BPSiyE_SS PERSONALS-- Contlnned rt .^n all matters. 161S Fillmore st. MADAME CARLTON. CLAIRVOYANT AND PSYCHIC PALMIST. \u25a0U"hen doubtful, discontented, unhappy, consult Madame Csrlton Immediately for permanent^as- sirtence. S'ae advises oa ™ BUSINESS. SPECULATION. INVESTMENT, love, coortship, marriage, divorce; in fact. «very- tbicg. Madame Carlton reunites the separated, esasee speedy and happy marriage, restores lost afiVetlon. » REMOVES DISTURBING INFLUENCES Mrdara« Carlton teaches how to control or fas- cinate any one you desire; no heart so cad, no home co dreary, that she can not bring sunshine *nd hsppsness to it. 60c READINGS THIS WEEK— ONLY 50c. today; tomorrow may be too late. 1124 EDDY ST. Consultation hoars 10 to S dally and Sunday. PROF. OAKLAND, clairvoyant, will cause things to be as you wish, and tells full nSmes and everything you want to know without you writ- ing a word. 1437 Fillmore st. near Ellis; hours 30 a. m." to S r- m. Special readings 60c; read- ings bj- mail $1. MISS ZEMDAR, a yoong. gifted clalr. and palm.; a wonderful prophetess; hours 10 to 10; L. 60c, G. $1. or- 2 Hayes bet. Laguns and Buchanan. MME. LEONIDA, honest readings; hrs. 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sen, appointments. 814 McAllister. MME. EBERWElN— Marriages, business. domeT tie changes. 2103 Fillmore st. near California. WANDA, occult wonder, 10S3 McAllister St.— Readings dally: circles Mon.. Thurs., Sat, evgs. Mme. Starr of Oakland, at Hotel Carting, S. F.. 1154 Mkt. r. 3; truth or no pay: 10 to 9 p.m. PAX-MISTRY REV. MME. BUSHNELL. formerly 919 Jones, now _£tt9_Kearnr^_i^ tn 5. ex. Son.: tel. Doiiglan 3670. - FISAXCLAI,^ WILL buy Oakland Traction preferred; Key Route preferred; Realty Syndicate certificates; Turlock Irrigation bonds; Modesto Irrigation bonds and other local securities. R. WHITEHEAD & CO.. First National Bank bldg.. Oakland. ' •ABBOTT buys BONDS"; also CAU SAFE __DEP._ accounts: money loaned. 636 Market >t. _ mixes Ayp Mixiyq GOLD, amalgam, rich ore bought: cash; assaying 60c PIONEER ASSAY CO.. 131 sth st nea? Howard. IWESTMEXTS _ E. F WAYLAND & CO . BROKERS, 476 Monadnock buUdlng, San Francisco. CaL .STOCKS OFFERED FOR QUICK SALE. 5,000 shares Monterey Coal C0....... .. "-\u25a0: MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping bouse and others upon their own names with- out security; >asy paymonts;t save money by trading here; offices In 65 principal cities. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 TOLMAN. Room W9.Phetan big.. San Fra.n- elsca. and Boom 9, 460 13th st., Oakland. - ' ' MONEY TO L.pAN---Contlno«.d AA— STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL ; loans on fur- niture, pianos, warehouse or security of any kind; loans can be repaid- In easy weekly, monthly or yearly . payments. We .will \u25a0 arrange the loan to suit you, same; can -be: re- paid whenever you desire, c We give \u25a0 you the full amount asked fur; there are . no advanced • charjes of any kind..' If -you-, owe, another . broker or , bills of . any. kind we will- pay. <\u25a0 them for you and give you more money. .It is easier to pay one than a number.* We can make you better rates and terms than * any ' one 'in . the city. It will pay you to call' and Investigate. ILLINOIS FINANCE CO.. formerly Illinois Trust Co.. 1510 Eddy st^- half block from Fill- more. Telephone West 6745; S 2924. FURNITURE— -'-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -.-•-' \u25a0 •-- LIFE . INSURANCE— ' ' SALARIES— Wage Earners' Investment -and Loan Company, .. 443 Pine St.: . \u25a0-.'\u25a0-' BALDWIN JEWELRY CO.. Gold and Silver Smiths, 29-33 Kearny st. <\u25a0£.*'?:*•&+ LOAN DEPARTMENT. SALARY LOANS — Ladles and gentlemen without security; notes and • commercial paper bought. 313 Merchants' Ex. bldg.; phone Douglas. llll. AAA — SALARIED men and women accommodated without delay or publicity. . Home Credit and Investment Co., 321 Phelan bldg.. 3d floor. AAA — Wage earners, either men or women, • ;an make a loan in strictest confidence at . the Em-" ployes' Credit Co., room 424. Monadnock : bldg. BORROW money at 2 pet. on diamonds aud Jew- elry. GARIN LOAN CO.. 1118 Market opp. 7th. SALARY loans; other propositions. Sau Fran- clsco Discount Agency. 411 Pacific building. A— A— GOLDEN STATE LOAN OFFICE. 47 3d St.; liberal loans; lowest rates; strictly reL ON furniture, pianos or any gecuritr. BECKER, Monadnock building, 681 Market sn. room 297. CASH loaned to salaried men on note without in- dorser. MORRELL. 1022 Monadnock building. ON furniture and planes; no removal. TRE- MAIN. room 811. 833 Market, next Emporium. MOXEY WAJVTED $7,000 "wanted on Mission st. business property; worth more than double: state lowest terms; bo agents. Box 160, 1106 Valencia st. - WILL discount $1,550 gilt edge corporation notes for quick cash. Box 4389. Call office. Oakland. MOXEY TO LOAN—REAL. ESTATE ANY amount; lowest rates on first and second tnortgsges on real estate, legacies, undivided interest, estates in probate; no delay. R. Me- COLGAN, rooms 502 and 504, Claus Spreckels (Call) building. Market and 3d sts. FIRST mortgage loans at 5% per cent; 2d mort- gages, estates, legaeles and undivided Interests at lowest rates; no delays. HERMAN MUR- PHY. 180 Eutter St., rooms 301-2. ANY amount og real estate, first or second mort- Ssges, on any security; no delay; lowest rates. . W. BECKER, Monadnock bldg., 681 Market. A— DEAL DIRECT WITH THE LENDER. First and second mortgages; bank interest. SHADBURNB CO.. 503 Monadnock building. HARVEY & PRESTON. 127 Montgomery st.. rra. 205— 1st and 2d mortgages, any am't.. s^; pet. CITY REAL ESTATE THOMAS E. HAYMAN, ' Suite 1000. First National Bank buUdlng. Montgomery and Post. Kearny 1703. $4,000 — Cash} 3 new 6 room Cats, near Califor- nia and 2d ay. ; full price reduced to $7,600; biggest bargain in town. \u25a0 $4,ooo— Cash; 3 nearly new 6-6-0 room flats, Haight and Fillmore; rents $1,100 per aa- nun; full price reduced to $8,200. $4,ooo— Cash; store and 2 fiats, McAllister and Fillmore; price reduced to $$.uO0; bargain. $7.500 — Cash; rents reduced from $2,300 per an- \u25a0 : sum to $I.SOO per annum; 6 choice new fiats; lot 27:6x100; near Green and Polk; price reduced to $12,750; real snap. $11,300 — 3 high class 6 room flats. Just finished: Devisadero and Waller: 'rented at $1,440 . per annum ; If you want something choice see this. . . v $2,000 — 2 of the prettiest new flats in the West- \u25a0i-". \u25a0 ';' crn addition;. full^)rice- only $S,000; don't miss them. $6,500 — Choice, new northwest corner store and flat, Church and 24th; forced sale. $5,800 — 3 new 0-6 room fiats. Western addition; rented low at $870 per annum; this abso- lutely must be sold. $4,250— Ca6h; 4 extra well built new flats, ISth and Valencia; rented at $1,020 per an- num; full price $3,750; subject to an offer. $10,250— 0ne-half cash; 8 of the finest 7 room flats east of Baker st.: 4 years old; extra well built; reduced from $12,500; be quick. $0,500 — Cash; rents $1,850 per annum; full price $11,550; 3 of the finest built new 8 room flats in Western addition: north side of street; owner Is losing $2,000. - $4,7so— Cash; lot 27:6x137:8; finest residence section In Western addition: 2 of the best new 5-6 room flats In the city today; full price reduced to $8,250: rents $900 per annum ; If - you . want something that is . . built better than anything in town, ' see these right away. - $3,ooo— Cash; Devisadero and Sutter; 2 excellent 6 room flats; full price reduced to $7,200; owner forced to sell; $7,ooo— Cash: full price $12,000; 3 high class, new 6-7 room fiats, north side Fell, f ac- i ing panhandle; $3,000 cheaper than any- thing on the street. $7,ooo— Cash; rents $1,600 per annum; 6 high class new fiats; lot 30x100; price reduced to $12,500; Mission and 16th. $5,0 C0 — Cash; store and 3 flats; new building; best part of Sacramento st. ; rented $1,300 per annum; full price $10,500. $2,500 — Cash: choice new 6 room residence. 