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MONDAY The San Francisco Call JOHN D. SPRECKELS p. Proprietor CHARLES W. HORNICK. .General Manager ERNEST, S. SIMPSON Managing Editor Address All Communication* to THE SAX FRANCISCO CALL Telephone »*KEAK>'Y 86" — Ask *°' The Call. The Operator "Will Connect *You Wltik the Department You Wish - BUSINESS OFFICE and EDITORIAL ROOMS Market. and Third Streets Open Until 11 o'clock Every Night in the Year MAIN CITY BRANCH 1651 Flllmore Street Near Post OAKLAND OFFICE— 46B 11th St. (Bacon Block) . J Tel - Subset— Oakland 1083 ' 1 Telephone Horne — A 2375 ALAMEDA OFFICE— I43S Park Street f. Telephone Alameda 559 BERKELEY OFFICE— SW. Cor. Center and Oxford... Telephone Berkeley 11 CHICAGO OFFICE— I 634 Marquette Bldgr. .C. Geo. Krogness, Advertising Act NEW TORK OFFICE— BOS Brunswick Bldg. . J. C. Wllberdlng, Advertising Agt WASHINGTON NEWS BUREAU— Post Bldg...lra E. Bennett. Correspondent NEW TORK NE^'S BUREAU— SI 6 Tribune Bldg..C. C. Carlton. Correspondent Foreign Offices Where The^ Call la 00 File LONDON. England... 3 Regent Street, S W.I PARIS. France... s3 Rue Cambon BERLIN, Germany. . .Unter den Linden 3 SUBSCRIPTION' RATES Delivered by Carrier. 20 Cents Per Week. 75 Cents Per Month, Dally and Sunday Single Copies, 5 Cents Terms by Mail, for UNITED STATES. Including Postage (Cash With Order): DAILY CALL (Including Sunday), 1 Year .\u25a0 $8.00 DAILY CALL (Including Sunday), 6 Months ..|4.00 DAILY CALL— By Single Month 760 SUNDAY CALL. 1 Year 12.50 WEEKLY CALL, 1 Year . . . ......... .. $1.00 FOREIGN t DaHy $8.00 Per Year Extra POstacf 1 Sunday $4.15 Per Year Extra i-UisiAOfc. I weekly $1.00 Per Year Extra Entered at the United States Postofflce as Second Class Matter ALL POSTMASTERS ARE AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS Sample Copies Will Be Forwarded When Requested Mail subscribers in ordering change of address should be particular to give both NEW and OLD ADDRESS in order to insure a prompt and correct compliance with their request. TH E colonel was in his best vein when addressing the Sorbonne. He gave no quarter to the mollycoddles~and showered con tempt on that which is known as the ''leisure class," an institu ' j tion scarcely yet domesticated on this con tinent. He expounded to this learned body his well known theories of the strenuous life. He became eloquent in denunciation of race _ suicide, and said some words that- should be heeded in other countries than France. For example: If we of the great republics, if we, the free people who claim to have emancipated ourselves from the thralldom of wrong and error, bring down on our heads the curse that comes upon the willfully barren, then it will be an idle waste of breath to prattle of our achievements, to boast of all that we have done. No refinement of life, no delicacy of taste, no material progress, no sordid heaping up of riches, no :*ensuous development of art and literature, can in any way compensate for the loss of the great fundamental virtues; and of these great funda dsmenta! virtues the greatest is the race's power to perpetuate the race. What to do about the "useless rich?" was a question that looked as big as a house to Colonel Roosevelt. Personally he had no use whatever for these parasites on society, but he did not appear quite clear about how to put them to work where they_ might do some good. It is a question, indeed, that might puzzle the wisdom of Roose velt and the Sorbonne combined, but the strange thing is that it is a comparatively new matter of debate. A brief score of years ago the idle rich were counted a part of the unchangeable scheme of the universe. They were usually belauded by other parasites, be cause "they put money in circulation." As it is now, people are beginning to speculate whether these parasites have any right to exist and are quoting scripture td prove that he that will not work neither shall he eat. The Colonel I in His Most I Strenuous Vein 1 1 Lloyd George in England has invented a budget to knock them down and take it away from them, and Colonel Roosevelt announces that he is willing to go a step or two with the socialists, but he knows where to stop and put his foot down. The learned doctors of the