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THE INTELLECTUAL LIFE OF A GREAT CITY TRANS-BAY NINES TO DECIDE TITLE Oakland and Berkeley High Schools Will Clash Tofay for Championship OAKLAND, April 21. — The baseball team of Oakland high school will play Berkeley high tomorrow afternoon at ":S0 o'clock at Freeman's park. . This is the second game of the series to de ride the championship. Oakland high won the first game last "Wednesday by the score of 2 to 0, and if they win this coming game 'no third game will be required. The lineup of the Oakland team, to start with, will be as follows: Samuels, pitcher; Captain Dill, catcher; Brown, first base; Rowlands, second base; Hunt, third base; Men ges, shortstop, Holden. left field; Ful weller and Stephens, center field; Dunn, right field. J. M. Husband will ur n, pire. ;'«; Some fast boxing bouts are expected • : .'a.t ihe Reliance club shvrr tomorrow ::ifght. McAllister and Goldie will come together In the heavy weight class. and Wright will mix in the \\eliier division, and Edwards and : Kaiser will - clash as lightweights. ";.J : oekey Groth and Kid Roberts, 105 Uyun-ders, are on the card for a battle. [-C&EKCH MESGEE VALlD— Springfield. 111.. ri.Aprll 2J. — The merger of the Cumberland .".-. : I'rf(-bytpri£n church with the Presbyterian \u25a0f^iun-h in Illinois is valid, according to a de ' i.-b-ioti of the stale supreme court today. the Call's Form Chart of Races at Emeryville :.^V ortit-r in winch horsos cgnre in The Call Handicap Is indicated in Mack face type. .1.-: «JAKLAM> Tnursday. April 21. I»*J9. — ««ne hundred and eleventli day. Weather clear. .;i:-?.--k fast. E. C. II»i .yt-r. presiding judg<*. J- J. Holtman, starter. ; 6551 riUST RACE— Four furlongs; purse; maiden 2 year oWs; value to first $150. :.;.ii;.i»-x.: Hoty i:nd Owner. iWt|St. H % Str. Fin. I Jockey. I Op. Cl. : ."^34 (I)JACK 15XRYKER (Andersi));lWj 2 12 1% 1 C jA. Thomas. .| r>-2 5-2 : .C.-2S (2)ZWXCS iH. K>hreib<r> 1112,6 3h 3 lU2 ns |Mcßride 1 5-J 12 .. V'V.:.l« ;Al*lla <liums& W.J JlU9|l -'a 2 3 3 l>^|Keut * •>-\u25a0* •.\u25a0'- CV« :(S)ZLA'j:A BRAKA 10. Turek>jlios » 7 1 5n 4 2><ejMeurry '« 8 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'r ;i-izard (i. «rws) |112| 4 4=441 S % J King 10 -;. :«.-..\u25a0:{ <ir«-u Isle iT.-fox) ilOa 5 « '.-a O 4 C *i Molesnorth . •> i .-; iC..c{ Uoseuta <K. Hackctt) 1112. H 5n 7 2 7 1 Borfl 10 20 \u25a0\u25a0• " C.-.2S lloutello iF. liutu-rfieldi |IW| 3 *2 8 2 8 2 jSelden -JO -5. «^>4U Amala (J. O. Walker » 1O»|1O 0 2 » 2 »2 iCavanancU .. 30 30 :,;... At»- SHipsk*\v (I>. Henry j 112*7 10-4 10 6ID 10 !A. Williams. 15 40 . '. . . . ' Wa^«> Itlil iM. IMp^> !lOH.II 11 11 U iKedcrls I~> 30 \u25a0"ai'«t— :>'4 2-5. :453-5. At post U mluute. Off at IAS. .Strjker. 1 plarp, 1-2 show; Zwick. : - 1 place. y-2(» show Abella. 4-5 show. Wln.ior b. x. fry Jack Poiut-Ilellc Graham. Trniued : ~, = I.v J Dimond Scratched — C 540 Lauy MM. Start g^od. Wcu easily. s>p<*ond driving hard. '-"'" lhird Plevoriy. High prtee— Jack Stryker 5, Zwick 4. Abella «. Jack Stryker is a \u25a0"•\u25a0 \u25a0 ta«t colt 11»- Jx-pan to loaf a bit a furlonjr out, but \u25a0when Thoaian drow his whip hn ro :-: sßondea ami drew away, winning off by Llmsflf. Zwick finlsUcd resolutely. Abella ran '* a (rood race. Slie Is a bit green and will Improve. Zlata Brana made a good showing. So .' ' <lid I.izarti. Olhcrs showed nothing at all any i>»rt of the race. CCIcp~Si:cONb~UACE— Six furlongs; wiling; 3 year olds and upward: value to first ?200. .. V . \u0084. , Ilorge an/j Qwiier. iWtjSt. V 4 \u25a0_\u25a0 S-< . Str. Fin. I Jm-key. | Op. Cl. : - . ..<,* m Franris a <l>ennjßon> 1 ... 3•% 2 I^l 1 1 % (Borel I 3 ."» •"^34 id) BUEN. BXTSH, C ( Ramsey j: 10.". J 0 ... 2»« 3 h 3 n 2 h iMoleswortb .1 4 9 - : .i-,:i3 tJSiAJJKE McGEt, 4 fHenry) . . iUCJ: 7 ... 4 2^4 244^:11 Kent j 4 !t : «^34 IJillett. a <F. Rinehartj 96 3 ... 7 3 51W 2 4 2 Roonoy P.O 40 C.-31 IBlackfcht.-*i». o (U. KiesJ 101 2 ... 5n « 2^o 2^o h kederis..... 4 4 r '••-«>» -MoUle Montruee. 5 i f trite).. .iK"3; 5 ... 1 l i 1 n 2 % 6 2Vs A. \Mlliams. S S ?~HSn Oretclion <; 4 ( Northwest » ilOl 4 ... 6 1 7 3 ii 7 % 2U 40 -JBsSt Odd Hose, & iDevin & Co.) ! Dl\ 8 ... "2 8285 81« jA. Tnomas.. lo 10 . : V>tv« i i ( X ) SAIKEST, 4 (W. M. Cain l. l \K\ it ... » » » » jSelden 3 2 - \u25a0\u25a0i.. ktll , — -«4 ri^ i^2-.5 1:14 4-5. At post 2 minuteK. Off a£ 2:14. St.- Franris, 11-5 place, (>-\u25a0"> ik'" :- . sho'w'Bu>U. 3 place. 8 5 show; McGee. 2 Khow. Winner eh. h. by Jtubicon-Wby N*t. Trained' r • by d' Dennißon Statt bad. Won drivinp. Second and tbltrttsanje. Hiplj prk^e — Black ' ' »ue*-o 92, Moatrose 10. Odd Uose 15. St. Francis had tbe luck. Outrun <>arly. he oau^bt •• • Muutrose tiring In tfce gtrftch and, passing hpr. held the others safe at the end. Burning ; hu*n was trylug to bear out at last turn ana had to be tskon up sharply, losing muca ; V.