Newspaper Page Text
-\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0 • '.r ''' W. WRIGHT & CO., ;• 22S MONTGOMERY ST.. MILLS BLDG. •\u25a0'• " • PHONES ;\u25a0 Douglas 4430 "*" ci62s EEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE _ AUCTIONEERS : ; RENTS COLLECTED FULL CHARGE TAKEN OF PROPERTT THIS LIST IS REVISED DAILY • FLATS NORTH OF MARKET ST. :. *S5— 10 r.: 316S Washington st. near Lyon; «... ,n VilT 2 l mod<>rn upixt hardware floors. s.'rZl- I: ' 2r>4 OFarrel! St. nr. Gough. -i{ I'^' r i : 2<»04 Viliojo. oor. I^icnna. .: >^..,a_, r .^ ims Larklll \u0084o ar Washington. lH«~ r -: 1«9 Washington near Hyde. *4-.v»o to $:k>— Apartment flats; 5 r. and b.; fine .. ... «view:« view: II 2 * 1 t0 1"^" Bush, nr; Hyde. " *i^-« «••: 1521 L«rkin Kt. nr. Oay; upper. -• fr/— 6 r -: !«*« Washington cor. Larkin; upper. tf^Z 41 r : h l" Mason ft. nr. Pine. : . ?4..:%0— - \u0084 ; 1476 Washington nr. nyde: middle. : : "" l:i-.'!?~ r r - : lfi: -' s < > l». v near Polk: upper. . -. W^.oO-$.->o— 6 r.; 12.10-^8 I^-av. nc-ar flay; upper. '\u25a0''" Z*'.—*' T ~- l!ws McAllister st. tir. Steiner. •-' • * 4^~~ s r -« 1S " (} Sacto. nr. leaven worth; upper. \u25a0\u25a0 -. f-A^ — fir.:i r. : 244.". Buchanan nr. Jackson. : '.. ?4,-« — « r. : Larkin nr. Broadway: upper. . ; 54.%— 0 r. ; 152.". Jacksoa ur. Polk. :• ;..>«2..Vk— 7 r : 2<«D Bush nr. Welister. \u25a0: $42.5rt — «; r. : Sl5 Mason St. nr Pine r- $42.r.<i-sr,2.sO— <s r.; 3 Cats; fine view; Jackton cr. Jones. .. $.r;?4.'t— 7 r. : 1351 Washington nr. Leavenworth. :-. -j4ri-$45— 7 and S rm«. ; 4 modtrn up to date flats: 182343 California, near Gough. ..;. * 4(V - ~ '\u25a0'• £8W McAllister «. jir. Steiner. \u25a0• «40— « r.: 2ft«4 Fillmoie cor. Tnion. V r Yl~i r - : - (WI va»e.lov a»e.1o ««>r. Lacuna. ; Tf«o__rt r . ; IS ,, T v al |ojo E r. Hyde. $4(«— 7 r. : lflCfl Geary nr. Fillmore. \u25a0\u25a0:'\u25a0 $40 — fi r. : 1527 Jackson nr. Polk. ' "•\u25a0'•\u25a0• — " r - : 3^ Kl <-recu cor. Octavia. \u25a0 .<S<.r.O— 7 r.: i.MO Jackson «t. nr. Polk. ?37.%ft— fi r .: IICS IWisadero st.: corner. fS..r,(t — 7 r. : 154f» Fmnklin nr. Pine. ;-. 55,..".n — S r. : 1173 Filliert nr. Hrdc : y KST.SO— 4 r. : Ifiss Hrde nr. Union. . $S5 — C» r. : 1703 Hyde cor. Broadway: npper. *W— H r.: ?M4 P.akcr nr . Vallejo. $-">5 — 7 r. : 028 Fillmore nr. Fulton: upper. : i ss.\ — 6 r . ; 2ix-io I'nlon nr. Buchanan. .- 5S5 — 7 r.; 17SO T'n!»n nr. <^>ugh. .; *Ss— 7 r.: middle: 27m Lacuna cor. Vallejo. .; F3S — 5 r. : I7«n Hyde cor. Vallejo: upper I. $^r— 6 r.: 2T.29 Polk nr. Hlbert; upper. $35—4 r.: 13RS pi n p nr. Larkin: upper. $S.V-S r. : 1938 Bush nr. Lacuna; upper. \u25a0 $"5—4 r.: 20Sft Hyde nr. Filbert. . .$35— S r.; 1934 Hyde cr. Vnloa. . $35— 4 r. : 19.T2A Hyde nr. T7nion. • Snap — <5 r. : narine view; I*3o Jones: npper. S-.2.50 — 6 r.; 1744 fnion nr. Gourh; upper. . $52.50— « r.: 220S Po!k rear Green. fX2.TA— 6 r. : ay, Tnion nr. Jones. $r?ft__« r . : 21 R3 Tnion cor. Fillmore. $30—6 r.; 12T>4 FUbort nr. Hyde; upper. S3<V— s r.: NX. oor. Inioa and Fillmore. ; f.lrt — «5 r. : 162S Buchanan nr. Post: upper. • «Z£~f T '- 2 * M L «rtln nr. Filbert: upper. -. *jo — 6 r. : iftrw Devisadem nr. Sutter; reduced '•- \u25a0 ,-?*;' from $37.50: sunny and modern: upper. ... . ??.rt— T. r. : ISR7 Bush nr. Octavia: upper. ... S^^-»i r .: 17*2 Tnlon nr. Gonph. £2t2 tv ~* r: 3W2 fna - v nr - nilraore; npper. \u0084 «o— 7 r.; 2CH4 Gou^h nr. Green; upper. ;. -$S(v— « r.; Str.T Tnlon nr. Jones. • - f^~l r: 2T ' l 'f"" 14 nr - Vallejo: upper. • . «^-« f. : 2524V tt r Fillniore nr. Clay: upper. S.-.O— r. r.: ir.44 Jones nr . Pacific; 'upper. . F3O-$35 — 6 r. : 2233-35 Sutter nr. Pierce. . J?.<V-7 r.: I"^7 Paclflc nr. Polk. r :: ZZhr/ T '- 2 s * 2 Steiner nr. Broadway; upper. r.; 274!J l.apuna nr. Green. \u0084 • $27..v>— 6 r.; 55f10 Greenwich nr. Van Ness; upper Si-S?ls r - : 30: l" Washington nr. Baker. •;. S2. .rMVf.lO— 5 r. : 60-62 Alpine. ?27.r*— 5 r.: 1542 Jones nr. Pacific. . frr" 6 r -: 1165 Broadway nr. Leavenworth. • J o * r " : "PP*" 1 ": 5 52 Pierce st. nr. Oak. ;.. i-Za— « r.: l<«2 Buchanan st. nr. Post. " j-J ?Zl'~lf *•'\u25a0 1 " 35 Gr *«a nr. Octavia ; upper. «f-2.>-$..0— 5 r. : nr. Sacramento and Jones, f $_..— . r.; 2705 Lairuna cor. Vallejo. — • *£—*} n; "PP": 2712 A Bush st. • $•:•—.% r.: upper; 111$ Broadway. \u25a0 t£-* r ' ; 2i;u O'Farrell nr. Devlsadero. 525—. r.; urper: 852 Halght nr. Devlsadero. fTi*Z? r-: $%! .P/^. P /^, Jai ° nr " Sacramento; upper. — 1 r.: 542-44 Pierce st. nr. Pay* IS 44 — 4*4 * r * 2%S Stplc *f nr. Broadway. . « : *— ' r.: IPA Joiee cr. Pine ;K; K $23-5 r.: 5»47 Broadway cor. Salmon. rV'^S. .. — * r-; ** or - J »ckson and Auburn. : " r - : IK>i Fi!b *rt nr. Gouffh; upper. \u0084* -.**.»— 5 r . : cor. Salmon and Broadway. \u25a0 •^~° [- : 35 "' ? l Ss Taraento nr. Hyde; npper. • I 2I 2 ? — * r " : 2 - v>2A Gonjrh nr. Green. .. $IS— 5 r.: 23i» I^>rahard nr. Pierce. • ... Sl*— 4 r.; 2516 Octavia nr. Filbert. : .: * I^-» r --- middle: 2966 Bush «. rrr, Lyon. $3P— S r.: 242 Ivy ay. nr. Franklin. . .. Jl6— 4 r.; 2 modern flats; 2321-23 -Lombard nr. • '. Pierce. .. $16— f> r.; 2712R Bush nr. Broderick $15 mo— s r. : 1651 Golden Gate ay .. . ess i:\ sferesasa?: octsTU - APARTMENTS NORTH OF MARKET ST. "fsn— m r. : Tlie Weßte«te. 1326 Hyde. ?•*•"' — • r. ; 1«24 Sacramento nr. Polk. J4'V— 4 r. ; 16S0 Clay nr. Polk. S4l-.— 5 r . : ir,i2 Hy'd« nr. Paclflc. $4^» — 4 r. : apartment 10. lfifli Lcrkln $40-4 r.: 1«r,4 r,«rkin nr. Clay. \u25a0 $^R- 4 r.: 132* Clay- nr. Jones." $3R— 5 r.: mr^ Jones nr. Green M7.SO—4 r.: ICS.O Clay nr. Polk. . $30-$?.2.5f>— 4 r. and h.: am I>eavenwonh. -.. *.J..>o to $40 — I r. and h.; new and bcantffnlly appointed aptK.. Just completed; Reddins .- apts.. 167 A Cluy Ft. nr. IV.lfc. \u25a0 ?nn to $X.%— 4 r. and b. ; 2301 Polk cor. Green. X $?/'— 4 r.: 1470 Cullfornia nr. Hyde $30— 4 r.: 1471 Washinpton nr. 'Hyde: npper \u25a0 $2«— 3 r. and b.: The Highland. 1385 Oar \u25a0 S27.Trf>— 3 r. and b. : IWO Olar nr. Polk. "•-" *27..V»-$S5— 5 r. and b. ; 253*LajnJna nr. Haicht 3-'' — * r " : 1227 Ciaj * nr - Jones. \u0084 3 r. : NE. cor. Parific and Larkin .\ sJ^s2<*— 3 r. and b.; 1575 Washlnptoa nr. Hyde. FURNISHED FLATS AND HOUSES $50— fi r. and b.: .".« Cushiaan near day. Ji «T? V *°?, HTAe M * T f«n^rt. ThrHi'hUad 1 "' * D(1 b * * I *'* r * ntly 'ornished; $50-sS2 ; sfw3 r. »nd b. each.: 3 beautiful fur- ".*^ n!*»-'ed Cat*: 3(W4 Jrtcr Bt . near Pine. . »30— o r. and b.; 1575 Washington nr. Hyde. . \u25a0' '.-*• ;'."|- HOUSES NORTH OF MARKET : $130— 5 r. and b.: 2TW.O Scott corner Filbert; •"lejent naodern residence Jloo— 2o r. 4b. 4 kitchens: newly papered and tinted: close to Fillmore and Haicht VsrYi T '\u25a0 v " llf^ «*- I-acuna: view. '-. f:,V~I° r ?r d , b - : ~- 1 " Vsn N>p« nr. Broadway, f.tfs — * r. : I.<VJ Bm-hanan nr. Post. $30 — 7 r. : IR.".!> Pine nr. Gough. \u266615 — 5 r. and b. : 1712 Broderic'k nr Pine . $12.50 — 3 r.; 22 Delgado off Hyde. ill * ' "'\u25a0\u25a0 "- ! STORES, IXJFTS. ETC, NORTH OF MARKET >S STREET Js2so rao.— Size 19x90 ft.; rery Ujrht: 2 entrances fear and /ront: larpe t*mt.: splendid loca- tion. 125-127 Sutter st. near Montr«mery. $175— 1.W Hddy nr. Masoa: store and basement. $150— Loft, 26x137:6 ft.. 2d floor; passenger and freight elevator: 125 Geary st. near Grant. $125 — Mezzanine floor, suitable for milliner, etc.; can arranjre for some ground. space and win- dow display: 125 O»ary near Grant ay. $100 — Larpe store. NE. COR. Polk and Washin~- v ton; FINE BUSINESS LOCATION. £fM i maybe les*)— Larjre pround floor space, 3C 1 xM ft.; clow to Bush and Keartiy. $r,o— Store. 2322 Fillmore near Oay. J47.W) — Larse basement, 40x<H) ft.; elevator service; close to Bush and Kearny. $4.%— Store. 174 Church fit. off Market. ' S3S — Store, NB. corner Union and Larkin sts $:;."»—^tore, 037 Kills st. near Franklin. Y.ITx — Store, 32SS Sacramento near Presidio ay. $.'!0 — Lanre store,;4l9 Pine near Montgomery. : . $30 — Larjre *tore, 17COjO'FarreU near FUlmore; fine location. I $U0 — Space in new market; unsurpassed location. };:;o — store. J.">l2 Franklin nrar Pine. :' ' 525— Store: fine location for barber shop; 1712 :' • Sacramento st. near Polk. ,i . $25— Store; ideal location for a creamery; Sl9 ': t>l* afar Carl. \ \u25a0 ?2.". — store. 2032 Polk near Broadway. $25— Mczxanlne floor; 1258 Hyde cor. Clay. . . *2<> — Spuce in new market: unsurpassed location. :-. $17..".o— Store. Frenklin near Ellis. •'.