4 SCHOOL CENSUS FOR STOCKTON SHOWS A GAIN Children Between 5 and 17 Years of Age* Number 3,776 and 1,468 Under 5 City Has 2,521 Families With Offspring and 177- Houses Without Tenants [Special Dispatch to The Call] STOCKTON", Juno L— The Stockton school census reports completed this morning show the total number of cen sus children between 5 and 17 years of age to be 3.776, as compared with 3,680 last year — a gain of 96. Unusual care has been used this year in taking the school census. After the marshals made their returns all the names were checked over from the reg ister. To do this took three weeks, and it is believed that the census figures are as nearly correct as possible. The white census children In th© va rious sections of the city are: Boy*. Girls. Total. Pint rrzrt 470 485 955 Second wxrd*... .......... SOS 359 787 Tbird trard 411 432 843 Fcur;h trard 422 SS4 $06 Annexed di5trict.... ...... ISI ISS 286 Tot«J 1.552 1.835 3.657 Of the colored census children there are 8 boys in tbe first ward and 9 girls, and 1 boy and 1 girl in the third ward, making a total of 9 boys and 10 girls in the schools, or half as many as last year. IXrnKASE IX MONGOLIANS There ere 47 Mongolian boys in the. first ward and 19 girls; 2 boys and 1 girl in the third ward, and 1 girl in the annexed district, making a total of 49 boys and 21 girls. This shows an In crease of 7 Mongolian children over last year, indicating an increase in the Mongolian population of 12 per cent. Following is the table for the total census children: First Trard -....-...;... 1,038 Second Trsril. •... 797 Third ward \u0084 , 648 Fourth ward.....*. SO6 Annexed district... 257 Total .„ 3,778 "White children under E: F}rst Trard......., M -, , 363 Seocad Tv^rd.. 270 Third tr&rd....^.^,..... 405 Fourth ward. ..,..*»» 310 Annexed cistrict..— .» 128 Total. 1,46 i DISTRIBUTION OP CHILDREN In the public schools there are 2,696 children, in private schools, 379; attend ing no school, 701; natlve/born children, C.173; foreign born children, 71. The to tal umber of children under 17 years is F. 244. As compared with 4,975 last year this shows an increase of 269. . There axe five children under 17 years who are deaf. Until tnis.year the nnvaccinated chil dren were listed between the ages of 6 end 17. This year they were listed from the day of their birth. The report shows .that of 5,244 children under 17. 2,928 have not been vaccinated. VACANT HOUSES AND FAMILIES - As a check on the census marshals the school offlclals required every va cant dwelling in the city to be given, with its exact location. The number pf vacant houses has been slowly in creasing during the last five years, due, no doubt, to the great increase in -the erection of new homes. There are 177 vacant houses, 156 being classed as in good condition. There are" S5 children under 17 j r ears of age who are gainfully employed. As children of the ages of 5 and 6 are not permitted tp enter school, and there are 290 of those ages, there are only 411 between 6 and 17 who are not in school. Last year,- with fewer children In the city, there were 463 between 6 and 17 not in school. There are 2,521 families with chil dren, distributed as follows: First ward — 601 white families, 17 colored, 14 Chinese, 28 Japanese; total, €60. Second ward — 555 white, 2 Chinese, 2 Japanese; total, 589. Third ward — 593 white. Annexed district — IS9 white, 6 Chi nese; total, 190. ; VALLEJO TO VOTE ON HIGH SCHOOL BONDS Proposal Carried Four - Years Ago, but Since Rejected {Special Dispatch to The Call] VALLEJO. June I.— For the fifth time within four years the voter* of Vallejo trill be called upon tomorrow to decide the municipality shall be bonded for the sum of $60,000 for the erection of a high school building.. Although Vallejo has boasted of a high school for more than 40 years,. the Institution never has..had a home of its own, end at the present time the ISS siudents'are huddled in. cramped quar ters in the Lincoln grammar school. Four years ago a bond issue carried, but fell through, as the bonds could not be sold on account of a mistake made in the Urn* of opening and clos ing the polls. Three times within the last two yeare the proposition has been submitted to the electors, and each time voted down by majorities ranging from 2 to 20.' POCAHONTAS LODGE INSTITUTED AT LODI Members of Hiawatha Council Conduct Ceremonies [Special DUpatch to The Calt] 6TOCKTON. June l.—Officers and members of Hiawatha council No. "21, Degree of Pocahontas, of this city last night journeyed to Lk>dl, where they instituted Lodl council No. 119. Those participating in the degree and floor work, were: . Poesbcntas. Miss Edith Bocac;l; Winonah, Miw Emily Ilea; propbetcss, Mrs. Myrtle Dough erty; Powliatan, Dr. William Caldwull; warriors, William Weber, John l"nU». William Leinoa, Ar thur J'.