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POLICE! FIREMEN! THEY'LL TRY TO MURDER THE BALL THE BASEBALL TEAM OF THE CITY'S FINEST, WHICH WILL MEET THE FIRE FI&HTERS 'CLEVER % -NINE:VN : THE'DIAMOI^:^FRQMrLEFT'TO,RICHT:THEY AREt--: „ I BIRDSALL, SECOND BASE; WHITE, CENTER FIELD: FITZPATRICK, SPITCHER; HANRAHAN, SHORTSTOP; GALLATINf LEFT FIELD; COATES, THIRD BASE; HOERTKORN,;CATCHER; MAHER, SUBSTITUTE; PLUME, RIGHT FIELD; • GADDY, SUBSTITUTE; ESOLA, FIRST BASE. ; v . , » ,—, — \u25a0 1 "•\u25a0;- '\u25a0^•\u25a0\u25a0•^i _ :__ : _- — — — \u25a0 — : — \u25a0"; ' • -\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0•-- ... - - ;\u25a0 - _> : . ; . ; , : : 'jJL . : : :—:: — : : - > KNIGHTS OF THE HOSE DEFY CLUB SWINGERS "We Can Stick a Bit Ourselves," They Say, But the Coppers Only Smile Two days before the great diamond battle finds' the police and fire department nines on edge and waiting for the umpire to tell them to "play ball." Several weeks of hard, consistent practice has put all the players on edge, so the losing team can not come out with that time honored cry of "lack of condition" as an excuse. According to all the authorities, the team that play? the better ball will be returned the winner, and it looks like an even break between them. The betting: on the outcome of the contest has been ver}' spirited during the last few days. The price is even money and take your choice. Con fidence reigns supreme on both sides. The fire laddies have been more active all season than the coppers, but it is the general opinion among the know ing ones that the ivielders of the club src in hopes of "slipping one over" and of taking' th«* firemen and the crowd by surprise at the last minute. Captain Charley Birdsall of the polir<» nine is very well satisfied with the condition of his men. His lineup js all pet now with the. exception of first base. "Baby" Esola. is carded to play there, but as his salary arm has b*en a bit to the bad of late, it is barely possible that Birdsall will put a substitute in the "Baby's" place at th» last minute. However. Esola is one of the best hitters on the coast end this is liable to carry him through. The firemen believe that they will have a big' advantage In knowing all about the curves and shoots of Pitz patrick. As all the fans will remem ber, t~itz used to be a fireman before h<? cast his lot with the police force. He pitched many a winning game for the red shirted brigade In the old days, but the flre laddies believe that they have his number and that they will be able to give his offerings a Dawson in Finals of Stanford Tennis STANFORD UN'IVERSITT. Nov. 17. — By defeating F.. M. Douglass, '13, H. IV. Dawson. 14, earned the right to play H. S. Morgan. *12, for the class championship of the university. Al though the match was won In straight se ts. 6—3.6 — 3. 6—o.6 — 0. it •was a hard contest throughout. Many of the jrames went to doure. but Dawson managed to win • r>y greater steadiness at critical mo ments. Morgan, who is the present holder of the title, will have to extend him eelf to defeat the freshman champion "Saturday morning' on the Encina court?. PThe annual handicap tennis singles tournament for. the possession of the Theile trophy will begin on Thanks giving day. This will be the last op portunity to see the local cracks In action. Each player will be given, a sufficient handicap to place him on an equal footing with the best players. K. I*. Murray is the present holder of the Theile cup, which is a perpetual trophy entrusted to the winner of the tournament and Is In his possession for the period of one year. JAMESTOWN RESULTS j NORFOLK. Va.. Nor. 17. — Hoffman, in the rrilr race at .TamestowTi today, ran the bert race r>f the meerinp. H« won by a length In the track record time «f 1:33 4-5. Farcrltes were fairly njcces^ful. three of tbcm winning. Results: Firt-t race, wren furlongs— Patrick S. 2 to 1. won: .