OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, August 12, 1910, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1910-08-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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don't miss the
Statement Issued by Mayor's
Secretary Indicates Disagree*
raent by Physicians
Second Set of Photographs
Show Bullet Lodged in
Roof of Mouth
Bulletin Reports Satisfactory
Progress, but Manifest an
Undercurrent of Anxiety
NEW TORK. Aug. 11.— Major Wil
liam J. Ga^Tior may be making
satisfactory progress, as his at
tending physicians persistently main
tained today and tonight, but there is
an undercurrent of anxiety tonight that
runs contrary to the official bulletins.
His Burgeons say that he had a sat
isfactory day; that he is cheerful and
stronger, and ies resting quietly, more
than holding his own.
-V s opposed to this those who read
thfe 10:30 bulletin thoughtfully noted
•reference to "complete radiographic"
examination, indicating that it was
r.pce?sary to take a second set of neg
atives in order to accurately find the
position of the bullet- That an addi
tional pet of negatives had been taken
had been reported heretofore, but the
Tiimor lacked confirmation.
Lead Lodged in Mouth
Nothing is said in the bulletin of
"yplit" bullet, mentioned as indicated
in the first pictures; instead, the lead
is now said to be lodged in the roof
of the mouth. Whether the other
shadow as indicated in the first picture
is a splinter of bone, none of the phy
ficians would say.
A .sample of the patient's blood was
examined carefully this evening and
pronounced satisfactory, the relation
of the white and red blood, corpuscles
having been found so near normal as
to cause no alarm.
Although there are rumors afloat that
h:s physicians arc in the midst of a
disagreement, Robert Adamson, his sec
retary, axid E. J. Lederle. health com
missioner of New York, gave out a
rtatemenf discrediting them.
Statement Shows Conflict
The statement does not deny the re
port specifically, but by implication. It
o ows.
"The surgeons in attendance on the
mayor are Dr. William J. Arlitz, Dr.
L^CJeorgre E, Brewer, Dr. George D. Stew
art, Dr. Charles N. Dowd. During their
absence on Wednesday afternoon. Dr.
Charles H. Pork atended the mayor.
The mayor's family physician, Dr. John
W. Parish, also attended him." No other
surgeons or phsyicians have at any
time been connected" with the case.
- This statement is necessary because of
nfounded reports and statements by
those pretending to be- connected with
the mayor's physicians."
The patient's irritability this after
jioon and the barring of the sick room
to all save Mrs. Gaynor and the attend
ing physicians first gave rise to dis
quieting rumors.
Mayor Loses His Temper
lit was admitted that the mayor had
1 lost., temporarily at least, his cheerful
( r.ess and had requested that his wife re-
I main near his bedside. Because of
1 soreness of the wounded throat, an
antiseptic spray was used frequently
and,, it was by this process that' the
mayor ..showed signs of fretting.
Gallagher, the wouldbe assassin, in
prison in Jersey City, is beginning to
Isy the groundwork of his defense. It
will" be insanity. His lawyers and Dr.
F. S.Potter, an alienist, held a confer
<nc« with him this afternoon. Alexan
der Simpson of Jersey City, counsel for
:Jie prisoner, safd that he had investi
p.-ted the man's record and found a
2£is for a trace of hereditary insanity.
H. A.' Stanstain of Fresno Held
in Seattle Jail
SEATTLE. Aug. 11. — H. A. Stanstain
v as arrested by detectives last night on
; ek-graphic advices from Fresno, which
iald that he is wanted there on a for
gery charge. The man admits his iden
tity but denies the charge. He will be
held until an officer arrives from
FRESNO, Aug. 11. — The local police
i nd the district attorney declare that
I they have no knowledge of such per
[ son as A. Stanstain, arrested in Seattle
Mjii forgery charges.
California Camp's New Officers
Assume Their Duties
\u25a0s~he following officers were installed
for California camp No. 634. Woodmen
of- the World, by Past Consul Com-
Mia-nder George C. Rausch. assisted by
'he drill team of California circle No.
