Newspaper Page Text
VnMJOWJHADES t / \u25a0 A -SJ >ET CLEANING AAA— U. S. Carpet Cleaning Co. 2207 Bosfc- eH*t enperlor cleaning l a the world; can give . t**ung, eteam. compressed air. vacnnm. or celebrated earthquake, which removea dirt. w«t 111 ? nn * tnr * 1 «*««» like *ew! Wen 5926. S 2438; Uylng and refitting. ABSOLUTELY the best carpet cleaning. 3c yd.; given for altering and relaying; deal direct with F. A. BICE'S carpet wSrkf.* 1805 Hhrrlson st.; phones Market 262. M 1207. t. F. COMPRISED AIR CLEANING CO/. 327 Putter «t.. phene Kearny 5852. BLUE WAGON. pe l^*v rucs « ulclt ly. thoroughly cleaned on without renoTal; emmates free. Tchaca. Douglas SOM. Home J2347. cT S;S ;~ RR i eU f ble c * r P« t cleaning, alteraUons; renovat.. laying. £60 Derisadero; ph. Park 569. . AL Ii AN^?. f*S et cleal iloK CX».— Advanced meth. <*«. -CEO. WALCQM CO.. 1 181 -1139 Sntter St. E ? '^ N i'? «rpet beating works, 315 East : <r:iri »-t.. Oakland; tel. Merrltt 535. C °-.*™ L A N BROS -. c * r I*t cieaning and laying. >tOO Geary st.. corner Baker; phone Wwt 83. AA— NATIONAL Carpet Cleaning Wks.— Hatnp- :on A: Kai'.ly. 544-S4S Church «t.: Market 189. SEWING MACHINES DOMESTIC. 1G44 FILLMORE sear Post; THB place to boy. rent or repair eewing machine* cf ell makes; lowest prices; best term*. J. w. E\ANS. egent; phone West S6OL SEWING EachJnes. all makes; renting, repalr- Inc. MoN'ALLY. 2664 Mission: tel. Mission 202. T j| STORAGE AND MOVING VANS IiEKINS VAN AND BTORAGBCOMPANY^ Kreproor Warehouse. 13ih and Mlscloß. Phone Market 13-14. orHome M 1313. V ii-^vj.N BROS. (Inc.) — Moving and 6tor»ge, cor. 14th and Sanchez ft*.. 1 block from Mar- "' «nd FlUmore sts. car*. Phone Park 271. A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN CO.— Brick warehouse. 2322 FUlmore gt. Tel. West 2C28. I'IERCE-RODOLPJi Storage and Moving Co.. nil.-, effcee Kddy and Fllimore. Tel. West 828. FOR SALE — Miscellaneous AAA- ~~~ NO TRUST— NO COMBINATION. All $20 pieces look alike to me. lyoc* at these specials: 6 foot porcelain bathtub. 20x30 porcelain Eick, 1 2 part washtray, 1 SO gallon boiler. Elegant porcelain lavatory, $37.50. ONE WEEK ONLY. 1453-3431 Market »t. CENTRAL PLUMBiyG SUPPLY COMPANY. AH— CUT FEICB PLUMBING SUPPLY CO.. S2O 32S McAUister 6t. ; tel. Market 4353. J2S6S. i~Tzll lice; sell all; free delivery and packing. Wachice threadlcg cbesp; country orders f.o.b. TcUet $7. bsth $i 2, sick $2. basin $5. tray $2. I'luablng work cheaper thtn ever before. B A TIRED rock pullets, buff Orpington pullets. ilvo Orpington Jams: barred rock bees to White leghorn ben*; ehont 200 herd of the above P^Liet*. STANSFIELD. C3Ol E. 14th ft. Kruitva'e. TOR sale— Plsnlag mill machinery, 1 12 in. buss placer, 1 26 ia. band raw, 1 rip saw, 1 16 in. n:rnia? lathe; mate offer. 103S S4th St.. Oak- isnd. . -~^ SECOND HAND PIPE. Lcrgest deslers ia standard pipe and screw rising, dipped ; prices right; guaranteed first r',a?s. Paci3c Pipe Co.. Maia and Howard *sts. 1 «jif. *ale — 40 foot. 85 bp. gasoline lannch, ••quipped for towing or cruising; will trade !\t e:m. Address S. J. NORTON. P. O. box : - <a. Sen Rafael. CaL -'j "t. Isu'-ich, :o fc. p. li<?ga! etig.. full cabin; ir.ske cCer. See at "Ark Don't Worry," he- r«c«*n I'ark st., and Kruitvale aye., tide canal. Alsmeda. riI.'CASSIAN walaur set. br»ts b^ds, filnicg i*t, k-Hthrr rockers; accept half cash: lynx stole y.rxl tacff; accept $15. i>«l Derisadero ft. cor- rH'>R.orGHBRED rollie pups: also Llewel'rn Ktters; $S an<i $10 each. BUCHANAN. «>u- rrsl av^.. Melrose; abo^o houlerard. a a— ALL t-lzes standard water pipe and screw casing, pcaranteed good as new; get oar prices. Wcissbaum pipe Works. 133 11th st. U« h. p. f£s engise, nearly new. 25 K. W. gen- erator; h. p. motor; S5 b. p. steam engine, fir-client condition. Ad. 475 44th St., Oakland. FOR <?&!« — Truck and wagon 6hop; beet location in Ssa Fraacisca. Incaire RICHARD ND- CEST. 343 Vfileacla et. tiFi;S— RICHARDSON BROS.. Gen. Agt*. Cary I Safe Co., moved to e"*l Mission st. below 3d. ARMY tents »t factory prices. W. A. PLUM- MKH CO.. SW. cor, cf Front and Pine st*. NATIONAL cash registers, electric signs, restan- rant tupplles; cfcean- 570 McAllister Et. BOOKS BOCGHT. KING'S BOOK STORE. 1716 Market, tbove Gough. Phone Market 4763. fcAFE, fireproof, Trith burglar coin chest; cost $450. aow t3ff ctsb. 23S CaUfomla et. EDISON AGENCY— Moving picture machines and fclat; bargain. GEO. BRECK. 70 Tnrk st. BOOKS and libraries bocght. THB HOLMES CO.. 1158 Market st. Phone Market 696. bAFES — New and eecond band, all sizes. THE BERMAX SAF£ CO.. 120-130 Folsom *t. FOR. »ale — Thoroughbred English bulldog peps. Apply 354 26tb ay.. bet. Calif, and Clement. / THE FILLMORE BRANCH OF THE CALX. IS <*•> AT 1851 FILLMORE ST. MIgCELLA?fEOrS WANTS DRESS SUITS, tuxedos, Prince Alberts and other eclta bougtt. L. SKOLL, 305#Kearny St.. also TO7 Golden Gate ar.: phone Market 4651. BjrrTONS^AND^ PLEATING Steele** bntton works. 222 Ellis and Mason; Ph. Frank. 4521 and C 4521. Mall orders solicited. .PRESS^LAKIKG _ _, DRESS MAKING, designing, cutting, Sttlng and ladies* tailoring thoroughly taught; N. Y. branch cf Vienna Tailoring Institute; a tailor shirt waist pattern cut to your measure, 25c; branch of Elite Fashion end Patterns; fee crinoline models. 305 Grant ay.; phon« Sutter 1494. tIcDOWELL'S Dress Making and Millinery School. 121 Geary st. near Grant ay. ; . evening classes; patterns cut to order. Douglas 4731. MISSION branch et Tb» Call. MILLER'S, sta- tioner. 3011 16ta ct Mrsic^^jj^*STßUMEyrs_^^^_ CTi- A SNAP — Fine Decker Bros, upright, $175. JOS. £CHMITZ & -CO.. 58 McAllister pear Market.' iIORNUNG'S, 1240 Market— Victor talk, machs.. $1 <in., 75c wk.; complete stock records on band. LARGE size burl walnut Vose. good condition; like new; $165. 37 Stockton -et. PIANOS for rent: no cartage this w»ek. BY- RON MAUZY. 250 Stockton Bt. TYPEWRITERS A NJD SUPPLIES MONARCH Visible Typewriters — In the Monarch Vißibie Typewriter aU the writing is In fuU eight all the time; other makes, second hand, at very reasonable prices; we rent, repair and inspect. Before purchasing ring cp Docglai i'yi, or call et 307 Bush st. -^l WOLF 6z ISENBRUCK. Dealers. BFxCIAL, $3^— SaithPremler or Remington re- tMillt. Secure loformatlon L. tt M. ALEXAN- DER. 512 Market st. \u25a0 -- .. TiTEWRITEES— AII cakes sold, rented, re- paired. SIS Broadway. Oakland. Tel. Oak. 9219. V.L prices, rebuilts; installn»ents $5 monthly: -enta'p 52.50. P»r. Typewriter Co.. 107 Mont. AUTOMOBILES ' "; r _". GUARANTEED BARGAINS In slightly o«ed PEERLESS MOTOR CARS. . We are delivering 1911 Peerless touring cars; t»»j cf people buy a new car every year, and last now we have on hand, which have been "\u25a0•ft wjtb us for sale, several Peerless, cars *-fcich can be bought at a big sacrifice. If .tckicg for a car. it will pay yoa to call and t*vestigate at once. 1010 Peerless Touring Car. 1910 Peerless Close Coupled. '909 Peerless Roadster. - " 1307 Peerless "45" Limousine. ;f«oj Peerless "45" Limousine. 4D06 Peerless "30" Touring Car. H. O. HARRISON CO.. Agentc Peerless Care. * V«.a Ness zr.. pear Golden Gate. \u25a0- r"O?. SALE OR EXCHANGE: — 19O) Chalmern- Detroit, 40 automobile; completely . over- hauled, worn parts replaced and Just painted; equipment consists of made to order brakes, trunk rark. shock absorber, top. -seat covers, «!