OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, September 17, 1910, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1910-09-17/ed-1/seq-11/

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Splendid Achievements of tKe Sutro Heights Improve
ment Club in Securing Extension of Fulton Street
Car .Line and Opening Up Choice Residence District
Perhaps the readers of The Call re
.niernber the time, seven years ago. when
a little car on the Fulton street line
-occasionally made a trip "over the hili"
from the Chutes to Twenty-fourth
\u25a0avenue. The motorman on this loneliest
\u25a0wption. of a great system was also the
'Conductor, and. for all practical pur
poEes, the superintendent and general
zranagrer. SornetJmes business picked
tp and the car would actually carry a
; -passenger.
.; At Twenty-fourth avenue the dilapi-
Sated tracks came to an abrupt end. A
high, board wall was built across the
fireet and painted thereon in huge sire
kad In ruddy colors was the rotund
moon face of the then proprietor of the
r.earby roadhouse — the only building in
V. Except on the maps, that was the end
Oof Fulton street. On the other side of
Vtae adorned board wall was sand —
'.-drifting hills of sand — all along the
Mne of Fulton street for a quarter of
•;a hundred blocks.
At various points these hills rose to
substantial heights, reaching at For
tiieth avenue an elevation of more than
.4^ feet above the street grade — a for
midable barrier against the develop
ment of one of the most sightly sections
"•jo.f the city, for It was plain to all who
\u25a0;Vuidied the situation that the develop
ment of the slope to the north of the
..park, fron ; Twenty-fourth avenue ' to
;the beach, must come, if at all, through
the' building of a highway whetfe the
-t-afid hills held their shifting 'sway
'along the line of Fulton street.
'\u25a0\u25a0: :-\rr the year 1904 a few property
oVvnrrs of the sand dune section north
off the park held a conference. Sub
sequently a seneraf meeting was called
resulting in the organization of the
;-.;;^utro Heights -improvement club" — so
galled because that famous resort over-
the westerly portion of the sec
\u25a0,.'tt'6ri involved. The first president of
i§iif. club was the late William H. Al
:;Sord: the secretary was Charles King.
/'To "opon Fulton street through to
JLfi« beach? was the club's first slogan.
The supervisors listened to the earnest
appeals made on behalf of the project.
•Aii. appropriation ivks made to pay for
Vh* <itys portion of the- work, and in
xJ'ue course of time a contract was let
:Jto grade the street as far west as
Thirty-fifth avenue — within ID blocks
\u25a0of the beach.
\u25a0'."\u25a0 The contractor delayed, as contrac
tors usually delay, but in tbe spring of
1906 the work undertaken" was com
plete and the roadway was finished to
the avenue named, directly opposite
Spreckels Jake, which theretofore could
only be reached through the park.
: . • Plar.s were next laid to finish the rut
iin. Fulton street through to the beach.
Then came the great conflagration of
..iC;Qf>, and with it the demoralization of
\u25a0ji.il projects of this nature. For many
vnionths the members of the Sutro
heights club held no meetings. They
: -were too busy otherwise.
.;..In the spring of 1907 the desire for
progress and achievement again as
ve'rted itself. A meeting of the club
was called and reorganization effected.
; Kd?3iond Grodchaux was chosen presi
dent" and Charles M. Stoltz secretary.
These men are still the club's officers.
.Again the Fulton street project was
.taken up. Earnest efforts were fol
\u25a0;T6we<j by substantial results, and today
jone.may stand on the highest Fulton
ast£eet ground at Twentieth avenue and.
'v^-ing straight to th*». west, gaze on
'itfts blue waters of the Pacific at the
«n& «f the road. 30 blocks away. No
\u25a0stretch of roadway on the peninsula
Equals this unbroken slope of almost
two miles; and when the Bkies are clear
:arid ocean steamers glide across the
•Vision directed to the west, the sight
As one for a painter's brush or a poet's
.:•;" The next great object of the club was
District Neglected by City and
\u25a0 ; Rebuffed by Spring Valley;
V- at Mercy of Fires
•After a campaign through various
department* of the city government
for. water and fire fighting, the resi
dents of Visitacion valley and the Bay
" view and University mound districts
received a setback at the hands of the
Fpring Valley water company, to whom
' they had been referred as court of last
resort and must now begin anew in
Trr^&ihg demands of city department*.
. The valley is in a peculiar 'position.
The nearest fire engine is at Fourteenth
snd Railroad aver.ues, which by actual
test Is a3O minute drive. Besides this
when the engine reaches the center of
the valley there will be no water with
"which to fight the flames. A hose cart
is maintained in the valley, which,
ithongh it has much hose, has no water
to use.
For several years the districts have
; demanded that their needs be consid
ered. There are now more than €00
houses, some of which are three story
structures, in Visitacion. valley. A
\u25a0fchbrt time ago a ?9,000 fire destroyed
\u25a0»; 'building, and shortly after a $3,000
.fire' occurred. There was no way to
. prevent the fire from destroying every
• thing it could reach.
.;.Mrs. R. V.' Hutchinson.' secretary of.
