16 COMMERCIAL AND MARKET NEWS SPECIALLY REPORTED FOR THE CALL OPINIONS CONFLICT IN STOCK MARKET Situation Created by Railroad ;" Rate Settlement Causes Speculative Hesitation Discouraged Feeling Expressed by Capitalist Leads to Heavy Selling of St. Paul >>w York Stock List E. F. Hutton & Co., 400 California street, members of tfce New York stock exchange, fur :-.;.- b tlie following iist «f bond and stock sales yeftcrday: Sales j STOCKS jHighj Low | Bid | Ask 200iAllis-Clialincrs ..19 9 S«i 9 I Do pfd 27% 31 4 900 Anaconda 41% 40% 40% 40% (Associated Oil .'. 49' 52 400jAtlantic Coast L. 120 119% 119 120 17.100iA T & Santa Fe. 105V4 103>4 104% 104% 200 Do pfd 101% 101% 101% 101% 3,6oo]Baltimore & OUlo'llSi* lll«s 112% 112 St t Do pfd S8 90 >....*..'. jßethlehem Steel 25% 26 I. Do pfd 57 ».1OO;B R T 79% 78»4 78% 7ST4 2.4oo!Canad!an Pacific. 197 196 I«4 lOOjlllinois Central.. 132% 132% 132* 132% , 3.000 Interboro Metro..) 19% 18% 19 19% 4,500] Dopfd 02% 51 51% 51% jlctrr Mer Marine 5V4 5% ....v.-j Do pfd 17^i 17% ....... [Inter Paper... • 11 vz * I Do r*d 50 52 JOOilnWr Pump 45% 45% 45 45% 1 Dopfd 81% SS 500 lowa Central 19% 18%) 18% 19% 700 Do pfd 34"* 34K-1 S4 85 \u25a0 COOK C Southern.... 32% 32% 32% 32% Dopfd 64% 65 Lake Erie & W 15 17 -. Do pfd 45 52 400 L& N 142% 141% 142 143 100 Mackay 186 86 85% 90 Dopfd [ 75% 76 Manhattan 1 129 185 'Mexican Central..) 26% 27 700'Mina &St L 131% 31% 30 32 j Do Ist pfd 58 68 800 MStP& SS M. 13S 136% 137 137% • \ Dopfd 146 150 2,400.M0 Ken & Texas 39% 38% 39 39% • I Do pfd. 66% 67 I.3oo; Missouri Pacific. (v% 60% 67%, 68 l.OOOiNational Lead.... 74% 74% 74% 74% Dopfd 107' 108' 100 National Biscuit.. 107 107 105 ' 107 . -•-•r-l I»o pfd. 121 125 200, X V Air Brake..: «3 t;2 U2 63 6,l(K);Xew York Central 116 114£ 115% 115% ...... NYC &St L... 63 .64% Do lft pfd ICO 110 Do 2d pfd 85 90 lOOiN YN H & H... 153 153 152% 153 1,200'N V Ont & W... 4* 43% 43t| 44% {Nevada Cons .... 20 19% 19% 20% 400.Norfolk & West.. 100% m% WA 100 \u25a0 ... 1 Dopfd 88 '93 ; 300 North American.. C 9 es% 66% 69 • 1 .4,Boo; Northern Pacific. 126 124% 125 125% ' ••. iOmaha 140 150 I Do pfd. 150 165 < • 400, Pacific Coast 106 105% 104 107 '\u25a0 500:PaeiSe Mail 25% 24' i 24% 25 ........ Pac Tel & Tel... ......... 33 35 •\u25a0 Do pfd GO 100 ".21,300 Peco RR C 0.... 132 130%4 131% 13184 l,4«o:People's Ges 106% 105% 105% 106 200Plttsburg C0a1... 18% 18% 18»4 19 « I Do pfd 64 66 iP C C & St L... 88% 89 ! Do pfd -... HO' 116 Pressed Steel Car 34% 36 ........I Dopfd X 95 97 200;Ry Steel Springs 34% 34% 34 35 j Dopfd 100 ,10014 IST.IOO, Reading 154 151% 152% 152% Do Ist pfd 89 91 » Do 2d pfd..... 98 99 ' POOtßepublic S4c 1.. 30% 29% 30 30% SO^'i I>o pM 93% 03% 03% 84 B.ftOO.Bock IsUnd Co.. 41% 40% 40% 41 200' Donld 84fc 84 84 84% iSloss S S & I Co. 68 70 ».: JStL iSF Ist pfd 60 C(I 1.8001 Do 2d pfd. I 40% S9>i 38H 38% IStL&SW ...];..... 294 30 • I Dt> pfd 73% 73« C6,<»oC' Southern Pacific. 122 119% 121% 121% SOOlSoatbern Railway 25?; 24% 25i| 25% €00 Do j>ii 59 68% 69 60 -•1,. iTenn Copper 25 26 ©OOjTexa* Pacific ... 29% 29 £9% 29% (Third Avraue ... ..... ..... 5% 6 SOOJToiedo SL& W. SOI4 SO 29% 80 2tlO; Do pfd .- 60;« 60% 6014 61 • Twin City R T 108 110 k Un Bug & Paper 7 8 ....... Dopfd 67 60 I : 12S,5tK:i'Uclon Pacific ... 172% 169« 171% 171 K 200 Do pfd 92% 91% 92% 93 v...... Un Eds of 6 F 32 35 \u25a0; ] Do vii G2 65 *00 tT 8 C«Bt I Pipe. 20% 20% 20 20% ........ Do pfd BTi 72 500 D S Rul»bfr S9 38% SB% 39« £00 Do Ist pf« !110% 110 110 111 - Do 2d pfd' i 74 78 203.T00 U S StM-l oCr 79% 77S 75% 79 3.«00 Do pfd 116% 115% 115% 110 1.200 Utah Copper 45% 43% 44% 44% 2.&ooiVa Car Chem Co. 59;« 53 5914 C9E4 >'......! Dopfd 120 130 SoC)iWab*£b 19% 19U 1914 19 U 2.70 C' Do pfd ....... 43% 42% 43% 43% *:. Wells Farco Ex. 155 IC3' - 300, Western Union .. 04% 64% 04% 64% 400",We*tin£bous« ... C 2 61% Cl " 62 lOOIW &, L E-. 4 4" .3% 4% » Do 1« pfd S * 10 .......I Do 2d pfd 3 5 i Wisconsin Central 40% 50 761,400— t0tal shares sold. New York Bonds C S ref 2s res--100% Int Met 4%s 7gsi ' Do coupon 100% Int Mer Mar 4%s 63 \u25a0 Do Cs Teg.. ....102 Japan 4s .....;.. fiOU I>o coupon ....102 Do 4%s ... t>4% go 4s rcz U4% Kan City So Ist 35. 72% » coupon ....114% L Shor,deb 45,1931 1»3 "Allis-Cnal Ist ss. 76% L & N unified 4s. 08 Amer Apricul Ob.IOISj il, X & Tex Ist 4s 97 Amer T&T cv 4».1t» Do gen-4%« ... g»ji/, Amer Tobacco 4s. 78 Mo Pacific 45. .... 77% t;o €s 105% Do.cv 5s ctfs.. 94 Armonr 4%s .... 91% X R of Mcx 4%5. 94 Atch pen 4s .... QS% N V C scn.SHs.. 59% Do cv 4s ......JO7 Do deb 4s *.'»2% Do-cv 5s 10S« INY.NH &-II cvfis.l3l Atl&n C L Ist 4s. 94 \u25a0" Nor & W Ist coa4s 9SH B*lt Sc Ohio 45.. 95% Do cv 4s .100% Un S',£s ... ©o=4 Nor Pacific 45... .100% Do 8 W S%f.. 88% Do Sg ......... 70% Brooklyn Tr oy 4s 53% O S Line rfdg.4s. 93 Central of Ga 55.109% Pa ct 3%«. 1915. 06% Cent I.4!«tlicr fis.. 99 Patron 4s 102 CRR of XJ gn ss.l22| Reading gen 45... 98% Cb«* & Ohio 4%».101%(5t L & S F f * 4s. 80% Do ref Ss ..... !»»% Dogon 5s ..... 87 Chi & Alton r.%s. Ttjil St L S W int-4!! 93 Do Ist gold 45.. 90 . I>o pen 4s 97% Seaboard A L 49.571 C.M& StP gn 3%s 92 So Pacific col 4».. 90 C.RI& Pac col 4s 75 vi Do cv 4s .....; i<9% Do wfdg 45.... 57% Do » Ist ref 45.. 94 Colo « Indus 55. .. . 77 So Railway 55.. . .104 Colo Midland 45.. 73 Do gen*4s ..."..' 77 Col 80 r&ext 4%s 95% Union Pacific 4g.".10ft% Del & Had cr -4s. 9S -Do cv 4s ....;. 104% Den & Rio O 4s. 03% i Do I«t & >ef 4s. PR - -lio~rtt »ss" ...:. aiUiU S Rubber 'Gs... 102 - ' RAILWAYS SHOW ; MORE EARNINGS NEW YORK, June B.