SATURDAY |Tfe San Francisco Call 'JOHN D. SPRECKELS \ ... Proprietor CHARLES W. HORNICK .General Manager ERNEST S. SIMPSON .Managing Editor .; ; lAddrcm AH Coimnunlo«Uon» r-n« b^- Walt f or UNITED STATES. Including Postage (Cash With Ord*»rV n*n,r rtTX rTnr'nrHnEr f=undav>. 1 Year ..SS.Oft PATLT PATJi (Iticlndiner Pnnday). 6 Months '. 54 ™ CAT.T. — By S'nffie Month """ crrvr>*v ciT.j,. t Tear .S° " TTEEKIiY * LL. 1 Year * 1 ' T«'"iaav M.IK Per. Tear POSTAGE Jw-eekly $1.00 Pcr s Year E-*. 5 ' 'Entered at the United Ftntes Pnptofflc ap Second Claps Matter ALL: POSTMASTERS ARE AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTION- Pampl* Copies Will Be Forwarded When Requested Mai! p*>b!6'M-ib*»rs in orderinsr chntisre of "address should be particular to give both NEW nnrf OLD ADDRESS In order to insure a prompt and correct compliance with their request. THE wayfaring man might very well be puzzled to account for the apparent partnership existing between- Theodore Bell and Patrick Calhoun. Most people would have been slow, in the absence of evidence, to accuse Mr. Bell of any such alliance, but the evidence is here in plenty supplied by the public and constantly reiterated utterances of the two contracting _ parties. In the expressive language of the rtrcet., they "peddle the same lure of talk." It is all concerned with the graft, prosecutions in- San Francisco, in which Hiram Johnson bore a not inconspicuous part. The way faring man might readily understand why Mr. Johnson's part in the prosecutions would naturally have been a cause of acute dis comfort to Mr. Calhoun, but why that suffering should be shared by Mr. Bell is not so clear. That he should be traveling up and down the state in cordial acceptance of this strange political partner ship and repeating Mr. Calhoun's silly ''arraignment 1 " of Johnson is one of the most remarkable political phenomena of the day. Whose Candidate Is Theodore Bell? The gravamen of this strange "arraignment" is that Mr. Johnson was paid for his services in aid of the graft prosecutions — that and nothing more. Xow, if Mr. Johnson was paid for what he did in this relation, and we do not doubt that he was, it will scarcely be disputed that. he. amply earned the money. .The most important service accomplished by that undertaking was the conviction of Abe Ruef, for which the undisputed- credit belongs ;to Mr. Johnson. Of that conviction it may be said of Johnson that "alone he did it." Mr. Calhbun perhaps still feels bad about that matter, but it does not appear that the voters of California would be likely to share that feeling, nor would they be disposed to deny that, the laborer is worthy of his hire. It is not, as far as we know, established that Mr. Johnson was paid anything for -this .particular* service, but we are quite certain that he ought; to y have had a liberal remuneration for that work, which, at the risk of displeasing Mr. Calhoun- and Mr. Bell, we do not hesitate to characterize as a public service of the, highest value. ', . The whole controversy — if it may be spoken, of as sueh — appears to partake of the nature of opera bouffe pplitics, and Mr. Bell's resort to such tactics and his malodorous alliance with Mr. Calhoun suggest the inevitable conclusion that Hiram Johnson's record is unimpeachable. If this ridiculous charge is the best that can be discovered in the way of attack the case falls to the ground by its own weight as far as the republican candidate is concerned. If that were all the affair might be disregarded, but the discussion raises the much more serious question .What is Mr." Bell 'doing 'in that company? Are the people of California to understand that Mr. BeN is the accepted and willing candidate of the San Francisco grafters? ' : ;>i:^> OXE of the commercial bodies of San Francisco was given some well deserved applause for its liberal contribution in aid of the surviving- relatives of the