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14 Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys WYOMING COWBOYS LOSE THEIR LAURELS California Vaqueros Heroes of the Day at the State Fair Sports [Special Dispatch to The Call] SACRAMENTO, Sept. 9.— The Califor nia cowboys w«re the heroes of the day in the finals of the wild west contests with Wyoming and Oklahoma boys. In Xh<» "bull dogging." a Fteer contest, Del Blanketto defeated Buffalo Vernon. the •world's champion cf Wyoming, by jumping from his horse to the of a wild steer and throwing the animal by the horns In 16 seconds. Vernon had a bard tussle with his steer and finally had to give up without throw- Ing it. •* ... Intense rivalry existed when the Wyoming troup led out \u25a0"Steamboat." a horse which had defied riders for years. Art Acord easily tamed the animal and won the $100 offered. The Wyoming crowd contended that he had not ridden according to rules, but when the 20.000 people saw Acord's laurels questioned they showered money at him and two sombreros full of coin were collected. The county exhibits were judged to day and Tehama county carried away first prize of $600 in claEs A, for the beet general display. Alameda county was second, getting $400; Tulare third, 5250; Fresno fourth, $175; Placer fifth. $160; Oolusa sixth, $100; Glenn seventh, $76; Monterey eighth, $50. Merced county got first prize in class B. for counties making exclusive ex hibits. Colusa was second and Glenn third. The judges also recommended that Kern and Imperial counties be given special pJrzes for their displays of oil and cotton respectively, there be ing no regular classes for such dis plays. STOCKTON Y. M. C. A. PLANS MEMBERSHIP CONTEST Campaign Will Start Monday and End October 1 [Special Dispatch to The Call] STOCKTON. Sept. 9. — A membership contest ,has been Inaugurated by the Ftockton Y. it C. A. It will begin Monday and continue until 10 o'clock Saturday evening, October 1. The T. M.C. A. building was erected by the people of this city, who donated $75,000. It Is a four story structure, modern in every respect. Every person holding membership in the association will be assigned to one ft the three divisions; the contest hav ing been arranged between the mem- V.f-rs of th« educational, religious and physical departments. The captains and lieutenants have been selected for each department. There will be 25 workers ff-r each, the remainder of the members to be assigned according to tbeir affili ations. The forfeit to be paid by the team securing the least number of members has not yet been decided on. Three large clocks are being painted to indicate the progress made by each department: The leaders in the three departments fallow: *-:- Educational department — E. Anderson, captain; J. C. McCovra, first lieutenant; J. W. Weis fnjrer. secosd lieutenant; C. R- Guernsey, third lieutenant: Orlando Gosf> fonrth lieutenant. R*li»rJoc* department — H. L. Browne, cap tain: W. K. Thresher, first lieutenant; A. E. Cordon, second lieutenant; L. A. Spragoe, third lieutenant; J. D. 'Win*, fourth lieutenant. ' Physical department— John O. Anrell, captain; M. F. Branch, first lientenant; Will Intrlts. sec ond Il#ntenant; Henry Yo«t. third lieutenant; Dare Matthews, fourth lieutenant. REGISTRATION HEAVY IN MODESTO SCHOOLS Enrollment Larger by 90 Pupils Than Last Year [Special Dispatch to The Call] MODESTO, Sept. 9. — Enrollment in the Modesto city schools shows an In crease of 90 pupils over last year. The enrollment today shows a total in all the grades of 775 pupils. ~ Prof. R. A. Xurtfca, supervising principal of the Modesto schools, .estimates that by the end of next v week the enrollment will reach SOO. \u0084* ;r>i Many of the classrooms are now; crowded, but thus far it has not been deemed advisable to divide any of the classes. It will probably be necessary to establish a mixed grade later in the term, when It will be possible to de termine which pupils need individual attention or special work in order to bring them up to the standards of the regular grades. There are now four rooms in the new school not occupied, but at the present rate of increase In attendance it will become necessary to erect more build- Ings -within two years. The total en rollment for the first week of J9OS was B82; in 1909. 657, and in 1910. 775. These figures show a gain of more than 90 for each year. PECULIAR AILMENT MAKES PAST FORGOTTEN {Special Dispatch to The Call] STOCKTON, Sept. 9. — Daniel B. Wy andt, the former Stockton merchant, •who mysteriously disappeared from this city several months ago and was later located in El a travel ing man, is in Stockton meeting his friends. / Wyandt suffered a peculiar ailment, having lost track of events of the past. He \rent to San Francisco on business and suddenly dropped out of sight. When located in El Centro he was conducting a dairy. He did not recog nize his wife and apparently knew "Nothing about his Stockton connec tions. He is now in good health, but his fe^nd prior to his departure is said to •c blank. ZWIFE OF DEAD ENGINEER SUES \V. P. FOR $75,000 P/s«cicl Dizpctch to The Coll] CLICT Cal.. Sept. 9. — A suit asking $75,000 damages against the Western Pacific company for the death of her husband, a former engineer, has been commenced by Mrs. Marie Schlabach. vifiow of John ScUlabach. Scnlabach Vas driving an engine when it _col tided with another train, killing him.' Carelessness vras the cause, it is the eikim. 4 SACRAMENTO CHINESE s$ SLAIN BY AN ASSASSIN [Special DUpctch to The Call] SACRAMENTO, Sept. 9.— Yee Wlngr. a member of the Tee family, was. sh<Jl <own and killed ty an unknown assas cln tonight in Chinatown. eH was elt tlng in front of his place, when V-, the murderer fired fiev shots, into his;body and then escaped. The killing, was 'th,e result of . & family jiuarrel and not a tons outbreak, ' ;,-" \u0084 $100,000 DREDGER SWAMPED IN RIVER Accident Occurs Near Redding While Boat Is Being Wind- ' lassed Over Riffle [Special Dispatch to The Call] REDDING, Sept: 9. — The Consolidated gold dredging company's $100,000 dredger sank in th^ Sacramento river at noon today. The/accident happened* three miles above Redding as the boat was being windlassed over' a riffle. The water dashed over the bow. The deck leaked and the hull filled with waier, tbare being too much water for the pumps to" handle.' The dredger rested on a sandbar, in 16 feet qf water and was not damaged. A^ the hull Is S3 feet high more than half of the craft is above water. W. D. Egllbert, -superintendent,, is confident that the boat can be floated in less than two hours after new and more power fuL pumps are in place. TJ»e cost will be less than. 51,000. The dredger Is- built to clean up placer gold from the«bed of the river and has been in sucessful operation. It was being moved to new ground when the accident occurred. The boat is ealely anchored, despite the fact that It rests on the bottom in a swift current. STOCKTON MERCHANTS BOOST IMPROVEMENTS * r \u25a0-\u25a0:'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 Urgent Needs of City Discussed • at Meeting [Special Dispatch to The Call] STOCKTON, Sept. 9.