Distinguished Woman Scholar
Will Lecture at Auditorium
This Evening
This evening Miss
T^^f iP?>?ncoi | '»c;i > Lucille Eaves, pro-
fessor of sociology
in the University of Wisconsin, will
lecture on "The Sources of Strength of
tho Labor Movement in San Francisco,"
at the Auditorium. Page and Fillmore
streets. Miss Eaves was formerly an
instructor in the University of Cali
fornia, and at one time a member of a
union officiated with the labor council.
The joint executive board of the
brewery workers met Wednesday night
and decided to remain neutral in the
prohibition movement about to take
place in Los Angeles.
•The Solano brewery of Vallejo is
having trouble with its union help. The
secretary of the joint executive board
was Instructed to send a communica
tion to Mr. Woideman of the Solano
brewery, stating that unless he signed
up with the union bottlers and drivers
and complied with all the conditions of
the contract the union label would be
withdrawn from his brewery and all
his men called out.
Paul Seharrenborg. secretary of the
state federation of labor, has accepted
an Invitation to address a meeting of
farmers' union at Xapa tomorrow. His
sub.iect will bo "The Unskilled Migra
tory Labor," and lie will dwell upon
the plan recently inaugurated for or
jranizing it.
Brick layers* union No. 7 met in build
ing trades council Tuesday night. Pres
ident Kelson presiding. The local will
turn out 400 strong on Labor day with
a band of pieces. President kelson
Ifll marshal and Ins aids are R. Hopkins
and George D. Keeley. Business is re
ported good. Business Agent Frank
Hamill Ijas established headquarters in
the Building Trades temple and can be
found there daily between 9 and 10
a. m.
Tlie state federation of labor is dis
tributing more records of California's
congressmen made at the last session. ;
The records are compiled by President
Gompers of the American federation of
labor. The last to be mailed is that
referring to Congressman Joseph
Knowjand. According to the compila-'
tion. his vote was generally cast against
bills favorable to organized labor.
Third Vice President Joseph P. Duffy
of the international brick layers* and
masons' union of America visited the
city of Richmond yesterday for the pur
pose of forming a new union of brick
layer*. He will in a few days organize
she new local and install officers in the
near future.
President Crowley presided at the
last meeting of milk wagon drivers*
union No. 2i't>. The Labor day commit
tee gave notice it would bring in a
final report at the next meeting. The
local listened to an 1 address by a rep
resentative from the label section of
the labor council. Another delegate,
James Dirkson, was appointed in addi
tion to M. K. Decker. One candidate
was initiated and two transfer cards 1
At a recent meeting of millmen's
union No. 422 the local decided to pa
rade on Labor day and elected Henry
Btattler marshal and Albert Anderson
and A. Taussig aids. The union will
be preceded by a band of 16 pieces.
The latest news at labor headquar
ters, from Stockton is that the open
shop program of the contractors" and
millmcn's association is a failure. The
master plumbers* association locked
out all union men Monday, but Wednes
day decided to take them all back, and
the same course was pursued by the
master painters' association. The
trades unionists of the Slough City are
highly elated over the utter failure of
the open shop movement.
The committees having charge of the
Labor day parade in Oakland report
that the procession will be the largest
and most spectacular ever held in -the
city across the bay. Several floats rep
resenting various trades and crafts will
be distributed throughout the parade.
Plans are on foot to have the public
buildings decorated on Labor day. R.
M. Hamb has been appointed grand
marshal.. Prominent citizens have do
nated prizes to be awarded for the best
At the meeting of the housesmiths*
union Xo. 7S held last Wednesday night
President Henry Lay» made an inter
esting address on home industry. He
requested all members to demand the
union label when making purchases.
The L^s Angeles assessment was paid.
J. J. McCormick was chosen marshal
for the Labor day parade and he will
appoint his aids later. Business Agent
E. A. Clancy arrived home today from
a three weeks' trip in the northwest.
He made quite a stay at both Seattle
and Portland and will make a report of
his mission at the next meeting, v
President" Banthol was In the chair
at the Wednesday wight meeting of the
Oakland branch of niolders* ; union Xo.
3 64. One candidate was initiated. Fav
orable reports were read on the situa
tion in Los Angeles. The molders will
draw on-the Oakland branch for ma
terial to make up the baseball: nine
which has challenged a picked' nine
from the building trades council. The
proceeds of the game will be given to
the strike committee having charge of
the Los Angeles trouble..
Twelve candidates were obligated
and 16 applications received at the last
meeting of cooks* helpers* union Xo.
410. Walter Macarthur was unani
mously indorsed for congress from the
fourth district.
Five candidates were obligated at the
Wednesday night meeting of butchers'
union No. 1. The usual weekly assess
ment was paid to the strikers In Los
Angeles. A committee of five was ap
pointed to make arrangements for the
annual picnic ami family reunion to be
held in Shell Mound park, October 23.
It was announced at Wednesday
night's meeting of waiters' union No.
30 that so far It had subscribed 5600
for the Los Angeles strikers, and J250
to the cooks and waiters who are out
in Spokane. Twelve candidates were
initiated and 17 applications are on the
secretary's desk. Several candidates
were indorsed by the local.
Pile drivers* union No. 77 "decided at
its last meeting to have a'Jloat in the
Labor day parade. The. two, -Geary
street bonds voted for by the union
have been purchased.
supreme court rules
mOrderer must die
Willie Luis, a Chinese 40 .years old;
who shot, and killed his stepmother.
Gon Ylng. Luis, in San Luis, Obispo
county, September 30.: 1909, will have
to pay the death penalty, according: to
the decision of the supreme court yes
terday. The murder was /'committed
while Gon Ying: Luis was asleep.
Supervisors Requested to Probe
Conditions in Factories Em=
ploying Female Help
Some measure of protection and aid
for the girls who work in overall and
shirt factories, laundries,- canneries and
other establishments, employing young
women in numbers is sought in a peti
tion presented to the board of super
visors yesterday by the woman's union
label league. The league asks the
board to provide a woman inspector
authorized to supervise the working
conditions sui rounding young women
in the factories, anfi the communication
had the indorsement of the labor
council." ,
Gets Berth for Fireboat
The fire commission was notified by
the harbor commissioners yesterday
that they had assigned a berth for one
of the fireboats between piers 25 and
27, near the foot of Lombard and Green
wich streets. The board asked the
works commission to erect a station
costing- $4,500 to house the men and
the land apparatus.
H. Osgood was removed from the
post of assistant superintendent of en
gines and E. P. Healy put in his place.
Richard R. Wilts and Joseph A. Al
termarino were added to the ranks of
hosemen from the list of civil service
eligibles. •
Protestants Dissatisfied .
A crowd swooped down upon the su
pervisors' fire committee yesterday in
tent qn blocking H. Brousse's applica
tion for a permit to conduct a laundry
at 2412 Sacramento street. Nothing
was done about it. As Brousse's at
torney. P. A. Bergerot, was absent.
Chairman Knowles put the matter over
three weeks to allow him a hearing
and a number of the protestants leav
ing muttered, "and we voted for those
fellows too."
Tuesday a Legal Holiday
In response to the inquiry of County
Recorder Godchaux, City Attorney Long
announced -yesterday that Tuesday,
August 16, would be a legal holiday.
Long cited 'he city ordinance covering
specifically primary election days and
referred to the state law -which includes
as holidays all days where elections
are held general throughout the state.
All the municipal offices will there
fore be closed next Tuesday.
Water Company Wants to Tax
State for Hydrants
By way of retaliation for the license
imposed by the state the Spring Valley
water company would tax. the harbor
commission $2.50 a month for each so
called fire hydrant located on the
water front. The matter came up for
discussion at yesterday's meeting of
the harbor board and Fire Commis
sioner Max Goldberg. Fire Chief Mur
phy and J. W; Crawford of the Spring
valley company were all there.