Sorbonne were as pleased as Punch and greatly edified. JOHN S. McGROARTY, whose romantic pen touches nothing that it does not adorn, welcomes into the union of states the youngest of commonwealths and at the same time the eldest " daughter of America — Arizona — in this wise for the pages of the West Coast magazine :. Old as Eg3 r pt, or even older, Arizona is yet as young as yesterday's bloom and blossom on the peach trees that flame from the deep heart 1 1 of the age forgotten valleys of Cibola. It was . a populous land before the pyramids were reared as a tomb for Rameses; its ancient peoples builded cities and wove and spun tapestres and gay raiment in the sun for lithe bodies as fair as Cleopatra's before Cleopatra • was born; gold and silver and bronze were smelted and wrought from its hills into queen's girdles and chieftain's battle i axes when the Teuton and the Gaul were stiil storiemen; its marvelous engineers had watered its fertile fields from concrete lined aqueducts and giant irrigation dams that had fallen to decay and disuse centuries before Montezuma ascended the throne of the Aztecs. Under the sands of Arizona. lie buried the walls and towers of vast communal pueblos, the countless inhabitants of which disappeared into the mi«.ts of oblivion in years that ante date not onlr history but tradition itself. How long she slept "like a tawny lion," as Mr. McGroarty says, no man knows, but it is certain she is now rejuvenated in a recreated youth, busy with the sound of the miners' pick and the whiz of the devouring drill. Bisbee. Douglas, Globe, Prescott, Morenci and other great mining centers astonish the world with their wonderful output, and the remarkable thing is that each and all of these "camps" are provided with a nearby agricultural district so that Arizona "can if she will build a wall around her mighty boundaries and live within herself secure and opulent though no trade from without were ever to knock at her gates.'' This result is due to the magic of water, once more applied by science to give life to these arid wastes. The Roosevelt dam, for instance, near Phoenix, is accounted one of the most celebrated irrigation feats of history, and 1 the Salt river Galley is one great garden studded with orchards. There is another -less material aspect of the picture: ! Withal, Arizona will remain the land of wonder and of mystery, the land of faithful skies and of health, for the desert is the sanatorium of the world. Here are the footprints of the lost and mystic past, thY deserted homes of ancient cliff dwellers, the hieroglyphs of departed peoples, the painted desert, the petrified forest, and, finally, the ultimate wonder of all, the Grand Canyon of Arizona, gashed across an empire as the last word in the mightiest tragedy nature has ever recorded. California welcomes this elder and prodigal daughter of America to the sisterhood of states, and rejoices that she has found in Mr. Mc£roarty an accomplished prophet and proponent of her multi farious and profitable charms. It all depends now on congress Welcome for the Eldest Daughter WHO will lead the senate after Aldrich retires? It is a ques tion that agitates Washington in no small degree. There is an obvious lack of competent leadership among "the old crowd" of the standpat forces. Senator Flint might easily have been promoted to the job had he chosen to>un again for~office and j won his fight. He was Aldrich's chief lieu- I tenant in the tariff debate, and he stood so well with the standpat faction that his retirement is evidence that he does not believe he could win a 'fight -for; re-election, it is scarcely conceivable that a young man who had the prospect of suc ceeding shortly to leadership of the most powerful legislative body in the world, would voluntarily retire had he not seen a lion in the Perplexity Oyer Leadership of the Senate Hale of Maine would succeed to leadership by seniority were Aldrich out. of the way, but he, like the' Rhode Island .. 