NEWS OK OAKLAND, BERKELEY, ALAMEDA, HAYWARD AND SAN LEANDRO STUDENTS TAUGHT TO TEACH GAMES 1,800 Children Are Object Les sons for Scholars at Uni« versity Summer Session BERKELEY, June 27.— More than I.SOO rollicking children from all parts of the city made the first day of the playgrounds course on California field a success today, and while they made .merry with baseball, basket ball, swings, parallel bars and other appa ratus. Dr. Everett C. Beach at the sum mer session instructed a class in the jneaning and function of play, play ground administration. playground games and practice. At least 2.C00 people gathered on the •bleachers of California field to watch -the; children at play, and they had as much amusement out of the afternoon's fports as the children themselves, who trera allowed to run at will over the gridiron, the ecene of many a college football game. ; The playgroxind equipment was made under the direction of Professor Wil liam C. Morgan of the chemistry de : partment of the university, a member of the board of education of this city. He. has announced that at the close of the session it will probably be given to the playgrounds commission of Berkeley. The apparatus, which cost about 1300, has been donated for the ure of the children under Dr. Beach. The folk dances will be part of the curriculum on playgrounds and will be conducted daily at 3 p. m. in Hearst hall for the women students of the >urtmier session by Mrs. Marian R. Mor grah. These are the dances which Miss ; Xfllulab Le Conte taught the women Students along with their gymnasium : wprlt California field playgrounds will ."be .opened every day from 1:30 to 5 O'clock for all children under the age of 16 years. Aside from the practical demonstration which the children give in their work. Dr. Beach will supple ment this with a number of lectures on .the philosophy and psychology of .play and its relations to health, devel opment of will power, moral stability \u25a0 aadthe finer social virtues. ; \Ue will also treat of the objective p;irt of the course- in the formation of .baseball nine?, matches, tournaments .a"nd other contests, as well as lectures an first aid to the injured and medical phases of a lively playground where sturdy spirit is displayed. WIFE CHARGES HUSBAND WITH MUCH BRUTALITY Declares He Tried to "Beat Temper Out of Her" OAKLAND, June 27. — Alleging that sh<^ was frequently locked in her room after her husband, Henry 11. James. Jied tried to ''beat temper out of her," Mrs. Helen M. James today brought .suit for djvorce on the grounds of ex treme cruelty and intemperance. ;. ; <£>n one occasion, while the couple Tvere iivin-er In Xapa, the wife asserts that "her husband., after beating her, locked th<» door and went out to gain additional fury from drink. When he returned he was so drunk, the wife says, that he fell in a Ftupor after i-unlocking- the door. She made her en^sipe and went to her mother, who lires. in Alameda. The complaint re <*ite« other acts of brutality alleged •to \have been committed by the hus bana. Mrs. James asks for the cus liydy of a girl 10 years of age. Miles William Beck today started di proceedings against Jessie Ger trude Beck on the ground of desertion JinJcJ other statutory grounds. The oouple were married in Los Angeles in.r9o3. . Ttuth A. Wheeler was granted a final decree of divorce from William D. \u25a0ty=heeler by Superior Judge Harris on the-;jrround of desertion. NEW CHURCH PLANNED FOR UPPER FRUITVALE ' •" - ' * ~~~—~ Parish Will. Be Named After St. Jar lath .OAKLAND. June 21. — A new Catho- Ijx? 'church, to be called St. Jarlath's \u25a0«Jh!tOrch in honor of the patron saint of -the.archdiocese of Tuam in Ireland, is tb; be erected at once at the corner of jvrnitvale and Chicago avenues. Upper iKruitvale, and the parish will embrace parts of East Oakland, Fruitvale and liimond. The contract for the work' hnsi been let and construction will be commenced within a few days. The ;bew structure will be of Roman archi tectural style and will accommodate .Mp persons. The edifice Is to be so !>orii«tructed as to make possible new .additions without marring the ensemble of. the building. Rev. P. N. McHug-h. formerly assistant pastor of St. An thony's in East Oakland, will officiate at the new church, and the parish h<»me will be located at the former res idence of C. H. S. Pratt in Fruitvale av«nue, which was purchased recently \u25a0for the purpose. Whirling wheels ys tear off clothing Dwight Yeaman, Caught in Ala ; '-thinery, Escapes With Life BERKELEY, June 27. — The coat and trpi-'Rers of 12 year old Dwight Yeaman, *mplo>" ed ln tlie Sunllt fruit company in Third street. West Berkeley, were torn 1 off this morning when he was caught in the whirling cogs of a fruit \u25a0ST VSi t \u25a0(* t" "\u25a0'\u25a0 T.hi b*oy was hurled to the floor by Contact with the machinery, but sus tained only a sprained ankle, although j\r- had a narrow escape from d<=-ath. -That he was not drawn into the cogs of the wlieel was due to the weakness of the material in his clothing. He was attended by Dr. J. J. Benton. MANY ATTEND FUNERAL OF OLDEST PIONEER Mrs. Maria I. E. Unda Buried From Berkeley Church BERKELEY, June 27.r-Attended by a large number of friends and relatives the funeral of the late Maria Jgrnacia Kstuardo Unda, oldest pioneer woman of Berkeley, was held from