-.lzlt; t-coats, Miss Ancie Mocaeci and Mrs. Stella Patxer; nxrners, Mrs. Nellie Rabb and Mrs. -Minute H artier; councilors. Miss Nora. Devln end Mrs. Wegscheider; Inside jnurd, Mrs. Sarah Jory; outside «entii>el. Mr». Kcllle\Wash burn; pianist, Mrs. Mabel Woods. DEATH LIMITS SCHOOL GRADUATING EXERCISES Thirteenth Member of Class Removed by Reaper [Special DUpOtOh to The Call] SUSANVILLE. June J.— Twelve stu dents were graduated from the Susan ville high school last evening, but the ceremonies.. planned for . the. occasion were cut- down because of the death of the - thirteenth member of the graduat ing cls.es a week ago. The dead member was Clarence E; Boggs. He died after an illness of two days. Those who are superstitious believe the death resulted because o£ the nnm her in the classt In the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys CONTRACT LET FOR IRRIGATION CANAL Old Ditch in Sacramento Valley to Be Enlarged and Extended [Special Dispatch io The Call] "WILLOWS, June 1. — The largest contract for the removal of, dirt in the northern part of. the state was let to day by the Sacramento Valley irriga tion company. The contract was so large that five contractors subdivided the work, which wilUextend from the northern line of Glenn county to the middle of Colusa county, a distance of SO miles. The contract calls for the removal -of more than 1,500,000 yards of dirt and for the construction of laterals and a drainage system. • The old ditch of the Central canal company is to be enlarged to carry twice as much water for the new com pany as was first intended. The canal will pass the towns of Willows, Nor man and Delevan, but the main work will b<» from Willows,' and it is to be completed fox water to be used next spring.* s Work will be carried on all summer. For winter work another contract will be let by the same company for the re moval of more than 1,500,000 yards of dirt and for the- completion of all lat eral canals. The Sacramento Valley irrigation company's canal work will cost more than $2,000,000. The first part of the canal Is nearly complete and 'water is being used from it. When completed the canal will extend a distance of 60 miles, from north of Hamilton to west of the town of Williams, and will cover 10 miles east and west. J. A. BARR TOO ILL TO GO TO BOSTON Stockton Educator Forced to Decline Proffered Honor [Special Dispatch io The Call] STOCKTON, June 1. — I* E. Arm strong, secretary of the California council of education, and Kirk Harris, president of -the San Francisco com mercial league, were in this city yes terday to see City Superintendent, of {schools James' A. Barr. S They came as representatives of the schools and commercial organizations of San Francisco to urge Superintend ent Barr to go to Boston in July and head the California delegation In his campaign to capture the national edu cational convention for San Francisco in 19,11. Barr, on account of ill health, refused to go. Having just recovered from a severe attack of pneumonia, he is not strong enough to make the trip. The visitors were permitted to talk with him but 15 or 20 minutes. 2 PER CENT OP INCOME DEMANDED BY CITY City Clerk Says Corporation Has Ignored Requests [Special Dispatch to The Call] STOCKTON, June 1. — Action has been taken by the city council, jipon motion of Councilman Robert Inglis, to the effect that City Clerk Kuhn notify the American River electric company that 2 per cent of its gross income, which has never been paid the city, is due. While looking over some old records Councilman Inglis .learned that the franchise given the company In 1903 specifies that after five years the cor poration must pay to the city 2 per cent of Its gross income. The city clerk said he had notified the company several times, but had re ceived no answer. HIGH SCHOOL PLANS TO TEACH FARMING Stockton Students to Be Given Course in Agriculture [Special Dispatch to The' Call] STOCKTON, June 1.- — The action of the board of education in deciding to Include a course in agriculture in the high school has attracted general at tention throughout the country. The plan will go into effect next fall, and it Is believed it will be the means of ac complishing valuable results. The stu dents will work in conjunction with Ban Joaquin, farmers, which will af ford the students practical experience. UNCLE SAM'S ABANDONED PROJECT IS FOR SALE Yuba River Settling Basin Not •Liked by. Government [Special Dispatch to The Call] MARYSVILLE, June I.