- ground. He closed stoutly. Anne MoGee ran her race. So did Jillett. Montrose dogged : ; :':. it s'y usnal. Salnest practically left. " ''''CCC? XHIKD UACH— Six furlong*-: selling; 3 year olds and upward; value to first ?200. '.T~' Horx and Owner. iWtjSt. % 4 ?i Str. Fin. I Jockey. | Op. Cl. \u25a0-\u25a0''>u>z» Novgorod. 4 <C. Bogan> jlO4i 3 ... 3 2 3 2 3 2^l ns tßuxton 10 2."> :,-.^'4«);(I)toAKONICA, 5 (Allen & H.);1OS 1 ... 1H In In 2h IA. Thomas.. 7-2 3 •\u25a0\u25a0V»4O !(B)DH- HOUGHEETY, 3 (BtnMlOO •"> ... 2 »* 2 I^2 IH3 % Seldcn 52 11-5 : CV» ! Billy Mjvr. :. U. M. Cranf)...:lo7i 6 ... « 4% 4 a 4 2 A. Williams.; 4 »-2 •.'r.lOi a2)AEGONATJT, 4 (V\'. Cahill; illdj 2 ... 4h 5n X 5n Mentry .:... 2 3 •ftT.<2 <;»od tib\ P . :l (J. B»rowi I '-*>\ * -\u25a0- * 2'feO 5 2 0 ißevan ti 11-2 S-n,,.'—"! 1-5 -48 3-5. 1:14 2-5. At post 24 m -vies. Off at 2:37. Novgorod, S place, 3 show; \u25a0"'- •' lisnoniea 6 5 plac«, 3-5 show; Dougherty, 3-20 chow. Winner eh. g. by Arkle-Woodford . = ;VV- Iv«t.(< Trained by C. Bogan.' Scratched — KlB Nagazatu, C 540 Ampodo. Start poor. Won \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0•\u25a0 -driving.' Next two tame. High price — Ban mk-a 4, I>r. Dougherty 4, Argonaut 7-2, Good ." -"V." shjo 7 Novgorod nme from behind gamely and Just »rot up In last stride.* lianoulca ""*•" • had bo excusps. She did hpr best and was well handled. Dr. Dougherty's saddle slipped '-'" or he would probably fcave won. Billy Myer ran a winning race. He was away very \u25a0'~ti fiinw any pp^ed £t all. badly. Argonaut always outrun and^ failed CCC/I FOL'ETII KACE — Five and a half furltwigs; the G. A. K. Encampment handicap; 3 ; OgO«T rear olds and upward: vslue to first >2.V>. •I ... u «x.> ' Horse and~Qwner. iWtjSt. »4 4 % Str. Fin. | Jockey. | Op. Cl. \u25a0" . JT.-'' .Likely Diendonne, 4 <Uaislnj.. 10S 2 ~. l~h i~2 1 141 h Selden 4 23-6 "t • J* • 'Snohr 5 (W. X. Anderson).... 104 4 ... 2 2V42 n 2 3 214 Kederis 8 12 • : , !; v i nfiMd 4 (J. L- Brown ) 106 6 ... 4 144 2 4 143 ns Molesworth . 5 11-2 :esi2: esi2 i[Ww Krum. 3 <E. Mayne)..|lo2 3 ... 8 8 5 I^4 14 Buxton 10. 15 \u25a0' OVS (3)FEEN L. S (Jacksoni |100 1 ... 3li 3 143 1 3 5 A. -Thomas.. 3 IS-5 eA\i !(2)CLOU2LIGHT, a <Molera).!lll 8 ... 74« 4«2 6 2 A. Williams. 3 5-2 '• CMS Kleddlinr Hannah. 4 (Farmr) . . o.'. 7 ... 6%7 4 7 147 8 Callahan .... 20 25 ; . .^XI i(I)GALVESCA, 3 {S. V. Tatr)| E7 5 ... 53 5 148 8 Kent 5 7 \u25a0", iu't—^l 2-5, :4S'.'-5, 1:06 2-5. At post 1 m:n n<: Off at 3:024. Dieudonne. 9-5 place, 4-5 k ' thow- .Spohn 5 jilace. 5-2 show; Enfleld. «-5 show. Winner eh. g. by Dleudonne-Sui>erflne. TrainW by R- T. Own. Scratthcd— Cslß Nupa Nlrk. C 530 Itpy Hindoo. Start good for all '\u25a0\u25a0 "'' !>ut <'!ond*light. Won driving. N>xt two kuop. High price — Likely Dieudonne «, Enflcld 7 Cl'oudllglit 4. Galvesca ti. Likely Dieudonue outran his field all the way and Just lasted. SDOhn ran a smart race, standing a long Urive gamely, just failing to get up. liuSeld ran his r»ee »"h«-stcr Kruia on the rail aad was running over horses at the end. Fern L» tiocced it badly. Cioudlight almost left and bad no chance. Galvesca showed a trifle of «>arlr sp«H-d. but could not carry It far. Siif Is away off her form". . C>CC FIFTH RACE^ — One mile and 70 yard*; selling: 3 year olds and upward; value to OaOP first $!\u25a0',(>. ; "nfl'-x.l Horse and Owner. IWt|St. 4 % Str. Fin. | Jockey. | Op. "cT "tiii3« jt2)DOK ENEIGOS. C tßa!rd).|ll2j S S 8 7 3 3 141 14 Cavanaugh .. 3 3 <t%4-{ !(a;MI£S NAOMI, 4 -(Albright). jlOfi 2 4%1h 13 13 22 Calluhan.... (J 12 \u25a0<«SIMII)DXXIE VIXOS, 3 (Anderen) 00 5 5 1 0 3 2 2 2 2 3 4 A. Thomas.. 6-511-10 \u25a0ti'Jt) iSnrin- Ban. a rNorthwest). ... 110! 0 7 247 25h4 24 0 A. Williams. Vf 25 ' Si 7 Mike Jordan, a (St. Vincent). 107 4.3 1 34 4 n « 2%5 4 Dennv 10 25 •\u25a0 «'.13 'Silvpr Line. 6 (J. Sehreiber) . . 105 -h 1•- * 2^3 %5 n C 6 W. Gargan.. 10 15 \u25a0 «'« ililght Sort; 4 (J. O. Wclker).. 108 1 24 5 h 8 B^'.H« Mcßrlde .... 30 CO !l>orotn° t^dgett, 4 (Falrfi^ld). 10«| 364416 n7V, 8 Scldcn ~ G __l \u25a0 Time— 24 4-5 :49 2-5.' 1:14 1-5. 1:40 2-5, 1:44 4-5. At post 1 miuute. Off at 3:254. EnriqueT .. ••• -jnißce 3 5 show: Naomi. 4 place. U-3 show; Dlron, out show. Winner b. g. by Hastlngs- Belli l>^nna. Trained I>y W. P. Maxwell. Scratched— 6s2s Cock * Sure, 6523 Nasmerito. «<tart rood Won easily. Second cleverly. Third driving. High price— Don Eurique «. Dixie : " h' yon 7-5 Dorothy L*dgett 6. Don Enrique sllmply galloped over the leaders at the end. " " "• v'li Vaomi showed good speed, but hung at the end.- Dixie Dlxon cut off half a dozen \u25a0-' \u25a0• iimes* during tbe race. Silver Line showed good speed, but was done at six furlongs. , ." Dorothy L»dgett stopped t« a walk -at half a tnlle. \u25a0 - ';.« eC n SIXTH RACE— Six and a half furlongs; selling; 3 year olds and upward; value to ' •' ® OOP first $150. - i ;-.,,, rX .i "~llor»e and Qwnet. jWtlSt. U 4 %. Str. Fin. I Jockey. | pp. Cl. ". \u25a0.'