Newspaper Page Text
NEWS QF OAKLAND, BERKELEY, ALAMEDA, HAYWARD AND SAN LEANDRO CITY GROWS AT PHENOMENAL PACE Building Investments in Oakland Will Total Millions for This Year OAKLAND. June 3. — Investments reaching a total of nearly half a mil lion dollars were begun in Oakland during the month of May. as Is shown by the records of the building permits applied for at the board of public works. Notwithstanding that the real ty market is not as brisk now a:s it will be when the vacation season is ended, the figures show that the nor mal growth of this city makes Oak land remarkable among towns of the west for its building operations, and phenomenal when compared to cities of equal size east of the Rockies. DWELLINGS I.> THC LEAD While some big buildings are con templated by the builders here, or are under way, most of the permits applied for and the greater part of the money invested is for dwellings. Not lest than 20 new dwellings were started in the city each week of May. In several "^^'eeks the number of permits for homes * was more than SO, and the money spent In erecting 6ingle homes and flats dur ing the whole month a total of 1260.125. The total number of building per mits applied for in that month was 152 for dwellings only. Including altera tions and repairs, workshops and barns, stores and business buildings, the per ' mits in all for May were 374 in num ber. The money thus represented as eofag into the physical development of the city amounted to $489,444. That the residential sections of Oak land, are growing at an unprecedented pace is proved by examination of the distribution of the building permits. The first, seventh and fifth wards are a!m66t entirely home districts. It is in these wards tbat the greatest growth In new buildings Is shown, outstrip ping other parts of the city, a sure sign that the population of Oakland is increasing at a raplj rate. XORTH OAKLAND BUSY In . the first ward, which is north Oakland, with a part of the annexed district. May satv dwellings started costing altogether $178,157. The fifth ward, which includes the lakeside dis trict and runs up into lower Piedmont, \u25a0 gained an addition In homes of $109,- OSS. The *.eventh ward, East Oakland, i is surpassed only by the first in its de velopment, for the permits in tbat divi sion of the city were for residences to cost in all $143,564. Were Oakland to grow in buildings at that rate for one year it would mean that the valuation of the city would Increase in the 12 months about $», 770,000. That such will be the cape seems.jjot unlikely, for real estate ex perts agree that last month will be exceeded in building operations by other months of the year. The assessed valuation of the "city \u25a0"'ill increase correspondingly, but .the ligures wjll not be so startling, because the assessor's valuations are ,but -a fraction of the actual market price of the properties. LIST OF PERMITS L Permits for the closing week of May made a total of $84,695. The following figures of. permits applied for in the week ended June 1, Wednesday, were prepared by Walter B. Fawcett, secre tary of the board of public works: No. «r Permits " Amount One Ftnrr **ellin?s 17 $27,400.00 one end a balf st< ry dwellings. 2 5.630.00 Two story dwellings 4 1f1.050.00 Two story flat* 1 5,000.00 Three etorj- dtvellinjr 1 9.985.00 Two Ftory eeli«olhouse» S fI.OOO . 00 One *tory store 1 1.100.00 One story brirk building 1 1,000.00 Bathhouse 1 500.00 Oaragfs. workshop*, tank frames C 2,165.00 r.i-.rnv p beds and stable* 4 1,442.00 Alterations, additions, rcjvalrs.. 30 7,606.70 Total 71 $54,«98.70 HEPORT BY WAKDS First ward ]5 $3«.527.00 Second ward , <; 8.473.00 Third ivartl. 3 1.8<i9.00 IVuirtb ward 3 430.00 riftU ward 15 10,«50.00 Sirth ward 7 2.570.00 ward 1» 22.433.70 Total 71 $54.C98.70 Realty dealers' reports on market conditions .are given below: EASIXAWK ATTRACTIVE 'The requests for bungalows ranging In price from $2,750 to $4,000 Is vphe nomenal," eaid ,E. B. Bull, manager of the Frank K. Mott company. "Ap parently Alamefia county is bent on reaching first place in the building of this clats of .residences. Their desir ability !p not alone in favor on account of the artistic features of the bungalow home, but the advantages to the house wife are a distinct factor in their sell- Ing qualifications. "Eastlawn, our new tract, on the Kast Fourteenth street car line, is . being opened as a bungalow park, and embodies all the attractive features which can possibly be given to the liome builder.. Before a single piece of street contract work was arranged for Mott personally gave careful study to the #>sSential elements of a. successful miniature town, and consequently not one detail has been overlooked which will help to make Eastlawn the pret tiest residence section in the state of California for the man of modest means. PLACE FOB WORKIXGMEX *"ParkF, sections, tracts, call them what you will, have been opened In the past with every known form of com fort ready for the home builder, but under what circumstances? Only the man or woman with $4,000 or $5,000 could take advantage of these oppor tunities, and the worklngman with but a few -hundred dollars . was compelled to reside in the more congested por tions of the city, or else entirely in a country section where transportation facilities were at a premium. "Eastlawn breaks down this barrier. It Is within 22 minutes by streetcar from ..Twelfth street and Broad was', three and a half miles inside the city limits and is directly on a streetcar thoroughfare. Building restrictions protect every purchaser and the prop erty is sold ready for the construction of the home. "Our sales have been big in East lawn. Within a year It will be the bungalow park of California, where the man of moderate means can live in as exclusive a neighborhood as the roan of wealth." nnoADJioon lots sold 1L T. Minney, president of the Mln ney-Morse company, says: "Business with us during the last month has been exceptionally good. We are having a very large sale of ilots in our various subdivision proper -A'^s." • . \u25a0 The half acre lots In Broadmoor are attracting many buyers who want more than the usual city lot and are glad of the opportunity of securing a half acre where they still have all the con veniences of the city. "On account of our splendid success In the sale of Iveywood, which is more than half sold, we decided to add an other piece to the tract, and "we have Bungalow Style Comes From Sunny Southland Los Angeles style of Bungalow going up in Mmney-MorstzATact at Melrose Heights. purchased and plotted 70 acres of the Dunsmuir "property, which extends northeast from Iveywood over to Broad moor and to the foothill boulevard. This tract will be ready for the mar ket within a few days. "The construction of the Southern Pacific electric extension in Melrose heights is stimulating building in this tract. Among: others who /are build ing there now is George W. Swingley, who !s putting up four Los Angeles style bungalows. These bungalows will cost $3,000 to $3,500 each. They are patterned after the Pasadena and Los Angeles style of bungalow and will be unusually attractive when completed. "These homes and others being built in Melrose heights are sold on very easy terms and are finding a ready market-" ROCK RIDGE PLACE "We have only 120 lots in Rock Ridge place," said Fred E. Reed, subdivision manager of the Laymance real estate company, "and we know they will be cold on our opening days. Conse quently, we prefer to put off our open ing until everything is just as we want it to be, for we have talked so much about the surpassing loveliness of this new residence park and the high grade of improvements going in that we pre fer not to ask the public out too early, and let them think the tract is fin ished. "We have shortened the time on our contractors and everything, even the oiled macadam pavements, will be fin ished throughout Rock Ridge place within 120 working days. When you consider that this includes all -our pavements, cement curbs and sidewalks, as well as our Italian renaissance gate way, parks', parkways and sewers, water, telephone and electric lighting lines, the great activity that is now going on in Rock Ridge can be imag ined. There will be no cessation of work this summer until all our im provements are In. "The Esterly construction company began work yesterday on the classic entrance which Is to mark Rock Ridge place at Broadway. When the people oome out to our opening Saturday and Sunday, June 11 and 12, this gateway will be well under way and the tone it will give the whole property will -be apparent." North Berkeley Terrace BERKELEY, June 3. — The Hender son-Tapecott real estate company of this city announced today that the North Berkeley terrace, the new San Pablo avenue subdivision, will be thrown open next Sunday. ! The new tract is on the east side of San Pablo avenue, north of North Berkeley. The subdivision is in the direct line of the Santa Fe railroad and the new Southern Pacific railroad extension, as well as the San Pablo avenue cars. Frank V. Belvel, secretary of the realty exchange of Berkeley, and Charles T. Jones have taken over the Skilllng company, located at 2142 % Shattuck avenue, and will conduct a general realty and insurance business. With them will be associated Scott F. Whitaker. who has been connected with the Schmldt-Skilling and the Shilling companies for the last four years. AUTO CRASH FATAL TO JIM JEFFRIES' FRIEND J. H. Rohr Succumbs to Injuries at Sanitarium AI*AMEDA. June 3.