Newspaper Page Text
12 FEMALE HEM' WAXTEP — Contlonrd AT MADAM ANIf&E'S. Irt44 Larkin St.— Ger- ; man <<r Swedish cook, ccuntrv. £45: cook, city. : $«i; <-cK»k for Plea*antou, $:«: San Mateo. $3.1; Ffneli nmid. *;«>; waitress mid jiarlor maid. ?:;.*>: cook and downstair*; |35; trench nurse. <-ountry. y2r>; yaaatc (rirls fur bonSft; work, &;o find ?j5; second girl, Sail Mateo, $30. ~ OAKLAND. ~~ GIRLS TO MAKE OVERALLS. PAID SALARY WHILE- LEARNING. LEVI STRATSS & C(».. ri> AND CUM STa. AITI.V TO MR. PAVTS. WANTED— Women «nd girls to work on fruit. Central California Canneries'. Lorenio. Keport at once; workhiK now and steady employment for 4 nwtiths: plenty of tents ami eottacei for nil those registered. Report immediately. • LEARN lair drcssinx at CALIF. COLLEGE OK | HAIR 'UIESSING and Heauiy Calture; <lay j and night school; individual Instructions; form- , ulss pFren. BG7*£ Market st. bet. stli and 6th. BALESLADIES for randy store: those living with parent* preferred : $•!« per week wbHc learning. Apply between in and 11 a. n». Wednesday. Gi:O* HAAS & SONS, "ft Market st. FREE rent of three rooms will be riven to re- sponsible woman in exchange for -light Janitor work, taking 1 hour's time daily. Apply »t l«i Montgomery st., not before 10 o'clock. WANTED— Young women to train ns nurses, be- twwa ages of 2<J «n<l 30. of gno-1 education, i reat appearance. Box SU9S, Call office. Oak- | land. ; { WASTED — Girl for general liosse work; no I heavy wasting: ere in family: pood wages. Write box- 4M* or telephone !"?<> San Matoo. ] WASTED— ExperlcacoJ pir!s for bindery work. SCHWABACHEU FEEY STATIONERY CO., | 555 Folsoni Ft. EXPERIENCED sa'fsUi^os tor BIT moiHe work, verd ami stamped linen department. Superin- tendent. H. C CapweS Company. Oakland. EXPERIENCED talestaUcc f<* notion ai:d jew- elry department. Snpertatcudeut. H. C. Cap- TreiJ Co>ait*nr. Osklr.i!'!. "EXITCRir.'CCED ss irsl* oif*-- f<-r embroidery: lace and tfr"ts Blaming department. Puperlntead- ect, H. C. Capwcll Ct'mpany. Oakl.-mJ. \u25a0 WanTKD -J.a«iy to wwfc - Pew Doors each day arar h'-iai^: n" canv»Kssns: ;:''<«! tnlker; pood pay. «'aii a: T-ir. Tol» ay.. Oakland. Cal. I.EAK> hair ore*dßg. taanlcQrinp. hilr workir.s. rr.»»«a£e: Fpedai tmckaw; evealc; classes. Tte Nn'?: M!I>DREI> ITATR I'ARLOUS, 1".O Geary. iprcXAl. rates Tuiin imir OressJeg; mcnlcurlnj:. liair wort; only syst<»ai in 5 r:k«. : po>itioas j wjiitlrg. BIIU<CEI> heir s'.t.-. 14V.'j llaiglu j \u25a0 EXPtBIENCED rbooolate dipper wanted. Apply i PIUCi: .t SON. 41 Sto.ktor. el. | KO?S — Hes'l «<l. uurter M»> Help Wsntfd. E- __ ba»bi:rs axp sj^pplirs^^^^ BACKER SANITARY CHAIRS. J Tbe only SANITAUV i'ORCELAIX ENAM- I FXEII CHAIR <- D the innrket. Tiiis chair is j fciade c-oxr-pletely in par own factory, we dolug »way r.ijh the «-lje»p sick"*! plated work, such as fon V«e on other cba!;>. ftcishiug onr chairs with » porcelain slaf< ensme 1 ;. Ileniember. WE are icunnfurnirf-t. mXIIbc YOT" rtlreet, <ioiDg- away fitli the MIDDLEMAN'S I'BOFIT. \u25a0niiicU means • proHt ssTjnsr to YOU. Compare our PRICES «Ed TERMS with il.e Jwjh rent payers. Vibra- tors, chairs, Cxt'.srcs and hair driers sold on in- *tsihnenis of S5 per montb. Several harpaius iv seexmd hsnd chair*. JAMES BACKER. INC., rhone rrenklin 3359. 9* Turi st. Et'GEXE PANARIO. Mgr. « OLEMAN. THE BARBERS' FRIEND. Tliree chair shop on Market JTtKI Eljrht chair chop; half Interest +T>o Two chair f.h'<p; mmtbem California 325 Three chair fcliop. hotel 300 Two chair shop; Mission district 275 Three cusir bhop: Stockton. Cal 4^5 CoLEMAN. t>3o Mark"! St. THE PACIFIC If the name of a new razor Isivne. This hone surpasses any Lone ever .offered to the trade. It Will produce a smooth, keen euttinp e<l?e on al- most any!-. «;upran!ee<l. Ask our salesman to show tliem it y<m. Open evenings. PACIFIC BARBER BtTPFLY COMPANY, "*.i\u0094 B*2 Market f-t. TI"N<;STK.v STEEL. tli<- iura<- of the new«=*t creatioa in r*»,r st<»ol. Thi« NEW STEEL surr>Hs».es all other steels. N<» matter what rvn of a BTEEL yoa have been u«'.ur in tov.Kb- ncss BC<l ed?e li-.'ding o'ialitles. it stands the ! - \u25a0'.[' tame is TUNGSTEN electric light does over ;- candle. Be convinced at your dealer*. BARKER oatflt, consisting of 3 revolvins chairs. .'{ romxaodes. (J mirrors, corner M-ash stand, bottles. j«rs. towels, etc.. <nn V>e bought ex- tretndy cheap ond on' time. STOLTZ, 731 Market st. BASHER, li years' experience, desires a posi- tion: city or couiitry: married, »>ober, steady. Address box l.'!2G. Call office. FOR * »le— 2 « hair shop: fine location; soort trade; long lease; trial if desired; must see to appre- ciate. 2701 Mission st. ' \u25a0 BAIiBEU wauteri to take charge of V.arher shop; : fnrnis-lied: rent free. 5101 Ecst Hth st.. Mel- rose, Ea?-t Oakland. , TWO chair t-lio^: cheap rent; J25 c*ear a week: liest offer buys it: reason for selling. Corner ; Harrison and 7th ste. I WANTED— 2 barbers; must be first class; $1S j l>er week ciid half over ?30. Tremout shop. I Ued Bluff. Cal. i FOR sal?— X chair barber shop; fine location; cheap rent: doing good business: owner leaving e-ity. £'>fi2 Mission fit. corner lftth. $17.'. pives possession of best paying 2 chair and bsJh !io<ir.*-»-s :n Sacramento valley. Box Foil gale — $30: 2 chair barber shop; established trfifle; in'!ud!nrr a f.Ti phonograph and reconis. . 716 <; <;afe sv. BAKBKR wanted f'>r evenlnEs Saturday and Sunday. 819 Cole st., near Carl. BARBER wanted with 2 years' experienced £0S Mission «. ' ELEGANT fixtures for a complete 5 chair shop. Address box 134*. Cell office. WANTED — A barl>or (or Wednesday evening, Saturday and Sunday. 3!>." 2"Jth st. BARBER at 722 Howard st.: 60 per cent. BoOTBLACK w-hnted. W5 Van Ness ar. near Ellis st. 0000 barber wanted steady, to start today. 612 Clay si. GOOD harber wntjted Wednesday eveninj; and Saturday. 13.J Valencia st. GOOD barber^l ttt 77 Market st. BARBERS — Old established f>bop; 3 cliairs; good location: price $S2S. 2nr» Scott st. BARBER funilture ss'e, torstter or apart. 641 Va! M. NEAT I c:\sir >h'.\. for sr'.e: $S«t: can live Jn rear; low rent. 2^il aid Vorl st«. BARBER; your.?: pood worker; desires steady position. JOI-; KI.OOS. r.7-> 2Cth *t.. Oakland. CHEAPEST mirrors i:i Ow city: «n kinds barber fOO&M at richt pric< s. Park 1241. "U4 Hayf-g st. DAUBERS' Protective Tnjoti- Employment secre- tary, W. BARON. 77', Mkt.: phone Kny. C 3*4. BAT.'ER'S. the jnodern supply li'Mise of the tvest, remove<l to 53 o'Farrell st. "DIAMOND B"' razor is still on top. BAUER'S, S» OTrrrpi; St. E MPLO V3IJBVT^ OFKI£ES^_ PHONE TAC. POL'GLAS 8532. HOME C-4665,- 531 GRANT AY. -ASIA EMPT. OFFICE FUR- NISHES BEST AND COMPETENT JAPANESE AND CHINESE -HELP OF ALL KINDS. i >. AAA — CANTON Bureau of Inforumtlon — Oil- I '•' ' n**e servants; contracts f« r . lesorts." Canton j Bank bid?., 049 Kearny st.: pbene S«ttecllB. j AAA — PHONE WEST 17m. Lerpest Japanese and Chinese emnlcMiient nf- B«e in city. T. TAMTKA V<>.. 1«12 IJisniia s(. Ua — OSCAR HATSUMI. JapHuese-Chinese Emp. Co.; best help with cure and "mar. 1313 Geary ft.; phones. West sG**. Home £40Sh. A. S. HOIII, reliable .Tapanese-Cbiiiese help promptly fumislied: opeo day and nirlit. 1748 5 utter et. Til ONES— WEST ISO 3. S-^SO3. * i H. W. HONG, Chinese en;ployement office. £05 Webster *t.. Oakland: phones Pekln 25, AH725. STAR emp. office: Japanese-Chinese help. W. KODATA. ICOS Geary: tel. West ir7. S4!KIK. S ALES>I EV A X Ii^ S<»LI VI TTOR S JV^X^» SALESMEN wanted: no ei|>erietice required; hundreds of propositions now open pavlug from $100 to $50u monthly; our free book, "A Knight cf the Crip." will show you how td get one of thorn: write 'or call I for it today. Address. National SalfMnen'n Training Assn . 10198 Metroj>o]ls Bank Mdjr. Branched New Tork, Chicago, Kansas City, MinDeapoliß, At- lanta. Al lady salesman to K-'ll CS<*tul article; sell.i Itfctlf; call between 1 aud 2. 20U Metropolis SALESMAN for country work; salary and com- mission: Nwh property. 14RO ?4arket st. ACCOUNTS, rents, waje* an<l all kinds of bills i-o'lected. Phone Sntter <Ci". 