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Brilliant Costume and Splendid Floats Noted CHILDREN TODDLE BRAVELY ALL DAY : AND WIN PLAUDITS ' grapes are the principal fruits and tln-.-r are. of the nnesi quality. The .ex hibit is the most elaborate in the his- ; \u25a0.-\u25a0-.(-•» • \u25a0 —•-\u25a0.*.- .-- •- •- \u25a0. - •- -- L-- .. ----;--- \u0084 ! tory of the Admission day festival?. During- the parade the San Joaquin •valK-y j»a.i!t>ij= marched in one division. 1 v.-it.i a beautifulj'float representing tlie •liofn "of. plenty wftli quantities of fruit pourlngifrom its mouth. A sign read, ">';•:. ,;«.r. >(•.!'! !i Valley. Land of Plenty." Miss Jianionui Stalej.% a beautiful girl t rvoni .'-'\u25a0•lin.-i. goddess of plenty and -k'.i^ &at^ enthroned in a riot of fruit and fJowf-r!-:. •".' Tl;»> con.solida.tod parlors are: Fresno >•'.\u25a0. -•:.. Vis Alia No. 19, Hanford No. 37. Modesto N*o. 11. Seliu^ No. 107, Dinuba No. 248. Oristimba No. IM7- of Crows Landing. The general committee in: charge 6f tJie distribution is: • • IV. F. Toomey. chairman; W. E. Gar • rison. Leroy Smith. IL C. "Wilson, Her r.ui:i Lewald. Glenn Hall and Tucker. All of the parlors had headquarters "f n the Union Square hotel. Members . v of. the different organizations , took tLirns in Jhe booths giving away fruit. This was done under, the direction of Alphonse Neuhouse of Fresno parlori Committees of arrangements .of mdi. . vldual parlors were as follows: \u25a0• l-'res-no parlor No. 25 — M. J. Ix>ckhart fchalr- Dtni, H. I. Grahata. Joseph Coyle.' Alpbose N'patiausc, A_ I*. Tnvrae. Edward Victor, G*<jtcp Pickford.' R. S. Clark*. Elmer Crane. Pt-Jiaa parlor No. 107 — Hprman I>walrl • (chair man t. G. VV. Mitchell, D. O. Clifford. V. F. Clifford. H*rry ' Grlxntf, Clyde Good. Uoy Scott. 6. P. ViDecat. JV. H. Say. Dr. Luce. VisaJia parlor No. I«— H. Mitchell <chalr- B»«n». S. Mitotell, I>eoa Goldstein, 'Leroy Smitti, Par Baker. ... . ... Modesto parlor No. 11— W." F. Brush. . W. . E. ijarrit-on (ctalrmaaj. W. G." Ce'apLell, M. E." Moorebesd. Charle* C. Moorphead/ . • : • Dlauha parlor No. 24S— Vard Glddings «chalt r-?ri'. E. Giddicgs, M. Scllgrtaaa. Joseph Greene. NILES. PARLOR OF SONS ENTERTAINS A t HOTEL Niles= parlor No. "J5, Native Sons, has iieadquarters'in the Golden .West hotel, •where a program' of impromptu enter- Vainment is given afternoon' and" even ting. The parlor held its reception;yes ; tTday afternoon after the parade, when many visitors and old friends \u25a0were entertained. The committee of arrangement"? consists of: Clarence Slartenstein, chairman; Edward Keintz. E. 13. Baldwin, G. A. Buzacott, Herbert Domenici, AJfred Mosegaard and George Donovan. BANQUET IS GIVEN BY / r NATIVES OF CENTERVILLE Washington parlor No. 169, Native Sons, from Centerville has headquar ter? in the Golden W*«t hotel, Powell street near Ellis, and followed the long march of the paride yesterday after noon with .'a banquet and .The* parlor made a splendid showing in heat uniforms. The reception commit tee rr&s: ,l-\ T. Hawse, chairman; <:har}£s Cockfalr; secretary; A. F. Eg ccrs. Fj-ank Dusterborry. J. D. Norris," i.'harlfts-Cun'imings; J. M. Norris, past VAN NESS AVENUE HALL SCENE OF HOSPITALITY : Van Xess avenue hail Is . the head fjuarters of Army and Navy parlor of " Native Sons and of Kan Francisco par • lor of the Native Daughters' of which th*» QUff-n of California is a member. 