the St. Jo seph's Catholic church in Addison street this morning. Rev. F. X. Morrison con ducted the services. The body wag in terred in St. Mary's cemetery. Mrs. Tnda came to this city with a colony of Chileans in 1552. and this group was the first to reach the site of Berkeley and /purchase a tract from the Peraltas, who Controlled the entire Alameda county. firework* at Hotel Drl Monte «nend" the 4th of July holidays at Hotel D*?l Monte, where the children And srown ups can shoot all \vVirks they want, on Del Monte "£"acli or." "Lover's Point." Pacific 'firovc Grand fireworks display on •i)tel grounds. Phone Kcarny 4013. • Miss A. Woodward Soprano Soloist- At Idora Park Theater SYMPHONY CONCERT WILL BE REPEATED New Program Arranged by Di rector Thaviu for Band at Idora Park The Tuesday symphony concert, which was inaugurated at Idora park last week, will be repeated for the en tertainment of music lovers this after noon. Director Thaviu has arranged an entirely new program, which should prove as Interesting as last week's. The concert last Tuesday filled the theater, and those who wish to avoid standing this afternoon are advised to come early. No seats are reserved and the concert is entirely free. The numbers on this afternoon's pro gram include the inarch, "Prophet." Myerbeer; Latolf's overture, "Maxniil ian Hobespierre": second part of act 2, "Aida," by Verdi; . grand march, "Pomp and Circumstance" No. 2, by Elger; Grieg's '.'Peer Gynt Suite"; se lections from "Madame Butterfly" and Russian songs and dances. Miss Anna Woodward, the soprano, and the barytone, Herr Max Bing, will render a number of solos. SMOLDERING ASHES START A BIG FIRE Building Badly Damaged by Outbreak of Former Blaze OAKLAND, June 27. — Smoldering re mains of a rubbish fire, •which was be lieved to have been extinguished earlier In a three story frame building at the southeast corner of Sixth and Clay streets, burst into flames at 3:30 o'clpck this afternoon, damaged the building to the extent of about $3,000, and threatened a widespread conflagration before the fire department was able to get it under control. The building, which is owned by George Roeth, is divided into three compartments, two of which were va cant, while the third was occupied by J. Strangteld, his family and several roomers. At 2:30 o'clock the Strang felds discovered a small pile of rubbish ablaze in their portion of the building, the fire presumably originating from crossed electric wires, and quickly ex tinguished the flames. About an hour later the members of the family were warned by J. Waller, a roomer, that the house was again afire and rushed into their hallway to flnd the building filled with smoke. They groped their way to the street, turned In an alarm, and then managed to res cue a part of their furniture and per sonal belongings. The flames gained rapid headway in the interior of the house, and a stiff wind gave rise to the fear that the fire would spread to adjoining buildings, but, effective" work on the part of the firemen kept the blaze within its orig inal bounds and finally conquered it. WOMAN WILL RECOVER FROM HER INJURIES Funeral of Salesman Killed- in Accident Deferred OAKLAND, June 27.— ->lrs.. Adolph M. Zeis, who was seriously, injured yester day in an automobile accident, which cost the life of her husband, a salesman for tlie J. A."Folger company of San Francisco, will recover from her in juries, it was said today at the Acrop olis sanatorium, where the woman is a patient. The inquest over Zeis' body will take place next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at Murphy's undertaking par lorß, the Elmhurst branch morgue. The funeral arrangements have been de ferred, owing to the wife's condition. The body of Zeis will probably not be interred for several days. ~ The woman was not told of her hus band's death today, because of her weakness. - PIONEER WOMAN DIES AT RIPE OLD AGE Mrs. Lavina Coggeshall' Passes Away-at Emeryville OAKLAND, ; June 27.— Mrs, Lavina Rogers Cogpeshall,. aged 93 years," died today at the 'home ;of her daughter, Mrs .Susan B. Wheelock, Forty T flfth street and San Pablo, avenue, >.Kmery ville. Sfrp. Cogßeshall was a- native : of New Hampshire. She camevtoj:Cali fornia 58. years : ago.. Her home had been in Oakland for many years- THE 5M THaXCIS€O'XMLfc-TmiSDA« TOSE 2K .» CRACKSMEN BEAT DOWN PATROLMAN Smash the Bluecoat's 'Revolver Hand as He Starts^o Vault ';: Fence After Fugitives ; ; OAKLAND, June 2J— Surprising two safe crackers. In the- act ;of breaking into the Avenue drug store at "Milton street and San Pablo avenue shortly after 4 o'clock this morning, Patrolman Stephen Connelly ':'. chased \u25a0 the. -pair through a yard and over. a fence in the rear of. the buiWiiig, firing two inef fectual shots at the fugitives. He was preparing to vault the fence and continue the pursuit .when- he .was disarmed by a crushing blow, on- his right hand from a blunt weapon in the hands of one of the thugs, who had crouched \u25a0 down on the ; farther • side ;of the fence after. . clearing! it. As the policeman placed his hands on- top of the fence the. cracksman arose sud denly andl struck' the ; fingers which grasped the -revolver, smashing the bones and causing the gun to- drop to the ground. Then the fugitives dashed away in the darkness. Policeman James Flynn, who. lives in the neighborhood. " jumped into his clothes when he heard the shots and joined Connelly. Inspector Bock and a pose of police thoroughly searched the neighborhood, but no trace of tlie cracksmen, could, be found. Connelly was passing the drug store when he heard a low whistle from the rear of the building.. Pausing, for. a moment, he heard..