Newspaper Page Text
The Automobile Farmer Has Arrived STRIIvIXG PHOTOGRAPHS TO APPEAR IX Sunday Gall TEI.L THE STORY AT A.GLAXCE VOLUME CVIH.-.NO, 114 : 42 PERISH IN COLLISION OF TRACTION CARS Seven Other* Persons Injured When Coaches Crash at High Speed on Curve. Screams of Sufferers Bring In diana Farmers to Scene of the Accident Conductor Flags Swiftly Ap« preaching Train and Prevents Greater Calamity FORT WAYNE, Ind., Sept. 21.-^ Forty-two persons were killed g.ud seven were seriously injured in a headon collision between two traction cars on the Fort Wayne-Bluffton di vision of the Fort Wayne and Wabasli valley line today. The wreck occurred one and a half miles north of Kingsland, seven miles north of Bluffton, at a sharp curve. The cars in collision were a north bound local crowded to the steps, "which left Bluffton at 11:15 o'clock, and a southbound extra car from Fort Wayne. They met while both were running at high speed. List of the Dead IV. C Uunman, Bluffton. A. E. Hjdc, Pcnuville. S. K. Muckey, Vera Cruz. Mllllaio S. Been, Bluffton. Lloyd Brown, Bluffton. I. C. Justus, Bluffton. general man ager Bluffton. Geneva' and Celina trac- S. , H. Robinson, X. D. Cook, Ernest trousc. Ralph Waltier, W. D. Iturcan. «>«««r Zlmcier, Miss IVarl Saylor. John \V. Tribnlrt, 91iss Bertha Trlbolet, Thomas I'ordan, Harold Kelson, son of Lloyd Brown about IS years old, Mrs. Hiram Folk. Mary Daußhertr, J. K. S«arir, Joseph Sawyer, all of Bluffton. Mlas Thomas, ;V. 11. Tamiu, Frank J\iup. iJrs Frank Kins, all of Warren, R. F. Folk, Washington, Ind. Jac-«b >vrartz, Uniondale. v Blanche Arch bold, OESian. Charles Reber, Uniondale. John Johnson, Markle. Jesse Hoffman, Marion. Dr. S. E. Thompson, Ann Arbor. Mich. 31r». Myrtle Harley, daughter of Mrs- Folk. Bluffton. Daniel de Bach, Petroleum, Ind. John Smith and Mrs. John Smith, Montpeller. Joe , piano polisher, Bluffton. John Reed, battery E, Fifth Artillery, Kew York. Two unidentified men. . \u25a0.*"\u25a0-.\u25a0-\u25a0...*» '- *. .. Unidentified woman. Conductor Prevents Crash The motormen of the two cars had no time to set the brakes when they I sighted each other. The heavily loaded northbound car was crushed", and the* bodies of the dead and injured were strewn on either side of the track amid the \u25a0wreckage. The screams of the in jured men and women following the trash of the cars brought the neigh boring farmers to -the scene. Conductor Spiller^of the southbound car> was unhurt and ran back toward Kingsland and flagged a 'car from In dianapolis which was approaching the wr^ck at full speed" and which other-, •wise would have plunged add ing to the list of the killed and in jured in the collision. "Wrecking ca rs and physicians were rushed from Fort Wayne and Bluffton, and the bodies of the dead and injured were conveyed to the hospitals in the two cities. j'AGED WOMAN KILLED ' » AND TWENTY.FIVE HURT LIMA. 0., Sept. 21.— Chicago and Erie railroad fast train No. 4, east- bound, was wrecked near Conant, nine miles west of here, this afternoon, • killing an aged woman and injuring 25 persons. The smoker, day coach and two Pull man cars left the track and were over turned in a ditch 25 feet deep. The track at the point where the wreck occurred had recently been raised sev eral inches. Mrs. Strailer of Brookly. N. V.. was instantly killed, while her son, seated by her side, escaped injury. The left foot of J. W. Snowden, porter on the dining car, was crushed, requiring amputation at the ankle. W. T- Murray of New York sustained a fracture of the left leg at the hip. These were the first of the injured to be brought to Lima. TWO WORKMEN KILLED AND THREE INJURED BUTTE, Mont., Sept. 21.