Newspaper Page Text
[COMMERCIAL NEWS [ bUte. C2.3ft£C3: j-ray peoso. $36/4; hare, f1.75@ -; cottoniail rabbit?. $2.50@2.75. Bean* stud Seed* The hean market lias not yet got dotra to a t=;£ble basis and fluctuations are almost of daily wmirrenoe. The quotations below represent ar rr ' ™ * from ll) e country bef<*re being recleaned. Benns (per ctU— Ba.vos, $4.5004.75: small vh te. M.7.-.&3.R5; large white. 13.5063.7 ft: T'.nk. 94.90«|5; red, $5@5.10: blackeye. J5©5.25; lima. 54.C5@4.b5: red kWneyis. faQKJB&i eran f«>rry beans, *4.256i4.«5; crarvanzas, $2.50fi3.25; lorse beans. J1.25&2.25. J — Brown miiKtard, 4 1 -ir: yellow mustard, ' LJi Caxseed. s«jsUc: canary, &\bfE}%ti «1 f»'ft, 14*5 15 c; rape, ]<§.2^c; timwihy, 7«^c; opmp. 3<g3Vic: millet, 22 s«c5 «c per lb. Dried Peas— Gretn. $3 per ctl. I'lour and FarlnaceouM Goods Flour — California family extras. $5.n0@6 net without discount; bakers' extras. $s.fiO@6; supor f*.ne, $4.400.4.70; Oregon and Washington. p<-r hb\. $;i<ss.a) for family, bakers' and patents and ?4.0.i(?v4.30 for cutoff; Kanxas patents, $6.70; <ir> straights. $G. 50; Dakota patents. $7.40; do etraights. $7.20: do clear. JO.OO per bhl. F«riDii{ > *'ous CtKids— liu< kwbeat flour. $4.20; buckwheat- flour. *olf-raisii*?. $.*i: buckwheat proßts, $S: corn meal, joUow $3. white $3, extra cream yeiW ?5.2."i. extra cream white $tt.25: «'<>rn flour. $:5; rrscked wheat. $3..10; entire wheat fl'-mr. farina. $3.W; graham flour. $8; bominr. l«rge $". onull $S. granulated $3: oat roeal. $4.25: do groats. $4.25: pp«rl barley, $4.20: rU-e flour. £0: tolled oats. $4.25; rolled wheat. Sn.Srt; rye, $3.25: rye nval. $3.10; *pllt jv-as, vpJlow $<1. gr<H>n $6..V>: extra cream rolled ni's, 1IM) lb» $7.50. 2 90 lb sacks $7; rolled flakes, iy*. lb barrel* $5.7.1: 2 jw> lb sa'-k!« $.*».2.>: rolled 150 lb barrels $4.75: 2 75 la sacks $4.25. Hay nn,l KeedMuff. Receipts of hay fell off cnnsWeralily yesterday, rt^ing only 273 fins, including 10 rnrs. Tlie mar ket show's no change whatever. Fecdfctuffs also erand the smnp. Bran — $2u<7i3l |tor ton. Midfllings— *:m,i.{o per ton. Shorts— s:?o(<i 32 per ton. Feertstuffti— Rollej barley. $226x2-'?: rolled oats for fre<l. $2a(ft.",l: ii)ive<l foed. $2T.<tf26 for aver nco lots: linked rilcnko meal. 20 tons $40. 10 tons $*O.M). 0 tons $4L smaller V.ts ML6Oj roo,>anur oake or nioal at mills. J25..V) In 20 aDd ]<) anj f«rt in 5 ton lots: .lobbing. $20.50: oorn lii^al. $:;«(i| ."7 : crocked '•nrn. |38^37; alfalfa meal, cnrload lets $17. jobbing $18; red star al falfa mral. $17 in rarloti and $1K jolilMng: Mo *\»±\f\ !ilf«]fa mral. $1(»..V1 in oar lots au>l $1 «.••"• Sobbing: Stockton mfalfalfa. $17 in car lots and fIS i'aproro oilcake in»al. $10.50 per ton: calfalfa, ?i» In car lots and ?2<i jobbing. Hay— ordinary wheat. $»iai2.rrf): «-hoi«-o. *1"f? I«: whesT and out. $9613.'nn; tame oat. $!»« 32..V>: voluntoor wild oat. $7fii!>; alfalfa, $7@13; *-:>vk liar, por ton. - * \u25a0 — S.'.'OUOc per bale. Hideo, Tallow, AVool ami Ho|»« I-oi-sl liocse> repr.rt tlie hide market .lull and *eak. w ith pleuty of stork liere. *Wool continues Vtv dull, and hops are *t:Il tjuiet Bnd without ffHllJlO. ni.!fg_rulls and brands b<ll about UQlc un tlrr qiiotn'ious: lipstv salted > erp. lftii.*-: light tiiffl^nii. light. f»f>: «v»whide*. fir: stagf. If. »a!te>l kip. "l<v: sjiltf^l veal. X,« 2 <«: salted calf. jr.'-*: «lry lii.ips. ISc: dry salt liides. 12r-; drr kin. 17<-: dry r-alf. 220; sheopsklns. shearlings. BStf-lOe rxrii: short wool. WiiTOr; nr'dinin. 7«»<5. •NY: long wool. !»v«isl.2s: laml>s. 2(l«Ssffc-: h>r«>!ii<l<>s. salt. *2.2."»<&."{ for large and $1.50612 f<ir tjiediim. 7-V-(iisl for small and 23<650c for ••\u25a0•its: imrsehuW. «iry. $2<ii2.2.". for large- and Sl. £."'<> 2 f<-. r inodiuni. s<V''tfsl for small and 2".(ff !•<*.• for o.l!<-: ttoatakfaa. prime angoras. 75c(551: birye 111 1 mi •- goats. 50e«0c; medium. 20©$0 c; *ma!l. BCI Ise< T«!!f>w — No. 1 rondr-rpil. 5->j@6*ic; No. 2. 461. T"-: crease. 2'?/2 1 -'". Wool — Spring clip. San -Toaquin. year's staple. IXSlle: «10. fc months. 7fcrllo: mvtheni. Sonoma jm<l Mf-nd >.-mo. l*.r.i •*(><\u25a0\u25a0,' Humboldt. 2«c asked, l^rTafia. l3@lQe per 11. Fall c!b>— Mnumaiti free. i)<ri Hr: nortlipni and vallor. 7r,jittc: San Toaqnta fall lamhs. 7^loc; (<> JteTeetlne ani h^avy. T,<a?c |<*>r Ih. llnps— Califoraia. ijmw crop, nominal: Oregon. \u25a0omwal; crop of iniu. l2'-raic>-c i»er lb. General Mereli'sadUe r.cgs-Wraiii bsgs. &H(g-S96c: S«n Quentin t>«c^. \u25a0• i i' m : «•< .1] tuts*. 27>»c for :s'..jlh and 23!ic 4 1b: flpe«f twine. 7>i<' per lb. * Yml — IViinsiivania antlirafite egg. $10 per tn'r; WoUingt^n. $:•: N>»- Wellington, SJ»; Coos bar. $7: Auosrsliaii house— Richmond, etc.: $9;. IVJaw Main. *!'; Stanfor.l Ricliraond, $3; Cum berland. $15 En lu:1k smd ?> in sack?: Welsh \u25a0nthrmdte. $15; t-<»kp. $1(5 i>er ton in bulk and fl7 la ssokK. oil — yuofaiinr!'; are for barrels. Linseed, l^tirr fit $1. 11 per gallon fur lioilod $1.03 for raw. «-»ses r,.- more: ca^tnr oil iv rases. No. 1. 71c: Ilakors AA. $I.l7fii 1.1»: China nut. t-ssps. •i<t'.7 77 r i» > pp- jralloii: «w>oamit oil. in bar t*>ls. StiUjs.iiio ft>r "XXX. Ti I .*^ Sic for No, 1 •ml 7."»6iTß'««* for No. 2. sr-rording to quantity! rxtr« bleached winter sperm oil. W*c: natural winter sj>eriu nl% 8<lr: whale oil, »V«r: pwr^ lar<! oil. ?1: winter strained lurd oil, f«V: pare neatyfO'it oiL GSe; No. 1 neat*-f<y>t oil. 65<*; tiTTing -oil. We: calcion oil. ~Jk-; boiled flsU oil, y«-: paint oil. 4-V. Oai OIL <;«»oliiif. rtc. — Waior wlilte. Iron barrels or dnnas, Be: 150 degree oil, iron barrels or drums, lo'.r; special do. lie: pearl oil. in T*w>ti. 16e: Mtfal. !•>: "tar, 3««-: estra star. 19e: riaine. i;<>>»e; <-H>eene. 19e: red crown and motor fißsolitie. In* bulk 17e. lv oases 24c: engine distil ate. in drums 7*-e. eaees 7r more: 86 degree . pasoUne, :n bulk ."'"e, in oase<» 37>ir: Tnrnlfh iiaCprs' and jiainters' napiitba, in bulk 15c, In rases 22W-. Turpentine — Ix>w-er nt ft^e f^r gallon in cases and !'lo in bulk, drums mid iron barrels. Kosln — E. Stt.4o; F, y>.i'<: *l. $9..V>: n. $9..".; I. tA-OO: K. *tt-7.".: M. ?10: N. f 10.35; WG. tinjSO: W\V. $10.'.i"> per barrel of 2S<) lb*. Red and White Lead— Red, S',2@»c; white, 7*i jik^o per lb. Canoed Fruits — The California canners* aesocl ttion quotes UilO pack as follows: 5! V. V. V. n O gp ftp m? . VARIETY |" U IS U \u25a0 :' " I I limles 12.0051.Wj1. 4011.25 Aprloot* 2.25 I. CO 1.30 1.20 Peeled 2.7511.85 1.50 1-25 SMe*d 2. 75H. 85 1, 50 Blackberries ...51.70i1.50 .... Ci<errieii— ". . I I Royal Anne !2.00|1.75|1.35 Grapes 2.00|1.40il.lO;1.00 Pears, Bartlett J2.60 2 .00f1 . 50U .53 P.gspberries :.... 2.55 ( 2.30 2.05 Strawberries t |2. 5512.30 2.05 Canned Asparagus — The California packers' as i:or!atton quotes prices for the 1910 pack as fol lows: Green, peeled. N0.2f4. $3: creen. No. 2'i. $2.25; ereen. No. 2^b. 52.J5: medium .white. No. 2^. I2.:r>; ereen. No. 2\A. $2.«5: ' small * hite. No. 2 1 < ! . ?2.2."«: white tlpp. medium. No. '\u25a0 3. ?2.4.">; ynißll. No. 1, f2.S<»; green tipc. me dium. No. 1. £2; small. No. I; ' Si.Bs: fajup tipf. fund rpn. No. 2. $1.40; *.oup tips, round can, X... «. $3.23. Canned I'eas — The California packers' associ ation quotes the following - prices for canned pi-«>. p»ck of 1910: Petit pols. $1.00; extra fine sifted. Sl.T>: estra sifted. *L 10; «lfted. 51; Standard. 85c. Canned Tomatof»<«. 1910 pack — Standard. No. 25.-?.2 s .-?. 750;.K0. 3. 80c; No. K. $2.10. Coffe<' — Costa Rlea. loC^M'-ic: Salvador. SV^Q lie: Nicnragua. 11 * 4 <§:l* l -.e: Guatemala-Mexican,, \u25a0 ll U*i 14«,»-: HawaiiEU. 11<515c: Ecuador. H*;c." Cordage — Maulla. Mr; Sisal, 7V_>c; »isal bale roj>e. BV4fftßVjc per lb; Manila bale rope, Sc per ' il». net cash, "no discount. Salt — Bales, common. 51. 50; granulated, $2; dairy, common. $10.50 for 50s and $13.50 for granulated; half ground, per ton. $7.50<g8 for lOfcs: rock salt. $7<&7.50; imitation LlvcrpooL H. 2.50 per ton. Quicksilver — $4-i<ct4s per flask for export and |4«(&.»7.5<i for locsl u#». • . Par-ifle Codfipli — The l.'nion fich eompanv quotes .«s foDowti: Bundles, small, whole, 50 lb bales, «*4c; cases, regular. Urge, whole, l(i0 lb boxes, *0; cases, extra, 100 lb boxe«. (6.50; cc«*s, t-astern ftyle. $7; Anchor brand. 7>^c: narrow F«ug*, B>{(c: Silver Klog, Stye: Golden State, 8c; White Seal, middles. llftllVic; geabricht 1 blocks. Stye; oriental Works, fee; Crown brand. \tsblet*. 9c: Pearl tablets 9Wc: 5 lb boxes fancy >onele»s. lOe: 2 lb boxes fancy boneless, lie"; iH\t bbls pickled cod, $5.75 each. The Alaska codfish companjr quotes a* follows: Bundles, small whole. 4 %c; cflses. regular, large, whole. <>i£r: cases, extra, 6^o; cases, eastern t-t.rle. 7r; Friggfe. 7V.c: narrow Paragon, ftr: Monarch. S?;c; Western Pride. Sc: Imperial, 11 «<ill%c: Ocean W»r<». S"4c: Siberia. t>ci *<ta.r, 2 lb tablets, gsje; Pacific Belle. 