**« frost, clock, horn, gas and oil lamps. bumper. pre*to-lite tank, Bosch bagneto, full kit of tools, 3 extra Inner tabes: will take. *2,000 in cash or $2,500 in exchange for r*a! estate: car used In private family from July 1. 1909. to June SO, ,1910. --- Telephone Kearay Sb3s. \u25a0 V • " ~. -~j ONE '10 Elmore. - . ' 1 One '09 Pope-Hertford 5 pass, touring car. 4 One •03 Pope-Hartford roadster. f Oce "09 45 bp. Stoddard-Dayton 7 pass, tourtrg car. ; ...• •;-. Sne *0S 60 bp. Thomas Flyer. ne '09 45 hp. MitchelL ; These cars to be sold at a sacrifice; mnst be tten to be appreciated. GEORGE HOLZWORTH, - ' : WO yea Scss a.u.ttt» CoUea Gato, : . AUTOMOBILES— Continued '"_* V \u25a0 BARGAINS IX. SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES THE BEST IN THE MARKET ; Pope runabout. V $150 Autocar mnabout .........'. .'. ?ITS Frantslln runabout; like new......... ,$950 M<v>n 7 passenger... $975 Steams; a snap; 7.psssengftr .$1,075 THESE ARE ONLY A FEW. ANY CAR YOU WANT AT YOUR OWN PRICE RELIABLE AUTO BROKERAGE CO.. ' 343-345-34". Golden GnU st. LOOK AT THIS LIST— ALL SNAPS. - .\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ' . Rnnaboutf. — Palmer. Sinper. fully eg.; goes 60. Keftal. a dandy:- National. Maxirell, Reo 5 pas.' Mitchell, Maxwell,- Bulcli, Cadillac, Rro, Ram- bler.- Stprens. Stesrns. Moon 7 psfs.. Sterens. Steam?. STEVENS TAXI AND LANDAULET, ETer Ready Motor Car Co.. 4009 E. 14th St.. OatUnd. Phong MeTrltt-29. "MATHESON" 4 cylinder. 50 H. P. 7 papßPngrer: touring car. , \u25a0 '"' Top. pltss front. Wsrner J-peedometer. Ilsrtford chock absorbers. 2 extra n<»w tires." tnbes, etr. ' . Car in first eUs** condition. Price ween new. $5,750; can be bought $1,750. Call 533 Van Xesg ar. :1 Ford runabout 1 Doctor Maxwell ..1 Maxwell touring car 1 Bulck twrlng car. 1 All thPfe'cars are bargains, hsre been thor-. onghly oTerhauled "and are guaranteed. , McIVER & BECKER. 12th and Jackson sts.. Oakland. -, • ONE '07 pa^s. Royal Tourist. One '08 Thomas Forty. One '07 Pope-Hartford v - If you could use a \u25a0wry'cheap car. call and look these over. It will pay yon; exceptional bargains; don't mlts them. • ' • GEORGE HOLZWORTH. 640 Van Ness ay. nr. Golden Gate. 1909" BTICK roadster, fully e<Hi!pppd. ISOS 5 passenger Olds: pood model D.Franklln. 2 190S 5 passenjrer White steamers. 1006 and 190.V White steamers. 1 2-cylindrr and 1 1-crllnder Olds. RELIABLE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 140 12tb St., Oakland. AUTOMORILES ~ Up to the minute used automobiles In fine condi- tion at prices that are very tempting. We carry the largest line of pood cars In the west. , CANNING & VINTON AUTO CO.. ; \u25a0>.-•\u25a0- ' 453 Golden Gate aT.' . FOR 6ale — Price $300 and upward; several *09 and '07 White touring cars, taken in trade for 'OS cars and thoroughly overhauled by our mechanics from our factory. WINTON AUTOMOBILE BRANCH, 300 Van Ness ay.. San Francisco. AUTO trnek. the best in the country; we have a good many runuinc In San Francisco; they give tbe best satisfaction; we. have In rtock 1, 2, 3 and 5 ton. KLEIBER & CO.. 1426 Folsora st. ! SAME as new. completely equipped, $3v3003 v 300 Win- ton Six; half price if sold this week. MRS. ETHEL NEIMEYEB, 354 N. 6th St., San Jo«». Cal. BARGAIN — 1»09 Bulck. 5 pass., for sale: in ex- cellent condition; $SOO cash. -Owner, 599 16th St.. Onklan'i. WANTED — To exchange lot in Adams Point for automobile. LEVERICH, . 11 Telegraph ay., Oakland. FEW rare bergalns in tires; magneto, $12.50; generators, f2.25; we want a few good cars "to sell on commission. 334 I arkin st. RELIABLE Anto Brokerage Co., dealers in new and slightly used autos. 343 Golden Gate ay. WANTED — Small runabout: must be late model; give price and particulars. Box 1934. Call. TO bay or sell — A second hand auto. See RELI- ABLE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 140 12th. Oakland. PAC. Aluminum Brazing Works can braze your broken alum, castings. 430 Van Ness. Pk. 5120. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES L. 11. & B. I. BILL. 543 Golden Gate ay.— Headquarters for Solar lamps. Vesta batteries, Panhard oil. Diamond chains and parts. BICYCLES AXt) MOTORCYCLES 1810 PIERCE 4 cylinder motorcycle. Just re- ceived. Call and see it or send for catalogue. J. T. CHICK. 312 San Pablo ay.. Oakland. CASH paid for bicycles, any condition. ZIMMER- T.iy BROS.. 2102 Rntter. J-1433: West 2472. HORSES, HARNESS AND WAGONS RIDING and driving club has in its sale dept. a number of high class raddle horses and ponies; al^o some gentle driving horses for family purposes; all gnaranteed. 701 7th ay. AA — SAND teams at work, all kinds at your cvrn price; 20 head of horses, $13 up; wagons, tlO tip; harne*». $5 up. 557 4th St.. Oakland. GOING out of business; S head horses and 7 mares, 1.500 lbs... at your price; chain har- n«s, >X 0 a set. 11 Klssling st. GENTLE family 'aad delivery horse for sale". $75. Phone Mtrrltt 28C4. Sl5 E. 10th >t.. Oakland. WOODLAWN Stables, 617-33 Grove St.; horses $1.25 day; horses & wag. $9 wk.; bdg. $20 mo. FOR sale — 2 fine horses. 1 top wagon, at Clase A Stable. 2611 Bush t-t. - . LOCKSMITHS KEYS at factory prices. Key Work*. S6l Clay et.. Oakland. Phones Oakland 6717. A 2574. BUSINESS CHANCES GENTS' furnishings and shoes,' $1,700 or invoice; rent $20: lease if desired; doing a good busi- ness; no opposition; death Is reason for selling; nice, cl*Bn stock; an opportunity for 2 good bustler*; will not last long at tWs price. Full particulars RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. OSS Broadway, Oakland. BRANCH bal»?ry and delicatessen. $500; rent $35; 4 living rooms; dally receipts, $1S: all cash counter trade; good place for man and wife. Full value In sight. If you want some- thing good, see this at onci*. Full particulars RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 95S Broadway Oakland. $500^ — Investment will make $2,500; no possible chance for loss; income property put up as a guarantee that dividends first IS months will pay back principal; only $5,000 can be'ob- talnedf investigate this snap. Box 1924, Call office. 24TH St.. 3267. nr. Mission— Elegant corner sa- loon; must rent; only $29; Just vacated. 3263 24tb et.. large store. -any business, only $17; fine location. $1.000 — Corner grocery, wholesale liquor and dry goods, etc.; S years established; fully equip- ped; good stock and location; this is a bar- galn. AJdrfjs box 553. Call office. . ' $25,000 will buy int. in profitable manufac. corporation, staple product; management, con- trol: rare chance. D. E. Besecker, Pacific big. FOR tale — A* good newspaper route in a good district in $U city. Apply' to J. R. LEN- HART, circulation department. S. F. Call. FORTUNE — Sea sand baths; respectable couple; small capital; ideal epot. Box 47f>S. Call. : UPHOLSTERY store; choice business location; well established; doing excellent business. Bo* 4751. Call office. - FOR tale— Good city route on this paper; a good chance for a hustler. See circulation department. San Francisco Call. , FOR sale^ — Saloon on San Pablo ay. Inquire 532 29th Et. nr. San Pablo ay., Oakland. FOR sale — A good country route In a good town. Address boi 1341. Call office. - v VV .. EDUCATIONAL '/ ' FRENCH,: SPANISH. GERMAN. ITALIAN. Why not become fluent? You can easily by. the (. C. S. spare time method; rapid, thorough. Indorsed and used at West ? Point. Annapolis, Stanford. Home demonstration LESSON FREE.' For appointment phone Market 463, J4153. In- quire 1262 Market st. • HEALD'S ENGINEERING— DAY AND NIGHT; CIVIL, MINING. ELECTRICAL, ARCHITEC- TURE. ASSAY I NO. 425 MCALLISTER ST. ENGINEERING — Civil, electrical, mining, mecb.. survey, assay." cyanide; day. '-eve.: est. 1864., Van der Nalllen School. 