'senator J understands that his legislative days are numbered and has an nounced his retirement. In any case he has not the qualities of leadership, being of the sort that makes no friends^ V - There remain as possible leaders of that faction. Carter ofMon EDITORIAL PAGE OF THE CALL Distributing- Hisife History Specimens / 1 tana and Warren of Wyoming. Warren is a man of very consider able ability, but he, like Carter, is a standpatter of the extreme type, and his leadership would amount to a declaration of war. Lodge of . Massachusetts may- be regarded as eligible if the standpat element holds control. ' He is a scholarly man, who can make pretty speeches. His colleague, Crane, is a far abler man, but suffers from the fact that he is no public speaker and can not hold his own in debate. The coming elections may so change the complexion of the senate that the standpatters will no longer control the republican majority, and- in that case, the leadership would naturally fall either one of the lowa pair, Dolliver or Cummins. The whole situation is clouded with doubt— so much so that it is now intimated that Aldrich wijl be told that he must reconsider his purpose to retire. In the public announcements that purpose was based on "ill health." It is now said that his healthwas never better. \u0084 - \u0084..., - V ; . /\u25a0- — • :..V^' ,:-..\u25a0 . CALIFORNIA shows a remarkable growth of the high school system, and yet the present proportion of high school grad uates to the whole number of children of school age may be regarded as small. The fact is that. the state schools graduate less than 4,0Q0 students every year, and ten years ago the number was considerably below 2,000. The . increase is gratifying, but there is obviously, room for more. From the Western Journal of Education we get jthese official figures of growth for eleven years: 1 y No. of Tcacliers No. of Pupils Average No. of Year. No. of Employed. Enrolled Daily At-} Grad- Schools. Men Women Boys Girls tendance uates 1899 ..118 .259 236 4,815 7,448 9,715 1,715 1900 ...120 ' 259 236 4.790 7.389 8.975 1,562 1901 126 289 292 5,519 7,813 10,052 1,703 1902. 139 295, 311 5,830 8,462 12,148 • 1,907 1903 143 337 404 7,499 9,974 13,689 2,074 1904 -....162 370 485 9,219 12,230 ~ 14,489 2,248 > 1905 169 407 590 10,525 13,728 19,016 2,591 1906 ........ .;..183 445 692 12,374 .15,701 21,397 2,810 1907 179 420 -768 11,372 16,206 .21,337 2,890 1908 ,187 480 834 14,102 17,912 24,267 3,168 1909 : 197 566 924 15,386 18,912 27,470 3,771 gain in 10 years.. 167 218 391/319 254 283 ~ 219 Proportion of High School Graduates It is obvious from these figures that a great many high school students do not pursue the course to graduation, and some explana tion of the causes for this failure, should be interesting as well as instructive. It may be that the high school courses are not what the world calls "practical," and this quality is what the spirit of the age demands. The present demand is for more technical schools and for institutions that teach tlte scientific use of the hands. The school census for last- year showed 469,410 children _of school age, that is, between 5 and 17 years. At the same time the average daily attendance at all the high schools was only 27,470 and the graduates, were 3,771. These figures demonstrate that less than one-tenth of the children complete the high school course. GREAT BRITAIN may be said to be in the^hroes of .revolu tion, albeit of the parliamentary sort. . The country, is in volved in the most momentous struggle of its history since \u25a0j the reform bill of 1832 was passed under threats of the same sort that are now freely used to hammer sense into the* house of lords. \u25a0 As T. P. O'Connor says in his dispatches to •';', The Call, "the lords and their friends are. go ing on in a quite infatuated way and seem to have no realization of the fires with which they are playing." - > , f , A Revolution of the Parli amentary Sort The struggle is one of unexampled bitterness, and the feeling is so strong that fist fights on the floor of the house of commons were narrowly averted last week, but the budget, as proposed by Lloyd George, is being remorselessly put through the. regular stages to enactment, and with it goes the measure to depfi\ti the peers of their powers of veto on legislation. ' Now the question is, will the lords accept the situation and^acquiesce, on will they force another general election? The present belief is that the peers will not