Newspaper Page Text
14 COMMERCIAL AND MARKET NEWS SPECIALLY REPORTED FOR THE CALL OUTSIDE DEMAND IS UNRESPONSIVE i. \u25a0 - : Developments Considered to Be Favorable Fail to Create Closing Tone Heavy, W3#i Only Narrow Changes in the Fixed Prices Sew York Stock I.l*t *- tl. F. Burton & Co., 490 California street members of the New. York stock -exchange, fur nish the following list of bond and stock sales 'yesterday: ' £a\ef \ STOCKS iHigff Low 1 Bid I Ask lAlits Chalmers ..j \ R *hb ' I>« pfd 29 35 17.7<*VAtnal Copper ... 635*. 62>-« 62% fK'Vi ' 2.rtfWi Am Beet Sugar.. S3** 3S*fc 35% 38% *-» I Do pfd 93 94% \u25a0 '. jAtn*»r Tan Co i « S*>i 4W»i - Po pfd i 67Vi f.7 fi7 67V 20f»;Am Cur &Fdy C* 1 47 4«% 46T£ 47 . • j Do pfd :j 11<H4 114 \u25a0 -~ 300! Am Cotton 0i1... 61»i Cl»il 61*^ 61»i ' : . I Do pfd 103 ..... .* |Am Hide & Leatbi 4 4% . ! Do pfd 21 22 .•:•• iAm<>r Ire Scour. .l lS's 1!) ::\-\. ;Amer Unseed". ..| 11 12 .. \ 400! .Do pfd :.. 30lfc SO no 32 lrtO'Aaior l/x*omntive.t 36»i Z6% 37 37*& V. j D* pfd 10214 10« i lAracr Malt *vj 5 :-•--\u25a0 200 Do pfd 31 2»«4 -2flH 31 : • <!.1W Am Sit & Rfg Co- 66? i 65% «s^| «»? . '-. I Do pfd 100 1101 \u25a0 .'. jJLmer Sugar ...-. 116 117 •'- Do pfd 115 120 " * .Am Stl Foundries 42U 1 43 -\u25a0V- 200. Am Tel & Trl Co!l3«Vi 13.">J.i!136i,«!136i4 ".OOlArner Tob pfd... 93 ! J»2«i '\u25a0' itVilAmer Woolen ... 2S I2S 27% 2S?i : : . "W; Do pfd 95*1 Us^ J»5 S<s \u25a0 • . lOtti Anaconda ... 3S*i! 35% 3S^a 39 ; ' v Atlantic Coast 1,. 109 111 -' \u25a0' S.WtOiA T & Santa Fe.j 99% 95% 09 S9H . ... 400! Do pfd' .ilOO^ilOOVi'K'O !1OO»» • . 800 Baltimore & Ohlo!l05»4H04 & i 104 J 4|iai ! Do pfd 7 1 86 R3 . - [Bethlehem SteM..! 1 26% 27 ; Do pfd .1 1 56' 56% - 1.600.8 R T-. I 75%t 75 75H! 75^ - - 4fiO'Canadian rac:fic.ilSoiihfto4!l9o% lfll 7.500 C& 0 76 75 I 75%! 55% "» C & A... I 127 30 " 100 c« vr :. 23 23 23*4 24 .» ;J T>o pfd I .1 4614 461^ - 70O!C &X W !146 14."U1145 1146 , 3.fiOO.'C Jir &St P !12S |121%11215i!122 WOiCentral I^eather..! 34 l il 33 i 33 I 33»4 r ; t Do pf.i !...;....-.. 1104^1105^ j- lOentril of N J..T 1 1230 !280 CCC&St L...1 1 72^i 75 I Do pfd j 100 110 1.300 Colo Fufl & Iron! 30 29"i 23?; 30 - i l>o pfd A „ 100 120 Colum I1C&I.. i 4 4U, Colo Southern ..! 5314 54 1 Do Ist pfd 1 72 74 - ..' Do 2d pfd ! 69 72 - I.ROOICon Ga« ... .1131 «4 131 1131 131' A .-,- 200' Corn Products .. 13Tsf 13T4 13»i! 14 . ! Do pfd ! f 74>4 76 'Del & Hudson 162 164 !l>el Lack A- W... ! 495 500 2nr> Dpu & R Grande 30^1 3014 30V4 SOVi 400: Do pfd 71?; 71« i 71* 4 72 :DisUllins Sec 27 2SV4 • \u25a0 4/tODuluth SSft A. 11 11 10H 11 lOfi Do pfd 23 23 22M 23 sjooo;Erfe 26 25»4| 25% 25=; <" . 200! Do Ist pfd 43 43 j 42* i 43iJ " -. ! Do 2d pfd. j I 32Vi 33ii \ . . f>n Electric tf44 <m ,144 (1441^ " l.SOQ'Ooldfleld Cods ..( B*il SV 4 \ S^i 8% 2rtfl(it Northern Orf>.| 55?il 55'*| 55 55>4 = - C.SOOGt Northorn pfd.il2S .!126',i 1126^(1263.; Illinois Central..! I Il2S** 129* i 4.2oo'lnterly>T»vMttTo J 21 20»i SOU 20% 5J900 D<> pfd !05 54\4 5414 54* i ". 'Inter Mer Marine! 5 514 j.. ! I>o pfd 16- 16«4 200 IntT Paper 10^ lO^i 10 1014 ! !><> pfd 1 47 48 •- .';lutc-r Pump • — 39U 41 r. 100 Do pfd..; $4i,i 84% 84 84V4 ilowa Central 16*4 16« i 500 Do pfd 30%! 30^8 '30 RO^ Kans City South 25% 29 .i :.! Do pfd \u0084..] i 63 - .il^uisTj & Nashrll 142% 143 .W.iMnckay I »3 »2»; SI 93 ' " lfio: Do pfd 74 74 73% ". ", Manhattan . .'. 135 137 H Mexican Central 31% 31% KiOMinn & St L 25%1 23% 23 24 \u25a0 Do Ist pfd 1 39 49 1.500 MSt P & S S Mil 34 J132% 133% 134 I Do pfd j 147 ISO is son: Mo Kan & Texas! 31%! 30% 31% 31 % - ( Do pfd 61?g fi3 SOOTMtsMSd Pacific, r.3% 53i; .%3 M% 200lNarional Lead 132 52 MJ4 M% . ..| Do pfd ! 102H 104 ; «;.. IXational Biscuit lli^i Jll% I 4 1 Do pfd 120 120% _. IN V Air Brake.. : 73 74 •' -• l.Koo;Kerada Con 20 19% 19% 20 ' 2.300 j New York Centralill3% 112^ 112H 112% 100 IX V C & St L...1 61 «4 61% 61% 62 I Do Ist pfd 1 100 110 : .-.I Do 2d pfd SO 93 ...... ."s v x n & n /. :.... 150% 153% 100 iX V Ont & TV.. 40% 40% 40>4 41 .. 200,Xorfolk"& West.. 97 97 96% 87 ;| I Do pfd 83 89 7noiXorth, American, 66 1£ 65 66% 68 --13,100i\orthern Pacific. JU 7% 116% 116% 116% {Omaha 133 IW> j Do pfd ..J ....140 165 iPaclflc Coa*t 98 *' 100 'Pacific Fire Com... 32% 35 i\, PflOPacific Mail I 30% 29% 30 30% . -.. 3.500 Perm R R Co !12J»% 12ST* 12S** 129 lOOPeople's Ga« 107% 107% 106% 107 ; : - iPittsburjr Coal.. -. 16% 1714 !:e l.> Do pfd... 66 70 100 Pressed Steel Car 33% 03% 33« 83% I Do pfd 93% »5 jRr Steel Springs 31% 32 -. I Do pfd 90 »9 \u25a0.I. 97.700" Reading 143% 141% 142% 143 Do Ist pfd I 86 88 '.. Do 2d pfd !..... 93% 95 ; 300 Republic S & 1..! 30% 30% 30 30% I *V. .) Do pfd..... 91% 92 3.2rtO'Rock Island Co.. 31% SI 31. 31% 1.2001 Do pfd 63% 63 63 64 r .lOOISIoss SS & 1 Co.! :i6% 56% 56 57 5 ,....:! Do pfd |: 105- 116 ...... ?Str, &5F let ptdl 60 65 800! Do 26 pfd .| 40 39% 3»% 40% St L& S W 22 25' I Do pfd 57% 59 l«.4of)'Sonthern Pacific 115% 114% 114% 114% 400:South*rn Ry 1 23% 123 23 23% ! Do pfd j |..... 52% 53% 4.SoA!Tennesi!ee Copper! 53% l 32% 33% 33% lQOjTesas Pacific ... 26% l 26% 26% 27 Are ' 10% 1Q 10 1O« 2W>!Tol«Jo StUW 23% 23 22 23% 500j Do pfd 52 51 50 50% [Twin City R'T 110% 111% lUnlon Bag & P.. .....] S 9 I Do pfd ....j..... 54 59 , - K.ROOTTBion Pacific 167%! 16.*;% 166% 166% *j roof n« pf«J »i% Bi «i 91% - 100 United R of S F 2S 2S • 27 29 •„» Do pfd 53 f.5 ~. .i.... U S Cst Iron Pipe .....!..... 15 ' 16% «. t Do pfd 1..... 51 57' j"-> S00!U S Rabber 34% 34% 34% 35 ».....v.j- Do Ist pfd ...1..:.. 107 107% '„..:. .-\ Do 2d pfd {.....[..... 67% 68' f63.f/«>;U S Steel Cor.. 6KV 67% 67% 67* a . 700| Do pfd 116% 116ifi 116 i« 116% 400;Utab Copper ..;. 46 45%| 45% 46 . JOOiVa-Car Chem Co. 55% SB%| 5R r>S% . 1O«! Do pfd ...|123 123.1122 124 .- lOOiWabash J 16% J6%J 16% 17 S00! Po pfd .... 36%| 35% 35% 3*s: IWeUs Fargo Ex..! ...„ 15s' IST.'; Western Union...! 66 63% 65 j. 6T.% SOOiWestinghouse ... 63 62% 62 64 |W &Iy E ..r..|..... 4% r.% , ! Do Ist pfd J 10 Iti .:.....] I>o 2d pfd 6% 7 (Wisconsin Central '..... 50 52 556.100 — Total thares 60ld. \u25a0—-'£ Pfew York: Bonds L" S ref 2« reg. .100%jr n t Met 4%r .... 81% .•- Do coupon .....100%|lnt Mer Mar 4%s «5 i Do 3s reg 101%! Japan 4s 90 i Ik> ooupon- 101%! Do 4%s ..... 94% f Do 4s reg 114% Kan City So Uf S* 73 I Do coupon 115 I, Shor deb 4R.1D31 ttt% 'Allis-GhaJ Ist r*. 77 L & N unified 4s. 97% JAwer Agricul 55.101%|M, X fc Tex Ist 4s J>7% ,AO>er T&T er 45.101%j Do gen 4%s ... W)% tAtD*r Tobacco 48. \u25a0• So%|Mo Pacific 45:.. 78 t Do 6s lO4'* Do ct 5s ctfs.. 9 # >« \u2666Armour 4%s 92% X R of Mn 4%».'»4% lAt'b gen 4s »8!4 X V C gen 3%5.. SS% , Do «» 4r .105 Do deb 4g .. . 95 t Do ct 5a 108% XY.XH& H ct 65.134% •Atlan C L Jet 4s. 94% Xor & W Ist eoa4s 9«.u fßalt & Ohio 4«,- m Do ct 4s ...... 99 J Do S%* 02% Xor-Pncine 4s lOO^i I Do S W 3%«.-. fll -Do 3s ..........71% •Brooklyn Tretr ct 4s 83%.0 S line rfdg 4s. 93% Central of Ga '55.108 Pa cv3% s , 1915; 06 t:#>nt leather 6».-. 99' Pa eon 4s 10**% CRR ©f XJ gn f15.122 Reading gen 45..! »&% Ches & O2io 4>i%.10i:,4!5t L & S.F fg 4s '&1U Do ref 5s 93 I Do gen 5« ..... 871; Coi i Alton 3%5. 69 jSt L S W con 4s. 74% O. B & Q Joint 4s 96%] Do Irt gold 4». ©I Do fen 4« .......97% Seaboard A L 4s. 70% C.M* StP gn 3%s J>3% So Pacific col 45.. 91U C.RI& Pac col 4s 74% • Do ct 4s ...... 97S Dw'rerflc 4«..., 90 [ Do Ut ref 4*.. »5- Oe»l» ludu» 5ft.... 77% So -Railway 55..... 107% Midland 4*/. 70 Do gen 4s ......75 Col So r&*>it 4%s 97%fCaion Pacific 4«..l 01 ; \u25a0OH &. Hud ct 4b. 97%j Do;eT'4«. '.;... 102% IVn & Rio G 4s. 93 I Do Ist: & ref. 4s. 96% .• Do-r^f as .:... 91% U S Rubber 6*...102H Distillers 5* ;70 ]U- Si Steel 2d.55..j04 irie prior lien 4«. 84% Va Car Chem. ss.. 99% i' Do gea.4*:..... 73' Wahakh In ."»5....110 : " Do ct 4k, per A 69 Do ]st & cxt 4s. 64 fi» cr 4s» **r B Co 1 ,; Western Md is... SG^ DISAPPOINT MEINT SADDENS MARKET NEW YORK, Sept. 22.— The stock market started the day with a -show of disappointment, over the. unresponsiveness of- the out side 1 demand to the developments which werv> considered favorably. The Minnesota railroad law deci sion passed out of the field of ac tive Influences during the day, but the latter action of the stock mar ket was regarded as making: en couraging resistance to the force of the realizing movement. Some' confusion of reports regarding. the action of London bankers toward the cotton bill of lading dispute was a factor in the late irregu larity of the market. The- clop— "ing tone was lieavy,; with only: narrow price changes. . Opinions of the iron and steel trade position continued unsettled and weighed on the market. The professed confidence in mainte- •nance of prices .seemed to disap point a hope that decisive steps were fn contemplation, which would awaken demand and renew the declining activity of the trade. Reports that trainmen of west ern.railroads were formulating de mands for a comprehensive in crease in wages directed attention to another ' phase of the railroad problem, which is associated inti mately with the steel trade.posi tion. The officials of the railroads are candid in admitting the em barrassment of contending j with demands for increased wasres in view of the high cost of living. The cotton bill dispute: is the only serious menace to- the ptom ise of uninterrupted ease in the monej- market. Bonds were irregular. Total sales (par value), ?2,455,000. United States bonds were un changed in the bid price on call. E. F. Hutton & Co.'s wire says: NEW YORK, Sept. 22.