Newspaper Page Text
2 DISMAL HOWLS OF HARD TIMES BY RAILROADS Passage of Traffic Bill by the Senate Followed by Threat of Retrenchment Railways Profess to Be $700,« 000,000 to the Bad in the Last Two Years as it passed the senate may be de scribed as follows: Thfe bill provides for the creation of a new "court of commerce" for the con sideration exclusively of appeals from orders of the interstate commerce com mission. The court is to consist of five judges to sit in Washington. Their powers are to be co-ordinate with the judges of $he federal circuit court, they are to receive the same pay and emolu ments and are to be appointed in the first instance by the president for terms respectively of one, two, three, four and five years. *; Eacli, as he retires to take up the work of a circuit judge, is to be suc ceeded by a designation from the cir cuit bench, these and other vacancies to be filled by appointment by the chief jOßtlce of the supreme court. Sittings of Court While the office* of the court are to be in Washington and regular sessions are to be held here, provision is made for sittings anywhere in the United States. The government rather than the Interstate commerce commission is made the defendant in all cases coming before the court, but the commission is permitted to Intervene, as are other in terested parties. The defense Is placed under the direc tion of the attorney general, but the commission and interested parties are permitted to have counsel and to carry on the suit in case the attorney general fails to do so. Appeal may be taken to the supreme court. 1 O\G AM) SHORT HAUL The long and short haul provision of the present interstate commerce law is amended so as to permit a greater charge for a short haul than for a long haul, only with the consent of the in terstate commerce commission. Espe cial provision is made against the fix ing of a law<;r rate for the purpose of destroying water competition. . j Railroad, companies are required to furnish written statements of rates from one place to another upon the written application of a shipper, under a penalty of $250 for misstatement or failure to comply with such applica tion. In addition, the shipper can bring suit for additional damages. REASONABLENESS OF RATES Either upon complaint or upon its own initiative the commission is au thorized to determine the reasonable nets of Individual or joint rates or classifications and if such rates are fimnd unreasonable. discriminatory, preferential or prejudicial, the commis sion is authorized to prescribe a proper maximum rate. Rates reduced to meet ' water competition must not be restored unless after a hearing by the commis sion to determine whether conditions' have changed otherwise than by the elimination of the water competition. Unless* set aside by a competent court, orders of the commission are to continue in force for tvfro years. The commission is also given authority to investigate the propriety of any new rate, regulation or classification, indi vidual or joint, of any common carrier and pending such hearing a suspension for 10 months of the rate, classification or regulation Is provided. The carrier is required to refund all charges found to be excessive. * Authority is also given the com mission to establish through routes a.nd joint classification and to prescribe maximum rates over them whenever the carriers themselves neglect to do po. This regulation also rovers water lines tha^t are connecting carriers. . DESIGNATING ROUTES Shippers are given the right to desig nate a through route or part of. a route over which their property shall be car ried. • A penalty of $5,000 is imposed upon carriers for disclosing any infor mation concerning shipments. A like penalty is. provided for violation of orders under section 15 of the existing interstate .commerce law and in this case each day that the violation con tinues is to be construed es a separate offense. At intervals of six months the com mission js required to make an analy sis of the tariff and classifications and tn investgate the advisability of a uni form classification! TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE Telegraph and telephone lines are placed under jurisdiction of the inter See Page 5 for Particulars O ...Y.. » .........n ITHiSCOUPON I AiND JO CENTS ; When presented at the office of Fine Art Photogravure \u0084 22x28 Inches. LAST CHANGE He yW o^Har dy Present coupon and 1O cents at either office of THE CALL. . Main