sub mit- and the country .will be ; acutely disturbed by another angry campaign vthe : next/ three months. This must be the -result if the lords remaiiv obdurate," but compromise isaHyays possible and; as Mr. O'Connor points out, the king will be placecl in an extremely delicate situation if he is forced into the position of arbiter between the warring £ lords . and com mons. Tlie responsibility of deciding would -nominally rest on the crown, but,;in fact, hewould haveno discretion but to obey the mandate of the majority in house, of commons. This is true, because no ministry, could remain in power for a week in ,t v he. face: of an adverse majority "in the house of commons. ']'.' * ' " /.\u25a0\u25a0""• - : / ' • ' The king.will naturally use all his povvers of persuasion to avoid' being-put in= the position di arbitrator with power- only to; decide j INSURGENTS WIN FIGHT ON COMET Motion- to "Bump the Earth Defeated— Smoker of '\u0084 House Loses Job ARTHUR L. PRICE H ALLEY'S COMET, April 24 (by in terplanetary wireless). — John Pierpont Halley's comet is not to strike the earth. While that decision seemsysimple enough it-was arrived at only by the breaking of party lines. The 'interests wanted to strike the earth in the vicinity of Wall street, in the hope that a little gold would stick in passing, but the Irregular party, while having no love for Wall street, considered the welfare of the rest of the planet and took the stand that it would, cause more harm than good to have a collision. As a consequence of the debate in congress today, Uncle Big Gun, the revered Smoker of the House, lost his job. The Irregulars are casting dice tonight, for the honor of becoming Smoker of the House. When the population of Halley's comet first caught a glimpse of the earrth through their telescopes with the famous 19 mile reflector, it was thought by the -Higher. Ups that it would be great sport to work up a collision. The annual election of Steerersv of the Comet, the most important position on the big flyer, was held about the time the telescope first picked up the earth, j In the election it was thought that the Irregulars had. elected their ticket, but later it appeared that the Chief Steerer was a regular and would be tolerably willing to do anything that the regulars called upon him to do. As assistant steerers he selected men who had been employed in the coal yards of the interests and in other positions. That is where all the trouble came. William, the Chief Steerer, was ap proached early in the year by Uncle Big Gun, the head smoker of the House, and by Allrich, leader of the Senators, with the suggestion that he aid them in giving the world a jolt. The Chief Steerer, who is noted as a man of good nature, laughed amiably, but said that it wasn't his policy nor the policy of his illustrious predecessor (may the African tsetse fly do its work) to do anything that might re bound to the disaster of the' Regular party. However, he intimated that the Regulars might go as faras they liked and when it became necessary for them to resign in- the face of popular dis satisfaction he would', give them a tes timonial of honesty of purpose. In the meantime the Regulars were busy with their plans. Mr. John Pier pont Halley, from whom the Comet re ceives its name, , was daily interviewed by the press, but was enigmatical. John Pierpont Halley, as is well known among the planets, in his private life is kind and unassuming and would deprecate any catostrophe such as would come if the Comet and the Earth hit each other. In an interview published in the Comet's Tale on April 1, the national holiday of the Comet. Mr. John Pier pont Halley made the following state ment: "As is well known, I am a member of the established Cometary church, and have always been known for my wide beneficences and my interest in "works of art. It was through no fault of\mine that this Comft was given my name. That, fact has come about sim ply because I came to own a majority of the. stock- of .the Comet. As for a collision with the Earth, I do not care to discuss that now. There are some men on the Earth whom I may regard as my colleagues. I believe there are two who own the Earth — particularly Mr. Morgan and 1 Mr. Rockefeller— and