— Further operations for the .bull account conducted by leading bankers was the feature today, thousrh no ma terial jrains were made in the chief " stocks. Very good buying occurred during the session, espe cially on the noonday drive a.t values. Very little news of a kind that could be used as a market factor was in evidence during the session,, hence the price move ments of leading issues were gov erned largely by manipulation. "We are strongly of the belief that conditions are for higher prices (n stocks. Gen Elect cv Kb. -ICS%| Westing El cv se. PO% 111 Cen Ist ref 4s 97% | Wig Central 45... 03% Xew York Minlncr Stocks Alice 2.oo!l>eadvine Con .... 10 Brunsiß ick -Con . . 15' Uttle Chief 08 Com Tunnel Stock 22| Mexican fll Com Tunnel Bonds lOiOntarlo 2.25 Con Va Mln Co.. SOlOphir 05 Horn Silver 37JStandard SO Iron Silver ...... I.7o| Yellow Jacket ... 50 Xew York Curb Stocks Bid. Ask. . Bid. Ask. Amer Tob . .397 400 Ohio 1% l^i Braden .3 13-10 3 15-1 C Ray Central.. 2% 2 3-1G Brit Colum.. 5% s»4lßay Con ... ISI4 1S« Bte Coalition 18 19 San. Toy 20 30 " Chi Subway. 4% 4% Standard MIIV 17 1» Chino .. 17 17% Do pfd ... 52 57 Cons Ariz ..115-16 2 |Standard 011.59S 600 Dolores ..... 5% fi^ .'Super & Pitts 11% 12 1 * Davis Daly.. 2 2% Trt Bullion... 7-l<> Vi BI Rayo . . L3H 3 13-lC Union Cop . . 4% S Ely Cent ... 7-16 V> Do pfd ... 15 35 First Xatnl.. 3»i 4 Cn Rico 5 ' 7 Glroux (i*a C% Yukon . . .3 13-16 3 15-10 Daisy 3 4 Fraction .... 39 41 Florence 2% 2^6 Jumbo F/x .. 50 53 Greene Can.. 8% 6% Mason Vsl .. 91J 9% Gug ExpreßS.l7s 100 Ely Con 2O 32 luspiratn 8 1-16 S 3-16,'Belmont 4 5-16 5 Inter Rub .. 2n?; 30 JNev Hills ...2 7-16 2*/. Kerr I^afce .. 6»i CV.lMays 85 S7 L*. Rose ...3 13-16 3 vi' June 15 20 Miami ll> lh% Palmer ......17-16 1% ! Mines of Am 55 57 KerVtone .... 2% 3 I Montg Sho... J,; %So Utah .... l?i '2 XipiEsiD- ... 10H 11 Boston Copper Stocks BOSTON, Sept.. 22.— E. F. Hutton & Co.'s wire says: Tte Boston market opened strong, but receded with the New York list during, the forenoon. Shoe common was the strong feature, selling up 2 points on further excellent buying by prominent people. Coppers continue . to await a leader. Secretary J. A. PcrciTal of the Butte Bala klala copper company wires that the Speculator vein ha* been cut on the 800 foot level and shows .2% feet of. ore, assaying 8 per cent copper and 30 ounces of silver. Shipment of two cars of ore daily will be made from this vein, which is one of the four veins that Ana conda makes no claim, to. • : \u25a0• It is announced that the main concentrator building of Ray consolidated would be completed October 1 and Is expected to start up soon after the first of the year. Ray and GHa have de veloped in excess of 75.000.000 tons of ore of same grades as reported in previous month. Ray added 2,000.000 tons during August; Chlno has added 2,000.000 tons during August,' which gives it in excess of 25.000,000 tons, averaging 2.64 per cent. -The following list Is furnished by E. F. Hut ton & Co., 490 California street, San Francisco: Bid. AKk.j , Bid. Ask. Adventure ..6 7 North Butte.. 26% 27 Allouez 41-% 42 iXev Cons ...19% 20' i Arcadian ... 5 s%lXorth Lake... 8% 9' Ariz Com .. 16% 17 Old Domlniotf 36 " — Atlantic 6 7 Ot>ceola ......lag 127 A P 4=; 5 OJlbway ..... 5".£ 6 Do pfd ... 15 16 rarrot ...... 13 — Bslaklala ... 5% 6 Quincy 72% 74 Bte Coalition 18 38% Shannon 9% o*i Cal & Ariz.. 5» 59% Santa Fe ... 1% 1% Cal & Hecla.s43 544 United Shoe.. 57% 57"% Centennial .. 16 17% Do pfd ... 27% 28 Coppr Range 65 66 Super & Bost 7% 8 Daly West.. 4% s%!Super & Pitts 11 11% East Butte.. 6% 7>£!Super Copper. 49- 4UK Franklin 11 1 1 Vt Tamarack ....' 60 62* Granby .....32 33 Trinity ...... .5% fl H uncock 2O* 20% O: S Jflning. 35% 39 Helvetia .....2% 2^4 , Do . pfd . . . 4S?i 4ft Ible Royale.. 21 21% Utah Apex .. 314 3?4 Indiana 10% 1O«<, Utah ' Cons .. 22% 23% Kerr Lake .. CVi 6% Victoria ..... 2%- 3K Keweenaw .. 3% 4 ]jP)lverine ...U5 > 117. liake Copper. 3314 34 Wyandotte .. 1% 1*: Ia SaHe 9-14 10 I Winona ..... 7' 7% Mass O>n .. 7 . 7% Giroux f>% «»i Mexico Con.. 40 45; Greene Can... 'fIX fia- Mlch Mln .. 4 4?i Ray-Con .., IS ISiJ Mohawk 47 47% Ah 10% 11 ' Xewhouse ... l?i 2 Boston Curb Stocks Bid. Ask.J •':-""\u25a0• Bid. Ask Arlz & Mich. 20 25 j Inspiration .. H*-i,'..SXi Ahmeek 180 390 Live Oak ....—'» 17 Bohemla .... 5 5% Majestic t>o 52 '-' \u25a0 Boston Ely.. 1% 1% Mason Val .. flai .9% Calaveras ... 10^, 10% Nev Douglas.' 2 21-16 Cactus ...... l«i l%lOblo 1% la' i Chief Cons.. 1% .1% Oneco .:.; . 2% 24J Corbln ..' s vl s%!pan Antonio.. — B Chino 17% 17*4 Sup & Globe. 15 2.% Davis Daly.. 2 2 1-16 South Lake... 8% •\u25a0\u25a0• 9 * Ely Witch... 10 15 . • ' London Closing Stocks Cons for money.SO 7-16 Louisv- & Xa5h. .. .147% Do for aoet.... 80% M, X & Texas. ... 323 Amal Copper .... 64% X. V. Central. .....H7U Anaconda 8 Norfolk &- West....fl»«i Atchison '. 101« :Dopfd . „. »l Do pfd 103% Ontario .& West.:. 42 Bait fc 0hi0...... 108*4 Ptnnsylvsnla ..... 6H% Can Pacific->6 Rand JCines ......' 8% Ches &-0bk>..... 77% Reading 73U CW Great West.. 24 So Railway .. 24« CM, Mil & 5f.P.126 Do pfd .... 54% De Beers ...:... ' 16-4 So Pacific ;I*1I«% Den & Rio G.... 31% Union Pacific ....170% .Do pfd ......;. 74% Do pfd ...;.... flsvj Erie 20% US, Steel ...eou Do Ist pfd 44% Do pfd -......\u25a0.. 120 Do 2d pfd. 33% Wabash 1712 Grand TVunk .... 26 Do pfd -.. 371! 111 Central 133% Spanish 4s .....V. 92 Bar silver— Steady; 24 11-16 d per ounce ' Money — %@1 per cent. - \u25a0The rate of. discount in the open market for short bills Is 2%f42*j4*per cent -and for three months' bill* 2 13-166% Tper cent. lrxnrce Trensury Statement" • ' WASHIXGTOX. . Sept. 22.— The condition of the treasury at the beginning of business today was as follows:" \u25a0• • ; . , . Trust funfls— <lold coin. 1 $833,377,669: silver dollars. $455.473,000: f liver dollars of 1890 $3.5^6.000; silver- certificates: outsunding, $485,1 470,000. \u25a0 \u25a0 - General fund— Standard? silver 'dollars in ffVn «ral fund. $5,732,994: current liabilities $94 232,163; working- balance, in treasury offices $32,250.415; in banks to credit \u25a0 of treasurer -of the United States, $35,965,876; subsidiary silver coin, * $19,342.568: *• minor- coin. $937,371- total balance in general fond, $90,646,292.. . ' - »tt York Money : Market "" ' NEW YORK, Sept. 22.— Money on call easy k.^ l^? 2 Pt, r f^* 11 :- ruling rate,; 1T4«; closing bid. I T 4c:. offered at 2c. • - ; . . - Time loans, dull and easier; fio days '3k*'ner cent; -, 80 * days, . 4 per : cent ; : fix months ' 4Vt per cent. - ' \ ; \u0084-\u25a0\u25a0! • -. '. T7BT 78 Prime mercantile paper, 5% io 6 par cent * ; Sterling' exchange. , steady, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills, at $4.835004.8300 for 60 day bills, and at $4.8615 for demand.^ -- ' Commercial .bills. ,$4. 53<a4.83t; ! <.«:'\u25a0\u25a0'.'; • Bar silver.. 53% c. . -;\ ':'\u25a0•\u25a0< . Mexican dollars, 44c. . • .' . re r ' f> l T^rnn* € nt: bonds, ; steady; \u25a0 railroad bonds, fr . ' 'Northern Business , baia^^^^V^-^ I"^^''l^1 "^^'' l^- 77^ .nc^|^sl^ PU " %?*%s*£ : 6U; • ba,J JTHEUSANr FRAKCISGQ \GALIi, \u25a0 FMDAY;^SEI^MBE^23^I9ia Comstock Shares Sho w Firm Tone ! Oil and Local Stocks Still Quiet SPOKANE. Sept. 22.— Clearings, $793,224;-bal aDces,'s7C,S97. -'.. ' : ••. , . Chicago Discount Rate . CHICAGO, Sept. 22.— Exchange on New York, 10c discount. . • <•' Loans, Exchange and Silver Prime mercantile paper.'. ...V. .'.5 @6 per cent Loans'on real " estate... -;-... .....s*£@B percent Sterling exchange.- 60 day5...."..— @4. 84 - . Sterling exchange, sight........— OT4.Rfi*4 Sterling exchange, cables.:.'...— — @4.S7*A New York exchange, sight.. ....—@ .02*73 " New York exchange, telegraphic.^— @ .03. -. Hongkong exchange, : sight.". .. — ® .441r ; Hongkong': exchange, .- telegraphic. ' —TO .44*4 1 \u25a0 I Silver, per ounce ...C... .....:,. -^t© so*,s - Mexican dollars, .nominal.'.'. ..'. . ;; — @ .50 \u25a0'".: \u25a0 \u25a0 .'" * - "" .CONTINENTAL New York ion Paris ................... .518% New York on Mexic0...........'......';.'. 201% Paris on: L0nd0n.... ..." .\u25a0..;...'. '.i.'.'.i .""..25. 