26th and West Clay park: 'marine view; full price ouly $4,700; nothing like It in town. $2,ooo— Cash; 15th and Lake; this is the pret- . •- tiest new 6 room residence In the dis- trict, with garage; you must see the in- terior to appreciate' what it is like; price rwJuced to $5,800; want offer. \u25a0 "• $6,300 — Strictly high class / 8 room residence; hardwood floors; excellent marine view; lot 26x115; S2d and Lake; prettiest resi- dence in the district: don't miss It. 56,000 — Excellent 9 room residence," Haight st. not far from Devisadero: this bouse must be sold; may consider offer; be quick. $5,500 — Jackson St., north side, between Taylor and Jones; fine marine view; lot 50x137:6; reduced from $11,000; must be sold: $2,000 cheaper than anything In the district. $2,250 each — 2 lots, north side. of California near 10th ay. $4,ooo— Lot, 30x100, south side of Waller, key to Scott. LIPMAN & HIBSCHLER, 255 Montgomery st Phone Douglas 3644. SNAPS IN CHEAP LOTS. SUNSET AND RICHMOND DISTRICTS. $450 — 10th ay. near P st.. 1 block from -ex- tension of Masonic ay. car line. - $G50 — Fine, level lot in 10th ay; near O st. $G50 — A few lots left in - vicinity of stadium, 1 block from Golden Gate park. -.-*-'. -: . $700 — 28U» ay. between B and C streets. j'OO^-A.st. near 35th ay. ; ready to build on. $750— * th ay. near N st. * .' -^ f 1.500— 215t ay. between n and J sts. 4 $2,ooo— Key lot to H st. in 10th ay.; bitumln- lzcd street. $3,500 — Northwest comer 6th ay. and X Rt., 32:6 xlOO;". streets Mtnmlnized, cement side- walks; easy terms. . CHOICEST and LARGEST SELECTION of lots throughout Sunset and . Richmond districts. See us before buying. SUNSET office corner H st. and 7th ay. Open daily. Including Sunday. BEACH OFFICE corner Fulton st. and 49th ay.. \u25a0 opp. life saving station. Open Sundays only. Ellis end Ocean car. LIPMAN & HIRSCHLER. 255 Montgomery st. ' Phone Douglas, 8644. ' $1,000 rash— Choice new 7 room residence east of 4th ay..' Richmond: • f nil .- price \u25a0 reduced .to $4.700, . $1,300 less than cost. This is a forced sale. If you want the biggest bar- gain In a residence In town, see this imme- diately. V-; - : . . - -T. E. HAYMAN, First National Bank Bldg. " ; $50 DOWN, $20 month, without Interest;: new, neat 2 room cottage, : plastered and wainscoted, Including 25x100 ft. lot. nn carline; $1,125: half block from * carline, $975;- lrblock,,>s92s; ;2 blocks, $775; a 50 foot lot if you want it, also more rooms ; - 5c fare;.; oivl , cars ; f McEnerney title; 35 minutes to. 3d and- Mission sts. ;. take car marked Ocean View on Guerrero Ist. to Lakeview ay. RIVERS BROS., 461 Montgom- • ery.st. ' \u25a0..>'"'. ;-. \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0.:\u25a0".'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 - - REAL ESTATE.' BUSINESS -FOR SALE. ' Retiring - from business on account |of old age; owner wilt sell cheap the irel^known, old estab- lished business.'" with all office fixtures, '.counters, decks, block books,, maps; horse and'buggy; etc. ; good location _: for selling * real estate,, renting, •loaning and Insurance ;< reasonable. rent; good op- portunity, for 2 or 3 active < real . estate men . to make money. Inquire JOOST SONS £ CO., 3128 16th st. - . .-..->, .--..•.. ; . -,- _)4&/Sg $575. " SUNSET LOTS. $10 MONTH. Choice lots, including grading, etc; come out ' to " branch - office ; open dally. -... Take • Ellis \u25a0; st. (Ocean) cars to 39ta ay and H st. . " THE MCCARTHY COMPANY. 151 SqUer st. ;' 'duplex.' residence > flats. *' -\u25a0{ Central : ay. ; near ' Hayes, . 1 .. hlock < from G. G. park," with hardwood floors," open 1 recep- tion balls, garage: ablaze with sun, and light. C> J. & W. J- KEENAN. builders.; 300 Webster st. McEXERNEY SUITS AT $35. - V ' LAWYERS'- TITLE;INVESTMENT CO.. 208 Balboa building. > ; MARKET AND 2D STS.'.--. -.?>j^^£ $1.900^-$750 - cash; new •'. cottage,"- 4 rooms and -- bath ; 100 ft. from Mission st. cars, near i 29tb v fct. ; ideal \u25a0 home; forced : sale, r 2190 \u25a0' Mission.?.; SUNSET HOMES, the roost beautifully • located.' . planned > and finished \u25a06 -\u25a0 room -\u25a0 houses ; In city ; '.cheap terms;.,. 12th av." and; J st... Sunset.. . NO, MONEY (REQUIRED. :* I, will - build your. home. lf * your : lot- Is part- paid \u25a0'•' for; > hour* 12 to 2.';rßoom '\u25a0 218. 6CO Market , st; TWO 5 room' flats cheap;- terms.".' See uwner, \u25a0 445 : 10th ay. 'r^BSSSA Ull 111111 l III! I1I1I1HW'4|[I||1I|1MM THE;: ; SANSiFRMCISCO!::CALK ...THU-RSDAY^ JUKE 2. .1910; THE GREATEST. HOME CHANCE OF THE TIMES.. ;> 1 300 ACRES - FINEST ' RESIDENCE LOTS EVER. THROWN OPEN : - AROUND SAN FRANCISCO " MARVELOUS FUTURE PROFITS CERTAIN \ : ALL MEN AND WOMBN -OF KOMB LOV- ING INSTINCTS. AND .INVESTORS WHO -. ' HAVE THE - FUTURE WELFARE tOF ' THBS NEIGHBORHOOD AT HEART ARE WARMLY WELCOME. ',• : The very : heart I and center '\u25a0 of the largest suburban city. site on the Marln peninsula will be thrown open to the public tv beautiful villa and manor house v lots, . \u25a0 "V/ ; Sunday, juke's:; , '.\ ; These lots comprise 300, acres ; between Corte ! \u0084 Madera and Larkspur, at Baltimore Park, tb.e r first stop on ! San " Rafael's , fast - trains ' via the \u25a0 new cutoff running through the : property. '< This is the logical' location for the largest and . finest city, suburban -to San Francisco. It has the transuortatiou service \u25a0 bringing | it S within easy reach. It 5 has ! all modern improvements conducing to comfort > and convenience. It has the moruing,- noon and night climate that gives life a new rest every • day and makes more ,days in the end. It has the view within and '-• without , that Imparts .Its inspiration to all who see - it. Majestic ' mountains;, rolling foot- ' hills, ' towering trees and placid bay - all' con- * tribute to a . scene possible . in »-uch -'grandeur at one sweeping glance from \u25a0no - other | place yonv on the Marin peninsula. V 1- NO EQUAL. ON EARTH FOR HOMES OF BEAUTY AND REFINEMENT ' -. The lots offered 'June .o~'at-'a; few hundred dollars each will soon be worth ns many thou- sands. There are < many beautiful - places In Marin^county, but none other that has all the beauties, all the improvements, all the climatic excellences, ; ail : tho ; scenic \u25a0» unvlrouments, all the good roads and all* the . nearness to San Francisco that combine In this single < beauti- ful tract. ... . • . \u25a0 >. ;-.- • \u25a0 - , . EVERY MODERN THING THERH EXCEPT A CEMETERY. Asthma and' throat troubles . absolutely -un- known. . The salt of tbe sea mingles with the balsam of tbe pines " and redwoods, giving . to the air a healing power- making the. location a natural health resort unequaled , . . Stop at Baltimore Park. First stop on trains to San Rafael Opening day," Sunday, June 5. ' . Take tbe Sausalito ferry and get on tbe fast San Rafael trains. \u0084 . GET OFF AT BALTIMORE PARK Regular monthly tickets are only $5. making It Just as cheap almost as carfare in town, . and within . as easy . reach -as many -of the high class residence sections on tbe San Fran- cisco side. RESERVATIONS PERMITTED IN ADVANCE " . While the formal opening of this ' tract will not occur Until Sunday,- June i>, maps and In- formation are available . now at the San Fran- cisco office, where reservations will be accepted prior to that date. . Remember mat*: never again will such 'beautiful, residential property b«> available at such a* low price.. The tinie to grasp it is when 'you can get It, for. the values, are going up to stny up -for* ever./- •-;.._? -, v v ; \ %,-* \u25a0 If you can not call at the city office, or If you live optside 1 MAIL THIS COUPON NOW. W. L. COURTRIGHT, ,_ „' „ 701 WESTBANK BLDG., ' Opposite Emporium. San Francisco. Please mail me circular and map of Palm. Hill and Baltimore Park. SWELL lot— Howard st. nr. 25th; 2 entrances; 25x115; street work done; $2,500. 