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gn "What Being 'The Paris of America 1 Really Means.'? Read the story of the night life in The Sunday Call tomorrow. VOLUME CVIIL— NO. 4. BOOKS EXPOSE BIG CONSPIRACY OF FOOD TRUST Criminal Schemes for Boosting of Vegetable Prices Are Completely Revealed Documents Form Sufficient Technical Proof to Convict Dealers' Combine Members Fined or Expelled for Selling' Under Prices Fixed * | * H E books of the vegetable trust. I showing a complete and detailed conspiracy to force prices up, arc in the district attorney's office for tlve U«c of the grand jury. They disclose the plan of control, list of members, rates of fines for underselling, trials of members for this offense and the pen alties imposed. Within the meaning of the Cartwright anti-trust law these books outline a- technically perfect case of criminal collusion. Owned by 85 Men The truck gardens supplying San Francisco lie in the peninsula across San Francisco and San Mateo coun ties. They arc owned by 85 men, who form an incorporated association for the marketing of their products in the big Colombo market, situated between Jackson and Pacific streets and ex tending from Davis to Front. To this market the truck wagons roll in during: the nijiht. By noon the retail ers are supplied and Uie gates are The^e gardens supply all of the city's perisha.ble vegetable:?, such as lettuce and the like. • Commissiorvmen Import potatoes, onions, aspargus, artichokes and such products as stand hard trav eling, and also such as may be out of season here. But the merchants are also heavy buyers from the marketmen, for AXameda and Marin oounties look mainly to San Francisco for their sup plies. The vegetable trust is a double or ganization, not only fixing the prices != to be charged by the members, but act ing as their landlord. Called Protective Society In its incorporated form the trust is known as The protective society of the gardeners and ranchers of the coun ties of San Francisco and San Mateo. Through this prices are set, taxes lev ied and. tineas imposed. For convenience the gardeners have an inner "union," through which they operate the market, paying rent for stall*, the hauling away of refuse and Although the two organizations are l.ut two phases of one. it is the pro tective society that District Attorney Ffckert! his assistant. James F. Bren nan, and Foreman Isaac Goldman of - the grand jury are investigating. Its books were produced by Secretary G. Scalmaninl. under subpena. This society has a constitution and bylaws, written In Italian. It has no slock, so is not strictly a commercial company. But no company could im pose more severe conditions on em ployes than the society does on its members. ; . Fines Are Levied After stating that all vegetables pro-\ *lu<:ed by the association shall be Fold .or. Exposed for sale in the Colombo rnarkft. the constitution proceeds to outline the rights and privileges of each .-tall holder and to lay down a system! of fines to prevent the blockading of passageway*, the intrusion of the rent er on his neighbor and other matters \u25a0 - such as any regular market would regulate. But these are only details. The conspiracy to restrict trade im mediately becomes evident in the terms of membership. To become a member of this uncapi- P tallzed society, the rancher must de posit $000 with its treasurer, if he is a newcomer in the business, or $250 if a truck gardener prior to the form ing of the society, which came into existence shortly after the fire. This sum is not considered an initia tion fee. but a bond. It guarantees the payment of- dues and fines. The re mainder may be turned over to any member who withdraws in good stand- Even to ask for membership the applicant must deposit $100 as a guar antee of good faith, to be returned in case of rejection. Directors Fix Prices Every Saturday night the board of directors meets as a committee for the fixing of prices. The schedule fixed must be adhered to by members during the . week affected, under penalty of • fines. It is printed in tl*s 'form of a circular with the names of the veg etables running in a column and ithe . prices opposite. All matter sent out k by the society is printed and .carries Vsuch warnings in Italian as: "Confidential and private.' * "Pay attention to regulations if you do not want to pay a fine." • x "All members are commanded to be present.