Newspaper Page Text
8 EVENTS IN THE COUNTIES BORDERING ON THE BAY OF SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL WATER SUPPLY FAVORED National Fire Underwriters Rec* ommend That City or Dis« trict Acquire System OAKLAND. Oct. IS. — Numerous im provements in the fire protection serv ice of Oakland were recommended by the committee on fire prevention of 'the rational board of fire underwriters in their regular public report sent out to 4a r. The most important recommendation '.s that "reliability and adequacy of fire protection b? insured either by pub lic ownership, by the .municipality, or by a wat^r diptrlct embracing Alameda, Berkeley, Oakland and adjoining sta tions: or by legislative enactment and proper binding: agreements between the city and company, by which the city mn secure such improvements as are ne«3e«J." . * IMPROVEMKXTS SUGGESTE»' The board recommends that the water company at once take measures "to secure such additional sources of supply as will be required to provide for consumption demands at all time?/' According to there should be seditions and improvements to 'va rious pumping stations situated In this, city, and more main arteries covering t:ic--<3i strict north ©r-Eighth street, west to Wood, north to Lake" Merritt, and out San P*blo aveffue to Berkeley. Regarding 1 the-/ salt water auxiliary system in the business district, the :<-port says: JBiS The fsj-siPia a* <:ompl»ted to d»te J* a val uable Buxil:»rr to the. fire fighting facilities ff>r the potion of the city bounded b.r Fif f-entb. Writer. Fir*r and Otv «wtf, wt.loh includes nracti«-allr alt of. the princi pal mercantile district. Tbe tnzard* at the station and the staple force main form mod erately unreliable feature*. Eacu , pumping unit .will furnish protection to tb» section covered. «hoor eqairslent to 'that provided hj" two second tize fire oncinrs harms a : \u25a0rater i=upplr In addition to that available .: from the domestic ej-stem: tbe distribution \u25barsr^nj can deliver, without exe**etrp loss nf besd, the diwharpe from the two present units and the third for which space is pro riled. . - with the adflfS supply from the Pan Fran «-isco fireboat. *rhich under fai-crabl* condi tion* "prill b«? available. iritbin an hour> time, and v-itii the icliabilitv Improved and capa- ; firy inrre.ascd. as recommended, the sr«tem will la redy offset the weakness of tbf do- "-, nsehtie \u25baystcni. Exicn^ions are to be made, according to the y>;>ropriati<-ms tsafle in the annual budjret. wjjlch if tboojrht will be sufficient to com plete Tbe *yftetn as at present planned with- j in about three rears: it is expected that the additional pump trill be. Installed within a.-' jesr. FIRE DEPARTMENT EFFICIENT The report continues: ' The .flro department Ik efficient and under I progressive management. With the installa tirm of bos» cmipanie* now authorized and ihe rccomniemled extension of the auxiliary liij-h pres-Mire vj-rt^m.- the principal mercan tile district -will b*> well protect**!. Response to alarms is good in the mercantile district . ] »nd elsewhere is well arranged for the force j HratlaMe: suitable provision U made for pro- ] trctin? territory left nn^orered. Fire m»th- I <xls appear t» be fcnerally jrood. as shown h<- the excellent fire record. Improvement of the fire alarm sys em is considered in this language: With the authorized Improvements, the. tyt iom should proride pcti protection' for the business section and many .parts #t the hnllrup residential districts, hut the use of satcrared paper insulated cable Js not In ac r<wdan<-« with the best practice, and a large, territory will still b* unprotected or pro tectrd only by boxes of inferior type, incon spicuously lscated. The M*lrote system i* inadequate and of little importance, but its_»errttory will be ,-ot-ered by tbe Oakland system when funds are available. " * .' . . : The investigation was made. by-F. P. j VA'althcr. structural engineer; G. I*. Bean, hydraulic engineer; R. C: Den nett, hydraulic engineer; F. A. nay mond, fire department engineer, and Kenneth Lydecker. assistant. They ar« j connected with the national board at; New York. • :—: — \u25a0 • SAN LEANDRO TO HAVE PLAYGROUNDS Citizens Launch Movement to Provide for Children SA.V LEANDRO. Oct. 18.