•lire., valley improvement club, put the
•situation pithily:
" : - : *'All we can do is mount the hills and
watch the houses burn." - ;
• She says, the first campaign took
them through many city departments,
as!one •would refer them: to another.
The Spring Valley has a big main. pass
ing near the center of the valley, but
refuses absolutely'to allow this to- be
tapped. The Rees reservoir could be
used, which would give sufficient
strength to fight fire, she,' says.'
The improvement clubs of the district
'will take the matter back to the board
and make a demand that
tfieJr districts be provided for. A.fire
'fighting: center In the valley would
.easily cover a territory now unprovided
for three and a quarter miles longhand
.a mile and a half wide. Residents: fear
t.hat a big fire in the thickly populated;
district ; might destroy Visitacion ,val- i
ley's business center.::- I
tp secure an extension of the street
railway" service through to the beach
by way of Fulion street. The street
railway people were appealed to and
the advantage and necessity of build
ing this line urged upon them. The
work is done, and today the steel rib
bons mark a straight line to the beach.
The rails used are of the heaviest
pattern, and iron poles carry .the wires.
Service on this line will begin, we are
assured, in a few weeks, upon the com
pletion of the Fulton street sewer. This
Is the one practically, straight street
car line across the peninsula, from the
ferry to the beach, its westerly por
tion skirting the entire northerly line
of the park — a stretch of more than
three miles. What section can offer
another Sutro heights and such a glo
rious route to reach it?
Third on the list of the district's
great necessities was the question of
securing a main intercepting sewer
along Fulton street to drain the entire
slope. While the main outlet, known
as the Mile Rock tunnel, was provided
for in the bond issue of ISO",, no pro
vision was made for the sewer in Ful
ton street.
The club went to work on this mat
ter, and secured a promise from the
authorities to build the sewer at an
estimated cost of $65,000. if the club
would arrange for the purchase of that
amount of noninterest bearing bonds
of the 1904 issue. Contributions were
solicited by the club from the property
owners of the section interested, the
sum of $1,501.73 was speedily raised
and paid to a bank to cover the interest
charge, the bonds were purchased,- the
contract let. and the work is now al
most complete. The sewer is of rein
forced concrete, of ample dimensions,
and is constructed along the latest and
most approved lines for this class of
Much private sewying. 'to be paid
for by the property owners, is also
being done along the streets and ave
nues of the district.
In the matter of grading and ma
cadamizing streets, great progress has
been made in the- two years
through the club's activity. More' than
30 blocks have been finished in that
period, and several gangs of graders
are now at work and daily adding to
the improved portions.
The club has also secured lights for
the district, has assisted in securing
better school facilities and improved
fire and police protection. Through its
solicitation, also,- the park commis
sioners have improved the edge of the
park along the line of Fulton street
as far out as Thirty-sixth avenue, and
in a short time will carry this better
ment on to the beach, thus providing
an attractive landscape along the
southerly side of the road for a dis
tance in excess of three miles.
The members of the club feel that,
with the great improvements already
secured and the development work in
prospect, the future of the district is
assured. All that is now' needed for
the rapid building of homes is service
by the gas and water companies. The
water question is especially annoying,
and the lack of that necessity is prov
ing a serious loss to the. district. The
members feel that this situation must
be relieved, and earnestly appeal to
the authorities concerned to bring this
about at the earliest time possible. -
Given these utilities, and the ocean
breezes may kiss the sand dunes a
final farewell. Happy homes wijl re
place the heaving hills, and the north
ern tip of the peninsula — unmatched in
beauty of setting, variety. and charm
will have lost its waste places for
The Sutro Heights club Is unique in
this: Its meetings are held in the day
time — at 10:30 on the second . Sunday
of the month at the Cairns hotel. No
dues are collected, no fines levied, and
no contributions solicited. And its ses-'
sions are as the gathering of a loyal
family around the home circle.
Tenderloin Resort First Corpo
ration in California to Invoke
New Federal Statute
"The College Inn," the tenderloin re
sort on the southwest corner, of Ellis
and Mason, streets, has the distinction
of being the first corporation in Cali
fornia to avail itself of the federal
statute passed June 25 last and petition
the -United States district court to be
declared a voluntary bankrupt. By a
peculiar coincidence the. second cor
poration to take advantage of. the op
portunity filed its petition 15 minutes
later. It was the California mantel
and tile company of Oakland.
The College Inn is better known to
the. night-. life as "Pratt & Tierney's.v
Its managers, William M. Pratt < and
Matt Tierney, 1 who conducted a similar
resort \u25a0 in Mason street before*- the
fire of 1906, afterward ran a place of
like character in Ellis street near Fill
more until forced out. of business by
th«; police . commissioners under the
Taylor administration. .
Pratt, the manager of the corpora
tion, yesterday through his; attorney,"
Lee 11. Olds, filed statements showing
that the concern. owed $10,449. anJ had
assets of but $1,255. Of the assets, it
is alleged in the petition, the corpora
tion, had on hand cash amounting to
only $35, which the sheriff had seized.
The principal creditors, ..were - the
Julius Levin company," which" had a
chattel mortgage for, $2,500 :oti the fur
nishiugs of the: resort, and seven en
tertainers, a bar tender and a porter. . .
