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16 COMMERCIAL AND MARKET NEWS SPECIALLY REPORTED FOR THE CALL TRADING BECOMES FAIRLY HYSTERICAL Wall Street Speculators. Listen to Rumors Regarding Freight ! / Rate Injunction Railroad Presidents' Talk Makes Prices Drop to the Lowest Level of Year, A>w York Stock List E. F. Uutton t Co.. 490 California street, members of the New York stock exchange, fur nish the following list of bond and stock sales yesterday: \u25a0ales I STOCKS IHlghj Low | Bid | Ask 600;All!s-Ch»lmers ...j 9% S%" 7 8% 400 Do pfd 32' 31K 4 31 33 IC2.4OOjAmalg Copper j <57% C 2T | 03% 03% 2.2oojAnM»r Beet Sugar 35% 32% S2i* 32% - Do pfd 81 93 I.OOOJAtner Can Co H%\ 9 9 9% LIKiOj Do pfd , 70% 69% 69% 70 • 6.4 C»0 j Aia Car & Fndry 57% 53 53 ( KJ% 300[ Do pfd j 113%U14 2.oooAmer Cotton Oil. 61% 59 58%| 60 I Do pfd 10o' !107 , !Amer Hide & L..1 5%| G«> I.IOOJ Do pfd j 36»*. 1 33%; 33 I T. 4 " «oCi,Amer Ic* Secs...j 23%"| 23 | 22%| 23 900, Am« Linsped I LS&I l'Z% 12% 113 J Do pfd I :i'j I :r2 31%) 32 s.3oo:Amer Locoinotive.j 45^1 40%| 40>-'.| 41 -I Do pfd. |105 ]10«%]104%]103 ...jAmerican Malt...) 3%J « ( Do pfd f I 34 I nr.% 34.700; Am Smelt & Ref.| 76% i 72V41 '•'<%! 73% „. I Do pfd \u0084-|lo3ii[Hi3%!lo3 1103% l.OOOlAtner 5ugar. .....1120 ]119% 119 il2o ! Do pfd ! ...?! 110 121 "OOjAmer Steel Foimf r.2 M 50 151;Amer Tel & Tpl. .J134%j132% 132vs*i:« ... JAmer Tob pfd...] 1..... 95% 1 «5% \4oo;Amer Woolen J 32% | 31% 81% 32 • s ! JDo pfd I (...„ 98 98", 4.100, Anaconda i 42 | 39% 40% 4<i% lAssoclatM Oil.-.t i 50' 60V4 g'JO Allan Coast Lipe'll9%;il7% 117% 117% 32.300, A T & Santa Fe. 104%. 101% 102%'i02% 400; Do prd 100%|10I l«, & Ohio 112 109% 111 111% Do pfd I S8 01 Bethlehem Steel.. | 36%) 30 20 129 . Dopfd 1..... { 55 13.W08 R T 78% 76% 76«<, '7<i% 9..vm;canadian Pacific. |l96 ]102%]193% 193% 17^>00C & O ! 83% 1 80% 80% 81 100' C& A I j 42 42% 1.60(1 C *i W I 20 j 2T>% 25% 2T.% 2<H)! Do pfd f4S 147 45% 43 3.100 C & N W J146 SI42H 142% 143% 34.200' CM & St P \VX> i125%!125 a iil2G^ 200 r»o ptd 158 152 153 154 S. S(«i Central Leather.. 37 135 {39 | 35% 300J Do pfd 107 106%;i06 |107 . ;<>atr«il of N 3...\ '255 275 IChJcago Terminal.! 2 4 I Do pfd 8 I<> lOOIC C C & St I 1 78 81 ! Do pfd iIOO 105 2.400 Colo Fuel & Iron. ZT>% 34%} 34% 34% sOOj Do pfd U4g 112% 112% 115 KiO'Colum HC & 1.. 6 i 6 i 5% 6 700 Colo Southern ... 58% 57 157 58 ..: ] Do Ist pfd 76 77 : I Do 2d pfd ....{ 76 77 10.7nn Consolidated Gas.!l3C% 130%i131 131% l.ono.Cotn Pmducts ...( 15% 14%| 14% 15 BOM Do pfd 7« 74 I 73%! "3% TfxtDcl & Hudson ...7164v;i163%!in3>-.!164 c IP I. & \V 530 r550r 550 S.TnrtD &r <; 3714 34%] S4.»;i 35 ; . 600! Do pfd 79 77%J 77%| 78 Diamond Match, .j. ....J 97 !100! 100 l^fKVDistlll Semritles. 29% 2S 2S j 28% •lMJDuluth SS & A.. 14 jl4 12 14 100] Do pfd 2r. p25 23»ij 27 14.4On;Erie I 26%! 25% 25% 23% 2.4<»0! Do Ist pfd 1 «%l 43% 43% 44 ZOO] Do 2d |iTd j 33% 33 52% 34 ; l.SuO.Genersl Electric. 1144% 140 1140 1141 1.400 Grt Northern Ore.! 61% 58 5S 59 H,*W Grt Nortbr-rn pfd. 131% 127 12S 128% 1.200 Illinois Central.. 132% 130% 130% 130% G,Boo!lnter Metro 19% 17% 17% 17% I.IOOj Do pfd 52% 48' 4S' 45% • .Inter Mer Marine 5 5% 60(1) Do pfd 17% 17»i 17% 17% 6(.i0 Inter Paper . 11% 11% 11 11% Do pfd 48 50 1,900 Inter Pump 45% 44% 45 45% *.. 1 Do pt& 82 S3 300' lowa Central ... 17% 17V- 17% 18 I Do pfd ; 35 38 90CTK C Southern ... 33% 31% 30% 31 I Do pfd .'. 63% 66 lOO.Leke Erie & W.. 16 16 13 16 I Do pfd 45 51 3.900 T. & X. 143% 139% 139% 14i> SOOMackay I 86% 85 M 356 Do rfd i 75 76 Manhattan 130 133 2.SoO'Mexlcan Central.} 27% 26% 26% 27 „ ..» iMinn &St L 33 30 2S 25% j Do Ist pfd 68% 81OM St P & S SM.. 128% 135% 135% 136% \ lift pfd .....145 149 9,2<X>|Mo Kan & Tex .. 40% 38 38% 38% 2001 Do pfd 67% 67 66% 67% 6.2oo! Missouri Pae ... 67% 65 65 65% 5,100 National Lead .. 74% 72 72% 72% Do pfd 107 108% National Biscuit | 104% 105 Do pfd ..., 121 124 • r X V Air Brake ..: 1 1 «j4 C 8 . 21.300, N V Central ... 116%i111% 113% 113% 4OO;NT C&StL-.... 61 CO% 60^ 61 Do Ist pfd HXi 110 I Do 2d pfd 85 90 200 NYN H & Hart. 153 152 152% 2,KOO;JJ V Ont & W .... 45 43% 43% 43% > ; * 800 Norfolk it Weit. 100% BS%| 98% 95% ; I Do pf4 jB3 89 " SOOiNorth American.. 69% 67%j 67% 68 12.800; Nor Pmciflc 126% 122% 122% 123 ..." Omaht Jl4o 150 ... Do pfd lt» 183 '....*...! Pacific Coast 105 112 ' €00 Pacific Mai! ... 24% 23% 23% 23% lOOiPadfic TA T Co. 32 32 31% 35 * .* Do pfd 90 100 1 \u25a0 .50,S00:Penn RR Co ... 132 129 129- 129% . c 2,9ooi People's Gas ... 106 103% 103% 104% l.lOOlPlttsburg C^»l .. 19% 17% 17% 18 l.ano( Do pfd 63 «1. 03 65 800|P 004 Et L. ... 98% 97 97 98 Do pfd 105 110 2,«00 r Pr*ssed S Car ..36 S3 133 34 Do pfd 05% 96 SOOiRy S Springs Co. 31% 30 31 35 Do pfd 99 100 26,400 i Reading 150% 150 150% 150% Do Ist pfd ,*8 91 I Do 2d .nfd 90 96% 2, 4ooj ßepublic 8 & 1... 31% 28 27% 28% 000} Do pfd 96% 94 \u0084...! 95 20,300;R0ck Wand Co .. 41% 38% 39% 39% 1.200! Do pfd 86% S5 85 86 I.OOOjSIoss SS & I Co.. 70% 68% C 9 70 I Do pfd 110 116 IStL, &PF Ist pfd 64" 66 2.100! Do 2d pfd ... 44% 41 41. 41% l.lOOjSt L & S W 30% 28% 29% 29% 200j Do pfd 73% 73 71 72% P7.2oo'Southen> Pac ... 121% 116% 117% 117% 4.3oo;Southern Railway. 26 2T» 25 25% 1,400! Do pfd «1 59 58 59 W)o[Tennesße« Copper. 26 2.1 25% 25% I.9OOjTexaß Pacific 30 28% 28 28>4 lOOlThlrd Are 9 6 5% 6 500'Tol St I. & W 28% 28 26U 27% 300) Do pfd €2 62 i:.... 61 ? I.3oo;Twin CAiy R T..1111 108 107 . 108 JUnion Bag & P..| 7% 8 i-Dopfd |... ..I S7 59 lSl.2ooUn!on Pacific 1175 168 I&S% ICS% 3.2001 Do pfd 93% 02 101 102 ..'United BofS F. 30 32 ..I Do pfd 1 61 62 1.300 C S Cast Iron P. 21 20 19 20% 200 I>o pf d I 70 «>9% 69 70 3.700 U S Rubber 38% 37% 37 37% 1,300 Do Ist pfd 11l 110% 105 108' Do 2d pfd J 1 73 75 312.400 U S Steel C0r....|79%| 75% 76% 76% 8,300 Do pfd 116% 115 115 115% 4.6ooitTtah Copper 44 40% 41% 41% ~S.OOO|Va-Car Chem Co. 60 !)7% f>7% 57% ...I Do pfd 122 124 2,7001 Wabash I 19% 18% 18% 18% 11.2001 Do pfd 143 40 40% 40% ".IWells Farpo Ex.. l 185 17T. 300! Western I'nlon. .1 -07 ! <UJ 65 67 LSOOlWesUnghoase ... 62 J 59 ! 58% 60 (W &L E 3% 4% .......I Do Ist pfd. {..... .:...'\u25a0 8 i 10 .......I Do 2d pfd .4 5 300| Wisconsin Cent.. 50 49% 49 ]50 1,545,800— t0tal shares sold. V JVew York Bonds U S ref 2s reg-.100% Int Met 4 Vis .'... 78% Do «Hjnpon 100% Int Mer Mar 4 Us. ci Do 3s reg 102 Japan 4s 90% Do coupon ....102 Do 4%s 94% Do 4* reg 114% Kan City So Ist 3s 72% I>o. coupon ....114% h Sbor deb 45.1931 93% Alllß-Cbal Ist ss. 77% L & N unified 45.. 88 Awer Acrienl 55. 101% M. X & Tex 'lst. 4s 97% Araer T&T cv 4s. 9fl Do gen 4%g ... $7% Amer Tobacco 4s. 78% Mo Pacific 4* 78 Do 6« ..'.: 105% Do cv 5« ctfs.. 93« i Armour 4%« .... 81% X R of Mcx 4%5. 94% Atea sen 4g .... 98% NY C gen 3%5.. 89 Do cv 4s 105% Do deb 4s . 9T% Do cv 5s 107% NY.NH & H cv« 5.131% Atlan C L Ist 4s, 93% Nor & W Ist con4s 99 B«lt & Ohio 45.. 98% Do cv 4s ......100 Do 3%s ....... 90 Nor Pacific 45.. ..101 Do S W S%S.. 89% Do 3s 71 Brooklyn Tretr ct 4s 82% OS L refdg 45. -93 Central of Ga 55.10*% Pa ct 3%5, 1915. 05% Cent Leather 55.. 89 P« con 4s . — ....102% ORB of NJ gn 5e.122% Beading gen 45... 8S Cbes & Ohio 4%5.101 St L&S Ffg 4s. Si Do r«?f 5« ..... P3% Do gen 5« ..... 87% <*W & Alton S%«, 70 St I, 6 XV oon. 4s. 76% - t.B & Q Joint 4s 95% Do Ist gold 45.. »1 Do pen 4s ..... 97% Seaboard A. L 4s. 72 - CM* StP sa 3%« 82 So Pacific col 45.. 90% C.UIi Pac -col 4s 75% Do cv 4s .1 95% Do refdg 45.'.;.;57% Do Ist .- ref -' 4>:. 04% Colo Indns 5«....' 77% So Railway 58. ...105% Colo Midland *«.. 73 Do gen-4« ;..:. 76% Col So r&ext 4%« «7 Cnliw Pacific 45.. 101 . D*l & Hudcr 45.. 97,: Do cv 4s .../.: 102% "Den & Rio G"45. 93 f Dolst & ref 4s. 06% Ho tcf 5s ..... 