— For the purpose of providing adequate play grounds for the children of this city, a playground commission was organized this evening at a mass meeting of city officials, teachers and parents, held in the town hall. Dr. C. H. Miller, presi dent of tlie board of school trustees, called the meeting to order. Addresses were made by L C. More house z^d Charles H. Hale, president and casHier respectively of the First national bank of San Leandro; Post master C. Q. Rideout and D. U. /Tof felraier. It was unanimously, decided to equip the playground with apparatus for children. - The city owns two fine blocks of land between Martinez and Estudillo Ftreets." off Saunders street, which was deeded to Pan Leandro many years ago for a public park and playground -by the Estuoillo family. This has not been improved. Plans will be made for a modern playground and an instructor of children's sports will be engaged. MOTHERS WAGE WAR ON ' OBSCENE POSTCARDS Federated Clubs Adopts Slogan of "Clean Shop Windows" : BERKELEY, Oct. IK.'—Th* .fight I which the federated mothers' ckibf.of 9 this city waged to have objectionable postal cards removed from public view in conspicuous localities has been won, \u25a0according to an announcement today, and theplctures have, been withdrawn. The clubs are now planning to make a fight against other alleged. evils for the young men in this city and the * slogan of ."clean shop windows" has - been adopted. It is proposed to gather data on' all •cases where decency is violated and Intake up the. cudgels in behalf ?of the V school children and others who patron * ize . shop* where objectionable- things are displayed. /The Women have alsoi started a cam paign to gather clothing and books for, "~ distribution among the 'poor. The "board of education rooms in* the' high building vrllV be ! used as 'head ,*, quarters. SELECT REPUBLICANS ?AND AID FAIR, URGES DUKE {Special .Dispatch to The ,Call] OAKLAND, . Oct. 18— "Each = "-'voter « should do r all - that \he can \ In ; assisting -the efforts to'- secure th e"~ Panama -Pa - clflc .exposition for. California; and? th« ' first" step in 'this consistß'of 'votlngTfor .\u2666•very randidate, nominated -on the: re * * publican (ticket,** " declared tj Robert /E. t>uke of^an Francisco^ at r"a. 'meeting : held in Mclrose this gvening^under, the of«the republican, county cen- committee.. PukQ.saldi'i/1.i.v^,.," :., "The republican platformiplerlges the party to work for; the; world's Jfalr., in l»15, : and so, 1 it i* up" to«.the ; p*ople of this - state,, tot elect candidates* co pledged.'*. puk"ei«.lso- Raid ihat»one ; of th? -first ' thiifl?f ithatLwoiildVbe ta.ken' up by the republicans h atp Sacfaniehto v next year f would :be« Securing,;- a more/speedy." and , fair method of .criminal, trial; procedure.' Supervisor,*. Bridge. y ."Coiinty^Superin3; • J t e,nd»nt 'of Schools .FrickV. Sheriff^Bar^ oet an 4 Coroner Tißdalejalso'spoke. ,J* Actor in "Mikado" Knows How Real Mikado Acts University students who fhave leading parts in '* The Mikado,"/ &hich * :" ywill be given '\u25a0Thirrsday • > ;v.; v .- v LOCAL COLOR FOR JAPANESE OPERA H. B. Johnson Jr. and Miss McComb to Sing Leading • Roles in Production BERKELEY. Oct IS.