14 " ESrPLOV3irT CARETAKERS — Man and wife : will care for pri- vate bouse or apartment, fpr family out -of " town during summer, in exchange for living • : rooms; references. Box 4C12. CaU. ICSI Flmre. • ESTABLISHED dress maker, perfect fitting, so- licits the patronage .of ladies at borne or by • • the day; -quick and very reasonable. Phone i» Pjirk 5233. \u25a0'\u25a0 - • NURSE for lady or child desires position. Box 4CIO. Call office. - * ' HKFiNED young women wishes position as .: \u25a0 house keeper in family. Box 4611. Call office. WANTEP— Position as companion cr private • "secretary by traveled woman; educated and re- '\u25a0 fined; pood' reader, typist and musician; excel- " . lent references. Address box 945. Call office. WANTED— A situation in San Ufcfeel as cook \u25a0 in ematil family -or taking care of children 'and sewing: best of reference. Call -at 211 -Zd MKS. PEEINOM. WANTED— Situation r.s nurse to a child or * care for an invalid lady: reference. Address \u25a0 MRS. C. M. T.. 700 Broadway, city. .2'- FINNISH- cirts war.t general housework. Tele- l»hor.e BerkeJer .4704. FEMALE.HELP WANTED^ YOUNG women between tbe apes of 37 and 25, of fair education, neat appearance and unques- \u25a0 tioßfible character, wanted to ttudy telephone - operaticg as a profession; a Jiberal salary is paid new operators while in training -at the, .. operating school of tbe Pacific Telephone and " -.Telegraph Company, and upon graduation they ere siven permanent position at the switch- boards, with opportunities for promotion. Tbe -'Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, pro- vides light and well ventilated operating room, pleasant rest and lunch rooms and takes a per- . tonal interest in file welfare of the young • women In its employ. \u25a0- \u25a0 Competent operators furnished to provide branch exchange subscribers. For fnll particulars call, preferably between '-$:30 a. m. and 12 m.. at operating school, Tf lepbone- of fice, 2015 Steiner st. $10.00- $10.00 - $10.00 FOR. TEN. DOLLARS I WILL TEACH YOU SEORTHAND. MY SYSTEM CAN BE TAUGHT IN NOT OVER 60 DAYS, GUARANTEED SAT- ISFACTION*. 1 HAVE A VERY EASY 'SYSTEM TO LEARN AND I TEACH BY MAIL. FULL INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED BY WRIT- ING TO BOX 819. CALL OFFICE, 3D AND MARKET STS.. SAN FRANCISCO. AT MME. ANDRE'S. 1044 Larkin St.— Oook, In- stitution, $40; first class head waitress, $50; French nursemaid, country, $30: chamber iraid. hotel. . 55.0.; second girl, country, $30; <-ook for country, $40 to $45; young girls for housework.' ?2Tt. $S0 and $35. • fclßLfe~—B ted- for factory xrorfc. Apply BEMIS BROS. BAG CO., corner Sansome and Vallejo. GIRL? wanted for factory work. Apply -BEMIS BROS. BAG CO., cor. r-.ansome and vallejo. _— ___________ ' GIIILS TO MAKE OVERALLS. ,rAID SALARY WHILE LEARNING. LEV! STRArSS & CO.. 3D AND CLAY STS. APPLY TO MR. DAVIS. _^ ; LEARN HAIR DRESSING. MANICURING. HAIR WORKING. MASSAGE: special teachers; even- ing classes. THE NEW MILDRED HAIR PARLORS, 130 Geary st. 1 . WANTED — Experienced stenographer for adver- l,• tising department. Apply superintendent's of- fice frora 9 to 11 *. m.. HALE BROS., Inc., Market and Cth sts., city. \u25a0LEARN heir dressing at CALIF. COLLEGE OF \u25a0 HAIR DRESSING ands Beauty Culture; day • snd night school; individual instructions; form- ulas piven. OC'i-s Market 6t. bet. sth and 6th. r ; WANTED — Young women to train as nurses, be- \u25a0 ' tween apes cf 20 snd 30. of pood education, -"\u25a0 \u25a0 neat appearance. Eox Sy9B. Call office, Oak- land. ;. ,-:.' T, - ' EXPERIENCED girl for fitationery smd candy store. Apply Friday after 7 p. m. 'at 392 l»o- " lores st. SPECIAL rnt per month; clean, agreeable work, easy to learn, no experience necessary: want steady man. Call 1122 Market Ft., room 2. -. ' :\u25a0\u25a0 .WE want a few live, responsible men and women eg deputies for Fraternal Order Mountaineers In cities and towns around the bay; we have the best proposition on tbe . coast. •F. O. M., room 52. Bacon block, Oakland. Cal. - TVANTED — Machinists, molders and pattern mak- ers to stay away from Stockton. Cal. ; strike on at the Sampson iron -works, Aurora gas engine company, Honser & Haines and the Holt man- ufacturing company. • Jk'EW invention: best yet; self -heating flat iron; beats them all; housewives ccc operated they buy; no pumping; no tank in the way: write Jor exclusive territory. ELMHURST SYNDI- CATE. 368 10th ct.. Oakland. Cal. WANTED — Experienced cost accountant, book keeper, time keeper and male stenographer for lumber mill office. Hnmboldt county. Call room 712 McGregor building, 210 Pine St., Sat- urday noon only. MEN and WOMEN, learn the barber trade; we teach you in 8 weeks; Moler colleges supplied 4.800 situations last year; we can not supply jhe demand for our graduates; you make wages \u25a0 while learning. . Moler College. 234 3d st. WANTED — 2 live men or women to introduce electric laundry compound; 25 per cent com- mission; must have $4 to purchase outfit. Call Winchester Hotel Annex before 9 a. m. ; ask for Withycombe. ' V MEN AND WOMEN to learn the barber trade; absolutely free to next 10: no limit t*s time. Write or call for particulars. The S. F. Bar- ber College. 790 Howard Et. LABORERS acd mechanics to know that Edward " Rolkin has reduced the rooms at . the Denver -\u25a0 '-house. 3d end Howard sts./ toSScperday; $2 " week; hot and cold water In every room. "WANTED — A Chinese or Japanese boy to rook tor private family in Yosemite valley; fare paid one way; wages $25. Apply 2331 Ward *t.. Berkeley. AGENTS to sell "Lucky Drop Gas Burner 1 -'; you • <-au safely t.low out the gas and it locks itself; big money. L. W. MURDOCK,, 1112 Webster St.. Oakland. « STAIR builder foreman wanted: mnst l>e able to take full cbarjre; reply by letter, only; and «ate age, experience, etc. Address B. 8., 440 WANTED— Capable man to take charge of finan- cial end established business; salary $150; $3,000 investment in company required. • Ad- dress box 928. Call office. ' .COMPETENT bill clerk and stenographer in lumber office; large concern; out of town; give age, experience aud salary expected. Address " box 037.. Ca11. / .. - ' • .. WANTED— Men. $5 day; steady work; $10 re- cuired. Pleasanton hotel, 1162 Washington st..' Oakland. - , , • - ->;\ MEN .of \u25a0 Ideas with" some inventive ability. .GREELEY _ McINTIRE, Patent Attorneys, .Washington, D. C. • EXPERIENCED TOBACCO SALESMEN Wanted experienced tobacco salesmen ; \u25a0 mnst tare good references. "Box 940/ Callr \u0084'/.\u25a0 RELIABLE young man wanted to tend cljfar stand morning and. evening;. one living* with parents. 500 Valencia St.- cor. IGrh. WANTED — A 'young man "experienced in' drapery department. Apply HALE BROS., .INC., 11th fend Washington sts.. Oakland. .TTANTEI3 — An experienced wash goods salesman * Apply /HALE BROS,, INC.; 11th. and -Washing- ton sts." Oakland. ' • " WANTED— Carriage blacksmith. - finisher. STU-" "MALE HELP AVAXTED-— Contlnned/ WANTED — A farmer;': steady, ; good- . place to the right man ; references, r Call office, Oak- land. Bos 3965., ' \u25a0?.-\u25a0 .y \ NURSERYMAN . wanted; must have .had experi- ence ia potting, etc Pacific Norsery, , Mlll- brae, San Mateo Co., Cal. \u25a0 " \u25a0;.-". \ \u0084 r.y:<^ : . : \u25a0\u25a0.— " WASTED — First class ; automobile \u25a0 repairman and machinist for < country; give ; reference. t Box 4604.' Call office. - ' ' \u25a0 , >^* \* WANTED — 000 men to occupy rooms, 20c to 30c per night (free bath)/at tbe NEW YORK, 753 Howard St.