OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, November 02, 1910, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1910-11-02/ed-1/seq-6/

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The San Francisco Call
CHARLES W. HORNICK General Manager
ERNEST S. SIMPSON Managing Editor
\u25a0 Addrf.l AU Communication* to THE SAX FRAXCISCO CALL.
Telephone "KEABNY Sfr — A » k ' or Tbe CclX Tnf OP erator WHI Connect
* Yon' With tbe Department You Wl»h
. Open Until 11 o'clock Every Night Jn the Year
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CHICAGO OFFICE— I6^4 Marquette Bid*. .C. Geo. Krogness. Advertising: Afft
. NEW. YORK OFFICE — 805 Brunswick Bldg;. . J. C. Wilberding. Advertising Agt
"WASHINGTON NEWS BUREAU— Post Bldg Ira E. Bennett, Correspondent
NEXT YORK NEWS BUREAU — 516 Tribune Bldg..C. C. Carlton. Correspondent
Fowlrti Office- Wnere The Call In on File
\u25a0J-ONDON 1 , England... 3 Regent Street. S. W.
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Belivered by Carrier, 20 Cents Per Week, 75 Cents Per Month, Daily and, Sunday
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-Tertn- by Mnil. for UNITED STATES. Including Postage (Cash With Order):
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Mall subscribers in ordering change of address should be particular to give
both NETV and OLD ADDRESS in order to insure a prompt and correct
.'• compliance tvith their request. •
\ ,X 7HEX congress at the instance of the agricultural depart
\u25a0:.:.'y y. ment enacted the law permitting the manufacture of
.. . : . : denatured alcohol without payment of duty it was supposed
that a profitable way had been provided to
use the waste products of the farm. But the
promoters of the law reckoned without knowl
edge of the methods of bureaucracy and the
passion for red tape. It was soon found that
v iio. farmer, could comply with the minute and exacting restrictions
. required by the internal revenue department without going into the
: business on a great scale, and this discovery ended the pretty
.; theories of the agricultural department about every farmer being
: liis own distiller.
n>!^v;Galifornia : is especially rich in waste products of t : he farm that
.jihight.be converted into alcohol of the sort required for use in
.; the 'arts.. But we know, of only one distillery operating in this
'State under .the denatured alcohol law.. This is near Agnew and
/jias capacity of 2,500 gallons a day. made from molasses.
l^'ilT^cv-dl^atAes^teirfof an effort being, made at Stockton to
V^^pifaUzc|iL^iistillc^Hor)rdcna&rcd alcohol. to utilize the refuse
-potatoes which are unsalable in the vegetable market, and the'
; ;;«S?qclcton Record gives these, particulars :
i^^V& ; TM*i^;^^'-^*^.^? : '?{*?' I*c^'1 * c^' the. Stockton, chamber of commerce took
.: -steps some time: ago to have launched here. It is figured that fortunes
.;•\u25a0""\u25a0 are allowed to go to waste, each year on the island district by the rotting
.',of potato culls! \u25a0 .. • \u25a0 • • •
:*'. The plant in view would require a site of about three acres available
.. .to water and rail transportation. About $100,000 would be necessary to
;. .buy the site and construct the factory, .which would have an output of
:.-2..000: .-2..000 gallons daily. ' •
r r . The man who is promoting the enterprise explains why it
'costs so much: "\u25a0 • • \u25a0
. \u25a0• .".. In this country, until two years ago, the government imposed a tax
: , \u25a0• of $2:20 per gallon on all alcohol. Then the tax on denatured alcohol was
.removed, but the government, in order t^> foster the industry and at the
. sanie time guard against fraud, attends to the process of denaturing.
/X- ; You understand all alcohol when it comes Wrom the still looks alike to
• " Uncle Sam. We. must construct. a large- cistern into which the alcohol
; from pur stills is. run.. "The go\'ernment takes charge of the cistern and
>; -keeps, it . under lock and key. It denatures the alcohol by adding an
•/-' ing/edient which makes it nauseous : and unfit for consumption by nian.
.'/..'• "In order to foster the industry*' is delicious. In Germany the
; farmers make their own alcohol and use it to generate power to
run the machinery of the farm, but apparently they are not" so
hard ridden by bureaucracy nor so badly handicapped by red tape.