— AKwork train on- the Northern Pacific, crash ing into a handcar on which six section men were riding, today instantly killed two of the number and injured three others, one of whom will die. _ The accident occurred 12 "miles . east-; of '\u25a0 Continued on * Page ' 2,* * Col umn \ 4 The San Francisco Call. Miss Nora Brewer, Whose Wedding;ls Again Postponed SMART SET DUBS CUPID A LAGGARD Cudahy=Brewer Nuptials Now Slated for April, Upset- Fall Calendar Latest reports state that the mar riage of Miss Nora Brewer and Edward Cudahy of Chicago has again been postponed and will take place in April, with St. Matthew's Catholic church \in San Mateo as a background, Miss Amy Brewer as" maid of. honor and six or eight bridesmaids in attendance.. This latest rumor . has started speculation and comment afresh, as;. the news that the wedding was to have been an event of October had been sent broadcast \u0084 Cudahy'has regained his health abs<3-*' lutely, friends of the; young couple as sert, so the. new postponement' of the ceremony seems inexplicable,. especially, as the interested parties themselves^ smiling and happy, arc continually seen in each other's company, walking or riding, and have been away all summer on various automobile trips, chaperoned by Cudahy's sister, Mrs. Jack Casserley. Meanwhile, Miss Brewer As the motif for much of the quieter entertainment ,down the peninsula, and she is also putting in a most strenuous athletic career and setting a new pace for emu lation in San Mateo, Burlingame and Hillsboro. v ' - Since her return from her recent automobile trip to Del Monte her daily program has. consisted of a horseback ride before: breakfast, a' swim in> the surf off Coyote point, a game pr two of stiff tennis, 18;.. holes of / golf , on- the Country club links, and. usually a drive or automobile ride. Then, with a fluffy gown in place of skirt and sweater,, tea on the veranda is usually followed by a formal dinner party at night. And between , these diversions the bride elect sometimes even sandwiches in a walk to Beresford a;id back,, or up'into-the Howard canyon in search of greens. BREACH OF PROMISE TERMS NOT REVEALED "Between $5 and $500." Declares Bowles' Attorney . OAKLAND, Sept. 21.— "Somewhere between $5 and* $500 was the amount paid by P. E. Bowles Jr. yesterday just before the $50,000 " damage I suit for breach of promise brought?agaijist j hlm by-ClarftHaggett : was; dismissed. The money.; was paidUo Carroll Cook. 1 Miss Haggett's > attorney,? as : aSf cc,-.- and the receipt "taken contained . words h to • that effect." \u25a0'- '\u25a0--"... ' v .\u25a0;! ,*. '; ; \\ ;\u25a0;•.: This I Btatement", was made positively today by Attorney JR..JM.' Fitzgerald, who represented f Bowles j in. - the suit. Fitzgerald characterized as r "tommy rot" a statement that. Miss Haggett had received 16.000' to. glvoup 'her claims on Bowles.^ If'she^gof'any money,*" she got it out of what was paid Carroll Cook as a fee, he said.., \u25a0;" :; ". . The -exact amount paid Cook . Fitz gerald "would . not' disclose t for ' profes sional reasons. .'He "said:"' v .:; '';-'. ; "While Mr. Bowles; has not given me permission to" disclose* the, details of the settlement \u25a0 that brought . about" the diemissal of Miss Haggett's -I feel at liberty to state^ that the amount paid by him. was somewhere between f 5 and $500. If any. one. this. money ( ; ,went to Mlscs Haggett; after- the settlement, that' 'Is something'l" know 'nothing about." . ; . . \ , ry ' PRIZES; OFFERED FOR ATTRACTIVEGARDENS Improvers of Alameda Inaugu- rate a* Novel V. Contest * ALAMEDA, Sept.;2lJ-rTheiNorth" Side ; improvement club has offered prizes- forj the gardens": in^this .city.