1 lb tablets, »?; Cboic-e Bits, crate-. 12 5 lb bos»*. lOo; do B0 £ lb bore*, lie; pickled cod. half bfcls. $5.50 •»eh. RFJ'INHD SUGAR MARKET Tlie W extern sugur refining company quotes as follows, term* ii«t cash: Standard fine granu lated. s.Hic: etanriard course granulated. 5-lOc; rrult granulated. 5.10 c: cut loaf. In barrels only. ~.10c; H. 6c K. crystal dotnlnos. .% lb cartons in cases. K.lftc; do in 2 lb .-nrtons In cane*. N.OOc: fuonarcU bar. 5.45 c: taldet«, iv half l*Lrreli>< r P.fiOc; do in 2.*. lb tioxes. 5.55e; cubes and a! rrushed. 5.35 c; monarcli powdered. 5.20 c; XXXX twrdered. 5.2f»c: candy granulated. 5.20 c; confec tioners' A. 5.10 c; confectioners' cr.vKtalx, s.2rtc; rxtta One granulated. 4.90 c; magnolia A, 4 70c rxtfa C 4.COc; golden C. 4.50 c; I), 4.40 c. BRrrels and 50 lb bags !oc. half barrels 25c. -boxes ,V>c more per 10<) lbs than for bag* of 100 lbs net. in .15 and 40 lb tins $1.70 more, in 8 and 10 lb tins $2.35 m«*re per 100 lbs tkan price for this -r«ilc In 100 lb bagc. The California mul Hawaii M:gar refining com pany quotes as follow*: Granulated baeis. 5.10 c* ••Hlgrade" bar. 5.45 c; powdered. 5.20c< A rrushed. .""..25c: berry. 5.10 c: C. & Hi «-xtra fine granulatod. 5.10 c; <-oarse dry granulated. 5.10 c; r<infeotion»rs* A. 3.10 c: confectioners' crystals' 5.2<V: <mbeK. 5.:i5c: bricks, half barrels. ."5.00c; !>rirk». In JtO lb boxes. 5.85 c; extra fine dry gran alated i! 0») lb bags only*. 4.»0e: excelsior A, ».70c; extra C. 4.60 c; golden C. 4.WV; yellow I), *.40c; cut loaf, in barrels only. 7.10 c; H. & E. trrstal domlnos, 5 lb cartons in rate*. 8.10 c; do 2 lb cartons in <*»«»*, 8.60 c. Additional per 100 lbs: In barrel 8 and IV) lb bags, lOe more; half . barrels. 25c more: boxes, 50c more for all grade*. I Bar in 35 end 40 lb tins. $1.70 more; in 10 lb fe. tins, $2.55 more. Minimum order, carload weight.. TVe»v York Produce a/ NEW VOIIK. Oct. 1?. — Hops— Firm. ™ Hides— Steady. I Petroleum— hleady. Wool— Quiet. , Svgar — K«<r, nominal: Muscovado, 89 testi 3.40 c: ccntrifngal. 9<> test. 3.90 c;: molasses sugar, ? 9 te»t..3.isc; refined, quiet. . - . - Coffee — Closed- Meady. net 5 points higher to 5 points -lover. Salee. 53.250. bags. , October, No- Wabv £&d December, 8.55 c; January- and Fcb- . ruary. S.6oe: March. R.fijc; April. 8.62 c: May and June. 8.64 c: July. B.<Kc; August and Scptem i>er, 8.69 c. Spot, steady; Ulo Nf>. ". 10% c; Sintos No. 4,- HV4@lL«ic; nilld. quiet; Cordova, Butter — Steady, unchanged. Cheese — Easy; state, whole milk, special. 15>4 <§16-"He: <1o average, fancy, small colored, l.">c; do Mnall, white, 14?4c; do large colored. 15c; do large white. 14*4 c: do choice,- 14Vi<S 14V4c: do good t* prime. I3?i<gl4c; do common to fair, 10»il3%c; skims. 2<&l2sic. ".. . . Eggs — Quiet, unchanged. DRIED FRUITS Evaporated Apples — Moderately active In a Job bing, way and prices are steady.. On the «nf>t,' fancy, are -quoted at 10c; choice. S*i@9toc; prira^. fc'io; common to fair, 6Vs@7^c. \u25a0 Pruues— Quiet but prices steady on the small stocks, quotations ranging from 5c to 10c for Californlas up to 30-40s and 7&c to 9&c for Ore T gous from 60-30s. \u25a0 .• . \u25a0 . . . Apricots — Quiet and steady ;.cholcp. Il?i@l2c; extra choice. 12U,(& 13c: fancy, 13ij@14<'. Peaches — Inactive but stocks are light and prices are steady. Choice, 7<§J»Ae; extra choice, fe^SVsc: fancy. S'.idlflki. • Raisins — Quiet but. firm. ' Loose muscatels quot ed nt oiififfio for 2 and 3 crown; choice to fancy »eode«i. t>J4<gßc; seedless, s@Gc; London layers, $1.20<&1.35. rhleagn Dairy Produce 3larket CHICAGO. Oct. 18.— Butter steady; cream eries. 24(»2!*>; dairies. 23<g27c. Eggs steady; receipts. 0.5-J9 cases: at mark, cases included, 1% 1 /j<a2lUc: firsts. 24c: prime firsts. 26c. Cheese steady; daisies. 15»5<Ji.1534c: twins. 14%<g15c; Young Americas, lB»ic; longhorns, 16',ic I. ok Aiißolon I'rodnre >Inrkct [Spec/a/ Dispatch to The Call] LOS ANGELES. Oct. 18. — The cxpectM ad vance in the |>rioe of eggs was made today on the produce exchange. Ranch candled stock is quoted nt 4G<\ The prices will remain high throughout tlie winter, It is believed. Butter and cheese were firm. Potatoes continued weak. Produce receipts were: Eggs, 101 cases; but ter. 6<>,7ns pounds; cheese. I«,4SG. pounds toes, 2.055 Kacks: onions, 020 sacks; sweet pota toes. 10 sacks; apples, 11.5KS boxes. Uuttrr (per lb) — Creamery, extra, S->; firsts, 32c: ladle butter,. 2sc: cooking Itutter, 25c.. Eggs <pef doien) — Local ranch, candled, firsts. 4(>c: case counts, 42c; eastern fresh, 35c; storage extra*. 32c; storage seconds; 27c. Beans (per ctl)— No. 1 pink, jf 8.25® 6.50; No. 1 limas. |5; No. 1 Lady Washington, $4.50: Xo. 1 small whites. 54.50: No. 1 blackeyes. *».. r .O; No. 1 garvanzas, $4.50; No. 1 California len tils. ?7. • • Potatoes (per cU)— Highland, $1.10<51.05; Sa linas. $1.75. Sweet Potatoes (per ctl)— Yellow. $1.50fg1.75. Kastern I.lvCKtbck 3larkct CHI»AGO CHICAGO. Oct. IS. — Cattle^-Rerelptp. esti mated at 7,000 head; market steady. Beeves, $4.G.i<g7.90r Texas steers. J3.40fri5.70: western steers, ?4.15<§6.80: stockers and feeders. $4.25^ 5.»i0: cows and heifers, ?2.25(ii0.40; calves, 5"-23 g9.50. , Hogs — Receipt!!, -estimated at 13.000 head; market SQlOc up. Llglit. $8.55«5i0.50; mixed. 5*.40@9.40; heavy. $S. 15^9. 15; rough. $8.15(31 5.40: good to choice heavy. $5.40@».15; pigs, IS.noao.10: bulk of saW. $>1.45<j?9. Sheep — Receipts, estimate*! at 45.000 head; market steady. Native. $2.50trJ4."0: western, $2.75<5j4.4.i; yearlings. $4«&O@S.4C: lambs, native f4.50fiJ7.10, westorn $4.750 6.WJ. KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY. Oct. 18.— Cattle— Receipts. 13.000 head; market quiet. Native steers. $o(?i> 7.75; native cows and heifers. $2."r><a6.23: stork ers and feeders. $3.25®5.C0; bulls. $3<g.4.25; calve*. $4<jlS: western steers, $3.50@6.50; west ern cows. $2.75f? 5. Hogs — Re<»eiptJ=. 5.500 head; market 10(ffl5r highfr. Bulk of s»le!», $S.SO«a0.10: heavy, $5.70 «i 8.35: packers and butchers, ?5.50@9.15; light, Sheep — Receipts. 12.000 head: market pteadr. Muttons, $3.00(34.50; lambs. ?5.50ftf6.75; fed wethers and yearlings, $4^5.25; fed western fwep, $3.TK)@4. SOUTH 01IAUA SOITII OMAHA. Oct. 18.— Cattle— Receipts. 7.ofHi b>ad: market steafly. Native steers, $4.25 6i'7.50; cows and belfers, $30i*.50; western steors. ?." > ..7."»«iG.25; range cows, $>^£4.Gs: can uprs. $2.75«f ."5.50; stookers and f»?ederi«. $3(3-5.65; calves, f9(Ssfg7; bulls, stags, etc., $3(5;4.75. Hops— Receipts. 3.<?00 head: market 10c high er. Heavy. ?5.Q06iK.70: mixed. $8.7508.80; light. fS.!>r.®9.os: bulk of sales. $5.60ftz5. 75." • Sheep-^Keceipts. 51.000 hoad; market steady. Yearlings. $4.50<g5.25; wethers. $a.40@4.25; ewes^lS^jQ^.Co; lambs, $6.15@C75. Portland Livestock Market PORTLAND. Oct. is.— Cattle — Receipts. 800 head: market steady. Beef steers, good to choice, $j<szs.sO; beef cteen?, fair to medium, $4.50Q5; choice spayed bejfers, $4.50tf14.75; good to choice beef c«wf>. $4.25^r4.50; medium to good beef cowi!. $3.50ft;4; common beef cows, ?2<; bulls. $3.50&4; stags, good to choice. $4<§.4.50; calves. light $6.7507.10, heavy $3.75@5. Hogs — Receipts. 100 head: market weak. Top, $9.R5; fair to medium. $9.W)ian.7r>. Sheep — Receipts, none: market firm. Best val ley wethers. $3.20iQ3'.50: fair to good wethers, $3fi?3.23: best medium wether*. $4@4.25; best valley eyres. $303.50: lambs, choice medium $5 choice valley $4. 75<Jj5. 3IISCKLLA>EOtJS MARKETS Cotton Market NEW YORK. Oct. I?.— E. V. Hutton & Co.'s wire sayss: "The market ranged . lower. Hav ing worked the frost scare to a fraizie. the trade Is attempting to substitute ttorm peril, but as the market ha* been bulled and bought to the limit there is small chance of anything more than a temporary rally, unless it is con clusively shown tliat damage has actually oc curred. • . -x "Tlie date for an early killing frost has passed already and there Is no indication for a killing frost for the northern portions of the belt arriving by the arerago date of October 20. Up to this time last year two cold waves had been experienced, frost having formed In the northern part of the western belt at the close of September and on the 13th of October. One year ago frost and freezing weather occurred throughout the central, northwestern and north eastern jwrtlons of the belt, which put an end to. all hope for a top crop. The Mississippi valley last year was swept by one of the worst hurricanes ever experienced in that section. Nevertheless, there are some who . still prof ess to believe that this crop Is as Fmall or smaller than last year's very light yield, notwithstand ing the fact that the first fruit of the season is larger thifn one year ago. as indicated by comparatively better crop reports, heavy weight of bale*, higher condition averages, an Increase of nearly a million 'acres lln acreage, no frost w> far. no inland storms and the most perfect open fall imaginable." . Spot closed quiet. 