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HEAVY BUSINESS CUTS PROFIT OF RAILROAD LINE Milwaukee Official Says That Expenses Grow Faster Than Income Commissioner Declares That Shippers Must Not Be Asked j to Cure Trouble CHICAGO. Sept. 22. — Railroads must adjust their economical difficulties by some other means than by asking sb^ip- to contribute the funds therefor, i:i the opinion of Interstate Commerce Commissioner I^ane. as expressed dur ing the hearing today. J Railroad officers and / attorneys !»ouffht to learn if the commissioner implied that there must be readjust ment of the method of financing the bi? carrier systems, but Lane ignored the'r efforts. William M. Ellis, commerce counsel for the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad, testified that liis company was suffcrins: from too much business, that the increase had meant an increase in \hr unit of cost, which grrew faster than the unit of income, thereby threaten ing the yearly surplus of earnings above payment of dividends and cost of operation and of maintenance. 31 EX ACE TO THE COUNTRY \u25a0 Commissioner Lane then said:" As the country develops there will be more and more freight de livered to you. ami as conditions are now th<> rates constantly must He increased according to officials. I arirue it as a menace tQ the coun try if the rates constantly are to be increased. We must work out this problem on lines other than by the proposed method of raising the tariff?. If not. there is no time when we can say the maximum has '>«?en reached. - This unexpected development in the rate hearing came as a result of the inquiry into the St. Paul's profits, par ticularly from the public lands ac quired in recent, years. Ellis denied the commissioner's suggestion that the roads optimism when it built the trans continental extension had turned to pessimism now. He saidf If it had not been for that road we would have had nothing from operation to add to our surplus last year. That extension added about $2,500,000 to the surplus in addition to the $2,559.573 from other SSS^tML*? tOtal SUrPIUS iS ab ° Ut If the stops income next year went to $79,000,000 from this year's Mj?ures of $64,000,000 the percent age of profit would be less. PROFIT O.V COAST DIVISION' Attorney H. C. L-ust, representing the Illinois manufacturers. asked: "Mr. EHHs. you say your gross income last year "from other sources was $9,000, 000, What are those sources?" "Chiefly the Puget sound division," he answered. ••The St. Paul owns all the- stock, and in 1954* received $6,000,000 in the bonds," interrupted Commissioner Lane again. "Do you mean to say the Puget sound branch paid all its oper ating expenses for 10 years and in ad dition $6,000,000 interest on its capi talization?" "Well, that -was interest for a year and a half. Horrever, it also earned a surplus of nearly $3,000,000." Ellis said that the Puget sound di vision was paid for by a bond issue nf $100,000,000 sold to stock holders and that in addition to the surplus a 7 per cent dividend was paid ,on that issue last year. He then admitted that if the surplus were added to the earnings of the St. Paul It "would more than make up for the added cost of labor. SIRPLIS NOT lIEPORTED "Then." said Lyon. "I would like to rail the attention of the commission t' the absolute failure of this company to include that sum in the surplus griven in their latest report to the commission." Asked by Commissioner Lane what was the "mysterious cause" of the ap parent increased cost of operation, Ellis said: I'll tell you. Every session of congress has decreased the earn ing efficiency of the dollar expend fil upon labor. Eight hour days, IS hour telegraphers* limitings, restrictions 5n regard to the. rest hour, all these have cut down a dollar's efficiency. I still say labor is the big factor in increased cost. Previously Elljs had admitted that his company in the last 10 years had sold several million dollars' worth of stock to stock holders at par when it was quoted in open market at from 5240 down to $lfio, and the stock had paid 7 per cent dividends. SON RESENTS ALLEGED INSULT TO MOTHER Avenges Matter by Beating Hay Company's Manager [Special Dispatch to The Call] HOLLISTER. Sept. 22.