3f,0 Phelan bide. ""ROOMS TO LET~Fnr. and Unfiir. A COZY borne for respectable ladles, Jl3O Mar- l:et «=t. near«iili; under auspices of the SAL- VATION' ARMY; elegantly furnished; every uuxlc-rn convenience: 1 steam heat, electric light rod elevator service: spotlessly clean; centrally lueateg: thoroughly. linocHlie; telephone Market 15UV; prices very moderate, ranging from l!sc I>t ulsht up; sj-icc'al rutes by the . week or toemth. See matron, room JJ3. li.VKni". st.. :)14— X'.i-ely fnrnislif<l suuny room vritli I.uorat'iry, bxtli, phoac;. cetr oarline; , b"KWKY'HOi;SE. 4t^i a:ic XlowsrJ— All ,uio<lern convenience : -2y» rooms. 3oc to fl day. $2 to 6 « -Atek; tree batbt; noirßrC cr 4th. «t. ««,' - ROOMS TO LET— -Continued • BCSII 6t., 1740-^Sunny rooms, running water; also house keeping rooms. . ' -'' : "'". BKODEHICKst:; C 25. near Grove— Large, sunny, nicely furnished bedroom. $6 month. ». DOUGLAS? St.. 316. near 21st— Sunny furnished rooms for ladies' or gentlemen. ; FELL st.. 474— Furnished double room/ suitable for 2 men. $2.25 per week. - FOLSOM st.. 2924. near 25th— 2 large, sunny, furnished front rcoms with bath; house keep- ing if desired; reasonable. FILL-MORE et.. 520— Large front room; 2 beds If desired: can use for house keeping; 1 single and 1 double room. - \u25a0'\u25a0 "- FILLMORB St.. 818— Rooms in private family; liath, gas, phone; sunny; central; cars. ! FILLMORE Ft.. 131— Sunny front bay window I room; bath and gas;* $ft per month. •\u25a0 r GEARY Ft.. 1125. .near Van Ness— Nicely fur- nished rooms; running water: 10 minutes' walk to Emporium: $10 per. month; bath free. GREEN st.: 772. between Powell and Mason — Fine rooms for rent cheap: double or single. GOI'GH St.. 1701 — 2 sunny furnished rooms, with piano; large euough for 4. . HAIGHT «=t.. 4-*>0 — Large, suniiy room with bath, electric lights; $10 per month. \u25a0 . ! HAIGHT Kt...l(H>— Neatly furnished rooms for 1 i or 2 gentlemen: $10 for 1. $12 for 2. \u25a0 : - j HOWARD Ft.. 20.W— Large front room, beautl- 1 fully furnished; bath; window east, west; $10 i a month: new. « ; Z ! LANDERS et., 78. near 15th— 3 large, sunny, connecting, unfurnished rooms, suitable for lady or couple: references. MARKET St., 1794— Nice, sunny, front room; also single room; light bskpg. if desired. NATOMA st.. 551, half block from Market- Newly furnished, sunny rooms; rates reason- able; transients solicited. , NATOMA st.. 1362— Furnished rooms; 2 beds; suitable for 2 men; rent reasonable. : : • NEVADA HOTEL. .525 Van Ness ay. near Eddy- Hot aud <-old water; electric lights; 50c to 51 per day; $2 to $5 per week; transient. NOE st.. 324. bot. 17th and Market— l large sunny furnished room; running water; modern conveniences: Miltablw for 2: reasonable. : NOE ft.. "28. nr. tSth— l large sunny furnished room, with bath: handy to carlines; reasonable. OAK~s7?. -V_>2— Suony furnished room, suitable 1 or 2 gcntleirer: rent $10 per month. OAK st.. 440— Large, beautiful parlors; also fcln- g)e room; private house.. \u25a0 OAK ct.. 17<i— Nice sunny rooms; near Market smi Van Ness; $1.50 per week. ' -\ OCTAVIA *t.. .17. bet. Market and Haight— Suany front rowas; walking distance; break- fast. ' . ' _\ j O'FARRELL St., 1211 — Will rent room reason- ' ably to a lady who will take care of It herself. OVERLAND BOUSE, M 9 Sacramento St. below Montgomery — Now •open: 200 ' rooms: hot and cold water* in .every room : 25c to $2 per day ; $1.50 to $5 per week. EDW. KOLKIN. Prop. PAGE St.. SO2. corner Pierce— 2 front furnished rooms; reasonable. '' \u25a0" \u25a0 PAGE St., 22S— Nicely furnished, sunny double room: bath and phone. Phone Market C 643. • PAGE st.. 14' J. 1 block from Market— Nicely fur- nlshcd room; modern; $S per month. PAGE 6t.. 132— Sunny furnished front room; run- ning water and bath; reasonable. PIERCE st.. 1152 — Large sunny room, clean and comfortable: 1 minute to cars both ways; reas. PINE St., 1009— Sunny, comfortable rooms; run- ning water; carpets and furniture new; $10 to $20. • \u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0 . - PINE St.. 2070 — Very desirable clean room for gentleman: breakfast if;deslred: central. PORTOLA st.. 40. bet. Stelner and Pierce — Large sunny room; overlooking Duboee park: reas. POST St.. 1428 — Nice sunny attic ororu, , with running water; $6 per month. - SCOTT st.. 1605. near Sutter; tel. West 3141 — A few furnished rooms; single $5 per mouth; garage, auto* $5 per month. SO >TT St.. 2040— Sunny, newly furnished comer parlors; light house keeping; bath; free phone. SUNNY rooms to let. Call at 2r>9, Howard st. | VALLFJO st.. 1451. nr. Polk — 3 sunny front rooms; furnishings brand now: all cony. ; sin- gle or en suite; very reasonable. WALLER St.. 330 — 2 sunny furnished rooms; bath aud phone: $-S per month. WEBSTER st.. 635— Large sunny front room; quiet neighborhood; near :5 cht lines: low rent. oTH st.. 3t>s— Furnished rooms: house keeping and single; running water aud bath; price rea- sonable^ \u25a0 - - •''.**. j 14TH sf., 215. near Howard — Large and sunny '\u25a0 fnrnfcliert rooms: raunjng water, ga*. bath and j phone: $l.f>o week up: Uou««e keeping if desired. I 17TH St.. :\fc® — 1 large sunny front furnished j room with bath; suitable for lor 2; reasonable, I 21ST st.. .1250. near Mission — 6 large furnished \ rooms: very reasonable; house keeping privi- leges if desired. ROOMS FOR HOUSE KEEPIXG BUODERICK st.. 4G3— 2 large rooms: regular kitchen; gas and coal stoves; yard; $10 month. CASTRO st.. 231— Large sunny furnished house keeping rootn; gas and bath; $10 per month. CLARA st., 164. near sth— 2- partly furnished rooms for house keeping: 4 unfurnished rooms. CAFP St.. 252. between 17th and ISth sts. — Newly furnished -house keeping rooms in new- flat: regular kitchen; bath; reasonable. DEVISADERO st., 1311.4 — 4 nicely furnished sunny rooms for bouse keeping; bath, hot and cold water; all conveniences; large yard; reas. ELLIS st., 1177 — Large, newly famished, • sunny room and kitchen, $14 a month; bath, phone, gas range. ' ' HAIGHT St.. 222 — 3 sunny house keeping rooms; ' g«s, bath, phone; reasonable. . : HAIGHT sf., 320 — 2 house keeping rooms; small connecting kitchen; running .water, bath, phone: $5 week. • \u0084--.. HAIGHT et.. 60 — Large bay window front room; running water: walking distance. -, HAVES st., 972 — Large/bay window room and kitchen, running water, phone; also room for \u25a0\u25a01 or 2 men. .-.-./ -. :H\. '.''.<\u25a0 HOWARD st., 2379— We1l furnished, clean, quiet; 2 snd 3 room house keeping suites: yard; all «x>nvenienccs; adults; $2.50 per week up. HOWARD St.. 190.1, near 15th— 2 large, sunny furnished front rooms: bay window,. bath, gas; private family: reasonable. . LYON St.. 558, near Fulton — 4 large sunny un- furntished rooms for house keeping; rent $15. MISSION St.. 3176— Large, sunny, front and back parlors, elegantly furnished; bay window, gas range. $12 month; 1 large; sunny, furnished r<x»m. gas plate, for light house keeping, $4.50 month. \u25a0. - . ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..-•..• \u25a0 \u25a0 NICE sunny rooms, house keeping, privileges and board if desired, for %d per/week; children at reduced rates; \u25a0 furnished cottages. Address BAERYMORE & McCART. Novato. Cal.. OAK St.. 404 — Nice unnny single and house keep- Jng'rooras; bath and phone; reasonable.-- \u25a0 OCTAVIA st.,- 53 — 2 sunny furnished house keep- Ing r«oms: regular kitchen. • OCTAVIA, st. 1257, near O'Farrell— Sunny fur- • nisned house keeping. rooms. $6 -per month up; I 2 rooms. .sls; 2in basement. $10; gas.ranges, i bath- P»'one: \u25a0 - \u25a0 . - . - POST ft.. .14S1 — Large sunny alcove room for • housekeeping; running water; reasonable. - ' ROYAL. 311 .Van Ness . cor. Grove— Furnished sunny snites. $20; single rooms. $2.50 to $3'per wrck: gas. running water and phone.,;' SACRAMKNTO St.. . 2247. nr. " Fillmore— 2 large, sannv rooms." complete for house keeping;- gas, bath, laundry, yard.' Phone. West JWO7. STEINER st., 911— I^arge- well fumifhed sunny ' front ho«se keeping rooms; desirable; rentrcas. SUTTER St.. 2134— Solte, 2 or 3 rooms, at $1.75, with or without house keeping;- 1 sunny front, $3: others. $1.50 per week.. . SCOTT «t.. 300 — 1 or 2 sunny front \u25a0 rooms,' furn. for hskpg. ; gas range,. running water, etc.; . , SCOTT -jit... 2040 — Clean, sunny attic room, $1.50 per week. Phone West 2014. ' -.