^uperrisor. 1. second; Trustee. 4 to I. third. Time, 1:27 2-5. Second race, six furlonjrs — Horlcon. 11 \u25a0to 5. »r<-.p; Flying Squirrel. 3 to 1. second; O Em, 5 m 1. tblrd. Time. 1:14.' Third ra<-e. hurdles, oce and threeKjuarler miles — Judjre Cronin. 8 to I«. won; Shore. 4 to 3. second ; Prince. *>\u25a0 to 5. thfrd. Time. 3:31. Fourth race, one mile and a furlong— My Gal. W- f* 1. won; Bang. R tt> 1. second; Hammon I l'*«s. -*'J to 1, third. Time. 1 :f«5 1-5. } Fifth race, six furlongs— Kins Avondale. 3to * I, won; Montcalm. 2 to 1. se<<jnd;*Fond Heart. I 4 to 1. third. Time. 1:H. ISivth ra<-r. one mil^ — nnffman. « t<* 5. won; I>!«'1wr«"-«1. « t« 1. ceoond; Suj>erstlti'jii 5s to o. tliiri. Time, 1:03 4-5. good time on Sunday afternoon. There Is no question that Fitz is a good pitcher. In fact, he was good enough to hold his job with the Sacra mento and San Francisco clubs in the Coast league. He still retains most of his old time speed and he Is very liable to prove a surprise to the fire men when they go against him. Everything is in readiness for the game. Mayor McCarthy is practicing daily an£ expects to put the first ball right over the plate. The police and fire commissioners, together with Chiefs Seymour and Murphy, will be there to lead the rival rooters, and if all goes well on Sunday afternoon it will be the livest day that Recreafion park has ever kaown. Tim (Harrington, who Is looking out for the affairs of the firemen, an nounces that he has secured the pea nut and program concessions for the day. - All the money derived from this source will be turned . over with the gate receipts to the Sullivan fund and it is expected that between $4,000 and 55,000 will be derived from the game. Washington Invites the Cardinals North [Special Diipatrh lo The Call] STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Xov. 17. — From the University of "Washington comes the proposal' to the Stanford executive committee that Stanford send a crew to the northern university next May to take, part in a week's regatta. California Is also to be invited. ' The regatta is to have one week as signed to" it in order that the contest ants may be sure of fair weather. In past contests,- when the events had to be pulled off in one day, there has been much difficulty. in getting the boats over the course on account of the rough weather.- ._...» It is very probable that Stanford .will agree to the proposition.. and that both varsity and freshman eights will be sent north. The course for the varsity crew is three miles, for the freshman bunch one and one-half miles. |f LATONIA RESULTS | IjATONIA, Ky.. Not. • 17.— Jack -Atkln. run nlni? to bis best form, won: the Omnium stake at Latonia by three leDjrths from Helmet, with Star Charter a length btck in third place. Jack Atkin was off in the lead '• and : was never beaded. Result*: .. _ Flrt-t race. 'fire and a half furloncF— Beatrice, straight, $45.50, xvon: Going Some. 122.70 pjace, second; Dottle -B, J3.10 show, third. Time, 1:08. Second rare. Mx 'furlongs— Aspirin, straight SS.BO. won: Bat MaFtereon, plar-e $3J0.- second; Coveadon, show $3a.80. third. Time, 1:14. "- Third race, fjandican. one mile 'and. a ' fur long — Milton B, straight fS.3O. vron; Tom ; Biz bee. <pla re $9. second; Leamance, show 52.50, third. Time. 1:53. • r , Fourth race, the Omnium stake/Mr furlones — Jack Atkin. straight $4.40. won; " Helmet, place $5.40. p<M«ond: Star. Charter, .show-. 55.90, third. Time. 1:12 2-3. . Fifth" race, one' mile "and : 70 ; y*rdf-^-Queen Marguerite,: $34.50, straicht, , wnn: Brn^TroTato, pfa'e $12. second; Glucose, $4.60 shrcn*,"' third. Time,;l:44; •. .... I- .., „ /\u25a0.: , - Sixth t«cp. .-one and : three-sixteenth _m»lefc— Banburj-.,SI.VH» Btralctit.' won :> The Earl, *<*..1O l>lm-e. second ; . I'roitctllp...