- --Two' | prizessare • to- be 'awarded, ; one- for- the i members ' of ; the club .and ; the i other * for all ; residents : of ; the . district | bounded i by. Ninth i street, ißroadwayr' Central avenue and:- the estuary.. ;Thet.contest /is'iin charge ?of Secretary - C." A. -Borle: *£.The club \u25a0\u25a0.will* Hold ? ai public ImeetingiFriday evening; and I will ; be ; addressed^ by * for nicr •; Mayor Taylor r and ' B.^C. Brown,', the .f general: subject ,i. beih'giii'Alameda! Underi Its , ; Present \ Form;*? of ment.",' Another public 'session ..wlll^be' heldl October "14t : wlien-Btate\bonds : wiir I be' discussed."' ".",' ' '.-*: *,- ; --**^j".,4^:^"*: ; i )s^mm^ ' 1 ' " \u25a0 : :\u25a0\u25a0' ' , ~:..^\: '\u25a0 '\u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0 SAN MRS. CHAS. REED GOES BACK TO NURSE HUSBAND Estranged Wif e Returns to In« jured Attorney and Her "- Children Woman Who Fought for Divorce Becomes Reconciled When Spouse Breaks Leg v J^JF you. •were crippled or sick I I would not leave you, for I would , •*\u25a0 .still; love my v mate, suffer.' his regrets vrith htm, be -with him, be caressed ' by lIHI tender hands and com forted by his ; kisses/ ' '\u0084 • "So .wrote Mrs. Charles Wesley Reed in the days gone by, and in her words was a prophecy which . yesterday saw fulfilled. Separated from her husband, the well known attorney and former supervisor, since last October and de feated last' May hi her attempt to se cure a divorce, Mrs. Reed yesterday returned to spouse, who lies crip pled at. the family :home, "615 Buena Continued' on Page' 1 3, Column 3 MILLIONAIRE'S SON BECOMES MANIAC H. Rheinstorm, Who Eloped With Actress and Was Cast Off by Family, Now Lunatic f [Special Dispatch to The Call] OAKLAND, SepU 21.— Harry , Rhein r strom, 26 years old, the son of a late millionaire distiller of Cincinnati, whose marriage a year or more s ago with Edna Loftus, an English music hall singer, estranged liim^from his mother, Mrs. Emma Rheinstrom, beeame'a vio lent maniac today, and was arrested : at Sixteenth \ street and San Pablo avenue by Policeman "Aliern. Fighting with his captor, the madman was dragged to the \u25a0*p*oltt!e- t -i6ftatibn; 1 where he continued his frenzied attempts to ; free Himself. He * was 'transferred .to the receiving hos pitals ' \u25a0 . ' \u25a0 ;Jf ;' i\- : ;;-.; .. " \u25a0;\u25a0 \,^i . Rheinstrom and his bride have; been living in this • city and Berkeley for about a month.- After their wedding, which .was, an • elopement following' a struggle against the mother's opposi tion,' they had come 'to California and bought a small ranch at Boyle lleightsi near Los Angeles., They lived :qn> an allowance of $100 a month, which was provided for Rheinstrom from his father's estate.