23 Berlin -on London ....... ....V. :....... .20.44 \u25a0 STOCKMARKET The bulk - of the trading In ; local securities yesterday • w»s •ln bonds, whtch 'sold to the mnount of JRI.OOO. Of. these $60,000 was • In the Spring Valley water 4 per Vents at-. $90.50." City electric bonds were higher at $fiß@Sß.so. Alaska 'packers stock was .higher at' $90. • -~- -- Northern California- power', consolidated' was cx r dividend 'of 20c per share yesterday./ STOCK A\D BOND ' EXCHANGE THURSDAY, Sept. 22— 10:30 a. ,m. ,- j UNITED STATES ; BONDS . , Bid. Ask. - , . Bid. ;\u25a0 Ask. 4s qr cp npw — \u25a0 — 3s qr-eoup- — — v -. — S MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Ala A W ss. — 100 Oak Tran Cs.lO7ti — " Am REI sf>. 91% S>4 Oak Tran sf>:iO3% — Appo OH -ss. 94% 96 O Tran Cn 5s — 104. Bay CPC"55.101%102% O Trsc On 5« — 98 Cal O G — O Trac Co 5s 90Vi 91 Cal G& E g O W gtdss. — 95% m&ctss 97 OS 16m Cable 6s. 106 . — Cal'-tst'C 55. 100 — iPac G Im 4s. 82 — Cal "Wine ss. ST. 90 .p E Ry ss. .104%105*4 City E3 35.. S8 X 89 '.' Pac L&P ss. — "99 • C C Wat sp. — 99 . Do ptd 5s. 100: 102 Do g mgss 92 — Pac T&T ss. 97% t- Ed El LA 58—99 P & O H 65.100 — Ed L&P 65.107 i - ;—; — P & OR 6s. 100 ;— DuPt P 4%s 84' — People's Wss 04 — First F Trss.lolVi — Powell Xt 6h.. 99 — F& C n 65.100 — Sa(« EG&RSS.IOII4 — HC & R'ffc.lo6-107% S Diego. R 5«. — — ' Hon R T 6s.l(M*4 — IS-J L&P 5«. 96% 9S LTahoe R5s — 98 "ISFEIRy 5s — r — L-A Elec ss. 98 • iSF.O & S.ISP. — 104% LAG &Elss 98 — j'Do 2d mgss — 9C, Do Cor ss. 98 — Do Con ."s. — 96 LA Ry 55 ; .106% — • SIT& SCR 4%s — :90 LAL gtd 55. 100 — Sierra E fe. — 100% LAP lem .""5.103% — S- Pof C6s , LAP. CaI ss. — "103 (1912) 104*4106 Marin W 55.100% — SPC 1c g ss. — 116 Mkt St C 6s. — 104% S P B R 65.124 — Do lem 58. 96 — SI'RB Ist r4s 95^4 — - MV& MtTss. — — Stkn G&E 6«.104 — NR of Cp5.112% — SV W-g mg4s 90% 9Q% N C Ry 55. . — 105 : V G & E .'.s. 99 100 N C P'Co 5s — 102% UR of SF 4s. 67*4 65% NCPCn 5s 93% 95 Vallejo.Ben & N El Co ss/8»% 91 Napa RR5s — — O GU«iH 55. ' 90% — Val Co P ss. 09*4 100 , - WATER STOCKS -->:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Marin Co .. — — |S V.Wat Co. 49% 49 ? i GAS AND ELECTRIC STOCKS; City El Co.. 52 54 |Pac L pfd...— 77 N Cal Power — 62 ' }. Do com ... 68-. Oro W. L&P 00% «l%i v , INSURANCE STOCKS Cal Ins Co.. — SO IPac C Ccs C 0.135 — Firoran's Fd.239 — ] BANK STOCKS Am Ntl 8k.126 — !Fir*t Natnl.. 2oo 230 Anglo &L0n.150 155 tMer Nat Bk: — — Bank of Ca1.205*4 — Union T Co.. —J — \u25a0•\u25a0 Cent Trust. . — — I . SAVINGS BANKS Ger S & K2SSO 2900 IS. F SAy - U. .508*4 — Hum S Bk.. — 140 (Say & L So.. — 125 Mut Say Bk. — 75 JSec Say Bk.. — 350 • STREET RAILROAD STOCKS California .. — ISO" I Presidio . 25 32* A POWDER STOCKS Dv Pont pfd S3 VBS 'Giant Con ..S3 90 Do com ..14J> 151' j SUGAR STOCKS ' nawalfsnC. 40 — \u25a0'\u25a0 Makaweli SC — ( 38*4 Honokaa SC — 18 Onomea S C. — — Hutch SP C 17% _ Paauhau S C. 28%27*^ Kllauea S C. 12 — Union S Co.. — 76 OIL STOCKS . " Araal Oil Co.— 55 ' iSterllng Oil.. 2%-3«. Asso.Oil CO.-42 43 rw Coast Opf — 101 Palmer Oil.. 1.35 1%) Do com ... — — MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS Al.if ka P A. 80 — Pac Aux FA— 5 Cal F C A. .101 Pac O 80rav.155 i — Cal Wine A. 32 — . TPac T&T pfd — 94 M.V& MtTm. — '.'— 'Do com ... Sl« — N Alas S Co. — ' 120 Philip T &.T 23»* — .SALES Morning Session Board — ' 10 Associated -Oil ". Co ...'. .'. 42.25 00 City Electric Co 52.50 5 Hutchinson Sugar Plantation. .. - 17.50 $3,000 Pacific Tel & Tel ss. 97.73 Street — . 5 Associated Oil C 0..... ..'.42.50 $1,000 Los Ang-Pac .R R of Cal 55. .100.00 $3,000 People's Water C0 :6a...'..'. «4.12% $60,000 Spring Val> Wat gen mtge 45.. 90.50 Afternoon Session .... V Board — 5 Alaska Packers', A55n....... ... 90.00 200'HntPhInson Sugar Plantation... 17. 2."> ' 30 Pacific Tel & Tel (pfd)... 93.50 $3,000 City Electric Co ,55.V. .'. . .v; . . ; SB.OO $2,000 City Electric Co 5b.. ..'88.50" " $3,000 People's Water Co 55..... 64.12% . Street— ' ?4,000 Associated Oil , Co ss. ...... 93.00 UNLISTED , STOCKS 140 Pacific Gas & Electric (pfd)... 86.00 • 40 Pacific Gas & Electric (com).. 55.75 $l.ono S X & S'J Valley 5s ..:.: .112.12% $7,000 Western Pacific • ss. 8 5. .'. . . ... 95.00 $1,000 North Pacific Coast 5s ....... .101.00 + — !—2! — 2 ; ; —^. • MININGSTOCKS There was continued activity in the three or four leading Comstoeks yesterday and the market developed I more tone, -there being less liquidation. Consolidated ;. Virginia." closed: at. $1, compared with 94c as 'Wednesday's. > closing quotation, Ophir at ' $1.02%, . against ! $1, and Mexican at "98c. against 93c. 3 There was large buying by several brokers.- "... . ,-«_• The , southern • Novadas'.were generally quier, though there was some activity , in I MacNamara. The Tonopah Extension, mining company re ports .net earnings of $29,000 for the month of August. ' ."* " '\u25a0 . , ' The Homestake minios - company of South Dakota has declared a 'regular monthly dividend of 50c per share* pay able. September: 26.'.- •. -.The net , profits of the West End , consolidated mining .company of Tonopah I for the-*'- month \u25a0of August aro stated :to • have amounted I to : $12,500. The outpiit . of • ore has - increased to \u25a0 over 400 tons per week.-- • . ; ... 8 Goldfteld advices state that there ''is -a well defined rumor current in that camp that a deal has practically been completed for the' sale, of the Great .Western mine at Hornsilver.; Nev., to A: J..Trumbo and others associated with. the new Bonnie Clare mining company at Bonnie Clare. - The interests held by. the Rassel;broth ers. B: S. Hlghley.and L. L..- Patrick are said to have 'been secured, and i the ore of the. Great Western is to be treated 'at the \u25a0 Bonnie \u25a0 Qare mill. \u25a0: . '\u25a0 V- " " \u25a0 r--_>- : :-i \u25a0 ;- ' _,\u25a0\u25a0..' \u25a0 , SAX FRANCISCO 3 STOCK EXCHANGE , - Following; were : the • sales on the Saa Fran cleco stock : exchange yesterday: , \u25a0 ; , COMSTOCKS * "' , ' Regular \u25a0 Morning Session - \u25a0 1 100 Best & Belch- SO .400 Ophlr ...... ...1.00 2Cooßruns. Chollar. 25 . 600 Mexican "..\u25a0..'.. 94 2500 Bnins Potosl.. 24 500 Mexican ....... =95 "fiOO Con Va M . . . . »4 Soo Savage ..... . .- 20 Cm Con V'rtM.... 85 -100 Sierra' XcT v ..V 15 100, Gould-* Cur. 11 100 Union 1 Con... 34 500 Ophlr ........ -^98 200 Union Con ... 32 100 Ophlr .....•...- 99| : &\u25a0: ' . ! •\u25a0• 1 Afternoon Session^ 300 Best &- Belch. -35 «*oMesican ...... 96 200 Best. & Belch.' f32 1200 Mexican. ...... 97 \u25a0 200 Bullion :...... :'-\u25a0 10 100 Mexican . ; . . .'. i 95 5*K» Chollar ...... 13 300 N« Gould \u25a0tc C. 23 100 Confidence :... SS 800 Ophlr "..i^.... ll 00 500 Con Va M..;. 96 cOO 0phir v;..v.. 1.02% ; 200 ConVaM.... 97 .700 Savage \u25a0."...... ; 20 1300' Con Va M. . . . - 9ST 100 Savage ": . .".... '. 18 1900 Om Vft,sr 09 Sierra >Ner ... 16 200 Do. b 10. . . 99 ' 300 Union ' Con \u25a0 ... 33 • 700 Gould &, Cur..' ll^' \u25a0 \'; .-- ;; . . . • \u25a0 . ' . ; ,. : . Informal, Session - . . 1000 Bruns Chollar. -25,200 Mexican ...... 96 14«) Bruns Potosi. . 24 100 Mexican ..:...". 97 200 Con ;Va»M :\u25a0.--.? 09 22<X) Mexican?.;.;;. >9S 1700. C0n Va'M.A.I.OO 800 Mexican '.'.;. :. ! 99 500 Gould &. Our. .11 500 Ophir -. .".;-.. 1.02% 100 Hale & .^cnc.i 26 j 2900 Union Con> ..'.'-\u25a0. S3 CLOSIXG : QUOTATIONS 'Bid;Ask.l .->-i-r-- •••.-•-• Bid. Ask. Alpha- ... -r '-OSiJulia* Can \u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0.•.".\u25a0, OT --.-09 Alta' ......... 10 Justice. ....... — - 10 Andea .....!. .10 : 12iKentock cOoo..'; '\u25a0— :i2: i2 Belcher ...:i. ,48 50 Lady -Wash .. -.07 ;—; — Best : &*Belch. 34 :.•* 361 Mexicans .....:> 9* 1.00 Bruns \u25a0 ChoUar. .24 251 N'i Gould "\u25a0' & ; C.'v 22 \u25a0' 23 Bruns Potdsi... .23 :i -^-(Occidental p. ..'.-: 42 »•£'—' Bullftn ..J;..' Oft lOiOphlr :. .....:. 1.00 l."03 Caledonia ....-32, 34Overman' .— 54 Challcngo . . ."; 22 25 Potosi :...:..., — : ' 40 Chollar ;.../. 32 14 Savage ;...... ;19 '20 »>nfidence ... . . 55- -^-|Seg Belcher).. 15 is dm Va'M.'.r.l.OO l.OSlScorplon ....... — 16 Con/ Imperial. 02 - , 03|SIerra' Xcv .. . 16 ' ; 17 Crown ? Point. : : 65 : .' 67 jSilver Hill ... ;• ; — , o« Exchequer -..; \u25a0 — V '2s Union Con ..." 83 '"34 Gould i* " Our; : 10 : . \u25a0 . 1 2 Utah .; .':. : . . . ' •05 ; .; 06 Hale ft;Xorc. , 2H * 29| Yellow -'Jacket. :58 :60: 60 >£ TONOPAH ; AND \u25a0- GOLDFIBLD J STOCKS : \u25a0\u25a0 .': Regular ; Morning i Session •>'-.; : - ' 500 Atlanta' ...*...-. 14 3000 Gld- Merger M. 13 200 Belmont ..7.4.32% 25,000 : Mayflower r..^ 05 '", 800 Daisy J :.VT;; . . 04 1000 Rescue ? Ella '&;¥. O» 200 Gld-C0n;M.8.22% 1200 Ton |Exten; :l .liOO 1 -.^ -,-\u25a0;\u25a0-:•-,: -.'Afternooov Session :•«..:\u25a0' '•:\u25a0'< -*\u25a0";\u25a0•'\u25a0 \u25a0 lOOBplmoDt: 1. :.. 4. 35! \u25a0: 50 Montana :-... v?. Too 2000 Blufjßell ... " a-Jl-'&O Montann ...... 9S 1 2000 Blue Bull ? . ". . \u25a0 ' 0512500 Monlfiomy «Mt. \u25a0Oi 3f<oo Daisy ':...;.:.