51st and Tel.. Oakland. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY, 2142 Sbattuck arT; Berkeley. Cal.. next to First national bank. , Prof. T. A. Robinson, Individ. Inst. Math.. Book Keeping. Eng.. etc.: day. eve.?Eo7 Halght st.- \u25a0 ; BUSINESS COLLEGES DUDLEY BUSINESS COLLEGE. Mission Bank bldg.. 16th st. nr. Mission; phone or call. A— CHICAGO BUSINESS COLLEGE, day- and eve.; positions secured. 1695 Valencia cor. 22d. SAN FRANCISCO Business College. 903 Market ' 6t. at Eddy: day 'and- evening sessions. ALL court reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh Business College, 1256 Market st. : . MISSION BRANCH OF THB CALL, BLAKE'S BAZAAR. 1103 VALENCIA ST. • ACC^U^T J ANjrS--^erttfled^ P^Vc^ JOHN R. RUCKSTELL. C. P.. A. 306-303 Claus Spreckds <Call> bnlldlng: phone Kearny 4151. TITLES RESTORED * UNDER McEaerney act,- complete $35. TITLE CO.. x fisl-3 M > 6nadnook bid- Market st. nr: 3d. ADVICE %"REE; no charge unless sucressiol; ill cases : all ' business quickly > and quietly at- -tended to ; bankruptcy : McEnerney suits; cor-'. \u25a0 poratlons; general practice; : open every even-"' ing. 1028 Market tt.. room 12. V " - L* ALL" cases not I contested I complete fex $20; sure, I ; .-;:- qolet. 1112 Market. Bt., room 122. . i HARRIS A- HESS,' atty*. at ; law.r W. T. Hess. , Notary Pubilc. Booms _110S-li Call bldg. THEWSAy^FRANOISGOc GALL, SATUBDAY, SEPTEMBER 10; 1910. PATENT ATTORNEYS; • ~ DE WEY, I STRONG & CO.— Founded 1S60; U. S." \u25a0 and foreign patents; 'inventors' guide;'tOO me- , cbsnical \u25a0 movements 5 ! 1105 ' Merchants' Exchange bldg.. San Francisco." A . - -. CARLOS GRIFFIN.' ex examiner,: U. 8.- patent office: U. S. and foreign patents; trade marks.' 1202-3 Metropolis -Bank; tel. fc . Kearny ; 4Bls: -' PATENT ; for eale: shingling gauge , for hatchet: • U. S. -patent. For further information addresa CHARLES VOLLMER. Capay. ,CaL :\u25a0 - i HARRY C. SCHROEDER;- U. S: and foreign pat- ' ent!«. 417 Ist N«tl.?Bk.. Oak. : Phone Oak. 2751. ARTIFICIAL TEETH— '.'THIS . ONE THING I Do." Dr. C. E. WILSON. 323 Geary; suite, 6os. DR. IRA G. LEEK— AII ' kinds of dental work; 1 . Bis Fillmore st. near O»k. - "" m _^ _-'_v ___^ PjHYSICIANS_-: _-_^_^'^ ;„, . DR.* BRINK," . v . - • ;: "1 • . 517 23d st. near Telegraph ay.. Oakland. SPECIALIST FOR WOMEN; - . LADIES— If : you - are suffering from : any - ail- ment 'or . worried I about your condition consult a phvsicinn with high professional standing and with", the largest and most • successful "practice. Perfectly equipped .offices;"-.: private : sanatorium, wlth : trained nun>es;'ls years .'without a failure; no pain, no- danger, no lost : time. Consultation free and strictly confidential. Hours 10 a.- m. to 8 p./n. ; Sundays, 10 to Z.. Phone Oakland .7901. DR. WONG HIM. . ~ T ~' \u25a0 ' ' HERB DOCTOR.-- Permanently located. s 1268 O'Farrell st. beti.Gough and Octavla. V AAA— DR.' C. C. TOA; famous Chinese Herb Co., cures all chronic diseases." 1544 SuttT st.;'3.F. ;'".'< -'- medical' '-// \u25a0 ( A^- nDR. "DALE, 81 Third* st.. near Market. * / Reliable Specialist for Women. LADIES, when -worried about your condition and need the services of a SPECIALIST con- sult one who is ALWAYS - SUCCESSFUL and GUARANTEES IMMEDIATE RELIEF In all female troubles. If others failed come "to -me in privacy and be restored to freedom from care and worry. 'TRAVELERS treated and can leave the same day. FEES REASONABLE. : ACCOM- MODATIONS when desired. Hours 10 a. m. to 6 p.<m.; Sundays,' lo to 2.' ATTENTION. Ladles— Pß. LEWIS. 933 Market ;st. bet. sth and 6th, world renowned specialist for women only; no delays or disappointments; relief guaranteed ; by most, superior painless methods known to medical science; most obsti- nate cases treated; all female complaints and irregularities treated; have no hesitancy If in need of my services; abnolutely harmless; low fees. - By consulting an eminent specialist you save time and money. Advice free. 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 6to 9 p. m. ; Sundays, 11 a. m. to 2p. m. . - ;.. r. •;'"-.' . : DR. of Obstetrics. Mary Adam; reliable special- ist; cures all women's complaints successfully; home for confinement; adoption;- h.. 1-5. p.* m. 3:«>4 Fruitvgle <^ Oakland: tel. Merrltt 1993.- p .9.^y A '?. R^yi E , pi Ks .\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0. : \u25a0 RECORD CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS for men's private diseases. Sold only . by E. B. JORGENSON, 644 Kearny st.. San Francisco. order* a Knerlcltv. Send for circular. HEALTH MOVEMENT -VIAVI SCIENCE OF HEALTH/^natural^non- surglcal; cloth bound, 400 page book ' free. Apply by mall. 636 Pine st. : Lecture for women Tlmrsdav Bt 2:30 p.. m. \^ ST. MARGARETS maternity home; confinement specialty; adoption: special treatment for all female troubles. 171- East 14th St.. Oakland. ' TRUSSES ' Clsrfc Gamllon Co., - 1108 Market, truss fitting, fl;i«. hOßlery. «hdomin<il'.b«4t)>: lady uttenitHnt. S. F. LYING IN HOME, 1191 Oak st.— Adoption. Diseases women an 4 children: confinement $*'5. HOME for confinement; attendance $20. 1548 Steiner st. near Geary. Hours 12-1:30. 6-7 p. m. CONFINEMENT. 10 days' care: physician and nnrsp. $4".. 133 Gearv. room'S2s. 4 to (i p. m. .HOMES FQK INVALIDS^ HOME and care for Invalids or aged persons. 3421 25th Bt. near Mission: tel; Mission '4B2o.. ' TNVAJ.ip CHAIRS SOLI), rented, exchange: manufecturer of Eanies tricycle chair. 1714 Market. Tel.- I'srk 2»40. ALSO ear uolscs positively cured: one week free. DR. COTTINGTIAM. S-SO Market st.: hrs. 10-4. MATRpiqXIA I. ~z:\ : j_\_.j'_ YOUNG businessman wonlil like to meet lady with pome means: object matrimony. Bos 4757. Call office. 1651 Fiilmore st. ; J. J. CARLSON, call at tne postoffice for letter. ELITE matrimonial bureau for lonely people; companion* for every one. Sst Broadway. Okld. _ WAKE UP! , WAKE UIM >. .?;V You who 'are dead and yet alive. -Try MRS. lIOLSHOUSER'S magnetic * massage treatment and get a new back/ stomach and limbs, and give your brain a chance to do its \u25a0\u25a0 work and make hardships a pleasure Instead of a burden. Office. 3SI Pacific bldg., S2l-523 Market st. cor. 4th. Call or phone. Kearny 595 for appointment. A— WIGS and TOUPEES that defy detection; ventilated;, perspiration doesn't- affect them; wig making a life study; men's private wig -department, 2271 Cal. St. near Webster. Mr. G. I-ederer In charge. LADIES' HAIR GOODS— Transformation, switches, puffs, artistic wig making, shampooing. G. LEDERER, 1808 Fillmore st. near. Sutter.- Established lS6e. — — _ . , , THE XAUHEIM 'INSTITUTE'. 