35 points dec3ine. Middling uplands, 14.45 c; do gulf, 14.70 c. Sales, 13,000 bales. • • • COTTON FUTURES ' January ...14.50 14.52 14^27 14.30 14.50 13.77 Option— Open High Low Bid Oct. 17 ago February 14.37 14.57,13.79 March 14.57 14.64 14.41 14,41 14.61,13.85 April 14.47 13. 53 May 14. 60 14.71 14.48 14.50 14.70 13.RS June 14.48 J4.SS 13.R2 July ..14.66 14.71 14.46 14.50 14.70 13.80 Auguet ..... .13. 4« September 12.. "8 October ...14.44 14.T.4 14.25 14. 50 14. 4R 13. «R November .14.20 14.30 14.17 14.10 14. 40-13.68 December .14.45 14. 4R 14.24 14.2714.44 13.72 NEW ORLEANS, Oct. IS.— Spot, middling, 14«ic Bonton Wool . 3larkct BOSTON. Oct. JR.— Large sales of well praded Montana, moptl.r half blood, have done much to revive th» Boston wool market, and with values holding firm local dealers regard the situation as more hopeful. Sales of territory, also extended to Wyoming In original bag?, while the trade Is fur ther stimulated by inquiry along other lines. The demand for fleece wools, however, io somewhat «julet, although some flue unwashed Ohio delaine has been sold at fair price*. . .; Palled wool moves slowly, but there is much interest in the foreign product. Scoured basis: Texss," fine. 12 months. .57^ fiOc; fine, <5 to S months, 52@5T>c; fine, fall, — ® hOr. 1 . — California, northern. r»7@6Or: middle county.. 52«3 54<": southern, 4S'gsOe; fall free. 45(547c. Oregon.- eastern No. 1 staple. 61 <^«>4c: eastern clothing; 56@57c: valley. No. 1. -54@55c, Terrltory.- fine- staple. R4@C-V!: fine - medium staple. 59@60c: fine clothing. 57<g5Sc: fine me dium ' clothing? Jw@sCc; half blood combing, 00i3 62c; \u25a0 three-eighths^blood combing, 56@3Sc;. quar ter blood combing. 52<§;54c. .- Pulled extra, 65c; fine A, 05©57 c; A supers, 02<gS:}e. "" v - - .- : .r : V . St. Loulii Wool Market ST. LOCIS. Oct. IS.— Market qniet. -tMedinm prades. combine and ciothlnjr. 23rd.24c; Hitlit fine. Ifl«f2le;' heavy -flne. '15@17c; tub washed, 25 «gS2c. -. r;;^^-^, 3\>%v York Metal 3Tarkct \u25a0 ' YEW YOIIK. Oct. 15. — Standard copper steady; spot. 12.42 V&! 12.62% c: October, 12.42^@12.55c; NovembiT. i2.45612.."wc: December. »• 12.45@ 12 GOc; Jannary, 12.50@12.f55c. The Ix>ndon mar ket was easy, with spot quoted at £57 7s Cd and futures at 158 ss. Local dealers report a con tinued firm market, with lake quoted, at 12.87 V4 (<il3c; electrolytic, 12.75@12.87Uc; caKting, 12.3"V {>( 912-62i4r. Arrivals reported . at ' New York *t«>day,- 470 tons. Custom house - returns show exports of 14,203 tons so far this, month. Tin firm: spot, 36.60«a37e: October. -.-;. 3C.30® 36. 40 c: v, November. -, 33 : w)@ 35 . 1 oc ; \u25a0 .-: December. 33.23@ 35.40c: January. 35.03ft35.25c.> Sales, .-5 tons, of October' at 36.55 c; 25 tons November. port of New Y0rk.' 35.6.V; 25 tons same: 35.70 c; 25 tons same, 35.75 c: 25-tons,' 35.80 c.' The'lyon don market was strong, with. spot quoted at £165 10s and futures at £161 10s. - , :'. r Ix>ad was quiet at 4.40(§4.45c New York and 4.25@4.30c East St, Louis. \u25a0} London 'was quoted at £13 Bs9d.- . V ; : Spelter was : stPady at 5.50<55.60e-New .York find 'i.AOfa s.4sc Ksst St. Louisi In London spot was quoted at £24 2s 6d. • . " * -.--.'\u25a0• - Iron — Cleveland warrants, 49 7^d in ' London. tibcally iron was quiet ;» No. 1 foundry northern. No.- 1 foundry southern and No. 1 southern soft, 1 $15.755 i 16.25; No. 2 foundry northern,* f 15.50® 16. \u0084 V-. ..;\u25a0'\u25a0-'-. '\ i "- : ;.*''"'".-:v. •\u25a0\u25a0".-•'«-!"'\u25a0\u25a0• ; >'aval Store*—-^Turpentine and Hnnln SAVANNAICGa.. Oct.lß.— Turpentinfe firm at 75c: sales-. 300; reecipts, 185; shipmeiitsV 2,333; stock. 60.245. \u25a0-;"-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •' . \u25a0'. -. ."' --;" - '-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . Bonln firm: sales, 2.182: receipts, 1.79*>: ship ments,- 2.339; stock, flfi.'MS.' Quote:- 8.' 55.05;-D, : $C.05: E; $6.20: F. $0.35: <i. $«.3O: II." $0.42>4 ; I. $0.45: K. *«.47«5; M,»O.. r .O«N, $O.S2VS;^WG/ |6.W; WW,' * r - l> s^^^^^^^^fe^ THE SAX FEANCISCO >CAL£, \u25a0 WEDKESJ )AY, OCTOBER^ M 1910. LINERS MAKE FAST HONOLULU RUN In 'Friendly Maneuvering for a ' Lead Wilhelraioa. Almost Sneaks Past Sierra HE Mats'on-' naviga- tion co nip an y's li ncr Wilhelmina, Cap t a In/ Pete r Johnson, ' made, -a record - run from H on 01 v 1 v. The liner was driven at full speed all the way ' from ' r the island : port -and mado such good progress "that it almost caught nap ping and over hauled the fast liner Sierra of . the Oceanic line, which left Honolulu the same day. The Si- erra, and the Wil helmina arrived early yesterday morn ing. The Sierra's official time for the run was. 5 days 10 hours and 26 min utes. The "Wilhelmina's was 5 days 11 hours and 26 minutes. Before the ships ;left Honolulu one of the Wilhelmina's officers announced on shore that the \Vilhelmina\ was'go ing to give the Sierra a big surprise. As the Wilhelmina's agents had ap plied for the privilege of carrying the United States mail Captain Houdlette of the Sierra concluded that an effort was going 1 to be made to have the Mat son liner in poi-t ahead of the: Sierra.. The mail, however, was ""placed aboard the .Sierra. The liners left Ho nolulu together and were in- sight of each other most of the way. The Wil helminu never got near enough for its passengers to hear the Sierra's band, but. from the bridge of the Sierra .the Willielmina's smoke coulii be seen astern. Then the Wilhelmina : began sending out wireless messages^giving its position hs many miles "behind. With the smoke contradicting the aerograms Captain Houdlette conclud ed that Captain Peter Johnson was trying to pull wool over his eyes. On Sunday evening the" Sierra -was steam ing along at an «;asy gait, when smoke was discerned astern, a little to the eastward. Captain Iloudlette'conclud ed that it was the WiUiolmina, but did not get interested until dark, when a light appeared where tho smoke had been seen. Thi< meant that the Wil helmina was crwping up on the Si erra with the idea, presumably, of going past in the night. There followed a consultation' be tween Captain* Houdlette and . Chief Engineer Sam Church, the outcome of which was that the light soon disap peared. For the next' 22 hours the' Sierra logged 17.2 -knots an hour, and made 405 nautical miles. - * . Off this port the Sierra encountered heavy fog and Captain Houdlette, after passing the lightship, slowed down and spent an hour or so taking sound ings and hunting for a pilot. By the time. the fog lifted the Wilhelmina had come- up and the Sierra led the way to the anchorage off the barge office. The Sierra docked • about half an hour ahead of the Wilhelmina.' There v was great excitement on the Wil helmina'and might have been on the Sierra if those on board had known a little sooner about the race. For the first time in its career the Sierra's cargo included no sugar. The liner brought 65 passengers and about 1,600 tons of freight. The cargo in cluded 20,771 cases of canned pines and 3.958 bunches, of bananas. The Sierra's passengers included: ; C. Bachman J. J. Klrkpatrlck Mrs. OacUman Mre. Kirkpatrick O. W. Burnett 11. A. Lee v.v \u25a0- Mrs. Burnett » " W. S. Lysle v W. T. Brigliam Mrs. Lysle \u25a0::•\u25a0•' F. B. Blair .W. W. Mackey , Mrs. Blair H.T. Moore ;, \u25a0 ; W. .T. Cully A..8. Parsell - A. Gartenberc ' H. tf. Scovel * r J. W. Gallagher A. W. Spencer \u25a0 Mrs. M. Oerst J. Scully .-"-., N. E. Gedge L. R. Wallace Mrs. Gertpe Mrs. H. (5. Waterman j W. M. Garden H. L. Waldo . Rev. • T. (tohner Miss X.-B. Winston Mrs. H. L. Hilton Mrs. C. L. Zehrlng A. U. Hobson ' J.. Gallagher Mrs. L. Henrißnes Mr.. McNeil Miss Henrlcues '• Mr. Miller Miss May Jones Miss Miller Miss V. Kellay Mrs. Samuels Miss I. Kelley . Mr. Berlin . . Miss T. Kelley The Wilhelmina's 't, passengers in cluded: • A. O. Alexander Mrs. M. Kntcht \u25a0 Miss : Ida Anderson - Miss X. ! Lord R. E. Balding T. Magee - - Mrs. W. D. Barnard Mrs. C. ,T. Mills R. I. Bentley Mrs. J. G. Moore I>. Y. Campbell R. F. Moseley Mrs. D. Y. Campbell George B. McClellan Mrs. I^onis Dlstell and C. U. Olson child ; Miss M. K. Paty J. Walter Doyle Mrs. G. H. Rlchardsofl Miss Marearet Dunn Mrs. J. B. Roberts ' Mrs. E. Dye - . t Miss P. B. Roberts J. A. Enqulst i George M. Rolpli Mrs. J. A. Enquist • Mrs. Georjre M. Rolph . Miss M. B. Eynon : Mrs. G. m Ross Mrs. C. H. Fairer Dr. W. H. Bchoening Miss A. Franks t. A. Scott O. B. French Miss B. Schott Mrs. O. B. French E. R. Shaw W. H. Friedly Fred Smith Miss Cordelia A. Gil- Mrs. Fred Smith and /nan infant \u25a0 i G. Gracomettl Miss Martha Smith I Miss H. Hobron .. Rudolph Spreckels - C. E. Hoxmau ~ ' Colonel Z. S. Spalding A. S. Holman J. A. Smith N. M. Howe Miss. Grace Storer ' C. J. Hughes .T. J. Sullivan • V L. M. Hughes Mrs. L. J. Warren and G. Hughes child Mrs. G. Hughes Mrs. A. M. Wertz M. Jongeneel Miss A. Wickstrum ;F. Kenypn • Mrs. C. Wolters. . Sierra Searched for Opium Shortly before the | liner Sierra ar rived the last time at- -Honolulu-.