— R. P: Lathrop, manager of the Lathrop hay compafiy, received a severe beating here yester day at the hands of Fred Eastman. Eastman claims that Lathrop insulted h's mother at her ranch home. The al v/Tfed insult occurred several weeks ago ?/Vd young Eastman, smarting under tne alleged treatment, came to town yesterday and sought out Lathrop. Sirs. Eastman is 60 years of age. Advertising Talks |l When a man loses anything of value almost the first IJlfjffs thought is to advertise in the newspapers for its ' recovery. llljj]l\(^\ Even merchants who will not advertise their stores do this. They must believe that people read advertisements, /Jsiisfa—i even small ones in the "lost and found" column, or why advertise their loss? . . . ' - : . " "y \u25a0 There is no getting around it — advertising is the greatest, most active power in the world — used right, it will bring to a successful issue any legitimate ufdertaking . c Every merchant in San Francisco wants to increase his. business.; He is here for that purpose. To sell more goods to more people. There isn't a merchant in this city hut could do more" business, serve more people, inspire more confidence if he would only put this great power to work for him — in the right way. We will be glad to discuss a plan with some alert, ambitious mer- chants to get the business that is going begging every day right here in our town. Phone Kearny 86 and we will call on you with: plans, suggestions, and a service -of advertising copy that will "do things'* in the way of waking public interest in you and your store. September Bride Married In Church of the Nativity j Mr. and Mrs. George P. Arnerich. The' bride was Miss Lillie Smith \ RETAIL GROCERS ELECT OFFICERS W. H. Postum of Pomona Is Chosen to Lead State Association t\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 [Special Dispatch to The Call] SAX JOSE, Sept 22. — With the elec tion of officers, the adoption of resolu tions, the choosing of Stockton as the next meeting place and a big banquet at the St. James hotel this evening the delegates to the annual convention of the California retail grocers' associa tion put in a busy day today. The following officers for the ensuing year were elected: President. W. H. Postutn, Pomona: past president, Ellis Kilcore. Sacramento; first rice president, George Golder. San Francisco; sec ond rice president, H. Hauch, Alameda: third rice president. N*. E. Wilson. Los Angeles; treasurer. W. J. Hlcker. Petaluma. Directors — W. A. McDonald, San Francisco; W. J. Honey. Vallejo; Charles . R. Pearson, Stockton; F. B. Conley. San Francisco: Ralph Garlord. Xerads City; A. A. Jost. Sacramento: J. B. Hopkins. Oakland; Joseph Walsh. Eureka; D. R. Beardsley, Monterey; Key Donovan, Santa Bow. A secretary will be elected tomorrow. The Panama-Pacific exposition for San Francisco in 1915 met with the unanimous indorsement of the conven tion and a resolution calling on the state legislature to pass a law requir ing all stores to close on Sunday was unanimously passed. A debate on the subject, "Are buying exchanges neces sary under present conditions?" was the feature of the morning session. The affirmative Bide was handled by J. W. Sullivan of San Francisco, and the neg ative by E. S. Hogan of Oakland. Joseph L. Stultz, a past president, made an address on the value of the national association. The association pledged itself to" favor and - patronize California products and manufactures. A movement toward curtailing the ex tension of credit for more than 30 days was indorsed. The* establishment of an Interstate trade commission, whose powers in regulating trade would be similar to those of the Interstate com merce commission in regulating traffic was recommended in order to prevent the granting of rebates by manufactur ers to concerns which operate chains of stores or cut rate stores. The practice of having goods introduced by house to house canvass was condemned and res olutions of sympathy in the death of the late past president, George B. Doyle, were adopted. ICE CREAM CONE MAKERS DEFEND ANILINE DYE Food Inspector Complains That Product Violates Law SEATTLE, Sept. 22.