^until -theisbn determined toreturn to his parental home to make peace with his mother. „;. ; They sold their ranch and got as far; as Oakland. Living for a short time, in Berkeley they, removed to the Metro-,! pole hotel, then, to an apartment house.] at 1207 Grove street. Since coming here*! the couple cast aside their plan- of go-^| ing to Ohio and in meantime spent theirv! money. Rheinstrom has for two weeks been reduced to borrowing money front' chance acquaintances,* and his <; clothes I have^ become shabbier each day. Rhein-ji strom appeared at' the Fifteenth streeill flrehouse this afternoon/ unkept - and 1 raving about "an explosion. Seeing, thav the visitor was^, a dangerous ' madman* theflremen called the police andPollce-^ man ; Ahem and Patrol ". Driver Hughes^ caught the youth a few blocks away. /"'* Rheinstrom -has been unbalanced'; in 1 mind'before, it appears. Such wasrhls wealthy mother's . alegatlon when >' the. son came back from New York to " Clnf 1 cinnati bringing with him the . stage* beauty. He had written.t o his mother^ concerning his fiancee, and* had been asked to visit his family. He did « £o} only to be; arrested and detained inVa sanatorium at hsi mother's request. 'It' took , a fight in 'court", to • reunite tliel young "people. Then they, fled into Ken^ tucky by. auto and were married. :I^-i Recently, the mllilbnaire's son and his ! wife told of their courtship. Miss Lof-j] tvs was singing with ;the "Rain Dears'^.! company :in New "York when J Rheln-'l strom met her. He had a plentiful al-;j lowance of money ; from "J his ; mother, i then, and is said to have spent $1,000 a: night one week, lavishing wine suppers,' furs," silks and Jewels on the actress. MlssLof tvs went on the stage early ; in her life. She Is reputed to have been engaged once to a Norman Dumbarton,' son of Lord • Dumbarton >of Manchester, Eng. Why this' alliance;- did not come about, if it was Indeed expected, -is riot explained. ', >.".\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - <- ; \u25a0Rheinstrom, before the eventful- trip to New York, was assoclated'/with the distillery business his family,; ownsi in Cincinnati.'* 'It; was established , by. the father, ':. A. v Rheinstrom, ; who : was * re puted to Ibe ;one' of ; Cincinnati's richest businessmen. *•; TheVyouth'Svinfatuation f or^thel actress jbi-oke' his ; business ' con-. nectlohs,'"'. as Ut' did V his ties.' Young] Rheinstrbm was sued j by; a hum-. berTof'tradesmen^here. «- \u25a0 GIRLKILLED WHEN: STRAIN : JSTRIKES AUTO^ | ; f PITTSBURG.I Sept' 21—Miss \u25a0 Edna?B; Doe i of 7- D.t'C.,\was ; 'killed, 4 Walter I J." 'Wilson v of .H Glen^Osbornej?A* 'suburb' z\pt'U Pittsburgh ; .was Q probably fatally'^iniured,lhisiTy;ifesßerio'usly r ?h*urt^ "and^MaKS^eltwell,'^chauffeuf,^ha*dfthr^e' ,ribs rcrushedxwhen ; early! today]? a. 1 * Perin^ fcyjva ni aj; pjijssen \u25a0ger strain? str,uck : ari = au? Itamoblle*vc6nta.iningfth"eTpartyj : \ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•Xv<>- ' Ball Player Is Walking Sphynx Demands and Gets Fat Bonus A -splendid action picture' of **' 'Mysterious^Miichelli"-[ph6ie.rcaVname : is Frank^M.Collingsandrvhohas created a j ARMY OFFICER ACCUSED OF SERIOUS OFFENSES ' [Special* Dispatch] io The\Call]' v r." 1. h ~: '\u25a0 \u25a0 N ETV' ." TCt X, ".. Sept. . 2 1 . — An; order " for 4a4 a- trial *by jburtTmartial' of iMajor- rEl (more :>TagarC. ofjfttha ; Twehty-f ourtri funi'ted* StVes 'infantry , will sbe* issued byGeneral . Gran t/'eom tnand ing the east.**'""**" ?.;.MaJorJ "Jggartf will \be w brought,-. to itrial''on'''aPharge.Jof Ummoraiity'.V which tgrew out>f the': recent' scandal /at ew : York^from',which"devel t'oped 'thesummary ,; dismissal *,from the army .of Hptaln'Rpbert^H. 'Peck.^Twen - jty-fourthih^antrK;''^ '•/ ;^. "^ :\u25a0 . r i.i^Al'sensaionalTeview, of-armyiliferat • Fort *On trio |i s [ prom I sed *' in '\u25a0< the VTag - :ga rt '" trial; Captain j Peck's /court: mar r Itial Uollored'jhla': \u25a0'discovery sof5 of *anVen iisted mW;t; employedvbyJ.Major?Tag !gVrt *as faser.Tajnt,'" in ; a drunkenycondi tion.