As tiie hydrants were installed and
are maintained by the Spring Valley
company for commercial purposes »and
further as the only value they have in
fire fighting is to supply fresh water
for the boilers of the fire engines, and
as most of the fire fighting is done by
the fire tugs the harbor board declined
to consider the Spring Valley's propo
sition and the matter was left In the
air, with the Spring Valley water com
pany to make the next move.
At % the request of the ferry captains
the fog bell now on the south side of
ferry pier 7 will be relocated on the
outer end of the division pierhead be
tween slips 6 and 7.
Book by B. C. Wright Covers
Period From 1849 to Date
The history of California linance
from the discovery of grold in 1549 to
the present day, is related fn "Banking
in California, 1549-1910," a work from
the pen of Benjamin C. Wright, for
many years a newspaper writer on
financial subjects. •
The book cantains valuable informa
tion of the development of financial
institutions and the adoption of the
hard money standard in this state.
From the finding of gold, which per
mitted and induced trie state construc
tionists to taboo paper money, using
manufactured coins and gold dust, to
the issuance of clearing house' notes
In 1907, the story of currency is traced
and detailed. . ' - ! . r
Bank failures, panics, the appoint
ment of the banking. commission, and
the growth and development banking
house movements are included.
Bictures of the first California bank
and more finished- halftones of present
day institutions, illustrate the volume.
"Wright's office is in the Mill's building.
Court Summons Woman and
Orders Companion's Arrest
Mrs. Josephine Daniels. 77 > Haisht
street, obtained a warrant from Police
Judge Shortall yesterday for the j ar
rest of her husband, Oliver; Daniels,
on a charge of abandonment/
Mrs. Daniels said that her-'husband
had not supported her for two years,
but had' sp.ent his; money' on Jane
Hathaway, a fortune teller. He had
been traveling with the fortune teller
and she believed that they were living
together at 2222 Mission' street
The judge ordered a subpena is
sued to bring Miss" 'Hathaway into
The police have been asked to find
-Morris Hacker', a tailor. He left his
wife, who lives, at 11 14 A Buchanan
street, with two young ' children to
support. "May 10. and -is siTpposed to
have gone north. He is 26 years of
age, 5 feet 6 Inches tall, light com
plexion, brown hair and faint mus
tach.- , •
Chief Martin Assigns ; Layne to
\ \ Command the Squad :>
The long deferred change in the
command^ of : the Chinatown squad was
made by {Chief Martin yesterday. Ser
geant Duncan Matheson"; beings relieved
and Sergeant Arthur D. Layne assigned
to fill the vacancy. No . change has
been made In the squad. . • .'^.%TS .
Sergeant TJohn. > J.%. Morlarty was
transfered from Company ,G, O'Far
relj street 'station,*. to Company A,"'cen
tral district,' -to , take Layne's ;* place;
and Matheson -will -go to Company G;
Layne, Is no 'stranger lo; Chinatown
and knows thoroughly the ways of the
wily. Chinese. ' =\u25a0\u25a0/, --'.. - : "\ ~ :- '\u25a0;
The chief: has .: not yet given effect
to the request of^Captain O"Day to be
transferred from the 'central district,
but it !s'> believed that' the change will
be i made " soon ; and \u25a0- that . Captain Glee
son of the- Mission -"district .will be-as
signed to the \u0084 •• ," ,-,-_
Ocean View Improvers File Fur
ther Objection" Against
Sheridan Society
\u25a0\ \u25a0 .
A special, committee; from the Ocean
View improvement club appeared be
fore the board of education Wednesday
to enter a further protest; against the
Sheridan club, being permitted to take
part in thfe dedicatory ceremonies of
the Sheridan school .in Ocean View.
The additional' protest is that the
Sheridan is no longer an -improvement
club, If it ever was one,. but.--is a
social organization.
The committee was informed that
the objection will be given considera
tion. .-'\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0-. -..--. ;••.-.'..
The San P'rancisco labor council sub
mitted a copy of an address prepared
by Walter Macarthur which it is pro
posed to deliver before theJ pupils of
the various schools, "so as to. acquaint
them with the .purpose of Labor day.
This will be read at the conference- on
Monday. \ \u25a0 . s - .
Emma H. Roller of Denver, V Colo.,
by letter made application for an ap
pointment as teacher of music in the
public schools and inclosed her photo
The ; and pupils, of the
Humb/Jdt evening high school were
grantfefi permission' to use the' audlto
orium by the Mission' grammar schooi
every Friday evening for the purpose
of discussing subjects taught in the
Miss Mary ,E.: Hawthorne, a teacher,
tendered her resignation/ which was
accepted. She will be married and will
reside in L,os Angeles. \ •
Henry ; Latchford was requested' to
deliver lectures to the; principals or the
schools and to the teachers and pupils
of the night schools in the auditorium
of the Mission high school.
J. G. Trenhoff of Placer county of
fered the board a block of stone to be
used as the cornerstone for the Frank
lin .school.
beveral applications from parents
that their children be excused from at
tending the cooking- course were re
ferred to tho committee on schools.
Miss Eliza McKinne . and Samuel
Hughes, teachers, were granted leave
of -absence to the beginning of the fall
term of next' year.
Misses Elizabeth O'Connor and Edith
Austin were declared regular teachers.
Regular Teacher
Superintendent Roncovieri has for
warded a report to State Superintend
ent Hyatt, at the latter's request, as to
the status of Miss Charlotte Cerf in the
school department. It . appears- that
Miss Cerf was by. the high school board
in December, 1907, "assigned" to the
polytechnic high ..school,- '.but the notice
sent her by E. C. Lefflngwell, then sec
retary, set forth that she was by reso
lution "regularly appointed a teacher
and assigned to the polytechnic high
school." but this does not appear 'on
the minutes of the board and the ques
tion v.-as raised whether she. is a pro
bationary or a regular teacher, which
makes a difference in salary. Tlie su
perintendent said that Miss, Cerf is a
regular teacher and entitled to pay as
Says Two Strange Men Told
Him to Do It
Fire was discovered -by a neighbor
,in the basement cif a house at 411
Gates street Wednesday afternoon and
it was extinguished before much dam
age was done. : \u0084 ; \u25a0
The house is owned by Manuel Souza
and the basement is occupied by his
brother Joseph and his aged mother,
Joseph told Battalion Chief Murray
that two strange men had told him to
set the house on fire and he had fol
lowed their advice.
Five Marshal Towe made an investi
gation and on his suggestion Souza was
taken to: the ' detention" ward .at the
central emergency hospital to be" ex
amined as to his sanity.
Convention Will Be Held to
-Further Improvement
Preparatory to the Twin' •• Peaks"' tun
nel convention, which will assemble
Friday evening, August 19, in New Era
hall, 2121 Market street, a meeting of
the ways und means committee was
held last Tuesday to go over the last
details of the work.
Among the things to be brought be
fore the convention in proper form are
statistics concerning the building, cost
of the proposed Twin Peaks tunnel
cost of similar improvements in other
cjties and various benefits derived.