Farmers Hard
Ridden by
rTTMiE Los Angeles Mining Review urges that active steps should
S' be. taken, to ascertain the government's rights in relation to
• oil lands held ; under color of title by the Southern Pacific
~~~\ company as part of the land grant, notwith T
standing the fact that minerals lands were
.". expressly reserved in the patent. The usual
tactics are already in operation to confuse the
* public mind and distract opinion which other
vise would compel the administration to act. The Review describes
the method: "'.\u25a0•.
But the orders have gone, forth, and the first to take the field with
a' cunningly worded \u25a0warning is, of course. Judge Frank Short of Fresno,
among the' best equipped in his line in the state, who is generally
. • regarded as a good fellow, who is attorney for some" of the most
important spawn of "special privilege," and who travels from one end
; of -the country to the other earning a retainer of $20,000 as the legal
' : representative of the water power and other great financial interests of
the state. Mr. Short adds nothing to the question but mud; yet it is
& entirely possible that even he ma^v stir up sufficient of that commodity
lto befog, the issue and befuddle the man who is vitally interested' in the
Of course, the burden of Mr. Short's song is the sorrows of the
"innocent purchaser." He knows quite .well that there are no inno
cent purchasers in this relation, because the}- all took with full
notice of the reservation in the patents. Moreover these so called
innocent purchasers are almost exclusively dummy corporations in
the sense that they are all .owned by Southern Pacific interests. Any
developments they may have effected were made with full knowl
edge of the condition of title and at their own risk.
the Oil Land
MR. TAFT is' at work to. effect such economies of the postal
service- as will finally make possible the institution of a one
cent" letter postage rate.' Such a consummation would be
a great and important boon to the commer
cial interests' of the" country.
The project is by. no means impossible,
for the reason that certain grave abuses of
the .system are easily possible of correction.
mere is, xor exampje, the abuse of the franking system by congress
men, which- has grown* to vast proportions. This privilege has
become a form "of extensive graft for which there is no excuse, nor
justification. It will not be readily reformed, because congressmen
cling to it as a. personal perquisite. They will resist the' proposition
to limit it or cut it off altogether, and only by the concentration of
an overwhelming public opinion can they be driven from this posi
tion. -It is ah abase that grows year by yeajr until in every cam
paign the mails are loaded do.wn with tons of political literature
that nobody wants: It is a gross waste of public money.
In a^ similar line of economy Mr. Taft proposes to make the
advertising matter attached to the magazines pay a reasonable rate.
Most of the magazines' carry more advertising than reading matter
and the result is an enormous tonnage of mail matter carried at a
nominal rate. As the average haul of a magazine in the mails^is
1,100 miles, the cost of carrying this immense volume of matter
may be understood. v It is a higHly remunerative form, of commerce
and can to pay a reasonable -rate.
Reforming ;"." ]
Abuses of the
Postal System
W. R. Hearst, Calhoun and Mud
Will Not Get Votes for Bell
THE disreputable campaign of mud slinging and abuse waged
in behalf of the democratic candidate, for governor does not
even possess the merit of courage.. It 'is modeled on the plan
of the shyster lawyer, who asks a. witness on the stand: "Have. you
stopped beating your wife yet?" It is a campaign of mean spirited
and shabby innuendo. It is not important except as a measure of the
cowardly temper and spirit of the men by whom it is waged.
These methods of innuendo and insinuation are quite familiar
to the people of San Francisco, who have not forgotten how W. R.
Hearst employed them to discredit, as far as he could, the graft
prosecutions. It is the same method that the gutter weeklies and
the organs in the pay of Patrick Calhoun used for the like purpose.
Hearst and Calhoun are once more .joined in congenial association,
and with an identical purpose. It is a homely adage, but true and
forcible, that- tells Mr. Bell that "if he* lies down with the dogs he
In his Tulare speech the other day Mr. Bell declared that
"Hearst is not an issue in this campaign." Four years ago he
thought differently when he asserted that "Hearst is a traitor. Never
j again can William R. Hearst cross the threshold of the democratic
That was a different Bell, at least in seeming, from the man
who, in the hope of office, has now made a pitiful surrender to
Hearst and welcomes back the sometime traitor to good standing
because he has paid Bell's price.
Now, since Mr. Bell prefers the question method, we ask:
"What price has he paid on his side* for Hearst's support? What price
has he paid for Calhoun's backing?" It is not perhaps a new thing
for Mr. Bell to find himself on Calhoun's side of the fence, because
four years ago, at the time he was cursing Hearst out v of the demo
cratic party, he was conspicuously silent with regard to the graft
prosecutions. Somebody had told him it was not good policy to
speak out on that subject, and he had no opinion to offer. It was
the same line of cowardly politics that characterizes his campaign
today. -.