— John H. Rohr of 922 Chestnut street, this city, who was injufed near Milpitas Tuesday when the automobile In which he was returning from Rowardennan to Alameda turned turtle, died last night in O'Connor's sanitarium. San Jose. His body was brought here today. Rohr was well known in San Francisco business-cir clee, where he was a manufacturer^ agent. He Is survived by his wife and three' children. Rohr was a personal friend of Jim Jeffries and way a fre quent guest of the big boxer^ at Ro wardennan. POSTMASTERS APPOrNTEß— Washington, June S. — California postmaster* have been spjwinted a* fnllrvcrs: Ollvoe. Bant* 'Barbara c«cnty, Charles I/. Whlteher, rice B. F. Whltch<r. de ceased; Vlneburjr. Sonoma oount.v, Grover C. Rnblce, vlc« A. M. Robinson, resigned. Filtered Salt Water ai lnc LURLINE BATHS the ocean water is filtered before it flows into the tub bath's and swimming pool. TURKISH BATHS AND MASSAGE . Bush and Larkin Sts. OPEN EVENINGS THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL; SATURDAY; JUNE 4, 1910; CANADIAN CLUB TO HAVE REUNION OAKLAND, June 3.— The members of the Canadian club from Prince Edward island are arranging a big muslcale and entertainment for the next meet ing of the club, which is to be held at Porter hall, I. O. O. F., in Grove street near Nineteenth the evening of June 10. ' The program will consist of musical numbers, addresses by prominent club members and dancing. Refreshments will be served at the close of the evening. The whole entertainment is to take on the character of a genuine, old fashioned reunion, and not only will all Canadian club members of the state be asked to attend, but friends and Canadians from far and wide are included in the invitation. The committee of arrangements is headed by George E. Aitken, chair man, who is being assisted by Mrs. George .E. Aitken, Mrs. N. N. Day, Miss J. C. Mclnnis, Miss Regina F. Kelly, Mrs. H. E. Cox, Miss A. Kelly, Alex MacQuarrie, James G. Kelly, Mrs. A. H. Gregory, Miss A. MacMillan, M. A. Mclnnis and others. ATLANTIC OCEA3T TRAVEL Wireless and Submarine Signals _. — To London, Paris, fk T . « Bremen |%j/\*«"i*lfl| Express Sailings. 1181 118 Tuesdays. 10 A. M. -i. I 1/1 Lll X - Wil'm.d.Gr.June 14 ' A v * A * Kronp. Cecille. June 21 Pivmnnth— Kronp. Wll'm.June2B SheXur^l. K. Wilh'ra ll. .July 5 g". Washington (new), June 0 \u25a0 Bremen, June 16 •Main, June 23 . P. F.- Wm. (new), Juntf 30 'Bremen direct. \ To Gibraltar, -ry . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. • Naples & Genoa If «\u25a0 « Sailings Sats. 11 A.M. B I /\V Ta! Fried'h d. Gr. June 11 B ||llf fl K. Albert June 18 1 Jill VII tNeckar Juno 25 A^J-V.Y P. Irene July 2 "~" *~^r . \u25a0 fDoes not call at Genoa. 'n«f«pend»Dt Aronnd.tno- World Tm'ri, I « Trarelera cherka food all over theworld. OELRICHS & CO., General Agents, S Broadway, New York Capelle, G. A. P. C. 250 Powell st. opposite St. Francis Hotel; San Fran- cisco. Telephone — Kearny \u25a0•4794. AMERICAN LINE Plymouth— Cherbourg;— Southampton Philadelphia— •Queenstovrn— Liverpool ATLANFIC TRANSPORT LINE Nevr York— London— .Direct HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE New York—Rotterdam, via Boulogne RED STAR LINE New York— Dover— Antwerp WHITE STAR LINE , N.Y.-Qnecjjstown-Holyhead-Llverpool X.Y.-Plytnouth-CherbourK-.SouthamptOß j Boston— Q.ueen>town— Liverpool ' ! ! N. Y. & BOSTON— MEDITERRANEAN WHITE STAR— DOMINION Canadian Service Mail Steamers, [ Montreal— : Quebec— Liverpool Weekly Salllnas. The Scenic Route to \u25a0 - Europe \u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0•• NEW S. S. LAURBNTIC & MEGAJVTIC Ivirgest and Most Modern Steamers on the St. Lawrence. . : \u25a0 G. H. KOEPPEL, Passenger Agent Pacific Coast, 819 Geary Street opposite St. Francis Hotel. San Francisco. Compagnie Generale Transatlantf que FIIENCH LINB DIRECT LINB TO HAVRE-PARIS. Sailings erery Thursday and Saturday at 10 a. m., from pier 57. North river, foot of Morton St. ,• , ~" " SAILING DATES I La Touralne, May 26 La Lorraine, June 23 , La Lorraine. June 2 La Savole.'