[77 g # 'Women of Woodcraft, Captain
Davis commanding:
C IL Borders, p»st oousul cnmtn&oder; I- J-
Ooldbcrr, <*>nsul conmitnder; T. J. Stapleton,
\u25a0(-visor lieutenant: Oeorgv VVnloom. bankrr;
''»rid I- Mayers, «-lork: C. \u25a0 H. Veley, assistant
k!/-lr George C. Rau*ch. «**cort; Ixmils Fortro,
RTviiman: A. Baktr. «^ntlnel: Henry Walch.
torc*ol»t: Ilcnrj" O. Tiffativ. cajitain.of tbc de
rrV'c team, and I«a»TPncc Vlarrat c«-ncra!ihf juio
of the California <Jcsxce.contin?eut.
Vfter trie installation there were
Idancins and refreshments. .... . \u0084 .
The San Francisco Call.
Moores, Pere* et Fils, and J. J.
Barrett Do Penance' in *
Bower of Bloom
Sea Breezes Blow in Windows
and Library Brightens
Dungeon Cell
Imprisoned Attorneys
Enjoy Fairmont Fare
The meals served to Attorneys' A.
A. Moore. Stanley Moore and John
J. Barrett at the county jail yester
day came from the Fairmont hotel.
The menus follows
Fruit Grape Xut»
Sweet Brradn
Turkey ! Sr.ute
Kjcks a la Czarina
RolU, English Muffins, French
Bread \u0084
M7NCHEO.N — 3 P. 31.
I>ertu«e Salad Potato Salad
Sliced Tomatoes
OUTf» Celery
Fried Chicken and Bacon
Browned Potatoes
Apple Pie
Coffee ; .
White Bock Cigars
DIXXER — 7 P. 31.
\u2666ireen Turtle Soup
Radishes Oltreß Salted Almonds
Filet of Sole
Saddle of Mutton
.Waldorf Salad, Creen Peas, Shoe
mtronK Potatoes
Cafe Parfait
Roquefort Cheese
Toasted Crackers
Turkish Coffee
v White Rock Clear*
Flaming marigolds in the parlor, pale
pink sweet peas in the dining hall and
crimson carnations in 'the boudoir, com
pose the radiant setting Into which the
three Calhoun attorneys have been
flung to atone for their ' rebellious
words. Light *sea winds, breathe
through the prison gardens, bringing
to the open windows of the retreat
vitalizing zephyrs laden with the full
fragrance of the heliotrope. Sloping
hills of brown melting into a misty sky
line greet the. eye without. The es
says of Chesterton, the humor of Twain
and the musings of Russell provide a
soothing pabulum for the mind. And,
lastly, the chef of the Fairmont sup
plies a delicate fodder for the stomach.
Thus it is that Attorneys Moore, father
and son, and Barret bask comfortably
in the shadow of official displeasure.
Heroes of the past may have died
with their, boots on, bnt at least the
modern culprit may suffer with his
Etomach fulL There 1s company and
good fellowship in plenty, cigars for
those who smoke, a library for those
who read. Nevertheless, to quote A. A.
Moore, "A prison is a prison for a' that
and a* that"; to which John J. Barrett
added by way of refrain. "If good be
havior counted for aught I would be
out by now."
The second day of the illustrious in
carceration was sunless. Fog played
fitfully about the iron bars that laced
the outer windows. A fire burned' in
the narrow grate. Night brought no
special omen in the heavens, and at 10
the lights were snuffed.
The prison de luxe is equipped with
all the fine conveniences of the modern
apartment. Connecting bedrooms look
upon a carridor that opens to a por
celain bath. A telephone stands in the
hall. Uniting the inmates with the
great outside. Messengers Execute com
missions with dispatch.. The conversa
tion is] of literature, tinged with anec
A late luncheon found the prisoners
with robust appetites. . The complete
ness of the menu was calculated to
warm a waning spirit.
"Prison isn't half so \ bad as it's
cracked up to be," said Barrett, as he
shoved back his chair andUt a cigar.
"Ha, ha, ha," came the chorus.
