POSITIONS REFUSED TO NONRESIDENTS Playground Commission f An nounces That Employes Must Fill Charter Requirements After reading a letter from the sec retary of the grand jury, the play ground commission declared that while it was not aware that any of the.em ployes lived outside San Francisco, it would not have any one on its pay roll 'who resided elsewhere. ..*\u25a0\u25a0 Grace Southwick of Santa Barbara and Gladys V. Mann and Pearl E. Banks of Berkeley made application for a position in the playgrounds. It was decided to notify them of the pro vision of the charter that requires one year's residence in this city prior to appointment. At the next meeting Ray Doherty. who has had much experience in play ground work will be appointed as an assistant to Playground Director Oeorge Schlitter. The members of El Vespero parlor, Native Daughters, and 50 property owners of South San Francisco, asked the commission to plant a number of shade trees in the playground of the Bay View school. As. this ground Is not under control of the. commission the petition was referred to the board of education. Commissioners Astredo and Hay wards were appointed a committee to a "ange the program for the formal opening of the south side playgrounds about September 1. On recommendation of Astredo the commission decided to prepare a form of requisitions for supplies so that •\u25a0bu*ineps may be conducted in a busi ness like way." Hayward and Astredo were directed to apportion the $40,000 allowed the commission for running expenses. CAR REPAIRER KILLED UNDER TRAIN WHEELS WEED. A-jg. 11. — Hans Hoegerman, a Southern Pacific car repairer, was killed yesterday while attempting to run ahead of a string of cars to throw a switch. He fell and was caught by the train, which cut off both his legs and Inflicted other injuries, death en suing within an hour. AMUSEM ENTS j\!^^l^j?^^^Tr/*^Tpnffll Phones: bm^M I>a«1 Tbree Xishta— .Mat. Saturday LAST TIME ST7NDAY NIGHT- • The Latest Dramatic ?rnsation, THE SPENDTHRIFT With DOEIS MITCHELL. Beginning NEXT MONDAY By By H HIT IN 2O YEARS 1 SEATS NOW ON SAtE. Prio: In Alfred Sutro's Intense Plaj," "John Glayde's Honor" PRICES— KIrtt: 25c to SI; Mat: 25c to 50c. Scats for eale at Box Office and Emporlom. NEXT WEEK— MR. HACKETT In r«Tirais «f ••MONSIEUR BEAI'CAIRE" «By XAVASSARS GIRLS' BAND — a wondcrfu! musical orj^nizatlon. - Only - Klrls* brass band in I'nitcd State*. Don"t ml»« them. Telf-crapb at s«Sth. Oakland. From S. F.~take K«-y Eoate lorry direct to grounds in 35 min- • ote's. . . .-' . ~ -'* . ' . . , .... - .. - LURLBNE I BUSH AXD LAUKI.V STREETS , OCEAN WATER BATHS Swimming and Tub Baths;' . v : 6«!t water direct from the ocean. Open erery day and eTenizg. Including Sundays and holidays, from •» a. m. to 10 p. nu fcpec- .'"rTatatori^a referred Tnesday md \ Ftlday* aominss from M o'cloct to noon for. women only. ' ' "*" * - - '/!. " "' ' "Filtered Ocean Water Plunge'V -\ Cowfortftbly beaU-d. PORCELAIN, XVBB. with bot, coJd, ealt and freshwater. .Etch room fitted with no. and cold salt aad fresh ' bßranchb Branch Tub Bates. 