4 DEATH OR DIVORCE, AND REAPER WINS Husband of Grand President of : Native Daughters Shoots . Himself Through Heart < Theroir R. LHHe, Prominent in • Lodi, Eludes Friends and Ends Own Life {Special Dispatch lo The Call] ;. STOCKTOX, June S.— After writing a letter to an undertaker announcing his intention to commit suicide and leaving instructions for the disposi tion of his remains, being caught in the act of shooting himself and dis suaded from .his purpose temporarily, . Theron R. Lillie, a prominent resident of Lodi, finally eluded his friends and made away with himself this morning by shooting himself through the heart with a revolver. Liquor and financial and family j roubles -were responsible for the rash : -act. WIFE 1$ PROMIXEXT Lillie was the husband of Emma W. Lillie, grand president of the Native Daughters' of the Golden West, and it is caid that he resolved to commit suicide on receiving a letter from her .- -Announcing lier intention to bring an ; -ciion for divorce. » Last Saturday Lillie penned the fol loXv^cg note to John Scott of the un dertaking firm of Hale & Scott of Lodi: Come up and get me over Beck . m?n, Welcji &. Thompson's store in tne new part. Tell Sam Axtell . to. put a simple note in the paper :' '• an 1 the Knights of Pythias to make . ' a sixaple service over me. I am :\u25a0 • ua against it good and hard. T. R. LILLIE (TEDDY).* . 2NOT YET NERVED ';\u25a0.\u25a0 Scott was out conducting a funeral ; tit *the time the letter arrived at his .' oflfide. On his return about 4 o'clock In ~;tl\e afternoon he found the note, •'.opened it and on reading the startling /•^pistl* hurried to Lillie's room over IBecman, Welch & Thompson's store . . on- Sacramento street. Fred Lee, a ;. viictant relative; Constable Burkholder ;:.and George Moore joined Scott.. • .'../.'Entering Lillie's room they found ".Mm lying on the bed with a revolver -in his hand. The weapon was pointed .-; ?t his head, but he had evidently not ."•.yet. nerved himself to the point of :;J3.uiUng the trigger. His friends ; wrested the revolver from his hands. : •• Liliie then became unstrung. His \u25a0 friends talked to him, took him out for long drive and finally succeeded in • pacifying him. He told him that he had received a letter and that it "was \u25a0 *11 up with him." From his talk his friends gathered that Emma W. Lillie; was about to institute action against j • him for divorce. Lillie refused to show •the letter, however, and a search failed to discoxer it ELUDES HIS WATCHERS After the incident of Saturday after- T)o6n Lillie %vas watched closely by \u25a0 those aware of his attempt at suicide. "This morning at 7:20 o'clock Lillie pasEed through the Social Circle sa ."Jooh, greeted Perry Gum cordially and passed out. At 9:45 o'clock Fred Lee • of the Lodi hotel went to Lillie's room I and found him lying on the floor in a pool of blood. His shirt was open and \u25a0there tras a bullet hole over the stom ach. In his hand he grasped a re,vol ; • ver. \u25a0: Lee immediately notified the author ities. Coroner B. C. Wallace was sum ,; moned and, in company with Deputy .Coroner John O. Angel!, hastened to • Lodi" to take charge of the remains. An : = inquest was held and a verdict of • death due to suicide was returned. It '.•was found that the pistol bullet had .".ranged upward and. pierced the heart. " Lillie was a native of Canada, aged \u25a0 42 years. Among his friends he was ; .pcrpularly known as "Teddy." His brother, Harry Lillie, now conducts a grocery in Berkeley. At v the time •of his death Lillie was conducting a ' "dyeing and cleaning establishment in : . Lodi. .' ' His marriage proved an unhappy •\u25a0\u25a0 venture, and it is said that he started \u25a0upon the downward path when stories .'of his matrimonial difficulties became a \u25a0^matter of gossip in Lodi a few years \u25a0 ?go. Lillie left his "wife and went .east, spending several months with '. [r.elatives in Canada, On his return he . entered business in partnership -with his brother in Lodi, running an auto .'mobile garage and cyclery. He took to drink, however, is said to have "neglected his business and soon became '• financially involved. He attained na " tional prominence by ri/llnjr a wheel ; across the continent. SHOE LACES TO BANKING, WITH DEATH AT END .i'Vealthy Placer . County Man Dies After Notable Life / [Special Dispatch to The Call] AUBURX, June S. — DaVid Waldemere Lubeck, former president of the Placer County bank and one of the wealthiest and best known residents of this coun ty, died at his home here at noon to • day. He had been a resident of Placer county since his arrival from Russia jnore than 50 years ago. He began by selling laces on the streets. Later he operated a store, and from that went into banking. He was 74 years old. The widow and one daughter, Mrs. H. E. Yardley of Sacra mento, survive. STABLE OWNER'S MONEY SPENT ON CHORUS GIRL Feminine Attraction Too Strong . for Liveryman's Agent [Special Dispatch to Tht Call] NEVADA CITY. June B.