'The hall is tastefully decorated in American colors intermingrled with the festival colors. Thursday night the parlor had an in . "formal rcception'and dance and yester- . day afternoon refreshments were ; served to the tired paraders of both parlors. This wab followed by an ia CALIFORNIA PARLOR NO. 1, NATIVE SONS OF THE GOLDEN T WEST, LEADING THE' LONG" LINE O^^PARLORS IN YESTERDA teresling program of entertainment and in the evening there was a ball. This evening there will be a- reception and ball. The comr^jttees having yie several functions in charge are: Army and Navy parlor — L. Hunter^. J. J. Ryan, J. Glennon, M. T. Dower, J. Webster, L. Marion. San. Francisco parlor — May Smith, Abbie Butter and Mac Johnston. LA VISH HOSPITALITY OF A LAM EDA PARLORS The spirit of carnival reigns.' supreme at the joint reception salas of Alameda parlor No. 47, Native Sons, and'Encinal parlor No. 156, Native Daughters, in the first floor of Elks hall, in Powell street near Sutter. Immediately after the parade the members of both parlors hurried to headquarters • and started the reception and dance that will en dure all this afternoon and until mid night tonight. . Arrangements. of . a most elaborate character that began three months ago when entertainments; were given to raise money have been made to exceed all other parlors in extending hospital ity to guests. Dancing will continue without" cessation throughout the after noon and night. .Last night a great throng of friends and .vi&itors made merry at the dance. Sixty gallons of ice cream were' given out' at the re freshment booth: ' > : ;^ii-*'f '\u25a0'-'?\u25a0'! The rhall is -handsomely decorated with bear flags and the national colors. The. banner carriage of the Alameda parlor, which has won many- prizes, Is on exhibition in the hall. : The parlor paraded' 160 strong, while the. Native Daughters brought up the rear with a large' bear' float -drawn by four black Horses. | Alameda parlor prides itself on .having 30 past presldents.taking active part in the celebration. The committee of ' arrangements of Alameda parlor is,-; Nat Ryan," chair man; A. ' Rienhold, president; • R. Shephard, Al Fisher, Al Kihn, Jesse Peterson... Harry, Sheramsky, • Charles Rose, Joseph Vierra/eGorge Carlson. - Encinal parlor committee of arrange ments is: JUss Mary Farley, „ chair-; man; Mis&* Laura Fisher, Miss Irene Rose, Joseph Vierra, George Carlson. ' McMa&ter, Miss Ethel. l. Decker, * Miss Eckstein,' Miss Gladys Rose, Miss' Lucy Schneider, Miss Ida "White. . ' . ; f' • VV-' 1 Moving Pictures Taken Two thousand feet ; of moving pic tures of the \u25a0 most, colorful pageant ever/ seen in the .United, States was taken in two reels at Third and Mar ket streets ' yesterday and will be printed and on exhibition throughout the state today, 24 hours after the .start of the monster Admission' day. pa rade. The inspiring spectacle formed by the army and navy divisions,' the na tional guard and--the semimilitary di visions;- the picturesque,; features like the band of .cowboys, on, their, bucking broncos arid the"Red-Men; "the beau tiful pictures created by the^nnumerable elaborate floats and .brilliantly uni formed parlors, and the impressive mag nitudeof the line of march will go im mediately, in the form of moving*pic tures, into every section of the: United States as indisputable* evidence^ of | Ran Francisco's' pre-eminence, as,* a carriivaj city." It will take 35. minutes to show these pictures,, which will be rivaled in Interest only; by those of the funeral of the late King Edward. Grand , Canyon " Excursion via Santa Fe. $35.00' round:' trip.