- between 3d and 4th. \u25a0;-.', WANTED— An experienced ' floor walker. Apply HALE BEOS.. INC.", 11th and Washington sts., Oakland. FIRST CLASS machine ' forgrrs or shlpsmiths. American Tool Works, 109 Mission st. PROTESTANT, with credentials, to handle a . little corrp?pondcnce. Box 934, ; Call. CARRIAGE blacksmith wanted. STUDEBAKER BROS. CO. -\u0084 \u25a0 ; . PHOTO coupon p.gents wanted : good proposition. SCHAFFER. 72 San Pablo ay., Oakland. ' ; MEN wanted at 103 3d st.- to have their -shoes repaired; 6ewed soles 75c, done in 10 minutes. STEADY, elderly 'man wanted : to work "in ; or- chard; references. Apply 430 Eddy.st. Sa. .m. NEW WESTERN, 1124 1 Howard— Single rooms, 15c aud 20c per night; hot and cold water. - WANTED— Boys and men. Illinois Pacific Glass Co.. 15th nn chairs from $3 to $S3; credit with nonfbrfelt- tag lease. 394 Hayes st. ; phones . Park 1242, M-2941. A GOOD RAZOR is worth more than a DOZEN poor ones. BUY a • GOLD BUG Razor and tive your poor ones a 'vacation. Sizes 4-8 and r>-8. EDW. L. CORDY & CO., 68 Tay- lor st. - 3 CHAIR shop; fine corner: lease; low rent; fine fixtures; price §400, including $130 cash se- curity on lease; must sell. COLEMAN, S3O Market- St.* - * - GOOD, barber. American-German, married, wants steady work in city; small shop and nonunion preferred.. Box JXi7, Call office. MR. HARRY MORRIS, barber, who worked in xtra work Saturday and Sun- day: steady. Box 4609, Call office. ' N BARBER shop for salet'snap to the right man; price $225. 205 Scott st. LURLINE BATHS. Bush and Larkln sts.; barber shop privileges for rent. BARBERS' Protective X'nion — Employment «>cre- tnry. W. BARON. 775 Mkt. : phone Kny. 5354. S A LESME.V A\D \ SQJ.ICITORS AV'XT'D SALESMEN wanted — No experience required; hundreds of positions now open paying from $100 to $500 monthly; our free book, "A Knight of the Grip." will show you how to get one of them. Write (or call) for it today. • Address National Salesmen's Training Associa- tion, 1019 B Metropolis Bank bldg., San Fran- cisco; branches: New York, Chicago, Kansas City, Minneapolis. Atlanta. WANTED— ReaI estate salesmen to sell Berke- loy property In San Francisco; attractive prop- osition; large commission:' prospectus fur- ntshpd: references required. MASON-Mc- DUFFIE CO., Shattuck ay. and Addlson St., Berkeley. ! WANTED — By a strong eastern financial cor- poration, several high class Kecnrity salesmen. Address box o<»2, Call office ; give - references. EARN $20 a day selling Muir Woods park lots at $25 cacti; we supply prospectus: quick pales. LAPACHET & -CO., 407 Pine st. TWO or three 20 acre oil land locations for ex- change; what have you? Good tailoring? Ad- dress box 857. Call office. '• > SALESMEN: no canvassing. 1012 Call building. SALESWOMEN WANTED WANTED — Experienced saleswoman for suit and ready to wear department ; references required. Aiidress box ST, Marysville. Cal., or Inquire *of LEE ESCIIHN & CO., 114 Sansome st., S. F. EXPERIENCED stock saleswoman for rapid teller: large returns. 965 Pacific bldg. AAAA — CANTON Bureau of Information— Chi- nese servants; contracts for resorts. Canton Bank bldg., C 49 Kearny St.; phone iSutter 118. AAA— PHONE WEST 1731. v~7~ Largest Japanese and Chinese employment of- fice in city. T. TAJIURA CO., 1612 Lajßma st. HORI CO.. 174S SUTTER ST.; PHONE WEST 2803. Best Japanese-Chinese help promptly fur- nished; open day and night. Home phone 52803. AA— OSCAR HATSUMI. Japanese-Chinese Empi Co.; best help with care and guar. 1513 Geary St.: phone West 56SS, Home S4OSS. • U. W. HONG. Chinese employment, office, 805 Webster st., Oakland; phones Pekln 25. A 3725. WOMEN'S employment bureau. 202 Pacific bldg. First class female help, supplied. Sutter .'693. STAR emp. office; Japanese-Chinese "help. . W. KODATA. 10U8 Geary: tel. West 167. 54908. OFFICE SERVICE OFFICE headquarters provided, $2 and $5 month; our exclusive business: we do nothing else.-Na- lional Office Service Co.. S~Q . Monaduock bldg. DEAN & CO. collect everywhere; on percentage; no collection, no charge. 652 Pacific bldg., S.F. EXPERT coilec. ; prompt remit.; loans negot. G. I". M. Co.. nCO Pacific hide-. S. F. Ph. Sut. 540. TTNPAIO 1 WAGES COLLECTED UNPAID-- WAGE COLLECTING our specialty. Try us. 'INTERSTATE, 015 PACIFIC BLDG., 4th and Market. \u25a0" KNOX, 443 Pine^ — Suits, liens, attachments/time checks cashed: debts collected everywhere* . BLIVEN. 855 Broadway, Oakland — Wages, notes, accounts collected everywhere. *-. •'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 RENT THAT VACANT. ROO>I A small want ad In The "Call will do it quicker than a dozen signs plastered on your^ windows and . wblch spoil the looks -of ; your home be- sides. \u25a0 Phone Kearny &G for an ad man to call and see you.' \u25a0- . - - -. . -..*\u25a0 . ROOMS TO LET— Fur. and Unf ur. A COZY borne Xor respectable ladles/ 1130 Mar- ket st. near Sth, under auspices of the ' SAL- VATION ARMY; elegantly furnished: .'every modern convenience; steam heat, electric light and elevator service; spotlessly, clean; centrally. ' located; thoroughly homelike; telephone Market 1349; prices very moderate, ranging: from 25c per night up ;. .i-peclal ; rates by the ; week or month. See matron, room ' 23. .' BUCHANAN St., 1521— 2 front parlors, conven- i lent lor 1 or 2; come and see them; running water and batb.f* .* . ' . ' '/\u25a0''" BUCHANAN : - ?t.; 1514 — Sunny, furnished front room; use of piano;: rates reasonable. BUSH St., 2S3oA— Sunny,* modem room for 1! or 2 gentlemen; hot and cold water; gas and elec- tricity/ . • • - \u25a0 ..-. \u25a0 .; BUSH st., 2708 — Snnny, well furnished room, with rnnning ' water; suitable for 1 or. 2 gen- tlemen; rates reasonable. •\u25a0".-- . . ' BRODERICK St., .1923. near Sacramento^-Fur"- nished, sunny, front room; rnnning water; very reasonable. CAPP et.. 411B,"\near 19th— Newly . furnished room, private family, suitable for. gentleman; bath: convenient to car line; ; rent $8.00" per . month. .* . ~,- r \vv-; CASTRO, St., 454 — 2 ' nicely furnished / front rootns^with cr without; board: suitable for? 1 or, 2 gentlemen; handy.to car lines; "reasonable. CLINTON PARK, 184, bet, Valencia and Guer- rerp-^-2 nice sunny rooms, single or en suite, in ! private - family; suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; ' bat h , phone ; . convent lent to . car / Unes/j -; ~ .' va COLE st;, 445 — Furnished: room.^ reasonable' to ; right. party; i)hone.and bath.,, Phone Park 292, DEWEY HOUSE, 4th * and Howard— All modern "conveniences; 200 rooin»."3se to $1 'day,, s2 ! to ..,$> a week; free, baths; Howard or 4th Bt. ; cars. ELEVENTH ay.. " 355/ near: Point } Ix>bos— One - 6unny front room. Phone Pacific 2234. ELLIS St., 1722, near Fillmore— Sunny front parlors : suitaMe = for massage/- manicuring " or doctor's office; all !\u25a0 modem, cony. ; '^reasonable. FILLMORE st.,; 173S— Elegantly; furnished room \u25a0-. i*uncy , for 2or 3 persons. \u25a0 • > *. ; \u25a0\u25a0.-.'.- ] GOLDEN GATE ' av.,'v 1404-rOue -large euanv i-uom;'rcßt $7. * , :. . -.r~ \u25a0'*'-.- -.-._, \u25a0 toe SAm '^j ROOMS TO LET^^ntjinued^: i HOLLIS' St., 52, near' O'FarrelKand Webster— ' Sunny front - room ; \u25a0 bath ; .phone . and . piano; : $12 per month." * ->":' V;'!.v v Ay-; \ '-" -V. .-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0-."•,; ; ; : -J, HENRY St., 25, | near Markets and t lotfi— Large ''' front room; also single^ room ; : $1.50 J pcr -week.' McALLISTER St., \ 003 — Furnished I front >: room, with running water," > for light house ; keeping. ,• McALLISTER . St.; 637— Finely '-. furnished : front " room;:private batb;s3 aweek.'., ;\u25a0 i 5.." ; : : ; . ; McALLISTER st., Jo3— Nice.? large - sunny \u25a0 corner rooms, furnished; rent reasonable. \ "-\u25a0\u25a0; , NEVADA HOTEL, 525 .Van : Ness ay. > near Eddy \u25a0"\u25a0 — Hot and 'cold water,: electric lights;- 50c to $1 per.day,.s2 to $5. per week /.transient. \u25a0 ' = - v : O'FARRELL st., 14R0— Newly furn/ outside rms. ; sunny l house. keeping r00m5,. 