— The Yuba river settling basin near Hamilton, which* the government purchased sev eral years ago, will be sold, the gov ernment having abandoned the project, according to telegraphic information from Washington. S The money derived from the sale of this land will be used for other river work. . STOCKTON FOLK YEARNING FOR MARITAL HAPPINESS [Special Dispatch to The Call] STOCKTON, June 1. — Marriage licenses were granted today as. follows: -;-v; George Augustus' Parker, 59, and Adeline Wil son. 38, both of Tracy. \u25a0-. ,"\u25a0 .y~ J. > John William Quessenl>erry, 2G, and Carrie Alice Ousterbout, 19, both of Lodl. I Benjamin Franklin : Belt, 31, and Elizabeth Lawler, 30, both of Oakland. • . John Qulnn Richaras. 23, and Bsrtha Samuels, 23, both of San Francisco. " ' . . Clarence A. Waite. • 26, Seattle, awl Florence Lester Pease, 20, Stockton. - BOT'S ASSAILAKT SEKTENCED—MaryBvIUe, June 1. — Arthur Wilson *of .Vallejo, who \u25a0 at - tacked a bor at Wbeatland, was sentenced to five rears in San Quentin todaj. He said be lived at Vallejo, - but It is not " beUeved that he pave hie right name. Your Liver is Clogged up That's Wty ; Your* Tir«d— Out of SorU— Hat« No Appetite. > : . . Justice Hart makes merit ion of the loophole which was open for anew trial arid says such should be avoided by the courts. ACCIDENT TO VALLEJO PRINCIPAL WATER MAIN Break in Big Pipe Discovered at Opportune Time [Special Dispatch to The Call] VAL.LEJO. June I.— The city of .Val lejo, the possessor of one of the finest municipally owned and operated water systems in the United States, had.n. nar row escape yesterday, from being face to face with a water famine. At an early hour in the morning a "section of the 14 I^ch main running from the diverting dam at Lake Frey in Green valley to the storage reservoir at Fleming hill, near town,; blew out. \u0084 ,~ The break, which was about two- feet in length, was promptly discovered and as soon as the news could be telephoned to this city Superintendent of "Water George H. Savage took a gang of work men to the scene to repair the damage. After laboring all day and ; part of the night the broken main was. replaced by a new section, and although the water was turned off for two hours the people of this city did nqt'learn of the accident until the damage had been repaired..' Had the burst pipe not been discov ered at such an opportune time it might have taken- several days to .repair the break, and at this time of the year the Fleming hill reservoir would probably be exhausted in that time. To guard against Just such situations as that which 1 almost .confronted the city yesterday it is now the intention of the city authorities to call a bond elec tion in' the, near future ? for: the purpose of securing funds for the construction of an auxiliary reservoir at Fleming hill to hold 12,000,000 gallons. NAVAL COMMANDERY OFFICERS INSTALLED Exclusive Reception and Dance Will Be Given Saturday [Special Dispatch. to The Call] VAL.LEJO, June I.— One of the most brilliant lodge events held here recently was' the installation of : the newly elected officers of Naval commandery No. 1», Knights Templar, held at-Ma sonic hall last night. --\u0084 Retiring Eminent Commander . Du four was the officiating, officer, and was assisted by Past Eminent Commander Alrich Hammer, acting as marshal. The officers; installed were: L. C. H. Knars here, eminent commander; 'Wil liam Gee, generalissimo; Walter S. Pierce, ' cap tain general; G. Grant IlalUday, senior warden; Thomas B. Dick, Junior warden; James C. Ford, treasurer; Fred H. Heegler, recorder; George Rounds, prelate: William O. Anderson, stantlard bearer; Alf O. Spencer, s\cord bearer; Arthur F: Hanson, warder ; Z. A. Jamison, sentinel ; Robert G.. Lockwood, first yuard; "William Frank Ward, second guard; Frank M. Drapptfii; third guard. The jiewly installed \ officers * will be the guests at an reception and dance Saturday evening, to which none but Masons will be invited. - The ladles of^the Eastern Star .will serve the banquets and it is being planned to -make the function/one of the most notable In* the annals of the com mandery. J . : ; \u25a0[,\u25a0", . , \ i-^ace v^uruiiiiS . a. Lots: of single; pairs— -several hundred two pair lots— others of three and four- pairs ?of*a. kind— and a few patterns of which there are six to eighteen yf OIUiGS $«f«^v lO w%J«wV WM /Any of them would- be good .value at regular prices, 1 but as this was aspe- cial factory purchase; (we have ''\u25a0 'decided to: use them for : advertising pur- • -eposes and. take your good will».f or (our profit. ; .• "J \u25a0'•\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0' There are fine;:cable.'