In the same speech at Tulare last Tuesday Mr. Bell, in .his cus
tomary method of silly cross examination, asked the, question of
Johnson: "What proof have you that either Ruef or Calhoun is
working for Bell?" That question' might 'serve to mislead Tulare,
where the gutter weeklies of San Francisco and Mr. Calhoun's kept
rag, the Post, are not known, but in this city the question will not
be asked, because it answers itself.
These are the influences behind Bell's campaign, and the demo
cratic candidate would be bound to pay the price of their support
should be ever have the power to do so. Hearst- and Calhoun,
Calhoun and Hearst, would be the power behind the governor's
chair were Bell elected, and from this patent fact there is no escape.
-Mr. Bell, with the assistance and co-operation of his allies, has
converted this" campaign into a stream of mud and personal vilifica
tion. He will get his answer from the people next Tuesday. :' '
Please inform me' as to the proper method of
numbering sections In a township and explain
the meaning of "range" when used as section" 2
of township 3, range 2. etc.?
"Range" in the public land system
of the United States is a- row or line
of townships lying between two suc
cessive meridian lines six miles apart.
A township is. 36 sections, each a mile
square. A section is 640 acres. A quar
ter section, half a mile square, is 160
acres.. An eighth section, half a njlle
long, north and south, -and' 1 , a quarter
of a mile wide, is 80 acres. A sixteenth
section, a quarter of a mile square, is
40' acres.
The sections are all. numbered 1 to
36, cbmmencing at northeast corner,
thus: ' •:'.:-• \u25a0 * ' .'. ' .
The sections are all divided In quar
ters, which are named by the cardinal
points, as in section 1. The quarters
are divided in the same way. The
description of a 40 acre lot would read:
The south half of the west half of the
southwest quarter of section 1 In town
ship 21 north of* range 7 west, or: as
the case might be, and sometimes will
fall short, and sometimes overrun .the
number of acres it is supposed to con
'.'•'\u25a07i ••" •
WHITE POT— Subscriber. City. Read in an
article. "As he was a good diner he would have
enjoyed a white pot of long ago." What Is a
w/ilte pot?
Dr. King in "The Art of Cookery"
White pot — A bread . pudding glorified, a con
fection of slab cream' and eggs jnst laid and
moist brown suear and fine wheaten bread, above
all a pot to bake In. a-nd bake it slow and with
a *erfno mlffd. "-•
Cornwall squab pie and Devon white pot brings.
And Llecester beans and bacon, food-.for kings.
Mlgnel. How can I recover my father's natural
ization papers, which I placed In the posseosinn
of an attorney, who, I believe, sent them to
Oakland and from there they were sent td
Washington, V: ... C.l
If the attorney is lax and will not
return them you may* have to; consult
another attorney whom you can trust.
\u25a0 • . "•"\u25a0.\u25a0•\u25a0-
A POEM — W." E.. City.— Where can I obtain a
copy of Van Wyck's poem, entitled "God In the
Open Air?" . . .-...
.The poem you want* is Van Dyke's
"God. of the Open Air" to be~found' in
the Century magazine, volume 46, page
• .. •': • • ". -
AS MOTHER DID— R. E. M.. City. Can you
tell me In what book I ran find verses entitled
."Just as mother use. to do." )
This does not "appear, in: the common
authorologles. Possibly some reader of
this department can assist the corre
spondent. -^
* ' \u2666 .. - • -
TRAINED NURSE— S. F. 8.. City. What
steps should a girl take who wishes to become a
trained nurse at one of the local hospitals?;-
Apply to the; head- nurse of the hos
pital .for/ information as to qualifica
tions required. ; v r; °; i>
\u25a0 \u25a0 ' * * * • "SJ&ffi
BfSIXESS— A. W. S.. Woodland. Is there
any book that glTes an account- of all branches
of business or trade? : ; *;
Booksellers can furnish you business
manuals and other books of that char
\u25a0 V ' "'\u25a0 • * ; .\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0. "•". • .
MOUNTAlNS— Subscriber.' City. What is the
height of Mount Lowe and' Mount ;Wll«on? _\u25a0\u25a0 :
Lowe, -6,100 feet; Wilson, s,Bß6 ? feet. f
GOLD FISH— A. Y. H.. City. Is it r possible
to k*ep gold flsh for any length of time? Have
tried many ways, but hare been unable to keep
them allre for more than a month or two, al
though I have given them every attention.