52.50,- $3 a week. O'FARRELL st., 1616 — 3 furnished rooms, newly furnished/ i suitable for ; gentleman ; .: rates rea- sonable." . ,-; '.\u25a0:..•-\u25a0-:, O'FARRELL St., 1562 — Sunny, furnished - front room; .rates reasonable; suited for gentlemen. O'FARRELL, . 1274— Newly furnished, light,. sunny room; running, water; bath; $6 month; . $l.r>o week. ' \u25a0\u25a0• - \- r -~ . : ,v---v-.,- \u25a0 : - -\u25a0\u25a0, :r OCTAVIA st./ 1317:— Large I sunny ' alcove rooms, 2-ek>Bets. running ;\^ater, j for .2; gentlemen;. . ;\u25a0; OVERLAND HOUSE/569 Sacramento st. below Montgomery — Now open; : 200 1 room»; hot- and cold water in every 'room; : 25c; to $2 per day, $1.50 to $5 per week. EDW. ROLKIN, Prop; STANYAN St., 448—2 nice suiiny, furnished rooms, with bath, gas -and water ; suitable ; for , 2-or 3; near garage. : • <\u25a0:'. >./':; SUTTER st./ 2063— Large sunny rooms, snitable for 2 j persons : - bath,"; phone ; $2 , week up. ; ; * VALENCIA st., 1525 — Nice • sunny room in pri- vate -house; modern conveniences; bandy to car lines; reasonable.' v ' ;» '. i.> - : . WEBSTER st., 1549— Beautiful sunny furnished . room for 1 or 2 gentlemen; rent reasonable. _\u25a0 WILLARD St., 1243, opp. . G. G. park— Sunny front furnished room; bath; hot"and cold water; couple desired; ref&.;.very reas. . Ph. Park 820. 14TH st., 440— Furnished rooms to let; suitable for gentlemen. ;/•\u25a0. ..:..-•:::' / ; . ' : i 25TH'6t., 4354 — 3 large sunny 1 unf ur.- rooms;, all .modern; rent $10. Including water.- " BERKELEY ROOMS— For, and -Unfair. OTH St., 2111, Westf Berkeley— Three furnished E rooms and bath ; . \u25a0 use of ; piano ; ;. rent:n t : $18 ; no children. - - \u25a0'\u25a0 .- \u25a0' \u25a0"\u25a0-. --.-.- ':\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-'.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•-\u25a0• A St., 544, near 7th ay."— 3 nicely, furnished house keeping rooms; gas, electric; good. car- service. Al house keeping rooms, I completely, furnished; convenient to car lines; reasonable. -Apply 945 Stanyan st. . . : -. * \u25a0;\u25a0 -;\u25a0\u25a0-» BARTLETT St., 413, near: 23th — Large,, sunny bonse keeping room ; gas and - bath." BARTLETT ! st.", I 413—3 ' large house i keeping rooms; gas, bath. ; \u25a0; '•\u25a0-:• : . ' CALIFORNIA st.. 3085— 3 sunny turnished rooms for house keeping. . , .. \ ; •_ ';-. -- \u25a0•\u0084-' -COLE sti, 427 — Double parlors for house keeping; furnished;' bath and telephone; near Golden Gate park. ' - -, \u25a0 ' \u25a0"".',.. \u25a0 - *- EDDY st., 1241: phone West 4530— Furnished for house keeping, rooms, with or without board; elegantly furnished -5 room flat; , bath,- and phone; summer rates. /\u25a0--\u25a0;/ v FOLSOM St.. 1222, near Sth — Nicely • furnished, up to date house keeping ; 2 and ; 4 room suites; gas; electricity; $16. V \u25a0;-?:\u25a0" : . * . GOLDEN GATE ay., 1284, nr. Fill more— House keeping rooms; also single; cheap. -. :\u25a0•;:, GUERRERO st., # 1515— Hskpg. or fur. rms. to let; all conveniences; $6 aud $10. ; : GEARY st., - 2126-r-3 ; connecting house- keeping rooms; sunny and light and clean: -reasonable: HAIGHT St., 60 — Front parlors, sunny' bay; win- dows; running water; also single" rooms : for . gentleman.-, . . ._ > ...;.- ". ..-.. . • ••• • HAVES St.. SlB, near Fillmore— Sunny - furnished room with buflfet kitchen, hot. and cold running water; all cony.; $13; also rooms, $12, $10, $8. UAIGHT st.. 1756— Finely furnished, sunny bouse keeping rooms and single rooms/ with regular kitchen; -reasonable. \u0084 ' ; ' '. : HERMANN St., 030. nr. Fillmore— 2' fur.- con. house keeping rooms, modern, in : family of 2. HIGHLAND ay..' 122— Single and. hoiise keeping rooms; light, sunny; private;" reasonable; near Mission car lines. -. • HOWARD st./ 563 — Front room and kitchen, fur- nished.- $12; 2 connecting,- coal stove .or- gas, $12; single, gas, $6, up. " , -;» . - .* ; LYON St., ISI9 — 2 nicely furnished house keepr Ing rooms; snn all morning; -cheap rent.-' '->\u25a0-. McALLISTER st., 973— Nicely furnished i single and double rooms; rent reas. ;; quiet house ; phone;; bath. . . -' , , ; - \u25a0 5 OAK et., 706, 1 door from Fillmore— Fine loca- tion; front, sunny, - nicely ;:,funi.;- rooms -for •listpg; all modern cony.; reas.; also'slngle rms. O'FARRELL St., 1546— Sunny, furnished house keeping rooms; running water; bath; rates rea- sonable. . :. \u25a0 . O'FARRELL St., 1395— Nicely furn. sunny front bay window room; buffet kitchen; $3.50 week: O'FARRELL St., 1397— Sunny corner "nicely ffurr r nlshed housekeeping; also single rooms... • . ' OCTAVIA st..- 1410— Nicely furnished, sunny rooms for house keeping ; reasonable ; select location. ..-.. . OCTAVIA st., -1257, near. O'Farrell— Sunny front basement suite, $10; itar, $12;- large front bay window room, $16 month; gas range; bath, phone, laundry. - " , --. •. \u25a0 PINE _ St., 3000, cor. Lyon— 3 rooms for bouse keeping: .very sunny and ~ convenient. '- \u25a0— '\u25a0<.: RO'KAL, • 311 Van Ness, cor. ; Grove — Furnished ' sunny suites/ $20; ' single : rooms.*" $2.50 \u25a0to $3 : per week; gas, running water and phone. < \ • SCOTT st., 1605— House keeping rooms/ complete; free bath, laundry, phone,- sewing machine, piano; room for 2 autos; $5 monthly. : : :\u25a0 1 SUTTER St.. 2334— Sunny front room, $3.r.0; 'sunny single, $1.50; suite for light house keep- 'lng, $3. .-.- - •'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' ' ' "\u25a0'\u25a0 :y '"' : '' ' \u25a0 TURK, 1208— Single and suites.; -every conveni- ence; hot- and cold running water; $2 to $4 wk; TUIJK : st., 1114/; near Jefferson— 4' nice 1 sunny rooms for ..light house keeping; single, and en .'suite; j bath, gas, phone; convenient to/ par lines; 'rent reasonable. ,\j ;.- "'- ,•"\u25a0 .".- . ° - VAN; NESS ay., 719, Turk st.-— Sunny "room, with or without house keeping; reasonable; all conveniences. , ' .; \u25a0- .-\u25a0.-., .'\u25a0- "; ,-'\u25a0; ; 16TII st., 3446, between Church and Sanchez- Large, sunny, furnished, bay window, 'front- room; use of kitchen and bath; phone; $12. - j 25TH- St.. 28(54— Unfurnished rooms for ;hou*e keeping: furnished - -'-rooms; '•» separate.' beds; board if desired. " ' ;' 16TH-st., 3275 — 5 large, sunny rooms; bath/ gas "and modern conveniences; .reasonable ..rates; house keeping and single/ • . : ROOMS \ AXD .BOARD OFFERED, [ AAA— THE WEMPE, : 419 Oak St.— Large, , sunny rooms; unexcelled board. Phone Park 'so92. j. BUSH St., 2355 — Nicely furnished room with or without board; reasonable. ,-. ; .; : . COUPLE wodld rent 'back parlor, to l r or -2 gen-: : .tlemen /everything first class. 2.317 California st./ apartment 6. \u0084;>'..- .:; . HAVES St., 1670— Room and board,' s22 aud up. . .Convenient to car line. • >•; . -\u25a0 "- \u25a0'\u25a0. NORTHGATE, 1809 Euclid ay.; tel.; Berk. 1615; ; north .entrance of "university campus— Apart- ments with private' baths; single rooms ; ! steam heat and- callbell? in 1 every room; sleeping porches; first class table board; special summer rates. M. M. HENRY. : J \u25a0-'-. : PACIFIC ay./ 1716— Attractive punny front suite, suitable for 3 or 4; also double' room,* summer rates ;* references. \u25a0 • \u25a0 ;; - : ; \u25a0; -'. PIERCE 5t., : 815/ near \u25a0 McAllister— Front; rms., bath; fine neighborhood; excellent board;" !i or 4 persons, :sls month each. \u25a0 \u25a0; . -v . : .;.-:; SEE \u25a0 these rooms at * 958 ; Ellis ' st. ; . large . and small; call and see' me. - . ' *." \u25a0* (ST.. FRANCIS Girls' Directory. Central ay. and ' Waller \u25a0 St./ San | Francisco — A' beautiful \u25a0 home,' where'old ladies, -young girls; and little 'chil- dren can board -:-- : T; :;, \u25a0-.'-. ."