• bsfllOO Nev" Hills ..V.'2.45' \u25a0100 GldOn 1 M..18.2r.i.n00 Do, b 10..2.47% 2. T KK> Gld Merger M ,13! o<<o Oro .....:... -«7 500 Jumbo Ex, slO 5411000 Red Top Ex.. 04 4500 MacNamara .. '.30j 200 -West- End ...- 59 1600 MacNatnara .. v 3ijv . J ; • . - •_;-"-'\u25a0 ;- : '*• "•' Informal Session - -'•...* .r,^ «X> Cent Eureka.". 1.001-500 Midway .."....- 20 400 Florence ':.... 2 20! 500 North Star ...06 400 Gld Con M. . .8 f.2 "• 500 -North Star : .". 07 1000 Gld Merger : M 13 - 500 - Rescue Eula ; . . . *09 ' «iOO Jumbo 'Ex • ; . . - K2I IOOO \u25a0 Spearhead •: Gld. \ q 10 30f» -MacNamara •.. 30 1000 St Ires ...".'..'. "20 300 'MacNamara ".. ; . f 3i 500 .West End'".. ." -3S '-. CLOSING QUOTATIONS J ' ' \u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0/- -CALIFORNIA. ; ' "... - ••'. : ; .Bid.Ask.i \u25a0- \u25a0 \u25a0 Bld-'Ask;- Argonaut' .;..^-_ 2.00: Cent Eureka... 97 1.00 Bunker ;; Hi 11. .7.00 \u25a0 ~— l j \u25a0 " . ' '-' \u25a0•;\u25a0'.'\u25a0-.\u25a0/\u25a0•:.•:• 'NEVADA' : " '" , " :-'": -'" - -\u25a0'\u25a0" '<\u25a0\u25a0*' \ ''"'\u25a0\u25a0 Tonopah District '"'.: .-'-.\u25a0 ;, ; _ , \u25a0-•*\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0': -': Bid.Ask: \u25a0':;: ..-.•< \ -" Bld.Ask. Belmont " .4.32 4.35 North Star :.". Oft ;O7 Jim Butler ... 28 *30 Rescue E\ila ».".'-.' 09 10 M«-Namara .".. •: SO 31 Ton Ext en ...1.05 UO Midway ..... i» 21 Ton of Nev... —9.12 Mizpah Ex - . . 4 P,0 S3 West End : '• . "58 59 Montana ....;\u25a0 «s 100 - - ;':>' .'\u25a0'- i' Goldfieid District . , Adams ....-..• oi \u008402|Gld-M erger.'M. 13 14 Atlanta .;:.-. . ; . ,14 > ir.lcrandma . . .'-. . 02 0. 1 ! Blue Bell; V... 03 '04 Great. Bend .. 03 04 Blue Bull :-..: \u25a0'05>' O7 Grt Bend Anx. -— ' .01 Booth ....*;... loL ,11 Grt -Bend Ex.— •01 COD ...... 16 -Jumbo Ei'..: 51 \52 Columbia . Mf.. -- — - 03 Kenda11 .......', 01 — Cora 33 — |I»ne Strfr-. . .. " 03 -04 Conqueror ; "01 ' O2iOro'' ..;... '07 "; OS Cracker Jack. 01' 02 Red Hills .:.. 03,.}04 Daisy ....:... 03 04 Red Top . Ex. . 04 M Drndfld Trngl.\ — oi Sandstorm .... M 06 norence, . :... 2. 17 —Silver Pick •• Q~ i ™ Frances Mhk . 02 Spearhead Gld. 10 1 1 Gold ' Bar Gld '10 ii — f st Ives .'..:.. " ' 19 :*\u25a0 20 Gld Con M...8.22 B. 2s! Wonder ......'.'— 01 Old, Portland. ,02 031 Yellow Tiger.. 06 — GldKewanas. OS," 09 \u25a0 ••- ' ----- \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 , - Bullfrog District Amethyst.:. . . . — :. oi-|Mont BiUlfrog. . .01 BMmle Clare.. (V 4. 05!Montgomy Mt. — ,'-0 i Blfrg Nat ; Bk 01 02! Tramp Con . . 04 -05 Homestake K. - — 01 Valley View.. . ' — , 01 Mayflower Con Oo , 06| ' \u0084 '\u25a0" \u25a0•" "" . Manhattan ".'-District .•'. • \u25a0 • \u25a0 Man. Con" 03. 041 Pine. Nut .... — 01 Man Dexter..., 06 07 Stray Dog ... 02 (« Mineral Hill.. — oi Thanksgiving.. •-. 02 " -• — Mustang 'Man. . 01. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 02|--- .-\u25a0 • ' • '• Other Districts Eagle's Nest.. Oo 07 Pitts S Peak. . 47 — Fa rvw G Bid .02 „'... 03 Ramsey *• 01 fairvw. Eagle. -JO — R aw Oalltlon. 10 -11 Fairvw Hailst 04 05lRound Mf..;. 43 \u25a0 — Jack P0t.... 02 - 04|Tecopa Con . : 35 40 Nev Hills \u0084.. — 2.45| : AsseMment Directory Comstock Mlnei I Company— '• No. Del* Board. Sale Day. Amt. Potoel 14 .1 . Sept. 28 .10 Utah ........ 11 *Bept. 2 Sept. 27 W : .05 Seg. Belcher.. 47 ...Sept.- 2, Sept. 27 - .05 Challenge .... 54 : Sept.:.4 .Sept. 28 ; . 10 Yellow, jacket 37 Sept. 12 Oct." 20 - .15 Exchequer ... 17" Sept. 12- Oct. 5 .05 Union ..:.... 23 Sept. 13 Oct. 11 .10 Savage .......19 ... Sept. 17 Oct. 13 .10 Confidence :.-. 56 Oct. 6 Oct. 26 .20 Sierra Nevada ...,.- Oct. 6 ... ... . . .10 Crown Point.; 7 Oct. . 6 Nov. 4 .10 Overman ...:... . Oct. 13 .10 OIL STOCKS • Trading In .the . oil "stocks was light, again yesterday and the market was devoid of feature. There "were no fluctuations of note. \u25a0:. . The two : new 500,000 i barrel cemented reser voirs which the Standard Is building on: its oil reservoir farm west of : Kern * river fl&ld will make a total- of 30 reservoirs, with a total capacity of j 17,000.000 barrels. -at that place. Besides these reservoirs the Standard has 70 33,000 barrel tanks in the Kern river field 35 35.000 barrel tanks at San Pablo and one 330.000 barrel reservoir at Point .Richmond. This makes a total ; reservoir - capacity of 20.935.000 j barrels, exclusive of the many tanks scattered along the Standard's . pipe line and elsewhere.' \,Wlth the^ completion .of •' the Pro ducers' I transportation company's -" projected storage, however, the Union-Agency combination will ; equal the Standard In storage capacity .on the coast: .- . . • .\u25a0. \u25a0 • _ ; - : \u25a0; .- - General Manager . -W. F. Boggs of,- tbe Kern river oil fields, limited,' confirms a . report [ that the • corporation has " contracted with the San Joaquin light and-, power*, to' furnish 2,500 horsepower "to the r oil fields to \u25a0 run . the machinery of- the company. This -amount- of power is one-third * more ! than can -now be , fur nished by the. plant the.pwsfer company recent ly bought in Bakersfield. \u25a0\u25a0 It Via understood that the excess of power necessary Is to be supplied direct from . Crane valley, • Madera county; where great extension has been made In- the.' company's generating : facilities. ' v •.- \u25a0\u25a0 - - "..Tfie, Kern river oil- fields, limited, is a 'large corporation, recently purchased* by French, capi tal . for $7,500,000 from ' the • Imperial,' Thirty three and Keith &- Mack. >; -.. It is. stated that 200 motors ; are to : be In stalled for the purpose of - operating : pumps, drills and. other machinery. | '.--• . + The use of motors ,at -oil wells, which has been recently introduced. Is being rapidly adopted both in the. Kern county fields and the Coalinga' district . as a -solution . of the - problem of . bad -water for boilers and'the"rapid"deprecia tion of, machinery, which makes the expense , ot drilling ,for; oil .much greater than it -would otherwise be. •-\u25a0\u25a0 :-.,,.-• ..,.., /..--, SAX FRAXCISCO j STOCK EXCHANGE Bid^ ".Ask. , , Bid., Ask. Alma ....... — l.OOMcKlttrick... 16 . 20 Amy ......v — 1.10 Monte. Crlsto 2.55 "2.65 Apollo .....' — .12 Mount iGlrl. .. 19 . Asso Oil ..42.25 42.30 Xcv County. 15' — Bay City . . 2.40 — Nev Midway 12 ~ — Blue Moon.. — 110 New Pa Pet . 75 — Brookshire.. -^- 1.45 Pac S Petro 32 35 Cal Oil &G — 75 paxafflne ... 90 100 CalSeabrd., — ; 30 Patricia .... — 50 Caribou ....14:50 14.87 Palmer: . 1.42' 1 45 Claremont.. 1.60 1175 Peerless ...: — 500 Coal Mob wk. 1.40 l — Piedmont ... ;.'lO : 15 Coal Natnl. 15 18 Plnal ...... — C.25 Opn 'Midway: 27.; 28 Premier ..... . 79 .84 Crctceus '... .. — \u0084 / 70 Record 'i.... De Luxe ; . . • — 1 . Oft Republic . . . . 50 51 Dominion.. . — " . 95!S F"& McK.15.00 ;.;-r- Empire ; ".— 3.oo]Section 23- ..21.00 -'_ Enos ...;..• l.oo _-I.o3lSesnon .„.. S.OO - '\u25a0_" Fulton \u0084..." — l.C2|Silver"Tip... '9O f.23 fiypsy ••••- — r'42s,w-'-&iB.;-.^ ? ?ao.&a>-I 111 , Crude...- — -JSlSterllng-.... 212.% — Junction ... 35 4O| Superior -.... ;19 . Linda Vista - — -25 Turner- .. ...1.10 125 Luclle ...... 4-3 9;2slL'nlted Oil .'. r.J>.'-. "60 Moricopa -36 2.00^ 3.00 Wolverine .. 20 ' Maricopa X. 30 31 W:K Oil Co 2.50 2.60 Mascot- ....2.50 3.00| .• , • -!•« '. \u25a0'•.-\u25a0 .: ' ' \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0 SALES ' ; ' "• ; ",:.'\u25a0 \u25a0 ' : 11:30 a. m. — - \u25a0 \u25a0.--' - , 4 Associated Oil ............... .V.. . 42 00 ' 2000 ' Con. Midway .] /....r.:!!!! : 27 200 Bnos •/.:..'.. j \u25a0 *" l'ns '- 1000 Pacific states V.V.'!M!!*.:!!v!!; '33 • 100 Palmer, s no. .*.*....... • 1 itj/ 100 Palmer, g 30... .. . . ... *", " : l'lk COO Premier',....... ; ... "" '^": .--\u25a0-• iStreet— -. \u0084-.*\u25a0\u25a0 * -."'* 4000 Coalinga Nati0na1.'. . . .'. ..... .... ->' i« '* -2 p. m. — . . - . _ Cooo, Coalinga Nati0na1 . .'.'.; . V . . ..'. ..... ,',, 1. 16 'C. LO S ANGEXES . OIL • EXCHANGE , [Special Dispatch io>TkeCall]\ . . :A .. LOS/ ANGELES. Sept.:. 22.— Excitement 'was lacking on • the oil stock exchange , today. Clere i^T' JTVi a , heaTy ; trader, the . price sagging w^ro^;? t£ can! 1 ICAa 'i roUm ; c ™ m ™ '^.Producers— --.\u25a0- .• -- \u25a0 '-BliJ ' \u25a0'.- *«t " American; Crude Oil Co:'.":":. 1 :': ."-. —•; m American Petroleum: Co,(pfd). > '"\u25a0\u25a0 — : ~£'QO OQ> American Petroleum: Co; (com). 58.50 / OO.OOii Associated.; Oil C0.....'....v.. 42 00 '43 00- Brookshire-0UC0... ._ '™ '; i" S ; ' California Midway Oil: Co!;!!'. •* :52: 52 Central ;oil Co: 1 ......'. A.. ...-., i ; f«" . i.w > Cleveland K)iK C 0. .;....}>.'....: 05t- , \ Coa Unga. Central Oil Co.-.;. v:.-. — \u25a0*• • ts- Columbia ....:...;\u25a0... y. ..'.;... " ' '. \u0084 l*^","- Consolidated Midway, Oil* C 0 ..; " 2«5i *27 Continental 0UC0. ....;,.....;. — , '•= -^ \u25a0 Enos . Oil C 0..,.,........." !! ill 00 ' ._\u25a0 Euclld^Oll-Co.:;:-..