Perhaps you have killed your flsh
with too much kindness. Many persons
Introduce so called flsh- food into re
ceptacles in which . goldfish are kept,
in the first place none of these is good
for the fish, and in the second place
the fish do not need them, as the water,
if kept fresh, will furnish them with
sufficient sustenance; last and bestrna
scm of all, anything which consumes
the oxygen In the water— and these
artificial foods do — Injures the fish.
Change the water in your fish globe
every, day; wipe the inside of the globe
every time the water is changed. The
water should: be as clean as possible,
but not too hard. Green leaves or liv
ing plants in the water 'are -good, for
they ahsorb the carbonic gas exhaled
by the fish, and, besides, give off oxy
gen./ . - • .
r \u25a0'\u25a0:\u25a0 ••/.- *-. ••*."\u25a0- - - :. ..>\u25a0
QUOITS— B. M. A., San Jose. What ia the
distance for pitching quoits? -How is<the came
played? .
The playing is as : follows:
Two pins, called "hobs"~are driven into
the ground v-l8.*to: 24 yards apart, -ac
cording to terms agreed upon by the
players^ These divide themselves into
two parties.; stand at one hob and in
regular succession throw, their., quoits,
each player having two,' as near to the
hob as they can. To facilitate the
sticking of the quoits at the point
where they strike the ground a clay
end or flat circle of . clay 2 inches thick
and 18 inches In diameter is placed
round each hob. This is kept moist and
is strewn with" sawdust, ~
\u25a0 - ' ' \u25a0 . •'»-• \u25a0; .
How may darJrfcpots on lacquered brass be re
-moved? What is used to keep copper bright
for some time? ". \u25a0 ...-,
The only way to remove such spots
is to have the lacquer taken off and
replaced with a new coat. There are
several preparations to poljsh copper,
, but In order to keep bright the article
needs rubbing occasionally with whit
ing in powder applied- with a cham
ois. .If necessary use a soft brush to
remove any whitening that may're
main in creases..
. ' • • • • • • < *
r, 9A9 A 2 A J JJ * TOW '— H - M. S.. city. .Did' thr
United States have to pay r toll for the. passage
of the Atlantlo fleet through; the Sne« canal on
its cruise around the world ? If so, how. much ?
The • question was submitted to the
navy department, at Washington, D. C.v
and the following reply has-been re
"The total cost of the passage of the
United States Atlantic ; fleet through
the Suez canal when voyaging around
the .world 16,' 1907, to Feb
ruary 22, 1909) was $134,751.32." "
• ; \u0084•-. \u25a0, :>; : ,--V^--» iiZ
ARRAH KA POGUE— WVR., BconviUe. What
Is the meaning of "Arrah Na Po^ne," the title
of n play byil)lon ; Bouclcault? \u25a0 .
It means Arrah of the kiss. Arrah
Meelish is ;the leading woman's char
acter in, the fplay.; ;Arrah, in addition
to being a given name* for a woman, is
used as an exclamation of surprise and
.Is frequently used in accosting a per
son or calling attentjon to ; : something.
--\u25a0•,- : . - ' '\u25a0' * '"' -*' • \u25a0 ; '...•'; '"\u25a0'\u25a0> ' V .'.;\u25a0 ' \u25a0 , r <c ; ' i,*
>_ LAW— A.. W. S.. Woodland. Is there- any
book published that gives a general reference to
all points : of law? ~ \u0084. ,. . .• .- \u0084
! Possibly what yoM, v want isa law 'dic
tionary. IThis :in a "- general .way • tells
of mostl things that come' within the
category of. law.
\u25a0*• .-\u25a0 -V-" • '\u25a0' t-; • . *'""- \u25a0•*". \u25a0'\u25a0'• ' b 4 v
MAGISTRATES— J. VW. R., No-ato. What Is
the salary; of "city magistrates In the city .ef
New York?; » ;\u25a0 .:
: .' ?7,000 a year
.\u25a0/\u25a0\u25a0•> •';-: •.: ['•\u25a0_>; .'.- ... • *.'.. ' •;
; SEA Lr— W. 'S. T.; San Jose. Is it.i t . in "good
taste for a man. In sending letters to friends, to
put his seal on the back ol envelopes?