— An ice cream cone manufacturing company of this city, which makes 90 per cent of. -the cones eaten in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Utah, and which is accused by State Food Inspector William H. Adams of violating the Washington pure food laws, . made a statement today saying that' the cones were dyed with harmless aniline col ors. The company declared that these dyes were used by confectioners, dairy men and other makers of food _in this and other states, and that their use does not violate state or national laws. A crusade against the aniline cones has been waged in Spokane and. Port land" recently. "BEN" GRAY. NEGRO POLITICIAN, IS DEAD -' \u25a0 \u25a0.; SAN' JOSE, Sept. 22.— At a local sana tprium, after two months', illness, "Ben" Gray, a colored resident of this city, passed away. When Charles M. Shortridge was state senator Gray was Shortridge's secretary. THE SAN TOA^ COLOR SCHEME AT WEDDING IS PINK Miss Lillie Smith and George P. Arnerich Plight Troth in Pretty Ceremony The marriage of Miss Lillie. Smith and George P. Arnerich took place Wednesday evening in the Church of the Nativity In Fell street. The cere mony was performed by Rev. Francis Turk. The bride was attired in a gown of mignonette silk crepe de metier, with a picture hat to match, and;car ried a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley. She was given in marriage by her brother, J. G. Smith: The bride was attended by her sister, Mfss Stella Smith, who wore a gown of pale pink point d'esprit. The color scheme in the church dscorations was pink, and pink was also the color scheme at the bride's home, where the wedding breakfast was served. Mat thew Arnerich attended his cousin as best man. . The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Mar guerite Smith and the late Antonio S. Smith. The couple have gone east on their wedding journey and during their visit in Philadelphia will be entertained by the brother of the bride, D. Smith and J. Anthony Smith. They will re turn for a visit here, but will make their home in Los Angeles. RAILROADS IN CLASH OVER RIGHT OF WAY Two Lines Headed for Summit Lake Conflict {Special Dispatch to The Call] HANFORD, Sept. 22.— The first ac tual conflict between the Hanford and Summit Lake railway and the Laton and Western railroad occurred Tues day, when the grading crew of the Hanford line tore out 60 feet of com pleted road laid by the Laton line 3% west of Hard wick, 1 where the two lines are to cross. This action followed a decision of the superior court in favor of the Han ford line for a 60 foot right tof way across this land. The condemnation suit went by default. Since then the Laton and Western has. secured a tem porary vacation of judgment, pending filing of an answer to the complaint. ( T"he two lines are both making, for the Summit Lake country,. the Hanford and Summit Lake with Hanford as its main terminal and the Laton and West ern with Hanford its objective point. AGED COUPLE BURNED . TO DEATH IN HOME Invalid and Wife Trapped by Flames LOS ANGELES, Sept. 22.— John i and Annie Morgan, an aged couple living in' a small isolated * cottage , at 413 North Madison i street, were burned to death in their home early today \u25a0as a result of the explosion of an oil stove. Morgan, who was 56 years old, was a helpless invalid, unable to leave his bed. His wife, 50 years old, was wait ing on him, and It is presumed that she arose in the night and lighted the small stove to heat some water,' and that the- stove exploded. :•\u25a0 , < The Mqrgans have a son living in San' Francisco. LOCKOUT IS THREATENED BERLIN METAL WORKERS Employers' Organization Says Ship Builders, Must Return BERLIN, Sept. 22.