^-The Stockton Merchants' association held ft meeting last night and as a result of consider ing urgent city needs advocated a city hall, a new fire department, a new charter, and a large city park. The merchants discussed the needed improvements at considerable length and were unanimous in their decision that the 'same should be undertaken as soon as possible. The poultry show to be given by the San Joaquin county poultry asso ciation was Indorsed. The merchants are considering the proposition of making a boosters', trip to fhe southern mines district.". The visit Wednesday of the Oakland boost ers. impressed local businessmen of the advantages obtained thereby, and they will follow the example. - The association extended a vote of thanks to H. W. Lewis for his assist ance in entertaining the Oakland boosters, and a resolution was adopted commending W. C. WaJl for assisting in bringing the democratic state con vention here. ; -. v STOCKTON BOOSTERS TO INVADE CAPITAL San Joaquin Valley Day to Be Observed [Special Dispatch to The Call] STOCKTON, Sept 9. — Stockton boostr, ers, 50 strong, will invaxle Sacramento tomorrow, which Is San Joaquin Valley day. It. H. Rodebaugh, traffic manager of the Central California traction com pany; J. M. Eddy, secretary of the chamber of commerce, and H. W. I^ewls, president, and R. S. Miller, sec retary of the merchants' association, have been working on the proposition and are sure of securing at least a carload of boosters. - In addition to the boosters it Is ex pected that many others will attend the fair and other j festivities~^>The boosters, however, plan on keeping together all day and -will seize every opportunity to advertise the county. They will leaye.''at 8:35 o'clock to morrow morning, a special trolley car having been reserved for ,*hern. SOCIALISTS READY FOR THE STATfe CONVENTION Party Leaders to Speak in San Jose During Sessions [Special Dispatch to The Call] SAN JOSE, Sept. '9.— Preparations have fceen completed by the socialist party for their state convention, which will be held In this city tomorrow and Sunday. In connection with the convention several public meetings wlll^be held, ajid the socialist candidates will de liver addresses. Among the speakers will be J. Stltt Wilson, candidate for governor; Job Hariman, candidate .for United Stated senator; Ernest Regruin, candidate for congress from the fifth district. GRAND JURY'PASSES \u25a0 UP ENTICING CHARGES No Indictments Returned by the Butte County Members OROVILLE, Sept. 9.— The Butte county grand jufy returned no indict ments in the case of the alleged entic ing of a Grldley girl to Oroville and Marysville resorts. The jurors claim that Gussle Stezel told conflicting stories. It was alleged she was taken to the resorts by Gridley people, and when the 'charges were dismissed, a few days ago a mass meeting was held there and a committee of citizens ap pointed to take the • case before the grand jury. The case " aroused much feeling at Gridley, but It is believed the" failure .'return indictments will end trio ; matter. \u25a0\u25a0\^" STOCKTON MERCHANTS % ' TO HOLD RECEPTION [Special Dispatch- to The Call] STOCKTON, Sept:. 9.— An informal re ception is to be given by -the Stockton Merchants' association in the near fu ture to give the businessmen an oppor tunity to meet one another, .exchange ideas 'and enjoy an evening of- good fellowship. A committee consistihgJof Michael Conway chairman, Charles Tost and Nate: CohnTi&s beea appointed to make all. arrangemetits for the'recep tion, "which may be held on- "the." 1 roof garden of the Stockton. The motto for, the occasion will "be "Smile; don't frown." • \u25a0 \u25a0 [ - -;\u25a0;'> SAN JOAQUIN CATTllfe STATE FAIR WINNERS [Special Dispatch to The Call] STOCKTON. Sept.- 9.-^-San Joaquin countjr daJrymen carried away the ma jority of > prizes at the "stated fair if or Jersey cattle. .\u25a0 N. H." Locke of * Locke-' ford won ,most "of ;'.the""prizes,^ having exhibited a herd ; of '18 head. 1 ;!. He .t ook seven firsts,' one second,; five thirds.. two champions \u25a0 and two , grand champions. J. B. Thorp; won. a second prize ; with hia Jersey iielferv ' : ; .^ V JJBLEVs^-r&B^ COURSE OF TRUE LOVE RUNS RATHER ROUGHLY Wife No. 1 Bobs Up as Banquo's. Ghost and, Upsets Plans [Special 'Dispatch to j The ; Call] OROVILLiE. Sept. 9.— Love triumphed here today after a combination* of cir cumstances that had kept the-'prjncl pals apart for months^ Fred Braulacht, a local butcher, separated from"" ;hie,flrst wife during the flre "in San vFranclßcp jfour years ago. Believing - Jierfdeaa; Braulacht wooed and. married" Miss Minnie Morris, whQm;;he.\met durijng the period' following the fire. .After.' a ,few months , of married life the -first "Mrs. Braulacht and Brau 'lacht sued for a -divorce from; her. After he he secured whkt ; lie believed was evidence of flcklenessTon the part: of wife number two: and , he sent her threatening "'letters. -He- was arrested and served time- In the Chico jail.' .; • \u25a0\u25a0\u0084 •->.-.\u25a0•',.: ; ;\ v-;:h '.:..:\u25a0-: :\u25a0 :'\"\:. -Today the couple .patched up- -their differences were remarcied/N \yi THIRD SON' OF FA7VULY * MEETS" VIOLENT DEATH Redding Sawmill Employe ; Is Instantly Killed *^c REDDING,. Sept. 9. — Struck full In the chest by a heavy, board thaV^-flew. baftk from the edger he was operating, George Laflesh, .38 years old, was in r stantly killed in , a. sawmill tiiear,- lveve' today. He was the tljird son "(n^ the, Laflesh famlly-to meet*. a: violent aeath. _';;_' '^..WEETiyGS—Lod.M'- ";\u25a0\u25a0'', """\ OFFICERS'* and members' of Richmond . _B_ \u25a0 l " lodge No. 375. F. & A.M., are notl-n_r^ n<«d that the funeral of BRO. BENJA-/W\ MIN A. WARDELL, late a member of Keith lodge No. 187, Gllroy, will be held by Richmond lodge, at the Richmond Masonic temple, corner of Ist ay. and Clement st./at 1 p. m., SUNDAY. Funeral committees please take notice. H. FOURNESS, Secretar.v. ABOU BEN ADHEM lodge No. 112, ._H»jligg_k, ' ir~O. O. - F. — Members are ' re- Si£as*_3sB|_i - quested to attend the funorsl r^^y^Tss^ . services of our late brother, HER- MAN I>. KOSTER. 