."«\u25a0-,•>\u25a0> '-"Mar gutton." 5 "(Allen i H.)...)109j 4 ... In 2 141 h- 1 h A. Thomas.. 6 5 \u25a0•• W! & 3 (1 1. E B'^ ll .tl«) 1 ... 54 3 2 31 22 Kent ....... 12-15 \u25a0eria ifIJEDDIE GEANEY. 3 iUrln) 103 7 ... 8n6h.5 n3% A. Williams. 4 5 • v :r i »(3)BISKEA, 5 (J. Stowe) 109 2 ... 2 h 4% 4 2 4 n Cotton 3 7 \u25a0"\u25a0 £ :n: n ill GEIJCO. 3 i(Devln & C 0.).. 87 .I ... 3 141242 245 4 Oallaban .... 4 6 \u25a0•.-<Sa iUtmpaS T" Tl. 3. Conner).... 11l 3 ... 0 2V$9 282 «1 Mentry 3 13-5 •• \u25a0il'iji Round and R^und, 5 <Barnen). 11l 6 ... *%71 bn 74. Molesworth . \u25a0 0 .7 ••\u25a0'ft?" iB«n?oU 4 "( Batata City Stable)! ICKJ|IO ... 90 8n a 5 8 2 Hlcrlch ...; 40 60 • f'ret^ioi. a (H. A. Mercer).. 1111 9 ... 10 10 10 9 5-, LA. Jaeksn 10 SO J?'l tGaIPHe Oak 3 (W. M. Cain):.! 90[.8 ..; 4«j5 n 7 410 Selden ...... 15 20 •- f ._..»4 . .48 I^4" 1 "20 3-5. At po#t:l minute. Off at 3:56. Sutton, 2 place, 1 show; Rezon " « dUpV' 3%bow- Graney. 8-5 pliow. Winner eh. m. by Prince Esher-Mamie Lou. Trained i. liv X B Allen. ' Scratched— <>s2l Elodia B. «48fl Andy Davern. Start good. -Won driving. # swnnd rVverly Thir<t driving. High price— Sutton 7. Rezon 20. Graney «, Biskra B.llam n«*. 4 Round and Round S. May Sutton h*d more foot than she has shown lately, took tb»- lead in tbe stretch and just la«ed. Rezon closed very strong and would have won in * another stride. Graney closed- very strong. Gelico dogged it wry badly. Uaujpfcs made. if*ilil« miserable eUowiuj. "ZSfiß&SfitiH - . . - \u25a0 •- • • • \u25a0 \u25a0 .-\u25a0-\u25a0 JUNIOR COLLEGIANS ORGANIZE LEAGUE Four Teams Formed to Carry Colors of St. Mary's on the Diamond A junior baseball league has been organized among the younger students of St. Mary's college with four teams, each carrying 11 players. The teams are named after the home towns of the captains. The games will be played Mondays and Thursdays after class hourse and earlier in the afternoon Wednesdays and Saturdays, as those days are half holdiayb each week at St. Mary's. The athletic association of ttie- college has put up a handsome trophy for the team winning out in the complete series. Following is the . personnel of the teams: Oakland — Kelly, Dreler, Gaul, • Treacy, Galla gher, Horgan, * Ottiuger, Ibarra, Otis, L. Schwartz, Bliss. Jackson— Boro, F. Chiles, E. Herrcrias. Hinch, Sangfuaster, Camou, M. Gochulco, Leon Sclawartz, Cmgen, Griffiths, R. Sisomore. San Francisco — Young, McClatchy. Judge, Cuneo, Iziioza, Xevis, Canale, BrauiUKT, Carter, W*"bor. Haycraft, F. Uerrerias. I'etaluma — Healey. Marelti. Zanetti. Gazzale, Caffaro, O'Meara, Davie, K. Sisemore, Ford, Murphy, Spota. Heck. Official umpire, Harry Simpson; official BCorer, Miltoa Goetz. "DEAD" HEIR TTTENS UP— Pittsfiold. Mass., April 21. — Franklin Smith, who has been sought l>y wealthy relatives in this city for the iast 17 years as an heir to the property of H:ram A. Smith, has appeared in I'ittsCeld to claim his part of tbe estate. He was declared legallv deaii by tße probate court in January last. * He givt-s no explanation of his disap pearance. I THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1910 LIKELY DIEUDOIE LIKELIEST OF ALL Sensational Performer Repeats Win in G. A. R. Encampment Handicap Likely Dieudonne/ one of the most sensational performers of the present season, ag-aii jumped into the lime light at Emeryville yesterday by win ning the Grand Army of the Republic encampment handicap from some of the fastest sprinters on the coast.' His victory was not entirely unexpected, but the most of the money went in on Cloudliffht and Fern L. They linished in the ruck. A field of eight went to the post and all got away well with the exception of Cioudlight, the favorite. She lost all chance at the start. Selden got away flying with Likely Dieudonne, and led all the way, winning hy a head from Spohn, who made a determined bid for the money. Entteld beat Chester Krum a nose for third place. Galvesca re ceived 'some support, but made a poor showing. \u25a0 Aside from the handicap the day's racing was* marked by the failures of favorites, all of them being beaten. % The most of i the winners were heavily supported, but there was a big upset when Novgorod won the third race at odds of 25 to 1. He closed with a rush and won by a nose from Banonica. Doctor Dougherty was only a head ;u*ay and would doubtless have won if his sadle had not slipped. The well played Billy Myer was off very badly and also ran a winning race. Argonaut ran poorly. Jack Stryker was played as a good thing for the maiden 2 year old race and graduated In the easiest style, beating Zwick and Abella. The Ander son youngster was in front from the start. . " Sainest, favorite for the. second, was practically left at the post and lost any chance she might have had. St. Fran cis won in a drive from Burning Bush and Anne McGee. Don Enrique ran kindly and galloped over his field in the fifth. Miss Naomi took second money from Dixie Dixon, the favorite. May Sutton won the last by a head from Rezon, an outsider. Eddie Graney was third. Hampass, the favorite, showed nothing. Pimlico Results PIMLICO. Md.. April 21.