men killed in the explosion that wrecked the Los Angeles .Times building. Sharing, in that applause The Call suggests to the commercial bodies of .this city that there is another good cause right here at home that might very well hyi made the beneficiary 01 a similar nueraiuy and wise use of 'money. , There are soime 400 orphans once housed in the Mount St. Joseph's \u25a0asN^lum who now on the edge of winter are in need of food, shelter and clothing. It is true that ata unoccupied building has been found to make a temporary home for these little ones, but a great deal more remains to be done, and\ve do not hesitate to call that need to the attention of the liberal minded commercial bodies of San Francisco. We are free to believe that only the suggestion is needed and that it will be followed by a generous response. " - These are our own people, the children of San Francisco' fathers and mothers, and surely they ha,ve a claim on the generosity of a warm hearted community. £ The Mount St. Joseph's asylum is a great and meritorious institution, and those who come to its relief . in the hour^of need do themselves honor arid credit. r What They Might Do for the Orphans THE; Fresno Republican prints a voluminous- letter written by Frank 11. Short in defense of the "innocent purchasers" of railroad oil lands whose titles are questioned because of the reservation in the" patents excluding* mineral lands from .the grant. v Mr. Short seeks to discredit the proposal tlfat the government I should take proceedings to test the validity I of these, titles by a \ sneer at "the; halof of conservation," in whose name he is persuaded a sea of troubles is about to be turned loose on the innocents and others .to whom his heart goes out. Of course Mr. • Short* knows that 'there are no innocent purchasers in this relation." While lie does: not employ Lhat phrase, at the same time he pleads for sympathy for certain unprotected corporations like the Standard -oil; the Associated and Hie Kern. trading and oil companies, which took with a full knowl edge of the risk and are in fact for the most part the Southern Pacific company' in disguise. The question here at issue is not a matter to be decided either by sentimental considerations or by sneers. It is a. simple matter of law for the courts to decide. If thertitles are good so much the better for the Southern Pacific: If they are not valid give somebody else a chance. The government should ascertain its rights; at the risk of offending these innocent corporations and; their stage widows and orphans. . '; / *' ~ '\l' <'-\u25a0-,- Speaking of the- -''halo of conservation*' the same paper" that prints Mr. r Shores letter contains this Porterville, dispatch : Investigation by local people interested in new legislation with -regard Vi "Widows and Orphans" in the San Joaquin EDITORIAL PAGE OF THE CALL Curf cw y jßiiiiwliiiiii to the filing of water power sites suitable for electrical developments has^ brought out the knowledge that at every available point of the Tulc' river, both forks and on the Kern river clear to the ice limits almost at Kern lakes, every site has becnfiled upon by agents of the hydro-electric • companies. • 'V "\u25a0''.::'''..:>/ \^' : . \u25a0 V 7 Location notices have been filed, in 'accordance with California laws.; No irrigation rights are threatened, as the .water,,is to be turned back into the river after it has been used to whirl the turbines. In accordance, -with the California laws, the sites are being.worked upon just enough to secure the title. •\u25a0 ' ""• . ! : * . :v: v * ;< '•;/ vV It is -interesting to note that these titles are either owned?by. the" j Edison or the Huntington interests,' and that; there is not now left x tipon either the Tule or the Kern rtver enough water to turn a toy paddle. \Vheel. , This means that the local people r who .want to develop ' jpbwer , for use in that neighborhood find fhemselvesshut off by appropria tions made by the water power trust, which has seized most of the available rights of ; this character, in .California not protected by the "halo of conservation" in the guise of a federal reservation.