^he whistle repeated, this time so low that It was scarcely audible. k -: • ; . t " ,' : . '\u25a0 : ;• •• : .'\u25a0: : Convinced that it was a signal. t Con nolly drew, his r^-olver .stealthily, entered the 3 r ard. As Jhe /passed through the gate two men sprang past him and dashed for the fance. Connolly fired, but the fugitives scaled the -fence and dropped into the darkness outside of the yard. The policeman , jumped upon a box beside, the; fence, and : fined another shot at one. of \u25a0 the -"shadowy forms. Then, as- h*»- prepared to -hoist himself over the .fence,, he was struck upon the hand. The blow paralyzed his wrist and crushed \u25a0\u25a0 the Index' finger ,of his right hand. ; \u0084 ",. ' _...'.. In a rear room In ;the -drug store, which Is owned by Albert Craker,' was the safe,' which. contained several hun dred dollars In cash. A burglar alarm system, connecting with the owner's home, had recently been i Installed :t in the pharmacy, and the police believe tHat the robbers were familiar veith the location and" operation'of the sys tem, as they had made no attempt to force the^ doors, but were '\u25a0' evidently preparing- to grain an entrance 'by cut ting a pane from the rear -window, which would not have -disturbed the alarm. Owing to the darkness, Connolly was unable to v get . a good description of the thugs, bnt he reported that' both were young men of- medium -si*e and rather well dressed, one wearing a soft hat and the other a derby.' . • *•,' POLICE SERGEANT MEETS A CIVIL -WAR COMRADE ALAMEDA, June-27. — Police Sergeant Albert Kamp and C/ W. Chandler met here yesterday for the first. time since they were members of the same cav alry regiment In the civil war. * Chand ler has been an inmate of the home at Santa Monica: He Is ,82, but is a well preserved man"- for his age. Chandler recognized Kamp at a' glance, but the latter's memory had to be re freshed before 'he rem'embeTed "Chand ler. . .\u25a0; .-.•:... ;.* v .'. ' \u25a0: ; Suburban Brevities -• \u25a0 : : :—: — : — ~> JUDGE TTRGES MZHCT— Oak I and, ""June .27.,- Josepb Moore, found guilty of assaulting Mat thew Callahan-wlth a- deadly;, weapon, -wag sentenced to one year, In .the county"' jail \u25a0 by, Superior Judge Ogden. . - _ . .- CONGRESSMAN THANKED— Berkeley. June 27. By resolution the chamber of commerce of. 'this city has- thanked \u25a0 Congressman Joseph R. Kmmiond for the effort* he made to secure a federal building for Berkeley.' A bill approV pristing $180,000 for this purpose . was recently voted by congreis. -\u25a0• • • LITTLE TROUBLE FROM INSECTS— Berkeley. June 27. — Prof. C. W. Woodworth. 1 who was called to iarestigate th«. grocshopper pest in tbe vicinity of Lodt, returned this morning with the report' that the Insects are causing but little trouble in that region this rear and are 'controlled by the usual • meant). , . . TECHNICAL SCHOOL GRADUATION—AIa ' meda, June 27. — The -graduation exercises of the Alameda technical school -will be held Thursday evening- at ' the 'school, 2000 Santa Clara . avenue." Diploma* will he presented to ' Emma V. King, Arnas Kober, Era M. Martin; Ada F. Martin and James A. Howe, y ;^. LIFE OF BISHOP BERKELEY— Berkeley. June. 27. — The life of Bishop ' George Berkeley/ f<* whom this city is named," ban been written by K. H. Mead, reference librarian at the . unlvernity. and was issued today in a bulletin from the Unlverßity pregi. - The publication, with others of its nature, will be placed In the Bancroft library for future, reference. r . SENT TO SAN QUENTlN— Oakland /June 27;-r C. E. Kinard, an attorney, waa sentenced by Judge Frank Offden today • to, 10 years' im prisonment at San" Quentin. Owing to an alleged threat that the defendant would kill him. Prosecuting Attorney W. H. U Hynen had a bodyguard in conrt with' him' composed of two deputy sheriffs.- < Mrs. I^ouise Lainp rell. tbe complaining witness, accused Kinard Of , embezxllmj $250 from .her In: 1900. , DptTTBEBAJJ) Almost Any One May \u25a0 Secure a Splendid Growth of Hair You can easily find out for yourself if .your hair, needs nourishment, •if lt is i thinning, getting * dry; .harsh and brittle, or splitting j at , the lends. .You simply have to pulla hair from the top of your. head and; closely examine its root. If the'bulb ; is plurnp ; 'and;.rosy r it fs all riffht; if lt is white *hd shrunken your, hair is diseased >nd "needs' nour- ishment. ; . . ~'. '.'... .[..:.' ..'"-•;•-.;;\u25a0 '\u25a0";\u25a0•,\u25a0-\u25a0 We have^.a remedy, for hair troubles that can' not be surpassed. * It : has a record of growing hair.and'curlng bald- ness^in 93 out of 100 cases /where used according- to. directions^f or, a reasonable length' of time.',. It, will even; grow rhair on bald heads if the scalp Is not -glazed and shiny. .That ''may rBeem.r 8eem. : ,flike ,< a strong" statement-^it; is, ; We are sosure that Rexall ''93"'Hair Tonic will" 1 completely/* eradicate.