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10 EVENTS IN THE COUNTIES BORDERING ON THE BAY OF SAN FRANCISCO ST. MARY'S COLLEGE FACULTY CHANGED Personnel of Teaching Staff Is Announced for the Collegers Fall Semester t OAKLAND. Aug. 22. — The fall semes ter will open at St. Mary's college Mon- j day. September G. Brother Xcnophon j Cyril, brother visitor of the Christian |. brothers on the Pacific coast, has made \ a number of important changes at the j Oakland college, both In the admin- i istration department and the teaching j staff. The most notable of these is the | ap&oir.tmcnt or brother Florinus as j prrelijpnt of the institution to replace j Brother Vellesian. who now assumes charge of the preparatory department !<>eated in Berkeley and known as St. .U-scph's academy. Krothcr Fabrician. well known in iliis country and in Europe by reason <>f his work in experimental psychol v.l;.-. remains dean of the department of Irtters. He is expected soon to return . from St. Louis, where lie has been lee ; ;r:n;r on psychology and philosophy .luring the summer months. XEtV rnCFECT APPOINTED A notable change in the administra tion department is the appointment of Krothor I^ewis to the office of prefect, the position held by Brother Joseph !'<>r three years. Brother Lewis was for five years president of Sacred Heart college. San Francisco. At the • •pining of the fall semester Brother Joseph will assume the duties of as sistant prefect. Brother Ulbertian, for many years at the head of the commercial department • •?" Mary's, has b^en transferred to s.ieramento. In his place comes Krother Vantasian. last year at the head of the Christian Brothers' busi ness college in Walla Walla, Wash ington. Following is the administration and faculty list for the year: BrmbT Florimis. pn-sidpnt: Brother Fibririan. Cr*t vii^*> pr»sirtp :it : P.nnbor V. I^o. *rcon<l tic*" :-i-pi,id<>nt; Brother Mk-hnel. trffamror: Brother 7.*'i>onisr.. .-p<"-ptnry sn-1 repistrar: Brother l.< wis. pr^ff'-t trf discipline: Brother Asrjion, pro lo-nr of tnstb»>tnati<-fi and *ci«»nc«»: Bmtb^r F*b i ,<ian. <iesn ft tbt- department of arts and let- IT* ;m<l professor nf philosophy and psychology : !\u25a0•:\u25a0. :Ucr V. \jck. <l«>an at thp dppartta«>nt of enei iwwing »n<! aetioclaie prnfes^cr of mpth^matl<^» ::i«! asFarinc: Brother Z. L«*o. professor of Enc- I V.*it literature; Brother Stephen, professor of j \u25a0iioiprri latißusces: Brother Joseph, arcistant pre- ( f««"t »nd pr<->f>ss'*r of reHzioa: Brother Alfred. ;.:-,sfrs*r>r of phrsicsl science; Brother Vantasisn. .;• .-in <if ihe d^parttaent of oommeriN* and profe* v-ir ••{ eommeiN lal taw; T.rorher Zenonian. ln rtrortor in M-ienre: Brother Cornelius, librarian .ii.l injtrwtor in religion: Brother Hyacinth, in -Jrao.or iii shorthand atwl typpwritinp: Brother Vincent, instructor in Enplish: Brother James. Instructor in liistury: Brother Viator, instructor i-i scsdern:'" Ha>->es: Brother Vliinian. procura tor: Bro:Jier F'-lsn. superintendent: Brother Wal }>\u25a0•«. curator: John U. Ponoran. C. E.. M. E.. |.rofe»*ar of eaclneerir.K: William J. Fitzgerald, t". E.. instruftor in engineering: John B. Quln lr>n. A. M.. nrofess4^r of histcry and assistant !>rofrssor of Enßlibh literature; Anthony Adalld. A. M.. «*«<ioiate professor of lancuaxes; Wil !)»ie Thille. A. 8... jnstrncror in languages; Thomas Pbi-lan. A. 8.. instructor In academic de r-artment: Andrew I'uthoit. A. 8.. Instructor in Ihu^usccs: Frederfck Schorcht. professor of mu sic: Ker. J. J. Oranwell, chaplain. i'KKPARATORV DEPARTMENT Th* preparatory departrpent of St. Mary's? college, known as St. Joseph's v.< ademy, Berkeley: Brother Veilpslan. directcr «nd inspector: I'.rother Kidelii?, «iub director and first class; Brother Vims, prefect of discipline; Brother W i'liatn. economy: Brother Hilary, enrator; Brother Baptist. inspector: Brother Austin. clcks: Brother B. Joseph. reKintrar and class: I'.rcther Victorinus. class: Brother Matthew, Has*; Timothy O'Brien, class: Charles DeTine, <-;ass: i'redorlck Scborcht. mnslc; Kct. P. D. Kearus, chaplain. BIDS FOR NEW ALAMEDA SCHOOL TO BE OPENED Haight Building Will Stand on Old Site ALAMEDA. Aug. 22.