^ 11 If we are rightly informed these corporations are clients of Mr. Short, and this fact may serve to explain his contempt for "the halo of conservation." •. \u25a0\u25a0^'; '-''-? . THE. Illinois .railroad commission some -..time ago ordered a, deep cut in the rates charged by the express companies] which on '""-"•^"-\u2666\u25a0ioiV were; -found tp be exorbitantly high, but the c0m ;,..:.,.- mission finds' itself confronted by the same .doubt concerning its legal powers that has been used as >an excuse for inaction •by .the :Li corresponding body in this state. That .is to ;•"'-. •' say,, the legislature "has never taken pains to dehne the powers of mission. -The Chicago Daily News thus explains the -situation : , '. ' ,V ... - The commission; itself is, ndt^sureof'its.authority in- the premises. In the absence of: legislation oh the subject it-has proceeded to .try out the matter, The legislature, however; unquestionably could have given it the right to regulate expressjchargesihad that body been disposed to do ' ' so. The legislature was urgently requested by business organizations throughout the state tp enact this very^ beneficial^ legislations But "jack pot" legislators pay little heed to requests of this- nature. The,c-xistence of the "jackpot" explains their insolent'refusal to pass la'ws'for the publics'" benefit. '^^'\ , :: v \-. \u25a0. '". , \u0084 ' r.-" '-' .*\u25a0 .. : •'.\u25a0 '\u25a0 . :.\: .\ '-. . ' ' : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0/ .'\u25a0*>\u25a0 . There is no doubt at all that, express rates are \u25a0\u25a0unreasonably:, high not only in Illinois but:in-California and in every other part of the country, but. owing to corrupt control of the legislatures; : '^wlieii the people seek relief Uhrotigh 'their officially constituted machinery', the best they get is; a , -tedious lawsuit of very doubtful £ outconie owing to legislative: neglect.'^ -. • } • j\u25a0v - . \u25a0 .-:-' It maybe hoped- that th'e^ricoming legislature of ;Calif6rnia- will proceed -next winter to^define "the powers of'tlie railroad commission and execute .the :, purpose and' intent; of the Work for the State Legislature LOON IN TOMORROW'S PAPER! "THE DAY OF SOULS" BEGINS "Tlie Day of Souls;" a great novel of San Francisco^ life/ by Charles Tenney Jackson, will begin" publication 'in Tlie Sunday , Call "\u25a0-tomorrow.-. . - : _ ' " \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0,.'] '\u25a0';\u25a0 : It is the story of the triumph \u25a0;: of a man's better \u25a0nature and his .struggle •upward with a woman's help. : Tlie : struggle is dramatic, .optimistic;-' typically American arid ; intensely modern. / ;\ i--,-:i : .-V^'?.;r \u25a0*\u25a0;\u25a0' :"\u25a0:' :-W , '~\ ; --V \u25a0 '\u25a0•.\u25a0' \u25a0 ' : f : •-'.>'\u25a0\u25a0'" : .. "The Day of Souls" is a full blooded and vigorous work' of s fiction^ notable for its solid grasp ;bf-Hhe -facts^c>f -actual .life and -.their- .-.portra^ai "\u25a0;at^oncc-^ai^ful\anji' ; inspiring." ;;: " : - : ' V! v :: -t Kerry Unvisited Fair was the sky and calm the. *>c«. Aye, calmer than this bosom, Whon . Orst uikwi my ylston "broke The Rkelllgsi, wild and frri»wsonip. As slow tbe. nigged 'coast 'line rose Above the sunlit ocean.. ff r _ '.V. V " • O! bitter was the \ fight I waged " : To still' my. heart's" commotion. 