- dan; druff, prevent' baldness,' >;: stimulate' ;tlie scalp and vhair roots, stop •falHng>hair and grow new 'hair/. that x we' personally give our positive -guaranteeftto refund every penny paid'kus rf6r£Rexall "93" Hair Tonic in every^lnstatice!; where it does, not do as wetclalm qrtfailSjto'give entire satisfaction to -the iuser.i-/ -\u25a0; •' \ • Rexall •"93"*Halr^Tonic;is;as : pleasant to use asjclear; spring v^water. ; It is" perfunvedr with ',' a -, pleasant -Jbdor/j and does not \ grease or" gum ; .tMei hair.*" % W.e have it :lm two sizes, prices; 50 "ceiits and $1.00, '"-.We- urge: you ";.tb ,try:-RexalU'*93" Hair;Tonic;on;our recommendatipri'and with ' ; . our 1 guarantee ; ;back~j of )\lt. f; You certainly take". ho* risk.*f; Remember,'; you cani^obtain;; Rexall%"Reniediesif In; --San Francisco only at*our Store-^-Theße'xall store-^The^;.pwr::PruK''JCo:.; Zlnc., v .:710 Market Vstreetf ;i 77B f street; jpqst and '. Gra nt , a venue, C 943r Keafriy (stf eet,' ; Sixteenth and Missioh v "itreet.s.<- .-.* TEVISS UNABLE TO MEET OFFICIALS Mayor Noy Postpones Confer ence and Gives Views on Water Contract " ALAMEDA,' June 27.— President Wil liam S.- Tevis; of the "Bay; Citijes water company was unable to be in this city for; the conference that : Mayor W. H. Noy:had called for^today and the con ference" was "postponed by the • mayor until .Wednesday, afternoon at S o'clock. Tevis . is in f?anta Barbara and sent word that -he could- not arrive here in time for a conference today, but that he. would be present Wednesday after noon.. • \- '" The *, conference was called by the mayor for ' the purpose, of taking up proposed, amendments to the\contract form now being circulated in" this city by solicitors of the Bay, cities company and also for asking Tevis if- he would not increase from two to 10 years an offer of an option he is. ready to give the" city to' purchase ; a local distribut ing water system, ;. which Tevis says his company tintends to construct. Manager C. E. Oilman conferred with Mayor. Noy and. City- Attorney Simpson this morning about changes in the con tract form arid proposed amendments. Pending- the arrival of , Tevis no defi nite action was taken. . Mayor Noy today* gave out the fol lowing statement relative to his atti tude and the .attitude of the public utilities committee" of the city council on the form of contract now being cir culated here by the. solicitors for the Bay Cities water company. With reference to' an impression that has gone outto the effeot that the mayor -and the public- utilities committee, have disapproved of the form of 'contract" being circulated by the Bay. Cities water company, 1 would state that such is not'the case. The contract; as .far as It goes,, has my approval, and I'be lieve on the whole that it is ac ceptable, but ' at the same time ' I: believe that it could be -improved by ith« , addition -of. certain clauses which will make tlie proposition -of the company more clear and meet some criticism that I have heard in conversation. . °~ * \u25a0 . . Th«se^additional clauses are .un der consideration with the .com pany, and the only reason that they "have not - been : immediately accepted - by. the company is the absence r of.- Mr. Tevis, who Is- in Santa Barbara, but who will be present ,'at rthe next conference, which- is to be held Wednesday aft ernoon' at the mayor's" office. As to the criticism to the effect that the initial price per 1.000 gal lons mentioned In the. contract is 32 < cents, I am \u25a0 satisfied that the consumers'interests are. fully pro tected ;by the 'additional clause which makes the >rates subject to th« action of the council, r The company has already agreed to meet : the, present rate,' which in Alameda is 30 cents, and all signers of^ oontracts in v Alameda \ -will be entitled .to a'reductlon in the price as the sale of water increases, the same as those'who signed" in Oak land, Berkeley . or elsewhere. CHARGED WITH WIFE VCZATISO— Oaktand. June 27. — Accused by his -wife of beating h«r ' unmercifully -and then^i - IVew York— Dover— Antwerp WHITE STAR LINE N.Y.-*.+ X- wilirm .VOr.July 12 London— . Kronp. Cecllle. .July 19 'Partis— : r : Kronfr.; Wllbelm.July 28 Bremen.- ' ' ' ' ,~~ :~i\u0094 *.' "'\u25a0•". ; suGnoEfls uGn0Efl Barhtiroflsa.. July.T' . ; : 'I l^'-v' G.- Washiimton (new), July 14. Bremen. -July 21. " \u25a0 * Frled'k de Gr.. July 28. ". To Gibraltar, W , Naples A Genoa., \u25a0 «. « Sailings Sats. 11 A. M. ff l/WTri K. Lnise. : : . . . : July fl ;I- I I |\/ 1 1 , Berlin (ncw)..J»Uy 16^ ; ;\u25a0 .M I I V II K. Albert.. .. . ;Jiily SO JL*4M.\J .f \u25a0%\u25a0\u25a0 P. Irene. ..... .Aug. 13 £,....-... . -^- . -..•\u25a0' . ra««i«en«ent Aronn«-t««-Worla Toar«. ' Trarelers clierkt food all orer . .\u25a0 , \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0-. -,-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0*\u25a0'\u25a0' the world. \u25a0\u25a0: >'• -\u25a0-\u25a0- \u25a0 ' \u25a0' OELRICBS A CO^ General Agents, v . 0 Broadway, New York Robert-Capelle.'G." Al P. 0.. 250:Powell st. opposite St. < Francis Hotel. San. Fran- '\u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084 -Cisco.' : Telephone-r-Kearny 4794.-'- Lompagme Generalefransatlantique \u25a0V I" : LINE"- '\u25a0;\u25a0:":;\u25a0' .' ; ' ..PIRECT. LINE >TO: HAVRE-PARIS. . ! Sailings eyery Thursday :and; Saturday at 1 0 , a-. ' ji m.". ' from ; pJer 57; : North : rirer, • foot "i of •- Morton st.'