Following is the committee in charge
of the work: Dr. Hartland Law, Gus
tav Brenner, Rev. D. O. Crowley, D
Livingston, D. Coffin, \Pa'iil T. Carroll
E. L. Vandcr Naillen, L. 11. Peterson'
T. Treacy, P. D. Broderick, B. Burns'
W. Schultze Asks Damages
From Ocean Shore ] Receiver
A suit to, test the responsibility, of
the Ocean Shore" railway company^ in
regard,to.the -forty bonds-of the com
pany for the alleged embezzlement of
which C. E. Rankin and John J. Lynch
two stoqk brokers, .were indicted, .was
begun in the superior court yesterday
by William Schultze against E.^F. Way
land'and F. S. Stratton/ as receiver.. ;
z Schultze' was an'Jnnocent/purchaser
from Wayland of 5 one of the* forty
bonds, paying $700 for it, arid when'
he presented it for.thepayment of in
terest' due the company 1 retained the
bond on .the ground r that it had been
stolen. \u0084<''<.<:.; ;\u25a0 '..!.;\u25a0•-\u25a0 ~~-''-\ \u25a0":'-__' -\u25a0-.;-
Schultze. sues -Wayland and the re
ceiver for $700^damages. \u25a0
i J_KnEETINGS--t ; odKe«
AMITY \u25a0 lodge No. • 370. I F. \u25a0&: A. - M.— a"^
'-.. Special meeting . THIS (FRIDAY) -J*\r
,:, EVENING.- 7:30 rt'cliK'k. ". Second de-/V^ ;
•\u25a0\u25a0 gree. , T.-. WALTER WALKER.v Se<-. x
BALDER lodgf; -No: 3M. >F. &A. M.— , * '
Special meeting, THIS (FRIDAY). §X
EVENING. 7:30 o'clock. .First : degree. *lfjf
:- A. LUNDQ VlST. 'Secretary., ;/!y>
REGULAR- meeting of Canton San - - "u'tjjjtft, ''
\u25a0 Francisco No.-S, P. M.. I. O O. zggfßS&gGk
\u25a0 F.. will be. lield THIS (FRIDAY)
EVENING, at 8 o'clock. - . v - . 1^ '
;G.W. MITCHELL.* Captain.^:
ST. . ANDREW 1 S ~ socleety ' of ?• San .= ft • maTl*''
Franoisco will celebrate tbo one Efi^lvSxt
lmnflred and thirty-ninth annircr- K^SfKoZiy
sary.uf tbo birth of Sir Walter
M Scott by-* musical and literary, en-;.', T^^v^
/ tertalnment <and: dance in; new hall
. -J2l I^arkin -st.f FRIDAY EVENING. Aug 19*
\u25a0'i George \u0084W. ? Dickie \ will, deliver < l the address'-
• .Tickets, - ; 50c. r may be. procured ' from \u25a0 members
of the committee orat theoffice of the hair
\u25a0 - JOHN H. ROBEHTKOX, President" '
,R. H. MURRAY, Secretary/;- v- ; ; v
CLAN J FRASER? No: 178; 0 Order ;of '\. jffl^ .
Scottish Claus. — Regular meeting (JhS
TONIGHT; at American hall, at S «JsS' r rw
. sharp. / Urgent ; business, i-;; Full 1 at-^ViY
teudance requested lby| chief.- Clan
\u25a0?,- Fraser . will • condnct ; an ; Immense' Sir , "- J >'-'.
".¥. Walter.) Scott celebration vat v the Van-Ncsg
: theater, NEXT .TUESDAY I EVENING. A pro-
.'•> gram i pfisitively ;: ; unsurpassed * for ? variety \u25a0. and -
-^.originality. _ orat ioa; by.* Hon.' Frank J.^ Mv-
\u25a0- rasky.. Tickets ; on; sale; at 'Sherman. 'Clay •"&
."-..C0.'5. ; Chorus rehearsal -this 5 evening fat- H-30 ;
' '.;;. : "COMMITTEE.^;
LOST; AND FOUND : :\*«*".' ; " : 'VV.:-'\
I IF, YOU LOSE ANYTHlNG— AdTertlse, it I
here.,- It will; be returned to you lfian honest
person finds < It. ; Remarkable i recoTeries : are -
brought about every day through this column. .
' , tot: The ;.-•-'\u25a0 : -'v' ; - x ! <-,'-:'.V-" ''^'' r : S; '
J San Francisco- Call v : : , i :
! : Ln.it ami Fonnd Burean
i Third and Market streets "
_\u25a0 Get : - at claim ' check. : Hate -. it
Reclaim It If the: owner does, not. .:,; \ )
. THE -LAW— People who find lost articles
are interested In knowing that the state law
is strict in requiring them to seek the owners
. through advertisements and otherwise, and ;
, that failure to do bo. if proof can be shown,' '
: In volveg -. a ; severe : penalty. ' * '-\u0084. .y. .'- \u25a0'\u25a0:< \u25a0'\u25a0 '~i:- i
LOST-^Wbite 'shawl.'- on ' r.ouhtv road * between
Burlinsrame . and; Menl6.','.- 'Return .to 160fi Call
.;' liuilding, S.*.F.. or ipostofflce,'- Burlinsrame; re-
- ; ward.'. - • ; *" . . \u25a0 ,\u25a0 . •.*\u25a0..\u25a0 \u25a0;
L( I S , T — A l>nnch f of keys. Saturday, between 20tb.
Mission and , 19th, Howard; : return 2293 > How-
v era; reward. .-» '. :- \u25a0'\u25a0::\u25a0-. \u25a0\u25a0•'.-\u25a0-\u25a0.
LOST— Jlonday, near Presidio." white spitz ' dog.
Rhone , R. L. COLLINS, 34 Davis st., - Douglas
LOST— GoId knife; $s: reward. Return to Hotel
" Hareourt. ; \u25a0 ; ' „ \u25a0 "~,. \u25a0 :
LO S T — Gold watch, -small . diamond , initials . G. !
T fa. M.'t'.retnrn.- to 40 Fulton St.; reward.
LOST— Friday, club pin; reward. C. C. C, 333
' Kearny st.. room 506. ' . . . -
, ACCOUNTANT keeps small i sets of books.' day
•-. work only. "Address P." 0. box 283. | Berkeley.
FIRST class candy- maker would like, a position
: in retail ; store, working 4 hours every, day.
Box ISIS. Call office., '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0/ . - v ,
MAN. ; 2S years old. wants position as butler, in
nrstr class family ;s talks Bulgarian. French.
I-iiKlish and \u25a0 German ; . \u25a0 references from royal
/ family. Box 1844: Call office. V
;; Reliable young man wants job -in- hotel \u25a0\u25a0 •
or institution; city or country.. Apply '
Employment Bureau, S. F. Hotel -News.
Douglas .. 2197. ' , 71S Pacific Building. I
WANTED— By a competent book keeper," a small
set of books to • attend to evenings.' -. Address
hos 3253. Call office. - ' , ;; I
YOUNG man = familiar with general of fice York
and experienced in the newspaper, business de-
sires position, either city or country. :Ad- :
dress box .- ISSS.- Call office... ;. ; v
YOUNG man wishes position as carpenter; con-
r crete form molding, finishing. . concrete work, j
plaster and complete mechanic. Box 172".),'
Call office. \u25a0-.-, ,
YOUNG man, 25. years of age, fair education,"
wishes position vrith wholesale or manufactur-
ing concern; outside work preferred; city, ref-
erences. 1 80x'4720. Call office. 1651; Fillmore.
YOUNG man wishes position in small hotel as '
\u25a0night clerk. Hoy ISSI. CaII office. ' ,
WAXTED — Female \
EXPERIENCED cook in private family: wages
.' $40; good' references; .jihonp Piedmont 4472.
Box 3020. office. ".Oakland. "
RELIABLE girl wishes position as cook if private
family. Address '212 Waller st. near Bu-
chanan; phone I'ark'uOlS. \u25a0'--'\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0' I
WANTED — A position as manager, house keeper.'
.^partner or any hotel work by an experienced
"hotel woman : stranger In city and in "need of
work. Box ISI9, Call office.
YOUNG German cook desires situation in hos-
pital, hotel or family, §45. MISS DILLON,
1138 Turk st.r West li-tfJC
WANTED— AbIe i- bodied men • for the U. S.
Marine corps, betweeu the ages' of :19> and .'3s.
Must be native :born or have first papers.
Monthly p.-iy $15 to ?69. ' Additional compensa-
tlon possible, l'ood, clothing, quarters and medi-
cal_ attendance free. After 30 years' service can
retire with 75 per- cent, of pay and allowances.
Service on board ship and ashore in all. parts of
the world. Apply U.S. Marine corps. Recruit-
Ing- station. 05. Market st.. San Francisco. Cal.
\u25a0 HOI* PICKERS:
Hetluced rate tii-Uets oil our special train nf>w
ready atnl.as we Imvv only a Ifmit'ed number for
sale, you must secure your ticket immediately;
every ticket soli) guarantee* n position.