-: WALLER St.. COS— 2 front rooms, I parlor. | bed- room; phone, gas range, bath; no reasonable offer refused. - -'\u25a0 . OAIUiAXD HOUSE KEEFIXfeS ROOMS ALICE st.. 1317.' 0ak.— 2 nicely! fnrn.',~«»nnectlng front rooms;, use of laundry, s bath knd - yard; * Mm all day: reasonable. *\u25a0 Phone Oaklt nd j 9257. BOOMS A^D^WRD^OFFEnED AAA— THE WKMPE. 419 Oak St.— Lar©!*. sunny rooms: uneicelled board. Phone Park 5092. - CALIFORNIA 5t.., 2523— Newly furnished, sunny rooms; best home -cooking; pbone;"bath; $25; 2, $30. ' . ' - : \u25a0-\u0084"' «- \u25a0- ;.-\u25a0 .-' ... ,: \u25a0,;.. DOMO ' Directory, finds rooms ; for particular peo- ple. Inquire 11 to 2, 822 Crocker building. LAGL'NA st., 1S4!), near. Pine — First ; class j room and board; reasonable;- running water and bath. O'FARRELL St.. \u25a01233— Sunny room; 'running "water; excellent "home cooking; 1 or 2; rens. PACIFIC ay., 1716^-Sunny, :. attractive rooms; choice table; home comforts; references. ' - PACIFIC av.,-1716— Attrftctive sunny front suite, suitable for, 3 or 4; also double room; summer • rates;. references. ,;\u25a0*,''..» * \u25a0•.\u25a0'--. - '.;•>- PIERCE st., 231— Large ; eunny \u25a0 front room and also ether rooms, with or without board.;" '\i:.' ST. FRANCIS Girls' • Directory. Central ay. ' and Wallet- Ft., S;«n. Francisco-^- A 1 beautiful ' home. • where old ' ladles, 'young- girls and . little . chil- dren can board rery reasonable,; \u25a0rkE^SAfe-m BERKELEYROOMS A NP BOARbJ NORTHG ATE, 1809 Euclid av.;tel. Berk." 1615; north'; entrance- of > university; campus— Apart-. 5 ments ] with : private .b aths;; single rooms; » steam ; bfat. and callbell •'< in ..< every room ; sleeping porcbes; ; first class .table \u25a0\u25a0board;; 1 special; sum- njer rates. M.M. J HENRY. :>> \u25a0 :,' FIRST CLASS room and* board; convenient to • Key Route and • College ay. cars. ; Address 2505 Kelspy St.. Berkeley. : \u25a0- • _ : __;j BOARD FOR CHIjLDREX^ MOTHERLY woman --' wishes >'to .' take 1 entire -- charge of young child;, preferably.- one- having? do mother: . room for father; references." MRS. ' nATKS. 2f1f1(3 Clay at. --.-\u25a0';• •\u25a0'\u25a0--. * \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •.'.•\u25a0\u25a0 •' hotels i ';;:\u25a0!' /\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•'\u25a0,- HOTEL ARGONAUT.; 4th and Market sts.— Fam- ily and commercial- hotel; 'room with detached • bath,' $1 per; day; rooms wlth> private bath, $1.50, per day; restaurant attached;' moderate • prices: free bus meets all trains and st'mshlps.' AAA — Aparts of 1 to. 4 rooms,' private bath, cleg. f urn. ; sunny ; j electric light, hot - water, heat, elevator, janitor service, .linen; beautiful read- ing lobby;. 1 rm.. $15 up; 2 mis.', $27.50 up;; 3 mis., $40 up; 4 ram:, $50 up; Haight Bt. cars/, ••Rosemont." 214 • Haight ; * phone Park : 589. ' AAA— THE GLADSTONE APTS. 708 Polk St. cor. Eddy — Elegant. * sunny, house keeping., apart- ments; 1 room, ,$l5 per month;' 2 rooms, • $25 • per month; 3 rooms, $35; electric lights, Janl- : tor service; hot baths. ; Phone Franklin 2048.". \u25a0 A A— VAN NESS APARTMENTS. 212S Van Ness nr. Broadway — Elegantly; furnished apts. of: 3 . and 4 rooms; steam .heat,:- elec light, elevator; marine view ; reasonable. PhOHe \u25a0 Franklin ] 2500. LUNDY APTS., Stanyanst.Tat Frederick— The most complete in the city; hot and cold water, electric lights, baths, elevator service, janitor, service: every room In house light; rent reas. ALTURAS Apts.. corner 10th and Valencia sts., Mission-Bank building — Elegant, modenr, sun- ny 2-3-4 rooms, furn., unfurn.; wall .beds, ; steam heat, hot water; reasonable. ' '- . : A— YERBA BUENA APTS.. -1114 "SUTTER ST. NR. LARKIN— ELEGANT SUITES OF. 2-3 RMS., BATir; COMPLETELY FURN.; REFS. ROUSSEAU apsirtments, 1400 California St. nr. Larkin— Beautiful front 4 rm. apt., tun all dny, large 1 rooms; only one left; rent very reas. THE COZY— Just completed. 3 and .4 rooms, light, sunny; reasonable; adults; references. ' 3074 16th St.: -.- \u25a0'; • •\u25a0- : 'v - TWO and .1 apt?.; 2 elegant double beds; hotel service; lights, linen,- soap,: etc.; free; as j low as S-I.V Ellis Hotel Apts.. 450 Ellis at Jones. EUREKA APTS.'. Mkt. and 17th sts.— Beautiful •3 and 4 rm. apts.; phone, janitor setvice; sunny. > SANDRINGHAM • Apts.. - 1144 Eddy st.. facing Jefferson park— 2.- S \u25a0 and 4 room aparUneuts. ! CIIISMORfi Apts.,SE. cor." Bush and Jones— l-2- : 3-4 xms.; all modern conveniences; now- ready. ADELINE Apts.. (540 Eddy st.— 2, 3 and 4 room • apts.: hotel service; priv.esch.; nn>st modern. ST.'DOMJNIO Apts., Bush Ht. at Jones— Up to diite In every respect: 1-2-3-4 rooms. * -'•- \u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0"\u25a0 '^ FLATS TO LET GET MOORE'S FREE RENTING LIST, \u25a0 CONTAINING IXFORMATIDX ABOUT 3 room flats and apartments at $18. 4 room flats and apartments at' s22,so. 5 room flats and apartments at $27.50. 6, 7 and 8 rooms. $150 and.iifi. SPECIAL.". A 3 room flat, all furnished for $75: rent. $2<V HARRY J. MOORE FURNITURE COMPANY. 40 O'Farrell st. ucar Market. A WESTERLY addition 7 room flat; most con- venient; sun.' liidit in each room; $17.50; or will furnish to suit. Apply .'owner, 1431 Brod- erick st. -/ \u25a0 .' V. \u25a0 .. -- . ' \u25a0 \u25ba \ ' STEINER et.. 1315, near • Ellis— Rent reduced; sunny, middle flat.- 0 roomtC bath. . fine condi- \u25a0 tlon, water in' r<x>ms, $27.50; also* lower flat, same as above, $21. . >? "•\u25a0- '. COZY 4 and 5 room'flats; overlooktng.clty and bay; entrance through terraced lawn: open fire- places. 1437-1438 -Wlllard, M block Hayes car. MASONIC ay., 1S17; near Waller st.— Elegant sunny •up to date upper flat. 7 rooms, « bath; reasonable to the right party. . . _ , . \u25a0 LINDEN ay.. 331—3 rooms and bath; new. 2D ay.. 147. bet. California -and Lake sts. — (5 sunny rooms; top flat; rent $22; key at door. MISSION St., 3214— Six sunny rooms and bath; rent $25 per month; 15 days rent free. \u25a0 FLATS to let— New. artistic 5 room flat? with basemt-nt garage. 679 -3d -ay. — : -- : GOLDEN GATE ay., 624. near Van Ness— Beau- tiful 9 room sunny flat; "up to date: rent, low. DOLORES St.. 1149, near 24th— New. S room, modern fiat; bath, gas and electric light; $25. pLIVK st., 544. nr..Octavla st. — Sunny flat. 4: r. and b. ; gas and electric; largd jard; $22.50. \u25a0 DE LONG ay.; Ki. at Frederick st. — 4 sunny rooms, bath: Hayes and Masonic ay. cars; $20. THE FILLMORE BRANCH OF THE CALL IS AT l<m FILLMORE ST. FLATS TQ , I.ET— Oakland SIX n-wm sunny flat, modern, 333 24th st. ; also modern C room flat "1630 Webster, 2 blocks from Key Route station. HUGO MULLER, 428 Van NVss ay.. San Francisco. _^ FLATS TO LET---Fprntiihcd G LARGE, well furnished, sunny rooms; recep- tion ball; large closets; laundry and garden. . Apply 2025 Hayes st:. Panhandle district. 6 ROOM : furnished house. for sale for $95 if It is sold before the 14th"of thi» month; people •. must leave city.- 33S sth st. . \u25a0 < \u25a0.\u25a0 COMPLETELY- furnished 5 room cottage; mod- ern; newly tinted. walls; sunny; close to trans- portation; adults* only.. 2901 Wheeler st., Berkeley. ' ' '•' . ' ALAMEDA HOUSES TO LET— Unfur. TO let — Modern.'- 6 room house on. bay shore; 2032 Clinton a y., Ala.; 5 minutes' walk. to Chestnut sta. Apply owner. 2114 Clinton ay., Alameda. COTTAGES TO LET_^ <^.';. NEAT cottage, to. let: large yard and basement; $11.50. Inquire | lumber office, Army, and Hampshire sts. ' . '; - ~; .' . 1740 15th st. . nr. 4 Valencia — Sunny cottage of 5 rooms and bath; also, lot 15x65; long- lease If desired. - - • • . \u25a0 \u25a0 - - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0 > \u25a0\u25a0- -\u25a0 ALAMEDA COTTAGES TO LET • TO LET— Nice cottage of4 ; rooms and bath; rent $11. J. H. YOUNG, home builder. 3029 - E. 14th Kt.. Fruitvale. Phone Merritt 203. ' \u25a0 '-;' FOR rent — 6 room cottage.- completely furnished, at Glen ' Arbor near Ben' Lomond. •• For pa r- tlcnlars write P.