-. J7.GO fchow, third. THE SAN FRAffCISCO GALL, ;EKLDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 191 Q. OH Eli Men Invoke Goddess of Victory \EW HAVE.V. Conn., Xov. 17. With a band playing *Ynle airs and Ktudents following, " the Era ml march upon the fields wliere< Saturday's game trill he plnyed warn made by the under graduate* of Yale thin afternoon. This conformed to a custom and alloired the ntiidcntn to see the »crub tc«3i break training. The varwity and wcrub player* (lanced around a bonfire and the castaway equipment wan burned as an offering- to the Kodtlens of victory. Yale confidence has risen with the close of active trnliiinc Tlie Harvard wqund enme down from Fannlnprion this noon and after lunch at the Yule dining hall went. to Yale field for signal practice and to get accustomed to the llshtc and *hadbws cast by the stand*. Tin* men are in excellent phy sical condition, all the injured having fnly recovered. Ted Krothlnjrhnm. who was detained in Cambridge by a slight Illness, will take part in the slg-nal prac tice tomorrow. STANFORD RUGGERS ARE AWARDED BIG S Minturn and Cheda Get Four Star Sweaters for Quad ruple Service [Special Dispatch lo The Call] STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Nov. 17. — The executive committee last evening granted the varsity. S to 161 men and oight others received the German let ter, which Is given the substitutes.. -L. Minturn '09 and G. E. Cheda '10 were granted the privilege of wearing the four star sweater which is only given to men who have four times played on Stanford varsity teams. Those who won the block S are L. Minturn '09, G. B. Cheda '10, K. L.. Dole "11,. F. C. Brown •11, B. E;.Erb-'I2";W. Smith *12, A. L. Sun Jell "12, J. T. Arrell "12, S. L. Mitch ell '13, J. H..Thoburn '13, A. Frank '13, E. C. Baumgartner '13, E. P. Geissler '14, P. F. Harrigan '14, F.W. Reeves j '14. and C. E. Olmstead '14. The follow ing received the German emblem: H. L. Horton 'OR, : J. W. Fitting .'lo, . E. C. Woodcock '11, J.rF. Partridge '12, A. Sanborn .'l2, T. Sanborn '12, G. D. "Wors vvick '13 and L. Cass "13. *\u25a0'.-. "* • , Representatives from the. various fraternities and clubs last-evening •ar raigned a schedule and divided the.or ganization InUTten Rughy teams. This series of games is intended to bring out men .who woulJ not otherwise. play Rugby, and -it is hoped that some latent material for next year's varsity may be found. . . . ". : The first games will be played Satur day morning: The teams and schedules \u25a0 follow: - - . \u25a0 . . ; Team I— felta Kappa Kpsilon and Phi Delta Tbfta. ' «, \u25a0: . -, sts t Team 2 — Tbe«lnn and Beta Theta'rj. \u25a0 Team ."3— Delta Upsilon and Delta Tau Pelta Team 4— Zcta Pel, Pbl Gamma Delta and Dell monfeos. - ' . \u25a0 •\u25a0•\u25a0\u0084 ;.\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 Team s— Phl.Kappa^rsl, Theta Delta Chi and Sfpma Nil. . - Team rr — CblPsi.. Delta Chi andKsppa Signja i Team 7— Sigma Cbl, SipmaAlpha Epsilon and Kappa. Alpha. : . : , .. ..-. ... - Team B—Eneina8 — Enema symnaslum.- ... "Team B — Coyote club. ; Team 10— Breakers club. The Tollpwingrschedule has been an nounced for the preliminary round: »'f . • Saturday, at 11,' team 1 :ts team ft. • " . : ' . ; ... 'Saturday, November 1!>. at ' 1:00, \u25a0 team ' 2v« team ;10. . . "' .Saturday. .November \u25a0\u25a0 10, at 4, trnra .ti vs? team S. . :. . Mf>n<!ay, November ; 21, , at ' 4 :1.">, ' team -S * vs. team i*. - : ' . :,'-\u25a0•\u25a0: ,'-\u25a0•\u25a0 '.\u25a0 . j .; Tncsilsr, ' November . »-\ . at. 4:15. team" i vs: tcaiu.V. , . : • • "..'