^, Cajtaiß! 'Peck, ';'\u25a0? in 'lecturing/ the man, ' maie'.'statementsVaboutvia Vnegrb [cook ' enplpyed /<r by 'i Majqr ; >Taggar t: These" wfe 1 bruited; about.the; garrison *_•*"\u25a0\u25a0 •;\u25a0• "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 / ' --r-At* \ .-'\u25a0 ' :'.'. ' \u25a0\u25a0 : .*•'\u25a0 "'-\ : i \u25a0''\u25a0'<•\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 -t i ALAS! VAUDEVILLE MUST DO WITHOUT UNCLE JOE [Special : Dispatch Uo \ The; Call] r .\u25a0; ;a .\u25a0-•". ... ...»;. 1 1 t\;.-^- v . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:•\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0;-•\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 • •. ----#iy ; \u25a0:pANTlLliß;vljl.'.TSept,":2l. rr: Uncle;:Joe Cannon! . is" '-not gqingV* to \u25a0 elevate; the vaudevllev stag? ;for : 's3,ooo * a ; week an y ot i er a'mqiht. ';" ; .-; _ Th" c ; speaker \u25a0[ s aid so himielfithis afternoon.;; '\u25a0': j \u25a0 ;V; V / . Whei ," Cannot} returned 4; home 'i this morniri? 'I rom '•- troqu'ois • couaty/'a"'»teleV gram 1 iated* at .Toledo/* 0., 'v'as'J handed him.' It -made] him- anioffei- to > go:" on REGISTRATION^PASSjSSK i i^OAIKLIA.>nD,^Sep t .^^21 :r -aore \-:- : than |ißi,6ooVyoters,ihavejreglsterid^for. trie coming H f 11 '} election; :^ . wi th •' ieven \u25a0• days more*in>^'hich.Tthey; -^y^^^'i^egistef "in '.{timeV to » voteV>'" Two jVyeab ''^ago^TlJe'-j hundred t nv>e ivjotefsTare rexptated l to ?b"e '' j iregisterfldili nsidet^of * rtit^sejen days^aßUhey^areconiingjinUinumbVr^^ and , reflected. "on: Ma jorrTagVart, -.the comm'anding._bfflcei\\' >- \u25a0 • : - v -'; ' > ' -; PeckVi Was, -dismissed Vafterjj a icourt martial -had found' him* g*uiity;"of- 'con duct: unbecoming a' gentleman.' \u25a0 "''\u25a0 \\ t \u25a0 • Besides ''the ', charge .of \u25a0 immorality.' Ma jqr,.<Ta.gga r t,-_ wRo -at one ti me fl gu'red in one; of ; the J mostfsensational* divorce" tases known • to -the-. army,*' is V accused of | conspiracy^ to 'deprive' Captain -Peck" of *his irahk.'" Other '\u25a0', officers fare* accused of perjury.'and "conspiracy. ,^' : ! - ;\u25a0;; \u25a0; \u25a0 - Captain': Peck;isl trying ;to -have him self inUlie^ army. a; native* of I Calif orniaf and "tHeicbngres sional.dele'gatibnYfrbm^that^state.will introduce; a* bill i ordering Hhe. .reopening of -his- case *at\the^next- session ;of -con-' gress." r TWoTcbngressmenT-'M.>Et Drls coll and •' Francis I '• Burton "Harrison, * have' aiso-.«intwostedf*themseiW^Vin^P^k*s case -and / have; asked ? 'the l^war "depart J ni'entifor a •,;«,' .* * .'\u25a0',\u25a0',' '.'. thej s^age^and :.make.-af few . rerharkß about Jthe^insurgents. •'','-. : : :'.. : ; " ; C* ;Tyhen- The »Call; correspondent tasked him; this. evening where he I Lwoiil'd make his\debut : - he-said:.' '•..\u25a0,:';"\u25a0\u25a0'-."- \u25a0 - - ' "Oh!^Heli,*'^tryingrto ; get some; free" advertising/ or; some fakir is .**.-T^ oT^.vl^i^i4ireceiy"e/^tele^ram'fr6m0 T^.vl^i^i4ireceiy"e/^tele^ram'fr6m Toledo, this)mornlri"g^but ; as' it*was-un signe^d I^tSrew t ;U!jnt«>^the; waste-basket. That's' 4 all!i'kn*owJ"ab'out''it'.".^':- '* r ; - ' * • , BOMBVWRECKSiSTORE :l V : , v jOF^LIQUORf DEALER ,: CHICAGd. : Sept < 21:2 1:— A -.-= bomb t dam-! > aged* \u25a0 a',s twos;; story 2240) Wentworth-avenuejVarlyJthfslmOrnlng,* occupied IbyjCasi jjiq t^Geraci,^ a^wealthy,' pbrter^%The>fs;lplbsionl^blew Tt but fppri tip fjthe| store Jon 1 ; the .firstffloqrjand \ broke • i windowsgin||b^*by,", ;butnq|oh'e|w^<injured.