- F. PHILLIPS. Ben T^niond. OFFICES TO LET^-FiirnUhe d SUITE of. fine furnished offices In the main office building of Market St., S.' F.,- for rent 'cheap. Address. stntlng-buslncsß.' l^ox 1323, Call office. f ; FURNITURE FOR SALE , CARIX)AD \u25a0 dressers, 'chiffoniers,. 'beds, '•..ladies'. desks, music cabinets, sewing tables. In- hirds- \u25a0 eye maple, mahogany, golden oak, 'curly. birch, Circ. walnut; .factory prices. MILLS •&/ JOB; : . 834 Suiter Pt.., fourth floor. .. . .', - , SEE H. Schellhaas.': the furniture: dealer. 1., O. . O. F.bldg..; 11th. st.vat Franklin. .Oakland. CONTENTS of ii 6 'room 'flat by the piece; rugs. rockers. ' carets, etc.; no dealers. '.41 Lnndprs. - FURNITURE ; WANTED \ WK nre the largest 'buyers 'of ! new 'and second . hnnd (furniture, pianos, carpets,- desks or. mer. ; . will buy yours spot cash. Mark J. Levy auction Co., 1140 McAllister: ;pb: Park ,860: H.- 52032. $5,000 worth of , furniture -wanted -for thecoun- try.;- J. H.xWILKY. 661 14th -St." at Marketst." HARBAND & KAPLAN; 1544 Dcvisadero st., pay .. highest . price for second hand f nr. ' West ' 4202. WINDOW^ SHADES. S3Oc;-. bamboo: porch shades.' GKO.WALCOM. CO.; 1131-Sntter st. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0£\u25a0 -t* : : CURTAIXS,*2Sc"rM»ir, liand lßnndered; ; ret. 'next -• day. Mrs. Hosklng. 20<:7- Bush:'tel. West 7515. \u25a0>•;.- "j .'- : sewing; machines '>\u25a0\u25a0'--'>•' \u25a0\u25a0'^:'~'- DOMESTIC. 1C44 FILLMORE 1 near! Post; THE ! place, to i buy, 1 rent or i repair -sewing .machines iof all. makes; lowest ; prices:, best terms. ':J. • ' ' "W. EVANS, agent; 'phoue '.West 3ROI.- - :.^ \u25a0 SEWING "machines, ail- mak<?s; • renting.'* repair- ing.McXALLY.-2R64 Mission: tel: -'Mission 202.^- \ 7 FREIGHT^FORWAItpixG : r v NATIONAL FREIGHT & TRANSFER CO.', MiV : sion nr. 10th; phone Market 3154— Cut rates to ail pointsf-movlng van«:' fireproof warehouse. -r" BEKINS . VAN, AND; STORAGE ' COMPANY, 1 * - "\u25a0.; Fireproof '.Warehouse,^l3rhi and ;'Mission.-' ; "- •' -\u0084.':' Phone Market • 13-14,* or -Home '« Ml3l3; \u25a0{'^.\u25a0\u25a0'_ WILSON BROS. • ,<lne.)— Moving r;and-: storage, ! '. •'\u25a0\u25a0 cor." 14th j and . Sanchez sts., ; 1 - block , from \u25a0 Mar- ' - kctt'andf Fillmore r sts.\ cars.;. Phone : Park\27l:; ! \u25a0• r " - -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 :•\u25a0;\u25a0•': \u25a0'u-BEKIXS-'-VN'.'--' 1 ' 1 i \u25a0\u25a0:---'Vi..---' \u25a0 " '. ; '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 --\u25a0- ' -OF>'COURSE. \ - . \u25a0 * ,1070 Broadway, near, 12th; st.. '.Oakland., : A— PACIFIC ; STORAGE ? AND 'VAN: CO;— Brick "\u25a0'J' wareliouse.;2322'.F)Hniore,st.';-,Tel.'* ! Westi2<32B."i PI ERCE-RODOLPHV Storage and 'Moving., Co.; mala of flee and Fillmore.. Tel. West 828.' ': - \u25a0 '.;\u25a0 ; . :-- \u25a0:\u25a0 \u25a0' '. -v - \u0084i -. '. --\u25a0 >^ •\u25a0 . .1 *-' v -'\u25a0 \u25a0•„. •\u25a0 .'"' • ' : '' \u25a0 '"\u25a0' ~'~ \u25a0 ' ' C- CARPET ' CLEANING- ' "\u25a0'• ' : i-a**™ A \s— U- S. . Carpet Cleaning* Co., 2207. Bush st.^- . Most superior cleaning In the\world; can give .>: you beating, steam, compressed . air, vacuum : or .< celebrated earthquake, which removes -an ; <llrt: ; dust, grease; restoring natural colors like Vnew.'Wcst 5920. <?• 52495; laying and rentt Ing. AAAA-LE CLAIR VACUUM '\u25a0 CLEANING CO.. -'-.- 62: Post. -\u25a0; room 320; phone- Douglas 20i1,' or , . res., .West 1 . 0041— Dustless cleaning- of carpets, rugs.- draperies. WITHOUT REMOVAL.' • -- \u25a0 ABSOLUTELY the Best Carpet Cleaning. 3c yd. \u0084 Estimates given' for Altering and Relaying. :-: Deal direct with F. A. RICE'S Carpet Works,- ; 1805, Harrison st. Phones Market 202. M 1207. S, F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO.^ 327 Slitter St., phone Kearny 5852. BLUE WAGON., Carpets, rugs, quickly. * thoroughly cleaned on floor; without removal ; i estimates free. GISSLOWS "• C C \u25a0 Works, 230 Vermont: '-' Park 6925, M33l7— Es't. 20 yrs.; best plant and ma- r chinery; \u25a0 clg. 3e; lay. r>c: est. j free; no air clg. WHEN you. become disgusted with poor •; work send your carpets to J. SPAULDING& CO., -353 Tehama. - Dongias 3054. Home : J2347. AA— NATIONAL Carpet Cleaning . Wks.— Hamp- ..-., t0n~& Bailly. 344-348 Church St.: Market 189. MATTHEWSON'S ' carpet beating works. 315 - East 12th Kt.. Oakland ; . tel. Merritt 595. ; ' ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.— Advanced meth- y ods. GEO. WALCOM CO.. 1131-1139 Sutter st. WATTS— Reliable: carpet cleaning, alterations; .; renovat..; laying. 560 Devlsadero; ph. Park .509. CONKLIX BROS.. ;carpet cleaning and laying, \u25a0 2400, Geary Bt.. corner Baker; phone West 9-°>. . ! FORiSAtiE-^-Mlncellaneoiis ABSOLUTELY half -building cost saved — Lum- ber, $sto $10 a 1,000;. 10,000 new- and: second , hand . doors, \u25a0\u25a0 50c up ; 20,000 •*; windows and ; frames to choose from, 25c to $4; .we buy large a and small job lots for cash; money; talks these ;tiines; we give you-the benefit; give, us a call; see our stock, it will more than pay you., DOLAN COMPANY, the biggest dealers in build- . ing -material on the coast, 1839 Market st. \u25a0\u25a0-,\u25a0- SAFES — Removal sales now going on. ' . SAFES 165 safes of all makes must SAFES be sold; no reasonable offer—' SAFES refused. RICHARDSON BROS.. Agts., CARY SAFE CO.. 050 Mission st. abdve Bth. SECOND HAND pipe, guaranteed good. as new. prices very reasonable. At SUGERMAN IRON AND METAL CO.. 613-17 Brannan st. near 54th; phone Kearny 223: Home J1001; country .orders promptly attended to. . FOB'" sale^—iO foot. -"35 hp.. gasoline launch. equipped ; for towing or cruising: will trade •\u25a0\u25a0 for auto. Address S. J. NORTON, P. O. box IS3. San Rafael. Cal. , : - -. SECOND HAND PIPE. Largest dealers in . standard pipe and screw casing, dipped: prices right; guaranteed first class. Pacific Pipe Co.. Main and Howard sta. FOR SALE— 3S h. p. steam eagiue; balance v valve, automatic itop governor; -this engine , Is in good -condition: for sale cheap.' \u25a0- Address 475 44th St.. Oakland. Cal. - 2 - HP.; motor with shafting.' : pulleys, v beltings, band saw, .emerystand,'. blower..- blacksmith's toolg and wagon stock. 420 6th st.. Oakland. FOR sale — Large refrigerator, Bx6x3; good for v delicatessen store, grocery, : bar or creamery; * cheap. , 3032 GroTe st.. ; Berkeley. ** - SCHOOL BOOKS, new and old, bought, sold; ex- changed. KING'S BOOK STORE. 171G Market above Gough. Phone Market 4763. AA— ALL sines standard' water pipe and screw \ casing, guaranteed good - as new; get -.- our prices. Wclssbaum» Pipe Works, 133 11th st. $100 upright piano only $50. - H. - SCHELL- . HAAS' furniture sale, 11th and Franklin sts.. . Oakland. ! • - \u25a0•<-\u25a0\u25a0 : NATIONAL cash register?, electric signs, bar and safe for wale; cheap. 579 McAllister st. WALL showcase, card table. 2 rugs, French range; cheap. r 394/ Hayes st ARMY tents 'at factory prices. W. A. PLUM- ;--' MER CO..ISW. cor.iof Front and Pinests.- EDISON AGENCY— Moving picture machines and films; bargain. : GEO. BRECK. 70 Turk st. SAFES positively at manufacturer's 'prices: try us. WALTZ S. & L. Co.. 233 Cal. ftt., S. F. BOOKS and- libraries, bought. THE HOLMES CO., 115S Market st. Phone , Market 896. : SAFES— New and second hand, all" sizes. . THE HERMAN-SAFE CO.. 120-130 Folsom st. 31 1 S CE Ij L,\N^KOJU^JkVAj*TS^^^^ DRESS SUITS, tuxedos. Prince Alberts and other suits bought. L. SKOLL. 707 Golden Gate ay.; -phones— Market 4081, Home 52233. WANTED— Second hand ", upright piano, $60 to $100 rash. Box i 1444. - Call' office. \u25a0 -' MUSICAL IXSTniTMENTS OLD, beautiful Chickenng upright; private party. Ca11" 37 Stockton st. BARGAIN— Fine .3 pedal upright; very cheap. , JOS. SCHMITZ. 56 McAllister near Market. PIANOS for rent* no. cartage this week. BY- ROX MAUZY, 2.TQ Stockton - nt." - , \u25a0 MONARCH Visible Typewriters— ln the Monarch Visible Typewriter all the writing, is In full sight all the timef other makes," second hand, at" very reasonable prices ; we rent, repair and inspect. Before purchasing ring . up Douglas 4HS, or call at 307 Bush st. \u25a0 WOLF & ISENBRUCK, Dealers. • SPECIAL. or Remington re- Imilt. Secure information L. & M. ALEXAN- DER, 512 Market st. TYPEWRITERS— AII makes, sold, rented, re- paired. 