- • $l.*i — Store. .%34 Gouph near Fulton. $ 12..%0 to $30— Large. light rooms, suitable for Ucht manufacturius or sample rooms; ele- : '. ' rator tervice : close to Bush and Kearny. : . $12.50— Shop. 222 Willow near Franklin. SOUTH OF MARKET AND MISSION $.25—5 r- r.ud b.; garace; modern bunralon-r 407 IMamond near 21st. • $27..*0— <3 r. aud !».; 4123 17th near Diamond. fc:tti-$25— 4 r. and h. each: 14CS ' Folsoui near 10th; *U!in.v. modern flats. M^ — I r.; 51 Hermann near Valencia. $10 — 4 r. end b.; *_^K57 24th near Harrison. $13.50— 4 r. and l>.; 154 A Lang ton near Folsom! .- STORES. E TC^ ? SOI^ s OF ; MARKET ST. ."Aprs— J-argc light «tore, with living rooms In rear; 423-2-". Oth wt. cr. Harrison. t?.O mo. each— :i «ore«. cornet sth and Oara *t«. J27.sO— Store. 2SMr. 24th near Harrison. J. W. WRIGHT & CO •CiS -MONTGOMERY S/"' MILLS itfILICNO AA— — '\u25a0-'• ' " \u25a0 * -,-- - * \u25a0..-.-." ." :A A ALTA CASA. POWELL ANDjCALIFORNIA: opposite Fairmont— Four to nix room furnished apts.; large and sunny; marine view; finished with hardwood floors, tiled bathrooms; . open -fireplaces; safe in each apt.; furnished with £ Turkish russ and mahogany; the. service of a first class apt. house glven^whlle having; all, 'the elegance and privacy of. a home; refs; re- quired. Under the management of MRS. N. EMERSON of the Charlemagne apts,. CHARLEMAGNE apts., 1035 Geary St.— 3 and 4 rooms: references: lawn: garage for tenants. AA— BROOKING apartments. 315 sth st.— First class except the price; walking distance; ' 3 .blocks from Emporium: electric lights, running water, free baths; obone and janitor service; .1-2-3 • roonia .fully furnished for house . keep- Ing. $2.50 week np: bedrooms; $1.50 week up; DRISCOLL apartments. . NW. cor. Geary and Jones — Open about . Sept;, 20: elegantly, fur- nished aod unfurnished apartments of 1. 2. 3 rooms and bath!* every modern convenience; located among fine hotels and theaters; walk- ing distance: handsome lobby: references. .. EUCLID APARTMENTS. IS4O Van Ness ay.— Beautiful new 0 room apartments with hard wood floor: steam heat: hot water and Janitor i ptfrviee: all roomj sunny. MADISON " & \u25a0 BURKE. P.O Montgomery Rt. LUNDY APTS.. Stanyan st. at Frederick— The most complete in the city: hot and cold water. ' electric light*, baths, elevator service, janitor service: every room in house light: rent reas. . AA— VAN NESS APARTMENTS. 212S Van Ness nr. Rroadway — Elegantly f nrnis-bed apts. of 3 and 4 rooms; steam beat. elec. Debt, elevator; . marine view: reasonable. Phone Franklin 2590. A— YERBA BUF.NA APTS.. 1114 SUTTER ST.. : NR. LARKIN— ELEGANT SUITES OF 2-* RMS- nATH: COMPLETELY FURN.: REFS. CALIFORNIA st.. 3151. nr. Lyon— New. elegant apartments. S rooms and bath each. fnrn. or anfurn.: reasonable: .1 car lines: be«t in city. ST. DOMINIC APARTMENTS. Bush Rt. at Jones — l*P to date In every respect: 1-2-3-4 rooms.. BEST modern 4 room apts.. furn. and unfurn.. for the money at the Maryland. 363 Page st. EL FOREST apartments. §25 Bush St.. nr. Tay- lor — 3 nnd 4 rooms. -furnished or unfurnlPhed. ST. ELMO. 1452 Devisadero st. — Furn. front or I single suites: bath: phone; all con.. $12 to $40 CHISMORE apts.. SB. cor." Bush and Jones— l-2- 3-4 rooms: all modern conveniences: now ready. Et'REKA APTS.. Mkt. and 17th sts. — Beautiful 3 & 4 nn. apts.: phone. Janitor service: sunny. DUNDEE APTS.. 736 Stanyan opp. G. G. Park— Splendid fur. '4 r. apt., large, sunny, very rea*. EUREKA APTS.. MVt. and 17th s\s.— Beautiful 3 & 4 nn. apts.: phone. Janitor service: sunny. ADELINE APTS.. «40 Eddy— l. 2 and 3 room . antw.ti hotel service: private etch.: mwt re*«. Q AlKkA'S^r IVA^TS t TO; IjStl^: EAST FOURTEENTH ft., bet. Ist and 2d ays.— New 6 room flat: large yard: reasonable to de- y|raht<> rw>f>nlc: k»v n«>Tt «loor. OAKLAND FLATS TO I.XT — Vnriilwliert THREE large furnished rooms; laundry, bath, ccal and gas ranges; $15: free telephones. 2120 Elm st.. Oakland, nr. 34th and Telegrsnh. FLATS FOR SAl.JF^Fiir^iljKliedr^_ °(TTH st.. S6SQA — Elegant fnrnUhed rooms: gas; " H«vtrlclty: nhnne: no children: reasonable. HOPSES TO LET— T7ntnrnt*h« t «1 MARKET st., IK>2— House of 16 rooms and large light store. -_ CALIFORNIA et.. 2210. her. Buchanan and Web- HOCSKS TO LET— Fiirnlahyrt BEAUTIFUL 28 room honse. completely fur- nished; running water and sunshine lo everr room: suitable for rooming and boarding. 1207 Ooojrh st. between O'Farrell and Geary. Owner on premises. — . ' FOR rent— Furnished. Presidio Heights, all or part, artistically furnished. 9 room house. 5 • bedrooms, furnace, modern conveniences. Ad- dress Box 2291. Call. . OA hi, •. >"O I»9JUSES^jrO^ JJZT—SIi+SSz OAKLAND HOUSE FOR RENT Rlegant modern 6 room flat, near local, cars and •schools: flrst class neighborhood: to a steady tenant will pay all moving expenses; rent $20. ATHENS REALTY CO.. 420 llthst.. Oakland. SEND or call for new printed catalog. GEO. W. \u25a0AT'STIN. iftiß Broadway. Oakland. FRUITVALE HOUSES TO LET— Fur. RENT $12.50: modern 5 room bungalow, partly furnished: Fruitvale: berries, flowers: room for ' I.OM chickens; near cars. DONALDSON, 20fe Market ft.. S. F. \u25a0 \u25a0 NEW modern elegantly furnished home. 5 min- utes from station, reasonable. 1440 E 17th St., Fmltrale. rnTTA'IRS TO I.RT j FI'TINISHKD cottage at Ocean Beiich: $10 up. rELDBt'SCH. corner 4<th »v. and H St. OFFICES AN'f) STORES TO LET SHOF. repairing shop for rent; 4 living rooms in .rear: located Just across street from large school and principal playground of OakHnd: rent $15: water free. HADEN & BOONE CO.. 2415 Sbattuck ay.. Berkeley. DESK ROOM with offlce attendant In a fur- nished office: $10. Room 127. 2ftS Market st^ TO let— Store with 2 living rooms; good business I*»atlon. Sl4 Diamond «t. Ft'ItMTTTJIK BRUSSELS carpet. 25c per yard: Cctok's llno- • leum^ 40c. H. SCHELLHAAS' furniture sale. 11th »t. at Franklin. Oakland. \u25a0 SEE H. sc-hel:ii£as. the furniture dealer.- I. O. O. F. Mdg.. nth st. Nt Franklin. Oakland. fi;r >" ITt?I *S^SI^XXSIiI-^-^i-v^ \u25a0WANTED— Rugs, dining table and chairs, rak- ers dresser, couch, mattress, pas ranee, hall strip: must be very reasonable. Box 1711. Call. LARGEST buyers of furn.. carpets, pianos, oesko, merchandise, etc.: always pay cash. Mark J. Levy Auction Co.. 1142 McAllister. T. Park SCO. HAKIIAND & KAPLAN. 1544 Devisadfro et.. pay highest price for second hand fur. West 4202. -*5.«>00 worth of furniture wanted for the coun- trr. J. H. WIT.KY. fiOl Utti i»t. at Market. WINDOW SHADES. 30c: bamboo porch shades. GEO. WAI.COM CO.. 11.11 Sntter st. ""^ """"^""""*— — ~ CARPKT CLKANINO A.AA U. 85. Carpet Cleaning C 0.. '2207 Bush St.: tovtt superior cleaning. in the world: can give besting, steam, oomprt-ssed air. vacuum, or celebrated earthquake, which removes dirt, j <1o«t. grease, restoring natural colors like new. West r»:»-J«. S 249": laying and refitting. S K. COMPRESSED. AIR CLEANING CO. . 327 Sutter Bt- phoae Kearny -&552. BLUE WAGON; Carpets, rugs quickly, thoroughly cleaned on floor without removal: estimates free; ABSOLUTELY the best Carpet cleaning. 3c. yd. : estimates given for altering and relaying; deal direct with F. A. RICE'B carpet works, ISOS Harrison st.: phones Market 2C2. M 1207. WHEN you become disgusted with poor work, send your carpets to J. SPAULDING Jfc CO.. 353 Tehama. Douglas 3084. Home J2347. WATT'S— Reliable carpet cleaning, alterations; renovat.. laying. 560 Devlsadero ; ph. Park 569. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co. — Advanced meth- \u25a0 od*. GEO. WALCOM CO.. 1131-1139 Sntter st. GISSLOW'S C. C. WORKS. 230 Vermont: Park «925, M 3317 — Clean'g 3c. laid sc: estab. 20 yrs. ! MATHKWSON'S carpet beating works, 315 East 12th St.. Oakland: tel. Merrltt 595. » CONKLIN BROS., cirpet Cleaning and laying. 2400 Geary st. corner Baker :\ phone .West 93. AA— NATIONAL Carpet Cleaning -Wks.— Hamp- ton A Balllr. 844-34« Chnrch *t.: Market ISO. SEWING MACHINES WE have all makes Singer, . Wheeler It Wilson,' Domestic, and Whites, from $5 to $30; your credit is good: expert repairing. OAKLAND SEWING MACHINE CO.. 1214 Clay St., opp. 'Taft & Pennoyers. Phone Oakland 1774; open Saturday evening*.. '.-\u25a0'\u25a0. DOMESTIC. 1644 FILLMORE near Post; THK place to buy. rent or reptir sewing machines of all makes; lowest- prices: best terms. J. W. EVANS, agent; phone. West 3COI. . SEWING machines, all makes; rentlDg, repair- ing; MeNALLY. 