— Fred Browning Is in jail in Alturas county charged .with embezzlement of $300 belonging to Earl Lane, a livery stable owner of this city. Lane rcnted'a wagon and outfit to a traveling show compony now touring the northern counties at JIS a day. He sent Browning as his agent to take *are of the outfit and collect the money. According to Lane, Browning became enamored of one of the' chorus girls and collected the money each day 2nd spent it on the girl. , V~ : PLACERVILLE-TAHOE ROUTE IS' INSPECTED Businessmen Want Mail Serv ice Established • [Special Dispatch to The Call] . . PUVCERVILLE. June S At the re quest of businessmen here and at points aions LAke Tahoe, H. E. . Mansfield, as sistant rnanagrer of the railway mail tervioe, has made a trip over the territory between this city and the lake with Postmaster- Inch with a view of establishing service between this city, snd Lake Tahoe. It is claimed, such a service: would be faster for mail from Sacramento and points in that vicinity. \u25a0 \u25a0 «' — 1 — \u25a0 — Gt^ay hair restored to natural color by Alfredum'fe Egryptlan Ifennal A harmless dye — con ven" t. o u ick. Biirfl. AH flru a-'st* * In the sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys ABANDONED DITCH STARTS LITIGATION Land Owner Seeks Injunction .Against Big Irrigation Enter prise in Colusa County [Special Dispatch to The Calf] "WILLOWS, June S.— A suit was filed against the Sacramento valley Irriga tion company yesterday afternoon by H. J. Barceloux asking for an injunc tion against the company prohibiting it from using or enlarging the canal it now controls. The canal was purchased from the old Central canal company, and according to Barceloux it has not been used for a period of five years, and therefore the company has no right to the ditch. t. ' Barceloux claims that he will' fight the case to the supreme court if it is not won before. He owns property in section 16 south of Willows, and claims that it is the stated policy of the com pany not to sell any water from the ditch, but that the water right is pur chased with the land from the irriga tion company. Tills makes the incor poration a monopoly controlling the water In Glenn and Colusa counties, and no one has a right to the water except those who purchase their holdings from the company. The only way for any one to be able to irrigate property will be to sell land to the company and then buy it back. This is too great a hold on this sec tion, Barceloux claims, and for this rea son-he has instituted the suit. The suit may cause a great deal of trouble for the Kuhn interests here. The investment already has reached into the millions. Contractor Harling was Veady to go to work in section 16 to complete the ditch, but it Is possible that he will not be permitted to now. If the injunction carries it will' prevent the completion of the canal into Colusa county and will probably cause the Sacramento valley irrigation company to cease operations here. Barceloux says, that if he wins the suit he will institute suit for all of the land cov ered by the canal north of Willows' to the headgate of the Sacramento river. Attorney McCahill for the Sacramento valley irrigation company, this morning refused to make a statement in regard to the situation.' /->• SACRAMENTO SALOONS WIN FREE LUNCH FIGHT Board of Health Unable to Se cure Desired Ordinance [Special Dispatch to The Call] SACRAMENTO. June B.— The free lunch counter scored a point last even- i ing before the city board of health which has all the appearances of a victory. Under the peculiar conditions sur rounding the serving of free lunches the health authorities fear that they can not have an ordinance drawn cor rectly to meet the requirements so unless the saloonmen take the initiative the counters "will remain. I\u25a0' . ' :H v. Dr. F. G. Fay, who investigated the question, reported that the saloonmen would welcome an ordinance abolishing free lunches, but they will not take the first step. ,- • ,= books are . exchange- §3fIR9HSBBS9 J<«*iiliy^^^^fc^r'^'^W^^T^l^ «H ;equipped than ever to able for $1.50 worth HBBBMSBB^Si3S*i^^BjfflSiii^illKil^i r \u25a0 . ,\u25a0•"'" - * i , . , . igj=S**^ggi'^ < e»— - \u25a0g£^gß»»gm M^aaisgaiKMiggSßfflgga s Tff£^ furnish anything you of any kind of mer-f -- \u25a0 \u25a0 - - \u25a0 \u25a0 , ""-.'. .'.-...." , . "\u25a0" . ."\u25a0'.'.