1684 Geary st. -b«t. Bu- chanan and Webster, TODAY (SATURDAY), Sept. 10. 1 p. m. W. E. BROCK. Rec. S<-c. HAUS-TO LET v : Van NESS HALL, 223 Van Ness it., bet. Grove and Hayen sts. — Particulars on premises. • LOST AXD FOIJIVD «. . IF YOU LOSE ANYTHlNG— Advertise it here. It will be returned to you if an honest . person finds it Remarkable recoveries - are brought about every day through this column. IF YOU FIND ANYTHING BRING IT to The - - \u25a0 ' _ i\ San Francisco Call \u25a0 ' '"I \u25a0•. . 111 1 Lost and Found Bureau J " • I . \ ; Third and Market Streets) Get a claim check. Have it adTertised. Reclaim it if the owner does not. TOE LAW — People who find lc«t articles are Interested In knowing that the state law is strict in requiring them to seek the owners through advertisements and otherwise, and that failure to do so, if proof can be shown, involves a seTere penalty. LOST— A diamond ring, on 21st st. between Va- lencia and Guerrero. Liberal reward at 998 Valencia ft; tel. Mission 323. f LOST — Lady's diamond watch and pin, on Polk * initials E. R. H. Return to 437 Fell St.: reward. \u25a0• \ • * ' EMPLOYMEXT WA3yTE_p r -Maley\V^- AAA — AN experienced monumental 'salesman wants position;' best references." Address box 552, Call office. CHAUFFEUR, German, does own repairing, very careful driver: can also superintend gardening, country. Address CHAUFFEUR, 68 Clara st. CHINESE, first cl&ss cook, desires a steady situ- ation, private family or hotel; good references; •'salary $45. Address WONG WING, 619 Du- pont st. \u0084 \u25a0 • ENERGETIC man, 26 yrs., traveled extensively, very tall, good appearance, understands ma- chinery, will tackle anything. Box 1932, Call. FIRST CLASS family cook desires position; ref- erences furnished. 733 Clay st. ".-'-. GARDENER, strictly sob*r and reliable, fflor- ough experience fruit and poultry, good horse- man, handy with tools, good references, wishes steady position on private place; wonld care for place in owner's absence. ,D/>x 1944, Call GERMAN cook £ni baker* who understands milk- ing and who is not afraid of any other work wishes sltnation, city or country. Address, 5 stating wages. W. HERRMANN, 5235 ; 20th st. San Francisco. . \ \u25a0 \u25a0HUSBAND and wife (Italian) desire work in city or country. Address A. V., 1365' 15th 6t, Oakland. Cal. ,' . . \u25a0'-. -.-*... NIGHT work of any kind from the,. hours* of 7 p. m. to 6 a. m. Box 4755, Call office, 1651 Fillmore St. \u25a0 . : - ..:»;-:: WANTED— Position as book keeper by "- young man, 5 years' experience, Al references. Box 2111, Call offlce. .-..--. WORK by man and wife-on ranch, in kitchen, restaurant or lunchroom.' in or out. of city; experienced. Address FRANK MORGAN, 163 " Tehama st. "* . YOUNG man, slightly deaf, would like Job chop- ping .wood by day or cord; Santa Crus moun- tains preferred. 540 E. 19th St.. E. Oakland. YOUNG Italian of good character and ability wants position with American family. Address 4555 Mission st. , :ts*j: t$*j* kP-X?L R -^ T y^y TEl ?'~' i; ' e ™° l _* AS managing house keeper in hotel or apsrtment hoase; refined, capable and trustworthy woman. -. Box 1931.' Ca1l office. :-.. ; GERMAN woman with a girl acft 14 years wants rooking on riinoh. 1014 Jefferson St., Oakland. '. ;\u25a0 SWEDISH' cook who is first rlasn, has superior references, is young, wants cook's place where other help is kept; expects $40 or-, over. Please write to MISS « PLUNKETT, 1596 ' Sutter st.. or telephone- W»st 5525.' ' -^^^>*ALE^HEjjP^^Aj^jßD^ - Wanted"able bodied men for the U. S. Ma- rine Corps, between . the ages of -19 . and - 35. Must be native, bora or - have first papers. Monthly pay $15 to $69. Additional sation possible. - Food, clothing, quarters - and medical attendance free. • After 30. years' serv- ice ~ can retire with 75 per cent, of pay and al- lowances. Services :on board . ship and \u25a0 ashore in all parts of lhe world. Apply at U.S.' Ma- rine Corps . Recruiting Office, 95 Market st, San Francisco, Cal. ; \u25a0_ " > • ; , ; , MEN wanted; age 19 to 35; for firemen $100 -.-: monthly and » brakemen \u25a0 $80, .on nearby '\u25a0-, rail- roads; experience uunecesaary;. no strike;, pro- motion to engineers. :, conductors; railway i em- U ploying headquarters ; over ' 500 men ' sent to positions monthly;- state., age; send stamp. Railway Association, , care Call office. - BOYS i WANTED TO ; SELLS. NATIVE SON FLAGS. CANES. AT 10c- EACH. DURING THE CELEBRATION. " LIBERAL COMMIS- SION. DEPOSIT -REQUIRED. APPLY IN ADVANCE. -E. M. EISFELDER. BUNTING AND FLAG DECORATOR. 1147-1157 MAR- KET ST. BET. 7TH AND BTH. -f .:;., BOYS" wanted; gc«vl" wages. ' 258 Montgomery etreet. -, • ' .^- \u25a0 - »-•'"'• - : ; " ' '"• ' t " BOYS wanted; good wages, \; 1461. P01k st. MEN and , women. . learn t the - barber trade ; i- posi- tions guaranteed; we can not. supply demand for our graduates; expert instructors; we teach in 8 weeks and pay : wages'* while '\u25a0 learning. Call -and let us explain the Moler system. 234 3d st. IF yon had 6 or: 10 acres of our rich, level land in Alameda county, you -wouldn't* need' to look '.'\u25a0- for a - job. V No. matter 'how. little money -you have,- we ' can •' give - you a " start. .. gee .PRO- GRESSIVE REALTY CO.. 180 Sntter st. - FIRST nutter..." s6o: v v second ' : butler." i $45 ; \u25a0 house- man, -'$35 and" found.^references. *-. Call- Sat- urday at MISS : PLUNKETT'S, . 1896 Suttee 6t r \u25a0 -. cor.. Webster. ..-,\u25a0-"-' \u25a0 .-\u25a0;•.•.•.•;. '• \u25a0,•..»..,-\u25a0/::•\u25a0 DOUGLAS HOUSE. 75S Harrison st nr. 3d — Now open; 200 hard finished rms. ; reading rm. ; hot water; rooms 25c day; $1.25," $1.50; week.; -^V. I want 3 miners vto •- work \ rich / gold : mine oa shares and some pocket money. till: mine is pay- \u25a0 ing. . Apply S4l'Phelan I bldg. : :w : =\u25a0;.-:• s " AGENTS: WANTED TO SELL WATCHES AND I DIAMONDS. EASY PAYMENTS;- REF. REQ. ! BRILLIANT- JEWELRY -C 0... 