\u25a0":. ;i .-:: ST. : Margaret's l Club Hot Girls/: 1541 - Cal.— ldeal home, teachers, tourists, stens.; etc:': $20 mo.' up ROOMS AND/ BOARD > WANTED ; 3 -YOUNG - lady \u25a0 student*, desire , comfortable . roOm and good board... .Address/giving price and. full particulars, box 966. Cairofflce - ' -\u25a0.-.\u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0• .1 -. _._.;_\u25a0-'.' ;\u25a0 \ i^nbTßi,s?;' : '!:' \u25a0:::'::/;: ' '/>,- : BROOKLYN Hotel, . 369 Ist ' sti 1 3 i blocks from fJ, Market— -Modern ;'• family/i commercial; !•* board % and • room/. $1\ to $1 .50 j per ' day/< $6 .to IsB 'per - r wk. ;• single r, rooms/ 50c; family rooms, $1; best meal in city,- 23c; free :» bus.'* Chasr Montgomery. HOTEL" ARGONAUT,,. 4th and Market sts.— Fam-- . \ ily and ; commercial ; hotel ; \u25a0; room .with ; : detached .bath. . $1 > per day; 3 rooms j with '. private * bath.'; i 1i 1 $I.so; per day; restaurant attached; moderate prices; free bus meets. all trains and st'msblps. HOTEL . WINTON. '445- .\u25a0O'FarrelK St.— Booms ;<53.50 week up:"Bpeclal"monthly;rates.£" ' - MISSION i branch of The ? Call, v MILLERS, sta- * tioner.;3oU*lCth.st. - "\u25a0 \u25a0:-/\u25a0 "-- -i^> \u25a0 ..- t>; : -*; .\u25a0'_'\u25a0 y ' _:_-y y'-ArARTOIEivTS-'--;'.;:: -/:'.i:i:- AAAAA— ST * DOMIKIC. APARTMENTS, ' -V~rv \N. E. CORNER ; BUSH AND JONES STS. I " \u25a0 t - 1-2-S-4 room -, apts. ; % beautiful * lobby,"; banquet \u25a0 s ball, * ladles'. '( writing r- room,- " laundry ,V drying , \u25a0 and ironing room,' dumb waiters, vacuum clean-. .King,' steam. heat." hot- water/p rivate exchange, \u25a0 7 elevators,^mirrored *j wall* beds. * NOW-OPEN. REFERENCES.^- '.;'.-.'. .- -,'-^.-' y" \u25a0; •.:,:;;.•„/,; -nj, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: APARTMENTS. " 315 '; sth '? St.— First ' class except ;';s tbe price; (walking distance; 3; blocks: from 'Em-- *. ; porium ; r- electric * lights; g running * water,"£ free' ;; t z baths/.pbone and. Janitor; service; \2 rooms i fully. » I furnished | for ! bouse j keeping/? $4 1 per J week i and H up ; i 1* room, << $2.50; and; up; < bedrooms,^ sl.so ; wk * up; will move baggage in tree of charge, - ' r : WESTGATE ;APT5.,1326 HYDE ST/ ' : : Five - and ; 6 ; rooms * and - very v modern ; \u25a0 polished floors/. hot -^ water,-; etc "-\u25a0? For particulars, < M." SHEFTEL, \u25a0\u25a0 2085- Bush-st." Phone West .4403.' ;; AA A— Aparts.* of " 1 \ to 'i 4 \ rooms,' private '\u25a0. bath, I '"\u25a0 w leK * \u25a0 f urn - ; -sunny; \u2666 electrft; light, = hot water, I heat/i elevator; 'janitor service/ linen; -beautiful i/ reading, lobby;.- 1 •; rm., ;$l5 up; 2 rms., $27.50 v up;. 3 rms.; $40 up; 4 rms.f $50 up; Halght st. > cars.- '/Roaemont,", 214 Halght; phone Park 589. AA A«^THE t GLADSTONE f APTS. / 706 : Polk st. : Hj corner ; ; Eddy— Elegant/ ' snnny % \u25a0 house keeping a par tments ; : 1 room , \u25a0 $15 • per \u25a0 month ; 212 1 rooms, > ; $25 perrmonth; 3 rooms, $35; electric ; lights, Janitor service ; ' hot baths.' Phone Franklin 2048. LUNDY.; APTS., : Stanyan st. at Frederick— The -most complete In the city; hot andlcold water, \u25a0; electric ; light,: j baths, > elevator service/ janitor service ; * every : room rin house ' light ; rent reas. - AA— VAN^NBSS APARTMENTS. 212S .Van'Ness -.:"• nr. - Broadway— Elegantly furnished apts. of ) ; .and 4 rooms; steam "heat, elec. light, elevator; marine view; {reasonable. | Phone Franklin 2590. A— YERBA - BUENA \u25a0 APTS.. - 1114 rSUTTER ST. NR.V LARKIN— ELEGANT SUITES OP: 2-3 . RMS., f BATH; COMPLETELY FURN.; REFS. BUCHANAN fst.; 1732— Sunny ' and completely furnished apt. of : 3 rooms, kitchen attached; \u25a0», free phone 'and bath;, snnny " yard. /;\u25a0;: - ':i TWO and 3 apts. ;i2 elegant double beds; hotel s-; service;. lights, linen, soap, etc.: free; as:low /.at $45..' Ellis Hotel Apts., 450 Ellis at Jones. VALENCIA' St.; 978/ nea r! 21st— Apartments of 2 : ; and :3 - rooms - and bath, * furnished 'or unfur- nished; rents. slo to $18. .. i . «... COLLING WOOD st.; 237, near 19tb and Castro— 4 rooms: and bath;; big -yard; --rent $15.- "*\u25a0\u25a0;:. EUREKA APTS., Mkt. and 17th sts.— Beautiful 3 and' 4 rm; apts.; phone, janitor service; sunny. CHIS.MORE Ants., SE/cor. Bush and Jones— l-2- ;*3-4 rms.;;all modern conveniences ;: now ready. DUNDEE Apts., 736 Stanyan,' opp.G. G. 'park- Splendid fur. 4" r;, apt. ; sunny ; most reasonable/ ADELINE Apts.. 640 Eddy St.— 2, 3 and 4 room /. apts. ; hotel service; prlv. exch.; most modern. LEE Apartments/ 1740 Polk near Washington — 2 and 3 rooms; modern; $20 up/ - \u25a0"'-'- , ; OAKLAND APARTMENTS TO LET: FOUR" room modern apartment, unfurnished; all sunny, outside rooms; fine neighborhood; close to town, cars and Key Route; $25 per month. Apply 50 Vernon st.. Oakland. " - MISSION St., 2704. near 23d— 2 elegant 6 and 7 Jroom flats; ; separate; every. room sunny; open \u25a0) 9to 5/ '. ';-.:'.. -,; .' -_;\u25a0_.. \, . \u0084--- .:': ; .-r; r \u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0-. EUCLID ay.. 201— 4 room apartment flat; in . benutiful Jordan park; light and sunny; large lawn. " ' AAA— Lovely sunny 4^ rooms, bath, washroom, near car and - park;" very low rent to good tenant. 1228 12th a vi. ' Sunset. BUCHANAN ', st., : 135— Flat. 6 rooms, perfect ' condition; -sun in every. room; choice location; reduced. $30. Key with owner. 131 Buchanan. GUERRERO St.. 1479— 5 room modern flat/ bath; desirable neighborhood; $20 per month.' Apply 3330 23d St.; phoue Mission 4059/. EUCLID ay., 201—4 room apartment flat; in .beautiful Jordan Park; light and sunny; large ...lawn. .. ;.- -,\u25a0.".,: " '.','_ \u25a0-. . . r , \\ •' \u25a0 : -.-. AAA— Lovely " sunny 4 rooms, bath, -washroom, 1 near, car and park; very low rent to good tenant. 1225 ; 12th ay., T Sunset. . . 3D ay., bet. A ; and B ' sts — Sunny . flats, 5 rooms. . .baths ; j very 1 cheap/ separate -yards; inquire 557 >;3d,>v."- ,-:\u25a0:.\u25a0'. .•.-'\u25a0".-.:-; :;\u25a0 r- '\u25a0 " \- - v - J * ~>-'/ DE LONG ay., 83, at Frederick St.— 4 sunny rooms, bath; desirable; Hayes and Masonic : cars; $20..- :/ : ; .\u25a0,-'-.-\u25a0 ' \u25a0 \u25a0 ."•; -.-': 9TH ay.; 604. bet. B and C sts.. Richmond dis- trict-^4. sunny rooms; balls carpeted ' and. light- ed; make -offer; low rent, i , '-,'"\u25a0 ,- • ; : ZOE Ist., 49, off Bryant, between 3d and 4th— - New._ sunny; 4 rooms and. bath. ' : SWELL', new 4" room fla t, SE. I cor. j South • Brod- erlek and 14th sts. ; rent $25. •: ;'. • LYON, St. . 1405. rir. Post — To let, lower flat, 5 -;roomB,and bath; big yard: rent $20. PAGE St., 165. bet. Gough and Octavla, lVa ." bloqks from Market-rsl6;, flat of 5 .rooms. . HAIGHT St., 859 — To let. new apartment flats : :0f.5 rooms each; rent $35 to $37.50. GROVE -st.,' 633, near -Buchanan— 4 rooms; low ' i rent. . : i- ; ''\u25a0_--\u25a0 - . /•_ '. -- '••\u25a0-_' \ ' " ELLIS St.. -1809. corner . Pierce — New, modern, sunny flat; 4 rooms, and bath; reas.; adults. MISSION . St., 3214— 15 days' . rent free;- 6 j sunny rooms and r bath;' modern; $25 per month.. BUCHANAN st./1933. % bet. , Bush and Pine— Up- per of 2; 5 rm. snnny.- flat; mod.; grand view. FLATS to let— NeTT.- artistic 5 room flat with . basement garage;; 679 3d a y. .-."\u25a0 . : ., NOE st./ 577, near 19th— Lovely- sunny upper; 5 . -rooms; $23.-.'/' ..':.-;-\u25a0.:.,,..; : -..'..r-..- '• \u25a0 - : .\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0- " MISSION BRANCH ' OF THE CALL. BLAKE'S > BAZAATt. 11CS VALENCIA ST.: ; " FLATS TO LET— -FHrniJthed FOR summer months," . new " 5 room flat \u25a0 with i large-.. private - garage, - 25* ft.