\u25a0 r ' _\u25a0 .. '" \u25a0 '. '\u25a0;\u25a0_. •" , *\u25a0\u25a0 chandise we sell. Col- i \u25a0r»^_ a*la*tW*%j£' j»»» h- \u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0'--' 'm ma - -\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0•- - ;; -- : o- - V: \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0"'\u25a0 "require. Its-prices are i«t Boishle Stamps Given Eve^y Motmng \ .^, \u0084. h^. We Are Setting tfae Pace in the SeSSSng of Women's Ready-to-Wear Mn^arei il^^^w^dg^y^i^^'^'L^'^h 111 1 *jf^^>!^ (B^Vj|u\^r^!^^F^^~^^ MB^B^Htiß^P^y /^^aa^j^^^9!9£ataa^mß^SUKßß&E\A A 'S&fM&LJ^&r yj^^ J j^^%£ ~~**4L-Tg^y\*SS j& C^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HMH^^^^^^^^^^^^H^HJl^^^^ta^H^U J_?fc-^^^^^-ljsg->aRA-^^^S>_^^.^-^--.—J _?fc-^^^^^-lj5g->aRA-^^^S>_^^.^-^--.— _ ii t i^^^^^^^^Jt'^jO^^^^ . — VI IS\u25a0 I ' tin I 1 I'M jljf *' § %^ F. \u25a0Women's .and Misses'. Tailored Suits— Some Superb Tailored Suits; for women, some of Lingerie Dresses—All at notable reductions, uncommonly good bargains in thi3 group, which you would expect to pay as; high- as In some instances the prices ayeragei HALF. Many styles, all^sizes and all colors— values ao ° for » reduced for the o^? *2 O June Reduction Sale at.. :. .. &f : •**J^ - A group, of about : 2o .Women's Suits-Short. .. Linen 1 Suits-All^ strikingly good values. ranging up to $25.00— a1l phenomenally good the regular/ Values to $15 $&'%€&£% ........ .- v .......... .... ; bargains. June Reduction ifiO V^SS' * * "" : "' " *]*&•%*& Wash Suits— Of Repp and' Linene. >Worth : Sale' priced ....... ....:. . .. . . i; ;^Sf •O*?.;' X A large collection of i about 200 Dresses, in frp.m '.ss.oo '.to $8.00." \ Priced tfj '® IX \u25a0 „ .-\u25a0-•-,' '•"' '"\u25a0'. ; '-*•*- . . : '\u25a0 :: many casessati less than: the actual cost of at $3.75,52.98-and. :;....:.:. .V^ " ®^^; Women s Tailored Suits— Splendid ; stylish making. % Materials are^ figured Foulards, Ra- •\u25a0-' ' \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 garments in a wide variety of styles and , jah;h; French \u25a0£ Serge,' ; Chiffon, Panama,;* etc.— c Lingerie "rand -.Tailored Waists — A tremen- : ma ;lrlii ' 'ah e ;,.c n i c • ' ' \u25a0\u25a0•• ' " Y alu^, u P t( ?- $2 5:°? - in theY &€m t sSiB& dous collection; which we feature: at 95c. matenaL. All sizes- and all colors. .-Sonic^ -tins group range to $35.00,- but the Juiie^ T ubC Dresses-A \u25a0 wide variety of styles Values range : up to V $2.00 ; and even S^S. v Reduction Sale price S'f/B.^S i is 4 -9 98 ' '53.50, $2.98: fij^l^fl They are'surprisingly good attrac- . ; QfJji» - : Ask for 1O Per Gent Discount /"Tliis^m /I ..RSisc'eUahy. ...of Other interesting Items for Women AUover- Gingham Aprons-rCut ,., long and House . Dresses— Serviceable garments in • Silk Auto Veils and Head Scarfs— Two full; bust sizes vp t to 44. These are made of stripes and checked Ginghams and: solid blue. :yardslong,;in any desired shade;^together with ' a serviceable ; grade of Gingham, and; several Chambrays. The y are -made with buttons two-tone eff ectsJ Worth -^L^" wouldbe a : good investment, as they are reg-^ -.dbwnTtiie front - and^turndowri gg^V^w- ;sil2sj^ Sale price, each;. ;:v. . ... "7.3 c^ ] ular 50c "garments repriced during . : 'Cf»w. T ;collar.-j/rßeg;>sl7s.". Special..;;; :;*s>^>^&i£ '" 'I / " ' ""/""'" the June Reduction^ Sale at.. :..:.. \u0084*s**C <.;-_ w'omcn's ; -;Fine Stockings-^With^ -; ; :New ]^ckwear—Eyery,;popular; new . style,' Women's, Low ;; Neck; Sleeveless^ Vests— elastic^ hemmed tops. in- tan. ; and "black ; many ranging, in. worth up to. 50c. "The June : Withfancy crocheted yokes. - V-«O-,V -«O-, '"-- fast?, colors! X? Reg. 4 20c; : ::; i 7 Sale 'price,' however, is '^ «. Reg. 25c, Sale; price . B£f C Special, pair ....* flc each f 9«?. \u25a0 \u25a0' --' > \u25a0' ''. ' . * - ' '«,."-'•-\u25a0 ' ."\u25a0\u25a0 ; :- \u25a0'.•,' THE BAN I^AyGISCQ GAJjL, TH^RSDAY^JIJNE 9, 1910. Mrs. B. C. Page Who Is Prominent Bride of Stockton WEDDING OCCURS EARLY IN MOrN Young Couple Depart for South ern Part of State on Their Honeymoon \u25a0 . -•\u25a0 • [Special Dispatch to The Call] STOCKTON, June * B.— Miss Grace Gordon and Benjamin C. Page were married at 7 : o'clock this morning at the residence of Rev. J. W. -Lundy, 430 I East Flora street. . : Relatives of the couple- and a num ber of friends witnessed "the cere mony. Mr. and Mrs. .Page departed, on the S o'clock train 'for; Lbs Angeles and San Diego and after spending two -.wqeks in the southern part. of .the state will r,Bturn to this city to reside. Mrs. Page is -the daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, prominent residents Of the Acamep section, - Gordon- being' one' of the well • known \u25a0\u25a0 fruitgrowers of northern San Joaquin. She a beautiful young woman, with numerous accomplishments. Page is employed by the Holtmahu facturing company.; lie .is. one^of the . charter; members ",- of! the . An teros/ club. ..;».