704 . MARKET. WANTED— Experienced linen -salesman. '; Apply - /HALE BROS., Inc.,,' 11th and Washington sts., \u25a0 ;." Oakland.'.. '--'..- --. ;: -X ic r *- : r-.,': -'::'.;\u25a0 :,_\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0:-\u25a0". : -y WANTED— Thoroaghly i; experienced '\u25a0 gents' . f ur- . nishlng goods salesman. Apply HALE BROS., Inc., lltb' aad Washington Bt».,' Oakland. ; x . f* '\u25a0' "\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0' -.. --•'\u25a0' ; ' ' :.':: .' : - v-: /; . ":- -.yy \ " "''.-\u25a0' '?^V-y't'-, :: { \u25a0 ; ---; : . I ' In these, two . important- features \u25a0 ) The^ San ; Francisco Gall- surpasses :all \dther local mediums v ihdts:pulliiig;pp^ver.^ The reason is not far to seek; :i; rtexists iii'the *;£act thatiGffie CaU p»royides saie; re- ;liable ! and authoritative .news ; reports] on financial r fmatters;: thus attracting; to^ itself that vast andim- :. \u25a0-\u25a0port^Qt "class of (people ;.who. have I money to place - in gpM iirvestme^ • a^business; -^ - \u25a0 |'0 •\u25a0..-.":.-- 'v; :: ' ' ; '£$&& -> - INVESTMENT .pPFOB- || 5 TUNITIES AND BUSINESS CHANCES k MEET WITH MORE PRO3\IPT ATTEN^ p\u25a0 : TIONriN THE CIiASSIFIED COLUMNS OF THE SAN FRAJCTCISCQ CALL. % HELP WANTED- .Continued GOVERNMENT employes "j wanted— Write for • San Francisco examination schedule. Franklin institute, derj^ 15T. " Rochester, N. Y. -" :, ":- WANtED— 600' men to occupy rooms, 20c to 30c per night (free bath), at the NEW YORK. 753 Howard. Et. between 3d and 4th. MEN \u25a0of ideas with some 'inventive ability. - GREBLEY & McINTYRB, Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C. \u25a0-\u25a0.-:\u25a0 " MACHINIST wanted; general all-around man, accustomed, to general repair work; steady Job. Address Napa Machine Works. Napa. Cal. <-. MAN'With $500. can buy laundry route; will pay $150 per month. Box 1935, Call offlce. PHOTO "coupon agents wanted; good proposition. SCHAFFER..72 Sa a Pablo aT.. Oakland. BOYS and men wanted. ILLINOIS PACIFIC .: GLASS CO.. 15th and Folaom.- > -FIRST CLASS gilder wanted. Call' or . address 8. &G. GUMP CO.. 268 ' Post St., city.. NEW WESTERN, 1124 Howard— Single rooms, i- 15c and 20c per night; hot and cold water. MEN wanted at 103 3d st. to have their shoes repaired; sewed soles 75c. done in 10 minutes. SHADOW I young man wants work. Box 1 194 J., - Call offlce. .- \u25a0 BARKER SANITARY CHAIRS. • Sold on installments of $5 PER MONTH. . CHAIRS, FrXTURES. VIBRATORS or HAIR ERIERS sold on small monthly payments and we will allow you top prices on your old fixtures in exchange. , Remember, we are not in the trust. , JAMES BAUKER, INC., Phone Franklin 3599. 94- Turk st. BARBERS — We Invite your inspection of the finest porcelain enameled barber chair manu- factured; /the one lever mechanism surpasses any other because of lts^slmple . workings; the beauty of the design stands above nil others. PACIFIC BARBER SUPPLY C<X. 962 Market FOR sale — 1 chair ahop (Koken, Hdr.); open ' cigar store in front; good location; Rood^busi- ness; best reason for selling; will invoice at cost of stock fixtures and shop (about $400); a snap; will give trial to: Missourians. .411 4th Bt.. San Rafael, Cal. s^,, -\ u ... BEST snap incity; 2 chair, barber shop; good businessj good location; shop, worth $235; 6ell for $llo: don't miss this chance this week; have to leave city. Call" 1402 Eddy st. near i, Webster; rent 810 per month. - ':\u25a0, . < . THE best offer takes the Original barber shop; 3 ' well furnished lWing ; rooms; new building; modern: bath, laundry; lease: rent $25; re- receipts $30; best location. 24th ay. \u25a0 and Ole- . ment st. Tel. -Home T-1227; terms or cash. \u25a0- WANTED — Men and women to learn' bartering ; to many haTe left for good : jobs, \u25a0 must have more beginners; absolutely free to next 10. Call S. F. BARBER COLLEGE. 790 Howard st. ». \u25a0 BARBERS read this!. Get my Electric Hair Re- vstorer; positively guaranteed to do the work; restores hair to natural color. ! For sale at Deekeltian & Bauer's; agts. wntd. 608 19th st. BOSS barbers will meet Monday evening at 9 " o'clock at 20 3d st. All boss barbers please at- \u25a0 tend. - Business of importance to all employ- ing barbers. , - *' . -v- IF you don't use the Diamond B razor and shears you don't use the best. BAUER'S, 69 O'Far- rell'et. . • __\u25a0 \u25a0: f_ \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 "\u25a0 \u25a0 __i FIRST CLASS barber desires steady job from Saturday , noon ' till Sunday - noon. Address MARTiy. 1209 O'Farrell st. " WANTED — First class barber: wages $1S and commission. Apply DECKELMAN BROS., Bar- ber Supply House, S." F.. 10 a. m. . CHEAPEST poles and-: mirrors ia city;' change 1 . new- chairs for old : small payments ; nonfor- \u25a0 .- felting, lease. 3&4 Hayes St.; tel.: Park -1242. BARBER shop, 4 cnajrs, ; *other furniture; cash or easy terms; Kochcn, Koch^itColumbia chairs. 041. Vallejo st. - .-.\u25a0 r, jgNfr. \u25a0• \u25a0'.:.•• / BARBERV^anted for Saturdaj. 552 7th st., .Oakland. 1 -.- . •""•'«•"*. " . J BARBER shop, 2 chair, for sale; good business; investigate this. 1071 6th ay.. ; East Oakland.' BARBERS— S6O week business; 3 H. D. chairs; rent $15; will sell for $200. 256 9th st. - -,' BAitBERS* ProtectlTe Union— Employment seere- ! tary, W. BARON, 775 Mkt.;, phone Kny. 5384.. BARBER wanted for evenings and Sunday morn- - ing ; steady. I.HS6 California; st: near " Hyde. GOOD sinele barber wanted: short hours, begin- ning Saturday;, good -n-ages. 1265 Mason, st../ FIRST CLASS barber wanted: bring tools. 2177 Shattuck ay., Berkeley: ; Home F1567. • \u25a0 ; ; ! \ .-\u25a0"." BARBER wanted for Satorday. 335 3d st. - EXTRA barber, wanted for Wednesday, Saturday . -and^ Sunday.; 358 Montgomery ; ay. ' ;'. >. ••...;'. FIRST class barber • wanted for Saturday and Sunday. 180' Sixth ,'aye.v .\u25a0;_,'\u25a0:":.. '\u25a0>"\u25a0.':\u25a0• -''\u25a0. '-'- GOOD barber for Saturday and Sunday. Apply \u25a0.-nt'l4oS. Eddy, st.-, --\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-\u25a0 -. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0< '- / - A 'barber, .quirk man, for Saturday afternoon -and. Sunday;- $5. .• ' '- i- BOOTBLACK wanted Saturday and Sunday. 1029 Market st. \u25a0 ' -\u25a0\u25a0.-•\u25a0 \u25a0 i ,\- - •\u25a0' - -"•-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0-•.