for them I have a fellow feeling. I would hate to think that they might be injured. "Still, btisines is business, and there is no question but that we must find new markets for our trade and new lands for our surplus population. "On these accounts, if the master minds of this Comet — meaning, you knbw, Uncle Big Gun and Mr. Allrich — if they should decide that the needs of the Comet demanded a collision with the Earth, I would be the last to go against their will. I realize that if this Comet and the . Earth come together there would be a tremendous loss of life and property, but as long as that did not damage my interests or those of my friends I could not permit that fact, however grim, to stand in the way of advancement, particularly since we are led to believe that ultimately such p. collision would be of immense value to civilization and the proprietors of this Comet, among whom I may modestly claim to be one." This indifferent attitude of Mr. John Pierpont Halley did little to assuage the fears of the people on the Comet, for there was a decided lack of faith in the disinterestedness of Mr. Halley. The matter came up for decision in the Cometary House this \u25a0 morning. Uncle Big Gun, the Smoker of the House, moved that under the rules the Chief Steerer and his assistants be in structed to steer the Comet into the Earth. The motion was ably supported by members who" are in Mr. John Pier pont Halley's employ. The Irregulars and- the Outsiders combined and defeated Uncle Big Gun's motion, and passed another order prohibiting him from riding his bicycle on the tall of the Comet. ' , The Chief Steerer, made a speech4o night In which he declared that the Irregulars had done irreparable injury to the Comet because they refused to take orders from Uncle Big Gun. He said that while he was too good hearted himself to favor a collision be tween the Comet and the Earth, and while he would have advised a revision downward of the course of the Comet in passing the Earth, still- the course decided upon by" the wise : and . rich Uncle Big Gun and the richer and therefore wiser Mr. Allrich should be supported by all men who owe their fealty to Mr. John Pierpont Halley. j "Whose Comet is this?" shouted the Chief Steerer in thundering tones, as he reluctantly followed the plans of the Irregulars 'and xevlsed the -course of the Comet away from the path of the. Earth. "Whose is ' this but Mr. John Pierpont Halley's Comet?. Didn't he. buy Mtr:> .* ; \u25a0:-. : : - THE MAX OF THE HOUR, : With his pencil and his, list Comes the census man; Answer hini— you can't resist. Tell the census man! "Are you working tor a wage? ..Will you' kindly state your'age? • \u25a0 Do not fly into a rage*— \u25a0 .* Tell the census man! Are "you black or" are you'white? - ; the census man. '_ Can you read and can, you write? ' < . JTell. the' census man. :> ;^ Were you born in Europe,- pray, v Or within the U. S. A.? r» ; Give the' facts without delay— • Tell the census man-! : Married, or n bachelor? . Tell the census. man. . Were you in the^clvil war? i-I; 'd r^ Tell the "census 'maji.lS' Were you out of work last year? All these question^ may, sound" queer, But- there's nothing you need \u25a0 fear— -"\u25a0' ; t^'figf'- 'Teir the census man! ; \u0084 \u0084 \u25a0' :"'""". .*' ; '''; \u25a0 -; r^ew York Sim;. The Insider Tells how two men lodged in the same house for twelve years without becoming acquainted and then met under circumstances that were taken to indicate burglary. P]I*y|iSTAKEN identity was carried to / V \ the iimit a * cw days aso at tlie home of a local real estate man, who -has. two lodgers. The guests had been in the place for a score of years, but, after the manner of the city, had never met. On returning home at night one of them decided to sit on the front steps and enjoy the night air. In time, lodger No. 2 came along and, seeing his fellow lodger on the front steps, jumped at the conclusion that burglars were in the house and that; the individual on the steps was a guard or lookout man. jßeing alarmed and of a mild disposition, lodger No. 2 decided to walk up and down the street until a policeman showed up. ;" » Mistaken Identity Carried to Limit Lodger No. 1 saw the other marching up and down the street, a;;-! decided that he was a burglar awaiting an opportunity to enter. Thereforf, lodger No. 1 decided to remain where he was. For an hour one suspect sat on the- steps while the other walked the streets. The latter tired of the exercise and decided to go around the block in search of the police. No sooner had he turned the corner than the man on the steps rushed into t!:e house, grabbed a revolver and started in pursuit. Before long he caught op with No. 2, grabbed him by- the shoulder and, thrusting the gun in his fa .