— There was -some ' speculative .hesitation re flected in the action . of today's, stock market, ? partly due to -the rapidity of the advance of the day before and partly to the conflict of opinion over the situation .cre ated by the railroad rate.settle ment. The contrary views expressed by railroad executives. themselves were responsible for the conflict of opinion, especially the announce ment by President Brown o j the New York Central that work call ing- for $5,000,000* expenditure and orders for freightcars, which had been held up as a' result of the rate Injunction, would be resumed, in contrast with the assertion of President Ripley of the Atchison that his company would not de part in any degree from the pol icy of retrenchment decided on after the action of the govern ment against the rate advances. London joined- in a substantial way in the early selling' brought' about by these conditions! The heavy selling of St. Paul and the discouraged feeling ex pressed in a published interview with a capitalist prominent in that party were corroborative of the conviction that divergence of opinion existed among, prominent groups in the financial world. Much attention was given to the question of railroad; earnings as they would be affected by^ the postponement of rate, advances until approved by the commerce commission and the probable period of that postponement. That the advances would ultimately be come effective was the 'usual as sumption. Railroad earnings for March are the latest for which comprehen sive returns have been received by the commerce commission from 98 per cent of. the total mileage of the countrj'. The Increase in gross earnings in that month over March of last year was shown to be $31,555,500, or 15.54 per cent, and in net $8,000,000, or 11.62 per cent. • Last year's earnings for March had registered the.shrink age of about $34,000,000 in gross earnings, and $10,000,000 in net earnings. The May statistics of the Copper Producers* association offered lit tle ground for encouragement, the month's production having been the largest, with the exception of October of .last year, for any month since the association- was formed, deliveries meantime hav ing remained stable at about the level of the last three months with the result of another addition of 18,441,814 pounds to the surplus gtocks of the metal. The total surplus, which is thus brought up to 160,426,973 pounds, nevertheless represents only about six weeks' consumptive requirements at the present rate of demand. Quotations for copper were lower, both in London and New York. An" increase of pig iron, stocks, in May, In spite of cur tailed Induced a pre diction by the Iron Age that the blowing out of furnaces had not gone far enough. A favorable view was taken of the government crop reports. Money was easier, but foreign ex change recovered in response to selling of stocks for London ac *count, and in spite of predictions of a reduction in the Bank of Eng land discount rate tomorrow. • Bonds were firm; total sales, par value, $2,061,000. ... United States 2s, registered, ad vanced % per cent on calL Distiller* 5s .1... C 8 US Steel 2d 55.. 103 Erie prior lien 4s. 82 V'a Oar Chem ss.* 98* i Do gen 4s 72^ Wabash let 55.... 108% Do ct 48/ »er A 72 Do Ist & ext 4s 67% Do cv 4b. Ber B 64% Western Md 45... 84^ Gen Elect cv 55.. 134 Westing El ct ss. 88 111 Cen Ist ref 4s. 97% Wis Central 4g... 80*4 Sew York Mining . Stocks Alice 2.25 Lead ville Con .... 06 Brunswick Con .. 07 Little Chief 06 Com Tun Stock.. 28 Mexican 95 Com Tun Bond*.. leiGntario 2.25 i Con Va Mln Co.. -80 Ophir .78. Horn Silver OOiStandard 70 Irca Silver 1.65] Yellow /Jacket ... CO New York Curb Stocks • Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. Amer Tob ..420 422 Nev Utah ..13-18 \u25a0i\ Bay State G. M 9-16 Xipiisinj; ....1114 11% Boston Con.. 17 20 San Toy ....28 33 Brit Col Cop. si zy» Standard Mm. 14 15 Bte Coalition 'lß** 10% Do pfd ... 45 48 Chi Subway. 2M» 2 & Standard 011.615 625 Cum Ely ... 6 8 Super & Pitts 11*4 12 Davlg Daly.. l\i *»« Trf Bullion... % 11-16 Dolores 6 0% Ton Exten .. POr 95c Dom Copper. 102 105 United Coppr. 5% O'i ni Rayo ... 3tf ?.% Do pfd ... IS 20 First N Cop. 3« 3% United X Co. 8 10 Glroux 71* 7% Yukon G01d. 4 5-16 4 7-15 Gld Cons ..8 0-16 8% Ray Central.. 2Vt 2 9-10 Gld Daisy .. f.Vi 64 Kay Con ... 16% 17 Gld Florence. *2fc ' 2% Ohio ........ 1 15-16 2 Greene Can.. 7% 8 Braden 4 4J-I Gur Express.l7o ISS Chlno ....... 11% 11% Kerr Lake .. S% 8% Ely Cent ... • 1. 1 1-1« L* Rose ... 4»i 4 ij Inspiration .. 7*4 7« Miami 20U 20«4 Gila 5% 5U Mines of Am 60 61 Ely Con .... 9-16 « JMontg Sho... % ?i Con Ariz ... 2 21-18 Boston Copper Stocks BOSTON, June S. — The ; Boston market .opened quiet, with the ton« rather uncertain. • A some what reactionary tendency has .- developed after the rally of yesterday, largely In sympathy with the movements in New York. | The copper producers' report showing a surplus of < some thing like 15,000,000 pounds has been received so far In a negative way. Other departments of the market continue quiet and featureless. The fact that these stocks • are 1 1 thoroughly liquidated and oversold prevents prices from de clining further on the producers' report. •> The following list is furnisbed by- E. F. Hut ton & Co., 490 California street, San Francisco: Bid. Ask. Bid. A«k. Adventure ..6 B*4 North Butte.. Cl% 82 ; Allouejs ..... S3 40 Nev Cons . . . 19% 20V4 Arcadian ... "Ait 6 North Lake.:. 10*4 11 4 i Ariz Com .. 16 16% Old Dominion 35$ mv, Atlantic .... C*i 7»<6 Osceola .....131 137- A P 5 ZV* Ojibway ..... 7 7% Do pfd ... 16H I6»i Parrot ......14 Balaklala ... 15*4 16^ Qulncy ...... — 74a; Bte Coalition 18>£ 18% Shannon . . . . . 10*4 11 Cal & Ariz.. 61 62 Santa Fe ... 1% 2; Cal & Hecia. — 570 United Shoe.. C.vZ CS . Centennial ..16 17 mDo pfd ... 29 29« Coppr Range 04 64^4 Super & Boat 10U , 1034 Daly West... S S>4 Super &. Pitts .ll% 12 East Butte.. 8 B V4 Super Copper. 421* 43 U Franklin .....HM, 11»Z Tamarack ... 50 Granby .....33 40i£ Trinity ...... s*4' 0- Hancock . 17% 1814 U S Mining. 40% 41 • Helvetia .... lOVi 19% Do pfd ... 49% 49% me Royale..' l7>i 17% Utah Apex .. 3 3% Keweenaw .. 3% 3% Utah-Con ... 21*4 21% Lake Copper. 51 51% Victoria ... . . 3 3« La Salle ...12 12% Wolverine 113 114 Mass Con .. 7% -8 \u25a0> Wyandotte... 1% 2- * Mexico Con.. 1»4 1% Winona ....^ ' 7.^ 7% MichMln .. 4% 5 Greene Can... 73; 7% Mobawk ....49 51% Glronx .... : . 7% 7«2 Newbouse . . \u25a01% 1% Ray Con »•...-- 16% ;\u25a0 1714 Boston-Curb Stocks Bid. "Ask. '.. . . • Bid 'Art Ariz & Mieb. 3S 40 Mspon Val .. 