— Bids for the ennstrurtion of the proposed Haight school building for which the board of education is authorized to expend 592. fiPO will be oprned at a meeting of the si hool directors to be held .tomorrow night. Thf» plans adopted for the building provide for a structure of 20 class rooms, each room to be 24 by 32 feet. The building Is to stand on the site of the old Haight school in Santa Clara avenue, between Chestnut and Walnut streets. * • •'. Architects' designs for the proposed Washington school will also be re < oived and opened by the school di rectors at their meeting tomorrow right. The specifications call for plans for a structure to contain 12 class rooms. fThe board of education is au thorized to expend $60,000 on the Wash ington school. The building Is to be located on the lot at the southeast corner of Santa Clara avenue and Eighth street. FORMER CORONER JOINS MATRIMONIAL RANKS Dr. R. D. Baldwin Gives Friends Surprise by Marrying OAKLAND. Aug. 22.— Dr. Robert O. Baldwin,, former coroner of Alameda county and for many years one of its most prominent physicians, surprised his friends by marrying last Saturday night. He took for his bride Mrs. Josephine M. Duff, a widow of Denver. Only a few of the most intimate \u25a0friends of the couple were present at the wedding, which was solemnized by Rev. Edward F. Gee at his home, Eighth and Grove streets. The marriage license was obtained «ftpr the regular closing hours of the county clerk's office. Doctor Baldwin and his bride left for the east on their honeymoon. SALT WATER INTAKE FOR CITY COMPLETED Improvement Made for Muni cipal Electric Power Plant ALAMEDA. Aug. 22.— The salt water intake for the municipal electric ligh< and power plant at the south end of Park street is about completed. The improvement will cost the city $6,992. T^e large main of the intake extends out to the channel off the south side, a distance of more than 1,000 feet. At the channel end of the pipe line a pump 1 that is to be operated by an electric motor hats been placed. Marriage Licenses | OAKLAND, Aug. 22.— The following marriage licenses were issued today: Kvwtt \V. Atbott. 22. and Caroline E. Dan- irK 22. both of Oakland. Kol.ert O. Baldwin. 45. and Josephine M. Doff, o'J. i>otli of Oakland. Artbur W. Gay, 32. Oakland, and Margaret F. c;illick, 24, Berkeley. Sven R- Jensen, 2S, and Emily Nones, 24, both -of Oakland. Percy 11. Joccs, 21. and Anna M. Cakcbread, Js. both of Brenrwo<xl. Gustare P. TVoiuert. 41. «nd Carrie E. Mac- JV'iialfi. a.">. both or Sacramento. \u0084 - Ernest Bethel, 'M, and Am j Hay, "32. both ef San Francisco. '\u25a0-" \u25a0 .-• William Maffatt, 48, and EsU Kennedy, -tS, both of Oekland. O. H. Hardgrove, 28, 'and Iva M. Jones, 20, toorh of Oakland. Joseph .S. oilvera. 23, and Con6tlna Fernandez, 17. boih of tt.-jkhind. Frederick W. Xruscott. 27. K&a FrtseiKO, and Mrrtfe F. Weldcn, 24, Oakland. l MONEY NEEDED TO COMPLETE . . NEW HOME FOR INCURABLES Women workers for fund leaving entrance of King's Daughters' home for incurables in Oakland. KING'S DAUGHTERS APPEAL FOR AID Must Raise Remainder of a Fund of $100,000 to Finish Building OAKLAND. Aug. " 22. — Th« King's Daughters of California: are making a final appeal for" a building: fund of $100,000 with which .to , erect and equip the proposed new home for in curables at 3900 Broadway. The re cent campaign in behalf of the fund resulted in $55,000 in cash and pledges being raised, which' leaves a balance of $42,000 that must be added to the fund in order to establish the home. The new building is an absolute necessity if the unfortunate incurables are to be properly cared for, as % the present home is entirely inadequate. Regular hospitals -will not take in curable?. The King's Daughters is the only organization that has attempted to do this necessary and humane work, which has been carried on entirely through the charity of the organiza tion and friends. As a final appeal in this particular effort, a campaign has been inaug urated under the direction of Mrs. Matilda Brown, president of the or ganization, to raise the balance — $42,000. Every home in Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda is asked to contribute at least one dollar. Coin envelopes are being distributed from house to house by specially ap pointed workers, who may be iden tified by a 4a 4 badge they wear, with "King's Daughters" printed upon it. Every family is a«ked to donate what it can, Inclosing the amount of the gift- in the envelope, which will be called for Thureday, August 25, be tween the hours of 5 and 8 p. m. . WOMAN CATCHES BURGLARS IN HOME Intruders Drop Jewelry and Sil verware to Make Escape When She Appears SAN LEANDRO, Aug.. 22.