-.....-.-...... . : >—\u25a0• > cs"- Fullerton OH C 0...........'.... — . sno * Globe . ......... ..:.*...i..".;.*- 07 ii Jade Oil Co.-..:..'. 25 .- '31-- Mexlcan >. Petroleum ..-.- ;'i.. '.-.-.•• • '"<.*• l*M3 '* Mexican, Petroleum Ltdc-(pfd). '.'—-'\u25a0 fi-ioo "; Mexican 'Petroleum .Ltd (c0m).^27.75- 28.00 Mascot -, Oil C 0..;."..;...';..:. .. •\u25a0<:'—'\u25a0 -4 00 -" New Pennsylvania Pet C 0..:.. — l.'io: rerseus-Oil- C0.... ....;;.;:,;•;.! — wM Plnap Oil; C0n..;. ;..;;;.;..... \u25a0 _• - 10 00 ? Piru^oii?& Land C0.:::. :v. ..;>; 17- '— " Rice, Ranch 0i1, C0.. .-.".;.:;;-... -— V ' ; rio V Traders \u25a0 Oil- C 0 ...- .:-..-. r.: v; T.V.-. 177 :00 .' 'J flsioo •'," union Oil, C 0. ........ '....".-..:;.. '90. 50 ' iov 00 " Union Provident. Co .•.."..'..'....:.< \u25a0 — 08 00-.-. United; Oil Co.. ..-„..•;-... -;.:!- ;58 . ;-58'A : Western Union ;....•.'.:...;.:..-.:, ': — \u25a0\u25a0- looioo'"- Yellowstone Oil C 0.....;......" - 55 : -Nonproducers — •\u25a0•-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -' .;;. - '?'lv : \u25a0-\u25a0».'; McKittriek*lnv, Oil -C 0 ......... — :61% Nevada Midway Oil C 0 ...;...-.. • ~. — \u25a0 .---^23-. Oleum "Development 'Co: .V.... . "04%- -• — \u25a0'"• .: ? : , \u25a0'... ;-;'; v , ; - : '\u25a0' »-" - •\u25a0 SALES^'-.- ; - Vj -- :~: ~ \u25a0\u25a0 s>-:-<-\u25a0s > - :-<-\u25a0: -<-- \u25a0 - ' \u25a0 •-•*\u25a0• Morning : Session \u25a0 *;- i 1i 1 -1.000 California, Midway, ; b*50;.......- ; . 51 «i' 12-°s^ CaliCornJa . Midway, b " 30. i . . .T. . • . 51 % " «.Wo. : Cleveland ; Oil » Co.". . : :.'. : :. r. . . . . ' \u25a0 .08 % 2.000 Cleveland OH C0:r:v: . . . . ;: '.". . i . '"' .05T4 8.000 Cleveland foil 'C 0..' ..: ..r..V.*.'. .v-'.V'.OS-\i. v -'.V'.O5-\i i 2.000 clevelandvOil lOo.:.'.'...n.. ;-...%; r.osvi;ClevelafldjOlHCo.V...;:;; ; .;'.V.;.V -05%: « 2,000 Clevelifd ; Oil \ Co. . .V. . . . .-. ...'. . . - ~.05«4 : «000 Cleveland ; oirco.-v-.v.~. ..-..:.-;:;: .-.a-i^ : ; . 5,000 Cleveland 0i1:* C0. : : ;v:. v. .:" ." . :.* - "r.os^t «"«J2 American 1 Petroleum* Co * (com) .'. 69.00 *« 1 ; 2,000 Consolidated Midway, 5 ? b 30 .V. .-. .?** .27% \u25a0•« irSSI Me * I<*wi'''Petroleum*Ltd>(eom)iri2T.7st:.iI <*wi'''Petroleum*Ltd>(eom)iri2T.7st:.i 1 2.000, United 0i1 :\u25a0> C0.". .1 ... ; . . . . . . ; . :^ 58.00:? -.000 Oleum < Development J Co.': .".*;-. : ;". ; i* '.04%": . 1.000 Oleum 1; Development : Co ::;'.'...-.: ;srS; O4 «J ; \u25a0» Vil?-"'.- 51 f '^^^'i Afternoon > Session .<•:-:\u25a0 ...v ,•\u25a0.;\u25a0. .-. \u25a0•„.. •", 2.000-ClevelHnd \u25a0 Oil- Co::: :.'. :\ :. : :...'. :.;<««, ? 3.000 Cleveland i Oil iCo^.T.r:.., '.."..V.; {05% \u25a0A ,000 . Cleveland § 01 1 *Co "r.'r.Tr."'.' r . r. ". ; i V. 05% S.OOO Cleveland ; Oii : Co.*. ; .Vi .T;. . . . . . . i ," .05 54 ' ; THEM^RKETS »\u25a0*.* \u25a0\u25a0}-"'' ' '\u25a0'. .. >•'-• •". -*--v — - -..-• ••\u25a0\u25a0 i'"* 1 . »\u25a0 *\u25a0* \u25a0--:' \u25a0 ,• « » ! - V'Newjj'Tork 1 : stocks; steady.;" Cop-; A Vpeni/.adoTr.v.U;...-, •.„'.,.,;. -\u0084 .--.":.'. y ; Cotton futures higher. t ' : -'^;- ! - r * ; ; Comstock.iihnren. steadier. , ; ?> Wheat Mo vrenVoata?' weak,' barley \u25a0 '*'\u25a0 ' »teady^>V>: . ."'. ; .'\u25a0\u25a0 :" ; \ .",' " : ~ \u0084 -."\u25a0-•\u25a0; -.Choice- wheat- hay r Mill -firm. ,-'-'" \u25a0 Bran, »hort» nnd mlddlLnfm nearer. Extra butter lowerand extra eggn \u25a0/'. rhfKhcr.' JV;":""''^ \'--r- -.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0 ,r-^ : \u0084'-.. i; " I Price* I for. new bean* I beins slow- . i; Iy, established. 1 : . .' Si *- ' New :^ prnnberrles : t arrlvell , \ from C i ..Cape.iCod;^^;--:-:^;':^:. :- _ \u25a0- :, f Potatoes and onions nnchanked*" <? -' WJne .' srapes : dolns rather.rbetter.v •>"ot much rhange. ln. poultry. 19.000- Cleveland' Oil - CbV. .-.": ' - - «iU t|.ooo Cleveland or.lco.b" SO. :..'I. !"./!• .OSU 6.000 CleTelandi Oil C 0.', ......... .... . : .05 2.000 : COBSolldiitert • Midway . .. ; . . . . . li' 1 ' . 27 - 2,1)00 Consolidated 'Midway • .t: '-" -\u0084.28% : o"^ilS'^, eXICan r:r :* Pc J' <>I « l *«n-:r'td (t-bm):. 27.75.. Oleum • Developments C 0 . . ; .:.'. : . :.' :».045i 2pjn.nton :, Provident • ( Co .;. r ; . . ; ':.'.'/. . . 97.. 75 . GRAIN/MARKET ' ; : Wheat and Other Grntnn • .rSut*}^!* 1 *™ ' ls " « ' 'iemaud \u25a0 forchoice milling and it. Is flrm. J , Anything snot, suitable- for mill ing Is neglected. .. Prices generally range I lower. "„' .V- '/"CASH.WHFUT: ,\u25a0'..' .:. _Callfornla;club. .$1.52%(51.fi0 : . Ronora. $1.72% Si"^iniT"«-A- B l*'* l J an ' *l-fi7%Q1.72%; north- t r ? T ,f lnb : $i:33@1.57%:> Russian red . $1.53<a I Vfit^i :r? 7o*M- r * >d> * 1-5T% @ 1.62 % ; : bluestem; $1.67%@1.72%- per ctl. V \ --, -^- - • ' / S'C': : : ' .^,, FUTURES ,\u25a0.-'•' \u25a0 „ -:- : — ':<\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 1.0 a;, m. Session. .-\ . -*>o quotations. ':.:'-\u25a0• :- ;.-,,,, '- . Barley— The. receipts yesterday inciiided. 74.362 , ctlß-; down Vfrom.', Port. Costa;, for export. -'The market was quiet and unchanged. .1 \u25a0\u25a0.-'\u25a0' . .V" , - : CASH BARLEY \u00847' - I x, fet *?' ;*1.02M?<31.05: .'.off' grades/. 95eig grades SrO^^V i'^^rewinj.and shippini graaes, 51.0<%@1.10- per ctl. - - ;•; '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0"* \u25a0" : ' , : ; \u25a0KCTbRES" V \u25a0 '"'*r ' :. r ' -». " • 10 '"• m -- .fiession" ' , " .May— No sales; $Ul4 asked. , ..' Dccember:^:s^ $^% $?!^ ,_ ;- r .' r :2 p.. m.; Session . . ; . . . December— $1.07%. bid. $1.08 askedr Vh» a l s ~i Qt i otfl f!r n8 "t«nd .about thesame,. 1 with the market still dull and weak. . *\^r tnT \u25a0\u25a0'*^.''*l-20@1.27% for ordinary and M^'--2V" c«c «£ lpe .;' rwl -ff oo * i * eed - $t-27«.^1.32*A: X' $1 -*P« I -?P ,'or feed and $1.35@1.43. for seed; grar. nominal; white, $1.55@1.60 *.uK": =JJ pp 0 ™— California large yellow. $1.62%@1.65; Bmall. round^ yellow; $I.Bs@l.9o:westem states, yel ow ;In San Francisco tracks,: :$1.48: ZJ£' • |1 "5?» : I " tsed - W-«: sacked prices. 7%c Rye— Nominal at51.60@1.65 "per ctl. Forelam Futures) - "t.i --I'"'" LIVERPOOL**; . . Closing;...-.....;-;-..:: 7:4^ " 7 5%::- 75% '\u25a0.-,.- :•: Paris. \u25a0\u25a0- - 1 - 1 \u25a0•".-' -^^^••-••••"••••-•V^S.SO;-^-.^' Closing ......;..;.•.„. v ..:.37.13. . . 36.63 CHICAGO BOARD \u25a0OF TRADE n- F ' lltupe Graln aßd Provision* . rahli I 00 * o ?'' S^- 22— Export, sales and higher cables- sent wheat prices upward today.- The !«hX,f"iTSS; * Det advance of .KQTsC .Corn- fln- T ,t«f^ @1 * U P and oaU -"changed", to %c higher. Latest . quotations for provisions ranged all the w f . rO v m " soc ' t0 52 % c decline to the same as last nignt. j, . '_ • , \u25a0;..\u25a0\u25a0 : ... •- t - Pacific -coast -,; exports of , 500,000 * bushels -of wbeat to France were confirmed, but the reported engagement of ,40 boatloads: for Rotterdam from American ports on the Atlantic. was believed here to refer; to corn: The market.: although nervous throughout the day. maintained a level above that. of yesterday during the entire session. This condition was due primarily ! to unexpected better prices in Europe and these in turn were largel y the • result of a reversal of \u25a0 predictions for large «hlpments:this week from Black. sea ports. Aside \u2666 ?L tl !fse- ; influences a I fairly important portion ?Li wJ? ujlDg nere 'today was- based on the. idea that; Chicago is now- tb%. lowest market In sight. .-The., close was. at nearly 'the best- figures » of the -day.; \u25a0 December- fluctuated between $1.0014 5? no-? l ' St wlth " the »«« sales . U@?»c up .at < Reported . rains In ' ; lowa and Nebraska *and r^ s " of m "<"li- «>'der weather varied corn from ™>%£ to ol»«c -and closed strong, 01% p.. Thccash market was weak. 'shipping de mand being light. . No. 2 yellow closed at 53*-i(ff 53% c. \u0084. \u25a0. -,-\u25a0_ I • - , -: ..-"\u25a0- -. \u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0£\u25a0' ' •In; oats the close .wis'flrm :ln sympathy . with the. strength of corn and wheat.. .; December sold from 34^0 to 3.V and finished: quietly the same as last-nlght, 34%<a34»4c. ' \u25a0•', \u25a0 Speculators - and outside packers [ sold January deliveries of "hog. products with a free hand. In the, end pork was 32%^52%e -lower. lard un changed to' 17i/jc down and : ribs off s«§:isc^- • The. leading futures ranged as follows: Articles^- - -Open. ; High.: Low. Close. Wheat — ;:•-"• - - .-. . September '.. 97> 8 97% 97 97% December \u25a0. ... 1.01 ..." 1 .01% . 1 .00% 1.00&5 May . 1.06?4 1.06%' 1.06*4 1.06% -\u25a0*-. Corn-^' \u25a0'\u25a0"- . . ' - September... 53»i ,53 T *'' 52% 53' i December.,... . 51% \u0084— 51%" • SO% 51% May .: ... ... ;54-«4»- -35 ' • 54% ,'* 54% '< Oatß— .*\u25a0 ..-, . \u25a0 . .' \u0084 . September-..-. 33%^ :. .."«$«, .. • 3S*4" \u25a0-,• • 3.1% December "...: 34% : .