-•' FEMALE HELP WANTED ' AAAAA — Young women 7 wanted as ; operators . by ;• the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; '. must be bright, neat in appearance, between .the ages of 17 and 25 years, of fair education • and unquestionable character. '.~ r - • '» ;• •' - > ; . LIGHT AND - WELL VENTILATED OPER- ATING ROOMS, v o-i . - *\u25a0<: . : *--"• PLEASANT REST AND ' LUNCH ROOMS. LIBERAL BALARY PAID WHILE LEARN- ING. ' \u25a0•,:.:- -\u25a0- \u25a0 :-:,. ..:-/,-,..•-. ,- - PERMANENT POSITIONS. - *\u25a0•: OPPORTUNITIES TO- ADVANCE. • For full particulars call, preferably between ; S:EO 1. m. and 12 noon, at the Operating - School, Telephone Of flee, 2015 Steiner street. . * corner Pine. ?-/-\u25a0- ~.-- :y: y~ y-/- . :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0".->\u25a0\u25a0; \u25a0 <"\u25a0\u25a0 •;\u25a0.-'; :>'';! :-. NURSE for : 2^ childrro X $40; 5 second' girls : for ; city ? places,' $30 i csch; laundress, . $3o; • seam- : stress A and ' waitress, i s3s; parlor mald^and .waitress, $35; 2 young; vromen to work ? ln a -school. $25 _»nd $20: second: cook, i institution,' . s4o ;., second" cook for r children's 'home. .;;$4O;, ', pirls -,: for j housework ..'in* * the " city, * in . the .' country, for : institutions, '; for.S schools,^ for.' ho- tels, for; ranches,%ati the -best of .wages.. For \u25a0 particulars ; call = Saturday :' morning at \u25a0'. MIBS PLUNKETT'S. 1896 Sutter st.\ cor. .Webster.'; \u25a0*\u25a0'••>/ '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:,'\u25a0:-. OAKLAND.*-' ,--"-'\u25a0\u25a0 ' ~-'- : ~ : - ''\u25a0\u25a0-' \u25a0 GIRLS 1O MAKE OVERALLS. PAID SALARY . WHILE LEARNING. LEVI : STRAUSS _ t CO.. tBD • AND • CLAY BTS. \u25a0".~-:y- '-.-./-APPLYi.TO.MR.IDAVIg.X-.^;-^ .-,.;\u25a0: LADIES, learn hair * dressing tat CALIF. . COL^ LEGE OF HAIR DRESSING ' and : Beauty Cul- \u25a0 ture; •' diplomas and \u25a0 formulas -glTen; "tadmdual instruction. , 867% Market st' bet.;; Sth and 6th.' WANTED-^-Experienced :doak ' and H suit - sales- ;/ woman.; Apply, HALEt BROS.. Inc.; . 11th and --.: Washington \u25a0 sts.'. .Oakland. > \u25a0>:\u25a0.-.'-.'' \u25a0 '.; Ji *WANTED^ — Experienced- millinery* saleswomen.' Apply HALE b BROS.,' Inc.; 11th' and-- Wash- •;'; lngton sts.^: Oakland.--: y , -'-..- \u25a0 : : ." .: -.- \u25a0 LEARN hair dressing,' manicuring,"; hair working, t massage; \ easy terms; eTenlng \u25a0• classes. The \u25a0 New Mildred Hair Parlorv 130 Geary st. F^MALEJHELP WAXTED— Continued TEN intelligent ladles of 'good appearance; ' sal. •-. ary $1.25 per day. Call after Friday. 220 Post st., 2d floor. \u25a0-.-'\u25a0/' <i AN experienced nurse ' with references, for two - children, aged 2 and ,4. 2223 Howard st. COMPETENT Danish girl for cooking and house- -vrork. Call at 1309 Oak St., Oakland, n PROPERLY "certificated teacner for country school. Room 605. 717 Market St. S. F. - \ SALESMEN and SOLICITORS WANTED '-~ WANTED. Two reliable stock salesmen; give age. ex- perience and references; important opportunity for men of ability. 491, Call office.- .r AGENTS WANTED ASK ME. HOW YOU CAN EARN $5 TO $25 . DAILY. ? OVERSTREET, "Tn« Heywood," Cal. .... . -- .EMPLOYMEjVT OFFICES. . * PUONE PAC DOUGLAS~3S32, HOME 0-4665? 531 GRANT AY.— ASIA EMPT. OFFICE FUR- NISHES BEST AND COMPETENT JAPANESE AND CHINESE HELP OF ALL KINDS. \u0084'-7 AAAA— CANTON Bureau of Information— Chi- nese servants; contracts for resorts. Canton Bank bldg., 649 Kearny st; phone Satter 118. AAA— PHONE WEST- 1731. ~~ „ Largest Japanese and Chinese employment office in city. T. TAMURA CO".. 1612 Laguna st. AA — OSCAR HATSUMI, Japanese-Chinese Kmp. ! Co.; best help wltb care and guar. 1513 Geary \u25a0-'- st. ; phones West 5688. Home S4OBB. A. ; S. HORI, reliable v Japanese-Chinese help promptly furnished; open day. and night 1748 Satter st. PHONES— WEST 2503. 52803. - J. CONN, Chinese employment bureau. -'Phone . Douglas 3166; Home C 5095. 755 Clay st. H. W. HONG, Chinese employment offlce. -805 Webster st, Oakland; phones Pekin 25, A 3725. STAR emp. office: Japanese-Chinese help. W. KODATA. 1608 Geary: tel. West 167. S49OS: ' RENT THAT VACANT ROOM , : : A small want ad in The Call will do It quicker than a dozen signs 'plastered on your windows and which spoil the looks of your home besides. Phone Kearny 66 for an •ad man to call and see you. ' \u25a0 ROOMS TO LET— Fur. and TJnfur. a COZY home for respectable ladles, 1130 Mar- ket st. near Bth, under auspices of the SAL- VATION ARMY; elegantly furnished; every modern convenience; steam heat, electric light and eieTator service; spotlessly cleaa; centrally located; thoroughly homelike; telephone Market . 1349; prices Tery moderate, ranging from 25c I per night ' up; special 1 rates by the week or . month. See matron, room 33. BUCHANAN St., 1860— Large, sunny back par- lor; rent reasonable; use of kitchen, if desired.- BUSH St., 2224, near Fillmore— Sunny, pleasant . room; running water; $8 per' month. CLARA - st.,- 164, near sth— 4 unfurnished rooms; rent. sls. . DKWEY HOUSE, 4th and Howard— All modern _ conveniences ; 200 rooms, 85c to $1 1 day, $2 to : -$5 a week; free baths; Howard or 4th at. cars. ELLIS St., 95S— iNice sunny front, room, with 1 board. \u25a0 . . -~ FILLMORE st., 519, nr. Oak— Large sunny front , room, : bath, phone; graduate nurse preferred. ; LAGUNA St., 1509 — Larg*. neatly fnrnlshed front \ . room treasonable. - .. MARKET,. st. 1661, junction Haigbt st— Suaay • furnished room«; -electric lights; hot water day -and night; . baths; $2 per week;- new bouse;; new furnitureA. Haight, Valencia and Market cars pass the door. ' ' . \u25a0 O'FARRELL St.. 1240— For gent, large, neatly ' \u25a0 furnished : room; running \u25a0 water; i $7. O'FARRELL 6t.. 1192— Large room suited for 3 .gentlemen or ' couple : ; also \u25a0 single room.v OVERLAND HOUSE, 569 Sacramento ' at below Montgomery — Now 1 open; . 200 rooms; I hot aad cold water In every room; 25c to $2 net day; $1.50 to $5 per week. EDW. ROLKIN. \u25a0 Prop. SCOTT, st. ."2O4O, corner Sacramento-^Sunny par- lors; free phone. .West 2014.- . * : . \u25a0-. . SICKLES a y.. 100, Ocean- View— 3 large sunny fnrnlshed rooms to let. - . - \u25a0 OAKLAND ROOMS— Far, and TJnfur. SUNNY, furnished .front room for lady:' conTenl- * ent : to : cars' and Key Route; very- reasonable. 