— A drizzling rain, with the track a sua of mud, mnde the second day of the Hilltop meeting anything but auspi cious. I'ifkins winners was a -tost art and the upxets were many. The feature of the -day, tun Motel ' Kornau purse, developed Into a duel betwen Rcybourn and G. M. Miller. Summary: First race, six furlongs — Kyrat. 15 to 1 won; Gipsy Girl, 20 to 1. second; Kyle, 10 ' to 1, third. Timo, 1:20 2-5. Second race, four furlongs — Lascar, 30 to 1, won; ltondncH. evon, eccoud: Fort Worth, 15 to 1. third. Time, :52 1-5. Third race, one mile — Koybourn 7 to 2, won; G. M. Miller, 6 to 5, second;- The Golden But terfly, 2 to 1, third. Time, 1:10 2-5. Fourth race, about two miles, (steeplechase — Bigot, 5 to 1, won: Tournpy, 3 to 1, second; Dlopit, 4 to 1, third. Time, 4:28 1-5. Fifth rafp, hlx furlongs — John Griffin, even, won; The Monk, 4 to 1, second; Osorlne, 7 to 1 third. Time, 1:19 4-5. Sixth race,. one mile, and 60 yards — Orcagna, 6 to 1, won; Golconda. 0 to 1, second; Smug 10 to 1, third. Time, 1:56. . Aqueduct Results AQUEDUCT. April 21.— Fine woather and -a jroxl <-ard ilrfw a bijr crowd to Aqueduct today. Tlio public bad- a profitable afternoon, -ns the miijority of the favorites won.' The Avmrne stake, for 3 year. olds, Ht six furloujtß, with n value of $1,500, was a, very easy victory for The Turk. Summary: First race, six furlonps — Dandelion, G to 1, won; Madman, 7 to 10. second; Elfin D?au, 4 to 1, third. Time, 1:15 3-5. - Second race, one mile, handicap — Ardi, 4 to 1, won; Arasce, 3 to 1, second; Zlenap, 12 to 1, third. Time, 1:41 2-5. Third race. Belling, five furlongs — Onager, 4 to 5. won; Whin. » to 2, second; Supple, 0 to 1, third. Time, 1:02 3-5. Fourth race, six furlongs — The Turk, even, won; Duke of Ormonde, 30 to 1, second; Prince Imperial, 6 to.", third. Time., 1:14. Fifth race, peven fiirlongg-^-Berkeley, l> to 10, won; Cohort, It to 10, second; Bang, 1:0 to 1, third. Time. 1:27 1-5. Sixth rare, four aad a half .furlongs — Babbler, 11 to 5, won; Agawam. 2 to 1, second; Carbineer, 7 to 1, third. Time, :55 4-5. ' •^ ATLANTIC OCEAN 'TRAVEL. AH Modern Safety Device* (Wirele«ft,<£c) LONDON— PARIS-HAMBURG •Pres.Grant.May 4,2 pm Bluecher ..... ...May 25 {Pennsylvania -..May 11 Deutschland May 28 (Graf Waldersee.May 18 *Pres. Lincoln. ..June 1 tK. Aug. Vie.May 21 Oceana ....... ..June 2 tUnexcelled Itltz-Carlton a la Cartß Restaurant. {Hamburg direct. *Xew. , »Hr* A W m r VIA GIBRALTAIU * ' K . . r^*— • M\u25a0\u25a0 AND GENOA. S. S. DATA VIA (Napleii 0n1y). ... .May 5 S. S. HAMBURG : May 10 S. S. MOLTKB. .-. . . ............ .May 31 TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED . Tourist Dept. for .Trips Everywhere." DELIGHTFUL CRUISES TO NORWAY, NORTH CAPE, SPITSBERGEN, ICELAND AND NORTHERN CAPITALS, BY MAGNIFICENT CRUISING STEAMERS. FROM HAMBURG IN JUNE, JULY, AUGUST and SEPTEMBER. Send for Illustrated .Booklet*. . • Hamburg-American Line, 160 Powell St. • Vlv* Phone Kearny 2040 " . Corapagois Generale Transatlantique DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE-PARIS. . Sailings every Thursday, Instead of : Saturday, at 10 a. m., from pier 42, North river, foot of Morton % street. , . y \u0084:,- " i \u25a0 \u25a0 , \u25a0 Klrst class to Havre, $77.50 and 'upward; sec- ond class to Havre. $30 and upward.- GENERAL AGENCY for UNITED STATES and CANADA, 19 State street. New . York.;:, FUGAZIr BROTH- ERS, Managers PbclQc Coast. -C3O Montgomery etreet. San Kranelsc-o. Tickets sold by all -rail-" road ticket agents/. - *.-":. • ...••-; JOE CHOYNSKI AT BIG FELLOW'S CAMP Trainer Declares He Is Ready to Don Gloves With Jeff Any Old Time BEN LOMOND, April 21.— Joe Choyn ski arrived in the Jeffries training camp today in .the wake of Manager Sam Berger, who' also happens to bo Joe's brother in law. Choynski'announced that he was ready at any time to doii the gloves and stand -up before -Jeffries. There was no boxing of any sort in the camp today, however. \u25a0 After his two rather lax days Jeffries went back to his old routine. The early morning found him jogging along the road in the usual company and in the afternoon the same line of indoor exercise fol- ' lowed a row on the river. Billy. Papke. the Illinois .Thunderbolt, who is training here also, opposed Jef fries in the handball court, but Papke was defeated easily. Jeffries' handball work has improved noticeably, and at the present time he could make it interesting to any expert to win from him. His bag punching also has picked up rvmarkably. Al though he devoted only 10 minutes to the swinging bag today he had it beat ing a quick-tattoo against the platform and seldom missed, as he did