. . .June 80 La Savole. ...June 9 La • Provence, ' July 7 La Provence. June 10 La Lorraine. .July 14 ii FUOAZI BROTHERS, Managers Pacific : Coast, 630 Montcouiery St., San Francisco. - P. FAGUET, General Agent, for U. S. and Canada, 19 State St., -New York. Canadian Pacific Less Than Four Days at Sea Weekly Sailings' Between- Montreal/ . - Quebec and Liverpool Two days on the beautiful St. -Law- rence River and the shortest ocean route to Europe. •> . Nothing better on the Atlantic than our Empresses. Wireless on all steam- ers.-- ' ;: \u25a0 '\u25a0• \u25a0 \u25a0•- \u25a0 ..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0 - . - ; - : :• ; : First class *00, second 951.25, on* class cabin $47.50. * Ask: any. ticket agent, or write -for fallings, rates and booklet. (10) K. E; PEX>", G. A., Palace - Hotel, Saa " -.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' '... \u25a0-\u25a0 - .'\u25a0\u25a0 .;;'B*rnnclsco^"- s >' ;-.;;*.•; v. '.-•._ QCANDINAVIANAMERICAN mi \$ it,OW» Too Twia-Screw Passenger stcamen . Direct to \u25a0 \u25a0 Norway , Sweden and Deirniaiii . C. F.. Tletgen..June 10 Oscar 11.;. ......Ju1y 21 United States: .June 23 United. State*: ; . Aug.V4 Hellte Ola r .-..-.- July 2 Hellig ;Olav..;.,Aug. 18 - Flrstcabln,'|7s;upward;Becond;cabln;;sGo."' \u25a0 All ' steamers \u25a0' equipped ; with i wireless, -t- \u25a0. - SPECIAL ; NORTH CAPEC i CRUISE : By S. S. TletEen from Copenhagen Jaly T IA. E. JOIINSOX, &': CO".'./ 1, Broadway, New. York,"" : or .Local' Agents. . \u25a0 BODY OF MARINER IS TAKEN FROM BAY Captain James Miller, Attacked With Heart Failure, Falls Overboard OAKLAND. June 3. — The body of Captain James Miller, who was lost from the scow schooner Ellen Sunday night as he was a party of excursionists to the: Franklin street wharf, was found floating in the es tuary near tlie foot of Brush street this morning by William Bqcclsco, a boatman. ' There was a large bruise on the dead man's head which Is believed to have been caused by striking against the anchor as he fell overboard, s Physicians who examined the body expressed the opinion that the mariner had been attacked by heart failure, which was responsible for his fatal plunge. Miller was 45 years of age, and made his home in Alameda. The strongest thing in the world — public opinion ! IMPERIALtS MOUXJJ PIECE CIGABRTTES I captured it by sheer merit Everywhere men are smoking them. Cigarettes of such excel- lence that they have set their own standard of quality. 10 for 10 cents THE JOHN BOLLMAN CO., Mfw. PACIFIC OCEAN TRAVEL - 1^- \u25a0"\u25a0 Steamers leave from Broad- ygKi&^gv way Wharves (Piers fi AYyISSSSI r\ Low rttes - including berth I A Special Bound Trip Rates. YVV^^B^ LOS ANGELES SAX DIEGO \u2666SANTA BARBARA President or Governor Alternate Mondays, 4 p. m. •Santa Rosa.... .....ETery Tbur., 11 a. tn. _ *Only steamer calling at Santa Barbara.' . SEATTLE (DIRECT), TOWNSEND TACOMA, VICTORIA, VANCOUVER Connecting at Seattle for Soutbeastera Alaska, Skagway, Dawson, Fairbanks and all points on tbe Yukon. President or Governor Alternate Saturdays, 2 p.m. Queen or Pnebla..... Alternate Tuesdays, 2 p. n». Spokane...... J.'...M0n., June 6, 11 a. m. EUREKA (HVMBOLDT BAY) City of Topeka June 6, 10 a. m. State of Ca1......... June 11, 16, 21, 26, 3 p. m. GUAYMAS, MAZATLAN, LA PAZ ENSENADA, SAN JOSE DEL CABO 7 SAN PEDRO City of Topeka .Wednesday, June 15, 12 m. Nome. St. : Michael. < *. Montara (freight only), June 4 LEAVE SEATTLE Nome {only) • • • • • Senator, June 5 ALASKA, CRUISES, 1910 Spokane, Jnne 14, 28; July 12, 26; Aug. 0, 10 pm. Queen... July 12, 20, 8 p. m. Right reserved to change this schedule. TICKET OFFICES— PaIace Hotel. 653 Market St., 16 Market st. and' Broadway wharf. \u25a0 Telephone Kearuy 492. OAKLAND— II2O Broadway. Tel. Oakland 5680. C. D. DUXANX, General Passenger Agent. .-gsaSK AMERICAK-HAWAHAN i^aj STEAMSHIP COMPANY Tehauntepec Route it eKulnr Fast Freight Service NEW* YORK TO PACIFIC COAST PORTS and HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, sailing from New York every six days, making direct connection with Pacific steamers sailing from Sallna Crua. Mex., every six days for San Francisco. PACIFIC COAST PORTS TO NEW YORK. Also to Mexican and all prin- cipal European ports under through rate and through bills of lading. Sail- ings from San Francisco every 12 days. For rates and further particulars ap- ply to DEARBORN & LAPHAM, Gen- eral Agents, 8 Bridge street;- New York; -WILLIAMS. DIMOND ,& CO.. General Agents,. Pacific Coast , 310 Sangome St., San Francisco. I SEATTLE-TACOMA 7 BeUlnentm. Anacortes, Everett, Port Town- send, : Vancouver and all Alaak* ports. -" . S .8. ADMIRAL SAMPSON.......... June 6 S. S. WATSON .............Jnne 12 -S. S. BUOKMAN. ....June 18 LOS ANGELES DIRECT S. S. WAT50N.:.. ...... .............Jun«6 S. 8. BUCKMAN ;.