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4 In the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys POPULAR COUPLE ON WEDDING TRIP Miss Frances (VConnell and Silva Alexander Rossi Mar» ried in Stockton Church . [Special Dispatch to The Cell] STOCKTON. April 21.— Silva Alexan der Rossi and Miss Frances O'Connell of Stockton were married this morning by Rev. Father Sorasio at St. Mary's church. The bridegrom was attended by Bert McDowell of Sacramento, while Miss Jennie O'Connell, sister of the bride, \u25a0was brjdesmaid. The bridegroom is one of the city's leading businessmen. lie is prominent in fraternal circles, belonging to Stock ton lodge Xo. 21S. B. P. O. E-. and is ravt president of Stockton parlor of Native Sons. :*^V" TJic bride is recognized as one of the. city's most beautiful daughters. She is accomplished and a favorite in local social circles. Mr. and Mrs. Rossi avoided their friends who were waiting outside the church by jumping into a taxicab and hurrying to Lathrop, 10 miles south, Tvhero they boarded a train for Pan Francisco. After a short visit in that city they, will spend a month in Santa Barbara, Los Angeles and San Diego. On their return they will live in the new hotel until their bungalow is com pleted. ",S- \u25a0 *;" Tlit best man prizes a beautiful dia mond stickpin Snd the bridesmaid a diamond brooch presented them by the bridegroom. Rossi gave his bride a diamond and pearl brooch. APPLIES AGAIN FOR RAILWAY FRANCHISE Route With Few Exceptions Is Same as Original {Special Dhpatch to The Call] STOCKTON. April 21.— The Stockton Eastern and Terminal railroad company through its president, M. J. Gardner, last night applied for a new franchise tisrough this city. The route with one or two exceptions U the same as before. The road enters the city at East and Roosevelt streets and extends west on the latter thor oughfare to Union, thence south on Union to Fremont, west along Miner channel to American, south on Ameri can to Miner avenue and west to Mc 1-^od's lake. It will cross the lake on a trestle to Cross street and will have its terminal at the water front. The tracks on Union street will extend to Weber s venue to make connections with the Western Pacific and Southern Pacific depots. May 9 was set as the time for hear ing protests against granting the ap plication. SIX GRANDSONS ACT AS HER PALLBEARERS Hundreds Attend Funeral of Mrs. Sarah M. Langford [Spccra! Dispatch to The Call] SAN JOSE, April 21.— Mrs. -€arah M. I-angford. mother of the late Sheriff Robert A. Langford and grSnJmother of the present sheriff. Arthur B. Lang ford. who died Tuesday at tlie family horn; in Santa Clara, was buried today in the Santa. Clara cemetery in the presence of hundreds of friends. Rev. Father Ireland of Santa Clara and Rev. L. A. Pier of Los Gatos officiated. Six srandsons. L. L. Morse, George E. Ham ilton, F. A. Birg<>, A. L. Hart, A. B. Langford and George Langford, acted as pallbearers. The deceased came to San Jose in 1652. PLEAD GUILTY; GIVEN 10 YEAR SENTENCES Admit Complicity in $85,000 Post office Robbery RICHMOND. Va., April 21. — "Guilty." snnouru-ed Fred Cunningham, alias Eddie Fay. and Frank Chester, alias "'Littlo Diok" Harris, charged \\ith complicity in the robbery of the Rich mond postofßce on the night of March \u25a0JT, wiiPn $85,000 in stamps was taken from the safe, when they appeared to day for trial in federal court. Each man at once was sentenced to 10 years in the f*>df-ral prison at Atlanta and lined $6,000. "PRINCE TRUST" CONTROLS BERLIN OMNIBUS COMPANY Royalty Steals March, Surpris ing Financial Circles BERLIN, April 21.— The so called "princes* trust," In which capital is pooled for investment of Prince Egen yon Fuerstenberg and Prince Hohen- Johe-Oehringen, surprised financial cir- H«-s today by taking over control of the Berlin omnibus company at the an nual meeting of stock holders. The princes had quietly bought up the con trolling interest. *-'" KEEPS AGREEMENT TO MAKE APPOINTMENTS [Special D'upalch to The Call] STOCKTON, April 21.— W. D. Garden, who was recently appointed horticul tural commissioner by the board of supervisors has announced his ap pointees as follows: J. F. "Costello, northern district; E. E/ Welt!, southern district; Harry H. Ladd, city fruit in spector. The appointments were made according to an agreement of the four to stand by one another in case any one of them was chosen commissioner. SWEEPERS IN STREETS ASK FOR $3 A DAY [Sneeud Dispatch to The Cell] STOCKTON', April 21.