7% gu, Ahmeek ....160 M70 Nev Douglas. Z%*2K Bohemia .... 7% 8 Oneeo ........ 3i2 3U Boston • Ely.. 2»i 2^ San -Antonio.. 7W . g' Calaveras ... 6*4 6% South Lake...- 4% f.« Cactus .. ;2%/2'4 Inspiration -\u0084."> 7.7% CW#f Cons... 1% 1% Davis Da1y... 1% 1 11:16 Corbin ...... 6% 8 Cbino U..f...- R% 11% Ely Witch... 10 20 Ohio ........115.16 2 Keystone ... 3% S% Majestic ..... (SO 65 Live Oak... 20% 21 Blue Bell . . r9O 95 . ... l*ondon Closing. stocks ."'.'. Cons for money ; . S2 Louisv & i Nash 146U Do for- acct..S2 3-16 Mr K&. Texas.!.' 40il Amal ;Copper X. V Central. r.r:;iis«; Anaconda .. ...... 8% Norfolk & We5t. . .103 < Atchlson .... .. . . .10" - J Do pfd .....r 97 . Do . pfd . . .:. . . . ; 304%' Ont t & Western. .. - 4« r?- Balt:& 0hi0.... ..115 -\u25a0 Pennsylvania .- ; -'\u25a0 67« Can Pacific- .....201 RandMlnes .". . . . .I-oiJ ' Cbes & Ohio S4^i Reading . . . . " 7s ji THE VS&N-ffil&ff CISCO: vC^LL, THURSDAY UUNE 9; 1910. Stock Exchange Adjourns at Noon Oil Stocks Ji^|^to;;ji^ Chl; Great West.. 47 \u25a0 So Railway ...... 26. Chi. MU & St P:i2B: Do pfd ....... '.-61V6 De Beers ...:... -11% So" Pacific ...... .124% Den & Ri0>G...,36?4 Union Pacific -...:i77Vi Dopfd ....... .'BOV6 Do pfd .*..... ...96! Erie 27ij, U S : 5tee1. ...... ."80% Do Ist. pfd..... 45% - Do pfd ...... ...119M, Do 2d pfd...../35W Wabash .;... .20% Grand Trunk . . . .SOU SiVoi pfd .;•". ...:... 45 111 Central ......136. jSpanisb 45 ,:...... 95^4 Bar silver— Steady; 24%d'per ounce. Money— 2%@3 per cent.- > r ' The rate of discount in ; the \u25a0 open : market • for short bills is 3V&pe*- cent" and -for three . months' bills 3% per cent. -' \u25a0 r ' ''.--- :.: \u25a0•'"•.. ' \u25a0•-\u25a0 . Treasury Statement ' ' WASHINGTON, June ' B.— The condition of the treasury at the beginning of business today was as follows : : >\u25a0\u25a0\u0084--- \u25a0 ; Trust funds— Gold coin,' $857,455,869: silver dollars. $490,078,000;" silver dollars of- 1890, $3,702,000; silver certificates outstanding, $490, 075.000. \u25a0 '.• : • - General fund— Standard silver dollars, $1,995. 72(5; current liabilities, $99,401,144; working bal ance in treasury offices, $18,569,514; In banks 'to credit of treasurer of the -United States,; $38, 052,273: subsidiary silver coin, $21,139,104; minor coin, $1,171,919; total balance In general fund, $82,494,250. IVcw . York aioney | Slarket N&W YORK, June 8.-^-Money on* call easy, 2Vi@2 ! !i per cent; -ruling rate, 2%; closing bid, 2%; offered, at 2%c. ... - • Time loans, steady; CO days. \u25a0 3*4 ©3% per cent- 90 days, 3%; 6 months, 4@4%. \u25a0 . , Prime mercantile paper, 494@5V4'l'er cent. : . Sterling exchange -firm," with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.8375@4.5355 for 60 day bills and at $4.8665 for demand.. • . Commercial bills, $4.53i4(5'i.83?4. r Bar silver,- 53%c- . . . '& - Mexican dollars, 44c. .'\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0 . \u25a0 ' Government bonds,. firm; railroad bonds,' Irregu lar. --- -. -v . .; .. . . > . \u25a0 Xorthern- Business ' • PORTLAND, June B.— Clearings, $1,732, 759; balances. $111,249. «? '\u25a0- TACOMA, June B.— Clearings, $545,333; -bil ances, $80,850. ' \u25a0 /SEATTLE, June B.— Clearings, $1,731,568; balancpp, $193,771. \u25a0 . '\u25a0 - SPOKANE, June B.— Clearings, $865,826; bal ances, $135,189. Chicago Discount Rate CHICAGO, June 8. — New York exchange, 10c discount. Loans, Exchange and SilTer Prime mercantile paper. ..... .". , . 5@6 per cent Loans on real; estate sVa@B per cent Sterling exchange, 60 'day5...... — <54.54 Sterling exchange, sight ..... — <&4.87 N Sterling exchange, cables. — @4.88 New York exchange, sight.. .... — @ 5 New York exchange, telegraphic. — «8 "iW Hongkong exchange, eight .' . . — @ 43% Hongkong exchange, telegraphic. — : @ . 43T* ! Silver, per 0unce........ — @ 53i| Mexican dollars, nominal .. .. — 65 50'- ' CONTINENTAL. New York on Pari5... ........-..'...-....'. 519% New York on Mexico ..,.,. 201 i% Berlin on London.. ........25.28% Paris on London.... ..........20.50% STOCK MARKET Local stocks and bonds were quieter yesterdsy and there were no variations - worthy . of note. There were sales of Fireman's -Fund insurance at £235. California street . cable was .ci dividend of 60 cents and Honokaa sugar, ex dividend of 10 cents. \u25a0 \u25a0 . . .:\u25a0:\u25a0/ \u25a0 ' \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 la mining stocks the Comstocks ranged some what higher, though business was light. The southern Nevadas were dull and the only £ note worthy change was an advance ln-Belmont from $3.50 to 13.72^. . . - - \u25a0 The San Francisco stock exchange adjourned at noon in respect to the memory of Charles E. Parton, who committed' suicide on Tuesday. The cleanup of -"cyanide precipitates \u25a0 at the Tonopah Extension mill for . the latter half of May resulted In the melting: of 13 bars of bul lion, valued at about $17,000. The monthly pro duction of concentrates \u25a0 was 1 35 tons, 1 of which 15 tons was sand concentrates valued; at $600 per ton and the balance slime concentrates .valued at $350 per ton, or a total valuation of $16,000. ' The mill report of the Tonopab mining . c6m pany for the last week' shows that an average of 96 stamps out of 100 crushed '3,300 tons of om of an average value of $21.50 per ton. i The' bullion shipments . consisted of 74 bars ' valued -at $64,000 and 39 tons lof concentrates worth $20. 000, making the total shipments ' amount ito $84,000. An average extraction of 92 per cent was recorded. . ; : ' : *'\u25a0".?'" The Goldfield ! Consolidated Mines company Is arranging for the - installation of an extensive and efficient fire fighting and prevention system through its various properties. General, Manager Flnlay has also put into effect a bonus system for the men In the mine, applicable to the maxi mum amount of ground broken, : and several crews of miners have been making something like $10 per day by extra work performed. \u25a0 ~ Assessment Directory Comstock Mines Company — No. -\u25a0 Del. Board Sale Day. Amt. Mexican .......100 May 17 June 9 .15 Andes.... 