** . The directorate, which fires prices Contlnoed on Pncc 2, Colomn Z. The San Francisco Call. Independents Will Give Their Unsold Fish to Charity When the new Portola fishing company begins competition with the trust, it will offer its unsold catch free to the charitable insti tutions of San Francisco. Joseph Catania, manager of the new company and head of Catania Brothers, the only inde pendent wholesale fish firm in the city, said yesterday that instead of sending his excess catch to the glue works, he will offer it to the poor for the asking. The Portola company will operate a set of trawling tugs within a few weeks, entering into direct competition with those of the Western and Paladini com panies, the heads of the fish trust. Paladini and the Western have sent as much as 1 2 tons of fresh fish to the glue works in one day, but never a pound to' the asylums or hospitals. McCarthy Pained By Change of Cast [Special Dispatch io The Call] INDIANAPOLIS, June 3. — Doc tor "Wagner changed the plaster cast on Mayor P. 11. McCarthy's broken ankle today, ai:d the op eration was so. painful that the,. X ray examination which it had been expected to make was post poned. The new cast was made for the purpose of holding; one of the fragments of the broken bone more lirmly in place. It is believed by the doctors that lie will improve rapidly now" and that the injury will soon' ccass, to be so painful. However the " X ray examination will be made in order to make sure that the ' bones are in-., their proper posi tions. The weather, which has been unusually cold for this .time of the year, lias in a measure kept McCarthy back and caused a gen eral depression of feeling. The mayor has made no definite plans on account of-the uncer tainty as to the time when he will be able io leave the hospital. He says lie will follow the advice of his physicians, and they dp not promise, that he will be able to be out very soon- INDEX OF THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL'S NEWS TODAY TELEPHONE KEABYV 88 SATURDAY. JUNE, 4, 1910 EDITORIAL The battle with the railroads. . Page 4 Vegetable trust under ecru tiny. Page 4 Sham fight orer postal savings banks. Page 4 POLITICAL Charles F. Curr7, after tour of north, declares situation Is excellent. . Page S REAL ESTATE City's gateway should be beautified and made to solve traffic problem. Page io Since the fire $180,000,000 has been expended In reconstructing the city. , Page 11 Dumbarton bridpe, already completed, will be Eiig-urate new era for San Francisco.. Page 0 CITY Admission day floral desigu at Golden Gate park is pleasiuz. I'age 18 Two more Native Sons are candidates for office of t'lanJ marshal. Page 2 Turkish "prince," said to be impostor, , may have won Mme. Buck. . Page 1 Spreckols hHrs haTe no evidence that gifts were "advancements." Paj*;e ig Celebration of golden jubilee of St. Boniface's parish to begin tomorrow. Page S Leader of . cxclusionists charges state report was compiled by Japanese interests. Page 2 Supervisors* " committee refuses to eliminate cheap phone service from ordinance. Page 18 SUBURBAN Divorce scandal results in dropping of A. N. Sbeldon from faculty. Page Q> $19,000 lost in grand opera at Princess theater, according to witness. ' Page 3 Chinese shot by fellow employe after quarrel over cooking berries at hotel. Page 6 Oakland grammar schools close with gradu ation of more than 607 students. Page 6 COAST Carpenter shoots at wife and constable, then kills himself. , YV ' .Page 5 Nevada supreme court upholds constitutionality of the direct primary law. Pace 2 Harold Hall, amateur aviator, makes short flights in a Greene biplane. Pajje 5 EASTERN Witness accuses tbe late n. O. Havemeyer of all bUme for frauds. Page 5 Jack Johnson falls to get reception that was accorded to Jeffries. . Pace 12 Southerners lose to Oakland >in vpite'Of * good M-orV of little Kline. Page 13 Merced \u25a0 takes over Oakland franchise In \u25a0 the 6Ute league from Moreing. \ Pace 12 San Jose Staters beat Fresno, 6 to 2, in "game played at -the 'Raisin City. Pace 13 Tip passed^ on .first appearance' of son .. of Planudes proves disastrous. V /• ; Pace 12 A t Corbett;« suggestion Jeffries merely takes run on the roed during day. ; Pace 13 Stanford boy. wins beat ia quarter^ mile at conference meet preliminary. , ,%\ Pace 12 With score . tied In ninth. Ol«en steals, and bring? in; Beavers* winning run. Pace 13 EaMern, tennis stars refu?^ to enter] competi tion for Paris international cup., :.'