— Returning home yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock from a visit with friends.-in Oakland, Mrs. J. E. Deaudryof the r ßroadmoor tract found two men ,In her dining room, preparing to carry off with* them all the silverware and jewelry' in -the house. As they heard her coming into the house, the intruders^ dropped their bundles of valuables and-fled through the back door. • .' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0. -• • Before Mrs. Deaudry. could . summon assistance, , the .men . disappeared through the shrubbery.of-the tracfand were later - seen - going toward - -the Southern Pacific track's. Upon investi gation, Mrs. Deaudry found that nqth ing had- been taken, though thehouse had been thoroughly ransacked. . This was the second, attempt made by the men in the district. \u25a0 •-\u25a0 A set of silver -spoons and.' $5.- in money was stolen, from the residence of B. Jones In the Broadmoor tract on Saturday evening,, during the. absence of the family. The place was ransacked from top to bottom, but th^e. men were evidently frightened. away. before they completed their search. In-each, case, entrance was. gained by forcing open a door with a- jimmy. \u25a0 - BENEFIT TO BE HELD W: FOR ST. JOSEPH'S HOME Ball Will Be Given at College Gymnasium OAKLAND, Aug. 22.— A r ball. and en tertainment for the benefit' of St.'Jo seph's home for the deaf will; be held Wednesday evening. at St. Mary's col lege gymnasium. The home Is at Fortieth street and Telegraph avenue. The institution .Is under thp. care of the Sisters of St. Joseph and is, de voted to the education' of deaf mute children. A program of music and literary numbers will precede the ball. The committee In charge' is- composed of F. M. . Cerinl. M. M. Roach, Hugh Leonard, James P. Gallagher. George Carter, M. J. Howard, J. J. Rlghey. and Eugene Daly. • . .-.„;•- . : HELD TOR XTTRDER— Alptaonse' Merle wa« held for trial before tbe superior court- jesterday on two charge* of murder. - for tilling Petit and' Lucien S&hl iv & *tlooa *t 600 ' Keuaj *teeet, i.ugu«t a: THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL; TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1910. UNIVERSITY OUSTS STUDENT "SHARPS" Three Undergraduates Suspend= ed for a Year and One Given Warning for Cheating BERKELEY, Aug. 22. — Drastic ac tion has been taken by the. under graduate student affairs committee of the university as a result of a rigid investigation of cheating during the final examinations last April, and three students have been suspended for a year commencing May 18, 1910. One student was warned that another re port of cheating would result in his dismissal. • The mining association of the uni versity, which last year adopted a strict code of ethics in' regard to "cribbing" in the annual- test, re ported the cheating of three of the students. They were discovered using outside help in the tests in mining 6 and physics 5, two of the hardest courses. Summary action on the part of the student affairs committee fol lowed. The warned student was found cheating in , mathematics B. In all cases the offending students , were haled before the committee and asked to give an account of their actions! The report of the committee recom mended the suspension . of a year in three cases and the warning of the student in the fourth. The members of the student affairs committee are pledged to keep secret the details of the cases of cheating, and no names will be given out to the public unless the case is so flagrant as to warrant it. George A. Haines, president of the student- body, is ex-officio chairman of the committee,. and other members are: D. , T. Babcock, A. C. Pender gast, W. E. de, Berry, and A. J. Evers. WIFE GETS TIRED OF SUICIDE JOKE Testifies Husband Made Repeat* ed Bluffs That- He Was Endihg His Life " OAKLAND, Aug.. 22.