-'35 34% 34*; HS r "ji"-L-- ;3 Z2v ; -'-v '-.?T*> : 37 ** 37^ -:Mess Pork,, per bbl— '-\u25a0< . \u25a0 September; ..19.27% .19.27% 19,10 19.10 October". :... 19. 35 r : 19,33 18.93 ;* 18.95 January. ..'.: 18. 27%. 18.30 '. 17.97% . JB. OO \u25a0 Lard. 'per 100 -lbs— •- • :v: v - '\u25a0 - ' " , ; 5eptember. ...12.37%.; 12,57% -. 12.42% 12.42% October ..;... 12. 43. .; 12.45 v"U 12.35, . .12.351 November "... 11.60 .11.62% 71l. 60 11.60: January' :... 10.67% 10.67% 10.60 10.62% I Short \u25a0\u25a0 Ribs,- per " 1 00 i lbs-^ -"1 '•: "; ' : * * ' " September ..11.62% 11.62%" ;i1. 50. ll'l*Jo 0ct0ber ...... 11. 27% ,11.30 11.22*4 \u0084 11.25.. January. i \u25a0."..".• 9. 67%, :».Gm\ . 9.57% • 9.571,1 4 ' Cash ' Gr§ I n aad Provisions \u25a0 ' CHICAGO,' Sept. .aa.-^Cash .'quotations were as follows: :\u25a0.- Flour, stesdy:"Xo. 2 rye. 74c;: feed or mixing barley. .4S(S64c:" fair to-choUe- malting. 68@72c: flaxseed,' No. I~ south westerfi $2.65. - No. V -northwestern « $2.77:-' timothy \u25a0 seed. -.s7(^9: clover, $10@15.25; mess pork. * per bbl. $19.KO<g! 19.89;^ lard, per, 100 lbs.v $12.42%;, shorU ribs, sides (loose). > $11011.82%; short • clear 'sides (boxed), $12.12%<?m.25. ;•\u25a0-\u25a0-,'• v-"=.:.,-. GRAIN, STATISTICS.. . --V • Total- clearances of -wheat and flour were equal to . 06.000 .bushels. t-rrim'ar.v,rec«lpt»were 1.202, 000 bushels. >. compared >,wlth 362.000- the' corre sponding.'day«:year ago. .Estimated receipts for tomorrow: -. Wheat;' 64 cars; corn,; : oats, 114 cars: hogs.'. 10.000 head." .•'•;-.. :- - ; ; - - -DAILV-MOyBMENT'OF -PRODICE ©\u2666 '.Articles—' ;-' ',;>,"' " • Receipts. Shipments. Flour." barre15 .«. ..;.....'....: 33.800 . . . -54.300 Wheat. v bushels-.:;V;V.......T2.000- 194.K00 Corn, ;. bushels *. ~. ." ; ". . . ." . . 4:i3.7fK> " 1.025.000 Oats, bushels....- .:...... ..225.000 1 ., , 355.100 Rye. - bushels . r.^r . .-. ; . r . : . :• 4.000 \u25a0 •\u25a0* 2.00rt Barley, b.usbels . ; . .' . . .'. . .'.':•: 55.500 • \u25a0 1 32.500 CHICAGO,.. Sept.*. 22:— B."; F. » Hutton" & Co.'s wireis«ys:i > "Wheat— Ag*in;-a \u25a0 n*crow. butt stub born maiket for wheat." with' values at a slightly higber~leT«il " and ' sentiment ipopnlarly.. disposed \u25a0 for \u25a0: further • advance. % ; The » cables :,were lunex pectedly:- higher . today.v which - gave '• the ; market its first -direction;: .There i. has .been further . fairly.:' important ;. buy Ing. :\u25a0? based V partly ;on the idea 1 that \ this Ms; .the.* lowest U market ;- in S sight and, partly -on- the 'report "of .large -Pacifle"; coast export 'sales.', TXo -'olalms'ofiexport' sales: from Atlantic i ports. ' although \u25a0, Xew '.Tork ohas , claimed the. engagement 'of • 40 1 loads of 'wheat-- room for ißotterdam. -.. Local" exporters 'bellete; that.'this'is 1 for :\u25a0 corn official SrepoiUs of receipts 1 at-;Mlntieapolls - and^Duluth-s^a .year.- f ago Jwc-e available.'- as the "exchanges- closed ""on Of iVthe: : funeral of the' governor. .'Primary :\u25a0 ar rivals vtherefore '. admits of < no- comparison v, and • the '.tsame^willTl"". 1 true •? tomorrow; -^ Broorahall denies.^yesterday's l'clalm.'of ; large] shipments this week: from Black; sea ports.' and , says , they will he'-llght. -shipments -.for the week-are estimated \u25a0at'SOO.OOp bushels. "against 160.000 a year - ago.". * Southwestern v receipts i were. \u25a0 365.000 \u25a0' bushels. ;\u25a0> against." 1 45.000 " bushels \u25a0«»•• year.-, ago. ' 'Thet: wheat -^ crop T of : - Italy* has *been:';offlcially estimated ? at .-1 58.000.000 Vbushels."- S? Last ". year's". crop'- was* officially; reTlFed^y from "144.000.000 -to '185,(300.000 :. bu5he1?.* -Local »ca»h Sales were 90, ooo^hushebvt., \u25a0 ;.";*" 7 ?.r- ..:;•; i:.?/.ZI '.'*\u25a0'- \u25a0; \u25a0•'•-\u25a0 s-VCom-t-Tne ; market . for . corn % has? ranged \u25a0 a lit : t le * bet ter k for most ~of - the "session.-* a< reaction ; f rom \u25a0\u25a0; the "genital ;. selling; of /.'yesterday: >- .Early. fearfT'of ;a. frost' scarQ/ In itlic.-Helttwer* quieted by '> the V offtpial \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 forecast/, of \ cloudy '"ando'conler.* but< no, --frost If In :.the " corn; states;.^ The .'weather •' to ap.t- however;? had ."Rbown": a * big* drp*>? VnS temper aturesln the; Canadian ;northwest'and''r#lny^and unsettled | in 1 the I northwestern .states* this \ide. of. the \u25a0 International line.<.:. SbipplDg ; tradej today. has beenjvery \u25a0•Ught.*'- l .There".was a -little -ww; corn Isold ;today.'for.- export.> the * first ' f rom ; Chicago" • this • year. <j-' Country -* sales i have.< been^-'ehecked arllttleiby .the .-recent. derlines.-'.Shipping "sales here I have \u25a0 been j. limited '"-- to j 185.000 ' bushels ' and ,cha'rters;of .room- to ; 250,000 bushels Ct~-:vSSgHff& >\u25a0 J"Oats -,have i. been ;i fairly ;.:iactlve\..^An*» early bulge was 1 attended . by heavy . and ' influential slocal \u25a0selling; J which irras • followed' by/a ; : later . declin^.- Thls > in : turn A was \u25a0 followed 'by 'a > good V reooverx later.'based on the' wheat strength 'and a rally, in corn.* LocalrcasV sales were' bushel?.'.', '*- \orth*rn Wheat Market >A-.r-^.'.WASHINGTON;, 1 •- - " :--i TACOMA: •\u25a0 Sept."? 22.— Wheat:! Milling i quota tion—Bluestem. - 9**:< club.i 83c ; • red . Russian. . 83c' Export— Bluei<tem.~9lj;;>f club/- S4c;; red Russian. 83c ; ; forty-fold. * 80c. T; ?7 ';\u25a0 . \u0084 ' -- ; -yj,. \u25a0 >\u25a0! Recelpt*r-:Wheat,'. 49 ears: barley. "2 cars; corn, i 5 cars: oats,"l!car;hay," 13cars.~- - • >•\u25a0•-.-".\u25a0 r/V ;• . \u25a0^ BEATTr>E. s i Sept.' ; 22.— Wbea t : '\u25a0 " Ml Uing s quota tions—Bluestem. , 90c ; \u25a0 forty-fold, i" 88c; -. club,* S3c; fl fe.* 83c: Russian,"" iffiie..;- Export — Bines torn. 87c:Pfortj-fpld,"^ 83c ;« club, »> 82c:- nfe,*S3e;~red Russian.' 8(V. \u25a0,»\u25a0''„!>;, ..::.TO. .\-'--. \u25a0/. ? .. 'V^'i^''i**'**! fA Yesterday's', receipts— Wheats 3B cars; -oats, ,10 cars;shay, ;4S cars. >•*\u25a0.-> i.i'. , >-. '\u25a0• ' - j • '"-'<. \u25a0!\u25a0':\u25a0•\u25a0- '/ * ttREGON'.UVf : \u25a0\u25a0- *\u25a0".-;\u25a0". \u25a0 P PORTLAND, ; Sept.- 22,~Wheat :•;. Track prices— Club, * S3&B4C ; ; bluestemT 90@Mc ; : red "\u25a0 Russian, Whe^rt Quotations Generally Weak Newßeans Are Nowßeing Quotecl SO/3 sic : va lle'ri ~ SSc; ' turkey 'red. S2@.S6c : : f orty fold. WQSec. •-.-•• . . • - Receipts— wheat. 40 cars; barley. 4 cars; oats. I car; hay, 10 cars. \ . Xrrr Yorfe Grntn Market ;.NI>W/ YORK." Sept.. \u25a0 22.— Flour— The market was steady, .with moderate jobbing business. Re ceplts. 43,112 barrels; shipments. 11.747. J Wheat— Snot. firm. No. 2 red. $1.04*; eleva tor and $1.05 f . o. b.afloat: No. 1 northern Pu luth.-sl.239^'f/>. b.' afloat; The futures mar ket-',was again firmer tcxlay. and. about %c higher on more, bullish cable news aad abetter demand for cash wheat, both milling and export * besides liberal flour- sales. -\u25a0".The 'closing figures showed *ie net rise. - September closed-at~sr.Of»?i, .P*-. e*mber- : af.'sl:o7»4"-and"May::at':sl.l2»». Re ceipts,. 90,300 bushels:- shipments,^ none. . -T. '- Minneapolis -Grain, and. Prodnce MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 22.— Wheat— September. $1.09%: December. $1.11-14; May. $1.13 %• Cashr- No. 1 hard. $1.13: No. l northern. $1.12^1.12*4: No. -2 northern. $1.07%<31.1QU ; No- 3 \u25a0nortiiern, $1.0354(a:i.09i;. ; ; - 'Corn— No.. 3. yellow. 31 ft Q 32c.;" \u25a0 Oats — No. 3 white. 32*.4»i532?4c. . " ' v Bye— No.- 2.: fi9@70 I*c.1 *c. F*ax^-Closed:s2.G9. 'V - Duluth Flnx -.PCLUTII. Minn.. Sept.". 22.— Flax, on track and "Injstore.. $2.7S:' to arrire. $2.71 : to arrWe by. September 24.. ?2.7<!;. September^. *2.76 asted: October. - $2.69 bid; November, $2.65%; Decem ber, $2.59*4; May, |2.64. LOCAL MARKETS , Receipt* of. Produce September 2- Flour, qr sks. . ; . C.212 Screenings, sks - . . 330 Wheat, ctls .... 270: Heather, r0115;... 12« Barley, ctls .52.3.N7 1 Tallow, ctls 22.1 Oats, ; ctls a..*®.'.' Hides. No -. . . 91."> Beans, pks -1... . 3,2141 Pelts. .No 310 Cor,n. ctls .. '70' Lime. bbls. .. 4SO Bran. ,?ks ...... ctls. S.fiOO Middlings, . sks : : - 5321 Wine, gaU SS.IXXV Potatoes, sks ... R.2OO' Raisins, bxs 1.-wOrt Onions... sks*..... 4.l3O'Paper. Mis ..'-... 6.W Hay. tons . . l,2l9;noney, cases .... SO Straw, • tons .-.. ." -2O;Almonds, sks ... 2fiO Hop?, hales * 31 1 Apples, bxs ..... I,SOO Wool, sks .'. lifilLumber, M ft. . . . • 73 Calfalfa meal.sks r>ooi . OREGON Flour, qr sks '4.92o'Rye. ctls 6*o Wheat, etls .\!¥>>Feed. sks ...... 1,236 Oats, ctls .. 623j Cottolene— One half bbl. 133;e: .1 half bbls. VJHc; 1- tierce. 13% c; 2 tierces. 13c;. 5 tierces, 12T4e. per lb. \u25a0 " Hams and Bacon— The Western meat company quotes as .follows: . Ham«. 19%<a20c: picnic bams. 14% c: California hams. 19c; "fancy bacon. « to 8 lbs. 30%c;-8 to 10 lbs. 27c: 10 to 12 lbs. 26c: sugar cured. 27c: light dry salt bacon. 