\u25a0 Pace 1 12 . Beal!" Wright : beats Britisbem and - wing "\u25a0 the European tennis champion9hip"cup. Pace 13 MARINE Fear of comet's" tail keeps Central '^America; i irid» ftwaie, \u25a0} — — - — : — -T".-^* P*B* 17-' SAINT. FBAN^ CHINESE UTTER PROTEST OVER ANGEL ISLAND Immigration Service at This Port Is Attacked in Petition Sent to Washington Editor Takes Message Based on Oriental Threat to Boycott American Products Complaining of what the Chinese League of Justice of America declares to be intolerable conditions at the Angel island Immigration station the Chinese of San Francisco have forwarded to the authorities ; at Washington a voluminous arraignment of the administration of that station. They have delegated Ng Pong Chii, editor of the Chung Sal Vat 80,, the Chinese daily paper, to carry the mes sage. ,v vt;^€-:"iv t ;^€-:"i This action is due to an urgent ap peal from China to the local Chinese to boycott American manufactures and products untir relief is accorded. The movement has been inspired by the hundreds of deported Chinese stu dents who have been seeking admis sion to the United States for the pur pose of entering the American univer sities and colleges., They charge that not only have they-been deported with out cause but 'that they have" been subjected to indignities by the immi gration officials and their- women in sulted. ATTACK O.V INSPECTORS Especial complaint Is made against the system of investigation now In vogue at the immigration station/ The Chinese declare that, they are com pelled to combat a presumption that they are undesirable and ' that- the • in spectors are high » handed' and insult ing when examining .the effects and persons of the Chinese women of rep utable families and merchants. They also allege that the majority . of . de portations . have been made recently merely for effect, without legal cause. They ask. that, the- immigration station at Angel island be moved to this city because much timeis consumed in. tak ing witnesses to 'and froni the station: and this places a heavy burden on the- Chinese , immigrant. .. " ;" v< !: : THREAT . COMES FR'OSI CHI X A ' The threat of boycott "is not made by the Chinese League of Justice,' but comes ',frojn,",niexchants, in-China whose sons and relatives; have been "deported \u25a0 after, passing the . rigid 'examinations i at- the American \u25a0 consulate!., -.tUV -•\u25a0: • - The i petition "to". Washington,- which, is: signed by, Wong: Wing Tuk, presi-; dent, and Fong .Sing, secretary, of the; Chinese- League of .\u25a0 Justice,' does not ( mention a boycott, but takes the; form of-a prayer for relief 'from !the present system and' the practice of retaining proofs of character, which the : mer chants are forced to 'give to the immi gration authorities - whenever they make a business trip- to China. WI FE MORE ATTENTIVE TO BROTHER THAN HUSBAND Traveling in California, Woman Is Sued for Divorce [Special Dispatch to . The Call) PITTSBURG, Pa., June, 3.— Declaring that his rich wife has more interest in her. brother than her own husband, Ru dolph H. . Jantzen, hiad of a large engraving firm, today entered suit for divorce against his wife, Florence-Ade laide Grey Jantzen, alleging desertion. It is set forth by the husband that his wife is now in some* part of Cali fornia traveling with her; brother, who is ill, and that his attorneys have not been able to find her to serve papers on her. Th<J fortune of Mrs. Jantzen is esti mated at about ?250,000. . The husband sets forth that ever since they, were married, 10 years since, his wife has paid more attention to other members of her own family than to him. Jantzen asserts that his men have spent much time and money following his wife and her brother ov^r California to serve papers on her. I s - DUMA WILL PASS RUSS6-FINNISH BILL Measure Deprives Finland Diet of Some Power ST. PETERSBURG, June 3.— The , de bate on the government's' Russo-Fin nish bill was begun in-the duma today. The galleries were interest in the legislation is.intense. In effect, the measure, whiclv is. de scribed as defining the legislative^di vision between the duma: and; the Fin-, nish - : diet, extends ;• the / authority >"of the former body over the .duchy. ' All laws of Imperial importance , are -made applicable ,ito Finland without the con sent of the diet. . Its : ultimate passage - was - forecasted in the first test f vote =, today." The;pro vision giving} therßusslan- parliament supervision: of Finnish j educational* af fairs will, -it is expected, : develop; some opposition •• upon »*. the part j of , .October ists, ,who favor the measure as a 'whole. 