office, Market and Third, streets, San Francisco. Branch office, 1651 Fillmore street, San Francisco. . . Oakland office, 468 Eleventh street (Bacon block), Oakland. If picture is to be mailed, price will be JL V_# M v vr , (6 cents additional to cover cost of mailing.) ; •-\u25a0 v \u25a0 Labor Commissioner's Report Was Compiled by Japanese, Is Charge j Facsimile of blank u5C d by employes of state labor commissioner in securing data on the Japanese in Calif ornia. \u25a0*-— : : \u25a0 — ; : :: — \u25a0 — — r \u25a0 H— — : : r- state commerce commission. The com mission is authorized to determine the reasonableness of rates and a penalty Is imposed of from $100 to $2,000 against granting franks or passes for the transmission of messages. Special night and press report rates are au thorized. ' The only provision in the bill ap plicable to other than railroad corpor ations is one regulating injunctions by federal courts which suspend the operation of state laws. It is pro vided that such action shall be taken only when presented to a justice of the supreme court or to a circuit judge and heard by three judges, one of whom shall be a supreme court justice or a circuit court judge. LA FOLLETTE OFFERS NUMEROUS AMENDMENTS WASHINGTON, June 3. — Senator La Follette presented a large number of amendments to the railroad bill dur ing the senate debate today, the most important of which provided that no person interested in a railroad com pany shall be appointed to member ship of the proposed court of com merce, and substituting the supreme court as a body for the chief justice in performing the duty of designating circuit court judges for service on the bench of the commerce court. Both amendments were lost, the former by a vote of 29 to 32, and the latter 18 to 39. La Follette also presented an amend ment providing for the fuller equip ment of the interstate commerce com mission, with the end of providing the means for transaction of the Increased business that will result from the pas sage of the bill. His amendment con templated the creation of four districts, each to be presided over by a commis sion of three men with salaries of $6,000 each. The amendment was voted down- Seeking to prohibit the continuous service of train employes for more than 14 hours. La Follette presented an amendment, which was defeated by a vote of 24 to 31. An amendment by ' La Follette per mitting railroads to Issue passes \to the widows and minor children of em ployes killed In the line of service, was accepted without division. RAILROADS MAKE DIRE THREAT OF HARD TIMES CHICAGO, June 3. — Simultaneous appeals to the people were made here today by the western railroads and by the Illinois Manufacturers* association. The railroads submitted their brief to "the man in the street and the farmer," hinting hard times if the railroads are not permitted to increase their freight rates. The manufacturers tell the peo ple not to be deceived, as there is no danger of a panic and laud President Taft for his actton in obtaining the in junction halting the proposed increase in rates. DRASTIC RETRENCHMENT On behalf of the railroads, Slason Thompson, head of, the railroad pub licity bureau, put forward "four reasons why railroad rates must be raised." According to Thompson, the rail roads in the last two years are $220, 000,000 behind on maintenance; they paid $130,000,000 more annually for labor; they paid $100,000,000 more an nually for Interest; they lost $25,000,000 annually on passenger traffic, with the result that they are $730,000,000 to the bad in two years. "Railway rates must be advanced because many companies face bank ruptcy If they are not," said Thomp son. "This 1b a result which the In junction granted at Hannibal. Mo., on a. side Issue, Irrespective of the justice of the advance, on ex parte represen tation, without notice and without proper weighing of the consequences, may expedite, but is powerless to en- THE SA^ FBANCISCO; CALL; SATUEDAY^tTONE 4, 1910. Join. Why this is so may be briefly stated in terms that the man in the street, in the workshop' and on the farm can understand and appreciate. In the end it is this man in the street who must bear the brunt of any dis aster that befalls the American railway system.'' MAN IN THE STREET Then, for the benefit of the man in the street, Thompson quotes railroad statistics as far back as 1897-to prove the contention that the railroads face ruin unless rates are raised. These statistics will be printed in pamphlet form and widely distributed. Thompson declares that the shippers have been grossly deceived and charges the Associated Shippers' bureau of Cin cinnati with practicing the "For more than 20 years," declared Thompson, "the charge has never been made seriously that average freight rates on American railways were un reasonable. SAYS RATES ARE REASONABLE "On the contrary, it is the testimony of all Investigators.