918 Broadway, Oakland., Tel. Oak. 9219. ALL prices, rebuilts; . installments $5. monthly; * rentals $2.50. Pac. Typewriter Co., 107 Mont. .BAR IaXD STORE FIXTURES BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO., 765-767 Mission Bt.' Telephone .Sutter 333. - \u25a0\u25a0:..•\u25a0.' LOCKSMITHS ; '; T KEYS at factory prices. Key Works, 861? Clay sU Oakland. Phones Oakland 6717, A 2574.. ""-.".\u25a0^ \u25a0••'.\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0TAILORS--' "' .. ~ The. Comet — Ladies', tailoring. 819 De'visadero; all kinds of alt. ; workmanship' guar. West 8206. ... 1 , i?J±Y-±™**i I T . A ? ? J 9SL?.. ~I S..INOUYE. merchant tailor: all kinds of altera- tion^, workmanship guaranteed. . 1547 Laguna; THE HINOY, mer. . tailor for Amer. ladles *nd gents: fit' gnar. 1610^ Geary :st.; West' 66l7. ~T~^~^~^RESS^AKIXGJ~^^ MCDOWELL'S Dress -Making : and Millinery •-School, -121' Gearyjfit. near Grant av.;-evening flasces; patterns cut- to order. Douglas 4731. PLEATiyG Steele's button works.' 222 Ellis and Mason. 'Ph. Frank, 4521 and C4521. -Mail orders solicited. A— HORSE,- wagon- and harness,- $35; • pony,: 4 years old, 'cart 'and harness;: $75; fine business buggy, $45; camp wagons, $10' up;, -cart .for . email horse. < cost. $100 new, $25; pack saddles •for -heavy loading," cost" $35, now* $5;: farm 'wagons, 'slo up; sand'wagons, $10 up; patent - dump. $100, worth $150; 35 head ; of horses, .mares, -mules and : ponies. \u25a0 $10 -.up; come- and ."make offer, must 5e11... 557.4 th Bt.,_Oakland. . RIDING and. Driving club has in its saledept.a ' number of high class saddle horses and ponies; also some gentle driving 'horses .' for ; family purposes; all 701 7th ay. :: WANTED— A light spring wagon, .with 12 or 14 ;foot;low bed; wide .tires;' for, sand. Bay City. * ,'Lbr.: and: Sup." Co., Sunnydale and San' Bruno '.avenue. ;'. ,'.' •• • "• - ' . ' ":'" :' 25 ' HEA D! horses, ' mares, wagons, harness,' by a "': contracting* outfit;, no Yeas. i offer refused. .11 - Kissling st. -off. 11th -bet.' Howard * and ; Folsom. FOR salo-^Buggy; room for 2 seats; cheap. 1184 f:-:East 16th st. \u25a0--\u25a0 \u25a0"'- -.:.-\u25a0 '-".''-. -;„-• \u25a0'\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0* ~j ;»«" \u25a0:\u25a0'\u25a0_ WOODLA WN - ; Stables, 617-33 Grove st. ; horses : $1.25 day: hortes &. wag.," $9 wk.; bdg. $20 mo. \u25a0;';;.; -;\u25a0 - : . • \u25a0 AUTOMOBILES '.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0' v ;'; : -_^ ,WE ;have 'the' best bargains "on 'the i coast. .;' In- *-. 6poction '. will convince you. ' All : cars are over- hauled • and guaranteed in- Al ' condition. & t \u0084. : $520— '08 inodeKtourist,; has'wind "\u25a0•, shield; '-; etc. This car.- is \ well ' worth, the money. "s3so— 'oB -Ford;, -has 'top, mgo., -speedometer \u25a0 -and everything 'necessary. .: - j-', -.'::'' • -•We exchange- machines* for real; estate. • VAN SANT; & WHOLEY, = .~ t - \u25a0 *r,; 3Sth, and ; San Pablo ,ay.. Oakland. - ; .\u25a0'„\u25a0\u25a0> FOR'sßle-frrlce $500' and, upward;' several t 'o9 ;;«nd '07 White touring cars, \ taken in trade for . 'OS cars * and - thoroughly * oreijhauled «by ; our \u25a0';,- mechanics from 'our: factory. ;,.>'-.'.- .'^ ";\u25a0-\u25a0' WINTON AUTOMOBILE BRANCH/^^ \u0084. v . 500 : Van Ness, ay., ', '.;. ;-' ". - •-' -'\u25a0''.-'. - San \u25a0\u25a0'Francisco. • '09 MAXWELL; model" A, . Just ] overhauled, S -- ; in > good \u25a0 condition. . . . '.". . .v: Vt "..'. ....... .$5OO '07 Maxwell, model ? A, ' also '< in good condl- \u25a0- ' tion ' . . r; . r. . . . . ; fraj^ "•- •••"••'•• • • • - • • • •". $350 MAIXWELL 'AGENCY, 196 ? 12th . St.,-; Oakland. ,WE $ carry the.; largest Mine ,of I dependable 'used | automobiles in. the west at prices that can not r, be. '.bent.: We buy, for? cash. "CANNING & VI NTON .AUTO CO.; ' 453 Golden Ga te «t. J.* IF, you want . to sell : your auto qulcklje,- write i us ; '-\u25a0 ' we t advance » money ; to > make , repairs .' on ' mi- a- chines e : for sale. •\u25a0« Write :• or phone: • Berkeley ; Garage . and ; Machine t Works. '*,-'.:. ;\u25a0 -, : , 1910-^-7 Jr pass; * fully '" equipped^ standard \u25a0 touring ?"?car"used ;only:-3^o.; in -perfect: condition; -a •\u25a0 bargain at $2,750.- -AV:y MeGO WAN.t 120 Baker. MITCHELL roadster.* $350 : : Reo; $250; ! Presto-H te .- tank; $12.r»0; magneto. $12.50:'generators.-$2.25;i \u25a0 \u25a0 (irce ;cheap. ; Autoj l'arts Exchange.'; 3:j4 % Larkin. 19<t9 BUICK; 5 passenger, $850 cash ; ' ho agents. '.'CalTand see owner between 6 and 7 p.- m.,559 b. ; 10th st;.-'.,Oakland.V.*;- A .'. ! '-. .". : ,i»."-*'^ ' s Zi '. - - ». ' RELIABLE : Auto Brokerage , Co., r - dealers tin ' new ;S« and slightly used <autos. ;343 ; Golden' Gate ay:« s , PAC.'v Aluminum » Brazing i Works ; can :' braze " your \u25a0> broken' alumr castings. 43f -Van Kess. Pk/5130y : \u25a0•' AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES v • Ir^H." &;B.:i:"BILL,\ 543 1 Golden TGate>av.— \u25a0:,:\u25a0 Headquarters for: Solar: lamps," Vesta batteries, \u25a0~ Panhard>oil, Diamond chains andparts. \u25a0 \u25a0-•--•" AXIj^J«OTORCYCLIES \._ THOR motors Won" afvlngleslde ; Sunday; : mile. In mS64 sec.,' s. miles 4:37;. they' motors; sec- \u25a0-i ond ' band machines,' $50: \u25a0bicycles," $17.50 up; : tires,; $1.25 : up. .A. FREED, 1440 Market • at. 1910 " PIERCE ', 4 cylinder;: motorcycle. Just * re- '•"• -celved; call 'and- see It,-, or send .for catalogue. , J... T. CHICK. 312 San Pablo ar..; Oakland. . CASH paid for bicycles., any condition. ZIMMER- LIN : BROS., 2192 Sutter. J-1433 ; West 2472. PIERCE,' R..S. Emblem .. motorcycles and bicycles. JOHN' T. BILL & CO.. 357-0 Golden Gate ay.' 1 BUSINESS CHANCES FOR! sale-carpenter shop, with- good tools; low -rent; cheap., Apply .at 170 3d st. >.\u25a0:"\u25a0' ; FOR sale— Manufacturing, business: > clears ..over • 50 per cent; the only one -of 'the kind on the coast. .'.744' Pacific- building.. ;. ', \u25a0 ; FOR : sale— Stationery store,- news stands rooms; --\u25a0" grand 1 chance for lady. '744 Pacific. building. '\u25a0 FO R sale— rGrocery and fruit store ; corner loca- tion;- receipts $30 a day.- 744. Pacific building. FOR sale— Saloon. \u25a0> hotel - and restaurant ; best ; \u25a0 mining : town , in . Nevada. -. 744 = Pacific building. FOR * sale— BestX millinery," store: I best money location p city; \u25a0- cause, retirement. 744 Pacific , building. • - FOR sale— Meat market; corner location; receipts $100 per day.'; 744 Pacific building. FOR sale — Corner saloon; receipts $35. per day; : big, bargain. 744 Pacific building. . FOR sale — Old established restaurant; best*town i* in state; \u25a0 clearing > $600 per moouth. 744 Pa- cific building. .\u25a0 '\u25a0.- "" \u25a0\u25a0'.. :"\u25a0 \u25a0. : - \u25a0\u25a0«'..". FOR: sale or exchange— Good grocery store and delivery automobile. .744 Pacific building. .'\u25a0 \u25a0 WENTWORTH CO. . Controlling- Interest in high class automobile and repair business; nothing better on %be coast; payg 48 per cent on stock offered for sale; aside fronvthat. tDo "managing end" pays a salary of $200 per month, which, of course, goes. with this stock offered for sale;. here's a thoroughly estab- lished big money business, with the books open to : any prospective purchaser who means -busi- ness; an investigation will -convince you that all claims made can be substantiated; the price is $7,500; on. • that | figure> your stock yields 48 per cent per annum, j together with salary of $200 month; will exchange for good Inside or outside property;, if you're looking for. a great snap call on the manager of the exchange department/: WENTWORTH & COMPANY, >-. 