during the first few days of practice with it. In all the former champion had to take to the cold bath and rubbing slab three times during the day. PACIFIC OCEAN TRAVEIj % jJVfc. Steamers leave from Broad- y^^i^-^fflv w *y Wharves (Piers 9 nm^S^ \\ Low rateS- l^i^ludins berth vJVXi^jiiP/ Special Round Trip Rates. VSk^fc-rfly I.OS AXGKLES >ggsgy SAX DIEGO •SANTA BARBARA^ President or Governor. Alternate Mondays, 4 p.m. •Santa Rosa ..Every Thursday, 11a.m. •Only steamer calling at Santa Barbara. SEATTLE (DinECT), TOYVXSEXD TACOMA, VICTORIA; VANCOUVER Connecting at Seattle for Southeastern Alaska, Skagway, Dawson, Fairbanks.; President or Governor, Alternate Saturdays, 2 p.m. Queen or City of l'lirlda Alternate Tuesday?, 2 p. m. jj EUREKA (HU3IBOL.DT BAY) Topeka.Apr. 22, 27; May 2. 7, 12, 17, 22, 10 am. GUAYMAS, SIAZATIiAX,.L,A PAZ EXSEXADA, SAX JOSE DEL CABO, SAN PEDRO X'ome, St. Michael UninfUla, June 2 LEAVE SEATTLE Xomr, St. Michael. .... .Senator, June 5 ALASKA CRUISES, 1010 Spokane. Junfc 14, 28; July 12, 26; Aug. 0, 10 p.m. Queen .., July 12, 26, 8 p.m. Hißht reserved to change this schedule. TICKET OFFICES— (PaIace Hotel) 653 Market Bt., 3 Market st. and Broadway Wharf. Telephone Kearny 492. OAKLAND— II2O Broadway. Tel. Oakland .".6SO. C. I). DUXANN',' General Passenger Agent. S AMERICAN- HAWAIIAN ; STEAMSHIP COMPANY . Teh uantepec Route NEW YORK TO PACIFIC COAST PORTS AND HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, sailing; from New York every six days, making direct connection with Pacific steamers sailing from Salina Cruz, Mex., every six- days for San Francisco." ..' \u25a0 PACIFIC COAST. PORTS TO NEW "SORK. Also to. Mexican and all prin- cipal European ports under through rate and through bills of lading. Sail- ings from San Francisco every 12 days. For rates and further particulars ap- ply to DEARBORN & LAPHAM, General Agents,- 8 Bridge street, New York; WILLIAMS. DIMOND & CO., General Agents, Pacific Coast. ,/ 310 Sansome st., San Francisco SEATTLE-TACOMA Belllnpham, Anaeortcs, Everett, Port Town- send. Victoria, Vancouver and all Alaska Ports. . ••\u25a0"\u25a0; \u25a0\u25a0"'"• 'S.S. BUCKMAN ..April 24' S. S. ADMIRAL SAMPSON April 80 S. S. WAT50N ....... .May G LOS ANGELES DIRECT S. S. ADMIRAL SAMPSON.. ...April 24 S. S. WATSON ...........April 30 S. S. BUCKMAN % . .May \6 Alaska Pacific Steamship Co. V \u25a0\u25a0 : \u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0.;•\u25a0 TICKET, OFFICES: ' " General Office, Howard Street Wharf N0.. 3. 54 Market street. - y- 64S Market street. •\u25a0\u25a0. 68X) Market st. Chronicle hldg;.' - Sailings rt rotn Howard Street Wharf • No. , 3.' TOYO KISEN KAISHA ORIENTAL STEAMS iHIP COMPANY 'T S^ 8. "Chiyo'". ... .'.. Tuesday," May 3, 1910 6. S. "Tenyo Maru"..... .Tuesday, May 31, 1810 8. 8. "Nippon Mann"... .Tuesday, Juno 21, 1910 Steamers sail from company's piers, I Noe. I 42, 44, near foot of Second St.. at 1 p. m., for Yoko- hama and ' Hongkongr- calling at Honolulu, Kobe (Hlogo); and Nagasaki* and Sbftngbal, . and con- necting at Hongkong with, steamers for Manila,' India, etc. : -No carito'recelvedon^board'on 1 day of sailing. Bound trip tickets at reduced rates/ For freight r and - passage apply at office/ 2*o James Flood building,.; • W. H. AVEUY,; \ '.Assistant General Manager. U fiU ill 11 1 II S S. Slerri'sails at 11 a. ml; nUNuLULU Mfl y 7->7 -> 101 °- Special ; round V U AV U % U . L " -trip. $110 first claw. -. / - TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND— S.S. Mariposa : sails '\u25a0 1 1 a.* m;, * May 2i; Special- rouna trip, -Tahiti. 912.">. first class. - \u0084-- - OCEANIC S. S.:CO., C 73 Mkt.;;T. Krn>. 1231 ST. JOSEPH'S TEAM CARRIES OFF PALM Wrest Championship of Catholic Schools- League From St. Ignatius, 13 to 3 The baseball players of St. Joseph's school. Tenth and Howard streets, are now the champions of the local class A division of, the Catholic Schools base ball league. A 13 to 3 victory over the St. Ignatius grammar school team on' the Ocean Shore grounds yesterday afternoon brought the baseball laurels into the possession of the St. Joseph's. players. They have played a steady, heady game ever since the baseball series started two months ago. _ , Every weekday morning for the last three months the St. Joseph's players; have rolled out of bed at 6 o'clock to practice. They went to the troubfe of securing green eyeshades so that they might be protected from the^sun. A rally in the eighth inning, when two hits, three walks and two errors allowed- six runs, gave St. Joseph's team a lead which the St. Ignatius lads could not overcome. RAILWAY TRAVEL /^ui^LjA Trains Leave fe«4||pLiw San Francisco BSmB J Market Street Kprrj- Dopot Leave For— |A.M.| - -P.M. ;. Bakersfield^ 7:15 8:00-10:00 Chicago ........ 7:15 8:00-10:00 Fresno 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:00 Grand Canyon. .. 7:15 8:10-10:00 Hanford 7:15 . ...