work in favor, otthe
man with the longest purse.^Hence
they-work In favor of the railroads,
rather than the shipper. The com
merce court, by avoiding convenient
delays of the past, will be a long
step toward that repuglation of
railroads which we.have been look
ing for.
A second provision of the bill al
lows carriers to make traffic agree
ments among themselves, subject to
approval of the interstate commerce
commission, j My predecessor, in his
every message to congress, recom
mended this: The provision does not
permit pooling. It allows that
which the railroads have to do any
way* whether the law forbids it or
not. lam in favor of allowing the
railroad, if run rightly and justly,
to run within the law. >
Some gentlemen seem to think
that this gives the railroads too
much leeway. As a matter of fact,
it was inserted to give the minorlty
stock holders a market. If a rail
road already owns 51 per- cent of
the stock it is in control. The house
committee has stricken out this
-provision, but my impression is
that after full consideration It will
be found advisable to give this op
portunity to the minority stock
holder-to market his holdings, and
that the people least interested In
the provision are the railroad com
panies. ...
The anti-injunction bill presents
some that would be dis
couraging to a person less optl
mißtlcthan I. Our friend Gompers
and the American federation of
labor are opposed to the bill be
cause they do not think it goes far
- enough. Our-friend Van Cleave and
the manufacturers* association are
opposed because . they say it will
hamstring the courts and prevent
them from giving needed relief.
The truth of the matter is, the bill
is one of reasonable provisions and
it carries out the platform to the
letter. Some people ask why we
should bother to pass the bill if it
does not satisfy the labor organi
zations. We did not agree to sat
isfy the labor organizations. We
agred to adopt this law because we
believed it to be right.
In* speaking of the conservation
measures, the president said that he
hoped congress at this session would
at least adopt the bill that gives the
president specific authority to with
draw lands from public entry until
such time as congress can adopt laws
for their proper disposition. After this
bill- is passed the president said he
hoped the $30,000,000 of bonds- or cer
tificates would be granted to carry for
ward the reclamation projects in the
The president refererd to the right
of the executive arbitrarily to with
draw lands from entry, a subject that
has formed a part of the testimony
taken in the Ballinger-Pinchot contro
versy. He said:
Originally the constitution pro
vided that the public domain should
be disposed of by congress, but
there grew up a practice, when the
government needed a military res
ervation or a lighthouse site under
which the president would reserve
the necessary land. Proceeding
upon the theory that riarht had
been fully established, millions of
acres- of lands were .withdrawn by
the last and present administration
that congress might deal with the
lands in other ways than the pres--
ent laws prescribed.
* The right of the executive is a
very doubtful one to my mind, and
if tested might not stand. Already
a test is being made of the right
to withdraw oil lands in California.
The president discussed the various
problems of practical conservation, the
question of the proposed lease of coal
lands, power sites, etc. Experimental
laws would have to be passed, he
thought, to be strengthened if found
too . lenient, or made less drastic if
found to shut out capital.
LOS ANGELES, March IS. — "This U
not a case for clemency." remarked
Judge Willis today -when he sentenced
O. F. Babcock, an advertising agent, to
10 years in San Quentin prison for at
tacking in his office 15 year old Mecca
Byler. A few minutes before this Judge
Willis had sentenced Henry Phillips
Lutes, who pleaded guilty of mistreat
ing Ruth Smith. 15 years of age, to
serve eight years in Folsora prison.
G E€ I L.I A N
Player Pianos -
In the Art Mission Design
€J We carry the CECILIAN PLAYER PIANO b the attractive
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. Kearny and Sutter Streets, San Francisco
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Succeeds Geo. J. Franklin Bell
as Ranking Officer of
the Army
Gen. T. H. Barry io Become
Superintendent of iMilitary
Academy at West Point
WASHINGTON, March IS. — A number
of changes in the most Important com
mands of ,the> army were announced by
Adjutant General Ainsworth today In
cident to the assumption by Major Gen
eral Leonard Wood, now in command
of the department of the east, of the
position . of chief of staff, to succeed
Major General J. Franklin Bell.
After a leave of absence. General
Bell will take command of the forces
in the Philippines, replacing Major Gen
eral W. P. Duvall. soon to retire.
Major General Fred D. Grant will
command the department of the east,
and his place as commander of the de
partment of the lakes at Chicago will
be taken by General C. L. Hedges, now
commanding the department of the
Dakotas. General F. A. Smith, now in
command of Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo..
takes command of the department of
the Missouri, vacatea T>y the retire
ment of General Morton. General Wai
ter Howe, on duty at Fort Hancock.
N. J., is made commander of the de
partment of the Dakotas. and General
Ralph Hoyt. just promoted, goes to
Fort D. A- RusaelL The changes tak»
effect about April 20.
General Thomas H. Barry, in com
mand of the department of California,
is designated as superintendent of th«
United States mtlltary academy, re
lieving Colonel Scott, who joins his
regiment about Aagast 31. General
Tasker H. Bliss, assistant chief of staff.
at his own request, will relieve Gen
eral Barry of the command of the de
partment of California.
A white tigress 8 feet S Inches !n
length has been shot In Dhenkasal
state, Orlssa. The ground color wm
pure white and the stripes w«r« of a
deep reddish black. The skin was pre
sented to the Rajah of DaenkacaU
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