2C64 Mission: fel. Mission 202." . -J J^-^:'-!^^!^s)!J^ Ay JP--?! o 3il I - ? ! i '.9,..y-V : y.?-'- fBEKINS VAN ANI> STORAGE COMPANY. - Fireproof Warehouse, 13th and Mission. Phone Market 13-14. or Home M 1313. WILSON BROS. (Inc.)— Moving , and storage. cot. 14th and/Sanchez sta.;i 'block from Mar- . ket and Fillmore sts; cars.: Phone Park 271.' , A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN CO.— Brick warehouse. 2.{22 Fillmore .st. ..Tel. West 2628. PIEKCE-KUDOLPH Storage and Moving ' C 0... nuln offlc<.:Eddy and Fillmore. Tel.- West S2B. FOR SALl2— Miaeellanebusi . . PIUCeTpLUM BING SUTPl\"xo7^' S2O-S2B McAllister tt.:. tel. Market 4053. J2868. 1 Kull line; sell all; free delivery and packing.. Machine threading cheap; country orders f.o.b.' Toilet $7. bath $12,, sink $2.- basin $5, tray,' s2. -Plumbing. work cheaper ' than » ever: before. - '._" ~~' SECOND HAND PIPE." , :i-r: ; r ' Largest \u25a0 dealers » in standard - pipe and -screw ca»lDg, f dipped; prices ; right:* guaranteed : flrst class. ; Paclflc : Pipe ' Co.; Mala and : Howard ; *t%. UNCALLED . for , suits, overcoats and " trousers at Jew tiian cotit;«t'CHAS. LYONS';' the Ix)ndon 1 ailor. ) 4»2 Fii Jmore s bet.. Ellis and \u25a0 O'Farrell. \u25a0 ;- opts- «v«iltigs .'till ' 8,-Saturdaj-s 10 ' o'cloclt.* =7»- THE - SAN FRANCISCO GA^FBIDAY^SEPTEI^IBER :23,i 1910. Fgß^X^Jl^TPlt^J???^**" 1 *"^ 0 "-^ 1 - 11 "^ FOR * sale— 4o foot. 35 \u25a0> hp. '',." gasoline ' launch. i equipped i for towing or cruising: , will - trade for auto. Address S. J., NORTON. P. O. box 133. Ban Rafael. Cal.' : . - . v • : \u25a0 WlNDMlLL— Aermotor.* tank.^tankhonsc: good condition; -cheap. Write or pho"ne W. SHAR- f WOOD, 59th and College ay.. Oakland. .. AA— ALL sizes . standard ; water pipe " and screv - casing, guaranteed s good a« new, -- get -\u25a0>'\u25a0\u25a0 onr prices. , Welssbanm Pipe Works. 133 11th st. AN elegant large lynx- stole and I muff ;-new; worth $75; accept $20. MRS. H., 1600 Mc- Allister 5t. ';...',, \u25a0--';'. ' --\u25a0;\u25a0; c-.-'v'---. .r ; I MUST sell my beautiful * upright piano, bar- • gain: easy terms can -be -arranged." -MRS. MORAN. 1265 Brush st r- near, 16th. Oakland. BABY chicks: also white Leghorn hens and '^nul- .letf. STANSFIELD,: 3301 E. 14th St., Frult- : vale. '- \ '\u25a0 : - -?-- v .-\u25a0\u25a0-.,... -\u25a0.':• ' C--< •.-""\u25a0 '-\u25a0\u25a0'.- LARGE assortment of folding 'beds. $5 to $50; must be sold. At H; SCHELLHAASV furniture ' sale. 11th st. at Franklin.. Oakland. '-'\u25a0 ASSORTMENT of mirrors. $2 to $35. H. SCHELLHAAS^ furniture sale. Oakland. . SAFE, fireproof, .with burglar coin ; chest; cost » $450. now $200 cash. : 233 California st. : ARJIY tents at factory prices. * W. AS PLUM- WER CO.. SW. cor. of Front and Pine sts. NATIONAL Cash registers, electric flens. restau- rant supplies: cheap.- 570 McAllister st.:. • BOOKS BOUGHT. KING'S EOOK STORE. 1716 Market, above Gough.? Phone Market 4763. . EDISON AGENCY — Moving picture machines and films: bargain. GEO. BRECK. 70 Turk st. SEALSKIN at a bargain; practically new; 321 Bartlett st. .. '..y;' *\u0084<\u25a0*•_\u25a0-\u25a0 ' ~* VIOLIN for sale, old Stradlvarins model,, and fine guitar: bargains. 317S lMh st. BULLDOGS. Enßlish. French; highest types ex- cluslvely. Wllhelm F. Weiss. 52S 22d st.. Oakl'd BOOKS and, libraries bought. THE HOLMES CO.; llSS^Market st. Phone Market 896. SAFES— New and second hand, all sizes. THE HERMAN SAFE CO.. 120-130- Folsom- st. ' SAFE. Diebold. 2fixlPxl3. inside measure, $90. a 3!i bit rr»ln.wffn:- Mission st. • \u25a0 " •\u25a0 • -• "i \u25a0\u25a0~'H?::>~:, r GENTS' CASTOFF CTX)THING WANTED. WILL PAY BEST PRICE. Write or Phone. Will Call. " H. GOLDBERG. 70S Kearny; phone Dougl. 4071. DRESS SUITS. tnxedo!«.,Prince Alberts and other faults bought. L. SKOLL. "305 Kearny st.. also 707 Golden Gate ay.: phone Market 4681.'.. PAYS positively highest prices for 'ladles, gents' discarded clothing: will call. 3fA Kl rVjg^^x~^^~. DRE.SS MAKING, designing, cutting; fitting and ladles' tailoring thoroughly- taught; N. Y. branch of Vienna Tailoring Institute: a tailor shirt waist pattern Cut to your measure; 25c; branch of Elite Fashion and Patterns, see crin- oline models. 305 Grant ay. ; ph. Sutter 1494. McDOWELL'S Dress Making and Millinery School, 121 Geary st. near Grant ay. : v evenlrig f]in«M; nattprw*- en» to order.' Donglm -4751. Steele's button works. 222 Ellis and Mason; Ph. Frank. 4521 wml C 4521. MflH order* solicited. . .- FTJRS LOFSTAD & EVANS. Inc.. furriers. 251 Post st.. Mercerios )i*'flg.. 3.1 floor. Tel. Keirnv 4350. - $lft.T — Snap: fine upright: cost $450; must be sold. SCHMITZ. .*6 McAllister st. nr. Market. SMALL upright In fine condition, good bargain. $50. HORMING'S. 1240 Market st. -».....-. -.- • SMALL Fischer upright, good condition, $115;' terms or cash. 37 Stockton 6t. \u25a0 PIANOS for rent: no cartage thl* week. BYRON MAT'7Y. g.'Q Stockton st. TVP E W U I T E ti^Ayjn^VPTl. J^S^^ MONARCH Visible. Typewriters— ln the Monarch Visible Typewriter all the writing is In foil sight all the time; other makes, second hand, at very reasonable prices; we rent, repair and inspect. Before pun-haying ring up Douglas 411 S. or call at 307 Bush st. WOLF & ISENBRUCK. Dealers. * SI'KCIAL. $35 — Smith-Premier or Remington re- built. Secure Information L. & M. ALEXAN- DER. 512 Market st. -. , ' - \u25a0\u25a0: TYPEWRITERS— AII-.\makes. sold, rented, re- paired. fllS Broadway. Oakland: tel. Oak. 9219. ALL \u25a0 price*, rebuilt*: installrm-uts $3 monthly; rentals it2.r>o. Par. Typewriter C 0. .-1.07 Mont. AITOMOim.ES , 1 Ford runabout. $350. ..;. .1; .';... .............^ .1 Doctor Maxwell "*..-. ....... ;V.l Maxwell touring cur j.... .;. 1 Buick tonring. car. ./;... \u25a0...' V../ All these cars Imrgn'ns. have been- thor- oughlv overbanled And are cnaranteert.- \u25a0 MeITOR & BECKER. 12th aud Jacksoa sts., Oakland. : '\u25a0.'•'• KOK *al»? — Price $000 and upward; several '09 and '07 White touring cars, taken In trade for '08 cars and thoroughly overhauled by our mechanics from our factory. WINTON AUTOMOBILE BRANCH. 300 Van Ness ay., - San Francisco. FINK limousiue car cheap for cash, or will trade for roadster: a few rare bargains In used. tires; magneto. $12.50; we want a few good cars to sell on commission. 334 Larkin st. . AUTO truck, the best In the country, we have a rood many running In San Francisco: they give \u25a0 the best satisfaction: we have In stock I. 2, 3 and 5 ton. KLEIBRR &. CO.. 142 C. Folsom St. FOR «salo — 2 cylinder Maxwell, runabout, flrst class condition: reasonable price. ALCA- TR.VZ GARAGE. 3333 Grove st.. Berkeley. WILL exchange valuable stock of clear real es- tate for good automobile. DONALDSON. 268 Market st. TO buy or sell — A second hand auto. See RELI- ABLE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 140 12th. Oakland. PAC. Aluminum Erasing Works can brate your broken alum, eastinsr*. 4"f> V*n N>s*. Pk. M2f>. AIITOMOBII-R .SPPPI.IRi. ' L. H. & '\u25a0'. B; I. BILL; J 543 . Golden Gate ay.— Headquarters for Solar lamps, Vesta batteries, Pnn'ii«r»l oil. Diamond cliwlr^ and parts. BlCVri-KS AXD MOTORCYCLES : 1010 PIERCE. 4 cylinder motorcycle, juct re- ceived. \u25a0 o*ll and see it or send for catalogue. J. T. CHICK. 312 San Pablo ay..' Oakland. CASH paid for bicycles, any condltioa. ZIMMER- LIN* P.ROS. 21f>2 Sntter. -1.143.1: West 2472. RIDING and driving club has in its safe dtpt. a number of high class saddle horses and ponies; also some centle . driving horses for family purposes; all guaranteed. 701 7th ay.;. GOING out «f business; 8 head horses and 7 mare*. : 'l,soo "lbs., at jour price; chain har- B**r. $10 a set. -. 11; Klssllni; st. -. FOR sale — 4 saddle horses, young; sound, centle and stylish, r 1331 '. Folsom St.; phone Market 1403. \ \u25a0\u0084....•.-• T^T.?-; SANITARY barn for 8 horses, loft, house of 4 rooms, plenty wagon room, cheap.' 1490 Church st. - '.- 24 HEAD of all purpose horses and mules, can be bought while at work; harness and wagons SJS7 4th *t.. Oakland. - - SINGLE wagon; cheap: In good order. 471 Jer- sey Ft. bet. 24th and 25th. Castro and Diamond. WOODLA WN-' Stables. 