2190 Mission. $4.Boo— Just completed. 4 and 5 r. flats, 123 and 125 Clara ay. near 17th and Douglass.: : 5-a ROOM ' houses i for ; sale on terms ; - 16th a y. near Point Lobos.-J. ANDERSON, builder. HAVE Standard Title Insurance Company, Mills bldg... Insure your title: save time and money. COUNTRY! REAL ESTATE ; : - RICHEST VEGETABLE 'LAND $25 pcr \u25a0 acre cash— s2s per." acre cash. -.:_\u25a0'; - Ilent will pay balance. ,' -^".'i\ Peat and sediment noil only IV4' miles from Holt on the Santa Fe U. 11. 8 miles from Stocwton, \u25a0 with R; R. rate for Island? farmers of only lo per mile; steamer -landing, on, property. : -\u25a0 Absolutely . no_: overflow; --perfect drainage - and \u25a0 free Irrigation .system; enormous crops now 'growing on the land.- ;* -," : • PRODUCES ' Onions — $400 to $1,000 per acre. - „\u25a0 Asparagus — $300 to $1,500 per acre. \u0084 Potatoes — 100 to 200 6acks per acre. Beans— 2s to 40 sacks per acre. Barley — 30 to CO sacks per" ncre.\ Price only $150 per - acre, - $25 \u25a0 per acre cash, balance $25. per acre per. year." : ,- ; ; . • - Excursions daily, $2 covers "a.ll expenses. '-'* A. E. PATTEN. LAND COMPANY, 601 First National , Bank ; bltlg;, San < Francisco. - 2,000 ACRES OF TINE ALFALFA at $160 per acre on easy terms; will rent readily for $16 per acre;- cash. rent. -\u25a0".\u25a0<•\u25a0, \u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0' •\u25a0 - :\u25a0-.': \u25a0-.' 120 acres; 65 acres In fine alfalfa; balance all sown to oats; $125 per acre.v -.---. -- • --;: 20 or 40 acre tracts in the OREGON or CHRIST - COLONIES, all subirrigated land: with \ ditch to each piece; $90 to $125 per acre;* U cash. 672 acres dairy stock . and grain ranch, ; with fine Improvements ;^l5O acres choice river, bot- , torn land, '6s acres of which is in alfalfa; only $75 per acre, - $17,000 cash. This Is an ideal stock dairy \u25a0 or grain ranch and very, cheap. .-,- Write us for what you want In large or small tracts. We have It in : the CHEAPEST \u25a0 IRRI- GATION system, with the greatest, OPPORTU- NITIES In the WEST.^ MODESTO LAND COM- - PAN V, Masonic " Temple,-.' I * St., ' Modesto : Cal. WALNUT CREEK, : THE BEAUTIFUL SAN^RA- MON VALLEY, :. only 21 miles from San Pran- clsco, 15 miles from Oakland."'! on \u25a0 the • line of ;the;S.' P. and new electric/ railroad:, ideal cli- mate; one of California's beauty spots, right In m theheart of the natural walnut belt; rich^ fer- tile soil; * will grow r all ' kinds *of fruit, nuts, -vegetables, etc.,' without Irrigation : '.tracts 3 to Hoi acres up,; facing on 40 : and l so foot \u25a0 avenues. Home seekprs \u25a0• and >. investors, ''golden •;\u25a0 oppor- tunity; easy payments; » fifth" cash,^ balance to suit purchaser. Write or i call.; on'- CONTRA COSTA LAND -COMPANY/ 90S FIRST. 'NA- ' TIONAL BANK BUILDING.SAN FRANCISCO. -\u25a0\u25a0':'-; : MERCED? COLONY ZK^ : rK?£- Tbe last two sections • of ; this ," 4,000 acre tract now on i the : - market ; \u25a085 • buyers >in \u25a0" 4 1 months — about - 2,500 f acres : sold-^-i large j acreage '\u25a0 of al- falfa, .' corn "and '.trees already planted : \u25a0 Irrigation' water at $1". per; acre now on the land — 10 miles of . canals running bank : f ull : i this ; property ) Joins tbe^city limits of Merced: best location of any subdivision ? in , the -state ; prices • $75 ', to . $150 ; per acre ; easy - terms ; '-^ literature ' on \u25a0 application. : ; CO OPERATIVE ' LAND & . TRUST CO;,,' ': 635 : Market Street, San Francisco. ' ..:. '*A Canal Street.^Merced;-; : : : : \u0084 FOR sale— Owners, f agents S- a nd ? ' advertisers . of g country • property »shouldr realize t that I The ; Call ,1s the best ; medium ; f or j selling ; farming ; lands.* „•• It \u25a0' prints 7. the * news, > runs -the > free . excursions ':' and is ; the recognized medium for home seekers' Information. /If = you " wish \ to place; your wants r before the 1 rlpht class-yon ; shpuld;usesthe'.San .Francisco Call. ..v . .--;- -Xj^.r-:. >'•?--.'•-••- -.. ' *. \u25a0 : , , : FERTILE CALIFORNIA' LAND In : beautiful - valley;. 3^4 '\u25a0 miles i from >' good town ; $1- per ; acre cash « and $151 5 peri acre - monthly ; mo taxe«> or % interest;-. $50 c per r acre -a for -as * mauy acres ' as ;. you > want; \u25a0> a £ delightful ;; spot; fc per- fect climate; fertile soil;; plenty, water;; Ideal for country.', homes, \u25a0 chicken .«^ and -^t turkey i ranches ~ fruit : fnrms. etc. : fine hunting . and fishing: close at v hand ; :-\u25a0 only,]: B5 •\u25a0\u25a0 miles* f ronv . San ' Francisco ; The- best land -offer ever -made. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0: •-\u0084\u25a0.•\u25a0'..\u25a0.-•>\u25a0--\u25a0.•• - \u25a0 t CALIFORNIA HOME %& • LAND 1 - .*; 801 . to ' 808 : Phelan bldg;,' .760 , Market st. FOR ; sale—Good' farming lands^ In \u25a0di«-' \u25a0ji trlct; t. Best soil \u25a0 and - unlimited iw-Eter.t; Go •on i The 1 Call's ' free . home - seekers' « excursion;? llm- itod . to ,125 - people.^Thursday,2 June i 9. o-t Full : \u0084 particulars ;; by i callinc': on ..excursion *1 - San Francisco ;: Call,'; 3d \u25a0 and I Market » Bts;^B^jg FOR farms, stix-k ranches and timber, l«nds' see . McF AUL' & ; EDW AR DS, $ 257 \u25a0 California • at." * - COJPNTO^JREAJL^^STATj&i^ >; HO-M-E-S-E-E-K-E-R-S ;, v BUY PATTERSON IRRIGATED FARMS; * . 10 ACRES OR. MORE.. -^' ",'% . ;$l5O; $150. PER ACRE— 3 YEARS' TIME.;. • : Best .' and " richest sol 1 < In ': San '. Joaquln -1 valley.' Greatest alfalfa", and* dairy j country, in :\u25a0 the ;west- Great ' for s fruits ' and ' waluuts; .- Surest ' crops - and 1 most \u25a0 abundant., water.'- > Irrigating : pumping i plant in operation \u25a0 that \ cost : s2so,ooo. -r, Crop ,T*ree , until harvest \ to : those who i buy ' now. ;-\u25a0 Regular 1 excur. sions : every - Saturday \u25a0• and j' Sunday : and f private parties dally." , "" .- J V ."\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0.\u25a0'':'',.'\u25a0-.\u25a0''..\u25a0\u25a0' -.. - '-IP YOU CAN NOT CALL FOR- LITERATURE OR • TRIP INFORMATION. -MAIL ; THIS COU- pox. - -;;,--:. \u25a0•-•"-.- \u25a0 : •-'-',- . - :•. .•-.\u25a0.;\u25a0:.: • "', ROGERS & STONE. ' . \ ;" ".'-.;.- ...*\u25a0';; 457 Market St., San Francisco: - ,- Please " send \u25a0 particulars . Patterson Irrigated Farms and Excursions. _ i \ ~. : S. "ADDRE55.".'. .................. .....'.;:; \u25a0\u0084:\u25a0 \u25a0 "~ 100 CHANCES— —IOO PEOPLE ?... \u25a0 . I :'<.__ \ . - ' ' .SECURE A,- ' ' j \u25a0 -<"\u25a0"\u25a0- v~ ";. \u25a0 \u25a0 : " \u25a0 : fA '\u25a0\u25a0 I HOMESTEAD - \u25a0 . "-. '\u25a0 \u25a0 '-' - '\u25a0 : .. - - \u25a0\u25a0 While on your vacation trip and make money. : . 100 Choice Quarter-; Sections of Open . *- - \u25a0%-. -: \u25a0\u25a0-' - r-,.r/-: mm GOVERNMENT- LAND. j -Full information, maps, etc., for a small fee.: 75' Homesteads and 25. Timber, Claims In Men- docino county. Best hunting and fishing In tbe 1 state. This -opportunity is limited to 100; people and limited^ to the month: of June. "- Come early if you wish to get the best. ' ""• F. A. : GODFREY. 