— Herbert B. Johnson Jr.. son of Rev. H. B/ Johnson, formerly a missionary in Japan and a friend of the mikado, will. take the title role in "The Mikado," which will Ibe stagr'ed by the women of the university treble clef society in Thurs day night. \u25a0 Johnson 1 is a member of the, glee club." On account 'of his "residence with his father 'in the orient for many years he expected \u25a0to interpret- the part with great facility,- knowing: as he does Japanese customs and mannerisms. Miss Alice McComb will take the part of Katisha,-and J..R Newsorm will-be seen. as Knee-80. Other principals are: Xankl Poo. . .'. j r;. ;,C. , N. Smith Ko Ko ......J. D. Hartlgan Pl*h Tu*h..... ..;. ..E. D. Woodward Yum Yum; "...... Mi*g Imelda Kinslow Pitti Sing i ....::.: .Mis-s • Marparet Kenny Peep Bo ; .Miss Phyllis Maguire In the men's chorus. \drawn mainly from the be: . 3. M. Hunt . H. V. .Williams F. H. Dyer R. 0. MrGro K. C. Banion E.S." Walker Gilbert Willoushby \u25a0 V. R. Mason' W. L. Bagby • : A: H. Wbeoler E. W.Moraghan C..A. Pitchford G. E. >rm«rong \u25a0 * E. W.Dutton " H. T. Chandler , A.' V. Turner R.-M.Hont- iflßßflp* -V;" 1"^1 "^* 1 :?"" ' -' \u25a0:\u25a0: \u25a0 .' The patrons and .patronesses ..will be: Prof. W." D. -Artnes, \ J Prof. D. J . P. Barrows and Prof. R. F. Sr holt - .{-'Mrs. Barrows' Prof. A. F. I^angc and! P. E. Smith .Mrs. Langis-.: .. Mr.- and -Mrs.: Julius Prof.- E. O'Neill : and, t Weber ,- i Mrs. O'Neill • , Mr. and : Mrs. C "W. Prof. G. C . Xoblei and Hornick '-': '"" • Mrs. Noble . . ,1 Mrs. • Milton' McMurray \u25a0 Prof. \u25a0 E.vwV Wicksoh'Mrs. Harry ;Knovrles and Mr*. Wick-son Mrs. H.C ." Capwell Prof. .W.S..Thoma« and Roy J; Wool spy > Mrs. Thomas -'./ _ .... x-^ • R. If.' High is" niana'grcr, .assisted by E. D. "Woodward. \ Frederick 'Carlisle i* handling the drama tic' end 'of. the opera with Paul Steindorff 1n' r charge of 'the music- :.'\u25a0'- f -\u25a0\u25a0 •/ ; AID SOCIETY TO HOliD TWO DAY BENEFIT; FAIR Women, .of . Christ: Church Arranges pete ALAMEDA, Oct; 18.— A, two ! day fair, starting tomorrow,' ls to be held by; the Ladies' Aid- society /of; Christ* Lutheran church in Encinal hall,.; gay '. station. The fair is : t6j;be;opemafternoons and evenings. The; committees; and those 'ln 'charge of the booths Tare:"; 7 :-:: : *^, ">/ \u25a0',{ 't^J.. Execuiire VyimmJttee-i-Mrs.'* H. J C.-1 Hacke Ofcalr man), ..Mr«.r A: \u25a0.Kuchrpclster, - Mm."; XT. , Feix; t n; r^ptjon — Mrs. M. - Kejx. Mrs.". J>- Somtner, • blrt.\\': LlndPrmim ; * tancj «^orV • booth^-Mr». ' W. Lieber. Mrs. M. SrhnUw, . Mrs.v R. * gprado, -Mni.TH.^C. Haokc; rnulette .vheel^Mrs. \u25a0; A. "Kucbmeister; apron bcoth— Mrs. \u25a0••: A. " Bertelstm <;\u25a0 and -; Mrs.* s U' Schroeder; fl»h <• |w>n4 — Miss s T»res»f.-?Mlss Pr^nsy Sonmw. * Miss • Elsie - s?chulz»; coffee booth— Mri. M. Hamilton, Mr».. M.-nwUcber.'Mfs.TE.fGott ftein. Mr*.' J. , Klein : ' fortune teller,' : Mrs."^ E;! Saal ba<Si: lc« cream -au<l\ candy i booth-^-itrf!. K. Kni cht « and iMr».5 E.* J. } Flwbe,' »ssiste.a i by," the yoawc peoph»> ; society. vv- • -^.- •.\u25a0V .: r—^N : «<H o - Evciy^ woman's heart thrills at th« . j )y •>>\u25a0-< -1 US^-T'inrjVjß xobing xandipfatttingiof/ai"bal)y,faadl r—TOS. - >^^| . I f\ vj A >Jf. \u25a0- ,\Sk ; jnotherhood Is her highest and purest ' -^\ACQ \ •j'\?Ji~ssf:"- C&J '\u25a0' Joy. y|Yet lthe^suffering^ihcldent ; to * I O^^ '*'.-''^* m Z: this Tgreat " consummation 6rhjßrlife|B* %c! L-^>v )//7*S.'