1 CHINESE RESERVE RIGHT' TO RAISE FUND^AT:HOME $30,000,000 Railroad Loan Is C Contingent on I Success f ; : .NEW -YORK.' May? S.-^The" placing of a - Chinese lloan' for "railroad building* by and;) European bankers s is: contingent , on' the \u25a0 ability Jbf the ' Chinese .government*: to "raised the money,jat?hbme. r f 'j.\ ; : Vl'? ; v'-»^ \u25a0'\u25a0- : '^'rV;T-" ;,, This" new; phase 4 of tthe * Chinese /loan negotiatinos\wasimadesknbwn;by 4 H.tP." Dayisbn;f member"?of Hhe ifirmiotf J.*^ P. Morgan' &\u25a0 Co., who "; was •*a;paßßentrerjdii the^LusitanlajfromjEurbpe^today." ' V ; -The>ChJneßJeTffo'vernment^bu!reßeiv«d toUt"self;th*o;rlght^of irefusingitojaccept this -loan if it can' r»Ue sufficient funds at"- Jiftrne, ' '. \u25a0'..:,".";•.\u25a0 •" C.'.';:C — - ~- SHEBAN'S LOVE RESTS ON TALE OF SPLENDORS Parading, as Bey, Patriot, \Var» rior, He Successfully Wooes Dress Maker v Pretty Eyes and a Way With Women, bu t He Is Branded As Impostor Coming to San Francisco. to: rest from the arduous duties "of - fighting Turks on his native heath of Albania, his royal highness, Prince Sheban Bey Gotcha, self -proclaimed patriot, soldier and liberator has devoted his spare time to the wooing of Mme. M. »Bucl£. the city's' most fashionable dress , maker, and though the latter makes' a half hearted denial, the common . under standing is that the two are to marry, in New York in July. The prince left San Francisco two .weeks ago after, a year's stay here. He sails for Europe in July and so does, Mme. Buck. Princeling Repudiated \But while romance does, encompass them round and about a jarring, note Madame Bucfy t fashionable dress mailer, and*'' Prince" Sheban Gotcha, "who V is said io have won' herj heart.* '\ enters their, love, song. in the shape of an* emphatic, denial of the claims of the ; alleged Albanian ';. princelet from the Turkish -consul, George Hall, who declared yesterday, that in his (Hall's) opinion his : royal highness was a most royal impostor and that several com plaints about him. and his peculiar attitude toward- women had been re ceived.- Mme. Buck maintains that his royal highness is: all that he claims to be and very much; more. The Turk ish consulate emphatically holds out that.he is a royal humbug, is no more a prince than he is a"bey" and that he is Vno more a -r bey than- he is, a mountain; torrent;; .While the story rages H. R. H. Gotchais in New York awaiting the -coming of Mme. Buck. As the' case* stands now it is a tOßsup "whether the) fashionable mantua maker is Boonl to beta "princess or be fooled.^; Has Power Over Women Surrounding the personality of the prince are strange and unique tales of his oriental powers over women.' Openly heVofttimes- declared .that ha. possessed cigarettes of a certain brand, which, , if WmoWediby a woniani 1 caused her to "pine for him .immediately. One whiff from the faithful coffin nail and the feminine smoker curled up;; and • hurled herself upon the decorated .breast, of the poten tate. • • Then; .theVe , .were - love potions, "charms, 1 magic f words,'' occult thin gama jig's and '\u25a0'. sentimentaK do-funnyj^all known by him": andjall directed to; the same purpose of .subjugation bf-womah: kind:' 'Also." he' hadsuch beautiful eyes. '•' The prince ; came ;to - San ; Franciscb^a year, ago fr?m ; .a;brief stay in ;Los: An- 1 geies, accompanied by - his , decorations," Turkish fez, 'A-ibariian^ uniform -; and a fellow countryman. 1 The latter was re garded by some as a, valet, by others as 'an"equerr'y': : in" : Valtinff''and/;by;the;Turk-; ish consulate as^ an (accomplice.-." It ; all depended upon- the V viewpoint. . Times' "weye^hard^with;'jh|s^ Fi gh t In g .Turks ' for I the fre e dom fo fAI - bahia;. while a' hi ghlyjhonorable occupa.- tioni \u25a0 did '' not: seemt to\&e\'a'.lucrati ye on e and P^r?orcV,*;foriwant-;of ;a better pal aceV^h^and^h'ls^querry^i^^aiting^hiad '^' f^^^^^k^^lh^i^'i 'i^i Turk Wins Mme. Buck Is He Prince or Fraud? STRAGGLES WILL GET ON CENSUS Teni Day i Extension Asked for by Captaih:Baldwiri Granted - i'at \ In' response^tCK another., request from Captain."' George ,B.