— The metal work ing employers* organization rfet today and voted to lock - out the organized workmen in the trade-on October 8-un less the striking ship builders return to work before that day^ The . organ ized metal, workers -have; been; making contributions' to the support of the 'idle shipmen' 'and today's j action -, was de signed to Influence the latter to return to work or lose, one source of financial assistance. : ;.--'.'" • \u25a0'•\u25a0\u25a0; ITALIAN HISTORIAN PRAISES LATE SAVANT .PARIS, Sept. 22.-^rre Figaro today prints a; tribute'.to the late Prof. : Wi lliam James of Harvard university from the-pen of Guglielmo.^ Ferrers. -f In- the course of. his article .the 'Italian . his torian expresses > the VopinionVthaty the American philosopher's ."prag'matis'm— a. new name . for' some -old 'ways of thinking," \u25a0 offers Europe* the ; first , prac tical ground • f or 4 the conciliation ". of the "present ..religious, philosophicalvVand scientific strife. '. \W6m avidow of baronets succumbs in Condon LONDON, '\u25a0' Sept. 22.— Lady' Louise de Rothschild dUidVtoday. She: was the widow/; of ?Slr:i Anthony i ; B. :" Rothschild, first baronet .and 'the .daughter ? of Uhe late. Abraham. Montefiore. ..,• :\u25a0,."\u25a0. '• JUHY DISAGKEES— -The* suit \u25a0 for ' ?50,000^ dani '.'\u25a0 a rpk i brought , by ; Louis H. 5 Barnes , against i the i ' United 5 Railroads If or ; the ; loss ,of / hl« fcg . in . a \u25a0 '' streetcar ; accident ",f a iled ; for .; the i second ' time • yesterday ,* the jury -being unable to ; agree. *•:* ATASCADERO SCENE OF FIERCE BATTLE Thunder of Artillery Shakes Hills Around Army Man=; euvering Camp "Blues" Vanquish "Reds" After an AH Day Struggle in " Mock Warfare CAMP ATASCADERO, ,; Sept. 2 2.— The thunder of artillery shook. the hills i of Atascadero today in the most extensive field maneuver or "battle" yet engaged in at camp* ' instruction between the "Blue" and "Red" armies. It will be eclipsed during the, entire maneuvers only by tomorrow's operations, in which the Arizona and' New Mexico 'national guard will for the first time participate with the regulars .in -a battle.; ; -'\u25a0', , The "Blue" army, composed of a ''war strength" battalion of infantry, two troops of cavalry and, the machine guns, was commanded by Major Joseph P." O'Neil of the Thirtieth infantry, and the "Reds," also composed of a war strength battalion of \lnfantry and 12 field guns, were under Captain Traber Norman;. BATTLE MODERN STRUGGLE The> "battle" was conducted ./along modern miltary lines, the commanders of the respective '\u25a0 forces remaining a mile or two in the rear and directing their commands by means of the, field telegraph and telephone lines '. which had been reeled out behind the moving troops by detachments of the ' signal corps under Lieutenants Beck and Pros 7 ser. . As a spectacular "battle" it was a success, but from a military standpoint there was considerable criticism as to the manner in which the troops were handled, and a division of opinion as to whether any, part, of the artillery was silenced by the attack of 'the "Blue" troops, some of the -observers declaring that at least six of the guns were put out of commission by Major O'Neil's forces and. all the horses and caissons destroyed by his cavalry. It was claimed on the other hand that the machine guns did not get into ac tion at all. ' < .•; '"':'.'