The California mantel and tile com
pany of Oakland asked' to be' declared
a bankrupt because it owed $12,791; and
had but $5,326 in assets." The principal
creditor was C. Frauneder, to whom
was owed $5,342. " . . \ . E«
The' other petitions- for voluntary
bankruptcy filed . yesterday-were:
Domenico Alello, clothing merchant; 504
Seventh street, liabillties.sl,ll9 and as
sets $714 ; A. : R. West, carpenter, ; San
Francisco, liabilities $3,966 and assets
$100; John - F. Witherow, -wire splicer;
Oakland, liabilities $181 arid assets $50;
J. R. Macaulay. Jr., 'dairyman, Sacra
mento, liabilities $1,042 and assets $soi"
WANTED IN HED BLUFF— Arthur Reed and
' Edward' Vanwart wore nrrestedby Detectires
Maloncr .. mu<! \Traccy «yesterday_*on a '•\u25a0dispatch'
.- from, Ked Bluff 'that; they were, wanted, there
» for embezzling a ruovtag picture maclilne. . *-
Well'knopn, officers -of the [Sutro Heights} and; Green
Merchants', Association Taking
Measures/ to Secure Sarii s |
tary Collection Service
Members of the, Merchants* associa
tion, • together -^ .with ' members, of .the
chamber of ;. commerce. and'^Merchants*
exchange, have arranged with 'the
Western Pacific ; to 1 see^ California by
daylight, over ;that line. ' "
The excursion will leave San Fran
cisco Saturday, September 24,- at 9:30
a. m., and 'return the, following Monday
at 8:30 a.*m.- Stops will be made at
different points of interest, Including
the plant of the • Great ;Western power
company- at Intake' and'Las Plumas.
Stops will .also be [ made -at Marys
ville, Oroville, . Sacramento, . Stockton,
Portola and Hartwell. The excursion
promises to be'bne of Hhe largest the
commercial representatives of the city
have ever undertaken.- — \u25a0— ••"•\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 -..;/ .
Reservations rriaj r be made, at the
ofnee of the Merchants', exchange, .1405
Merchants' Exchange building. -•
The Merchants' association has peti
tioned the'board. of supervisors tosub
mit to the voters of the city and coun
ty at the election next". November, a i
charter amendment providing for a
special sanitation-tax outside the dollar
limit, to cover the cost. -of collecting
and disposing of the garbage of
city in a systematic and sanitary man
ner. • - . .'-.\u25a0 ; ' \u25a0 •\u25a0..\u25a0. \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 ".. - ' '\u25a0-\u25a0";:'- '
It is generally recognized that , the
collection of garbage is a health' mat
ter and as much the duty of, the city as
the cleaning of the streets or the,sew
ers. .- • \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-:' -\u25a0 •-';:\u25a0 : \u25a0\u25a0 '• \u25a0-
The regular disposal of garbage, the
association- believes, *should. be compul
sory and under the supervision of the
city. This Is the system' now used' in
many other cities. i " '. :
The petition of .the Twin, peaks tun
nel and improvement convention 'in
the, matter of voting bonds for the con
struction of the tunnel came up. before
the street committee of the .board of
supervisors Thursday afternoon and
was continued one week at the request
of; the representatives of . the conven
tion.. The matter of the Spring Valley
purchase is still in abeyance.
Judge Troutt has rendered his deci
sion favorable to the. construction of
the Stockton street tunnel as proposed,
which leaves. . the field . open for the
continuance of thls'project. * : ' \u25a0'..-.\u25a0
The North Central improvement asso- ;
elation has just issued its report for
the month of August, which covers five
typewritten pages. ; closely-- written.
From this report It appears. that much
progress ' has been made during the
last month. One of the new i fireboats
•now being built «wlll v be located at
the bulkhead at the foot of Lombard
The fire commission has recommended
that sheds be constructed costing |4, 500
for the accommodation of the, crew. An
ordinance was passed , by the supervi
sors setting;aside $5,000 in. addition ,to
the $130,000 provided -the :, preceding
month for laying, the *• high -.pressure
pipes in" the .bounded by Mar
ket and Powell "streets and the bay.
This "work Ms progressing \u25a0 rapidly. ' \
' Since thei report of ;:the previous
month the association has.- secured ,sl-g-'
natures for over 4iooo feet- of - v f rontage'
for. the lowering of ?,the' grade: on -San
s<fme street. ,'The-,petition. will soon
be' filed with r the rsupervisofs. \u25a0; ;.
The ..- harbor.; commissioners have
promised, to ihastenvthV; work-; of dredg
ing at. the. foot, of .Mpritgomery" : street.
Work on the sewerl in'Sansome street'
from Jackson street to the bay ' is pro
gressing rapidly- and' will be 1 completed
by the middle ..of October.,';" . .
The association: Msr advocating -the
running of \u25a0anVelectrlc*line jdown* Cali
fornia" street :from\';K<!arnyV.rso" as -to
give .the large Vbuildings 'direct,
rapid communication •with ferry.
DOWNTiqiwiV ASSOCIATirOjy \u25a0;
The Downtown; association rield ; .its
regular rrieetlng,.and. dinner: at the ; St.