- that they are the lowest in the world. If they have been reasonable for 20 years and the service Is more costly now than ever, It is self evident that any slight advance now can not make them unreasonable." The resolutions adopted by the Il linois Manufacturers' association charge the officials of certain railroads with being in a concerted movement to make the people believe that the shippers and consumers are making unfair de mands and that another financial crisis is impending. The manufacturers call upon the peo ple to hold up the hands of the gov ernment and demand that the "whole question of the advance of the reduc tion of freight rates shall at this time and at all future times be presented to the interstate commerce commission for final # adjudication.'! MORGAN FORCES CONFERENCE After two days of effort : in Chicago George W. Perkins of the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co. of New York, who, it Is said, was sent here to smooth over the trouble between the railroads and the shippers, left for the east tonight, hav ing induced the shippers to meet west ern railroad presidents next Tuesday.*' Perkins acted as the mouthpiece of the bankers, it is said, and forced the railroad presidents- to ask the confer ence. He attempted to impress upon the railroad presidents that it did no good to talk panic and insisted that they must confer with the shippers and try to smooth out their differences ami cably. Upon the manufacturers Perkins at tempted to impress the ; fact that the railroads were beiijg pushed too far and that the financial situation was; exceed ingly grave on account of the attitude of the government toward the railroads. WALL STREET TAKES ON HYSTERICAL MOOD [Special Dispatch to The Call] NEW YORK,. June 3.— A heavy vol ume of liquidation, such as has not de veloped In Wall street since the big break of February, caused general do ings In the stock market today. While Wall street was hysterically throwing its stocks on the market London was picking up the bargains. V It is estimated that during the . last three days nearly 250,000 shares of American securities have been boughtfor European account. This is accepted in banking circles as a refutation of the claim made by several" rallrqad presi dents that the government's suit has destroyed the European market for American railroad securities. ; LONDON HEAVY BUYER The quotations for American stocks in ; London were above ..the New York parity throughout the day. London bought large blocks of United States.i Atchison; Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, Union Pacific and Reading. . Liquidation In Union Pacific, in Read- Ing, in St. Paul and In New York Cen tral was on an enormous scale. ." On sales of nearly 24,000 shares Reading broke from 155% to, 150; Union Pacific, on sales of 185,000 shares, declined from 175 to 168. > - /.. TRANSACTIONS IN STEEL There was good support in steel throughout the day, and Morgan brok ers were credited with, the heaviest purchases. The total, transactions in steel common were: 335,000 shares, the price fluctuating between 79% and 75 There was a persistent report through out Wall street today: that ; John; D. Rockefeller and other Standard oil men were heavy sellers of stock. This story was not credited in conservative olrcles, but it added ?to the, fears of the . timid holders of; securities, ? many , of.- whom sacrificed their stocks, v . which were picked up. by the bargain hunters* who thronged the -offices of the stock ex change brokers today. ;\u25a0•';, . -V .r The. bankers of Wall street declared that the declinesof today and the day's proceedings were just what the situa tion needed. 'Enormous ,; amounts of money that had been ; tied : iip on margin speculation have been released. ..;>: STRIKING TEAMSTERS TO AID ROSE FESTIVAL Union Men, Volunteer;; Services Free for Celebration PORTLAND. Ore.: June •\u25a0 S.