1210 MCALLISTER ST., NR. .FILLMORE Sulphur steam baths; hot gea-salt baths; dry hot-air -sweats: elect, blanket packs; elec vibratory for rheumatism, 'poor circulation and nervous diseases; hrs. 10 to 10. Mrs. Anderson. BAKERY, on account of fSckneys, . must be sold at once; a- fine paying business with a jrreat future: this is your opportunity. Box 30fi2. Call office. Oakland. ./' . FRANKLIN Electric Institute— Elee. treatments and maftsaßp. 535-7 Whitney bids., 133 Geary. MRS. C. ROSE. Mgr.: hrs. 10 a. m. to 10 p. m UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and trousers at less than cost at CHAS LYONS', the London Tailor. 1452 Flllmore bet. Ellis and O'Farrell. MRS. COOVER— Thermal radiator treatments for nervoasness, rheumatism, stomach, etc.;' lo a. m.-s_p.' m. 1031 Flllmore St.. apt. 124. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 FOR sale— A good paying established electric shoe repairing fhop; come and tee for yourself. 357- Kearny st. FOR sale— Saloon : whole or half; southeast cor* Octavla atjd Grove. V MRS. HOLSHOUSER, MAGNETIC SPECIALIST, 351 Pacific bldg.; phone Kearny 595. ' HOT salt baths (medical); massage for both sexes, 419 15th St.. Oakland.' y NEWLY opened, hair dressing, facial and scalp treat., manicuring. 1257 McAllister, apts. 3-4. MRS. DR. VIERECK, electro and magnetic treats, for rheumatism, liver trouble, etc. 1212 Scott.' WELLS' facial, scalp magnetic treatment. 1005 A .Mission St., - room 55. ; -THERMAL electric- Institute, etc.; treatments and massage. MRS. SANDBERG. 1227 Webster. MAGNETIC health baths, both sexes. MME. L JOHNSON. 605 10th St., Oakland. .•\u25a0':; >; PARKER'S Institute; vibratory '^massage •\u25a0 and salt glow. 1154 Market 'st.;. apt. 10. - MME. MAURlCE— Magnetic treatment, all rubs. Room 1. 413H 12th st:, Oakland. '\u25a0 GOLDSTEIN CO.. theatrical and masquerade cos- tnmer«: country orders specialty. SS3 Market. ' y \u25a0 SPIRITUALISM ; ' AA— MRS.' J.-J. WHITNEY, trance -medium • consultation $1," at her home, 1 1164 O'Farrell; I by letter. 4 questions.' $1 ;. phone Franklin 5024. AT Lottie 'Buswell's,' greatest medium on earth; readings, lessons .dally ; , circle every night. 1359 Webster st. - MISS M. WILLIE, medium, crystal seeress can be consulted on all matters.:, .l6ls ; Flllmore st. MRS. 8. BEAL, spirit mm.;- consultation dally; of flelatx; marriages, funerals. \u25a0 756- Mr Alllrter. \u25a0—'_-> -' ' ; ' " CLAIRVOYANTS '- ' ". '\u25a0"; ' -'V MADAME - WENTWORTH. ordained tranc* m«- v dium and • reliable clairvoyant; acknowledged by press . and . public. The most truthful one ; to consult on air affairs of life.- Positively no . equal adjusting all matter*.". Give* you power .to control and > hold year greatest desires $1 : readings this • week? 50c. Call and be con- vinced. Daily , and - Sunday. \u25a0\u25a0 Phone "Franklin 5609. . Readings by - ma i! v $l . -.;. 1052— ELLIS— 1052. MADAME CARLTON remove* evil Influences re- unites separated: gives dates: fact*, figure's in LOVE/. COURTSHIP. MARRIAGE: In fact .tells every thing;, gives -infallible, advice, on all affairs of life;, satisfaction guaranteed;; abso- lutely / reliable; confid«ntlil; - readings 50c - this week. 10 to 8: readings by mail $1. 1124 Eddy. MISSZEMDAR. young, gifted dalr. and Mlmlt? a wonderful prophetess; hour* 10 to 10: L 50e g. $1.^1610 McAllister, st. near Pevlsadero^ Mmc. \ Starr jof Oakland, at ; Hotel 1 Carliog; S. F. 7 '•\u25a0 11S4 Mkt..~r. B; 'troth- or no. pay: in to 9 p. m. ;'•_ '_\\\'-:' :':-:\u25a0'[\u25a0 PALMISTRY^ /. ,-_-.,'. REV. MME. BUSHNELL. formerly 919 Jones,"' now 209 Kearny: 9 to s.ex:'Sun.; tel.'DongUs 8670.- •'•"\u25a0' w '."•-•-'.\u25a0 MIXES "AND 'MINING \u25a0:\u25a0;.•:. GOLD, amalgam, rich ore bought; cash; assaying 50c. PIONEER. ASSAY. CO- 131 sti *t. near Howard, . \u25a0 --- rr — -\u25a0 — "ABBOTT | buys j BONDS'.' ; also CAL. SAFE DEP.^ accoonts; • money \u25a0 loaned. '\u25a0 636 = Market »L ''. .' . 'z^^J.-fsi;-''. ; ' :1 I^yESTMENTS [ '^ \u25a0"\u25a0/\u25a0"' -\u25a0 ; •\u25a0':"- ''•'•\u25a0^:r"V-7|r^iSToC^sri^U-:^'V-"-"--.?:-: r "V-7|r^iST0C^sri^U- :^'V-"-"--.? : - : '-/-"' CHEAPER THAN YOU CAN BUY ELSEWHERE '. NOW, RIGHT NOW- is the time to buy in or- der to profit by t'Fall advances." \u25a0 * \u0084 -.;.:, We offer for immediate , delivery, mbiect: " - 1,000 shares of M. K. AT.' Oil C 0...' Offer 10,000 shares Alaska Tt. & Coal.Co.ifiß \u25a0• 12U 1,000 shares Lady, Washington Oil Co.S '-- . ;12 * . \u25a0 600 shares Templor Ranch Oil Co. :& \u25a0' .19 . 1,000 snare* Marieopa'-K«t' Pet. Co. .S '. .35 , 300 shares Puritan 01i.C0. : ; .'.-;-. . . S ' ' IT ' 1,000 Cal/ Pressed Brick Co.. ast-'pd.Q .14 2,000 shares Ventura Oil Dev. Co.-.;.@- \u25a0\u25a0 > \\ ' ;i 800« hares S. W. &B. Oil C 0..... Cheap '•-600 shares Madison OH C 0....;.;.*: @ 09 \u25a0 500 Inyo Copper; M. & 8.' C0.......® 12 \u25a0-'' : \u25a02 La Zacualpa : Rub." (1900 series) @ 170.00 ' 6 Keystone Bonds (500 5.) : . . .; . ; Cheap - 500 shares; Pyramid Oil Co. wanted.® ..50 - v ; 5,000 Monterey , Coal Co. v. . .'. . . ; .-.«. . g -\u0084-.:\u25a0 .01 v -600 shares Teddy Jaw Pulverizer.. -' Chean > 200t,Pinal Oil Co;'.-........-....v.-..Q -7 10 - - 5,000 Omega G. Mln: C 0.'... ......Very cheap ,'l,OOO shares Kern Western Oil Co.:@ .15 Wanted— l;ooo shares Liberty Oil lat 18c. U '\u25a0\u25a0' -'--\u25a0 P-'-M- HARRIS & CO., BROKERS. -I .751-753 Phelan bldr-. San Francisco. CaL '" ; E.F.WAYLAND?& CO.. BROKERS. >' 476 Monadnoek- building, San Francisco CaL ; STOCKS OFFERED- FOR QUICK SALE. ' 5.000 6hares'Monterey;Coal Co.* (lot). Q $70.00 5,0W) Alaska Petroleum*; Coal Co. ...Col .12H 1,000 shares Pyramid -till Company. ..@ 62 1,000 Landau Economic Syphon C 0" .... (g \u25a0 12-" 1,000 shares Juno, San Juan Oil C 0...© .07 : - 1,000 Ventura 011 Development C0...'.@ 12 .^ 1,000 shares ; La Blanc ; Oil C0...... ..@ .30 1,000 Calif. Corporation Co. (6% pfd.)Q - .80 - 1,000 Calif.: Preyed. Brick Co .->..... ..@ \i2* 1,000 Coallnga National .Petroleum.'..® .25^ 700 shares Templor Ranch Oil C0...® IS '\u25a0* ,750 shares Puritan Oil C 0...... ....(» 16 200 Cons. Oil Fields of Calif. - Ltd.. <a- . .73 500 shares Ramona, Oil C0.'. ...... .@ :'-- .30' ; 200 Pacific Slope Securities Co. .....<»' .90 -• 100 shares Mascot Copper C 0 . . . ..- .. (Wanted) f 50 shares Western States Life Ins.® 22.00 ''.\u25a0 £ MONEY TO LOAN—REAL ESTATE ANY amount;' lowest,* ates on first -, and •• second mortgages on real estate, legacies, undivided interest,^ estates in probate; no delay. \u25a0 R. Mc- COLGAN, rooms 602 and 604. Claus Spreckels (Call) building.' Market and 3d sts. 7 j S50,()00,to loan on \u25a0 improved property. ; ' $30,000 in San Francisco, 6 per cent net. , $6.000. E..W. SKELTON. 227 Montgomery. FIRST mortgages,' city real estate, 8 per cent . Sums ; $3,0d0 to'" $50,000. \u25a0 T. \u25a0 E. HAYMAN, Ist Natl. bk. bldg.. .Montgomery and Post sts. FIRST and second mortgages, real estate, stocks and bonds. • *I. B. LICHTENSTEIN & SONS CO.. 39 Montgomery st. - : , -rr.-; .--..-. ••- . • FIRST and second mortgages;- any amount; bank interest. r rSHADBURNE C 0. ,: 503 Monadnock building., . .;';*' \u25a0 -t,. r. ANY amount \u25a0 on -j real estate, first or second mort- gages, >oa>any security; no delay; lowest rates. O. WjTBECKER, Monadnock bldg., 681 Market. FIRST and second mortgages, estates, legacies H. L MURPHY. 180 Slitter st. ' MONEY TO LOAN ~Z~Z. -. *. ' . '. PRIVATE and confidential; loans on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, diamonds and other security; lowest , rates. Rooms 207 and 208. 