514 PACIFIC BLDG.' FINEST . IRRIGATED : TRACTS :in Sacramento valley : : level ; very rich eub-irigating. sediment : soil 12 FEET DEEP; no overflow, no alkali, ...no hardpan; gravity. lrrigation" delivered free to . " every 10 acres;' finest advantages regarding . schools, markets, creameries, • canneries, \u25a0\u25a0- etc. ; .unexcelled- for vegetables, alfalfa -and fruits; your choice for. sloo per acre; one- fourth down, balance to suit: price includes water of course. LOCATE WHERE THE LAND PAYS ITS ' OWN-WAY AND YOURS TOO. Details at HOMESEEKEHS' INFORMATION BUREAU, INC., 944-946 Monadnock. bldg., S: P' FREE— Residence lot. 50x200; I have subdivided 1,600 acres into 10 and 20 acre tracts, near At- i water, Merced county r the Southern Pacific R. | R. passes through the tract; trains stop; switch , ; built; plenty of j water for irrigation; water ' right free with each colony lot; soil especially I adapted to alfalfa, fruits, sweet potatoes,- etc.;'! $10 allowed each purchaser . for carfare. • For ; • particulars • and terms call • or ;- address W. U.- ! OSBORN, Atwater, Merced county, Qal. \u0084 :\u25a0-'.. SO acre , dairy ranch ; . 55 - acres <, alfalfa, balance barley; family orchard; good hard finished 7. t .oom house; large dairy. barn, 'separator. house, thicken house, -carriage house.- etc.; fenced and cross, fenced; price $16,000; terms $7,000 cash. -; balance 6 per \u25a0 cent net. We handle large and small tracts and are prepared to sup- ply your wants in irrigates lands." WritB or call' on us. ; NEIL. & JONES. ; 924 H ' St.. Modesto. FOR sale— Owners, .agents and - advertisers of country property should realize that The Call I Is the best me'dlum . for selling farming ' lands. \u25a0It - prints the ' news, runs • tbe free excursions and is -the recognized medium for home feekers' Information. If you wish to place your wants before the right class you should use tho San Francisco Call. . - -\u25a0 , ~~~~~~- WALNUT CREEK. ] 10 acres on the banks of Walnut creek; planted to walnuts; will care for jsame.' for 5 years; will sell part or whole on easy terns: fifth down and balance. 5 years: will" be 35 minutes from Oak- land by the. new electric -railroad. This- is -an exceptionally flne opportunity; everything is right for an Ideal -Income paying -country home. \u25a0'\u25a0" , WALNUT CREEK -DEVELOPMENT -CO.; * 903 First National: Bank, building. FOR • sale — Owners,.- agents rand .advertisers - of ' country . property should, realize that The ; Carl is .the best medium' for,> selling farming land.-*. .- It" "(>rints 'the news, runs the free excursions *" and ls_the recognized medium for home seekers' information. If you wish to place yonr> wants before the rifiht class you should .use' the 'San Francisco Call. / , '- ; t - ----.-BARGAIN!"":.- --\u25a0'•'--\u25a0 - \u25a0'.;- " 2.500 acres on Sacrameuto river:^."soo acres level alflfa land; say one-half of balance tillable and smooth, balance, rolling and timbered: with oak; , plenty wood >f and* water; -abundant .-" rainfall;- very -good, loam soil;, priced only $10. per acre; flnestock,' hog.frult andgenera.l ranch; build- ings poor; well fenced. • •: \u25a0 ; \u25a0\u25a0 GEO. U. ; MURDOCK * & SON, . ; -: -\u25a091 Bacon building. Oakland. .. \u25a0; FOR sale — Owners, .agents - and advertisers of, country property should ' realize that The Call. Is: the best- medium for -selling fr.rming lands. It prints '.the. news.- runs the free excursions aud Is. the recognized-Wiedlum for home seekers' information.- If you wish to -place your wants before the risht class you should use the San ' Francisco .Call. - ',_. \u25a0- .-.-'. .- ' . \u25a0 •• . ; FOR sale— Good- farming ? lands in Modesto -dU-.- .- '.trlct.''-".' Best'soll' and '.unlimited water." \ Go on ' The Calls- free home seekers' excursion, ;llm- . ited to 125 people, Thursday, June 9. - Full Sartlculars by .. calling on- excursion managers . an- Francisco "CaU.'Sd, and Market sts." ;;>.*. \u25a0;-, WILL build to suit responsible purchasers on any unsold lots In v beautiful "CLARA VISTA" on Installment terms; equivalent to minimum rent, \u25a0 or' on j. flat * loan .' at . 6 > per : cent , net ; * no town taxes;; near Stanford university, adjoining Palo 1 Alto, Miss Harker's school and Manzanita hall. Address box> 663, Call office. FOR :> sale— Owners,," agents and \u25a0 advertisers of I country property should realize that The Call is the. best medium for selling farming 'lands. • . It • prints V the news,' • runs - the free excursions •and is the recognized medium for home seekers' :.' information." :;lf you : wish to place your wants \u25a0 before the ' richt class you '. should use the - San' .Francisco Call. •:.; 'y; r . -.;>.- \u25a0 ;, 1,200 acres; only 30 miles from Sacramento and 1 mile from a> station! with 10 trains dally; flowing - wells 'qp \u25a0 tbe ' adjoining ranch; splen-' did chance to subdivide into small chicken or \u0084 fruit ranches' and make big money. :-.•..;.- \-- :: Price only .$l5: per acre; one-half cash and : • easy % terms :on balance. \u25a0 . -_ -. - \u25a0 \u25a0 ,;. '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 H. R. -"ROBINSON. : 27O Bacon block, Oakland. FOR; sale—Good 'farming lands in .Modesto 'dis- '. trlct. Best' soil "and; unlimited water/ v Go -on "'The. Call's free. home seekers' excursion, lim- •;: ltcd -' to -• 125 \u25a0\u25a0 people, 3 . Thursday... June 9. \u25a0 : Full j particulars \u25a0 by- CHllinir ; on excursion • manager,- \u25a0>'\u25a0 Kau , Francisco Call, 3d and Market sts. . .-: -. FOR . sale— Good farming Hands ; In - Modesto ; dls- I 1 trict. 'Best, soil and ? unlimited water. Go on The , Call's free home seekers', excursion, Hm>' '. Ited \u25a0 to "", 125 - people,: Thursday, . June : 9.. * Full Vi particulars iby I callinc :on » excursion manager • Sau . Francisco ! Call, *3d ana Market sts. ; . SAN JOAQUIN-VALLEY LANDS- ' -.-\u25a0"-: Most attractive Investments in large and small farms \at ] strictly: owner's prices. ~ We t refer to any • bank " In Stockton." • Ask . for list. -•- \u25a0 --' - OULLAHAN'LITTLEHALE COMPANY. \u25a0 v. ;.<; \u25a0\u25a0/; 323 East Weber ay.. Stockton,* Cal. f.-, V FOR sale— Good farming j lands lln Modesto dis- T. : - trlct."- i Best » soil '\u25a0 and \ unlimited water.- ; ". Go on ' i : The : Call's •< free home seekers' excursion,^, Hm- ~ ited Ito 125 - people."- Thursday, ; June 9. r Full : ' I particulars - by "' calling lon :-* excursion manager ' - San Francisco Call; 3d ' and 1 Market sts. WALNUT Creekr-For sale. 20 acre Income prop- "' erty;. suitable-' for walnuts ; - also town ' home, »\ beautiful relocation-" and grounds. Address 0- owner. ;;P.TO. \u25a0• box 1662. — \u25a0-.-/.. " \u25a0 : ; \u0084 ..,-\u25a0_ THE RICHARDSON^ LAND ;.CO. 18 LOOKING '•:\u25a0. FOR; BARGAINS IN COUNTRY LANDS.\ IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING GOOD. CALL OB WRITHE 806 CROCKER BUILDING. > , $395 ; for -S " acre homes \u25a0In Alameda county; $23 '••down. $10 monthly, v- •>' ". '; -.\u25a0-.\u25a0 PROGRESSIVE REALTY CO., 180 Sn^er 8tl "J I' THE,' FILLMORE i BRANCH \u25a0 OF ;. THE > CALL .' IS j- AT 1651" FILLMORE ST. ' - >-: c -w / \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- BERKELEyitEAt ESTATE TWO -of ;\u25a0\u25a0' the -^ most desirable ' residence : ; lots < : In -" Berkeley ;<:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 flne* neighborhood,"- west Ra within ». one , block %of College i ay.*: and . within ".' two j blocks > of . two ' Claremont ; Key Route 1 sta- t ' tlOua,-- 100x160; - note i the - depth ; \u25a0 cheapest j lot 3 * I in \u25a0- tract I and •> best ; s splendid ? chance ; for " home ','\u25a0:\u25a0 seeker ? or ; lnvestor ; *\u25a0\u25a0 terms. x,-f- P. ; o. ;* box •; 132 *-i Berkeley.f or^ phone Berkeley \u25a0 1061._ \u25a0 . •,-\u25a0•,-' . • FOR r sale^NE.