\u25a0.] SANTA CLARA AND ST MARY'S ON EDGE Oakland College Rules Favorite • Over Mission Town Rival for Rugby Game WILLIAM UNMACK The two Catholic colleges, St. Mary's and Santa Clara, whose football teams are to meet on the football field on Saturday, are on edge for the occasion. At both colleges yesterday the excite ment had grown until the students were nothing but a bundle of nerves, and there was nothing else spoken' of but tho coining game. / - Both teams yesterday put in their final practices. For the most part Santa Clara indulged In light work, such -as passing and kicking. St. Mary's. had a regular practice game, besides going In for heavy scrum work. Coach Faulkner put" his men through all the work he could, and the team was prac ticing until it was impossible to see the ball, owing to darkness. The St. Mary's team also tried out a system of signals that will be used in the game Satur day, and they worked to the full satis faction of the coach. ' Last night at both colleges large and enthusiastic i-allies were held. Bon fires were kindled on the respective fields, and the opposing college .was burned in effigy. Speeches were made by the coaches, captains and " other notables at each place, and college spirit. ran High.' No ! practice, will be held at .either college" today.. The St. Mary's team will be taken to the theater, in : the afternoon to try as-far as possible to get the men's minds off the game, p St. Mary's is easily the favorite for the' game in the, betting. The; Santa Clara team, however, is a strong aggre gation, and the St. Mary's men are not underrating the ability of their oppo nents. They are prepared for any sur prises that may be sprung at the last minute. - • \u25a0 The Santa Clara team has the weight advantage in the back division, and the men composing the back field are ad mittedly, a strong bunch, particularly on the offensivjs. The. weight; will not be as much advantage to . them .in the back field as, it would be forward.and It is in this part of .the game that "St. Mary's has the better ; . . \u25a0 The cripples of each team, while not thoroughly recovered,/ are 'so far ;\u25a0 ad vanced that they will be able, to take the field tomorrow. ' Hughes, Simpson and \Roth are all on the road to .re covery, , and Fieberling, who has -been lame for some time, was out; in. uni form again yesterday, though -;his in jured foot gave him more'trouble; than the other men experienced. Tramutolo is all right, and was out for practice at Santa Clara yesterday afternoon. \u25a0 v 1 -.Should the weather be rainy and un favorable. on.Saturday it is not known what action will be taken in regard to the- game. If conditions are; threaten ing today the Santa Clara f and , St. Mary's management will conferJon: the subject, and the decision will 'be an nounced Saturday.- • Century' Footballers to Play Soldiers _The r of Oakland will "meet", the .Army I hospital football team 1 " on next Sunday afternoon : at the Presidioy athletic ..grounds. The ;sol dier boys are being coached by a .for mer-member of the}' "West 'Point* team now stationed at the Presidio,: and as all hisv players have had ; . considerable experience in the, past 'they ,y ; should ,give their.: younger; and; lighter'oppo nents a good rub for. the honors.- The contest'wiir be called. at 2:30. -..;, , ::•:. "The teams wiiriine-up as follows:"' •\u25a0\u25a0Army.* *\u25a0 - r Positions^: = \u25a0./\u25a0* y . Century. >\ Connelly \ ...... . . . .".Center: . ..... ... David Moir Kelly ... • ..... ...Rißht guard.. . . .;- . ; . AVllben Bremen .. ...... . . .Lefrpiard: .; ;; . ** .j. Moo re ' Harris .:;... .....Right tack1e........ Hampton Waters .......:.:• l^fttacklP.. ...... B. Bruzzone Fitzgerald...". . . \u25a0\u25a0.::; niieht end; .. . .-. .-; M.Bruzzone Newsome "... '• ".Left end: .:. . .;...\u25a0.-.: Stewart Woods ............. .Quarter. ..... .-.. ; . y,~; Moir Kilmurraj-*;. . ..... .Right 1ia1f . . . : ; . . . . . ; ; .-, Kiser Kgler . .... ... .... -'-.Lef t half . ;-. ..... ..... 