— The street sweepers and wardmenof the city have petitioned the city council to increase their wages from $2.50 to ?3. The city employes urge that the increase, be xr.ade because of the high cost of living. The matter has been taken under ad visement. 75,000 PERSONS SEE HISTORICAL PAGEANT OAKLAHOMA-CITY. Okla., April 21. A torchlight pageant of floats depicting t historical eras from the time Columbus appeared before Queen Isabella to the present day was the spectacular feature « qf the first daj- of the. fiesta commemo * m rating the opening of Oklahoma to white settlement. Seventy-five thou — stud people witnessed the spectacle. -^ People spend, thousands in foreign ,1/ countries seeing scenery' not to be compared with th« highly interesting (Bjirhts along the Ocean Shore Railway. S-iuß the trip. . • Social Favorite in Stockton Becomes Merchant's Bride | Mr. and Mrs. Silva Alexander Rossi, who Was Miss Frances 0?Conncll. j CORRUPTION STILL EXISTS, SAYS JURY 12 Men considering Pittsburg Councilman's Case Unable to Reach Agreement PITTSBURG, April 21.— After delib erating over the case of Councilman A. V. Simon for 24 hours the jury failed to reach a verdict when court ad journed for the day and was locked up. Simon is the second of the indicted councilmen to be put on trial for brib ery. Early in the day the jury sent a note to Judges Fraser and Cohen. The note asked for dismissal, as the jury was unable to agree. The request was de nied. The errand jury made its tinal report, saying it had nothing further to report in connection with the councilmanic graft, although it believes corruption still exists. This ,will be left to the grand jury which convenes next Mon day. A new turn was given tlie case of Max G. Leslie today when his counsel caused the district attorney's office to be served with notice of a prayer filed with the supreme court asking for a change of venue from Allegheny county and charging the prosecution with'se lecting juries by dishonest methods. TEMPERANCE UNION MEETS IN CONVENTION [Special Dispatch lo The Call] PALO ALTO, April 21. — Tlie county convention of the Woman's Christian temperance union is being held in Palo Alto, with 60 delegates from Santa Clara and San Mateo. counties present. A business session was held yester day afternoon. \u25a0* Mrs. Sara J. Dorr, state president, addressed, the convention on "The Call to Service" in the evening. The second address was given by Dr. David Starr Jordan, his subject being "The Movement Against tlie Saloon." The equal suffrage movement was taken up tonight, when addresses were made by Mrs. A. K. Gurney, Mrs. Eliza beth Lowe Watson, Mrs. Sophie Durst and Thomas Hayden, former president of the San Francisco board of .educa tion. . * RELIC OF ST. JOHN IS BROUGHT TO NEW YORK NEW , YORK. April 21.— From Its pjace in the ancient church of St. John the Divine at Epliesus in Asia Minor," where the body of St. John is sup posed to be buried, a section of tiling has-been brought to New York to form a part of the great Episcopal cathedral on Morningside heights, which takes its name from the apostle. The tiling •dates back to the year 540 A. D. It will be set in the floor of the chancel. JANE ADDAMS ELECTED TO MEN'S ORGANIZATION CHICAGO, April 21. — A woman has for the first time been elected to mem bership in the Chicago association of commerce. The constitution and by laws do not exactly provide; foe. mem bers from the fair sex, but- the ways and means committee ignored such trifles at its luncheon yesterday and unanimously chose Miss Jane Addams of Hull house an honorary member, after she had delivered an- address on the subject of social -tenters in schools. SAINTS' PICTURES ROBBED OF $500,000 IN JEWELS MOSCOW, April 21.— Last night a diamond ornament was stolen from the great image of the virgin in the '.Us penski cathedral in the Kremlin and many precious stones were cut out* of the frames of the pictures of the* saints.' The : total value of the loot is esti mated at $500,000. -\ ' THE SAN FRANGISGO .CALL. FRIDAY; APRIL 22, 1910. $125,000 BOND ISSUE IS PLANNED City Trustees Will Take Initial Steps to Raise Sum for Civic Improvement [Special Dispatch lo ThS Call] VALL.EJO, April 21.