— The \ rose festival, which will .be. In .progress here all next week, will', riot be t handicapped by .the' strike of union .teamsters ; In progress ':. in t this "city. j/Thei union .; at I a meeting today ordered its officers Vto tender the services: of^its^members-Ito the» festival * association 'l&aj, drivers of the ;y«hicles; to ; be reused Jintthe: parade withbut • charge. ;\The^ strike^haß;^ how-' ever, ? seriously icripplftdr many ;\u25a0 lines | of business XwhlchVreauire; quick y transfer of : th'elrcoirimodlties/ ' ' J -s^§P3f DIRECT PRIMARY LAW SUSTAINED Nevada Supreme Court Upholds Constitutionality and Denies Injunction Petition {Special Dispatch to The Call] RENO, Nev., June 3.— Justice Sweeney! in the supreme court wrote the opinion handed down at 6 o'clock tonight sustaining the constitutionality of the direct primary law and denying the petition for an Injunction. Chief Justice Norcross and ' Associate Justice Talbot concurred. : The direct* primary law. was passed In January, 1909; and no opposition de veloped until last fall, when the re publican machine, through its news papers, began an attack upon Its un constitutlonality. \u25a0In February, 1910, an injunction petition was filed in the Ormsby county district court at Car son asking that- Secretary of State Douglas be restrained : from acting under the law. - * , The petition was denied by tha district court and appeal was at once made. to the supreme court. Argument was heard and the case . submitted ' in "brief,: Attor ney General Stoddard arid Senator Pine of Esmfsralda .county, appearing' fpr the state," land Hoira'tio Ailing and Senator Morehouse appearing " as I friends \u25a0of the court in behalf of the law. Senator JamesJT. Boydand L. A.- Gibbons con tested in behalf of »the petition, orig inally signed by Henry, Riter. Following tha argument; briefs were submitted and. the court "took /the matter under advisement for -several weeks.. ;.,"\u25a0. \u25a0„. ,-" : -\u25a0- '•"\u25a0\u25a0:'_ '\u25a0."\u25a0'. ': \ \u25a0 - Congressman George A. Bar tie tt, In a telegram to Justice Sweeney,' announced that he will be out of politics when his term expires next "March. "He Is now in Washington, D. C. INTOXICATED HAY BALER KILLED IN FIST FIGHT Blow on Neck Fatal and Three < Face Murder Charge [Special Dispatch to The Call] -SAN JOSE, June 3.— A blow from his assailant's fist on the back of the neck killed Abe Wilhite last night and three men lie In the county jail here charged with his murder. Wilhite was a hay baler and was struck on the neck by a lineman of the Pacific telegraph and telephone com pany. Wilhite was drunk and h&d just come out of one of the houses of the red light section when he encoun tered three men, TV. Dillon, Guy Ren fro and Charles Renfro, on the side walk. A few words took place between the men, the newcomers wanting Wil hite to re-enter the place. < A few moments later the occupants of the nearby houses heard the soaind of a heavy blow, and rushing out dis covered Wilhite lying on the pavement. Restoratives were administered, but with no< success. Wilhite opened his eyes once before he died. ' • The three men were arrested and held on a charge of murder. They are employed as linemen by the Pacific telegraph and telephone company" and «me up from Fresno a few days ago. The cause of the quarrel has not been ascertained. '** • STANFORD INSTRUCTORS LEAVE FOR THE EAST Professor Cannon Returns From Study Abroad [Special Dispatch to The Call] STANFORD UNIVERSITY. June 3.— University circles were kept busy today with the greetings and leave takings of Beveral of -their " number.' ', Three well known instructors | left -; today for the east, one to remain' away permanently, and another returned from a year's visit abroad;' :;\u25a0 r ' Prof. G. H. Danton. an associate pro fessor of the German department, left for Butler college of Indianapolis, where he will assume the active, head of the chair of ;, German | there.' S. S. Seward Jr., ah assistant professor of the Eng lish department, left T for an extended trip to "Washington; New, York city.' and other educational centers. E. G. Atkin, assistant, prof essxir^of "the French de partment,'; leaves ' for ;. Harvar d.; univer sity, where' he j expects to take a doc tor's degree. : : . • . H. L». . Cannon, assistant professor : of history, returned after a year's ab sence in Europe, where ' he : made a : spe cial study of -English constitutional history. \u25a0 . - " YOUNG MAN^DIES WHILE ABOARD TRAIN Death Caused by High Altitude on Tehachapi: Hill . BAKERSFIELO, June 3.— Will -A. Palmer;; whose father,' F. ; C.