2151 Ceary «t" near DeTiFS*ov.,JOO.? ; Dec.,' '00. . ; Total, v i A.' PRladlnl . . ivV-.'T.V. . .. : :. . ... . t :..':. .34,827 ":' t {14,9»5j 1 J 4 ?»3l0 V Wntera flsh company . v*.. .....:. \ .:... 28,756 9^Bs* : . ' 38,«01 ; California' flsh company :.: :.•'.'"..: .. ?. .... 3,310 -\u25a0' \u25a0"-"- 1395-. - ; ; 4.705 Catania \u0084;\ ..':'.:. ".'....'..' \u25a0'..'..•. ..1,857 - - 555 ' ' -2,712 ' American flsh c0mpany •.....•.........'.. 7,200 ? -'.ajtoH'-s. \u0084 .10,886,. International flsh company ..t. 3,06J» .\u25a0. > 806_ ': ' 1 >>tt San Francisco company t . . .... . 5,««2 . ,\u25a0;« - SOO . - 6,402 UlnCinl ........ '917, -.. 1.070. •- .1,087 Portola flsh pompany^.. 220 246 48e , • Total ..86.305 ' 33^558 119^93 Evidence of the . wholesale destruc tion of fish- In-.the.X'LisO,: glu« „ works was produced yesterday in Judge Hunt'scourt, where a jury was trying the $15,000 damage suit of the Portola fish company- against 'A. Palaxiini Indi vidually and seven corporations ac cused of haying conspired to "ruin the business of the* plaintiff company. "A. J. W. Born, superintendent of the glue works, was " sworn as a witness and submitted a detailed statement show ing that in November and December, 1909, 119,893 pounds, or 70 tons, of fish was received at the 'works for reduc tion into glue. That a portion. of the. fish destroyed was fresh fish, was admitted by Born, but he was unable to state what pro portion was. fresh, no- segregation hav ing been made on the books of the re duction works. , He. admitted that fresh flsh \u25a0 was necessary for . making glue. Paladlni and the Western fish com pany were shown by the 'statement to have been . responsible for. more than half the 70 tons of fish destroyed. Pala din! having sent 49,319 pounds and the Western company 38,601 pounds to the reduction works. • • The statement showed that the Por tola company had shipped 466 pounds to be reduced to glue, but' Born testi fied in answer to questions by Attor ney James Devoto .that this consisted only of salmon heads. Judge , Hunt limited/the evidence along this line to POLICEMEN DESIRE CHARTER AMENDED Members of Department Agree on Suggestion for Increase in Chiefs Salary /A -meeting- of the -members of the police department was .'held in • the rooms, of - the commission yesterday af ternoon to. consider proposed amend ments to the charter to be voted on at the • approaching • elections. " Captain Henry H.. Colby was. appointed presi dent and Charles E. Skelly •secretary- Following the suggestions raada in The Call some weeks ago it was. Ue cided to recommend that the salary of the chief of police be. increased "from $4,000 a year to ?6,000; also that there should :be a detective] sergeant for. every 25 patrolman, and never less than 25. . / Another proposal decided upon would give members of the force the right, to retire on a pension after completing 25 .years' service. \u25a0 ...)..'