8 to 10 lbs. 24c; 1Q to 12 lbs. 22c; medium bacon, 19c; light medium > bacon, 19c. - Lard— Tierces 15c. 50s 15Uc, 10s 1."%e, .Is 15Tgc. 3s 16c: compound lard, tierces 12c, 50s 12*4c"10s 12% c, 3s 12T^c: 3s 13c; yellow cook- Ing oil. 86c per gal: white cooking oil, SSe per gal; salad oil. $1 per gal, .- - Beef — Local . prices are quoted. Export lots. Inspected by the government, are $1 per hbl higher. Extra family beef. $18 per bbl: family beef, £18 per bbl: extra mess beef, $18 per bbl; smoked beef. 21 %c per lb. Pork — Extra prime, in barrels. $32; clear. $34: messrs32; pig pork. 836; pigs' feet. $5.75 for half bbls. $2.40 for 25 lb kegs and $1.35 for kits. 1 Meat Market DRESSED MEATS Slaughterers' rates to dealers and batchers are as follows: . Beef— B%«St9e per lb for steers, 7%®S%c for cows and heifers. , .\u25a0' .Veal— 9%<SJloc for large and lie Tor small. Mutton— Wethers, 9%<gioy.c; ewes. 9©9% c per lb. • ." - - 1 Lamb— lo% <g 12c per lb. " Dressed pork (perlb> — 13@13%e for light. '<• -- LIVESTOCK MARKET The . following quotations - are tor good, sound livestock, delivered Is . San - Francisco, gross weight: -. ... No. 1 fat steers, over 900 lbs, alive. s@s*4e per^-lb; . under \u25a0 900 lbs. sc; second quality, all weights, 4%@4»ic; thin, undesirable steers, 3«i @4>.4c. t . No.. 1 cows and heifers. 4@4t.ic: second qual ity, 3 %@4c; common, thin, . undesirable cows, 2%@3*4c- . . - -\u25a0 Desirable bulls and stags, 2t;@2*;ac; half fat or . thin bulls, l%@2e. Calves— Lightweight, per lb, 5%@6c; medium. 3U@s%c: heavy. 4@4%c. Sheep — Desirable . wethers, 4%@4%c: ewes. 4 @4>4C..-..,' \u25a0-• : . -Lambs (per lb) — Unshorn lambs, 6@6*>ic; shorn lambs. < 3%ig5%c. .> ~ . . Hogs (per lb) — Hard grain fed. weighing 100 to 140 lbs,- 9c;' 140 t0~250 lbs, 9*-ic: 250 to 350 lbs, 9c; common, .undesirable bogs, 6@7c. Horse* and Male* The following quotations for horses and mules are furnished by the Butchers', and Stock Grow ers'. Journal: \u25a0 \u25a0 " HORSES Desirable drafters. 1.700 lbs -and over. .$273@300 Light drafters, 1,550 to 1.650 1b5...... l ) 23(a > J73 Chunks, 1,350 to -1,500 Ibe 200<g250 Wagon horses, - 1.250 >to 1.350 -1b5. '.....- 173^200 \ Delivery wagon horses. 1.050 to 1.230.. 123Q130 Desirable farm mares r..... .....'..... 13515100 Farm workers - .............'.......•.. . 73©100 ' - ' 3IULES. MEDIUM TO EXTRA. 900 lbs, 4 to 7 years \ $J23«ai3O 1,000 lbs, 4 to 7 years..... 150Q175 1,100 lbs, 4 to 7 years 200<§i223 1,200 lbs; 4 to 7 years... ; 230^300 / Over 7 years old range from $15 to $25 lower. Note — Shippers to • this _ market must '-, have horses close to type,, with age. bone conformation and style, to -command extreme quotations. Butter, I Cheese and Eggs Extra" creamery.'- butter " was -%c- lower, oa the exchange yesterday ;•; Fancy, flat -cheese was lc lower and Young Americas x^c higher. Extra eggs were He higher and storage %c lower. • Sales 'oa. the "exchange ' were 10 cases fresh extra creamery at 31c- and three 10 case lots at ! 31% c:, 10 cases fresh extra. eggs at 43% c. flte 10 case lots at 43c' and 2.">, eases.'; buyer 10 days. at 45c: 25 fancy new flat cheese at 15% c and 25"fancy .Young Antericas at 16% c. - - Receipts",were 23.200 pounds of butter. 15,000; : pounds, of cheese and 1,268 cases of eggs. -The. following are the official quotations estab- : lished-on .the floor of 'the dairy exchange. Prices in .'the 'street, while governed by the exebanse quotations, generally range from l%c to 2c high er, owing to the' various charges to be added: BUTTF.R. PER POUND - ' • Grades— ." -i Sept. 19 Sept. 20 Sept. 1 21 Sept. 22 Fresh extras. . .lie " . ' 31% c 32c 31% c Firsts .....:. .30c ,- 30c : 3IV. SOft* : Seconds ...... 2Sc * 2Sc . 2Sv :;\u25a0 28c Extra; storage. ........... \ 30% c • Cheeses-California I fancy flats. 15 Vic- per - lb. steady:', do flrst*. -14% c. steady: do seconds, 1 2% c, steady: fancy -.Young Americas, lfi'ic, firm: do. firsts.- 15%<\> firm: -Oregon flats. 16Vic firm: California storage- flats, 15c. steady.- •\u25a0 \u25a0 Eggs — California . fresh, per dozen, cases In cluded: \u25a0 \u25a0.---..'« \u25a0•. * -. <' -•\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 • . Grades— Sept. 19 Sept. 20 Sept. 21 Sept. 22 ;. Extra;?, .\u25a0.".:..\:41%c.:.42%c . 42% c . 43c Firsts^...... SSo -> ,_, _ ".40c \u25a0_• - 40c 40e Seconds' ......' 3oc \u25a0 '•-••• SOc'-' 30c , Storage ; extras .... ; ... SOVic SOc Portland Batter Market -PORTLAND. Sept. 22.— Butter— City creamery, cubes, ; 3o@36c ; print *, i 3J@37 %c ; 'store, 23<5,24c. * 'i Egg Market la . Xearby Coantles {Stfectal Dispatch' to Tfie: CaK] . i PETALUMAi. Sept/. 22.'— After reeelrinr quo tations from- the 'Saa Francisco dairy .exchange there^ was an'advanep" of '-jC over recent quota tfons'in the egg market. -TBe Petaluma egg ex change, pai<l'42c for first grade.'-- The detnaDd Is goorl; and -receipts * moderate. \u25a0 - Independent, deal ers • and speculators paid 4(ie: and 3Hc accordion to-grade..= ;.The; poultry, market i* slow and the demand' is: onlyjaverage.- Grain feed remains hlgh.*-=-r. - -, :\u25a0- \u25a0 \u25a0 SANTA CRUZ. .Sept. 22.— The'sudiien adr^nce •In the" price •of \u25a0 egzsMi.ts • caused a • slight ' slump In^ local demand.; hnt shipments continue fairly good for eggs of. first quality. \u25a0 .Wholesalers still demand' 40c per dozen. -while the retail price 'fluctuates! from 3oc - to 37e per dozen; ' "*\u25a0 " • S.VNTA •-- ROSA. ' Sept: 22.— There . was . anther advance ./in the - price- of-- egps - today': on receipt ofi-advlces of •; the morning- transactions "of the • San v.Erancisod dairy \u25a0= prfwJuce . exchange. , l>ocal dealers % are today offering -41 cents per dozen Bpot:casli, t for'chcicc'and 3S 'cents 'for seconds ' \u25a0 Potatoes, Onions* anil Vegetables .\u25a0 Potatoes and i.onlons ruled .firm yest*day. with prices unehangpd.:. Tomatoes were- stm ii> over supply,, and , weak.' . .Otherwise 'there was nothing new in-the market. ,' „ - .»\u25a0-...--. .' :-\u25a0:"% \u25a0• -Potatoen — River whites. 7Tx:«jsl per ctl:. fancy $1.10; '-Salinas . Burbanfcs.-* $I.4.*ligl.tSQ. per ctl; sweet $1.75^:2 '.per.- ctl. ;.: j-X- ;- . -.Onions— New yellow. Sscl§;?lper ctL \u25a0 > \u25a0 ". Vegetables'— "-Green: corn. -sr.U3<g 2 per-sack tomatoop. c 2." <sJ6Oc '. per . box . - for » choice ; green : :peas;:4<&r>tic per:lhrstrJng.N'ans<, > 4@6c per lb;" lima 'beans. 4<fi.rtc per -lb:. summer- squash,''4o^ eQcper slkix; 1 *ggplant.; 40^00ci.per box: grevn peppers.,:4o(ii;.%oc per, bos; garlic. •.'^^eS'^c per •lb:»cahhage.J>Oetf£sl.per ctl; cucumbers. 6T)ifi7,''x: per box;.caulinower.iM<asOo;p«»r dozen;' turnips. '• • 65<g.i5c per sack: 4 - carrots. Co@7oc per sack; green ' okra,4o@ooc . per ;. box. a . f_Deelduonsi and Citrus 'Fruits-*. " : - ; Wine -grapes : were]: nutted,, higher 'again yesterVi day.and-some kinds of, table,' grapes showed more' flrmnesiM.Tbe : river boats brought In 1.170 boxes of inutmeg melons.,. which: continued, weak. 1 "Pears were^.inilight - demand. \u25a0-,:_1:: \u25a0:•.', •:,-.- -J ;..:^_ ;.. ; \u0084. , ; vThft-flrst'car at t cranberries' of >thi season, ea'me [In "from C«pe C«<l yesterday and sales were made at«s9;perjb«rrel. \u25a0-/•\u25a0\u25a0 ; v. \ „-'\u25a0'\u25a0" .->» -.Strawberries — $3.sflfQ:4.3o£per- chest. -. - ;..' Raspberriesr-$4.50({|8 p«>c chest."^ ' , . "SKuckleberrle*— S@tc'perjlb. » " i - Cranberries-^Coos l>ay.;s3iQ:4:per box: : .Applea;(per box) — Fancy red," 9OeigsL23; other fancy. S3c«tfsl: common to choice. 40@75c Pears— Rartletts. , $2«fi2."^; " per box; otaer rarleites. jr.O^-7.V per box. Quinces— <B<? JOc per box- . • reaches— Small . boxes. 23(?f40c: large bexeji. 40«tS«c: carriers. 40fg'*««''r. Tlums and Prunes— fiV/3sl.M per crate. . ' Figs <per drawer*— Black. 40<Q65c for ordi nary and" 50@730 for large rlrer boxes; white. 40 '..\u25a0'..- • \u25a0 '.- '• 'Pomegranates— 3oe(&sl per box. .Melon»— Nutmeg melons. .*«©«« per box: cantaloupes. $1.73«2 per crate; watermelons. 73efe51.50 per dozen. . ' • " \u25a0 OrajH?s— CrateK. fir»<a«oc for Isabella and RO<s 63c for other *arletle*: small boxes. 33Q50c; large o boxes muscat.' 40@ 7.V: tokay. 4<Vfs«3<?: «iee«llesst. -3«l<Q63c; Mack.- 35ftJ30c; wine grapes, fOit 13 per ton. . Citrus . Fruits ; (per box>— Valencia oranges. $3.73*34 for fancy, $3@3.50 for choice and $l*3O <32 for standard: grapefruit. $3423.50 for seed less and $I«JI..V> for common: 'lemons. $.1(35.50 for fancy. ,$-X3o©4^o for choice and $2.50<33 for' standard: Mexican lime.'. $«.50@7.' Tropical- Fruits — Bananas. 730@1.75 per bunch for Hawaiian and Mexican. $203 for Central American; pineapples. $1.30&2.50 per dozen. Dried Fruits. Raisin*. Snt* and Hovel Ftnlts — Evaporarnl Apples. 7«7*ie: fancy. «' •SS'ic; apricots. ll«13e: fancy Moorparkn. 13H <Qil4c: peaches. S^es^c; fancy. 