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ORLOFF AND WIFE FACE INDICTMENT Grand Jury Acts in Cases of Clairvoyants Charged With Swindling Two Others Involved and Pros ecution Is Now ' Taken .From the Police Courts Oscar Orloff. clairvoyant, his wife Mary and two others were indicted by the grand jury yesterday on a charge of grand larceny. Orloff was arrested yesterday afternoon by Detective Steve Bunner and was at once released on $1.r.00 cash bail. Orloff' and his wife were arrested eoine weeks ago on a charge of grand larceny on complaint of Mrs. Frances Fliaw of Oakland, who alleged that they got $150 from her in Oakland in December last by telling her that the spirit of lier dead father had spoken through a trumpet and had told her to allow the' Orloffs to invest her money for her In Nevada mining stock, but ehe had never seen the stock or the money. At the preliminary hearing before Judge Conlan the evidence showed that Mrs. Orloflf was the only "ope with whom Mrs. Shaw had any dealings and the case against Orloff was disjiiisstd. A new complaint was _*worn to in Judge Deasy's court for : tJ:e arrest, of Mrs. Orloff and that case "yriil come up this morning. •-'^Another woman, Mrs. Rose Alves, of iElmhurst. also had Mrs. Orloff arrested for swindling her out of 5100 by the t->ame means -and that case is also pend ing in Judge Deasy's- court. The indictments are based upon these cases as the district attorney desired to take them out of the police court. . OrlorT, while posing as Oscar Arnold, was arrested in Los Angeles In April, TSrt(9, and brought to this city by De tective Steve* Bunner on a warrant charging him with grand larceny on romplaint of the wife of T. Paterson Koss, the well known architect. Sh» ' : httd been attending the seances for \u25a0months Jn Arnold's room and she al leged that he got from her coin, jew elry and adornments of the value oi S6,«'<K>. Arnold fled with his wife and ;yent east, but returned to Los Angeles, where tie was arrested. At the time Mrs. Ross claimed that Kamara Chadura. a Hindu priest, was the chief conspirator in fleecing her out of her coin and effects, but he fled from the city and eluded capture. A woman was also one of the conspirators and she was supposed to be Arnold's wife. Mrjs. Ross refused to prosecute the case and it was dismissed. RUSSIA FORCING JEWS BACK INTO THE PALE Oppressive Measures Resorted to by Czar's Officials ST. PETERSBURG. June 3. —In furtherance of its purpose to drive back into the pale — the district formed by the Polish provinces and the Ukraine — all Jews who can not establish a legal right of residence outside its confines, the Russian government Is now pur suing a close inquiry regarding those engaged in the drug business or who claim to be so engaged. The drug store proprietors chiefly ere Jews, and their employes as well as salesmen for drug houses traveling ;in, the- interior are now called on not only to exhibit pharmaceutic certifi cates, but to satisfy tht/ authorities that they are actively occupied with the business for which they are li censed. Tlie "owners of drug stores are being required to reduce their staffs of clerks juitl apprentices in every instance "here the authorities consider that th« number employed is out of jiortion to the business done. - In response to representation made by him, M. Friedman, Jewish member •:f the duma. was informed today that Emperor Nicholas has authorized the Caucasian, authorities to make certain concessions to Jews residing temporar ily in the Caucasus. The health resorts of the Caucasus are frequented .much by persons de siring the benefits of .the baths to be had there. The law, however,' forbids the residence of Jews in the district. INCREASED COST OF LIVING KAISER'S PLEA Wilhelm Explains Why He , Needs Raise in Salary BKRLIX. June 3. — A semiofficial dec laration was issued today explaining the- causes of the financial stress under which the emperor finds himself and the requirement for an increase in the civil list" of "the king of Prussia as agreed upon by the leaders of the Prussian diet yesterday. It has been decided- to introduce a bill to bring his majesty's . allowance up to about $5. 