1n0 ,, u , lirbe- \u25a0......'.....•\u25a0.'•• •t"" 11 ••••'•.".*..;....." Burna WAGERING BRISK ON COMING BOUT Odds Stay at Evens With Plenty of Takers on Both Sides WILLIAM J. SLATTERY The coming contest between Battling Nelson and Owen Moran at Blot's arena a week from tomorrow afternoon gives promise of being one. of the liveliest betting affairs that the ring has known since the sad event at Reno. Already Betting Commissioner Tom Corbett has announced the price at even money.and the; admirers of each, man have . been eagerly snapping it up. It looks good to both sides and. thus far, nobody has been asking for odds> From indica tions, there will be no odds. .The interest which this affair has been attracting is nothing short of wonderful. It clearly indicates how much the people or San. Francisco think of the boxing game. Anybody who be lieves that the sport is dead here must wake up and try all over again. It's just as good as it was when they pected to see Jeffries and Johnson clash for the . heavy weight .championship of the world at Eighth and. Market streets. \u25a0 In the event that; the .'Nelson-Moran affair- proves be trie -big ~ success which it figures to . prove, then j the game will be back again, and to stay. All the San Francisco- fans want is action from high, class-performers who will: give them what they, pay their good money for. ,Ot course, they won't stand for Jimmy Carrblls and Sammy Kellers as main eventersiat top "prices, but give them . Nelsons and 'Mora-ns; or men of such standing, and they, 'are satisfied. . The Nelson-La Grave bout last month -proved- this * "conclusively.. If Nelson • is as -far In as the. Moran admirers believe him to be, then this will be the last contest of < Importance for the one time' king- of all thelight weights:' In the belief that -.Nelson, is gone,- the men who -like Moran are plunging on .the Britisher. They look for him , to carry j the battle~to; Nelson, lead all the way - and possibly \ score a knockout.' '\u25a0 : - " .. But Ihe Dane's admirers are sanguine of success. • They say that -the last affair with- La Grave does not count for,, anything. "\ Nelson .was not properly trained; that night. >' He ; . was fooled,' and badly fooled, for" he j expected that he was taking on a mark instead of a good, tough, willing boy,, who met him at his own game and kept on golng'all the time. ; ' r . .-. If Nelson works as conscientiously for the next week as he has during.the last four days, he will be in condition to do himself justice against the Brit ish lightweight.'. But; he can not afford to "lay off.' His ' experience 'withvLa Grave should have taught him a "lesson in this, line, a lesson to carry- '-.him' through the remainder of his ; boxing days. - ; ' i \u25a0 The Battler has just .one idea, ln.his head. He wants to "win back that lightweight crown. . But lor.this notion, he would not have \u25a0 signed |up to meet Moran -a iweek from tomorrow- after noon. He' would give. alllhe = has lin ,the world ,to' stand over prostrate form of the man who -relieved him -of -his hard-earned title over ! in"Richmond : last February.; .. : * :T '. / It 7 goes ' without v saying, that- Nelson will never get 'the- desired chance \u25a0' to take on" "Wolgast and \ win' back his title unless ; hie can- get Iby 'Moran: to ! the sat isfaction -of the -fans >\u25a0 and : : ( the This is -the. stumbling block in the tler's path back,: to the -championship goal.: It's the winner of. the next affair who w«l be- matched with ; the ; new wearer *of. the : crowni . :'[' i,^:'.; ,/ v .: Moran \u25a0 did not ; have .•. • many fond dreams'about'a meeting :.with the light weight* champ .till 'they signed; him ;for Nelson.; "; Now- -he i is -jus t^as-anxlous^as is^the' Dane Hoi get^on ;with>;"Wolgast. 