- i netsiamong-Unem^^.worth'"at^least : .'five"''d9llars':-a" • *J _ pair. ; Many of them are twelve, point "weaves. /,-«*\u25a0 Arabian, Ecru, Ivdry, White j : r The i narrowest are 45 -inches -(wde. Many ; of them: are 60 inches wide. The 1 lengths vary from *2>£'.yar'ds to 3}4 yards. - f * r . " "' "•' The sale Tvill lost till Saturday: night at \0; o'clock if the. supply lasts that long; ' \u25a0 "\u25a0- '_ No mail or telephone orders filled.- -' . " OPEN SATURDAY^ EVENINGS - kio^& Market street \ OPPOSITE MCALUSTeR,. CORPORATION WINS ON ITS APPEAL Western Meat' Company Scores Point in Fight Against Pros ecution as a Trust [Special Dispatch to The Call] SACRAMENTO/ June I.— The Wftst ern nieat :. company* today wdn Its fight against prosecutioh-as a trust when the appellate'court handed down a dlcision holding"- that the corporation had not been properly snbpenaed by the people, ho summons having been served on the offlcers-of, the'corporatlon..; : 7 • -.The' 1 prosecution" contended in Its ap peal that "Attorney Hatfield had stated that : the company was charged with re stricting the sale/, of meat : In Sacra "mento.V \u25a0"•'-\u25a0 ? \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0v.^'.''-" 1 - ;'-"; '-" '" .'\u25a0•-\u25a0 "• '. .. " :"\u25a0 \u25a0 ; Manager. O'Keefe of the company was convicted on 'a/similar charge and fined $500. --^ .;\u25a0 •-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0.> \u25a0\u25a0'.•'\u25a0\u25a0 " • ;\u25a0-\u25a0' '\u25a0\u25a0; \u25a0 PLEA MADE FOR SAFE AND SANE FOURTH Underwriters', y Representatives Appear Before Council , [Special Dispatch to The Call] STOCKTON, June J.— The city coun cil is;considerlng a recommendation for a "sane ? fourth." .; At last night's meet-" ing W. S: dv Val, secretary of; the Pa cific coast board of ; and E. J. \u25a0 Tormey, also of 'that organiza tion, addressed' the r councilmen r and placed before them: for consideration an 'ordinance - prohibiting the- use of fireworks 'in fourth .of July celebra tlons. •\u25a0-'.\u25a0".'-; -;' : : -'- ':-:-:, -'J. ':\u25a0'.. -'_ \u25a0/.-.';--. l^ Dv Val said many cities have adopted similar ordinances. V , '\u25a0'\u25a0' ."During the last six years," he said, "I, 3l6 v. persons l;ave been killed, 27, 980 wounded and 776 developed tetanus, all due to explosives used on the fourth of July.; In 1909 215 boys and" girls were killed and between 5,000 and 6,000 Injured, 41, lost legs,' arms or hands, 36 lost'one eye and 16 both eyes." ; . . ; ; \u25a0 '-'-The "council has" taken the matter under advisement until the meeting to be held June;B. HE WAS JUST MAD AND WANTED TO KILL Man Who Ran Amuck Tells Why He; Did So FRESNO, June .I.— "W. E. Hawthorne, the teamster who ran amuck at -Ca ruthers last eve'ning'and wounded Mrs. D. E. Lawton, the proprietress of- a hotel,' while shooting up the town with a shotgun, wasxtaken before District Attorney Church today, before whom he made admissions that his anger over the fact' that, he had been^ struck: by another teamster . named . B.onnajnan' caused him to lose control of himself and to d«sire to; kill. tbe' man who; had hit him. - .V-" \u25a0 - "\u25a0'\u25a0 * \u25a0'• \u25a0" -"\u25a0•- '--\u25a0 "I was simply mad, that's all," Haw thorne is alleged to have, said to the district attorney. JI ,wanted to' kill Bonnaman." .. - - Hawthorne, -however, stated that the shooting of Mrs. Lawtoii was ac;- Mrs. Thomas has filed suit for' divorce and Thomas has asked that the case" be 'transferred to Alameda',- county.. This will be argued June 11. WEALTHY LAWYER IS UNDER ARREST Suisun Attorney Accused of Firing Point) Blank Into Crowd on Sidewalk [Special Dispatch to The Call] i VALLEJO, June ; I^-Rlchard C. Haile, a^young; attorney and'one "-of the prinV clpal property -, owners in ; Suisun, . ia out' ou $250: :.ba11, 'pending a prelim iriary ; examination Friday, next " before Justice Reeves'* on a charge of as sault with .a deadly : .weapon with intent to.commit «murderT: . . : - Halle is the "owner of "a building -in Suisun." which for some time has s been occupied ;, by the big' store \u25a0 operated \u25a0by Town Trustee C. B: Mayfleld. --. Some misunderstanding between landlord^and tenant led to. Haile refusing to renew Mayfleld'a 1 lease, with ;• the resultf that being unable to v find : . another suitable location- he was .practically; forced' but of business. " .\u25a0-. '\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.','\u25a0 -. -.-.'. , .-.A .few evenings ago ah expensive plate .glass window which Mayfleld'ihad installed -in- the store "was .replaced by an ; inferior; llghCof. glass, the substitu tion causing" much- talk and speculation ln'Suisun:V; \ •; ; / .