7 Scli>n .of . exiles, home- again! .' Each rock ajid ; tree" apdisteeple Encircled by ; my eager • glass • Brought greetings from nay people. My j kindly/ rhipmates little guessed— . So gay ; I . teemed* and roerry — \u25a0Whst.te^rs were'' babbling- in my breast \u25a0" For the holy „ hills of Kerry. So all 1 , day loner ; I kept 'the 'deck And ." f td my soul with ; gazing On cliffs .and j bays 'and orer . all The; bills ubehv green crowns raising. -' \ When through /the diwk the ship sailed on ' And 'fo«jnd her: English haven, % At dnw'n, ; where/ the. Brixtol clmnncl - takes " The. waters of the Atoo, ', Tor me the ' Saxon tyrants came. Hut kindlier than the olden, .. And loaded . hip trlth captire ; chain?. :; -• Tuoiiglrhpre those chaius were golden, Aiul . royal linspltslity - •. V v~;. ,Mada ,:f»ery ; i moment ißserrx. - SS£|*Sf My heart was \ where Vmy people » He Among the bills of Kerry! - Of. enlni ngafn were »ea md ,sky. . The good ; »Ulp; homeward turning", i Bore with her one whose heart was. gore \u25a0 -With '-unrequited yearning. Again I ; watched the' Kerry cos st, -ißehlnd our white Vake''falllni;^fe| '1 he • Sidhe' were on' those fading bill* ', .I v know ; ; I _ heard • them .; calllqg, . V . Then rose the answering sea In wrath, \ sky: grew- gray: abore It, : - - ! . - Tho storm _broke ami tv«; shuddering ship | in the cJuteh*s of It. And like the ancient mariner, -. \u25a0 • - Whose sin no seas ; could bnry,- - . r \u25a0'.-'.' I knew what spirits shoot oar, keel — . Tbe. wild, wlldSidheofKerryt-' '. • ; Laugh .not t» scorn this tale of mine ; As soiue wild dreamer's, notion ;" : -'•'- '" .. : . I ." read reproach in every : thing \ •\u25a0 ' ; ; .. ' That tracked ; me o'er,- the ocean. — . . ' /The angry sea* that snatched at tie, ;V' • ;'Tue winds at; night: that Jeered me, ' vTha very gull that screamed o'erhead " - And flod as 1 though it feared me; I was the plrtguVnpon the, ship \u25a0 '\u25a0''. That ; made "groan • and 'shiver -. Through; toll of sovop'days aijd nights * • . ' reachi'this* pcacefuf; river.'." ?:So now^l ewear; N» more for me , - :;; The ocean-girdilng ferry; v.r^ \u25a0 i ' ". \u25a0- J* o ' more , for ; me jV un less jit: be \u25a0 . : ; v! ! To tread ' the bills of Kerry t :,-\u25a0 s \u0084' : \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0' -'\u25a0.;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0<- r\u25a0'':\u25a0•"\u25a0-".-•"r \u25a0'':\u25a0•"\u25a0-".-•" r{i . ,'-j _>-.'; i'-Ty A. DALY, - ; '.-. , On board the .-Royal Edward, approaching Mon treal, October. 6, 1910. ..".-, . , . . ' *-«-The Catholic Standard and TJmw. * A Sure Sign "I ; understand, ;• Mrv; Reuben," -sai.-- \u25a0. . - ;: - :" >\u25a0;\u25a0•-\u25a0;; z** ;v";"Ya-as, ,1* reckon ;he is,'V said - the V?llay : downy on :the i grass; for; hulls hours^'thputimakln'; no complaint.'^Harper's % •/-\u25a0; ln an address ; on botanical j \u25a0 Education in rt America, *Prof .ijw.y F. £ Ganonr r«i marks '.?. particulars a»d a* tendency^ to easjr:generaHtlei» ; are fundamental acier,"; and he slnßists ? upon I the * neces sity^: of and. experimental \u25a0^*ork i ln 1 all ; scientific ; study, > -•• UNCLE WALT T b^e Poet Phi los p-p.h&r';K:-';_ \u0084' :: When things go wrong and I get mad, and all the ".world scemsfgrim and, sad; I do not let W * v cranky 1 : mood bring bloom into fmy neighborhood. I do riot' snarl and 'snap at folks who doxrt deserve malicious pokes. I have a scheme that's really slick, and j t relieves me pretty quick. You've heard of Gessler, that old soul "who- hung his lid -upon a pole? When I feel mean I climbjiis frame ; the way I roast him is a shame. "Tnat blamed ;old Gessler," I remark, "he was a pirate and a shark; he'd rob a widow of her shbte, or steal the whiskers from a goat, or burn a church .