E. C. HOK.ST Co., IG') Tine St., S. IV;
HOP PICKERS wanted— Men, women and chil-
dren; a'good outing at good .pay; fine, shady
camp grounds on Russian .river; 'picking .be-
gins in a few days; register at once, as books
will be closed as soon as crew Is secured. Call
COMPANY. 110 California st.
ANDRE'S, nm Larkhi *t.— Laundrytnan for col-
lege. (35-$4O; experienced silvcrninn, cafe, $10
week: busbo.rs. $3o; . marriiil farmer, $SQ:
Trench or Scandinavian r-oai-bman. $40-S-'O;
apprentice, 'fur baker shop. board;-, dish
washers. ?;.'O-?lo, and others. \u25a0 \u25a0 ,
WANTED— Ouo chief gardener at $3.04 per iliem;
a conipetitive examination will be held Sep.
tetnber S. ; 1010, for the purpose of filling the
above position. For further information ad-
dress ; COMMANDANT, Navy Yard. Mare
rlKlanil.' Cal. \u25a0 : .'.- " - - ;
WANTED — Lxperienccd- salesman who thorough-
ly understands dry goods, for outside man In
wbolesalw department. Apply siiptendent's of-
fice from 9 fo-11 a. 111.. Halo Bros. Inc..
Market and Oth sts.. S. F. ' .
MEN and women, learn the barber .trade; posi-
tions guaranteed; we can not supply demand for
our graduates; expert instructors; we teach In
& weeks and pay wages while learning. Call
and let us explain: the Moler. system. 234 3d st.
MEN and women, learn tlie; barber trade: we
-must have more beginners t<> fill plaf-es-of
those let't. for good jobs •.-'alwrtlntflr free to
next 10. Call or write S. F. BARBER \u25a0 COL- i
LEGK..7pO Howard st. \u25a0'.:..\u25a0 , :
WANTED— Specialty salesman. : acquainted with
city retail drag ami candy- trade, for splendid
line of eastern randy. -'Apply by letter onlr, ;
box 120, S7O-Mpnadnock'l>lilg. I
PANTRYMAN for a club; s ?o0, room and board.
" . with increase if capable: experience necessary.'
Call. at MISS PLUNKETI'S, IS9G Sutter«t.
corner Webster. : - ; ...
BRIGHT: young man wanted for office work and
to do collecting. \ Address .In owir hand writ-
ing; give references ami age. Box 1831, Call
j office.* * \u25a0 . : /. .
YOUNG !man,,ir» to' IS, wanted for office work:
' high -school -graduate preferred: salary. $0 per
week. Address P. p.- Bex 2."'t>. Station B. ;
WANTED— Cement laboratory : assistant: "young
man about 20 years: high school education. Ad-
,' .dress , box 1873,'' -..Ca1l office.-;-.- ' ' i
WANTED— 6OO men to occupy rooms; 2ofc to 3uc
\u25a0 per night (free hath), nt the NEW YOKK. 753
Howard sr. between 3c! ; and 4th. ;\u25a0._.-_". \u25a0, .
MEN of ideas: u-liu v - some Inventive • Hblllty:
GREELEY & "MeINTIBE. Patent Attorneys,
. ' Washington.' D. C. .-,_-. \u25a0'' : . \u25a0'\u25a0,-..
WA NTEI >— Expcrlfiu-i-il -drapery Knlcsin.ll>. - Ap-
:, ply HALE' BUOS.. INC., lltli and- Waslihigton
fts.. Oaklanil. : '. ' :\u25a0:'.-. :
FIRST CLASS ladies' tailor .wanted:' ladi™' tailor
garments. L. BAUR()N:"-':'.2 O'Farrell st.fr'
BUSHELMAN \u25a0 wsuited. . I'AL'SoN &' CO..- •.•<i<»
: Kearny st. . \u25a0 , , '\u0084.-:-« " "
BOY wanted— oJ2- O'Tarrt-ll st. ';
WANTED— Young 'man ao.'work !S hours a day:
$15 to. $25. week .-r- R<«>m 211. » \r, A Van Ness aV.
NEW WESTERN.- 1124 Howard— Mnjrle room*.
15c and * 20ty,.' per - night- 1 liot and 00M ' water. '
MEN -wanted at 103- 3d 5 «t.' to have their shoes:
"repaired: sewed sole*. 7sc- rtnn<» In'lO minnte«.
WANTED—^Men' at Los"'AngeleW- no | expense.^ to
\u25a0 learn. trades of electricity. aut»nw>biles, plmnb-
inz, .brick. laylug;*;by actual'-work'on: contract
. Jobs;, only, few months'. required: 200 students
\u25a0'- last year< cataiogue free. IH2>; Mkt. st..' S~ F.
\u25a011 ELiI^AVANTED V ;
AAAAA-^Young women as -by
the . Patlflc Telephone and. Telegraph Company ;
must' be ; bright, ,.. neat' in « appearance, ; lutween.
B the ages of : IS and 25 - years, of fair education
J and unquestionable character. ;
ATING ROOMS. -, \u25a0'
. ING.' : . - - ' • .\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-' \u25a0: }-.'\u25a0- •'\u25a0 - ' \u25a0.\u25a0-*.-\u25a0•-
For.: full \. particulars*.; call, -preferably be--
' tween 8:30 a. ,m.^and-12 noon, :at "the Operat-
\u25a0Z". Ins School, » Telephone ; Offlce, 2015 Stelner st.
-:. corner* Pine. . ;'\u25a0 .;-\u25a0.'. '• ' -' . -'.' \u0084'-»:,•*' •
\u25a0"/ HOP-PICKERS: . ,-' ;
}\u25a0': Reduced rate' tfckets^on.our.special;. train, now
ready and; as, we have, onlyiu 7 limited number for
sale,-.you must secure-your^lckPtiimmediately;'
e/very: ticket sold < guarantees .a posltiou.
,~ ;E. C.UORST CO., 150 Pine St., S. F. .
AA— Women ' ' and . glrla '? apply Immediately f. for'
,: cutting ± and .-/canning ." fruit; -..highest'- nages,'
- steady work. -healthful and 1 moral surroundings.
;; Minnesota- Bf .:?\u25a0;. ,\u25a0:-"." -.;\u25a0.-:-' ' \u25a0"• ... '•-'\u0084-/.
WANTED — Young., -women; clerks \u25a0 for : steady,; half
I I <lay/ work '. in | household 3 and J crockery { depart* 1
,' raent; ; we .prefer J those, iwhewe S duties i are . suchl
\u25a0 a's f to jniHke,: it^ preferably for/ them ' to '\u25a0 spend
_'"• half .; of "»thei <lay,?in } business;* '.-. : Apply.; superin-'
*\u25a0': tendent'ss office; from*o;-t<> < n;>a.*ra;,V HALE
: ;BROS.^lnc;;yMarket;and fitlustsr^S^F.j ;.;,vx
LEARN!hair.;dresslng,'imanicuriiig;iliairjWf)rklng, rt
iS,' nmssage;; special it eflfbws:ie veiling 'classes.-^ The'
GOOD cook; American family. $50; : English nurse..
Jir-1 child. -. $30; ; first - class cook, - San : Mateo, ?45 ;
I?-; French .; lady'sj maid, , 2 "ladles. \u25a0' $40. 1 references:
; i second girl across the'bay. $Xi, references: see--
:- oud \u25a0 girl, . \u25a0 plain , pldce; ,$25: sCatholic '. house
" f keeper "for ja - priest's < home.'* $30; German'- nur--
: ' " ; scry i governess, ' $45.' references ; - chamber I maid
"and!' laundress. ?S3s;t'cook: - lower .. floor, :$4O.: $40.