91»i!USIiubber-65...102 VIOLENT BREAK IN STOCK LIST N"EW YORK, June 3:— Prices of stocks broke a grain "today with a violence almost unexampled oyt side of times of absolute panic. This was after a show of resist ance to the forces of depression during the early hours, when the heaviest selling that appeared seemed to be easily absorbed and prices rebounded repeatedly from the declines. The action of the market at that | time gave rise to an Impression' ; that the worst of the shock had < been absorbed and that conditions' < were ripe for a rise. Uncovered shorts were made nervous by this action of the market and helped on the tendency by their buying tq, cover. The kind of explanations of- v fered for the recovery showed ! plainly how attention remained | centered on the dominant topic of j the government's policy toward j railroad increase in freight rates. There was circulated an . expres- '<\ sion of confidence from an anony- i mous legal authority that the in- [ Junction against the . . western j! trunk line advances would be '\ promptly dissolved. Another ru- <| mor was that President Tdft con- 1 templated a statement in one of !> his western speeches calculated ]! to allay apprehension. < On the other hand there was no ' lack of authority for ex pressions of the gloomiest views by prominent railroad officials of the disastrous consequences they saw threatening from the suspen sion of the intended rate ad vances by the railroads. President Brown of the New York Central. was quoted as say ing that the credit of the rail roads "has been almost totally destroyed by this action (the rate injunction) and it will be almost impossible, in my opinion, for any railroad to secure a loan here or abroad.*' President Brown was quoted further as saying that $10,000,000 of ; New York Central bonds had been sold in France at 88% cents on the dollar. Almost at the same time Presi dent Brown's colleague. Albert H. Harris, general counsel of the New York Central, was quoted on his arrival home from France as expressing great satisfaction with the success of the sale of $10,000, 000 Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis bonds, which are to be issued to the French people at a discount of 3 per cent or a price of 97. So far as could be learned, the two references were to the same transaction, and the discrepancy in the two views went unex plained. The use made of the Brown in terview was very effective in pre cipitating . liquidation and in breaking prices to the lowest level of the year. There sprang up a series of rumors dealing with the probable further steps to be taken by the government in the prosecution of the railroads having to do with the alleged in tention to break up the various traffic associations, to-enjoin other proposed rate . increases and to proceed for contempt against such railroads as were enjoined under old lawsuits against the trans- Missouri freight association and the Joint traffic association. Use was made also of the frag mentary extracts from 1 President Taft's speech at Ada, O-, espe cially the passage, "It is reason able to suppose that at some time within the next decade there will be some reaction or some financial stringency or perhaps a financial panic." Also the passage, "I think the issue of most Importance will be the question of the preserva tion of private property' or its destruction and the substitution of a certain kind of co-operative joint enjoyment of everything, which Is the ideal of socialism." These words of the chief execu tive were reported on the news tickers almost without context and In sensational suggestiveness of extra spacing between the lines. The mood of the speculation became fairly hysterical at times and last prices were not far from the lowest. Union Pacific was down s%'on the day, and Reading, New York Central, Pacifies, United States steel. Amalgamated ; copper and the railroad equipment stocks in the neighborhood of four points. Bonds were easy; total sales (par value), $2,637,000. United States bonds were un changed on call. Distillers 5s GS US Steel 2d 55.. 103: Erie prior lien 4s. 62% Va Car Cbem 55.. 98% Do gen 4s ..... 73% Wabash Ist 5«....109% Do cv 4s. ser A 74 Do Ist & ext 4s 66% Do cr 4s. wr 868 Western Md 45. . : &3% G«n Elect cr 55.. 135 Westing El ct ss. 88% IU Cen Ist ref 4s. 97%|Wis Central 45... »0% Kwr York Mining? Stocks Alice 2.25 Leadville Con .... 05 Brunswick Con \.; 07 Little Chief . 06 Com Tun Stock .. 25 Mexican :. 1.02 Com: Tun Bonds.. ' 17 Ontario '. .225' Con/Va Mln Co. . »4 Ophir ............ a% Horn SilT»r 50 Standard 70 Iron SUrer ;1.63| Yellow Jacket ... 70 \u25a0 New York Curb Stocks Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. Amcr Tob ..420 425 Nlpissing .... 11% 11% Bay State G. % fl-16 San Toy . . . . 28 33 Boston Con... 17 20 Standard Mm 14 17 Brit Col Cop. P% '5% Do pfd ...' 44 47 Bte Coalition 17% 18% Standard 0i1.615 623 Chi Subway. 2% 2% Super & Pitts 11% 12 ' Cum Ely ... 6 8 Tri Bullion... % •\u25a0« Darls Daly..: 1% 1% Ton Exten .. 88c 05c , Dolores 6 6% United: Coppr. 5% 0% Dom Copper. 102 105 Do pfd ...15- 30 El Rayo ... 3% 3% United R Co. 9 10 First X Cop. 3% ,3% Yukon Gold. V 4% - 4«t Glronx ..... 6% .7% Ray Central.. 2% 2 9-18 Gld Coos . .8% 8 7-16 Ray Con . . . 17% 18 Gld Daisy .. 5% 6% Ohio ........ 2 2% fild Florence. 2% 2% Braden 4 4% Greene Can.. 7% 8 . Chi no ....... 10% 11% Gng Express. 175 • 180 Ely Cent ... % % Kerr Lake-.. 8% 8% Inspiration .. 7 7% La Rose ... 4% 4% GIU ......... sk . 5% Miami ...... 20 20% Ely Con .... 9-i§ % Mines of Am 58 59 Con Aris ' .;.IT<l 1 15-ia Montg 5h0. .. . % % Mays ........ 161 102 NeT Utah .. T& 15-16 . Boston Copper Stocks BOSTON. June. 3.— The* morning session of the market ruled dull, with : price changes con fined -to fractions. The market is absolutely f eaturelefis. The tendency, howeTer, is some what easier. Niplsslng has been a trifle "more actire and shows an adrance of % of a point Miami is elightly firmer- and Nevada consoli dated slightly weaker.* 3*n&&%|£||giaa%i|aßa|Kd Unsettled general conditions, coupled with the approach of tbe . monthly . statistics, bas put a temporary check upon the demand for. copper metal, but with; no important price, recessions. Calumet and -Hecla declared a dividend of $7 a decrease of $1. . '\u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0 . -; \u25a0.'\u25a0-.<\u25a0\u25a0.-. .• » .. .\u25a0-.-, -~.- , The following list is furnished by E. F. Hut ton'& Co., 400 California street. Sa n. Francisco \u25a0 Bid. Ask. - Bid. Ask Adventure .. ; 5% -6% Newhouse .';'.'*. 1% igi Alloue* -...'.%. 40 ,41,, North Butte.. 30 30% Arcadian .•.. 5% 5% Ncr Con ' . 18% 18 \u25a0 Aria Com . . 14%~ 15 • North Lake... 10% 10»4 AOanUc ..... 7 ;. 7% Old Dominion 34? 35^ A P ........ 5 ;fi Oseeola. v';;;..180fv ';;;..180f 132'S Do:pfd ... 16 16% OJibway .:..;: 6%. 7V. Bslaklala- ..."14%14% Parrot ..r. - J4il LI . Bte Coalition 17% IS QuiDcy ..•...->- 74 V. \ 75 •.> Cal & Ariz!;- CO, 03 {Shannot \u25a0....; 10" 10% THE SAN FRAXCISCCr CALL, SATURDAY,' JUNE 4, 1910 Assessment on Op|ir Weakens Comstocks—Oil Shares inactive Cal & Hecla. — 553 • Santa Fe . '. . \u25a0' 1% — Centennial .. 16 17Vi United Shoe.. 67% OSVi L'oitpr Range 63 »4 64 Do pfd ...24 24^4 Daly West.. S : B la Super & Bost.lOVi 10V4 East Butte.. 8 8% Super & Pitts 11 11V4 Franklin .... 12 . 12V4 Super Copper. 41^ 42% Granby 37 38 Tamarack . . . 4S .50 - Hancock 17 17% Trinity ...... 514 v 6 Helvetia.'.... 3 314 US. Mining. 40^ 40% Is'.e Royale.. 1!) 19% Do pfd. .. 49 Vi 40% Indiana .....15*4 — Utah Apex .. 3 - 3^ KerrLake'.; .Si 8% Utah Con ... 21 21Vi" Keweenaw .. 3& 4 Victoria .....> 3 3Vi Lake Copper. 4H% 4714 Wolverine ... . 112 114& La Salle . . . lUi 12 Wyandotte . . . 1<&. 2 Mass Con :. 6Mi 7 Winona '- .. . :. 7 &* Mexico Con.. I^l% Greene Can... 7% 8 Mloh Mm .. 4U, r, Giroux -0%- T& Mohawk . . . . 48 49 •?\u25a0 •;"'; Boston Curb Stocks ' Bid. Ask. ' . Bid. Ask. Ariz &/Mich. 43 49 Mason Val ..7 8 Ahmeek .... — 175 Nev Douglas./ 2?4 .2% Bohemia .. . ,, ( «»4 7% Oneco '\u25a0 2% 2% Boston Ely.. 2 2% Raw Coalition 22 25 \u25a0 = Calaveras ... 