<\ : /F^S'f^P^' degire^^thejantic^atioh^ of / some! '\wa vvj) I I v\*iv^^ JImJL JNJS^ JJL Si^-V>^ * bej avoided lt»y ithVusejbf jMother'^ Priend. iThiß great remedy pr«p^res^^^ ing ; events ?andj itsYuso makes " her Tcomf ortable " during? aUj]the^teim.Y^ Mother 's j Priend assists nature in gradually expanding aU: tissues,; muscles and tendons, it j sbrsngthenis the , ligaments, keeps ithe itreasts i in|g«odrc6nditioh^andil)ringsi the "i "woman; to * the condition. The regular of ! ; Mother's isTriend 1 lessens i^the - pain h-^r •» T *r- - :^ >\u25a0 ~ : '' : ''-' -V;^*- V* '-": I vhen , baby^comes^and^ assures ;)a ? \u25a0 \u25a0 - <fS vLL: s "'^ '' ' Ci -- ' '! quick • and natural^ recovery/ for the = . KJ\ ; 1 7^VJ '[% I • rv\ /^^t^O-v^^ .'mother.' t*- For -sale Sat "$ drug : IX j-1 vvV/ \\H 1 7') vC^> In- for, free 'book: f or: expectant J ; >csyiJL f^f i; ' BBAI)FIELD!EEGinUATOR CO., \u25a0. V I p^pf^TJ V^** !f||l ; aM:Neis^^ KLEINS CONTEST SHERIFFS SALE Ask Court to Declare Default } Judgment Entered Against- Them Void • OAKLAND,*: Oct. IS.— Proceeings. to set aside a default, judgment that'they allege was against them by deceit \u25a0were bpgun'- today ' by \ Sigmund and; Milton .Klein,' who were .sued": by their, brother, ilarry, Klein, -\Tt)e*latter has: adjusted-^his difficulties "with'~. his. brothers, " which grew" out of their joint ownership, of stock in a'compariy/own ing the Maryland apartment: house,, and the default; judgment. ..which. .resulted In the' sale of,- $20,000 worth of stock.vis alleged to have been. secured. at" the in stance *of E: "J.; Greenhbod.- '•'.-. * i Greenhood, /with his father, ..Max Greenhood/I and the: latter's wife, "were the other owners of ,the. stock.*- While the/suit between; .the' 'Klein, .brothers was pending,. Attorney; George Samuels tried , to : make* peace in ' the f a-mil jy and secured many 'continuances/; so that-liti gation-might".finally"be* avoided. V ; SHe made ;, affidavit, today - that , he was:, as sused Iby Attorney. v Thomas ; F. representing .; the plaintiff,.! that; no de fault • w"ould be; taken ,v, v against; : him: Harry . 'Klein; - thef plaintiff,v,Samuel3 says,; was .willing, toTcome: to terms, but in r spile; of,, this fact, and" in spite fof Graber's. alleged- assurance, 'default judgment- was taken, r and the. stock > of Signiund and .'Milton Kleln(waJß ; sold ; by the sheriff.' Greenhdod .bought;lt^in'' gain;, according- to>the; Kleins, and they accuse of i being;- the who hadthe default Judgrment.tkken; and' the stock sold* quietly. V, The < couHCisYasked t<> declare this -sale void," as .-well: as' 3 to set aside. the' judgment. that "• preceded r it: POSTOFFICE CLERKS ARE V - -REWARDED FORSERVICE Uncle Sam Gives Salary^ In ":- crease to Employes ; , " BERKELEY, ,^ Oct. , IS.—^For*«J faithful and. efficient;; service ' in': the^Berkeley, postoffice^ a> number- of , the clerks^aiid carriers.havejbeen: given' an; increase of $100 r a yearllnTsalary ,7 beginning? Octo^ •ber^iij*; The? promotion's * announced I by Postmaßter- C.J S. : Merrill ar e : - ' J \u25a0 Clerk — Luther A.' 'Ihinlap, from - fourth . to the fifth : grad«»:VMis3 .Hilda- Lueders-:and' Lewis' A.' Wagner. . from - the . third - to : tbe r fourth- .'grade ; Paul : Boyer.' J I^ewls <B. : Krausa \u25a0 and i Clare : W.- Wilson; from the. second to : the > third :grad«.' -:';''>.-- Carriers— D.' 1 . A. -.Daly.-: Julius JW;.s Miller ; and Robert • It. - Morton, ; from r the ". fourth • to .the \u25a0 ilf th grade; £ Otis J. Preston, \u25a0from : tbe > second . to ; the third grade. .-. . ' - . FBATERNITY i "FARMERS' BALL 11 — Berkeley. ;. : Oct. 18.— As a feature of the social > life of . the : Agrlcultnrtl*club j of s the > uniTereity. r n.' "t arm-" . orßSball".^wtllibef held'in-, the \u25a0'Beta TbetaiPl : . f ratemityi bouse % tomorrow *. night. • There jwill . .-be • barn * music:! and ? each i member; of i the > club : will ' attend • in iruraK costume.',, The >afr»lr^wiU "<-* be'Umited'toinembers'of tho orgaulsstion and -, 1 their friends. ;j;; \u25a0 .1,:."".;:;.;:. ;::;.»:,-<\u25a0*.:-: TAX. COLLECTOR ColClKG— AlamMa.":Oct. : 18. "• County j Tax I . Collector J.l.B.J ßarber and a la l force r'iot i deputies* will; be in this \u25a0, city|October ; 25 ito - 1 collect . the ' state and J county, 1 taxes.