'As:'af,matter of i:fact,- Moran ' neyeri was seriously. considered -in*- this line till the present match .was made two' weeks ago by'Jim'Coffroth. r , . ''':-. "i If is very likely Jth'at moving pictures will be "taken; of /the ;>: Nelson-Moran bout..':C i offibth^arid i Nelson"th>ldsa Jong conference ;over .the^project -last night Stanford Now Tied With Notre Dame SPOKANE, Xor. IT The facul ty committee !of the Washington state college at Pullman has wired the western college con ference authorities that Jack »Ison was ineligible to compete in the conference track meet at I'rhana last Jane. If this Is con sidered, .Stanford university and Xntre Dame will be tied for first place In the meet, each ' havinff made 18 points. The Washington state college faculty committee states that Nelson competed two years for the University of Colorado and two years more for Washington state eollejce before the confer ence games. . . Aelson won first In the 100 and 220 yard dashes at Urbana. Was son of _Vo tre Dame finished second to the westerner In the century, while Richard* of Wt» connln was second In tbe furloug. This Hire Xotre Dame two more points, hut does not affect I. eland Stanford's standing. and both seem anxious to get into the deal.. •\u25a0• ' • ,If One Round Jack Hogan hopes to continue in the boxing business in San Francisco ho will have to say farewell to the four. round game and blossom out as a full fledged professional. Chief of Police Seymour already has written the name of Hogan In his blacklist book so far as the four round gam© goes. Now.Hosan may as well take this hint. This means that the four round sport is practically crushed. There is no chance. for the promoters to make any money out of it unless they put on big cards, and as' soon as one of the boys advances to the state where he gets good money he is classed with fessionals. ,„ , - . . ' • \u25a0 • \u25a0 ' • ' .".Sam Fitzpatrick is doing the best -he can to get a match for his boy.Antone la Grave, but he seems to be out of luck. Sam is willing to send La Grave in against Hogan at 133 pounds three hours before the contest, or he will also, take a. chance against Packy Me- Farland at 135 .pounds. .The truth is that he showed up a little too well, for now a lot of them are ready to sidestep any advances. he may make. La Grave and McFarland would furnish an at traction that would bring the fans -for miles . around. Now It's up to Packy to take on the local boy or remain out of the limelight. J ! ««r DR. JORDAN'S«"O IMUSEUM OF ANATOMY Er~ \u25a0' (GREATCR THAIS eVCR) ~\ X //T"V WealoMM er any eontraeted &etM \u25a0p (r£k) Positively Cured krtheeUat WKW K '\3 •pedalut •• lh« CoML^EiUblubad H DISEASESTCFMEH h//S^^\\ CoMulUtwn fre««nd ttrktly private. w'ii tt> Tr«Ume nt yrtomlly or by letter. . A P /atJLo> cure in every coo u«- I* J^&*» « w "»« *«• Iwk. PrKtOSOPHV.. i . fP^J ,Or MARRIAGE. m*«-<« , s\u25a0• II \j ' ' nimble book for y j«««.) I I OR. JfIBDAH.'^S^S.F^AL < S^^^k^ A CONTINUAL ML OR CHRONIC CISCHAREE • S&£j s v^*T--^^W. • \u25a0 - if - not stopped - will - y> tjtJ 3 tear down tbe V» /BS&bf stronjrest coustitu- \u25a0 *&£#?§ TIME in correcting ' • Jffl \u25a0'\u25a0 the MISTAKE. £&*%. «.'ome. TODAY and '^mS^ \u25a0 "TSm"' '"' ll p * m your TKUE E«i*l?i§K^ ftw^^ Comiitlnn. for you ( 51 Thtrd Street Health, ii ax l y San Fraacijco, Cal.' VIUOK and CONFI- .'. ....... - • • ... DEXCE.'.,The SAfALI^'FEE I. ask may he paid -as yoa can 'afford. 'If unable, to "call, WRITE for my i \u25a0 Free t Chart •; about Horne .' Treatment. Low ; Fees.' ...Easy, tprm«. ;AdTice : Fr«». . • Classy Greyhounds To Run at Ingleside While the field which starts in the Open stake at Ingleside courslnsc park on Sunday is small, it has plen ,ty of class, and some good sport should result. Tom Finn. Peralta Boy and a number of other speed marvels are entered. The drawing was held last night and resulted as follows: Opea stake — Camel m. May S. Ladr J C ts. Dorando. Uttle Wedsewood vs. P. J. Cronin. , Georgetown ts. Mlss» Luxor, Tom Finn ts Peralta 1 Boy. Scamp ts. TMdx Blae. Turkey** Best ts. • Miss Hudson. Myrtle ts. The Limit. Cured in 5 Days IT. Gv Martin. 