71 May 2« June 21 .10 Yellow Jacket. .36 June 5 July 11 .15 Union 22 June : 7 July 1 .10 Caledonia ...... 82 . June 13 k July 8 .10 Sierra Nevada.. 22 June 16 July. l 2 ".10 Cr6wn Point.... "6 June 18 ,'• July 20 .10 Central Eureka.. 24 June 12 July 16 . , .2% Justice 6 . June 25 July 19 .03 Chollar \u0084 IS June. 3:. July 29 .10 Ophir .......... — June 3 . — : \u25a0\u25a0- .25 Alta » 78 : July, 5 \u0084.July,29 .03 Belcher — Jujy :5 . — .10 STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE WEDNESDAY, June' 8— 10:30 a. m. UNITED' STATES BONDS / Bid. Aek.j ; Bid. Ask. 4« qrep new — — (3s qr'coup.".. — — MISCELLANEOUS -BONDS Ala A W ss. — — -: Oak'Tran 65.108 ' — Am REI ss. 93 94 Oak Tran 55.105 — Asso Oil ss. 9S 9SVi O- Tran: Cn 55.105 .—. — Bay CPC 55.103 — O Trac'Cn 5u — _ 07. Cal C G 68.101* — . O Trac Co" ss — — ' Cal G& E g , 0 Wgtd ss. — 97% \u25a0m & ct ss— 100% Om Cable 65.. 104%107 Cal st C 55. 102 — Pac G Im 4s. 84 — Cal W4ne ss. 89% — P B :Ry 58..103,; 106 City El 55.. 89% 90% Pac'L&P'Ss. — — li C C Wat ss. — 101 Do gtd 6s. — 101% Do g mgss 95ii 05% Pac ' T&T; Bs; 98^i 88% Ed;El LA 58.100 — P& O H Og.loo 102 Ed L&P Os. — - 110 ' P& O R 6s. 100 — DuPt P 4%s — — . People's Wos — " 6f> First FTrss — — Powell st 65.. 100 101% F-&-C H 6s. 101 —''\u25a0 Sac EG&RSs. 101 H C & S 55.104 105% S Diego. R. 3s. ."—-•; — Hon R T 65.103% —- - S J L&P \u25a0 ss. 95% 07 L Tahoe R5s — 9S SFElßyoh 95 — L A Elec os.lOl — SF.O & 5.T55,103% — LAG & E155.100 102 Do 2d mgss 96% — Do Cot ss. 97? i — i- 'Do Con sb, — '95% L A Ry 55..105 106 SJ&.SCR-4%s — »-90 LAL.gtd'ss. — '\u25a0 — Sierra li 6«.. — , — LAP lcm % ss. 103 — S P of.C - 6s- - LAP Cal ss. 100% — (1912), ..'.. 103^104% Marln W 55.101% — SPOlc g 55.112% — . - Mkt st-C 68.102% — • 8-P;B'K{6!. — ; 125 - •Do lem Bs. — . 100% SPUR * 96% MV&-MtTss. — . — \u25a0 Stkn G&8;65.106%.— NRof C ss. — 113 STWj m«4s — - 90% N, ORy 55 . . — 105 VG, & E ss. — , 102% N C P C 065.100 UR of. SF4B.— • ,-67% N : C P Cn 5a 94% »6 * ValleJo.Ben . & - N El Co Ss; — 89"r sNapa, RRSg — '--.-- O GL&H ss. — 105 Val Co • P ss. 99% — WATER STOCKS ' ;•,- i Marin Co.. — 61%|S V^Wat Co. — ; 47% GAS AND ELECTRIC STOCKS City El Co.. 52% 54 Pac ;L* pfd. .. — — NCal Power — - -'65 • ;- Do com ...07% 70.' Oro W, L&P 62% 64 ' - -• - - ; \u25a0-.-"\u25a0•: .-;-.. v> INSURANCE -STOCKS . Cal Ins Co.. 75 80 |Pac C Cas C 0.154 — : Flrcmn's FJ. — 240 | . . =\u25a0- '. • ; 3ANK STOCKS >> H ; Am -. Ntl 8k.127%135 iFlrst Natn1. .240 :i 252% Anglo & L0n.152%156 JMer • Nat 8k.225;.240 Bank of Cal. — — WSF National.'— :142U Cent Trust.. 118 120 | Unfon T Co. .f — — ' :. SAVINGS BANKS .: Gcr S & L.2750 3000 i S" F'Sav :U. .525 — Hum S-8k:.125 150 Say &:LSo.. f — ,125 Mut Sav-Bk. — 63? i Sec' Sav/Bk. .- — 335 STREET RAILROAD 5 STOCKS California ..125 — (Presidio <\u25a0\u25a0:?.:'. 25 30 POWDER STOCKS . Dn Pont pfd — 86%|Giant Con .. 78%'— v Do com -.134' .— v|. \u25a0'\u25a0 -'. ; r v .%: SUGAR • STOCKS . \u25a0 ' .:' - ; .*" Hawaiian C-. 40 — jMakaweli SGCS GO Honokaa SO 18% — V Onomea;S G.-— 48 . Hutch SPC 18 —-\ Paauhan S•O. 27 • 28 Kilauca SC. 13: — Union- SC o;. — — J ' .. rOILiSTOCKS " l " " Amal. Oil Co. — — SterlinjrVOH.. ,2% .— > Asso Oil -Co. 49%' — --, W-CoastO pf — 101 Palmer Oil.. — 1.45. * Do.com "... — •' .: — , - MISCELLANEOUS -STOCKS' - Alaska PA. 90.91? Pac.Aux F A — :5 ' Cal -F' C . A . 100 >- — > Pac ; C - Borax. 154 " C»l Wine' A. 31 — ; Pac; T&T pfd — 94 MV& MtTm. — — DoTcom ...'32^ 35--: N'AlasSCo."— •— Philip ; T : &'T 22% 23% . - \u25a0 \u25a0 ;. \u25a0\u25a0 ; SALES- -: .: - . • Mornlug ' Session . " - Board — . "-\u25a0\u25a0.-\u25a0 j' .. . ": ' •\u25a0 ;•.,...-.-\u25a0,, "i j. : 100 Alaska - Packers' *Awn ... . ;\u25a0 .... . 90^50 •;'.. "-- 25 City ; Electric *Co *-'. . :' . : ;" ... . .'. .: - 53 .00 T.\ V". ," 20 Hawaiian '< Coml -& " Sugar : C 0.. .: \u25a0 40. 00 ':\u25a0 : - r90r 90 Spring -iValleyi. Water 'C 0.* .7 ;.. 47.25 ' $2,000 Bay ' Counties; Power; Co 55:.. .; .103.00, ;sl,ooo;Market3St*; sl,ooo;Market3St* Cable' Cs'::.:r::'.;.".in2.7.'s' • $1,000 Los'-Ang-Pacß^R' lst;csmtg os 96.75™ $I,OOOS' F, ' Oak &:SJosfi' 2dmtg: ss. 96.75 : . - , J Afternoon^ Session . ... -' " , ': \u25a0\u25a0.. ; \u25a0•' ' .' ' Board-i- 11 - ';-."• = -"•" .*•\u25a0"• <' \u25a0' > '\u25a0': . -\u25a0\u25a0.':\u25a0-\u25a0.' } »"O Alaska:" 1 Packers' VAesn." :t; . .*..-.\u25a0< 90.50 - : v \u25a0' 20 Associated/Oil, Co.r.'^Vv'rvrr:,?; 49:75 ?" " i 25 Flrcman's'i'Fund* Co \u25a0-;;\u25a0•.':.". .'.."".235.00 - , '.. lOrHutchiufon = Sugars* Plantat!on.T;Uß.oor* '100 Spring ValleyiWaters Corr; .'.-:r.i47.37» / 4 ; $2,000 City :> Electric 1 Co s 55 f; : : . . : iTfTT* 90.00 « '. $l,000 : Marln Watert&'Power«ssrr.V.".lol.3oti." $1.000 \ X .. Cn 1 ; Power, Co ; Con = 55 .".'/ :"^: . V; 95 .00 \u25a0:\u25a0 A $2,000 'Pacific i Light *& i Power ; Co : ss: ;. 95.T.0 - *4.o Pacific Tel " & Tel 'f. ."5 r. : . . '. : ; . ; ' OS. DO '" ' ' ?2,CKK) Ss* F,*,Oak ; &: S Joso-Ry; 0s:?. > r::i04.00 • VUNLISTED'SECURITIES;. •• <, 70 Pacific rGas ? & Electric • ( pfd ) . . 80 . 00 CO Pacific Gas # Electric (com).. 54.00 10 French-American >. Bank . . ... -- - 78.00 MININGSTOCKS SAN FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE , Following were the" sales on the Ban Fran ciscostock exchange . yesterday :. '-.\u25a0""\u25a0; .' : a COMSTOCKS - .- •'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 Regular Morning Session :j 00 Challenge Con 19 200 Opbir ; . . . .' .'; ? "{ 81 :500: 500 Chollar .':.. .12 700 Ophir ........"82 200 Hale & Norc. ' 27 300 Scorpion .... .". 06 100 Mexican .:... 1.05 ;500 Union '..'...... 26 .„ - v_ . Informal' Session -\u25a0.--\u25a0\u25a0 800 Belcher ...... 61 200 Seg Belcher .. IS 1400 Con' VaM:... 88 600 Sierra Nev ... 17 400 ; Challenge Con ' 20 700 Sierra Nev ... IS 500 Gould >&Cur. 18 400 Union ........ 20 000. Mexican .... .1.05 \u25a0 CLOSING QUOTATIONS ... ; Bld.Ask. . ', -.: Bid.Ask. Alpha ....... : _ : 2G Justice ....... 