-g The ' taxes : " '; will '• be ' collected • i n>, the i ; cit y \ treasurer* b i'of flee in i the : city: **; Bs rber iwilll be iln ? Alameda | but I ~ one'day,^ and rafter :that: payments iwillhare ito Ibe | made . at .the ; coupty.; ooujthouse : in '. Oakland. WEALTHY RANCHER'S MARRIAGE VOID '$y£ for Bigamy v^OAKLAND; >, Octroi S:--John.:i Beck's matrlmoniaribure«,ut marriage ».with*;the thricftlmftrried^Anne^ Koehler ' wasl. an-* nulled itoday^byj? Judge -Ogden"i'on'the" ground '? that ifri;oviis Xf ; Koehler, .v^the woman's-. hrusbaiid, c ! was faliverand--undlr vorce^ atltheXtim^she^married CBeckr Mrs.lKoehler.ißirifjailawaitlrig investi gation Von>chVrges;ofirbigamy.J and rper jury.^aridiKdenler; isidetainedfwith her.- ; wealthy^ fancher/and managjftr^of I; the? AlamftdaTisiigar^om pahy, 'married;theJ.womanUn^Decerhbjßr, I*oo,-. tsppaeVrnonthsf; af ter^the?death j of hiswife.^HeVnietiMrs.ilCoehlef'through her .nirwMhejvS Mrs/ Amelia^" Lohenberg,' .who^condufcted.'a i matrimonial-bureau in* 'i Francisco, y Mrs. ; Koehler : repre serited > that' "she .twas * unmarried , and agreed' 1 - td>*. become'* h\s-': wife.? *.At V the time ! she -was -living -with Koehler' and her: five ;: children.! -.-, She told; Becki that Koehler "was the"; hTusband of 'her,sißt*er; and ;, that vthe* "children .: also '- were "i her sister's.. During the'eourtship she; went to . a' sanatorium , in i Francisco and gave birth jtoa^childiunknown to Beck. She told', the latter that her mother was ill 'i and i that \u25a0- an", operation' -vwas "to be performed ? on . her,-? obtaining $800 : from him in 'this way and accounting for her kbsence : from : him ;Iby"; Iby" saying ..that-" she had: to nurse" her mother. » ./ : ' ; . * Beck »\u25a0 says -1 that *he al so gave . : -- her. about $3,000 ".to : pay \ off chattel , mort gages on her furniture, and. that after their. \u25a0 marriage" she made ;; heavy ''. de mahds-oh-him' for,money^,'i. * ' v All* this r time, ! he declares, she lived with him ' part »of. the time -and part of the"; time: with- Koehler in {} San Fran cisco, f. He found it, out' at last and went tS District Attorney- Donahue, who r in-; vestigated » and i; found that , she ; was married; to ! Koehler land that she • had contracted, another bigamous 'marriage with a:man j named. Wallace in Los An* geles.y. Wallace^- however, cis dead. ' These^facts' came, out: last -week In Jtidge Ogden's court. Mrs. Koehler had sued?; Beck for divorce and had asked for ;. alimony.'. Beck;' filed a cross \u25a0 com plaint.v asking. that •> the marriage be I annulled f on '\u25a0-the r 7 ground of * bigamy. Judge Ogden: ordered Mrs. Koehler and her; husband]; locked i-up and they.-have been , in_' the ,'countyi jail; since.; i Formal charges" ; will' be made againstv them -in San Francisco," as the; bigamy was com mitted there. .-* - v ' " *. \u25a0\u25a0 PRINCE'S" ASSAILANT ; ; ] TO BE GIVEN TRIAL \u25a0\u25a0;:•-OAKLAXD;Oct.; :• -OAKLAXD; Oct. IS.— Fong : Ming Sung, alias 'iJebrge ;Fong,'e young Chinese who -attempted f - : to assassinate. Prince Tsai'Siiun,^ cousin of .the Chinese em peror;, at -.the* Oakland mole, was held for : trial: this, -morning -by Police Judge Smith .on Jalcharge of assault.with a deadly weapon\with intent; to commit murder. ' ' - .' Testimony at the.' preliminary exam ination -consisted chiefly of: confessions which • th e" prisoner^ was a HegeQ to have made.: •> "\u25a0\u25a0 " \u2666 > tV-ltnessesTwere "Chief Deputy States' Prosecu ti n gr 3 Attor riey 'B.* : F.\ Me • KinleyriUnitedg States '\u25a0' Secret? Service Agent 'Harry, Moffltt/ Detective Sergeant McMahon ; of Sari Francisco,' Captain l>f Detectives :W;-j;: Petersen ;of,< Oakland and -A; Kennedy, who: sold^the" revolver a month pays for a \jyfQvV^~ \ N «3pac II Homesite in North J J On San Pablo avenue, overlooldhg Oak- \^ "^^^fflfßhif- m land, Berkeley, Richmond and the Bay '^^JTi' Right s^irm?V .. 