7«J7Vic: prunes, new eron, s*4§3*»ie net to growers In the country.' with l*^c "premium for 30* and fie premium for 40-*: flgs. 4U«X4*^c for black and 3iii«*4e for white; p«ars. OV-iTi I.V. . Raisins— New crop layers, cluster* — B erowa. '$2.50; 5 crown. $2: 4 crown. $1.60: 3 crown. $1.25: 2 crown. $1.15: seeded.- B(§a*4e for cholc* and 6Hc for fancy; Thompson's seedless. s*4@ »He for unbleached and 7*^c for bleached: loose muscatel. 4 crown. 3*>ic: 3 crown. 3c: 4 crown. 4 He ; seedless. 3%«4^c; new raisins. 3ti<S*c ln sweatbox at Fresno. . Nuts — Almonds, nonpareils. 16*,Se; IXL. 13*>ic: ne phis ultra. 14*«ic; peerless, 13Vic: Drake*. 13c: languedocs. 12c: hardshell. S%c; shelled al monds. 29@32e: walnuts. 13e per lb for No. 1 sof tshells. <Sc for No. 2 do; pecans. 14*A«J15c; peanuts. 4Vift£3c; pine nuts. 18@20e per lb. Honey — Water white comb. 16(g17e: white do. 12@12*^e; amber do. 10®llc: extracted. B*-i«9e for white.' 7«iSc for light amber and 3H®B*^c per lb for amber. ' V. Beeswax— 27Vj(S3oc per lb for ligat and 23® 26c for dark. v Poultry and Onme The third ear of western poultry for tlte week came In yesterday. Receipts of domestic poul try were fair. Good fat hens were firm. Poultry (per dozen) — Hens. $4.50<g5.30 for small. $5.50^8.30 for large and $B'@lo for «xtra: young roosters. $5.50@6.50; do extras. $7(35: old roosters. $3<@5.50; fryers. $4.50@3; broilers. $3.50iQ3.73 for large. $3.2533.30 for medium and $3 for small: ducks. $«<S9; pigeons. $1.50 ©1.75; squabs. $2.50^3: geese. $2@3p«r pair. Game. (per dozen)— Nominal. ueansi and ?"tu.< Beans (per ctll — New bayoo. $4.7305.20; new small white. $3.65: new large white. $3.50; pink, nominal: red. $0^6.10; new blacfceye*. $4.50(8.">: lima, $4.43@4.50: red kidneys, nominal: ' cran berry beans. $4.40<5;4.60; garvanzas, $2.50<53.25; horse beans, new. $1.55@2.15. Seeds — Brown mustard. 4%c; yellow mustard. ; flaxseed. s(S«*>%c; canary. 3%@3*<ie: al falfa, 14i^l5c; rape. l@2%c; tlaotny. 7%c: hemp. 3-Q3%c: millet, 2%e per lb. _ Dried Peas— Green. $2."50<g2.63 per ctl. « Flour and Farinaceous Goods Flour— California family extras, $3.6o<is<t set without discount; bakers' extra*. $3.60*36: superfine," $4.40@4.70; Oregon and Washington, per bbl, ' $4.50@5.05 for family bakers* and patent* and $4.05(34.30 for. cutoff: Kansas pat ents. $8.70; do straights. $6.50; Dakota patents. $7.40; do straights. $7.20; do clear. $6.60 per bbl. • Farinaceous Goods — Buckwheat flour. $4; back wheat flour, self -raising. $4.80; buckwheat groats. $8; corn meal, yellow $3. white $3, extra cream yellow, $3.23; extra cream white, $3J*5; corn flour, $3; cracked wheat. $3.30; entire wheat flour, $3.20; farina. $3.60; graham floor. $3; hominy. large $3. small $3. granulated. $3: oat meal.' $4.25: iki groats. $4.25; pearl batley, $4.30; rice flour. $ff7 rolled oats. $4.25; rolled wheat. $3.30; rye flour, $3.25: rye meal, $3.10;- spile peas, yellow $3. green $3.50; extra cream rolled oats, 180 lbs $7.50, 90 lb sacks $7; rolled flakes. ISO lb bbls $5.75. 2 90 lb sacks $5.25; rolled wheat, i;u lbs $4.75, 75 lb sacks $1.23. Hay and Feedstuff* Receipts of hay were again heavy, being I.2ir> tons. The feature of the market continue* to be the scarcity of choice wheat hay. which la firm at the recent advance. Bran. • shorts and mid dlings continue' very scarce and firm. Bran— s27(g3O per ton for white. Middlings— s32@3s per ton. Short* — $29©32 per ton. \ Feedstuff*— Rolled barley. $22.50(924.50; rolled oats for feed, $29@31; mixed feed, $23'42H for average lots: linseed oilcake meal. 20 tons $40. 10 tons $40.50. 5 tons $41. smaller lots $41.30: coeoannt cake or meal at mills. $23.5 aln 20 and 10 and $26 In 5 ton lots; jobbing. $28.50; corn meal. $36@37: cracked corn. $36@37; alfalfa meal, carload lots $17. jobbing $13; red star al falfa meal. $17 ln car lots and $13 jobbing; Mo desto alfalfa meal. $17 in .cur lota and $1S job ' bing; Stockton mealfalfa. $17 ln car lots and $14 jobbing: Caproco oilcake meaJ. $16.50 per too; calfalfa. $19 In carlots and $20 jobbing. Hay — Ordinary wheat. J7@12.50; choice. $13r£g $14: wheat and oat. $B@H: tame oat. $7011.50; volunteer wild oat. $6.50<g9; alfalfa,- $T@l3; stock hay, 55«J6.50 per ton. Straw— 3o<§, 6oc per bale. . \u0084- \j f , ' \u25a0 — . - - - ' R \u25a0"* Hide*. Tallow, Wool and. Hop* / Hides — Culls ' and brands sell about | V-i 'Sic tinder quotations: heavy salted ft«*ta, 10% c; light medium. 9>je; light. 9c: cowhides, 9e; stags, 7c: salted kip, 10% c: salted veal, 16c: salted calf. 16c: dry hides. 13c; dry. salt hides. 13c; dry kip. 17e; dry c*lf. 23c; sheepskins, shearlings. 25©40 c each: short \u25a0 wool. 40@70c; medium. -70@90c: lons wool. 90e@51.23; lambs. 20@50c: horsehides. salt. $2.25(^3 for large and $1.50<@2 for medium. 75c@$l for small and 25 @50c for colts: horsehides. dry. $2@2.25 for large • and $1.25<@2 for medium. Soc@sl for small' and 25<&50c for colts; goatskins, prima angoras. 73c<a$l: large hair goats. 30Q»0c; me dinm. 20@30c; small. s<§llsc. Tallow— No. 1 rendered. 5% @6%c; Ko. 2.^' @ sc: grease. 2§2%c. •• Wool — Spring clip. San Joaquia. year's staple. 9@llc:' do 8 - months.' 7@llc; northern. Sonoma and - Mendocino. lS@2oc; Humboldt. . 20c asked: « Nevada.' 13@16c per lb. \u25a0 Fall clip — Motmtaln free. 9^llc: northern ami valley. 7@loc:' San Joaquin fall and lambs. 7© 10c: do-d'ifeetiv^ and heavy. s@7<r per lbv Hops — California. 1909 crop, nominal: Oregon, nominal; crop of 1910. 12%<g!lS%c per lb.' General Merchandise Bjs:'< — Grain bags,- 5%®5%e: ' San Qneatin bags. 5% c: wool bags, 27% c for Z\t, lb aad 29 % c for 4 lb;. fleece twine. 7%c i>er lb. •• • '- \u25a0•• . Coal — Pennsylvania anthracite egg, SIS per ton: Wellington, $9; New Wellington. $3; Coo» bay, ?7: Australian house — Richmond,, etc.. $9; Pelaw Main. $9; Stanford Richmond, $9i Cum-, berland. $15 in bulk and $16.50 in sacks; Welsh anthracite. $13; coke, $16 per too Is bulk, and $17 in <acks. < Oil-^Quotat;lon» are for barrels. Unseed, $1.19 -per gallon for -boiled and, $1.17 far raw. cases So more; castor oil In cases, Xo. 1. 71c; Baker's AA.51.17@1.19; China "nut. cases. 60<ai70c per gallon; coeoannt , oil. . in barrals. W)ia.S3Vic for XXX. 77%@Sle forXo.. 1 and 75®T3%c for Xo. 2, according to quantity: extra bleached winter. sperm oil. SOc: natural winter sperm oil. SOe; natural whale 0i1." 55e; pure lart oil. 'sl; winter strained lard oil, OOe; pure n«atsfootoil. Soc; Xo. • 1 .neatsfoot oil. «3c: herring oil. 50e; salmon oil, 00c; boiled. fish oil. "50c; paiat 45c. ' . - • - • • V~ Coal OH." Gasoline, etc.— Water white. 1H« harr-ls or drums, 9c; 150 degree oil; h»Q barr»l% or , drums.. !O%c; special do.- lie; peart oil. la ca«ses. lfic: astral/ 16c; stsr.HCc; extra star. lt»e: Elaine. Sfitie;. eocene, 10c;. red crown and motor gasoline. -In tiali 17c. in ca»e« 24c: engine diitil late. In drums 7^c. cases 7c more: S8 itegrea .gasoline, in b»Jk SOc^ln esses 37% c; varnlnh makers and painters* naphtha. In bulk 15c ia ea«es 22'vc. \u25a0* -* Turpentine^ — O^c.per e»flon la cases and 91c !a bulk. . drum* anrt Iron barrels. -Rog|n--E. $».4O: F. «».4r>: G. $9.50: H. $9.53: I. *».6O: K. ».7Sr M. $10: X. »ia3s; WG. $10.50; WW.: $10.93 per barret of 2SO lbs. Red ami White Lead^ — Red. S%@9c; white. t 3^4<SS%e"per - lb. • : . , \u25a0* Refined sugar market" The Western »nsrar refinlnc company <mote« as follows. 'terms netenstr Standard fine-granu lated.'3.3.V:'standard coarse granulated.' 3.35 c: fruit granulatefj, .1.55 c: cut loaf, in barrels only 7..\3c: H. & E. crystal domlnos. 5 lb cartons la en«e«. B.i>: Ur» fi ' 2 , lb "eartonn ' In canes. B.ixSc monarch bar. .• SvOOc: • tablets, in half barrel/ «.«-<;: do in boxe< ft.3oc: cubes and A crushed' 5.«0c: : monarch * pondered. 5.63 c; XXXX pow dered. 5.«3<': candy granulated, 5.85 c: confec tioners* A.' 5,."hV; confectioners* crystals' s,«We extra fine granulated. 3.35 c: magnolia A s.l3c extra C.'.NOSe; goWen C. 4.»5c: D. 4.85 c, Bar^ relf. an.156 lb bags 10e., half barrels 25c boxe« sf»c more per • 100 lbs than, for bass of 100 lb* B *l- V/?fi ln . 40 ll> tlns «- T( > more. In " \u25a0The California and Hawaii suearreflnta* com "HTrS"! "^ fol!< ro^ C»»»««W baTsSS: Hlgrade bar. S.DOc: \u25a0 powdered 5153-. ,1 crushed. 5.80r-: berry. s.3>Vc. * H extra fine granulated. 5.55 c; coarse dry granulated. S i£t confectioner** A; 5.55e: con feet ioce"-crVsM-' hrtti C i Ob^ : brlcks -" half t»Ms.-^osc'; bricks. In .in lb boxes. rt.3o>-; - extra fine dry rrannljted <iro^b M 5,M 5 , only).' sly-/ exoelslo^ D.' 4.85c: cut loaf, in -barrels only. T. 3- H A *\u25a0 " y ,l tal *>"»«w*- x S lb cartons, in case*. 8 53r:V do 2lb cartons. .In easwi ©.65c Additional n^V 100 lbs: In barrel, ami 5O lb 142^1^5^ half .barrels. 2.> c more: boxes. sfl« mor- for »ll grades. Bar ln.3S.and 40 tb tini .«tk^JL loadweigbt"'- X ~™ BlOre - °i«"S?»»*^rrS^, . The , N*w York circular of v Henry .Vordllager & co. T sav*: v * - . "The decrease la tie TUiWe sunoly of ; tia>