0^0,000. The public is reminded that the Prussian crown surrendered to the Mate in 1820 properties yielding at that time nearly - 12.000.000 annually and the value of which has been greatly augmented since. Th* increased cost of living renders the present allowance inadequate, the statement says. Each year his sup port ot the court theaters alone costs the emperor $700,000. and in recent years he has increased the salaries of the middle and lower employes of the imperial household by a total of SWEETHEART MAY GO TO GATES OR PRISON Beatrice Lyall Says She Will Follow Chiften to San Quentin [Special Dhpatch to The Call] SAN JD.SE. June 3.— When Charles Chiften. the murderer of night watch man George Whybark of Santa Clara, is taken to San Quentin tomorrow by Sheriff Langford the prisoner may have as his companion Miss Beatrice Lyall, the pretty Oakland "sweetheart of the convicted man. Miss Lyall paid a visit to Chiften yes terday and said that she would follow him to the gates of the penitentiary. Miss Anna Bell, who gave such dam aging evidence against Chiften during his trial for killing Whybark at Santa C!ara. has received a letter front her husband, Joseph Perez, in which he rebukes her for having deserted him for Chiften. Miss Bell says that she will not re turn to Perez but will endeavor to live a clean life hereafter. She will go to her relatives. XEWCOMER EXTENDS JEAXBTTB NEW YORK, June 3. — Joe Jeanette barely obtained a draw from Jini Smith, a newcomer, in a 10 round bout. at the National sporting: club tonight. ' Smith was never heard of until last week, when he put out the champion" of . the navy in the fifth round. of a whirlwind right. WSSSBStBBitBBtSSBBS There nevpr Vas an "oldest inhabit ant" who had not seen better days." TAFT AMUSED AND ANGERED DETROIT, Mich., June 3. — Prroldenl Taft wn« half anrnned, half nngry vrlien he learned today that a reference to business conditions In his speech before the studentH of the Ohio Northern university nt Ada bad been made the excuse .for rumors In Wall street of a panic to come some time in the next 10 years. . Taft was telling; the. young graduates before" him what they might expect Jn life as to business pursuits and the various professions. To those who proposed to go Into business he merely g-avt voice .to. cautionary advice that conditions of prosperity must not. be 1 expected always. The president regarded his remarks as entirely casual." RED MEN FAVORED BY VISIT FROM OFFICIALS Men High in Order Are Guests of Petaluma Lodge [Special Dispatch lo The Cell} PETALUMA, June 3. — At an enthusi astic meeting of the Improved Order of Red Men last night Great Prophet F. W. Bell and Great Chief of Records Porter L. Bliss of San Francisco paid the order an official visit. Great ladles' Parasols :*£S J^F^^^K^O^OZ»^ \ %% rt lf : Ladies' Neckwear \ A I l A lo l A Less Than Value <a "*-^*^ r^ _ f Savings Averase Half A sale commences .his morning of, .wonderful collect 1 . . ;'. '' .-- ''' ,:! -";\u25a0 \u25a0""^ •" ' ' ' - ''\u25a0 .' ' '\u25a0 V . fjf "of 0K f " SSSd™^? Ta- " i^^P^iiliili^H | The Cafe, second to none, is a favorite for ladies dining una«,^~~-| .h^ w « rsi , n; '|J- tn JriJZJZ a^MMaf^'^i^f^^V^^^^^. - L — — — — — .. . . ... ...... > — ' fine- pleated lawn tabs with dered Ascots and Dutch An Effort to Make Saturday 8:30 to 6:00 Produce f£>ch i§| gMp ii S f\ fi IF A it f\O ' \u25a0 * V sUC c embro "*ered *fOC lars and cuf3E sets; 9oC $1. OO >Z. VO Sales Equal to Saturday 8:30 to 10:00 O'Clock <-<» sp£§i{SJSj!