-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0;- . -;;_.,_; —^ -,T m ~.;, — * *,' — r,,'v>V. >-, PETEH ' SEXTON; ARRESTED— Pet^r Rexten was; arfestcd|Lr p stcn!By- oit.ja charge*. of v -obt«inltig il . money by false prelPnsps.on-complafnt of Eu \u25a0•?geiM>-DAsriirch"antl t -.3.42s.'XlnPtecnth street; On " April 9?Marohand Rave Sexton 5350 for n half interest , hr the . Western; roofing -. company ron representations" that the company's bnslness • averaced $100 a month. Marchaud alleges that • he! was in the -office for' two months and no \u0084bugin ess .was done. • -•—•;-.""• tx-.i FIVE CHICO STORES DAMAGED BY BLAZE Loss on Buildings and Stocks Estimated at $45,000, _\u0084 Partly Insured CHICO, June . 8.-^Fire on the .west side of Mairi t street between Secondhand Third destroyed property worth $45,000 this evening. .The fire started^; in Charles j Knight's, paper store at .6:30 o'clock, -and for \u25a0"." three hours . firemen fought, to control .it. The range of one story brick buildings was saved, ex cept " theJfroqfsl. : The stocks of- live stores .were either burned or i-ulned by smoke* and water. . . r 'y;' '-'' -V List of; losses;-., i3. K. Korn; dry goods and clothing.' -$17;o6o; insurance,' $10, 000 ;,D. Breslauer,- clothing, stock worth ?14,000,* , partly* ; saved, insui-ance .-, of $1,000 • covers loss; .' .B. Reynolds ' & Dyer. Cigar factory; $ 7,000, covered \by insurance; '\u25a0 Miss •' Balkwell, : :> millinery, damage jby s water, ; .and smoke : ?1,000, in sured; ..Charles'; Knight, paper and art, 1055.,51,500;»H.; s Crews, not touched;by fire, -$500 f damage' by water, insured ;" loss on buildings, owned by< Mrs. Os trosky, $5,000. . ', -," Earlier, in the day an electric iron started a fire in H.- T. Reynolds' house, in Normal avenue,, and the loss is esti mated iat £2, 000 v fi:' GRAND JURY DECLARES MEN'S DEATHS NATURAL Report : as to Sam Sinai and David Baumel [Special Dispatch to The Call] STOCKTON,. June S.— After an all day session the : Mejonei jury last night rendered a report, setting the controversy that is said to have existed among the- 6ong:regatiQn of the Ahavas concerning the deaths of Sam Sinai and David Baumel. / }Tlie report is' self -explanatorj' and is as follows: , We, tbe grand jury of the county of San Joaquin. 1 state of California, in session as sembled, beg lcare to make a partial report of our labors -to, this, court, and especially, in regard to the rmi!««i of the death of Sain . ;Slnal and of David Banmel, surrounding the death of each of whom grave charges hare" been asserted and circulated recently.- In this county and elsewhere. We make our report as: follows and ask leave *of the : court to-, have said report spread in full upon the minutes of the' court: . - • - > ' \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0Whereas, on October 17, 1009. in. a writ . ten report mado to*Tmd before the 'members \u25a0 of the congregation AbaTßs ! by Ike Brown, • the president of said congregation, reference was made to the deaths of Sam Sinai and of.. David. Baomel. members of the cougrega : tien, which wcurred in the city of Stockton, 1 state : of California.; respectively, Novermber - •27. 1008,' and on December 12, 190 S. . Said report so delivered by said Brown I contained statements . Intimating and Indl \u25a0 eating that the?e two persons died from xm ' natural causes. . . : -That at the -V request and. 1 solicitation, of Rosa Sinai, surviving.widow. widow of said dece dent. Sam Sinai, this grand jury has investl-* gated the concealed charges, suspicions: and ' intimations made- by said Brown in- his re port, and we find that Sam Sinai and David j Baumeldied from natural causes and sue- \u25a0.. cumbed to Bright* disease. ...."' \u25a0 j* That in no -respect were there any. condi- : i tlons or. circumstances snrrouiiding tUnir iU-» j ness or the deaths of cither of paid jieTsons .'i,t in the least s snsplcious. or uncertain;^ that;, ; » the, cause, of death of each of said persons;'." was clear, certain and natural. .< ; - ' That any report;? hint.- intimation," insinu- ' atlon or : suspicion-. t6 -the, contrary is lutely false and -.malicious. -,* - /. G.: S.MELONE. Foreman. SACRAMENTO WILL WELCOME EDITORS Press Association Excursionists \ to Be Entertained at the Jj r Capital City [Special Dispatch to The Call] Sacramento;. :- June \u25a0 s.