.. Another V suggestion that wis de ferred for consideration until tomor row was the appointment of inspectors and a lieutenant' of detectives as as sistant, to the captain of. detectives. There was a diversity, of opinion on these appointments. Some wanted two inspectors for each, two captains, while_ others wanted only two'inspectors. •'\u25a0'\u25a0 . Regarding the lieutenant of detec tives some wanted a lieutenant.of police assigned to the job, but Captain Wall insisted, that the office shquld be held by a Jetectiv,e . sergeant, of .. not less than • five years' experience. The police commission wilTaJso have some amendments'- to offer, but they have not yet met to consider them. .; OFFICERS INSTALLED V BY THE NATIVE SONS The jfollowing named members have been' installed by District Deputy Grand President J. Byrnes as officers of El Capltan parlor N0.. 222, N. S. G. W., for the current term: .' ' > Pf-rcy Schwartz, past president;;- David Kroa, president; James -If anna. Walter ! Hill ' Bassett and 11. . M. Cahn.' rlr-p presidents; E; C Cahn, recording- secretary; ;U.,.L... Da 1t0n, financial sec retary; \u25a0S.• F. Solley,'- treasurer; J. -L. Morris, G.M . Llpmnn and N..Lowenfeldt. trustees;. Dr. Hi S. Blbbero, marshal; Frederick T. Grccn blatt and L. E. Gemlnani, sentinels. S. F. Sotley, the retirin'g 1 pa6t presi dent, was presented' a badfee of his office. . . :\u25a0;..\u25a0 ""\: :..\u25a0'. | Patents for Calif ornians | [Special '^Dispatch io' 7/ie CaWJ " WASHrNGTOX,' -.Auk- -11.— Patents haye v been' issued. to California invent *ors as follows:' t '. •• . • • . Eugeae IT.*'. AnC^ll.'* Berkeley, ware motor. • Charles I>." Bond, -Los- Angeles, .electric »uto m»tlc net weight ma'chine.r , '* : ' :" , ;. F^ilx H/C«r**ow. S*n.Kr«iici«co, relief .ralTe. -\u25a0 Walter J: Cocbrane, Los-Aogeles, rock breaker and -crusher. ' " * •\u0084•\u25a0 , " -,' ',\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0 - Edwin H. Cooper, Lp«" t Angeles, "loose leaf crwliti book. - • . • - -.• ••' " . . Frank \u25a0 Crawford, « Pasadena, conduit threading derlce. \u0084 ; '\u0084 *. 4 „*•".,->;•-; %..',».' -v"», *-. . WillUm Peearteret, Napa, device for control ling tb* iupply of water .to -windmill tanks.- . j I'eter A. Ueasjv Oakland, boiler.' '; \u0084 , Hafcik Khibkiah,- Fresno, knee- cushion. \u25a0 .GeorgcC: Ellwood." Arbuokle, derice for' de tecting- ware* lo' wireless telegraphy! ' . '\u25a0' > Ferdinand Eppram. Santa Barbara, rarnlsh. ; : Laban J. Erers, Los 'Angeles, 'shade 'attach ment. „.. ', •,- .-r. \u25a0. ft..-', — . ...... • 1-eeE.JFry. San Francisco, wall bed. ,\u25a0 • \u25a0 " • Henry A. 'Gamble,- Sau Francisco, tire armor. \u25a0, . Aogpst : J.' . ftarloCf , . Stoney . Point," oil \u25a0 burner. .•>\u25a0'\u25a0 Frank H. Hall." Burbank. mail crane. •\u25a0. • i ."' ' •William H. W. Hamilton.' Los Angelea, pnmp. \u25a0\u0084Wllllam~D.*Ke*fer, "Los, Angeles, glass taking apparatur. —«" . . , ' >:• \u25a0-• -- >r- «i-, • •<• -George E. Keller, Corina, ralve. \u25a0. - ' :\u25a0 - Jo^fpb'Lacbance,' Morjjan Hill.' bruoke cleaner. On-igbt'L; Mcßride and H.< A.. Fiske, Pasadena, trolley. replacer.- • : \u25a0" ' "- -*" : '.' :- " \u25a0\u25a0>' Edward .i, - McCanley,* .Vallejo, , attachment for wtsbisg. machines. . ..\u25a0•• .. .'i i~, -'\u25a0"-'..' .' ' ; \u25a0 Lionel. H. \u25a0 Molsej San •Francisco, lllaminated 6ign.7..,' .• ''\u25a0 J \u25a0-'' r \' ":'"' '\'-i '..'