•, told him to remain quiet until a policeman arrived. "I'm looking for a policeman myself," said No. 2. "That doesn't go With me," retorted No. 1. -Explanations and expostulations followed, and the ultimate result was that No. 1, still holding the revolver, drove No. 2 to, their home. There the 4 two suspicious characters were introduced as fellow lodgers of a score of years. Field Marshal Sees a Misplaced Button •When Lord Kitchener was at Sydney hc»* reviewed the colonial forces, and hi> ap parent indifference caused some concern to the titled officers who were escorting the field marshal. Accompanied by Lord Chelmsford, governor of New South Wales, and a whole string o£ knights and colonels. and generals, Kitchener walked along the ranks of men and apparently paid no attention whatever to the soldiers. The party re turned to the reviewing stand. Kitchener suddenly and without a word leu them and strode rapidly away. In walking along the ranks Lord Chelmsfonl had noticed a soldier the top button of whose blouse was unbuttoned, and he thanked his stars for Kitchener's indifference. It wa3 for this soldier, however,' that Kitchener headed: lie stopped in* front of him, placed the neglected button in 7 its button hole, smoothed down the blouse and then returned to the reviewing stand, where he made the following speech: "That's all" .. ; -T Dollar Under Mast Proves Counterfeit There are .few people who were not acquainted with the late Commodire Isadore Gutte of the San Francisco Yacht club and owner of the trim schooner Chispa. About 15 years ago, when the Chispa was having new masts put in, the olfl commodore, who was a great believer in the sea and its traditions, asked a number of friends who were present to contribute, according to custom, a silver dollar to be put under the foremast. About $9 was realized, and a man named Brooks, who was then boat keeper. was instructed by the commodore to deposit the coins under the mast. Some years ago Brooks was murdered aboard a boat at Sausalito, and the incident of the coins was forgotten until the Chispa was put on the ways a few weeks ago to receive a new set of sticks. The,n Captain Chitteuden, who has always sailed^ the yacht, remembered the incident of the coins, and when the mast was removed looked out for them. He was rewarded with one lone The gigantic mentality of bureau clerks in Washington, D. C, was made evident in mstructipns received by Captain George B. Baldwin, director of the census here, which accompanied several cases ot blafrk forms sent from the printing department. The instructions read: "These cases contain blank schedules. If these cases are placed on top of each other they will take up les3 room thaa if scattered around the office. Notify "your assistant to this effect." » . Captain Baldwin replied: ,-• ~" \ "This to acknowledge receipt of theY cases which contained the blank schedule form. In accord with instructions D. 432 A, I have notified my assistant that if the cases are placed on top of each other they will take up less room than if scattered around the office." . \u2666 Captain Baldwin did not add that when he read the instructions to his assistant the latter bowed to the ground in profound relief and then wanted to know, with much profanity, if Washington lingered under the impression that a Californian' wore his brains breaded. Valuable Lesson in Economy of Space While the various committees and news papermen were wafting for the arrival of Prince Tsai Tao * of China the whisper went around that the secret service men feared an attack would be made on his life as the parade went through Chinatown. Accordingly, the newspaper men, fluttering with