2220 Magnolia st, .Oakland. . WALS WORTH av.f 501, cor. Santa Clara — Fttr- " nished ( rooms «for -house -keeping; ' reasonable; >' close to Key Route :; station. \u25a0. ... ELM 8t.2219. near:34th, Oakland— 2 rooms and kitchenette furnished, to adults $18. . ; feTH St., 225— 2 and 3 furnished rooms. for house \u25a0"-keeping: sunny corner;- close in: reasonable.-- ; ' ROOMS FOR HOUSE KEEPING GEARY st. 1616.' nr.' Buchanan— 2 con. rms.: coal : or gig; $8 to $10; single and double, $3 to $S; '• housekeeping.' , \u25a0 . '- / - J*-. J -V_ r HOWARD at.', 563 — Front 'room and kitchen fur- • nished,- $12; 2 con., coal or gas, $9 -to $12; single and -double.- $5 to $10. .' : .: » O'FARRELL St.. .1176— Handsomely furn. house- '^.keeping rooms: buffet kitchen; running water, .- grate; $16 to $20," .-_. - ' '. '- • ' .V- OCTAVIA st.V. 1257-^Furnished »-' housekeeping >, rooms. ' $7 - up; large ' room $15; 2•- basements, '.'•\u25a0. $12; ,bath.: phone, laundry.'; ,- -•;.' : >: , . PINE y St.; 1 2370, near Fillmore— 2 i cooaecting S bouse "keepings rooms; r gas -range; $12 per mo. SACRAMENTO: st.v 3019— Nicely furnished front \u25a0-;\u25a0 snite.i regular i kitchea'-' complete, \u25a0 $20; v sunny y room \u25a0 and kitchen. ; gas ' range,: $15 ; sunny ' base- , jment; bouse ; keeping. $6. V: ,r - . .-\ ..r^. TURK St.*. 1205— 2 room sunny suite. $16 month; ,-- also I single -.' basement t rooms, $1.50 to ' $2.50 "i}. week :;; eTery '. convenience ; for house keeping.. TURK st.. S3o— 2 house keeping rooms/with tep- ;-;. arate entrance.' :,: - -. :\u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0-'."\u25a0;'"- k-^\ ~y.'-' : ,'.\- ' VAN-NESS ay."; 311; cor.' GroTe— Furnished sunny suites, $20; single rooms, $2.50 to $3 per week; 5 -. gas," -running, water -and phoae.';^ - 11TH i «v South.- • 1535—2 j rooms,- complete .' for ,-;\u25a0 house ke*plng;'rent,slo:: other ; if ;deslred."v" • 14TH '. st.'.-J 892, \u25a0 coV." : Noe-^-Sunny house . keeping '"-rooms: gas. : bath; '- stationary \u25a0 washtub: \u25a0\u25a0 Teas. OAKLAND \u25a0,'' HOUSE "/ -KEEPING ~t ROOMS ' : tou \ T*u\—i or, t> ' t eoms : <uid "\u25a0\u25a0- bate, lurniaufcu tot ioaEe keeping; 4 rooms. $22.50; 5 roomsi $_7. . These \u25a0 rooms \u25a0 are ? convenleatiy located -to both •'\u25a0 Soathem Pacific . \u25a0 aad > Key \u25a0\u25a0 Route \u25a0\u25a0 ferries \u25a0 aad streetcar liries. 1203 Bth at, comer Magnolia. FLATS TO LET ' J. W. WRIGHT * CO., /_« MONTGOMERY ST., MILLS BLDO. >/ .-—-' *- ' PHONES '_. ' DOUGLAS 4450 . .CIB2S * REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCB .AUCTIONEERS I i i- -RENTS 'COLLECTED ; v . FULL CHARGE TAKEN OF PROPERTY ' THIS LIST IS REVISED DAILY V FLATS, NORTH OF MARKET ST. IfS—lO r. and b.; 3168 Washington st. «. .U*»- tl^~l° r- »nd b..- 1254 OTarreU st. » c -, G t?5?: |«2-rJ- r. and b.; 2004 Vallejo c«. «a-_JJ; $5. .50—7 sunny rooms; Tery modem; 1>33 — »r- .... _ kio »t, nr. Washinstoo. . -.-»_,« fs*-?f 5 *-? r. and b. ; 1737 Broadway, ar. «««?: $42.50 to $50-7 elegant apartment fiats, 5 r. and b. each; \u25a0 light and sunny; ta» new, ,_. _12« to 1247 Bush st. nr. Hyde. f5O-r« r. aad b.; 2667 California st.^nr.ScoK. |50-« r . and b.; 1521 Larkta st. nr. Ctays «P^ $50— 6 r . and b. cor. upper flat; modern ; 16W ,_„• Washington st. cor Larkln. __" \u266655^ r - ana b.: 817 Mason st. nr. Pine. $47.50—7 r. and b.; 1476 Washinctoa st. near Hyde. ffJf°T" d r. and b.; 1532 Green, nr. Van XeS9 -" $47.50 — 7 r. and b.: 1626 Clay st., nr. Pol*. $47.50-$3O-« r? and b; 123&S LeaTenwottt st. ... -m. Clay; 8 -elegant np to dat. «*"- l*l~ « r. gad b.; 1345 McAllister st. nr. Stela«- $45-$5O— 6 r . and b.: 137ft-73 Sacramento nr. i._ _ Le*Teaworth; upper flats. _ b . >% _ Ws— 6 r. and b.; 2445 Buchanan **.Jl*eiVi*. $«— New- flat. NW. cor. Reed and VTashingtoa $42.50— f1'r. and"double parlor; 2089 Busa «• $«.5O— 6 r. and b.- SI 5 Mason -t. nr. Pine. $42.30^52.50-6 r and b.;S flats, not quite coo- «<,_\u25a0'• Pleted; near Jackson and Jones *«• ' _ $35-$4O— 7 r. and b.; upper; ISSI Washiastoa st. :.„ _ nr. LeaTenworth. " n# , lv *|°-— 7 «•• «n<l b.: 1510 Jacfson st. nr- Polk- s4o-$43— 7 and S rms.; 4 modern up to date C-ts. 1925-35 Calif ornla near Gougb. „,,,,_. $40— « r. and b.; 1163 DeTlsadtro st. ccr Eddy. i . > hardwood floors. \u0084 *;" f 4 ?— 4 r . and b.; 1664 Larkin or. Clay. $40—7 r. and b,; flne lower flat; 1347 McAllister ' . ' st. nr. Steiner. $40—7 r. and b.; 1536 Green nr. Vaa >«»• $40— Just completed; NW. cor. Washington saa - Reed. nr. LeaTenworth. . _ __. | 40 — 7r - and b. : 2000 Valle'o cor. JUguaa- i*»— " r. and b.; ISOO Green cor. Oct»Tia. f3S — S r. and b.; upper; 1950 Jones nr Oreea- _3B— 4 r. and b.; 132& Clay St.. nr. Jones. $37.50—4 r . and b.; modera; 1329 Clay st. if. LetTejjworta. |37.50-7 r. aad b.; 1767^Geary nr. - Fillmor^^ $37.50-7 r. and b.; 1549 Fraailln nr. Pa» $35—6 r. aad b.; new lower flat; marine Tiew. t ,, . 2544 Baker st. nr. Vallejo. $35— 7 r. and b.; ©26 Ffllmore nr. Fulton. \u2666* 5—65 — 6 r. and b.; 2443 Larkin nr. Filbert. • $35— « r. and b.; modern; 2050 Union st ar. _'_ . " Buchanan. \u25a0 - ' Ws— 7 r. aad b,; 1730 Union near Octa-rla. $35 — 7 r. aad b.; middle; 2703 Lag«aa cor. vai- fS~ 7 *• and b.; 1537 Pacific nr. Larkla. ff s—f5 — f r. and b.: 1789 Hyde cor. Vallejo. $33—6 r. tndb.; 2529 Polk at. nr. Filbert; upper. Snap— 6 r. and b.; marine view; 1436 Jones st. ts-> *a \u25a0£' w - s hlngton. - . . . tH'S- ° r - and b.; 1744 Union nr. Gough. •32.50—6 r. and b.; 1372 Pacific aT. ffO—6 r. and b.; 1628 Buchanan st. nr. Post. \u266630— 6 r. and b.; 2450 Lariln st, nr. Filbert. !l£~~s r - and b.: 1950 Jonea nr. Green. $30—6 r. and b.: 3 flats; 1630 Derisadero «t- n*. \u0084 Sutter. ff°-^F« -ad b.; 1740 Union nr. Gough. f£Mr r - **4 b.; 2462 Clayur. Fillmore. ?30— 4 r. and b.;1470 California nr. Hyde. $30 — 4 r. and b.; 1471 Washington near Hyde. $30—7 r. and b.; 2604 Goush nr. Green. $27.50—6 r. and b.; 1560 Greeawlch near Taa ___.'