-- living :\u25a0 room; Craftsman furnishings;: oak; paneled: dining •i room. .etc. 677 3d a y. - -• AT. -a .sacrifice: gentleman leaving city; 3 room Vapartraeut completely- furnished, with piano. Apt. 419, St. Dunstan. Polk and Bush sts., 1 to "5 Mondays, .;, '_'\u25a0-\u25a0: . . BARTLETT st.. r.4o— Cozy modern flats, 4; and 5 rooms,! furnished and '• unf unjlshed;. bath, .laun- dry, garden: reasonable; .'• Apply 1533 .Valencia.. LARGE . cottase; lot : 100x285; chicken ranch complete; bargain. 3843 Rhode ay.,:. Upper Fmitvale. -:.-\u25a0.. . . FLATS FOR SALE— Furnished FELL st.,: facing panhandle— New 0 room, flat, . handsomely furnished; must be sold at once 'at .-. a sacrifice; party leaving for the east; dining .. room -and halls paneled, and beamed;; fumed 1 oak finish, hardwood floors, : running water in bedrooms.-, open and " k.-.s ;, steam .-• lieat -grates; snn in every room ;•- rent only; $40. Apply \u25a0 HARRY J. MOORE FURNITURE CO., 40-52 O'Farrell st. \u25a0; .: : • , : . \u25a0,--.-- NEW s' room flat; right down town; handsomely furnished 6 'weeks ago; must: be -sold at once; purchaser will be given advantage of one-third paid . on • goods, balance terms if desired;: rent only $35.- Apply HARRY J.MOORK FURNI- TURE CO., 40-J52 O'Farrell st. near Market. FOR. sale— 6 room flat,"-. completely 1 furnished, .at a bargain If taken at, once. -Inquire at "412 Connecticut st. : . '.l"./-:- :'*-\u25a0\u25a0 HOWARD ist., 2756— 2 '0r 4 rooms; -yard;-' com- - plete., pleasant and sunny: 'slo - "\u25a0 V 1 COTTAGES WANTED RELIABLE party tvould rent 5 or. 6 'room fur- - . nlshed * cottage for « the ': summer : • " must be 'j In gfidodilocallty in l Berkeley/ or high ground 'ln Oakland: references-, exchanged.; Address box 957. Call office. =\u25a0-'".- -".•\u25a0\u25a0 - ' '-\u25a0- - - BERKELEY, professor,.: going abroad, 'will rent furnished house till August.V 1911; east of Col- 5 lege,- : near j university ; 9 rooms, oak floors/- pan- ; : ' eled, " beamed ceilings," fireplace/ j)iano; '. magni- ! - flcent.view'of - bay; 'sleeping ? out ; deck; thor- o ughly modern ', and % almost? new ; s rent reason- - : /able; ; adults only;- references > required. TS Ad- : drewg P. Q. box 132. or phone -Berkeley 1061. MARKET rst., 1892— House of 10 rooms; also 1; large, -light; store. : - v; x ;>.;-; ... .;.;<-; ;; ;V : . \u25a0 NICE sunnys residence ;* 8 rooms and'bath;" half basement." 1486 Golden Gate aT.-- -,s \u25a0'-.'\u25a0 JgERKELE Y HOUSES ! TO - : LET— Fur. FOR one; month, June* 2o to July '2o;"adults only; ."furnished 'home in 'Berkeley;, lawn, .trees :and ': flowers, \u25a0 with gardener j to^ care for same; \u25a0 ref- erences required. Address ! MßS. BROOKS/ box 43ri7. Call office. Oakland. :• ' :^ *'\u25a0"\u25a0' BERKELEY HOUSES ITO ;LET— Unf nrt BEAUTIFUL .home UnjUlllegassiav.— Modern .house of -lli rooms /large 1 yard; choice location/ on \u25a0 carline. -.-i See MASON. McDUFFIE?CO/,* or .owner,; box 620, Call office/ ; :v^' : .. _:. N E W, .7' very . large room « house. ', all \ mod/: lmpts. ; : elec. ; bells ; ; near j D wight ? way. •: Berkeley ; \u25a0 only $25 months DE KAY. 2505 Shattnck ay. . > \u25a0 9TH ' a v., 1240, Sunset district— Flat -of 6 rooms' \u25a0 "and bath ; « also '.store, - good " location i f or/clean- . ;;. Ingj and dyeing works; -also • tailorlng^i^will \u25a0^. alter : store.. .:..;:.-. .:. .-:. " "\u25a0' \u25a0 \u25a0'• v ; ,^"r^.vTO;_EASE;;/;:-.:-" 7 : ." .WAREHOUSE/- FACTOIIY,! GYMNASIUM build- Fcing.'^jOxioO;? high; ceilings.' plenty of: light and { ; ; ventilation;,: located >In Mission' district ;< will • ; lease * for • a."*, number •of /years ; ' $75 ; per ; month. Box. 950/ Cal l- office. - X. .:- ' ' •;: , 'ffi?K'FURNIj^REfFOR.ISALE;: ; :. ; . " FURNITURE—- Very low fprices;- delivered free of charge.'* H; SCHELLHAAS" llta ": st. , at : Frank- r •-lln,;Oakland/-y» .'/Af'-v '\u25a0" . .;.- : "- ' v - "^ -\u25a0'". -" TENTS,* cots ' camp . stoves' and- stools/ 1 --" H/. Schell" . : l_h3asVfurniture> sale.-' 11th 'st. at 'Franklin. ~t f&^; : -$ FURNITURE i^wANTED^^i^v^ ; -.WE, are : the ! largest \ buyers \ of ', new ; r and ' second / hand ! furnltnre/; pianos,' carpets; ' desks or/ mer.; x :wlll buyryours spot cash." Mark J. Levy auction i \u25a0-•f- Co.y 1140 McAllister :'\u25a0 ph.% Park < 860 ; * H.i 52632. WINDOW4 SILVDES. y i 30c; \u25a0 bamboo* porch* shades. \u25a0'-'\u25a0 9?O- WALCOM Co..lll3lV Sutter st. ; ; \ -.';\u25a0 y<. y^r^DU^TAJNJjLAJJ^ CURTAINS.I 2Sc pair, 3 " hand - laundered :ret. ' next day/ Mrs. -H08k1ng."2667 Bash; tel. west .7515. ' AAA-— U/ S/ Carpet Cleaning Co., 2207 Bush St.— I I Most 1 superior . cleaning in .the .world; I can give ' • you -. beating,'? steam, compressed i alr.'f vacuum ; I or; celebrated | earthquake, ' which f removes I all . dirt, ; dust," grease;* restoring natural colors . like *:\u25a0 new, f ; West ; 5926,> 52498 ; i laying - and • refitting. AAAA— LE/CLAIR VACUUM- CLEANING CO.! :'; 62 ; Post/: room ; 326; » phone ' Douglas • 2071, or B res.""% Wes t; 9041— Dustless - cleaning ' of ; carpets, \u25a0 rugs, ! draperies, • WITHOUT : REMOVAL.' ;;> >-. '\u25a0\u25a0 Largest,;; best, el'g.cap'y 2,000 -yards a 'day;- no .5 ' "air", cleaning; -. all , work : guar. ; cleaning 3c; lay,-.sc:>renov.,etc;; ests. free. Glslow C. C. ; Co.,;23o^Vermont; Park ,6925/ M 3317; est. 20 y. ABSOLUTELY ' the Best Carpet Cleaning, 3c yd.; : estimates - given-, for Altering and Relaying. :, Deal direct /with F. A. RICE'S \u25a0 Carpet Works, - '; 1805 Harrison, st.i-: Phones Market 262, M 1207. A— CARPETS } cleaned and ' relaid, ' Bc . per yard ; j t carpets cleaned," 4c per yard ; mattresses made : over.'. Berkeley Steam i Carpet Cleaning Works, W.F.i HEINE. Phone Berkeley -943. S. F/ COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO.. 397 _ Sutter st... phone Kearny 5852. BLUE WAGON. g! Carpets, '.r rngs | quickly, •; thoroughly I cleaned ;on \u25a0 floor without removal; estimates free. : " : / AA— National | Carpet Cleaning Wks.— Largest on ,'v coast; -laying and altering a specialty. Hamp- ;.r ton ;"& Ballly. ; 344-348 Church st. ; Market IS9. WHEN*, you become \u25a0 disgusted < with poor work send your carpets to J." SPAULDING & CO., 353 Tehama., Douglas 3084, Home J2347. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co. — Advanced meth- ods. GEO/. WALCOM. CO.. 1131-1139 Sutter st. MATTHEWSON'S carpet .beating works.- 315 East 12th st., I Oakland; tel. Merritt 595. WATTS — Reliable \u25a0 carpet -cleaning, alterations; \u25a0 renovat.; laying. 560 Devlsadero; ph.- Park 56& CONKLIN: BROS./ carpet cleaning and laying, 2400. Geary St., corner Baker: phone West 93. -; _^ SEVVING MACHINES DOMESTIC, : 1644 . FILLMORE near Post; THE /place to 1 buy, rent or repair sewing machines * of all - makes; lowest .prices;, best -terms.,' J. \u25a0W/ EVANS, agent;, phone West 3601. SEWING • machines, all makes; renting, repair- ing, McNALLY. 2604 Mission; tel. Mission 202. SINGER SEWING MACHINE OFFICE, Ray . Bacchl. mgr.. 1429 Stockton: tel. Home C 4603. __^STORAGE AND" 1 MOVING VANS * BEKINS VAN AND STORAGE COMPANY. : - Fireproof/ Warehouse,"-* 13th and- Mission. ._ • Phone Market ; 13-14/ dr. Home M 1313. WILSON BROS. -(Inc.)— Moving and storage^ cor. : 14th * and- Sanchez sts., L 1 block I from Mar- •• ket : and Fillmore sts. cars'. Phone Park 271. A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN • CO.— Brick warehouse, 2322 ,' Fillmore ' st. Tel. West 2628. PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage and Moving Co., main office Eddy and Fillmore. Tel. West 828. NATIONAL FREIGHT & TRANSFER CO., Mls- .slon nr. 10th; phone Market '3ls4 — Cut rates to : all points; : moving vans; fireproof warehouse. __Vj^JrJj3R_^ALJ^ SQUARE deal for all; no ' percentage *- to - plumb* : ere. or middlemen; -everything -iln plumbing line — baths, heavy roll rim,* new, from $10 I ;•". to, $20; toilets, the very best. new. perfect, 'complete, high .tank $10.