. General Tasker H. Bliss, commander in chief, accompanied by Major W. M. White, \chief of staff, and Assistant Chief of Staff Captain A. W. Bjornstad, wa,tched the operations from a hill. BLUES TRIUMPH When the bugles sounded the* "recall" the "Blue" force had swept the "Reds" back and, supposedly/.at leasfa part of the three batteries had been silenced. Today's operations, ' among : other things, demonstrated that the signal corps with Its field telegraph and tele phone lines and wireless outfits will be a very important branch of the army in future wars. The signal. corps men, with reels of light wire strapped to their breasts and telephone " receivers to their ears, reeled off the wire as they moved along directly behind , the \ffrihg line, transmitting information to head quarters and receiving orders from the commander. In, chief and keeping the latter constantly Informed from all sec tions of the front of the .constantly changing., situation. \u25a0 SIGXAIj CORPS PRAISED ' The signal .corps was. highly ' compli mented Ltor' Its -work To' make up two ->ar strength" battalions, -it was' necessary to take all- the men in the, Eighth and Thirtieth v lnfantry regiments arid Several 'companies from- ; the ! ; Eighteenth. As - three such battalions, are - necessary to make a war strength, regiment, army officers pointed out how few; regiments of infantry at war strength ; the United States would have in time ofwar.- v Under the criticaleyes of Lieutenant Colonel N. P. Phister and ' Major F. =R. Day of the Thirtiethjnf antry regulars,' a . chain of outposts | were i established. Several times tonight cavalry was sent out to "sting up", ,the militia outposts. The guardsmen were on the alert, how ever, and several sharp little "brushes" took place in the woods. General A. S. Brooks, adjutant • gen eral of New Mexico, .has arrived in camp, and win watch tomorrow's man euvers. • .. '. " '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .--\u25a0\u25a0";\u25a0 CAGED HYENA SLOWLY I COMMITTING SUICIDE Gnaws Off Leg' and /Drinks Own Blood - WASHINGTON, Sept. 22.-f Persistent ly gnawing -off its left hind 'leg :and drinking'its own blood, a spotted hyena of the brooding, not the laughing'va riety, is committing* progressive suicide at -the national zoological garden. ' The F animal, a gift -to the -zoo from Adam Forepaugh in. ' 1895,^begari the process-of self-destruction several days ago, and:. before' its> keepers {could dis cover.; the , cause ", of : the \u25a0 injuries fit! had chewed; the flesh -from the paw /to -the middle -Joint 'of the : leg. , ! Tt •is .now ! In a* J state *: of physical ,. exhaustion ; and keepers | at- the zoo ; fear that" it will be necessary to kill the animal. ; Dementia is -believed "- to ; have at tacked the hyena. , v ; ' '[ , SON • OF JESSE v JAMES SUES FOR I:A DIVORCE Lawyer Offers to Pay Wife $130 7 v-a; Month"; Alimony / KANSAS ;'; CITY;/; Sept^. 22.— Jesse James, ;. son of •;* the : famous bandit < ot, that name, today, filed a suit for divorce In the circuit court; here. He 'alleged that his Wife,; Stella M. ; Ja mes. i n hi s ; office 1 recently, pointed ' a j revolver, at; him and ; that , last Sunday night' she 1 searched J his 'room In « a local 'hotel. :- *;i : u ;Mr. and-Mrs. James; were>; January", -1900, 'T.&nd ; they.: separated :Ta year ago. 1 They have,; four .children^ * / James, , who Is ', a lawyer, in" his ; peti tion, asked that J. he; be allowed to pay his wifa $130 a -month 'alimony. •\u25a0;:' v " One can do more Hard thinking On a breakfast of . V Grape-Nuts and cream, ,'* Than on almost any other food, Clear thinking and Physical indurance— '^4 The chief v For Success-—cpme from 41 •A well-fed jDrain and body. | ••There a Reason •* Grape-Nuts INEFFICIENCY TO COST CITY $19,000 Private Architects Will Do the Work' on Public Schools and Reap Fat Fees Mayor Casts • Onus •on Taylor Administration, but Fisher Says Mohr . Is to Blame Why, three 'firms of architects are to be ; paid more than $19,000 for superin tending the construction the Lowell high and? the"; Marshall^ and Peabody schools when the -city supports a cost ly bureau "of /architecture" has caused some ; inquiry in.' municipal- circles. Mayor McCarthy -has one explanation and-. City Architect Fisher another. '*'\u25a0\u25a0 Fisher blames the' inefficiency of his predecessor, Mohr, and the mayor that of the former administration. . " Mohr was one of the