1503 Grove nt. at 20th. Oakland. .. $2,000; 20 years established— Hay. grain,, wood and coal; also express .business; average monthly receipts on coal "business, $1,000; average monthly/receipts on ' express, $125. Fully equipped in every detail, including 4 horses, 5 • wagons, . stock of hay. grain, wood and coal. All Is, included in above prlee.Thls is a snap for the right party. WENTWORTH & CO,, 1503 Grove st. cor. San - Pablo : ay. and 20th st., Oakland. V" SANITARIUM in a live coast town, price $5,000. including a physician's practice of: $4,000 per -year cash;: large, and beautiful grounds, 17S feet; outbuildings, 1 \u25a0 rooms for patients, • all in first class-shape; owner will show books to prove that everything Is exactly at represented. J. HAY. SMITH C 0. ,; 872 Broadway, Oakland. HOTEL and bar. $7,ooo— This includes property 22 miles from S. .F., on the Ocean Shore; only bar in town; lot 50x125: main street."near de- pot; -building cost $4,000; elegant bar fixtures; - furniture, piano and carpets Al;- liquor \u25a0 li- cense $1,000: terms, half cash, balance to suit. See. owner at Farallon . Hotel, , San' Mateo,- Cal. VARIETY" STORE for sale— A sc. 10c, 13c. 25c store, on the main street. of a city of 15,000; new $2,000 stock Just in: has been open just 4 months. This is a paying proposition. Pres- ent owner desires to have outside employment. ' Address Owner., P. O. box 73. Santa Crnz..Cal. GROCERY-— 54,000; rent $45. and 2 years' lease; 2 horses: wagon and buggy; daily average casli '. sales $50; nice,- clean stock; best of reasons for selling; very little opposition. Do you want a good, clean business?. If ro, see this.' RE- LIABLE INVEST. -CO.. 968 ' Broadway. Oakl'd. DELICATESSEN,. $230; rent $30; dally receipts, $14; nice place for man and wife; best of rea-. sons for selling; if you miss this you miss something dood; a bargain. RELIABLE IN- \u25a0VEST. CO., 068 Broadway. Oakland. \u25a0 . FOR sale- 1 - Furniture of a \u25a0 restaurant on Pacific " ay. ; well equipped kitchen and dining room; seating capacity 60 people; reasonable rent; will sell cheap. Address C. E. CANFIELD, 147. Pacific ;av., Santa' Cruz, Cal. , GENERAL mdse. store, close to city; 'doing an ( average business of $125 a. day; stock and fix- tures will invoice about $7,000; have 3 stores and must sell lr Box 1313, Call office. GROCERY for sale; 45 minutes from city; doing a. good paying, business;: only reason for sell- i ing, have 3 stores; can not attend to all; stock .and fixtures, about* $2.000. Box 1442. Call. CALL, route, good' growing 'territory In best part of residence district. See owner, 458 44th at., Oakland, before 0 a. m. or after 7 p. m. FOR sale— Ladies' and gents* furnishing goods store; established 12 years. 1111 13th ay.. East Oakland, y , \u25a0. i \u25a0•\u25a0'. - FOR sale — A' good . newspaper route in a good district in this city. Apply to J. R. LEN- HART, Circulation Department. 8. F. Call. LADY 'wishes good honest partner in first class • fruit and candy store; clears $150 month;re- . quires $350. 1700 Fillmorc st. PRIVATE party wishes immediate loan of $300: ; best of securities deponlted: pay $50 bonus for \u0084 30 days' ; accommodation. :. Box 1475, Call. \u25a0\u25a0 1 FOR • sale— Manufacturing business; clears over : 50 per, cent; the only one of the kind on the ; coa«t- r.744r .744 Pacific bldg. FOR sale — Stationery store, news stand, rooms; , grand \u25a0 chance : for lady. 744 • Pacific bldg. j \u25a0'-. FOR sale— Old established feed and fuel busi- ness; receipts $125 day. 744 Pacific bldg. EOR sale— Grocery and fruit store; cor. loca- tion : > receipts $30 day. 744 Pacific bldg. - GARAGE for sale; doing a good business. 350 B St.. -San Mateo, Cal. '" FOR sale— A good country route in a good tovyj. Address box 1341; Call office. FOR sale — Restaurant .at 627 .Seventh st.; no Sunday- work;, will sell. cheap. : • SANATORIUM — Good opening for nurse or <loc- j tor; can clear $250 per month. -360 Phelan bldg. $500 — Candy, store. S living rooms; rent $25;' near large school. 4143 10th at. THE JILLMORE BRANCH OF THE CALL IS AT 1651. FILLMORE ST. • * O AKLAIVD , LOPGIJfG '] HOUSE For ROOMING house wanted;"wlll exchange equity in Cragmont I lots for . saloon, roadhou'se, room- : ; ing \u25a0 house.- What have you? \u25a0 R. R. - DUFFY, 1709 19th ay.. Oakland. Cal. . EDUCATIONAL HEALD'S" ENGINEERING— DAY AND NIGHT; CIVIL, : MINING. - ELECTRICAL, ARCHITEC- \u25a0:\u25a0 TURE. ASSAYING. . 425 : MCALLISTER • ST." A— The, Lyceum, 2590 .'Pine, at.'," prepares for.unl- I verslty or any cxc.; individual instruction ; ; re- }'* duced -tuition,'^ within 'reach of all. ; - ENGINEERING — Civil, electrical,, mining, mech., survey, 'assay.' cyanide; "day, eve.;est. 1564. ; Van der Nalllen School. 51st and Tel.. Oakland. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL- OF LANGUAGES. 2531 ,' Washington st. near Flllmore — Send for , cir- ,,.cular.^ \u25a0 •\u25a0>.. -\u25a0•;'\u25a0.\u25a0 \u25a0.-. ; -<_.' .-:•• • y • • ; . FISK TEACHERS'. AGENCY, '; 2I42 Shattuck ay., ,\u25a0".\u25a0'. Berkeley,, Cal.;. next, to First national bank. Prof. T.tA. Robinson,. Individ. inst.Math., Book- keeplng. t Eng.,"; etc. ; . day, eve. ; 507 . Halght st. AUTO-MOTOR engineering .school, S. \u25a0- Berkeley, -Cal.- Write for particulars. ' '.\u25a0-\u25a0'- - ••» .• SCHOOL FOR STAMMERING - SPECIAL ; schooI for atammerlng; »l-to' 4 .p.,'m. only. 1708 Market St.. corner Gongb.' BUSINESS COLLEGES ; A.— CHICAGO BUSINESS COLT^EGE, day and - ' eve. ; positions secured. • 1605 'Valencia,' cor. J 22d. HEALD'S BUS. COLLEGE— SHORTHAND. TYP- \- ING, s EXG. BRANCHES. 425 MCALLISTER. A— METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGE, 1490 MARKET ST. .- PHONE PARK 4428. - MERRILL-MILLER COLLEGE. , 733 \u25a0 Flllmore St. ; • a .select school of business; day and evening. £ BAN FRANCISCO ; Business College;: 908 Market . st. at Eddy; day and evening sessions. r.,; . ALL court reporters : Gallagher-Marsb Business College. . \u25a0\u25a0 1256 Market st. *\u25a0"\u25a0 > ACCOUNTANTS^CertIfied ; Public . JOHN- R. RUCKSTELL. C. < P." AIT. 306-308 Claus •:gpreckoln (CalO • building: 'phone -Kearny 4151. Y:\'; \u25a0 : -' r - : .TITLES' : RESTbREP ; : '\u25a0\u25a0 .':. '\u0084 McENERNE Y titles i $25 ; $5 j cash and' ;;-;.\u25a0 $3 ; month:-". Box ,134*5.: Call \u25a0 office. • UNDER McEnerncy^act," complete,*. s3s." , TITLE C 0. .: 951-3 Monadnock bid., -Market st. nr.^3d. v-I>^^^^^ T^^ EY * s \u25a0-'"\u25a0 '- :^ v \u25a0\u25a0'••: ADVICE \u25a0? FREE ;'! no : unless "successful: - all leases;:, all business- quickly and quietly, at- .tended to;; bankruptcy ; 'McEnerneyl suits; ;cor- 'i poratlon*; -general. I , practice: -open every even- \u25a0 Ing. 102S i Market, St., room 12. : ;•":-_.. - ADVICE ~ FREE— Probate, guardianship; dam- \u25a0; ages, , collections;: bankruptcy.^ aftaciments • ull ' : cases handled quietly and quletly.-^Roouis'fiOl- , 602 ; Westbank bldg. , S3O \u25a0 Market ' st. ; evenlDga V by, appointment. -V \u25a0• ~ •.;.'. •'.>,' '\u25a0'.;:•-: -.'. ALL' cases" not» contested complete for $20; sure nuiet.i :1112;Mafket<st.V:room;i22.T.'' .' v. ': , UARRLS -.& :HESS,' attys. 4 at ' law." - W. . T. Hess Notary.! Public. \ Booms '1108-14, , Call : bldg. -\ •' '•\u25a0•\u25a0 :". PATENT ATTORNEYS DEWEY, STRONG & CO.— Founded 1S60: U- 3. : aqd foreign patents; inventors' guide: 100'me- ebanlcal movements free. .. 1105 . Merchants* \u25a0 Exchange~bldg.,. San "Francisco. ,' ' . CARLOS P. GMFFIN. ex-examiner U. S. patent . office: U.S.: and foreign patents; trade marks, \u25a0;.- 1202-3 Metropolis Bank ; tel. Kearny 4315.- HARRY C. SCHROEDER, U. S. and foreign pat- ents. 417 Ist Natl. Bk.. Oak. Phone Oak. 2751- DENTISTS '-;>-- ARTIFICIAL TEETH— "THIS ONE THING I do." DR. C. E. WILSON. 323 Geary, suite 603. DR. I RA ! G. LEEK— AII kinds of dental work. 515 Flllmore st. neac Oat.-. " ' '\u25a0 • MEDICAL __\u25a0 _ \-'~ r •-— . . -"\u25a0\u25a0- DR. DALE. 51 THIRD SY. NEAR MARKET. \u25a0 A STRICTLY RELIABLE specialist for women; largest private practice and MOST EXPERI- ENCE . in the city. If yon are WORRIED . about your condition and NEED HELP come •to me in privacy, where you .are SURE of IM- MEDIATE RESULTS. Accommodations when desired.. Hours 10 a. in. to 4 p. m. anil 6 to • 8 p. m.; Sundays 10 to 2. ATTENTION. Ladles— Dß. LEWIS. 9.13 Market st. : bet. 