— At a special meeting of the board of city trustees to be held next Wednesday evening the initial steps will be taken for the calling of a special election to vote upon the Issuance of • bonds to the amount of $125,000 for civic improve ments. It was announced at Mare island this afternoon th«t the new Schofleld drydock at that station will be given its official government pumping, test tomorrow afternoon and if it proves a success will be formally accepted by the, navy department. Civil Engineer Frank T. Chambers, U. S. N., engineer officer at Mare island, will have charge of the test. - v / The test requires that the structure be emptied in 10.0 minutes. V Handsomest Baths In the World . . . LURLINE BATHS. Bush and Larkin streets, in f the heart of the city, cost over half a million dollars. Ocean salt water, filtered in sani- , tary filtration plant, in \u25a0 tub baths and swimming pools." . Visitors Welcome SALOON SHIELDS THUGS IS CHARGE Police Chief Demands That Liquor License Be Taken From Macey & Spencer [Special Dispatch to The Cail] . STOCKTON, April 21.— Macy & Spen cer, proprietors of the Sherman House saloon, must show cause before the city council why their license should not be revoked. • / . \u25a0 Chief of Police Frank B. Briarc last night filed with" the council charges against the saloonmen upon which he based his plea that the license be de nied. ; . .' The first instance of alleged unlaw fulness on the.part of tho saloon keep ers is said to have occurred on or about "July 5. 1909. vltv lt was upon that occasion that Policeman John Gayou had an encounter with two burglars who attempted to break Into Fritz Wille's saloon, corner Grant and Main streets. The officer wounded one of the men, but both escaped. The trail of blood was followed for half a mile. Upon investigation the chief, so he avers, 1 earn e"d the wounded . man had : taken refuge at the Sherman house, had been sheltered by Macy & Spencer, and that the police were not informed until they had made their escape/ vi It is also charged that December 30, 1909. J. C. McPhail and James Martin got into a fight in Macy & Spencer's saloon and that Martin stabbed McPhail five times. According to the evidence obtained by the chief the saloonmen kept' the affair quiet. The charges fieclare that January 10 a man named Paden*. who had stolen $1,500 worth of ostrich plumes from Sacramento, called at the, Sherman house and asked Spencer for permission to place the' trunks containing the stolen plumes in another guest's room, 1 to which- Spencer consented. \u25a0 The chief lastly charges that Feb ruary l'the saloon keepers shielded one Fred Peters, alias Zent, alias M. Moran, wanted in Springfield, 111., on a felony charge. Moran was later caught down the valley by Detective Donahue. ;- The council set May 4 at 8 o'clock as the time for trying the case against the saloonmen, and instructed City Clerk Kuhn to serve copies of the charges on Macy & Spencer. STOCKTON LODGES TO UNITE AT CELEBRATION [Special Dispatch to The Call] STOCKTON, April 21.— The three lodges of Odd Fellows and their branch organizations are preparing to cele brate the ninety-first anniversary of the establishment of Odd Fellowship in America. The anniversary occurs Tuesday and the committee on arrangements has planned a reception to be held in the parlors of the Central Methodist Epis copal church from 7:30 to 8:30 -p., m. From 8:30 to 10 o'clock the Odd Fellows will congregate in the main auditorium, where a literary and musical program will be rendered. \. . > The principal speaker will be liam H. Barnes pf San Francisco, who is considered one of the best orators among California/ Odd Fellows, ij' ; The local lodges are: Stockton No. 11, Charity No. 6, Truth No. 55, Lebanon Rebekah No. 41, Rainbow Rebekah No. 97, Parker encampment No. 3 and Can ton Itidgeley No. 15. STOCKTON DISCUSSES ISSUANCE OF BONDS Suggestion Made That Boggs Tract Be Bought, Not Rented * [Special DUpaich lo The Call] | STOCKTON, April 21.