787 Market ; st. corner 4th; ,. p'aone Douglass 4040, Home J4020. \u25a0- ~ i THIS IS OUR ; BUSINESS. SALARY LOANS,' SIO to $100, advanced to honest employes '"without security.*'.- No In- dorser; no publicity; your friends, relatives or employer will never . know. . , ALL WE WANT IS YOUR PLAIN NOTE. GREAT NORTHERN LOAN CO., 616 Phelan bldg.. 6th floor. Office open until 6p. m. Mon- dayand g'turday evenings until S p. m. AAA— HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY "^ \ WILL LOAN. YOU MONEY ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. ETC. ; $10 to $200: LOW COST; CON- .FIDENTIAL; HONEST AND SQUARE DEAL. CALL, WRITE OR PHONE. 357-9 PACIFIC BLDG.. 4TH and MARKET. PHONES— DOUGLAS 3265. HOME J1741. ' Oakland office — 518- First National bank bldg. MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos and other se- curity: lowest rates; most favorable terms In the city; -see otters, then see me and be con- vinced; I will save you money: $2.25 weekly • repays $30 loan. Phone Market 3029. GEORGE ' W. MILLER. 3009 16th St., southwest corner Mission, room'; 3s. ' SALARY LOANS— SALARY LOANS. SALARY LOANS— SALARY LOANS. -Just On -Your Plain Note. No'lndorser; no security; cheapest rates; posi- tively no one will know. «, \u25a0 WESTERN LOAN CO.. 40S Call bldg. Office open tllir. p. tu. Monday and Saturday until 8. ALL DEALINGS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL— SALARY' LOANS, ; furniture. ...warehouse re- ceipts, other propositions; loans on policies WITHOUT DELAY: your promise our security; payments : arranged to suit. STANDARD LOAN CO.. 323 Monadnock bldg.. Market below 3d. MONEY" loaned salaried people/ women I keeping - bouse and others upon their own names with- out* security;- easy payments; : save money by trading here. ; Offices lv 65 principal ' cities. TOLMAN. room 940. Phelan bldg., San. Fran- cisco, and room 0. 460 :13th St.. Oakland. . « WILL borrow $I, SSO. for 2 years at 6 per cent net on a" $3,000 Oakland home. Just completed, and give first mortgage; .willing to pay inter- est monthly. Address owner, box :30S?, Call" \u25a0; office, Oakland. . \u25a0 . . SALARIED PERSONS.. TEACHERS. .' WAGE EARNERS AND OTHERS with RENTAL or FIXED incomes can obtain loans without-pub- llrity at reasonable rates at 433- Phelan bldg. ' Phone Douglas 3244. • r . FURNITURE— .. - - ;.- ~~ ~~ LIFE INSURANCE- SALARIES— Wage Earners' Investment and Loan I Company, .: 443. Pine st. », ~~< ~- BALDWIN' JEWELRY CO.. ' ~~~ Gold and Silver Smiths. 29-83 Kearny st. . . LOAN , DEPARTMENT. AAA —^^Wage earners, either men or women, can make a loan in strictest confidence at the Em- : " ployes'. Credit Co.. room 424, Monadnock bldg. AAA — SALARIED men and women accommodated' without delay or publicity. Home Credit and Investment C 0.. -321 Phelan bldg.; third floor. SALARY LOANS — Ladies and gentlemen without security ; notes and commercial paper bought. 813 Merchants' Ex.: bldg. ; phone Douglas 1411. SALARY ' loans; . other propositions. San Fran-' Cisco Discount Agency. 411 • Pacific building. "• ON furniture and 'pianos;* no removal. ' TRB- MAIN, room- 811; 833 Market.. next Emporium. On furniture, pianos or any security. BECKER. Monadnock building, 681 Market St.. room 297. CASH loaned to salaried men on note without in- - dorser. MORRELL.*IO22 Monadnock building. Lx~J~ J^JtSSSH/^ 11 " NOTICES THE annual meeting of the Odd Fellows' Ceme- tery .Association will: be held on MONDAY,' Sept. 26. 1910, at 9 a. m., at the office of the Association. .. Point Lobos ' avenue. San' Fran-' Cisco, for: the • election : of a \u25a0 board of director* . and such other \u25a0 business' as A may legally .be brought before i It. By order of the board of directors. WILLIAM E. LUTZ. President. \u25a0\u25a0-.-. GEORGE PENLINGTON. Secretary.- - • ;.;.-;'. \ : LEGAL ' NOTICES : . -\u25a0 ' - ' :' : -'.U LEVEE . work— Levee district 'No. . 2 of Sutter county. Notice to contractors — Notice is hereby given that sealed bids .will be received by the board of directors of levee district No. 2 of Sut- ler county at the law of fice of A. H. Hewitt, in Yuba'Clty. Cal.. until 11:30 o'clock ' a. Vm.-6f .Thursday. September 15.: 1910. for raising.- enlarging ;and strengthening of the •-levee: of. said levee: district according ; to the plans; . profiles, cross sections-, and specifica- tions for such work In the possession of A. H.I Hewitt, attorney for said board,' at : his office \u0084 aforesaid:- \u25a0..-•-\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 - -\u25a0-.-'_ . : -l - - Said \work- Is 'divided, into 'two - sections. ( Approximately the amount, of material re- [-. qulredlor section; 1 I* 16,300-yardg. and for section 2 is 750,000 yards. The work in sec- tion 1 will be i team -, work and . in section 2 will ' be ; dredge work. • ; s . . " Blds'wlllbe received per cnWc yard for the j work .and. as outlined -In .the; specifications. ! Bids "to be by sections and must be accom- 1 ;- panted by a certified : check for- 10^ per cent • of the whole : amount of . each ; bid. , made pay- able \u25a0to . Henry " Mlnden, clerk of the board: I . such "check or checks to accompany such bids I ! and to * be " delivered , upon ' condition 1 that the j bidder. In '\u25a0\u25a0 the event . of the acceptance •of his bid by said board will, within 10 days ; after . such", acceptance.^ execute * with*- the aboard of directors a contract to do the work lnaceord- . ance with the specifications.: and execute and deliver, 1 to said board -a- good -and. sufficient i - bond * with i sufficient sureties , satisf actory* to ; . • the board 4 In the - amount of one-fourth of- the \u0084 contract * price, conditioned that ., he will •do said work in all respects in accordance with the , plans • and - specifications . and \u25a0In v » accord- - ahce with ' the terms and requirements of : the . contract.i - Said :: check when delivered to • the board ;of .- director* with such bid shall there- - after ; remain .iwlth '-*\u25a0 the ; clerk '? of 'f. sa id ' board subject "• to > and ; until ; the [ execution of contract and • bonds '; as ; herein \ stated;, and, should the ! ' bidder; whoso : bid * shall >be - accepted * by . said I boardfall ; -to;execnte «uch <ontractand bond - *b ; aforesaid i within ilO day* , after accepunce v of his bid, then * such *\u25a0 cheek , shall • thereupon T' be , forfeited -: to «aid district; ; and the ; amount \u25a0:* for i which the same ; is drawn , *ha.U constitute : and be •• considered a* \u25a0 liquidated damages for . euch failure . or : refusal.' *.:;-._\u25a0 - They work ' mn»t b* • completed : on or' before \u25a0December: 1.^.1911^ •> i -. \u25a0-\u25a0-\u0084;. . -. , .' The i board \ reserve* ; the right to reject "my and all:- bids, a* to r :elther section or .as^a •/ whole.V-"-• \u25a0\u25a0.,. .. -\u0084;..:. ! \u25a0_ \u25a0.--.\u25a0\u25a0;...,\u25a0..\u25a0 • . . -. -. : Any -I Information ? regarding the f work " can <\u25a0''•: be . obtained"; from Edward' r«n 1 Geldern * en- "gin»er of; the dlstr!ct,vYuba Cl*y,' . Cal.- I 'By- order ' of., the : board >of directors. ~ -. \u25a0 - . ' Dated September ; 2,; 1910. • >^ ~ - .