10 — Alta ......... -10 _ Kentuck .'. . . .'• 10 — Andes ........ 14 15 Mexican ..1.05 1.10 Belcher «...-...- 60 —New York Con 03 — Bullion ...... 15- 17 N Gould &C. 20 — Bruns .Chollar. 05 —Occidental .... 25 — Brims Potosl.. 04 . 05!0phir ........ S5 87 Caledonia | .... c3B 40 Overman ..... -70 75 Challenge Con 19 .21 Potosl — 40 c , hol 'ar h ,13 Uavage 20 22 Confidence \u25a0..-.,..75 £0 Scorpion -...-... 05 — Con Imperial. 04 05 Seg Belcher ..10 IS Con Va M....; 87 SS Sierra Nev ... IS- 20 Crown: Point.. 55 — Silver Hill ... 11 — E ,!slerra Nev. 09 — St Louis ". . . . . .05 — Exchequer .... 10 —Union ........ 2(1 27 Gould & - Cur. 18 20 Utah *. ........ 05 06 Ha4e & Norc. 29 31 Yellow Jacket. — •S5 Julia ........ 11 \u25a0\u25a0 ' -'•--\u25a0 I TONOPAH AND GOLDFIELD STOCKS j~ n '",.' Regular Morning Session 400 Belmont ...3.67% 10,000 Mayflwr C.so 03 •00 8e!n>0nt"....'.3.70 500 Midway ...... 28 100 Belmont ... 3.72 >4 "500 Nev Hills .:.. 86 1000 Booth ...... . 14 7000 Do, b 60. . . . fB7 ,555 Com Fraction. 51 5000 Ramsey ......' 01 f°W Jack Pot .\u25a0....' 05; 1000 Kescue ....... 05 1000 MacNamara .: 27| 500 Round Mt ...v 40 '•.*/v*": ' -..Informal' Session' 1000 Atlanta ...... 12 1000 Mizpah Ex .. 31 200 Belmont ' ...3.72% -500 Midway ; . , 28 l°j> Belmont .3.75 1000 Nev Hills ..... 87 6000 Booth. ....... 15 700 Nev Hills .... 88 I°oo Booth ....... 14 5000 North Star ... 06 1000 Fairvw- Hallst 02 500 Oro .......... 07 100 Flornc, ;s -5.2.221& 500 West End ... 67 l°o Gld Con M...8.50 500 West End ... 65 <\u25a0 500 Man Dexter... 05 1000 West End ... 66 1000 MacNamara .. 27 \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0:"'\u25a0 CLOSING QUOTATIONS CALIFORNIA ' Bld.Ask. - , Bld.Ask. Argonaut .... — 3.25 Kennedy V...10.00: — Cent Eureka.. 45 —So Eureka M. —40 NEVADA "Tonopah" District Bid.Ask. . Bid. Ask. Belmont .....3.72 3.75 Montana ...... — 99 Cash Boy ... 02 •03 North Star ... 06 — Jim Butler .. 27 \2S Rescue Con .. 05 06 MacNamara .. 27 2$ Ton Exten ... SO — Midway ..... 27 28 Ton of Nev... — 8.50 Mizpah Ex .. 31 32 West End ... 4 €6 67 Goldfleld District Adams .....', — -01 Gld Portland.. — 02 Atlanta....... n «12 Gld >Kewanas.. 06 07 Blue 'Bell ...; 01 02 Gld Merger M. — 11 Bjue Bull ... 04 05 Grandma — - 02 Booth ....... 14 16 Great Bend .. 02 03 COD — 09 Grt Bend' Anx. — , 01 Columbia Mt.— 07 Grt Bend Ex. — 01 Com " Fraction. 50 51 Jumbo Ex ... — 20: Conqueror .... 01 02 Kendall .01-02 Cracker Jack.- 01 02 Lone Star .... w^:-,,-: SAN FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE * . Bid. Ask.]' \u0084 f Bid. Ask. Alma ....i. 1.00 —Mascot .....2.00 2.20 Amy ...... — 1.50 McKlttrlck.. 24' 30 Apollo ..... > 10 13 Monte Cristo 3.40 — Asso Oil ..50.25 50.50 New Pa Pet 1.32%1.35 Bay City .. 2.40 — Pac S Petro ' 48 Blue Moon.. 32 ' — Paraffine . ..1.10 1.40 Brookshiro.. 1.95 2.00 Palmer ..... 1.47%1.50 Cal Midway 55 — Peerle»a . . . . — ' 6.50 CalOil & G — I.lsiPledmont ... 15 18 Caribou .... — 18.00 Plnal ...... — 10.25 Chi Crude.. 11' — Premier .... 1.07%1"10 Claremont. . 1.52%2.00 Republic ... 50 — Coalinga. C. — 53 SK & McK.- — 28.00 Creseeus ... 76 Saver Dough — 1.90 Del Rey ;.. 18 . — Sesnon .;... 8.00 — De . Luxe . . . 1.90 .." — Shawmut ... — 50 Empire .... — 2.75 Silver: Tip... — 275 Enos .'..... 1.50 -'— 8 - W & 8... 50? 60 Four .....; 10, 12 Sterling ..'.. — 270 Fulton ..... 1.35 — Turner ..... 1.55 — 111- Crude... 60 '\u25a0'— Wolverine .. \u25a0 .•25 " — Imperial ... — SO^OO W X Oil Co.' — 3.90 Junction ... 50 '\u25a0 75 Yellowstone. ~ . . 49 • "SALES.." • '; : . 111:30 a. m. — , v \u25a0 , 10 Associated Oil 50.50' 200 Blue Moon ... .... ;.;;. ....... . . . ; . .33 150 Blue \u25a0 Moon : . ".....'...*.: " .32 ;50 Blue Moan, 'b 5.'.... v"....; . S2 • 100 Brookshiro :....;;.. ...: 2. 00 2000. New Pa Petr01eum.;. ............. 1.35 2000 v New Pa Petroleum; b 60' ........ 1 37% 200 Palmer .'......".................... .i.'47% GOO Palmer \. ..:........"..... .......... - 1 45 1000 Premier, s n. ........ .......... l 12% 300 Prpmlcr ' ........'. : . .. . .;...:\u25a0 1 10 .100 Silver Tip ....... .;....... ....... 2.7Z ' : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 .Street — , •• .-\u25a0- '- - \u25a0 \u25a0-'\u25a0- 300 Pacific States ...'... V. .....*. .50 I Los Angeles Oil ; Exchange I I {Special Dispatchto'Thc Call] : \u25a0 ' LOS • ANGELES, * June : B.— The oil stock mar ket, was quiet today. - -'- . Associated oil . sold .• at «\u25a0 $50.25 *\u25a0 and at $51 on a-30-day buyer.*: :•\u25a0.;„•\u25a0 :. • . ' California Midway^was 1 a' heavy' trader at 66c,' regular, -and 57c o£ a 30 day. buyer order. Oleum was down again today, selling at B%e sold at . 83« c. * Union" oil was a shade off.;- GRAINMARKET i: Wheat' and,.^ Other 'Grains ' ,' 'Wheat — The : government has Issued its report, giving the condition of,, winter wheat at SO and spring wheat 92,8. The, spring wheat acreage is Stocks of Grain -: The JlercliantsV exchange has issued the < following report of flour and grain remaining In 'the stare of California ou - June 1, 1910: . ;^ .:/:._>," > "; s r,,::.'^ \u25a0 ; •-'"\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0•'\u25a0 r - - : : ' : '-""' ' : -. , S '35 a § w. : --»". , \u25a0:\u25a0 • -\u25a0> • \u25a0 '-,»=• :-;oa? •\u25a0 : V;On-- \u25a0 % c 2.. . zoS " - n't \u25a0 ; •-,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ; location: - ; jgl /.M .SI \u25a0 :%y- |i| San Francisco-: warehouses anO mills.' ''in- : - ' '\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0. I - \u25a0 \u25a0 •- X eluding grain and: flour, afloat In harbors . -:\u25a0 .: >J. \ \u25a0 ' : . «nd' ln, transltr.-.r.".- .-.-.;:: •..;-.?;:.. 7. r.r: 125.830 - 43,140 12,620f - 7,500 68,549 l,? 20 ! I bonoma,:' Solano, .Napa,*- Yolo, :Colusa,and \u25a0 ' ; | • j |; Glenn c0untie5.1r;...... :.:.....•.....:.:-: 20,683 , 111,400! -171,7401 5.500 i - 50 1,200 I i bacrainento. s Yuba,s ' Rutter,' "\u25a0 Butte. Placer 1 . j |: \u25a0\u25a0' and. : Tebamaicounties.'.V.vr:".'?:";rt': l.';v;:l .';v;: "'3,941 - ' fi3, 040 '46,640 1C.350 11220 400 " Contra Costa, and: Alameda counties..:..