617-33 Grove st. , horses \u25a0$1.25 tiny: hnryes ft wag. $9 wit.: bdg. $20 tno. KEYS at factory prices. Key Works. S6l Clay St.. Oakland/ Phones Oakland. C 717. A 2574. BUSI.VESS CHAXCES . ' WESTERN LAND. AND BUSINESS AGENCY. • "830 MARKET ST.. ROOM 500. - NO CHARGE FOR.LKSTING A BUSINESS. SALOON, liquor store; , OLD estab. ; . GOOD bus.; Mission st. corner; , heavy stock; owner retiring: price #$2,250; ;rent $75. lease. .- I DANCE r H ALL: connected with sporting house, Plumas county.,, sl,ooo cash,- including property, house, furniture, etc. ; or $I,SOO on terms, $1, 200 down. . ' *z \u25a0* - "'-„ \u25a0'••. \u25a0 • , \u25a0 . CIGAR STAND, Mission district:" at -Invoice of stock,- $150; register $55; rent $7 per month. \u25a0\u25a0 -ij**" 1 '. «V" * ...'\u25a0-. '\u0084\u25a0 ' \u25a0 •\u25a0 \u25a0 '-\u25a0\u25a0- \u0084\-: , * K\ SNAP,* lf taken ' at .? once — Grccery^ and " fruit !Store/or;sale; doing a cash business of $80 per "' day : 'this ! store ;is located In one ' of \ the best' .v business corners' In Oakland, - and is all'casb • trade, and is: equipped. with all; the > necessary .requirements,"- sales, .. meat slicers, ; cheese cut- - .. t*rs.': National; cash -register, --etc.;. low- rw>t\ party, must. leave on account of ill health. -. lf -. interested, 1 and have g0tt 52,750 cash, answer . V b0x: 3059. .,J?a1l office.^Oakland. . . , > ATTENTION. 6aloonmori— First class corner :•: • -Saloon : . Imsluess enough i for 2 good men ; - first 'class, fixtures .and -.stock:: 5 years', lease;, rent '.\u25a0."reominable;' hotel : of ; 2so: rooms* adjoining .bar- room; price • $3,500; cheap at $5,000. "Box Calloffice. .. ; : -^ v-y, FOR sale— I<adiesV ; and : gents' furnishings, -: mll- ; linery,: ladles'. coats and suit buslncss;;new.fall „ stock. , complete : i average ". saks last • year $125 : .p«T day.;'; Address box 393.aChieo.vCal;, , FOR $300 cash: will 'sacrifice; stock .worth $.100, -.with value Increasing;, miint sell at once* cause K 'explained, a Box 2290 < -Call office.' va- . . CLEANING '\u25a0 aurt , flyeing; ? well : established ; ' best Apply: s.l(M!: Grove. st.. Oakland,- Cal ' \u25a0r, or trl. [ PlfKlmoat? s74. ;-*, Home ; H-6850.';> /..-:- v FOR " Saler-Good ' city. ; rCate { on " this ;? paper; " a ' " good , chance - for .3 a ;; hustler.'. >\u25a0 See -. circulation department, .'San \ Francisco iCall.'.s":"";: - CHANCE! for 'party a with 'small let pita I \ to' make Vmouey.".,- SCiil'aciae'.bldg.jsUayior evening, :^ FORVsale-^Sawtnlll;: 80,000^ capacity:* 10 =year« <?; run ; ; redwood ; v good ; terms. .-: , 744 - Paclflc ; : bldg. WANTED— Young businessman with $500; %;inC \u25a0: fruit vßtorerTCcelpts $30 day. '744 Pacific . bldg. SNAP— Bargain; : "sickness; "millinery- parlors; ;; J money-maker. 744 Pacific bldg. vf>: - - - WANTED— A man ' with $1,500: ! trill guarantee .:.-'-\u25a0• $150 ; month ; money secured, 'c 744 Pacific \u25a0 bldg. FOR sale— Planing mill. "running day and night; / :-i come quick. ; 744 ; Pacific bldg."* ' - j FOR sale— Old reliable restaurant; -money maker; don't miss this.: 744 'Pacific bldg. :\u25a0-; > . .--. FOR sale^ — Restaurant and chophouse; best loca- * tlon.; Fillmore; receipts $30; 744 Pacific bldg.' BARGAIN ; this day, , nickelodeon; receipts $35 : • day ; \u25a0no opposition.. r \744 f Paclflc ;> bldg. ---\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0 f<. '. WANTED— LIv6 I man with' $2,250; $250 month •\u25a0\u25a0 guaranteed; money secored. .^.744 Paclflc bldg. WILL, pay- spot -. cash, for :\u25a0 a planing,, saw .or whingle mill. In or out of the city; come quick* 744 Paclflc bldg. V '. ", . \u25a0; : v v ; ; \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. 744 Pacific Bldff. S.GOOiacres; 92,000,000 ft.; driving -stream; Oregon.';. - -.> 40.000- acres, ,25,000,000 ft. fir; salt' water landing: Oregon. -\u25a0;' . • s ..-\u25a0\u25a0• -. 10.000 acres yellow fir, sugar pine, cut 80,000 toacre: Columbia river.;* :.:->-.«. % < ? . '15.000 acres: 450.000.000 ; ft." red and i yellow : fir, sugar pine, whiter pine: Oregon. :,-;.;\u25a0 ,-'•' 100 acres;. 4, ft. fir; Oregon. •-' * ; .47.000 acres pine: Cut 10O;OO0.0O0 : Oregon. ; 5.000 acres: 200,000.000 ft.first class cedar; .driving ktrcam, \u25a0 British 1 Columbia; - J; : *\u25a0 - 24,000 acres: 30.000; to* acre;- cedar, white | • pine: British. Columbia: driving stream. "\u25a0•'\u25a0' \u25a0•\u25a0."\u25a0•\u25a0 21,000 acres; 750.000.000 ft:; British Colum- bia: fir, cedar, hemlock, white , pine; Suicide Creek. 744 Pacific bldz. : \u0084: -\u25a0;- \u25a0\-j-:'-.-^." FCfl sale— 2 houseS and lots.? grocery store in- cluded: receipts $15 to $25;(lay; ' Mill Valley beautiful home. \744 Pacific bldg. ' ,« UMBRELLA. and locksmi thing. $700: or Invoice; lease 2 years, rent $25; and 3 llvlnff rooms; ..established 10 years: no bonus, asked i -books : are open for Inspection to party meaning busi- ness: good place for a hustler; only reason for selling,- sickness;' a bargain. - RELIABLE IN- VEST. CO., ofiB Broadway,^ Oakland.. % RESTAURANT." $325; rent $10; and 2: living rooms; dally receipts $18: located .In worklng- " men's district, with little opposition :' good place for man- and wife: » let -us: show; yo»i \u0084 this. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., .06$ Broadway, Oakland. . \: :\u25a0>',:;\u25a0 . r ./: RESTAURANT— S7OO, rent $40. ' seating , ca- pacity^, daily receiptß $30. < all steady trade, i .well established place., nicely -fitted : up; you can handle this for $500 cash, balance to suit; if you are looking, for a' good bona 'fide bust- • ness, don't overlook this. .-RELIABLE IN- VESTMENT CO.. OSS Broadway, Oakland. FINE :meat market:', established business; loca tlon Al. Telegraph ;av.;; cash i counter trade; | ' dully receipts i $40; satisfy: yourself ; Inspect M books: large Icebox and best of fixtures.' scales.: blocks; etc.; rent ? $25;: won't: keep at - $300 cash;- closest -Investigation Invited. RELIA- BLE INVESTMENT CO.. 968 Broadway, .Oak- land. •, . - -...-\u25a0\u25a0. ;i ;: ">. - ; ; : --"\u25a0 UP TO DATE restaurant in the busy part of j ' San" Francisco for sale at half Its value; par- \u25a0\u25a0 ties made money enough, are retiring: investi- gate this. Call at 601 , West Bank , bldg. : \u25a0,'.. GROCERY and feed Ptbre; well paying business; must leave account sickness; outside town; - will sell on inventory. Box 3009,' Ca11. Oakland; $700 — A first class oyster cucktall stand;. best lo- cation In city; doing business of $40 per day; .cheap rent: long lease. . Box -, 20« O. Call office. FOR sale, a good ' candy andUce cream store In I business ceuter: leaving town reason for sell- Ing. Address 17 Brown St.. Napa. Cal. : FOR SALE — A good newspaper' route In a ; good district -in this city. -. Apply \u25a0to J. R: LEN- HART, circulation department. 8. F. Call. FOR sale — Fixtures of confectionery store: 'store to let: can be seen. ; Store SE. cor. 24th and Broadway. Oakland. -•;•\u25a0-, ,.. ,:t ' ' GOODYEAR shoe repair co. for, sale: price rea- sonable. 215 San Pablo ay.. Oakland. : .-'~t- . FOR sale— Chickens ft&d fixtures; cheap rent. S. A. V. HARTWELL. Petaluma, Cal. ' I'OR Sale — A good country route lv a good town. Address box 1341. Call offlce. - jBDUCATIOXAL '.'. _\_'i *\* INCHRASE YOUR SALARY ~~ LEARN SHORTHAND AT HOME ' IT- WILL QUALIFY YOU ' FOR- A' BETTER POSITION. MY SYSTEM BY MAIL CAN NOT., BE EXCELLKD BY ANY BUSINESS COLLEGE. FULL INFORMATION."- BOX 2003. CALL OFFICE, SAN FRANCISCO. " . ' FRENCH. SPANISH. GERMAN/ITALIAN. ? Why not become fluent? You can easily by the I.C. S. .spare , time method; 'rapid, thorough. Indorsed 'and used at West . Point. .Annapolis, Stanford Home - demonstration LESSON FREE. For appointment phone Market 463. 1 J4153. In- quire 12C2 Market st.: ..;-.;' , - , . HEALD-g ENGINEERING— DAY AND 'NIGHT; CIVIL, MINING; ELKCTRICAL. ARCHITEC- TURE. ASSAVING.42S McALLSTER ST. ENGINEERING— CiviI, electrical, mining, meeh.. . purvey. : assay, cyanide: day. \u25a0 eve. ; est. 'ISO 4. . Van der'Nellen School. 51st and Tel.;. Oakland. MISS CHASE.' teacher of English, arlth., alg., tt(^. 4106 17tlr St.; phone Market 195 LV ' FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY. 2142 Shattuck a?.* \u0084 Berkeley. Cal.. . next to First national bank. | Prof. T. A: 'Robinson, iedivid. inst. Math.. Book Keeping. Rng..*etc.; day. «v. • 507 Halght «t. : Bi;siXES«^COM.RCF:S DUDLEY' BUSINESS COLLEGE. Mlsston Bank 'sMdg.^lfitb st. nr.. Mission; phone or call. SAN FKANCISCO. BusIuess College. 