-•-: .H.U" HANSEN, . : ~ I - -\u25a0»•: '\u25a0-' Chairman lof t the board. Iv HENRY iMINDEN,- ! ' : , - s; r *\u25a0\u25a0' ' :" <\ -••'.- Clerk ; of ; the* board; \u25a0'-"\u25a0 : P. E,.DRESCHEB, •; \u25a0„.. \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 ' - '..r •'- .-x'? \u25a0-. «\u25a0;, '-\'. '.Director.' -\u25a0' I• ; . JL i H* HEWITT.-JLttorav ; tor . ttej botxd» ; . I M<mey-Ma&^ W Want Ads % V .; -y ;, " , " - i J To Get a Jaiiitdr or \^SS^\iLlllA(// All .classes read the "Help Wanted" and "Situation StS t Wanted" columns of this paper. This makes it as easy £| jjp $ for a Janitor to get a Job as for a % man who wants to " £ Jj^sS^X 'IX \ become the Manager of a Business. Janitors read the "Janitors and Porters" column on our Classified page, so ya^^^^W^^P^sHSH if you have an office building, house or apartment for M^^*^^^£f % which you desire a Janitor, the best way to get one is ** liv * i either to watch the "Janitors and Porters" column or, JL \J^^^^®*S^^^q better still, use a Want Ad, in this column, stating just Q>^^^^^^^^^^^^ what you want. Most of the Janitors and Porters in this city are hired in this way — most of the jobs of this char- || - acter are procureb>thru our Classified Ads. If others get : jobs and men > this .way,' why not you? Try for yourself. I g The cost is but a few pennies. - . Vanum,^«^w.^^m'llm,** w.u -"i'i^^^ zr^ixTxirl EXAMPLES •'-. . ..,\u25a0 - .^ . .- . : . .-\u25a0 \ • \u25a0 - / . JAJJTTOR WANTED— FOR ONE OF THE BEST WANT POSITION AS JANITOR. IS A MODERN office bnlldlnffs in the city. ' Good pay to a steady, apartment baildiax. 6 years experience. Mar- sober man. Prefer married man. Address T 1 28, rled. sober aad lndnstrlasa. Address H T65, this The Classified columns of this paper are DEMOCRATIC— there are no favors shown, except RESULTS— arid those— -to anybody. You bring in your little Want Ad, pay yyour few pennies, and you get as good attention, position and final /consideration 1 as any one else. Whether you are an Employer or Employe read land USE our Classified ads. They help build success — every day. (Copyright 19C8. by George Matthew Adams) NOTICE INVITING OFFERS FOR, SALE AND REDEMPTION OF .BONDS OF FRESNO CITY RAILWAY COMPANY. -' On January 1. 1902. FRESNO CITY RAIL- WAY COMPANY, a corporation, executed, ack- nowledged' and delivered to California Safe De- posit and Trust Company of San Francisco Its deed ,of trust or mortgage, securing Its 6 per cent sinking fund '20 year gold : bonds, which was : thereafter recorded In the office of the County Recorder of Fresno county. Cal. J On the 2Sth day of February. 1908. by a de- cree of the superior court of the city and county of San Francisco, state of . California/ said Cali- fornia' Safe Deposit and \u25a0\u25a0 Trust \u25a0 Company was ..removed as trustee under said deed of trust or mortgage, and; Union .Trust Company of San Frmclsco was appolned' trustee in the place and stead of said California safe deposit and trust company removed. "Pursuant to-said deed of trust or mortgage, paid FRESNO CITY RAILWAY COMPANY has paid to the undersigned as trustee five thousand one hundred and fifty-three and JO-100 ($5,153.10) dollars, to be applied to the redemption of its said bonds. Offers of said bonds, specifying the holder* natoe and address, quantity and number of bonds and. prices are hereby requested to be filed with the undersigned. ln a sealed envelope Indorsed "Offer to sell : bonds \u25a0of Fresno City Railway Company," same to be delivered on or before September .15, 1910, at which time said offers will b«. opened and the lowest offers ac- cepted by the undersigned, provided that no offer exceeding one thousand - and nlnety-slx dollars ($1,096) flat per bond will be accepted. UNION TRUST COMPANY OF SAN FRAN- CISCO, trustee. By CHARLES DU PARC, assistant secretary, 2 Montgomery St., San Francisco. - . |g Dated San Francisco. September 3. 1910. MISSION branch of The Call, MILLER'S, sta- tioner, 3011 16th st. ; PROPOSALS AND BIDS *\u25a0-- ' Of fico Constructing - Quartermaster, Fort Mi- son, Cal.. September 8, : 1910. — Sealed proposals. In triplicate, for constructing extension to water and sewer systems at Fort Winfleld Scott. Cal.. will be received here until 11 a. m. . September 23, 1910, and then opened. Plans. ;speciflcatlons. blanks and all necessary Information obtained here. Deposit of $10 required. to insure return of plans." Envelopes containing proposals to be Indorsed "Proposals fcr sewer and water sys- tem. Fort Winfleld Scott, Cal.'-' and addressed to Major (too. McK. Williamson. Qr. Mr.'. U. S. A. CITY REAL ESTATE MARINE VIBW RESIDENCE. . 10 large, sunny rooms, east side >of Broderlck st. near Vallejo; 2 sun -exposures: hardwood floors; 'drawing room, large living room. 5 bed- rooms, 2 baths, : open fireplaces, furnace, auto- matic hot water heater, billiard room ;\u25a0 guaran-. teed full permanent marine. view;, garage; $11,- 650; terms. y .': ,y EDWARDS, REED & BRADY, 245 Montgomery st. V roR sate — Something new in flats; new designs, new style on finish; separate entrance*; finest location . ln Western addition; overlooking rec- reation grounds in G. O. park; 7th ay. and H st.. See £. B. EALLETT, on premise*, JUST completed — Up to date, 6 room bungalow i on Corona heights; see cut elsewhere In this "edition; grand view; large lot; handy to cars. Corona height is the talk of the town: watch it grow. .Take Hayes-Masonic rar. transfer up , Frederick st. to Clifford, walk 1 bl<*:k east; terms.: CHANDLER & BOURN. 235 Montgom- 'St. :i\ ; , \u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0_- Ai SNAP— Nice. new. large 4 room cottage, with all modern improvements: $250 down, balance $ls'month; lot 335109; all fenced, with stable for 3 horses and. wagon shed. :, Address MARK HARDY. 65 Stenben st.. city.:;..;. 1378 FILBERT st. at Polk— Three 6 room fiats,' -just ~ completed; lot SOxS3; , especially : artistic and well built;' price only $9,500, with one- half cash. \u25a0T: E. HAYMAN. \u25a0 First National Bank bldg. -$575— IMPROVED SUNSET, LOTS— SS7S -: Our Sunset .branch office open daily; - take Ellis st. (Ocean cars to 39th ay. and H st.). THE MCCARTHY CO. (ownera), 151 Sntter st. McBNERNBY SUITS AT $38. ' LAWYERS' TITLB INVESTMENT, CO.. 208 Balboa building. < ' ••\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 MARKET AND 2D BTB. SUNSET HOMES— Modern large" lots and base- ments ; bltnminlzed • street, \u25a0- 3 etc ; cheap ; on term*. ;. 