£ mmt&%%s, m* ~_ IC/ • ' - - trimmed styles; also lace effects or Dutch collars lace 1 Special Sale Section • > N Take advantage of buying before 6; you will find interesting sales { brimmed. tabs.' trimmed. Children's Shoes :. c- m Afit ; i RikkAn Giiat l \\ Handsome Two-Piece 'First Floor West Center ; iXtiliOliS FLIDDOii feJ€if€? f^cg^^^^S^^^ f/if RnVC $R Style C 1909— Infants' Roman sandals, made in .^. - . ' ,-. '. Oi \u25a0 L 500 yards' Basting Cotton— 3 spools, k^W liO I U i LJUj O y Jp*J patent colt Broad, natural shape toes flexible,sole S ; ff I AJ/PC ' tOT % millinery .Q. hair bpWS. Hump hooks and eyes-3 cards, sc. Vto 16 year sizes, in handsomely tailored all-wool all white kid lined. Sizes 2to 6, $1.25. - Al lA/¥ V J . ' rinA* JHM "FroSnl Wa°x ic Han^ ers - ea^ lOe. / suits, made according to the latest fashion of strong, Style C 17*?-Infants' white canvas button shoe . .. _ _ _ UV6T 4, UUU yards Offered Chnd"sVnd Misses' Coat Hangers- serviceable 'fabrics tFat will give wear, service and with flexible turned soles, natural shape toes. Sizes jft special TTICeS **\ j c^ ch i°- „ , satisfaction. These may likewise be had with two 2to 6, the pair, 60c; spring heels, 4to 8, the pair, 85c. . I9C VO. ioc r efc^ P ° *' ** &nd ? airs 9f9 f knickerbockers or the straight knee trousers. Style C 2871— Children's Scuff shoes, made ankle Women s long silk gloves with _ .' . . - ' wire Hair" Pins, cabinets, each 5c Materials are cassimeres and cheviots, strao oxford, lace or button styles, in patent, colt, double fingertips, 16 button black, i> : in. Uresdens in exquisite flora and ioc. , ' A large variety of Junior Norfolk suits for the gunm'etal or tan Russia calfskin. Sizes 4to 8, $1.50; sizes 5 and 5/ 3 ; 12-button tans, with / 2 -in. satin edges and ! To^Guards-a stocking protector- smaller boys from 6to 10 years of age may likewise 854 to 12, the pair, $1.75. g . . Fmnor : u m sizes 6/ 3 , 7, 7/ 2 ; reds and grays, n .^^^^SriMsl'ti in all colors, the -be had at this popular price. (West Entrance). Style C 27<W— Educator (for which The Emporium s{zes Worth double the great demand for hat bows and Patent Leather Cuffs— the pair aoo.' " ~ \u25a0 are sole agents), white canvas, button, with natural , ale price The pair 50c. ' hair, ribbons. Colors pink, light initials for underwear— the gross £ | c nn 9 C^i»m4^ shape toe:, and extension soles. Sizes 6to 8, $1.75; \u25a0,' . , blue. navy, champagne, green, Doubie letter initials, 3 doz. for ir,c. Jfl/C Ol It/I CMi S 0i7i175 8l8 l / 2 to 11, $2; 11 1 / 2 to 2, $2.25. Kavser's lhle cloves for outines white and black. Shirtwaist Belts— each 10c, 15c, 20c. ,' \u25a0\u25a0*.^«« •rmmmm.m** ' - \u25a0 ivaysers iisie gio>eb ior ouuiigs, . H. & M. Spool Holders— each 35c. At 50c— ATen'«t nntina At o«se— \T^n'i f,nr V . strictly washable, in tans, white. <\7 ~ -;J Machine Oil. the bottle Be, ioc. 20c. At auc— Men s outing At 95c— Men s fancy ..... . <%P 1/ J aui i * i \Ur, ?*<- IZ. i C VU Machine OilCans, each 5c and ioc. shirts with soft collars. golf shirts with attached \foWna af ySr iTifn and black, two clasp, the pair, 25c. *. I V /«• Wool Hair Rolls, 24 in., 35c, 50c,.65c. cuffs IfCillfiy at C*J\* idiw . \u25a0\u0084.., \u25a0-- , . 6-in. satin taffeta ribbon of a Turban Hair .Pads, small size, 25c; At 85c— Men's open- At $1 15— Men's pleat- High grade veiling at a very special price for splendid heavy, quality. Colors are .Darafn* Wool. 2 W c each. frpnt, short bosom shirts ed white shirts: men's Saturday include Russian nets, hexagons, plain and colors, two-ciasp styie, tne. pair, white, green, light blue, pink, navy, Bair and Socket Fasteners, doz. sc. for studs, and men's open full dress shirts, with dotted Tuxedos; in black, brown, navy, green and 50c, 75c and $1; 16-button length, cardinal, white and black. Maple .