— The bond Is sue proposition for municipal improve ments and the purchase of the Boggs tract, the land now rented by the city to divert the waters from Mormon chan nel to the river, thereby preventing the filling of Stockton channel with sand bars, has been revived. The option on the Boggs tract expires July 1. The rental for the three years has been $32,000. Other matters that will come under a bond issue are additional fire depart ment apparatus, including automobile equipment, hose and new hydrants, and a cutoff sewer system in Lafayette i street from El Dorado to the pumping station. \u25a0 " : >&Mv; THE BEST ECONOMY IN PIANO BUYING Let others buy the cheap pianos. For your instru- ment, choose one which will give you years of service after the inferior ones have outlived the little usefulness they ever may have had. , Of course, you will- have to pay more for a good -^jU '• / piano— but is it not economy to do so and assure yourself of permanent satisfaction? #T[ Beware the lure of unreasonably low price. Rest your decision on the value offered, and remember that the very cheap piano means cheap construction, inferior tone and only temporary usefulness. JT[T Do not permit yourself to 'indulge in the extrava- gance "bf "saving" a few dollars now to take the chance of dissatisfaction ßafter you have spent your money. - JTFT You can get an idea .of what piano value means by inspecting our collection. You can buy an instru- ,- ment here at a price as low as a good one can be sold for. .. Furthermore, you will find that we have graded our prices"' consistently with the relative worth of our pianos. There- fore, you can make your selection to the very best advan- tage, whatever sum of money you may ', wish to invest. Easy payments., , . ; WILE VB.ALI.EIt BUILDING 135-153 KEARNY^I7-225^Tn'ER ST. v ; OAKLAND, 510 TWELFTH AND lIOS'WASHIIVGTOX . Other ntorriv— Los Aagelcn, Sacrnmento, San Jo»e, San Diego, Stockton; Phoenix, Ariz.; Reno, Ncv.; Portland, : Ore. " ' \u0084 v-: r >,>. '\u25a0\u25a0/_\u25a0.\u25a0:-\u25a0-.-\u25a0:... -\u25a0:-./- -\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0•\u25a0'•\u25a0; ':\u25a0\u25a0 ...*-:-.-"• , • - . . • \u25a0 I PLEADS GUILTY TO MURDER CHARGE Chinese Admits Killing Country = men Through Jealousy Over White Woman [Special Dispatch Ist. The Call] STOCKTON, April 21.— Ah Suey, the Chinese charged with having murdered Sam Kee at Lodi on February 2, thie morning entered a plea of guilty and was' sentenced by Superior Judge W. B. "Nutter to life imprisonment at San Quentin. Frankie Adams and Alice _ Barton, white girls", detained as witnesses and over whom the.murder resulted, were discharged from custody. Suey shot his victim through the head with a revolver and then hacked his face with a hatchet. Jealousy over Frankie "Adams was the motive for the crime, he- said. Frankie Adams is an attractive girl 30 years of age. Kee was going to elope with th*e woman, said Suey, and left at night in search of a horse and buggy. While on that mission Suey shot him down. -^ The body of the murdered Chinese was found in an outhouse in VllHnger's grove, Lodi, the next day, and a few hours later tho two girls were located hiding in a garret.. Suey's arrest fol lowed. The chain of evidence -was made so complete that Suey. who was represented by Lin Church of Oak land, H. R. McNoblc and A. \u25a0 V. Scanlan of Stockton and Avery T. Searle of Lodi, decided to plead guilty. The big Chinese companies sat upon the case and came to the conclusion that Suey was guilty. ~ They therefore offered District Attorney George F. Mc- Noble any possible assistance in prose cutingthe accused. *'"> FEAR HILLSBOROUGH INSURGENT MOVEMENT Regulars Pass Many Busy Hours Dealing Election Cards [Special Dispatch to The Call] SAN MATEO, April 21.— Are the reg ulars of Hillsboro imbued with the ap prehensive idea that Walter Hobart and other insurgents are coming out in open opposition at the election of the officials of the fairy city next Monday? In spite of the fact that the program mers of the millionaire's town scoff at the inert thought of an opposing party, they give ample ground for suspicion by ordering countless election cards and distributing them freely through out the manors and estates of their hoped for constituents. And not satisfied with a generous circulation of printed matter, they have proclaimed the name of their slated party as "The property owners' ticket." -. ••">\u25a0 Meantime the ominojus shuffle of election cards is disturbing the ever lasting peace and quiet which will rule after Monday is over. JOY RIDERS WRECK WINDOWS WITH ROCKS Leave Wake of Ruin in Mad Dash Through Town [Special Dispatch to The Call] SAN JOSE. April 21.