5% 5% San Antonio.. 7 7% Cactus ...... 2% 3 - South' Lake... 4>4 4% Chief Cons... I>*. 1% Inspiration .. 7 7% Corbin 7 Davis Daly... 1% 1% Chemung .... — , 9V4 Chlno \u25a0-...... 11 > 11V& Ely Witch... 11 16 Ohio •-.'.' 2 2% Keystone ... 314 3% Majestic 60 61 , Live Oak 20^ 20% ;;.: London Closing Stocks - Cons for money. Sl 0-16 Loutsv & NaMi... .147*4 Do for «cct..Bl 13-16 M, X & Texas.... 41 Amal Copper .... 65% NY Central. .lioy a Anaconda 8% Norfolk &' West;. .lo:? Atchisou 107 Mi Do pfd !»2 Do pfd ..104ii|0nt & Western... 45 % Bait &, Ohio.. lU^iPennsylvanla " ..*.. 67»i Can Pacific 201 Vi Rand Mines ...... 0% Cues & 0hi0.... .So*; Reading ..... .80' Chi Great West.. 27 So Railway ......'26^ Chi, Mil &St P. 133% Do pfd ........ 63 De Bf-ers 17% So Pacific ....<... 124% Den & Rio G 39 Union Pacific .....182 Do pfd ..\. -."... 81% Do pfd ....06% Erie 27% IJ S 5tee1.. ...... 81% Do Ist pfd..... 45% Do pfd .........120 Do 2d pfd S"5 > Wabash ........ ...20 Grand Trunk .... 37% Do pfd .... 44V4 111 Central .. 137^ Spanish 4s ... 95^4 Bar silver — Quiet; 24 IX-16d per ounce.. Money— 3@3% per cent. ' : .• The rate of discount In the open ' market for short bills h 3%, per cent and for three months' bills 3J4 per cent. Treasury' Statement • WASHINGTON, June 3.— The condition of the treasury at the beginning of business today was as follows: \u25a0 . , Trust funds»-Gold coin, $557.84»,869; silver dollars, ?459.777,000; silver - dollars of 1800, $3,711,000; Bllver certificates outstanding, $480, 777,000. - - , 'General fund — Standard sliver dollars, in gen eral fund. $2,300,250; current liabilities, $96, 350.509; working balance In treasury \u25a0 offices, $10,1X»,306; in banks to credit of treasurer of the United States. ?35,085.805; subsidiary sliver coin. 521,274,564: minor coin. $1,229,143; total balance in general fund. $83,306,555. Culumet and Hecla Dividend BOSTON., June 3.— The' quarterly dividend of to* Calumet and Hecla mining company was reduced from $8, paid the last quarter, to $7 a share. The dividend paid at ' the corresponding quarter last year was $6. \ Imports of Merchandise NEW YORK, June 3-— lmports of merchandise and dry goods at the port of New York for the week ending May 28 were valued at $16,685,718. Imports of specie, for the port of New York for the week ending today were $153,501 silver and $117,330 gold. Exports of specie from the port of New York for the. week puriing today were $226,600 gold and $935,525 silver. - ... -, Xew York Money Market NEW YORK. June 3. — Money on call, easier, 2%<&3 per cent; ruling rate. 2% percent; clos ing bid, '2\'t per cent; offered at 2% per cent. Time loans, very weak; 60 days. 3 %" per cent; 90 days, 894 per cent; (5 months, 4 @4\i per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 4540514 percent. Sterling exchange, steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.5375@4.84 for 60 day bills and at $4.8080 for demand. - Commercial bills, $4.83^4 ig.4.83%. . < Bar silver. 53% c. ' Mexican dollars, 44c. Bonds — Government; steady; railroad, ea;«y. \u25a0 Bradatreet'n Bank ClearingM • NEW YORK. June 3— Rradstreefs bank clear ings. report for the week ending June 2 shows an aggregate of $2,852,155,000. as against $2 827, /wI.i.KK) last week and $2,6(>6.894.0(mj iv the corre sponding week last year. The following is a list of the cities: / _.;; '-- . '. \u25a0'\u25a0-.. .- /-Per Cent-i citips-^— Amount. • Inc. Dec. New \ork $1,744,238,000 Co .... Chicago ...... 240,306,000 .... .3.0 n£u °V I* uV ' * ' • ' • 1 »).852.000 ' .... 2.0 Philadelphia ...... 150.366,000 10.2 .... St. L0ui5.......... 06,763,000 13.4 .... Kansas City....... 41,218,000 11.0 .... Pittsburg % ... 49,886,000 22.0 .... San Frauclsco .. 38,531.000 19.8 .... Baltimore 26,114,000 5.1 Cincinnati 10.342,000 .... 10.7 Minneapolis 1ft.985.000 '\u25a0.... 15.2 New Orleans . 16,078,000 : 43.0 Cleveland .:.. 15,681,000 ' 16.9 .... Detroit 14.471,000 13.3 .... Omaha 3.3". Los Angeles ... 14,380,000 22.4 .... Louisville 11,523,000 - 2.8 , ..... Milwaukee ....... 10.684.000 7.6 .... Seattle \u25a0 '9,396.000 4.6 St., Paul ! 10,714,000 36.2 Buffalo 8,888.000 17.3 " Denver 9,082,000 14.1- .... Indiannpolls ...... 7.276,000 62.1 ' ... Atlanta 7.927.000 143.0 .... Providence ... 6,319.000 .... 0.8 Portland, Ore 7,647.000 /' 28.5 \u25a0 .... Memphis 4.455.000 -*\u25a0 36.6 ..'.". Richmond 7.744,000-12.3 Fort W0rth....... 5,600,000" 35.0 .... Salt Lake City.... 6,127,000 ' .. . - Washington, D. C. 7.844,000 5.5 '\u25a0 .:.. St. Joseph.. 5.022,000 6.6 .... Columbus .... 10.701,000 116. 1 Albany.... . 5.345,000 0.4 ..... Tacoma 4.524.000-- ... ' 142 Savannah 3,778.000 61 .1\ . . ; . Spokane, Wash.... 4,507,000 30.3 .. .. Tojedo .....:..... 3,192,000 /2:8 Rochester ........ 5.157.000 "..... 12.8 Nashville .3.600,000 104.5- .... Hartford 3.425.000 .... 10.0 Dcs Molnes.... 3,a54.000 8.0- .... Peorla-: 2,415.000 3.9 Norfolk .2.633,000 3.4 .... New Haven....... , 2,412,000 ....^3.0 Sioux City 2.753.000 6.1 .... Wichita 2.513.000 19.2 .... Grand Rapids '2.397,000 10.0 .... Syracuse, \u25a0 2.070.000' 0.5 .... Augusta," Ga - 1.628,000 - .... \u25a0 .:.. Birmingham ....... ,2,330,000 84.1 ' .... Springfield, Mass.. 1,972,000 4.0 . Evansville " 1,081,000 31.1 ...'. Dayton ............ 1.950,000 10.9 .... Oakland, Ca1.... .. 2,541,000-44.6 .... Oklahoma ~ < , 1.022,000 •\u25a0" 17.4 ' ' . . . . . Jacksonville. Fla.. 2.006,000 59.3 " ....' Portland. M 0...... t1.734.000 23.2 . .... Worcester - 1.810,000 33.6 .... Little R0ck........ 1,329,000 ..'.". 12.2 Knoxville ,1,472.000 49.0 Wheeling, W. Va. 1*631.000 • 11.0 Charleston, S. C. . 1,275,000 40.0 .... Chattanooga ...... 1.439,000 39.2 .V.. Lincoln ......-, 1.373,000 4.6 ...-; Wilmington, Del.. 1,826,000" .... Mobile 1,428,000 - 25.9 \u25a0...; Topeka 1,081,000 :\ 0.0- .... Davenport 1,326.000 : 13.8- .... Wllkcsbarre ...... 1,243,000' 1.9 - ..;. Kalamazoo, Mlch.v 1,186,000 1.2 ...v Fall River...... ..800,000 .... 16.1 'Cedar Rapids, la.. : 1,217,000 .... 17.1 Sacramento . .. ...- .1,060,000 \u25a0 28. 7- .... New Bedford....;. - 859,000 21.8- .... Springfield.. 111..... 967.000' •...." 6.7 Macon .......'...;.= •; 740,000 44.2 ; .... Youngstown .... . . >, ' 'pi 062,000 \u25a0 \u25a0 . : . . 3JB Fort Wayne.....;; : '932,000' 12.4 ';.'..;. Helena ........... = 772,000 1.7 '\u25a0': :....- Fargo. N. D. , 667,000 , 28.2, - .... Columbia, 5., C... 053,000 82.4 .... Akron .1..... - 719,000 - 27.0 .... Canton, - O - . . ... \u25a0 / 1,058,000 . 68.4 ft ••-. •; . . Lexington ........ 661,000 '2.6 .... Erie, Pa ...... >. 30.1- < .... Sioux Falls. 8. D. 774,000 ' 50.5 :V: V r.'.Y. Rockford. 111. . :. . . \u25a0 \u25a0 798.000 ' 33.0 . : Qulncy, 111........ - 521,000 9.2 -•'.;. Bloomington, 111../ 626,000 37.5 • ".;'.. Springfield. O.. '....'- 409.000 .... " 7.4 Chester. Pa....... 536,000 V 22.6 V...' South Bend. Ind.. - 507,000 ' t 7.6 Lowell .;.•../....;. ) ' \u25a0 ~ 386.000 .''.".".;':. 12.8 Blnghamton ....... : 463,000 -.86. 1 .:.; Jackson. Mlns . . 284,000 ; 50.2 ...; Decatur. 111....;.. >'• 408,000. .... - 9.7 Mansfield,: 0...... - ' 271.000 ..*..- .8.7 Fromont,- Neb. :..'.-\u25a0; ;-;.' - 313,000 \u25a0 i ..:.'-\u25a0 :14.1 Vlckf burg. Miss... 209,000t 23:6 . : ;... Jacksonville, 111.:.. \u25a0 : 261.000 '::.. 6.1 •Dulutb.; Minn.. ....'. 2,910.000 43.5 ...; •Scranton.'Pa;.... 2,497,0 W. ' 3.3 ...'. tHonston :..*....".. 24,833.000' 15.0 -..».. tGalveston ....... 10,426,000 -•\u25a0'-. 12.1 "• ;:.; : York, Pa........". ':>.; 866,000 ; ..... .... ';" T^ot '\u25a0' Included , in totals * because comparisons are Incomplete^ •' .'\u25a0•',- \u25a0-.:>•.-, \u25a0 tNot; -included-. In -totals - because.;" containing other Items < r than clearings.' • ' ;. '* • ',' \ ; .. . ' : - . . Xort hern Business .; *_• ' >..' \u25a0\u25a0. PORTLAND,' June .S.-^1ear1ng5.V.51,433,477;. S.-^1ear1ng5.V. 51,433,477; balances. " slo6,966. • < .; .^' ' ' _\u25a0 -,' .'