' Yes. " - '; . " *.\u25a0'." :':-\'.. '
V^7 iV.-< •\u25a0 .... *-• . • % • \:"-/:\ \u25a0
RELIGION— M. ; S. T.I Merced. To what re
ligious denomination '\u25a0' does " Marie , Corelli,- . the
authoress,- belong? ..• • > . .: <_;•<
We do not know. . .'.;•}\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0.':,
Theory That Belief Makes
Wrong -Right and Vice'
Versa Disputed
A few years ago. a brilliant scientist
startled the world — of course, that
means only a few dozen souls, more, or
less—^t>y proclaiming - himself the in
ventor of mentality.
In our simplicity we .' had always
thought mentality was the common
heritage of our. race, and^we were all
familiar, at least to a certain extent,
with that. commodity. But lo and be
hold! we were rather rudely awakened
from our time honored dream, when,
some indefinite time ago,** gentleman
we met on the road vouchsafed the in
formation that "howsoever at variance
any two parties might be on any topic,
yet both of them were'rlght, because,
forsooth, they had different minds."
"Whence the inference was plain that
either one of the two parties saw one
thing and the other another in the
same thing; or one"of them saw well
and the f other dimly; or one of them
saw simply'and ' the other not at all,
In which case the latter pronounced
judgment, and so both of them were
right because they had a different per
ceptive faculty. At all events, the im
pression remained "with .us thdt men
tality was a sort of mathematical prob
lem awaiting a scientific solution, ana
the aforementioned scientist had been
fortunate enough to hit upon it — the so
lution "amounting to the effect that
"mentality was a sort of by-product, or,
rather, an efflorescence, mo to May, of
ionized Infinitesimal atoms vibrating
with a Quasi infinite velocity."
We have no desire now to delay
upon this oid bit of new information,
so let it stand in all the fresh beauty
of its new garb. We simply* notice,
en passant, the flood of light it throws
upon the heterodox looking proposition
above enunciated. If the vibratory
movement is next to infinite, the men
tal machine understands well; if the
movement slackens, not so well; if It
is comparatively sluggish, it Is dolt
ishness; if 'it" stops, it is brutish stu
pidity. In any case, so, long as move
ment is movement and mentality is
movement, it and its result must be
all right, and, therefore, different
minds thinking different things about
the same thing must all of them be
right. \ S ;•:';,
It may be so subjectively, whether as
mere activity or result in Itself. But
what about the objection side of "the
question? Some . one whispers the
answer. That "different minds" means
only "different degrees of mentality,"
and the point in question is only one of
more or less and not of disagreement.
Another suggests . that the object is
complex; that one party' takes one
point of view and the other another.
So it happens with the spectrum when
you can confine your attention to the
ultra-red and I to the ultra-violet. But
the trouble is when, say, a dozen persons
would confine their attention to the
ultra-red and one would see. nothing,
the other blue, the next not blue* or
green, the next black, and so on. -\u25a0
Allowing for the vagaries of color
bliniflriess, one can say this is impos r
sible; yet it is a most faftHtul picture
of this very real world in which we
live. On the hypothesis that difference
in -mind is only one of gradation, a
good showing can be made out, thus:
I see a triangle, so do you; you see in
it more than I do, for it brings to your
mind the trigonometric functions which
I know nothing about. Another will see
even more, namely; the expansions -of
sines and cosines into Infinite -series,
which is all a mystery to you and me.
Why, the geodetic- and coast survey of
the United States sees even more; we
mean those processes of triangulation
by which they map out the whole coun
try and measure arcs of meridians and
parallels of latitude.'
If this is notywhat is meant by the
phrase "different minds," we must con
tess our utter inability to understand
the point at issue. For all cognitive
faculties are meant "by nature to estab
lish an equation between the represent
ation and the thing represented. If
this is not true, the whole process of
cognition is nothing but a delusion and
a snare, and man the perpetual victim
of phantasmagoria. All mind is made
for truth and in the nature of things
can not but be made for truth, and if
truth is worth anything, it consists in
an equation, and that equation can be
understood more or less; but what is
certain Is that one mind can not de
clare it an equation and another mind
a nonequation, for the thing in' itself
(das ding an sich) is either an equation
or a nonequation, and there is no
middle term. If it is an equation and
one. mind says yes and the other mind
no, one must be right and the other
wrong. , > <
The identity of contradictories is the
ultimate step of mental derangement
and the solid common sense of man
kind has never been able to see in it
anything „ except a .dream of dreams
and a -vanity .of vanities. There are
those who have declared being is not
being and not being is being, which
can be understood In a certain way.