— Tired of having her husband. Howard N. Wilson, make almost weekly threats and attempts to commit suicide, airs. Mabel N. Wil son sued him for. divorce. ' She 1 got a final decree of divorce' t6day. - Wilson used to* jump ' into. Lake Merritt oc casionally, -.when he wanted to commit "suicide/I.. Sometimes he used, to hack at his w^rists with manicure scissors. Sofnetirhes-.he took lysol, while at other times he preferred chloroform, and sev eral times he .'placed* a sharp knife against his breast. . - J . Mrs. 'Wilson was very- much fright ened: at hisjfirst attempts; and she de clared that '.Wilson's idea In attempt ing to end' his .life ' was-chiefly ;to scare her. . 'She got over, her fright after he had done, it several times,;,but Jiis per formances used vto: disgust 'and: humili ate her very muchi.she testified.' ... Minette i,S, .Eckardt,, who .was mar ried in . Dawson in J9olt brought ..suit for; divorce, today against Orris R. .Eckardt on., the ground that he ..has failed to.; provide 'for her for $ the .last •three, years. '\u25a0-';'\u25a0•' • -' : \u25a0 • '. ''The 'following new, suits ;for divorce were - begurr ,toda"y: --Stellar against Stephen ' H. Clark, failure to provide. Laura against Harris jW. Bean, ha bitual *intemperancel . The following were granted decrees of divorce: Augusta J. A. Nelson against C. _.W. I Nelson, final, desertion ; Dagmar Kruse' against' Louis Al-Kruse, failure toprovlde. :'; ' -. T : '.'\ ', '\u25a0 \u25a0 DOW COMPANY INSTALLS Wi FIRE FIGHTING PLANT System Is to Protect Big Manu f ; -facturfng Works - . . AL.AMEDA,- Aug. 22.— The George E. Dow pumping engine company is in stalling a fire fighting plant to protect its big "manufacturing:. works at the corner- of Clement: avenue -and : Oak street.. .The system is to 'be connected •with" a .punip- capable of s throwing 1,000 gallons a rmlnute. The! water , is ;tb : b© taken- from the estuary. Power. to op erate the i pump :will v.bej available • all the time. .The Dow manufacturing: con"-; cern Is the 1 largest In; this city/»J94 em ploys : hundreds. . of ; mechanics. ; .... "BABY FARMS" ARE CAUSE OF PROTEST President of State Society Asks City Council to Protect Foundlings OAKLAND, Aug. 22. — Legislation holding the owners of "baby farms" and maternity homes rigidly respoiisi ble to sonic authority is recommended to the city council in a letter from Ed win "H. Xewhall, president of the Cali fornia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. In the communication Newhall in forms the council that officers of the society have at different times investi gated the foundling homes in the vi cinity of Oakland. Regarding these places he reports: "The conditibns under which some of the little ones have been found have been far from ideal, although the man agers kept themselves sufficiently with in the law to avoid arrest for actual cruelty. Tn some of these places there were found too many children for one person to attend properly. In others the housing, was improper and the san itation not of the best.' One place now exists where a private maternity estab lishment and rooms where children are boarded are conducted under one roof. This is bad from a moral standpoint at least and the low fees charged for ma ternity cases and children's • board leaves the place open to question if not to criticism. All to whom the lives of women and children are entrusted should be" responsible to some one, either a board of directors or public officials." As. an immediate remedy Xewhall recommends that the state law enacted several years ago to regulate maternity establishments and places where chil dren are. kept to board be enforced. He condemns the practice alleged to prevail in some homes of selling chil dren to the 'highest bidder. This is done, he reports, "under the pretense that the managers wish simply to reim burse themselves for the expense in curred by the mothers, whom they have attended." SOPHOMORES ISSUE WARNING TO ENTRANTS Failure to Obey Mandates Will Result in Ducking BERKELEY. Aug\ 22.— The annual defi of ttie University of California sophomores was hurled at the freshmen this morning,. in the shape of posters which decorated the buildingrs, posts and trees of the campus. Harsh treat ment, including- "ducking"' in chemistry pond, according to the bulletin, will be meted out to the offending freshmen of 1914 who- disregard the mandates of 1913. Patrick McDonald dies in berkeley BKRKELEV, Ausr. 22.