12th ; ay. above J st. • .. - - - NEW 2 *tory house, 764 17th ay.. 100 ft. from . ' new. Fulton st. car line and park; $1,000 cash. __termsto_sulton_balance ; __ > _-^_^_^- <ii __^^ 1,100 acres— One of the best alfalfa propositions -in the state; perfectly l#Tel : strictly a sandy loam, jno alkali., or hardpan; good - '^ pumping plant; 15 .acres: ln -alfalfa. : which speaks for Itself; good house, barn and out- buildings, windmill and tank: all fenced: only IVS miles from the mainjbe S. P. sta- tion, within 60 miles of San Francisco. For ; those looking • for \u25a0, an alfalfa, dairy , or »üb- 'dlTlsioif proposition this place can not be excelled, for as a subdivision It will easily '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0• sell for, $150 to j $200 per acre; price only $B5 per : acre. r Look, this up at once, for it . "will -not -last long. "•-,. - •' . • ' 25 \u25a0 seres — In .the Gravenstein apple, belt, So- '\u25a0'.' nooia <?ounty,-l;mlle from a 'small town; 15 ." acres In grapes, 2 acres blackberries, % acre 1 apples. .1% acres prunes; 5 room dwelling, .barn and outbuildings; price $5,250. - £5 acres— Near Santa \u25a0; Cruz; -20 acre* culti- vated: 1,200 apple tree*: 40. cherry trees: - -H * •«\u25a0• table i grapes ; - 6 room house ; all \u25a0\u25a0J--- farming tools, chicken*, wagons, etc. : a S>i acres — Mostly sandy loam bottom land; 250 fruit tree*, tnartly: apples; greater part can ; be irrigated by ire« water; 7 acre* culti- • vated; • good 5 ; room cottage; . good barn; ; S chicken houses ;•; fruit dryer;; 4so egg lneu- ' • bator: horse. ; harne*s,. wagons and 5 dozen > - . chickens ; aIP farm ) Implement* go wlti ; the - -ov Place -.near Santa Cruz; price $4,000. • \u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--•\u25a0 COUNTRY DEPARTMENT. - •;-=- ?> r^ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>"- HOLCOMB REALTY COMPANY. \u25a0'\u25a0'I; '\u25a0 •' .."•*, * SO6 ; San Pablo ay..' Oakland,> Cal. v I .- ':•..\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0; J ;}': ,',-^— ;; . \u25a0 - \u25a0\u25a0 : $350 CASH— IO ACRES— TEA RLY $250 > A , - .^ RICHEST GARDEN SOIL FRETD IRRIGATION— PERFECT DRAIHAOB | ; BEST TRANSPORTATION— HEAR CSTY . -- -\.--\;/V:"V/,pRODUfil3 /.'-:'" Onions, per acre, 800 to 1,000 saekm. -;.\u25a0-\u25a0 - Potatoe*. per acre, 150 to 800 aacka. CeJery, per acre, tHi to 2 carload*. •: ' Bean*, per acre. 20 to 40 sacks. \u25a0 . . r- ;• Cabbage, per acre. 15 to 30 ton*. TRACTS TO SniT-^5 TO IjOOO ACRES PRICE $123 PBR ACRE, UP '-.'.-- ' '-, -- •• -<^ .\u25a0• .' '. . \u25a0:-.-- s K3SK ' A. K. P ATTEND LAND COMPANT. '"'\u25a0\u25a0- | OS lIEST NATIONAL BANK BUILDWO. j \u25a0 ' . \u25a0 ;-\u25a0 BAN \u25a0 FRANCISCO, • CjU -\ ,/ . . IMPORTANT TO GARDENERS! For sale — In 5 acre lots, a 50 acre tract, at cost. $500 an acre: 100. per cent better location and better land than that selling in same vicinity at $700 per acre: * artesian water near the surfnee: 2"o miles, from Palo Alto; «n San Francisco and San Jose county road; beautiful, level, rich, productive land: no better garden land anywhere; all kinds of vegetables, seed. berries grow to perfection, as well as all kinds of fruit, nuts. etc. This fine property, amid these attractive surrounding!* and Ideal climate, at thla reduced price and the easy term* to be made will certainly be taken advantage of soon. \u25a0 hence I suggest If you want In on this bar- gain you write at once to W. A. WHITMER. box 12S. Palo Alto. Cat. \u25a0 SANTA CLARA VALLEY.' ADJOININR LOS ALTOS — A large aad beautiful hor*e and grounds. 27 acres of land, several acres of thrifty and full bearing orchard, choice varie- ties, house 10 rooms nearly new. every way modern, a full complement outbuildings, on per- petual stream, supplied with never falling mountain springs; grand building site; scatter- ing oaks; in best neighborhood; auto roads like a floor; rural route; money talks; no trade con- sidered; best bargain In the valley for spot ca.«b. Address for a few days, FREDERIC HEBARD, Mayfleld, Cal. WALNUT CREEK, the beautiful San Ramon val- ley, only 21 miles from San Francisco. 15 miles from Oakland; on the line of the S. P. and new electric R. R. ; ideal climate; one of Califor- nia's beauty spots, right in the heart of the natural walnut -belt; rich, fertile soil; will grow all kinds of fruits, nuta, vegetables, etc.. without Irrigation; tracts 3 to 3 acres up. fac- ing on 40 and 50 ft. ays.: home seekers* and investors' golden opportunity; easy payments; 1-5 cash, balance to suit purchaser. Partic- ulars. CONTRA COSTA LAND CO.. 903* First National Bank bldg.. San Francisco. / ~ $15— APPLE LAND— SIS Finest in west, on coast of Mendoclno; rail and water transportation; finest varieties grown; best flavor; no pests. Can get you alongside best orchard In state. Go see for yourself. Just be- coming known; $y> per acre. For particulars call at 206 Mills building. WALNUT creek — 2 acres on the bank* of Walnut creek in alfalfa planted to walnuts, cared for for 5 years: 85 minutes from Oakland by ntw electric railroad; easy terms. Contra Costa Land Co.. 903 First National Bank building, San Ftapclsco. _^ 40 acres well improved land in Shasta county, all cultivated and ' irrigated, with 5 horse power engine and pnmj; a room house, larg* barn and other buildings; SCO lograaberrlaa, 40 fruit trees; price $2,000. Writ* C H. MANNING. Fall River Mills. CaL THREE fine 80 acre tracts In popular fruit and farming district of Marln county, withla l*-i miles of Northwestern Pacific K. R. atatAoo; only $100 per acre, including fine wells Mad/ for use; term* to suit. W. L. COURT JUGHX, - g3O Market St.. S. V. ; \u25a0• - TURLOCK IRRIGATED LANDS— ALFALFA, VEGETABLES. FRUITS ; TRACTS 10 TO 40 ACRES. $100 AND UPWARD PER ACRE; LIEERALv TERMS; NEAR MODESTO. N. N. SHORB C 0... 157. SUTTER ST. MUST sell quickly — 10 or 20 acres choice Saa Joaquln valley land, suitable for fruit or al- falfa; good location; must see' to appreciate; partly planted; only $90 per acre; terms. Box 515. Call office. , \u25a0 BERRYVALB GARDENS. 20 acre farms, . rich, level; cheap, easy terms; Irrigated. GEO. H. MURDOCH A SON. 91 Bacon block. Oakland. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Hayward at the lowest cash price*. Will accept Oakland, Berkeley or Alameda Improved property In ex- change. P. E. BAIRD. 468 11th •%.. Oakland. FOR sale — Almond land, 500 acres, subdivision, in lot* to suit; $35 to $60 per acre; near Esparto. Yolo co.. CaL; e*aay terms. Address GEO. H. HOPPIX. Woodland. Cal. WALNUT CREEK — For sale. 20 acres. Income . property, besides being -all planted out to wal- nuts last spring. Address P. O. box 1662. $395 for 6 acre homes In Alamcda cooat/; $23 down, $10- monthly. ,- PROGRESSITE JSEAI/TT CO.. 180 Sntter rt. REMEMBER, the irrigated alfalfa land. map*, photos, terms, prices. Paul Rossler. 338 Pine. 14 ACRE chicken and fruit ranch, nr. Oakland: part cash. Inquire 146S Park aye., Emeryville. FOR farms, stock ranches and timber lands se« McfAUL A EDWARDS. 257 California st. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE $10,000 Investment — Brand new building, just completed; store and 3 fiats; brings good 1 Income; owner anxious to sell to close cor- porate affair*. $5,700 — Center of city; modern cottage- of 7 rooms and basement, with new furnace; sunny side of street; near 16th and Grove, close to business center; schools, churches. railroad stations, etc. You will buy this • If you want to live where yoa have no streetcar fare to pay, for It can not he equaled. for the money. Look! Large lot, BOx 100. Price reduced for quick sala. ' This is good. $3,600 — 9th and Jackson; big snap rfght In the ' \u25a0:., , f, heart of the city; 7 room cottage, with 7 more rooms finished In basement; sunny \u25a0side of street: nonresident owner anxious to. sell; a. sacrifice. (6604) " $2,1}00 — Brash st. ; 2 story 7 room house below \u25a07th 91. ; part cash. Watch this, location grow when the water front Improvements are under way. .