^ corner, 15 10 ; roomj; finished ' base- \u25a0 ment ' house,', marine .view,'; gas,, electricity, . fur- \u25a0r-snace, 1 ? 3 s mantels,'-. sleeping,, porch ,19^^ feet? long 'i I with : 2 ! beds;; protected \u25a0 from \ the \ weather ; \ can «i sleep \ out % all \u25a0= year ; i boating." bathing ; f blgi re- - duction in'price for '^uick sale. P.. 0.. b0x 44 '-'-'Alameda;.-' •.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0>'> " ! -' ;; -'.:^:il_:: \u25a0" "'• '- — "."-'-'-. --:.\u25a0./'\u25a0\u25a0; y !r^ S AyjyA"nb> FOR ! sale-^4 • Foom • house, V modern ; ; 2s2 s story J barn • Vt large * chicken * house;;, fruit \ trees,! grapes, - ber- *% rles ; i all i kinds g geese h and ;:\u25a0 chickens ; -; all ', lm- f" irovements ; I corner : lot* 50x 1 50 ; al I fenced H be- ow; cost.;,- J.. A. .STOCK, A and c Alice sts r-Havward;- Cal. '"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'^.'U/ '** ' - '-'"v"" v " - ' : - .'\u25a0'--'\u25a0'-'-,.•:*.- ESTATE i ; l GREATEST- BARGAINiEVER'OF^^EiaED^Beau^ «^ tlful 3 brand 5 new/ cottage, s. almost . complete "4 5 i I rooms, I facing | main 5 boulevard;? Redwood V City • ">%wlth street work all done: price only $1,300; on ! ft easyiterms ;\ cornerilot,'' 57x175; '\u25a0 all -f encedrln: . •: don't i delay :\ this ; will - sell fq\ Ick. f ':, ; ; . • • .! I • \u25a0 E.t XV :\ MAGRU D E R.* 2332 M lsslon '\u25a0* t- \u25a0 RANCHES;* houses Vand 5 lots If or^sale for ,; trade Vi ZZ send for, list, g F.I H.I PARKER.' Santa ! Crng. t x HOMES,~I ranches, 1 ? acreage.Texchaitge; 7 , list. DAVID L. -WILSON,' Santa |>oz,v CaL :^-*: 1 k •.:". ,/-< DELINQUENT SALE NOTICE i: v - J WONDER^WATER^COMPANY-riLocatlon of prln- v- clpal ' place*of [business^* San' Francisco.? Calif or- tv nia. " : Location of "works, ' Wonder, - Nevada.'^ ' - ; NOTiCE-^-There .are 2 delinquent ; upon . the I fol- lowing described 'stock, '\u25a0;. on 'account 'of Assess- ment (Ho." 1)1 levied ;baj_tne j6th idaV;6f April, 1910, v the "several amounts set opposite the. names of .the respecti*^ shareholderer-as .follows: _- \u25a0-"» ,". s^^;- WONDER WATER ; COMPANY ; ; . /LIST OP DELINQUENT . STOCKHOLDERS ; : V; , ACCOUNT-OP . ASSESSMENT NO. ' 1 / DUE - MAY 20, 1910. 'V ' . .... -, : No. of Cer- n No." of ' • -Names — >\u25a0\u25a0„-: ; tlficate. Shares. Amount.' Arnott.' Isabel M. ; . . . . . . .408 , SCO •- - $2.50 ; Arrowsmlth.^G. E.% .V.'.".303" - 500 <\u25a0 2.60 Arrowsmith, G."E.;.;.:.504 500 '2.50^ Baldwin, iH. • E. .... ;. . ;. 23 ' 250 1.23 ? Baker, 1 Harry 8......;.. 522' V- 50 .25 Baker, Mlarry :8.... ..... 523 50 .25 Baker,,Harryß. :..... -..524 50 .25- Baxter,^P.-;C.'..-.-:;;...-..516 500 .2.50 Be2akis.*v A:. :r.:. -..;;... 436- •"-- 250 1.23 ' Bleekman. ? John E... ;v.? 33 : 500 „ 2.50 Bonnell, Bartlettißrooke. soo 150 " '.75 Bonnell, . Gertrude Mae:.sol 150 .75 Bonnell,* A. / Dlgby. ;. . . ;335 \u25a0 500 ' "" ' ; 2.50 Bronk, :Chas. '.......": 59 50 ..25: Campbell, G0rd0n....... 119 J 500;-:" ' 2.50 Campbell,; G0rd0n... :... 120- .' COO- Campbell,'^ Gordon;:..;;. 121 600 \u25a0\u25a0- : " 2.50, Campbell. Gordon ...... 122 500 - - - 2.50 Carroll, J.m;.. .;;... v..- 35 "-500 "\u25a0 " , '2.50 Chester.-^ Ed; H, . ... . . . . .438 ''\u25a0- -500 *r- '"'- 2-60 " Chester, ' Ed. H.... :;..-.. .439 -600 2.50- Chester; Ed. H. . . : . . . . : .440 - 600 ' 2.50 . Cobb, J.F.....;.. -..-:... 154 1000 6.00 Coffin. A;P. :.".-. .-..v.r.- .347 .250 1.25 i Coffin, > "A. :-. F;."... "....... 353 r 500 •- 2.50. Coffin,'; A. F ......354 \u25a0..;\u25a0 ,500 . \u25a0 : 2.50 Coffin, : A. ?F.:.. :..'..'.. ..355 '\u25a0•'\u25a0 "-250 '' V 1.25 Coffln,;A. F ......350" "250- 1.25: Coffin, ?A.'F. .•...-...;... .357 "260 .1.25 Coffln. A:, F:... ....;.. ..858 '250 1.25 Coffin, A. F. ;:.;....... .359 250 1.25 Cof fln..- A. ,'F. -...-;.:...... 360" '250 '1.25 C0ff1n.A.F..;..... 881 -.250 "1.25 Coffin,-. A. F."...... ...;.. 362 : 250 : " 1.25 Coffin. A. P............. 363 * 250 " - 1.25 Coffin, ; A. F..... ...... ..364 - 250 : I^s Coffin, Ar*F. ............ 365 250 1.25 Coffin, A. P...:. ..,..... 308 - 250 1.25 Cordell,-. Theo. "G. ,."..;.. 45 • 500 :* " 2.50 Cordell, -Theo. G........ 48 * 500 ~2.50 Cordell, Theo. G. ....... 47 500 i -2.50 Cordell. E.C.; .......... 48 ' " 250 1,25 CordelL E.C... ...... ... r 49 * 250- 1.25 Cottini, A. ............. .100 500 2.60 Cummins.^Geo: W.... .. .810 ' ' 250 - 1.25 Cummins, Geo. W;. . . . .'.311 ' '+-?•\u25a0 250 ; •".'- ; 1.25 DeLancey, John S. '...... 326 '600 , 2.50 DeLancey,, John 8......:327- - 600 2.50 DeLancey, ' John :5...r... 328. 600 " 2.50 DeLancey, John 5....V.. 329 "500 2.60 DeLancey, ; John 5 ..'..... 330 600 "2.50 DeLancey, John 5....... 381 250 1.25 DeLancey,' John- 5.V. ...,332 . - 250 ' 1.25- DeLancey. John 5....... 333' 250 - 1.25 DeLancey, John 5. ...... 334 -'250 T 1.25 Dick, James C... ....... 67 250 '.'.:. 1.25 Dick. Ja m e* C 58 ! ' 250 1.25 Dodge,. F. 8.;.........::e5 - 100 r .60 Eisen-. A; 0... ........... 5: "1 \u25a0 \u25a0"".-\u25a0 .005 Elsen, A; C. ........... .417 ' 40,000 200.00 Eisen, A. C.'....-.. ..: ...463 'i . 500 '2.50 Elsen, A. C. ........ ....464 • 500 2.50 Elsen,' A. : C;.'..:.. ....'.. 465 '500 2.50 Elsen,*: A. C. .....;. .....468 6000- 25.00 Elsen,: A. C. ...... ......577 12.50 Eisen, Mrs. A. J 0.. ..".;.. 218 : 500 2.50 Elsen,. Mrs.' ,A.° 0. .....\ .480 500 • 2.50 Enticknap, Herbert...;.. 155 1000 6.00 Evans. Mrs. Nora M.... 1200 - 250 1.25 . i Evans, Mrs. Nora M. . . . .201- 600 " . 2.50"' Falrview - SUver King • • Mines^ Co. ..;;...... ..760 3245 . 16.225 Farrington &_C0.. ....... 27 50 .25 Farrington &. C 0.. ...... .411 250- 1.25 Farr. Harry St. I- ..2»7_« \ 75 -.375 Farnum, H. T... ....;. .318 :>5OO 2.50 Ferguson' Mrs. J. Q..'. -. . 98 500 " 2.50 Freund,,T.- P.;..;....:..126 250 1.25 Freund.-T. P. ....... ;.;. 151 ' 8750 \u0084 18.75 Ireund, T. P..... ...... .152 1000 . 6.00 Fuss, J. A11en..... -.;.... 275 50 " .25 Fuss,J. A11en......:. ...276 . 50 '.25 Gecstley, F. -.::•.'.. \...\.. 34 .600 2.50 Griffin, W.W.... 7..... 219 500 2.50 Harlow, . T. L: ;......... 10 50 .25 Harlow, T. L... ...... ..11 60 .25 Harlow, -T. L. :......;.; 12 • 50 .25 Hnriow.T.L.". :..•.:.... 13 50 .25 Harlow,, T.U ......14 . 250 1.25 Harlow, - T. L. . . . ....... 15 50 .25 Harrison, A. DX.........290D K ....... . .290- 600 2.50 Harrison, A. D^ ..... . r.291 • - f 600 2.50 Harrison,' A. = D. .....?.. .292 .'*\u25a0 500 2.50 Hlnkei;-Wm. ... ........183 600. . 2.50 Hlnkel..-Wm. ;:.'.;. ....-;194 -. ' 250 *• '125 Housewortu, F." A..;....' 6 0' -500 2.50 Houseworth, P. A. ..61 - 500 " 2.50 Hlggins, John .. .. ......504 Z5O :' 1.25 Jennings, C.M......... ;823 250 : 1.25 Johns, R.L...V. -;.,;..... 579 11500 : 67.60 Johnson, A. T. ....... ...157 \u25a0 100 C " 5.00 Johnson, A. T.. ........ .153 1000 '5.00 Jones, J. R. .-.-".139 . ->t 500 - 2.50 Jones, J.R..;... 140 600 2.50 Jones, J. R; .481 2000 .* 10.00 Kelsey.M. 0..... ""..;.... 490 250 1.25 •Kent,«1.;H. .......;.:... 113 500 2^o Kent, -I. -\u25a0II;.. ......114 . 000. - 2.50 Kent. I. 11... v... .:.115 600 2.60 Kent.l.-H:. ...........116 600 2.50 Kirby, Lambj&Stoneham 16 250: : 1.25 Klrby, Lamb &,Btoneham 17-. V:200 > 1.00 Kirby, Lamb & Stoneham 18 - " 60 ' .25 Kahn,P. D...V.........242 250 1.25 Kahn,- P.; D.-.. :.....;. %.243 -1;' 250 1 °5 Kahn, P. D. ...... .....:245 "500 2.50 ' Kahn, P;> D 246 600 ' 2.50 Kahn, P. D. ...... ;. . . . .247 600 .2.50 Kahn, P.' D...-. 248 • 600 '*• 2.50 Kahn t vp.-D ;... 243 \5OO 2.50 Kahn, P. D.-.......;:..; 250 - 600 250 Kahn,: P. D.......... ;.*.251> 600 2.50 Kahn,' P. D...... ...... .252 500 2.50 Kahn, P.>D.... ....... ..253 .2000 >-•\u25a0' 10.00 Kahn, P. D. .......... ..254 -\u25a0"-. 500 \u25a0-•- 2.50 Kahn, P.D... ........ ..255 500 - 250 Kahn, \u25a0 P, D ......... . . . . 