Francis' hotel last Wednesday. "The
street committee reported : that ; through
its efforts -needed street.\ repair .work
was.dono oh Montgomery and-'.K earn y
streets just prior to' the parade of, A'df
mission day. . ; ..-/,- ''.. l . \u25a0 ',
Otto Shlller reported tnatViriany" bids
had, been A received:, for... thej, proposed
Chinese arch -in Bush -street and ; Grant
avenue. =Tlie. 'indications, were! that the
cost/would "be 'about/. $9,000." • ''He
ther reported • that • the -Chinese were
becoming. ehtH uslastic: iipori. the' project
and propose "to praise ; money/, to /have
an : arch on' every corner.: and .>to have
Chinatown brilliantly flighted. • . \u0084 ,
AVdebate.;w"aff;,h*eld;between the pro
ponents and ;the opponents I , of the Jslais I
creek project. \u25a0 .:;,:.? :':'£.'. 'x£s ;\u25a0, .-- !
; William! -H. ' Ford, 'of, 'the :
India ' basin associatlon.-7.and David i
Albetrcrav ; of' , 'the ""Missiori''^ promotion i
association' favored ; .^the £act,'- and --D. '
Davis of. the DevisadeVb -'s'treet; irhprovei
ment . club.^Jaines^K. jTaylor/ i of"Uh«
Bay. .View/ improvement ? club*. and-V. • J;~
Scoof y" oppbse'd \ the*. "act. 1 . • ; Thet "debate
was at times jSfrij? acrimonious.'^.Further
consideration <pt ; the «. matter i was jjqet
poned to some time" inUhejfuture. ; when'
the association;' could^. devote .more' time
to .the. subject. ; \u0084'; r ; -'i '."-\u25a0. ".
CIVrC.'I^EAGIJE;.-^ i-,',:- «~/ \u25a0.;\u25a0- \u25a0
The executive; committee of the.Ci vic
league met .1 Thursday,.' evening '.^at '^the'
St % Francis! hotel:' 'lt recommended that
a" 'system^of^ night -streett'sweeplng^be
Inaugurated, V and* that "a^blo'ckt system
of VcpHecting sweepings f be; estabHahedr
It^is' thought :thatv In -this : . way? street
sweeping. i/willbe^ more* and
systema.tic.*;''.,l*',:- v JV'^".-;.- :^ -.v, s '. \u25a0 -^
; Chief Murphy jof* the 'fire; department!
addressed the" mietihg." J He'stateJ; that"
it i was f *the)intentl6n f ; o'f^the'flT'e^ depart
ment; to :;secure*alchemlpalj;ehgine 5 for
; pressing 'fires than' caiTnow!be had ariy^-'
'Native-Sons' hall, to cost $200.
000, construction .of which^has
begun on Mason street, between
Post and Geary. ..^ : .
where. '. He further. said it was,, the", in
tention of the department to; secure
motor driven apparatus just as quickly
as finances permitted.. . An autqmobile
fire - department; has ; : proven r satisfac
tory and successful in the hilly: city of
Seattle; and elsewhere. -Plans -are.now
being made to extend the high! pres
sure system over Telegraph hill; anU
the North beach' section, where there
are many wooden structures.
The'chief invited the members to in
spect the new. fireboat at -.Harrison
streets wharf^- and 'offered to give -.a
demonstration of kits efficiency. The
invitation, was accepted and: Saturday,
September 24. at 2:30 p. m. : was set; as
the time for the visit.
A resolution was passed calling for a
congress of improvement •clubs to con
sider .the 39 charter, amendments- be
fore the people. The convmittee-, on
charter • amendments and .ordinances,
consisting, of Joseph liothschilJ, C. F.
Adams and H. F. Marshall were author
ized to' make all necessary- arrange
ments. "-The 'committee expects- to hold
a seriesof meetings and to invite, all
the Improvement clubs and the: public
to /attend.
A- program of speakers will be ar
ranged for each evening and discussion
from the floor will be permitted. 'All
thosejwho wish to- speak upon any of
the proposed charter amendnaents are
requested .to: senJ their ; names to any,
member ;of the committee -or .to "'the
office of .the Civic league. Merchants'
exchange'bujlding. The dates and place
of meeting "will be announced shortly.