1 N' bRJMBIRj^LEV JTERRAjGIEv is /North Berkeley Terrace is as easily reached' ;aKe;dn^|Hillside i residentiaJiproperty on from San rtrancisco as any other transbay point. S^ n -^ ?yet!Ue - ;l - ]YICI " Ity ° f the W'^M^^iM^^^W^^- I^-' \u25a0 new. Pullman, shops. .-," ; , , m^t!o|f^mlit:^J^^iiebMPtETEL^- ' . \u25a0 tacmties^andarnproved-in? \u25a0:& superior Mnahner, -iift^i^iii\}'^Drmi-rhi r></ a t-' seeker for the idealjn a permanem relidence^^^^ ,, T : \u25a0^^S§^y' < %^^ n^- realty considerably KigKer priced^ \ North^Berkeley Terrace possesses, RIGHT As a residential site North Berkeley JFer- , ON^yTHE TR^G^ schools^ I^ible^rder-^alsb churcries and' stores^ JTheje; lative oj^rtunity^the proximity of tf^Rullman is a; ;postoffice on-Sarj iPaßlo avenue, jiist^across the: industrial activity in tKe I <RicK- the street, vanJin^^ mond "make it an opportunity^ otun- ground:. < . ;>; > ' . paralleled promise. v >' * - - $1250;for a^lot,; graded streets, cement sidewalks and water mains all [ in now— on car> lines, * chu^^ mm™m-^ \u25a0 ie Mall • Thereichange tp'anlGaklarid^Richmbndfcarandg-et'oflf'at'ouf office, corner of : San Pablo" and Ji^xe m«V>« «< \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0- -\u25a0 ,-potrcro : 3-V€nues. -^ :*'>* \u25a0-*•-- - : * \u25a0.\u25a0 - ; ' ii ;' / -v.-v r - ---.*\u25a0" \u25a0 *\u25a0 -/* : - *\u25a0\u25a0 . ;- .- * •%--. . , . - \u25a0 -'^ " : v^^ *\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• - ' "^********* ;MaM^ISsGOTPONJNOW^;F^ torrjJce> Henderson ofc 1 a^scott,Owners^^-- 215-216-217-218-219 . FIRST' XATIOX AL BA^^mMm^o^OAKi^b W^^^^^^ :^W^'^^ :T^ :^ LAST HONORS PAID TO DR. W. D. OSGOOD Perlprined by Live: Oak Lodge at vPbysi» r i ; 'cian'si Funeral „ /OAKLAND; Oct. ISr-TheTfHneral^ of Dr^j^arren ': D. . Osgood; : who r died Fri day! after a prolonged • illness^was . held yesterday.'morning-. ' " r at' ;j 1 0 :30 \u25a0' ojclock from".) the ; residericre of'his parents.*, Mr. 'ahd : Mrs.* F. S. Osgood, 103 Monte Vista Charles ;R};BrownJ/offl clated and' the. Masonic • rites were;per formed by Live-oak ij lodge?; of : v which Doctor ; Osgood was ; an Active member. Doctor; j Osgood was born > in ; San Francisco 24 years ago. Heswa'sa graduate "of - the Cooper medical lege- and was^marrled to -Miss \u25a0 Ethel Scott ;of, Portland January -.4. j 1908." 'He is ; survived ,?.by - his, wife, parents, a. .brother.^Carltfin" Osgood; and a" sister," Consuelo* Osgood. T' "- -- • \u0084-:;»- -' \u25a0-\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0.\u25a0•; ? The r pallbearers; -were. Dr. •; Frank Bowles,- Dr.^iDonaldi Fraser, "Howard Bush; : Fred P Krol 1, •P. ''J'a Daniels "and Howard iGallup, \u25a0 all , of ' the Omega" Up-j silontPhl medical^ fraternity, of which Doctor^ Osgood \vra.a'« a V member.; .The remains werecremated. _,-*..>\u25a0;/ "':-.*>%??\u25a0 LIVERMORE IS SCENE - • OF HAPPY GATHERING 200 Guests Assemble at Double /r "- : ' : LIVERMORE,- Octlg.—A double sil ver-w edding celebration A was. -held- at Portuguese . hall ':. thi* ;. ; af terno'on ; ; and evening, - when r more - than 3 200 ,. prom inent persons from Oakland,' Llvermore,- PleasantonV: : and other- nearby cities gathered*' to the two cour les^'John^and « Lina Mayn . and Mathias and Margaret '1 Kopman, .well known residents f of J thi» community. Rev. --W." •U.'l Brandes r of . Alameda acted as mas ter o( ceremonies, : . : ..- Among those "who . took- a part in -the program -"were v the -- children' off- both couples,; each: of "whom - displayed'^ex ceptional *\u25a0-. talent .