-:. •}\u25a0';. .i;' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0__ -..-,"--.•.\u25a0 \u25a0 -;\u25a0 -,\u25a0• . : " v [:, -'\u25a0 ; SAICISOJOATES " . , liS* BaTole...June f 9 Li ProVence...Tuly 7 . I>a' Prorenee. June. 16 La Lorraine. .July 14 | I I^a, Lferralpe: June 23 La Sayoie. . . . Jaly-21 * L* :SaTote.-.'.June 80 Lit "Provence >. July 28 | , FUGAZI ~ BROTHER!?/ Managers Pacific > (!oastr 6SO ' Montgomery.- st.T- San' Francisco. i P. i FAGUET. General Agent; for -U. S. and' Ca'nada,;;i9. State. at, .New^York. \u25a0?.; : . ! Canadian Pacific ; jLess Than'Fonr Days at Sea Weekly] \u25a0 Sallingra ;K 'Between . .Montreal, - V ; ' Mftuebec/and -Liverpool : ; ~ .; ',"' Two" days -ori it he ' fceautif ul * St. Law* rence v- Rlver^ 5 ; and the > shortest - * ocean route «:to^Europe.-^:;^^.:^V ; ' • \u25a0 Nothing:^ better^ on the I than our \u25a0\u25a0 ,;/Kmi>resses.rpVi Wireless' on: >all atearners.^vv^"^ * > -rr:.j.';c. >•';" '•^\u25a0. . ~\:.-~ \u25a0,;.\u25a0\u25a0-. : .. * FJmt> dan* sfOO,- second 151.25,; one claiisii- cabin *»47^sO.-. )piU>~ \u25a0''-:''\u25a0 ' V- - ' '.-« r,» Ask-any vticketwagent. : or , wrlte«.for sailings; '. rates* andjbookl et.^/f^^ ? ( 1 0) ?i" E. v 'K.* PBA.V G.VA^ Palace J Hotel, -San "I;, '\u25a0\u25a0:/\u25a0 •-'\u25a0... ;"-. v .:- i rFrancUico'>% %} ,:'. \u0084M---'\ $45,000 HELD UP ON JAIL CONTRACT Architect for Construction Com* pan y Asks Supervisors OAKIjAND, June 27.— Owing to the fact that the ' plumbing in the new county jail, has not been completed in the steel cells and the juvenile and •witness' departments, $45,000 owing the Pacific construction company is tied up". for an, indefinite period.. Archi tect WrA. Miller, representing. the con struction ' company, today- applied to the supervisors to change the contract to the-extent of allowing the with drawal of the $45,000 upon guarantee of "Wittman, Lyman & Co.; subcontract ors," install: the plumbing at any time for $700. -The matter was referred to the committee of the whole of the supervisors and to the district attor ney. H. K. Magrill. for the last two year? county .'/' statistician, was again ap pointed to that, position today ,/tvith a salary of"$200 a month. He will have the services of an 'assistant at a salary of 5100 a ; month. Supervisor; Foss at tacked the resolution appointing: Magill on the 'ground that the. board was do ing politics and that Magill's appoint ment.should. have been deferred until September, when the real work of gathering- statistics begins.- Th* other four members of the board votel for the appointment. - A communication was received by the board from R. A. / Archibald, city mar ket and milk inspector, asking that ad ditional facilities be .provided for the treatment of tubercular patients at the rounty infirmary. The communication was! indorsed by C. J. Heeseman, Sol Kahn and. Smith -Brothers. No action was taken. . • - •: . :* The board indorsed the fourth of July celebration /planned by Hayward and. appropriated ?500 to.-aid in de fraying the expenses of the occasion. i PACIFIC OCEAN TRAVEJIj ' •\u25a0 - • "2. \u25a0 ' •-\u25a0•:.\u25a0.-' ' '' ' V v , jJ fgTr m ft^.'* " Steamers I^are from Broad- ,. yQj^^Q^k ' wa T Wharves (Piers 9 rQ/\lBCKfc V"V| Litr rat«. lnchidinc berth I I YmWx I I *nd meols. I \ yKtt^gkl I .Special Round Trip Kates. >yV\ '':';, y<&7 . i-os axgei-es J^ijpOT/^ SAN DIEGO \u25a0','' .^*~"f^ -. *SANTA BARBARA President ; or Governor Alternate .Mondays^ 4 p. m. •Santa: R05a: ....... I .Every -Thursday, IX a. m. ' 'Only steamer. calling at Santa Barbara. s SEATTLE (DIRECT). TOWXSEXD TACOMA, VICTORIA, VANCOUVER Connecting at Seattle for Southeastern Alaska, '•. Sbagway.' Davvson,. Fairbanks and all points on th» Yukon. President or Governor Alternate Satnrdaj-s, 2 p. m. Queen...."...... Tuesday, June 28, 10 a. m. Clty'of Puebla'.'Umatilla or Queen. ..... . Alternate Tuesdays. 2 p. m. $37.50 Seattle and return: in. 10 p. m. Queen.... .....'....'... ..July 3, 17, 8 p. m. Right reserved to change this schedule. TICKET OFFICES— PaIace Hotel, 6.V? Market •;. St., -16 Market st. and Broadway wharf. . v. -\u25a0• Telephone Kearny 492. . OAKLAND— II2A Broadway. Tel.- Oakland 5650. C. D..DUNANX, . General Passenger Agept. ©AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY Tehuantepec Route i . Regular Fast Frels;ht Service NEW YORK TO PACIFIC COAST PORTS AND HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, sailing from New York every six days, making direct connection with Pacific steamers sailing from Salina Cruz, Mex., every six days for San Francisco. PACIFIC \u25a0• COAST PORTS TO NEW YORK. Also to Mexican and all prin- cipal European ports under through rate and^through bills of lading. Sail- ings from San Francisco every 12 days. For rates and further particulars ap- ply to DEARBORN & LAPHAM, Gen- eral Agents, ,8 Bridge street; New York. -WILLIAMS, DIMOND & CO., General Agents, , Pacific. .Coast. . 310 Sansome St., San Francisco TOYO KISEN KAISHA ORIEXTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. B. "CWyo Maru" (Tia Manila) . . ' ......... .... . . . . . .'. • Tueaday, July 19, 1910 S. S. "Tenyo Maru". ... ..Tueaday, Au*. 