_\u25a0 Ness; beautiful modern upper flat. H75P~* r - » nd b.; 3037 Washington ar. Baker. $27.50— 5 t. and b.;,f10-62 Alpine near Waller; Just completed. . : ' $27—6 r. and b.; 1165 Broadway nr. LeaTenworth. $30-$35— 6 r. and b.; 2233-35 Suttet nr. Pl« rc »- $26—7 r. and b.; upper; 353 Pierce st. nr. O_Ju $25—6 r. and b.; 1632 Buchanan st. nr. Post. $25—4; r. and b.; 1121 CUy nr. Tsylor. $25-$30 — 5 r. -and b.; nr. Sacramento -and Jones; completed October I. $25—7 r. aad b.; 2705 Laguna cor. Vallejo. $25— 6 r. and b.; upper; 2712 A Baia it « Broderick. $25 — l r. and b.; eunny middle flat; 1117 Clay •t. nr. Taylor. ... v $25— 5 r. aad b.; upper; 1118 Broadway ar. LeaTenworth. $25-r-6 r. aad b.; 2134 O'Farrell near DeTiaadero. $25—7 1. aad b.; upper; £52 Haight nr. Deris- adero. $24—4 r. aad b.; 342-44 Pierce «t. nr. Page. $23— « r. aad b»| 947 Broadway cor. Salmon. $22.50—4 r. and b.; cor. Jackson and Auburn. S20 — 5 r. and b.: cor. Salmon and Broadwsy. $20 — 4 r. and b.; 1655-7 Greenwich nr. Franklla. $20 each — 5 r. and b.; bright and sunny; 1668-70 Union Bear Octavia. _ $20 — I t. and b.; 2552 A Gough near Green. )!19— 4 r. and b.; 51 Herman ar. Valeccla. )!18 mo. — 4 r. and b.; 2916 Octarla nr. Filbert. $18—4 r. and b.; middle; 2966 Bush st. ar. Lyon. $18 mo.— 3 r. and b»; 240 Iry ar. nr. Franklin st !116.50— 3 r. and b.j 1130 Pacific nr.. Jones. $16—6 r. and b.; 27128 B_ab, nr. Broderick. $15 — 5 r. and b.; 2958 Laguna cor. Filbert $15—3 r. and b.; 1527 Sacramento near Hyde. $15 mo.— s r. and b.: 1651 Golden Gate ar. $12—3 r. and b.; middle: lSlftA Filbert rt. $10—3 r.; 9 Worrell, coraer Pacific. \u25a0 APARTMENTS NORTH OF MARKET ST. $50 — 6 r. and b.; The. Westgate, 1326 Hyde. $40 — 4 r. and b.. apt. 19; 1664 Larkta. $40—6 r. «nd b.; 1461 California st. nr. Hyde. $37.50 mo. — 4 r. and b.; 1383 Pine st. nr. Hyde. $30-$32.50 co. — 4 r. and b. each; 1031 LeaTen- worth st nr. California: modern. $32.50 to $40 — It. and b.; new and beautifully appointed apts.: eTery possible conren- leDce; Just completed; Redding apts.. 1670 Clay st. near Polk. $30 to $35 — Elegant modera apts., 4 r. and b.: large back yard. Tery sunny; 2301 Pols ~~~=-n. : : st. cor. Green. $27.50-$35— 5 r. and b.; 253 Laguaa nr. Haight $20-$33 — 1201 Pine St. cor. LeaTenworth: Maria Antoinette apts.; modern; furnished or - unfurnished. $20 to $25 — 3 apartments. 3 r. and b. ea. ; Jaattot serrlce, etc.: 1710 Larkia. Granada apts. $IS-$23.5O — S r. aad b. ; sunny, modern apart- ments; eTery eoarealence; NHL cor. Psdfls aad Larkia its. '>: FURNISHED FLATS AKD HOUSES $210—14 r. and b. ; elegantly furnished; NB. -. • cor. Presidio Heights district ' $200—12 r. and b.; beautifuUy furnished; tax- ' nace, etc.; near Pacific and Steiner. $64 mo. — 6 r. and b.. laundry, etc.; 1161 Derls»- . dero st. cor. Eddy; completely furnished. piano: all outside sunny rms.: stone steps. $50 — 6 r. and b. : 56 Cnshman .near Clay. $28-s4l— 2 and 3 r. and b., elecanlly furnished; The Highland. $30-$32-50 — 3 r. *nd b. ea.: 3 beautiful furn. flats; 30-34 A Joic* at nr. Pine. HOUSES NORTH OF MARKS? $150—9 r. and 2 b.; 2960 Scott cor. Filbert; eis- ;\u25a0-„ gant modera residence. , $30—7 r. and b. ; house; 1859 Pine st $15 — 5 r. and b. each; IVIO-1712. Broderick nr Bush; 2 cosy "little cottages; lor;, yard. STORES, LOFTS. ETC., NORTH OF MARKET STREET $250 mo. — Size 19x00 ft: Tery light; 2 entrances. rear and front; large bsrnt; splendid loca- tion: 125-127 Sutter star. Montgomery $175—138 Eddy near Mason; ttore aad basement $150— Loft. 26x137:6 ft., 2J floor: passenger aad - *, freight eieTator; Ifs Geary st. nr. Gnat $125— Mezzanine floor; suitable for nllllner. etc * : , -\u25a0- caa .arrange for some grooad space aad <-~*V window display; 125 Geary nr. Grant aT $100 — Large store, NB. COR. Polk tad Waaa_x- • ™Vtonl FINE BUSINESS LOCATION.^^ $100— Maybe less; large ground floor tpace. 38x50 ft : close to Bush aad Kearny. - $75^ — Large light store with 11-rlng nvfo, f n r-»r- 423-25 9tb st nr. Harrison: will -übdiTldel $47.50— Laree basement. 40x60 ft: eieTator seer- '- Ice; close to Bush and Kearny. $45 — Store: 174 Church st. off Market. $35 — Store; 937 Ellis St. nr. Franklin. $30— Large store. 1760 O'FarreU - st new f_q. tnore; flne location. - $30— Store; 1512 Franklin nr. Pin*. 125— Store; fine location for barber shap: 1713 •tT^- Sacramento st near Polk. "*'"• * 4i * $17 50— St*re; Franklin at, nr. mil*. - $12.50 f \u25a0 $30— Large light rooms, suitable foe • light manufacturing or sampl* rooms; «_. -• Tator iei^tcy: clome to Busa and Kearsr f__6o--8-iop;.*23 Willow rt., nr. Fraaklla. SOUTH OF MARKET AND MISSIOS «35_ii T.and b.: S*™«*: modern bungalow; 407 • Diamond nr., -Ist. - -..,... .07 50— 6 r. and b.: 4123 lith nr. Diamond. - sV^S— 4 r. and b. ear: 148* Folsoa at. io_- •— - sunny modern apts. *"„"• $15—3 r. and b.; 932 Castro st. $100— Warehouse. Hooper «t -ar.istb; 50x250 ft. .- : \u25a0- -' Including eemeat mill: spur track $75 , mo. — Large • light < oae-half . store; 22 Irt at ! \u25a0 \u25a0 , ; ;-. near Market-'.- -"\u25a0.-" s $75 mo. — Stable of 25 stalls: 28 Stanford st netr \u25a0-,-\u25a0.:-.!\u25a0\u25a0* . Folsom. iv~ ".-.-\u25a0 -.;•-\u25a0 - "* •--.. -.-.\ . -_," $30 mo. each — 8 stores; corner sth and Clara sts. \u25a0 \u25a0 J." W. WBIGHT & CO.. T^\ ;; $33 MONTGOMERY STREET. -* ! -T- -MILLS BUILDUiG.-- I . FLATS TO T.KT— -Conti^ncd^^^ xr)r . r> ear moore'3 frek rkntcio i^st» ____, QOXTAUO3G l>ifoaMATlo-S A3OCS 5 roam liats and apartmenU at $13- • worn flats mat apartment* <t J^JI.jO. 6 rwxu liv aad apmrtmeaU *t \u2666UT.**. ; C T aad 6 rooms. S3O aad uj. _ 3P2CXAXfa \u25a0 \u25a0 A » njom flat, ail rarnislied for $73; rent. ««. HABiIIJ. MOORB FOR-NITCRB COMPA.NI. 40 O»yarrtU tt. neat Martet.^ •* FREDERICK St., 573. nr. Stanyaa — Xew. tunny. beamed, paneled S rooms; tiled bath and kitchen: marble Testibale; ?2T.50; half monta'* rent free. . \ LIST with us your flat, apartment. loraiahed rooms and other accccamodatloaj; no charge* .to you until w« tare secured tenant. Call iui »cc b» at The Untte'i Eichanga. 237 Po««U »t. 9TH at., «50- -Richmond district — Up to date upp« flat. 0 rooms, frata; jarsl; plenty of . light and «an. _____ CASTRO St.. 164. nr. WcU— F«e flat. 5 sunny rooms and bath; nice yard; rent $21. SACRAMENTO *t. 3317— Brand new * r. middle , flat: up to A»te; tty lot; teat $40. AA — $11; nany Cat, 4 rooms and hath. »t 4.%4 Lily a*.. ©C Bncqasan bet. Oak and Page. 10TH and >"c* — Sanny; warn telt; no fog; lower 4 roooii $13. npper 5 rooms $-0. NE. COBNEK Hares and 'Bue&anan— two flats. 4 tnd 6 rooms, bat a; >co<iern iniDrot ements. PAGE it.. 4SI. near W»b3t»r — Sonny upper (»cc ond) flit. 8 rooms •n-1 ba*h: lawn and yard: fine locality; coal gratea; $CQ. CONNECTICUT St.. 610 Urtth st. cars)— Cottase. 1 4 rooms and bath, nearly new: large jcrounda: cheap rent. BCCHANAN" St.. 135 — Suany 6 r<x>m upper flat; modern, nearly new. Key and otraer 131 (off State Normal). _______ POTRKKO a?., »&», nr. 21st st— Kb* modera t: Tvcm Bit. 6a:5, £&». 