- a quantity of opium • was discovered at the island port. Although liners from the orient twuch there -every few. days, the local authorities decided .that the opium had been brought -from San Francisco and that the Sierra was- the vessel on which it had been carried. When the liner arrived it. was board ed by Collector Stackable's • force, re inforced by .the -crew of the .revenue cutter Thetis, and J given a- thorough search. No opium .was. found. ., Every member of the, crew was.then served with a subpena; ordering -him to appear before the grand | jury at a certain hour, on a certain day. ' The time set -was the same in all subpenas. Captain Houdlette protested against having all hands and the- cook out of the ship at the same time, and asked ' to be allowed to send them In two batches, so that half 'the crew could stay by the ship while the other half was before the grand jury. The authorities then decided that the only members of ;the*crew -that need heed the subpenas- were the porter and the baker. . \u25a0:\u25a0-:-. ,\u25a0-.,-."; \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0-.'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084 - Before the ship sailed Captain Houd lette was: told that* he,, must leave the baker, George , Borasky, in Honolulu.- The » captain was willing," but told- the authorities that'' they- would have to send for the man: They- didn't send. The Sierra sailed with; tfoe: grand jury no wiser on the/ opium situation and Uncle Sam' the; poorer, by •„ more- than $100- paid to : the , man who: served' the subpenas at the - rate of % 1 per. ... , .Will Try to Moye_ Damn r a Today - Captain Logan of -'the British under writers, who -is -fin -'charge; of .the at tempt : to; saye -7 the; stranded^ steamer Daraara,:; expects to * make " another try today, toifloatthederelict.- -The pumps were - going | yesterday and .reduced the water, intthe hold at :the rate-of "orie fo«t an 'hour. AIL day the stevedores on board were! 1 earning* $1- an' ---hour throwing .water- soaked barley si over board, and by high - tide today* It -is be lieved, that • the.. shlp^may^ibo - light enough -to -respond -to the 'persuasion of a good, strong .: pull.'. When .the Da mara: does- come off 'there will still be much "work to :\u25a0 do r before 'the freighter goesto.sea again, as the nullis known to' be extensively, damaged. .'" r's -"- Storm Battered ; Schooner Returns - The ; schooner W, Bartlett, .which left here 7 October \B -i fora Puget sound r returned to port'yesterday^ln 'distress The? Bartlett *lost,«itsHmizzenmasthead i n\ a* gale 'encountered'* October, -10 iarid five ? days \u25a0 later.'; ran 1 in to * another - storm which '^wrought* further^ havoQialoft.tAll three'mastsi.were badly, sprung, sand -as the jwind; was .more s favorable : for '.com ing-* home Hhan Continuing X the -voyage to- the f sound," the ; schooner, turned \back and; will": be ., repaired 1 before {going: ' , to sea; again, r. :'- .; :''-: ..;-:. \u25a0';'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0'-')'. ' /"\u25a0- ! -r.-. : ; "Daddj^.! Clark' Pasßcii Away Osnrer "N/ Clark, 1 -' better 'known ;as MOVEMENTS OF VESSELS IN ALL PARTS OF WORLD "Daddy," who died last Saturday fit .the home of. his daughter: in ithis'city, was buried. yesterday. - "Dadd.v" Clark? was for 'many' years in ; the service erf tne Oceanic steamship company . ar»d ' as cMef-:steward ,of , the liner AUtaneda was known to thousan<ia "of tra^>«lers. He retired from - the ;sea to go! into business ; in" Honolulu. .; He retired^ from business- altogether a few:; years.' ago. and until the time of , his. death enjoyed a comfortable: leisure. :He was 74 -years of age and rich in friends. .AVater Front. K»tes ' . The . United States -survey. - steamer Explorer arrived yesterday at, Hono lulu from ' Alaska. The Pacific Mail liner Asia,- Captain Gaukrogre,r, which" /left liene ': October/ill, arrived -yesterday •at Honiolulu_* ' , ' The Pacific Mail;lJner;N<ewport. sailed Monday from Acapulco fo;r thiß port. -Receipts of 1 nmber yesterday Tjy sea amounted to. 750,000 feet. ;., . ..•.-.;- Aid* - Dlaabled S Coaster \u25a0 SEATTLE, Oct. 18.— Wh«ri : ; the: ma chinery of the; sleam ischooner Santa Monica broke dowji. off the coast; north of Grays Harbor during -a heavy storm at 3 o'clock -yesterday morning: It: w^is running- side by side with " the steam ship President, else It might have suf fered disaster. •• !, \u25a0 The President responded to the Santa 1 Monica's distress signaJs ;and, ' after br'eaking three hawsers,: made a; line fast l to the disabled ship' an<l towed' it to Seattle, arriving here: today. . - . The Santa Monica lost its deckload of lumber, |jut was otherwise unfn jured. It was carrying- 35 rpassengrers and a cargo of , hnnber from .Seattle to San Francisco. The President reached here 14 hours late. By : United '_ Wireless '• 1 . \u25a0\u25a0-'." October IS. STEAHTER OOTERNOE— Hence Oct. 17 for' San lMego; Oct. 17, 8 p. m., 12 miles south of Pigeon point: misty: smooth; calm; barometer '\u25a0\u25a0o0.12: temperature 57.^-'' :\u25a0 STEAMER STATE OF CAXUOENIA— Hence Oct; 17 for Enreka; Oct. 17. 8 p. m., S miles north .of Point R«yes: moderate : northwest wind; •smooth northwest sea; dense fog; barometer .30.1(5.. . » . ..-.'. '." . \u25a0-' ,' ,- , STEAMER CASIO'S — Henre Oct. 17 for. Willapa: Oct. 18, 6 a. jn.. 40 miles northwest of Point Reyes; fresh northwest wind; choppy sea. . ' STEAMER WHETTIER— From Eureka frir Port San Luis; Q£t. 18, 7 a. m., 30 miles southeast -of Point Reyes; strong northwest wind- and s sea.'.. ."'. . . .. ,-\u25a0 . \u25a0 ... \u25a0 . STEAMER SANTA MAHIA— From Port San Luis ' for I San Franoinco; Oct. * 17. 8 p. m.. passed Point Sur; strong northwest wind; moderates '. -sea.;-. ; ' ' : ; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ..... \u25a0 \u25a0 STEAME* J. A. CHANBLOR— From Astoria fpr <Javiota; Oct. 17^. 7:30 p. m.. 32 miles north of Cape. Mendocino; easterly wind; dense fog tfud long westerly ssvpll... ' -~ \u25a0 \u25a0 .. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 STEAMER. W. S. -PORTER— From .Monterey for Kaanapall: .Oct., 17. \u25a0 .S p.; m.. 42 miles "from Monlerr-.v;' 'fresh aiortli west .wind ; mo«lerate- sea* v light fog. . . STEAMER NANIT SMlTH— llfnce Oct. . V< for Coos bay: Oct.vtS. 7 p. m.. ]>«ssßfi.Fort point: .flnci and. clear weather: light' northwest wind; -barometer. 2i»:S4; a.ll well.- . , SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE ARRIVED . ; Tuesday. October' lß. '•' 3:2$ p. m.-. stmr Argyll, Dirkson. 24 - hours frnni Port- San Luis; oil tq Union«oiL "company; \\\> rircr direct. •-.'..'\u25a0 •\u25a0 -. .-..-. ; . ..•*.. .'!:3,"i p.- in.. -Ptnir ( Albirn.. Nyrrii'iJ. 20 \u25a0-•" hours from I'piou landius; 175 cords bark to Richard son A"! (V. ,\ . .;. ' . 5 p.: in.: stnir Xerndan. 'Anderson. : from sea in distress. •. . S ... . »>:4»> p. ni.. I'r bark ' ; Boiel<Jieu. O-Uiowneau. 167 days from -Rotterdam,, via. Hobant :71- days; merchandise to Meyer. Wilson & Co. •• 7:80, a. 'in., stun- Xoyo, Swanson. ] -fa hours from Mendocino; -300.W0 -fert lumber -to Union' lumber company. .-.- , - , 12:45 a. m.. stnir DcJ Xortc. Sanfqnl. "6 hours from Crescent City: -hoend.Bontb. put In for fuel.. -2:50 ( a. m.~, stnir .7<>lnn : Ponlsen.- F>ancasrtfT,,'fi4 hours j from . Astoria: •\u2666•50 ' tons --wheat,''' feet lumber to Loop lumber company. '. - 10:20 a. m/.-stmr Santa- Maria. Curtis^ 20 hours from Port San Luis; oil to Union' oil com pany: up river direct. \u25a0 : . -.=, ' • ' '\u25a0:'\u25a0' 10:45 a.m., schr Santiago. McDonald. 12 hours from Monterey; 11,000 barrels oil to Associated transportation company: . in tow, tug £faviKa.tor. . ; 8:50 a. m., stnir Elizabeth, Olsqn. -}i) hours from Bandon; passengers and merchandise to E," T. Kruse. \u25a0 - •••-...\u25a0 7:30 a. m.. stmr Mackinaw, Millie. 3 days 14 hours 5 minutes from Seattle : 1 1 .823 cases \u25a0 s'»i mon. 894 bales tin scrap to Bates & Chesebroogli 2:25 a. m., Rtmr Sierra, Houdlette, 5 daysTo hours-29 minutes from -Honolulu : passengers and merchandise to J. D. Spreckels & Rros. company. 3 a. m., stmr. WHhelmina, Johnson, 5 days ii hours 20 minutes from -Honolulu: passengers and merchandise to Matson naviijation eompanv. "'\u25a0'- RETURNED • Tuesday. October IS. I p. m.. schr R. W. 'Bartlett; Olsen, from sea on account of carrying away mizzenmast head and other damage.