"It's all right to take what comes to
you and make the best of It,", inter
rupted A. A. Moore, "but I don't see the
necessity of making out that you
relish It."
And there was that in the elder
Moore's j manner which gave evidence
that he, at least, did not relishiit. ; In
fact, he appeared a trifle humiliated. At
that, he has been deliberate in the
thrust that sent him to Ingleslde.
The morning began for the impris
oned lawyers at 7 o'clock. A bath, a
shave and breakfast found therii ready
to receive callers. The first message
was an anonymous note from a '-'stanch"
supporter. It was accompanied ,by. a
cluster"" of carnations — -crimson and
white — crimson perhaps for , sin. and
white for penance. Then, came little
bundles of chocolates, boxes of cigars,
and books. \u25a0 \u25a0 •
Among the earliest callers were Pat
rick 'Calhoun, Frank Barrett, A.;. A.
Moore Jr..""Thof f nwell Mullally, Doctor
Coffey, William M. Abbott. Tirey ; L. ,
Ford and Henry Wredeu. Mullally was
eager to join his friends in, their im
prisonment, but was unwilling^to take
cfianccs* on anything' more desperate
than a violation of the speed ordinances.
In the afternoon' Senator Sims, Judge
Alien. Garrett McEnerney, Walter Roth
schild and Lewis F. Byington paid their
respects. Ford again joined ..the com
pany. # *-' .
CHINESE. CAMP, Aug. 11.— Dragged
from his i place in the hoist .' basket :by
a loose cable. G. Morales,', a - miner," was
hurled down the shaft; of the- Kagle
Fhawmut .mine today/ to a level 300
te.tti" below and i instantly/killed. '.. His
body -was terribly mansrled..:.. , , ,
Company Applies for Rights of
Way Through Trinity For=
est for Central Pacific
Surveyors Run Lines Through
Reserve ; Attorney Files Map
. ' of Route at Reno
[Special Dispatch to The Call]
EUREKA, Aug. 11.— That .the South
ern Pacific company, is planning to con
struct a railroad from some point In
the Sacramento valley to Humboldt bay
is evident from the fact that ; agents
of the railroad company, acting as rep
resentatives for \he Central Pacific
railroad company, have filed applica
tion's in the local land office for rights
of way through the Trinity national
forest. It is said that a similar ap
plication is shortly to be made in the
Redding land office.
It Is understood that the action just
taken has been brought about by the
activities of the promoters of the Hum
boldt and Eastern . railroad, which, as
projected, will connect Redding with
Eureka and will pierce the Trinity
forest reserve. \u25a0 ' • «?
The promoters of the road have asked
the . government to sell 3,000,000,000
feet of matured timber along the right
of way, but' thus far favorable action
has not been taken. It is understood
that the forestry officials have offered
to sell 1,000,000,000 feet, but the offer
has not proved acceptable to the pro
moters of the east and west road.
Southern Pacific. surveyors have been
at work in the Trinity forest reserve
for several weeks and it has been gen
erally known that the company was
looking forward to active work in that
The application for rights of way, just
made indicates that ; the' .work of ..the
: surveyors is to ;be ' followed 'by the ;
work of the constructing engineers.
Plat of ; Route Filed . / \
[Special Dispatch^ to The Call] '' J :
RENO. Nev.. Aug. 11.— An action that
leaves, hardly a doubt that the Central
Pacific. will, soon begin actual construc
tion work -on a line ,from Fernley up
through the Honey lake country into
Oregon was made public .today when
the plan of the proposed route was
filed 'with the county recorder by Wil
liam F. Herrln, chief counsel for the
Southern Pacific company.
. It shows in detail the route proposed,
surveyed from' Fernley,- near Wads
worth, to the California-Nevada state
According to the map. -the line be
gins at Fernley, crosses, the old Central
Pacific railroad bridge and through the
site of the old shops at Wadsworth.
Then' it goes down the Truckee on the
west side of Pyramid lake, over Astor
pass Into the Honey lake country.