— Patrick Mc- Donald, a weal thy! Montana, miner who had made, his home inthis city for the last year, died this morning at the age of 60 years at the home of his nephew, William McDonald. Another nephew, John McDonald,, also survives. The funeral will be held tomorrow morn- Ing . from St; Columba's church, Oak land,, and . interment * will .be in St. Mary's cemetery. | Army and Navy Orders | [Special Dispalch to The Call] • V ! WASHINGTON, Aug., 22.— Army or ders have been issued as follows: | Captain Edwin Bell,; Eighth infanti'y, will assume charge of \u25a0 construction work at Presidio, Monterey, relieving Captain .Arthur Cranston, Eighth in fantry. First Lieutenant Edmund .12 .Daley, engineers, is, relieved from duty at the engineer school, Washington, "D. . C.V and will proceed to Vancouver, barracks ! and -report to the? commanding officer for duty. ' v . .-..., Nat'y orders: Lieutenant Commander C. C. Fewel. when" discharged from the naval hospital at. Puget sound, .will be granted sick leavcfof two months. v Assistant Surgeon A. H. Dodge, when discharged; from : the naval hospital, Mare S Island, - will •be granted \a ' sick leave of .three months. ' : / Passed ' Paymastear W. J. Hite ; has beem detached from duty as paymaster at the Tnavai; station, Cavite. 1 Na.val Constructor E. F. Eggert has been detached | from : the'-- navy, yard, : Boston,' to navar station,', Cavite. Naval | Constructor f-L.v S. " ; Adams has been detached from duty at; the naval station." Cavite, to the-, bureau of cori struction and repair, navy department, .Washington, D.. C.:.' - .• Assistant Civil Engineer R. M. War- 1 field; when discharged : fr6m . the naval hospital,: Mare island. wiU"' fc# granted sick leave for one month. CALIFORNIA ARTIST WILL RETURN HOME Mrs. Anne Brigman Plans to Reopen Her Residence in Oakland OAKLAND, Aug. 22.— Mrs. Anne Brig man, who has been on • the Atlantic coast since early spi-ing, expects to re turn to California in October, when she will reopen her home in Thirty-second street. Mrs. Brigman, during the last few months, has spent most of her time in New York. During the midsummer she was entertained on the Maine coast, accomplishing some unusually strong work in photography. She has returned to New York to finish lens studies which are said to be among her best work. This gifted woman has achieved honors in the gaUeries of the old world as well as recognition' in the eastern art cen ters for the unique pictures which she produces with the camera as the me dium. Mrs. Brigman has been exten sively feted during her visit to the At lantic coast. She will, be welcomed to California by a. wide circle of friends, who are following her career with in terest. Mrs. William A. Cooper, with her daughters, Miss Jane Lawrence Cooper and Miss Bessie Cooper, will probably return to her Alameda home in October after an absence of a year spent on the continent. While in Paris Miss Jane Cooper announced her betrothal to Frederick C. Wells, her guests. on that occasion being a small party of Ala meda girls who were traveling abroad. While the plans for the marriage have not been told, the wedding will prob ably follow soon after the return of the bride elect from her foreign journey. A marriage which is announced for the early November and which is of deep interest to a wide circle of friends on tills side of the bay is that of Lieut enant William Henry Shea and Miss Lalla Wenzelbursrer. The bride eleci has been popular with the smart set of Oakland, and has taken a prominent part in many of the exclusive affairs. She will be the motif for considerable entertaining on the part of her friends here before the wedding of the early winter, which will take place in San Francisco. •' • . Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Burnham have been enjoying a part of the month of August at Lake Tahoe. where so many Oak landers found their summer's pleasure this season. Mrs. Burnham has com pletely recovered from her illness of the earlier year. * * After a sojourn in the Sierras, Miss lima Chase has returned to town. Mr. and Mrs. Jose Mariano Sal«zar are occupying a home jn San Francisco, of which they took possession imme diately following the return from their wedding journey. Mrs. Salazar was formerly Miss Alice Nelson, the pretty daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nelson, a pioneer family of Oakland. Miss Daisy