ACCOMPLICE TRIES TO SHIELD WOMAN Once Wealthy Contractor Ar raigned at Santa Cruz on Charge of Extortion ISpcciat Dispatch to The Call] SANTA CRUZ, June 27.— "1 am down and out. . I was once well to Ao. - bnt met with reverses, and thi» thing appealed to me as a chance to make a . ral8«.~ . These were the words of H. S. Farns- worth at his preliminary hearing be fore Justice W. M. Gardner today. Parnsworth Is accused of extortion by John Hodges, whom he forced to sign a note for $500 at the point of a re volver when Hodges was caught in the presence of Ifips May Cavanaugh one night last month by a prearranged scheme. The woman is still In jail and Farns worth is attempting to shield her by taking all the blame. He says he grants to "go across," for he Is' unable to do hard work. t>HtMM>IMH>MMM»MM»«I«M>t \u2666\u2666\u2666•\u2666\u2666••»»»\u2666\u2666 \u2666\u2666 \u2666 \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666•\u2666\u2666\u2666 \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 » \u2666 » »\u2666\u2666\u2666»<\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 \u2666 \u2666 \u2666 »»\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666»»»\u2666\u2666»\u2666\u2666 \u2666 \u2666 »\u2666»>>»>>>»»»\u2666»«\u2666\u2666<> M>MMM«MUt« M» »^ :\u25a0;\u25a0; i: Readers of The Call When Writing for Rates or Reservations at the Resorts ;| s | Advertised Will Confer a Favor by Mentioning the Name of This Paper I; \u2666 MH * •••»»\u2666•\u2666\u25a0»••••••••••••••••.'.«•. . H««* »»«»«,« A A A^\> A»* *i^f \u25a0>'- f" t- "t t t'lttt ttttti Mtttt ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ||' cooks |riw Mjni ™ ;;« c ;™» «» r-i=r"| s sf ..'ljf ,f^ tTmwor»s i^^= frrikcW^pr 1^ «om«Ji. liw. fe* H I °1 S fr y^^^ff4^^^Aglgg i W*^M^Vf^ ! . Under New Management, ****** iUVII AAv | For your summer resting place. !* \u0084 kidney, bladder trouble*. THE FAVORITE KESORT fOX TOURIST Spend the Fourth^ of July in the City by the t "^X I-Cl nJI Wli I SrECIAL SUNDAY MORNING EXCURSION f-«1«» A *•!% 9 you will find somewhere along the • rheumatism, etc Sightseers, h^aith and pleasure seekers. A Ym LZ . uZrltl 1 til ? 4%#*r» WM II I# * l^ves S. F. 7a. m. and 0:45 a. m. neturnin 5 JUIV **'f\ S Picturesque line of the ; Tho fn^ lt'orliJ Di.[7A W«f wn by thi* greater variety of mineral water* than in any ***' *°« m "^ aTe • Mne or strenuous time, as » «^9«TMniIV I leaves 8 o'clock Monday night. Including boat •* *** X f, r . .^-.~ liie UOiO mCaai KnZC „•„„ at' the JJIJSr-T'ttP.Hif* c """"-k?? 8^ MtUr ?t f W P * redwoods and the beach at < GREAT CANVAS CITY; FISHING ALWAYS < («e. hotel accommodaUons and batha. $5.50. Vla Grand fireworks display in front of X 11 f| «T II fill TflTr n 11 s*att> World* Fair. S,7' ™m t !J ( 'S» 515 1 „, L^, Santa Cnw are calling for playmates. Are you fFINE: PORTKR'S CATALINA ISLAND. Monticello Steamboat Co. hote l. Fireworks permitted on the Del Mi fJ 11 U I U ISf L V I LD >i Alpm |4/>tol Modern In all its oquip- X"* ti a T « d ?S^!