8 blocks pnbiic acoooi; 120 month. VIRGINIA aT., 201—4 room- and bath: rent •rery reasonable to good party. , POST St.. 2602— Xrorfern sannr corner upper flat: 6 rooms and bath: rent $27.50. - YLATS to let — New. »rtistle a room Bat wlta h««»m»nt i;»rng». 679 HA **. i__ — TiilS WJSMPJL «id U»« *t- — Single »"-« Coobla rooms with board. >30 p*r monta np. CALIF. #t.. 1541— St. Marsaxefs ela!> lor slrls. teachers, students, bns. women.- tourist*; sunny tma.; flne bd.; rates re«s.; Ffe. 3202: H. C 2389. CALIFORNIA St.. 2323— Pleasant sunny rooms: etcellent board; phone, batn: $30; ntw for 2. *Olt list of inspected rooms ie» DOMO DIR2C- TORY. SaTes time. 11 to 2. 822 Crocaer bjd. HOWARD St., IM3. nr. 16th— Nicely furnished front room, also second parlor, with or without board; excellent home cooking: r-asonable. JACKSON *t., 1353 — Beautiful sunny room 3 with board. O'FARRELL. St.. 1203 — Sunny room; hot water; suitable for 2; good table. PIERCE st. 813. nr. McAllister— Furn. front rms.; bath; tine neighborhood; excellent board; ' 2 people. $20 mo. each. PIERCE St.. 281, cor. Pase^ — Good rooms and board; reasonable; American, and Tesetaxlao coo-lag 1 . '* POST St.. 120e. ccr. Vta Hess aT.— Lars« —co •uaaj fnralshed room; first .class French board; all modera condolences. .» ST. FRANCIS Glrla' Directory. Central aT. and Waller St.. Saa Francisco— A beautiful home, when old ladles, young girls and Uttl- cali- dren caa board Tery reasonable. SBRADBR St.. 529— Newly furnished rooms; $S per mocth for 1. $10 for 2; board If deo»red. TURK st.. J773 — Room, with or without board; flne table; r»a»on_bl». BEBiKELET ROOMS A\D BOARD MILYIA St.. 1624 — Hoard and rooms !n a priTate i family. $25. Phone Berkeley 8322. 4 APAItTMEXTS LUNDY APTS.. Stanyaa st. at Frederick— The most complete In the city; hot and cold water, electric Ushts. batas, e!ovator ser»iee. Janitor serrlce; e-wtvy room In house light; rent reas. AA— VAN NESS APARTMENTS. 2123 Vaa Ness* nr. Broadway — Elegantly furnished apts. of 3 and 4 rooms; steam heat. elec. light. eieTator; marine Tiew; reasonable. Phone Franklin 2390. A— YEBBA BUBNA APTS.. 1114 SUTTER ST.. NR. ' LARKIN— KLEGANT SUITES OF 2 3 RMS.. BATH; COMPLETELY FCRN.: REFS. CALIFORNIA St.. 3131. nr. Lycn— New, elegant apartments, a rooms and bath each. furn. or onfurn. ; reasonable; 5 car lines; best la city. TWO aad 3 apts.; 2 elegant double beds; botel serrlce; lights, linen, soap, etc.. free: as low as $43. Ellis Hotel Apts.. 450 Ellin at Jones. ST. DOMINIC APARTMJENTS. Busa st. at Jones — Up to date in eTery respect; 1-2-3-4 room*. EL FOREST apts.. 525 Bush sear Taylor — 8 and 4 rooms; furnished or unfurnished. BEST modem 4 room apts.. fern, and nnfnrn.. for the money at the Maryland. 363 Paire st. EUREKA APTS.. Mkt. and 17th sts.— BeanMft'l 3 & 4 rm. apts.; phone, janitor serrice: gunny. DUNDEE APTS., 726 Stanyan opp> G. G. Park- Splendid fur. 4 r. apt., large, sunnyy Tery reaa. EUREKA APTS.. Mkt. and 17th sts.— Beautiful "3 & 4 rm. apts.: phone, janitor serrice; sunny. ST. ELMO. 1452 DeTlsadero st. — Furn. front or single suites; bath; phone; all cout.. $12 to $40. - ADELINE APTS.. 6*o Eddy — 1. 2 and 3 room apts.; hotel service: priTate exch. : most rea*. HOTELS BROOKLYN HOTEL, 369 Ist St., 3 blocks from Market — Modern hotel: board and room $1 and $1.25 per day. $6 to $7.30 per week; meal*. 25 cents; first class serrice; choice room* 5a cents; family rooms $1; rooms per week. $2 119; free bns. CHAS. MONTGOMERY, prop, \u2666f-j^- merly of the American Exchange Hotel. Mcbt- gomery's Hotel and Brooklyn Hotel. Bush St.). THE UNITED EXCHANGE will fill your want* . la locating for you apartments, flats, rooms and rooms and board; all Information abso- lutely free. Inspect our lists and If suited WE WILL HAUL YOUB BAGGAGE FREE. You will tare bo expense whatever. Call and see us at 237 Powell st. HOTEL BRISTON. 415 O'Farrell st.— All mod- ern conveniences; room and bath: $20 per month; center of business section; single rooms at cheap rates; country trade solicited. HOTEL METROPOLITAN. 875 Harrison — Quiat place for working; people: hot water and bwtb: >1.30 week. OAKU.VI) FLAT^TO LET 2 FINELY ' finished new flats, upper 6. lower 5 rooms; near Idora Park Key Route station. Ad- dress, phone or call P. W. CAKKOLL. 106G Washington St.: phone Oak 8343. THREE large coaTenleat upper rooms; bata; laundry: good location; $13; free telephones. Phone Piedmont SB4!>. HOTJSES TO LET — Furnished BEAUTIFUL 2S room house, completely ror- \u25a0 slshed: runnln; water and sunshine la eTery room; suitable for rooming and boarding:. 1207 Gough st., between O'Farrell and Geary. Owner on premises. TO RENT — Furnished bungalow; 5 rooms, bath, gas. electricity; splendid Ttew: opposite public park: 2 blocks from car; half hour from ferry; 10— ren» to desirable tenant. Box 392. Ca!L HOUSES TO LET— Pnfornl-hed CALIFORNIA st.. 2543. near Steiner— House of 8 rooms and bath: rent $55. JTO .LJETj— Uafar. BEND or call for new printed catalog. GEO. W. AUSTIN. 1018 BroadwsT. Onkland. ALAMEDA COTTAGES TO LET A3 ROOM cottaga; rent $13; all conTenlences to cars, locals, stores and salt water baths. 617 Haight aT.. Alameda. OAKLAND OFFICES AXP STORES SPACE In store on transfer point to let. $5 per month; larger space «rith liring rooms. If wanted. 1145 East 14th st. corner 23d it., Oakland. OFFICES ASD STORES T& LET HALF office to rent. $20; priTate offlce and Joint reception room: latter furnished chairs. carpet and desks' will rent entire If desired. Further Information, call room 500 Monadnooic ' bid?- __s \u25a0 TO rent — Ground floor and basement; tow rent; good location. \u25a0 221 Minna st. near Bd. _^ r^^^ LOFTS i TO LET LOFT. 465157:« ft., fine, light, centrally lo- • cated in Market St.. S. F. Will giTe 1 to S years' lease Tery cheap. See or phone HOL- LOW AY & BUTLER, 41-42 Bacon bldz.. OaSt- laad. Phone Oak. 7473. \ - -,„ -^ - FOR sale — Furniture of 8 room upper flat, eom- -plete. aear* Idora Park; half block to Key Route. 5593 Telegraph aT. SEE H. Sebellbaas. the furniture dealer L O O. F. bldg.. 11th rt. at Franklin. Onkknd. LARGEST buyers of turn., carpets, pianos. deskC merchandise, etc.; always p_y casa Mark J LeTT. Auction Co.. 1142 McAllister. T. Park *** HARBAND & KAPLAN, 1544 D«Tisadero st. pa/ highest price for second haad fur. West 4_*?2. »5,C00 worth. 'of farnltnre wanted for the eoua- try. J. H. WILEY, ggl 14th st. «t Market .t. V': Continued oa Xext Pace