— Armed with an automobile load of stones and brick bats, a party of six young vandals passed through this city shortly after 3 o'clock this morning, leaving a wake of broken windows. Everybody but the chaffeur appeared to be intoxicated. The machine was driven through town so fast that the police were unable either to stop it or to obtain its num ber. Several plate glass windows were broken. i'fi'X* DEAN GRESHAM MADE ' LIFE MEMBER OF ELKS [Special Dispatch lo The Call] SAN JOSE, April 21.— Rev. J. Wilmer Gresham, dean of Grace cathedral, San Francisco, until recently rector of Trinity Episcopal church in this city and for the last seven years chaplain of San Jose lodge No. 255, B. P. O. E.. was presented with a life membership card by the local lodge of. Elks at an informal reception held in his honor last evening. . A program was followed by refreshments. SANATORIUM COSTS $5,000 A MONTH [Special DisDalch to The Call] SANTA BARBARA, April 21.— That it costs $5,000 a month to maintain Riven Rock in Montecito as the prl .vate sanatorium of Stanley ilc- Cormick. the incompetent, son of the late: Cyrus "McCormiek of reaper fame is revealed in the first annual report of his guardians to the superior court. When these guardians, Katherine Dexter McCorAiick, his wife, now of Boston, and Henry B. Favill and Cyrus Bentley of Chicago 'were appointed last April they were allowed $3,000 a month, but they find this sum insuffi cient. . x'-V-J" They ask the court to increase the allowance to $5,000 a month. BISHOP ALLEGED EMBEZZLER— Camden, X. J., April 21. — Bishop Wesley J. Galas, a negro of Atlanta, <;a.. who Is presiding over the annual New Jersey conference of the African Methodist Kpiscopal church in this city, was arrested today on a charge of embezzlement. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS I I Marriage Licenses , | * . : , .£. The following marriage licenses were Issued In San Francisco Thursday. April 21, 1910; FAHKy—McßniPE— Patrick Fahey. 28. \~A\ Howard street, and Margaret Mcßride. 27. lOt-'O Clay street. JAUME— PERKZ— Rafael Jaume. SO. 445 Green street, and Ilotiario Peres, 20, 11 Kohler place. KOCII— STUICKKR— Joseph Koch. HO. 1300 Har- rison street, and Elizabeth Stricter, SO, "-*ti^S Post street. KIUTSE— KIEHSLING— Tbies J. Knuc, 3S. S4G Madrid street, and Anna Klebsling. 27, IK) Twenty-ninth street. LIMA' — QUIXN— Eugene Br"LIUy, 21, 33 Part- side aTemiP, and Mary G. Quinn, IS, 1210 De- vlsadero street. TJTTLER— MORDRET— Roy W. Uttler. 22. Chi- caeo. and Yulamle Mordret, 24, 62S Second street. MOLONEY— HA XSEX— Thomas S. Moloney. 22. and Bertha llansen, 22, both of Sacramento. MIiLLIX— NORIEGA— Thomas J. Mnllin, 31, 843 Ashbury street, and Lena Noriega, 2S, 4U Twenty-serenth street. SILVERMAN— KAPLAN— Nathan Silyerman. 21, and Ida Kaplan, IS, both of 1127 Silver avenue. TUERUBE — RUDOLPH— Ernest H. Therube, 20, 1742 Steiner street, and Alma Rudolph, 2"J, 1332 Ninth avenue. TROTT— TAYLOK— Henry Trott. 21, and Geue- vleve C. Taylor, 18, both of Tuolumne. YA'RNELL— GREEN— Walter J. Yarnell, 27, 151." Scott street, and Kate L. Green, 20. 117 A Duboee avenue. Birth, marriage and death notice's sent by mall will not be inserted. They must be handed in at either of the publication oftices and be Indorsed with the name and residence of persons author- ized to have the same published. Notices re- stricted simply to tbe announcement of the event are published once in this column fret; of charge. BIRTHS BARNES— In Berkeley. April 12. 1910, to the wife of Dr. I/. B. Barnes, a daughter. FRERKSON— In this city, April 20, 1910, to the wife of B. C. Frerk«<on, a daughter. HOPPSES— In this city. April 17, 1910. to the wife of Janus f.. Hoppses, a daughter. READ— In this city. April 17, 1910. to the wife of John William Read tn»e Greenberg), a son. MARRIAGES BEETZ— AXTHES— In this city, April 20. 1910, by Rev. Herman Uehrcke, Carl Beetz and Kmmle Anthes, both of San Francisco. JOHNSTON— TAYLOR— In this city, April 16, 1910. by Rev. U. A. Bernthal, Albert v. John- ston of San Francisco and Lila L. Taylor of Fruitvale,- Gal. XAROT— ATZEROTH— In this city, April 20. I<JIO, by Rev. G. A. Bernthal. George L. T.irot and Elite Atzerotb, \u25a0 both of San Fran- cisco. DEATHS Barhytc. Frank P.. 61 1 Lavery. Leland J...-2 Doettger, Henry st*i Linton, Theodore J. 60 Dngan, Michael .... S«i Marks, Mary J — Egan, Michael U"| M.-lntosb. Lilian L. 6 Klchholz, Marie 74 Moore, Elizabeth Z. S3 Fenton, John tX>LMurphy. Johnnie... 21 Flnigau, Marta OOrNolan, Thomas H...55 FU-issner, George W M Klley, Catherine L. . — Frank, Fanny M. . . 