---v. \u25a0\u25a0 v • TACOMA, June i 3.— Clearings, / $950,096; bal ances,' $91,040.. ' '\u25a0- . \u25a0' .'•-\u25a0-*.• \u25a0-;' \u0084 - -'. \u25a0 • " ' SEATTLE.? June 3.-^Clearings, $2.377.731;' bai ances. $212,051. . : "' " -.7 •-"\u25a0-.. . : - \u25a0\u25a0 .'SPOKANK." June;3.-f-Clearings,': $931,381 >: bal ances, $133,5)22. -;,,;" .;\u25a0 A —-Weekly Trade IlevieTr .-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0':'\u25a0\u25a0, NEW , YORK. ! June 3.— Bradstreet's^ tomorrow will say: . "Trade ', advices f are ;' irregular, * vary-" Ing •' somewhat with ' the 3 section* *or (lines report ing, ;. but wlta \ quiotnesß"tbeif. prevailing^ featiuv.' In-( the t northern ' half? of i; the,;: country/: unscason- ' ably ,"cool : weather . has ] been >; a ; bar >to expaasloa in retail .trade,' which at many cities is classed as -disappointing. •>:-, .' ":.-. , /" •• • -""At'these centers reorder business is light and jobbers' operations are i consequently.: restricted. Probably. the best reports as to trade come from the northwest ; and , the Pacific coast, . while the Atlantic coast reports are of . unsatisfactory, re tall trade.; :.v : t ; ;- : .-"\u25a0•-• i - \u25a0< : . ' ; *,'As the; week! advanced action by. the govern ment' against railroad freight rates resulted in rumors of , suspensions "of improvement . work by railroads.'. V some.: of * which; were, however,: de nied.; These reports injected an additional .'ele ment of uncertainty into the industrial' situation." •'.-'There is - more* activity iv Iron. Woolvis weak and lower -on liquidation of old stocks and unsatisfactory :, reports from \u25a0 the .-, gt>dds \u25a0 market. Cotton, goods .still feel : the' effert of contrast of high- present prices,' with probably lower future quotations for.: raw. material. \u25a0-> The ; leather and shoe ;trafles are quiet. : BuildingJis active, but May totals will probably;/ fall behind April. \u25a0- 4 "Business failures for the week ending "with June 2 In the : United ' States, were - 160, against. 200 I last week. 101 in ' the same, week of 1900, 225 in 1908,-155. in 1907 and 102 in 1906. v Business failures *In Canada for the we>k number 18, which compares with 15 for" last weekend 10 in the like week : of 1900. ' ; .-. Wheat, -Including- flour, exports for the United States and 1 Canada for the week ending June 2 \u25a0 aggregate 2,970.063 bushels, against •i..> 94 ,144 last week and 2,125,199 this week last year. ,\u25a0, \u25a0 . •"Corn exports for the week are 238,740 bush f Jf- against 345,3fri last j week and 30,193 in 1 909 . - ~ ; '.".,*";-,» . \ . ' " . ;\u25a0 ' - -. /\u25a0 ' : H. G. Dun & " Co.'s weekly review of trade tomorrow will say: "The -.gradually improving temper of large business durinc the last two weeks has been chocked by. the irritating contest over railroad rates. The effect of thisr upon the trade situation can not yet be ; measured. : - - -_ 'Sharp competition in the pig iron 1 markets has resulted In further price concessions. This weaknvsß is general. In .practically all directions and some producers who had been unwilling to lower, quotations, are now meeting the views pf consumers. ;In the Chicago district basic and rnai|pat>l<\ iron are most active, sales of about 00.000- tons. being reported, while-a liberal ton 5a5 ap * J|? s bppn taken at Buffalo at" declines of rrom to, 50c per -ton. -Some furnaces, how ever, refuse to accept orders at the current level, and In the .Pittsburg market dullness " is again apparent. -; • \u25a0 . "The large demand for finished steel is fairly won maintained. \u25a0 Jutlgiug by the amount of new business coming forward in -structural lines con struction work is boing pushed with vigor es pecially ,in \u25a0 the west. Negotiations \ for rolling stock comprise locomotives chiefly, yet few con tracts have been closfd. Improvement appears in the wire trade, where demand formerly was below, expectations. -,'-•-: > J _ , \u25a0. "Cotton goods were affected adversely . by the oreaic in.raw cotton, buyers heßltatlng until more stable conditions appear. A better inquiry has deveoped^or certain lines of cheap dress goods mLJ^ me 1 late and ' ut " r e delivery. The yarn flrmne', e Th q ° II ff t ' *«t »tton.yani»"'Bhow more nriTarr'',.- V \ nu * of dry S^ds - trading in snPßkin^ V'" ls conserTatlvfl " but « Kenerally sppaking. values showing a firmer tendency satfff^r" l° ndlUf>ns contin "f decidedly \u25a0 nn a^n r«l^. y> i$ ew ' orders - ar^ of small volume Fntw orders -In the bands of many New »I manufacturers are running low. U kinds of nld a e n s/' "*** m " kCt contlnues in a » _ j . XiOanw, Exchange and Silver Prime mercantile paper .....506 per cent £"°g exchange, 5ight......... — @4.871 i Sterling exchange, cables — @4.BS«i New York exchange, sight — @ , 5 ' h«IT tT ork exch ange, telegraphic. — © 7V.' Hongkong exchange, sight..:.... —fig.: 4374 Hongkong exchange,' telegraphic. — ® 44' : Silver, per ounce.. o r- !6 . Mexican dollars, \u25a0 nominal.'.. .."."II —©50^ v .. , CONTINENTAL . . iork on Paris.... >;i<iu. New York on Mexico. :.... ••••••• «is^6 Paris on L0nd0n.'....... 0-^oi^ 1 Berlin on L0nd0n.. ....... .'.\u25a0.'."' "'"" " "20 49^ STOCK .MARKET « The'fcature of; locnl securities yesterday was t-ft io,i ne £ Assocl «^<l oil from $01.87% to WUirtMlciig list of sales, mostly small. Alaska Packers was also woak'at ?Sft. 2s. There was some activity In Oro water at $03. Spring \ alley water : was weaker at $47.87%. Other chsnges were slight. \ r ° -JSWStyiwi-rtin.wsesamcnt on Ophir weak ened the Comstocks and the whole list was mor« »nrt A S " °?M r '/ ; J Ophir dw lined from 08c to Soc «nd Consolidated, Virginia from 07c to 90c bid ho^,, rS SS w Sm f nt fame to hand as expected. Sr^a?ir||S .^ tern ° Oa - ~Jt ™ s 23c \u25a0 pere was more activity in the' southern N> rnn^iw »c» c ' actlT «- "tofka lrelng Booth. Goldfleld Consolidated and, West End. The latter- was leSSl£SS*SNfflfeJ S^ \u25a0•' Belmont sold from w,n "», to i R25; V GoldfieW.- Consolidated lost 10c on the day at a 'closing price of $8.40. '• . f ne^ copper stocks were lower, Glroux selling in C offlce r Tula's an assessment of 10c,". delinquent p?. lassf & Co: have levied an assessment of 20c, delinquent July 12. fr,J^L nCt P /i? fit ? °J S? J lontana-Tonopah mine abou^ 2 SJ!, Of A P rU to have; been .A special meeting: of the holders of the Alameda- sugar, company will .be held on June C> i VC I e 'JllinnJ 11 i nn a . Proposition to increase the th P^r 8t T k f *To * 750 - O( X> « "0.000 shares of =hov2 J a !S c of $2°2 ° Pa c h 'to $1,500,000 in 60,000 shares of the par value of $25 per share A*»e»»ment Directory Comstoek Mines R,^Hnn PaDy ~" *}> Board. Sale Day. Amt. Bullion . . ..... 17 May ) 8 June 6 . .05 Con Virginia... 14 May 9 June 3 20 Mexican .......100 'May 17 .June 9 ir, Andes ..... n - May 26 June 21 .10 Jellow Jacket.. 36 , June 5 July 11 15 U" lo j» ; ••\u25a022 .June 7' July 1 <\u00841 0 Caledonia ...... 82 \u25a0 June 13 V July 8^ .10 Sierra Nevada.. 22 ; . June 16 -\u25a0 July 12 ' .10 Crown Point. ..; 6 June IS July 20 \lO Central Eureka.*24 June 12 July 16 .2^ Justice ........ 6 : June 25 -July 19 .$ Chollar ....... 13 June 3- July 29 .10 Opbir ......... — June; 3— — ~ STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE •\u25a0FRIDAY.- June \u25a0\u25a0' 3—10:30 -a.- m.'' \u0084. UNITED STATES BONDS . -\u25a0••: Bid..Ask.|:;, . r -Bid. Ask. 4s qr cp new — : . — r .|3s or coup...'— MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Ala A W 55..— 7 — Oak Tran: fis.lOS^ — ' Am REI ss. 93 94 Oak Tran 05.105 — . As?o Oil ss. 97^ 08 O Tran'Cn ss.ia> — BayvCPC 55.102% — r O Trac Cn 5s 05^ 06% Cal- CG 58.101 ,-—.'. O Trac Co 5s — " — - CalG & E g- OW gtd os.oß>— ! - m &ct 5s 09% — Om Cablfi Cs.KMV-lO" Cal st C 55.102 . Pac G Im 4s. 84 — Cal Wine ss. 89 »1 — P E\u25a0 Rr ss>.>- — 100% City. El 55.. 