\u25a0Sunday.njght.while a number of.peo ple: were 'Joking with ; Hailed about -the removal ,6f ihe , glass lie iis .said .to have suddenly "drew:- ia.% revolver-' and-; fired point ; blank iotorthe crowd," the \ bullet narrowlyjnisslng a young bootblack. : WARM WEATHER HAS MELTED SIERRA SNOWS [Special Dispatch to The Call] SACRAMENTO, June I.— For the first time In many years by ithe' first of June the v snow." has . disappeared • from ' the ground' at- Summit on* the* Sierra. Ne vada! mountains.. The local.weather*bu •refu reported today that the blanket of snow, which always ;remains from. 15, t0 30 days longer, has disappeared and all that Temalns of the "beautiful" is a few isolated patches in the gullies, on* the north side of the peaks or on sheltered spots/ But snow, the snow that can be measured, has melted and run off as water in the great rivers of the valley. Notable Deaths \u2666-_ __ ;; — _^____ ; ; +. \u25a0vraxiAM p. BQtria£, orvn, war. veteran. San Jos«, June 1. — William P. Squire, former '\u25a0\u25a0. member of the state legislatures of Nebraska \ and \u25a0 Illinois and ~at one time prominent In 'local political circles, died last night. Squire •trved with ~ an Illinois regiment in tbe civil •war, being wounded three times and losing a leu In the Atlanta campaign." > , FBEEMAN XNOWLES, FOEHEB REPRESEN- TATIVE— Deadwood. IS. D., June 1. — Former Congressman Freeman Knowles died here to- daj-. aged 64 years. For 20 7 years he had edited newspapers here. He was widely known as a socialist. . ; / . - .:\u25a0"..-. J. .. , - S. F> SUTHERLAND, NEWSPAPERMAN— New Tork,, Jntfe 1. — S. F. Sutherland, for. many years a well known San Francisco newspaper- man, is dead at hla home here. He had been In HI health ever since the death of William M. Lallan, publlsheß of the New York Sun, \u25a0', whose close friend he was. T. X i MORAN OF VAl.LEJo— Vallejo,' June I.— . \u25a0 T. J. ' Moran, city plumbing inspector and a well t known- resident, died . today. \u25a0 He Is - sur- vived by a Jwidow and 'a. large family. < A Sad Mistake —Is the idea that pure Havana cigars must be heavy and strong. ,The finest Havana tobacco is ex- qofcsitely miW and sweet— lirsn- friooabr emtiatjios. Nor is this to be found always In the Imported cigar. But— at half the "importedV price —because we save ctgar-doty— you get none bat the finest In "Quality^ Gigars 3:'f6r--:2ScandUpt^^d M. *\u25a0 OSOBt & CXX— "TW Hodm of Bt»*fc»- BIRTIiS,MARRIAQES, DBAThiS I Marriage Licenses' I \u2666~ : - \u25a0' ' "-' '- • \u25a0'\u25a0 "- - . --\u2666; •';TJh»',followlajf marria its licenses were Issued la Francisco Wednesday, June 1, 1010: \u25a0 ATKINSOX—ORAUPrEt— George L. Atkinson. v 23,.1548 O'Farrell street, and Jessie Grauffel, ; 20. 319;Joost »Teanc\ • BAILO— AVIO— PssquaJe Ballo/ 22, and Federlc* .; Atlo. Si, „ both of Eedwood City. ' BECIX— LONG— Erlck ; G- -' E. Belln, 24. Black '. i Point.", and Una hong. 27, ; 3413 Clay street. BELL— WEATHERILL-^Frederlck H. BelU 23. .? 1264 .Golden Gate avenue, and E«a SI. Weath- .erni.:2l. 1731 Hares street. OfSSJBgBHi BRUNSOX— WEAIJICK— James C. Branson; St>. and Elizabeth Weadlck. 30. both of Kocklln.,. CASSIDY— REILLT— Philip J. Cassldy, 24, 3016 TTs-entr-flf th street, and Loretta A. Rellly, 21, :\u25a0 2327 Twenty-third. street. ' . , . COXXELLi-LUTZ--GeorKe A. Connell." 31. Seat- j.,; tie, , and Anna K.~ Luta, 2S, 140S Golden Gat« :;>Tenne.; .- ; . COXROY—DEADT— Thomas B. Conroy. 28. Ellis street, rand Monica XL. Deady, 22, 1016 Elll3 -: street.-. •. ;. --\u0084 ;v-- -- -. \u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0_. DEASY— CAROSIO-Bernard J. Deasy, 23. 15S1 Greenwich street,'- and Amelia M. . Ctroslo, 20. '; 1337 Montgomery avenue. - DE LUCCHI— GARDELLA— An^reIo d# Lucchl, .26. 1027 Lake street, and Dora GardeUa, 20, . , 11H Masonic avenue. • DEVIXE— LAXE-r-WHHsim F. Devine. 20, Rich- mond, and laa n. Lane, . 2«, Berkeley. DBAGO—GHIOTTI— Amandeo Drago. 21. 20 • -Theresa street, - and Emilia Ghtottt, 21. 11l \u25a0 ' Lisbon street. . FISCIIER— SlMMEN— Andrew ~M. Fischer. 29. and Kat her me Simmen, 22, both of 1047 Slx- .Ateenth avenue.:" \u25a0 »• . GRAY— BREDHOFF— Arthur Van B. Gray, 24. " Burllngame. and Helene B. Bredhoff,* 22. 71S ";Ashbury street.- -v . ,-.- :;'\u25a0•--. " \u0084 GILMARTIX— ERZIXGETf— John Gllmartin, 33. 233 Scott street, and Say de Erzingen. 28, 6SI -Halght street. ** I "- V GOTTSCHALK— SCHULTZ— August Gottschalk, 42, 1500 Broadway, and Anna Schulta, 38. 10 ,Bonltft. street. HAISTMAX—COHX— Edwin P. Hartmaa, 81. Oakland, and. MUHe Cohn, 22. 