« Palmer,. is sHpervisbr- of. the-flfth-- district," Mai-i posa*county,;died'ln;hisrchair on % South ern' Pacific strain* No.'.T^arrlvingr'here 'at s:3o;o'clockUhls*morning;;vPalmeriwas delicate s and | died 'when* he "reached i the highValtitude?ofißowen'son^the::Teiyit. chapi.hill. . - STATE REPORT COLORED BROWN TO SUIT ALIENS Leader of Exclusions Charges Japanese Were Employed to : Gather Official Data Unconstitutional Attempt to Hide Conditions From Pres* ident Taft Is Alleged . The • report of State Labor Commis sioner J. D. Mackenzie on actual Jap anese conditions in this state, which declares the little brown men to be a necessity to the proper development of California, was compiled from informa tion and data received from Japanese agents and" Japanese interests, accord ing to the startling accusation made yesterday by A. E. Fowler, editor of the White Man, a monthly magazine, is sued by the Japanese exclusion league. Fowler aiso charges that the labor commissioner violated the state consti tutional law governing the of labor on public work in the use of the $10,000 legislative appropriation voted during the 1908-9 sessttm to se cure the report. Nine Japanese enum erators and agents were employed to carry on the work, according to Fow ler, at $3 a day, the employe to meet his own traveling expenses. BASIS OF REPORT TO TAFT Mackenzie's report was drawn up in accordance with a special act of the legislature and is to be used by the governor as a. basis for a statement to President Taft on Japanese conditions in this state. .The report favors the Japanese as a working class because of their advant ages of independent subsistence, mob ilization, submissiveness and because they entail no responsibility for con tinued employment. Epwler brands the report as a worth less public document and one that can not properly guide the state executive in forming so important an opinion. He declares that it does not properly re flect the public attitude \u25a0 toward the Japanese In this state, though it pur ports to do so. and that it is mislead ing because all its information Has been obtained from persons who had an in terest.inperverting the facts. The .blanks by the department of labor to secure the information are printed in both. English and Japanese. The Accuracy of the more important figures of the report is attacked on the ground that the information could only be secured from Japanese or through Japanese interpreters by the use of the system employed. No person not con versant with Japanese could get the In formation. : ' IGNORES COMMUNITY'S ATTITUDE "That report was intended to .portray the" Japanese situation in California without bias," said Fowler, "but abso lutely no attempt is made to represent correctly the attitude of the commu nity toward' Japanese. The report deals exhaustively with Japanese accom plishments and those other qualities that recommend them to- the employer of cheap lab6r.. Their achievements are featured, and all the nice things that their employers say about them are quoted. Through it all no effort has been made to carry A but' the central idea of the legislative investigation, and that was to obtain ateport on the effects of this class* of orientals on the community, industrially, socially and morally. /:.-.'. "The. Japanese businessman has been interviewed, but hot his white com petitor. Not one instance of the effect of Japanese competition or association on a business or a section is cited. Ab solutely no attempt is, made to show in what way the Japanese have in jured a district or retarded its advance. The Japanese as, a moral and social factor and as nonassimilative race and indifferent citizen has not been considered. These are important fea tures for such a. document and of greater" weight to California than the business sagacity or cunning of the Japanese as an economic factor. . "F. C. Jones, deputy commissioner, told me. that the work had been done very cheaply. The agents and enumer ators had received $3 a day and no expenses. He said that $25,000 worth of work had been obtained for $10,000. An inspection of the blanks used and which It was required of Japanese workmen to* fill out convinces me that 'Japanese agents were, the cheap me diums used for the work. VIOLATES CONSTITUTION "This is in direct "violation of article 12, section 3' of the constitution of the state of California, which reads: No oriental shall be employed on any ntnte, count}-,: municipal or other.: public , work, except