— various coirimitteest f rom civic -bodies . in Sac ramento are making' preparations for the reception of the 'members lot the California press 'association who will arrive here. tomorrow en route. to Lake Tahoe."~v •** - A {delegation will' meet the visiting editors at I " Benicia' and accompany them toj this • city '. on : " the' steamer Xavajo. Luncheon ; will:" be served, on the boat and aninformal; reqeption will be held in"- the evening; on^ the ' roof | garden at the Hotel Sacramentol' . , * • 'An auto \u25a0 ride -'around ;.the city . has been arranged • f or; the \ following morn ing from' 9 .o'clock until 11 :30. After luncheon" at 12:50 , Friday the press association will continue on its-way to Lake Tahoe.- \u25a0•" v :-c '. ': .. REQUISITION: ISSUED > FOR HOFFMAN'S RETURN San /Franciscan, Accused by His \Vife, Fights Extradition SACRAMENTO, -June S.-^-Governor Gillett today, issued, a 1a 1 requisition on the governor of Washington for the return from Seattle to- San Francisco of Leroy Hoffman, an; exchange broker, who! Is wanted on the charge of omit ting to provide, for hjs, little child. The charge is made bl' "the [ wife, • Mrs. Verbena Hoffman. Hoffman is fight- j ing extradition. , - \THE KEYSTONE/ \TO HEALTH i IroSfETTER'si 1 'STOMACH I 1 BITTERS I fact; that Hosted ter's Stomach Bitters has helped thousands of sickly people back to health \u25a0dur- ing the past 56 years should convince^^pu thafcit is the medicine you need for In- digestiori and Stomach Ills. COUNTY CLERK?S HELPER CHARGED WITH ROBBERY ; TiH; of Drug Store Looted and Cash Deposited [Special Dispatch to The' Call] SACRAMENTO, June ~ S-— Duncan G. MacKinnon, a clerk" In the registration department of" the county clerk's office, has been 1 arrested and charged with robbing the till of the. lng & Allee drug store. s The police have evidence to the effect that MacKinnon entered the drug store yesterday and took $253 from the till. This; amount he later deposited at a local saloon. MacKinnon is a member of a promi nent family here. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS < ; : " -» I Marriage Licenses | \u25a0\u2666« , — — "- "' „ ;." ; ' " , — — -. » The following marriage licenses were issued In San .-Francisco Wednesday, June S. 1910: BURK— CLARKE— John Burk. 36. and Elizabeth Clarke, 28, both of 4015 Army st. BUTTERWORTH— PLL'TH— Harry J. Butter- worth. 223850 Treat aye.. and May M. Pluth. 22. . 3«30A Twenty-fourth st. CALLXOX— PAXXEXBERG— John W. Calinon. 25, 1230 O'Farrell st., and Euretta Pannenberg, i-T>. Berkeley. GARCIA— MEJIA*— Mateo" Garcia. 22, and Rosa Mejia, IS, both o* 33 Bernard st. GOSSARD— MOORE— Albert *!. GossarU. 21. and Edith L,. iloorp,: IS, both of Saa Francisco. HAROWITS— HAMILTOX— Joseph Harbwits. 21. and Eva A. Hamilton, 18, botb cf 128 Julian avenue, j.. ?.-\u25a0.' j-y-.'-'- -' \u25a0 LEAVITT— nYAN— WiIIiam C. Leavitt. 22. and Hazel E. ; Ryan, 19, botb ot 3C6C Twentieth st. McCARROLL— KEARXEY— George* P. McCarroll. 30, 3622 Bush st., and Agnes G. Kearney. 20, 2288-Sutter st. \u25a0 . MICHAELS-KRAMER— Henry Michael. 2t. 1902 Sntter St.. : and .Bertha Kramer, IS, 1930 Pine street. v - SAXDBERX— XAXCE— Arthur Sandbern, 24, IHO De Long aye., and Geneva Xance, 20,- Ltw An- geles. ,_ SCHMIDT— SCHMID— Joseph Schmirit. 2fi. 2313 % Fillmore st.. and Emma Sehmid, 21, 2512 Sac- * ramento st. \u25a0 ; , ' " . .' STAVEX-^ADAMS— Emil O. Staven. 26. oo3'i Broderick st., and Genevieve Adams, 20.-1396 ' ! Hayes st. TOMSKY— BKLL— George J. Torasky. 27." SG33 Twenty-third st., and BJrdte S. Bell, 23, San Francixco. • - . ", i VERMILLIOX— BUOWXLEE— Richard R. Ver- million, 2U. JleDonaM. Pa., and Sadie Brown- lee. 1». !>22 Haight st. WILLIAMS— JOHNSOX— Edmund -\.- Williams. 41. 521 Shotwell St., and Delia E. Johnson, 40. 3S4A Capp st. WILLIAMS— LEHMAXX— Arthur J. WiHtams. 20, Alameda, and Clara E. Lehmann, 20. 595 Oak st. . : \u25a0 \u25a0/:;,':-- ; Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mail will not be inserted. They must be handed in at either: of the publication of flees and be Indorsed with the name and residence of persons author- ized /to have the same published. Xotices re- stricted simply to the announcement of the event are published once in this column free of charge. BIRTHS FAIRBAXK— In this city, June 7, 1010, to the wife of Harry Fairbank, a son. 'MARRIAGES HILLEBRAXD— RAYWARD— In San Rafael. Cal., April 10, 1910. by the Rev. C. H. Stev- ens, Roy Gardner HUlebrand and Lulu Gladys Zara Ray ward, both of San Francisco. HURD— JESSEX— In this city, June 7. by Frank Stuart Ford., pastor First Christian church. Francis Malcolm Hurd of Centerville and Christine Jessen of Irvington. SIMPSOX— JARDIXE— In this city, June 6, 1910. by the Rev. L. C. Sanford. Arthur H. S'mpson and Florence Jardine, both' of Kan Francisco. \u25a0 DEATHS Audibcrt. . G. Jr.. .'