* /On sale daily until Sept. 30. • Santa -• Fe office, 673 Market ' street.^' < : —•;. THE;-SAN FRAN^ Saturday The Sale of the Year Bought the entire ; sample line Kayserjialian Silk Vests Offered far underpriced at, each ;s2m Sale held first floor, Special .Sale. Section, under the; Dome. Kayser Is the only maker of the genuine Italian silk vests. Here is perhaps the 4 largest assort- ment that.. has ever been, thonn '..'. In San-Francisco at one time. -All . are exquisitely hand embroidered :.. .. In the most elaborate designs.: \u25a0 Special' attention Ist called to the I fact that though there are many • qualities made, • every vest here . offered Is • supremely, the highest grade that Kayser; produces and Kayser manufactures the highest', grades. - (ireal savings possible, ' • the opportunity of th»» Tear. 'Buy '. now for. Christmas gifts. . .: . . *\u25a0 -\u25a0 ' • ' : '.'.'".'.,.'.' \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0':".' ".* '. ' \u25a0 \u25a0. &'MI \u25a0' \u25a0 -^ : ; \u25a0 - ;; Rofiralln a T.opez shape, 0 for -'5o __mii ijsmu mill M iniiiiiii I Mill I imw— i \\\ '- *>C: :Wl' iS*^^} Pavoritas a Lopez shape, 25 f0r. f1.05 —wemmfimw. \u25a0mnmLpm—m >,",*•:. - Exceptional?* sliape, box 25 fll.lo . -vH- -^ . -i*V "\u25a0\u25a0'* • Rs>i^l*^'^^^lc^i3^ w kMM Em m, mm > 11/2 and 2 in - reversible four in PJjiHin^rv VJnnd^r^ in Drp^q '"Slfl'S il hands, band and shield tecks, Wt'llill^iy VVUIiU^IS ill l/ZCSi) \u25a0 -\u25a0- \u25a0 : ill 1 1 m 'KM' band and shield bows, graduate ' ' fiplh'PYriPn'SWO P\"^C\\C7{\ tt^W if Hill Hi lM <!§ and puff ties. Buy a six months' t'* IIIcApCnSI Vi. I l<*LULdl VldiS BL. mWimmm n m^^ supply at half the ordinary sell- Exquisite models from such makers as Geor- afo W»H fl m MB Hm MM m g price: Your choice at 25c. gette, Louise, Rebeaux, Burby, Lichenstein IM .BHff >'fl '-ha Js § *wMM /$ a^ e Saturday ' and many; others, also exquisite dress hats, H a Ira -Bra Ssl WL MM 0f First Floor, First Aisle copies of the models at lesser prices. fin m BiH B ll sB M F ML Hundreds of smart dress hats in velvets, Wi mBH H P 'fif M la mm n **' a satins or felts, splendid values, $3.95 and $5 H& Hffr X • ATM Mm A Gf&Sf Sld!& \u25a0 Smart tailored hats, priced at $7.50 and $10 W \u25a0;\u25a0.'.'' j4p M a IM %Il*dCll u/uiw Poke bonnets and • mushroom shapes for K^W& /m $\u25a0 M Positively the greatest in Em- children are priced $2.25, $2.50, $2.75* and up . B»M w3L <jm_ IS! (9 porium history, greatest in val- mWi&£iP/- Ji £sr n l3/HScl The Emporium Boasts oi % wH» 1 Embroideries San Francjs . co>s g'^g wMPJ^^i Bra ' : - \u25a0\u25a0 yards of fine Swiss, nainsook, 'Quif fn»* \tif& $z& 4**& • muslin, cambric and lawn cloth, IriCIUC tJUII IUI IT J0 r ~^ !m * Tl *^, hand lo ° mcd imbroideries at Illustrated, just two of the many smart, strictly * itTffr-^ g reat savings, ba c prices, man ta ij ore( j su j ts w hich defy comparison at tht \u25a0^lltaSlr wHBf 15C 25C 35C Yd Price - Devel °P ed in fine - dependable materials in yp» .-^Hff IHRHHP l*/v^ £t»J\tf *J*J\* Jrvf* :plain or novelty weaves, solid colors or mixtures. . .;,-,. \u25a0\u25a0 *w -"""*,"*-'\u25a0 ', . •• ..; • "~ — ~ — ' . \u25a0' . ..,._. ... -Every suit , as if built by a custom tailor. Every i flflfl VaMc «f Tnv a //A -* W [ a . \u25a0•',-\u25a0 .'.'\u25a0 -' — 7" ~~ — ..