> Baldwin, : , census enuinerator.'foVHhJSi'distrlct, the.Washi ngton authorities wired him yesterday a 10 extension*" of in /.which to ferret .out r,and.' : count- anyj belated citizens: who have;. notCyet;. been 'in-, eluded 'in- the-.' official enumeration"* 1 of the city. - "His latest; instructions 'will permit him to" count'hoses in' San' Fra'h cisco :untilf. June%lo. .' However, he i will make no 'further recapitulation- oftthe a'ddi tloiia 1 . cou n t,\ b ut' ? will ' forward each return ) direct,, to \ the ; census - bureau -at Washington, ; where ; it' added to his'orlginal : ; returns. - .*. , The total figure, for the' city has been determined by the local; office',") but under a $2,000 -penalty': can' not' be released -by any; other: author! ty." than -the ! head of the^ census "bureau, C.' Dana DurandJ' This-willvnot'berdone 'iin'tiKthe 5 count forjthe: nationals if" completed;; and* it: is expected vvhis -.announcement * l will »-\u25a0 De made i about 'the", 'middle); of -' August.* Hpwever,^? Captain *;: Baldwin that' the; figure :is- highly 'satisfactory himiandiwiHibeltoiany^person.who has followed £thel history,?- and "of the;"city.' ( since the -flre>;>;*, \u25a0". ; I Statistics, at' hand demonstrate that" in San r Francisco jthe^ltalians have solved the *;;raceTsuicide| problem* with, results ;that;outstrlp'the,*hativesjlo!tb^l.; that;outstrlp'the,*hativesjlo!tb^l.' Closely followirig'-thern'are^the .Germans sand next cornel the /Irish.-, :, in Ufie .matter* of early "'matrimony, ,' the;; Germans': take, nrst«;place : against ' thelnatlves lot sunny, iltalia f^Teutonic|affeptibnTexpr e sslngilt^ 'self,; in; matrimony Jas'a'irule/at^the age* of 20 years.': ~' r -^\u25a0'•;; ' .^J;^S7 '\u25a0•} "^ :." ;.' MANi DRUGGED ;AND ROBBE^Lucille t Sharp £• was « held i for ' trial £ by? Police - Judse ' Short *U '4 yesterday/ on s aScharjte r6r 6f f- ci and ? larceny.-* Sb« •fiiisjHccafse'di'.ofidrusrglnsr'andJrobliinjr/J'iujesiL: \ V Uoork 's of ia \u25a0 gold ?. watch. \u25a0 * chnin « and » loclsct.i dl« i5rrtond I fitickpinX andt |17 '• at 5-Tbird^ atrMt (£7*7 - - \u25a0 =^ maxmum \tcmperature % 56 p minimum, AS. "If/ | FORECAST FOR - , ; //ie morning; somtbihat banner r*/Jg/ii waffr , wind, changing tonjod^atcwest. .• " - \u25a0\u25a0"'\u25a0' •-'-•• '- - - ~ v *'* \u25a0 ' '_~_ -""^ ' A JURORS OF MARIN ATTACK FLANNERY Judge Lennon Refuses to \ Re ceive Report 6n Larceny Charge After Acquittal [Special Dispatch to The Call] SAN RAFAEL, June 3.— Although former Police Commissioner Harry P. Flannery was acquitted of the charge of grand larceny in connection with the fake, poolroom at Sausalito, members ,of'the*Marln county grand jury are not satisfied with hi 3. "vindication." In a section' of ..their report handed to Su perior' Judge Lennon today they justi fied their; own action in bringing -the indictment, and" declared 'in substance that, ; on the evidence, they had consid ered no other course was; open to them. \u25a0 Judge Lennon advised" the jurors that it was not within their province to comment on the right and wrong of the indictment and directed them_ to retire and .correct "the report. After a brief deliberation the jurors 'returned with the amended report and -were dis charged. . .The grand jury met at 10:30 o'clock this 4mornlngs4 mornlngs Reports of 'committees and the consideration of .routine busi ness occupied its attention. : The inves tigation into the, alleged jury tampering infthe Flannery .trial and the. protec tion,said to.have-been offeredthe pool room men ; at. Sausallto,- which began during the '.Flanriery trial, was. sumed. The : next grand jury will in vestigate ; those. matters. ..' \u0084 . . . , According- to .the report, the county made ; money as, a result of the raid of .th'ei'falcejppolrobinvby Sheriff -Taylor. . Ss ; "The «.prosecu tion," the report said, "did not cost the county over $2,000. The\bail moneys forfeited by- Frank A. Hazel -amounts '.to $4,500, which means that :> the ccounty has .actually gained |2.500.c.This is^in. reply to, the critics who^haye. complained" that the fake poolfbomYcases Icpst'.the county ' money. / ,"But ; aside" f rom the financial gain. there Is an immense moral gain to the cbunty.r We,'have, given '- a warning to the criminal .class; that operations such as the bunko game at Sausalito can not g0 ... on\ ih-4Marin« . county . without the principals; being punished." WOMAN^KILLS SAILOR IN^ PLAY WITH PISTOL : Weapon -in - Her Pres » ; erice \u25a0 Afterward Charged ; SEATTL.E,: "June .3. — Annie Benson, aged 18 * years,> landlady of a ' lodging house' in . Pike , street, early, this morn ing' shotV and killed i ßobert Wilson,"- 'a sailor who* was , discharged • from; the United States cruiser Pennsylvanlatwo weeks ago. \u25a0 \u25a0 * j- The/woman ' told. the police. that Wil son (came I to. the house last night with a-: friend, . Charles Magnuson. Wilson had '-'a;; pistol, and: Miss ? Benson : asked himito , unload it,"which i he ; did. ,i On* going; into room "again; she ;fpund -Wilson : lying' on; a couch, and. seeing, the- pistol on : the table,' play ;fully..pointed It at Wilson. To hezvnor •ror." a*- bullet crashed- through ;the sail or's head. JHfl9f3£iS&ii££ TWO PRINCES RUDELY HANDLED iBY^-PEASANTS Motoring rNoblemen Encounter / Severe7Sh'owerlbf Stones ; I DETMOLD, ; Lippe, June 3.— Prince ?Leopold;i.lV,;.th«? Leopold ;i.lV,;.th« : reigning prince v of Llppe, v and ; his "» brother, 1 - Prince -Julius, iwerelstoned-byia gang of Itallan",labor 'ef si while.ynotoring < today. \u25a0; Prince Ju lius '^received ' a "wound ron .the i head. Later f. several * of " the* assailants * : were PRICE FIVE CENTS. TAFT'S BILL PASSED BY SENATE Administration's Railroad Meas ure, After Amendment, Ap proved by Senators DEMOCRATS ALONE IN OPPOSITION TO sVaTUTE Vote Might Have Been Unani mous but for Court of Commerce Clause INCREASED POWER TO THE COMMISSIONERS Status of Railroad Bill As Passed by Senate The senate today passed ih& administration railroad bill by a vote of 50 fo 12. The negative votes ii> ere by democrats. Briefly, the bill, which now goes bac^ to the house, provides for a court of commerce consist ing of five judges. Gives interstate commerce com- mission full power to regulate long and short haul rates for pro tection of water competition. Permits shippers to designate routes. Places telegraph and telephone companies under jurisdiction of interstate commerce commission. Regulates issuance of -federal injunctions that might suspend state laws. Gives interstate commerce com mission more power in the deter mination of reasonableness of rates. WASHINGTON, June 3.— The sen ate passed the administration railroad v bill at 9:55 o'clock tonight It had been under consid eration for more than 12 weeks and practically no other business except appropriation bills was considered in that long period. Only 12 votes, all by democrats, were recorded against the bill. The practical unanimity with which the measure was passed was due to radical changes made in the measure from the form in which It was drafted by Attorney General Wickersham fol lowing numerous conferences at the White House on the subject of amend ing interstate commerce law 3. All the "insurgents," who opposed many features of the original bill, voted for it tonight. Elimination of Sections Through the elimination of pooling and merger sections and by reason of the adoption of many amendments in the Interest of shippers, the progres sive republicans claim a signal vic tory and most of the democrats ex pressed themselves as favorable to the large portion of the measure. Had it not been for the retention of the sections to create a court of com merce, it Is likely that the vote for the bill would have been unanimous. Fifty For and Twelve Against 'Debate ceased at 9:50 o'clock, when Senator Elkins, chairman of the inter state commerce committee, moved to take up the bill 'which was passed by the : house, and alter striking' out the body of that measure to substitute the matter agreed upon by the senate. In that form the bill -was voted upon, with the -result that it was passed by a vote of 50 to 12. / No republican voted against the bill and six democrats voted for it. They were Chamberlain, Clay, Gore, Paynter, Simmons and Stone. The democrats re corded against it were Bacon, Fletcher, Fraxler, Hughes, Money, Newlands. Percy, Purcell, Raymer, Shlvely, Smith ,of Maryland and Smith of South Caro | Una. v La Follette Gives Warning Just before the voting began. Sen ator La Follette, one of the "insur gent" republican leaders, served notice upon the senate that unless the senate conferees made a determined fight for retention of amendments procured by. progressive and democrats, it could not hope to have the conference report approved. \u25a0 'Speeches in explanation of their votes were. made by Senators Bacon, La Fol lette. Dolliver, Paynter, Clay. Simmons and Gore. - The hew law will take effect 60 days after it i 3 approved by the president. ;Thfr »foigh ago to", ia the railroad MU ' -I \ ' ' - T '