^oiove \u25a0- stretchers, eachaoc back, large size shirts cuffs attached; men's magpie- also a quantity of French colored novelties the pair, $1 and $1.50. _ Special Sale Section \u25a0 60 in. Tapelines, . each 2%c. ' with laundered bosoms, short bosom open back with black velvet dots. |1 .\u25a0,-'. __J| \ ___ [ } \u25a0 • . .•\u25a0 \u25a0 || with eyelet. - . ,shirts. -.-"\V; Toilet Sundries i Corsets *fj* !&* A jl, * "f \u2666[ \u25a0 . cigars || Piel Bros. Beer .oap/jn four \ odors: Th. cake -.\ r. ... / . ::':- y ' -±. \u25a0 . ' :\u25a0\u25a0 $%°i£s£§2Bk special, . uc - .' c TvT v r, 0 ,,, r ds x^" M m*f j ft J9 m' : > hl » h rade domestic chener and Dortmunder brew. It '"Hazelinr'snow ,kin .cream-v«y IT" Special . mMUIIIAM4> ftfliiAA^jCJXl&G**~* Special "^ i$b n *!he^"£ an °{l€4"S e j| l^^lteig P&i^tf Offers counters teeming withihe greatest values and assort- \u25a0%??»§* || \u25a0\u25a0' L. I Hind's honey and almond— the ever $1.95 and $2.23 , . a . ODC V3C J1.65 . iIBIS S rion'r'sp^i, 5 " - burn and ft iilUppii menfs of new > fresh ' clean wnite wares The Emporium has ii^pgi |f j ? .? II X E ?JS^ g%r p; Ki :a% d m^ s st S d^o^ p oT& . W£M%ss& d " ever: been able to offer. Price reductions are vast. j-H^^ -}££SS SPZ&g&I: Cures dandruff. *\u25a0" -:-~' ' 65c;i== ..,..". .. \u0084 . . '\u25a0; ". "*\u25a0 -•.•\u25a0-:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - \u25a0 - • - _ ;. \u25a0»;; ' _. -.- -" .\u25a0-. . • ... \u25a0.. .1 = ::::^ , . f • =. | Books for Sunday Reading Sale of Ladies' Saleofladfes'l Furnishings From the Man's Stoje 1 spjendw H«ard, Harold McGrath Cham- IfH^/V Vf J f Collars in turndown and standing Underwear-Men's athletic,, made Goins'some, Rex Beach^ll. ; '^.^oiSSSi ™* T °™' '****\u25a0 pl"9^' U/luS/'/TI USiI US styles. Sizes. 14 to 17. White Sale of Japanese crepe, faced in white l^S^oo^^l DrPSSOS The White Sale offers an oppor- , P-C Half dozen in box, 40c. satin, short sleeves, .knee length. T \%l?lim™^"i£ P ' UenT7 ' 1/fCWW \u0084 tunity to replenish your wardrobe Handkerchiefs, men's . excellent Sale price, the garment, 48c The wild oiive, f _by the author of iS'Bthan Burke, Mary .S. Watts , Every lingerie dress in this at savings the greatest of the year. ; quality, large linen handkerchiefs. Hose— lmported half hose in new Dn'rofVuircharles'TennyJack- chard ' U sale is brandy new fresh and Garnients are offered now at prices White sale price, 3 for 50c. fancy stripes or in blacks and tans, son— * , cavannKh, Hamlin , Garland— » clean, shown for the first time. that barely seem to cover the cost ' Tiet m,n'c n ,,r. t 'n w i *• • v i. t j l - , The Ramrodder.., Holman Day— V? K Uantc Girl, Jerome Hart-»1.i5. , These are attractively fashioned of material. These are beautifully A ies .. men s pure silk tubular ties, with split soles and white feet. The TeTof «.e s,orn, coantry. Grace ""SSS^ISSS^^S^pS j. in the newest styles, are dainty, mkde, perfect fitting garments, cut four-in-hand ' styles, in. a host of pair, 25c. Miller White— The \u25a0 Carieton Ca.c, fcilery Clark— effective and perfect fitting. : generously full and offered in a splendid colors." These are seconds. Belts— ln black, tan, navy ereen Tt M C^cg-jir Ge ° rge B - Lg>^ Myra Keli y -,x.t5. [ host of attractive styles in.dainty Very special: -Each, . 25c and gray,- SOcto $1.50. -.\u25a0 --.: \u25a0-\u25a0 - - _ prices. Some are plain, simple or the practical kinds. 'The payings .. ... - : \u25a0 , _ - ... frocks,- but exquisitely dainty, themselves warrant buying in large BP«v \u25a0 C \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'^^- '* ''t "^m- \u25a0 made of fine fabrics and trimmed quantities. , : ': w& m A *tea Dresses for Girl s sssssa, Men s Summer Suits -'_*^ _- -, ' • * <TT AC .sleeves .and the tunic skirts $3.45. "~ fk — \ferV SOeCial* r W.!O handspmely; trimmed. Over 25 Drawers arid covers at 45c, 65c, Such as appeal to the man I^-^ v w#«Jlv»J »%*\u25a0/ fc^|^*-^ •• y «r styles in lingerie dresses at 95c. . ' . oi~s2\ -^--'a ii; . \-,i_'''"'c 'j. j A ... *._ —^ Combinations at 95c, $1.95 and who will only wear a ctis- fsstOSSO^ -jg^^, A sale, inaugurated this Saturday &Q yC ff4 7 Cf\ $2.95. .. , " . 