< in .different -, artistic callings; follow:*' Ber tha, Minnie, '^Villie. and v Edwin Mayn, and ,i Herman, ' Bertha, :; John, ; George, Elsa and/ Emma^Kopman. c :l: l "^ ; ~ The celebration"; began in ; this ; after noon 'at * 3:30 -o'clock, and blasted until late at ; night. ; At fto'clock 'refresh "mentS; were? served and then \u25a0 the. hall was cleared vfor - Both 7 ; the aged couples 'glided -around the; hall in many dances ,as gracef irK-a.nd j spry as though still in.' their .'teenw.'; HETCHHEtCHY GRANT IS INDORSED BYrCLUB Santa FeVlmproyement^^Associ ation to ; Support; Project! .. OAKLAND. Oct. 18.— The Santa Fe improvement association, an organixa tion;iof: 500 members,, has, adopted ;a .resolution; in ; support ;of ;a municipally owned • and operated water ' supply . and indorsing tlie iTudlumne watershed and Hetch; Hetchy .. valley propositions. ) The measure rasked f ... that .every improve ment; club .'ln "thercommunity; take the' matterJ; up>. with influential 4 men - and congressmen - with : a.'- yie-w.itoward pre venting a; revocation 'of ithe /privileges granted by: the 'government. ;..' BERKELEY PLANS TEACHERS' MEETING Elaborate Arrangements Made v > -for Annual of ; State Association : - V BERKELEY;^ Oct.MS.— At'least/f 000 >members*of the "\u25a0 Calif ornla'. Teachers' association and the Alamehda • County. Teacher's* 'association.; are expected • to come to] Berkeley for the]annual:raeet ingsAwhich wfll be" held* here ' December 27, to 30. \ An elaborate .re^ption-Js planned for >them by apumber of com. rmitteea i • of; which <Superlntendejnt^of Schools F.-F. -Bunkerl is at the head. « I The, university has i advised the execu .tlve committee, -.composed of Frank t F. .'Bunker. . .chairman; r Clara _ Partridge^ Mary.McDougald. E. H.-MoshVr; Gilbert ~&. .Brink," ;^. Louise ': - Kldder r and \u25a0.-; S. » D. TVaterman,* that;- the-'buildlngst "placed 'at; the r dlsposaU : oftherassdclay .tlon-j! It; Is planned to" have- one" or«sev ,er4l Tbf the jneetings in tho t . Greek -theater.:' ;.'\u25a0 . . ,< Cr- Besides speakers from - various ' por- of ; the-state;and the university, savantsifrom the east are expected- to be; present atV.the : meetings of .ithe teachers.' '': iVThe committees .which. Bunker named today will hold, their first meeting. Sat. urdaymorning at 9 o'clock in. his' office in Ithe high The committees foiiowissi^nßHlineffi^M \u25a0 Building— F. W. • Hoffman, chairman; A. J. Hamilton and' Leader Good. \u25a0 \u25a0 .Accommodations— William *\u25a0 J. Cooper, chair man: John A.- Irroie. Nelsoa Smith, Emma Winces, Margaret Wqbb. '. Social -entertainment — Fanni* Me l-ean. chair man; James T. - Preston^ Ema Juth, Eleanor Orgren. Dr. Ernest B.' Hoag. \u25a0 Klnance — Cnarles L. Blcdeabacn, 'chairman; W. V B. Ciark. Joseph 1,. Biumb. : PrintlDj— O. W. Monroe,- chairman; -Grace HenlejvPaul E-Taas. \u25a0 ;\u25a0 \u25a0 GENERAL AYLESHIRE TO INSPECJ, THOMAS Head of Transport Service to Be Oakland's Guest \u25a0 OAKLAND. Oct. I|.— Quartermaster General Ayleshire.U." S. A:, who isat the'headof the; army transport service, will"arrive in Oakland tomorrow to in spect; the -_ work on the transport Thomas, now lying in dock at ship yards of the Moore & Scott iron works. He » will -be -J accompanied by Quarter master^ H. P. • Young., ofl- the coast division and "a committee from the chamber: of / commerce,'. The work on the Thomas is nearly half finished. The contract .was . let June : 30^ and involves an • expenditure of. $400,000. Ay leshire is en rroute- to- the Philippines. .... | Marriage Licenses j \u25a0*- ',"".""..',. — —_ — — - — - — : — — -\u2666 OAKLAXD.'Oct. 1*. — The following marriage licenses were Issued, today: ' ." \u25a0»"-•.- •\u25a0- -Antone C- Ambrose. . 39, * Berkelej, \u25a0 and Nari* T. Monl«; SO, Oakland. * - - Francis ; M. Simpson. - S9. Berkeley," and ' Helen H. Bnrgtess, 23. Oakland. \u25a0 -;^ - "Augustine T. Rosseter, 28, Oakland, and Nellie. L'Hich: SS.J Berkeley. . - • Bert H.