256 > 500 . - 2i50 Kahn, r P.' D. ........... .257 -:\ 500 -'\u25a0> -v ' 2.50 Kahn, P. \u25a0< D. .".258 500 •;'«!'\u25a0*•> 2.50 Kahn, P. D. ... . ........2t»9 500-^ a 250 ' Kahn,:,P..D.... ...410 \u25a0 600 '< v ;> 2.5<) '\u25a0 KraiiBe.A. ....214 .'5OO ' «2.50 Krause. A. ....... .:..:. 215 '600 !•#<\u25a0 2j60 Landborg, Irving ....... 36 sC'*." 875 T-V-- r875 Lewis,. P. R... .;.....;. 261 500 - .-' Lewis, F.R.V... .......262 : 600 '" 2.50 Lewis, F. R..... ...... .263 " 600 250 Lewis, cF. R: .. ....... ..264' .600 260 Lewis, F. R 265 500 2.50 Lewis, F. R. . '.........".266-. 600 •- 2.50 Lewis, F. R .....V.267 ' 500 2.60 Lewis, P. R. ........ V. .268-500 * 2.50 Lewis,* F. R....V.......268 • 500 250 Lewis,- ; P. - R.V. . . . -.-.- .... 271 '500 2. 50 Lewi5, 'F.R.... ......... 272 500 V 2.50 Lewis,;, F.'R. ........ "...273 *- 250- / 123 I^ewls, P. 8.V .......... 538 250 .' x 1"25 Lewis.F. R V....639 250 125 Lusk, . F. C. -v ;..:...;.; .209 . 500 - 2i50 Mallory, Wlnslow ...... 78 '600 ' 250 Mauvais, R.; .......... ..217 ' 250- 125" Mauvais, R. ;...;. .'.'..".;. 218 v f 500 2 60' Mauvais, Mrs. .R. ....:.. 97 . 600 250 McKibben,- T. ....;.' 79 250 125 McMahon, H. - G. . ."• . VV . .418 ; -. 4000 '. . 20.00 McMahon, H; G. ....... .489 •"\u25a0 20000 100 00 McMullin, Sr!G:;. .'..-.. .87 250' 1#251 # 25 McMullin, S. 3 Nathan, A." E. ;......... 281 50 '25 Nelson. 8.H... ....... ..228 -. 250 ! 1*25 Nelson, 8.H:. ;...... ...220 ; 250 \u25a0 L2s' Nordheim,' H.~-....v... .202-,- 600 12.50- Norris.vHelen JC... "\u25a0...... 755 500/ . 250 Overbufy;* J;- T. ......... 9 • \u25a0 l /\u25a0'-*' '\u25a0 005 Preston,; A.'. H.. ......... 62 ; ' 600 \. .250" Preston, t A.^ H . V .... , .v ; . 54 »«• 600 *\u25a0 ' - 2. 50 Preston, : A. H ....... ... . 55 { ' 600 - - \u25a0 2.50 Pelletier,^ L. ".'.... .V... .894 J. , - 500 '2.60 Pelletier, - L. ;."..'... . . . . . .405 : 500 \u25ba/ v 2.50 Pe11et1er,:,L... ....... ...469 1000 „ 6.00 Pelletier, :li. ...........470 1000 5.00 Pelletier, L.^;:. ....471' 1000 \u25a0 '- 5.00 Pelletier, .L.. L. ...........472- 1000 \u25a0 \u25a0 5.00 Pelletier, L. . . . . . . .; .V . .473 \u25a0 \u25a0 ...-• 1000 5.00 Pelletier,' L. ...........474 1000 -5.00 Pelletier, L. 475 1000 .6.00 Pelletier, 1i.1. ........ ..476 1000 • ; 5.00 Pelletier.; L..;:r.. .;... 477; 1000 5.00* Pelletier. L. -?". ......;; . .478 . 1000. : • 6.00 Pelletier, L.':... v;.. "....485 --1000 6.00 = Pelletier, "L. ;.."... '....... 486 =. : 250 >-• 1.25 Pelletier.- L. ...........487 ..- :. 600" .. Pelletier. L. \u25a0- . r. .'. . . . V . .488 500 - 2.60 Pelletier, -L.-.V...V. V... 557 1000 8.00 PrenUss, ' Russell ...... .160 r. ; .. 2000 10.00 RaAhjen,-^ -P. ?H. ......... 199 - 600; ; : 2.60 Ralney.^Wm.-F.. ...... .191 250 .< 1.25 Reynier, E. de.. "..;..... ' 62 ;v - 500 - 2.60 Reynier, Mrs. M. E. de.". 73 600 2 50' Rogers,-C. W... ....... .540 1000 \^ l' 5.00 Sagar.E.r;.-.-.;.-. .:\u25a0-'.. .221 '250 . : 1.25 Sagar.-E.F.V. r."..... ."..222 .250 "1.25. Samson, R. .....-'. ...... S2 " .600 . 2.50 Schnepfe, -Cha5.t0....... 431: 500 2.60 Schnepfe, '\u25a0\u25a0 Chas. \ 01 ..... .432 ' - 500 \u25a0 2.50 Schnepf e, ; Chas. -C...:... 433 6QO ' 2.50 ' Schutz; ?Rev.~rH. ........ a0,- 50. '.- ..25' Sebwartx.H. ,\u25a0..-.'..:..... 220 600 f 2.50' Sisson^: Ernest r...... "....303 250 „ > 3.25~ Slsson, : Ernest ..v;.;.:v .406 250 ->.; 1.55! Starr, W. ; A. . .... ... . ; . . . ,_7 .-.._\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 l . >005 Starry W. A:.....-...... .078 ,-; 6700 ; : -"i- 33.50-; Starr. ; W. A. \.~^. ....... 761 3050 . 15.25. Stephens;; Mrs. iW.J.T.. .^2O, 500 . 2 .50 Stephens, Mn^-W.- J..;.'. 459 , . 500 \u25a0; >, 2 .50' Strong, Leslle4F:/*......:315 .175 ; .375 Strong,- T.* P.. t.. :VV'.... n 39 ;\u25a0- 175 . : - 875 Stauf & * Cooper.T . V. . . . :299 500 / 2 .50 SUnf?&-Cooper{V;.V.V^3oo \u25a0.: 250:— "1.25: Stauf f&|C00per..... ....301 \u00842dO , - 1.25 . Stauf £&*' Cooper v ._. .v.£So2 250 ' .. . L 25 Bwasey,',, E.'iM. •;• -J • v . : •';446; 446 . .60 ; ;-.25; -.25 Swasey; E. M....-- ••-.•_• **l ,-M .25 Swasey. E.;M--------v^ 50 ...25' Swasey,- E; M: . . . . . .... .449 . * ,50 . .25 - Bw«sey;*a?M:_:.._;i.....-400 :-\u25a0-•..--80: -\u25a0-•..--80 .>.25 Thomas,-;M.^E..f........-528 .60: <2 5 Thomas,-M. E. .. .. v....527..v ....527 .. 60., . 2 5 Th0ma8,^M.';E.;.....^.>528^:; .50/ ;. , Thomas, M.8.... ...... .529? • :60 - . . Thomas, M.-'BJ.r...^ v .. 530 -. , 50 , . 25 : Topllte. 3. 8........... 1 -. > 60 ,2.60- Trfcber.;Conrad4.^.....,B3 .;-.. 600., ;'; 2 .50\ ValentlnepEthel. . . . u^. 37 ..-^5O , ,J 25 - ;wirSSn;UTßomaB/.y.- ? » : .210- '• ;- w80::..,':-.w B0 : : . .,':-. Hg Woelfert,iL./.V..^ :rr . ._....; 85 \u25a0.\u25a0#-... 250 Woelfert.-L.;..... — •r^a.v- ,60, - ;25 , Wolff,- Car1". .....\u2666-•-•:^- ;250 -/ ,- 1j23 . Wolff, ; jCarl^^£^---;298:/ ,250 3.05^ Wood, ', W .;• F...,.- . ; •.. --8- . . ; . 600 y;< \u25a0 . 2.50 X wood,- i W; \u25a0\u25a0> k. . . . • •,•:»•"• 'sf? M> \u25a0 992 >.<" - 2.50-- .WOOd,{W. \ 500 -^ > 2 .50 :, W00d.5W.5F.;...^.-..-^sv i' 500 .-;- :ii -.. tt 2 .50 \u25a0\u25a0 W00d, 4W.iF..:...y.» • M -2|B .:: 600 :v: v ,, 2 .60; Wood -^W.-F..- •«••«• ...-o7 . . 500..-. ;.-i •> kal wSod^Cw .\u25a0.•F.*;-.r.-.'.-.";.-*.288?.,- : 500::; '-%'Ajff. sPvjw:-:fh:h^v2B9; ,500 \u25a0 day '- of Aprtl;; 1 1910, :\u25a0 so i many £ shares lof each., parcel lof such^ stock : asi may i be) necessary wlll-b« soid.'-'ct public^ auction sat * the s office -j of ,; the t» Company, Room*ll4,'^ No. ; 268 Market i Streets San Francisco, California,"! on Friday,- the 10th day of June,il9lo at i the i houri of |12 1 o'cloc«\jNoonf of i said * day. -ito pay ! said ! delinquent , assessment thereon, together \u25a0 i LEGAL yOTiroS^-Contlnned ; with*, costs . of : advertising ' and • expenses * of . sale." : *---\u25a0\u25a0.- k,.- HARRY -B. GREGG. Secretary. Of flee— Room 114. • No. . 268 ; Market Street, . San \u25a0 Francisco.: California. '--\u25a0. "_\u25a0 ..'\u25a0 PROPOSAJ-S .-Ajrb BIDS "" .NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Office of the Board of State 4 Harbor Commis- sioners. Union -.- Depot and Ferry House, ' San Francisco, CaUf ornla, - s May 28, 1810. Sealed proposals or : bids will be • received at this office -at or prior to 11 \u25a0 o'clock ! a; m. . on THURSDAY, June 30. 1810,- for furnishing ma- terials and constructing" section 10 of the seawall, on the water f rpnt : of " the city - and , county ». or San Francisco, in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared therefor by the \u25a0 Assistant , State Engineer of the Board and adopted by tha Board May, 19, 1910,' tnd on flle in this office, to which. 6pecial reference- Is hereby. made. Tha materials to be used In the -work consist of the 1 requisite : iniantities , of ' fresh ' cut.' close grained Douglas - yellow fir . piles, creosoted piles.' mer- chantable yellow -fir lumber, staves for cylinders, sheet piling, L band Iron,' Portland ; cement, sand, crushed rock," embankment rock, reinforcing ma- terials, castings, structural steel, car springs, and steel rails and fastenings, -etc.. all to be of \u25a0 the best quality. specified. and subject to * rigid examination.. -No bid will be received unless It is made on .a \- blank '- form • furnished from this office and -is accompanied by a certified check for five ; (5) per cent of the amount of the bid, payable to the order of the Secretary of the Board, as a guarantee on the part- of the suc- cessful bidder that he will within six (B)days after the acceptance of the bid enter into a i written ; contract - to do said work according to the - plans \u25a0 and » specifications prepared therefor, and will also execute and flle with this .Board : a - bond In such ; sum as the Board .may deem adequate with a surety company to be approved by the Board = of State Harbor Commissioners, : and conditioned • for the faithful ' performance of i such ' contract, nor will said bid be considered by .this Board. unless delivered to the Secretary or to the Assistant Secretary at the office of the Secretary ' at tor prior to 11 . o'clock a. m. on THURSDAY, June 30, 1909, at which time and place the bids will be opened. \u25a0-:,-\u25a0-,-, The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids if deemed for the best Interests of tne State.