•••• J°ne 12 S. S. ADMIRAL SAMPSON. . ... .June 18 Alaska Pacific Steamship Co. TICKET OFFICES: General Agent's Office, Howard Street Wharf No. 3. Ticket Office, 648 Market street. Sailings from Howard Street Wharf No. 3. TOYO RISEN KAISHS ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. 8. "Nippon Uarn"...:. Tuesday, Jnne 81, 1910 8. 8. "Chiyo Maru'V (via Mani1a).............. - .-.-.....•...'..............Tue5day, Jnljr 19, 1910 8. 8. "Tenyo Maru"..... Tuesday, Aus;. 16, ; 1810 Steamers sail from company's piers, Nos. 42, 44, near foot of Second st., at 1 p. m., for Yoko- hama I and Hongkong, calling at Honolulu, Kobe (Hiogo) t snd ' Nagasaki^ and Shanghai, and con- necting \u25a0at Hongkong, with steamers for Manila, India, etc." No cargo : received jon board on day of sailing. "* Round trip tickets at reduced rates. For t freight and ; passage apply at office, 240 James Flood* building. - .--. .^: = W. H. AVBRY,: - - \u25a0 .-' " • - Assistant General Manager. "M rjk"i rAITIif II T^ 16 i ne w - f Mt »nd ele* Brllirll 3111 Bantly fitted H I 111 l II UP* S • • WILHELMINA \u25a0 ll IBhUv 3,250 tons displacement I a^gP 1010, for Honolulu and . * S. S. LIJRLINB 13,000 Tons Displacement. Sails ' noon .'June \u25a0 I."- 1810.'; for Honolulu and ; Ka- hulal. Round trip to Honolulu $110. first class. - MatßQn ; Navigation - Co M 208 Market ; St. UnUflllUll S. S. Sierra (10.000 tons dls- I nUIIULULU 2* p i 4C ement) isalla -11 A. M. June 18, 1910. Special round trip, $110 first class. TAHITI AND NEW, ZEAL AND— S. a? , Marlposa ' sails 11 a. ' m. r Juno- 29. Spcl. Tahiti ' round trip. $125, first class. •„ ' ' OCEANIC LIKE."673 T Mkt. f ntei;tkearny'l23l^ SALOON KEEPERS J BANKRUPT -~ Gioraccbino . Oapocaccia, - Gioyant Franceseonl and Sarerlno I Paroli, partners ! In the j saloon business in Eu reka, Humboldt county, filed a petition in " vbankrnptey yetterday. " Their Uabllitteß are I scheduled tt $1,342.38 : and assets at $379.80. <. M. •A, (Jallivan, . a San Francisco restaurant keeper, filed a petition in bankruptcy yester day, giving liabilities as $1,023.35, without . assets. . . - • -\u25a0*',: - J««t right for easy laun- Oakland denng. We will place on sale this morning a choice lot of Good Qrade Muslin Underwear Priced from 25c^to 98c per garment which represents a saving of about one-third The Why The Garments Every year, just .before vacation , ' - time, we offer a special lot of muslin . . consist of wear in substantial quality to stand country laundering! Petticoats, Underskirts, Chem- The Way ii S es, Gowns, Corset Covers, "We plan way ahead for this event, _ n driving the best bargain possible in Combination and Drawers buying and then mark close to cost price on the goods. >^f both lace and embroidery trimmed. MUSLIN MUSLIN DEAWERS COMBINATION NIGHT ROBES , Specially Priced " GARMENTS Specially Priced o - OQn o '~ on • n -r, • i 35c, 48c, 65c 25c, 29c, 35c j Specially Priced 69c, 75c, 98c 50c, 59c, 98c 65c and 98c LONG AND SHORT SKIRTS MUSLIN CORSET COVERS Specially Priced Specially Priced 25c, 35c, 59c, 65c and 98c 29c, 35c, 59c, 65c RAILWAY TRAVEL fe^^L^\ Trains Leave P^^^ san Francisco Vrlv Market Street Ferry Depot Leave For— lA.M-1 ' : P.M.. Bakersfield .....7:15 8:00-10:00 Chicago ........ 7:15 8:00-10:00 Fresno 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:00 Grand Canyon... 7:15 8:10-10:00. . Hanford ..7:15 -10:00 Kansas City . . fc . .7:15 8:00-10:00 Merced ......... 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:00 \u2666Stockton ....... 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:00 Stockton, ' Oak- dale and Sierra Railway points. 9:45 ......... >• Tulare 7:15 8:00-10:00 Visalia 7:15 8:00-10:00 \ Yosemite Valley. [7:ls -10:00 'Stockton Local leaves I:2a p. m. California Limited through to Chicago leave* at 10:00 p. m. Of flees— o73 Market street end Market street Ferry Depot, San Francisco; Ilia Broadway, \u25a0 Oakland. \u25a0 \u25a0 ' Schedule Effective (*pppj May 1, 1910 V£fcJO«/ r UNION FERRY DEPOT San Francisco Leave VIA SAUSAUTO Arrive 7:lsa|Sonoma. Glen Ellen tB:33p 7:45 a Petaluma, Santa Rosa, Healdsburs, [ Cloyerdale, Uklab, Wllllts, Sher- wood. •Guernevllle, •Monte Elo, j 'Duncan Mills ;... 7:S5p B:lsa[Polnt Reyes. Monte Rio. Casadero. 7:36p |B:4sa|Petaluma, Santa Rosa, Guernevllle, Monte Rio, Duncan Mills J7:osp J9:l3a Point Reyes JB:Osp t9 :lsa Sonoma. Gl«n Ellen 6:05p 10:45 a Petaluma, Santa Rosa 4:35p f2:46p Point Reyes, Cimn Meeker - S:lSp Petaluma, Santa Rosa, Healasbnrg Cloverdale, Uklah, Gnernetille, Monte Rio, Duncan Mills, Seba»- topol 11:05 a . 4 :45p Sonoma, Glen Ellen 9:05 a S:lSp Petaluma, Saata Rosa -. 