908 Market st. at Eddy: day and • evening sessions. ALL court • reporters ! recommend Gallagher-Marsh Pnilneitß Collncc 1258 Market St.- ..--\u25a0- \u25a0; A C cr> V XT '\: VT^— -CcH tfled JPw*>l \?_ ; JOHN\R; RUCKSTELL: C. P. A.; ntl6-30S Claus SnreckeN^Cw in hwlldlnsr: ph^ne Keamy 41.11. ; ; J TITI.MS RKSTO^Kry ; UNDER McEnerney act. complete $35. TITLE C0.. -flsi-a Mnnadnock big.. Market st. nr. 3d. •\u25a0 :'\u25a0- -• '.- '- ATTORXFYS ADVICE: FREE: no i charge ; unless j successful: all cases: all business quickly and quietly at- tended to; bankruptcy: McEnerney : suits; cor- • poratlons; general practice; open every even- Inc.: 1028 Market St.; room 12. , ADVICE free, all legal matters * .:.- : . all busjness -attended' to with promptness; . .estates, damages, titles, collections, all cases. ofl4 Market St.. rooms 31-30. .: " ADVICK FHEE— -Estates, collections, bankruptcy,- attachments snd all; other cases. Rooms <501- • 002. Westbapt Mdg.., S3O Mkt. • open evenings. ALL cases not contested complete I for $20; sure, quiet.lll2. Market st.. room, 122." . - . . HARRIS & HESS, nttys. Nt law. W. T. Hess; Notary Pnhllc. Rootft!« nOS.T4>C)III hldg. : I'Af B^T ATTORXK YS^ DEWEY..STRONG & CO.— Founded 1S60; U. S; and foreign patents; Inventors' guide; 100 me-. 'chanical movements^ free. 1103 Merchants' Exehinpe bldg.. San Francisco. : -.-,. \u25a0 CARLOS GRIFFIN, ex examiner U.S.' patent office: U.'S.and foreign patents; trade marks. 1202-3 Metropolla Bank: tel. Kearny 4515. t HARRY C. SCHROEDER. U. S. and foreign pat- »»nts. 417 Ist Nntl.Bk.; flafe. P^<^n» Oak. 27M; •.:.'•':; " '\u25a0\u25a0"- ~'\ PATENT ;^ M. P. BCHELL MFG. CO.— Mfg. of patented de- \u25a0 vices. | tools; dies, gears.s punching work, model ' making." experiment!*! work. _sffl-1.l Howard' St. DRTrTI?VwaLSH &iCO.. 53.-> (formerly -Ofll) . Flllmore,.- bet.; Fulton and Grove;' tel. Park 6380. ARTIFICIAL -TEKTH—rrHIS ONE' THING I •; D 0 . "... Dr.C. X.' Wilson. 323 Geary; suite- 60S. DR. IRA G. , LEEK— AII : kinds "of ' dental work. - M 5 rillmwo.-nMr-ftilr.- 1 \u25a0 ' --'V' -'" \u25a0•^.\u25a0-.\u25a0 i _ ' \u25a0. _ _' , - iffivj*jiciA^jS^_ _.' '-\u25a0 :\u25a0".-." DR. BRINK,' !: ••. . <\u0084 c; 517 23d st. near Telegraph a y.. Oakland. . - > - - SPECIAI^IST . FOR WOMEN , LADIES — If; you- are suffering from any all* meat Or .worried about your condition consult a physician > with ' high -\u25a0• professional i standing t. and with-" the largest and most successful I practice. Perfectly equipped orflces; private sanatorium, with trained nurse* J:: 15 years without a failure; no pali), no danger, no lost,:time; Consultation free and strictly (confidential. Hours 10 a; m; to 8 p.m.: Sundays. 10 to 2. Phone Oakland ,7901. DR.: WONG HlM:~v --i vi: ••\u25a0'.\u25a0".- .--;\u25a0 -v .-•\u25a0-*••\u25a0 HERB DOCTOR.".-' Permanently located. ;-;i 12CS O'Karrell st. bet." Oough and Octavia. *. AAA— DR. 7 C." C. TOa: I famous Chinese Herb Co. ,' ''\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' cures nil chronic dl«fji«es.ll^«4_Sjjtt»r 8t., \u25a0&.\u25a0?.- . . .- : ; ;": ; .-: ; \u25a0\u25a0 :r'rMEDlCAli'j'' -' :'j] : -\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0' '\u25a0 _ A—' .' ' .". ' .< ,--"x-.' \K.;.: '\u25a0' . Bl Third " st. i near, Market; ' Reliable Specialist ' for Women. - - LADIES, - when '» worried V about • your condition and needlrijr'tbe services of a SPECIALIST consult one who Is ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL^ • and GUAR- ANTEES - IMMEDIATE BELIEF.: in ? all , female troubles.*- lf>others failed- come , to* me ,;iu .pri- vacy - and ? be - restored ; to freedom from • care ; and worry.;- TRAVELERS treated -and: can leave th« same day. FEES - REASONABLE.^ ACCOMMO- DATIONS .' when ' desired. • : Hours •lo a. *m. • to , 6 p.-; m.;; Sundays;, 10 to 2. £ -" ? c>' - ':\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -:-...\u25a0\u25a0 ATrENTION.' LADIES— DR. LEWIS.' «83 Market " st. bet.'Bth and Uth^ world • renowned ap«clalist *?} for women only ; no delays or disappointments ; ; . relief r- guaranteed 4by - most •; superior % painless \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0' methods , known to medical science ; \u25a0 most \u25a0 obstl- - bate I cases I treated i ' all female - complaints I and " 1 1rregnlnrities \ treated ; ; have , no \ hesitancy ir in '.'\u25a0 s ' need \ ot:- my.' services ; ; absolutely i harm lens ; ; low Vifees.fc By oonsulilug au euiineat specialist: you •>:.; save ; time '" aud ' money.t.- Advice.; f ree;^ 10 ! a;; m."- * " to 4p. bi.**»«"l h i» i» p.-, m. : ; Sunrtaxt.; ii:«.*in. , -li»]*V :B *^' \u25a0-\u25a0.'.-'•: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-'-. ' : '-^ --"'.'\u25a0'.'*•;\u25a0 \u25a0:' v -- '- 1. \u25a0"\u25a0 .:\u25a0 " ' .:' \u25a0 -\u25a0-'- .. ". - ;. :-.--.:\u25a0- . '.-...- .'. '\u25a0 .- \u25a0\u25a0;-.\u25a0- ;';A^-;C:;'.-- METjicAi^--Contlnuea : -;. DR; fof Obstetrics; Mary/Adam ; '. reliable special- HI Ist; Cures \ all ! women's [complaints I successfully; ':•'-- home for : confinement;? adoption ; -h.™." 1-5 p.' m. -'-\u25a0 8304 Fmltvsle »r.;;Oaman<T;ttel.--Mer-ltt 10S3. 1^::; t» •POPULAR REMEDIES ."r'^ 7' •BICORD -\u25a0 CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS v for -'. - men'» ' private ; diseases. \u25a0 \u25a0 Sold only" by » E. 'i B. JORGEXSON. ; 644 > Kearny f st.'. San ? Francisco. s Mall orders a specialty.'.-. Send . forj circular. ,' FISHER | remedy, for ' contagious. I contracted and -'•nil other blood diseases. -1075 Gongh: cor.-- EMU. \u25a0^^^^HEAJLTIJJJ*^^ •-'VI AVI " SCIENCE OF ; HEALTH." natural non- : . surgical ; * cloth \u25a0 , bound, *. 400 \u25a0' page book free. \Apply by mall. . 636 Pine st. - Lecture for :" women ThnrsiKt' ' at 2:3<> n.' m. ; "\u25a0'\u25a0 ':'-<; '_.__; ST. MARGARET'S Maternity. home; confinement \u25a0 specialty: adoption : ' special treatment for all fem?»to tronhlxt. 171 Fust lith st.. O^fcl»nd. ''\u25a0_'\u25a0_\u25a0'_ \u25a0 ._' ; .y ' '', : ."\u25a0"-•'trusses';- '\u25a0\u25a0--' '-' \u25a0'\u25a0-'".-"•\u25a0.. Clark Gaudlon Co.. 1108' Market: . truss flttine. , ' el>t«. hoalorv. nbdomlnal h«0»«; l-flr ntt«»nd»nt. S. F. LYING IN HOME/ 1191 Oak St.— Adoption. \u25a0 Diseases^ women and children \- confinement $25. HOME ;. for confinement ; '• attendance '\u25a0 $20. \u25a0 * 1543 Stp»n°r !»«•. n«»«y;r;<»arv. Honr«il?.l:3f>. ft-7 n.-tn. HOMES FOR IXYAMb«i ;\u25a0 HOME' and care for • invalids or aged persons. 3421 «t.r near Mlotloti : tel; Mission 4ft?O. *'" ; V aXVAiID CHAIRS ,J__^ SOLD, reuted. eschanffe: manufacturer of Eames ; triCTci^ rhnlf. 171*XtnrkPt. T»l. Pt-V ?O4n^ ALSO; ear noises -positively cured;- 1 week free. DR. rOTTINGHAM.ft4B Market st. : hrs. 10-4. v-j-_.:-.v -j-_. :-. ?';"^^ ATRntioiyi Ajr.^ ; - FOREIONFiR';with: means. 30 years' of age. '.: moral character.- good .- looklng.v would like to 1 make, the acquaintance of a > young -business ; 'woman - with' 1 same: object matrimony.. Bos 4SOC; Call , of flee. 1651 Fillmore >t. YOUNG ' German ' gentleman wishes to meet a \u25a0prominent woman or ranch owner: object mat- i^rlmony. Box ; 3089. Call offlce. Oakland. ELITE c ma trlmonlal | bureau for .lonely.' people; companions for every one. 11R5 Wash, st.. Oak. '^i-ld;'. '.: :.-'-- .V^^St^^}'^-S-:i-i^^-'!.-.^ WILL ' party- who* took . property from 2747 Alca- i traz.- Berkeley, return same? Liberal reward; I no questions asked. ' kFTER this I : wtll not . be " responsible for any m debts - contracted by\ my wife. '.-: HENRY ZAUN JR. THOMPSON Electrical Instltnte, 1794 Post St.; \u25a0 hours. • in n. m. tn \u25a0*» p. m. -\u25a0<>*• _ RJJSIXES« pERSOXAI.S^ "^^ A--WIOS and^OUPEES that . defy detection— ventilated — persplratlort doesn't affect them; wig making a life study; I guarantee them; j • Improve your appearance; prevent colds; barn- less adhesive plaster \u25a0 holds * them securely. Men's Private Wig Dept., 2271 California st. \u25a0 near. Webster, Mr. G. Lederer \u25a0 in charge. LADIES' HAIR V GOODS— Transformations, - Switches, Puffs, Artistic • Wig Making, Sham- pooing,- etc. ;. scalp\ treatments given by spe- cialist: diagnosis free. G. LEDERER. -1809 Fillmore . St. near Sutter; established IS6B. AA— THE NAUHEIM INSTITUTE. -.'••\u25a0*' 1210 McAllister st. near Fillmore. Sulphur, steam baths; hot salt tub baths; dry hot air sweats'; electric blanket packs; electric vibratory and light rays. ~ <<. Hours. 