. The filing of thee map was ' made
necessary by a law which requires all
roads proposing to build across state
boundaries to file plats with the county
recorder of the county 'and also with
the secretary of statel f?
No official action on the_ plat will be
necessary, and it is believed that work
will . commence without delay. The
Fernley branch will complete the long
proposed connection, between' Oregon
and the main line, and it is thought
that it will be "followed by rapid de
velopment to the south with Los Ange
les as an objective point.
Finds Spouse in Jail and Mauls
His Face
[Special Dispatch to The Call]
SACRAMENTO. Aug. 11.— Going to
the police station : today to report that
her' husband had disap
peared and had not been heard" of for
several days, Mrs. L. L. .Hendricjcs
walkedinto that individual as he was
being lined up in the corridor about to
be discharged after serving two days
for drunkenness. V, :
As she saw him standing sheepishly
with a dozen other: victims, she rushed
past the police \u25a0 guard and scratched
Hendrick's face, pulled his. hair, ripped
his clothing and threatened to kill him
* She said . that .she. had not "slept for
several > nights worrying * because she
thought he had' been .murdered,'. and all
the time he had : been i out -,on' J a spree.
Retired Merchant >Tailor Dies
at Oakland Home
1 OAKLAND. Auk. ll.—OlafiW.;Nord
weil, a > retired San ; Francisc o
man, died today.at his home, Lake and
Sunnyside avenues, jat :f the age of 766
years.: He was'iri the.merchantitailor
insj business in, San?Francisco for more
than;. 30 .': Vears; *- having?: come -.to 'this
state; 40 "years) ago.' 'He", left a .widow,'
Mrs. Rose , Nordwell' and ;f our \u25a0 ; children."
Dorothy IJ. Nordwell.. He was^bprn in
'Sweden: : "The; •funeral" will*' be '\u25a0 held
Saturday; afCcrnbon. and i will; be private!
Refuse to Believe That Oscar A.
Withers Met Death by
His Own Hand
Inquest Expected to Develop
Details of Feud in Which
Victim Was Involved
[Special Dispatch to The. Call]
I SAN JOSE, Aug. 11.— Tired and dusty
after their rough trip \u25a0}, to the north
eastern corner_ of the, county. ~to inves
tigate the. mysterious fatal shooting of
Oscar A. Withers, a.. wealthy stockman,
Sheriff Langford, Attorney LL. Koppel,
G.-O. Frost' and Jim" Cooney returned
to this city tonight. . - By' previous ar
rangement all refused to express their
opinion in the case until after a con
ference, which; will be held with Dis
trict Attorney "A. M. Free tomorrow
The dumdum ? bullet, which tore
through s the dead man's . head was
found by officers embedded in a feather
bolster,' which covered the mattress on
the bunk, and- the empty cartridge
shell was discovered on the floor of the
cabin where it would have' been hurled
by the recoil of a gun operating the
automatic ejector. The finding of the
bullet and the shell, will .undoubtedly
puzzle Coroner Kell, who 'upon return
ing to this city yesterday reported
that he had made a careful search of
the cabin and had been»unable to find
either the bullet or , shell or $215 in
coin which Withers took to the moun
tains with him. _
It is evident that the officers do not
believe that Withers' death is a case
of suicide.
Martin Fenton, "Black Burke" and
several mountaineers from the direc
tion where Withers was killed are* in
San Jose tonight and will testify at the
coroner's inquest tomorrow afternoon at
2 o'clock.
The local officers, accompanied by
Cocriey and Frost, who were partners
of Withers, left Han Jose !; !this;mqrnfn£
at J^ o'clock if or ;-t h«*:- scene > et,i,.the
tragedy, traveling via Llverrnore. Here
they found the _ people- " considerably
wrought up - by statements and accusa
tions made by various people, but as
far as could be learned there was very
little to substantiate, these reports.