^ «»^—« or kill a cop, or burglarize a blacksmith shop. Such 'men as :Ges.slei: Ges.slei should be drowned, or locked up in the Village pound, br'boited in tar and kerosene, or drawn and quartered on the green. I. have nc use for any chump who hangs his hat upon a stump, expecting gents like -William Tell to get down on their knees and yell." When I've abused old Gessler thus, and raised a nice and harmless fuss, I feel as gehuine'relief as though I'd brought a lot of grief to those around me; so, my lad, abuse ofd c^ai ml* jTk " 4ri • "... THE \u25a0 . !": 7--' • . '-. SAFE PLAN The Morning Chit-Chatf WHAT! dull, when you do not know what gives its loveliness of form to the lily, its depth of color to the violet, its fragrance to the rose; when you do not know in what consists the venom of the adder any more than you can imitate the glad movements of the dove. What! dull, when earth, air and water are all alike mysteries to you, and when as you stretch out your hand you do not touch anything the properties of which you have mastered, while all the time nature is inviting you to talk earnestly with her, to understand her, to subdue her and to be blessed by her! Go away, man; learn something, understand something 1 ; do something, and let me hear no more of your dullness!" —Sir Arthur Helps.* \u2666 I. was reminded of that quotation the other day when, while waiting in an intelligence office to interview a prospective maid, ' I drifted into conversation with the woman beside me. \u25a0 She was a fine looking woman, evidently about 60 if you Judged from her - casual mention of married children and -numerous grandchildren, but not a • day over 50 if you judged from her fresh, cheerful appearance and her atert manner. •'/. • ' : The thing that impressed me about her and reminded me of the quota tion was what she said when I asked her if she had been waiting long. She consulted her watch, and appeared surprised. "Why, it's about an hour," she said, "but it doesn't seem half so long. Most of my friends^think that hunting up a maid is -the worst bore- in the world, but do you know, if I'm not too busy, I actually enjoy sittfng in 'an ' intelligence .office. It's so interesting to study the people' who come in. -Why, it's really, as good as a matinee to me." At 90, if she lives— and I hope she does, for the world needs more like her — that woman will be happy, and still a good companion, both for herself and other people. .• / . • : ' , ; Sir Arthur says there are so many tantalizing, defiant mysteries, so many invitations to thought and speculation in nature, that no one has a ri^ht to be Seems. to me there are. even more delightful myjsteries. even moc« allurr? ; ing invitations to thought and speculation- in ; the world of men and womenl about one. The reason that woman looked 50 instead of-~60 was undoubtedly because she bad accepted those invitations and had been too busy and too interested to grow old., An intelligence office, a trolley car, a shop, a hotel lobby, a business office— all these can be as absorbing as a drama or as tedious as a dictionary. It just depends on you. ' ' ' v Which will you have them? \\x.vXJl\ < . Cj* Abe Martin* Th' trouble with aviation Is that th* more successful you are th* further you fall. " Speakin' o* th* wave o* extrava gance yisterdav, *ReA*.' Wiley Tanger \u25a0aid that many workirj' now eat jn'-hominy ever' day that used' t' be satisfied with th* cheaper cuts o* beef.J PERSONS IN T HE N E WS CABL F. DEICHMAN, United States consul at Nagasaki, arrired here yesterday from Japan.' He is on .his .way to his home in St. Loals, /where he will spend «eT»ral, months before re turning to his post in the far east, ?i, j; _•\u25a0'\u25a0•'•' •\u25a0 \u25a0 :.". -'. W. VOW TIXFITZ of Berlin, son of the minister t- of the German wary. Is staying at the St. 'Francis. - • «.• • . \u25a0 ADJUTANT GENERAL J, B. LAUCK returned from St. Louis yesterday and registered at the . Palace. ?:'.\u25a0 .^ {\u0084:\u25a0-:_ ' ' , ' • -:.*. WAY. LAXD D. STEARNS. . an automobile*.mana " facturer of Detrolt^ls staying at the Palace. FOaitEK STATE SENATO* P. L. rLANAGAS \u25a0' of Beoo is at the Palace with his family. • .'\u25a0 \u25a0''..'. \.i~ '.-\u25a0 "••• \u25a0\u25a0•' \u25a0'• ' .'• : 0. F. LANGLEY, a businessman of Watnnrllle,' Ji at the St. Francis with Mm. Langley. ' ;>- ...