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BELL MAKES FOUR SPEECHES IN DAY Democratic Candidate for Gov« ernor Repeats Opposition to Asiatics as Immigrants Asks Votes for the Exhibition Bonds, Pointing to Benefits that State Will Obtain {Special DLpatch la The Call] SANTA MARIA. Sept. 22.— Holding four meetings and taking long jumps by automobile and "train, Theodore A. Be!l and Timothy Spellacy had a taste of strenuous campaigning today. Al though they did not arrive in Paso Ro bles until 1 :S0 o'clock this morning, they were up bright and early on their way to this city. At Templeton Bell and Spellacy shook hands with a number of citizens and then headed for Santa Margarita, where short addresses were made to about 40 Persons. Albert Estrada presided at the meeting. Five miles out from San Luis Obispo the campaigners were met by State Senator Archy Campbell, A. McAllister and H. M. Payne and escorted Into San Jyjis Obispo. Nearly 200 persons stood in the sun during the noon hour to lis ten to Bell and Spellacy. Bell said that he was in favor of Asiaticf exclusion and that h<? was the pioneer in the fight against the domination of politics in this state by the railroad machine, and this won him applause. TRAIN STOPS FOR SPEECH The party then boarded the Pacific Coast railway company train to Santa Maria, but the officials of the transpor tation company stopped at -Arroyo Grande long enough for Bell and Spel lacy to address about 75 persons, the candidates being presented by P. A. H. Arata. secretary of the San Luis Obispo county central committee. Three automobiles were at the sta tion in this city to take Bell and his party to the hotel. In the reception ommittee were Dr. H. C. Bagby. can didate for the assembly: Dr. W. T. Lu cas, former candidate for congress: A. B. Bigler and T. R. Finley of the county central committee: Joe McDonnell of the state central committee, and Dr. L. B. Coblentz. Fully 6^o persons were present in Richards hall tonight when the meeting was called to order by Doctor Lucas, who introduced A. B. Bigler as chair man. Spella/^y dwelt upon the qualifications of BeM for the office of governor and assured his audience that he would en deavor to give a good accounting of his stewardship if elected lieutenant gov eror. . HERRIN BUREAU DISCUSSED Bell discussed at length the fight against the Southern Pacific political bureau and charged republicans with having stolen the democratic platform. "I make no sweeping condemnation of our public officials," said Bell, "but I do know that most of our public in stitutions are in a rotten condition. The great curse in these institutions Is that they have fallen into the hands of petty politicians." Bell pleaded with his hearers to vote for the $5,000,000 tax proposed by the legislature for the Panama-Pacific In ternational exposition to be held in San Francisco in 1915 and pointed out the great benefits that would result to the state. After the meeting Bell's party were entertained by the Eagles. The objec tive point tomorrow will be Santa Bar bara. Candidates Work Together Reports are beginning to filter into democratic headquarters indicating a AMUSEMENTS " _J_ . GORGEOUS PAGEANT OF ELECTRICAL. TRIUMPHS! Pacific Coast Electrical Exposition SPECTACULAR! SCIENTIFIC: EDUCATIONAL! NEW COLISEUM B i« E F UI?