- - - --. • CLEARED . . \u25a0 " • ' . '.\u25a0*•\u25a0 ' \u25a0 Tuesday, October 18. \ Stmr Rose City, Mason. Ftortland; San Frasi cieco and Portland steamship company. \u25a0-• •:' • \u25a0. \u25a0 Stmr Buckman. Wilson, San Pedro; Alaska "Pa cific steamship company. Stmr Queen, Zeh, Victoria, etc.; Pacific -Coaat steamship company. -' Stmr Santa . Rosa, Alexander, I San Diego; I Pa cific Coast steamship company. -\u25a0•, Ft bark Jean - Baptiste, Bergen, Grimsoy; George W. McNear.v«»s - ' - - Stmr Watson, O'Brien/ Seat tie; Alaska Pacific steamship company., : : •. ' - • \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 , SAILED ; ' Tuesday. October -18. -.. 2:15 p. m.. stmr <3neen, Zeh, Seattle. . V 2:15 p. ni., schrAlpena, Nielsen, Se»taie. >, 3:25 p. <m.. stinr Rose. City, Mason, - Astoria and Portland. \u25a0 \ - -\u25a0\u25a0--.-•'..\u25a0- : . , \u25a0. ' 3:35 p. m., U." S. stmr McCulloch, .Daniels, 2:50 p. m., stmr Watson, O^Brien, Seattle. '\u25a0>'\u25a0"\u25a0 7:10 p. tn., stmr Nann Smith. Olson. Coos bay. -, 5:20 p. m., stmr. Olson & Mahony, Pajiie, An con. - .... . . . . s:4o'p. ' m., \u25a0 gtmr ' Point > Arena, t Jacobpcn, Al bion. l - . ' \u25a0 • . 7:10 a. m., stmr Mnriposa, Hay ward. Tahiti.. : 11:10 a. m., stmr Buckman, Wilson, San,Pe dro. • \u25a0-.-\u25a0.\u25a0;,•".-.-•:'"'.•:\u25a0-\u25a0.'\u25a0.. v- \u25a0'.- \u25a0\u25a0•'.'.\u25a0•\u25a0 II a. -m., \u25a0 stmr • Del-Xorte, Sanford, -'Crescent City. . '•\u25a0:- ; -. \u25a0 \u25a0•- \u25a0-;- .-\u25a0.:.; . • ' , \u25a0--.:. -;, 1:30 p. m., stmr Daisy. Mitchell, Davltt, Grays Harbor. * - . : : > \u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0: -t \u25a0:-.;\u25a0; .-'.- r- "•; ,\u25a0 ; SPOKEN - \u25a0 ; \u25a0 ;--•.•,- . >\u25a0 Sept.,2.l— Latitude 10 north,' longitude 20 west, ship Aryan, from Philadelphia for San Francisco. Sept. '10— Xo* position. Br- ship Marlborougfh Hill, from Antwerp'for San Francisco. -; - POINT LOBOS, Oct. > 18, 9 a. m.— Thick; wind NW:- Telocity 6 miles an -hour. •'\u25a0 \u25a0 •;- POINT RI3YES." Oct. 18,' 9 a. : m.— Clear; wiria N; velocity 24 miles an hour.; . ,• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 FARALLONES. \u25a0 Oct. 18, 9 a, m.— Clear; wind N; ( . velocity 32 mile* an hour. .'.- \u25a0' v: •\u0084 TATOO3H. Oct. IS. 9a. m.— Cloudy; wind E; velocity 10 miles an hour. - >.*.-.\u25a0 POINT LOBOS, JOct.?.IB.s 12 m.— Foggy; wind NW; velocity 8 miles an hour. v . \u25a0 - -• TELEGRAPHIC - 1 v \ POIXT IX>BOS, Oct. 18. '10 p.- m.— Weather ha2y; wind W; -velocity 8 miles an hour. \u25a0-:.-. \u25a0,-,. . DOMESTIC PORTS 3;. " TACOMA— Arrived; Oct. -18— Schr Wm. H. Smith, from Eagle, harbor; r Jap stmr* Awa Maru, from STeattle.' -'\u25a0'\u25a0'- 4 '. \u25a0 Sailed Oct. 18— Stmr . Melville Dollar, for Blalne; Br stmr :Nfetherlee,' for Melbourne;- stnar Admiral Sampson.'; for, Seattle. \u25a0 - :. •-\u25a0\u25a0 .-•-;- : • ; WRANGELL— Arrived Oct. , 17, 3 p.' m.-rStmr Meteor,, from Seattle, --'. ? \u25a0- Arrived -, Oct. : 18, . 1 :30 p. ?\u25a0 in.— Stmr Httmboldt, from Skagwaj*.";-',; .r " rv? '<"*.'-' ; - '-J 7 *-,';*' ?;.; - KETCHIK AX— Arrived Oct. 38, 10:50 a.- m.— Stmr Humboldt,:frora-Wrangell; 7 a.*: m.*,' stmr City lof Seattle, from Seattlo \u25a0 for Skagway." ; .'« •>: SAX PEDRO— Sailed - Oct.? 18— Stmrs • Shasta.' Fulton*. - .Yosemite, • Mondalay. and; Hanalei,, for fian^-Franclsco; bktn -Fullerton, in- tow tug;De fianee. for San;Dlego. \u25a0 '" : ' \u25a0 \u0084- :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'>. "Arrived * Oct. IS— Stmr Willapa. * from South Bend ; a stmr ? Olympic. V from ' Bellingham ; - stnir Tahfte, > hence ; Oct. = 16: stmr j Chehalis, i bence Oct. 16; stmr Wellesley.- from Astoria. > > *-'• TATOOSH— Passed %in . Oct. ' 18. % 9n.t m:-^Stmr Charles Nelson.t; hence iOcr^i 14 for Seattle; 9:30 a.' m.'.'tßr stmr^Makura. from,' Sydne y: viaTHono •oln for Vancouver; 12:20 p.' m.; «er. stmr Osiris, hence \u25a0 Oct. 15 , for \ Seattle t and Tacoma ; 9>a. < m;r stmr.^ probably.- Br #tmr Harfleur, ; hence Oct/ 14 for Townsend. • Oct. 17. 9 p.'m.— Stmr President, hence ; Oct. 15 ' with ? disabled -. stmr Santa t Monica in tow, 1 ; latter bound from Grays narbor . f or Ban < Passed out ; Oct. • 17— Br stmr;' Lonsdale.'? from Victoria for; S«Una Cruz.*; M>ct.ilß, -.7:30 a. m.— : Stmr ; Jim Butler, v from : Tacoma t for;, Por t; San c Passed : in Oct.-" 18. 5\u25a0 p. m.— Stmr Maverick, hence Oct. 15 for Seattle ; «. < , p. m.; ; stmr Col. -E. L. Drake, l hence Oct. " 15 for Seattle, • with ; barge 01 \u25a0in tow. hence Oct.- 15 for Seattie. * ; ,;^ t -.- •<• -"PORT BLAKELEY-^-SailfdOct. 18, 6 p. m.— Br • stmr Beachy.- from J'acoma. /"•* "\y r? > - EUREKA— SaiIed r OcfTV 1 8, ' 1 ; p. , m.— Stmr \u25a0 San Pedro, ' for - San • Pedro; •"\u25a0*! 1- a> m., ." stmr - Santa Clara,? for \u25a0» San ; Francisco; : 12 tar, i stinr: Ravalli, for S«n \u25a0• Francisco.; -.: '\u25a0/"\u25a0'•: '\u25a0"\u25a0*'.."'\u25a0' ; " "''r 7^ '"•* "'>*\u25a0- : "-. M Arrived 0ct.118,1 1 1 Hi' jn-r-Stmr B tate ' of Cali fornia, Whence Oct. 17; "12 . tn.v ?stmr Centralla, hence Oct.* 17. ' • ><\u25a0 '\u25a0 \u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0:..', ,!-:\u25a0 \u25a0'",„',? '-'•. '-' - : :'- '.-'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0* — ASTORIA— SaiIed Oct. .IS.. 12 m. — Br.;stmr Knignt^of ; the^tJarter.* for ' Shanghai ; :8 »a.V.m.r etnir'Asnnclon." stttir.F.tS." Ix»op; ; for > San " Fran clwo> Oct. \u25a0' IT, 7« 12 m.— Br . stmr Uganda, -. for United Kingdom. ' \u25a0•\u25a0 . '\u25a0: .;- -, t : - r \- t-'-'i *<"., Sailed ' Oct. >IS. ' 10 a: ; m.— Bark • Amy;. Turner, {or \u25a0 Stn - Prancißco. '\u25a0':' \u25a0*- \u25a0 ' '\u25a0\u25a0 •'•'7. -. . \u25a0' -' '•?-*•>•'.'\u25a0 \u25a0• \u25a0 <'. •/..;%*-%\u25a0: \u25a0,i WILMINGTON— Arrived , Oct.^lß. 11 :S0 a.i m.— Stmr '; Wellesley ,~& from ; Astoria ; r- 1 \u25a0; p.'« \u25a0 m.,;. stmr T*hoe. hence Oct. 1 16. » . " - , A ,'- r j -:.:\u25a0 POINT REYES— passed ; Oct. 18, . 12:30 p.", m,— Stmr Xevadan. hence Oct. 16, f0r Seattle, retnrn ing in ilistrenn; 7:15 a. m., a iteam ' schr/ loaded with lumber, bound south. < ..CRESCENT— PaßWd In Oct; 18/ 10 a. m.~U. S.^_tu2-Bnohonils!i.' f rom ; enilne. - : . .TOWNSEXDt-Sailed.Oct. l&4Br «tmr Xctber leje.-for Australia. . C -•. -. > Arrived Oct. 18— Nor stmr Christian Bors, : from Newport News. '.v.. v . '-'.--\u25a0-• .-•- • ' . - - iFARALLONBS— Pawed Oct. 18, 10:43 a. tn.— Bark, -bound in. -.-'"•.- Iv'i / - \u25a0 \u25a0 ' '.?\u25a0. REDONDO BEACH— Arrived Oct. IS— «?tmr Oualnla. rrom- San Pedro, and nailed for Han Francisco.-: \u25a0•- - ' , '\u25a0-\u25a0-\u25a0- :,: ; \u25a0 . i Sailed Oct.' l£-6ohrTansn,' for Sun Francisco. Arrived Oct.* 18—^Bktp- Irtusard, from Hllo. Sailed Oct..»— 3tmr Safinaw, for San IT»a cisco. , .\u25a0. \u25a0 -./,- :\u25a0 --.-..: :•\u25a0\u25a0- -.---.. .'--- s -; ;• LUDrX)W— Arrived - Oct. '18— Stmr. Hornet, hence Oct. Hr via Seattle. . ' . , •SEATTLE— Arrived Oct." 18— Btjnr President, honce Oct. Is'wlth stmr Santa Monica in .tow. from Grays Harbor (dtaahlad). . ' Arrived 1 Oct. -18, 2 p. - m. — Stmr Eureka,' -bence Oct.-- -12..':'- ,y. ••• '.-\u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0-..•. -\u25a0:.\u25a0 -- • -Sailed Oct. 118, .10 a. m. — Ship . Elwell, for Etajrle harbor. ... - *' . EASTERN PORTS ' • NEW YORK— Arrived Oct. 17— Br atmr Allan/ ton.. from Iqulque. ' ; . ' • - - ;• Sailed Oct. 17— Rtmr Cristobal, for Colon. . ISLAND PORTS '\u0084\u25a0 HONOLULU— Arrived ' Oct. IS,' 0 a. m.— Br stmr Asia, hence Oct. 11 for Hongkong; schr Ludlow. from Grays Harbor; U. S. stmr Ex plorer, from Alaska. .. \u25a0 .-- ' .-\u25a0\u25a0-,- •'•\u25a0-\u25a0 ' ;• FOREIGN PORTS . IIANKOW— SaiIed Oct. : 18— Br atmr Hazel Dollar; for Mororan. ' ; -- - .:.' . ACAPULCO— SaiIed Oct. IR— Stmr Acapulco, for" Ancon. : Oct.- 17r— Stmr Newport, for San Francisco. \u25a0 \u25a0 ' ... .'\u25a0;\u25a0.\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0- • . : GUAYAtAS— SaiIed Oct. 4— Nor atmr Opland, for Salina Cruz. - -\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 '.-r/ ; ."'":>i > .' .Arrived : Oct. 2— Scbr Admiral/ from Aberdeen. In. port « Oct." 4— Hal ship Speranza. for Puget sound.. .. .%% r .y : -;. :-.-, : '- \u25a0-\u25a0" \u25a0 SANTA*'- ROSALlA— Arrived . Oct. 18— Schr Oliver J. Olflon. from Aberdeen. •- • \u25a0 - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"-\u25a0 -iST. I/L'tUA— Sallod Sept. 24^-Br stmr Strathfil 'lan. for Sin Francisco. '-/.-;•. \u25a0\u25a0 .. \u25a0 .. ' MANZA^CILLO— SaiIed Oct. 7— Jap stmr Klyo Maru.'-'fov Malina Cm*. - - ' • -- ~ SALIfLV CRUZ— Salleil Oct. lft— Stmr Colom bian, fr/r San Francisco via San Diego. LIMERICK— Arrived Oct. 17— Br ship Celtic burn, from Tacoma via QueeDStown. \u25a0 SINGAPORE— Arrived Oct., 14— Br utmr-.Mun caste-,; Castle, from Shanghai for Xew York. VALPARAISO— Arrived prior Oct. 17— Br itmr HiigJhendpn. .from New- York. •..