90^4 91% Pac-L&P ss. 98 ' 88% C C Wat ss . —-. 101 % Do ctd ss ; 101 % — Do g imgss 95% f»5% Pac T&T ss. 9S — Ed.El LASS.IOO .— . P,.&' C.H : 102 — Ed -LAP :- 6s. — 110 P£. O R 65.100 — DuPt-P 4%s — -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0— People's Wos 67%' 69^4 First. F. Trsg— — Powell B t 65..100 — F& O H Gs.loo — Sac EG&Ros.* — 101 • HC & S 58.104 105% S Diego R 5s — — Honß T 65.103% — . S J L&P 55.;95% — " L Taboe ,Rss — /9S ?. SFEIRy 5k 05 — LA Elec ss. 101 . — • SF.O ' & SJ5s . 103% — LAO & E155.100 \u25a0 102. -Do 2d mgss 96% : :Do Cnr ss. 97% — Do Con 5s. t- 95% L 105V4 SJ& SCR 4%s — 00 LAL ctd 5s. v — 5 — ,: Sierra R fls.. — . — \u25a0 LAP.;lcm :55.102% . — ' S P iof , C 6s ' . . '-! ' IAP- Cal -58.100% — ' ->1912) .r..103%104^i Marin \u25a0W55.101% — - SPC-l^c g 55.112% — Mkt st 0168.102% — < Si J P B R 6s. — ••-123.--' •Do lem-5s. — 100% SPRR Ist r4s "os%;— * -. MV&:.MtTSs: —.i — % Stkn G&E 65.106% -^ .. NUI of CBs.lll '—-\ SV" -W g mR4s 00 , 90% N:C;Ry 55.. 101:, — U G&E ss. 99% — NCP Co 58.100 :.— - UR of SF 45.'67- - 08% NCP — .07% Vallejo.Ben & N t;i C 0755.. — -;03v Xapa TIRos — -. — . O GL&II 55. 100% — !' ValCo P.os. 00%100%" \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0--:.:..; \u25a0\u25a0--:.:.. -= WATER STOCKS .; Marln Co.' .'. — : 61%|S VtWat Co. 47% 48 \ '" \u25a0 GAS 'AND ELECTRIC STOCKS City El Co. .'51% 54 IPac- L: - pfd:. — — N \u25a0 Cal Power 63 %05 \u25a0 Do com : . : CB% 70 \u25a0• \u25a0 Oroi.W, I^iP C 2% 03% '\u25a0\u25a0 ' • -.„,;•\u25a0,,; - \u25a0'••\u25a0- -INSURANCE .'STOCKS-- 'iMji CaMnsCo.*. 75 SO [Pac-.C CasCo.ls4 — Firemn's . Fd.230 .— | -< . " ' , > \u25a0\u25a0 :\u25a0.'; '•'-.'--\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0( ---BANK 4 STOCKS V'p--; 1 --'-*^ ' \u25a0 .'\ Am. Ntl Bk.120; 127% First Natn1. . 240 255 • : Anglo &; Cal. 153 — • Mer: Nat 8k.225 240 -" .i Bank of Cal. — .-.•— s F National. — 145 . Cent Trust. .llß \u25a0—'.> Union T Co.. — — ',-| ' " l^ f - SAVINGS BANKS Ger.S & L.2750 3000 -:1s F 5avU..525 — Hum- S : 8k..125 • l.'O " JSaT,& L So;. — ; 125 ':\u25a0'- Mut.SaTtßk.K— r 63%1Sec: Sar-Bkl. — ' 335 ' i STREET r BAIf.ROAP STOCKS California.-.-, . . 125 \u25a0-->' — jl^esj I^esf dio . . ....25 30 ,' r POWDEB STOCKS • . ' Du'Pont pfd — f S6%lGlant;,Con .. — ; .79% <i Vo com V.134 \u25a0:\u25a0.\u25a0 — \u0084\u25a0: . \u25a0!. .:.- \u25a0.": ~z \u25a0 :-: .- , : .:.v; .SUGAR STOCKS :"V •- Hawaiian If C. 40% '41% jMakaweli S'C 55% — Honokaa; S : C ; 19%-^- • lOnomea C 40% ' 51 B | i HutchSS PiC 18 : 19< Paanhau S C. 27% 28% [ Kilauea • S » C 13 <-\u25a0'\u25a0 — * (Union - S - Co. . — - : 72% i^^H-'^'-'-^-'oiLf stocks --•\u25a0\u25a0•„•.:•;•... • i 1 AmaliOU.Co. — ''-: — r'.Sterling ;OIK. 2%,— i : Asso^Oil-Co. 50.*50%hV Coast O'pf i Palmer" Oil.": 1.45 *— -.\u25a0 fiDo: com -. .."i— (-— -\u25a0 ' \p. -.-.,\u25a0 'MISCELLANEOUS , Alaska p. 'A;. 89% — :. Paa.Aux'F A— • \?>: Cal ; PC A.;;—- 101 . Pac; C -Borax. 154. — Cal Wine .A: < 31 -',* — /. Pac T&T rpfd — ..; !)4 ; ' SIV& ;.MtTm.* : — ' \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0—'. .••Do?cora" ... 31 '"•.'' 34 • N Alas S Co: — — fPhiilp;T.&;T 22% 25 - \u25a0-' V ;vr -.v'-.:.;:. '->, SALES -..•-'•• :~: ~- : \u25a0 -\u25a0-%^'^.' ; ;\u25a0'\u25a0.. .'\u25a0» Morning .Session r . .» " -^f^Vi.-v- - Board — s"-:^^r"->-(vX'::- : -\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0:'' \u25a0\u25a0 ; '-.w^r v V\' ,Vj fiO Alaska ; < Packers'-^Assn r*. .";;.,/.;\u25a0 50. 25T;.' , r75 Alaska* Packers*?sAßsn;r.T.V.V.". i ß9.o0 -V -.; 2r.0 Associated, on* C0: r. : . :....:. ;•\u25a0; ,51.00 ' M '\u25a0\u25a0 ; 4,1 no 'Associated \ Oil vCo :ri :';\u25a0;\u25a0:: :~^\ i 50. 87% '• . 50 AKsorlatod , : OIK Co,^ "b ' 60.".*. . : : 51 ..'.O '" 2-~. Associated .l Oil 1 C0.' .".-.'ivrr. '.'.*.: .-; 50. 7." \u25a0> < ' ::X: :X ,10 .California i Wine rA55n.*;: . \u25a0....;. "=. 33,00;:', 1 -'-.'" \u25a0 , . " ' y \u25a0"""--.*... ' " " . ' \u25a0'. 'r.'i;tf*™sqp^SH SUMMARY OF THEMARKETS Xew York stocks break badly. Copper stocks dull land weak. Spot and future cotton iilsthor. Local stock n^rkets \veak and "'- quiet. ;' \u25a0 ;: '-'- \ Wheat" and .-barley continue to de- \u0084: -cline. / ' -' : - ' \u25a0'. I "\u25a0' \-' \u25a0'" i Beans firm, with pink«t higher. . Xew ,hay coming, in more freely. Provisions nctive i and very Hteady. H»ss coming: In more freely. ' AVool and hops very. dull. " »v»- prnnex very firm. Tnrpeutiue 4 cents . per snllon /-lower. ~: ; . \ : ''"'['\u25a0 ;:' "~ '\u25a0 - nutter and Vkkk li ichor. Potatoes and onions steady. Prices for poultry unchanged. Pacific codfish higher. \u2666 •-.-- l."» Spring V'Hjley Water Co. . '. . 47.87^ ,SI,OOO Marln Water & Power ss. .101.50 .; $1,000 Spring. Val Wat gen mtge'4s.. 90.12& '/-.„\u25a0\u25a0 -^ Street—". ;- \u0084 \u25a0•"\u25a0-.. : \u25a0\u25a0",., \. 275 Spring Valley" Water. C 0 ........ 48.23 \u25a0 $2,000 Cal Gas & El (f M & CT, 55.. 100. 00^, $2,000 N Car Porter Co Con 55..... .. 94.50 \u0084: ... , Afternoon Session / • Board — . .. 100 Alaska Packers' A55n. ......... SO. 25 '-'."• Associated ; Oil ' C0y. . ... . . . . . 50.62% i' 50; Associated .Oil" C 0..... -50.50 25 Associated Oil Co. : 50.25 110 Associated OH C 0....... 1 . ..50.12^A 100 Hawaiian C'oml & Sugar C 0.... 40.50 . 100 Makaweli Sugar Co .'.-.-. .-. . . 50.00 20 N ("ill Power Co Con -liS.Ui) S.l \u25a0 N Cal Power' Co Con. . fi3.50 115 Oro Water. L & P......~ '. t«.00 1 $2,ooo. Spring Val Wat gen mtge 45.. 00.12^2 Street — l ; 50 Cal Fruit fanners' A55n. .. . . .100.00 $1. 000 Omnibus" Cable . tty " 65. . . . . .105.00 $10,000 Cal Gss & El G M & C T ss. .100.00 UNLISTED SECURITIES $7,000 Pacific Gas & Electric 5s .. 98.00 MININQSTOCKS ; SAN !- FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE ' .'. Followinc were the sales on the San Fran cisco stocky exchange yesterday: . ' ' - COMSTOCKS \u25a0 Regular Morning .Session 200 Andes. 14] 100 Ophir 96 300 Chollar .;.... 12 100 Overman ..... 00 ': 20 Exchequer. ... 15 200 Utah 06, 100 Mexican ...1.07%[ «"» Yellow Jacket. 70 :'.-""::,.-\u25a0.. /'Afternoon Session 100 Belcher ...... 70 200 Ophir ........ 93 lOrt Ch011ar '....«.. 12 700 Savage ../.... 21 ,100 Con Va M.... IHSI "300 Seg Belcher .. 19 200 Con Va.M 03 300 Seg Belcher .. 37 800 Mexican . ..... 1 . 05 300 Union 17 400lOccidental ... 27i 2iX> Union •"- 16 .200 Occidental ... 2S| 200 Yellow Jacket. 70 > ; -r ' ; Informal : Session \u25a0 600 Andes . . . 131 500 Ophir ..... . . . -SO 500 Belcher •;..... 70: 200 Scorpion 05 100 Caledonia ....' 40 200 Union ........ 10 200 Exchequer ... 20 £00 Utah , .06 100 Gould & Cur. 10 1200 Utah • .... . 05 300 Mexican . ..1.02 V> 500 Yellow Jacket. 70 100 Ophir 90J 1 CLOSING QUOTATIONS — Bid. Ask.] Bid. Ask. Alpha .*..... a"> OJlJustice 13 — Alta 12 — (Kentuck :...'.. 15 — Andes ....... 12 13 Mexican 1.00 1.05 Belcher ...... 70 75 New York Con 03 — Bullion- ......'. 10 -17 N Gould &C. 2.1 25 Bruns- Chollar. fC, —Occidental .... 25 2S Brnns Potosl.. 04 05 ' Ophir / SO * 90 Caledonia .... .39 40jOverman .....' — SO Challenge Con — 25|Potosl '.; — "40 Chollar . .; ... 10 12: Savage 21 22 Confidence ... 70 — Scorpion ..' 0." 06 Con -Imperial. — • 06 Se» Beleber .: 17 18 Con Va M . . . . 00 94 Sierra Ncr ... >10 IS Crown : Point. ., 70 75 Silver Hill ... 11 — E ' Sierra : Nev. ' 09 — St • Louis ..... 05 — Exchequer ... 20' 21 Union ..'...... lfi 18 G<mld & Cur. 18 10 Utah ......;.. 05 06 Hale & Norc. 31 33 Yellow Jacket. 70 76 Julia ........ 12 — v.TOXOPAU AND GOLDFIELD STOCKS ;.'\u25a0•"<.-. Regular Morning Session 1 1000 Columbia Mt.. Ofi! 1000 Raw Coalition. 25 lOUGId Con M.;.8.r,0| • L", Afternoon Session 700 Belmont .....3.05 500 Montana ...... 93 2000 Booth ....... 12 -110" Nev Con ..20.12% 7500 Booth ... / 13 240 Xcv Oon ... .20.25 500 Com; Fraction. 5O 800 Nuv Hills .... 85 \u25a0-300 Cum: Ely.' 6.75 SOO Nev Hills ;.'..' 83 100 Cum Ely.. ..0.87V. 200 Nev Htlls . . . . 