-10:00 Kansas City.. ... 7:15 8:00-10:00 Merced 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:00 \u2666Stockton 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:00 Stockton, Oak- dale and Sierra Railway points. 9:45 Tulare 7:15 8:0.0-10:00 Visalia \ ... 7:15 8:00-10:00 Yosemite Valley. 7:15 -10:00 'Stockton Local leaves 1:25 p. m. California Limited throngli to Chicago leaves at 10:00 p. in. Offices— G73 Market street and Market street Ferry Depot, San Francisco; 1112 Broadway, Oakland. igsjsfev Schedule Effective 6507 November 15 > 1909 UNION FERRY DEI'OT • ' San Francisco . : Leave VIA SAUSALITO Arrive 7:40 a Petaluma. Santa Rosa, Healds- burg. Cloverdale, Uklah, Wllllts, Sherwood. Sebastopol, *Gnerae- vlllr. *Mt. Ulo, 'Duncan Mills.. 6:l t p S:2oa *Pt. Reyes. 'Mt. Rio. 'Caiadero tO:. r »7p 8:20 a ••Sonoma. **Glen Ellen tri:.l7p t0:00a Petaluma, Santa Rosa, Cloverdale. J7:3^a 11:00 a Petaluma, Santa Rosa....^. 4:l«p 3:00p Petaluma, Santa Rosa, Heafflsburg. . Cloverdale, Uklflh. Guerneville, . Mt. Rio. Duncan Mills, . Sebas- topol 10:37 a t4:oop Pt. Ileyes, Occidental...... v 4 :40p Sonoma, GlPn Ellen g:l^a 5:20p Petaluma, Santa Rosa B:3ia ' ELECTRIC SUBURBAN VIA SAUSALITO Sausalito, Mill Valley, San Rafael— Dally every 40 minutes from 7:00 a. m. until 0:00 a. m.; then hourly until 4:00 p. m.: then every 40 minutes until 6:40 p. m.; then 8:00 and 10:00 p. in." and 12:01 a. in. Fairfax— Leave San Francisco t7:00. 7:40, S:2O, 9:00 10:00, 11:00 a. m., J12:0O noon, $1:00; 2:00, 4:00, 4:40. 5:20 and 6:00 p. m. San Quentin via San Rafael— Leaves 9:00 a. in. and 2:00 p. m. Tifcuron and Belvedere^-|7:00. ' |7:40, 10:15, a. m. (|12:00 noon, except Saturday). 14:00. |5:20, 7:13 p. m. Sundays, 17:00, |7:40, 10:15 a. m., 12:30, $4:00, §5:20, 7:15 p. m., §12:01 a., m. \u25a0 •Sunday arrive 7:37 p. m. "Sunday arrive 6:37 p. m. tExcept Sunday. tSunday only. only. JVla Sausalito. •' • : Pacific Transfer Company's agents are author- ized to check baggage direct from residence. tMUIR WOODS MT. TAMALPAIS VjA SAUSALITO FERRY : rOOT OF MARKET STREET \u25a0 . U6AL v HOUDAYS-SUKPAYTIHI - irSiTFrtKhM If . Milr «wte , Lt. Taanlpili W««kj«y Snadir Wctkiay Snndiy Wtdkday Sunday "TOIOOi T9:QOt t7:35a 12:03p 7 : 35a^J0:48» 2:OOP j0:00t 1:50p 2:00p j:4sp 11:52* ::;;;: 1% :::::: .^ ::::'/. : .m •Sat. only. +Mon. only. - ©Tamalpais only. HMmr onl» Ticket Offices— Sauaalito Ferry and 874 Market - General Office-Mill Valley. California " "TAVERN OF TAMALPAIS w and "MUIR OU1» an always «s«n (er auti** : OCEAN SHORE RAILWAY ' ' , . F. S. Stratton, .Receiver. , Lv. S. F. daily— *S:ooa. $9:30 a. ••10:30 a, t »3:00p, *3:40 p., Ar. 8.. F. dally — *7 :23 a, »8 :40 a, I *2:00p, 43:25p, \u2666•6:10n. . . i *Arleta. - jTunltas tGlen: stage for San Gre- i jorio and Pescadero. \u25a0••Sunday only. Arleta. ; BAY AND WTERUBUAN ItOLTEJ \ MARE ISLAND NAVY YARD » Yallejo, Napa, St. Helena \u25a0; ST. HELENA-XAPA ; VALLEY , ROUTE " '\u25a0>\u25a0 Montlcello S. S. Co. .and Xapa Valley. Electric R. R. Co." : ; Close connections. ;'~ , - . : 6--RqUND TRIPS DAILY;— « *•-;!>: Boats leave ' San ? Francisco '7:oo, *ft:4s '*. m., 12:30 noon, S:15; 6:00, "8:30 p. m. • ,' • San ? Francisco landing and office.' Clay street wharf.inorth end ferry building.. Market itreet ferr.r. Meals a la carte. t'Uoaes Kearny 400 or C4708.^, \u25a0;-..-\u25a0. ••:,,•:•': - • ;\u25a0\u25a0 ' " " : .;:\u25a0 : ' ; 'Lands navy yard direct. l ... HARVARD'S EIGHT WINS BOAT RACE Crimson Varsity Crew Pulls Away From Navy in Last Half of Run ANNAPOLIS, Md., April 21.— 1n a chilling rainstorm, but over calm wa ter, 'Harvard's varsity - eight today bested the navy's crew by two and a half lengths over the outer two mile course on the Severn. The winning time was 11:17, while the navy's time was ll:^. The race was hotly contested from the start to' the three-quarters mile mark, the navy leading by possibly half a length to this point. There was greater power in the pull i of the crimson oarsmen, however, and they gradually pulled away until at the mile buoy the two were even. From here Harvard gradually pulled away, making steady gajns until a length y and a half of open water was I showing between the two. , RAILWAY TRAVEL TRAIMS LEAVE AND ARE DUE TO ARRIVE FROM APRIL I. I 31& VIA OAKLAND PIER VIA COAST LirVß' Lnrt (Foot of Market Street) .Arrive Le*v» (Third and Townsrad Streets) Arrm 2.15* Nilcs, Lwrmore, Tracy. Lathrop. t».25a Loop— 23d Street, Visitation. South Stockton, Lodi, Sacramento l(X3Bp San Francisco, \ slencia Street t*3J» • 6.40 a H.iyward, Sits, San Jose. ,7.08 a f5.35a Loop— Valencia Street, Ocean View. 7.00 a Richmond, Port Costa, Benicia, Suisun, Oraeterie?, South San Francisco. » * Dixon, Sacramento, Hosevile, Marys- 23d Street, 3rd and Townwnd to-* 3 * \u25a0 vile, Rf dding. Dunsmuir 7.28? O.ZOI South San Francisco, San Jose. Gilroy, 7.00 a Bmira. Vacaville. Rumsey. 