'sth and 6th. world renowned specialist for women only; no delays or disappointments: relief guaranteed by most superior painless methods known to medical science; moat obsti- nate-cases treated: all female complaints and irregularities treated; hare no hesitancy if tn need of my services; absolutely harmless; low fees. - By, consulting an emtacnt specialist you Bare time and money. Advice free. :10 a.m. to, 4 p. m. and 6 to 9 p. m.; Sundays, 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. DR. of Obstetrics, Mary Adam; reliable special- ist: cures all women's complaints success fully; - some for confinement; adoption; h., 1-5 p. in. 3004 Frultvaleav.. Oakland: tel. Merrltt 198 S. FHYSICIAZVS A— DR., BRINK. 517 l!3d st. near Telegraph aT.. OAKLAND. Cal. ' SPECIALIST FOR WOMEN. Ladles — If you are suffering from any ail- ment peculiar to your sex. worried about your condition and need help, consult the Doctor In perfect confidence. Hiring 15 years of success . he gives relief at once without needless deten- tion from your occupation, with original, pain- less, harmless methods. With high professional - standing, with offices splendidly equipped and ' strictly private, he' is the safest and surest man to consult when you ne>d him. His thou- sands of cured patients are his best references. . Consultation and advice absolutely free. Pri- vate sanitarium when necessary. Fee* Iqtt. ' 10a.m. to S p. m. \u25a0 - \u25a0. \u25a0 A— DR. ALICE BELL. ? • REGULAR GRADUATE PHYSICIAN. | ' All women's ailments treated by methods most skillful ! and painless knovrn. Everything used carefully sterilized, which insures absolute safe- ty. Patients may remain with me or return home Immediately without interfering with their regu- lar duties. Charges yasonable. Positively \u25a0 guar- antees satisfactory results. Call and -have a con- fidential talk WITHOUT COST. Hours 10 to 9; Sundays 10 to 2. 1295 GOLDEN GATE AY. COR- NER. FILLMORE. , DR.. WONG HIM. ~ ~ HERB,DOCTOR. Permanently located. 12rt8 O'Farrell st. bet. Oonyh and Oetavta. * HOMES FOR IXVALIDS HOME and care -for invalids or aged persons. 8421 - 25th st: near Mission; tel. Mission 4620. HOME for confinement; attendance $20. 1549 Stelner st. near, Geary. Hours 12-1:30. •0-7 p. m. S. F. LYING IN HOME. 1101 Oafc St.— Adoption. Disease women and children: confinement $25. POPULAR REMEDIES RICORD CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS for men's private diseases. Sold only by K. B. JORGENSON, 644 Kearny st.. San Francisco. Mall orders a specialty? ' Send for circular. \u25a0 ; ST." MARGARET'S maternity home; confinement specialty; .adoption; special treatment for all female troubles. - 171 Bast 14th st.. -Oakland. __ TRUSSES '..'...'.. J LARGEST stock of trusses and 'elastic goods In thertty. Clark-Ggndlon Co.. 110S Market St. '•VIA VI SCIENCE OF HEALTH." natural non- surgical; cloth bound, 400 - page book free. Apply' by -mall. 63tJ Pine st. "Lecture for women Thursday at 2:30 p. m.- - \u25a0 ALSO ear noises positively cured; one week free. DR. I'OTTINOHAM. S3O Market St.: hm. 10-4. ; I.VUMD CHAIRS SOLD, rented, exchanged: manufacturer of Eames tricycle chair. 1714 Market. Tel. Park 2940. WILL JOHN MOOKE JR.. native of Baltimore. Md.. address M. V. McDOXXELL. St. Francis hotel. -San Francisco? BUSINESS PERSOXALS A— WIGS and TOUPEES that defy detection; '.ventilated; perspiration doesn't affect them: tvig making a life study; men's private wig department, 2271 Cal. St. near Webster. Mr. G. Lederer In charge. LADIES' HAIR GOODS — Transformation, switches, puffs, artistic wig making, shampooing. G. LEDERER. ISOU Flllmore st. near Sutter. Established 1866. 1210 \u25a0 MCALLISTER ST. NE. FILLMORE— SuI- phur steam baths, thermal radiator baths, elec. blanket sweats, vibratory, elec. light rays. . obesity . sweats ; great .. relief for . rheu- matism. , NEWLY opened; sulphur steam bath parlors; newest method for rheumatism, malarial fe- ver, etc.; lady to attend ladles. l«02 Fillmre. UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and trousers at less than cost at CHAS. LYONS', the London Tailor. 1492 Flllmore bet. Ellis and O'Farrell. FRANKLIN Electric Institute— Elec. treatments • and massage. SSo-7 Whitney, bldg 133 Geary. MRS. C. ROSE. Mgr.; hrs. 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. MRS. HOLSHOUSER. magnetic specialist, 831 Pacific building ; pbone Kearny 595. ELECTRIC vibratory massage; salt glow. MRS. CORTEZ. 015 Van Ness , ay., suite 203. . RHEUMATISM cured — Electro Thermal Institute. Mw.Wood. manager.' 642 Ellis st.. apt. 5. GOLDSTEIN CO.. theatrical and masquerade cos- tumers;- country orders specialty. §83 Market. .; - IXFORJIATIOX WANTED CHARLES DENNIS— Write 1519 Commerce to John Dennis. Tacoma. Wash. JIATRIMOXIAI., . REFINED American woman, 50. desires corre- spondence with, gentleman; object matrimony. Box 4700. Call office. • -> ELITE matrimonial bureau for lonely . people ; ;^9s4Bro2_waT_O9klai_J_^^_^_^ SPIRITUALISM AA^-MRS. J. J . WHITNEY, trance medium; consultation $1. at her home, 1164 O'Farrell; . 3 by, letter. :4 questions. |l; phone Franklin 5024. AA— MRS. L. H. KINNAIRD. ord. con., dally. 10-4; circles Sun., Mon., Wed., Frid., 8 p. m. 1439, Flllmore St., . . LOTTIE < BUSWELL. — Spiritual readings, lessons daily; circles every » night. 1950 Webster st. nr. O'Farrell. :^ . : „ V MRS.:CRINDLE returned; meeting Thursday \u25a0\u25a0 evening; 8 o'clock, ;1217;'Geary above Franklin. MME. Griffin, medium and healer; cons, dally; - dr. TueS.-Thurs.. 8 p. .m. 900 McAllister st. MISS'M.>WILLIE, < medlnm. crystal seeress, can \u25a0, be consulted on all matters. 1615 Fillmore'st. MRS. S.: SEAL, -spirit rain. ; consultation dally; officiates marriages, funerals.- 7Sg McAllister. CLAIRVOYANTS MADASIE CARLTON removes evil influences, re- . unites - separated; ~ gives dates. - facts, figures in 'LOVE.; COURTSHIP, MARRIAGE: In fact, tells everything; gives infallible advice on all .affairs of life; satisfaction jruaranteed; abso- lutely reliable; confidential; readings 50c this week, 10. to 8: readings by mail $1. 1124 Eddy. MOVED— Mme. Kroenberjr, special test card •readings now 10c; hours, 10 to 0. escept Sun- '\u25a0- days. - 32S1A. Mission st. near 2!>th. . MME. LEONIDA;. clairvoyant, -cards, palmist; . -honest rdgs. ; ?:{ve;heria call.' .814 McAUl3ter. Mme. Starr of Oakland, at Hotel Csrling. S. F., ' ll.Vt Mkt.. r. 3: truth or no par:loto9p. m. ?? _ _ \u25a0 '^: '. ' v \u25a0 ' ".' PALMISTRY . ' •\u25a0 [r_[ CHRISTIAN." the only scientific .. palmist ,and phrenologist in America; astrology, mental and occult science; 9 to c dally: Sundays and even- . inps by appointment. . 1112 Market st. cor. Mc- Alllster. i room ,118;, no sign. v REV.'MME. BUSHNELL. formerly 919 Jones now - 2»n Kearny: » to 5. ex.- Sun.: tel. Douglas 3H7Q. - : :' : ,/' : ' -ASTROLOGY.: \.. ,"'--'/ ' PROF. DEsREMY, teacher of metaphysics and -..astrology.* - :H«3l Slitter . nr. ' Flmr. : . h. \u25a0 1 to 5. "ABBOTT bnys BONDS"; also CAL. SAFE DEP accounts: money loaned. l«rt'Msrket st. :• / MINES AND MINING '..';', GOLD. I*amalgam;1 * amalgam; rich we bougat;'cash; assavin \u25a0» ' : 50e. ... PIONEER ASSAY CO., ;i3i St_ B t. near • VavrarA. -\u25a0 . , \u25a0 . . . sylvanta and other ! ? n % n F ™ m «*ltae. ben- talned. by a process of refln n*. g*™} ' napll . rine. paraffin*. illuminating _otK .*"*"""' There tha and numerous ,Mxb grade Jf nem'wis and never can be ao overi« ofparafflne oil. " .• str i et iy paraf- OU of 37 degrees gravity and a smcwy p fine base has been found In tne J ow J£e7ia coun- eight mile* east of Llvermore Jto Alara^la ty. «nly 8 miles «"«» **• » n n !2L II .J Point Rich- mile* from the Standard oil * ork ?** *j' „ Fr*n- mond. and only 3 • hours* ride from ban «»», Cisco. Just think of It- In 3 hours *«£ £ * 9 SEE FOR YOURSELF this I^ A £ r £ e E a °i£ a dy It comes from th« ground. There are air j many companies with holding In soon * be famous. Held. Chief \u25a0«w»* "j" 0 iji ,ad Standard oil. with thousands of acres £j"f « * $ recorded In the offlce of the «™»**!!*t!2£ iv Alameda county. Some of the choicest »««»,^» this district are beld by the W. M. * *• °» »£; selected lSy Mr. W. A. Bropby. the noted l ou j^ pert- Mr. Brophy aNo selected the locaUonror No. 1 well, which will be drilled about 200 *«£» from the well of the Alisal OU Co.. which struck the second oil sand and oil of a gravity than the first, which tested o. gravuy. *£2&!Ttia* oil can be seen at the offlce Ot £; t *\d L £n\?