in pun- . ishment for crime. "Jones was not desirous of letting meknow 1 who: did the work of gather ing the .data.' He told me that nine men were employed for a period of 14 months. • '\u25a0/.. : , . ;:"The report throughout is based on the opinion of men who employ Jap anese laborl' The blanks show this, as they 1 are directed to employers of coolie laboxv \u25a0 It Is not natural to suppose that a man /who employs this class of labor; is going to offer objections to their work. :No effort;is made to obtain the opinion of those employers of white workmen as to why they prefer not to use orientals. :- v -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- '•'.., \u25a0•\u25a0>'\u25a0 "There:are 70,000 farms in the state, arid only 4,000 were visited. He has gone among 1 the Japanese and among men who have been hiring the Japanese to secure, an opinion on the race that is -to be , used as a public document reflecting ' California's ideas and atti tude toward i the Japanese." .''Two of the, blanks used, which cover vital ; features of the information wanted," are printed in Japanese and are filled out by the Japanese workmen and v the Japanese : employer. It is manifestly, absurd to incorporate these in"T:he report. as the information must be worthless. , Nevertheless they form an Vessential'part of the' report. The whole thing js' faulty and designed to misrepresent :the;situation In the state. With; such allegedly, authentic and au thoritative; figures r going out' of the state/we can; not expect other states to sympathize with our struggle for ex clusion." " '\u25a0: '. '"".'.":\u25a0 MRS. C. W. VANVOORHIS GETS DIVORCE AT RENO Testifies i Husband Lost $42,000 at Roulette in Gotham \u25a0\u25a0 RENO, '\u25a0'\u25a0 June ' 3.~ Camille D. Vanvoor hls,£wife ,of s Cornelius iW. .Vanvoorhis, who^was connected KwithHhe 'Knicker bocker/trust company : at the ' time it . failed Jin 5 : 1908 and also Is said to have been - connected ? with t the Havana - elec trlcilightf company of New -York city, was <' granted -. a: decree i of j divorce ; this afternoon: -^iThei grounds iwere nonsup port^andvdesertion.iY'Mra.f-Vanvoorhls testified Uhatp her :j husband ;\u25a0 lost % $ 4 2,000 playlngfai roulette \wheel:;in"New ,York In «1 908 t j^yanvporhis \ did; npt'appear ; to contest the case. '\u25a0\u25a0 * " Two New Aspirants For Leadership Of September Pa r ade MORE NATIVE SONS OUT FOR OFFICE W. J. Hobro Jr. and Frank J. Monahan Latest Candidates for Grand Marshal Two new candidates have come to the front for the honor of riding at the head of the Native Sona* pageant In this city on Admission day of this year and Incidentally to be grand marshal of the Native Sons of the Golden West. They are W. J. Hobro Jr. of California parlor No. 1 and Frank J. Monahan of Rlncon parlor N0.' 72. Their names are added to the list of previously an nounced' candidates who will compute for the suffrage of the grand parlor, which mep ts at Lake Tahoe, during next week. Both Hobro and Monalian are making a strong .fight and have the power of their friends behind them in the com petition for office. The "booster com mittee" of Rlncon parlor has issued an earnest circular to delegates to the grand parlor pointing out the qualifi cations of Monahan and the strength of the parlor. Monahan is a past pres^ ident of Rincon parlor. Hobro's friends in California parlor, which, is a very strong . organization, have been as actively working for their candidate and proclaiming his. fitness to lead the parade and do honor to the order. The first delegation of Native Sons to start for Tahoe will leave on a special train at 7:20 o'clock this morn ing. Many of the grand officers will be in the party. Grand President Joseph R. Knowland will join the party at Tahoe, having come from Washing ton for that purpose. The main party of delegates leaves Sunday morning. Many of the delegates will be accom panied by their wives. FIRE DESTROYB SALOON— TIie saloon of John r.fhaue. 412 Third street, was destroyed by fire early yesterday moruing and the front of a Chinese restaurant next door was burned • oat. The cause of the fire is unknown. • FAILS TO PROVIDE FOR CHILIV-Alfred Kut truff, a wood worker, was arrested yesterdaj on complaint of bis wife. Ida, who lives at 1864 Union street, tor failure to prorlde for his daughter. Bertha, 2 years of age. SPECIAL CONCERT Pianola and Orchestra . till VHk \ '\u25a0 \u25a0 - ... • (No Cards of Admission Required) TODAY AT THREE O'CLOCK In Kohler & Chase Hall . PrnoTflriT MISS VIRGINIA WARE, Soprano iIP . fo>^Ko, md FLBERT F COWAN punchmeiio 5 \:.:..