\u25a0' ' ' R. Olsen.''San Francisco. "'railway tie. : . :'.:" \u25a0 Uicharii-T. -Payne, . San Francisco, embalming Instrument. \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0"*". '.' '"' ""- "•-\u25a0-\u25a0 . Frank., M.Prltber.' .Los; Angeles,^- clntch and power trawtmlulng dcTjc*. :;-•*••.. ..'*, \u25a0-. Charles C-'EJttenhouse.; Los/Angel**, elerator. / Herbert ".X. I Roche, . San* Francisco, • electric Traier heater. • J- < •\u25a0^sw^JfS6iWhp^? : y ; i ia '. ,; Andrew, Sattler," Carpinterta.Y method ;of and apparatus' for pumplnir 'oil .wells."; •*.''"'. . '.. - - Rbr C.;-S*eley.; Hollywood.' «adiron. i - Frank P.^Snow.' Corina/ TalTe or tftte.'- • . vFernandl G.'Stallnaao., San Francisco, typewrit ing ."machine,; also feed mechanism . for,-. typewriter carriage*."-, m: - -- \u25a0••-;.-\u25a0 v-"; ' .-?\u25a0.\u25a0.„-;':-\u25a0: i',- -' \u25a0\u25a0•'\u25a0::. \u25a0 '• Robert-* W.': Stipp>> San .Francisco," a braiding rbller.'V.^'-'-vv :•;. •.'.''.':^"- ; vv"'S-\ -U -* ',*-' :"-*.:;; Arthur W.Stonestrest. Pafadena. bat fastener. ' Roger.' L; Trewick; San .Francisco, 'machine for making sugar 'wafers' and theJlke.tC '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 7 '.\ jTctKuJi Yamashi, Los Angeles, syphon cream, ecpara tor. i the months ; of November arid Decem ber, 1909, as • it 1 was :in these: two^ months . th'at^ the 'por tola 1 , company was in business. , ../- ; - G. Gigi, "a member^of \u0084the ppprtola company, was . under cross examination .several hours yesterday by.W.M." Mad den, attorney, for the 'defendants, \u25a0 who attempted to establish that the plaint iffs had' not lost '\u25a0 money through the acts of the defendant. Gigi .admitted that his book keeper, -who was a boy of 15 years, had omitted some items of expenses from the books, including rent, hireof help and the cost of boxes. But as showing his loss Gigi. said that when he came^from Eureka, her had $1,600, $300 of spent.Mn.ma.in-' taining his family, the -balance going Into the business. . \u25a0'< \u25a0'.\u25a0'\u25a0' : i' . . . \u0084T/, "Didn't you- spend , your ;; t time, gam bling and> drinking .in 1 with women?" asked Madden.; •\u25a0 \u0084r : • • '"No," .answered the ; witness. ,.. Occa-; sionally I'played a^gajiic ; of cards = for pastime.ibut not for money,. and. I- have, taken my wife and-;her. friends, to; rest taurants/'- : >- - \u25a0 ,"-,-•\u25a0.'"--.. ... . \u25a0Jn answer to = another: question \u25a0by Madden,' Gigi said, the profit made by a San Francisco fish dealer was .75 per cent— -'"besides : the ".steal." , He^ex plained >that : he meant ; the dealers cheated, the -fishermen/- r» . The trial: will. be-resumed. Monday. s - Best Pictures Within the Reach of All '-In. order to bring the best art of the world within the reach of all its readers, THE SAN -The- steel and copper engravings had their day,: but they were not great successes. They FRANCISCO I CALL has arranged : to = offer ' t o them a series of pictures such as no publication depended upon • the " fallible , human eye ; and th c more fallible human hand and the reproduc- es heretofore been ; able to put outl' — ;^ in the minds of the The worldV'best pictures: are the property of men or women of wealth^ and. governments artists, so