A protracted debate "upom the India
basin act took place at -the last Tmeet
ing between James K.! Taylor, who op
posed the act,* and. George Reriner," who
favored^it.. ' ' ,*' ' ' . .- ;"^-' r - \u25a0"',;\u25a0 '\u25a0'. '•':."" '
At the close % of the debate the execu
tive committee :-voted to recommend to
the 'general- body at its next- meeting
the 'approval of the harbor , Improve
ment •bonds, together with the India
basin ;bonds. , * ' • ,
The' San Francisco women's club, con
sisting; of ;the! Outdoor league, the; Glen
Park -women's j club ' and others, -peti
tioned' the board-of. supervisors to.subm
it at, special. boridi election immediately
after"^the 'general'- election for 'voting
appropriations; for *
The matter .was < taken v under submls
sion,by ithe" public'; utilities .committee
of , the- b'oa.rd 'at .lts; meeting Wednesday^
The amounts asked are $250,000 for Tele
graph.hilU's9o,poo for Glen park, $350,-'
000 "for ;ithe Potrero, and ." $100,000 .for,
Bay View. : :; ; - : - V; <\u25a0>\u25a0' '-. \u25a0;" A ;:'
club \u25a0:\u25a0 ' n ;; ; : ; i.. :% '-\u25a0'\u25a0:\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0':
.The ' dedication , of the J new Cleveland
school 'will' occur . tomorrow J afternoon
at^2 t.o'clock.i This, school ;is 'located.* !bn
Persia i avenue ;^ between ;• Athens -;; and
Moscow streets.; "Mayor, P,:H.:McCar
thy:.; will.: 'lay the -cornerstone. "The
exercises '-will.: "be iheld; under 'the '\u25a0 '"aus
pice's of -the :. Green <c Valley | improve
ment :club. v- Guadalupe; parlor; 1 - N.7D;;g.
W.v* Guadalupe - parlor ; : N.; S.; G.- - w W.V
Homestead': -^progressive ..aßsociati on,
Pathfinder II I;camp,,'.W.1 ;camp,,'.W. .0.t,W., ; Path finder
circle/ W.0..W. and the Silver -Heights
improvement ' club wiir participate. . . ;
\ l Tbe: various torganizations, "•': together"
withV tlie '.school -children {and. faculty;
will'rnarch 'iniprocesslon'- from? Guada
lupe';hall,"v4sst.Misslbn^street.:.:A 7;Hter
ai- y* and" niusical^prqgram; ,will;;be iren
deredr VMdyor- -' McCarthy ,\ -, Supervisor
MinehanV arid ";'6"thers ' will.^ speak.';;l The
chairman* of ; the committee of /arrange
ments -Ms"*' John '.' O'Keefe and' the"^secre
tary ; i s';- A^th v fl war ren; 7/ y-, v".; . v; t- y'^'i
J The>, "fl'riance^ «onimlttee* . of : \u25a0 the? v board
of '1 supervisor 3-v.has.: set V aside , enough
money -to '? provide: >i for? the- removal -.of
the ",-knoll" at -.Twentieth f and-.- Kentucky
streets, i r and .? President? President .*; Casey -o.*uthe
th^ Vworkv-will-, bo ,;undsirtakenl imme
diately-.'."* The -removal Soft .this't obstruct
tion ihas^ been^badly^ needed 5 for '{many
year's i paet:-^ -Ther CalU lnterested iitself
iri'thisvmatterisqme thne?slnce. ; *K/T^ i;
The f association, - backed f, by * Father
Patrick" O'Connell .? pastor of ; St.V,Tere
sa's? church lofj the ;Potre ro^hasyunder
taken-totsecureJa park for. the Pdtrero
district:?*;'^'/ '-; : " - \u25a0'\u25a0 '\u25a0-:<* '.' • \u25a0'": -•-V '\u25a0'' : \.^-y- : •.-\u25a0"
MIGHT '}\u25a0 ClrEak 3 BROUGHT; BACKI-Mas *Graiv
all as ', Ames, 'was; brqußbt; from. Lps,Apgele» by
" Detectire 'Daly 5 yesterday- on- a 5 charge s off em-
.$l5O *t rom+theg Jefferson -hotel Scorn-"
" "'-\u25a0 pany. \u25a0"' by ' whom . be • was 'emDloyed 13 i; night
Street Improvements ;Be
> : Piished by Club^ Under •
Yrooman Law
} : The Points L.obos;-improvem«nt club
intends to' compel ,- the ): performance
of; street * work, ' ' where .. not al
ready. done, v upon -Clement street
from -First 'to Twenty-sixth • avenues,
in/Lake and California streets, 'Point
Lobos avenue 'and - all ' other- streets
where - most' of \u25a0 the street work is
done. .^ - . • ."' > - \u25a0', - :
Street • work; throughout the district
has been" practically; completed for
some time;: past, but here and there
property owners have refused to have
their work -done. The-c'lub proposes to
take "proceedings under .the Vroorhan
act;:to. order- the work- to be done, the
contract' being given to.' the lowest bid
der, 'he to\have a'.lien ,' upon the prop
erty with .the right of \u25baforeclosure for
1 work i performed. /_
• At .the regular meeting of ! the Peralta
club,' held Tuesday; evening, the school
committee', consisting of Messrs. Burke,
Vizzard . and; ,Cluff,- reported having
toured the district with School Director
Payot- in an effort -to .find a suitable
site for 'the' primary school to be built
in the. Peralta heights district. A num
ber of locations were Inspected. The
decision of the school /directors' will be
made 'known.' as soon 'as .the board
meets.- - - - -
The park commissioners were, peti
tioned to hurry the work of construct
ing the c,oping around Bernal park, for
which $2,000 has been set aside. Messrs.
Irvine, Vizzard and Burke were ap
pointed representatives upon the com
mittee, of arrangements -that -has in
hand the matter of dedicating Balboa
park^ and I the: Ingleside police station.