--.... •. "P/OOSUNG—Passed Oct. 17— Br stmr Winne baf/D. hence Sept. 16. - •---. \u25a0 TICTORIA— Arrived Oct. 18— Br stmr Makufa, frMn Sydney, N. S. W:; Br 6tmr Harfleor, hence Oct. 14. •. : .' -«EElX)NG— Arrived Oct. 15— Br' stmr Rofliera, '/from Honohi+Wvia Newcastle. N. S. -W:' ' \u25a0 MARSEILLES— SaiIed - Oct. 14— Fr stmr ; Am- Iral Fourlchon. for San Francisco." '\u25a0 YOKOHAMA— SaiIed Oct. 10— Br rtmr Suveric, for Seattle. • ; OCEAN STEAMERS ; LIVERPOOL— SaiIed Oct. lS^-Stmr Cymric, for Boston. • -; I Memoranda Per stmr rvevadan — Sailed from San Francisoo Oct. .15 for Seattle. and Honolulu; on Oct. 17. 1:45 a. ,m., 8 miles west: of Cape: Blanco, port • propeller tail. shaft carried away :and punctured the Tessel'sbull, causing it to leak; 18 feet of water In 3 and 4 holds; T(?«w<el. leaking , badly: .iottissoned /bout f»0 tons of cargo;, on arrival No., 3 and No.' 4 holds full of water: tug Sea. Rover Will dock vessel immediately at Greenwich street- wharf and commence to' discharge cargo. Br stmr- Damaro — Little • swell' on sta,rbo3rd side: throwing overboard damaged cargo- from after hatch.' . • .- ' .' , \u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0 •' ' U. " S. : weather \u25a0 bureau at Point Reyes reports at 12:30 p. m.. slmr Nevadan passing, south: sig naled full of water and in danger; was proceed ing under own steam and making good. headway: Nevadan left San Francisco Oct. 16 for Pu^et sound ports. • . ; \u25a0 • .: ' Per schr R. W. Bartlctt— On Oct. 10. -latitude 37/60 north, longitude 128 17 west, carried away mizzenmast head and trestle tree In strong NW squall and ; heavy sea; ou Oct. ,15 spinaker trestle tree carried away and fell .oil • deck: \u25a0 as three masts* wore badly sprung decided to return for' repairs. \u25a0 ' : SEATTLE. O<J. IS. — Stmr Santa Monies, from Grays Harbor for San Francisco, previously re- I ported In tow of stmr president nrrirlng at Se attle today.- reports stay bolt or stocket bolt let ' go in boiler: after. repairing same It l<*t go again; water gnining -rapidly ' until readilrrg ashpans; tripped iHShings and let go Oeckloail to save . Vessel from being waterlogged. ' , -' / ST. MICHAEL. Oct. IS.— Stror Victoria, from Nome for Seattle, went ashore at tbi* port Kun day. Oct. 10; was floated Mtmdor, Oct. 17, 12:30 p. v m.. apparent damage.'.- - - SHIPPING NEWS OF COAST Items of Interest to ..Mariners of the Pacific \u25a0 ' [Special Dispatch to The Call] EUREKA, Oct. IS.— Stenmer State of Cali fornia arrirrd from Sun Francisco ; this morning with freight, wall and passengers. The State will depart on '-the return trip tomorrow morn- Ing at 11 o'clock from the C street wharf. - Arriving" this morning ..was the steamer Cen tralU with a wna 11 cargo of freight. The On tralia, now loading redwood Inmbe? at the Occidental mill company's ""wharf, will "depart with ; mail and ! passengers for San Francisco Friday morning. ;- ;-r \u25a0 ' Steamer Santa Clara departed for San ) Pran clsco at 11:15 a. m. with freight, mail and passensers. . -\u25a0 ' - \u25a0;-. - • • ~ " ' Arrangements are being; made by the North Pacific steamship company for the remoral of the salvage machinery bow .at - the entrance to the harbor.; which was nsedorer. two years. ago Ini the fuitile attempt to float the wrecked steamer Corona of the Pacific Coast steamship company's fleet. : The ' machinery, which com prises hoisting engines, steam and air pumps and other rarieties of -salTage machinery.' has been left undisturbed since the efforts to float the stranded steamer were given up. : \u25a0 Within . a week or 'lo days a steamer is ex pected, to arrive at the Mattole wharf at the month -of tbe Mattole river to carry • away a .large consignment* of which has been *tored .in the warehouse. - It is • understood that following the departure of the steamer no fur ther attempts will be made to land at the wharf until next spring. -'••'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0•. • : . *v ; Work on the new" lighthouse at Point Gorda | about 10 miles south of Cape Mendocino it pro gressing rapldlyand within a short time all the buildings, including the reinforced concrete, tower, -will 'be completed." The- base; of the tower :is, in • position . and \u25a0 the ' molds for the remaining 'portion of ". the -. structure ; are now being put'iato position.-,, • "\u25a0.. Tlie work of , Installing ' the new compressed airj plant at the Table bluff tog station has about been completed' and the new -system of operating the - fog. signals will be soon in use. The : steam-boiler ' plant is to bo ' removed end tber air ' compressing '--'pumps jwill be" operated by gasoline engines, which supply the necessary air.' pressure : 'f or operating the fog whistling signals'. - ; ;;. : .-.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •- . . •-\u25a0• I '\u0084- ' :, William Brnce. head ' carpenter and construct or; for -the North Pacific - steamsuip . company, arrived there yesterday on \ the steamer Santa Clara \u25a0'; to - inspect j the .- wharves ' of*, the .' company at \u25a0\u25a0 this, port and make; preliminary. arrangements for repairing the : same. -. The eastern portion of the wharf here ' has b^en : gradually sinking. It will \u25a0be repaired ; shortly. • ' ' - "'. ' I', V \u25a0 - The steam j schooner * Nehalem, wbicu is '; load* ing roogh lumber \u25a0 at ,; tho mills en the bay, is bound for Portland. :\u25a0'\u25a0'*, ... . ' President . Charles 11. Htgglns of the;Hlgglns steamship - company • arrived this morning - from San Francisco on the steamer State of California to be present 1 at .the "launching - of \u25a0 the \u25a0 iw»w steamer ;Fort Bragg, which will glide down the ways at ; the ;-,. Bendixsen ship yanls - : Thursday afternoon -' at 1- ' o'clock.- Higgfnswas not a*c«» panied by, Mrs.' Higgtns, ' who was expected here to christen the • ship. > \u25a0ri!a?i | S : '»IfS*|iSß«*S eß^»** f : J &- 1-i51 -i 5 .'Arriving .on the > steamer.-S tate of California today^ were i- 23 1 laborers ' for the v Northwestern Pacific in 1 charge of -A.' i Colmer. head of ' the labor department.': This Is the first Tov brought up for '. two trips; • ' It ig said \u25a0 that on tlie next trip ; about- 100 more ; will arrive. r Tho steamer Santa Clara, ; which -left port this morning; for- Sa.n; Francisco, is due here again Friday -- of \u25a0: this week. :: - To allow tfme '\u25a0 tor . the cleaning 7of ? boiler* \u25a0-. after 'arrival , Friday."- th« Santa Clara \u25a0 will ' remain in port \u25a0 nntll \u25a0 Monday morning -at 1•" o'clock. -Z -"" \u25a0"--.-.,- .' ;s '.\u25a0:.' --The vsteamer Ravalli -' departed : for ". San - Fran cisco - this ; morning : from-, the . Samoa wharf .wlta lumber.'^v. >'\u25ba'"**"•\u25a0/ v '\u25a0~\n.' "-.;;••"-\u25a0- , ',ss~ ;-\u25a0'\u25a0.\u25a0-\u25a0'\u25a0 ' -' Tb« < : San Pedro was an, outgoing Inm be'r ''\u25a0 carrier, x departing - : . for T San Francisco : - at i l:lsi.p."Vm.;yi'?->.-'^v-,- ';..:'':"-" : - ?-• /\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -..-\u25a0':-. 'f ABERDEEN. >Oct. • 18.— F. M . v Southard I- of Southard "& ! ,Corj' : Kew.-.Tork.' charterers *of the "Austrian * tramp - steamer ••; Hermlone. .; Captain Geroli mlch, now loading ;' at i. t be i glade mill • for BnenosfAfres.'^is-.ln-the'city'and- today in rom pany with '• Manager Delaney of the Grays Har bor stevedore \u25a0 company .inspected- - the . loading of the special ' timbers aboard 1 the Hermione. South ard ,wlll I remain \u25a0In Aberdeen until the. Hermlone has' : completed' cargo. \-\->- » -r r^*- >;;. - \u25a0 . *\u25a0 \u25a0 The steamer . Santa Monica • sailed Sundat from the \ American -*« mill.' , where i she "had loaded' *a cargo of 530.000 feet. of lumber valued at $6,000. Steamer Santas Barbara ? arrived v today from San Ftancfsco. - "\u25a0 ; \u25a0 < '•'.. *:'.'\u25a0 :.~- : 'y. «:>-J';< j 1 1 There is st il 1• a ' large fleet of barbound vessels in lthe : . lower .; harbor. 'j7-;Cj 7 -; C \u25a0?'\u25a0 Vr. '; Vi ';.": ASTOHIA;-iOct. ? lß. — Tank-- steamer. Asuncion sailed \u25a0 this - morning . for San Francisco after dU* charging oil at * this. port, v ' *'\<?-iJJ % -^a> -. . i \u25a0\u25a0- Steam schooner F.- S. Loop sailed thi* morning for i San ; Francisco ", with r 250,000 \ f «et ' of - lumber loaded ;at * Preseotf . " 450.000 feet ? loaded * at ', Ka lama rand' 15O,0O0Tff>et * loaded j at ; Oak : point.- *&i r ::- British 1 steamer ; Knight :of • the * Garter < sailed tbJ»-morningiforiChlna;witb:a'cargo of 5.000.000 f eet i of, Imnber j loaded at : IJnn tonJ . This •Is * the largest v lumber ; cargo ever \u25a0-- shipped • from ;';. the Columbia* river.- £:;1 v ;U : ;;,s- \u25a0-• .-.-r, :>'.;\u25a0\u25a0' y \.