well reproduces the painting* -without- the; painting's coloring, as the photogravure, and municipalities. The possession of a masterpiecee rpiece -is to ; the man or ' family of ; moderate For years - this process^ cultivated abroad, has * h eld its own, j but its very, perfection has been the means an impossibilityr 7 The knowledge and appreciation of such works is, hbwevery die' birth- best reason for the maintenance of . a! price. standard; under which the possession of a first class right and the privilege of UllV; .'.:.:. : ; ' \i . \u25a0 W^^!Mf-iMP^^S^o.^M§: '^ ':* ' ' "'' : '''- -•'"\u25a0 '; '' photogravure reproduction intelligent people. so . *, \ ; .. \u25a0 . ,\u25a0".. — -\.. ; . • ' <\u25a0 •~^ \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-•..:,-\u25a0\u25a0"-. : % " •-: ." was . almos * prohibited to the because arthas been made thef- . . ' rrf# Tfc ; •-• : \u25a0T7*^ . ' \u25a0 art lover of moderate means. 'protege,., of -governments of ; \ ' 7^/16 Pfatne ttTe \u25a0 - ' ; - 7^ CVolul T v ft^T -states-and cities. To have ; V ; , A '^^^- - f 1 processes, backed by the this same art -in -the home is \u25a0 . _ ' .;. _.__ —"^^^^^ ";.,^^^^^ ... .;. '. „ . ' i L_. i juquj. . t^h TlT^f, enterprae " In requesting "pictures . • •. \u25a0....-•.-\u25a0. ....-..>.\u25a0.•,. ..,..;. \u0084.-.\u25a0\u25a0... -•\u25a0-' \u25a0"•. • '.' . :'• i """*'\u25a0' " ' added to cover expense of sent through .the mail ' r : Thi^ is the most realistic painting ofrhuman. terror. inCimpendingdangerthat has been; made in rnaiHng). makesure that your name: , , t he last century.' -The^master has J been '-'almost crude in his devotion ;to realistic incident and power- . , T>?r? oi?thk §a soas^lvSdmtstake? ' ful expression;, but r through alibis work -He ;has b orrie \u25a0in 3OF THIS PA^ • \u25a0:-•••-"-\u25a0 : \u25a0\u25a0 / \u25a0 . mirror;up'.to nature"— to, showrwhat!he"saw!as:He'saw.it.-:'Just,these qualities, made the picture; a , , I - \u25a0 • \u25a0-\u25ba•.. \u25a0 •\u25a0 ' • . . masterpiece, arid made- a- rep^ Im ... /. ; \u25a0 ;. . /;. \u25a0\u25a0-':\u25a0 l (Thomas Hovenden,N. A.) \; \u0084':\u25a0;.';; ~\''. : : \u25a0:.\u25a0 \u25a0.'. -. ; ;•:/ ; : ;. > %^^s^^ '' • ''.- ;:?^ i This|^wt;.picture,' representingjt he ;;interior of \u25a0 aB:a B : Pennsylvania .: farm-. ;c . ., . .'This painting/ -.trie most, maryelous ; picture *6f ' Christian; history, was made h^6useafter^thj?' : battle bf^ his first hood;; TKe^fa^merl isjloyal --"as; are Jall^t he 7 charactersj sa^^th^wou^ed^ ; " ; tuition I : iim^the _• Homely;; school "of I f uniitur'e^finishmg (ariid - became one of the '• ;/r.heVpicture\v^s;paj • .fgteatestr masters - Call Readers WIFE THROWS FOOD IN HUBBY'S FACE Cross Complaintjfor Diyprce :Re» citesvWoes jfi Edward Dur» * kin During; Marriage : Th'e^ connubial; amenities *of i Edward Dur'kiri.,-and .%his "wife - Elizabeth* were varied, and- a .little', strenuous, -judging frU A l 9 09, -^c J said, .'Airs. Durkin 1 threwy into 7 ;the>: y^ard »a ' clbck; bread.'v.fruit'and'.vegetabies,' jumped on his-'l^anarria' hat" and..'attempted"to cut. it £witnj scissors, > ripped' up - the f carpet, threatened *tokill"Jiim!;t' - -„--, ..". .