|S^>i«nr,fJr\ lmn«pment« t.^?» rea^T ' " BAND; GOLF. TENNIS. BOATING. MOON- , 'H. A. WILSON. Manager. Monte beach and "Lorers Point." Pa- Ml fi \\ f[ I M Mil f llif IS I\eW riOiei ments. Now open for guests. ™SrS«Jd r£j flZ^lll' n^S J . n S ' LIGHT LAUNCH RIDES ARE IDEAL. BET- , — \\ — _ ; : '. . ciflc Groye. M II UItIIIIELU I L II ll A**nr««n«fc Swimmine On' hirse-^t P r^ m I{*^ «io t0 ? ViS Write Santa Cru« Chamber of Commerce, box ' TER GET OUR FOLDER -BEFORE YOU , „ „ _\u0084_„__ _. 0 "^T *' \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"** • *•\u25a0»•« f%_*_. H"fi f-f.n *\u25a0"> tn qi iuwhujihj \u25a0njpjjwue^PiJSl I HlJll ll] llHli l\ !!r\ 1 1 Kate.* Steer.lSih.frV- rattier $4 ocr ci *™ for 12.M and buy round trip ticket at ; . . .\u25a0 . .;. . — : «Wfr The most beautiful spot in umiiimm nrfffiMlT^Wß.TinKnßr*^,^migiMM3 I MUII IU llfllL.ll UnU week uo ninerti bath * fr^' CottB^ s \u2666* ** T Healdsburg for Geybers for $4. making full round \u25a0\u0084.,._. - ; ,-.x . __' the Santa Crua mountains for \u25a0. - -, : ~ r» _ _«." t<-«c •=-\u25a0, Frc^i^r. r.n >; n trip $G. 50. C. C. Foes, tue celebrated stage f» f^ ff BB m I VV T^k "'H — R{ health and pleasure, rirst . , .._^^ .„_ . _^_\u0084 Ii 1 Marln, Sonoma. Mendoclno S ) »*^V»^SS B^ £oS S&HH C r al - " I)ECKJUr)AH CO - 789 J^ U iiVUVH EiUICI ViiJLllW./ I tfS^K I^; 6^ PACIFIC GROVE j »™ ou »^ sulde now ready where automobile will take you to the — : «AMA CRUZ CAL ; - €fwEs§i ' madrone; altitude 'l.SOO feet; UATSTI feieS»— nvenu hotspiungs nowopen " :~J^j2^ t '\u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0< wxw^Btitttt \u25a0 "Vacation 1910" AT-OrsT LANf, &CO «ISf 1 I fit! TREATMENTS — Obesity hrf *™m s.n VI,S * i n ! "".u»n° t L J2W Peck-Judah. 7SO Market St.. A houae of qnlet Excellence {^ TCiVUilUll 17lV . . i^nu Ok*. W.tir. San Francisco. Cal. Oll\ U H J Situated on. bluff within 100 feet of «• o^onX SffiifiSS^BA^-'ffi I *?.^ .L^u'' ralL^.^U? °' W * f^"" ' — Pbon» Market SSB. gout: diseases of the »*• ~ a«» *.«_• »» « ' «• - s - •>- - W--J Mi>nnNArn pr nn "*" 'T^ : lm " rr ™ w - F " &^a'&HF€i«; M;sa^^ipi«: UISSsI pIhW marvquiiip elm. grove hotel^^^s^^^°^ SKAGGS HOT SPRINGS as -- l£^Sa^^ t r:r sa^'gatg^^.jjg- »^pvi?^H»&^ bULUbA ft. ffIAKIbVILLt mm ,~v T .^SHiv^S prSb *JilrtvJ-Vi»J llUt iJI JLllllVifc/ vu^^oj.. rtqptwwr. . — ___ week; open the - year around. MARY C. Mac- „ _ v , . . ._. _" _. , r«tn^riAvn K««v I«»aa<» fisbinjt: bowling: tennis: bllllara\ pool tables- ~ *M — « — . INNIS> M- D- Loi «ato«. Cal. # *•» Rambler Auto Stage Line. Two round CSZaflerO Dlfif 1 Y6£S Hverj ; % mile "from station; ratt* *3^o $"p« AWARDED FIRST PRIZE 1909 cam HPnDIM CT A TS^ W> Wl WC* " : 1 ' — JrfPf -^ «a»X. •. connecting with Northern Electric - O w week. Booklet on request. Write or phone Xv &»>^rN nfcLJKIrM § £^ UUI iV Blk r.t>nr«m^ o .