excitement, gathered around the royal carriage, ready to be on the spot when the bomb was thrown. There was one exception— a veteran in the game, who trudged in the rear at a safe distance. "Are you scared?" taunted a younger enthusiast. "My son," said the old man, puffing wearily and* wiping his brow, 'if that bomb— is— thrown— l— want— to write— up— the— incident. I realize that— a busted newspaperman— is only an— innocent bystander— and useless— to his paper." Live Worker Can Do More Than Dead Hero There was a gloomy pause as the horse sense percolated through the 1 skulls of the ambitious ones, and by common consent they trudged alon with the veteran in the rear. ANSWERS,' TO QUERIES CHEWING GUM— Subscriber. City. Wbat i< chewing (rum made of? Does animal matter enter . into toe composition ': This gum is made from the prepared balsam of tolu, white sugar and oat meal. Some gum is made from paraffin dissolved in olive oil and glycerin. Animal matter does not enter into Us composition. * • • BOTKlN— Subscriber. AUmeda. wbat'was the date of the conviction of Cordelia - Botkln for killing Mrs. J. P. panning? December 31, 1898. EMPEROR i AND KlNG— Snbwritwr, CltT. what U the difference between an emperor and a king? , The title of emneror is more digni fied than that . of/*lng, and is given to rulers of large /countries. As used In PERSONS IN THE NEWS MKS. W. SEWABD WEBB. W. S. Webb Jr.. -\u25a011. Walter Webb, Mr. and Mrs. James Law rence and Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Purfly make up a ' party . of New Yorkers who hare r« turned from a tlsit to Yosemlte and taken apartments at the Palace. • • • C. A. THOMPSON, who Is Jntertoted ia «te#l manufactures, \and Edward Aleiander, an offi cer ia the American manuf actnt ing company of- St. Louis, are among the recent^ arrivals at the St. Francis. DB. and MBS. THOMAS G. ASHTO2T and party of Philadelphia arrived yesterday from th« south, where* hey h»re been enjoying a short sojourn, and have taken apartments at the St. Francis. \u25a0' ;: . • - - \u25a0• \u25a0 * • COLONEL J. B. LANKERSHIM, proprietor ' of , the Lankershtm ; hotel In Los Angeles, Is at the Palace. Lankershim has large property In terests in this city also. '-".' '\u25a0'' ' "- - . * ' • ' • COMTE ALFRED •DE TVYTOtTXAXSTE, Douglas /Read of Parts and Carlos Maytr of New York make upa^party of tourists staying at the St. Francis. ~ \u25a0 .-•- --.\ "" > --^- * . • • '- • J.i W. KENBICK, . Tlce pr^ident . of the Santa v'Fe,* and A. G. Wells, genera) manager, of - the \u25a0 coast ; division," are guests at the Palace '.' : '\u25a0'\u25a0'.''.'.\u25a0' •."\u25a0\u25a0 ' .• "•" • '•\u25a0 • H. ": K. KENNEDY, general agent of the JJorth, [\ tn - Pacific railroad company, ils at the St. Francis/ registered from Spokane. " : •.-•'•'\u25a0.'. \u25a0•,'••- '.* \u25a0\u25a0' • t. .V.' SCOTT; of Plttsburg U registered at the '-Stewart. -" .... ' - « \ APRIL2S, IQIO France it carried with it the idea of personal or absolute government. Usually an emperor has more power than a kin jr. but that does not neces tSiSnl^Sin. AD emPer ° r 9 ° metimC3 n.ll T*;,* naraft * lven to many °* the organizations effected among the st*r S Jc OHO Hn n Of «- f U . th durtn « the recon " SS**ifftu2LSSS? mnw before t&e couaty Orphenm grille «mm. will le«t« to EuroJ" *6t * hr§e " <OUr montllil lv * : «£ t ?^ >VV PTP T °' Tor * ntrt . # n. B. Gregory or Manx! \u25a0•*•\u25a0\u25a0»'• V»rt, ttayla* ,t the RepoWJcin. . nd Geo W B. Hopkto. of New lork are stajln* at th« Palace. M!«« Dorothy We&eriunft of Orange. X. J . ara'cattu .t the ralrmont. -'JL^* 2^* WMt * fB "PW'WtaUr. •< a plnmbta* *upsly hons« at CHte«so, 1* .tajta* at the Arjonaut. • • • KAM. XBUO. a mtatng mta ef o^,^ l 3 \u25a0man* me wem intnli.t the St. Tnxi*. OTTO ZITEL, mana«r of the Blraar* hotel. >"*•«»• »• »t«yJng at th* St. rtanels. . • • • • E. E. BaiGG3, a. t»nk*r <rf Grldley. Is aaioas the recent arrivals at the Stewart. 7. E. DOTJGHXSTY, a bleyete deat#r of TitnoJ Is ngteterea -at the Argonant. \u25a0 - • • • • *,-i J. F. DOUGLAS. . a hotelman of Ooldfleld. 1» * registered at the St. marts. * -. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0' - • •»-l."* DB. J. E. ROBERTS of PWladtlpMa to at tSa . Palace.^