^ k T TODAY AND TOMORROW— LAST TWO DAYS AND NIGHTS Don't miss this, the greatest display of electrical inventions, devices and appliances ever assembled under one roof west of the Rocky mountains. Thousands of electric lamps and searchlights, creating a brilliant scene of light, color and beauty. ADMISSION 50 CENTS Children 10 Years and Under Half Price Stittt and Most Maffnlfleent Theater In America MATUTEE TODAY AKD EVERY DAY EVERY EVEKIKO AT 8:15 ARTISTIC VAUDEVILLE DINKELSPIEL'S CHRISTMAS, by GEORGE V. HOBABT. as Presented at the Lambs' Clcb Gambol. New York; LINTOX and LAURENCE, in "The Piano Store"; WATERBURY BROS, and TENNY; LANE aad O'DONNELL: HIGH LIFE IN JAIL; COVINGTON and WILBUR; FOUR RIANOS; NEW ORPHEUM MOTION PICTURES. Last Week, Immense Sensation, of B AMESES, the Egyptian Wonder Worker. Evening Prices — 10c. 25c. 50c. 75c Box Seats. SI. OO. Matinee Prices (Except Sundays and Holiday*)— loc, 25c. 50c PHONES: DOUGLAS 70; HOME C 157& A I CA7 A D Softer and Steiner n Li \J nbllll Home Phone S-4242 BELASCO A. MAYER. Owners and Managers, LAST THREE NIGHTS— LAST THREE NIGHTS MATINEE TOMORROW AND SUNDAY Eugene Walter's Powerful Play, THE WOLF A Dramatic Story of the Canadian Woods. PRlCES— Nisfct. 25c to Jl; Mat.. 25c to 50e. Seats for sale at Box Office and Emporium. NEXT WEEK — Channlsg Pollock's Comedy Gem, "CLOTHES" A New York Saccess. Its First Time Here. ftt_^?<PVyy^^SKjEft?^ Phones: SIATIXEES WEDNESDAY AND SAT. Seats on Sale for All Performances. DAVID BELASCO Presents FRANCES STARR Id EOCENE WALTER'S Greatest Play, THE EASIEST WAY NOTE — Earentlal points In the story of the play are told at the rise of the cnrtaln. It Is, therefore, desirable for patrons to be in their seat* at 8:15 evenings and 2:15 matinees. ComiBg— HENBY MILLER. Rotary Club Members-in White Gasoline Truck Make Trip to San Jose and Return hi. E. Doty, assistant Pacific coast manager of the White company* at the wheel of the White gasoline truck with which he recently made a round trip to San Jose, accompanied by R. Meyers, A. S. Holman, Joseph A. Hawkins, E.R. Callane, F. O. Andres, Sam 'A. Fisher, O^M. Robinson, C. P. Griffin, R. 8., Houston, D.'ltysenblum, William Brown and T. P. Martin, all members of the Rotary club. general, movement to get the campaign under way in all the larger towns of the state. Legislative candidates and district clubs are working together and what has been carefully mapped out as a general campaign is taking defi nite form. ' - Minor office candidates are warming up and blazing the way for Bell, Spel lacy and the host of speakers yet to be heard. A call was issued from headquarters yesterday to the executive c<»mmittee of the Beli-Spellacy club to attend a meeting tonight in the small assembly room of the Pacific building. At this meeting the organization of the. com mittee will be perfected by the election of permanent officers. YOUNG MAN ATTACKED . WHILE UNDER ARREST Genaro Vitalini Throttles and Bites Joseph McArdle Joseph McArdle. a young man, was arrested on Wednesday night in front of a nickelodeon at Mission street and Russia avenue by Policeman La Place for disturbing the peace, and while being taken to a patrol box at Onon daga avenue Genaro Vitalini. a vege table gardener, came up behind them and attempted to strike McArdle with a spoke of a wagon wheel. La Place knocked the spoke out of his hand. Vitalini then sprang at McArdle, grabbed him by the throat with both hands and inserted his teeth in his left cheek. La Place knocked Vita lini down and as he. rose he dropped a long knife. Vitatini was charged with assault to do grievous bodily injury. Both cases were called in Police Judge Shortall's court yesterday and contin ued till today. PEINGLE IS ~RTT.T> — John C. H. Pringle. former steamboat captain, was yefterdajr held to answer by United States Commissioner Harry M. Wrisrht on a charge of Impersonating an officer and extorting $5 from John Batteras, a Beniola saloon keeper. . \u25a0 V Ai •^\u25a0•rtd. !