'JHBk morning, of girls' colored wash P? •I J 9 4>l J.JV Sale Held Second Floor torn tailored suit, and at a dresses. These are pretty girlish ' . ' J \u25a0 , P"ce lower, perhaps, than K^M V styles made especially for girls \u25a0 . . . n he ever paid before. These J£\M^ and of such materials and trim- iMM * £ "' suits are strictly up to date, Moo*si^S^^^L /gnm&gg^ mings as are becoming and youth- -\u0084, ' \u25a0 made of all wool cheviots, '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0 BwMrY 1 * I%Z ful to young ladies of 14, 16, 18 »» CII^U ' " M>^Wt' WliW*slMi^ an(l 2 ° >earS ° f a . gC " The mate " A s P ecial P»rcliase of exquisite waists was made to. fea- j^ ?'? ' c^mTre^' a^d SA^'W^^' M^k \ l^^^^^S^^m rials are good, substantial ging- ture Saturday as the greatest selling day in the White Sale. s "'•-, \u25a0*\u25a0;\u25a0 t •„ " ixklW'*"^ ' mfWt\ mV?3^m^Wßi hams ' which launder so beauti - " ' •- ; worsteds. All are hne 'fab- /sjfc ' I <4SPI' SSi fully. These.-may be had in a This purchase strengthens the following rics. including all wool fast i||K! L> KBSm I r^^ii^V^Mi I / • * r ij c .I -j. , m] two prices and offers values that haven't \u25a0 \u0084 - . ||-L^^3j|pT^ J^ e e J o f bofh dainty and dura been equaled even in the inaugural showing. , - , .dye blue serges and black -MM!. J" . MffigW \ HP^Wi ble colorings Every Hress is New crisp waists of Q Attractive designs in : -for of aH builds," in Mf Sj f ' K« iShitiA Jili brand new and shown for the first | Aflf damty lingerie, with C gfi lift tailored waists with > fcAjW h' H^Z ::^ni^W////i +• ' • Dutch necks and •K-^f •* v handsome embroi- sizes up to 46 chest meas- |i V /•' f I" mm I ' [ti^ J . * I I time. short sleeves. These M dered -fronts : in a; va- „ \u0084, " . . [' I -^b' II ClHbr tnttPS\'////|' \u25a0> • \u25a0 ifw /\f have J usti been un " ried assortment; also ure. Loth single and dou- - m&> j\ ''''$& (\feEfeH^^' Very SpeCial, J3.95 '. boxed - WhiteSale98 C . ,pretty lingerie styles. ble breasted models. v/j JP , ) H§:j;;g^ffi^i == \u25a0 S2 98 3tlU S3 9H -In the; assortment at this . ; 1 iClS^'rfc^ja^S •* Immt Ji| An ' j* • - , . price you will find at least \ lu?Wm\*\ '>%&i L^flf lOldf S New styles in lingerie and tailored waists will be shown «, v - '. ... . IW^MIB V*\\u0094 \u25a0 k ' \u25a0M^'^T^r^S:^^ \u25a0 1111%11 aa "*r. . r . , v \u0084- ... c , , ;\u25a0_\u25a0'. r. , . ..... 4 100 suits which have re- i'iWf \u25a0*&' * M \u25a0\u25a0t^3^i!~ ZXss*tt » > c^ '•-"< for the first, time -baturda}'. These are oftered in addition to iwi'M %'j^ •TO^m^^S UMslSh D¥PSSP< a wonderfully strong showing of incomparable values. centl >' been reduced, al- W{M W&M Wfl^r J , lowing values which can §W" l|l rr : 11111 " A \faCatlOn SDeCial \ . .' . . . \u25a0( seldom be equaled. W-m $&% KS^H A limited quantity of attractive; M''^ \ \u25a0 wash frocks, .for children and RuSSiatl SUItS, $t.50 \ - ,^P J§ /^T B * V." \u25a0c^" ' About 225 suits, just received by express, which were bought at'a \u25a0' Jg[ >rfj^Mp|^ 12P^ Jy/&lj C^ir-% C«i'fiiv/i'<iif''' C'i''flC'- ; >'s r cat^price_'.concess_ioh.i-., ; ;.'All*sizesh_2^ito ; ; 7^years, r Mri:,fast'.c6lor^wash : ?-' , ' i^^r C*J*^&r&&Zg&§^^!Z 3dlC kJalUr QaV 9 31 ••D suits °^ percale, chambrays, cheviots and galateas. These are trimmed _. ... .c . :in "pretty . First I^lpoT^W^V Entrance j , - Floor, IVest tntrance SAfr FRAJSTCISCOrO^ Sachem Gesford of -Napa also was present. ' .' . The Red Men, will take a conspicu ous part in. the great celebration to be held here July 2, 3 and 41, • , ; They will keep open .house and will entertain Red Men from various cities of the state. . . ACaiTITTZD OF MURDEIU-Ro«wen, ' N. ~M., Jnne 3. — George MnsgraTes. charged with hav ing murdered George Parker here "14 \ years ago, was acquitted - tonight. • \u25a0 : ' Even if a woman doesn't love a man she loves to have a .man love her. .: GRAND OPERA IS LOSING VENTURE OAKLAND, June 3.