10 to 10. MRS. ANDERSON. A — Sepulvlda baths, the greatest fat reducing .. baths of.the' age; electric -Vibratory and Span- ish massage; hours ]0 a. in. to 10 p. m. MRS., SEPULVIDA. 2022 Sntter. bet. Flmr.-Stelner. FOR -wrinkles and" a flabby, skia. electrical vi- bratory massage; scalp treatment and super- fluous hair, removed. The Beauty Shop, room 409. Whitney bldg.. 133 Geary st. FRANKLIN Electric Institute— Elec. treatments and massage. 535-7 Whitney bldg.. 133 Geary. MltS. C-.ROSK.-Mgr. -.lira. 10 a. tu. to 10 p. m. MRS. COOVEK — Thermal radiator treatments for nervousness, • rheumatism, stomach, etc.; 10 . a, m.-5 p. in.- -1011 Killmore St.. apt; 124. MRS. LAlNEN— Expert -scientific treatment for rheumatism, face - aud scalp (doctor's refs.). Call or postal 2126 Howard St. near 17th. NEWLY opened — Hair dressing, facial and scalp treat;, manicuring. ;.-1257 MeAlftster, apts. 3-4. MRS. HOLSUOUSKR. MAGNF/flO SPECIALIST. . l .V»l Pacific bids. : phone Kea rny 595. • . \u25a0 -. THERMAL electric institute, etc.: treatments and massage. MltS. SANDBERO. 1227 Webster. ELECTRIC vibratory niassatre; s<alt glow. MRS. CORTKZ. Dl 3 Van Ness cor. Ellis. ?nlte 203. GOLDSTEIN CO..:theatripal and mastinermle cos- ; ti:mers: country, orders speclaitv,' SRn Market. MRS. DX. \u25a0 VIKRECK. electro and magnetic troats. for rheumatti»m. liver trouble, etc. 1212 Scott. MME. MAURICE — Magnetic treatment, all rubs. Room 1.413^ 12th St.. Oakland. / MAGNETIC healtir baths; both sexes. ' MME. L. JOHNSON. 605 10th St.. Oakland. , WELLS' facial, scalp magnetic treatment. . 10C5A \u25a0 Ml«winn-sr.; room "<B. . >-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 ' m. '"-. ;.-' » CLAIKVOVAXTS . -^ MADAME CARX.TON removes evil influences, re- unltc* separated; gives dates, facts, figures In LOVE.;. COURTSHIP. .'MARRIAGE: « in •; fact. . tell* everything; (fives infallible advice on : all , affslrs'of life; satisfaction guaranteed:- abso- lutely, reliable;. confidential: readings 50c this w»ek. 10#to 8: readings by mall $1. 1124 Eddy. HENRY MANSFIELD— TruthfuI ordained me- ." dlum, • palmist, clalr.l" readings, advice." healing .teach, all revealed; noth. concealed; tells every- thing want know. ICO3VC' Fillmore; by. mail $1. i MADAME KARAH. wonderful palmist and clair- . yoyant: reveals, eveiythlng from the cradle to | : the grave: tells you the truth: reserves noth- ing. 020 Broadway.. Oakland, parlor 1: MISS ZEMDAR. young, gifted clalr. and palmist: a wonderful prophetess %\u25a0\u25a0 hours 10 to 10; 1. 50c. : f-\ $1. - ICIO McAllister st. near Devlsadero. MMh.. AUGUST; clairvoyant and palmtst; read- : Ings. r.oc; truth. or, no pay. 274R-Mlsslon -st. bet. l"(\ and- 24th. " : Ho-irs. 10 to $. - \ MME;' LEOKIDA;:' honest. readings: hrs. 10 a. m. .to 8 p. m. ;• Sun. appointments. 94ft; McAllister. Mme. '-Starr of Oakland." at .'Hotel Carllng. 8. F.. 1154 MVt.. r.'3 : -frnfb or no n«y; 10 tn f> n.m. \u25a0„*:;;->.-; :'.. r V.- :?: ?P IRl T l f^. l ?~ l . s . lw -'-• :v;: v;' ' .' "_ -. r_ AA^MRSy J.J WHITNEY, trance medium; consultation $1, at her home. 11G4 O'Farrell; . •'\u25a0-hy letter. 4 questions. $1; phooe Franklin So 24*. AA-MB.S L. H. KINXAIRD returned; reading dally. 10-4; circles Sun,." Mon., Wed.. Fri;. 8 -• p.*?m. •. 1459 Fillmore st. ". : ' REV: ' MAX WELL— Cony. mesßage^ - Wed.. Fri..: :'.' Sun., 8 p. m. ;; readings. . 1-4. 25c. 1949 15th. MISS 'M. WIIj/K. " medium. . cryuM i seeress, can abe consul ted 'ftn nll.msttera. . 1615 Fillmore 'St. MRS.'CRINDLB. : materializing seance Friday \u25a0 and -Sunday evening^.' .1768 O'Farrell' st. MMR; GRIFFIN/ medium and healer: cons, daily, clr, Tnep.. Thurs.. Sun.. 8 p. m. SOP McAllister. MRS. S. SEAL, spirit' mln.; ; consultation daily: \u25a0-' r>fftcl»t»«> nufHugw. 1 ' fnneml«^| "Bft. >r**lli«f*^. 'V:^/;-.:.-'.''-._'''-PAI>MISTRY. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0.'-; -: ; \u25a0 REV. MME. BUSHNELL. formerly 919 Jones, now \u25a0 ' 209 Kearnr: 9to S." ot; Sun. : tel. Ponging 3ft7o. : ;'.';-_V-:INYF!STMeXT9-. - ; ' ' m;- HARRIS i & CO.V ; BROKERS. :>. 751-753 Phelan bldg.. < San Francisco. Cal. STOCKS OFFERED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE: S.GOO shares Monterey Coal Co. (lot)© $00.00 1,000 shares Mayflower 011: Co ... .-..@;. '.52.' 10,000 Alaska Petroleum &>Coal.;.:.@ .12 . . 1,000 shares La Blanc Oil Co.; Wanted > • .1.000 shares Lady Washington Oil Co.@ .12' \u25a0 1,000 Reynolds Transmission Inc..® . .12 ( ' 1 1,000 shares Templor Ranch Oil Co. . \u25a0- -Cheap . 1,000 shares Marlcopa Nat'l.^Pet. Co.© .30. 1,000 shares Ventura Oil Dev. C0.... @ - .15 1,000 shares Kern. Rivera Drillers. -...@ '_'. :.10: .10- -, 1.000 shares' Kern I Western. .'.....'..(§! I * .12 " 1,000 shares Coallnga Crude. ... .v. .'.^ ,-.*,. 10 y ,750 shares; Red T0p.. .;..:::......« ;/.ll :* Sf.o Shares ' Madison OH' Co. \u25a0..;..;. .07 , v, 200 shares ' Section v Six Oil C0;.... @ .30' 100 shares Plnal 0H* C0. .\u25a0....;.... (g G. 25 60 shares Pyramid Oil C0.; :.'.... @ .' .fiO ; 10 California -Wine Assn.-(pfd)r.«f 77.50 '2 LaZacualpa.Rub. (1900, ser;):@ 170.00 \ Wanted— ; Ventnra Oil Dev::. . ;'. @ ; : -. 10 ' .-. >: Kr\u25a0 F. -.. WA YLAND i ft ." CO . '•\u25a0\u25a0 BROKERS; Va .-.47 a Monadnock building, San Francisco. Cal.'- T \u25a0- - STOCKS ' OFFERED FOR QUICK SALE. 5.000 Alaska' Petroleum it CoM Co. .::& ~* .12' n.OOO shares i Moaterey Coal Co (lot).ff? W.OO l.OOD.Paelflc 'Frultn' Cooling \u25a0' ft: V.iCo;«« ":'-•-. «o'.. I.ooi> sharts Allsal' Oil Co..V. ;...:..© .05 1,000 Ventura-Oil Development Co:.;. @ .15 1,000 shares La 'Blam? Oil' Co. ;-...... @. :: .35>,' 1.000 shares Liberty. 0i1. C0.. ;..;;;;. Q , -.25' ; .- 1,000 California Pressed; Brick' Co. .-r.tjj:-:-.' .12 ; 1.000 Coallnga National, Petroleum/; J .@ -.\u25a0. \u25a0 .21 ' 1,000 shares Templori Ranch 011 'Co.':":Q' .18 *-- LOOOshares Puritan Oil Co "r..i.T:..e .16 ;. ( 300shares Pyramid. Oil; Co.. -..(.....©. .60 IDO shares Coallnga Security. Oil Co. ii r - • • -;100 shares Copper, C 0 .. .... :@ '-. 4.25 '\u25a0' -'\u25a0'-"\u25a0 50 shares Western States Life ' lns . @ . ; 22.00 Wanted — 1.000 shares Liberty, Oil Co.Q ;\u25a0 -".IS; . ,Wnnted~ip,.Rlo Michel Rubber, J\ . ;.@ 22.00 1 \ I ; HAVE: only ' 10.000? shares' left; in -the ,34 5 Hill ' . Oil Co."- of . Baker«fleld/> Cal.V- In « Maricopa \u25a0 dls- : .'trlet.C.We have 320 acres with aya v 20^ year lease v and '/are' down -alwut "350.* feet, add working •? dally,"4 Will sell from 100. shares np: to 10.000; 'v' shares . are •S5 \u25a0 cents;] and ; as i soon \u25a0 as .we : strike- ir ; oil " the "' shares? go-; to • par'ofisl." ;Am ,;at Ar- ";gonaut Hotel. until ; Saturday ,' then Bakersfleld. '.'.•jAY-'HOUHEiNV:- v ;-.'"-,."- r :'. v-/-''-;'.'--"'>v -/-''-;'.'--"'> ' FOR . »ale-^l ,ooo *: share* X Jewel i, oil,"! 2sc." "•'• Box >' 4*2B.l. Call* offlce; -\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0».--' '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 V.*?.-.'' \u25a0**•\u25a0 •:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' - J^-J^t?£;}:^:i?J?L A -^^l*}' ; - r - : -^^ V- - \ l - -'•'."'.'' BONDS" ; r ai*iVCAL.' SAFE nKf. , r ;-• accounts ; money ; louued. \u25a0-\u25a0[ ti3o ' Market at." "" : z- - MIXESAXD MIXIXO . \u25a0_.__-. GOLD,' amalgam,' rich ore bought; cash; assaying f ' 50c. PIONER -ASSAY CO.. 131 sth st. near -i Howard. •\u25a0-\u25a0 •:\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0-*-• - -.•..\u25a0 - \u25a0-. \u25a0 • : "•"'-..; '.MOXEY TO LOAN -f AAAA— WE LOAN MONEY TO SALARIED PEOPLE^ WITHOUT: SECURITY; business . ; CONFIDENTIAL; no " charge for - application; . nothing taken out . In advance; no red tape- methods' here;, you are charged ONLY for the time you have the money: yon can get from as: $15.00— Repay $4:00 weekly. '; $25.00— Repay $6.65 month. $1.65 weekly. . - .s3o.oo— Repay. $S.OO month,. s2.oo weekly. f, ' $30.00 — Repay $13.35 month. $3.35 weekly. THE ROYAL INV. CO.. 750 PHELAN BLDO. PRIVATE and confidential; loans on furniture. pianos, warehouse receipts, diamonds and other security; "lowest rates. Rooms 207 and 20-?. 787 \u25a0\u25a0 Market st,, corner 4th; phone Douglass • 4040, Home J4020. .-.;.- AAA— HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY WILL LOAN YOU MONEY ON FURNITURE. . PIANOS. ETC.: $10 to $200; LOW COST; CON- FIDENTIAL; HONEST AND SQUARE DEAL. . CALL. WRITE. OR PHONE. 