\u25a0«\u25a0\u25a0 vm iimpmhMM V iiC7_— art-* HOIDG J2522 Two liights More— Last Mat. tomorrow MARGARET ILLINGTON » —in— "uxtii. eternity" F>ats at the Theater and Emporium. Startlnß Next Sunday Evening: rg^gn Walker Whiteside SALE • -IN- GARRICK THEATER Ellis Street at Fillmore. BEVANI GRAND OPERA COMPANY Tonight, "THE LOVE TALES OF HOFFMAN" With Vicarino, De Dreux. Battaia, Albertl and Flotian. Tomorrow Matinee. "CAVAIXERIA RDSTI- CA.VA and I 'PAG LI ACCI; Tomorrow NJcht. "LUCIA:" Sunday Matinee. "MARTHA;" Sunday Night. "IL TROVATORE." NEXT WEEK — Monday and Wednesday XJghts. "LOVE TALES OP HOFFMAN" < Lest Times) : Tuesday Night. "RIGOLET- TO:'.*. Thursday Night and Saturday. Matinee, "LA BOHEME. Reserved Seats, 23c. 50c. 75e. $1. at-Sher- man. Clay & Co.. Kearny and Sutter Streets. tt^ "^ LOV ERICH. MANAGER ' Ellis St. Near Flllmore. . Class . A Theater. ; , Owityr to the Tremendous Success of "THE CAMPUS" it Will Continue aa the Attraction up to and Including Sunday Night, and There .Will be no Performances of "The Toy makers" as Pre- viously Announced. . . \u25a0 Farewell to FERRIS HARTMAN .In t be First Production on Any Stage of THEpVMPUS A : Rab-Rah '"'Musical' Comedy In Three Yells • "\u25a0 - By Walter DejLeon. KIGHT JEICES— 2Sc. 60c and 75c EAT. AND SUN. MAT. PRICES— 2Sc and 60c '.' THE -SAN FRANCISCO ACALL,' FRIDAY^; SEPTEMBER ' 23, : 1910. NEW AGENT FOR FRANKLIN CARS John R. Taylor & Col Are Ap= pointed Distributors for Oakland District R. R. L'HOMMEDIEU Another change of has taken place in the local automobile world. The Franklin automobile company yes terday announced that it . had closed with John Ri Taylor & Co. for the Oak land district. The new company will carry a full line of the well known air cooled Franklins. The company has fine quarters, where the. cars will be displayed to advantage. Colonel Frank H. Johnson has re entered the - local automobile trade. __^ Yesterday he closed with B. D. .Arthur, ;he representative 3f the Ohio car, for ;he California dis trict north of San Luis Obispo - and K«ern counties. The company, will be known as the Ohio sales company, and has contracted for 50. 0f the Ohios, to be delivered in 40 horsepower road sters, touring cars and torpedos. This is the car that led the way in the Mun sey tour for the full seven days with a perfect score is also entered in the Los Angeles-Phoenix race this season. , , Ohio Car Is Comlnsr Here . — -< Skinner & Elliott of Sacramento have taken the agency for the Knox line of - pleasure and com mercial cars for their territory, and have " contracted with the Reliance auiuuiuuuc eumiiHiiv for 20 c;i ts during the coming, season. ' Both members of the firm are popular and capable young. men, who have made their mark in the automobile field In the capital city. They will. continue to handle the Mitchell car,, whichline they have placed well to the front among the medium priced cars in. the . Sacra mento valley. A 193 1 Knox demonstrating car Is on the way for the Sacramento agency. This will be one of the new fore door touring type of body, painted tan, with upholstery to match, cream running gear, and nickel plated trimmings. New Agents for I the Knox Cars ) William G. Rider of San Jose has re cently returned from a trip to the Pin ± - nacles in his model 2 Winton. His car is of the vintage >f 1905, being the smallest car that the winton motor car company ever turned out. Rider has driven this car for four years and fn that time has covered 55,000 miles. This trip to the Pinnacles is comparatively unknown to autoists, tho destination being about 50 miles eoujthwest of Holllster. His torically it is of great interest, being honeycombed with caves through which men. on horseback can comfortab'y ride and it was the: rondezvous and hiding place for .the plunder and com panions of Vasquez and other noted brigands. It is only recently that au tomobile drivers have dared to under take this trip.