People here" conversant withe situa
tion and customs in\the' cow country
back of Mount Hamfttori are looking
forward with considerable interest to'
the Inquest tomorrow, when the men
who-are known to have' been deadly
enemies will face each other in the lit
tle courtroom. , \u25a0"
The funeral of the victim of the mys
terious shooting was* held this after
noon from the Ward undertaking par
lors and was conducted by Rev. George
W. Brewster of the Christian church.
The inquest will beat 2 o'clock to
morrow afternoon in Justice Wallace's
Association Elects, Officers After
Hearing Several Addresses
[Spec/a/ Dispatch to The Call]
SANTA ROSA, Aug. 11.— The Retail
Grocers', association of Sonoma county
held an interesting session , here . at the
supervisors', rooms today. The forenoon
and early 'afternoon were "devoted to
addresses • and an election of officers,
while the later portion" of the after
noon was devoted to a ' visit to the
Gravenstein apple show at Sebastopol.
| Director George F. King of the : local
association was , host to the delegates
arid their wives at his > home in Cherry
streejt tonights and in addition ; to the
serving, of -light refreshments; the as
semblage ; was: entertained .with 'vocal
and instrumental 'music.
The principal -addresses at . the con
vention were j "The Cost of Doi n g Bust.'
ness,"-by Frank Haub ! of Alameda^* and
"Work" Accomplished ; by the California
State ; Association," -by" Frank B. \u25a0 Con
nolly of San Francisco? \u25a0 ;
The ' following. offlcef% were elected:
President, W. J. Hickey of ; Petaluma;
vice • president, ,C. -Edward j Skeggs" of
Santa Rosa; t secretary, £ George Mc-
Farlane of \ Sebastopol ; treasurer,
George N.lmrie of ; .Cloverdale; direct
or, Charles Haigh of Healdsburg. ; ;
Paralysis ; Attacks ? ,J._,-M. Estu
idillo; Father founded Town
SAN LEANDRO, Aug. j 1 1.— Stricken
wlth!|an 'attack'of . paralysisTlate' last
rilght^ J. M^ :Estudillo,;,pioneer Jof^this
'district ; and ' builderj' of the f : ; county,
courthouse] here 'that *wa*s v destroyed , by
an eartUquake'in "lß6B, rlies seriously- ill
at ;.his : home \ in* Estudillo \ avenue.' ;: Ow
ing; r to his age Vand'hisY poor health,
grave-fears are expressed for his're-!
covery. -' . \u25a0**''\u25a0 ;"".''". ..\u25a0' ; . " '•\u25a0 v--'v '-' ;-'; -'.v. v " '
In 'the' early- history .'\u25a0•. of . Alameda
county .,, the Estudillos.played a most
important!,; parti- Jose ," Estudillo' was
given ; a "Spanish igrantTof 7,000 ; acres,'
which \ iincliided ,. the'J'si tes ; of :i San
Leandro .and ' San \. Lorenzo, -.as J well; as a"
large part of Oakland's' new- territory.^' -
V.'rEstudillo f oundedt the • town . of; San
Leandro, and-*bullt /.the^'old f-i Estudillo
home iin -.Ward "street^; where', pant of . the
original housejean-be • seen .today 7 :; J.: M.*
Estudillq j was* instrumental; in\ organiz
ing- schools rfor»this<district. » ' :.- ;
BOY rOOTPAD\BLAIKf-St.(:i>oiiiß, - Auir.. n*—
\u25a0 1 retfcr-Boj-d* of jSt.'r Louis was} killed \ by 'a' Str
; Ch»rleg,""'M<C7v>poHcemßn'J-la8t; night i while •; he
\u25a0 -and r Cerll * Hprzng % were^maklnjf;'- their :< third
V' holdup iin the fcnhurbao - town. .-;* Hersog Rafter
r i his .: arrest « confessed. • a Boy J ' was 5 19* fears - old
" andi'Hcrzojt'is'l7." .v \u25a0 -<^i , ; .' - *:,- ...
I Oscar. A. W ithers,. i» ealth}) rancher v>ho ti>as mysteriously) slain by bullel. \
•\u25a0»'•\u25a0;. , ' 'i \u25a0\u25a0 ,'..'.*.\u25a0\u25a0''- — ' '•.•''.''.' '<• ' — \u25a0 — •'•"' .•' "', " '.- .. .: j
President of Chico^NormaljAd'
rriits 'That Loss of 'Supporter
vp^ Alters Situation /'\u25a0 j
'/.jU. ;>' . : ,\u25a0 :h '. \u25a0' .\?jt \
[Special t Dispatch to The X C all] \u25a0 '/-^ .'