.15 Xewman, P. ........ G2 Boock, Hfnry A.. 50 O'Keefc," James V... — Boargniguon. G. H.. 29 paxtou. Charles E.. 55 Casement, William. 38 Rionlan, Eleanor M.. 1 Conway, Mary ... — Itombo. Joseph .....37 Dunninjr. James I*. 38 Ryan.' Alice G 24 Effey, William ...S-' Scbild, Nltolaus ...77 Fay, Wm. H 4!) Sunol. Dolores A .;.— Furrest," "Joseph ...65 Thomas, CittheriDe... — Foulka, George ... — Watelet, Mrs- 'Xaomi ••— Hammer.- 3J. S. ...GS Weeks, Mrs. Annie... 53 Holtpn, Warwn F.. 32 Williams. Jos.""* H: r. ." 44 Keyser, - Xathaniel. . 80 I Wing Mnu \u0084..'. ......^ Lopes, Pedro ..... 32 Wolf. IlazeU A..'.^. 20 Lyons, .. Cornelius' ..'SI | Wynkoop, James .... C 5 MorrUssey, A. J..'. 44 j i,-? \u25a0Murphy, Jeremiah. 14 [Christenson ....-.(Card) AXTDIBEST— In Oakland, Cal.. June 6, 1910, Gustar^ Jr., dearly -belo/red and only -son of Uustave and Mary Audibert, grandson ot Lena Audlbert, and tbe late James and Anna Boani- field, and nephew of Samuel. James and Fred- erick 'Bonnltteld and Mrs. Theresa Veyble and I Mrs. Louise Traeger. a native of California. ; aged 15 years 1 month and 1 day. (Galvestou and Houston. Tex., papers please copy.) Friends and acquaintances arc -respectfully invited \u25a0to attend the funeral today (Thurs- day), June 9, at 10:30 a. m.. froci tbe resi- dence of his parents. 609 Thirty-ninth street, Oakland, thence to Cypress Lawn chapel. San Mateo county,- Cal.. where services will be held at 2p. ra. Interment Cypress Lawn cemetery, by electric funeral cat from the ferry on ar- rival of tbe 12 o'clock creek route boat. BOOCK— In this city, June 6. 1910. Henry A., dearly beloved husband of Wilbelmlne Boock. and devoted father of Frederick. Cecelia and Wilhelminc Boock, a native of Germany, aged ' SO years 7 months and S days. A member of Eureka lodge Xo. 6. Od. H. S. : Court Hu- bertus Xo.' 15, F. of A. ; Old Friends* grove Xo. 139. U. A. O. D., and beer drivers* union,- local Xo. 237. • « Friends and acquaintances are . respect- fully invited to attend the funeral today (Thursday). • June . 9, at 2 p. ' m:. from the chapel of diaries H. J. Truman. 1919 Mission | street between Fifteenth and Sixteenth. In- cineration L O. O. F. cemetery. .Please omit flowers." BOURGUIGKON— In Alameda, Cal.. June 8. 1910, George Henry, beloved husband of May ' Bourgulgnon. lovlnst father of Morrell Bourp- •\u25a0- uignon. loving son of Mrs. B. Bourgiiignon, anil i beloved brother of Mrs. G. Harold Ward. Mrs. ' Frank H. Oates and Edmund Bourguijmon. a native of San Francisco, aged 29 years 1 month and 15 days. \u25a0 CASEMENT— In this city, June 6, 1910, WU- ' Ham, dearly beloved husband of Christina " Casement, loving father of Laurence and Wal- ter Casement, and brother of Frank Casement, Mrs. Ellen Townsend. Mrs. Mary Greenwood - and Mrs. Jeannette Howell, a native of Saa Francisco, aged SS years 3 months and 21 days. Friends '= and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the. funeral today (Thurs- day), at 2 tf clock p." m.,' from the chapel of Craig. Cochran & Co.. U«9 Valencia street near Twenty-third. Interment Cypress Lawn ceme- \u25a0 tery. .- " \u25a0 v :;.;• CONWAY— In this city, June 6. 1910, Mary Conway, dearly beloved wife of the late James ;. Conway, and loving mother of M. J., James J., John F., Mary E. and Hugh Conway. a .-native of Castle Blaney, County- Monahan Ireland. : Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited -to attend the funeral today (Thurg- ? day) -morning. June 9, at 8:15 o'clock from Si her; late residence, 2727 Twenty-fourth street '- Dear Potrero avenue, thence to St. Peter*s % church, where a solemn requiem high mass iWIII be celebrated for the repose of her soul. : commencing, at 9:45 a. mi Interment " Holy . Cress cemetery. .-:. DUNNING— In this city. June 7, 1910. James \u25a0P., beloved son of the late Thomas and Bridget Dunning, \u25a0 and brother -of Thomas E. Dunning and Mrs. William A. O'Connor, and nephew of Mrs." Winifred Malouey, a native of San Fran- cisco,; aged 38 years. . =*" \u25a0 Friends \ and acquaintances "are respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Thurs- day)," at' 9:3o o'clock, from the residence of his aunt, Mrs. -Winifred Maloney, ,1253 Eley- \u25a0_\ enth " aremje. Sunset district, thence to St. Ann's church, where a requiem high msss will 1 bfe celebrated for , the repose of his sonl com- \u25a0 • mencingat, 10>o'clock. Interment Holy Cross . : cemetery. \ , ; EFFEY — In Santa Cruz, Cal.. June S 1910 - Wll- *l!ani Effey, be!ovef Santa Cmz, Mrs. E.R Pat- \u25a0 terson of San . Francisco and Fritz Jt. Effey of Gold Hill." Xev.,and stepfather of* Mrs U V Fagen.of Sau Francisco, a native of Ger- many: aged }C y>ars 10 months and 18 days Remains will .be shipped to Cypress Lawn -cemetery for cremation on Friday, June 10 at . 