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S©cftn®mi !?]^^ r 2^^^ OF SAN FRANCISCO AND CALIFORNIA ALONZO He takes the PUP to Fishermens Wharf The Marin County Baseball League KARL J. PRIDE STANDING OF THE CLUBS < liibH — W. 1,. Vet. San Aiixclino ...2 0 1000 San Rafael ...1 O 1000 Mill Volley 1 O 1000 Corte Madora. ..... .0 2 000 Sauaallto O 2 000 Last Friday the following,, games were played and the results were: San Rafael 6, Corte Madera 5. San Anselmo 16, Sausalito 0. Next week's games will be: San Rafael vs. Sausalito. Mill Valley vs. Corte Madera. The baseball season Is in full blast now and track events are coming into Interest. Tho boys are practicing and a tryout will be held Wednesday after noon. Several boys have entered In the high jump and the broad jump, but most in* the 100 and 50 yard dashes. S. R. G. S. promises to show up well in all these contests, though they would do better but for the fact that there are few large boys. San Rafael Grammar School Team Plays First League Game- LATON DUFFY On April 11, 1910, the San Rafael grammar school team played their first*" league game at Corte Madera. The first inning Corto Madera scored two runs, leaving the score 2 to 0 at the end of the first inning. In about the third inning our team scored three runs; the score was 3 to 2 at the end of the third inning. When the eighth inning came the score was 3 to 3 and It all depended on the eighth and ninth inning. The San Rafael grammar school team tried their beet to score and succeeded in bringing in three runs, the score being G to 3 at the end of the eighth Inning. In the. ninth inning Corte Madora scored two runs, leaving the score C to •\u25a0\u25a0 5 in our favor. Walter Males pitched the whole game, I There .are to be four more leaguo'games ih which we wish to win. The B. B. A. of Marin County L. STEFANI The H. R. G. S. crossed bats with the Corto Madora G. S. last Friday and the latter suffered Its second defeat of the season by losing tills game by the score of c to 5. Malls, the southpaw of the winning team* went-up in the air in the first inning, hut*«ftt»r that he had the locals tit his mercy. » Next Friday the 8. It. G. S, will clash with .Sausallto grammar. , A silver cup is to be given to the champion, The San Francisco Call Junior Section. SAN FRANCISCO, CALi; APRIL 23, l<>lo. New Baseball Team at Sutro ROBERT CUMMINGS The Sutro grammar school has re cently organized a baseball team of from 13 to 15 years of age. Our school hus not taken part In the San Fran cisco public school athletic league. Wo have greatly felt the loss of our last year's pitcher, William Blydon, but we have now secured a good pitcher, Albert Migue. lie is the best batter on the team.' Earl Brown, our new third baseman, has already-. begun to shine. Otto Matson, the new second baseman, Is the best second baseman wo have found this season, and he Is competent at any time to trade posi tions with our pitcher who was second baseman last year. Our catcher,^Lincoln Johnston, is get ting into shape and ia one of the high est on the batting list. Melvin Hulling, the crack little lirst baseman, is doing good work. Frank Htrich, the now right fielder, gives promise of line work. Edward Richardson, our left fielder, is doing well. His batting will help win many games, we hope. Raymond Nealon, commonly known as the comet, is giving good support. If there are any teams our size who would like a game telephone during school hours to the Sutro school and ask for Albert Mique, the captain. Athletic News Section Athletics at Hearst in Full Swing BERT LEO . Athletic 'activity i.s now ;it its Ix-lglit nt tho Heurst .jframmar, Through tho efforts of Miss X. F. Sullivan, our prin cipal, much of the old time enthusiasm has been revived. Ttie track team l s hard nt work training for the coming meet. The girls' basket ball team is playing In great' shape, and every one has hopes of bringing a championship cup back to Hermann and Pi 11 more streets. • Our team met their old rivals, the girls from Spring Valley, in a return match and turned the tables on them, winning by a score of 19 to- 10. In a previous game Spring Valley was re turned victor- by a IS to 24 score, so each team now has one victory to its credit. TRACK TEAM The trybuts for the track team were hjeld at tjie stadium last Saturday. • L"elahd Spencer, one of the stars of the ,S. S. A.,L., will be entered in the half mile run, in which he isa good per •former and will prove a hard man to beat. William Parry, winner of the 50 -yard event in the first meet, Is back 1n the field -after a' long absence/ due to illness. lie' will compete in the 95 §@dtii@nn pound high jump, in which event In* has cleared 4 feet 2 Inches in practice. There are very few if any weak points in the team, and prrent tilings are ex pected of them. The relays are nil strong and several men arc looked upon as sure point winners, I had almost forgotten the baseball team! The month's por cehtj wrought havoc with the team, but they aro be ing reorganized and expect to have a better team than ever. Fremont Basket Ball Team Beats Adams BENJAMIN KATZ Former lloj- Mayor Tho Fremont girls' basket ball team was successful Friday, April 15, beat ing their opponents of the Adams school by the score of 12 to 5. The Fremonts through the entire game showed their superiority of team work, making in all but three fouls, while Adams made nine. Elvira .Robbenett was the feature of the game, making the first eight points for Fremont. Kdna O'Shea for Fremont made ' a good showing on the guard line and Sophie ' Beckenback of Adams " also played a . good game. . Both teams showed Improvement in the second half and played fast ball. The score was as follows: . .. ; Total score — Fremont 12, Adams 5. First half— Fremont 8, Adams 0. Second half— Fremont 4, Adams 5. The Fremont winning team was: 1 Elvira Robbenett, 2 Edna O'Shea, 3 Bertha Shemanskl, 4 Freida Conn, 5 Adele Cole, 6 Georgiana Fitzmaurlce, 7 Rose Loupe, 8 Ruth Lob'ree. -"• ' The track team is now at its stand ard. The showing which the boys put up last Saturday at the stadium shows that Fremont will put up -a fair fight. The 95 pound boy basket ball team is also getting rapidly, into form and will soon be ready to accept any challenge. Also the Australian field ball game has aroused much enthusiasm in the school and will soon have a team to play the game. Hancock to Meet Monroe ALECK MINO The Hancock baseball team is going to play a practice game with the Mon roes Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The Hancocksare at present practicing with the Washingtons and 1 " both teams • are showing up well. The batteries for Saturday's game are C. Rlsburg and J. Bacigalupi. ..The Hancocks are also practicing running, jumping, etc., for the coming • running tournament. The members of the 95 pound basket ball team of the Hancock grammar . school are still waiting for the trophy which they won in the last public school tournament. They also would like to hear from any bay county 95 pound team, Colum bia Park boys included. Additional Albleilc News on Page's