- Ballard.*2s. Callstoga. and Luella Reed. 29, Alameda. . - ....... .' \u25a0 ." i .' Mahiiel SlTra. 26* Sunol. and Mamie F." Brown, ' IT. Mission San Jose.- " J \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'>-'. \u25a0 • \u25a0' <\u25a0\u25a0 \ ' .Paul Bennett. 20, and Camllle DaxJes, 16, both 'of San Francisco. .. \u25a0 ' . . -. Albert »J. Ernest, 45. and May Toun«ley, SO. i both of ; Alameda. ; - "\u25a0\u25a0 .'" Alexanders Brenner. . 2fi.' and Margaret Me- Aik 111. 26, both of Oakland. Oeorgre O. Braj\ 27. -end- Ruth -E. Anderson, 22,.-both of Oakland. ,"• • ,' .; - HARBOR BONDS TO BE THEME OF ADDRESS - ALAMEDA, Oct.' 18.--A public meet ing will be. held" by -the North Side im provement club . tomorrow; night In tne council, chamber, in' the pity hall and Walter ;v.;*SUfford.. ; president of ? . the state harbor commission. • will . deliver an address on the proposed issuance or boruis by the state for the improve ment of the San Francisco .water front. £ii ABSOLUTE y ECESSITY Sci Thinks at t.ea»t One TraTellai Mhb V-l would as soon think of startia«-.out \u25bawithout my mileage* t>ook» and grip. *s> to start out on a trip without a^box;o£ Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets In roy valise, said a traveling* man -who represents a St. Louis hardware 'hou3e. Why? Be- cause-I have to put up at all kind* of hotels and boarding? bouses. I have to eat good, bad arid Indifferent food at *H hours of the day arid night and I don.t believe any man's stomach- will stand that sort of thing-without protest, any- way! know mine won't-rlt has to- hay» something « to \u25a0 break the fall < and Stuart's Dyspepsia- Tablets „Is the crutch I fall back on. -My friends \u25a0\u25a0 often M'josa me afiout it, tell me I'm an easy mark for patent medicine fakers, that advertised medi- cines are humbugs; etc.. but I " notice that they are nearly always complain- ing of their aches and pains and -poor digestion, while I can stand most any old kind of fare and feel good and ready for. my work when it needs. me. and I believe I owe my good digestion and sound health to the dailyi regular use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, year iv and year out. and all the "joshing in the world will never convince m» to the contrary. vr.; I used to have heartburn, about three times a' day and a headache about three or four times a week and after stand- in* for this for -four '.or- five years v t began to look, around for a. crutch and I found it .when my. doctor told me the best Investment. I 'could make would-be a flfty cent box o£Y Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and I have invested .about fifty cents a month for them ever since, andwhenl stop to think that that A* what I spend -every day for cigars I feel like shaking hands with myself, for I can keep my stomach and diges- tion in first class order for fifty .cents a month.. I don't care for any better life Insurance. . ' My druggist tells me. -they are the most popular of all stomach medicines and that they have maintained their popularity and success because they do as advertised. They bring results, and results are what "count In .a patent medicine : as \ much as in selling : barb- wire. -- -^ . .:\u25a0 \u25a0 -...'.= .\u25a0\u25a0--..- FOUR '-CONCERTS V IX THE ', . GREEK THEATER 'BERKELEY ELLERY BAND j -- ...... " FtIIDAT \u25a0: AND r SATWDAT, : • October SI and 22 -' . * ; AT 2:15 ASD 8:15 P. M. • Admission., 2s Cents. Reserred 0M1r.,50 Cents. Ttcketa now on sale at the Student*" Co-op»ratiTe Store. Harms & Geary's, Tuj>P* r Jt Iteed'B. Sadler's and The .Sign ' of the Bear. Berkeley; and Sherman. Clay i. Co.'s, Oakland.. > WttMSMgHCTPi*-^ - ' • -'.-^TT**