322 Hill street. HAZEL— HIGUERA-^Arthur H. Haiel. 31, Van- \u25a0 couver. and Julia Hlsnicra. 31. Concord. .: HIXKLE— MEYER— Carson' W.Hlnkle. 35, 74 Sixth street, and Dora E. Meyer, 18, 044 Fill- more street. LE BOY— GIUBBIXI— Anthony P/ Le Roy, 23, anfl . Hester M. ; Ulubbini, ' 19, both of Bsntcta. LUCY— SHERRY— Victor G. Lucy, 21. 2700 Bu- chanan i street, ' and May E. Sherry, - 18, 3335 • Clay street. McCURDY— MARTIX— Elliott S. McCurdy, 2S. Amador. and Emllle G. Martin, ,20, Angels • Camp.': ; -\u25a0 . \u25a0 MUTOER— KLEIXMANX— WUIIam *O. Mnther. Oakland, and Helen Klelnmann, 21, 2715 street. - PEZZOLO— DAMOXTE— SiIvio Peaoltf. 28, S7S 'Chestnut street, and Clara Damonte, 17, 2328 vTaylor street. " - - . SCHWEIX— FEISTER— Louis Schweia, 44, tnd --Belle Felster. 40, both, of Chlco. BKELLY— VIXCEXT-rJames D. Skelly. 83,' 113 Stelner street, and Frances R. Vincent, 28. 1963 Webster street. • - . . STROHMAIER— SCHROEDER— Jack C. Stroh- naaier, 22, 1499 Xlnth arenue. and Clart L. . Schroeder.-20, 743 Clayton street. WEBEtt— GALLOWAY-rJohn Weber. ."26. 116 West avenue, | aad . Mildred I. Galloway, IS, 145 San Jose avenue. . Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mail will not be iuseited. They must be handed In at "either of the publication offices and be Indorsed with tbe name and residence of persons author- ized .to have the same published. Notices re- stricted simply to tbe announcement of the event are. published once In this column free of charge. BIRTHS KAUER— In this city. May 25. 1910, to th« wife of Rudolph Kauer, r residence of his sister, Mrs. Lorenzo Shiman. j.'^. Interment San Lorenzo cemetery. • CLARK— In, this city. Jnne 1. 1910, Erasmus ". James Clark, uusbasd of the late Laura C. Clark, and beloved * father of . .George •\u25a0 L.. Charles H., Dillard 8. and Hazel L. Clark, ; •\u25a0? Mrs. J. C. Ward,'; Mrs. L. T. .Webber and ? Mrs. -A. \u25a0B. Collins,' a native of Xew Jersey, r .aged ,70. years. and 14 days. - . COLEMAN— In .this "clty, : May 30. 1910, Maria, i? dearly j beloved \u25a0 wife of- Patrick J. Coleman, 2j devoted : mother : of Matthew P. tnd Anna M. Coleman tnd \u25a0 Mrs. Agoes Qulnn of Salt Lake . ' City, and loving sister of. Mrs. Jullt Dreyer j and Rose and Jennie Hernan.of Xew York city, t* native --of Lonthv County Loath, Ireland. ' (Xew York papers please copy.) ;..-.\u25a0: : .- \u25a0- - Friends and - acquaintances are respectfully v! Invited to attend - the funeral today (Thnrs- I*" day), June 2. 1010, at 9:30 o'clock a. . m.. "; from ; her • late residence,' 2548 • Twenty -eighth '-* avenue. I'arkside. thence to St. Ana's church, " where a requiem high mass will be celebrated f for the repose of her soul, commenclnjr at 10 C- o'clock's." m.. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. CSOUCH— Suddenly, in Valont, * Contra Costa \u25a0'county." Cal., June 1. 1910, Thomas J>\ Crouch, % beloved. husband of the late Annie Crouch; and r father; of Alfred^ Walter, Percy and Thonwu r;; Crouch, of, San Francisco.^ Mrs. Annie Schner Amy Tucker of San" Franctsco and Mrs. • Maumee Sullivaa of \u25a0 Valona. a native of Enr- V land, ased GO years. '<. A member of 'Court -An- rora.Xo. ; 2 of San Franelsco. (Kansas papers pl»ase copy.) ~-?£^;*Z33jj&sg£vapJtgi The funeral; will take place Saturday, Jnne ." 4,": 1910. \u25a0-. at <= 10 -a. ~ m., . from • his family resl- S dence, 301 Miguel street," San Francisco. - Re- .. mains will: be taken >to the -\u25a0 family residence In "San Francisco, today (Thursday). June 2 : . leaving , Crockett on the 10:40 a. -m : train '* Interment Cypress Lawn cemetery, San Fran- DARGIN— In this city.'. May 31, ' 1910. { Michael - Dargln,r a\u25a0' native ' of Galeot, lIL, tjed 64 '-years. . ,/--\u25a0 \u25a0 . .•' ; . .. • \u25a0- : : •\u0084 < ; \u25a0 Friends : 'are respectfallT v lnvited-.to»attend \u25a0^ the • funeral today ; (Thursday ), June 2. x at* 10 V a. m., from -the chapel of X. Gray & C0i."2198 v-rv -r Geary street.-; corner , of Devistdero. . Interment :<% Cypress Lawn cemetery, by automobile. DOTJGHEBTY— In this" city. May 31. • J9loi Ed- \u25a0 '•\u25a0 ward :, C.7 i beloved i husband of \u25a0 Marie Louise Dougherty, and beloved brother of Dennis and if ' John Dougherty, Mrs.: Mary Goggin and Daniel >.?©ougherty.T ••\u25a0 ;.. f.-.T-. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-. --.\u25a0\u25a0:: '\u25a0 • " v . i>"^-. Friends wand -acquaintances are respectfully i.- invited to ". attend . the " funeral today - (Thnrs-, f i day ),-*" June . 2, ; at ; S- a." ax:r - from the White undertaking -^1214 ' Eddy street.