8:85 a ' 5:45p Point Reyes (leaves 7:15 p. m. Sundays) 8:08 a ELECTRIC SUBURBAN VIA SAUSALITO. Sausalito, Mill Valley. San Rafael — Dally every 80 minute* from 6:45 a. m. until 9:45 h. in.; hourly until 2:43 p. m., thea 3:19 p. ra. and every 80 minutes until 7:45 p. m., then 9:00, 10:35 p. m. and 12:01 a. m. (On Sundays la addition — Every 80 mtnntes from 9:45 a. tn. to 8:15 p. m., excepting 2:15 p. m.) \ - • ->• Fairfax— Leaves t«:45. 7:15, 7:45, S: 16, «:45, 9:15, 8:45, (10:15. 10:45, JH:IS, 11:45 a. m.; U2:15, 12:45, tl:16. 1:45. 2:45, 3:15, 3:45. 4:15, 4:45. 5:15, 5:45, 6:15. |6:45, 7:15, 7:45, 8:00, |JIO:SS p. m., 412:01 a. m. . / .San Queatin via Ban Rafael — Leaves 8:45 a*m., 1:45 p. \u25a0m. - \u25a0 . \u25a0 Tiburon and Belvedere— Week day*. 7:30, 9:00, (10:45 a. m. (J 12:45 p. m. Saturdays only), 3:30, 5:30 p. m. Sundays — 7:30, 0:00, 11:00 a. m.; 12:30. 3:30, 5:30 p. m., and §12:01 a. m. 'Sunday arrives 7:05 p. m. fExcept Sunday. tSunday only.'. only.' isSaturday aad Sunday only. (Via Sausalito. -~ \u25a0 Pacific Transfer Company's agents are author- ized to check baßjtajre dlroct from residence. fMUIR WOODS MT. TAMALPAIS '•\u25a0 VIA SAUSALITO FERRY . FOOT OF MARKET STREET Bound Trip frtm t»j Fnmoltw, $I JQ ; li.\n fmtltcs - U.MtlrWwte tr. Tatlaab Weekday SsnJ»y Wwkd»r Sim Jay Weekday Ssaday 9:45 a B:]sa tJ:2Oa 11:00 a 7:20t 110:10 a Mf:4sp 9:15 a |:40p 11:46 a 1:40p 11:15 a * 4:45p 9:45 a e2:4op 12:50p '- 4:14p, 12:40p ...... 10:45 a 4:20p 2:40p a 9:50p 2:32p ...... 11:45t, ...... 3:50p 3:45p ...;.. 1:4 BP ...... 5:26b ...... , 5:10p ...... "2:45b ...~... G:4op 6:40p . . A . . * 4 : 1 5 P ©To Mt. Tamalp ais only ;..... •To MoirSat.only.tMon. only, a Sat. only. ' Ticket \ Offices— Sauwilito Ferry and 574 Market 1 1 \u25a0: - General Office— M3l Valley, CalifornJa "Tinti if Tiißiljsii" md "Hair In" in ilwaj* oou lir ca»U . OCEANVSHQRE RAILWAY . ; F. ]S. Strattoa, Receiver.' \u25a0 . \u25a0 . Lr. 12th & Mission sts. daily— »B :ooa. , J9:30a.. \u2666•10:30 a.. •3:00p..*5:40p.Ar.;5. -V. dailx— •7:25 a.. *8:40 a., - »2 :00 ft.; t5 :25p.. **6:10 p .,, < •Arleta. JTunttas Glen; atage \u25a0 for Saa Gre- gorlo and .. Pescadero.; ••Snaaay only Arleta. •._\u25a0 lii BAY?AHTD .; INTBRURBAJr 'ROUTES ;• i'.vYallejo, Napa, St, Helena ST.'; .HBLBNAi NAPA VAJULBY.^ ROUTE! :\u25a0\u25a0> Monticello S. sV Co., and Nap* ') Valley Electric Rl \u25a0> B. Co. v; Close connections. , v ; ; r \u25a0 6-^-ROUND TRIPSMDAILY— « - Boats ' leave * Saa 'v Francisco 7:00. ',»9:45 a, . »., 12:80 noon, 8:20,' 6:00,, »8:30 p.- m.^ :-\u25a0-'!: •/ ,-. ' > Saa ! Francisco landinjt \u25a0 and ' of flee, day street wharf, \ north i end I ferry i buildlns, <Msrket \u25a0 street ferry. Meals a la carte. -, Phones £68x117 408 or •Lands '• navy yard direct. TIOVEER MABINEH BURIEI*— Jnne 3. — The funeral of the late Cajttaln Jacob Jen sea, pioneer master mariner and wealthy *hip owner, was held this morning from the fam ily residence. 2253 Taclfic aTenue. Services were conduct e.l by Key. Williie M. Martin. The pallbearers were all master mariners. They were Captains Charles Jtocfc. J. C. Enchen, \u25a0 B. 11. .Madison, William Matson. F. J. Thorpe -and-W. J. Gray. The interment was in Moun tain. View cemetery. RAILWAY TRAVEL WV HH R fl *^f WSm Btjl tM B * JJ * BBHI BCF Mr A Ttt IBtTiM E^l 3T 5— "\u25a0 1 TRAINS LEAVE AND ARE DUE TO ARRIVE FROM JUNE I. 1918 - VIA OAKLAND PIGR Leara (Foot of Market Street) ArrSvn 2.15 a Niles, Tracy, Latarop, titackton. Lodi, Gait, Elk Grove, Sacramento . . 1 0.38} 6.40 a Havward. Nfles, San Jose. 7.08 a \u25a0 . 7.00 a Richmoad. Port Costa. Benicia, gsisaa, Dixon, Sacramento, Roseriile, Miry v Tille, Reddtnc. Dunsmuir ~.. 7239 74XJ* Elmira. VaeaviUe, Ramsey. 7.25p 7DO* Davia. Woodland (Mars•»v^ll^ Oro- viUe), Williams. Maxwell. Willows, Hamilton, Corning Red Bluff 7.28p 7.00 a Newark, San Jose. Los Gatos, Wright. Felton (Boulder Creek), Santa Crat. .. B. 48? 7.40 a Vallejo, Napa. Caliatoga. Santa Rosa, Martinez. Saa Ramon, Livermore... 6.08? 7.40 a Niles, Pleasanton, Livermore, Alta- mont, Latbrop, Stockton, Livermore 7.28? 7.40 a Tracy, Los Banos. Kerman. Fresno, 4.28p 8.20 a Port Costa, Martines, Byron, Tracy, Stockton, Merced, Fresno. Goxhen Junction (Hanford, Amaona), .Visalia, Pbrtervflle, Bakertfidd. 4.48« a2oa Yosemito Valley v» Merced. 4^»Bp B.ooa Niles, Liverraore, Stockton (*Maton), Valley Spring, lone, Sacramento.. . . . 4.28p 9.00 a Ronora, Tuolumne and Angel* 4.28 ? 9.00* Atlantio Express— SAcramento, Troc- kee, Ocden, (Lake Tahoe). Salt Uke . City, Denver, Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago 8.23? 