\v : - NEWS \ OP^THE v'< \u25a0''•:. ;>\u25a0. Tonnage -:EBa;agr»ni#nti» '".;- :~s±\: •'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 Tie^ Frcncn^bark Boleldieo, ".which \u25a0 arrired here \u25a0from Rotterdam yesterday, was chartered prior to arrival for - barter .to \u25a0 the . United Kingdom with - the usual* eon tlbental options at 25c. The Xorweirian steamer Christian : Bors «ia Pnget sound is fixed for wheat thence to - Europe at 30s. -. • \u25a0 •-.:- . -- -,-.. . . . The; British /steamer Needles on Columbia rlTer ia under time. charter fer. lumber thence to Shanghai at '£S7s. The steamer was rechar tered- prior to 'arrival. The ; steamer' Nome City is engaged for lumber from Pnget sound to San Petlro or San Wego at $4. " «blpmeats of Oil The tank 'steamer :W.- S. Porter - sailed from Monterey for Honolulu and KahultU on Monday with 50.000 barrels . of crude oil in bulk valued at :f 53,000. • Notice io Mariner* The following Information has been received from . the branch hydrographic office at Port Townsend. Wash. : F. Kelly. , second offlrer of the sleamer Sew* that- on September 22. 1910. in lat itude .north 5* degrees ' 54 • minutes, longitude west' 142 degrees IS minutes.- passed a large dead whale, apparently dead a long time. -October 3, 1910. In -latitude north 5* de grees 22 minutes, longitude west 13S degrees 16 minutes. ; passed a spur buoy palnjted red with black top and- the remains of a. number. or mark In white on Its eide close to the top. J. C. BURNETT. Lieutenant U. S. X., in charge. Office of V. S. Lighthouse Inspector, \u25a0^Eighteenths District. ! i San Francl*H>, Oct. 18. 1010. Humboldt bay. Cal. — Notice \u25a0is hereby given that middle ground west end ' buoy. HS.. first class oun. has been dragged about 1.00«> fee^ northeasterly of its proper position. It will he replaced as soon as practicable. L. . H. B. List of Buoys, etc.,' Pacific Coast. 190 S. p. BS. By order of the bureau of lighthouses. \u0084 W. G. MILLER. Commander, ; U. S. N., Inspector. ..': .-\u25a0 Licenses Renewed \u25a0.- Steamer Bonnie Doon — A. L. Oliver, master. Steamer Tiburoth-H. R. White, master. T^ --'-.PIER DIRECTOnV NORTH OF MARKET STREET Pier 3 WasSlnjrtoD Pier 17 ..Union 1 Pier 5.. Jackson Pier 19.;. .. ....Union 2 Pier 7 Pacific Pier 21.. :. Filbert Pier 9 Broadway I {Pier 23 . . . . . O reen wich 1 Pier 11 Broadway 2 Pier 25 Greenwich 2 Pier 13.... ..... Vallejo Pier 27....... Lombard Pier 15. Green Pier 51. Powell SOUTH OF MARKET STREET Pier 4...... Mi55i0n . 2 Pler.29. •. Main Pier 6 .Howard 1 Pier 34 Beale Pier ; 5. ..'... Howard 2PierJV5... Fremont Pier 10 Howard 3 Pier 38 First Pier 12 Folsora 1 Pier 401 Pier 14. . .... ,rol«oni 2 Pier 42 \P. M. S. S. Go. Pier 16 Harrison Pier 44 j Pier 20... Steuart'Pier 54 Fourth Pier 24 SpearJ - f MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS -'• ' ' - TO ARRIVE . . From ... I. Steamer | Date Humholdt {Vanguard '. [Oct. 19 Seattle .'. iArizonan jOet. 19 Seattle ITampico Oct. 19 San Pedro ...Jj. S. Hlggins... Oct. 1» Humboldt '. ;. [Santa Clara Oct. 19 San Pedro .. ... ..'..Jllanalel lOct. 19 «an. Pedro.: ...JYoaemHe jOct. 20 1 Point Arena & Albion.. I I'onio (Oct. 20 j Huraboldt IState of Cal..v!oct. 20 »»n DlfgoASao PetlroJ«. W. Elder. ..(Oct. 20 Victoria iQneen Amelia... ! Oct. 21 S»n Pedro & Way Portet Homer [Oct. 21 Euget Sound Port* .[Senator Oct. 21 San, Diego & Way Ports (Governor Oct. 21 j China & Japan.". ...:... l Tenyo Mara.... Oct. 21 New York via Ancoa..|Clty of Para... Oct. 21 San Pedro. ;cheb«lia Oct. 22 San Pedro {Norwood Oct. 22 Sal. Cruz via S. Diego Isthmian Oct. 22 Seattle A Taeoma..... Ad. Sannwon Oct. 22 Portland & Astoria Bear . .' .Oct. 22 Portland & Astoria -RoaDoke Oct. 22 San Pedro: Buckman . ...... Oct. 22 San Pedr0. .... ...:..;.. Beaver '........ Oct. 22 ; Nanaimo TFalls of Orehy..jOct. 23 Puget Sound Ports.. ...(President (Oct. 23 Mendociao & Pt> Arena! Sea -Foam .....jOct. 23 \u25a0San Diego & Way Ports! Santa Rosa .... iOet. 24 Toos Bar ...JM. F. Plant. ...|Oct. 24 Grays Harbor •..-...-.. .ISanta Barbara.. ! Oct. 23 TO SAIL "Date I . ,St»amf»r | Destination | Sails |Pier Oct. I»! Westerner . vJ.'. {Grays Ilarbr 4 pm 27 Oct. 19; M.K. Plant... I Coos. Bay... 3pm S Oct. 19:Coronado .Grays Harbr 3pm 21 Oct. 19|Elizabeth ...... Coquille Riv. 5 pm 16 Oct. 19|Beaver .jl»s 'Angeles. 0 am 40 Oct. lmSea F0am.....l Point Arena. 4pm 4 Oct. 20f Yosemite ...... Puget SuundJlO am 51 Oct. 20' Santa Clara ... Humboldt . ..110 am 13 Oct. 20IMackinaw .... Atn-on directf 5 pm 1» Oct. 20{J. B. Stetson.. Portland spm 19 Oct. 20 Newburg '..... Grays Harbr 3 pm 21' Oct. 20' Santa Rosa.... Kan Diego... 11 am 9 . Oct. 20 Saginaw Portland ... 4 pm 27 Oct. 21 G. W. Elder... Portland . . . 10 am 13 Oct. 21 Hoqulam iPortland ... 5 pm 27 Oct. 21 Homer ........ San Pedro... 5 pm 11 Oct." 21 State of Cal... | Humboldt .. 4 pm 11 Oct. 22j Norwood KJrsys Harbr 2pm.... Oct. 22 Chehalis Grays Harbr 2 pm . . . : Oct. 22! Vanguard . . . . . Humboldt . . 3pm 19 Oct. 22tHanalei L Ang Ports 3 pm 10 Oct. 22 Sierra ........ Honolulp 11 am 21 ' 0ct.. 22 North Fork Humboldt .. .9 am 3S Oet: 22 Governor .....: Puget ' Sound 2pm 9 Oct. 22 Arlzonan Salina Cruz.. 12 m 2* Oct. 22 Bee ... . ..Puget Sound 5 pin 38- Oct. 22 Rnauoke ...... Los Angeles. 7pm 13 Oct. 23jReaver Portland ... 12 m 4O o<t. 23 Porno Point Arena. 6pm 4" ! Oct. 21jBuekman ...... Puget Sound 1 pm 10 Oct. 24IPresident ...... San Die^o... 4pm 9' Oct. 24 Bear Los Angeles. 9 am 40 Oct. 24lAd. Sampson... LO9 Angeles. 10 am 10 'Oct. 25| Mongolia ...... Hongkong .. 1 pm 42 ! Oct.-". 2» City of Panama Ancon 12. m 42. Oct.' 2s Senator ....... Pnget Sound 2pm 9 Oct. 23 Northland ..... Portland ... 3 pm 19 : Oct. 25jSanta Barbara.. Lost Angeles. 1 pm 51 I TO SAIL FROM SEATTLE ' \u25a0 \ . Destination | - Steamer | Date Seldovia & Way Ports. [Bertha ....[Oct.*2o Skarway & Way Ports. Cottage" CitT .. Oct. 21 i Skagway & Way Port*. | Humboldt ......Oct. 22 - * San, Moon and Tide United. States coast and geodetic survey — Time and heights Of titles at Fort Point. For city . front (Mission street wharf) add 23 minutes. Wednesday; : October i» Sunrises ............ .....v .7... 6:23 Sun sets "...\u25a0;„ 5:28 Moon rises 6:13 p.. m. Last quarter m00n.. ...0ct. 24, at fl:3» p. m. New moon ..' Nov. l,',at 5:47 p. m. First quarter moon . -Nov. •? 9. at 9:20 p.^m. iTiine : Tlmel ITimei {Time . Octt- — ! Ft 4 Ft 1 Ft I J Ft |L W| H W[ |l/W[ n W 19.; 5:281 1.6111:301 3.9 6:00—0.4 ....» .. H W I> W ..- H W L WI 20.. 0:48 5.0 6:08 2.112:07 6.0 6:5lf— 0.6 21.. 1:53 I 4.7 8:54 2.5 12:45 6.9 7:46?— 0.7 22.. 3:05 4.4 7:43 3.2 1:27 5.9 ! 8:43p-0.7 ; 23.. 4:25 4.3 8:38 3.3 2:18 5.5 »:45{— O.5 ; 24.. 5:41 4.3 0:51 3.5 3:26 5.1 10:50— 0.3 1 25.. 6:45 .4.5 11:18! 3.7 4:47 4.8 11:33 0.0 29.. .7:38 4.9 12:46 S.4 6:13 4.6 ......... U. S. Branch Hydrojiraphlc Office A. branch of the United States hydrosraphie offlc#, located In the . Slerchants* - Exchange, is maintained In l San Frkncheo > f or the benefit <tt mariners, without regard to nationality and free of : expense. ; Navigators are cordially invited to visit \u25a0 the office, where complete • sets of charts and sailing directions- ef' the. world- are kept at hand for comparison and reference and the latest information , can always be garding lights, dangers to . navigation .and mat ters of. Interest to ocean commerce. - - . . '?} J. C. BUP.NETT, :*'; r .:. -_--\u25a0• Lieutenant. U. S. N.. la charge. Time Ball United States branch hydrographle office. Mer -. chants' s Exchange, :\u25a0 San Franelcco, October 18, 1910.' - -The -time hall Ton ' the; roof of : the \u25a0 Fairmont hotel was. dropped today exactly at noon. Pa cific standard time (120tt>. meridian), or, at 6a. 00m. 00s. Greenwich .. mean ' time. - • 4 Ueotenant. ' V. S. , N., in ''charge. '- HTDEOGBAPHIC OFTICE ..'Depth 'at mean ; low .water, entrance, to harbor. PLACE r| Ft: t Date; hr^i Remarks ; \u25a0 : j Grays Har! 16 (Oct. - SlDppth given is for soutli J .---A •' - :.,] n I.i •\u25a0'.-- ' t channel. \u25a0 --\u25a0 -. •\u25a0\u25a0 Willapa Bl 27 • I Sept. 3|... .-.:....\u25a0.....-...... Colnm"~R . | 27 - |9*pt. - 5| bvs*w-...-* \u25a0:-. \u0084 ; '-»\u25a0*.\u25a0>--. Bar.^liooy. to ' jlght of Nentlm R 9 , Jolj- * 10 entrance. CBannfl Is -.r. r ~ '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' - . }' ' ; r-'ir -'i "'"- ' \ shifting 1- to nor t h; '\u25a0 . - '-' .' \u0084 - • [ * Tery narrow. -150 ft. Tillmk.B.l 9 :|Joly s lCbannel shifted I mile . r.-n r \u25a0" -"»tt_ '- j - * \u25a0'-" I - somh in gale Nor. 2k. yaqnina^Bf lS^lSept. 12(. :.-. .... . \u25a0 . . . . .... . ..-. . . Siuslaw R| 5 J Aug.' 161 ....:. .... . \u25a0 . .....; .... L'mpqtia ' R| > 9 ' [Sept. 30| .•.;..:...:....:.... 777 COOB Bay. I 18 [Oct. ° SjCaw booy No. 1 yone. r CoqnlHft < R| 8 jOct: s 4Tcnanael * rtralght.', - - . \u25a0 ; Rogqe , Rlrf 2 (Sept. - If. \u25a0 .