16, 1910 S. 8. "Nippon Maru"..... .Tuesday, Sept. 6, 1910 Steamem Ball from company's piers, Noa. 42, 44. near foot of Second St., at Ip.m.. for Yoko- hama and Hongkong. : fa 11 Ing " at Honolulu, Kobe (Hlogo) and Nagasaki and Shanghai, and con- necting at HongiioiiK with Hteamern for Manila, India, elo. No cargo received on board on day of sailing. Round trip tickets at reduced rates. For .freight and passage apply at office. 240 James Flood building. W. 11. AVERY. .-•'.' Assistant^ General Manager. Pllllll The new. -fast and ele- lUlJls.a.&Sß.SftiNA 'LVL V 3.2.%0 tons displaoemeut. _ sails at noon July 6. lit 10. for Honolulu and S. S. LURLrItNE ... 13,000 Ton» Displacement. - Sails noon June 29. 1911). for Honolulu, and Ka- bnlul. ;Round trip to Honolulu $110. first, class. Mat»on Xavlcntlon Co., 208 Market St. I : TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAXD-S.S. \u25a0Mariposa : sails .11 •a. m: June 29. : Special .-•Tahiti* round trip $125, first class. -HMVM HI IK S - S Sl#rra (10.000 tons dis- fIUIIULULU placement) sails 11 a. m. July QX 1910; :\u25a0; Special round .trip $110. first class. r OCEANIC LINE," 673 Mkt..: tel. Kearny ,rJ3i; . V •VRAILWAYTRAYEL - ELEOTEIC ! BUBirEBAN ; VIA , BAUSALITO ; Sauaalito, y Mill ''. Valley, \ San Hafael — Dailr erery 80l minutes from ,6:45 a.' ra. ' until 9-45 a. m.; hourly, until 2:45 p.* m..'^ then 3:15 p "m and"eTery,SO minutes until 7:45 p. m."," then 9-00* 10:85 p. m. and 12:01 a., m.'. (On Sundays' In addition— Erery 30 minutes -from 9:45 a. m to 3:15 p." m., excepting 2:15 p. m.> " v ' . Fairfax— LeaTes t6:43, 7:15. ,7:45; S: 15, 843 9:16, 9:45, U0:15.' 10:45, tll:l5. 11:45 a. m : J12:15.- 12:45. 41 :15.M:45. 2:45. 3:15, 3:45 415' 4:45, 5:15,' 5:45. 6:15. U:45, |7:15, 7:45, 9 : 00* ||10:S5 p.m.;t12:01 a. m.-: '. • \u25a0 - ' San ftuentin »ia Ban Rafael— 8:45 a. m.. 1:43 I'p.- m.'Z-^Z'-'-j «'''*'•\u25a0\u25a0•'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-• *- Ti; .:' "'•-\u25a0\u25a0. •\u25a0•' - ; '" -•\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0 Tiburon and Belvedere— Week days, 7:30 900 {10:45 a. m.M|12:45 p. m: Saturdays only), 3:30 5:30 5 p. office. : Clay ;' street wharf, '* neftb'i*nd> ferry , buildlnp.i; Market: street I ferry.: Meals' a ; la- carte; " Phones 'Kearny; 406 or 1C4708... ' ' \ -.-,.' j MUST' INSTALL FIRE ESCAPES— Berkeley. June 27. — Three owners of apartment houses in this city ' h«Te been notified by Fire Chief James Kenney that • they " will be arrested unless their -bulMinz* arc equipped with fire escapes. Those notified are: Georjre Mohr. Unlrersity aparlnjcuti«: Williamson Jfe Masnu. Aldoree house, and J.. I. Beckett. iVanci:; 'apartments. Round TVin Fafe ' O^H faS SPECIAL TRAINS leave San Francisco 9:00 a. m Sunday, July 3. 1910. arriving at Reno in the evening. \u25a0For the .accommodation of the passengers these trains will at Sacramento for lunch and Truckee for dinner, the service at both station? being under the Southern Pacific Company dining car manage- ment. ~ .>;;; :\u25a0"; For further particulars sec agents. SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY TRAVEL TRAINS LEAVE AND ARE DUE TO ARRIVE FROM JUNE 12. 1318 VIA OAKLAND PIER Le»Te (Foot of Market Street) Arrive^ 2.15 a Niles, Traev. lAthrop, Stockton, : Lodi, Gait, Ellc Grove, Sacramento. . 10.33p 6.40 a H-iyward. Niles. San Jose 7.08 a 7.00 a Richmond, Port Costa, Benicw, Saisun, ' \u25a0 r. ..: Dixon. Sacramento, Roseville, Marys- ville, Redding. Dunsnuir 7.28b 7.00t Hmira. Vacaville, Rumsey. 7^Sp 7.00 a Davis, Woodland (Marrsville. Oro- ville). Waiiami, Maxwell. WilloFs, Hamilton. Corninir. Ked Bluff 7.28? 7.40 a Vatlejo, Xapa, Cal:si-->;a, Santa Rosa, Martin? 1, can Kamon, LiTermore. . . 6.08p 7.40 i Nilef. Pleaainton, Livermore. Tracy, Lathrop, Stocktoa 7.28p 7.40» Tracy, Los Banos. Kerman, Fresno. 4.28p B.ooa Newark. Sjn Jose. Los Gatos, Wright. Felton (Boulder Creek), Saata Crus. . . 5.48p 8.20 a Port Costa, Martinez, Byron. Tmry. Stockton. Mercei, Fresno, Goshen Junction (Hanford, Armona), Visalia, Porterville. Bakerafi eld 4.48p 8.20 a Yosemite Valley vit Merced. 4.48p 9.00 a Niles. Livermore. Stockton (*Milton), Valley Spring, lone, Sacramento.. 4.28p 9.00 a Sonora, Tuolumne and Angels 4.28 a 9.00 a Atlantic Exprew— Sacramento. True- . . kee. O?den.( Lake. Tahoe), Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City, Omaha, * ' Chicago a2Bp 9.40 a Richmond, Port Costa, Martinea, Bay Point 6.48p 1 0.20 a VaUejo Mare Island. Napa 1 1 -28a 10.20 a Los Angeles Passancer— Port Costa. Martinez. Byron, Tracy. Stockton, Merced. Fresno, (Hanford. Coalinga. Visalia.) Bakersfield, Los Angeles 7.48 a 10,40 a San Francisco Overland limited — Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omahs. Chiiago 5.28p 1 1 50 a Shasta limited— Portland. Tacoma, - - Seattle ; 9.18p 12.00n Goldfield Pass.— Port Costa, Benicia. facramento, Truckee, Haien, \Va- buska (Yerlnzton, Mason), Miaa, Tonopah, Golddeld, Laws, Keeler 7.48 a IZOOn Msrysville. Chico, Red Bluff 4.28p 1.20p N'iles. Irvins'.on, ?an Jose 2.48? 1.40p San Leaa iro, Niles, Centervflle, / 9.08 a Newark. San Jose 1 7.28p 1.40p Newark. San Jose, Los Gatos, Wright, Felton (Boulder Creek), Santa Crux.. 9.18p 2.40p San Leandro, Nil es, San Jose. 9.28 a 3.00? Benicia, Winters, Sacramento — Wood- land, Marysville, Oroville — Yolo, ":•.-."' Arbuckle. Wflliam*. WOlows 10.48 a 3.20p Port Costa (Stockton), Martinez, ( 12.08? Byron, Modesto, Merced. Fresno.. I 11.18? ' 4.00p Vailejo, Napa, Calistoga, Santa Rosa, ' Mar tine*, ban Ramon, Livermore... 