. Flinn' & Treacy; were -requested to
expedite the 'construction of the main'
sewer, in Wolfe street from Franconla
to Isabel before ..the stormy weather
sets in. \ h. '\u25a0/.-,
vArrangements, are" under, way.' for -the
third . annual entertainment and dance
to\be given at ' Graham's hall. Alabama
street ;and'Pfecita avenue, on Saturday
evening, October : 15.' •>. '. \u25a0\u25a0
:A- vote of v thanks was unanimously
tendered to. The 1 Call for .the•considera
tion 1 it is showing to the different clubs.
\u25a0\u25a0 At the. meeting of the Eureka valley
improvement; association at 406 Castro
street, Thursday 'evening, a committee
of '10 was" appointed' to conduct 'the
dedicatory -exercises- of the new McKJn
ley.~school; at' Fourteerith"and Castro
streets. .The ' committee consists of
Messrs. .Whalen.Conlin, Moody,- Bello,
Brown, Morrlssey, : Shilling and Hinkel.
The date of "the dedication" will b« set
at a later "meeting. : ; \u25a0'} \u25a0~ ; • ._ .
,It was:- unanimously: decided to pre
sent, to .the "school upon- this: occasion
a handsome, bronze bust of McKinley,
and the exercises will take ; the form
of.urrveiling this monument at the same
time* that the school 1 will. be dedicated.
Thirty-five dollars was ; subscribed *at
the -meeting and it is expected that
enough; money will be subscribed in a
few days, to . insure ' the carrying out
of "the -tentative •arrangements.
"The Home' lndustry -league -held a
large : and' enthusiastic' meeting yes
terday -noon at ..the! Palace hotel. The
report of the: exhibition; committee was
received. • The\ publicity; committee ; made
a. detailed reports "-'.\u25a0; !A'.. communication
was read from C W. Hofnlck,':- manner
of ', The ..Call/VmakingTsuergestlons -for
advancing ; the .interests;: of ; the \ league.
The - report * : and :.letter jwere
printed. '^'A V was appointed
to Jnyite. representatives of the women's
clubs ; toattend -,the next ' meeting. 'Sug
gestions' ; f orZ" L f urtHer / progress "'were
mafle .byl several: speakers. ';
Cash iery Leaves Safe Open and
Makes. Larceny Charge
LiOuiSj( Richards-' of * Lesser i brothers,
Lincoln*; ma.rkeit,* 187Tr,Market-street/-ob
tained .; a; .< warrantn t i\ from! Policed Judge
.Weller ryesterday-: for - - the .*. arrest • pf.
Edith 'Dunn :oh a of -stealing
$315.90 September; 14.- ' ' ; -\ . .
\u25a0 iAbout-a week: ago the firm adver
tised'for algifl'.to attend 'the'teleph'one
and "jMrs.: :.Dunn; applied. \'C She ! said that
she -had ; a' v husband,- employed? in an
automobile .concern:, and she \u25a0 lived In ! a
hotel.Vbut'hadrnothlng^to.do.'YAs there
was.no I responsibility attached to -the
position "no h references * were required,
nor ; was /she 'f asked -' the * name :' of " the
hotel /where yll ved.'v ;.- <
. .The ; cashier went out for a few min
utes J Wednesday, "leaving- the; safe'door
open. '-7 He put. the. key'of, the" money box
ln;'its.,usual;place "and when -he returned
the - telephone . operator i had ?* left ; and
$315.90 ''Was^ missing \u25a0 from Athe -'money
box.:*^.The' Vtelephone?, operator's -coat
and/ hat " were ; ' left;antf*it ? wasi expected
that : she I would \] return, "V but V when^ she
did 'not » make' her appearance:^suspicion
fell^upon^her.r Detectives ' Lambert; and
Young * are - try ing^tb] locate \u25a0 h er. -
'-A general i, denial fof the -allegations
of *.Wells:Morton, ; the stock -holder.; in the
Palmer/ oil * company, \u25a0; who", asked i for 1 a
coiirti order jfpr.raniexamination. of t the
books <;of ,1 the •/\u25a0 concern^; was j-: made \u25a0;- by,
they'corporatloh vin" its i answer 1 to ; the
complaint; filed ; yesterday.- ,; H. ; C. '; Strat
tonft the; secretary, > who * was " made i the
defendant\ r ln"f the "suit,^declar«B. that
he^VgaveXMorton :- every,;, 'opportunity,; to
examine ?theibqoks',=but]thatUhe>Jatter
wishedito - look 'over, [the ? stock
cates . ;;which J he-Xwas '/ unable*, to > show.
asHheylwere;notJin ! ;jils!pdssession^vThe
case . will!be'heard»bef ore \u25a0 Judge Moyan
Contrast Presented Between Now and Five Tears Ago,
South of Silver Avenue, Shows Result of
Improvement Club's Efforts
Those who -rode out the Mission road
or .to the county line five years _,ago
would find, food for thought if they
would reflect^ upon- the: condition of the
territory south of Silver avenue then
and the condition of that same territory
today. *
, At that time the Mission road, as it
was then called, was a river of mud in
winter and a: bed of dust in summer.