1 p. m. ' , * ' TAY— In this city. Jbne S. 1910. William Henry, pearly beloretl hnsband of I mum Fay, and loving • brother of Mrs. P. H Earlr Mrs. Charles W; Haas and Mrs. Gww F Bayll«8 ,a native of San- Francisco, Cal " aged 49 years o months and S days >• "• ' -•»i?- e - m .? l ? s \u25a0"•' the P arlors of Suhr & Wieboldt 13So \ alencia street near Twcnty-flftb FORREST-^ln = this city. June 0. 1910. Joseph , Forrest, husband of the lat* Alice Fmwt :' uX^^gs^*™"' a EatlTe «' »X , Friends are respectfully invited to attend the fnneral services today rTbursday). at Yq-30 -o'clock a. m.. at the new fnneral rh»^i S of . Charles. H. : J. Truman" 1»» • Ml«ten street ..between fifteenth : and Slsteentb - ntPrment , Cypres3 Ijiwn cemetery, by U-4O train from i P, Tweuty-flf th \u25a0 and >, Valencia streets. FOULKS-^-In this city, June .7. 1010. George pearly \u25a0 beloveO . .husband of Augnsta A.- Fo^ks! *7^ « f 'J^ il »ani -C. Foulks. and brother of George W.J Foulks -of - Elk Grove. : Sacrai ben to county. Cal.,: a native of Verdi Xcv ' Friends: are respectfully r invltAct •• to "at't^nd « he tmrl ier! V l = , ss r r . Ti «- p V today '' (Thnr^ay).:: June 0. 1010. at 4 . q clock p. . m. . at his late resi- .;. .lence. 14£J Clajv street. Th, remains will be \u25a0.r- forwarded to Blk Grove., Sacramento couuty Vl Cal.. jfor jiutcrment on Friday morning. HAMMER— In; tbis » city." "June S 1910 M ' . Hammer,; husband ; or . i'aaaj L.' Haauntr. r ani \u25a0j . '--^tV, \u25a0\u25a0k'/.v"' -\u25a0--">\u25a0--.\u25a0 \u25a0.>'>'•• \u25a0--\u25a0>\u25a0<:...\u25a0 DEER OUTSTRIPS THE v PURSUING AUTOMOBILE . Exciting Chase Lasts "for Three Allies [Special Dispatch to The Call] REDDING. June B—l^. A. Mclntoßh. superintendent . of- the. Midas mine, chased a deer three miles in an'auto mobile yesterday afternoon and then lost it. Mclntosh was on his way to Chico. when the deer jumped from the side of the road and started to run ahead of the machine. Mclntosh turned on full speed and- gave the deer a merry chase for three miles, when the animal jumped into the woods again and dis appeared. - father of Cora F. Hammer, a native of Mans- ticltl, 0.. aged US years ti months and 10 days. HOLTON— Ia this city. June 7. 1910, Warren F. Holton, husband of Elsia Holton. and son of Edward E. and Hcnriette Holton, a native of San Francisco, t'a'., aged 32 years 10 , months and 24 days. , - Friends arc respectfully. Invited to attentl the funeral services tomorrow j Friday K Juno 10. at 10 a. tn..^a.t the ebapel of X. Gray i Co., 21»ti Geary .street comer \u25a0 ot Devta- adcro. Interment private. Please omit, flowers. KEYSEIT.— In Fresno, Cal.. May ' 31. 1020. Xa- thanie! Keyscr. a native- of Massachusetts, ageil SO years 3 months au*<. lf>lo. Pedro Lvjx'jj, a native of Spain, aged 32 year*. " . LYONS — In San Jo»e, Ca!., June 8. 19M>. Cor- nelius Lyons, dearly bt'lovvtl brother of John Lyoua, a native of tbe parish of .BaUyvorerney. County Cork, Ireland, aged 23 years. Xotice of funeral hereafter, ltemains at the • parlors of the United Undertakers, -tSOtJ How- ard street cear Twenty-second. MORRISSEY— la this city.' June' ». 1910, at his late residence, 37SA Dolores street, Andrew J. Morrtssey. a native of Coanty Waterford. Ireland, aged 44 years 7 months and 12 days. A member of the Rigger* and Stevedores' union. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fuUy invited to attend: the funeral today (Thursday). June P. I3li\ at l:3t> o'clocs p. m.. from the parlors of Groeu. Bvan & Donohoe. northeast corner of Sixteenth and \ Guerrero streets, thence to Mission Dolqeb* > church for service. Interment Holy CrosS* cemetery. - ' \ MURPHY— In tWs city. June S. lf»I(»." Jereniiab clearly beloved son of the late. Joha and An- nie Murphy, and lorlng nephew «f Cornelius. Klizabotb. Patrick and James Murphy. j» na- tive of San Franeiaeo. Cal., aged U years 3 , months and days. ' " Xotice of funeral hereafter. Remains at the residence of. his aunt, Mrs, Elizabeth Murphy. 229 Texas street. NEWMAN— In thH city. June 7. 1310, Patrick Xewman. husband of the late Kanny Xewinan, and beloved father of Ji* Newman and Fanny Gilroy and the late William Newman,-* na- tive of Ireland, aged t!U years.- Friends and acquaintances are respect full v invited to attend the funeral today (Thurs- day). Juue !». 1910. at J»:UO o'clock*, m. . from the parlors of: Greed. Ryau & Ponohix-* northeast corner of Sixteenth and Giwrwm street?, thence to St. Joseph's churen-. Howard and Tenth streets, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his *oul. commencing at 9 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. O'KEEFE— In thi3 city. June 7. 