\::H«be" IfM. LLDCM T. bUTIHII . . THE ORCHESTRA AXD THE PIAXOIU . ........ Harmonium MR. W.VON HELMS 7. Violin ' ic^iSKS IVMf^noi. iin n- D ll n l nil oit Les Patineura "Waldteufel HR..R. C. MgLEAN . . . Cello #BPSS^?^MMb^g& MR -^ R , A ,h. K pLS;f EMS ?^S«?^^-lisSs«! At tne .Pianola Love's Old Sweet Songr ..J. Mollov •> I I A r>t MISS WARE , ' Kohler & Ghase A»m. d ;!?^?^i^ r 26 OTaCTeii St. neir Market | THE ORCHESTRA AND THE PIANOLA* 5 kV NEWBRO'S jd LT II I O DANDRUFF I | A /LLO GEffMS . . . I nCQjDnY THE CAUSE \u25a0UCa|hnyi muss? CURES • DANDRUFF OR MONEY BACK. . HAIH DffMSSISQ. . . DRUGQIST&.SELL IT, Q BOOKSEXPOSE * EVILS OF THE LATEST TRUST Documents in Hands of Grand Jury Reveal Big Criminal Conspiracy Members Are Severely Disci plined for Selling Under the Fixed Prices Continued from Page 1 and tries offending members, is com posed of E. Maggi. G. Ferrogglaro, L. Secchini, F. Armenlo, G. Garibaldi, M. P. Garassini and S. Bottlnl. Members' Trials Revealed The minute book of these' meetings reveals the trials of members for un derselling. There is scarcely a meet ing without- the disciplining of some member. An . interesting case is that of D. Figone. a gardener, who was accused of selling turnips, beets and carrots at a price under that set by the commit tee. The purchaser was a Sausalito re tailer. Figone was called before thi?^ committee on the evening of July 3 of last year. He sa!j the sale was not made by him. but by his partner. In a further plea for -leniency he said the vegetables were stale and of an infe rior quality. Nevertheless, as a matter of discipline, he was fined $5 at the meeting- of July 10. A recent trial is that of A. Rafetta. who disposed of some of his products under the schedule price. Rafetta was haled before the board on the 14th of last month. On May 21 he was fined $5. At the same meeting the board maJe its cabbage price $1 per 100 pounds and cauliflower 60 cents a dozen. Expelled Men Blacklisted When a member is expelled he goes on the blacklist. This means that he Is denied the use of the Colombo market, and so far as the trust can act any market at all. One of these boycott notices sent out by the committee reads in translation: "Notice — The members of this society are hereby notified that the here named T. Varnl & Co. have been suspended from membership in good standing be cause of violating the society's consti tution. By order of the board of di rectors. — G. Scalmlni. secretary." District Attorney Fickert was asked yesterday whether he intended to take up any more food trust cases following that of the fish trust, exposed by The Call, and the vegetable trust now un der investigation. AVill Prosecute Now "No, I think It will be about time to prosecute . those we already have." Fickert answered. "We can tend to the others later." The trial of the fish trust begins next ! Monday before Judge Cabaniss. The complete membership list of the vegetable trust, as exposed by its own books, is: A. Armanln D. Figone F. Armenlo " O. Garibaldi G. Blgnotti A. Giusto S. Bottinl A. Garibaldi A. Boitano G. Gnecco L. Barella N. P. Garassluu P. Bcrtoloni I*. Got el! i G. B. Bandettlnl P. IsoU G. Brusco V. Lagoraantno L. Battaui G. Lagomarslno F. Bo A. Lasomarsino • S. Boicelli I Andrew Lagomarsino tS. Balbi . C. Malerbi V. Callorl i-ft. Jlajrsl L. Calloro ! «.". Maestri U. Catalinl X. Martini G. Carbone E. Martini F. Castellino A. Mascfcto A. Conti F. Muttu . G. B. Cuvagnaro J. OliTa A. Chlappari A. Oneto D. Chtapparo J. Pttto G. Capurro G. Restani A. Cassassa A Raffetto I>. Catrepa G. Rbtso M. Dond«»r«> A. Rosa F. Demartinl i\ B. Russl G. Depaoli j K. Restani L. Demaria !G. B. RosspU D. Dianda ! G. B. Ronconi F. Dljaeo .r. Roregno S. Degaetani [1.. Serratto ;•- _, -!>. Deluebi : tJ, Scbeaooe B. Ferro 18, :itagnart> P. Ferro 1.. .Secchini A. Feroggiaro \u25a0 A^. TUeornia X Ferojrziaro ! G. Varnl F. Ferrari [Tom Varai V. Ferrari Lj. .arnl G. Ferroggiaro fD. Zaro G. B. Ftnnoccbio BaJnro'i Remedies— Tea and Herb Sanitarium DR. CHOW JUYAN i^SggjK 789 Clay it. Phona China 58. mtSm r - Jol2» Crand. 1032 Kearay fHHi l u \,?' '*• tm ' wy *i*<i to •ltUr £T mj , t0 «« -ttm «« Dr. ISlrfl •-"T J«T*n. who enred my wlre of Paraljsls after ahe had tfrimPTamFra^ 0 b^T montlu la treat- ment» with doctora la ttin elty. 1 ' ' "' ' " " """\u25a0 "Want to Loan Money? XJSE CALL WANT ADS