* as the grades are ex tremely sharp and the roads narrow and treacherous. Bis Mileage in AVlnton Car Del Monte as a motoring 1 rendezvous continues to hold Its own. for since, the opening . of the lodge .at Pebble beach the scenic boulevard has an added charm, and tne good roads and the delightful cli mate of this -section of the country prove irresistibly attractive to automo bilists near and far. The cars arrive thick and fast and it is interesting to note the different makes of machines— all sorts and conditions of 'machines which arrive even in a single day. Fol lowing is a list of last Sunday's ar rivals: E. -S. Hicks, Winton Six; R McAubern. Cadillac; W. O. Steams Stevens-Duryea; O. N. . Owens.' Loco mobile: L. :W. Lasell. Cadillac; A S King,.E. M. F. \u25ba -< Motorists Go* to Del Monte Manager" Cochrane of the Haynes auto sales company is in. Los Angeles - visiting the south ern branch. • Coch rane went south to .visit the different agencies there and close up for the 1911 cars 'and make arrangements for their arrival. Takes Trip .to South Tony Nichols of the -Weinstock- Nichols company, which lately, ab sorbed the *Moore motor supply com-" pany, has gone Cto , Los Angeles. to re ». L' : •'^ii ss v or s anl2etheßouth ern orancn. .which -his ''.company took Nichols ViKltinjcj Southern Branch AMUSEMENTS V. ; BUSH AND LARKIN STS. 1 OCEAN WATER BATHS Swlmmlns aad Tab r Baths \u25a0" Salt wxtec • direct from I the - ocean . f oi»«i trerr d»y and erenlng. lnclndtoc Bnndays •nd . holidays, from 8 „ a. ; m. . to . 10 p/^m Sp*etatora' gillery tree. • • • ' '-. ,-. Katatorhim ; reacrrvd Ta«cdaj ' aad Friday mornlngi from 9 o'clock, to wtomtor womeri <3Hly.. -\u25a0• y *r,\.,, ' \u25a0 -\u25a0: j.. \u25a0 / .; \u25a0 \u25a0•\u0084\u25a0;• .;.-.•-\u25a0 4 "Filtered I Owtn Water -; PI anse" ".'.'' 00 JCPOKTAHLYi HEATED •SSt^if,?fiF n 'or Wom«a Bathers "; jPOBOELAINi TUBSswlthhpt, cold . salt and f re»h water.- Each < room ; fltUd with hot " and cold salt and fresh shower. '*•\u25a0\u25a0;- > - BRAWCH TTTB • BATHS," Sl5l *GEASY ET •\u25a0< ;\u25a0>. X>} MEA& DEVIBA3)iaO. ?^~ ' ' over when they bought out, the Moore motor supply company. ' - . \u25a0• - J. V. Lynch of the Speedwell motor car company is on his way back from - the , factory after thoroughly looKin-5 over the 1911 cars. .. He ••\u25a0 will arrive next Thursday. In writing f ro.m . the factory Lynch says that the San Francisco agency sold more Speedwells than any of the other agencies. Excels In Sale ' . of Speedwells . Fred "Wagner, who started across the continent •in % his "Auburn' touring car - 'X with his family to visit the east and also to boom the 1915 world's fair for San Francisco, has made the factory in fine shape. After a short stay there he proceeds to Canada for a visit to ~?riends. , He will return to the factory : and then proceed back to the coast: Wasner Reaches I Auburn Factory | - 3 — : .\u25a0*\u25a0-.. — " Small farmers are encouraged -in Egypt by government loans, for which 9 per. cent is charged and collected by the tax gatherers. business manager 1 . Are you managing that home as your husband manages his buriness ? If not, you are missing something of success— ease — satisfaction. Your husband has trade journals, financial newspapers,* law reports to heiphim in his business, according to what his business is. • Jiist.,as your husband buys and studies the best publications he can find on his work so you should buy and study the best publication you can find on yours. y That publication is the WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION. contains