-. . 96S 76,40f1| 55.180 10,020 ; ..'.... 920 ,s>an-" Joaquin. .^Stanislaus," -.Merced.:~ Fresno, .: -.-•. • \u0084: t \u25a0 .. . ; •> -Madera, ..Kings; and-. Kern * coun- "\u25a0,'\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0 i ,\u25a0.'"" . - ."\u25a0'-'. \u25a0- .:.;....;;..;/.•...;......."..:...... 2 968 ... 76,400 58.150 10,020 " .....'. S2O - . Santa Clara,". San 'Benito.- Santa Cruz,*; Moa- - \u0084 . - . - i y tereyand San;Luls'ObispO;COuntieß.,;... % *6,661 211,620 24,020 ,57,325 160 I; Santa -:*Barbara,'t»'Ventura;i -I^s '\u25a0• Angeles, •.' \u25a0 v - .... .-_. r .:„ Orange, ': Sa n; Bernardino.' Riverside, Im- .'\u25a0 -•\u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0'-\u25a0 v . : : "perial and San Diego c0untie5............ 26.03S 740] j 257,160 '18.760 -205.587 -1.450/ > .Total;,.. ;. .\f?;;. . .. ;i :\u25a0.''. .;. .-.; :. T . . v.r.1211,35l •853.9401 S: 982,120: 124,340 ; 367,8231 fi.Boo | •s:' : ':v"C- : -V~- \u25a0*'\u25a0:\u25a0:: \u25a0:*:-:C comparative lstatemext.:^ ;, v : - :.•;. ..-tT-I 19(i9,; December 1. . r.....i. .......... '...'...' 84,189j1.94ri,.%80|5,207,960139Ti,940!1.196,170 11 200 ' ,1909...Tunei1;..... -...-.-.. -.....::.......;. 120.661 :707,820 -272.220J 21.420 556 860 1908. December f l: . . .V. . .'. . r. . . : ..'...: ..'.'. . 107.137[1,528,300!3,829,000[274,040 1,001.650 11.540 : lOOS.T.THne ? 1 . . ..;..;/.'.'.-.:.-. r.' . . ; .' . '. .'.*. "\u25a0'. ".'. 105,388t« 60fi.3(U)) H 009,000) . 84,«20 • 237 999 8 780 1907, ; December a ;: 7:;.";.7 :;.";.' > .T.t:;.... ......... • 92,008 2,400,440 3,370.080 234.780 * 815 251 16040« • 1907. .Tun0v,1...:r.......;v:.. ............... "73,94.- 1.r.2."i,506 1.344.859r45.324 405,144 7*73.{ \u25a0\u25a0 19l. ...:.";.:;;.\u25a0.'...'.\u25a0.'.......: 83.541 3.975.960 4.377.9471230,498 - 846 520 19 253 1906. .Tune : 1..."... ....:..;..:..":"........ -70.«10 1.501,231 MG.-i,27.-.|. :,v.r. 550.V463 "'- - 7' •l9<»s^Decpmr^r'l.;r;.r.r..'..V^.V:r. .'.:-..\u25a0. 142,373 3,r.7»,550 3.445,50012J&100 :; r.9fi,4", 34.420 19<>Tt. June l: ..:..;.\u25a0.;:.'.-...:. . .'. . ... :.-;'. .\u25a0\u25a0-.i120.5:K|.;-.75W.100 \u25a0-* 220,9t}0|'2T,,020 201,835 5 9SO- ' SUMMARY OF THE MARKETS Wall street stocks rather lower. \u25a0- \u25a0• Coppers easy. Cotton market steady. -Silver- and Hongkong exchange weaker. 7 ' ' , -. " . : " Government Issues Its crop report. .Merchants* exchange states stocks .V of grain In : the U state. V '< ; j Wheat quiet \and_: barley ;;, Weaker. Hay and feedstuff* unchanged. " J .~ .General decline In . farinaceous ".-'.goods, y '[ " ... : " Hide; market still- lower. , '.Wool sells below last year's prices. Horse: market ' quiet; with "lower ; / -. \u0084'; ' ^; ~* -,'_' ; Butter : market j higher. . Eggs and . cheese unchanged. \u25a0 y Brlßk ade lv vegetables. Potatoes and onions firm. Fresh fruits dull. ; . ' Western poultry sells well. \u25a0 • ?P'lil'?S^ v the u Vacated spring wheat crop i^ao U o^ l^ 00 bushels ' against a final crop for 1909 of 290,000,000 bushels. \ - \u25a0 Foreign crop summary— United Kingdom, ' the outlook for' the crops .is fair and Improving, weather brilliant;. France, some deterioration is noted as a- result of. the recent storms, weather unfavorable; Germany, outlook good.'some com plaints of drouth: Hungary, g ° s i December ... ' 57 57 a 4 563 i 57*4 Oats— : \u25a0:- ... July ........ 07 \u25a0 371* 36« i • 36Ti September ... SSSg 35t» 35% SSH December ... ,GG . 25% ' Ss3i 36% 'Mess Pork, per bbl — . : • - July ....... .22.25 22.37% 22.15 22.25 Septctnber ...21.75 21.90 21.65 21.70 ' \u25a0 Lard, per 100 lbs — • \u25a0 July :....... 12:37% 12.43 12.37 ft 12.37% September ...12:27% 12.37% 12.25 • 12.27% Short Ribs, per 100 lbs — .'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 July .:.12.63 12.80 12.60 12.75 September ...12.32% 12.42% 12.27% 12.30 . ' .Cash: Grain < and Provisions..: 5 CHICAGO." June B.— Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm/- No.'l 2 rye, :75@77c. ' Feed er mixing barley, 46@54c; fair to choice = malt ing.:6o6i 66c J Flaxseed— No: 1 southwestern, $1.90; : N0. .. 1 1 northwestern, . $2. Timothy seed, $4.85. - s Clover, $11.25. Mess pork, ' per • bbl. $22.25(5 > 22.50. ' Lard, per 100 lbs. $12.32%. Short ribs, .sides; (loose). $12.62Vi@13.- Short clear sides -.^ (boxed), $13.25@13.50. \u0084 , -. ' : • GRAIN STATISTICS Total, clearances of wheat and flour wereequal ; to -184,000 i bushels ;<: primary receipts,. 314,000 bushels. Vcompared; with ' 122,000 .bushels the cor responding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for .tomorrow — Wheat. 12 cars; - corn,- 184 cars; oats,' 98 cars: ; hogs. 17,000 headA- • - MOVEMENT OF. PRODUCE . " Artices— ' Receipts. Shipments.! Flour, barre15......:........ 29.300 -23,500 Wheat, bu5he15.. .;.... .....131,200 248,100 Corn, l bu5he15........... '....533,700 •' 873,400 0at5,\bu5he15. ...........;. .324,000 410,200 I Rye. bushels.-.:."..."...;.;:.; 7.000 " 1.000 j Barley, bushels. . V. :.'. ... . ..' 88,500 ; . 19,500 j :.. ' Government: Crop Report , \u25a0 : WASHINGTON. June S.— The government crop , report .• today shows, the area sown -to spring , wheat : is about * 19,742,000 ; acres, or 1,349,000 IStocKs ofGrain, June^Announced; | General Decline In Cereal Goods! acres (7.3 per cent) " more than was sown last year;- the condition June 1 was 92.8 as*com pared with 93.2 on June 1, 1909. and 93.0 the June 1.10 year average. '. Acreage and , condition for some of the im portant spring wheat states follow: „' - - 10 year States — Acres. . June 1. ay. South Dakota ....... .3,643.000 82 - 94 Washington .v. .... ... 525.000 93 95 The condition of winter wheat was 80.0. com pared with 82 A. on May 1, 1910, 80.7 on June ly 1909," and 81.9 the June 1 10 year average. The condition of rye was 90.6. against 91.3 on May 1, 1910, 89.6 on June 1, 1909, and 59.9 the; June 1 10 year average. | Condition of . trie important winter wheat states follow: ; States— • June 1. lOyr. ay. Kansas 67 78 Nebraska 6tJ §7 Oklahoma ••.....'