: MISS PLUNKETT.JIBSX; Sutter.st. .!?-•-_\u25a0 ...\u25a0"-\u25a0-'.•.- ;
HOPI- PICKERS wanted—^Men.'. women: and chll-
'-dren;.a good outing at good pay; r fine.". shady
.- camp grounds -' on i Russian : river ; picking : be %
1 gins-in)a>few'dayF; ; register: at once.' as books
:',\u25a0 will be closed las soon »sv<;rew is secured. Call
:-r COMPANY. 116 California . St. :^ *: -
CHILDREN'S nurses, $30-$35; parlor maid ; and
.--^ waitress/', s3o: r second* "girl; $2."»; woman, with
& child ton -ranch, -nice place, $23;; 2i>* cooks and
V housework girls^s2."»-tO;s4o. A WOMEN'S "EM -
Eg PI-OYMENT^BUREAU, 202 Pacific bldg., 4th
vXand'Market^sts. --\u25a0;;:)' '- •' " • \u25a0;; -•. ".. . v "-
WOMEN'^and ", girls v wanted \u25a0 to work^ on frriit;
fijj highest '. wages ; paid; . carfare, allowance;' pleas-
; .j ant occupation ; / sanitary '/workrooms; \ special
a B inducements to competent canners and cutters.'
! 'SUNLIT FRU.IT ICO./ 4th , and --Dwight way,
\:-, Berkeley.*-;--' ',:\u25a0..\u25a0..-.,."\u25a0',->'"' "-\u25a0'Tf"\- -''• :
WOMEN and 1 girls \u25a0 wanted -to work' on J frnit}
' highest '. wages t paid; carfare allowance; \u25a0 pleas-
f ant "., occupation;:; sanitary, .workrooms;.: special
Sj inducements to competent- canners and 'cutters.
.1 Sunlit Frnit Co.. 4th and Dwight way.' Berkeley.
YOUNG lady stenographer; must be neat appear-
r Ing, * of ' good address and capable' of. taking a
letter correctly, at moderate Bpeed: J state ex'peri-.
ence in detail and salary expected. Box 15S0,
;; Call of fice.: ; -y •.. ~i; >.'-\u25a0«.\u25a0 ?-..--.."•\u25a0•. .-''•-,\u25a0 \u25a0•••:•--,
-\u25a0\u25a0'•";". -' OAKLAND. .-
: ' /WHILE LEARNING. . \u25a0
.- . APPLY r TO, MR. DAVIS^ ; , *
LADIEC, learn hair dressing at- CALIF. - COL-
X: LEGE OF HAIR DRESSING , and Beauty Cnl-
. ture; > diplotnas and \u25a0 formulas given; individual
Instruction. • 967 ft Market St., bet. sth . and Cth.
WANTED— Young women to train as nurses, be-
tween ages of 20 and 30. of good education.
- " neat . appearance. " Box 3998. Call office. . Oak-
.; land. , --.-;.;. \u25a0-:\u25a0 ;- : j."v : -^ : v.: k ';\u25a0 "• "\u25a0\u25a0 -'\u25a0' \u25a0
WANTED — Woman ) of brains anfl " ambition who
X is?-. seeking ; a .life" work; opportunity -to earn
: ..well. now and work for a" future. , Address box
\u25a0 3012.. Call of flee. -Oakland. -. -
WANTED— A | neat girl for light housework in
'. £ small flat ;' cook ', for | man and | wife; call \u25a0 morn-
.'iingß. . 1704 McAllister st. \u25a0\u25a0;'\u25a0\u25a0/-' .. :,- .y .
WANTED— An experienced cloak, and suit sales-
:woman.> .'Apply HALE BROS., 1 Inc., 11th and
Washington sts.,, Oakland. .' ]- ' '
WANTED — Girl for distributing* type, oue ' who
" has had 2 or; 3 years* experience. JANSSEN,
\u25a0 533 ' Mission; st. J ;'.;; ..':.!: '
AT once, girls. and women to stem strawberries i
piece ,work. !•> Pacific Coast Syrup C 0.,, 731 San-
' some";st.,*San Franoisco. ' -\u25a0 - *_ \u25a0-'. .-". .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-
SPECIAL rates— Learn hair, dressing, manicuring.
. hair work : only system -In . 3 wkt. ;- positions
waiting. MILDRED hair et0re.1475 Haight st.
WANTED— Girl ; about' lC for art store: call be-
\u25a0 tweenlO andlO:3O. . S. & G. GUMP'CO.
WANTED— GirI, to solicit for multiKraphtng
> company on percentage. Box 1S61: Call office.-
•\u25a0- Sold on installments of $5 PER MONTH. '
DRIERS sold on small monthly payments and .we
will allow you«top price on your, old fixtures in
exchange. Remember, we are not in the trust.
Phone Franklin 3599. .34 Turk st.
BARBERS'— SAVE MONEY. . ~ .': ' * " \u25a0
.'. We' have: sevoral second hand Koken hy-
draulic chairs on ham 1 which we offer at a big
. saving to you'now. Also many pther makes at
\u25a0 bargain prices. We also have secured thecx-
\u25a0i elusive agency for.t he celebrated ' -. '
Ask our; salesmen to show them to you.
. IC2-KJ4 Turk. St.- San Francisco. Cal.
;-'ern: centrally 104-at»-d: long lensc; «loinj; a pood
" business; stands investigation :\u25a0 owner going in
outside business: price $1,500. BECKEL &
. ; I'RESHER, CO 6th st. , - '.-, v ' 0. \u25a0
A•; RARE chance — Partner wanted; Oakland
"harber. college; only, college In Oakland; doing
\u25a0fine -business; trial given; investigate: this
won't last long. 4t(!) "th .st.. Oakland.
FOR.s ale — 2 chair barber shop and baths, near
San Francisco. '.Cnl. Call at BECKEL' &
\u0084•\u25a0 PRESHER,' 3T:5 12th St., Onkland, CaL; -or
; CO tith st., ;. San Francisco. Cal.
$150 cash will -.buy great bargain: 2 chair barber
..--shop. '-.with* 3 .modern living rooms, furnished
\u25a0 complete; original shop at 2231 Clement St.:
V best: location, Richmond district. Home T-1227.
$325 buys best paying 3 chair shop in city; extra
| I fine location ; good lease; cheap rent; will posi-
tively pay for itself iv 8 weeks; Investigate at
\ once < must leave city. Box, 1626. Call office. "
FIRST CLASS' barber, wishes evenings. Saturday
\u25a0and Sunday or Wednesday: -Saturday and Sun-
day job. 'Address box 1524. Call office. .
FIRST CLASS barber shop for sale in hustling
, mining \u25a0 town.- For particulars address -P. O.
liox 5X5." Grass Valley. Cal. "
CHEAPEST, new; mirrors in. city: new barber
• chairs 'and* shops bought and sold. Phones
: Park 1242. M 2041: 394 Hayes st.-\.\
WANTED— 2 nonunion barbers." Plaza Barber
Stiiip. 477 14th st., Oakland. Call bet. 0 and
; to a.-vm. ."-, .... '\u25a0/ - i \u25a0_, .\u25a0 -.
FOR $250 cash if sold' this week, real -bargain.
.?I5; rent $50 to - $«O per week ; 3 11. D.
: chairs.: 2S6;oth st. •\u25a0 : • »
BARBER wanted Saturday and Sunday. JACK
MOORE; Potrero ay. and 24th st.; take How-
«rirst.":C.ir. ;^'/-
BARBKR wanted for Saturday. 2073 Mission st.
• c near; 17th, * ;- \u25a0 > \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.:-
BARBERS'. UNION' I4B, offlce 343 Van Ness cv.;
. 'free employment; tel. Market BS9.
2 BARBERS "; wanted for Saturday or steady.
210 -Montgomery, ay. ..„ , ' .
BOOTSTAND toilet; fine location; porter wanted.
2<ss:'. Mission st. \u0084. .\. . \u25a0 \u25a0;\u25a0; -.-,-..
GOOD . l«batiou i for - barbershop, i Inquire at A." &
;.M. Bar; 1701 Howard st. . "
WANTED— Barber evenings and Saturday; 24th
and Myrtle. ; sts., Oakland. : . ...