- low down- $l2; sinks, : any size. $2.50: new castiron pipe from 10c to 1 20 c a foot. We have any and every, thing you want : to complete your building. Give us a call. You make money by it. DOLAN COMPANY/.1639 Market st. - ALL' kinds of bulfdlng material at our yard, •1679 Market st..' at, Vt price; doors/windows, plumbing, material, . corrugated Iron; skylights, 100 - loads "... firewood. :We .are", now wrecKing hjalldlngs at Pine and Van Ness ay. and Geary and Van Ness i ay. SYMON BROS., phone Park 0441. 'CASH REGISTERS. ,"\u25a0", .; . -.. ': ;[\u25a0 -The largest line of first .class second hand I cash registers ever shown now on hand; cx- i .' tremely low prices; on easy tefms. . THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. ,« ''1040 Market st. bet. Taylor .and Jones. FOR. sale— A Victor phonograph, No. 5. with oak ( horn, . cabinet stand for records and 42 rec- ords, \u25a0 among them 7 Red Seals;' a bargain, v $70. Call after 5 p. m., 629 Vallejo st. . M. FERNANDEZ. SAFES — Removal sale now going on. SAFES 250 safes of all : makes must - j SAFES be" sold; no reasonable offer SAFES refused. RICHARDSON BROS.. Agts., CARY SAFE CO.,' 050 Mission st. above sth. SECOND .HAND pipe,- guaranteed good as new: prices. very. reasonable. At SUGERMAN IRON 'AND : METAL CO.; 613-17 Brannan st. near sth;. phone Kearny. 22s; Home J1091; country orders promptly attended to.. BELL WRECKING CO.. Turk and -Polk- sts.— ; Good lumber at half price; doors, windows, skylights and .plumbing;- 3,000 -squares good - Mai thoid roofing; we have everything cheap; selling, out now.. Phone Franklin 4230. AH!— CUT PRICE PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., 320-328 McAllister st. ; phone Market 4083— \u25a0 \u25a0• Full line,' very cheap, sell all; free delivery. Machine threading; country orders 't. o. b. Plumbing work cheaper than ever before. .'-... T~"T ~" • SECOND HAND. PIPE. Largest dealers ;in standard : pipe and screw casing, dipped: '.prices .right;- guaranteed first class. Pacific Pipe. Co.; Main and Howard sts. A A— All -, sizes standard : water 'pipe and scrfew , casing, guaranteed good as . new ; get our prices. JVelssbaum Pipe Works, 1 133 11th st.. BLACK Minor WANTED ; i pay any price. -DE ..BUYLER.; 2107 Market st.;-tel. '-Park 747. PAINTING ' 'AND DECORATING ALL /^branches 1 house ..painting, and, decorating. J. E. Harrison. 1620. Cal.- Frank. &S3O/ C 3006. :i'.- : '-'' '\u25a0'\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0' ROOFING , ,' :: ; r '^ ROOFS, any kind/ repaired, painted. .^ A." HILL- MAN, 508 E. 12th* st..' Oakland. -, Drop postal.' xll^JJAß^Np^SJ^Ojr^^ BRUNSWICK-BALKB-COLLENDER CO., 765-707 --\u25a0 Mission' st... telephone Sutter 333. - .•\u25a0\u25a0....-\u25a0;. ; "TYPEWRITERS : AND*;^SUPPLIieS ; MO m AußCH^_Vl3ibleA u RCH^_ Vl3ibIe Typewriters— In the Monarch .< Visible^ Typewriter; ain the -writing ,is in full ;-,-\u25a0' sight all '.the time; other .makes, second hand ;- at. very, reasonable prices; we rent/ repair and • --\u25a0 ' ~ WOLB^ &aSENBRUCK.', Dealers. FOR: sale— A new L.'.*C. 'Smith & 1 - Bros." type- \u25a0 T-in e rf wJt^'Stand; • Address A; i ß., -, by letter, :: U < 60 f Pacific ;av.. San; Francisco .:-. \u25a0 • FOR^sale^-L^C.- Smith typewriter, latest imp • . • used 1 6 1 mo. ; i $(iO . cash. - Call .- at 286 2d . St., Tin \u25a0 : forenoon. : and : ask, for 1 Mr.- i Hettinger. *;: '- ;k ' '-\u25a0 SPECIAL/ $35--Smith- Premier or \u25a0 Remington re- :-S: -S : 'r ! ;^' illfonnatlla!L - 4;l11 - , ALEXAN- DER; ,512 j Market: St.'.";' .7*;S : '.V, \u25a0'•';."-. "\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0 :B"A^lc^Ew^rr^: B "A^Ic^Ew^rr^^ O iof^^ TYPEWRITERS--An ; "makes! 'sold \u25a0>.- '\u25a0- re^ .:\u25a0 paired. . BlS Broadway. ; Oaklan d: tel.- Oak. 921 ft/ ;^t£L; -j^ USICAL \u25a0<_ INSTRUJIENTS :" - V: : *. ..- CROWN -:nnd ' Concord ; Pianos;Vexclnsive agencv • , „; easy i terms ; : ; Combinola ' Player. :$900;: $900 ; best' on • ; the i market; 10 i inch i disc > records/,. 25c -each \u25a0 ' : ' tbey.last ; ; Edison/Victor. • Zonophone Ma^ and. Records.^ BACIGALUPI. 941 Market. COLUMBIA! GRAFONOLAu REGEST— Don't buy ,• ; a: talking ; machine \ until" you \u25a0 have' heard -this %% O ii D a sp 1 1 i instrument. ' KOHLER ; :& \u25a0,:CllAt?E,;26iO'FarTellrst.i {-\u25a0' -. - ". -. .. -. .'. - A A— Unredeemed storage v pianos - almost given .U HE^VD.'S I Piano ; Storaee/; 1426-28 Market; ; S. F. ; A^ BA i RGA ? N ? a^ Jos^Schmitz?&;Co.;- moved ;to \u25a0 old ; location;-j 04% McAllister; st.V near ? Market/ SMALL. Fischer {upright^ $65.^ 37 , Stockton s t . PIANOS :'. for; rent : > no ? cartage this ' week "'"\u25a0 BY- ;iRON*MAUZY,'2DO; i RON*MAUZY,'2D0 Stockton sU>/~, c. . . ; — L_^l_ii-JP.J\ E jSS .MAKING -- '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 -'- \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 _ : - .'• MCDOWELL'S "-1 Dress Making and \u25a0 Millinery • School,'. 121 Genry St. near Grant aT.;* evenin- __glasgea;^patterns cut* to order." Dougla9_473l. BUTTONS AND PLE SATING '-' . Steele's ; button works, 222 Ellis and Mason. Pn. Frank. 4521 and C 4521. Mall orders ' solicited. :-_-_- ......Automobiles'' ' j_i ' : \INS IN SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES - '07,35 horsepower Peerless Umausine. '09 Mitchell 7 passenger touring car. - ;; '08 Thomas, fully equipped, seat covers, etc. x '03 Royal Tourist, • passenger, seat covers. :, All? of these cars are In fine condition and ..the prices are exceptionally LOW. .'-*-;,*• HO. HARRISON CO.. PEERLESS MOTOR CARS 540 Van Ncsa ay. FOR sale — Price $500 and upward; several *09 and '07 White touring cars, taken in trade for '08 cars :and thoroughly overhauled by our mechanics from our factory. WINTON AUTOMOBILE BRANCH. ' • , 300 Van Ness ay., ' V..- San Francisco.: • r> ;? 2 {"a? '00 MAXWELL, model A, just overhauled. -In good .condition ...:... \u0084.-. .$5OO '07 Maxwell, model A. also in good condi- tion.... ....; \u0084...$330 MAXWELL AGENCY. 196 .12th St., Oakland. FOUR passenger Reo, good condition, full equip- ment; $225; going east Monday for. year: call and see machine, 1501 Kains ay.. West Brrke- ' ley, or inquire D. W. " RIGGS, First national bank. city. WE carry the largest line of dependable used automobiles in the west at prices that con not be beat. We buy for cash. CANNING & VINTON AUTO CO.. 453 Golden Gate ay.. 1910 CHALMERS-DETROIT roadster, cheap; 1909 Marion touring carj a bargain. - HUGO MULLER . AUTO COMPANY, \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0."\u25a0 422-428 Van Nesg .ay. SMALL 5 pass, touring car. glass frout. $250; \u25a0 runabout, like new, $300; 36x4 tires, like new, V, price; generators, new, $2.50. AUTO PARTS EXCHANGE. 334 Larkln st. RELIABLE Auto Brokerage Co.. dealers in new and slightly, used autos. 343 Golden Gate ar. $550—7 passenger car; good for rent service. \u2666 Apply 1820 Telegraph a y. PAC. Aluminumvßrazing Works can braze your broken alnra. castings. 430 Van Ness: Pk. 5120. THOR motors won at Ingleslde Sunday: mllo in 54 sec./ 5 miles 4:37; they're fast motors: sec- ond hand machines, $50: bicycles. $17.50 up; tires, $1.25 np. A. FREED, 1440 Market st. 1910 PIERCE 4 cylinder motorcycle just re- ceived; call and see" It, or send for catalogue. J. T.^CHICK, 312 \u25a0 San • Pablo ay., Oakland. PIERCE, R. S. Emblem motorcycles and bicycles. JOHN T. BILL - CO.. 357-9 Golden Gate ay. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES L. H. & B. i; BILL, 543 Golden KJate ay.— Headquarters for Solar lamps, Vesta batteries, Panhard oil. Diamond chains and parts. '_ HORSES. HARNESS AND WAGONS . ;' THE S.F. RIDING CLUB has in its sale dept. a " number of high class saddle and driving horses; alsq some gentle saddle ponies, all guaranteed ; inspection invited. 