It had all the characteristics of a com
mon country, road.-
It -'.was*; intersected at intervals by
roadways or lanes that traversed large
fenced' -areas. , . Vegetable gardens,
dairies and truck farms were to be
found on every-side. The large,. slowly
rotating windmills provided all the
water that- was consumed by man or
beast. " •"v" v « -•'
Of such a character was most of the
land inclosed by Persia avenue upon
the. north. Geneva* avenue "upon the
south. La Grande avenue on the east
and San Jose avenue upon the west.
In this area there was a total popula
tion of about 400.. The population today
is' between 10,000 and 15.000. In this
area there were four stores that easily
supplied the wants -of the people. -
. Today there are about -100 stores and
new ones are continually opening wide
their doors." Five years ago this area
afforded protection to about 100 houses,
today It accommodates over 3,000 houses
and" there is plenty of room for more.
Bnilding is as active here as it is any
where else in the city.'
: In" such a territory grew up the Green
Valley improvement "club, one of the
youngest, yet one of the most ag
gressive and successful improvement
clubs in the city. Organized on the
Sth of January of the present "year with
a membership of 36. it has continued
to grow in strength and prosperity un
til it r now numbers over 200 active mem
Deriving its strength from the pio
neers", who by their own individual ef
forts have made this district what it Is,
this club" has by. uniting these forces,
accomplished great good for its mem
bers and neighbors. It is said that the
club has received all that it has asked
for. . The officers state that they have
been modest In their requests, have
shown a desire upon all occasions to
meet the city authorltfes more than
half way and have asked only for what
•were obvious necessities.
The success of the club has been due
largely to its solidarity. The members
have long worked individually and
with great success, but the apparent
benefits of unity have appealed to. them
ho strongly that they have permitted
their officers and their committees to
devise comprehensive and systematic
plans for the , development o* the dis
trict, and they have to a man backtd
their- officers" and- committees in what
ever they undertook.
Most of :the people in this district
own their own homes and this also ac
counts for .the interest and enthusiasm
that has been taken in the develop
ment of the district. The people are
for the most part hard working, in
dustrious- laboring men.V Their homes
are. not pretentious, but they are su!>
stantial and comfortable. .
There is so much work to be done
in this. district that is necessary, that
little thought has as' yet been given to
matters of luxury. Beauty and artistic
development will no doutt come later.
*The first matter that «nine before the
club was tist> establishment of a power
system 'or the district. Practically
speakinr- there were n-» s^wors. By
continued and persistent «;ff-.>vtd th«
club secured the laying of sewers. The
work is more than half completed.
Main sewers and side sewers are now
being constructed. It is exnecte-I that
in a short while the whole district will
be thoroughly sewered.
-Since, the organization" of th« club
it has 1 , sought to have street work ticne
throughout the. district, Th's expense
fell upon the property owners ani? they
have." as a rule, enthusiastically co-op
erated with the street committee. Much
work along this line has been done,
much v is being done, and much more is
contempleted for the future. The club
secured the right of way through the
Somps tract, whereby the cltv will be
enabled to complete the proposed ocean
to the bay boulevard. *v
I This boulevard will come In on Onon
dago avenue, which will be widened for
the purpose.. It will give the residents
of, this district direct access to the
ocean on one side and to the bay upon
the other, and will make, this district
about the midpoint of the channel or
avenue of traffic that will be'accommo
dated by the proposed boulevard. Mis
sion street will be the axis that will
intersect the boulevard at about right
angles. > .-\u25a0','\u25a0
The light committee; has secured 14
additional lights for the district. . An
evening school -has 1 been established
within the last three months at the
Monroe school. Commencing with 33
pupils, it now has in attendance more
than 100. The club secured a distribu
ting- station \u25a0 of; the , free library "and is
now working to have established a reg
ular branch library. .
The extension of the Spring Valley
water company's mains Into the higher
section of the district is another matter
occupying the attention of the associa
tion. > -\u25a0-. : : .- '\u25a0 ' . \u0084-.\u25a0;;/;-;
>\u25a0'-. Pending the securing of a permanent
firehouse in the district the club has
organized a volunteer fire brigade. This
brigadeis.thoroughlylequipped and of
ficered . and - prepared to do efficient
service if necessity requires it. .
/C T Only a short time ago the club ; se
cured an appropriation for a new school
building; This building, the new, Cleve
land primary, has just been completed
and.wlll: tomorrow, be. dedicated by. the
social land .benevolent associations of
the district under. ; the 'auspices of the
Green improvement club, Mayor
P. H. \u25a0 McCarthy .will be one of * the
speakers." ; - ' *. -
It has' already, been found .that •: this
school will -r riot " afford accommodation
f oV-the'children' of the 'district. Already
efforts are being made. to. secure an
other primary school for the. district.