-."-;;;.: -. .- -v are invited to be present at the open- ing of- the bids.-- - • , w. b: porter. Lieut. Governor and Acting Governor of the State of California. \u25a0 \u25a0• J. A: I KELLY. Supervisor and Acting Mayor of the City and County of San Francisco ypiVßn W..V. STAFSORD.- . . W. E. DENNISON. P. 8. TELLER. . . Board of State Harbor Commissioners. \u25a0 RALPH BARKER. Assistant State Engineer. W. B. THORPE. \u25a0 , ..' . ..-_.' » Secretary. BIDS WANTED— Notice Is hereby given that sealed proposals wIU be received by the Board Of Directors of the Veterans' Home of Califor- nia,- at the Veterans' Home, Napa County. Cal- ifornia, up to 11 o'clock a. m.. \u25a0* :.-.;.-;• SATURDAY. JUNE 4. 1910. and . open * immediately thereafter tn the pres- ence . of- bidders, for furnishing and deliver- ing quartermaster and commissary supplies, etc., for the Veterans' Home, Napa County, Califor- nia, f. o." b. cars, steam or electric R. R. (R- R. station, Yountvllle. or Veterans' Home), for one year, commencing July "1. 1910. and ending June 30. 1911.: Schedules with information and instructions for submitting bids will be furnished upon application \u25a0by the undersigned. Bidders will -'; carefully follow the conditions of - the schedules, and -no bid will be considered unless It Is ' in accordance with such schedules. I Bids must be made on samples - submitted whenever called I for in ' the schedule. Each bidder - must accompany his bid with a certified check upon some well known and responsible banking house for at least 10 per cent of the ? amount of his bid, payable to C. de Colmesnil. Treasurer, con- ditioned that the bidder will enter into a good ar.-l valid contract upon notice of acceptance. as' required by law. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to order any --quantity^- over or under the amount- spe- cified. ' . Preference will, be given to goods manufac- tured or produced in this state, price, fitness and quality being equal, under the provisions of Section 3247 of the PoUtlcal Code. Address John F. Sheehan. Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Veterans' Home of California. Veterans- Home (P. O.). California. • By order of. the Board of Directors. JOHN P. SHEEHAN. Secretary. NOTICE OF LEASING SEAWALL LOT. - Notice is hereby "given that bids will be re- ceived an-i opened by the Board of State Htrbcr Commissioners at their office, room No. 19. in the Union Depot and Ferry House, foot of Mar- ket street, in the City and County of San Fran- cisco, State of California, at the hour of in 0 clock a. m., on Thursday, the 10th day of June.; 1910, for tae letting or leasing by said board of i seawall lot. No. 7. \u25a0. Said seawall lot is situated On the water front of the City and County of San Francisco, and is bounded by Montgomery, Francisco, \u25a0 East; Sansome and Chestnut streets. Said property win be let to the highest and best bidder for a t«nn not exceeding twenty-five (23). years however, to the power of the board to reject any and all bids, and In ac- cordance with printed terras and conditions of lease to which reference is hereby made, .vhieh are on file in the office of the Secretary of the Board, copies of which will be f uru'shed bidders on application of said Secretary. . m Bids must set forth the purpose for which said lot' shall be used and. the bidder must agree that the statement of .his bid. if the lease Is awarded to him. shall be embodied in said lease, and he must also agree that said lot shall be used only for the purposes set forth In his bid. ' . < W. V. STAFFORD, W. E. DENNISON, ;. rV - P. S. TELLER. Board of State Harbor Commissioners. W. B. THORPE. Secretary. _' NOTICE OF LEASING SEAWALL LOT. Notice Is hereby given that bids .will be re- ceived and opened by the Board of- State Harbor Commissioners at their office, room No. 19, In the Union Depot aud Ferry House, foot of Market street, in the City and County of San Francisco, State; of California, at the hour, of 10 o'clock a. mv. on Thursday, the 16th day of June. 1910; for : the letting or leasing by said board of sea- wall lot No. 21; Said seawall lot is situated on the water. front of the City and County of San Francisco, and is bounded by Brannan, East and Fremont streets. — ,-\u25a0-, . ~: Said property will be let to the highest and best- bidder for a term not exceeding twenty-five (25) years;- subject, however, to the power of the board* to reject any and all bids.- and In ac- cordance with • printed terms and conditions of lease to which reference Is hereby made, which are on file in the .office of the Secretary of the Board," copies of which will be furnished bidders on application to said Secretary. Bids - must -set forth the - purposes for which said lot shall be used and the bidder must- agree that the statement -of his bid. if the lease U awarded to htm. shall be embodied In said lease, and he 'must also agree that said lot shall be used only, for the purposes set forth in his bid. Board of State Harbor Commissioners. W. B. THORPE, Secretary. :...--,-.-\u25a0 . \u25a0 NOTICE OFi LEASING SEAWALL LOT. •Notice -is hereby given that bids will be re- ceived and "opened by the Board of State Harbor Commissioners at their office, room No. 19. in the Union - Depot and Ferry House, foot of Market street,. ln. the City and County of San Francisco, State of - California, at the hour of • 10 o'clock a. m., on Thursday,- the 16th day of June. 1910. for the letting or leasing by said board of sea- wall lot No, 22, "Subdivision A.". Said seawall lot ' is situated on the .water front of the City and County. of San Francisco, and Is bounded by Brannetn, Fremont, East aud First streets. Said property will ' be let to the highest - and best bidder for. a "term not exceeding twenty-five (25) years; subject; however, to the power of the board to reject any and all bids, and In accord- ance with printed terms and, conditions of lease to which reference la hereby made, which are on file In the office t of- the- Secretary of the Board, copies of which will be furnished bidders on application to said Secretary. Bids ! must set : forth the purposes for which said lot shall be used, and the bidder must agree that : the ; statement of his bid. If the lease .is awarded to him, shall, be embodied in said lease, and he must > also agree that said lot shall be used only for the purposes set forth In his bid." • W. V. STAFFORD, A W.E. nENNISON, '\u25a0\u25a0'; P. S. TELLER, Board of State Harbor Commissioners. W.B. THORPE, Secretary. U." S. Engineer Office, Seattle.' - Wash.^ June 1, 1910. — Sealed f proposals : - for * dredging , Saint Michael canal. Alaska, will be received here until 12 m., June: 10. ;W 10; and then publicly opened. Information furnished «on ; application. C. ;W. KUTZ. Major Engineers. MISSION branch of The Call. MILLER'S, sta- V- tloner.'SOlt Iftth St. ' • --. -. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0-.-— ...v.-| 3IARIN" COUNTY: REAI- ESTATE HOME AXDHEAI/m-ON A BIG $100 LOT. AT SAN RAFAEL - Large, highly Improved lots close to* Sau 'Rafael .- and , ouly - 15 minutes' walk .