701 7th. ay. A— 2o HEAD of all purpose horses. $15 up; wagons,, buggies, carts, surreys and harness; also ponies cheap.; 557 4th St.. Oakland. 25 HEAD horses.- mares, wagons, harness, by a contracting outfit; no reas. offer refused. 11 Klssllng st. off 11th bet. Howard and Folsom. FINE carriage team of 2 good saddlehorses. 1351 Folsom st. Phone Market 1463. WOODLAWN Stables. 617-33 Grove st.; horsea $1.25 day: horses & wag.. $9 wk.: bdg. $20 mo. H.. R. HOPPS. President. ALL KINDS OF ART, LEADED AND MOSAIC GLASS. 115 TURK. PHONE FRANKLIN 176-t. \u0084'•:': BRAZING WORKS r BROKEN parts brazed. Oakland Brazing Works, 754 Franklin St.. Oakland. Phone A 5953. LOCKSMITHS KEYS at factory prices. Key - Works, 861 Clay St.. Oakland: phones. Oakland 6717. A2.V74. JAPANESE TAILORS ; THE HINOY. mer. tailor for Amer. ladies and gents: fit gnar. lfilOij. Geary st.: West 8617. LODGING HOUSES FOB , SALE^ :"; READ— READ— READ. i. „ If -you have $2,500, balance monthly; txeellent paying . rooming house; very, very reasonable If sold today; trial given; money' returned if you wish. M. WINTHER. 173S Fill more st. FOR sale — Hotel and bar; raoeipts $900 month; money making location. . 744 Pacific bldg. $600 takes corner saloon; receipts $20 day; liv- ing rooms; license worth $1,000. 744 Pacific building. • . \ WANTED — Partner with $250; will guarantee $150, month. 744 Pacific bjdg. , - FOR sale— Delicatessen store;- high class trade; money maker. 744 Pacific building. . FOR sale— Wood, coal and bay business; re- ceipts $100 day; bargain. 744 Pacific bldg. FOR sale — 6 room flat; fine location; clears $40 month. 744 Pacific bldg. FOR sale — 20 room furnished house: best money : making location in city. 744 Pacific bldg. FOR sale—Fruit, grocery- and meat market; business corner. 744 Pacific building. WANTED— Partner with $500; take half inter- est delicatessen, light grocery, wine and liqnor; receipts $35 day. 744 Pacific building. MOVING PICTURE business; clearing $250 m«.; call at once. . . 744 Pacific building. WANTED— Good man with: sl,2oo; will guar an- . tee $150; month for 1 year. 744* Pacific bldg. SNAP— Bargain; planing mill; best location and \u25a0;.; money maker in \u25a0: city. 744 Pacific building. FOR ' sale— Livery ; and boarding stable; money maker. 744 Pacific building. s , FOR -sale — Grocery and family liquor store; re- ceipts $75 a day. • 744 Pacific bnllding. \u25a0 FOR sale— Rooming house; 15 rooms; clears $140 '\u25a0•' month guaranteed; fine location. 744 Pacific . -/building. .'\u25a0 .'-.:•- >v , % ,- fFOR sale — Corner family liquor store; receipts . •"\u25a0\u25a0- $35 , day; . business location. 744 Pacific bldg. ~~~~ J. H. BOWLING. Real Estate, Insurance and Business Broker, ; $ ;•<•; J . 1020 Metropolis Bank building. Market and New ' Montgomery sts. ; Phone Douglas 2549. , $6,ooo— Saloon, heart of Market; cost $16,000 to : fit up; $75 dally receipts; a, jewel; none sweller; death cause of selling. • $4,soo— Prize for money; Market St.; $45 dally: ' \u25a0 ." .' license 'worth half money; this caa not ; - c - last. .'-\u25a0\u25a0 ••- . . ' - - - - ' $4,ooo— Hotel. 47 rooms; Al furniture; $290 net \u25a0 '' month;: bargain/ "' ' " . \u25a0_ :$330 — Grocery/ ..notions, branch 'postoffiee/ 2 living . rooms ;; no opp.-; low rent; est. 4 - years; sickness; bargain. $2,soo— Grocery, liquors, delicatessen, fruit and . .- \u25a0 vegetables; _ going business: $1,800 swings i it: trade 'first class and growing. SALOON— S6SO; sacrifice to close; good for $20 ! -.\v:: dally; rent $40; lease; good location; look *-::."\u25a0\u25a0> at this. <. - , We have more- saloons, rooming bouses, delicates- sens, . poolrooms, jewelry, and some extra- ' ordinary buys in houses and lots. Call '• and: we will suit you. * $1,750 — Delicatessen; rent $30: lease; daily re- ] \u25a0 / ceipts $25 up; a jewel /investigation sollc- . ited; bargain." I $16,000 cash swings a $46,000 swell hotel; one . of most prominent city; show you. j '$950— Cottage, 4 rms.. bath; Crocker tract. - .$3.->O-i-Caudy. $3.->0-i-Caudy and notions; 4 rms.; bargain. ' CLARKE & MAGNUS/BUSINESS BROKERS. S3O MARKET ST., RM. 507/WESTBANK BLD. ! ' SEE US FOR BARGAINS IN \u25a0 CITY OR i COUNTRY BUSINESS PLACES. NO CHARGE FOR LISTING A BUSINESS. \u25a0 « FAILING- health ; compels owner to sell his I " - ; 15 -..years . estab. > WELL PAYING , restaurant; • '* worth $1,800, but will accept, any rrasonable 1 offer; cheap rent; CLEARS about $200 nionth- ! "ly::asnap for man and wife. - CLARKE & MAGNUS. 830 Market st.. room 507. . GROCERY STORE, glassware, crockery, etc.; 30 \u25a0 - miles from . S. . F. ; receipts $25,000 -per year; horses and wagons: will Invoice about $7,000; " ; , owner. wishes to retire: give terms, or. will ex-: 1 'change for* good property/ : Exclusively with.. ; CLARKE & MAGNUS. S3O Market sC. room 307. 1 . - HOTEL, -/ BAR, ; DINING ROOM ; good town in '. - Marln county: -profits about -s4o«> monthly; 34 " well furnished rooms; CHEAPEST rent; price \u25a0 $4.soo; c terms;' owner has 2 hotels, wishes to sell- one; 'investigate: make offer. -• - ' CLARKE & MAGNUS. S3O Market st.. room 507. " i^JjOIL OIIVoIL '"•\u25a0 — — OIL OIL OIL v Get In on the GROUND FLOOR; high clas* 1 > proposition.' I will guarantee this -investment. ' -Wes ownronr. own - land and it is paid for." Call .and; investigate — 23c- a- share; heart 'Of the.gwshe'r belt. ' '\u25a0 ; ; GEO.. A. HERRICK/ 1005 MARKET ST. 1 ' ' • -\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 • :\u25a0«.. -• " fC "' - \u25a0 CALL" route, good "growing territory: In best part . -X of residence district.: See. owner/ 458 44t_ St.? • iiOaklacW/; before .d a. m.ior.Hfter.7;p. m.". .-* : 1 FOR' sale— sso down will buy; a good restanrant, : .also a' candy: store for* $200. •J. ANDERSON," , ; Elmhurst. : > , ' \u25a0 \u25a0- -\u25a0 . . 1 FOR? sale— A'good> newspaper, ronte in ' a good. . -district -i ln : this * city .~' Apply : to J. R. LEN- : i HART, i Circulation ; Department, S.*; F. ; CaU. - t HA RNESS » shop ; to : rent ; ' fine tt»nd : " no opposi- tion;- fine: trade 1 built up. 30UN JORDAN, Castrovilip. • a_BBBB_MaWWE^fe*( FO R j sale-^G rocery, ia t ; bargain ; * location ' and . ar- • -- Tanxement;best;in*Berkeley: clean l business of \u25a0 . $-"?,000 '\u25a0 per - month. •: ; For jln forma tioa phoc.es Berkeley 1403. 0r > Berkeley. 92S. :',i ' r BUSINESS - C^AX<3Ejg-C6-«r--eUslnes». T ,_ $850— Roadhouse, Sonoma co.: 2 acres •* t ved f. "' _ _ $fl."iO— Roadhouse. San. Jlateo co. : worth- $1,200. *"^ $I.soo— Grocery. 15 miles from city; doing $I^oo. * $6T>O — Saloon, 'M miles from city; with *J room-* -of fnrntture and stock and fixtures; doing -SCOO monthly. \u25a0 . ; -, - TO LET ; COUNTRY HOTEL. "TO- LET. $1.200 — Saloon 'and rooming hou«e. near' od st. ; we consider. this a good bay. $4,300 — Ladles* and gents* furnishing store." \u25a0 GILLIES „ CO.. 102$ Market at., room 22. X_ _^ HALF INTEREST In good p"aying delicacy buai- \u25a0 ness. $400. ' ' , 1. GEO» A.-HERRICK. 10O."> MARKET ST ~^ y * RESTAURANT, IST OLASj* LOCATION;" SERV- ING 300 TO 400 PEOPLE DAILY: my Snnday wr' night work; reasonable rent, wita lease' and a BARGAIN at $1,500. See MX. LUBECK. «17 PACIFIC BLDG. v I BAKERY, .restaurant: and coffee parlor clearing bfg money, . first class corner. \u25a0 4 nice -living rooms, wagon and 2 horse*; can have 3 year lease; rent only :* s73 month: price $3,(KHy if taken l>v the 13th -of the- this > month % See MR. LUBECK. 617 PACIFIC 81-Pv;. " — — X' HIGH CI-ISS RESTATTRANT, iurt off Market st. near 6th;. doing $100. a day b/isiness; good. e ii_b. Pr A.*H£kRICK. 