9.40 a Richmond. Port Costa, Martines, BayPofnt &48a 10.20 a Vallejo Mar« Island, Napa 1 1.23 a 10.20 a Los Angdes Passenger— Port Costa, Martine*. B>Ton, Tracy. Stockton, Merced. Fresno. (Hanford. Coalinga, Visalw.) Bakersfidd. Los Angeles.... 7.48p 10.40 a San Francisco Overland Limited- Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha, Chicago 7.28? 1 1.20 a Shasta Limited— Portland, Taconia, Seattle. 9.18p 12.00n GoldSeld Pass.— Port Costa, Benicia. Sacramento. Truckee. Hazen. Wa- ' buska (Yerington, Mason), Miss, Tonopah, Goldfirid, Lmr*, Heeler. . . . 7.48 a 12-OOn Maryivflle. Chioo. Red Bluff 4.28 a 1.20p Nfles, Irrington, San Jose £48p 1.40p San Leandro, Nile*, Oentervflle, f 9J)Ba Newark, San J0w...... 1 7.28p IAOf Newark, Saa Jose, Lot Gatos, Wright, ' Fdton (Boulder CreekX Santa Crua. . 9.58p 2.40p San Leandro. Niles, San Jose. 9.28 a &45p Via Sausalito, West Napa, St. Helena. Calistoga 1045 a 3.00p Benicia, Winters, Sacramento— Wood- land, MarvsviUe. Oroville— Yolo, Arbuckle, Williams. Wilow 10.48 a 3.20p Port Costa (Stockton). Martinez, ( 12.C8p Byron, Modesto. Merced, Fresno.. \ 10.33p 4.00p Vallejo, Napa, Ca'.tstoga, SanU Ron, Martines. San Ramon, Livermore. . . 9.23 a 4.00p Naes(C«ntenraie)Xivtrmore,Tracy,f 1028 a Stockton,Lodi \ 11.18? 5.00b San Leandro, Hayward, Niles, Pleas- anton. Livermow, Tracy, Newman, Kerman, Fresno ...: ll. lBa B.OOp Vallejo, Pert Costa. Benicia. Sacra- •. ' manto. Roseville, MarysviUe, Orovflla ll^Ba B.OOp Russell, San Joee, LosGatos 9.28 a B^2op San Leaadro, Nfles, San J05e. ........ 7.48 a ••OOP Owl limited— Los Angeid "ROaa 6.40p Eattern fbrprm— Ogdsn. Pueblo, Dea- vex, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago. . . : Port Costa, Benieia, Sacraatcto, -\u25a0' Reno,Bp*As 8.23? e.4OpLake Tshoe Sleeper. 7.48» tUOp Hayward, Niles and San Jose MBp VJOOf Vallejo, Port Conta. Martines, Bay Point and Way Stations....... JII.I8? 7.40 p Richmond. Port Costa, Martines, Cornwall. Tracy, Lathrop, Stockton. IZ4Bp 8.20p Oregon Express— Da vi*. (Sacramento), : Willojrs, Redding (Klamath Falls). Ashland. Portland, Taooma, Seattle, . . '- '- . Spokane 9.23* 9.00p China and Japan Fast Mail— Ogden, Cheyenne, Denver, Kansas City. Omaha, Chicago : 2ABp 9JOOp Port Costa, Benicia, Sacramento. Col- fax. Truckee, Reno. Sparks, Ogden.. 2.43? 9.40p Yosemite Valloy Sleeper via Mereed ' to H Portal. 8.23 a 9.40p Bakertoeld, . McKittrick. Monarch, Mo'roa, Fellow. 8.28 a 9.40p Niles, Pteasanton, Livermore, Mo- desto, \u25a0 Meretd, Fresno, Hanford, : '~' : '\u0084'\u25a0 Coalinga, Visalia, Tulare 8.28 a ll.OOpSan Lcandro, Niles, &vn Jose 7XB* 1 1 .40p Portland Express — Saeramesto, Marys- Tflle, Red Bluff, Weed. Afhland. Roae> burg. Portland, Taeoma, Seattle...,. 12.28p lIETHERLAMD'S ROUTE-From Padfla Jtrwt Wharf CollinsviUe, Emmaton. Rio Virta. Isleton, Ryde. Wal- nut Grove, Vorden, Courtland.' Qarksburg, Eacrameato. Steamer Navajoleavet 8;C0 a.m. daily escept Sun- day, stopping at. point* ihown, arriviaz : Sacramento 6:00 pjxn , %\u25a0. Leaves Sacramento 9:00 pja. daily except Sunday (no stops ea route), arriving San Francisco &00 ajn. \ Leave 1.00 p.m. Daily. except Sunday. SUamer Modoo or Apacht; arrive San Francisco 11.30 pan. OAKLAND HARBOR f FERRY-Frim San Frtnehto. :. Markst Strtet Wharf— Week Days— Hourfr from «C 0 . 9.00 p.m. Sunday*— 6.45, S. 15, 9.45. 11*13 a.m., 12.45, 2.15. 3.45. 5.15. &.<&, &1S and 9.45 pjn.* .-LOCAL FERRY TRAINS— VU Alamt* PJw T» Oakland and Alameda-tflLlO. t&45 and then •"fflKft J fcay*g&^ thta To Alamt4a and Fnritvat* via Hortwtw tarn* a»-a>ov*. 'ft {or Mcroing. ' p for Afternoon, t Sunday excepteU - -.'\u25a0; t Saaday only. , j ArriTe Moil. Wed." Fri. , ; .-.- Union Trwnfer Ca. authoriied to check Baggage direct from residence. . - - , XA&BOWXY ESCAPES DEATH— Alameda. Jur>» 3. — Superintendent Joseph B. Kaha of tbe mu nicipal electricity department narrowly es caped being klllrii by * train tuu morning when his automobile "iHnl" aa he was crossta:; tbe railroad tracks at Lincoln avenue and Oak street. Kabn lumped from his machine and na.t endcaTorin? to shore the auto off the track .when it was bit by tho locomotlTe. Th» automobile'' was bat slightly damaged. Kaha was not hart. VIA. COAST LINE Leave (Third and Towcsmd Streets) Arrive t&2sa Loop— 23d Street, Visitacion. South San Francisco, Valencia Street t6-35a t5.33a Loop— Valencia Street. Oceaa View. CemeteriesT South San Francisco, 23d Street. Brd aad Townsend. ..... f6-45* 6.20 a South San Francisco. San Jose. Gilroy, (Hollister). Sargent, Psjaro, Watson- r ville, Santa Cms. 7.50p 7.00 a South Sea Francsseo, Palo Alto. San Jose, Wav Stations 7.30 a 7.00 a Mayfield. Los Altor. Los Gatos t7.209 8:00 a Shore Line Limited— Paso Robles Hot Springs, Santa Barbara, Los Angsies 9.30? 