84 250 Girtoux Cons. .7.00 1000 ,: "Do, b 30.... 85 150 Giifhtx. Cns.7.l3Vi 200 Pitts S Peak.. 6S , 2tiO Glroux C0n5.. 7. 25 r>oo Hound Mt 57 ::0O Gld Con M.5. 42V. 2000 Tecopa Cn,530.1.»0 : 700 Jim Butler T-." 2S ltX) Ton . Exten ... 01 500 MacXamara \u0084 27 100 Ton of Nev.. .8. 60 S(X) Midway ..... 2914000 West End ... 6G 1500 Mizpah. Ex . . 3211500 West End...' 65 1000 Mizpah Ex' ......30j..- . . ''\u25a0 i .Informal. Session 200 Belmont .....3.401: 700 Gld Con M.8.42% 500- Do, s 90.3.37 V. 10Of» Jim Butler .. 27 1000 Do, s 80. . .3.;'hj! 500 Midway ,-. ..... 23 ">OO Com Fraction. 5113000 Rescue Con . . 05 1500 Gld Con M. . .8.40 200 Ton Exten .. . 90 500 Do, a 30. . .8.30 1500 West End ... 63 000 Do,, s J10...5.30 \u25a0 . CLOSING QUOTATIONS : • CALIFORNIA Bid. Ask. . Bid. Ask. Cent Eureka..- 45 - —So Eureka M.4.25 — Kennedy \u0084.'.10.00 \u25a0 — \u25a0 . NEVADA- » , : ' • . Tononab District ' ; j Bid.Ask.l \u25a0-' Bid.Ask. Belmont .. . . .3.40 3.4s'Montana ...... —1.00 Cash Boy ... Xi 04 North Star ... 06 07 Jim Butler .'. 27 '2S Rescue Con ..04 06 MaeNamara.. 27 \u25a0' 28 Ton Exten ... SS 91 Midway ..... 25) . 30 Ton of Nev. . .8.75 — Mizpah Ex . . 29 31 West End ... 63 04 •\u25a0\u25a0' -.- Goldfleld District ' Adams ...... — 01 Gld Portland.. — 02 Atlanta ...... — 12 Gld ' Kewanas.. 06- 07 Blue i ßell ;.. 01j 02 Gld Merger M. 10- — Blue Bull-..-, f- 04 -Or>|Grandma ..... :— • 02 Booth .....:. 13 — Great Bend . . <.»2 03 CO D . . . . . . 07 — Grit Bend Anx. — 01 Columbia " Mt.. .05 — Grt 3end Ex. — 01 Com : Fraction. 50 til Jumbo Ex ... 19 21 Conqueror ..;.. 01 02 Kendall 01 02 Cracker Jack. 01 02 Lone Star 02 03 Daisy .•:;."....-.. 00 O7(Oro ......05 06 Dmß Btte C. — 01 (Red Hills .... 03 04 Dmdfld Trngl. — \u25a001 Red- Tf>p Ex.. 01 02 Florence .....2.25 2.27 Sandstorm .... — 04 Florence Ex.., — 01 Silver pick .. 0« 07 Frances Mhk. 02 04 St Ivea : . . .. — 12 Gold Bar Gld 02 04 Wonder ....... — 01 Gld C0n. M... 8. 40 8.45 Yellow Tiger.; 05 '£\u25a0 Bullfrog District Amethyst \u25a0 ... . :— 01 Mont Bullfrog. _- ol Bonnie Clare.. :—: — 09 Montgomy Mt. \u25a0< 01 Blfrg Nat Bk — 01 Tramp Con .. 04 Homestake K." — %\u25a0\u25a0 01 Tecopa Cori \.i r — 1 30 Mayflower Con 02 Of Valley View... — *02 - Manhattan District Man. Big Four : 02 05 Mustang Man.. — 0° Man Con .;.: 04 —. Pine Nut 01 Man Dexter... 05 —Thanksgiving.. 03 Mineral Mill.. — 02| ... . nl. «... "Other^JHstrlcts- . Balloon; Hill.;-. — WNev. Hills ..\. 83 — Eagle's Nest.: 03 ,05 Pitts S Peak.. 68 70- FairvwG Bid 01. 021 Ramsey — ' 01 Falrvw Hallst — 01 Raw Coalition. 24 25 t airvw . Eagle. -15 — Ra w Queen . . 33 Jack Pot '..;.. 02 as Round- Mt ... 57 • — :_: _ ;\u25a0<*' • r Copper stocks Cum Ely ..,6.75 7. so' Nev Cons ..^0.12 20 37 Glroux C*ns. 7:12 7.2."t| . • OIL STOCKS ... Aesterday was another very' dull day in the oil-- stocks. -.the.* total aisles on both calls aggre gating, only '-4.773 .shares, v Associated oil was lower^at ; $51 and Palmer.' at $1.40. There were no other variations, of note. ' * SAN; FBANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE - -Bid. Ask. ; t>\a i-v Alma ..'. ... 1.00 —M& ir —"\u25a0 % Amal 0i1". ..- —60.00 Nev; Midway — "'5 Amy, ....;. ;1. 30, — New: Pa Pet 1.12%1 13 Ap0110^..... 10 .-\u25a0> 14 Occidental >2.V\u0094 As^2 ; wi 1-*1 -*- ~ 50i50 Pac S Petr'o .46 _ Do ;M»'S. — 98.50 Paraffin^/ . ..1.00 -1 40 BluevMoon.; 31 33 Paltn.-r.-Tt. 1 1 140 \u25a0'\u25a0 145 Brookshire.. . — f'2^oo Peerless Mi:*'—i \u25a0:*'— «vl Cal Oil :& G I :-' 1.20 Plnr.l *:IV. iIO.W &M Caribou:...., — 18.00 Premier ..;. 1 20 1 22^ Chi .Crudo;-. 12 >•— Itecord ....... '(Tin Claremont:; 1.80 1.87% Uepublic : . .:.~ { 50 '«-» Coalinga ; C .' /— - - .53. 53 SV? & > McK.20. 00 28 00 Cresceus ,7.'.. -j —\u25a0 ,;»0 Saner. Dough - >2"oO Del Rey . .' IS :_J Spct j on 25 7.. 26.00 " — DoLuxe r...2.00-'—[Setinon '-...... S.OO — Empire:....; — .2.75 shawmut ...- _ 50 Enos- ......: — 1.55 Silver Tip... _•>« Four '-. ....... 12 - 16' Sovereign ... "-' is ~"«i 111 Crude... 50 55|S;w &B: 50 K~. Imperial \u25a0>\u0084;. : — 30.00 Turner . . 1 n!> Junction ... '\u25a0*\u25a0 50 :75 Wabash . . '.'. . ; "_. ; 1 " «o Uascot >.:;".':; 2.oo- 2:20 Wolverine .. 40 — McKlttrick/. i,- 23 /-^/ -^ W X Oil Co — 4on Monte; Crist 3.30 '3.40 • • . -• V: . 11:30" a. m.— \u25a0•\u25a0 ' .•' •\u25a0\u25a0. -'-•' \u25a0'; v;>3? Associated Oil .............. .- -• r>i -,o' ,20 Associated "Oil :.;.:.:........ - " .51' m J2OO Premier:,.'. .:..'.:.... •"\u25a0'* i^o t . - 100 Saver,: Dongh •\u0084'.".. . '. .'. .. r. !!"""- \u25a0 1 'q~> \u25a0 •500 Sovereign ',-..'. .... ,~. I. ..'., \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0'" *v.^>«jj \u25a0-";\u25a0 i200i 200 s w & : b . '. . -. ....'..[ '.'. ! •" ".".'. .'..'.'. '. *5o •/SOO Fouis Oil v . ........ . to : : 50 Kern >Biver V. . ...... /.-. . ; '/; \\\? m * ' s.W lOOO'BIue-AioonlV... '.. •lOO.Claremant ..%. .. . ''"''""." :.\'%tr 1500 .Premier - . . .;. .. .- '- "'" ' "" '\u25a0'"-'\u25a0 ,oj -^palmer::-.;.,.,;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;-; - I•? Los Angeles Oil Exchange | [Special lDispatch Call] \ H LOR f ANGELES, X Jnne'i3.--The i high * priced' stocks^were; again the i feature. of the oil- exchange today: SUnlon ,* uIH sold \u25a0 up jto i |105.75 and r Unloh provident 'sold' at $107. . " .•-: . < . . \" - \u0084f .AsHOCiatedto il at $30.50 • •:' >:::CaHfornla-Mldway.sold at Oo^ic and 56c. on-a 30 "day..! buyer; t-laiwc. : ' ' . •;-\«r,r.-. <i >- \u25a0..\u25a0- \u25a0 Cleveland opened strops,- but at 36c bid. Wheat and Barley Still Lower Provisions Active and Steady GRAIN MARKET ! AMieat and Other Grains Wheat — The. local market continues -weak and several descriptions are still lower. Trade Is dulL • - CASH WHEAT California club, $1.45@1.50; Sonora. $I.CO@ 1.67^4; Propo and white Australian, $1.37V>43 1.62%; northern club, $1.4«« fctl.4S*i; Russian red, $1.43*4 @1.-Msfci: turkey red, $1.45<ai.50; bluestem, r>o. --' - iv a. m. Session ; No quotations. No quotations. "-. . Barley— The market continues" to decline. Spot grain is still scarce, but there are liberal offer ings to arrive. . \u25a0 CASH BARLEY Old crop— No. 1 feed. $1.05&1.07tA; off grades, $1f*1.02% per ctl.; extra choice, |1.05%: new crop, to arrive, ?1.03%®1.00Ji; brewing, $I.lo© *I.l2&~per ctl.- FUTURES 10 a. m. Session Open. nigh. L*w. Close. December .. $I.ol^i $1.02 $1.01? i $1.01% 2 p. m. Session Aray— sl.o3 bid. $1.07 asked. December— $1.01 lg- Oats— The market continues inactive - and without feature. 'Red,- " $I.l*l 37 &; black, nominal; gray. $1.47v.@1.52i a ; white, tIAT^QIJBS^ per ctl for fair to No. 1. , Cora — Western states yellow. In bulk. San Francisco track, $1.52i'.^1.57Vi: white, $1.55@ 1.C0; mixed, $1.50^1.52^: sacked prices, 7Vac Rye— Ncminal at $1.70@1.T3 per ctl. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Future Grain and Provisions . CHICAGO/ June 3.— ln the wheat pit today cautiousness?\am6uittinsr to downright timidity was evident Irom- start to finish on both sides of the market. Unprofessional speculators In particular wore inclined to keep strictly ou-the outside because of the blistering received yes terday whichever way they \u25a0 turcttf . Last prices were %c to i^c lower and the tone weak. Corn closed %c to V-jc down and oats onchanged to sc to &C off. Provisions finished with a de cline of 10@12JJe to G2Vi». Decisive factors in giving the last quarter of an hour a bearish outcome wero credited to 1 Texas. A yield as high as 25,000.000 bushels was even predicted and a car of new wheat, the nrst of the season, was announced to have beea shipped out of Gatesville in the Lone Star com monwealth. Improvement in the winter wheat states during May was shown. European mar kets were weak and millers were mourning over a discouraging situation as to flour sales. The September option slipped under the JH)c mark, selling between B»%e and 01% c ami clew- Ing at i>O^c, a net loss of U@%e. . _ Unfavorable corn crop, reports were numerous but not so much so as to arouse suspicion as to their spontaneity and genuineness. September ranpd from OS^e to 50^c and closed weak at 5& 7 ic a net decline- of He \u25a0 pats trailed after \u25a0 other grains. September varie.l from 30%e to 35Ti@."