££-l>y thl, company and material for a standard derrick Is n* « tto ground. Competent men will be In charge of the development work, which will be prosecuiea Tlg A°T^ of the stock can still be had at 10 cents per share, nonassessable. i.--»- Act quickly. See the oil and the oil 1 an d *. YOU WILL WANT THE STOCK. *™i-#£ j NOT AFFORD TO MISS THIS OPPOBTLNIT^ i Buy all you can. The price will raise soon. Bny «. tOdaT ' W, 51. & S. OIL CO . wV Room SI. 1068 Broadway. Oakland. __ E. F. WAYLAND & CO.. Brokers. . 478 Monadnock building. S™ franoisco. Cal. STOCKS OFFERED FOR QLICK. SALE. 1.000 Landau Economic Syphon Co. ..^ -*•» S.UCO Four Metals (San Jose)..-. <3 •"* 4.000 Alaska Petroleum & Coal Co fp •|» 1.000 Maricopa National Petroleum *« •\u25a0** 1.000 shares La Blanc Oil C 0.... @ •£» 1,000 shares Allegaany Mining C0..- ; .--«g •*- 750 shares Lady Washington Oil to- .<<? •'- 1,000 shares Templor Ranch OU.. <9 •*» 1,000 shares Omega Gold Mining Co @ .2» 700 Coallnga National Petroleum « •»» 50<) shares Ramona Oil Co \u25a0\u25a0<& -*5 300 shares Paula Oil Co • © • '* 250 shares Yellowstone OU Co -9 *« 2«3 shares Liberty Oil C 0...... @ -^ 200 shares Pacific Slope Securities @ * 1 --^ 200 Int. Endless Chain Saw Co |fi -J» 100 shares Mascot Copper C 0.... *t» -»- t>ty STOCK BARGAINS TOR SALE.. CHEAPER than you can BLA elsewhere. 150 Golden Gate Land Association. . . .g 814 2.500 Marieopa National Pet. Co.. « •" 1.000 shares Templor Ranch 0U Co... v .p C° ea P 1.000 shares Jewell OU Co © S n «"P 5.C00 shares Monterey Coal Co » • \u25a0 i v * 1,500 shares Üb«rty Oil C 0 . . . ..' @ t!le IS 1,000 ahaies Crown Graphite C0.... ---•.« •*" 500 shares Lady Washington OU Co. -4f c"c "' a ? 500 shares Yellowstone Oil Co jn Birt 560 shares Coallnga Crude OU Co «t .11 300 shares Madison Oil Co «S •»» 200 shares De Lum Oil Co @ l -*> KO shares Noble Electric Steel @ Bid I,€oo sbtr-s w. T. & M. Oil C 0 ....... nt<K J 200 shares Pyramid Oil Co , TV anted P. M. nARRIS & CO.. BROKERS, 751-733 Phelan bldg.. San Frandoco. Cal. BDY any part 6.000 shares Monterey coal. 1 cent per share. Box 1358. Call office. HOAG Press. 40 shares preferred: must ba»« mongT: make bid. Bnr 1409. C»n ofUf- - ' « \u2666 WOXEY-TO IiOAX AA— STRICTLY confidential loans on furnltare. pianos, warehouse receipts or security of any kind; , loans can be repaid In easy weekly. . monthly or yearly payments: we will" arrange the loan to suit you. same can be repaid when- \u25a0 erer you desire;* we gi»e you the full amount asked for; there are no adTanced charges of any kind: If you owe another broker or bills of any kind we will psy tb«m for you and gif» you more money: it Is easier to pay one than a number: we can make you better rates ami terms than any one in the city; it will pay yon to eaUand inrestlftete. ILLINOIS FINANCE CO.. formerly Illinois Trust Co.. 1516 Eddy. *4 block from Fillmore; tel. West 6710: 52»21. THIS IS OUR BUSIXEW3. SALARY LOANS. $10 to $100. advanced to honest employes "wlthont ' security." No ln- dorser; no publicity; your frlenda, relatives or employer will never know. " ALL, WE WANT IS YOUR PT^AIN NOTE. GRE-^T NORTHERN LOAN CO.. 616 Phelaa blilg.. 6th floor. Office open until 6 p. m. Mon> day and Saturday evenings until 8 p. m. AAA— HOLSEHOLH LOAN COMPANY WIIX LOAN YOU MONEY ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. ETC. : $10 to $20O; L<tfV COST: CON- FIDENTIAL: HONEST AND SQUARE DEAL. . CALL. WRITE OR PHONE. • 357-0 PACIFIC 8L1K5.. 4TH.AND MARKET. PHONES-^ DOUGLAS 3265, HOME J1741. Oakland ofHce — 518 First National Bank bid;. MONEY- loaned on furniture, pianos and other se- curity: lowest rates; most • favorable terms Ira the city: see others, then s»e me and be con- i vlnced; I will mt« you money: $2.25 weekly repays $5O loan. Phone Market 302 D. GEORGE W. MILLKK. 300» 16th St.. southwent corner Mission.' room 35. . _^ ALL DEALINGS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL— SALARY LOANS, mortgages, warehouse re- ceipts, other propositions; loans on policies WITHOUT DELAY: your promise onr security; payments arranged to suit. STANDARD LOAN C 0.. .323 Monadnook bldg.. Market below 3d. SALARY LOANS— SALARY LOANS. SALARY LOANS— SALARY LOANS. "% Just On Your Plain Note. \. No Indorser; no necurlty; cheapest rates; posi- tively no one will know. WESTERN LOAN CO.. 40S Call bldg- Office open till 6 p. m. Monday and Saturday until s. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping bonse and others upon tbeir own names with- out security; easy payments; save money by trading here. Offli-es in 65 principal cities. TOLMAN. room 040. Phelan bldg.. S«n Fran* Cisco, and room ». 460 13th at., Oakland. FURNITURE— ~~- ' .-? \u25a0\u25a0'- LIFE INSURANCE— SALARIES— Wage Earners' Investment and Loan Company. - \u25a0\u25a0*:: -j \u25a0 '\u25a0 443 Pine st. SALARIED PERSONS. TEACHERsI WAGB E.\IiNERS AND OTHERS with RENTAL or FIXED incomes can obtain loana without pub- licity at reasonable rates at 433 Phelan bids. Phone Douglas 3244. • - : - BALDWIN JEWELRY CO., * Gold and Sliver Smiths, • 29-33 Kearny ft. -. LOAN DEPARTMENT. SALARY LOANS— Ladies and gentlemen without security; notes and commercial paper bought. 313 Merchants* Ex. bldg.: phone Doucta* 1411. AAA — Wage earners, either men or women, can make a loan' in strictest f'T.dtlence »t the Em- . ployes* Credit Co.. room 424, .Monadnook Mrtg. AAA — SALARIED men and women accommodated, without delay or publicity. Home Credit and Investment Co.. 321 Phelan bldg.. third floor. A— A— GOLDEN STATE LOAN OFFIQE. 47 3d St.; liberal loans; lowest rates: strictly tp\. BORROW money at 2 pot. on diamonds and Jew- elry. GARIN LOAN CO.. 111S Market opp. 7th. ON furniture and pianos: no removal. TRE- MAIN. room »11. £33 Market, next Emporium. SALARY loans: other propositions. San Fran- \u25a0 Cisco. Discount Agency. 411 Pacific building. ON -furniture, pisnos or any security. BECKER. Monadaock building. 6?1 Market St.. room 297. CASH loaned to salaried men on note without In- dnrscr. MORRELL. 1022 Monadnook building. MONEY TO LOAX— REAL CST.% k*& ANY amount; lowest rates on first and *»c»?W mortgages on real estate, legacies. undivt<le<! interest, estates in probate: no delay. R. Me . COLGAN. rooms 502 and 304. daa» Spreckeh tCallt bnUdlng. Market and 3d sts. FIRST mnrtsage loans at 5Vi percent: 2d mert> gases, estates, legacies and undivided Interestj at lowest rates; no delays. HERMAN MUR Pn\. ISO Sntter St.. rooms 301-.T02. ANY amount on real estate, first or second mort- gages, on any security; no delay; lowest rates. O. W. BECKER. Mooadnock hldg.. RSI Market. FIRST and second mortxrase. real estate stock* *nd bonrts. M. B. LICHTEN3TEIN & SONS CO.. Bi> Montgomery ft. , . .. - . LEG > 55^2S ls hcn;bT » lT « that the^lilarir 7^ A Cjrphanase and Alfred Nnttall Nelson Memorlai Home. located at 520 I^ke sL. San Francisco has recelve«l the following orphan and hall orphau girl* from January 1 to July 1. l«uo- Virginia Marion Roland. 10 years 7 month* Edna May Roland, S years 11 months Ernma^ Amelia^ Kenney. 9 years ft months. Alice Astrid Charlota Gustafson. 6 years 7 mos. Mane Antonia- Roberts. 10 yi>ar* « months. NOTICE is hereby jriTen tnat T tniend to anr>b *t» tie state Nnrd of prison rtir«ctors to b« paroled from . San Qcentia prison according to law. FRANK MAGNINSON. y o . 23533. * JU^ Y - 9^J h7h 7- Wlrtbolm Has sold bis restaurant at oo 2d st. to Charles fol^man. All claims nmst b» presented N»f,>r»» Jn!r T5. Cla "n.s BIDS PROPOSALS will be received at thir^BureTn Is and. Cal. « quantity <,f navai •nppliw S follows::Scb. 2R87: Glycerin.— Sen 2ti)S£ (£» Sch. 2n«9: Fuel 011.-lsch. 2BwT | r^s nhoZ S Phor-bropze. . sh^t . topper, bras* and fiZv MnT & brass rirsts and nuts. co PP « rivets.- ™h & Mtevl-. bench. Tim. taps' ami dies, bolts and nntl" Applications for; proposal should T*! Rna te thi> schedules desired by ncmber \u25a0 -pi««i, „ . g°"*°x: \u25a0&&. m"lm "l vr^ : Z^A . Continued on .\wt Paje