\ ' .. '. V 1 Onv anotlier^/occaSioh'-r~Durkin"^.gave" ;up .hisvseat in a streetcar- to -a neigh-, bor 'audiwas '. grossly ," abused !by gljfiT wifei therefor, and .when - he sonie'caiiliflower ' she 'Hajdj cbok^d'she: threw -the 'mess lin :his r face,- he-- said, and subsequently 'lamed '; him -with- a poker. .;- •"\u25a0*; '\u25a0.".".'•' :-'f~ ,- \u25a0 .- \-\:_\-\ .*\u25a0":." : Louise J.;M^cke.wHo 'earns- a liveli hddrmakihg.cigarettes,,wearied of help- n ing; her* 'husband, "Andrew P.'.Rlecke, support s himself, ' She informed -Judge Graham, yesterday,*. and, she was granted a divorce on the ground of willful neg lect. :'\u25a0\u25a0; .: r \u25a0'- -\u25a0 -V" : - : - i : ' •'; \u25a0^•\-^--. ; The terms of :the property, settlement between Frank- H. * Powers, '» the > attor ney, .and Jane -G.'.- Powers,";-; from whom : he obtained, a divorce \were filed .with ; the* county .clerk t yesterday. Mrs. -Powers Ms -to get $65 a month for the s support of .the child, Marian, bric a-brac and furniture worth about |10, 000, a promissory, note for $3,000 and the ,lot and residence "at 2714 Steiner street. Divorces were granted yesterday as follows:"'. . • .. \u25a0 ..'.- . .. . '"'. -^ /.. By Judge Conloy^— Robetta .Gonzales -from P. Gbpzales,^ cruelty: Dort |M. ; Lempmsn from 1. Herbert Lampman;': desertion; J. C." ' De'rr from Leona Derr. . desertion; Kose ,T. Mentor ' frorii •Marc-L. -Jlentor, habitual 'intemperauce. , : : I Suits for divorce were begun yes terday by: ....;. , , , ; \u25a0;'. ; , - EWa-A. Rogers against' Robert Rogers, willful neplert. . ...'\u25a0' : \u25a0'\u0084.'. \u25a0\u25a0 -::•-., '\u25a0\u25a0*'> \u25a0"". WilltamX. Bothwell against Gertrude M. Both well.' desertion. •"\u25a0\u25a0- '• -V • . j . •\u25a0' \u25a0 \u25a0 --. v Floy .'Liidvigsen against Clarence X. • Ludvlg-r' eon.- cruelty. .- \u25a0 \u25a0 •.'\u25a0..'-\u25a0* . t. \u25a0Fannie Kusoeff aprainsf.lim.Susoen*. «Tiielty. Anna' Beck apalnst John Beck," cruel ty. CEEDIIOBS TILE PETITION— The creditors of H.»J.-Blunilx»rg, a retail butohpr, - filed Tin in voluntary petition in hankrnpti-y ncalnst him yesterday. It alleged 'tnathpowes. more than $1,000 and reeentlyrommitted an act of. bank '.ruptoy by'allowing his store to be attached for : /debt. /.--> ; -".\u25a0 : -.'. v ' . : - -j ' \ / ' ' '-.. ' . ' \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 \.:: NOTE^rWi^THROPIST : \u0084-\u25a0 \u25a0 SUMMO^EDIBY^DEAJH X^ASHlNGTONTviCvrg.^ll^Mrs.TJudittf Ellen ' Horton - Foster, % noted * throughout the \u25a0 country; as*"a ' temperance .lecturer and:. writer,^ and /advocatei of ..missions; and- philanthropy,'; died^ iniGarfleld' hos pUal/here V- carly ; today ;> following -an operation;"" .' ; . ' : .- ;; "" 1 * \u25a0 - Mrs. Foster ;. was born "" r at; Lowell, Mafes./.ih- 1840.. i While ;residing^in lowa sheSstudied-'TlawiandCwas^ admitted* to .'\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0-^'\u25a0jSan^ Friahciscb'V ' ~ : r> ' : \ '•\u25a0 ''-'\u25a0\u25a0;,.-._:. •„".\u25a0* Vr. .'.; Zl','\ - .'.-•.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Choice* of the f'OVERI^Np OMlplD^^ Discriminating SOUTHERN PACIFIC-—^JHION PACIFIC J : - : .:y_ ;\u25a0;.