McCarthy appointees. The three private firms which have been'' engaged by the. administration to prepare the plans and to put up^the schools will, get 4 per cent of the /cost of .construction. , . '* '.; ' >"., O'Brien "and Werner will get that percentage on *J.he $340,000 ; job of the high ; school.' ." C. P. Weeks has - been employed as : the architect of the Mar shall school," and Henry 'C. Smith of the Peabody:^ Each. of these structures is to cost $68,850. '. -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. ' •' The 'municipal bureau of arfchitecture will not be concerned with any of them. : , "My predecessor, Mohr, got things so tangled that we have not yet straight ened them out," declared City Architect Fisher when asked why his department was relieved of the work. f , -\u25a0> ' "The trouble goes back of that," def clared the mayor. ."The bureau of arch itecture under .:;the; last, administration went nearly the limit in incompetence and extravagance. The board of works has called -in these architects to put up the three schools while the munici pal bureau Is being brought back to a state of efficiency. They will be com pensated, I understand, on \he basis fixed by the Association of American Architects." ; . , ; , . : GRANDPARENTS HOLD _; : CHILD AS SECURITY Court Releases It, but Tells the Mother to Pay / .",:\u25a0•" \u25a0 - \u25a0 t '\u25a0"-. L ':-\u25a0': . '". - ' .' . .-.. \u25a0'•\u25a0\u25a0".\u25a0\u25a0"•• ( That it is emphatically against the law to hold a child; as security for'the debt of the mother ' Judge Mogan. tried to explain to Mr/and Mrs. John Peter son in- the habeas *' corpus • proceedings instituted by their daughter, Mrs. Ida Plehn yesterday. The allegation ; of Mrs. Plehn was that she lived with her parents and owed them a board bill of $90, but that fearing it would not be paid they refused to "give up the custody of-her daughter. A writ of habeas corpus was issued by Judge Mogan and when Judge Mogahdelved into it v turned out that the grandparents were of the belief that they were justified in holding the child as security. "The child must -be returned to the mother immediately/ j said the I court, "and I should \u25a0 advise, the. latter to pay her .board; bill as soon as possible." SPIDER, CHAWXS IN EAR— Mrs." Catherine Kas heTaroff.i22ol Van. Ness : arenue. \u25a0 went to the central .'emergency (-hospital' late Wednesday '.: night with a big,- black xpidcr In her ear. i -which, had caused her jrreat pain. It had crawled j into her ' ear while she' was asleep. •'• She was quickly. relieved." »v .". Take : this Qiair in fumed ''. \!< ?^ : 'sMt -"i^fW golden I brown— -good : velour "_ v '^r W^ :^oM~'? * : cushions, such as we' include at r .^A. : '^-v ii^^^^o fc^'^-'' You have an harmonious ef- jBS| 1B Pi W-'-'-^^^^^^^^MlJ^ J" feet that can not -be bettered if J|fl M m WL^Si^^SfMlS B'f/Si^ you spend twice thirteen-fifty. ||ljP^^^^^-ilffiP 'io ter the "longer, you use it and iy'v^^^^^^^^^^^|| i |ip^P^'^ f^Ej \ fay $1.50 clown, then $1.00 each week Sterling terms are'the easiest terms in' all San Francisco. Whether you are buy- ing a single article or furnishing a twenty-room. house, ; you can not get easier terms or more liberal treatment than the Sterling; offers, that's sure. \u25a0M-WaT%-W'« : -- \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '• \u25a0 - \u25a0'• "\u25a0 "'\u25a0 Wm^M ''"- i* JF^-V Y4*9^l' : i#nen jwe speak or KUvjo \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--:-\u25a0•'•"\u25a0'\u25a0/..'.-\u25a0. •' -':'-,- \u25a0 \u25a0-X 1X 1 - '.•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0 " - \u25a0 •'; . \u25a01J ' ,V"- \u25a0 >i : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•*•\u25a0\u25a0.-:.