-..'\u25a0 ... .. — — : suit, sold under The Emporium's liberal money \u25a0Ja^^^^^SililSlHii^^ I Do no. Uptown without on.. :An Importer's snrplus stock, Tvhicji 'consists of only \u25a0 " ' j -, _ " Vf» i : : • - J^-=4- -J '\u25a0'\u25a0' one piece of a style, but an nnllmltrrt variety of SWP T^IP ?<% Til <fVf^ S *&f*&*. up to date mmlipß In this favored (ace veiling. The MllW VlVdaiCIJ if 1 //Z/r£4'.t>s«§§». ' *"?\u25a0 eolorw are bln«-k, lironu, navy and maciilr. ... . ...:_ - .\u25a0 ... . 'iffi/iIMuZBS&StrTS^ : '». *: / * .. \u25a0 . . All sizes, 6to 14 years, m _x^^^»-» ' :i TL , -. : 77 _ " . boys' laundered blouses, made of f\V\W£&ffl/ff?/4f (Saf^F^A^)-* ~ ' T • The Season S Clean Up IZQ* n *> fine madras, offered in" many " 4wSW^^^~^S*^®T ' ' : 'f of Repaired Kid Gloves **sL Uf patterns; special, 50c. 'vhWll^ « -- Any soiled ; or rejected' Kloves that had any trinin X Boys' sweater coats in Oxford $&£&£'' }~\ . • defect, were therefore, classed ! imperfect. ;These hdve ' With \u25a0•'. cardinal . trimming," \with .• ' * '' J ' V> ; been carefully K one over and put in K ood cdndltion. : navy trimming or. in navy. with ->^ f|X They, will wear nnd look just as well n» any first \u25a0\u25a0n.U,/) -«r i.«i;i«» n ,,' - • >v W\«rV*--l^\-\ Si ' r*N * I ' class Rlove- Some of the JbestfßradesamonK*theni. trimming,. orSOUd navy, AW\n\nn /l V-i/ 1 All ladies* . gloves. -Worth 'many, many times this $1.00. (First, floor,-third aisle.) I \X.X/ \ Wt » l\ \^\ ' sale price. As the quantity is limited early buying -'.-\u25a0- \u25a0- ' \u25a0\u25a0'-- \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- ..-• -. . / , \ Vi/ \ \\\ \ 7 X \! toaie oi prassieres \u25a0/^/ \xllQty ? s :' Just received,; 2oo more of those famous Bras- /.' / I*» Tlfs^' / */ I '* .., sieres,: which now are ' so greatly in demand' I / C *•'],' ' I ij^// // ', ' 'J* (Sale' Second Floor, east of Dome.)« /^rvVjlfe-'fefew •"•'\u25a0' I ' - ' ( .Scientific, boned, made of; fine mus- r,IT imwnll I 111' 'ill Jllf" ¥'\u25a0\u25a0 <M ; 7\lin -and cut to fit arid correct the figure. {&' '*| \w//- '' I WH^lL^ Wi ?\ ;: .. ' : £ ,F C) All : sizes, 34 to 44. : An 'absSlute es-; - : \" , ' yMwfJLJjffitk" n'\T\Will \u25a0-\u25a0 -^ P J to' the woman 1 particular in her 1 '* 'iMvW^Ml tWllv^ : I llllw i'-^'fOf^^^S •-"\u25a0•''• "'- /gowning. \u25a0 The style' is illustrated.' 1 '\u25a0] V V S-W* : hJ | Ijo jW>i// \ \W§! v: i^lp^M: mmmm specif ,miiii| Wk ' "-\u25a0 I \l - -lilmi^^Wkl''' '^nl- Zinfandel —A; perfect. Malt Tonlc-^-Pabst best, -' #f VSbJ \u25a0If / )l 7 r H" 'M i " \ )'^ " Jl'l'J 1 ' 1 ' I \u25a0 // \\\ -v\ \ ' t"i>- " '\u25a0 kr\ ill ..California: table -known, the; world 'over " \u25a0\X \Su W \u25a0"•*! fl \u25a0 Au?« - i •L--^S3S S ? V > i /f/// \ H \\V A \ • s4:«° c r , do Z .:*i.»3 \ • '![ -; V^^^ r rTJ^x<s> :; ' ' ' JIHIVr iiX-A I:-- Hock AVine,— Delight- Gln K er . Ale — IrnpoTted, . :^V : H - '-li\ \\ " // •"\u25a0 ''" -V 7/// w/ ; - \\\\ :VV 7 . fully pleasing -,ciual-V n "| ne ' - rCan * rell .v '&: - -' f -I" -\I t H* - > - ; Ydlil //' ' n ; in 1 ""'Al* 7 - - - itv - 'theealWc' v Cochrane, per- doz. 91JSO: \u25a0 • '^'ftl- I i { ';\' »/ -/ - • /I' I '/&\\'\'" : >'->ii! L^^v\«S.'; -.*•; ,. 3 r',Svhl«ky:- :^;Em"p>"riura?. Piel. : Beer — Emporium : '\\~^^Ljft^&i/'Mfc } '''-/'' //(I \u25a0 : -r< It- 1: !' ; \u25a0"\u25a0 •'\u25a0 ' '-\u25a0T^WJ^'y-'' ' special,>best:ofiblends; - sole ;agents;. special. % : >*l i ??3 4r / . //// /it