(6739) $700— Fine little building lot on the west *ld» of Adeline st. near 23th; wide.' prominent \u25a0 street: fine prospective business property. Sacrifice to close out the last lot. \u25a0 $150 down—New modern 5 room cottage, just \u25a0 »' -• completed: large front porch: - reception hall, paneled dining room, beam ceilings. magnificent mantel,- butler's pantry, ex- 1 pensive fixtures; nice location 1 flqe view; one block to carline; easy monthly pay- . ments. ' < ;. ' - ' >\u0084.. - r i - Cottage exchange— Several modern homes for sale,. s to S rooms.' where owner will take a lot', or any . other desirable property or . security In part - payment; balanc« on flat mortgage. - . - ' \u25a0. . .. ; Lots of .money to loan at 6 to 7 per cent. GEO. W. AUSTIN. 101S Broadway. - BUNGALOWS." . Xak* roar choice from 50 or more new tnaaf*- low* aad cottages; prices rangtas from $2,000 to ' 15.600; :' first -? payment \u25a0 require* from $100 to $350, balance monthly payments. Including Inter- est. $20 to $35. W« have some of the most ar- tistic,' new, modern homes in Berkeley or O»k- land. W« will also build to suit at abov* tens* 'WHY PAY RENT? - WENTWORTH * CO.. 1503 Grove *t-, corner 20th and Saa Pahla ay, ; Oakland. - "V FOR sale — A new. house, 8 rms.. bath, 2 toilets; " lot . 43x120 ; , artistic • decoration* ; handsom* fix. 'i \u25a0\u25a0 tares; . elegantly. \u25a0 completely \u25a0 furnished; great bargain; near 54th st. Key Route station. 5217 Market at, Oakland; pious Pltdmaat 4118. \u25a0 • P A Kia\D REAL ESTATE— Coptljsoed 30— SATISFIED BUYERS— 3O 1 have sold SO families homes -in the past 90 days and every sale has made ma more business. My easy- payment plan is the secret. I have , several A- No. I buys all ready for occupancy and want to dispose of them, all today. Come over and look over the liat below. You will b« sura to buy. All close to Key Route cars. Pries. Cash. Mo. 4 r. cottage $2,500 $U<> $25 sr. cottage: corner S.OOO 130 2* Br. 2 story house.. 4.000 200 33 6r. shingled buagalow; corner. 3.800 100 35 sr. shingled bungalow 2.5T.0 15rt 3O sr. shld. bungalow, extra large 3.750 150 25 Will meet you at Hudson station. O. C. WRIGHT. 220 Shatter, Oakland. Cal. ' >-, Phona Piedmont 4650. WHAT will you offer for my equity of $1,300 la 2 beautiful lot* in Piedmont Terrac*? Answer at once, as owner will sacrifice. Owaer. 7<H Westbanfe bldg.. S. F. - FOR sale — By owner, pretty 5 room bungalow; built 1 year; lot 40x135; deslrabla location; 2 car lines and Key Route station within 2 blocks. 674 53d *"t. $4.250— An 8 room cottage on lot 50x15^ feet «l Bth ay. near E. 18th St.: terms easy. B. H. WELCH A CO.. Sth ay and E. lHth *t.. Oait'-l. NEW modern 5 room cottage, fcish basom^nt. good view, on East 17th st. near 20th ay. ; »a*y terras. Owner. 1004 East 13th st. NEARLY new 8 room house, furnished or ua- furnlahed. 159 Santa Clara ay.. Oakland. BERKELEY REAL ESTATE^ A lovely new home In beautiful Clareaiont. near the new hotel and Key Route terminal, about ti> be vacated by owner. Is to. b» sold at sacri- fice; 8 large room*, sleeping porch. 2 baths a;*l ' splendid basement: large lot: garage; pric? $3,300; terms If desired. Call or write f^r photos to 2270 Shattuck »ye.. Berkeley. FRTJITVALE REAL ESTATE COMFORTABLE 2 story corner honse of 6 large rooms, bath, porches, garden, bars. # etc. ; -t blocks from S. P. and W. P. *tation9: very reasonable: must be teea to be appreciated. \ Apply owner, 3501 Putnam »t. cor. 33th ay.. grnltrale. FOR sale Bargain; 6 room house, basement: large lot, £4x150. covered with fruit trees and grapes: 60 chicken*. Owner, 3029 Capp St.; phono Merrltt 225. YOUR RENT MONET BCTS HOME. The money which jm are- digging up every month for hoes* rent will get you a nice home— If yoa allow u» to advise yon. We ars offering 850 splendid lots In Burllngam* terrace, with o«! macadam streets, fnU width; sawer and water mains laid, stone sluewalks and cement curb*, from $500 to $1,250. 10 per cent cash, balance $10 and $15 per month. These lot* are located west of the railroads, toward the hills. We will arrange to build a few house* on «asy term* for the firsfpurchaaers In this property. We are making sales every day. Ob down now If you want some of th« best. Take Mission st. cars or S. P.' R- R. trains from 34 and Townsend sts. — 25 minutes to Bcrllngam*. Our office op- posite station. LYON & HOAG. 638 Uar?x*t st. BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE3. Visit ths beantifnl Bcrlingame bUI wuutiy. the most beantifnl within reach of the city, far surpassing tt* crosa bay localities: transfer to the San Mateo electric car at Sth and Market— yoa always get a seat — and get oS at EASTON station, or take the Southern Pacific at Third and Townsend. Her« Is the finest suburban horns site on tbe peninsula. EASTON ADDITIONS TO BURLINGAME; Tseautlf ul shaded paths, cool on the hottest days; all Improvements, cement aide- walks, streets, (ewers, water, light and tele- phone are installed; the homes will appeal to yoa; large lots on easy terms; excellent and fast train service, twice as fast as t» crocs bay Doints. For particulars about EASTON address F J RODGER3. MILLS BUILDING. SAN FRANCISCO. BIG bargain; for tale or lease. 8 roota resi- dence; 2 baths; modern. Inquire Box 96. Bar- lingamel . _REAL ESTATE WILL sell on easy term* a large 2 rrtory bou«« of 12 room*. 1 block from Union Depot. Saa Rafael: $3. C00; mortgage mar remain. W. L. COt'RTRIGHT. offlc* opp. Union Depot, San RafaeL . ' - MUST realize on house and lot at once; best part of San Rafael;, attractive surrounding*; near schools, depot, etc.. or will rent on long term secured lease, but prefers to selL Send posta! card for particular*. Box tW7. Call office. CAZADERO REAL ESTATE WOODED lot* and acre ploU -ON" R. *'.~ae<i creek; $10 up; booklet free; excursion. LOCK£- PADDON CO.. 800 Clement »t.. S. lr. FAIRFAX Manor lots, close to train. $350; easy terms. ATTHOWE REALTY CO.. San An- setao. and First Natl. Baafe bldg.. g. T. ~~ SANTA CRUZ REAL E*TATE~.~- HOMES. ranches, acreage, exchange. Price list. DAVID L. WILSON. Santa Cm*. Cal. GOVERNMENT^_I>AXD3_^ __ I LOCATE, you purchase. Oregon timber lands. $2.50 per acre. 790- Oak st. TO EXCHANGE. - All kinds of Oakland aad suburban prowrty: also ranches In all parts of the state. If you are open for an exchange call and see me; we can do' business. p. F. MINNEY. 422 11th st. Oakland. OAKLAND. Berkeley. S. F.. suburban, country ' property and ranches to exch.. Including room- ing houses and hotels. Send description of what \u25a0 Ton have and. want; no charges unless deal Is - made. J. H. EPSON. 1063 Broadway. Oakland. MODESTO irrigated lands. I have some excel- lent exchanges for bay property; ownera of «r»eral -large tracts will consider exchanges. DI3CSON. room 2.1 957'Bro*<iwav.-O»klano. . PROPERTY WANTIEP " PROPERTY WANTED In Washington or Oregon, either city or county. i • I have a client who owns »d «f » million dollar** worth of property la Oailand, Alameda and Berkeley, consisting -of lots, cottage*, houses, fiats and 4 business corner*; improve- /ments nearly »» new.. Will trade any or all e-'f thU property for property in the north. Ap- ply at oaceto D. F. MINNEY. 423 Uth «.. .-'. Oakland. : . "- ONE or 2 lots or cottage in Richmond or Sunset districts. S. P. 1«7» 10th **\u25a0. Oakland. SHINGLES, $L4O: rustic. $20; board*. $10; eooa- trj orders \u25a0oUcited. 33 10U st, 3. F. 15