70, Stapleton, Mary 32 Galvani, Giovanni B. 03 Stibbens, Thomas E. — Gregorinsen, Caro- Sullivan (Mass) line- 43 Thalern, William... — Holtter, Bertha... . 70 Trosper. Eliiabeth.. 7U Jacobson, Charles. . t>ft Weckertshehner, Fred- - Johnston, 11. Adellia 44 crick 75 Keuerleber, Resine. Sj BARHYTE— In Oakland, April 20, 1910. Frank P.. beloved father of Louis D. Barbyte of San Francisco, and loving brother of Mrs. Darid I. Brown of Napa. Cal.. a native of Now York, aged 01 years 10 months and a days. FTiends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services this U-'rlday) evening, April 22. 1910, at 7:30 o'clock, at the funeral rhapel of E. James Finney, 528 Eighteenth street between Tele- graph and San Pablo avenues. Interment' at Napa, Cal. ' DOETTGER— In this city, April 19, 1910. at. the city and county hospital. Henry Doettger, a native of Germany, aged 58 years. DUGAN— In Stockton. April IS. 1910, Michael Dugan, beloved busbknd of tlie late Margaret Dugan, and loving father of Thomas and Mary Dugan. and the. late Willie Dugan. a native of County Galway. Ireland, aged 3»S years. A member of carpenters* union No. 22. Friends and acquaintance's arc respectfully iuvitt'd to atti'-nd the • funeral tomorrow (Saturday), April 2H, 1910, at 8:30 o'clock a. vi., from the funeral parlors of Green, Ryan & Donohoe. northeast corner of Sixteenth and Guerrero streets, thence to St. Teresa's church, where a requiem mass wilt b« cele- brated for the repose of his *nui, commencing at » a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. EGAN— In this city. April 20, 1910, Michael, beloved brother of William Egau, a native of Philadelphia, aged .Co years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully , invited to attend tho funerat today tFrt- day). at S:"<> o'clock a. ni., from the parlors of J. J. Crowly & Co.. tß>2 Valencia street between Seventeenth and ' Eighteenth, -thence to Mission l>ok>rea. church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9 a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, by funeral car from Valencia and Twenty-eighth "streets. EICKHOLZ — In this city, April 21, 1910. Marie, beloved wife of Otto and loving mother of Mrs. Fred Langenberger, Mrs. J. Gallop of Eureka tnd Frod H. Garnie. a na- tive of Hanover. Germany, aged 74 years 3 months and 22 days. FENTON— In this city. April 21. 1910. «t the city and county hospital. John Fenton, V na- tive of Colorado, aged 60 years. FINIGAN— In this city. April 20. 1910. Maria, widow of the late Dr. Lawrence Finigan of San Jose, and mother of Frank Binney, Mrs. Charles Schwarz, Mrs. Ed Brelning and Law- rence Flnigan, a native of Louisville, Ky.. aged 56 years. FLEISSNER — In this city, April 21. 1910, George Wolfgang Fleissner, father of Otto, Hugo and Gus Fleissner and Mrt. W. C. I^ewls Mrs. Robert Cowan and Mrs. J. W. Winks, a native of Germany,' a»ed 84 years 10 months and . 1(5 days. (Cincinnati papers pleas« copy.) \u25a0 Funeral tomorrow (Saturday). Interment . private. FRANK— In Oakland, April 21, 1910, at Fablola hospital. Mrs. Fanny M. Frank, a native of Wisconsin, aged.,,7o years. • \u25a0 Friends ami acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend tbe funeral services today (Friday). April 22. 1910. at 3 o'clock p. m.. at the First Congregational church, corner of Twelfth and Clay streets. Interment private. . Remains at the funeral chapel of E. James : Finney, 52i> Eighteenth street between Tele- • graph and San Pablo avenues. GALVANI— In Oakland. April 21, 1910, Giovanni B. 'Galvani, a native of Italy, aged 63 years. GREGORINSEN— In this city, April 20, 1010. Caroline, dearly beloved wife of George Greg- orinsen. devoted mother of Harry Johndarn. and loving sister of Captain Peier Johnson, - Mrs. P. ,'lnrner.- and James. Johnsoo, a native • of Norway, aged 45* year» a months and 14 days. A member of Bald Eagle council No. 77. D. of P., Imp.O. R. M. . Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral Sunday, at 2 : p. m., from her late residence. 1125 Thirty- . fifth avenue near Railroad avenoe (South). Interment Mount Olivet ecmetery, by car- riage. ' HOLTZER— In this city. April 20. 1910, Bertha . Holtzer, dearly beloved mother of Mrs. Bertha David, and grandmother of Mrs. E. R. Pat- terson and Henry . David, a native of ' Ger- many, aged 70 years. . r \u25a0 • Friends and actraalntancea are r*«pectfully "- Invited - to attend the fnn»ral services to- day (Friday), April 22. at 1:40 o'clock p. m at . the chapel of U. P. Petersen, . 