For instance, .being in general is not
being in-particular and vice versa." But
the affirmation that a being in general
is not that being in general, say that a
rose. ls not; a rose, can h only be ex
plained ,on the supposition' that the
afflrmer can be suffered to be at large
only if he is harmless In other respects.
\u25a0. The proposition that different minds
can vthlnk different things about the
same thing \u25a0at the same time : and from
the same point of view, '-otherwise
understood than\as we have- pointed
out,- is x as full of practical mischief as
any the grossest error or tha wildest
passion. Take two men who disagree
about something, say. the owner of the
•Los- Angeles Times and the dynamiter.
According to the above theory, both of
them V; are - right; because they have
different ininqs. If^so, why should the
country "sympathize with the "one and
seek, vengeance; on the: other? If both
of them are righj,' I. c;, the peaceful
ownership ~ and preservation of the-
Times building is the truth of the case,
and its violent destruction is also the
truth of the case, why should we» dis
criminate between truth and truth?
If we •' are in the truth how - can we
persecute, "prosecute V and ; punish ', the
truth? Does-truth oppose truth? '
I- think .a man: innocent; you think
him guilty. Both of us are certainly <
right; because we ha,ve^ different minds.
What i#. to be; done? ' You are stronger
than he," so you rob him of his belong
ings 'and jj'ou 1 send ,him adrift. -But I
think him right and therefore am right.
But I : am stronger than you. so I violent
ly dispossess you of what you took from
him-«ndsend->you adrift. I can not be
blamed: because -I . was rlght.'i nor - can
you be blamed because, you were Tight.
Hence • the above \u25a0 proposition translates
itself>i*toHhis 'other— ."might is right"
and "right is .might"— the only prere
quisite being the , easy ; persuasion that
one . is , right ;\u25a0 because he thinks so. But
the governments 'under which both you
and I live 'will take; cognizance of the
caae and fine both - <jf us, forsooth, on
the ground' that ithe law- thinks other
wise * than we, and \u25a0 the', law Is - certainly
right, because it thinks : it is right, and
the ': law makers were rlght.n because
they; had different; minds from ' yours
and • mine. > But; hold.Hwhat right has
the ; \u25a0' government ; '\u25a0\u25a0 to .persecute and
punish V: The :'; sole . hypothesis • of . our
being wrong - can Justify: any govern
ment for the punishment ? of both :you
andme. Any other, view, of punishment
is- arbitrary.and crimlnal.-.r The • sole
difference between :a- just-government
and a tyrannical : one hangs, on this dis
tinction.'* r" '\u25a0 ••\u25a0'.-: -.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. -."
- ;At f. all - events , the : government will
seize and -punish' both; of- us J for: our
; unmanly *- immoral * conduct.* - 1 But.- by
hypothesis; iboth -of us'were right and
so we are subjected to* a penalty for
Uncle Walt
Th ePoet Phil o s o pher
I'd fain be so successful that people, when .1
pass, will say: "He's worth a million — he puts up
We of grass!'' The men whore
worth a million find people bow
ing low, and there are smiles ancl
greeting wherever they may go.
I'd fain be worth a million, and
so I'll do my best, to help along
the luckless, and comfort the distressed : some por
tion of my income I'll hand out to the poor, and.
keep the wolf from howling at some old woman's
door. „ I'll utter no complainings, or moans or use
less whines, but pack around the village a mug that
fairly shines. I'll stand up strong for virtue— the
good old rugged sort ; I don't believe in making an angel of a sport ;
I" don't believe in virtue so horribly severe it frowns on all the follies
of this old dizzy sphere. I'll boost my native village until my senses
reel: I'll keep' my shoulders ready to put them to tfie wheel; 111
knock all day on knocking, and kick the kickers down, and try to be.
an asset in this three cornered town. And then I'll hear a murmur
from 'preciative folk: "That man is 'worth a million, although. he's
going broke ! ' ; o*7**l%. uw, *y /a* fty\ -
The Morning Chit-Chat!
THERE is a certain spot very near home for all of us,
to which an occasional, say a weekly or at least" a
monthly, visit would be invaluable.- r l~ -_ \u0084
And yet some 61 us go there hot more than once or
twice a year, some of us once or twice in a lifetime, and
some of us never. . .
And that spot is simply the bottom of our hearts.