7.28 a (HoUister), Sarsent. Fajaro, Watson- 7.00a Da vis. Woodland (MarysviUe. Oro- viUe. Santa Crui. 4 .. 7.50? rille), Williams. Maxwell. Wfllovrjt 7.00 a South San Francisco, P&lo Alto, fcaa Hamilton, Corning, Red Bluff IJ2Sf Jose. Way Stations 7.33 a p.OOa Newark, San Jose, Los Gatos, Wright. 5.48p 7.COa Marfield. Los Altos. I.os Gntos t7.20i 7.00 a Yt I ton (Boulder Creek), SanuCrui... 9.58p 8:03 a Shore Lieu limited— Paso Rrbtw. .;••. 7.40 a Vallejo, Napa, Calistoga, Santa Rosa, Hot Stsrings. Saata Barbara, Los Martinez, Saa Ramon., 6.08? Angeles 9.30p 7.40 a Niles, Pleasanton, Livermore, Alta- 8.05 a The Coaster— San Jose. Paiaro (wat- mont, lathrop, Stockton 7.28p sonviile, Santa Cru»>, Castroville. 7.40 a Tracy, Los Banos, Kerman, Fresno, (Del Monte, Monterey, Parifie Grove), Hanford, Vimlia.... 4.28p Salinas, SiJedad. raso Robles Hot 8.20 a Port Costa, Martinez, \u25a0 Byron, Trary, Springs, San Luis Obispo, Surf. Stockton, Merced, Fresno, Goshea (Loi2poc\ Santa Barbara, Ventura, Junction (Hanford, Armona), Visalia, Oxnard, Los Angeles I IASf Portervflle, Bakersfield 4.48p &20* llaynrfd. Los Altos. Los Gatos. Wrisht. 8.20 a Yosemite Valley via Merced. 7.48p Gienwood(BoulcierCr»ek),PnntaCniz. o.ooa Niles, Livermore, Stockton (*Miltoc). Watsonville. Castroville, Del Monte, Valley Spring. lone, Sacramento 4.28p Monterey. Pacific Grove &Co> 9.00 a Sonora, Tuolumne and Angrlj 4.28p 9.00 a San Jose, Cilroy, Salinas, Paw RoNes B.ooa Atlantis Express — Sacramento, True- Hot Springs, San Luis Obispo — Tres kee. Ogden. Salt Lake City, Denver. Pinos— Watsonville. Santa Crus, Dei . Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago 8.23? - Monte. Monterey, PaeiSo Grove 4XO> 9.40 a Richmond, Port Costa. Martinez, 10.40 a South San Francisco, Burlinjame. San Bay Point 6.48p Jlateo, Palo Alto. San Jose. 6.30 a iiSSSHffl I Sa^^"d*: lia " «0.40. Los^HonUr^LosGatc,^ *fjg Martinet B>Ton, Tracy. Stockton, 1 1.30 a Valencia Street. Ocean Mew, Cotna, Slerced. Fresno, (Hanford. GxJinga, Cemeteries. Baden, San Bnno 1.35J Visalia,) nakersfield, Los An«eles. . . . 7.48? 1 1 .40 a South San Francisco, San Jose t3^C» 1 0.20 a Mcjave, Olaacha, Lone Pine, Mt. 2.00? Del Jlonte Express— San Jore, Gilroy. Whitney 7.48? Sargent (Watsonville. SanU Cruz), 10.40 a San Francisco Ovcrbnd Limited— Del M.mte, Monterey, Pacific Grove, - Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, (fSalinas) 12J38} Omaha, Chicago. .". 758? ZO3? South San Francisco. Palo Alto. San 11.20 a Shasta Limited— Portland, Tacoma, Jose.; 8.40 a Seattle : 9.18? t2.05? Los .\ltos, Monta Vista, Los Gatos. .. j3.20p 12.00 D Goldiield Pass.— Port Costa, Benicia. 3.00? South San Francisco, San Msteo, Sao Sacramento, Truckee, Ha len, Mina, Jose, Gilrty, Tres Pinos, Salinas IO.ICi Tonopah, GoldSeld. Laws, Keeler.... 7.48 a 3.00» Watsonville, Santa Crui, CastrovElj. 12.00n M.irysvQle, Chico, Red Bluff 4.28? . Del Monte. Monterey. Pacific Gmve. 10.00 a I^0? Niles, Irvington, San Jose 2.48p 3.40? Santa Clara. San Jose, Los Gatos, 1 .40? San Leandro. Niles, Centerville. f 9.CBa Wright (Boulder Creek). Santa Crus. IO£C« ' Newark, San J05e....... i 758? 4.oob '"Sunset Express — Tucson, Peming. 1. 40? Newark, San Jose, Los Gato«, Wright, < \u25a0 D Paso. Houston, New Orleans. t . Felton (Boulder Creek), Santo Cnu.. 9.58ji Paso Robles Hot Springs. San Luis 2.40p San Leandro, Niles, San Jose, 958 a Obispo, Santa Barbara and Los Angelea 11.40 a 3.00p Denicia, Winters. Sacramento— Wood- • 4.00? Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago...... 1 1.40 a land, Marvsville, Oroville— Yolo, 4.20p South San Francisco. San Jofe t3XOs v^-Arbuckle, Williams, Willows 10.48 a 15.00? Burlin same, San Mateo. Palo Alto, 3.00? Via Jjausalito, West Napa, St. Helena, San Jose and Way Stations 9.40 a Calistoga.. .... 10.37 a |5.05p Loop— 23d Street. Visita<;ic:>, South 350p Port "Costa (Stockton), Martinez,/ 12.03? San Francijro. Valencia Street 18.15p B>Ton, Modesto, Merced, Fresno.. \ lO^Bp t5.20|) Heuwood, Palo Alf<\ San Jose. l.lOp 4.00p Vallejo, Napa, Catistoga, Santa Rom, t0.20p Los Altos, Monta Vista, Los Gatos... i3sop Martinea. San' Ramon, Dougherty, J5.25p Burlingarce, San Mateo, San J05e..... t3-2Cp Livermoro 9.28 a 15-30p Loop — Valencia Street. Oeesn View, 4.00? Niles (Centerville), Tracy, Stockton I 10.28 a Cnaeteries, South Saa Francisco, Lodi \u0084 I 10.38p -," 23d Street, 3d and Towneend t&4op 4.40p San Leandro, Hayward, Niles, Pleas* 5.40? San Bruno, San Mateo. Redwood. Palo an ton, livermore, Tracy. Newman, Alto. Santo Clara, San Jose 7.40 a Kerman. Fresno &28a ?5.40p Los Altas, Monta Vista, Los Gatos... {9.40 a B.OOp Richmond, Pinole, Vallejo, Port t&OOp MSlbrae. San Mateo. Palo Alto, ILty Costa, Benicia. Sufhin, Sacramento field. I.os Altos, Los Gates t&OQa — Itoseville. MarysvUta^Oroviils 1158 a t6.05p 23i Street, Vigitacion, South San 6.00p Russell, San Jose, Los Gatos 9.28 a Franciaeo, Valencia Street t7.15s 650? San Leandro, Niles, San Jose. 7.48 a |6.25p Loop— Valencia Street, Ocean View, 6.00? Owl Limited— Los Angeles B.oBa CVnietwes. South San Francisco, . 