9.28 a 4.00p Niles (Ceaterville),Llvermore.Tracy, f 10.28 a Stockton, Lodi \ 11. 18* 4.40? San Leandro. Hayward. Niles, Pleas- anton, Livermore, Tracy, Newman, Kerman, Fresno 11.18? 5.00p Vallejo, Port Costa, Benicia, Sacra- mento. Rosevflle, Marysville, Oroville 1 1.28 a 6.00p Rmsrll. San Jose, Los Gatos 9.28 a |5.00p Wright, Felton, Santa Crui a9.28a 5.20 a San Leandro. N iles, San Jose 7.48 a 6.45p Via Sausalito, West Napa, St. Helena. Calistoga 10.35 a 6.00p Owl Limited — Los Angeles B.oBa 6.40p Eastern Express— Ogden, Pueblo, Den- ver, Kansas City. St. Louis, Chicago. . , Port Costa, Benicia, Sacramento, Reno, Sparks 8.28p 6.40» Lake Tahoe Sleeper 7.48 a 6.40 a Hayward, Niles and San Jose 6.48p J7.00p Vallejo, Port Costa, Martinez, Bay Pointand Way Stations JII.ISp 7.40p Richmond, Port Costa, Martiner, Cornwall, Tracy, Lathrop, Stockton. 12.43? S.2op Oregon Express — Davis. (Sowamen to). Willows, Redding (KlamMh Falls), Ashland, Portland. Tacoma, Seattlt, Spokane 9.03 a B.oop China and Japan Fast Mail— Oj-!cn, Cheyenne, Denver, Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago 2.48p 9.00 • Port Costa, Benicia, Sacramento, Col- fax, Truckee, Reno. Sparics, Ogden.. 2.43? * 9.40? Yosemits Valley Sleeper via Merced toFJPortal. 8.28 a 9.40p BakersSeld MeKittrick. Monarch. \u25a0 Moron, Fellow 8.28 a 9.40p Richmond, Port Costa. Tracy. Mo- ' desto, Merced, Fresno, ' Hanford, Coalinga, Visalia, Tulare. 8.23 a I I.OOp San Leandro, Niles, San Jon \ 7XBa 1 1 .40p Portland Express— Sacramento, Mar>'s- , rille. Red Bluff. Weed, Ashland, Rose- v barg. Portland. Taroma. Senttle 12.28p NETHERLANDS ROUTE— From Pacific Street Wharf . CollinsvUle, Emmaton. Rio Virta. Isleton. Ryde. Wal- i'lt Grove, Vorden, Courtlnnd. Clarksbure. Sicramento. \u25a0 Ststmer Nivajo, leaves San Francisco B:oo a. m. daily \u25a0ixcept Sunday, stopping at points shown, arriving Sac- .•amento 6.00 p.m. Leaves Sacrameato 9:00 P.m. daily ixcept Sunday (no stops en route), arriving San Fran- Ji?co 5:00 a.m. Stumer Modae or Apache, leaves Saa Francisco 1.00 >.m. Daily, except Sunday; arrive S&n Francisco 11.30 >.m. 3AKLAND HARBOR FERRY— From San Francisco. Markrt Street Wharf— Week Days— Hourly from 6.C0 I a.m. to 9.00 p.m. Sundays— 6.4s. 8.15, 9.45. 11.15 . a.m.. 12.45. 2.15. 3.45. 5.15. 6.45. 8.15 and 9.45 p.m. LOCAL FERRY TRAINS— Via Alametfa Pier. To Oakland and Alameda— l6. lo. t6.45 a.m., and then J 1 10 and 45 minutes past ths hour until 7.45 p.m.; then I 9.30, 9.15, 10.00, 10.45. IL3O p.m. and 12.15 a.m. To Alaneda and Fruitvale via Hortethoe umt ai above. . l for Morning, p for Afternoon, t Sunday excepted. j t Sunday only. : $ Saturday and Sunday only. \u25a0 \u25a0 aSundny and Monday only. Union Transfer Co. authorized to check Baggage ;tiregt fm^n r»*ilenrc. \u25a0_ *'- ' \u25a0 ' /s£§& Schedule Effective p^l) June 12, 1910 VAjfew/ UAIOV FERRY DEPOT Leaved Via • SAt.'SALITO. -„.- Arrlre. J6 :43a Petaluma. Santa Uosa. 'Healds-t ~ \u25a0 '._ . bnrg, •Clorerdale, GuernvTille. - . . . Monte .. Rip, Duncan Mills, \u25a0 Cazaflero J9:o3p ,' 7:lsa Sonoma, -Glpn Ellen ........... 6:05p ' 7:45 a F'etalmna. Santa Rosa, Heald»- - - - burjr. - (JlqTprdale, 1 I.kiah., ; '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Wlllltsi, blierwood ...' 7.350 8:13 a Pt. Reyes, Camp Meeker, Caza- - -rdero.:. ........ 7:ZZr, : 8:45 a Petalnma.' Santa Rosa,* Gnerne- Tllle,' Monte Rio, Duncan Mills— (leare* . from Caza- dero) ;......: 7:03p J9 :lsa Sonoma, Glen Ellen t« •;cn J9:lsa PC v ßeyes....... jB:f^j 8 : f^ 10:45 a Petaluma.i Santa K05a...;..... 4-350 12 :45p Pt. ; Reyes, Camp Meeker, Caza- >. -. -. dero.V; ••ii:ooa 3:15p Petaluma. Santa Rosa. Healds- ..'. \u25a0: • burg." Clorerdale. tTklah. Guer- \u25a0 • % - neville, Monte. Rl». .- Duncan Mills. Sebastopol (to Caza- • . dero Saturday and Sunday):. 11:03 a ;t3:lSp Pt.V-Rcye5..r. .....:..... \u25a0-\u25a0. J3:O--.p I 4:4."p Sonoma. -Glen Ellen. \u25a0..•......'.... 0:05 a '*. 5:15p Petaluma. ;Santa ~Kosa;'. ......'.-. 8:35 a :.5:45p Pt.^:?Reyes" (leaves 7:13 "p. m. \~ ,' j ttuadap).... 8:03* ASKS LEAVE TO DISSOLVE— OakIand. Juno 2". — The Illi 'li:ii<>iiii lisbt ami power, coiupany tinl.iy filed a i>otltlon with the aO^rttat court asking, that the corpora Uon be dts.-M.>lvcd.'. Xt la recited that at a stott h»l(lfrs* nieetinc h«'M June li». VJIO. more th;>n two-thirds »>f the shsre owners -vot^l for the disstilutlon of tin- corporation. \u25a0 Tlie company has tiveu takt-u over hy n new porjwiratlun. VIA COAST LINE Leave (Third and TownsenJ Street3> Arrre? T5.25* Loop—^3>i Street. Visitaciim. :outh Saa Francisco. Valenria Street. .."... t6^2ua t5.35» Loop — Valencia Street. Ocean View, Cemeteries, South San irnnciico, 23d Street. 3rd and To»nrend t6.45a 6.20 a Somh San Francwco, San Josr. Gilroy. (Flollister), Sargent, Pajaro, 'Watson- Tine. Santa Cm* 7.5C9 5 7 COa Monterey Sunday Excursion 10.5T » 1 7.00s South ?an Vrincisco, Fslo Alto. San \ t7.2ta Jose, Way Stations / 7.30 a 7.00 a May field. Los Allot. Los fiat 05 ....... t7.20i 8:00* Shore lane Limited— Paso Roblrs Hot Springs, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles 9.30> aOsa The Caister— San Jose. ftp» (V*ft> conville, Santa Crui). Castrorille. (Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove). Salinas, Sotedad. Paso Roblcs Kot Spring San Luis Obifpo, Surf, (Lompoc > . Santa Barbara. Ventura. Oxnard. Los Angles 11.42» 8.20 a Mayfield. Los Altos. Los (Tatos. Wright. Glcnwoo 9.00 a San Jose, Gilroy, Sa linns, Paso Pobles Hot Springs, Saa Luis Obifpo — Trea Pinos— Watsonrille. Santa Cniz, Del Monte. Monterey, Pacific Grove 4.C0? 