357-9 PACIFIC BLDG.. 4TH and MARKET. PHONES— DOUGLAS 3265. HOME.JI74I. | Oakland offlce — 518 First National bank bldg. ' THIS IS OUR BUSINESS ; SALARY ' LOANS. $10 to $100. advanced to honest employes "without security." No In- dorser; no publicity; your friends, relatives or employer will never know. ALL WE WANT 13 YOUR PLAIN NOTE. GREAT NORTHERN LOAN CO.. 616 Pbelan bldg., 6th floor; Office open until 6 p. m". Mon- day and Saturday evenings until 8 p. m. MONEY loaned on furniture." pianos and other se- , curity; lowest rates; most favorable terms In the. city; see ethers, theßs.«ee me and be con- vinced; I will save. you money: $2.25 weekly repays $50 loan. Phone Market 3023. GEORGE W.. MILLER. 3009 16th at., southwest corner Mission; room 35. -.'-\u25a0- .. • w - ~ SALARY LOANS— SALARY LOANS - "SALARY LOANS— SALARY. LOAN 3 - Just On Your- Plain Note. No Endorser; no security; cheapest rates; posi- tively no one will know. . . WESTERN LOAN CO.>4OS Call bldg. Ofnce open till 6 p. m. Monday and Saturday until S. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping I bouse and others upon their own names wlth- ?'\u25a0- out -security; easy payments; save money by r trading here. Officers in 65 principal citlea. • TOLMAN. room 949. Phelan bid?.. San Fran- elsco. and room. o. 4CO 13th St.. Oakland. ALL DEALINGS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL-^ SAARY LOANS, furniture., warehouse re- ceipts, other propositions; loans- on policies I WITHOUT DELAY; your promise our security: payments arranged to suit. STANDARD LOAN CO.. 323 Monadnock bids.. Market, below 3d. SALARIED PERSONS. TEACHERS. WAGE EARNERS AND OTHERS with RENTAL or FIXED Incomes can obtain loans without publicity at j reasonable' rates at 433 Phelan bldg. Phone Douglas 3244. \ FURNITURE— • \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•• '. - . • . LIFE INSURANCE— - \ SALARIES— Wage . Earners' Investment and Loan Company. .- . .\u25a0 \u0084443 Pint, »t. BALDWIN JEWELRY CO., Gold and Silver Smiths. \ 29-33 Kearny st. LOAN DEPARTMENT. '- AAA — WE loan all salaried people; save money by getting our rates. Great western Inv. Co.. 521 Phelan bldz., Kearny 3247. 8:30 to 6. Saturday. B p. m. . AAA — Wage earners, either men or women, can make a loan in strictest confidence at the Em- ' ployes' - Credit Co.. room 424 Monadnock bldg. SALARY LOANS— Ladles and gentlemen without .security; notes and commercial paper bought. 813 Merchants* Ex. bldg.: phone Donglas 1411. AAA— SALARIED men and women accommodated > without delay or publicity. Home Credit and Investment Co.. 321 Pbelan bids., third floor. • ON furniture, pianos or any security. BECKER. Monadnock buildlßg..6Sl Marketst.. room 297. SALARY loa cs: other proposition** San Fran- cisco Discount Agency. 411 Pacific building. ON fnrniture and piano*; -no removaL TRE- MAIN. room $11. 533 Market. n<*xt Emporium. CASH loaned to salaried men on note without la- . r*nr«(>r. MORTIFM,. 10--?2 Mfmrtrme* hrHMtTi*. MOXEY TO I.OAX — RKAI. ESTATE AA— LICK LOAN CO., Lick buililing. 3." . Montgomery st. "\u25a0Deal direct. Real estate .loans, flrst and sec- ond mortgages on improved or unimproved prop- erty; also installment loan 3. Bank rates. i Phones Dougla* .1016. Home C3OlB. . ANY amount; lowest rates, on first and secocd mortgages va real estate, legacies, undlvld-d interest, estates in probate; no delay. R. Me-- COLGAN. rooms 502 and Grt4. Clans Spreckels •<CalI» building. Mnrtfet and 3<l st«.. FIRST mortgages, cltr leal rotate. « per cent. Sums $3,000 to $50,000. T. E. DAYMAN. ; Ist Natl. t>k. bid;:.. Montgomery ami Port st». FIRST and wcconil mortimges. real estate, stocks and bonds. M. B. LICHTENSTEIN' A SON 3 CO.. 30 Montgomery st. MONKY to loan on Oakland, Berkeley. Alameda and Fruitvale real estnte at 0 to T per cent. GEO. W. AUSTIN. 101S Broadway. Cal. .' ANY amount en real estate, first or second mort- gages, on sny security: no delay; lowest rates. O. W. BECKER. Monadnock bldg.. 6SI Market. $100 to $5.000 — Ist and 2d mtcs.. real and per. \u25a0 prop.: no com^: low ratps. Krohl. r. 201. 87 3d. FIRST and second -^mortgages; any amount. SHADBURNE CO.. 503 Monadnock building. FIRST and second mortgages, estates, legacies. H.'Mr»PBV.- ISft Sn'trr fit. - - \u25a0 / MOXEY WANTED;;; $10,000 wanted on second mortgage tor one year; "interest 9 per cent net on downtown* 7 story brick bolldlng. renting for $2,000 per month; "value of the property over $200,000: first mort- gage %t . $83,000 held by life insurance com- pany; interest to be paid monthly; no brokers need answer: will not pay any commission. Bot 201 S. Call offlce. $2,100 WANTED from private party: will give - flrst mortgage on brand new cottage appraised \u25a0: at $3.6C0: absolutely gilt edge: will pay « per cent: as safe as the Bank of England: willing ; to pay Interest monthly: fullest Investigation courted: no .agents..- ' Address OWNER, box 3POO. Call offlce. Oakland. " « WANTED — $10,000 for 3 or 5 years, at S per cent net; secured by country property; no ng*»nt«. Address hox > 20.'i7. Cell oTflce. SPECIAL 3VOTICES THE annual meeting orthe. Odd Fellows* Ceme- i tery Association will be held on MONDAY. - Sept. 26. 1910. at 9 a. m.. at the offlce of th« Association. Point Lobes avenue. San Fran- cisco, for the election . of a board of directors * and such ' other - bustness as may legally be brought before it.- By order of the board of ' directors. WILLIAM E. LUTZ. President. \u25a0 GKORGK PKNLIN'GTON. Secretary- \u25a0'•'-- : I.Er.AI.XOTICES HOTEL EXETER. 154 Elli3 St.. Sept. 23, 1916. — Notice to' Creditors:- All persons \u25a0'' bavin? Claims against^the Hotel Exeter. 154 Ellis st., San Francisco. Cal., r are hereby notified to present same within three (3) days to MA- RIUS J. KAST. receiver. GO4 Mills building, San Francisco. Cal. y - HAVING 60ld out my interest In the nalght St. Grocery, located at - 309 Haigbt st. corner , Webster, to C. Jefferes. am not responsible for. debts contracted by. the firm.. \u25a0 --.--\u25a0\u25a0- B. CHRESAND. • SHINGLES, $1.40: rustic; $20; boards. $10: coua- try order* gollcltert. 33 10th «t.. 3 .- f . CITY REAI. ESTATE ~ FOR sale— Something new ia flats; new designs. - newstyle on finish; separate entrances; finest location 'in ''Western addition; overlooking rec- reation grounds in G. G. part; 7th ay. and H st: See E. B. UALLETT. on premises. NORTHEAST corner of 15th and Howard;. new building, just finished; rents $1,920 per annum: price only .$17,500. with half cash; improved . with 6 flats extra well built: lf you are looking ""-for something choice see this right away: prop- erties' of this kind don't stay on the market many days. T.E." HA YMAN.. First National Bank liulUiinc *^F&GgftW?StioßffiflKTflfN\TX 1378 FILBERT st. at Polk— Three 6 room flats, . just completed ; lot 30xS3 ; especially artistic aud well built; price only $0,500. wlta one- half cash. -•- J \u25a0 -.- \u25a0 , T. E. HA YMAX. First . National Bank bMg. $575— IMPROVED SUNSET LOTS— SS7S - Our ; Sunitet . branch offlce opes dally; .taka Ellis st. - (Ocean cars to S9th ay. and H st.). .THE MCCARTHY. CO. (owaers). 151 Sntter at. $SOO-^New« room house: I must sell this week; needtlie coin; terms, $150 cash, balance, few 1 . dollars every month. H. L. . ELD RIDGE. 759 ' t\ Market at.. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 '.- '.- <' " : - " ' \u25a0 : SUNSET, MODERN 6 KOO.M HOMES'; large lots. , cement . basements, :patent steps." bltumtnlzed .street; cheap; terms. -I2tb 4t. above J st. NEW 2 story house. 764 17th ay.; 100 ft. from new Fulton st. car line and park: $1,000 cash, .- .terms to suit on balance.- .-:.- $4,500^ — Choice j7 : room " residence;'. 114 - 10th ay. • near ' : Lake ; at. : * room , for garage ; - chance of a \u25a0;llfetime:to get -a' home cheap. .. ; FOR."6ale— Cottag»,'H'-' rooms, bath and \u25a0 base- ? ;ment; marine view; i lot 50x120; $3,200; terms; \u25a0 no ; agent; > 579 ; 39th n av. ' .- ".-.•'.•> .TWO ; ; story."* 6 \u25a0 rooms ; ' modern : flowers; sun in I *.^>very room ; : basement good ".for auto: $4,100, -.^fourth clown; forced, to sell. v ; 563 2d ay; * THREE: ROOM bouse;- $2,100; am j sick." must , \u25a0\u25a0nell; street done/.: 2515 Clement at. nr. 2tith ay. FINE HOUSE i of- 2 floors: and 6 rooos. $5,500; ',» offer .wanted;-. 250. 