sixty-two features which are sixty-two i-easons why even- woman |||||||| , - needs it: Nine of them are stories for your entertainment ; seven of them are articles for your instruction, and forty-six'of ,thera are specific depart- .. •-:: Slip ments X° help you in. your work — the business management of your home. Asthe men say: "Business is business." "Do it now/ WOMAN'S HOM E KINARD ESCAPES TERM IN PRISON Court of Appeal Reverses Sen tence Imposed Upon Oak land Attorney •Upon -the technicality that no com plaint was made, until five months after the l^ statute of limitations became effective, C.-E.JKlnard. an Oakland at torney, has escaped a 10 year. sentence in San 'Quentin. - Kinard was accused by "Mrs. Louise Lamprell of embez zling $225 . which she entrusted to .his care. ln October, 1906, just before she went'; Australia. Upon her. return frequent efforts were made .to get the money back, was not until March. 1910, that charges > were 'brought. 'Kinard had' the case' thrown out of the -police courts several times, but he was finally held to answer and was convicted* by a jury In- Judge Ogden's court in Oakland. He was 'given a 10 year sentence. The state court of ap peal yesterday reversed- the decision. •Shortly after the fire In 1906, Kinard was also accused of embezzlement by Joseph Paudler, an aged sculptor, who had gained a reputation" for his work at the. national capita*!. ; The golden jubilee of Paudler's : wedding fell on April; 18, 1906. the day, of the catas trophe. \u25a0 The refugees learning -of the tragedy took • up a collection, , which Paudler placed in Klnard's hands. This wassail' the old, man possessed, and in 1907,; after his wife had died, he, swore out a warrant for Klnard's arrest. BURGLARS BREAK INTO TAILOR SHOP FOR HAUL Carry Away Bolts of Cloth and Suits : Burglars broke into the tailor" shop of M. Marks,' 1705 Polk street. "Wednesday night and carried away holts of cloths and suits of the value of $309, and broke open a showcase in front of A. B. '"Watson's store, 34 Third street, and stole eight cheap .watches, four dozen gold stickpins and an alarm clock. James A. Frazler, "Willows. Glenn county, met two men at the ferry on his arrival -Wednesday night and after having several drinks with them they took him to Fifth and Stevenson streets and robbed him of $50. Michael Merkle, 323 Montcalm street, was re lieved of. a purse and $64.50 on a Fol som, street car Wednesday night.. A young man called at the grocery of Anthony Gatchulis, 300 Virginia avenue, \u25a0 Wednesday afternoon, and ordered 25 cents" worth of potatoes sent to 225 Wlnfleld avenue. Catchulls went, there with the potatoes, -which the occupants had not ordered, and when he returned to the store the cash register had been ' rifled of Its con tents, $47. " \u25a0\u25a0-, \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0<>\u25a0' RADKE & CO. *010 1 Q P rt « f Sfrrr-f 4& I*7 rOSI wuccL . Sale ' oiF solid Silverware and Cut Crystal for weddings and Christmas season. % - Ex- traordinary values are shown* Mail orders promptly executed ' '- V . \u25a0 ' - \u25a0 \u25a0 + ' ' * " *_\u25a0':_' *• * Guess What It Is \u25a0 \u25a0 ' i \u25a0 i. - Busted Many a man goes broke — in Health —then wealth. Blames his. mmd — says it don't work right; but all the time it's its bowels. They don't work —liver dead and the whole system gets clogged with poison. Nothing kills good, clean-cut brain action like con- stipation. CASCARETS will relieve and cure. Try it now. ug CASCARETS 10c a box fora week's treatment. Alldrugsrists. Biggest seller la the world. MflUoa boxes a month. \u25a0 B^ Call wToday With yonr ads for Snadsjt CaSL 7