Seulberger has returned to her home in East Oakland after a sojourn in the Santa Cruz mountains. Miss Seulberger will join the ranks of the winter's brides, her marriage -with Hugh Otis Pierce of El Dorado county being planned as one of the season's charming events. The popular bride elect will be the inspiration for much of the entertaining of the early year. Mrs. Edward 'Hall Dodge has come down from her home in Portland to be the house guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Laymance. during the early fall. Mr. and Mrs. Dodge went north last spring to establish their home. D. A. R. OFFICER IS TO BE QUEST OF HONOR Dr. Anita N. McGee to Be En- tertained in Berkeley BERKELEY. Aug. 22.— 1n honor of Dr. Anita Xewcomb McGee of Washing ton. D. C, Mrs. Frederick Jewell Laird, state regent of the Daughters of the American, Revolution, will entertain at a reception in her College avenue home tomorrow afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. Mrs. John F. Swift, vice president gen eral of the D. A. R., will assist Mrs. Laird in receiving her guests, who will include the regents and boards of di rectors of the chapters of the order of the bay cities. Mrs. McGee, who is a national officer of the D. A. R., is one of the \u25a0 best known women' in the United States. She is prominent in the Red Cross and other organizations. She is the first woman, ever given a commission in the United States army. DYNAMITERS OF MILL STILL ELUDE POLICE Efforts to Find Criminals Have Been in Vain OAKLAND. Aug. 22.— With detect ives investigating the ds'namiting of the Pacific Coast lumber and mill com pany buildings .at Second and Grove streets, the police have no trace of the perpetrators. They consider that the same persons made the prior attempts to destroy the plant, but as in those cases, find that the dynamiters have covered their trails. Kendall's prop erty is being guarded by policemen while, repairs are b.eing made, and the attempts to destroy the place investi gated. The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be orercome by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vrjfrtM* .djffißjK"™ . —act «urdy and jjE&Mk f*ADTCp'C gently on the jjfflffiSHflM L!M oeu, and Indigestion. They do their duty. . Small Pill, Small Dote, ' Small Price. GENUINE must bear signature: + \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666\u2666 \u2666 \u2666 \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666»>\u2666\u2666» '\u2666"\u2666\u2666'\u2666 I Acme s Franciscaner j I The Perfection" In the Art of <[ J •\u25a0. .' ; ' v= Brewing " '<\u25ba trAsk .. Your, Dealer For ;It ++\u2666>\u2666\u2666\u2666 \u2666.\u2666-\u2666.»\u2666-»\u2666\u25a0\u25a0\u2666-\u2666 \u2666\u25a0*.\u2666\u25a0•\u25a0*.\u2666\u2666-\u2666*-\u2666 DAUGHTER FIGHTS WIDOW IN COURT Contest Waged Over $15,000 Estate of the Late Thomas P. Winter OAKLAND. Aug. 22. — Taking of tes timony in the contest over the probate "of the will of the ]ate Thomas P. Win ter was begun today in Judge Wells' court. An estate of $15,000 is the stake in this contest, which is waged by Mrs. Alice M. Wall, daughter of the deceased, against Mrs. Susanna E. Winter, her stepmother and the second wife o£ Win ter. " • The will leaves nearly the entire es tate tv> the widow. Mrs. Wall is given a legacy of only $200. She contends that the will should be set aside on the ground of fraud and undue influence on the deceased on the part of Mrs. Winter. Her stepmother refused to let her see her father for a long time te fore his death, she testified, and poi soned his mind against her. A peculiarity of family relationship came out today in court. Annie May Winter, daughter of the dead/ man. married Charles Harper, son of his sec ond wife. More testimony will be heard to morrow, when the contest will be re sumed. WOLLE TELLS OF BACH AT HILLSIDE LECTURE Head of Music Department Speaks of Favorite Composer BERKELEY. Aug. J>2.