„: k &s^So : i .' .; ' '\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; 4 TICKET,' OFFICES^ I - r ' -^y ;>> -V -" ; ' : g^JDEw^e||^^^^^l>^^ ; v v / - h -'. \u25a0 : .'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - THM audTowiisekdlSts.-Depot ' ' . .':.: ::J : :'\u25a0 ' \u25a0 ". • ' .'. .' ' ; ;^Broadway andl3ffisi, Oakland :[ m THE 'PHILIPPINES AS I SAW- THEM \u0084 By General: JAMES F. SMITH, Ex -Governor of the Philippines "'\u25a0—"\u25a0 ..-..\u25a0\u25a0'•\u25a0.'"'\u25a0 AND \u25a0"\u25a0-•\u25a0-• ' * -. '-- '\u25a0."\u25a0 .-;",\u25a0\u25a0 CALIFORNIA- S BLACK GOLD, the romance of the oil wells .;:.'; . , ( By WALTER V.WOEHLKE \u25a0•- ; --.:' .- - - --\u25a0 -. . '—in— , .\u25a0.."' \u25a0 - : ; t , ISUNSET^MAGAZINE,. : For August,. Now onSale at All News Stands, 15 Cents HOUR OF MUSIC Will Be Held. ln Our Recital . Hall : Tomorrow (Saturday) Afternoon .- -. . ' at 3 o'clock :1. ".,.,':: - SOLOIST ; Mrs. Zijpha Ruggles Jenkins '7. \.'."'. SOPBAJIO ' \u25a0'"..; % The Public. Cordially Inrited ,play & Ca Kearn».nn«l Sutter; Streets .. : ,:\u25a0;• Take Elevator to Klsrhth Floor . the^bar-of "that Estate- .-Later Mrs. Fos 'teritook, an, active, interest .in the ,W. C.lT.'.y;. and;became;a;republican^cam paign \speaker. I;^<_,'\u25a01 ;^ <_,'\u25a0 -•' > T ~ \u25a0\u25a0•;• _': - - "^ During-: recent *years-Mrs."-.Foster had. .made -h.er.. h*o.rQe_in^"Wa v shington,,, where she- was |s actively^ engaged.^ until '•re cently,-^ in", prison "reforms ' for Ithel^de-' partmentipf justice. •" . —--»-- - ROCKH3XL i IN I R.UBSIA— St. Petersburg. - Ang. - 11. — William TV." Rockbill. Amerlcaa^mbassa iflor' to Russia, and Mrs/ Rockhill returned \u25a0'today t«VtheVcapital'->a£ter a • Tlslt -to "the :.-./ United \u25a0'States. -.a '.•".-; -- ...::-- Ha!Ha;He!He! i ' That's the way to feeI— BVERY ONE \ doe* that \ take* • \ CASCARET ntghs | BEFORE, when' he looks at the fello* who didn't/ For OVBR-BATING -and DRINKING nothing. on Earth cl«*n* yon out •« • CASCARET, naturafly-^rily , without \u25a0 that: up*et rick fading. Don't neglect— at bed time— -9 P. M. or 4A. M. —bo difference— you'll need it. . -\u25a0 - --' -• .\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-•• ,-,.-••\u25a0.-- \u25a0 893 CASCA&STS loc a box for a week's ; treatment, all druggists. Biggest seller In the -world. Millioa boxes a month. ,. ROOT TALKS FIVE DAYS TO ARBITRATION BOARD .: x THE HAGUE, Aug. 1 1. — Senator Root, who is arguing the American case be fore the arbitration tribunal, .which will decide the Newfoundland fisheries dis pute; having . occupied five days with question one., today opened question two. This has to do with the signifi cance ' -to- be" attached ;to the word rbays." • FIESTA OF THE DAWN OF GOLD In conjunction with ts« STATE PAIR , SAC&AJCCNTO. from Sept. 3 to 10 inchuiT*. (15,000 for ATlatloa. Ftmona Mia Bird. Chariot K. Huailton, To Fly lor World* Records. Gx«at Trontier Says' Show From Cheyenne. Saeifio 'Association Athlatie Tournament For Pacific Coast Champtonsblps. Xacaifie«st rirwworks Display Srery Nif ht .. . . . .by the Pain Pyrotechnic Company. 7