%2GeraciVan"dthls, f family, b6c"upi^d*the*flat'abVve*,the, store.*' • -'" ;...\u25a0* ... t7 r WmtfHEWEATHEK VESZERDA y— Maximum iempcratarc. 68; -^mmimum. J£~ FORECAST. FOR .TODAY— Fab: mod- temperature; light northwest winds. 'MITCHELL' REFUSES TO BE A CHATTEL Demanids Tfiat? Manager Long Strike Out -That Portion . of His!Contract^;o awhile v the, figure .of "Mysterious Frank f Mitchell" -; still - stands -in*' the spotlight;' of ;the C local { basebal world as' the 1 animated fsphyhx, : and though identified '% through^ engravings on his jewelry'; and^other^- personal effects as 'Frank"-M. CoHings of;the;University. of Chicago! -his r stoical \u2666silence- and con tinued .spectacular' 'dealings "with ' Man ager Dan' I^ong'.of . the \u25a0 San "Francisco baseball cltib .have "contributed *withln thejast 24 -hours to make him' the most talked of >bas'ebaU v star in the western n rma men t. _ A l l empjtV to . inte r \i c w". h1 m yesterday met with failure/and though \u25a0his ; few; close ; associates admit ; that the ,^ v ?. s . s i°^L c??c ??M !S i t .^ ended, he "conUnues tolbe an interrogation :mark. " :' "At-/;the" \u25a0ball-vgrbiinds-" yesterday he continued to avoid camera ? men and re - porters.- and iat-.the \u2666* Hotel V Manx he remained -In his.. apartments ,vn til v the moment;, hey was ; obliged '^to keep an \u25a0appointment* for i* the i.eyening."«'Vw : h«n approached .^in i;' the '.lobby ~h© } a*dmitted that s he*had -closely -followed! the news paper - accounts *> of !; his {identity and. though evasive. listened to* ; questions \u25a0\u25a0vouching an " answer.^ .^B.V^ji^^' e /)(P^t ? r the^y«n^ ing V ..from '. the"^v hotel "to "avoid c .? l l ers^ , a s' d .i ttf*?®. i*» S'eyery';:" 1 ndication ;that' he" intends* to sustain ; the 'part of the^"man '" of 'mystery."" \. :. * '.- ' *-" ' ":'' • In £ the^meantlmle 'thef t ' f fans"; r are in sisting; thatjhev is * f rjonvlVhe : University ,'bf 'Chicago, $ sqme.expressihg^thVi opin*Walker, "and Mothers cbn vlncedjthat; he* isTColllngs;- r wh'ich ; name belongs ;tq^ him, /so* he *ha*s ,'cqnnded to thosetwhoVhave -Wad -most' : lntimate so clali 4 relatiohsrwith>him. :r . :'.: '. • T;Jln*the J <^*alh7qffeyiderice"whichtindi- Uqld tthef 'truth i Is' the Ifacttthat] just' abouti the' \u25a0'time the; local .eapi-wasj>in-thy north* Cqliings.was in : Seattle with^anj •;. aggregation ofrbase iball^talent, outward bound to.the orient ' withV'the University; of Tokio. .."Mysterious ;? Mltcheil".^.has; the watch presented by s theiball ; team:of. the. Chi cago*. institutiqn';tqrCbljlngs,' and the facts and name are; engraved on the in side of the case.'' - * ; have been traced ,with ; the." New" York ; team, : from ; which association: he ' wasrreleased "and ' taken into 5 , the "Jersey" City nine." He was. later -liberated rom f.the flatter, V and • under \u25a0the •* rules tof - baseball be •came}the: property tof; r therNew; York :State;leagUe.Y'with , this history .Walker, ineligible? to Vplay 'ball ; with ;the*San" Francisco I team; iwhlle Cbllings ;is a slancel'andf would ?not be^ per-" 'mitted '* to 'l plunged the^lpcal "team 'into 'any| ; dlsput"et^ -Llorig^insjsts I that - he ' has : made .-. an ; investigation * of ';. his .? pitcher : arid ' that V there ? is '- no •\u25a0 question: that \u25a0 he Continued . o» f P«k ela,^ Cetaoiuifaißl PRICE EIVS; CENTS. ' ROOSEVELT JOLTS OLD GUARD New York Regulars Admittedly Surprised by Defeat in Schenectady County COLONEL TRIUMPHS IN STRONGHOLD OF BARNES Sherman's Supporters Worried, but Claim Chairmanship of the Convention FIGHT IN THE EMPIRE STATE WAXES FURIOUS Political Developments In New York Yesterday \u2666 — — .