G(K»l) "barber -wanted for Saturday an,d Sunday;
; good wages.' 3050: 24th , St. \u25a0: '
BARBER -for Saturday., 10S2 Folsom St.. nr 7th.
WAXTKD— First clap V.barber.' 544 Market- st. /
WA NTKD— Barber for Satunlay and Sunday. $7 ;
. steady joh -Monday. if suitable. 1077 Oak;st.
<iO()D: bafbij fur Saturday and Sunday. 149S
\u25a0\u25a0 Edfly/ijt: :„':•:. - ". - \u25a0 : -. - .:> .-\u25a0\u25a0 . ;
BARBER I wanted for I Saturday. 7t»5 Broadway,
. -\u25a0; _-.- ;._';\u25a0 /-.. •\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:;. •.; \u0084 . - \u0084 -"\u25a0
BARBER : wuntoil \u25a0 for - Saturday. - IGS2 7th " st..
f^West ,-, Oakland. ... <: •'• • /. .
\VANTED— GowI barber, . Saturday and Sunday.
1183^Montgomery .ar. \u25a0\u25a0_,.-; - - , : ".\u25a0-..; \u25a0 \u25a0
FIRST CI-ASS barber, wants position"- in'eountry
\u25a0 .tqvn: give 'particulars. r Bn» 1843, j Call : of flee."
EARRER'for Saturday and' Sunday, steady. Ap-.
,*)>ly;at;2f> sth st." .;.;--', r . ;.-"\u25a0'.;.,;_
HAUBERK wanted for • Saturday. Apply at 1005
Mission.' str.- \u25a0:•\u25a0:.•-'-'.'.\u25a0:". •". '- \u25a0-'." ".- \u25a0\u25a0;, •-. '» .. . ; - .,-?.—
BARBER, for Saturday and Sunday; 10c- shop.
\u25a0 ' CO3 Howard Pt.; \u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0\u25a0 •>._-<
GOOD barber "wanted. * 4554 Mission st.\ '.
BARITER wanted for Saturday at 3410V6 Mission
'";'\u25a0\u25a0 street. ,".':.;\u25a0.. : \u25a0 .-. \u25a0 • \u25a0._ v. - .-\u25a0 ,; ;.., --. \u25a0/:
GOOD harbor Saturday noon to Sunday noon. 2300
,v,Ml«slnii-,st.vat .j -,-.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084. , ; ,
GOCiD'barber wanted-Saturdar and 1 Sunday. 237
\u25a0•\u25a0^4th>t. ;,;.;;..;\u25a0;\u25a0; - ; :\-l:,\ \u25a0; \ -'-•-, \u25a0 :\u25a0,. ;.. . -,-.- \u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0.•__\u25a0- -,-
BA RBER» wanted for. S"aturday and Sunday.'; 1011
s•; Montgomery ay. :•./ "\ * ; ':•, \u25a0:\u25a0-''\u25a0'":.\u25a0 ,'\'.V ?'\u25a0-' ''.'..•\u25a0\u25a0''.
WANTED-rGoodT barber' for .next Saturday. 5307
"i,- Grove at. ,^.Oakland. .'\u25a0 *:\u25a0:\u25a0 ,-. ;• ; .., '\ ! ;\'
.PAYING' I ' barber .shop,- with living rooms," -for
i ; sale. " 1514 Franklin ) st. ,: , \u0084-. _ •
GOOD ; barber, .wanted T. for ..Saturday: l%c > shop*
-h ?3..*.O j wages: Sip- Broadway.- Oakland.*,^ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:
FOR rent or; sale-f-Barber - shop: with -2 chairs
- 3267Ufith ; st/ :. >,-- ?}: .: t :',i v /*\ : y, : -
BARBER wanted I for . Saturday at " 547- 16tti ~st.
.-.-'corner: Clay. Oakland. >. _:. : , \u0084S .'tf:..- \u25a0 - -::\u25a0:\u25a0-
BARBERS', Protective Union— Employment secre-
Jr tary. ;'. W.f ;\u25a0 8 AR0K.:.775 Mkt. ; phone Kny. 5384.
. BAUER'S. Is j the* most \ centrally I located barbers'
\u25a0 .supply. bouse In the city. : 59 O'Farrell st. . \u25a0
-." •';(-" : -[\' : r \u25a0'\u25a0 AGENTS^'JVANTED \u25a0. ', '
BOY* or/- girl fagen ts; > sell v 2 of , j>ost-
\u0084, .• :i cards jfor us ; at 1 10 c.' each i and a • perfect ' camera
vc free.: c write . today, j^ PIONEER "SUPPLY CO.;
:: y j. 5--* jW. : E wing ; st.v desk :. B,^ Seattle. ..Wash. "';*..»
AOKNTS v wanted. : men • or 1 women.** to sell * our
EH lino of- household : specialties; | $30 weekly : : pres-
* ent r f ree.^ ' Send for 'circulars, r Jones * Supply
-Co.: dept. K. fi7E. Park.. Bnttf>: Mont.- -r
I SALESMEN * throughout t entire '< Pacific ''coast '-i for
advertised 5 practical office! specialty:
| ; fine J opportunity.; for,: advancement S experienced
;r; r ; specialty. salesmen' and: young' men^-wlth -proper
\u25a0 ' references, •> but } no ' experieaee, :> acceptable. \u25a0 Call
: ;, or - address . 1612 ; Cal 1 \u25a0 bulldlng.- f 5- ; ..-\u25a0 -- ; : -
SALESMEN wanted— Big offer to big men ; i write'
Vyusjfor particulars; 'yon! will be Interested: *<Ad-
m dress OREGON, NURSERY COMPANY.* Orenco,"
;•:':\u25a0 Ore^,.r ,i ; s',<. „ *A%^ \u25a0. \u25a0C'v.i^^;-. \u25a0-?. y.^ *'-.' ;uvv.: .^
AGENTS jto sell: real estate.' two Germans. \u25a0-: Amer-
r^icans and Italians: JblgicOmmisslonr^Apply.E/
•$g A: I MONTGOMERY, \u25a0 830 , Market St.,*; room 501:
SALESMAN 0 for . country •' work ; l salary 'and j com-
1 \u25a0;?; mifslon } ; beflSS-Iproperty. ; 14«) Market at.' . .
//W —On Buying or Selling a
f/|p^|A^ Second- Hand Alas tea I
«s3^^§r"~''7^ /WS^>L« Shakespeare knew human nature. Es
-**^^^^t4Hl*x yx&^&M. believed music -was one of the most essen-
A^V^tC^ : tial things in the make-up of a person.
#$ So it is. Teach your children to love it.
• ,!fco«w i Hare il fc y our home - Buy * second "
r 't-'MixL \ X^^P^t** i tana instmment and says money— for
r » Vg^l^ iV vJvi ' instance, a Phonograph.' Maybe you
f a "**"j|i£\ \u25a0 xi'^fi&i have some instrument that you are tired
' fie**' *'p•a" i » 1^ ri<y - °f • Trade or sell it. One of oxa little
' iV i '^s' IU Hn Want Ads will do tho trick— for but a
\u25a0 rY**Ci \u25a0 fy/ --;. few pennies. Maybe we advertise ft
- \u25a0 Vl "/ , *^38^^^^ . , ; fcjjrgyjn today. Locll— .
il Read and Answer
Today's Want Ads.
WANTED — 2 reliable salesmen; one for city, one
• for country; give age. experience and -refer-
ences; important opportunity for men of abll-
ity. Box IS2O. Call offlce.
AAAA — CANTON Burean of Information — Chi-
nese servants; contracts for resorts! Canton
Bank bldg.,- 649 Kearny at.; phone Sutler 118.
Largest Japanese and Chinese employment of-
fice In city. T. TAMURA CO.. 1812 Laguaa st.
AA— OSCAR HATSUMI. Japanese-Chinese Emp.
- Co.; best help with care and guar. 1513 Gear/
\u25a0 st. ; phones. West 56SS. Home S4OSB. , \u25a0 ' •
A. S. . HOEI. reliable Japanese-Chinese belp
promptly fnrnlshed; open day and night. 174S
Sntter it. PHONES— WEST 2803. S-2503,
J. ' CANN, Chinese employment burean. Phone
Douglas 3160. 770 Clay st.. Saa Francisco.