10.40 a South San Francisco, Burlißgame. Saa ilateo. Palo Alto, San Jcse t6.30a 1 0.40 a Los Altos. Monta Vista. Los Gatos. . { jOp 1 1.30 a Valencia Street. Ocean Vietr. Colisa. Cemeteries. Isai!en. San Brano 1.35b 11.40 a South Pan Francisco. San Jose tB.2C« I.O0? Saturday Palo Alto Local 5.COp 2.00p Del Monte Exprcss-^San Jo?e. Gilroy. Sargent (WatsonviHe, SanU Cruz), Del Monte, lloaterey. Pacific Grove, (Saliaas) 12.30? 2.05? South Sao Francisco. Palo Alto, £r.a Jose B.4P^ t2.05p Los AISos.- Monta Vista. Los Gatos... t3.20p 3.00? South Sun Francisco. San Mateo. Saa Jose, Gilroy, Tres Pinos, Salinas 10.10 a 3.00p WatsonviHe. Santa Crus. Cnstrovillo. Del Monte. Monterey, Pseiac Grore. 10.10 a 3. 1 5? MaySeld, Los Alto*. Los Gates. Wright (Boulder Creek). Santa Cra« I I.C5a AJQOf Sunset Express — Tucron, Dercii:*, , D Paso. Honston. New Orlettra. Pasc) Robles Hct Sprir.gj. San Luis Obispo. Santa Barbara and Los Angeles 10.55 a 4.00 a Kansas City. St. Loui3, Chicaso 10.55« 4.20p Sooth San Francisco. San Jose 19.C0m t4.55p MaySeld. Los Altos, Los Gatos. Glcn- wood, Felton (Boulder Creek). SanU Crui t1.15? jo.OOp Burlingame. San Mateo. Palo Alto, San Jos- and Way Stations 9.40 a |5.05p Loop — 23d Street. Visitacion. South Sen Francisco, Valencia Street t& Isp f5.20p Redwood. Palo Alto. Saa Jose I. lOp ts.2of> Los Altoi, Monta Vista. Los Gatos. . . f3-20p t5.25p Burlinpime, San 3lateo. San Jose. f3.2Cp t5.30p Loop— Valen-ia Street, Ocean View. Cemeteries, South San Francisco, 23d Street. 3d and Totrnsend t&40? 8.40? Ean Bruno. San Mateo. Redwood. Palo Alto. Santa Claw. San Jose 7.33 a J5.40? Los Altos, Los Gatos, Santa Cruz ?S.4Ca 16.00? Millbrae. San Mateo. Palo Alto. May- field, Los Altos, Los Gatos ts:ooa t6.03p 23d Street. Visitack>r», South San Francisco, Yaleneia Street t7.13p t6.25p Loop— Valencia Street, Ocean View, Cemeteries. South San Francisco, 23d Street. »J and Towrsend t7.30? 6.30p South Stn Francisco. San Jose 5.4f1a 8.00 p The Lark— Paso Robles Hot Springs. Santa Barbara, Los Angeles 9.3Ca 8.05p Los Ar?rles Passenger — GUroy, Salinas, Paso Robles Hot Springs. San Luis Obispo, Saata Barbara and Los Angeiea B.3Ca t IO.OOp San Jose and Way Stations 7.237 11.45? South San Francisco. Palo Alto, San Jose 7.45p LOCAL FERRY TRAINS— Via Oakland Pier. To Oakland. Berkeley, Bsrryman. East Oakland *Rd Fruitvale— Daily— From 6.00 a,m.. aad every tacnt7 minutes until 7.00 p.m. inclusive; then 7.40. 8.20. 0.00. 9.40, 10.20. 11.00. 11.40 12JX> aad l.£o a.m. To Sather and M»(rou via Savsnth St.— thily— From 6.00 ajn.', and erenr twenty minufes natil 7.C0 p.m. inclusive, then 7.40. &20. 9.C0. 9.4 a 10.20. ILO. and 11.40 p.m. J> To Stonehurtt— DailT Except Sunday— B.Co. 7.C0. B.CO, 9.00 a.m.. 2.20. 3.00, 4.00, 5.00. 6.40 p.m. Sunday only 900 10.00 ajn.. LCO. 2.00, 3.00. 4JX). SJX), 6.40 pja. To Oakland Fint St.. Fruitvals, Alamada. via Hortethos —Daily— From tfi.oo, 6.20 ajn. aad every tuenty minutes until .8.20 a.m. iodusTe; then 9.C0, 9.20, 10.00. 10.20. lim 11.20 ajn.. 12m^1i20,J.00. 1.20. 2.C0, 2.20. 3.00. 3.20. J3.40 pjn. and erety twenty minutesuntil 7 pjn. inrlu«ive; 7.40. 8.20. 9.C0. 9.40. 10.20. 11.00 *nd 11.40 p.m.. 12.20 and 1.20 ajn. , Additional tnin to Oakland First St. 2.15 ».ffi. To Wett Bjrkeley— Daily Except Sunday— From fl.OO ajn. «ad every twenty minutes untJS.2oa.rn. indu- iive; then 9.00 a.m. and every hour until 4.C0 p.m. indnsive: then 4.20 pjn. and every twenty minntes until 7.00 p.m. incteive: then 7.40 p.m.. 8.20, 9.C0, 9.4 a 10.20. 11.00. 11.40 p.m. and 12.20 a.n>. To West Bsrkelsy — Sunday* only — From 6.00 a.m.. then 7.00, 7:40, 8:20. 9.00 aja. JncJusive; then 9.20 a.m. and every txenty minutes 7.C0 pjn. indusiTe: then 7.40- p.m., 8.20. 9.C0. 9.40. 10.20, 11.00, IL4O p.ta. and 12.20 a.m. To Corbin— Daily Except Sunday— Frcia 6.00 ajn. and every 20 minutes until 8.20 a.m. indusiTO. then 9.00. 10.00 a.m.. 12.00 m.. 1.00. 2J30. 3.00. 4.00. 4.20. 4.40. 5.00. 5.20. 5.40 and 6.00 To Corbin — Sundays only — From 6.00 a.m.. thea 9.09 a.m., 9.20 a.m. aad every twenty miautes until 6.00 p.m. fi. MUIR WOODS MT. TAMALPAIS VIA SAUSALITO FERRY FOOT OF MARKET BTREST Rcasa Trig frcOT San Francises. »Jfl Lf.Saa fracga Li. Heir W;cfc j Lt. Tnatofr WetkJ.y ! Smdar W«kJ»y! Srafar i W?-W?2 l S«n«by 9:45 a' 8:15 a t7:20» 11:00 a 7:20a^10:10a 1 1:45p 9:15 a 1:40? 11:45 a 1:4»p 11:15 a *4:45p -9:45a 02:40p 12:50? 4:14 d 12:40? 10:45 a 4:2 Up 2:40p a 3:50? 2:32? 11:45 a 3:50? ...... 3:45p ...... 1:45p 5:20 p...... 5:10p ...... :2:45p 6:40 p...... 6:40 p.. .. > 4:15? OToMt. Tamalp aisonly •To Mair Sat. only, t Man. only, a Sat. only. IMnironlj. Ticket Offices— Sausalito Ferry and 87 » Market General O£ce— Mill Valley. California Imn if Inufah"-tirf "Xii: la" in tlwin «aa to ptsa OCEAN SHORE RAILWAY V. ». Stratton. HecelTer. 1 Lt. litU & Mission *ta- daily — *»:00a.. J!>:r,Oa.. ••10:30 a.. •:::«>»».. •s:li^». Ar. S. P. daily— •7:25 a.. •*»:»<>;<.. '^--iHip.. t5:23p.. •*6:10 p. •Arleta.- JTunitas Gl«-n; stage for San Gr»- gorlo ami I'psi-a'lfnv. "*Sun«laT onty .\rl»*tii. CALL . WANT ADS BIU.NG RESULT! 7