-: to ; Kcntfleld sta- tion; refined surroundings ami grand scenic : ! outlook ,; -v commanding " mountains; .foothills, -; groves and bay. Classy, oeighboraood ' of up .to .date San Francisco professional men;, who real- :;'. lze -• the . Blessings of -home and - health. \u25a0 Come t and lire in the balsamic air of the pines and \u25a0 - redwoods;-, where ' asthmas and \u25a0 throat troubles are ; unknown* and \u25a0every.-, scene -l-i • yleaslng to .Tithe-eyes and nose.'j \\' \u25a0'\u25a0:,! r'°- . LV'; HANDSOME HOME LOTS 'AT PRICES THAT WILL NEVER BE POSSIBLE AGAIN* f AND - WHERE $100 . WIIX GROW ' TO A , THOUSAND. - • ', *"\u25a0 \4\ \u25a0-,' ' TERMS MADE TO -FIT. \u25a0S^ W. L. I COURTRIGHT. if * -Ji \u25a0-*• Opposite ' Union ; depot, ' San " Rafael. City Offlceii7ol-Westbankbldg,7. opp.; Emporium. 1 ins^rLots^inithe: heart of ; Kentfleld.-5 minutes ; •. '\u25a0 to : station x' elevation ; Just \ right; sewer, water. \u25a0V electricity -- and l telephone in - front ; of each \u25a0 lot ; jvii established • street; these* lots ; are ; worth $400; ,;^sacrifice; ls > being 1 made : to clean np old stand- • ing ' deal ;.-- 4 : furn. cottages at relative bar- . -gains. :J.;E.. LEWIS. Kentfleld.: " SAN ANSELMO. ; Mill Valley." San Rafaer. proo-' \u25a0 h ertles. v Atthowe Realty f Company .*; 25S Marfcgt.' ASAN|MATEO ! REAi* ESTATE I " I FOR 'sale of ."exchange— Country^ home "at IWood- vv slde,> A; COMTE* JR.; ,338 Kearny: st.. SO F. ' BTJXGAI-OW ATO CAMP SITES ' ; HEALTH. PLEASURE AN'-.^ PROITT ."*\u25a0* . , . - . » $100 LOTS AT $25 FROM. TWO TO FOUR TIMES THE SIZE OJ* • CITY LOT 3 IF YOU HAVE THE SLIGHTEST DESIRE FOR A REALLY GOOD VACATION , HOMB SITE THIS WILL INTEREST YOU It Is a special, limited offer of the CAMP ROSE CO., a responsible and reliable company. able and more than willing to satisfy- you .by any test that Its \u25a0 statements and promises ara true from start to finish. WHERE AND WHAT CAMP, ROSS IS CAMP ROSE ts a summer home place of tha better sort, and liquors can not be sold on the property. , Ebcated on a mile of RCS3IA2* RIVER frontage that Is owned by the company, a -mile and 'a half east of Healdsburg. Sonoma . County, it is the nearest place of the kind to S. F. that is on RUSSIAN RIVER. Where fine roads are NOW made, making all lets easily reached, and where pun sprins water Is NOW piped to the lots. Where every lot Included In this SPECIAL' OFFER is within from one to five mlnutea* waJk of the river, and the lots are .bis ones, averaging over 30 fe«t frontage. There :i» a survey stake at every corner of each lot. Where a large park acreage and a fine sulphur spring are perpetually free for. the benefit and pleasure *£ all lot owners. Where boating, bathing and fi&aing ta YOTJB OWN RIVER and practically . all other outdoor pleasures may be enjoyed on your, own property. Where, while apparently In an unbrokaa wilderness, with Its charm and seclusion. y«c the dealers call for and deliver orders free, and tbe stableman will send you out a- ris or saddle horse In a few minutes. "• " » These and many other things are true o£ CAMP ROSE today, not "promised" yon ta the uncertain future. Lot owners hay« all tha rights and privilejts above named SOW and FOR- EVER. WHY WBDOIT! In order to more rapidly advertiM and build np CAMP ROSE we offer 60 of our beautiful bungalow and camp sites to the first 30 desir- able applicants for $25 each. There ar« over 100 to select from, at this price, and our average, list price on them exceeds $100 each. They «ra worth It, and nothing so good can ha had at any other resort actually ON Russian river foe less than $100. We have sold 73 lots at an average price of $125. A number of bungalows have been built. and we will be glad to give you tha names of lot owners. They are ail the best pleased peo- ple you ever saw. and are recommending CAMP ROSE to. their friends. THIS IS A MONEY BACK OFITEB Pleased owners will h«lp advertise- and onlM up CAMP ROSE, displeased ones win not. X W« therefore .will refund the muney paid us to any who will, aftsx seeing the property, , within rea- ; socable time, tell us they ara not thoroughly ! satisfied. No haggling about this. Simply gW» us back the lot and get your money. We hay* expended In. road building, piping water, etc., more money per lot than this special price, and It Is easy to see that w« look to the future for the benefit to us from this special sale. \u25a0 SO DAYS' TIME ON PART IF YOU vVTSH $25 even, covers the cost 0/ msktnc and re- • cording your deed and the taxes for the current year. The only other expense, ts * modest enargai i of $3 a year for the use- and maintenance of our ! excellent water service. Yon may pay $23 down and balance in SO days if you wish. Let us select a lot for yon on these conditions. or call and arrange to go and se« CAMP ROSSI without ccst to you except the railroad fare of $2.23. We will eves pay this for you tn some cases. Mall order* will have our special care, and w« guarantee to please all who Intrust selection to us, either in our office or by mall. From our personal knowledge, and a\u25a0' book made for us by our surveyors and price mak- ers, we can tell you every particular about each, lot, right In out office. We refer to any ' Banker or Merchant of Eealdsburg. ma ay of whom have bought lots of us' at CAMP ROSE, and to many residents of S. FV, - Oakland and Berkeley, who -nave bungalows and camps there. ' - We owe It to these people and the futnro good of CAMP ROSE to know to whom thess special offer, lota go. and we reserve the right to ask for references. Can or send for marked maps showtns tha special offer lots. You are sure to set property that la worth much more than you pay. and that you can make a profit on If you wish, but there Is a choice, and early selections are advisable. CAMP ROSE CO.. 138 Ltc£ Building. 35 Montgomery Street. S. I*. CHAS. E. BAY, president, general manager and principal owner of Camp Rose, personally responsible for all statements and promises. Office open evenings until 9 o'clock Tuesdays) - and Thursdays. SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS. Beantlrnl Idytwild at Alma. An Ideal place, for your mountain bungalow. Clubhouse estab* lished for convenience of purchaser*. Only ; X hour and 45 minutes from San Francisco. STRONG. BELDEX & FARR. 157 Sntter st;: Ban Franrfseo. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE $100 DOWN 5 ROOM BUNGALOW Nicely located, with lot 80x113; street work all done; close to S. P. and Key Route depots to San Francisco: and the full price Is only $2,300. I have arranged for monthly payments of $25 to cover interest as well as principal. This . looks to me like a chance to pick up a pretty good little snap. Let me show It to you. I have lots of -money to loan on real estate mort. gages. 'GEORGE W. AUSTIS. 101S Broadway. Oakland. SNAP AT $2,300 ' ' FINE BUSINESS LOT— OLD DWELUJTG Now' this Is probably the best chance In- the mar- ket today for a speculator. This ts why— the lot Is located centrally on Grove st.. bitumen- - ixed. and U alone worth MOKE THAN THIS FULL PRICE — besides you get s. plain, but - comfortable little htu*e o* 4 rooms .that will - rent for Interest on the moo-?y or can be re- - modeled Into store end Oat or two flats .at small expense. This ts the "llvest".. spot In * city today. 'You ousbt to "make $300 profit on this in 10 days' time. Don't wait to, lnvesti- gate as I only have a few days on this. - I nave a, lot of money to loan on first mortgages at 6 and 7 per cent- GEORGB W. AUSTIN. 1013 Broadway. OakUnd. WENTWORTH - •" -•* , SHINGLES. J1.30: rustle. 523: lining. $ttf; cs«a- try orders solicited. S3 iota st.*. 3. IV * dEfeKMfIBBHfIHiSHIHriMHfIMMBfIiTC'' :/ ' - 15