H. W. HONG. Chinese employement offlce. SO5
Webster St.. Oakland; phones Pckln 25. A 3725.
STAR emp. office; Japanese-Chinese belp- W.
KODATA. IBOS ftf-arr.: trt. Went Ifi7. 54908.
A small want ad In The Call win do It quicker
than a dozen signs plastered on your windows
and which spoil the , looks of your home be-
sides. Phone Kearny £S for an ad nan to call
and. see yon- \u25a0 • «
ROOMS TO LET — Fur, and Vntm.
A COZY home for respectable ladles, 1130 Mar-
ket St. near Stb, under, auspices of the SAL-.
VATION ARMY; elegantly furnished; everj
modern convenience; steam heat, electric light
and elevator service; spotlessly clean; centrally
located: thoroughly homelike; telephone Market
1349; prices very moderate, ranging from 25c
per night up; special rates by the vreek or
\u25a0 month. See matron, room S3. ' * !
"BUSH st., 1671. near Cough — Large, sunny
room, nicely furnished; bath; suitable for 2
gents; $10 per. month.
DEWEY ' HOUSE. 4th and Howard — All modem
conveniences; 200 rooms. 35c to $1 day. $3 t»
\u25a0 $5 a week; free baths; Howard or 4th at. cars.
DEVISADERO st.. 425. bet. Oak and Fell— Large
sunny furnished rooms: bath, phone Park 7182;
handy to care; $2 week up.' -y>. ;i'-v._-»
EDDY, st.. t>27 — 3 sunny rooms. 1 with bay
windows: elegantly furnished: walking dis-
tance: board if desired: reasonable.
EDDY St.. 052— Nicely furnished single rooms,
$2 week: walking distance; transients 50c
1 day: house. keeping if desi-red. /Vv:£v
FILLMORE St., 529 — 3 sunny rooms; large al-
cove front room, with 2 beds; house keeping
. if desired. -
FILLMORE st.. 173S— Call and see our rooms,
fitted for batching or without.
GOUGH st.. 1315, near Geary — Newly furnished
sunny front room. $2 a week;. bath, 2 phones.
HAIGHT St.. 13S, near Laguna — Two nicely fur-
nished rooms for 2 or 3 adults; rent $14
per month. •
HYDE st.. 1024. cor. Calffornla — 2 sunny furn.
rooma; mod., conveniences; good location; rea-
sonable; house keeping If desired.
LAGUNA st., IS6I. corner Pine — Large front
room; private water; gas, bath; bocse keeping
privilege; reasonable: also other rooms.
NICELY furnished room for 1 or 2 gentlemen.
.Noe Valley • district ; quiet neighborhood; prl-
- vate family; near carline. For particulars
address by letter 4C.30 23<1 St.; give references.
OCTAVLA^st.. 15U3. cor. Sutter— Nice; large,
sunny rooms in private family; suitable for
Indies and gentlemen; bath, phone; reasonable.
OVERLAND HOUSE. 569 Sacramento st. below
Montgomery — Now open; 200 rooms; hot and
cold water in every room: 25c to $2 per day;
$1.50 to $5 per week. EDW. ROLKIN. Prop.
PAGE St., 454, near Buchanan — Sunnjv, bay
window, front parlor; priv. family; quiet, se-
lect neighborhood; marine view; $3 week.
PINE St., ISO 9. near Oetavia — Sunny front room;
4 windows. .fireplace, piano, bath; carpets and
furniture new; also small' rooms. $>< up. -
POST St., 1917. near Fillmore — Large sunny front
room. . suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen ; private
• family; reasonable. • \u0084 \u25a0
STEIN.ER st., 00S>— Five, large sunny bemt. fur-
nished; stove; gas; 1.0r t ,t: men: f4 each mow
VAN NKSS ay., — Large, sunny, nicely fur-
nished room, hot and cold water running in
room; suitable for 2. , •.-
WEBSTER St.. 1140. near Eddy— Elegant, tunny,
' \u25a0 bay .window, suite, suitable for 2 gentlemen;
also sunny, bay. window single' room; phone;
modern conveniences; private family; pleasant
neighborhood: reasonable.
ARMY. St.. 330». near Mission— 2 or 4 furnished
sunny house, keeping rooms; gas." bath, regular
\u25a0kitchen; home comforts: reasonable. -r
BAKER st.. 31t«. opp. Panhandle — 2 sunuy front
--^•.Tuonis.-aH eonv.. reasonable: single-. $'? month.
BELVEDERE 'st.. 139—2 elegant front rooms,
\u25a0furnished for house keeping; bath, gas; rea-
sonable: -also furnished room, $6 per. month.
"BUCHANAN St.. 2020.- near California— 3 con-
"/ necting 'house keeping rooms, nicely furnished;
;,-;batb.".gas, phone: select neighborhood; rea9'ble.
CAUMELITA St.. 7S, nr. Duboce park — 2 fur-
nished house keeping rooms, with use of -bath
. ' and , laundry; private family; rent reasonable.
CALIFORNIA St.. 840— Partljr furn. rear 3 room
\u25a0: apt.; /ground- floor; morn, sun; $15; furn. 2
room apt.; private bath; no. sun; $22.50; refs.
CLAY st., - 2907— Large, unfurnished, alcove
: room 1 suitable for house keeping; also small
•'. room.' " '. \u25a0\u0084> \u25a0 •',\u25a0/ - '
EDDY* st., 1231-^S large, furn., sunny, con-
; -nectlng rooms.- regular kitchen, bath, laundry;
' gas range; yard; reasonable..
FOLSOM st.. 1222. near Bth— Suite of 2 house
keeping rooms; gas range; washroom; $4 per
\u25a0-•.-\u25a0w'eek: -' "v -.- . - • ... • \u25a0 \u25a0 . '> .
FILLMORE St., 173S— Suite of " 2 or . 3 rooms,
.real -.kitchen, at. $2' up: single sunny front
-;room.vs2 up; electric light and bath.
GEARY :st.. 1348, . near. Gough— 2 sunny front
" rooms; also", other large rooms ' furnished for
I house keeping: bath, .phone: rent reasonable.
GEARY, st.. . 1356," near Oetavia— 2 sunny rooiw.
V : $12 per month; also 2 nice basement rooms, $>
" per month ; all furn. for • house keeping. , -- :
GOUGH I st.'.': 131.'. near Geary— 2 snnny rooms
newly furnished complete for house .keeping,
j..- $l2: month; bath., phone.., *, i \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0
GOLDEN GATE ' ay.; - 1250—1 house keeping
c'room. rent' s2: 'l- front single room: '
GUERRERO 5t.,' 030 near: 21st — 3 large. Runny.
j connecting: rooms, -furnished for.bouse keeping;
•; bath, gas >Btove; reasonable.'..^-;:. \ »-•» -• ; . ,
HAIGHT st., -106*4— House keeptng. room*; r»»-
\u25a0 sonable. ." , ' -'. -„-" •"• '•; -•*.^" -
HOWARD /St., '2379. near; 20tn— C. 3 and* 4
, room : suites; famished", and unfurnished ; sun-
• v ny, • clean, qniet \u25a0 and respectable; . adults; . $2
, ; \u25a0. ,--.j >lr»'> ; " ; .-»": -' -' -'. .^;-"-'-;
OCTAVIA St.; 1257." near O'Farrell — Sunny, furn.
;f; f nspkg.; rooms. $7. np;:2,-sl2r 2,.515; 1. $15;
, :, gas, ranges,-- bath, "phone. ;-vv, - <\u25a0- , _..•_
O'FARRELL': st.'."- 164C^-3 'sunny- rooms,', complete
_^for house keeping. ;Ba» range, $2O:;l' room, $12.