11th -ay;-- -' : \u25a0-' :"\ FOR xale — Goo<l busiuo sa \u25a0 property : well rented ; -'•\u25a0- good i Income ; t $5,750. 'i»; Ingulre IS7S . Union : at. $250 CASH— IO'-ACRES-i YEARLY $250 ' RICHEST GARDEX SOII. FREE IRRIGATION— PERFECT DRAIXAG3 BEST TRANSPORTATION— NEAR CITT . . PRODCCES 'f 'i/f \u25a0 Onions, per acre/ 300 to 1,000 sacks. Potatoes. per : acre. 150 to 300 sacks. , l ; Celery, per acre. l>i to 2 carloads. Beans, pcx acre. 20 to 40 sacks. - Cabbace. per acre, 15 to 30 tons. • : TRACTS TO SUIT— S TO I.COO ACSES PRICE $123 PER ACRE UP A. E. PATTEN LANT> COMPANY. 425 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. SAN FKANCISCO. CAL. RANCHES — Santa Clara valley, near Stanford University. Palo Alto and Los Altos: several excellent bargains, close In: 12. 14^ 17. 18. 5 acres each, all improved: 20. 14. 15 and other size*, close in. unimproved: delays are dan- gerous ; see us at' once: low prices of, the above will surprise you. FREDERIC HEBARD & CO.. 'May field. Cat. WALNUT CREEK — 2 acres on the banks of Wal- nut creek, in alfalfa, planted to walnut*, cared for for S years; Zo- minutes from Oak- land by new electric railroad: easy terms. CONTRA COSTA LAND CO.. 903 First Na- tional Bank building. San Francisco. . THREE fine 30 acre tracts in popular fruit an<t ! farming district of Marln county, within I*-'., miles of Northwestern Pacific R. R. station: only $100 per acre, including fine -well* readr for use; terms to salt. W. L. COUBTRIGHT. 830 Market St.. S. F. 40 acres well improved land In Shasta county, all cultivated aad irrigated, with 5 horse power engine and pntnp: 8 room bouse. larz» tarn and other buildings: 300 loganberries. . 40 frnlt trees: price $2,000. \u25a0-\u25a0 Write C. IL MANNING. Tall River Mills. Cal. , 10 Or 20 acres choice San Joaquln valley land, suitable for fruit or alfalfa: best location: must be seen to be appreciated: half planted to grapes; owner going to Australia; only $90 per acre. Box 515. Call offlce. TU BLOCK IRRIGATED LA NDS — A LT ALF A .' VEGETABLES. FRUITS: TRACTS 10 TO 4O ACRES. $100 AND UPWARD PER ACRE; LIBERAL TERMS: NEAR MODESTO. N. N. SHORB CO.; 157 SUTTER ST. BERRYVALE GARDENS. YOLO COUNTY. 20 acre farms, rich, level: cheap, easy terms; Irrigated. GEO. H. MURDOCK & SON. 01 Bacon block. Oakland. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Hayward at the lowest cash prices; wtll accept Oakland. - Berkele? or Alameda Improved property in ex- change. P. E. BAIRD. 4fiB 11th St.. Oakland. 73 ' ACRES alfalfa land: creek: good improve- ments; stock and implements; Lake county. G. EWERS, owner. 222 San Pablo ay.. Oaktand. > y. . -a $395 for S acre homes In Alameda county; $23 down. $10 monthly. PROGRESSIVE REALTY CO.. 1«O Sutter sfc FOR farms, stock rancbe* and timber lands se» MerAT?T. * KDWAnns. 257 California nt. It E^*^J55XATE__ INSTALLMENT HOMES My policy is to only advertise properties of merit and t&ose that lock to me to be the best buys on my list. $100 down: $1,650: 4 room cottage on a large lot: balance in small monthly payments. (670S> $U© down: 5 r<vmi<i; nearly new bungalow fn «. East Oakland, and the full price Is oal.r >w $2..fi50. Fine wide street: all street wort done. This Is a comfortable and desira- ble home. \u25a0 $200 down: 91,830: East Oakland. 4 room cot- tage, near car line and close to school. (8722) $400 down: $2..<00: Linda Vista tome of 5 room*: lot 40rlOO; hich basement and In every way a comfortable home and excellent value for the money. (6675) ' BUILD TO SUIT— WiII build any kind ef a cottage or bungalow you like, on a 40 foot > lot In Fruitvale; on. say $100 down. Select your own plan. I also have proposition* like thin In th» swellert neighborhood Uko Adams Point. Peralta Helgat*. etc. \u25a0 I've just listed several 6 and 7 room new and pretty bungalows in Adams Point on »aj.-»n flrst payment and $40 a mouth. Just let me show them to you. JEFFERSON ST. FLATS— For $4.e.%0: ."5 and fi rooms; all In fine condition, right down town, and only 3 blocks from Broadway. The water front Improvement* will make this property jump In value shortly. Under $t« a foot — Corner Int at a bargain- 200x115 feet. Jnst the place for a lot of little cheap house*. This priro include all street work. ,On 30th street west -of San Pablo avenue. Harp yon a lot? Or *n e/jrjlty of some K'tu! that yon'd like to trade In aa a flrst pay- ment on a nice new modern home and pa* the balance^ monthly. Let me know what you have and wh»t you want. Lots of money to loan at 6 to 7 per cent. AUSTIN. IOI.S P,roflaway. Oakland. ~~ '\u25a0 1—!1 — ! : — — BUNGALOWS. , Take your choice from 50 or mdre new bonga- lows and cottages; prices rangtns from $2,000 to 55.500: flrst payment requires from $100 tr> $350. balance monthly payments. Including int«r- est, $20 to $35. W« have some of the most ar- tistic. ft*w. modern homes In Berkeley or Oak- land. We will also bnlld to suit at above terms. WHY PAY RENT? WENTWORTH A CO.. 1503 Grove St.. corner 20th and San Pablo »f.. Oakland. $100 DOWN and $30 n month buys new fi room Mnealow: lot 3.">x150: 1 bloefc and a half • from Cbiremont Key Route; close to sehoola and College iv. Owner, 273 81st st. bet Teje-' graph bt. ear. - FOR «ale — Modern story and a Half, sleenli^ porch house: terms easy. S. L. KLARNET. a*V"A Townyend. Phone Merrltt 3.'lT. \u25a0 NE"W house. Just completed: weenie Wheeler Hillside Addition. North Berkeley: unobstruct- ed view of the bay and Golden Gate; 1 block from Euclid ay. carllne: lot 50x130; R rooma and bath, with laundry tn basement; 2 toilets- 2 lavatories: hardwood floors first story: 2 open fireplaces: sleeping porch: box seat*-. largf» entrance hall and closets: entrance hall an<l dining room paneled and walnscDted and beam ceilings; rear stalrwav. and kitchen entrance: clothes chute: house piped for hot atr and fur- nace room In basement. For price and term* apply to Owner. 141 2d st.. S>an Francisco. Cal.. or at owner's home. 1C25 Euclid ay.. Berkeley. Cal. SNAP — $3,750. terms: coey home. H rooms; mod- ern: within 1 block of all steam and electric line*. . Owner. IS2B Falrview St.. \u25a0 Alcatraa xtafinn. Berkeley. ALAMEDA.REAIi EmTE tPf.'SOO— S rortm and batn bungalow, new. l block from Grand street station, one-half block from carllne: lot 50xlO£: fine lawn and garden: will take $1,100 down, balance at S per cent: will sell furnished or nnfurnlsaed: owner lettvta; " Alameda. Bos 20ft2. Call offlce. ' FINE ALAMEDA HOME 7 room modern Queen Anne honse. Just finished: choice location; handy to cars aad trains; -• terms to salt. 1310 Pearl st., Versailles sta- tfow. Alameda: phone Atameda I^o4. ~~~ B^A^TilF^L^lO^iEsTTlEgr^ . Visit the beautiful Buriincame hill coaatry. the most beautiful wltoln reacn of ta« city, far surpassing the cross bay localities: transfer to the San Mateo electric car at sth and Market- yon always get a seat — and get off at EASTON st:tion. ot take the Southern Paclflc at I Third and Totrnsend. Here I* thefinett suburban homo site on the peninsula. EASTON ADDITIONS TO BURLINGAME: beautiful sba'ded paths, cool no the hottest days; all Improvements, cement side- walks, streets, sewers, water, light and tele- phone are installed; the homes will appeal to you: large lots on easy terms; excellent and fast train service, twice as fast as to crew bay ooints' For particular* about EASTON addre*" F. J. RODGEKS, MILLS BUILDING. SAN FRANCISCO. \u25a0 ' MARiy COTJXTY REAI, ESTATE MILL -Valley. Bllthedale canyon, near Manii station: beantifol lot. well wooded. $3x230. maxniflcent view of mountain; - part cash. balance easy terms. Box 2034. Call office. FAIRFAX Manor lots, close to train, $330; ea«y terms. ATTHOWE REALTY CO.. San Aa- selmo. and First Natl. .Tianle Mdg.. %. T. \u25a0 - SAXTA CRUZ REAL ESTATE HOMES, ranches, acreage, excianse. Prlca Hat. DAVID L. WILSON. S«ai* Cms. Cal. - OAKLAND. Berkeley. S. I*;, roboiban; • country -property and ranches to exch.. Iqclwlld< room- - Ing houses and hotels. Send description of what yoa^vav* and want; no charges unless deal* t» - made. J. H. EPSON. ICXSS Broadway. Oakland. . FRUIT rancb near San Jose: 16 acres prtia**. • cot*, peaches, cherries; will exchange iH.MtJ eqnlty for city property. ' WOODMAN REALTY COMPANY. 41 Montgomery at.. . $3.000— i room cottage for lots, land or naci; might assame. IK7*< Irtth- a v.. Oakland. One or 2 lots or cettage ia Richmond or Suusel district*, S. F. l£l* JOta at^ OaVU^I. 13