^. n ,™ Trains for €acramento. Chlco and Ororille. Bates $2 ' per day, |10 per week; ererythlng KUHN. Applesate. Placer coaat/. CnL • Nine miles froox GeyserrUle. Sonoma Co. Twe T-». e olcturesflne situation o* San Hfdrln Ke.ort W A JTtkSi M? \S &\*&J\3 GARDEN CITY SANITARIUM. Leaves Western Hotel. Marysville. 0:10 ju m. new; first class accommodations; hunting: fisniag. — . Vl£ 8 d N.Vjr.l l to"&«l^ta^^SK \u25a0rtA^^&^ffiStSrtfi^tto'SJ ,v „, *,/^*^*T W - New building: new treatment rooms; aew din- "**** »"• .»"« Dillmw'. Ctnw. Colosa. " AMUSEMENTS OF AIL KI.XDS For P i mpt BajrKaffe j^ c ,,, tJjp fwi«irlK HnW Fl^h^e Llv«v Tennlt «njnsernents. Eest and cWort are prime factors Addres. W. 8. STAFFORD. Muuger, Soquel, mwage. electricity, ll«ht and sun treatment.. - .. , - — ; —*— « r/iVirily IRAIWrCK lAlirlrAill Kwnn^inr Mcnunx. tilfjtu in one's vacation: leave your best clothe, and «tl- Santa Cmi county, Cal. VT,.7 In short, the beat methods extant. Write for , ._« -\u0084„„„ / « , « „. 44r*/\¥THTnn 1 TIT /\r« f irrM ELLIS STREET AT JO XES ;££3S§W»%SEpsg3 S"H^S » TEw ?^ " — " ' : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -"\u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0 s " ""' °"' camp cdrry, Santa cm Mts. "FOUNTAIN OF LIFE \u25a0 t^%sr&is%ssi: a^ iSSr-SfiSS^'JffWSSA JSa**- SKSSfSS«KB"H pir !? E LODQ E LAHONDAand PESCADERO Jof f es Hot Sulphur Springs RirHAPn< . nM e Pglvrg "— ; Piedmoat 2260. In the mountain^ only two miles from Santa Buy your raUroad ticket to Redwood City. 9a. ; I ff; < ?* t r °f->: . UUIIWJJUWIOUipiIUI opt lll^a RICHARDSON SPRING^ : 0 ' r»Tl»cr»»ir!CC rTinirr Cru». Bathing and boating, mountain trails, m. train from Third - and Townsend sts., San v» *»a r* r>r tnnir ir v- " i; Sure cur* for rheumatism, malaria. Doison oak ~ . **. . INVERNESS STABLES - Ck rtM pp a -L- r V3 i'*-fi '*-fi aaJflfca:a aJf1fca: §S?WSi'S*JSa rasaVUSffl CA MP CURRY,. Yosenute SLnaSJSafffffeSaaaSSus AND JLclSt OllOr© 1 dliV Address PINE LODGE. Santa Cma. Cal. City, Cal. Best location. Beit table. Only white chef in at Bryan's bureau. 149 Montgomery St., S»a dress LEE RICIIAKDSON. CUlco Cal. ; - _ _»..^ -.._«. — ....... TT — — ; '\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0-. -\u25a0 — -- \u25a0•\u25a0.\u25a0•\u25a0 ~ ~ — Yosemite. Address David A. Curry. Yosemlt*. Francisco, or write to TILDEN JONES, Prop., — — — — ; ',, — — . POINT REYES EMPORIUM Picnic Grounds mt. view ranch hotel HOTEL LA HONDA Bss^asM-g^aaatfr.'?' Mpt ° c ""- "- -*\u25a0 Dr. c c O'Donneii Mineral springs Finest tarnonts of all description., with thor- And cotUtn the mounUln. near Santa Crua. »««ntifully sltuated-in the redwoods. Tent ac- . vi 7C? DDDn \u25a0 >». t^-i=» MOTEL. BERTRAND GLEX ELLE.Y XOW OPEN oaghly competent drivera. Bates very reason- 45 m j a utes from 14th and Broadway. Oakland. First class table cUibroom^ dancing DavlHoi commodations. Good trout fishing. Long «U»- WEBBER L*A.KZI3 * mv^ * «— \u25a0-# DDKiKrt^L» Fumishe.! and unfurnished cottage* and teats: \u25a0jg^^'Tt^ffldaWglSggag JL'c HHoE oB EEE ET S o,.E,, to 0,..c, ISgi^gJ^ggMfeSfc JS'&.&.fa: I? COMMERCIAL HOTEL i»f£H3".iS&H«l! §£/^TSB&!