' r SAC^MENTO. ' Aug. - il^--Dr:^C^ : Ci
Van' Ciew;:>president ofthe Chico'state
. . , \u0084 , \u25a0 -v. r? , t , - .\u25a0\u25a0--:\u25a0: ."• - - \u25a0- -•.(-•>
norinal^' school, „ who • was; .exonerated
recently.*,b'yi*the; trustees ;, of .^charges J .o£ i
improper '^cpnduct^ toward | girlst.of his
school, >.caitie>to 5 Sacrariiento . today Carid
had a'.lengtlTiy--'c6nfe'rence*with -his'at
torneys.cSeymour ell. . .. ,' J
He wouW' make 'no .statement after
the interviewfregardingvhis.'probablo
action ©tnVr^thanVto 'state that* "the
death o f; fTr^istee* JVarren, has";compli
cated,! the^situatibn^'' <!,'-.. ;
Van "Liew^wouldjL.neither affirm : nor
deny a story : sent ; out' from San 1 Fran-,
coscovth'at ,he';' intended ; to tender , his
resignation tto\the aboard '\u25a0 of \u25a0 trustees.
He' gave ( the-^impression^ to "hls" { inter
viewer, however," Ithatvhe' did contem
plate .stepping Mown. : "; before Governor
Gilletf names ? a; successor :to Trustee
Warren. : ,'-^Jc-y!^ ,'.*''., -, : ":'.\u25a0
\u25a0Warren,' was {friendly^to'Van Llew,
but it. is admitted^ that Gillett will 'ap
point ; a, successor iwlib ,will .be in favor
of ousting the^head \u25a0 of V the normal
school. ; Thlsinew trustee would»swing
the majority, of " tliel, board -against Van
Liew instead -of iwith /him. ,; ;,. . "
Will ;Resume;>: Presidency of
Army ; Service. School
SAN '- LEANDRO, -Aug. £111— General
Frederick ; : Furistonllefti on, th^isjnidrn-!
ing's "overland . train^ 'for j Fort iLeaven -'
enworth, 'Kan.,- whjefe -he resume
his -duties^ as ;/ president^ of ( i the. -' army
service school Monday, ' August rlS.^Fun-j
ston; has '\u25a0been* spending ; Jthe;; summer,
months. at" the ; , f amily ; home'ih SaiTLor- 1
enzo ; avenue^ tliis'city. ;: 1 : .'" : , '}\u0084 '
Before \u25a0-; the' , : ; general v left yon the
train} he' stated that: the .was .ih ; the best
of condition I ; and c had '' never,: felt - better,
in his*lif e." The) butdporj.wbrk. in beau-^
tifylngj ? the tT ground^ > off? the.'Furiston
bungalow. 1 had erased ; r alir trace ,, of Jthe^
illness;[' which "> threatened ;; him -'this
spring.: .'.•..•\u25a0A-'-.. •;> .IV. ; : r ':.-> '\u0084-, \
Mrs.* Funston. will' remain^n'-.thls ," city,
for several {week's? more.TAugust -20 "she s
will assist her.* father.f Otto: Blarikiart;: in
giving. a^coricert- for, the/benefit of- the
Sani.Leandro;boys';cluU in i the Masonic
temple/ ;,;.\u25a0'.-.\u25a0-."-- ';/•?.. \'.'.-'x . ; ';-' \u25a0''\u25a0"' ". .',
Hoosier ' Poet •\u25a0'.'From
,*.- ••;, :'; ';"; For nr . of p Paralysis '\u25a0: "
Hoosier; .dialect 1
. pbet.vf is? seriously i his $ home Jin
this -clty.tiHe^wa's lable* to Tsit -'iip only
a v few .* minutes rfetoday ."'.J-Riley.'jVwhoXis
!paralysis;| hasTno't^be'eh % able*? to i leave
ihWpsiiome % f or ";\u25a0• several \u25a0*. weeks7i biit", his
cal, untliyrecehtlyi.'" i . ; v *;. .1 "iiu)"u J :^~-
Miss Lillian v Jane Martin: From
Stanford Leads American
Suffragettes *' , /
f \u25a0(\u25a0' -' ! \u25a0 ' ' isn't V' I *-*'^ **"-V.