— Dr. J. Fred Wolle, head .of the~~ department of music at the university, was the prin cipal speaker at the Hillside club to night, delivering an address on "Music and Personality of John Sebastian Bach." his favorite "composer. Mrs. Orrin K. McMurray, wife of Professor McMurray. sang several Bach selections, and Misses Chester and Anderson also contributed to the evening's program. A large number of the members of the organization were present for the .first social evening. — \ WALTER S. MACKAY & CO. g—-^ For one week we offer you unlimited choice of our entire stock, of rugs at lower prices — we believe — than have ever been ,asked for equal qualities. Note the extraordinary reductions and ,make your selections quickly while the assortment is complete. Middlesex Body Brussels Bigelcnv make — that guarantees the quality. Choice of over 100 different designs. Jfp^ 8 ft. 3 in.xlO ft. 6 in. ; regular $27.50 Sale price $19.50 p9 ft.xl 2 ft. ; regular price $30.00 Sale price $21.50 Bagdad Body Brussels Bigelow Bagdad Body Brussels is the comparative standard of comparison for all other makes. S ft. 3 in.xlO ft. 6 in. ; reg. price $30.00. . .Sale price $22.50 9.ft.x12 ft. ; regular price $32.50 Sale price $25.00 10 ft. 6 in.xl 2 ft ; regular price $45.00 Sale price $32.50 10ft.6in.xl3ft. 6 in.; reg. price $50.00. . .Sale price $36.00 Bigelow Bagdad Wiltons Beautiful designs in rich colorings not excelled by the highest priced Orientals. . '8 ft. 3 in.xlO ft. 6 in; were $40.00 Sale price $28.00 9 ftxl2 ft. : were $45.00 Sale price $30.00 10 ft. 6 in.xl 2 ft ; were $62.50 Sale price $40.00 10 ft. 6 in.xl 3 ft. 6 in. : were $67.50 Sale price $46.00 1 1 ft. 3 in.xls ft * were $75.00 Sale price $52.00 Bigelow Ardebil Wiltons Unquestionably the highest grade of Wilton Carpet manufac- tured in the world today. Better than any description can 8 ft. 3 in.xlolt. 6 in. ; were $57.50 Now $35.00 9ft.xl2 ft.; were $60.00.. Now $42.50 FRESNO— SAN FRANCISCO— STOCKTON— SACRAMENTO OAKLAND \^mtm^ VALLEJO The Nearest Store Is Your Store Absolutely One Price to Everybody There Is one feature regarding the six California stores of the Chirm- Beretta Optical Company, which we wish to emphasize — It is the matter of prices. Our prices are fixed for all our stores and are absolutely the same to every one. A stranger gets the. same price that our oldest and most influential customer would be able to. get. There is satisfaction in dealing with a firm like this. There is con- tentment in knowing that you get the correct and lowest price at the Makers of Genuine Kryptok Lenses 120 Geary, S. F. 407 E. Main, Stockton 466 13th. Oakland 430 Geor B la, Vallejo 1-Oir, Mariposa, Freino 520 X Street, Sacramento HOTEL PAYS FOR ITS OWN THINGS "Mr. Bert Brown oi Toncpah" Cashes Check, Leaving Cus pidor and Finger Bowls OAKLAND. Ausr. 23.— "Mr. Sort Brown of Tonopah" is the way a six foot citizen, garbed in loose fitting clothes and a' -sombrero, inscribed his name on the register at th* St. Mark hotel, where he obtained $23 yesterday on a bogus check for which he left as security with the clerk a worn trav eling bag. The grip was supposed to contain bullion, but when the man ager of the hotel opened it h« found la the receptacle only a cuspidor and two cut glass finger bowls belonging to tiia ow,i house. tlroywn arrived at the hotel yesterday. He rented a room, and toward evening left the suit case with the clerk, teli in - the clerk, that he would see Ui« town for a while. Then he drew out his checkbook and asked for $10. say ing he was short of ready money. Tho cl^rk had only $25. for which Drown save him a check. Then the guest went to his room, and a. few minutes later ranjc for a bellboy. •'Get me a brush and comb. ' he said. Th»: boy found neither, and Browti asked for the errip left with the clerk, and when it was brought gave the boy the worn traveling tag. "There's enough in that to buy this hotel." remarked "Mr. Brown" senten tiously. as the boy went out of the room. Both the bellboy and the clerk were so imprersed with the man's man ners that they really believed he had left his bullion in the hotel safe. The evening came, and the Tiotel manager learned that the check was bogus. "Vv'e have the grip, anyway." said thfl clerk. The manager took the grip out of the safe and opened it. expecting to see a fortune. Instead he found his own cuspidor and two finger bowls. POLICE CHIEF REINSTATED— P<»* Moines. la.. \ujr 22. — Tb» city eounrll tMay reinstated IjeorK? Yeajrer as chief of police. The r«^<v- Intion of retustafptnent absolves Yeae«>r fmm th* eharees nf maladministration filer! by th« lowa antl-sal<v>n leajrue. on which a hesrin:; was hart, winch lasted all of last wp»».