How often do you go down into the very bottom of
your heart? - • • \u25a0\u25a0 ' \u25a0
A little friend of- mine was trying" to make up her
mind about something. ' "•
"In the bottom of your heart," I asked, "don't you
know that you don't care for. him?" ••;..•
She sat thinking intently for a moment or two.
"Yes," she acknowledged slowly; "in the bottom of
my heart I guess I. do know it. I don't know as I ever went there to find
out before."- \u25a0' . T;\ : -v/ ; ." . \u25a0 • •" . \u25a0 \u25a0'. \ : ,.
That's the way with most of us. " . • /..^ \u25a0;->
We have some important question to decide and we. argue with ourselves ,
and range the\lisadvantages and advantages against each other in pitched,
battle and get needlessly confused and embroiled, while down in the bottom
of our hearts,, clearand'distinct as the .pebbles at the bottom of a crystal
well, the true answer lies waiting" iof us. to come and look for it.
To 10 men who are honest with other men I don't believe there is more
than one .who is thoroughly hohest with himself. •. \u25a0..\u25a0"\u25a0
We try, self-conceitedly, to judge- of other people's motives, but wise ii
the man who knows even his- own motives, I think.
- . I remember the first .time I had a check book. " As soon as I got it I
wrote out a check for a certain charity, I started to. be pleased with myself
at my virtuous action, and then I took a. trip to .the bottom of ray heart and
Vondered, "Am I doing this wholly for sweet charity's sake or partly for -the
pleasure of using my new check book?"
I think the best time to go down to the bottom of your heart rs in the
morning,' just after you wake up, Or rather just after you have completely
swept away the cobwebs of sleep by your morning bath, ...
The well is clearest then." At night the sunset glow of the emotionalisrh, • .* [
which is so much stronger in most of us at that time, is reflected in it and .
makes it less crystalline, and the breeze of mental excitement and enthusiasm,
whiclvis usually most lively then,ripples and quivers its surface.
But is the morning, the. clear, cool, unemotional morning, the will of
your inmost self awaits your scrutiny, clear as a crystal* unruffled as a mirror
Ha.ye you any problems, to decide? . - •.->•
Have you any subject that demands your very sanest consideration? ..;.; v
If "you "have, why not. see what suggestion lies; at the bottom of your "
heart? ." "\u25a0/; - - . * ." •' ..- :
Why not visit that neglected' spot tomorrow morning as you dress? ..
You may not find anything different there from what you know already.
And then again you may find truth itself, undiluted and undisguised.
But maybe you don't care mugh for truth that way. . . , ..:
Few people do. . .1^ -*- • >> • \u25a0\u25a0::\u25a0\u25a0
being right. But right and wrong are
contraries. .Both can not stand at the
same time. Hence either the govern
ment is wrong and' should withhold its
Interference (if so, both of us were,
right and yet we are lighting and the
stronger, will fight the weaker to death
and there is not helping it), or the gov
ernment was right and both of us were
wrong, even though both of us'thought
we were right,
I think, with Voltaire, lying Is all
right; you think It's all wrong. I lie
to you and you catch me In flagrante
delictu and you punish me physically,
and I graciously return the compli
ment. tVho is going to arbitrate be
tween us? He who does so must
think both of us to be in the wrong
and he is sure to be right, because he
thinks so, and nature has blessed him
with a different mind. So, if he thinks
he is the stronger, he will do by us
what he thinks fit and. no government
dare Interfere because the three- of us
are right and it is not right to contra
vene right, i . ' \u25a0
The United States settled the friar
question In the Philippines by limiting
their ownership of land and buying the
surplus. On the hypothesis upder dis
cussion, our government was certainly
right, because they thought so.. But
the French government has time and
again expelled a legion of Its best citi
zens and confiscated their property to
the benefit of the state. The same has
been lately done by the new republic,
of "Portugal, which, they say. Is mod
eled on that of the United States. It
may be assumed they were right and
so undoubtedly they were,, because
they, thought so and had different
minds. ' ...
' But can diametric opposites be both
rigßtt Is white black and black
white? But the parties expelled vrere
a cohort of criminals!- "Wiell and goods
but those poor criminals had different
minds and \*oeyond" all shade of doubt
were right. a^-By what right then were
they expelled and their belongings
taken from them? We are again, land
ed into the pure region of mechanics —
H. W. CANNON, president of tbe.PaclSc com
\u25a0 pany, which owns the. Pacific Coast steamship
company," "ls at the Palace with, his soa. J.
C. Ford, .president of the racific'Coast'steam
sblp company, is also at the Palace.