1312 D«- : visadero street between O'Farrell and Ellis. -Cremation Odd Fellows', cemetery. JACOBSON— In -this city. April 20. 1910. Charles _ Jncobs'jn, beloved husband of Johanna Jarob- \u25a0 son. and father of Carl F. . Jacobson. a native 'of Sweden, aced 69 years. : A m»mb»r of C«s- I mr>P"Htsn lodgf N«. IJ)4. I. O. 0.. F. Friends are respectfully invited to attend 1 PLAN TO ASCEND MOUNT M'KINLEY SEATTLE, April 21. — Herschel Park er's Mount McKinley expedition will sail from Seattle May 5. A gasoline boat will convey the party up tho Susitna river In the approach to- the mountain. The expedition will pay special attention to verification or disproof of Dr. Frederick A. Cooks story of ascent . of the mountain, a matter which was only incidentally looked into by the Fairbanks expedi tion that made the ascent April 3. ECUADOR GROWS UNEASY OVER TROUBLE WITH PERU WASHINGTON, April 21.— United States Minister Fox has telegraphed to the state department from Quito. Ecuador, that great uneasiness is felt throughout that country on account t>f the growing danger of a war with pnfit - . " - the fntrcral servU-es tomorrow (Saturday*. April 2;:. at i oVlork p. n... at tbe nV>v funeral chapel of Charles 11. J. Truman. I'M'.* Mission street between sttftrtntl) ami Six- teenth. Cremation, odd Fellows' cenicteiV Kindly omit flowers. JOHNSTON— In this eitT. April 21 IDIO if. Adellia Johnstou. il early belo^M xvitf \u0084( Frank J. Johnston, loving mother of Kdiili P. McCunly of Sacramento, grnmlniothrr «if Artellla Mi-<:ur«ly, an.l aunt of J«h& Edward. Andrew. Frank an«l F.illian Wilsou, Mrs. Kii:v Teraploman and frank O'.Neil of Sarrsmrata, •a native uf Nevada, ase<l 41 years U tutintlis ' an.l n days. Remains will be shipped to Sacrameuto for Interment. KEXTEBLEBZR— At rrsr. April 20T I3lu. R— sine Keuerlebor. below mother of .Mrs. Min- nie Uwlapp. Fred, ibris and Ausnst K«t>er leber, Mrs. Kosine Summer, Mrs. Patila Sp«>tt and Annie Keuerk-foer, a native of Germany, »B**d .W years. Friends ami acquaintances arc respectfully Invited to attend the. funeral x-rvices tomor- row (Saturday*. April 2Z. t!>tn, a t l\:M> \u25a0 »>'cl«>rk a. m., at the funeral parlors of Jamr* McGinn. 532 Fulton street between Webster and Flllmore. Cremation, I. O. V. F. ceuie- L&VERT— In this city. April 21. 1010. Leland Joseph, beloved eon of John I\ and I-aur«-tU C. Livery, devoted brother t«f Viola l.avry. * and loving grandson of Mr. and Mrs. JTmepb Kaupert. a native of San Francisco, aged - years 11 months and 4 days. LINTON — In this city. April 21. into, at the city and county hospital. Theodore J. Llnton, a native of Colorado, ased «o year*. MASKS — In this city, April 20. 1910, Mary Josephine Marks, daughter of Edmund and Kebec«a Bock Marks, a native of Ban Fran- cisco. Friends are respectfully invite! to attend the funeral tomorrow tSaturdar>. April 23, 1910." at 9:30 o'clock a. vi.. from her late residence. 91G I>evisadero street, tbence to Holy Cross chureb, where a rripiiem hipli nia«3 will be celebrated for the repose of lit-r soul, commencing at 10 oYlo<-k. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, by electric funeral car from Mission and ThirteentU streets. McINTOSH — In this tlty, April 21. l!>10. Lilian U, dearly beloved daughter of Walter J. and Louise Mclntosh. ami lovtug sister of Walter Jr. and William A. Mclntosh, a uatlve of \u2666Jlendcra, Cal.. aged 6 years 0 months «nd 4 day*. MOOBE— In Oakland. April 21. UMO. Elizabeth Zcssln Moore, beloved wife of Charles T. Moore, lovinj: mother of Clifford, «'. P. and Herman S. Moore, and sister »f Mrs. B. >le. Wall of Hunters Tolnt. San Krancisco. and nerman Zessin of Burlingatne. Sau Mateo county, a native of Germany, aged US years 9 mouths and 16 days. MURPHY— In Silver City, N. M., April 14, 1910. Johnnie, dearly beloved son of the late David and Ajrne.s Murphy, loving brother of the late Margaret Murphy, beloved grandson of Mrs. Annie Taylor, and beloved nephew of Mary and Thomas Green. Mrs. J. Mclntyre and tlie late Margaret Green, a native of San t'rau- cisco. aged 21 years and 11 days. Friends and acquaintances ar« respectfully- Invited to attend the funerat tomorrow (Sat- nrday), at !<:oO a. m., from the resiilenre »( his grandmother. SMS Fotrero avenue, ttenefl to St. Peter's church, where a reiiutem hi^ii mass will be celebrated for tbe repose of Uis t)oul, commencing at 'J a. m. Interment Holy^ Cross cemetery. ' NOLAN— In this city. April" 20. 