''.So 'rapidly ; has this i district grown
that : it-is^now/apparent >that parks and
playgrounds, will^ soon .become, a' ne
cessity >to - afford Tpores for
the'populace. ; ," It is not often that dairy
land becomes so. thickly, settled that in
the 1 course 'of- five . year's '\u25a0 the . residents
contemplate securing, parks for recre
ation;- :\u25a0\u25a0"; ; .':*:- " V\A- '.'\u25a0'• \u25a0'\u25a0"' - :
.' '.The t club .believes , that , these sites
should be -secured now when they ; ; can
be: had: cheaply.. The" park committee
of '.the 't'.board^'of '-: supervisors ; has "ac
quiesced iin"ithis. t view and intend to set
i aside-: money ;fpr. ; this; purpose. , : c.The
club thaa; secured i the opening *of .^ the'
Ocean Vavenue I handball s courts .for" the
use *. of ".the * : Monroe *: school "until " such'
time as additional" land in Hhei.vlclnity,
of the school can be obtained for play*
ground purposes. The Balboa parlt.
about three-quarters of a mile distant,
will afford convenient recreation
grounds for the people of the district.
The club since its organization has
been meeting In a hall on the corner
of Vienna and Russia streets that for
appearance . resembles a good sized
woodshed. The Interior Is whitewashed.
Illumination is furnished by an anti
quated oil lamp set upon the secre
tary's desk. This meeting place is a
decided contrast to the new one about
to be built. " ,
The club has recently Incorporated
and proposes to issue $5,000 tn shares
of stock. $3,000 will be used to build a.
new hall and clubrooms. and $1,000 for
the purchase of a lot. As many of the
members are carpenters and mechanics
the club will be able to bui!.d for
$3,000 a structure which a private party
would have to pay twice as much for.
The new hall will afford accommoda
tions for meetings, socials, committee
meetings and the like. Its necesstty
is greatly felt. The club has been ac
customed to * give socials frequentl.y
and to assemble the residents In ma3s
meetings, to consider not alone local
matters but also matters of general im
portance, such as th© home industry
movement. Twin peaks tunnel project
and the Islais creek matter.
The success of the club has been very
largely due to the activity of Its off!-,,
cers and committees. These have all
been rewarded by re-election and re
appointment for the following term.
The officers are: T. A. Simpson, presi
dent; C. N. Hancock, first vice presi
dent; F. A. McCall, second vice presi
dent; Mr. Powers, third vice president;
Supervisor T. P. Minehan. fourth vice
president; Arthur "Warren, secretary;
Mr. Owens, assistant secretary, and P.
H. McKenna, treasurer.
• The chairmen of the committees are:
J. Prader, chairman of executive com
mittee; F. A. McCalt. chairman school
committee; Mr. Gallick, chairman of the
social committee; Mr. Owens, chairman
of the streets and sewers committee:
S. Xathanson, chairman of ftre and
water committee.
Both Are Dismissed Through
Errors of Complainants
Hans Olsen, grocer. Indiana and
Naples streets, was charged before Po
lide Judge Shortall yesterday with sell
ing liquor without a license. The ar
resting officer was G. Coates, who rep
resented himself as a beer drummer,
and after paying for the cigars
ordered whisky, which was served.
Coates put 20 cents on the counter, but
before Olsen took it he was called upon
to serve a customer.
When he returned Coates showed his
star and arrested him. Olsen denied
that he had any intention of taking the
20 cents and the case was dismissed.
Ercole iluzio. 1307 Castro street, was
charged by Madeline de Orsay. the fe
male detective, with selling liquor with
out a license, but she had to confess
that th« wrong man had been arrested.
She pointed to Pietro Ttaffo, the pro
prietor of the fruit store, as the man
who served her with the liquor. Th»
case against Muzio. who is a chicken
picker, was dismissed and Raffo was
arrested on a new warrant.
Improvement CO.
\u25a0 V \u25a0
Joseph Leonard, Mgr.
903 Phelan Bldg.,
Means a Good Home
On Easy Terms
Beautiful Bungalow
In Sausalito
This is a new six room cottage.
Just completed, and is strictly mod-
ern throughout. The lot is 85 ft.
frontage and 130 ft. deep, all graded
and fenced, and affords a fine marine
and mountain view. - Abundant sun-
shine and spring water. Easy walk
from station. An ideal home; less
than 40 minutes from The Call
office. '
Low price and easy terms. .
TV. B. GILBERT. First National
Bank bldg.. San Francisco.
Lots— sl,23o up; » Terms, only 10 p«r cent Acmn.
Street Work. Cement Walts, Sewer. Water and
Gas Included' io oar Prices.
CH .VXD LEX & BOURX \u0084
, 235 Montsromery , st.. San Francisco.
Take Hayes-Masonic car. transfer at A.-hbury.
255 Monteomery Street
Phone — Ponglas 36-14
Special .Attention Paid to Property tn
- .suDnet and Richmond District*.
Sunset Office — Corner Lincoln way (H street)
and . "th aTenue. . ' .
Beach Office — Corner Fulton street and 40U»
avenue, opposite Life Savins Station. - -
Why Pay Rent?
"We^Will Build for You at
And Your Rent Money "Will Pay for
Your Home.
" We are- now building modern 6 room = 5
and bath houses In - the SUNSET DI3- 13
TBICT, -along car .line. Bent, money g
term.*. ' MSHEMMRV \u25a0> \u25a0 Sj
113 MoyrGOMEaY grarar g

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