^^: F-F -* gaBi BMBarcadero hotbu — . _ -. _ '» ; - ;\u25a0,::.: \u25a0 l %^^ff^V"B \u25a0 \u25a0 a \u25a0 rf* \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' otn ISWAKTow hqtJse •Pvisr'ATiWft" ; "ei» ing, automobillng; lodgeroom for' games' and " ~ '. ~ ' ', " Una to trains. Baths, fishing. hnn«3«: $1 « brookmomt oaks motel POPE HOUSE SSrli?j"-?i&FS «S J3^* li ai. I s»i. I syrtJrsa#« fAMp tayi or rfsopt """ \u25a0" "*"* "*• **""*"- SilSMH^r3i3 g^v^S^SSiS 3^ srggaggv&g^.ssa ~^.~ .- r *-\u25a0 .- ~ - :.\u25a0;\u25a0;.,. — HONOLULUni.SS rnnnlng *tr*am». bulptur rpriags. trout flisblag. orb>n *"' **- tAnKb^t.. rropnewr. . , . tl/^fftl fl/l/^e^/^nS »,- . _ _ . \u25ba---._. " tes - ior particulars A. BE.NENATO. Proprietor. EEDCCED RATE $110 (formerly *l^>. fcunticg. awjanalng; a beautiful eyot .to pass your Q - . •«• r IJl^flCl If AV/dV^V/ll& I^l A /l/l A'l "* |-f " — ThN is tie season to visit the I»3an«J». Tb* LirasKi-jSI.HS^ .Hotel Carmel B ;|each. Hill Inn mmmmmm" olema hotel S&tsS^HSJ^Hi Oakiand. Open the year round. Wholesomeness and B»ata Cruz. Popular v family, hotel, overlooking «nort notice. Autos for hire. - . UAT r»nniMr»P OLEMA, UABIN CO., CAL. sea bathing temperature^3 degrees. Mwtit- - — : — homelike surroundings. Moderate rates. Addres. the beach. Elegant rooms, large grounds. Send ''"' ' ' \u25a0 — —^— ' . ' tl II I SMIVINIIS We wm neet the following train, from S« tractive spot on entire round the world tour MBS. A. D. SIGNOB. Carmel-Dy-the-Sea, or for booklet. HISS A. POBTEft, or PECK- -\u25a0' - - - ' \u25a0 \ - _ \u25a0 .-. . : I I V/ I v *J \ IV.I I VJO Francteco *t Point Beye» .t.Uon. N. W. P. a, Volcano Kllauea^now^unusually active Sall^i & I ?^S?S^i^i : P!NEINM C S^t a ß iversideHoteland^^^ Sm^L^l HOTEL MADRONA gJg|S»si&£fe3 Table first cUm; open air dlnteg room: pho... \u25a0.\u25a0"\u25a0- \u25a0«« Never CIOSeS Kear beach . Enlarged and remodeled Seam , V>^3oK\\ VI fTA D ! -, -•\u25a0 • • .--:\u25a0-- \u25a0\u25a0" -\u25a0•\u25a0•\u25a0 •\u25a0 \u25a0 - MILL VAULEY * * OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPAST. &gs&fiffi:££sSFF: I^SKPIW® SISSON TAVERN ss^Jsrst^B-^uraa '-^^^ -^^^- . _ or PECK JUP AH CO.. .Nt Market St.. B. r. __>. _ _ _ _ _ _ IK: ' T^yrVl* **^ T *-^*^*H Valley. Cal. C. M. YAff PER PAW. Manager. OOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOO Hotel Potter, VICHY SPRINGS ; \u25a0 SANTAXRUZK^^nrs^ igg^piil . nrnnvifiir ietm 1 HTV 'CIIRCrDmFDC THE PERFECT SUMMER RESORT MENDOCINO COUNTX A&^S !g? A ™ MaC HH 1 11 C SS S^'-S^'-^-ISiSS^ S^a BERRYVALE INN 8 U' * jUWLKiDtSi % .'lllustrated booklet on request. Natnr.l electric waters. Champagne baths and : —5 ~; year round resort, with table .nd accommod.- , \u25a0*»<\u25a0»\u25a0»• l « \u25a0»-»-• BtllV X X hq TBL PO^ E n. S .-,. o,^^ SILVA -s flfliiiliili SISiKSSS k^^feg^-gagffiirU! § d^rc Th e CaU maUed \ RATHING SUITS I SOIID COMFORT HOMF S^k^l^Si / • c^ " I " SCK -" IDAH m jf-nxTou hotel §to m at f su f" er r " orts 1 DME nEi\Va wUII^ OIiJLIU VUiTirUlVl lIUITIC Special Sunday Dinner for. Automobllist* A. notice by foremost bands, the greatest opera - \u25a0.