{Special Dispatch to The Call] .
Converted' to *th«; suffragette movement
jancl.strongrly in favor of the radlcal'ahd
militant methods of her English"; sisters,
,F£°f-' LiUieii 'Jane-Martin returned to-
an- extensive European ;tour.
where : she 'had > gone : as' an , 'American
representative; of^the* German Psycho
logical^society, at ) Innsbruck, Austria. ;
*• "Professor. Martin -was at* the head of
th ,e*?^merican women * in" the famous
Hyde/Park demonstration at London, on
July "; 23. last, in which more than 20.000
women^took part. With her were three
v''sl.l>>v ''s l . l >> n ,9i wn "Stanford graduates— Miss
Carrie^Goodhue; Anita Martin and
Miss'- DavidaiJFlrench. , The latter\*twb
we're; the ? joint {'authors of the univer
sity • volume, ."Not Included in a Sheep
skin."; •- . \u25a0\u25a0 .-\u25a0',' \u25a0\u25a0 si-.'*
.'Professor Martin believed that the
suffragette movement is misunderstood
in ; America arid' that ;soon'the English
methods > will l be adopted; in this coun
try. She .said '. todays that she i looked
for J universal liSuffrage- for.- women in
the near jfut'ureiYSh'e. was* strongly in
favor of thehigher education of women
and \u25a0 saw f no (reason 'why \u25a0 women -should
not "be.? given. /.the ..' same - rights - and
privileges 'as'rmen.vV, ". ' " ;
•That, the 'tmeeting <of , millionaires.'
lords "'and* princes '^with the poor .woVk
ing^giris of "the United: Kingdom.had
helped the. advancement of her sex was
the :belief?of ,Professor-Ma rtin. - j
"She 'conducted^a" series of important
psychological -•} experiments -at: the fa
mous station at Bonn, • Germany,' for a
number.of wee]cs. * .* '. . !
: jMiss Martin is! a graduate of .Vassal*
college 'and '.has ~been ' a professor at
Stanford^since;lß99.j Before coming to
this: university "she was an instructor
at: the. lndianapolis. high. school and in
the girls' high school, San "Francisco.
Keeper, .of. Shooting Gallery
? Kills Himself With Others
; ; CHICAGO. : - Aug^ 11. — W. ; J. , Myers. :
keeper 1- of .*a" shooting, gallery,' used, his
skill vwitn airevoiver- with tragic pur
pose ;'today,"shooting. his' wife.' son and
father *in^ !aw.« through -the 'heads and;
trienj'taklngihls own Jife. '
iJust'four/shots.'were. flred and, four
lives » were f snuffed'out by Myer's^ un- 1
erring, aimri : ,»» i?J>. «. '. • . *. .
f -; Policeman x'Derinis> O'NoJU was . pass
ingUhe*Myers/h6me when 'he heard; the
first fJ three ; shots in/ rapid, '"succession.
Breakirig*into itHe apaftment'-he .found
the >' dead ; "where: they,* had;; fallen. A
revolyerAwith: » f our j- chambers * empty
lay.i beside : th~e; : body lot Myers.