«e. with the close WofiJTiol" cI - a declice oC *jS}| from the Provision* gave way under selling by stock t£a£ M°" SPS Rnd - by a commission firm, which evidently was trying to unload long pork. At tie «k£^££ F*.A n 5 -^ c to «2Hc lanl was down The leading futures ranged as folloVs: Whea*^- .-Open. Uigu. Low. Close. July ........... 9314 94 P2U 02U. September DOL, oi»i Mi*. noiZ D *S" — - ~!?°* . S? *$ J Ql >' ••- 531.4 39%* SSU ssii September .. m£ r,^ &*% W% ivi v] y •• 37% 37>; si-.a; nar .September 35% 36 35R4 3.^ D^^orkVpVrb^ imMm P J«ly-. 21.S7VJ 22.05 21.10 21.2713 September ... 21.67^ 21.75 21.00 21.07^ Lard, per 106 lbs — , •l° ] y \u25a0• ....n.or. 12.07^ n.S2ti September .'.... H. SS 12.00 11. SO n.g.J Short Ribs, per 100 lbs— i uXy \u25a0•••• 1-.13 12.17*:, 11.07^*12.00 beptember ...;. .11.90 11.071J 11.TV& 11.S0 Ch«h Grain and Prb-rL«!onM CHICAGO. June 3.— t'asb quotations were as follows: Flour, steady: No. 2 rye, 75rtl7tte- feed or mixing barley. 46/its.'U>; fair to choice maltinu c.1 rr rloy^-59(r loy^-59(1 o y^- 59(^ Gsc: fl axse<> <l. No. 1 southwesterS |-.03. No. 1 northwestern $2.13; timothy seed. *4.0.->: clover, $11.25; mess pork, per barrel $22 W3!~?A lard> per 10 ° PPnn^s. $ll.So; short ribs. s^ fc clear side 3 GRAIN STATISTICS * «^ aI . clearan <^s of wheat and flour were equal to 90,000 . bushels. Exports for the week, as shown by Bradst reefs, were equal to 2.971000 bushels. l»rimary receipts were 267.000 bushel? compared with 133,000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 4 cars; corn. 353 cars; oats. 148 cars; hogs, 10,000 head. DAILY MOVEMENT OF PRODUCE r.i Artle l es ~. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 17.H«> IS 000 Wheat. ' bushels IS 000 \u25a0 in'loo i Corn, bushels 2fln.2o<> 22s*ioo Oats, bushels 192.«0O * 177*000 Rye. bushels 1.000 -l'noo Barley, bushels 43,500 SO °00 JVew York Grain Market NEW YORK. June 3.— Flour— Steady, with a small local trade. Receipts, 15,301 barrels: shipments, 7,726. \u25a0Wheat — Spot, barely steady: No. 2 red, $1.04 nominal c. i. f. : No. 1 northern. $I.OOKj nomi nal f.. o. b. Options — Wheat advanced early oa small offerlngcs, stpady cables nnd cold weather, but eased oflf nnd*>r commission bouse selling on - the weak ness in the stock market, closing at %c net decline. July closed at-O»%fr; Sep tember. fMUic; December, 06% c. v Shipments. 5,152 bushels. Northern AVheat Market WASHINGTON TACOMA. June 3.— Wheat— Blnestem, 81c; club, 7Sc: red Russian, 77c. . SEATTLE. June 3.— Wheat— Milling: Blue stem. S6e; forty-fold. SJe. club. We; "fl'fe. S3c; red Russian. 81c. Eiportj'Bluestem. JT«c; forty, fold. 81e; clnb. 80c; tie, SOc; red Russian. 7Sc. Yesterday's car receipts: -Wheat,' l4 cars; oats. 7 cars; barley, 3 cars. OREOON PORTLAND, June 3.— Wheat— Track prices: Clul). SISSSe; bluestem. S.~<i£.SCe: rod Rufyitn 79<&S0c; red, 81®82e; valley. M<J£«c. Car receipts: Wheat, -4 cars; oats, 5 cars. • Minneapolis Grain and I* reduce MINNEAPOLIS. June 3.— Wheat— June, 51.03- September, 00%*»;00%e; December. .89% c: cash No. 1,-hard; $1.07; No. 1 northern. $1.04^1 00- No. 2r5t.02@1.04; No. 3. 9i>c@sl.oo. >. '«' Corn — No. 3 yellow. 54@56c.i • . Oats — No. 3 white, 34Ti({c35 T sC. Bran— slS(s?lS.2s. . Flax— Closed at $2.05. Dnluth Flax DULUTH, 1 June 3.— Flax— To arrive and on «"so^ : -'S 05 A ' Jul - v ' ' $ 205 aske«l; S-eptetnber, $1.68%. bid; October,. sl.sß% -bid. ; LOCAL MARKETS 'Receipts of Produce June 3 Flour, qr^sks.... 3.4o2! Alfalfa meal, aks. " 3 00 Wheat, ctls .... 30 Shorts, sis 10 Barley, ctls ".,440 Feed, sks ." """ 23 Oats, . ctls .... . . 2,470j Leather, rolls 40 Corn, ctls ...... 75, Ta110w, ctls * tra Bran." 'sks . . 3t" Hiiles. No V"/ ™; Middlings.- sks -'.. riOirelts, X«> .'.'"" ] Potatoes, - sks - . . . 3,000 Lime, bhls ; " rso ! Onions, Pks . . .. . 330 Sujcnr. ctls '\u25a0". s, {nn ' Hay.' tons ...... 220 Wine, gals \u25a0 rUaWJoi Rtraw.v tons *....'. :f> Rrarwlr, gxUi .-; . '«po Wool, .sks' -'H'Lumber. -M ~2»> Malt, sks ...... 1,000; Ualrflns. \u25a0 b.ts t . .'. .' 2,S(X> Family Retail Market" Retail rates for leading household staples show very : little ehanjre ttiis week. Butter and e~~-t staud . exactly the same as quoted in the lnst report and : meats, fish and poultry are sii'll selling-: at <.the. familiar quotations. Fresh fru't* and v products of field * and . farm are in abun dance.-"with prices normal. - -. . .COAL,, - PER TON— - . - Pennsylv"nfa Egg.sl9.oop,'ew . Wellington. .$12.00 Hebbnru :..:\u25a0.....\u25a0. 12.00 Wellington Nut..l lEoo American Block.. 14.00 Welsh Kite ...... IS.OO Richmond .....:. 12.00JPelaw . Main vMII'IiOO - DAIUY rhoDUCE. 'ETC.— BottcrA2 lb sq.ts3(&7C> Swiss Cheese 30@33 ..1»4.1b square..— &so Esr B s, „ , dojea !.l*2sli3o Eastern Cheese. ..-—@3o Honey. . cotnb, lb — leli £&£Kg£ A^ll^ "tracted....-^ Hens, each.... ?1<g1.25 Ducks, ea., youns.Sl 30 f» Do. , small t . . . .60<g75 Do old : . ... . .$1<&1.23 Younjr. Boosters, ; Geese," each :..*.: ..*. $3 i4eachir.:\".-.v.*1@1.50 Goslings, each ....."."$;; Old Boosters,. ca.50@73 Pigeons, pair .... ©50 Fryers;: eacb.. v 50@75 Squabs, per \u25a0 palp.— &6O Broilers,; . each. .\ 3o % so Hare ......: .:.. .—(^23 Turkeys. ' per lb. i .30@32 Rabbits .504£33 -MEATS. PER 'P.OUM»— -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ->"«*> Roast; beef — . -...:. 1 Corned Beef .... « S Choice ' cuts; . .'. — ffJ23!Beef \u25a0 Stew. . ;"-. . . . s&*t<> . Doplaia. .. .:.I3'«Sl!>;Muttoa Stew ;... sSIO Boast j Vea1. . . . . .20(j|'_'o Veal 5t0w. ... . .WaVJ^i Roast/ P0rk...... 20(fi'25 t Sonp Meat.;..-...— fe s Koreqrtr i Lamb. ; . — <ftls[>'oup Bone. ...".'— (ih 5 Hlndqrtr i L-amb. US©25 Ham • ........... .20<f^25 Foreqr Mntton.'l2tsft;ls!Bacon . . . . . .. ,30<fiU5 Lee « Mutton :*.-."•:".— «i2oMntton • Chops.. . ; 15@25 Tenderloin : Steak ."ls@*lS! Pork Sansag**. .-..".13020 Porterhse : Steak..2ofi2s Chipped ;8eef....—g23; 8eef....— g23 31rloln ! Steak: ;.V.'—^lotpork - Chops r.l/.;20«23 RoundSteak.V;— @l2>4lVeal Cutlets..*;!— @25 Lamb Chops . . . .— (&2t)iLard ....... . . .-; . .13^20 VEGETABLES—--" 1 "- - . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0?-\u25a0' Asparagu-s. lb ... 4® 3] Green Peris .. ... — 'S " •Arti«ho!ses r d<xc. .^U^.'X'-iUrren- Corn. . Aos.iTt(tt tt» Beets, t!oz — (SilOjt)nions. per 1b...".— 45 2 Beaiw, white, lb. ssg 7|Potato«>s, lb- \u25a0 .;^,-I'-- <t^ Do colorwi, lb-. «5« Stntiubarb. lb ". S@ I \u25a0Dried Lima. lb. '- 6<598 7j String Beaus. lb. S*j r> <!abbage, each .. s'ctti> Snuimer — 4( a C'MCUJUbfrs, each. sf";lu!Spruuts. per li».. — it — Eggplant, lb ... — ((Cls!f : pluav.-h. i»>r U>. . — <• ". Crt-FD I'eppers .. — C*23 .Tomatoes, lb .... lO^-JO FRUITS A.ND NUTS— Alligtr pears. ea.2s<S3oj Nuts. poUnd-^- Appie^ 54jj £ Brazil .... — <a2f> Apricots, lb .... 6®,B| Pecans ......... — ftt^u Bananas, do? 25tf/«5 Walants ........ — ttSOH Cherries, lb .... 6ig!loiOranges. doz. 2'ify,su Currants, .drawer. — iSj 75' Pineapples. eaeh.3»'«4<> Cantaloupes, ea 10^412 >>\u25a0» [ Peaches, 15 — <kh> Gooseberries, lblO<&l2H!Plum s - 16 — fti S Grapefruit.. d0a..60@75 Raiaslns. lb —^slo Lemons, doa 20Cu;30 Raspberries, bskt. — c«l."> Limes, dcz — &$ 10 Strawberries, v bkt, Bfttls toganbrries. bkt.lO<U:»rraflseriaes, doz ..10^15 FISH, PER POUND— Barracouta ... — ©l^^lShad — «2 S Carp S@lo Striped Bass .... — @ — Catfisb — (tjlSi Shrimps, 1b....,.— «H> Codfish .......lOQI-'^iSea Bass ........ — <&,1& Flounders- — @10!Saielt* .....— <?sls Halibut '. 12%^15'Soles — — 4«U> Herring .... — @ — Skates, eacn».... —^JlO Mackerel* Xo@ViV> Sqnld — %il» Perch B@lo ! Sturgeon, ........ — fflJls Rockcod 12%©14!Turbot — ©13 Salmon —^lSlTrput ........ M . — »4J75 Salmon -Trout.. ..2o&23!Crsbs. each 20faj4i) Sardines —^ — (Crawfi3b, 1bi......— @10 I>roTi.ilons The market continues active, with quotations as before. Cottolene — One half bbl. 13c; 2 half bbls. 12% c; 1 tierce, 12?* c; 2 tierces, 12?sc: 5 tierces. 12 fee. Hams and Bacon —^The Westera meat company -. quotes as follows: Hams, l^t®2O¥tCX picnla hams, li^c; California hams. lSVi@l3^»c; VTtW tra fancy bacon, 28 fancy bacon. 0 to 8 lb»A 26c; S to 10 lbs. 25 Uc: 10 to 12 lbs. 25% c: sugar cured, 25c; light dry salt bacon. S to 10 lbs. 20*2 c; 10 to 12 lbs. 21V»c; medium bacon, 2Oc; light medium bacoa, 2l>c. " Lard — Tierces loVac. 50s 15%e. 10s 16t4c, 3s 16-?sc, 3s lOVjc; compound lard, tierces HUe 50» ll*4c 10s 1254 ess 12*ic 3s 12Vjc: yellow cot>a- Ing oil, 70\iiC per gal; white cookms oil, 72c pec gal ; salad oil, 75c per gal. - Beef— Local prices axe quoted. Export lota, in . spected by the government, are $1 per bbl high er. Extra family beef. $17 per bbl; family beef. $16.50 per bbl;iextra mess beef, $IS.3U p*r bbl; smoked beef, 22 per lb. Pork — Extra prime, in barrels. $32; clear. $C 4; mess. $32; pig pork. $0G; pigs', feet. $5.75 for half bbls, $2.40 t cr 25 lb kegs and $1.33 for kits. Meat Market All prices stand tae same, wim general con ditions unchanged. Hogs have been coming in more freely during the last several days, but the market is taking care of the increased arrivals. DRESSED MEATS Slaughterers' rates to dealers and butchers are as follows: Beef— 7% (gSlic per lb for ateers. 7@?Uc fo? cows and heifers. Veal— o<ifiloc for large aad 9^©lo%c for small. Mutton— Wethers, 9!£@loc; ewes, o@9%c per pound. Lamb — 10'i@llc for spring. Dressed Pork (per lb>— l3(ist3%c for light. LIVESTOCK MARKET The following quotations are for good, sound livestock, delivered la San Francisco, gross weight: ' < No. 1 fat steers, over 000 lbs. alive. 5c per lb: under 900 lbs. 4%c: second quality. 4\i&} 4-% c; third quality, 3^f<S4^c. No. 1 cotvs and heifers. 4c; second quality. 3Vi ©^>?ic; tlilrd quality, of&j^c; common, thin, uu desirable cows, 2% ©3c. Fat bulls aad stags, 2i4©2Uc; half fat cr thin bulls, I%(fj2c. • • Calves — Light weight, per lb. 3*i@6c; me dium, siiriJsVjc; heavy. 4?54?ic. Unshorn sheep (per lb» — Wethers. No. 1, Z^e; ewes.. 514 c Shorn sheep (per lb) — }i<§)*ic ivs-*. Lambs (per lb) — This year's milk lambs, liij 6 Vie. Hogs (per 1M — Hard grain fed. weighing IC<> to 140 lbs. 9<g9}4c; 140 to 250 lbs. o«4ifei>^e; 250 to 350 lbs, UYiUOc; common, undesirubls hogs, S^jiySc. HonteM and Moles The following quotations for horses and mulpa are furnished by the Butchers' aad Stock Grow ers* Journal: HORSES Desirable drafters. 1.700 lbs and over. .$323^373 Light drafters. 1,550 to I,ts."i> lbs 27.>ff'j:u:5 Chunks, 1,350 to 1,300 lbs 200r,(iji> Wagon horses. 1.250 to 1.330 1b5...... 15O!^2w> Delivery wagon horses, 1.05Q to 1,250.. 123fcit54» Desirable farm mares 135W 17.» Farm workers _ 751; 1W) I MULES (MEDIUiI TO EXTRA) * 000 lbs, 4 to 7 years ...$123(2100 1,000 lbs, 4 to 7 years 150(^1 7."> 1,100 lbs, 4 to 7 years 2lxifa"U3 I^oo lbs. 4 to T years 2506£31K> Over 7 years old range from $15 to $23 lower. Note — Shippers to this market must have horses close to type, with age. bone conforma tion and style, to command extreme quotations. Batter* Cneeae and E^i There was continued activity in the markat for butter and eggs yesterday and prices for the upper grades of* both, went to higher level*. Extra butter was le a pound higher at 28c. and the market closed flrm under the call wita the new quotation bid and 20c asked. In the eg- I department extras wer» l^e higher at 2So it dozen and firsts were marked up 8c to 27c Ttlrds were neglected and 1c lower at 20c. Tlie only change In the quotations fan cheese mi an advance of *4c in fancy Young Americas which were quoted at 16^ac a pound. Sales on tb* exchange were aa follows: Butter— Spot. 20 casea of extras at 2SHc and 10 at 28c a pound: future. 7.50U pounds of cuhe extras at 27fec and 2.500 pounds at 28& c seUor 10 days. Eggs — 20 cases of extras at 27J4c 20 at 2Se 10 .rases of firsts at 27c and 10 cases of: thirds at 20c a dozen. Cheese — 50 fancy Young Americas at 16}4e a pound. Receipts were 55.C00 pounds of butter. 18.000 pounds of cheese and 1,274 cases or eggs. The following are the official quotation* , e3-' tablished on the floor of the dairy exchange Prices in the street, while governed by taa exchange quotations, generally range from iv,c to Zc higher, owlns to tha various changes to be added: BUTTER. PER POUMJ Grades— May 31 June 1 June 2 . June 3 Frcfeii extras. ..27c' 27Vjc 27c *>Sc Firsts .........2fi%c 2«% c 2f5VjC 2W 3 c Seconds 2Cc« 26c 26e . 26c Cheese^ — California fancy flats, 14e per lb. flrm; do firsts, 13Vic. flrm: do seconds. 12XAc nrm; fancy Young Americas. 16%e. steady: "do firsts, 14c, steady; New York fancy. 20c. flrm; Wisconsin- singles. 19c, firm. Eggs— California fresh, per dozen, cases In cluded : Grades — May SI Juna 1 Jane 2 June 3 Extras 2tie ' 2*>c -26% c 2Sc' Firsts 4Me 24c . 24c 27c '< Sfconda 21% c VTl%c 22^»e 22 ! '. c Thirds .22c 21c 21c 20c" Portlan«l Batter Market PORTLAND. June 3.— Butter— City and conn try creamery extras, 23c; fancy. 2S@23c; store. 20(221c. , . . Ees 3larket in Nearby Conattes [Special Dispalch to The Call] PETALUMA. June <r.^-There to an apparent scarcity of eggs for the. market, causing a rise In the price. Some lar^e orders fur shipment to distant points. have bee a made up. After tlie receipt of quota rlon* from the San Francisco dairy exebanse ' the Petaluma. esg exchange ti» day jjuotpd 2t>%c for first grade. Independent dealers and speculators paid -tic and 23c, accnl- Ins to grade. Potatoes* Onions and^Vrsretablc* Small lot-4 of oholoß "green <*ora wen* r«»ceivfNl fn»m MUpltaa yrstorilav and the "' xtock ' ivi.-t oJTpred for sale at 93»&0454 :» sack. Breutw'-i^J and Winters . lot* wer*»- Bod at prevloits pi-:< - «"i. ¥"_'..".(» •» sack bring a high ti^ure f»r the fornnr. Green peas wrre hi^Jnr on llj,'Ut KKetpta i*u<l asparagus was flrm. with -'the. eanm-r* ibnyiiis freely. Small boxes : of -totnatrifH from tbe river found procijit wale at $li a.b<)x and large Ixixi's of ' cucumbers from the same source sold at $-.r.t>. Potatoes and onions -were steady to nrm at tbe ol'» quotations. ff^J.LtopJKjMaiM Potatoes — Per box. 4O'fJ?3c: in sacks, "Se&St per ctl; old crop BTirbanks. nominal. ! Onions (per ctl)— New red, <L2s@Jt.4O per sack; new yellow, nominal. 1 Vegetables— A paragus, . 50c<g$t-23 per box : to- BDatoes.' $1^1.50 per box or-crate:- green peas $1441.50 per sack:-. strtns beans. 2@4c per lb" surattier uqnasb. -.'O' r i{*i3c for small and $1 " Vr* 1.00 for large otixes; eggplant.- B^-loe »>»>r l:,* green pepper*. .10«?l.Vpjr 1b; garlic, 4 fJ.V J "J -'w^new:- cabbage. Toe ptr ctl; euenmbeV^, $Url.2> per tor for Marys-jille: canl!2f.wr 35<g4Cc wr;dozen; turnip*, islS«.23 ncr sa.-k' carrots. «jc per sack: rhubarb. oO«CSc per box I%^ S r -A nary " a 'l /' c ? J n toT 'aneyf trree^i corn. $2t£2.uO per sack for BreutwooU aad $lg;I 50 for Deciduous und Citrus Fruit* ,? !^ t r^" llpl7itocW wia > berries and orchard fruits \u25a0 yesterday, ana althoa-H trading rather quiet prlceV were Vearty a-* a role.. There \u25a0were no new arrivals of can A loupes, but some heldover "pony 1 ' iratp, «I™ offertas at «©2.25.- ; Lou-w^ "trswberV^V made a sharp - advance aa tight Si. vl everything • el*e ,In the bwry ]l n » tirtrt ** prices. Currants were higher, the deraanJ be taff'-more, active than on, thY -prWJdTnJ : <t-,r a small premium* was occasionally pa "d " for *•- lected.lots of black varieties.' iWrneh free supplr; and easier, the ftnit Sr m^t!v «™}»; aad , ' SW«allr unattractive Li?, of early and peachy were stow 'There was not^n? new In citrus fruit*. ... Strawberries— Lun^wortes. $««;.s per cfceata