- We arenbttalldngabofit a few rugs-^-a- dozen patterns or thereabouts — nor are we praying that you 'won't .want to buy them when you sec them. • •-"\u25a0\u25a0• ' We are talking about? Rugs by the hundreds — Rugsofisuch quality; such a^bewildering assortment 'of patterns, such new and up-to-date 'pat. terhs,:that c you can not help ;being suited.;.,^ ' . Rugs, ?xl2 feet, $20 vThey arehere to-be soldi—to be /sold at' twenty dollars. :We«are. just as anxious to sell these \u25a0\u25a0rugs'" at_^s2o, as -j the average dealer .is-to \u25a0sell; i them':at:the J regular price, $27.00. J :Ffee< delivery with] our own wagons An Oakland and Alameda. Carpeb laid, stoves WINE MEN OBJECT TO RECEIVERSHIP Directors of San Benito Cor poration Say Court Was Deceived Former Manager, Who Objected to Assessment, Is -Blamed for Existence of Debts Declaring that the court was* de ceived/by. 1 false representations, the directors' of.; the -San Benito vineyard corporation, ..for which a receiver was appointed by - Judge Graham Tuesday, will take the. first steps today to have the order set aside. T The receiver was appointed on the complaint of CM. Lewis, who until April 16 was 'manager .of the corpora tion's plant at Hollister and .who is one of the stock holdersi ,He alleged that he*was being: squeezed out by the other stock holders and that a wrong ful" assessment of $10, a .share was about to be made. The methods of the directors, he said, were wrecking the concern. ; The directors, John. Dickinson. Wil liam Palmtag and Ch. de St. Hubert, arrived in. San Francisco yesterday and made plans to fight the appointment. They declared that the first they knew of the difficulty was 'when. a. receiver walked into the plant with an order to sell. the crop of grapesJ They are rep resented by Attorney Frank . H. Gould, who wijl ask Judge .Graham to trans fer ,the case to the courts, at Hollister. ' "This corporation," said Gould, "Is engaged in \the wine business. Lewis until recently was president and man ager,'but-the others came to the con clusion that he was overdrawing his account and mismanaging affairs and asked for his resignation from both positions. He complied with the re quest, but retained his stock. "It was agreed when he left that there should be no assessment of stock for two months, in order to give him an opportunity to dispose of his shares without loss. Since then four months have passed. It is our contention that the mismanagement of Lewis brought about certain debts which had to be met. . " \ "While the concern had its crop of grapes on hand It would be folly ta sell it inasmuch as the present market value would not bring in more than $2,500. . On the other hand, after the grapes have been converted into \u25a0wine the" crop would produce about $35,000. Lewis, however,- secured an order for a receiver to sell the crop — and . this we are trying to prevent." SOCIETY TURNS OUT AT • PURE FOOD EXPOSITION San Jose Show Attracts Many Smart Set Visitors [Stitcial Dispatch to The Call] SAX JOSE, Sept. 22. — Society turned out in numbers tonight at the second national pure "food, and" Industrial ex position being held, in this city. Thou sands of visitors, including, most of the grocers in attendance at convention of the California 'state grocers* and mer chants* association, filled the Immense exhibition halls. Mrs. Thomas B. Cator. 'aVwell known local violin artist, as sisted, in'the program, and a feature of the-sevening was several selections of Prof. S. Schalkhammer. The program also included piano solos by Miss Linda Zlnk. INDIAN SUMMER LAX E Beautiful and delightful The ideal season [at this gem of f the Sierra j Run up Friday f A Come back Monday ROUND «Q QR | R I P 'O' 30 SOUTHERN PACIFIC TICKET^OFFICES: ~ | Flood Building Market Street Ferry Depot Palace Hotel | Broadway & 13th St.Oakland READ— -THE SPIRIT OF IDAHO** S By Arthur -W. North * X "GRE.\TER THAN GOLD" (The Harnessing of "Western Rivers) by Clayton M. Jones, in OCTOBER SU.VSET MAGAZINE f, Now on sale at all news stands; F| 15 cents « W. T. HESS, Notary Public ROOM 1112, CALL BUILDING At residence, 1460 Page street, between 7 p. m. and 3 p. m. Residence telephone Park 2797. . CALL WAXT ADS BRING RESULTS 3