-'• \u25a0 • •'• • yft. \u25a0B. CLAP? . of the United States geological "surrey, is staying at tne^Argonaut." - .: 1". -' '• ' \u25a0' '•" ." \u25a0'. •'..-•\u25a0 '.•-..,.• C. A. WEIGHT, a ststloner of Santa Rosa, Is S at . tbe btewart with Mrs. \u25a0> Wright. JAMES WICKEttSKAK. territorial delegate t>t \u25a0 1 Alaska. i» a guest at the Palace. \u25a0 \u25a0-'. • \ '. \u25a0_-'. ; •:.• \u25a0':.'.• « ."• -• JOt. and MBS. C. 0. v: JfoBBIDE of saa Jn't •;are guests at the. St.. Francis. A.* t." SMITH, a i merchant from Stockton, is at . . w- - ¥ ' MAJOR \u25a0G. ''li. 1 GREGGOR of Fort Worth ia at HENRYr X.: HOFFERT : of • MarysriUe Is at tbe %;Torpln." •\u25a0-\u25a0.. \u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0 : :',.. ;\u25a0 - v, — , \u25a0 ,/..\u25a0_ -.-.. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.. \u25a0 y - -.„•.. \u25a0; -. _\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -- --•\u25a0\u25a0 ~ OCTpBER32 > 19jP; ; * WAIT MASOK KVTB. CAXZSO3T I Answers to Queries XAVlES— Subscriber. Cit.T. What fa* tUe naral strength of the leading nations of tUe world at the.close of last year? t' l S>i.v : - la Conon>l«i»' - Nation— slna Bulldinj Great Britain \u0084. v jh \u25a0 ft;, France ,~4.Vi ' "S Russia .'...............~. 2^7 \u25a0 ST" Germany , 27>f) 44 •\u25a0 - Italy vsn x* United States" ..;........'... J42n_' *5.% ' Japan- .:.-;.• ....; 184 - « • -\u25a0 • * ;.« .. \u25a0;. .- ".\u25a0;;. TRADE MARX— X. T., City. V>'avr* vhttuM h drawlns.for the Panama-Pacific canal exposi tion trad 9 sent aart what are the x*n-' dftlons? To the Panama canal committee in the Merchants* exchanfee bulldtnsr. this city. Call .at that office' tax Informa tion as to conditions. •,• - • rRATBUNTTY— JX. W., Oakland. What !« th« .membership of Free and Accepted Masons In the United States? -\u25a0 According? to the latest published re ports, 1.251.759. • * * KIXPERGARTKN— W. W.. M., Saa Jo«e. When was the flrst kindergarten oZ San rrta elsc« founded? Organized July" 23, 1878, and incor porated two days later. • • •• • EXPLORING VESSEL— A. 5.8.. City. TThero In Golden Gate park is the exploring vessel GJoa?- \u0084.,•. 0..._0 ..._ On the'ocean boulevard near the.ob servatory station. . \u2666 >•* •"-. \u25a0'\u25a0• \u25a0: . •-. •- • st -% ' '\u25a0'<\u25a0 A DATE— Reader, Cltj. Qa what day ef the wee* did- Jiilj 10. IS«S, fall? T* ;O1; O1 *°f . Friday.' V . ,;'^; S, P. LOCKWOOD, -rice president and general : manager • of . tbe Columbia lit* and- trust com \u25a0 pa.nj of Portland. .is at . the Palace with • bis brother. E. H. Lockwood, a real estate opera tor of Pasadena. , .*. * * - FEANK SZBST.of.'Taba' City. G.F.-WeadJ.nd of. St. Lonis and W. C. Fisher of Bakersfleld are at the Manx. - - :..;. * \u25a0. • :\u25a0<\u25a0; **» \u25a0 CAPTAIN, rXAWCOIS WtapxtJCS, a minis* eper ator of; Xerada-. and- Bakersfleld. is * guest at -tb^t.Fraaei,.^ . . . <^V^ C..S. GREENLEXW. > shoe merchant iron Los Angeles, is at the Colonial. . \u25a0 " ...\u25a0\u25a0. . - .. - •• \u25a0 , \u25a0 . \u25a0' ( »•\u25a0•-,«.••\u25a0\u25a0. O. T. »ZAIHZaSTO». « jrocer ctOwfVXtl'ia registered at the Argonaut. ... • r '•.. .m ... . ' .1. Xk H. RZYKOIJJS, a merchant from Indiaiaso- T.-J. DAYLY, an oil operator ot Fresno, ia'rez i Jstered at the St. Francis. \u25a0.. : • •:•..\u25a0-.•<• - -. . -.- L.T. HATJTItLD, an attorney of Saerameato. U staying at the Stewart.' 7.;W.*- »AVn»dsr. a "capitalist- of XoaSro, is stay tog at the Palace. ... ~? 't < \u25a0 • \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0•\u25a0-•• • -\u25a0 H. A. i BUCKLEY, a bnsinessmaa of Jfew Tort? la 'at; the Stanford. > .. V ; _ : , -, - CA;w::keCOTCHXOH^eapltauWof C«illi«; 2 is «t tie Stanford. J. 0. COSOSOVE bf Salt Lake" is r.giateWd at -,s, s the -Fairmont. ;* '\u0084:\u25a0-, •.. *.-,;•.; — -> : - ' " r" :•- >.* >•_;.': j-.j> IT Ci i J. S. POTTED of Boston ta at tha Fairmont with' Mr?. Potter.