— A loss of $19,000 was sustained by ; the Princess , the ater of San Francisco during the grand opera season, ' according to* testimony given today in Judge Ellsworth's court.* It took six weeks 4.0 lose that amount. This; testimony, came out durlfig^ tha course of the trial of a suit brought by H. C. Donnell against Ell and Lizzie 'Fried. . ' ££ [' ', '\u25a0~^-~; ". /v/ v The latter induced Donnell to trade a house and lot in Berkeley to them for stock in :the Ellis Street; development company, which owns, the theater, repr resenting that the stock was worth $1 a share, whereas such was not the case, the plaintiff declares,' and" the theater was in fact a losing venture. ' The suit' is for the' recovery of the Berkeley -property. : Pending the trial of the case Roy J. Young has been made trustee of it. •' ; DEIVEB'S LEG BROKEN BY HORSE— Mas Reaflorff of 16S0 Buchanan : street, who is j a driver for the Brien commission company, was , kicked by a horse yesterday afternoon - and - suffered a broken leg. ' MAN WALKS WITH HIS BACK BROKEN OAKLAND. June 3.— ln spite of the fact that his back was broken, Martin O'Mally "of 1726 Paru street, Alameda, a riveter, walked with little assistance into the receiving hospital this after noon, ilis case is considered a re markable one by the physicians who examined him and who give him a chance for his life. O'Mally was employed in the con struction of --' the new Southern Pacific roundhouse at Alameda Point, when he fell 30 feet to the ground; . His com panions-helped him to his feet, but he walked to the train and rode -to Broad way/and First ; street,* Oakland. "Getting, off the. train there he walked four, and a' half blocks to the hospital. It was not until -he was in the hospital thatthe extent of his injuries was dis covered. ' -First aid was given him there, after which lie was sent . to the Southern Pacific company's hospital in San Fran cisco." '\u25a0-• \u25a0•: '. \u25a0 TO MEASURE POWER OF ELECTRIC EELS ; BLOOMINGTON, Ind., June 3. — To test the power and the nature of "bat teries" of living electric, eels Max Ellis and William Tucker of 'the scien tific department of Indiana university will set-out on an expedition to the upper Amazon river August 15. Jacob Glrabel of VJncerines- has financed the Investigation. BELMONT HOPES TO BE OUT IN A: FEW DAYS Banker Has Broken Rib, but Is Optimistic NEW YORK. June 3.— August Bel mont. the banker, sent word to his friends today that he expected to be out and entirely recovered in a few days from the injuries received yesterday •while playing polo at the Meadowbrook hunt club. Belmont Is suffering from a broken rib and several bruises about the scalp and body. His bride, formerly the actress. Miss" Eleanor Robson, is nursing him. JUICY $30,000,000 MELON TO BE CUT NEW YORK. June 3.— One of the largest \u25a0 "melons'* ever sliced will be> cut by the Singer manufacturing com pany, which has called a meeting of directors on June 18 to declare a $30. 000.000 stock dividend to its share hold ers. The company Is capitalized at $30,000,000. and the stock dividend ia 100 per cent. The company has a sur» plus of $30,000,000. ".'..;'. THREE MEN HELD FOR INQUIRY AS TO MURDER Surgeon Testifies That Victim Was Struck From Behind HOLLISTER. . June 3. — lo conse quence of the death of Abram Wilhyte of Ocean Park, who was struck down In the street last night, W. Dillon. Guy Renfree and Charles Renfree were ar rested by Sheriff Croxson, and will be held pending an investigation of the case. At the corotjer's inquest the au topsy surgeon testlflevt that "Wilhyta died from a fracture of the'skull, prob ably caused by a blow from behind. 3