•••.\u25a0• \u25a0 .- •\u25a0 •\u25a0 •\u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0-- \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- [ Snortmen's Kesort Near" Callente Snrl aM . QOr Other OUt OI tOWn pIaCCS JT -- . — I.POO feet amtude. No fog: cUmate delightfol;' SI LV A. Proprietor. Decoto, Cal. , artists, funny comedians, sweet r singers and \u25a0m m r w w »— fc W T »-^. Rates reasonable. JOB KBECZER PronrletoT O Mt 1 *-r re S Coats. Sweaters, Underwear g^^.^^j^ s^ w^ s *£ y ' -.aVfife -^ pe °^mm'^ W I Ij BU R § please notlfy office ' g For Men. Women end Children meet. tr.m. bchuleb & scheben., c«i. WIL^SOIN^S lININf y .••.,- '<\u25a0: > \. t -•'"\u25a0 .'-''»J"; hot sulphur springs np jT 7 ? IV ToT o giving present address and § •910 ¥-«\u25a0 m rr^ri a k.Ti~v \Ttt I a a * 11 Cknnnl Co.. C.L Information Peck-Judaa, 788 Market .t. A \u25a0 *4 1. JL A^J n lagui vi wue uoira. scm R If liekg AfiF^ /6a * i- B nd water; rruit. mllit, cream and vegetables; r^nPllll3ll ill? IriV /S* I »/\ — — • li to new addres? Or return. '*> KNI-WTINBCO. £M , jfto 'SSJSfSKntSS: .^« .» ir°^.,, r lw . , \u25a0K^^^^^teS I grgjffiSß^sSrM li"|ll:I|i § be promptly r^um e i| FIRE IN STEAMER HOLD CONQUERED After Long Fight Blaze in the Alaskan Is Now Under Control SAN T DIEGO. June 27.— The prospect of conquering the fire in the hold of the American-Hawaiian liner* Alaskan now appears more encouraging than at any time since the flames were dis covered 10 days ago. When the temperature of the vessel was taken today it was found to be almost normal. This indicated that the fire on the decks below hatches 5 and 6 is so near out that a few days more of pumping dry and liquid carbonic acid gas into the hold of the steamship will make it possible for the hatches to be opened and the freight removed preparatory to Investigating the damage done. ENGINEER MlSSlNG— Oakland. June 27.— The •police hare been asked to try to locate Abra ham P. Bell, an engineer living at 917 Jeffer son street, who has been missing from his home since Saturday. THE -SA^FRANCISCO >CALL,; ; /TUESDAY^ JTO^E 28,- 1910. PERRIN TESTIFIES AGAINST C. SNELL Federal Grand Jury Begins > Its Investigations of Charges of Perjury Three hours were occupied yesterday afternoon by the federal grand jury In hearing testimony bearing on V the per jury charges made against Charles P. Snell, who has occupied the; attention of the courts and United States attor ney's office since _ the Indictment of John A. Benson-and Dr.^E. B. Perrlnjin the - now celebrated land fraud Under the direction of a specialiprose cutor, Assistant United States District Attorney Samuel Platt of the Colorado district; Doctor Perrin;_ his brother, Robert Perrln; George A. Hunt, special agent of the United States land office, and L..