1910. Jaaies V.. dearly beloved son of Catherine and Joha O'Keefe, and beloved brother of Arthur^ Eileen and Josephine O'Keefe. a native of San Fran- cisco, aged 3 months and 24 dayg. Ftiends and acquaintances axe respectfully invited to attend, the funeral today (Thurs- day). June 9. 1910. at 11 a. m.. from tae residence of his _parents. 1349 Ilhode Island street between Twenty-fourth and Twenty- fifth. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. . PAXTON— In this elty. June 7. 1910, Charles Eddy Paxton. brother of Blitz W. Paxton, a native vt California, aged 3& years. .- Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral serviies today (Thursday). June 9. at 11 a. m., at^he rbapel of X. Gray & Co., 3196 Geary street corner of Devlsadero. lv* • terment private. • - . . .. -. '\u25a0 KIOKDAN— In this city.. June s. mtO. Eleanor Marcel Itionlan. dearly beloved daughter of - Jorfeph M. and Anqa Uiordan Iwe Betkowski>. and dearly beloved granddaughter of T. P. ami Klla Riordan. a native of San Francisco, Cal., aged 1 year 2 months and 12 dar*. The funeral win take place today tTburs.- day>, June 9, 1910. at 1 o'clock p. m.. frrm the residence of her parents. 4747 California street. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. ROlfcßO— In this ri^.T,' June 7. 1910." Joseph Kombo; . dearly beloved husband of the late Cecilia Eonabor and belove«l farber of r.oili.- Rombo, a native vf I'egh Lisnire^ Italy, aged |3« years. -. -- ,t». \u25a0 % -, -•» .;- - *:v: v \u0084 Friends - arwl ac«aarntjinres"'are >«spectfntly Invited to. -attend •the- funeral Standav. June 12, at 1 p. \u25a0 in., from- the parlors of Valente- Marlnl, -Marals & O>., 649. Green street, thence to> 1524, P0we1l street, where services will be held under th? auspices o£ Court Maz- zlnl Xo. 7805>, A.. O. F. • • - EYAN— In- this city, June 8i 1910. Alice Ger- trude Ryan (nee Kenny., uear'.y beloved wife of Cornelius Ryan, loving mother i>f Constance .. and Agnes Polores Ryan, beloved daughter «f - the late James and Catherine Kenny, and b«. loved Bister, of Mrs. Lewis A. Taylor. Mrs. Theo. Saling. Mr*. Fred Darlin. Mr*. P. It. Sonntag^ James P. Kenny and tbe fate Mary ;" . F. and Johu J. K«nny. a native of San Frau- cisco,. Cal.. aged 24 years 8 months and 21 • days. \u25a0\u25a0-"• .- . ' - Friends' and acquaintances are . respectfully Invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Fri- day). June 10, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m.. from the residence of her sister. Mrs. Fred Dar- ling, 2007 Xlceteenth street between Valencia and Guerrero, thence to the church of St. . Charles Borromeo, - corner of i Eighteenth and Shotwell streets, where a requiem bfgh mass will be celebrated for the. repose of her *onl, commencing at 9:30 o'clock a. , ra. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, by carriage/- \u25a0 • SCHILD— In this city. June 3, '1910, Xlkolans Schild, dearly beloved husband of Catherine Scbild. loving-father of Mrs. C.?Dtehl. Conrad Schild -and- the late Annie Scbild. grandfath^f of Henry, and- Conrad Diehlj: Mra. sßenbolrt. Elizabetb.Conrad and Amile Sehiid. great-grand- father of-Pearlie Iteubold. -~and" uncle ot Mrs! Lang, Mrs. Michel and Conrad Whiter, a na- tive of. Hocb Weisel. Germany, aged 77 year* 0 months and 13 day*. Friends and acquaintances, are respectfully invited to attend the fnneral tomorrow THOMAS— In this city. June 7. 1010. Catherine X Thomas, beloved mother of Mrs. Robert But- "M ler, Mrs. Florence Fremont and Rtdjway. B Thomas, beloved daughter of -Mm. Daniel Chatterson, and sister ot Mrs. PnU Human and Mrs. John Pallman of Cleveland, O» a native of Cleveland, O. t Cleveland, 0.,- pa- pers please copy.> .'• . - : . Friends and acquaintance* »r« rssnecUnllT invited to attend the funtral services to. day (Thnrsday), June 9, 1910, at 10:30 o'clock a. m- at the parlors of Julius S. Godean 2123 Bush street. Incineration, I. O. Q. F* cemetery.. WATELET—In Oakland. Cal.. Jane 9. 1910 Mr? Naomi Dunaing Watelet, wife «f p au i Wat- elet. belo-sed mother of Aiexina B. Dttnntag and daughter of Mrs. Louisa A. Thomas. WEEKS— In tbe city and ounty . hospital. June '». 1910. Mrs. Annie Weeks, 3 native Of Ohio, aged 33 years. .'. . , WING MOtr— ln the city and county -hospital, June 6. 1910, Wing Mou. a native of China. - WILLIAMS — In Sacramento. Cal.. June 4 Wilt . Jaseph 11. dearly beloveel<>ve «t.V West 3599. and : st. n*ar ntU. Oaklaad, pbooa O»s- Braache»-|-303 jroatsomery,a».. Ph. Temp. 3253»^ and 527 Sontb Figueroa st., Los Anzele*. Auto Ambulance for ffiiW ....