8435* The Coaster— San Jose. Pajsiro (Wat- sonville, Santa Crus). CastroTille, (Dd Mont*. Monterey. Pacific Grove), » Salinas, Soledad. Paso Robles Hot Sprinzs. San Lois Obispo, Surf, (l.ompoc\ Santa Borban, \entun, Oxaard, Los Angeles 1145s 8.20 a Mayfidd, Los Altos, Los Gates, V/right, Clenwood(Bonlder Creek), Santa Cms, Watsonville. Castroville, Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove 9.00? 9.00 a Fan Jose. Gilroy. Salinas. Pato Rohles Hot Springs, &in Luis Obwpo— Tre3 Pinos— Wataonville. Santo Crux, Del Monte. Monterey, Pacific Grove 4JSOJ 10.40 a South San Franriseo, Burlinsame, Saa Mateo, Palo Alto, Saa Jose 8.30 a 1 0.40 a Lc« Altos. Monta Vista. Los Gatos. . { 1 1.30 a Valencia Street, Ocean Vi-vr. Cotsa, ' & Cemeteries, Baden, Sin Bruno I - 35 » 1 1 .40 a South San Francisao, Ssn Jose t&2Ga 2.00p Del Monte Express— Saa Jose. Gilroy, Sargent (Watsonville, Santa. Cruz). Dd Monte. Monterey, Pacific Grove. (Salinas) I2JSOf 2.05? South Saa Francisco, Palo Alto, &w Jose 8.40» |2.05p Los Altos, Monta Vista. Los Gatos. . . t3.20p 3.00p South San Francisco. San Mateo, Sa» Jose, Gilroy. Tre* Pinos. Salinas. . .- IO.ICa 3.00 i Wataonville, Santa Crua, CajtrovflW, Del Monte, Monterey, Fscinc Grore. 10.00 a 3.40? SanU Clara, San Jose. Los Gatos, Wright (Boulder Creek). Santa Crus. 10.00 a ' 4.00s Sunset Express — Tucson, Deming. Q Paso, Houston, New Orteon*. Paso Robles Hot Springs, San 'Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Lcs Angeles 10.55 a 4.COp Kansas City, St. Louis, (hirago 10.55* 4.20? South San Francisco. San Jo?e t&OOs t5.00p Burlin?aae, San Mateo. Palo Alto, Saa Jose and Way Stations 9.40 a fS.Ooa Loop— 23d Street. Visitackm. South San Francisco, Valencia, Street t«. 1 5s |5.20b Redwood. Palo Alto, San Jose. l.lOp Los Altos. Monta Vista. Los Gatos... t3.200 r" +5.25j> Bsrlingam«. San Mateo, Ban Jote f3.20p T5.309 Loop— Valencia Street, Ocean View. -. Cemeteries, South San Francisco. 23d Street. 3-1 and Townseud 18.40 a 5.40» Saa Bruno, Ean Mateo, Redwood. Palo Alto. Baata Clara. Saa Jose 7.40 a ?5.40a Los Alton. Monta Vista, Los Gates. .. J9.40« t6.00? Uillbrae, San Mateo, Palo Alto, Mar- field. Los Altos. Los Gatos t&OOa t&08a 23d Street, Vuitacion. \u25a0 South Saa Frasdsco, Valencia Street \7ASf t&23p Loop— Valencia Street, Ocean Vfor. Cemeteries, South Saa Francisco. 23d Street, 3d and Townaead t7.30p 6.30p South San Franci»to. Saa Jose 5.40? - 8.00 p The Lark— Paso Robles Hot Springs, Santa Barbara, Lcs Angelea 9.30* &oo> Los Aaieles PiMragrr— Gilroy. Salisa*. Paso Robles Hot Sprinzs. Saa Late Obitpo, Santa Barbara and Los Aszeies 8.30 a 11.45? _ South San Francisco, Palo Mio.i 7.20 p Saa Jose. i 7.45p LOCAL FERRY TRAINS-Vla Oakland Pier. To Oakland, Berkeley, Berrymaa. Catt Oakland and I Frultvale— Daily — From CW a.m*. and every twenty minutes until 7.00 p.m. inclusive: then 7.40. 8.20. 9.00. 9.40, 10.20, 11.00, .11.10 p.m, 12^0 aad 1.20 ajn. To Sithar tad Melrose via SevenSi SL— 'Daily— From 6.00 ajn., end every twenty minotes until 7.00 pjn. inclusive, thea 7.40. &20. 9.00. 9.4 a 10.20. 11.0. and 1 1.40 pja. To Stenehant— Daily Except Sunday— 6.Co. 7.00. S.OO. 9.00 ajn.. 2.20. 2.00, 100, &00. 5.40 pjn. Sunday only 9.00 10.00 ua. LOO. 2.00. 3.00, 4.00, 5.C0. 5.40 pjn. • . To Oakland First St.. Frultvats, Atamcda, via Honethoe — Da2y— From t&00, 6.20 ajn. and every twenty minutes until 8.20 ajn. inclusive; then 9.00, 9.20, 10.00, 10.20. 11X0. 11.20 aja.. 12 m., 12.20,1X0, L2O, 2.00. ISO, 3.00, 3.20, $3.40 pjn. and erery twenty minutes uata 7 pjn. inclusive; 7.40. &20, 9.C0. 9.40, 10.20, 11.00 aad 11.40 pja.. 12.20 aad 1.20 ejn. Additional train to Oakland First St. 2.13 aja. Ta West Berkeley— Dafly Except Stmday— ftom fl.oo aja, and every twenty minutes ontilS-COajn. inda- trre; then 9.00 a.m. and every hour until 4.00 pjn. indttsive: then 4.20 pjn. and evrry twenty minutes unt3 7.00 p.m. indssive: tken 7.40 p.m.. &20, 9.C0, 9.* a 10.20. 1UX), 11.40 pjx aad 1120 ajn. To Witt Berkeley— Sundayt only-rFrwn 6.C0 a.a.. thea 7.00. 7:40, 8:20, 9.00 ajn. mcrusiv*; then 9.20 ajn. and every twenty miautes 7.00 pjn. ind'Jsv-; thea 7.40* pjn., 3.20. 9.00, 9.40, 10.20, U.CO, 11.40 p.m. and 12.20 aja. Ta Cortin— Daiy Except Sunday-^From §.00 ajn. cad every 20 minutes until 8.20 a.m. Inclusive, thea 9.C0, 10.00 ajn.. 12.00 m.. 1.00. 2J0.3.00, 4.00. 4.20, 440, WO, 5120, 5.» aad 6.00 pja. To Corbln— 3u=dsys only— From 6.00 *,»', thea 9.C0 . ajn., 9.20 ajn. and . every- twenty - minutes - ntil 6JO p.m. - 7