'••\u25a0\u25a0" *' \u25a0 * \u25a0
ALEXANDER BEOWN, : president of the «tate"
; board of equalization,' Is at the Stewart," regis
tered from Stockton.
\u25a0 » " • \u25a0 .-•*\u25a0'.'\u25a0 *
W. &. SANDER of ten Ancelen and W. G.
Newell of ' Chicago are among t tie recent ar
rivals at the Manx/ \u25a0 ' •
'.-.. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0"\u25a0<\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.•\u25a0,''*\u25a0" \u25a0\u25a0 •..•'-'\u25a0•-• \u25a0" •
Una. and ' MRS. GERHA&D VrEKPE returned
from \u25a0 Europe ; yesterday . and . took' apartments
at the Fairmont.
E. R. CAREY of the California Oil World fs np
from BaVersfleld and is «taylng at the St.
Francis. •
\ \u25a0 ' . \u25a0 • \u25a0 • \u25a0 •
THEODORE B. WIL.COX. a Cour merchant of
Portland, is at the Palace with Mrs. Wllcqx.
. '\u25a0 "•'\u25a0'• *
WALTER McCBEERY returned from EnsUnd
yesterday and is staying at the St. Francis.
'-.'•. - • \u25a0 •
A. ALBRECHT, a businessman of Fresno, Is
registered at the Stewart. . < -
• . \u25a0 . • '- . •
W.: A. OTIS of Seattle is resist ered at the
IRVING STEVlirs of New 5 York is at the Stan-'
: v.. .;£
NOVEMBER 3, 1910
mere brutal foree — the very negation
of mentality. y... v
Thus it is evident that wherever we
take> the theoretical or the practical
point *of view, the new 1 mentality
theory can not stand examination and
can only be the frult-of morbid Imagi
The only apology "we can flnd for
that new f angled idea is in the domain
of purely subjective morality. Herein,
a man's conscience-rhis ultimate prac
tical Judgment I concerning his proxi
mate . conduct— may be clamorously
wrong;" and- yet. because he has "no
inkling whatever about ita being so
and he honestly thinks he is'right. he
is not merely, entitled to act but may
at times, according to. the nature of the
case, be strictly bound to act. But
cases of. such Invincible Ignorance are
exceedingly rare and seem to be evi
dences of initial mental derangement
for which -society in genei^l or the
state will provide. > > \u25a0
Santa Clara College.
The Idiot Again
The turkey was not a very largs
one. and Mrs. Pedagog's boarders
began to be a little anxtcus on the -
subject of. it., going around. Finally
the last bit was distributed and the
Wlot. glancing at his portion, observed
that he had .'drawn the neck and the
pope's- nose. ".*
"Ah. Mrs. Pedagog." said he. with a
genial smlje % "you are a wonder at
making both ends meat!" — Lippln
So. Sew
I said to the tailor, "Hello! i ' ,
HoWs business, old fellow, quite slo-w? '
Or does it Just go so
-'You might call It so-so ?*\u2666
"Not so-so," he answered, but se-w!"
*'- r . \ — Puck. •
HI7GO.V. PEDEBSEJJ, an artist who ia fbertly
tp «i T e an exhibition o* his pictures, is U p
from Monterey and l 3l 3 staying at the St
• Francis: • . _>; -
W. 3. LOC^£ t the EnsHsh norcllst. and VLntzft
B. Jewftt. a ' pabTisber ' ol No.t YorV ara
guestsat the St. Ftancia:
JAKES r. rAaiAHEa.*an' i'*tara«T of Ear**,
. . Is a guest at' the falice.
'..».. i ••
C, E, BHXB, a leather merchant of Philadel
phia, is at th« Coloalar.
TKAKK FREEMAN, an attorney of Wffloir- t.
. staying at'the Palace. > -
MS. and Mrs. R. J. SPBOX7T of Vaneoarer, B*.
C, «re at the Turpix • '
\u25a0• • • .
DS. T. W. TATTBE of Zacatecas, Mex4«>, u,° .
guest at the Palace. \u25a0 a
• • ' * *"
R» J. BTO3TE. a mlate? man. t)f JohnsTtDe. Cai
'Is at the Stewart. " " £?-'
. ..-.-. . . .' \u25a0
GEOHOE HEXDEBSO2I aai wif e of g- aata -^
are at the Ttoptn.
I» W. £QOD, a bßslaesamao of Pleasanton. la

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