TURK st..» 120S^-Sin2le. basement, complete house
; keeping;^ every- convenience : ? sink.'- bath, laun-
• .v <lry.^ gas range; $1.30. t0, 52.30 week. \ .',
UTAHt"st.';^r>23^-2 nice .sunny rooms' for house
<\u25a0;'• keeping:; reasonable rent.'.f ,-.-". .
.WALLER fst:.r 339.1 neax> Fillmore— Nicely furn.
• ;,; house t. keeping x room ; \u25a0* ba th; ; gas,*,i pbone ; $14
VJ PPr; mo. ; -. also ; f nrg.- room ' tor \u25a0 man.' $S i per , nwv.
VAN NESS a v.t 555 cor.". Grove--Furnlsbed sunny
7 suites. $20; single rooms,' $2.50 to $3 per week;
t. : gas.'f; running; watery and; phone, v \u0084. , . - \u25a0
22D T st. 5 . < 3275,"- eor.:; Valencia— l.' \u25a0 2 « or 3 - rooms.
J. w f urnisheil ; for, bouse \u25a0 keeping: ; bath ; , reas. ; - also
,' alngle room.:, ss'.per mo., v '• ;- - -
VXM rent — I or 5 rooms and bstS, furnished foe
boose keeping; * rooms. $23.30; 5 room*. \u26663».
These room» are eonvenlenUy located to bots
Bonthern Paclfle and Key Route fen*' *- n( *
atreetctr lines. 1202 3ta »t.. corner Magnolia.
OAK St.. 10«5%. near 12tb, Oakland — Clean. »oj*-
oy house keeping rooms: rent *tl(fc_^_^__^^
AAA— THE WEMPE. 419 Oak at.— Large, innar
rooms; nnexceUed board. Phono Park 8093. _-» '
CALIK. 1541— St. Margaret's clnb for glrla.
teachers, etndentn. bn». women, tourists; tun-
ny \u25a0 rooms: excellent board; rate* reas. Pn.
a'Fkln. 3202; Home C 2560. . '
TOR list of inspected rooms #cc DOMO DIKKC-
TORY. Saves time. 11 to Z. 822 Crocker big. .
LAGUNA at.. 10« l. opp. Jefferson square park —
The Woman's Hotel, a club for business women
and others; room and board. 320 month and up-
OCTAVIA St., 1928, cor. Sacramento— Splendid
location.: facing Lafayette sq. : large, cheerful
sunny rma.; excellent "board: references: phone. -
O'FARRELL St.. 1235— Front alcove room; also-
side room; excellent borne cooking. .
PIERCE st. 261, cor. Page near Flllmore — Good •
rooms; board. American and *egetartaa cook- •
Ing; reasonable. ' \u25a0
ROOM and board at 1275 Polore* rt. ..''.-
SCOTT St., 1212 — Nice front snnny room for gen-
tlemen. with board; all conveniences; reas.
ST. FRANCIS Girls' Directory. Central «t. and.-
Waller at., San Francisco— -A beautiful uotue.
where old Udles, young glrla and Uttto cfcU-
. dren can board very reaaonable. . \u25a0
SUN.XV rooms, with board, for 2 gentlemen.
52S Jones »t.. Oakland.
UNION St.. 19S7— Sunny furnished bay wtndotc
room and bath.: pbone; suitable for gentleman;
$10 a month; breakfast if desired. \u25a0 .\
FRA^KLI>T^st!T'l4O2. cor. 19th— Rooms and
-board 525: tabl«» board SIS: meals 2.V cents. _.
NORTHGATE. ISO 9 EucUd ay.; tel. Berk. 1615:
north entrance of university campus — Apart- .
ments with private baths; tingle rooms: steam
heat and callbell ' jn every room ; sleeping
porches; first riass table board; special sum-
mer rates. M. M. HENRY.
SW. .COR. tiTU AY. and CALIFORNIA— Modern
apartments of 4 rooms and bath each; 2 uf
\u25a0 the best car lines in the city pass the door:
only SO minutes from downtown. If you wane
: a good flat cheap see these: rent $20. Apply
on premises cr SHAINWALD. BUCKBEE A
-47. . ' . - . - .
AAA — Aparts of 1 to 4 rooms, private bath. ele«.
turn.; sunny; electric light, hot water. br«;.
elevator. Janitor service, linen; beautiful read- '
ing lobby; 1 rm., $15 up; 2 rma.. $27.50 ap; 3
nns., $40 up; 4 rma., $50 up; Halsbt at. car*.
"Rosemont," 214 Halsht: phone Park 553.
LUNDY APTS.. Staayan st. at Frederick— Ta»
.most complete is the city; hot and cold water,
electric lights, baths, elevator service. Janitor
tervice; every room in bouse light: rent reas.
TWO and 3 apts.: 2 elegant doubl* beds; hotel
service; lights, linen, soap. etc.. free; as lot*
as $45. Ellis Hotel Apts.. 450 Ellis at Joae«.
KNICKERBOCKER apts.. just completed: 'Z
rooms and bath; hardwood floors;- disappearing
beds. 1330 Pine st. near Ilyde.
CASTLEREAGH APTS:. 1373 Clay bet. Joio anci
LeavenworUi — 3-4 room apts. ; steam beat, i hot
water, elevator, white marble front entrance.
CHISMORE Apts.. SE. cor. Bush and Jones — 1-2-
. 3-4 rooms; all modern conveniences; now ready.
— Up to date in every respect; 1-2-3-4 rooms.
BEST modern 4 room apts.. turn, and unfurft. '
for the money at the Maryland. 363 Page st. .
EL FOREST apts.. 825 Bush near Taylor — 3 and*
4 rooms, fnrnlsned or nnfurnlahed. •
COLUMBUS Apts.. NE. cor. Pacific and Larkln—
3 and 4 rm. apts., uafura. ; $20. $22. $24. '
THE .LORING, 2400 Van Ness, cor. Green—
Sunny furn. and nnfurn. apts.. 3 and 4 rooms.
EUREKA APTS.. Mkt. and 17tb sts.— Beautiful
3 & 4 rm. apts.: phone. Janitor service; sunny.
A— Oakburst Apts.. Washington A Taylor — Mea-
ly furn. 3 nns. A b. ; new. sunny; mod.; reas.
NEW'PUcher Apts., 1618 Polk nr. Sacramento—
Well furn. apts ; 4 car lines; aingls rooma.
ST. ELMO. 1452 Devlsadero st. — i^im. front or
-\u25a0single suites: batli. phono: all con-r. »t2 to M». •
NEW 4 room apartments; sunny all around: yard
and basement; range and heater; modern and
homelike: best neighborhood: $25. 1732 Central
ay.. Alameda: Grand and Chestnut stations.
> ' V HOTEXS ' .
HOTEL ARGONAUT, 4ta *nd Market «t»— Fam-
> Uy and commercial hotel; room with detactttd
«? *£*. ' ** "?•* daj; ncm * Prt»»t» batn.
$IJSO per day; restaurant attached; - moderat»
prices: free bus meets all train* and f msatpa.
B room flats and apartments at $lsT ** UM *
, 4 room flats and apartments at *TX Ml " " v
• SPECIAL. . f
room flat, all furnished for STS* rant. 13ft.
BARaT & s??ss, gsg^r^.
TO let— 23.-.1 Devlsadero st.. cor. Jackson %
rooms and. modern imp. 2737 Clay stTnear
Pierce, opposite park. 9 rooms and moderate
mprovement*. 12 flats.. 4 rooms each modern
improvement,. ,t 14 and 16 Sanders «.. n?
X " FRIXK * ** *"
TTH ay.. 215. near California st.— New modern
t^^J^r •*«\u25a0"« : JanitoTs^ce'!
for rent: rent $45 per monttu •- *
COLOHE9 st.; 431 near'-ISfh -iT T~~
BELVEDERE , St.. 4->;-Sunny corner flat -to'
1 ALVARADO. st.. -17 ' o f f o., Tt ;r; r~ — :
FOLSOM ;,t.y,' 1715-3^^ ; flat to ; iet :