-S. Williams, private secretary of Doctor Perrin, were 'examined before the - inquisitorial body. , Several days will be occupied in taking the testi mony. *--\ . . - While all the jurymen declined to discuss the case, it- was hinted that an indictment was probable. . \u25a0 FEARS FELT FOR A MISSING YOUTH Lad From Fresno Believed to Have Been Drowned at Long Beach LONG BEACH, June 27. — No trace has been: found of the "Fresno youth, Clar-j ence Lawson, who went for a swim, in the surf yesterday and . d/a not return. His death is considered a certainty. At : the | time of his J disappearance Law son was clad 'mi only . a \ bathing • suit, having ; left: his l i rooming place at; the beach j garbed for - his s plunge into . the ocean; . " . \ HEARING SET FOH .TODAY— The preliminary --hearing of VTi S. Fl.vnn,' arrested last week by the federal authorities for : having 'unstamped Fiuokln? ' opium In - his possession, was contin ued yesterday by United, States; Commissioner • E. H. Htacock until tomorrow at 11 o'clock. Flynn is in the Alaineda county Jail. SAN ! FRANCISCANS IKAHRY1 KAHRY— Santa Uosa. June 27. — John F. Habenicht,' -age .21, and . Miss' Ellen 1,. Oster, | age 21, . came here from San Francisco today and were married. They returned to San Francisco on • the : evening train. : , '.:•\u25a0.\u25a0.\u25a0 CHARGE OF FRAUD FACES CAPITALIST Government Arrests Fiscal Agent of Wireless Tele- . graph Company SEATTLE,^ June 27.— George H. Par ker, fiscal agent ;for the United wireless telegraph; company for - the • territory west of" the Mississippi -river, was ar rested" .today, on a federal 'warrant charging the use of the mails to de fraud.^ Parker was released under $10, 000 bonds. The preliminary hearing is set for August 1. ,t> The! warrant .was based on a letter written to B. B. Shepheril of Dcs Molnes, 1a.,. April 8, in' : which" Parker, It is al leged, misrepresented the affairs of the company for the purpose of selling stock: . : .'.': . • . ; The arrest was made JbyV two, post office inspectors and United States mar shal. was taken completely by surprise. He. is reputed to ; be a mil lionaire and is said to have come into his'fortune since he has been connected In .^ a; high capacity with the United wireless company. \ LOREN COBURN'S SUIT DISMISSED Aged Millionaire Loses $350,000 Damage Action Against Eastern Nephew The suit for {350,000 damages brought by Loren Coburn of San Mateo county \u25a0 against his nephew, Azro Co burn, for trying to have him declared incompetent was dismissed in the United States circuit court yesterday on motion, of the plaintiff. .The case originally was filed in the state court: in San Mateo county, and then to the federal court. Coburn," who was an; elderly man," mar ried his first wife's sister and his nephew sought to: have himself ap pointed guardian of his uncle. ..The elder Coburn 1 brought suit for personal damages, alleging that he had been -ruined in the eyes of the people of the community where he lived. WII4) BERRIES KILL CHlLD— Seattle. June "2". — Poisoned by eating wild do«woo