- thence 'fSOUNT" I OLIVETi 1 Ay Non-Sectarian 9 \u25a0 CE.M ET E:RY | I \u25a0 Arrangements can be • made In • city of flee. Eg \u25a0- " , - • ADDISOX -BEAD ; BLDG-, ' W ' fost » Street j and ; Gran tr A venue. \u25a0 B will be celebrated for tbu repose of his soul. commencing at 9 a. m. DUrrx— Id" this city. May 31, 1340. MarsareU beloved v. wife .of AlexanVler DuSy; • lorlng mothek of John J. Duffy and the la to Margaret and Mary J. 'Duffy, and grandmother of Esther L.- Duffy, a native of County Galway, . Ireland. Friends and acquaintances are • respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Thurs- day); Juna 2. 1910. -at Ji: 13 o'clock a. m.. ' from her late ; residence. 25K» Twenty -third street, thence to St. Peter's church, where * requiem high mass will be celebrated for th* repose of her soul, commencins at !) a. m. "Interment Holy Cross cemetery. FATTLKNES— In thb city. May 31. 1910. James, dearly beefed husband of the late. Elizabeth ' Faulkner. Waving father of XV. B. Faulkner of Stockton. Cal.. James E. Faulkner of Bethany, - Saa Joaquin county-. CaL, and Mrs. Joseph P. Maloney of San Francisco, a native of Count/ Donegal. Ireland, aged 77 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Friday). June 3. from St. Michael's ehureb. Livermore. where a requiem idsh mass will be celebrated for the repose of Uls sioul, com- \u25a0 Eitneinjc at 10 a. m. on arrival of the 7:40 a. m. train from San Francisco. Interment Catholic cemetery. Livermore. Kematns at the residence' of - hla daughter, 33W Tweaty- first- street.. San Frtaclsco. GOODFBIEND— In this citj. May 31. 1910. I*- nata Goodfrlend/ beloved father of Lotiia. Ist- dor. Arnold and William Goodfrlend. a native of Bohemia. (Stockton. Los Angeles and Vir- ginia City, Xev.. papers please copr->\~ Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral "services today (Thursday), at 10 o'clock a. m.. at the par- lors of Uaisted & Cd.. 924 Flllmore strwt. . Interment private. Please omit flowers. OCCIDENTAL LODGE XO. 345. 1. O. B. B. Officers' and members, please attend tbe fu- neral of «ur late brother. I. Goodfriead. from the parlors of HaUted & Co.. 924 Filiuore street, today (Thursday), at 10 a. in. By > order J. J. MILSXER. President. ' E. PIXTO, Secretary. GORE— In San Mateo. CaL. MaySl. 1910. Mar- garet, dearly beloved wife of William J. Gore, loving daughter of Margaret Bultnan. and sin- ter of Thomas. Mary and Ellen Batman, a na- tive of Wisconsin, aged 23 years 11 months and 10 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend \the funeral today . (Ihur*- day>. at 2 o'clock p. m.. from her late resi- . dence, 96 Farragut avenue, off Mission street near county line. \ Interment Cypress Una cemetery. ¥ HAYES— Ia this city. May 31. 1910. Mary 8.. relict of the late Jtmea Hayes tnd davoted mother of Mrs. C. F. Phemester tnd Jexemia!^? Hayes, a native of St. John. X. B.;-a*td 74 C years. Friends tnd acquaintance* tre respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Thurs- day) at 8:15 o'clock a. m., from tie parlors of Mcßrearty & McCormick. 915 Valencia street near Twentieth, thence to St. Tsrest's church, where t requiem mtu will be cele- brated for the repoae of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock t. m. Interment HOI 7 Cross ceme- tery. - HUNT— In this city. May 31. 1910, William, beloved husband of Susie Hunt, a native of Ireland. Friends and ; acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Thurs- day), June 2. 1910. at 9 o'clock a. m., from his late residence, 709 Asabury . street, thence to St. Agnes church, where a requiem max* will be celebrated for tha repose of hla soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, by electric funeral car from /Thirteenth' and Mission streets. Kindly- omit ' flowers, JENSEN— In Byron Springs. CaL. May 31. 1310, Captain Jacob Jensen, husband of Emma Bra- dlxsen Jensen, and father of George C. Jenaen, a native of Denmark, aged 72 years tnd lo months. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Fri- day), June 3. at 10 o'clock a. m.. from hi* late residence, 2255 Pacific avenue, Alameda. Interment Mountain View cemetery. LUTICH— In Watson-rille, Cal.. May 31. 1910. Anna, dearly beloved daughter of Loreaz and Xlke Lutich. t "native of San Francisco, CaL. - aged 1 year 10 months and 27 ' days. Friends tnd acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral today (Thurs- day), Juna 2, 1910, at 1 o'clock p. m.. from the residence of her uncle, SO Cumberland place off Valencia street, between Xlneteenth and Twentieth. Interment Holy Cross ceme- tery. McCTJBEY— In this city.. May 31, 1910, Sarah J.. relict of the late James McCurry, and dearty beloved mother of Margaret and Kathryn Mc- Curry. a native of Boston. Mass. Tbe funeral will take place tomorrow (Fri- day), at S:3O a. m:, from her late residence, 3412 Twenty-fourth street near Valencia. ; thence to St. James church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for tia .repose 1 of her soul, commencing at 9 a. m. Inter- ment Holy Cross cemetery. i McGINNIS— In this city. May 31. 