1010. Thomas H.. beloved husband of Katberine Nolan, lov- ln? father of Mrs. G. H. Gill'^lry. MlWon ami Edna Nolan, and devoted brother of Joint and Anna N«lan. a native of New lork. ajfii 55 years ami 13 days. Frlend3 arc respectfully Invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Saturday;, at ."<:\u25a0\u25a0'.<• a. m., from his late residence, llu lion- street, thence to St. Joseph's eburcli, Howard and Tenth street", where a requieti* iii^U mms will be celebrated for the repose of bis soul, commencing at » o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, by carriage. RILEY— In this city, April 20. 1010, Catherine L.. dearly beloved wife of James A. Uil'-v. loving mother of John Layton Kiiey, idolized niece of John Layton, and beloved sister <;f Martin F. Gallagher, William J. Laytcn. Mrs. J. J. McCarthy and Mrs. John N. Hurley, a native of San Francisco. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow tS;«t- urday). April 23, at U:l0 a. m.. from tier late, residence, 2i'.2t Bryant street uewr Twenty-fourth, thence to St. Peter's cluin-li. where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commenciug at 9:4"> a. m. Interment Holy Crass cemetery. VOUXG LADIES' INSTlTUTE— officers ami members of Caruiel Institute No. 2: You ire requested to attend the funeral of our late sister. Mrs. Catherine L. Riley. tomorrow (Saturday*. April 2:>, at 9:lj a. m.. from ln-r late residence. 2i>2l Bryant street near Twen- ty-fourth. HANNAH \u25a0WALSH. President. STAPLETON— In this elty. April 21. I'JIO. Mary, beloved wife of John Stapleton. mother of.Gracie C. Mary A., Leo J. and Joseph C. Staplcton, sister of Mrs. W. Ahem and Katie O'Connor, and niece of Mrs. W. O'Connor and Mrs. P. J. Sheehy. a native of Castle Island. County Kerry. Ireland, aged 32 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow <Sat- nrday), at 10 o'clock a. m.. from her late resi- dence. 1160 York street, thence In St. Peters ehnrch. where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her s«>ul. com- mencing at 10:30 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. STIBBENS — In Roosevelt hospital. Thnma* K. Stibbens. beloved husband of Sarah Stlbben*. beloved father of Cnarfe» R.. Harry E. and Dr. L. 11. Stibbens. and grandfather of Ku- jeene and Marjorie Stibbena. a native of Ohio. A member of Appomattox post No. 50. c A. H.: Order of Foresters. K. O. T. M., and Owls. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services tonv>r- | row (Saturday). April 23. at 3 p. m-. at &eoln hall. Thirteenth street between Broad - *way and Franklin, thence to Southern Pacinc Sixteenth street depot, where the remains will be shipped to. Riverside. Funeral services un- der the auspices of G. A. R. BTTLLTVAN— An anniversary high mass of re- quiem will be celebrated for the repose of the son! of the late chief of the. San Franei.«-i> tire department. Dennis T. Sullivan, at Sr. Mary's church <Pauli»t>. California and Dn- pont streets, today. (Friday), April 22. 191". commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to. at- tend. THALEKN— Ia this city, April 19. 1910, Wil- . Ham Tbalern. a native of Germany. Friends and acquaintances are respectful!* Invited to attend the funeral today (Fri- day), at 2 o'clock p. m., from King Solo- mon's hall, Flllmore street near Sntter, un- der tbe auspices of Presidio lodge No. 354. F. & A. M. Interment Eternal Home ceme- tery. TROSPEK— In Caaadero. Cal., AprO 2*>. lt>tr>. % Mrs. Elizabetn Trosper. wife of the late Thomas Trosper, and mother of A. L. Trouper. F. I>- Trosper and E. E. Trosper. a native of Missouri, aged 73 years 6 months and 15' days. •WTCKESTSHZIMZII— In this city, April 20. 1910, Frederick Weckertshelmer, a native of Lahr. Baden. Germany, aged 73 years S months and 5 days. A member- of Golden City _ lodge No. 63. KnUhts of Pythias. of funeral hereafter. Remains at th» new funeral chapel of Charles H. J. Truman. 1919 Mission street between Fifteenth tad Sixteenth. INDEPENDENT OF THE TRUST FOR Seventy-Five Dollars I WILL FURNISH HEARSE, TWO CARRIAGES, EMBALMING SHROUD AND CLOTH GO/ERED CASKET- JULIUS S.GODEAU Main nfne«j»— 2l23 Bn*h St.. West 2T09. and 130.1 KranUln" st. near 17th, Oakland, phone Oak- land J>H.-.. Branches*— £o.l Montsmnwy «».. Ph. -Temp. 3283, • and 82T South Fisueroa St.. Los Angles. Auto Ambulance uul Carria^ca foe Illra.