\u25a0 \u25a0 , \u2666 Roosevelt carried the Schenec tady county republican con vention, regarded a* one of the strongholds of William Barnes Jr., the "old guard" leader In . New York. • • >/>; Delegates are instructed to sup. port Roosevelt for temporary chairman of the state convene tlon and to favor direct prlma - rles. Grlacom predict!* Rooseirelt*a election to the temporary # chairmanship by a substantial' majority. \s m '*</ i\* f. '-\u25a0.:l* " ; " The loss of Shenectady county delegation U admitted to be an even more severe hloTr to the "regulars" than Tuesday's de feat of Vice President Sherman In his own district. The situation* in "the* Umpire state assumes a critical aspect* with the balance of poirer la the hands of a fevr delegates and the ultimate attitude of several counties still doubtful* ;-".'•'• • * Supporters >", of Roosevelt and Sherman both claim % Ictory *t Saratoga, although both sides admit that the struggle will be a close one. NEW YORK, Sept 21.— 01 d guard leaders who are fighting for con trol of the republican state con vention at Saratoga next week were admittedly surprised today when news reached them that the supporters off/ Colonel Roosevelt had carried the Schenectady county republican con vention and had instructed its dele gates* to the state convention to sup port Roosevelt for temporary chair man and to favor direct primaries. Schenectady and Albany counties comprise the twenty-third congres sional district, which is represented on the republican committee by Wil liam Barnes Jr., one of the' most ag gressive of the "old guard" leaders and hitherto regarded as invincible. Progressives Surprised . defeat at the primaries of Vice President Sherman, the "old ... guard" candidate for temporary chair man of the state convention, in his home district in Oneida county was not altogether unexpected, but the loss of Schenectady county today was a sur prise to the progressives here. "It is an Interesting straw showing which way the sentiment in New York state is going," said Uoyd C. Griscom. leader of the Roosevelt forces, today. "So far as the forces of the old guard are concerned, it is a greater blow even than the loss of Vice President Sher man's home district yesterday, because it is a part of Mr. Barnes' congressional district, territory which was regarded as impregnable. "1 look for Colonel Roosevelt's elec tion as temporary chairman by a sub* stantial majority." \u25a0» Woodruff Hopeful Timothy I* Woodruff, chairman *of the republican state committee, ex pressed surprise at the action of th* Schenectady convention. _ * "Taking " Mr. Barnes* figures as a basis, I still believe Vie© President Sherman will be elected to the tem porary chairmanship by at least 15 or 20 majority." said Woodruff. -Estimates of the . "old guard" made today before the Schenectady returns gave Sherman 541 of the 1.015 dele gates. After the returns the progres sives went over the list and figured out that Colonel Roosevelt .would have 5J9 votes in the convention to ..4SS for Sherman. ;? The;contest has now sharpened to} a point. where, a few delegates will hold the.balariceof power, and the efforts to swing into line some of the counties still .doubtful will continue until the roll" is called In convention. Uncle Joe Speaks 'DANVILLE,' •III.', Sept. 21.— Speafcir Joseph G. Cannon, La accestins ibis * \u25a0 >