.\u25a0............... S5 \u25a0 81 Texas ........;....-. 90 i\ California .......-; 90 79 Washington 90 95 Oregon 92 92 vThe area sown to oats is* about 34.350.000 acres, or 1,176,000 acres (3.3 per cent) more than the area sown last year. The condition June 1 was 91.0, compared with 88.7 last year, and 88.4 the June 1 10 year average. Acreage and condition of some Important oat states follow: "'^v^j "Ji \ 10 year -Mates — ;. Acres. June 1. ay. Nebraska 2.597,000 8T 9S South Dakota ........ 1,479,0 89 94 Kansas 1.157,000 84- 77 \u25a0 The area- sown to barley Is about 70.507,000 acres, or 46,000 acres * (0.70 per cent) more than was sown last year. The condition was 89.0. compared with 90.6 and 90.5, the June 1 10 year average. "Acreand condition for important barley states: _ - ' 10 year RJ States — Acres. June 1. ay. California 1,298,000 93 64 Sooth Dakota ....'.....1,021.000 88 94 North Dakota 987.000 88 ai Kansas 275,000 9O 78 Washington* ..". 186,000 94 S3 Nebraska?.'.: 166,000 83 90 .The condition of meadows (hay) on June 1 was 89.1, against 89.9 on May 1, 1910, and 87.6 on June 1, 1909. The condition of pastures on June 1 was SS.S against 89.3 on May 1, 1910, 89.1 on June 1, 1909, and 90.9 the June 1 average of the last 10 years. »tt York Grain Market NEW YORK. June B.— Floor— Barely steady, with a quiet trade. Winter straights. $4.4o<{J 4.50; winter patents, $4.73^5.10: spring clears, $4.10@4.35: winter patents", $4.73@5.10; spring clears, $4. 10 2," $1.04*8® 1.06%; No. 3. $1.01 %@ 1.0395. Corn — No. 3 yellow. 55c. Oats — No. 3 white-. 34%@35T5C. Flax— Closed at $2.°" . Duluth Flax DULUTH. June S. — Flax — To arrive, on track, July,' $2; September, $1.68»4; October, $1.5« LOCAL MARKETS Receipts of Produce June 8 Flour, qr sks.... 2,247! Leather, rolls ... ': 13 Wheat, ctls .... 15 Tallow, ctls .... 20 Barley, ctls 2,835 Hides, No 345 Oats, ctls 500 Pelts, No ........ 190 Beans, sks 50 Lime. '. bbls .1,000 Corn, ctls ...;.. 435jSugar, ctls ..... 6.100 Bran, sks ...... 50iWine. gals 55,800 Middlings, sks .. 105 Brandy, gals .... 350 Potatoes, sks ... 3,230 Lumber, M ft "£, 50 Onions, sks 965iOranges, bxa .... 400 Hay, tons S43| Apples, bxs '583 Straw, tons .... 51 Paper, bdls ..... 85 Wooh sks ..'.... 382jRalsin3, bxs .... 2,700 Mealfalfa, sks 300! \u25a0 fr WESTERN STATES Flour, qr 5k5..... 1,000 Provisions Cottolene— One half bbl. 13c: 2 half bbls, 12% c; tierces, 12?4c; 2 tierces, 12 «ic; 5 tierces, 12% c. Hams and Bacon — The Western meat company quotes as follows: Hams, 19%@20'»'.c; picnic hams, 14c; California hams, ',lß%@l9%c: extra fancy bacon, 29% c; fancy bacon. 6 to 8 lbs. 27c; 8 to 10 lbs. 25c; 10 to 12 lbs. 25c: sugar cured. 25% c; light dry salt bacon, S to 10 lbs. 22c: 10 to 12, 1b5, 21% c: medium bacon. 20% c; light medium bacon, 20% c. Lard— Tierces 15% c, 50s 13% c. 10s 16He. 5s 16% c, Ss 16% c; compound lard, tierces ll%c, 50s ll^ic 10s 1254 ess 12f»c. 3s 12% c: yellow cook ing oil. 70c per gal: white cooking oil, 72c per gal; salad oil, 75c per gal. I Beef — Local prices are quoted. Export lots. Inspected by the government, are $1 per bbl higher. Extra family beef, $17.50 per bbl: fam ily beef, $17 per bbl: extra mess beef, $17 per bbl: sjoked beef, 21 %c per lb. Pork— Extra prime, in barrels. $32; clear. $34: mess, $32; pig pork,\ $36;- pigs* feet. $5.73 for half bbls, (2.40 for 25 Ib kegs and $1.33 for kits. Bleat Market * ' DRESSED MEATS \u25a0 Slaughterers' rates to dealers and butchers are as .follows: Beef— 7*4 ©8% per lb for steers, 7@7%c for cows and heifers. . Veal— 9@lo%c for\ large and 10@llc for small. . Mutton— Wetiiers. 9%@loUc; ewes, 9@9%c per pound. \u25a0 \u25a0 Lamb— lo%@ll%c for spring. » -Dressed Pork ( per lb) — 13i313%c for light. LIVESTOCK MARKET The \u25a0 following quotations are for good, sound livestock, £ delivered in . San Francisco, gross weight: ,\u25a0 t No. 1 fat steers, over 900 lbs, alive. 5c per lb; under 900 lbs, 4%c; second quality, 4%@ 4%c; third quality. 3%@4i4c. No. 1 cows and heifers. 4c; second quality, 3% @3%c: third quality, 3©3% c; common, thin, un desirable cows, 2%@3c. Fat bulls and stags; 2i4@2%c; halzfat or thin bulls, l%@2c. Calves — Light weight, per lb, s?i@6c; me dium; 5i4@5%c; heavy, \u25a04@4%c. Unshorn sheep (per lb) — Wethers, No. 1, 5%c; ewes,* 514 c Shorn sheep '(per lb>— %@%c less. • Lambs (per lb) — This year's milk lambs, 6(gt • Hogs (per lb) — Hard grain fed. weighing 100 to 140 lbs, 9@9^4c; 140 to 250 lbs. 9%c; 250 to 350 ! lbs, S%@9c; common, undesirable boss. I Horses and Mules The local horse market . Is quiet. There was only one auction sale worth mentioning, ;. and even that was made up of all sorts.and.condi tions'of horses. But notwithstanding the ; mis cellaneous offerings they all found bidders. .Three drafters suitable for truck purposes, welshing around 1.400 pounds, brought $235. $235 . and $235. • A conple of teams of question able soundness sold . close : to $400. . The balance of the horses • offered sold well, everything con sidered. * \u25a0 . - . ' • There will .be a fairly " representative auction thia week, when all grades and types of horses. will conic under. the hammer. Values should be well established then for the summer months. The following quotations for horses and males are furnished by the Butchers* and Stock Grow ers*, Journal;' i <*\u25a0•\u25a0 . ' -\u25a0\u25a0- •\u25a0-. -'• \u25a0'\u25a0 . V 'HORSES Desirable drafters. 1,700 lbs and over. .$273 (5500 Light drafters.- 1,300 to 1.630 lbs :. 2256273 Chunks; 1.330 to 1.500 1b5. ............ 200f§250 Wagon horses, 1,250 to 1.330 1ba. .. . . . 133§155 Delivery- wagon horses, 1,050 to 1,230.. 12515133 Desirable • farm \u25a0 mares. :;.-; .' 133® 150 Farm .: w0rker5. . . . . .../.;.. ........... 75®100 :vu- MULES (MEDIUM .TO EXTRA> 900 lbs, 1 4 ta 7 year5.'. ........... ....5123@150 1,000 lbs, 4 to 7 year 5.................. 150#175 1.100 lbs, 4 to 7 years.... ..;... 200©223 1,200 1b5,. 4 to 7 years..... .1..... 