10aV MARKET 3T;\ BAKERY — $430: reut $40. Including 5 room flat: good oven; place eo*t $050 to tit up: must be ' sold by M,onday; com** and make us an offer: an opportunity" of. a lifetime; best location la Alammla eountr; act quickly. . »c HIAM IN- . VEST. CO.. PCS BROADWAY. OAKLAND. . GRtX'EKY— S2,SOO: rent $3u: lease 1& years; good corner; horse and wagon: daily cash re- ceipts $40: best of reason*. t or. seUlng; nice, clean sto«-k; If you want a good, bona fldo business se« this at once; don't overlook dis. Full partlcnlars HIAM INVEST. CO., 96& BROADWAY. OAKL.VND. ''''', $2,000;' 20 years- established— Hay,- grains wood and coal; also, express business; averasa monthly receipts on " coal business. $1,000; average monthly receipts oa express, $125. Fully equipped in every detail, including, 4 horses. 5 wagons, stock of bay, grain, wootl and coal. AH is included In above -price* This is a snap for the-rigat partj. WORTH & CO.. 150.1 Grove st. cor. S_ Pablo ay. and 20th »t.; 'Oakland. -> ' — — X -- : X-— — — — X OIL STOCKS, o'lL STOCKS. O Hi STOCKS. ;> \u25a0 ' \u25a0 '\u25a0' *" * '.. -^ — -- * -^ . /^..'j. \'*Z:.,m" . \u25a0"*.-\u25a0 iOIL LANDS. O*IL LANDS. ODj LANDS. I Get in NOW. on "the ground floor. GEO. A. HEBRICK, 1005 MARKET ST* I x k - \u25a0>\u25a0• ~~^* $S5O^ — A bargain; must be sold at once; bakery* and confectionery, creamery store: also 2 Ut- • ing rooms, furnished; doing splendid business: privilege of trying before buying; cheap rent; on main street; owner going east; .located near large school; dairy receipts $20. HIAM IN- VESTMENT CO., 90S .Broadway. Oakland. ; WANTED — Reliable, steady maa to take naif In- terest In good. legitimate, well \u25a0 establisheil Market st. bnsiness, who- can 'invest $23»A- vrtta, his services; this will pay you. $A 25 per month; clean, agreeafiie' work. nr» experience neces- sary; easy to learn; want steady man. CaU aS 1122 Market st... room 2. \u25a0 j , _jj ___x ' - X— — — — — X ' OIL STOCK— GOOD/ SAFE. THOKOCGH-Y t!J?« VESTIGATED. PROVEN • OIL » STOCK; GROUND FLOOR. I will give you rour money back at any time if yon are dissatisfied. - "-,* .'- GEO. A. UERRICK. 1005 MARKET ST. - . .-- -" ; \u25a0 • •• * ~*: ' X— — — — X SALOONMEN, ATTENTION: I must sell my saloon tltls week, and to effect a quick salo will, sacrifice -it.. for/. $500.. It. la downtown on a Mislon corner and doe"* the busi- ness; within 2 • blacks of . the Jeffries-Johnson fight arena. See my s»gents at once at rooms 41S-*K> Westbank bldg.. S3O Market at. 2 FINE corner stores t» lease; wholesale nntter. eggs. lanl. produce district. The occupation of these stores now would secure a large old established trade with' it at a small cost; ready to deliver now: the rent 13 very cheap. Owner, box 9til>. Call office. \u0084 ->^ »—X SALOON, NEAR "MARKET AND GTH STS.; LONG LEASK: price $3.01)0. GEO. A.-11ECR1CK, 10t>5 MARKET ST. . , — -^ \u25a0 g WANTED — Energetic and trustworthy, partner for school of sign painting: the only, one of Us kind la the west ; sign painting business now "established;- $\u25a0"•OO required; investigate. -SAJI E.. SIGNS. 3.i0 Pine st. ' ~~ X \u25a0 X ————— MARKET ST. SALOON, BUSIEST SECTION; a, bargain: terms to the right party. GEO. A. UERRICK. 1005 MARKET S_V -^ FOR sale — Paint store: good location: iioin£ flaa business. 411»> Angelo ay.. Allendale, or phono Merritt 1333 between 5 and & p. m. BUTCHER SHOP-rCash trade $30 daily; first class • location ; "no opposition f renr only '$20; snap at $1,000: one of onr bargains. J. ItAY SMITH CO.. 872 Broadway. Oakland. ; . \u25a0 \u0084 —^ -. -\u25a0• - S5tAL_ STORES—I have several of them, -withf living rooms, ranging hi price from $200 to $700. CaU and let me show \u25a0 you. GEO. A. HERRICK. 1005 MARKET ST. 2£ .-^ . ' - , FOR sale — Dairy: 70 head ofN>attle, horses', hay, farming implements. Inquire at 813 60tjj st. f Oakland. . '\u0084;•\u25a0., \u25a0 -- \u25a0 " " ' . RESTAURANT paying $200 month now;, caa give trUl. Call 21OS Fillmore st. REDWOOD stables for. sale: In Mill Valley; stock first class: doing good business. . « FOR sale — A good country roata oa The Call. Aijdreaa box tfkl. CaU office. . IF yoa can Invest $C 0 and services we can sboTV you how to make $10 a day. 552 Pacific bldg. $4.230 — Good paying corner 'saloon j goo«i' lease. Inquire IS Folsom st. . \u25a0 BUSIVESS TVAyTEP / - i. HAVE 2 lots in nice addltioa and $1,400; iraa? to buy gtxnl paying saloon or rooming house. Address 953. Call office. \u25a0 _ — > • BUSINESS COLLEGES : . UEALD'S BUS. COU.EGE— SHORTHAND. TYP, ING. ENG. -BRANCIUuS. 423 McALLISTER. MERRILL-MILLER COLLEGE. 733 Fil_aor« stj .-a select school of business ; day and evening. SAN FRANCISCO Business College. 90S MarkeS st.' at Eddy; day and evening sessions. . ALL court reporters recommend* Gallasher-Marsli Bnslness .College. 1256 Market »t. "^ EDUCATIONAL r , > j. HEALDS ENGINEERING— DAY AND NIGHTJ CIVIL. MINING. ELECTRICAL. ARCHITEC.. TURE. ASSAYING. 425 McALLISTER- ST. ENGINEERING— CiviI, electrical, mlnins. mech.' survey, assay. . cyanide; . day, eve.; est. ISS4. Van der Naillen School, 51st and TeL, Oakland. THE BERT.ITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. 2531 Washington sti near Flllmore — Send for cir- cular. ' _ \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0* '" ' .• _ . SPANISH. French. Italian taught in conversa- tlon. PROF. HIDALGO, rm. 509. 830 Market. FISK TEACHERS* AGENCY. 2142 Shattuck ar..* £ Berkeley, Cal.. next to First national-bank. Prof. T. A. Robinson. Individ, inst. Math., Book- keeping. Eng.. etc.: day, eve. • 507 Halghfe st. JOHN R. IUrCKSTELL, C. -P. A.. SOft-308. Clans Spreckels iCall'i btilldtngf phone Kearny 4151. TlTlto RESTOREI) "^^ _ UNDER -McEnerney act, complete. $33. TITLE CO.; 951-?. Monadnook bid.. Market st. nr. 3d. ATTORXEYS ____. ADVICE FREE — No charge unless successful; all cases; all business qniet_y and quietly attended .to: bankruptcy; McEnerney sulti; corpoiatlons: "copartnerships; probating of estates: collec- tions: bllla of sale; leases; deeds; wills; gen- eral practice. Open every evening. 102S Mar- ket st.. room 12. HARRIS & HESS, attys. at law. W. T. He«s. Notary PuMlc. Roma* 1108-14. Callbldg. PATEXT ATTORXRYS ' DEWEY/ STRONG & CO. — Founded 1800: U. S. and -foreign patents: inventors* gnid«*: 100 me- chanical movement* free. 1103- Merchants' Exchange bldg., San. Francisco. ' \u25a0•\u25a0> • HARRY C. SCHROEDEH, U. S. and foreign pat- ent*. 417 Ist N»tl. Bk.. Oak. Phone Onk. 2754. ARTIFICIAL TEETH— "THIS ONE . THING I \u25a0 do." Dr/C. E. WILSON. 323 Geary; suite 603. DR. IRA G. LEEK — All kind* of dental work. r.l.*> Fillmore st.. near Oak. -\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0 '-.•;..- : \u25a0' : MEDICAL ... ATTENTION. Ladles— DR. LEWIS. 932 Market st. bet- sta and Cth.' world renowned specialist for women oaly: no delays or disappointments; reUef guaranteed , by - most superior painless methods known to medical science; most obsti- nate : cases 'treated: ' all female ; complaints- and irregularities treated; have no hesitancy if la need of my services;, absolutely harmless; low fees. ' By consulting aa emmenfi specialist you save time and ' money. Advice free. ': H* a. m. to 4 p. m. and 6 to 9 p. m. ; Su&days, 11 ' j a. m. to 2p. ia. ' . T-^T v J VALPEAITS female .pills; - best .1 resrulaUn? pllla ? I sold; price $2.30 by express. -Jener "Syrbw^ and tablets, price $5. By express onlyonT^ ceipt \u25a0. of price. ,« OSGOOD BROTHE KS. whole- ! sale dragglsta. 7th- and Broadway. Oakland. DR. of Obstetrics. Mary Ada mj reliable special- ist; enres all women's complaints successfully- home for confinement: adoption; b. 1-5. p m 3004 Fraltvate ay.. Oakland: tel. Marrttt 1W>«! • i^f ,ConJ_ued,»a/X_t ""ag* „ •