1910. Law- rence, beloved son of Lawrence and Lurtuda McGlnnis. a native of Oakland, aged 4 years 5 months 17 days. POFE-^ln Alameda, May 30. 1910. John G. Pope of. OakUnd. beloved hnsband of Mrs. W. . B. X. Pope, and father of Girdwood. -Margaret. John and Eliot Pope, a native of Xew Bedford. . Msmi.. aged 45 years S months and '-> days. Friends and acquaintances are respect tally Invited to attend the funeral today (Thurs- day), June 2. at 2 o'clock p. m., from the Masonic temple. Oakland, under the auspices of Oakland lodge Xo. US. F. & A. M. In- cineration, Oakland crematory. EIOHDAN— In this city. June 1. 1910. Madeline F., darling infant daughter of Robert E. and Jennie F. E. Uiordan. sister of Mary (1. Bior- daii. and granddaughter of the : late James and Jane Campbell and Hannah and the late Michael L. Uiordan, a native of San Fran- cUeo, aged 3 months and 26 days. ' Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend . the funeral, tomorrow (Friday), June 3. 1910. at 10 o'clock -a. m.. from the residence of her parents, 90C Thir- ty-third avenue* South. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, by carriage. TTMMERM ANN— At rest, la this city. May 31. I'JIO. Henry Timmermann, beloved brother of Mrs. George TieUemaau of Jersey City, X. J.; Reinhold Timmermann cf Bgooklya.' X. V.. afctl uncle of -William Pitschner of San Francisco. Cal.. and Mrs. Zwlngenberger \u25a0 of Seattle. Wash, a native of MeMorf. Holsteln, Ger- many, aged 57 years. A member of the Bar- bers' Protective Union. (Jersey City, X. J.. Brooklyn, X. V.. and Seattle. Wash., papers please copy.) , V" > Friends and acquaintances are respectfully ' invited to attend the funeral today (Thurs- day), at 2 p. in., from the parlors of Suhr k Wleboldt, 1383 Valencia street nearJTwenty- flftnv. Incineration. Odd Fellows' crematory. WEICHHABT— In this city. May 31. 1910. Jona C, beloved hustotnd cf the late- Anna Welch- hart, and . beloved father of Mrs. George 11. Mejertlerk*. Henry A.. William E. tnd Anna C. Welchhart. a aative of Germany, aged 78 years. A member of Germania iodgs Xo. 116, I.O. O. F.. and of Gesellschaft Teutonia. Friesda and acquaintances are "respectfully - invited to attend the funeral today (Thurs- day). June 2. at-2 o'clock, from hla late resi- dence, 574 Seventh avenue between A aad B streets. Incineration, I. o. O. F. crematory? WE3IPE— in this city. June 1, 1910, Marie •Carolina, dearly beloved wife of William, Wempe.- mother of Marie and Catharine '. Wempe. daughter of Mrs. Catherine and th« late Dr. R. Urednll. and sister of August B. Bredull, - 1 native of Ulckensport* Ohio. The funeral will take place Saturday. \u25a0. June 4. 1910, at ' 8:80 o'clock a. m.. from her late residence. 419 Oak street, thenc*.to>j |8t Boniface - church, where a solemn requiem \ 'high mass will be celebrated for the repose , of her soul, commencing at » o'clock. Inter- , meat Holy Cross cemetery by electric funeral car front' Thirteenth - and West Miasloa streets. WHALEN— In this city.' May 31. 1910. Sarah Whaien. widow of John Whaleo. sister of Mrs. E. O'Brien, and aunt of Letitla Wilson, t na- tive of Michigan, aged SO years.' -' Friends and acquaintances tre respectfully . invited to attend the funeral Saturday. June 4. 1910, tt 10 a. si., from tbe mortuary chapel of the Golden Gate \u25a0 undertaking; company. . 2473 Mission street netr-Twcnty-drst. Inter- ment Mount Olivet cemetery, by carriage. WICKMAN— In' this city. June 1, 1910. J. Fred, beloved brother .of Mrs. Georglna O»X»U, Emily A. and Dr. W. J. Wickman of Saa lU- fart, a -native of San Franc Uco. VanHgii Friends and . acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend tbe funeral tomorrow (Fri- day). June 3, at 9:30 o'clock a. in., from his late residence. 753 Oak street, thence to Sa- cred Heart 'church, where a reqnleui maws will be celebrated for the repose of his sonl. eom~ tneaelas at 10 o'clock a. m. -Interment Holy Cross cemetery, by electric funeral car from Mission and Thirteenth streets. "WIEZAND—In this city. May 30. 1910. Christ ' Wieland. beloved brother of Mrs. - Banz, . Mrs. X Beyer and the late Mr*. JL-«Roljrer aad George Wieland, a native of Germany, aged 4S years 3 month* and 19 . 3283k" r> and 827 South rigueroasU Los Aa2»lt«T Auto Ambulance and Carrlasea fox Hiia.