250Q300 • Over 7 years old range from $13 to $25 lower. - Note— Shippers '. to \u25a0 this .market must - have horses close -to type; with age. boue conforma tion ? and style, : to command extreme quotations. %'.-, Batter, ; Cheese --and i Eggs : 5 Conditions ' In - the ' market for eggs ; and dairy produce remained the same yesterday as on the I two-:preceding,of lc In extra batter, i which* was ; quoted »t" 25%e t a • pound. .The n«w quotation .was bid for supplies under the call bn ; the > exchange, .but'the bid failed , to bring out i any i stocks. : - Receipts of ; all , three descriptions ; were-jfar* In':excess'. of market .needs, bat .the movement* into: cold' s.torage, absorbed all surplus stocks. -.There was not ' a trade : on the exchange. Buyers offered i 26%e 'a 'dozen for : extra eggs and , 13 % c [ a '• ponnd *. for ; fancy \u25a0 flat " ebeese,- but • sellers Ignored the offers. •_. \u25a0 i i . .Receipts * were 32,100 pounds of I butter, 15.000 pounds of cheese and I.SOS cases of eggs The following are the official quotations es tablished od the floor of the dairy ex«hange. Prices la the street, while governed by the ex change quotations, generally range from l'ic- to 2c higher, owing to the various charg»s to ba added: -- . - • BUTTER. PER POUND Grade3 — " June 4 June ft June T June S Fresh extras.. 27c 27*-ie 27^c 28Vie Firsts 26Vic 27c 27c 27c Seconds ...... 2fic 26<; 28c 26c I Cheese — California fancy flats. 14c per lb . firm; do firsts. 13^-ic firm; do seconds. 12% c, firm; fancy Young Americas, 16 Vie, firm: do> firsts, 15c. firm;. New York fancy, 20c. firm; Wisconsin singles, 19c. firm. Eggs— California fresh, per dozen, cases in cluded: . Grades — June 4 Jnn« 6 June T Jane S Extras 26* ie 27^c 27c . 27c Firsts 23»?c 25^c 2Stic 23We Seconds 22*-ic 2213 C 23c 23e Thirds 20c 20c 20c 20e Portland Batter Market . PORTLAND. June 8. — Butter — City and coun try creamery extras. 29c; fancy, SS@29c; store, Ess Market In Nearby Countlei [Specie/ Dispatch to The. Call] PETALUMA. June S.— Fresh eggs are reported scarce. Local dealers are looklnj for a raise ia price. The Petaluma egg exchaDge paid 23c to day for first grade. - Independent dealers and speculators paid 25c and 24c for first and second. SANTA CRUZ. June 8. — Conditions remain un changed In the local egg market, except for aa Increasing demand, which will mean an advance soon, as at present poultrymen receive 22 cents. SANTA ROSA. June 8. — There was no change today m the local egg market. Conditions re main favorable and the supply holds up good for this season of the year. All offerings ara taken np for cold storagu oy tn,e . speculates. The local dealers today paid 25 ceata spot c**>s per dozen for choice and 22 cents for second*^^ Potatoes, Onions and Vegetables There was a brisfc midweek trade In miscel laneous vegetables yesterday, and althousjb r#-; ceipt3 were- large stocks of most descriptions were closely cleaned up at the clow. Fine green corn \u25a0 found prompt sale at - stiff prices i and string and wax beans of good quality wear* in' urgent demand and firm, with the supply limi ted. Peas, too. were scarce and hfgh and ther« was a ready market for cucumbers, summer squash,' eggplant and green peppers. The can ners were liberal buyers of asparagus, taking n\ large percentage of the arrivals at 30 @15c per lb; garlic, 4@4^e per lb for new; cab bage, 50@K0e per ctl; cucumbers, $l@l.lo per box- for Marysvtlle; cauliflower. 40@50c per dozen; turnips, 75c per sack; carrots-; -73c per sack; rhubarb. 60@75c per box for ordinary and So@9oc for fancy; green corn, $2@* pec sack for Alameda and $1.50@2 for Winters. Decidnons and Citrus Fruit* \u25a0 Six cars of cantaloupes from the Imperial valley reached the market yesterday and 1 caused a sharp break In value*. Receivers worked bard to dispose of the stock, but the demand was limited and a good portion of the arrivals had to be held over. Receipts ef early orchard fruits from the Vacavllle region Included the first small shipments of sugar pears and Slmonl plums for the season. All early green fruitsi were dull, with prices -unsettled and generally '\u25a0\u25a0 low. Figs were In Increased supply and lower at $1@1.23 * box. Currants sold readily at satisfactory prices and there was a good.de mand for gooseberries, while everything else in the berry line was In free supply and rather weak than otherwise. Cherries were In good demand and firm during the early buying period, blacks and Royal Annes selling at 7c aad 6c a pound, respectively. In the regular trade, while the eanner* were offering 4c for the latter. There was no change in, the quotations toe citrus cr tropical fruits. ... Strawberries— Longworths. $3@lo per chest: Banners, $3@6; other large varieties. $3SS per chest. - Raspberries — $s— Navel oranges. $2.35 @3.25 for fancy. $2@2.50 for choice and $1.23@ 1.75 for standard; grapefruit. $2.3Ca3 for seed less; lemons. $3.75(^4 for fancy. *2©5 for choice and $1.25@1.75 for standard: limes. $5.50©7. Tropical Fruits— Bananas. 75cfi.«-2S per bunch for Hawaiian and Mexican, $1.50@2.50 for Central American; pineapples, $2.50«&3.50 per Dried Fruits, Raisins, lint* and Honey Fruits— Evaporated apples, 6@Sc; apricots, fu ture delivery. B^i@loiic; peaches. 4^@3%c; do 1910 crop, future delivery, 3@6c; prunea, 3Vi® 3»ic. with Me premium for 50s and lc premium for 40s; new, crop, 3% ©4 c; figs, 3%®*:; pears. s@«Hc. . Raisins— Layers, clusters— 6 crown. $2.50; 5 crown, $1.75; 4 crown. $1.23; seeded, 4@3c; or dinary , layers. 3 crown. $1.25; 2 cr>wn. 9Oc; seedless sultanas, 2%@4c; Thompson's seed less. 3 @6.75: do straight*. $ti.2otgs.3s: Dakota pat ents. $7.23; do straights. $7; do clear. $Q. 30 per bbl. . , - Farinaceous Goods — Prices la 100 Ib sacks, net cash, no discount, are as follows: Graham floor. $2.60 per 100 lbs; rye flour, $2.90: rye meat. $2-S0; rice flour. $5; corn meal. $2.60; extra cream do, $2.U0: - oat meal. $3.60: \u25a0 oat groats, $3.60; farina. *3.20; hominy. «2.«O; buckwheat flonr, *X4O: whole wheat flour, $2:75: rotled oats, bbls $«@6.50. do In sacks $3.50 tlnaes tery.weak and wleea rule at lower %££.