-.~ \u25a0 .*.' .... .;..-. 1.. . JT Klamth X) \u25a0\u25a0 5 tAng. HChannel y. W. straight. Bmbldtrß! 19 o Sept. ltChannel straight • vrott- W^ • > .1 r ?-\u25a0"'•-•\u25a0 r-lnft north. -..-\u25a0\u25a0> -;-- tf -..-. ." 1 8 Pfdro b"|-2O (sTpt/80|y«> change in ichannel.-ii channel.- i S Diego Bt 2S*s[ Sept.' So|No cnangg in channel.^- S Pablo B[-24:|Aug. 20 [Depth Un< dredged chan '\u25a0 -\u25a0--• \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 r '.r. > >;* I y ;\u25a0: -* . : -\ --y-.'- AUCTION SAbES £»g THURSDAY ""•jto We will sell one car of Horses and M.ires. alsi 50 head of cheap ranch stock; Vehicles «*, all kinds. -Outside atocic sold on coaualS3kga. > Phone Parfc-ZTSa. \u25a0.= . \u25a0 _ . - ;l*:* , j $& -AT AUCTION 1 jfe 55. head of large mares and bor«»s,' also 3 spans of mules. -All this stock are N«. .1 work- ers. Eight sand wagons. 2 top wasons. 3 bug- gies. All mwt and will be sold WEDNESDAY. October 19. 11 a. tn., at 565 4th sc. Oakland. rain or shine. Span geldine*. chunks. 5 and A yean, weight about 2.(H>>: span mare and griding. A years. weight 2.000: lnnndry- wagoa horse. 6 year*. 1.250. All . gentle, broken. At CHASE'S, 47$ Valencia st. Weather Report United States department of agtfculture— Weather bureau— San Francisco. October IS. RAIXFAIiI* DATA •:-\u25a0'» -\u25a0 — -\u25a0 Last Seasonal Nor Stations — 21 hours to date mal Eureka 0.00 O.T« 2.7fl Red Bluff... .'.. 0.00 0.82 1.61 Sacramento o:co 0.4-4 ' ©,flrt Mt. Tamalpal* 0.00 t.*W -1.11 San Franelseo \u0084 ©.©*> . 0.7«> " '. oJ>t San Jose O.Ort 0.29 0.71 Fr«*sno O.W- l.ti M.*M Indepentlence ... .... .... * f>.<r» San Luis Obispo O.W O.«S . - O.J»;> Los Angeles (1.00 O.S! I 0.3< San Diego 0.00 1.«5 O.S» PACIFIC COAST STATION* STATIONS ' S3 f STATIONS -U $ € '•,'•"-.•- 5 3 5.- \u25a0 ' 3 3 • Blame !60[.. .00 [Red Bluff.... iSSlMt.OO Boise ....:.. 8244 .OS Reno !«2(42'.C0 Kureka ... .. 3% 54 .(O Roseborg t68l3«!.O<» Flagstan* 5« 30 .01 Sacramento ..("MUSLOO Fresno ...... 74 4S .00 Salt Lake. .. .!54U4j.7f> Helena 44 3S .OS San Diego. .. eelsS{. oo Independence j. . 4(4.00 San Francisco- SO Wi I. Ort Kallspell [52 421.0S San Jow> !52(52i.C0 Los Angeles.. fßols2f. W> IS. L. Oblspo.lß2lsof.OO Mars>tneld ..'.[661.. .00 |SE. F»«llon.| . .(32 .00 Modena |5«:3S!.0O Spokane 53',3S .00 Mt Tamalpalsl74!44! .00 Tacoma «!54 .02 North Head.. |sS ..1.04 Tatoosh ..... 55:52{.0n Phoenix |S4{4n[ .00 [Tonopah 54U:[ .00 Pocatello ...: 561441.24 I WaUa WallaJ»W«?W!.{>i> Pt Reyes Lts9iso|.fH) Wlnnemneea 35[361.04 Portland |fr4JSS|.OO l-Yuma 7S|4&!.o«> EASTERN STATIONS Abilene . S2j64l.on|>KnosTtlle ...ISO'.VJt.flo Atlantic City BSi32 .00 LonisTille ... «6l60».0O Boston 7O r sO!.o<> 'Memphis w:64t.W Bnffalo 74!44i.OO!fMonrgornery .. *ti«2Kcr> Charleston ... 7s:fiS?.4B Montreal L'»2l4S!.f)O Chicago 7S!fs2!.Ort [Moorhead ...60|58[.1fl DrnTer 54|4«|.W> (New Orleans. R4|70t.00" Pcs Moines.. 50136J.14 ( New Tort f72154!.n0 Dodge Ctty. . .{7215*1 .16 | North Platte.j«O|3si .01 Dulnth [7SI4S .12 Oklahoma ...!«tlg4i.oO Purango !50i36f.02 Pittsbnrg (Sn!sof.<H> Eastport 52i12!.0<r* Roswell 74!301.C1> GalTeston .. . s« 74[.(i0;! Sr. l>ouf« «!«4K(« Green Bay... SO 44 .0«> iSt. Paul <!otsSf.<n Hatteras .... 7S 6? .00 | Tampa 1701.W Havre : 44144.08 Toledo «3!5«L*« Huron 66J5r.'. 14 Washington . 74S0f.0rt JacksotiYlUe ... 1721.00 Wlnnlpejf ... 4«i-12!.04 Kansaa Ctt7.[.So;g2|.oQ SYNOPSIS OF WEATHER CONDITIONS The- West Indian storm has mored slowly northeastward. Reports are missing from Florida. On the Carolina coast high east winds are re ported. The disturbance will probably eontinn* Its slow northeast motion. Pleasant though somewhat warm weather pre-valls in the north Atlantic state.-?, the Ohio Taller and lake region. An extenslre depression lies Jnat west of the Mississippi Talley ami is moyinjr steadily. east ward. Rain has fallen in the plains state, with a «-hanse from southerly warm • winda -to cold northwest winds. The pressure Is jinusaally hia-h orer Montana and t&e Canadian territory. On the Pacific slope the weather is warm and cl*f6r. with moderate north wind.* In the interior. There has b»en no rain except on the Washing ton e<Miat. Rain .has fallen in the great ba*ln. The temperature has fallen 30 decrees, in tb« Missouri Tatley. In California there has been a rise of about 10 degrees along the central coast and in the Sacramento Talley. The relative humidity at Red Blnff was 4$ and at Fresno fi.~> per rent. For San Francisc» and flclnlty — Fair Wednes day; roofer in the afternoon and night; lijht north wind, changing to wwst. F«r tb« Santa Clara ralley — Fair Wednesday; continue*! warm: light north winda. •For the Sacramento Talley — Fair Wednesday; continued warm: light north winds. • For the San Joaqnln Talley — Fair Wednesday; continued warm: lluat north winds. For California south of the Tenaehapi — Fair Wednesday; continued warm; lijnt north wind, changing to south. — . A. G. iIeADIE, District Forecaster. \u25a0 «blpment« for >>vr York The steamer Olaon and Mahooy raited tot Anron direct yesterday with merchandise for New Tork valued at 5200.025 and including tn* following: 23.2«4 gals wine. 32.621 en salmon. 55,003 lbs lints. 4.801 es canned goods, 57,551 lbs beans, and 23.264 lb* scrap tin. The steamer al.«o bad 1,22fi gals wine. 201 c» salmon, 10 bbls floor an<l 127 c* canned fruit, Tal'oed at $ 2,306. consigned to Panama. ;/«>-. Barley for I 'acland The French bark Jean BitptUte. was cleared for Orimsby. En?., yesterday. with* .57.1«!> centals of .barley. Talned at $63,900, and 16.000 feet of lumber, valued at $192. HEAL 'ESTATE TRAA'SACTIOXS John F. W. Bromham and wife to M. Co*. irrore, tot la. S line of Twenty-eighth str«et, i 42:6 E of Diamond. E 37:6 by S 114; $10. Charles J. Keenan and wife to William J. Keenafl. lot at SW corner of GoMen Cate aTemia and Devisadero street. S 75 by W 44: $10. • Charles C. O'Donnell and wife to Alice Jlerta. lot in E line of San Bruno avenue. 179 3 of Twenty-third. S 21 by E 1C0: SlO. Henry U Olsen and wife to Matthew A. Little, lot in W line of Fourth avenue. 373 S Of 1 street. S 25 br W 120: $10. Martha A. Ellis (deceased, by administrator^ to Thomas Martin, lot in E line of Seventeenth avenue, 123 N of Lake street, X 25 by E 120; $10.: Thoma* Martin and Wife to Olive V. R. Wil son, lot in E line of Seventeenth avntne, 125 N of Lake street. N 60 by E 120; $10- \u25a0- V* \u25a0 John O. MeElroy to Thomas H. Casey, lot in N line .' of \u25a0It \u25a0 street, 32:6 W of Twenty-fOnrtn avenn». W 25 by N 100; $10. S. l>u**as company to Charlotte M. Taylor, lot in N line of Jot^t aveno^, 275 W of Baden street. W 50- by S 100; $10. Roundey realty company to Mary Paolinelli. lot at E corner of Oambier and t>wight streets. NE 95 by. SE 50; $10. Stephen M. Smith to Adah Smith, Int tn N line of Clay street. 1S1:3 E of Ljon, E 25 by N 127 :SU; gift. J. E. Cross to Robert J. Cross, lot in S line of Q street. 120 E ot Thlrty-nlnth avenue. E 12f*. 3 25. W. 93. S 73. W 25, N 100, and two otner pieces: $10. Theodore Panler to Annie M. Pauler. lot !ti X line of Bryant street. 77 S of Twentieth. S 25 by E 100: $10. M. J. Dea*y to Bernhard Gets, lot In SE.line of Moscow street. IZO NE of Russia avenue.* NE 50 by SE 100; $10. J. H. Henderson to Florence J. Henderson, lot in W lin* of Elen»nth avenne, 100 N ot Point Lobos. .VB 50 by SB 100; $10. . Lucy Little Doidge to Margaret Blodsett. lot in E line- of First avenue. 50 S of Eddy street West, S 23 by E 10t>: $10. RiilliHnc Contracts • . W. H. and Mary T. Menton \u25a0wdta T. S. Holn— To erect a thre* story and basement fram^ hollrt ins in W lin*- of Ma-on street. 82 J» of Pine. W 62:«?'by N 23: $s,flS.<». '. "A..-Blume ' with John Anderson^ — All work ex cept gas flxtnres ami xan connertlons . f or a one story and basement frame building in S line ct Arbor street. W of Diamond; $-.750. Mrs. Angusta Pel."* with P. Loustalet and .1." Matraman— AH work except shades, fixtures, plumbing and jras fitting for alterations and adrit- Uoßs for » three story frame building' in E line of Treat avenue. 95 S of Twentieth street. S 23 by E 122:6; $1.-«C2- ' IF. HUTTON & CO. 490 -California St. Tel. Donulai 2157 St. Francla Hotel. TeL Doaxla* 3982 Members of New York Stock Exchange Ploaeer * House ".' . . PrlTate Mire tt» Chicago . aad - Xew Tork - ' . H. E. MTJLCAH V, Manager Prrvate Wire— Xew York, Caicac* <_• Weitem Uilon Cod* j.q. Wilson MEMBER HEW : YORK STOCK * EXCHANGE .' : : CHICAGO BOARD OF TRAOB THE STOCK .ASO BOX D EICHASGB | S A?T - FRAX CISCO Main ; Office, Mills Bids;** , San Fraael*eo a. - Braneb * Offices — Palace Hotel - (main corridor}, Son Fraaetmroj Hotel Alexan- dria, L«a Aaseles, Cal. » :- - Correapoadeats— Harris, \»'tntar«p Jk. - Co^ ICow York, Cmleas;o» Loadoa . aad Faxu. :--;'-\u25a0 - "' \u25a0\u25a0 ; ' • :*; 15