31. D. Th» Lmdtnt Sptclallrt. | •I CUBE VARICOCELE. HTDKOCET.E. HERNIA, PILES. FISTULA «nd STRIC- TUKE in flTe a ajs. .No »eTere operation. Xo detention from ooenpatioa. I am: the oaly specialist ta Saa Franc:sor> \u25a0who does not advertise a fictitious name and photograph. I publish, my true pborotrraph. correct name, personally conduct my office. I am th» longest , established, most successful and reliable, v medical credentials and pr««* records proT«. I mai» this statement so that yon will know yon commit a celebrated ' spe- .clalist who sees and. treats patients person- ally. I possess skill and experience acquired In such a way that no other can share and should not be. classed, with medical cnmpani<>*. It is on wise ami expenslTe to embrace the statements of medfeal companies. It is im- possible for a medical company to attend col- lege. Companies haTe no diploma* or license to practice \u25a0 medlclna in California or any other state. . Medical . compani en usually are 1 named after a doctor. A portrait who** per- sonality and identity are indefinite tg se- lected and published as the legitimats spe- cialist of . the office. Hired substitutes, ordi- nary doctors -with questionable ability. jriT* consultation?, examinations and treatment. MY DIRECT TREATMENT FOR "WEAKNESS" That disorder commonly known a» "weak- ness" has for years and generations bafSed the efforts of physicians, yet to this rery day a majority of doctors, specialists not es- cepted. are attempting to orercome It by methods that haTe been In constant use and haTe always failed for half century. They dose the system with powerful stimulants and tonics, calculated to restore nerrou* force or strength." that Is not and nerer has been lack- ing, with a result that .tb« functions are temporarily excited, to the posittre detriment of the patient. Weakness — we will call it such for crvnTenience Just now — in onl7 a sympton resultins from a chronically swollen and inflamed prostate gland, and is carable by local treatment only. Either ear iy dissipation or some Improperly treated contracted !s responsible for the inSammatton In moat instances.' though accident, injury, strain, etc.. may produce the same, result. I perma- nently cure these cases of prematureneas. loss of power, etc., without the glTlas of a single internal dose, which demonstrates the ' absolute accuracy of my understanding and treatement of this disorder. In years I hare not met with a single failure, and I hare entire confidence la my ability to cure all- cases that curse to me for treatment. I am equally certain that no treatment other than that which I haTe perfected can completely and . permanently restore' strength and Ttgor. • . I also cure Contracted Disease, Chronic Losses, Spermatorrhoea. Contagious Blood Poison* and all Complications from these aU- m<tata. My adTlce and consultation free. to ta» afflicted, whether treatment is taken or not. I am always g lad to explain my methods and giTe friendly adTlce to all who call.. lf yoa can not come to see me. write today. Hours, 9 a.m. to 9 p. ta. Sundays, 9 to 1 only. DR. H. G. MARTIN 721 MARKET STREET San Francisco, Cal. 'Sjtgß&fen MEN AHDWGHSB. <^K»g^rsx3 s SS3| Ui»Bij?€S£orun«atar*l /£sn|ri> 1 1» » 4»ru vJ di»ch»rgei.lna*ma»ation», teteSf G*vxz\*ti \a lrrtutiom or uictndoos *%S»jf n»« ia irfeur'. "• of taucom SMmbnas*. in Tr*n** Cmuc'cii. P»ial a »g, » a <! EOUajtria. tfTfuLTKEEViMStTHniXiIW. e?at or poi»onsas. trtH^ CI.iIIXJUTWEgSa SoM by Drarxiats. "VSSfc-^^^^WBl •1-00. orlb*Uleit2.7iw 13