in /jeachtcase, -apparently,-' had" been'Mn
stahtaheous. \: \" J ' ". - t - ?;-^*;^-' ;
rr.jMycrs'; and 'his' wife;; separated- re
"cantlyV ufter she* had; him-. placed^under
bonds Uo keepvthe^peace. ... ..:;;;~. ; ; ;;
YESTERDAY— Mawrium tempcfatwKsß'S
-\u25a0-\u25a0'-\u25a0 • » • ,«o «;/} 9 M X.*
minimum, 40. vL ' -^ «C S \
\u25a0FORECAST FOR WpDA^F^liih'
"'fog 'in the morning; \gh6^oulh^vipd t cbcftg\
ing to brisk west- \\\\) y**9 \^r\^\
\u25a0 •• • - vva • y\ V*y
Kansan Is Called Ignorant Falsi
fier by Senate Leader From
Rhode Island
Senator Admits Interests in
Plantations, but Denies Prof
iting From Tariff
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11—Sena
tor Nelson W. Aldrich of Rhode
Island, enumerating the counts
under which he was indicted by Sen
ator Joseph W. Bristow of Kansas in
recent campaign speeches dealing with,
the tariff on rubber, in a letter mado
public tonight, denies the charges ia
their entirety.
Incidentally he pays his respecjs
in caustic language to Senator Bris
tow and what he terms a "little group
of men" who entertain opinions simi
lar to those of the Kansan.
Letter to McKinley
The letter is addressed to William
B. McKinley of Illinois, chairman of
the republican congressional commit
tee, and was sent to the headquarters
of the committee in this city.
The explanation of rubber duties
and the denial of the charges made
against him by Senator Bristow are
based upon the fact that Senator
Aldrich was called upon by a re
publican candidate fob congress to
furnish the facts connected with the
charges in the recent tariff act
.Referring to the charges made by
Senator Bristow as "absurd misstate
ments," Aldrich said the persistent re
iteration of them impelled him to
make a full statement. At the outset
of his long letter the senator divided
the speeches of Bristow into five parts,
each -of which contained a specific
charge. He then dealt with them in
Reason for Change
In the first place the 3enator declared
the increase from 20 to 35 per cent on
a small number of articles .of manufac
tured rubb-ir was for . the purpose of
making the, tariff uniform on kindred
articles and facilitating- the labors of
tl j customs officials.
In that connection he made public
a letter to him from General Thad S.
Sharretts. a member of the New York
board of general appraisers, as3ertlng
that the change was advisable and had
been agreed -to unanimously by the
senate 'and house committees and by
the conferees on the tariff bill at the
earnest solicitation of the tariff- ex
ports of the treasury department.
Laying particular stress upon the
charge made by Bristow, the chairman
of the senate finance committee said
that "neither he nor any member of
his family ever has had any pecuniary
interest as to whether the rates on
manufactures of rubber ""were 30, 35 or
300 per cent] or whether crude rubber
was on the free or dutiable list."
• Dealing then with changes that the
Inter-continental Rubber company, of
which he is a director, is a trust; that
It advanced the price of crude rubber
and controlled the world's supply and
that .the company had paid enormous
dividends, Aldrich treated each at gt%a.t
length. -"
Progressives Scored
: ;TVithout raising any Issue- concerning
the "progressives* " campaign gener
ally, Aldrich referred: to -.Bristow and
his immediate associates as follows:
"In the tariff discussions of other
days the advocates of the progressiv«
policy usually, have been called to meat
in "debate men with convictions on the
subject — democrats "of character, whose
theories of government differed com
pletely from those held by republican
protectionists-^— men, who had some re
gard for the. accuracy of their state
ments and some knowledge of the sub
ject they_ discussed.
\u25a0" "Now \u25a0 attacks upon " : republican meas
ures .are lead by men whose political
existence depends upon their capacity —
and to this there seems to be no limit—
for misrepresentation and the ignor
ance of their adherents. Strangely
enough, this little group- of men — very
small ' In number— has arrogated to
}tse!f the leadership of the progressives^,
and its members prate about the treat
ment of the tariff as a moral question.**
The letter follows:
\u25a0PROVIDENCE, R. L, Aug. 10.
lion. AVilliariiß.; McKinley, chair
iinan republican congressional com-
mittee, _Wasliington. p. C— Dear
Mr. McKinley: <I have 'been- asked \
by a Wpublican. candidate for. con- .
gressin an Illinois district to furn
ish-him-the-facts'witli referanca i

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