6.40p Eastern Express— Ogden, pueblo. Den- 23d Street. 3d and Townsend t7.43» ver. Kansas City, St. Louis. Chicago. . 630? South San Francisco, San Jose 5.40? Port Costa, Benicia, SacramenSer, B.OCp Los Anseles Pa«»nger — Gilroy. Salina \ Reno, Spirits. B.2Sp Paso Robles Hot Sprrnzs. San Lnis 6.40p nayward, Niles and San Jose 6.48p Obi.-po, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles &30a VJOOp Vallejo, Port Costa, Martines. Bay 11.43? Soutfl San Francisco. Palo Alto,} 750* Point and Way Stations .\ JII.IBp SanJoa..... \ 7.45« 7.40p Richmond, Port Costa, Byron, Tracy/ ' Lathrop, 5t0ckt0n......... 12.45? *** ( sdh^ft&3rS®: LOCAL FERRY TRA.NJ-Vla (hkM.Ptar. -Ashland, Portland, Taeoma, Seattle, To Oaictand. Berkeley. Berryman. Eatt Oakland airf Spokane...' • 9.28 a Fru'tval* — Daily— From 6.00 a.m., and ejrerv twenty 9LOOp China and Japan Fast Mail— Ogden, v minutes until 7.00 p.m. inclusive: then 7.40, 8.20, Cheyenne. Denver. Kansas -City,. 9.00, D.-W. 10t20. 11.00. .11.40 pjru 1250 and Omaha, Chicago. :. „'... 2.48p 1.20 ajn. I l.oop Niles. Pleasanion.' Livermore! LaVhrVjC _ s™ 1 11 : 4O J" a v_ 1 F . .^..^.««.* Modesto, Metced, Fre5n0........... lO^Sb To Stonthurit—DaSr Except Sunday— 6.oo. 7.00. S.Ca 1 1.00? Fresno. Sdma, Goshen June. Hanford, 9- 00 «•«".. 2.20. 3.00. 4.CD. 3.00. a« p.m. Armona. Lemoore, Coalinga \u25a0 8.28 a only 9.C0 10JX) .aju LOO pjn.. 2i)o, 3L00, 10a OtOtt 1 1 .40p Portland Express— Sacramento, Marys- ' 5 40 pjn. vflTe, Red BlufT, Weed. A*hland, Roie- To OaVlafld Flrit St. Frultvala. AlamwJa. via H«r«ino» . .- •\u25a0• burg. v Portland. Taroma. Seattle..... 1258? —Daily— From fO-00, 6.20 a.m. ami every twenty \u0084,--,....... ..._..--.— _ _. : minutes until 8.20 a.m. inclusive; then 9.00, 9.10. NETHERLAHD'S ROUTE-Fram Padfle Street Wharf 10.00. 10.20. 11.00. 11.20 son., 12m.. 12.20,1.00. 1.20. Collinsville. Emmaton, Rjo Vista. Isleton, Ryde. WaU - 2.00, 2.20, 3.00. 3.20. :i4O pjn. and every twenty nutGrwe. Vordsn, Courtland, Clarksburg. Sacramento. minutes until, 7 p.m. inclusive: 7.40. 8.20, 9XO. 9.40. " ' Leave 8.00 a jn. Tue.. Thurs.. Sat. Steamer Navaio- M- 20 * M- 00 ? nd 11W P- n - li 2° an<l L 2° * Jl - arrive § 5.00 p. m. - ' Additional train to Oakhad First St. 2.1* a.m. Leave 1.00 p.m. Daily, except Sunday, Steucer ilodcc To Wwt B«rkeley— Daily Except Stendsy— From (100 or Apache; arrive 11.30 p.m. \u25a0 a.m. and every twenty minutes until v indu- : ' ' \u25a0 \u25a0 — — ' ~ jive: then 9.00 a.m. and every hour until OAKLAND* HARBOa FERRY-From San Francisco '"^^ then W P m " "Z" 1 «?T!? r tweat « -?"I?5? Mark.t Str^t Wharl-Week Days-Hourly f£m cTd T$ v f^^^'^JtSj^J^ m a.m. to 9.00 p.m. Sundays-«. 43. 8.15, 946 11 13 I(L2(i 1L00 « »»-«pja.and liSOaju. a.m.r 12.45, 2.15. 3.45, 5.15. &45. and 945 pjn' To Wert Ber k«l»y— Sunday* onr?— From 6.00 aja- : : — L_ then 7JW. 8i». 9.00 aja. inrfurive; then 9.20 ajn. an j "ri LOCAL FERRY TRAIHSr-Via Alameda PHr. V ™? U * nty 4 mmU H i a 4O f p - m - 1 5$?2Z* t tt . ra To Oakland and Alam«Ja-t6.10. t&45 a.m. and then iS^i^^^TcW^ l6^ P^M* 10 and 45 minutes past the hour until 7.45 p m.- then duaYe » 7.«Tpja.. »-» »-Mfc »•«£ «*-», 11.00. &30. 9.15, 10.00. 16.45, 1 1^0 pjn. and ajn. H. 40 pja. and 12.20 a.ia. To Aiameda and Fruitvato via Honnhco aim as asovt T » Corsin— Daily Exiept Sunday— Frcaa (LOO sja. rrA \u25a0»-'\u25a0•- - -\u25a0 '-• -'\u25a0-•-\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0 --\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0 : every 20 minutes until 5.20 a.m.. then 9XO, 10.N * for Morning, p for Afternoon t Sunday excepted. S.XK s.4o and B.oo pjn. \u0084,\u25a0 . t Sunday only. . } Arrrre Moiw Wei. FrL To Cerbin— Sundays only— Froa 6.00 then 7JOQ. \. „ . _• - \u25a0 -- ... . . 8.00, 9i» ajn.inclusivT: then .9.20 ajn. ' and every . union Tran«er, Co. autnjonjea to check Bajxase tweaty. mmutes nntil 140 pjn. .induriv?; then 4JM 1 ; from residence. ' •..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 p.ia. and every twenty minutes until 6.00 pjn. * "- OLYMPIC SOCCER TEAM GETS GAME Club Kickers Will Journey to Menlo Park and Take on Stanfordites The Olympic club soccer team will journey to Palo Alto tomorrow after noon and engage, the Stanford team in combat. The strongest available team will ,be taken down and Stan fordites are promised a hard game. The university boys have been Im proving with each game and are now capable of holdin gtheir own with any of the .teams belonging to tha western league. Manager Muloney has 66 men in training for soccer at Stanford, and he will put an exceptionally strong team on the field tomorrow. GUS HEITLIXG UIM-IM-KI) CHICAGO, April 21.— Among the re leases announced by President John son of the American league today was: By St. Louis — To Portland, Gus Heit ling. 11