Newspaper Page Text
14 THE latest lion is Prince d'Arbro. He is polished and charming, re sponds to kindness and has graced a number of occasions in the last week. There is an alluring atmosphere of mystery about him, yet he is unquestionably authentic. At the Greenway party Monday night Prince d'Arbro danced with the debutantes. Looking back, there is. an im pre??ion that he was alcme in this, but one can't be too sure. There may lave been others. Pefore the dance he had been dined by the De Sablas. A report was rirculated that he was an Kgyptian pasha. He is dark and dreamy looking though not at all somnolent, like previous pashas or sultans), so it seemed -rediblf. Some one a«ked his hostess. "'Really, I don't know very much about him," she answered, vaguely; 'but I do know he'« bona fide/ It sounded horribly ossified — a< though the prince were hard and un riflding in his composition some way, or like terrapin, which obviously was lot what Mrs. de SaMa meant at all. Whether or not he was a pasha, the prince*danced in the English manner, vhirltnjr in decorous circles without stopping. It was said he had been \u25a0ducated in England and had spent most of his life in Paris. He spoke French fluently, and English also. Some of the men thought it would be ntere«ting to know what he thought of Roosevelt's London speech, and the vomen wondered if he had, a harem. One girl decided to ask. She believed t might be discreetly done by saying: "Arc you at all married, prince?" The Crockers. who had introduced Prince d'Arbro at their dinner dance, cnew all about him. but it did not seem necessary to give details of his luthenticity. All that most of the Greenway guests knew was that the >rincc was bona fide, which the Dc Sablas were sure of. Finally- the czar applied further fact?. The}' were almost sensational. Prince d'Arbro is he Rockefeller of Roumania. one of the richest princes in Europe, a graduate »f Oxford, unmarried, and traveling for pleasure. His stay in San Francisco \i!l extend over several week?, and he considers Miss Alexandra Hamilton he most beautiful girl in California. Mr. and Mrs. A. \A . F«ster will entertain at as elaborate dinner Fri day evening, December T*. at the Fairmont pre ceding the Greenway dance. The Misses McClellan have returned to San Jose after a brief visit •with friend? in this city, and have joined their parents. General an<l Mr?. John MoClellan. at the V>n<lome, where they are passing the winter. • • • r»r. a~!<1 Mrs=. J. Wlif *on Sh*<Ms entertained at an informal dinner par ty trlv»n Wednesday everSns: »i the St. ?*rsnri!s for less than a doz^n guests. The news tha* the <~"in<?erellas will give a dan.c in January win V,* ,-eoetveiJ with delight by the society matrons and maids who attended the dance last season. The club will be revived for an elaborate party early in the year, ar eording to the present I'lan. and there will be about 4l»n guests after the old custom. Among those who guided the «'inderellas Jo a (success at the last party were the following pa tronesses: Mrs. Hsrry Ps!«-<vk Mr?. William Bmirn Mr*. r;<x»ipp B<v«l Mr*. Thnma* Brwip Mrs Jnlm J. I?ri«-c Mrs. Trnstnn B<*a!" ; Mr*. Fran^f Csirn'isn Vrs. W. 1.. Eikin* Jr. Mt>. r/innro 1 P.Tre Mlm .i»nn> Fl-wwi Mrs. William Ovrin Mr*. <";«f>rc<> H^wsrd Mr*. John Kittle Mr*. Perrr Moore Mrs. flmrlPf Fflfe Mr«. Oo'tw PiiK-kf.rd Mrs. Willis F^lk Vr*. GeruM Psthbone Mrs. W. S. Te-1s Mrs. WMlijim Tnbb* Mrs. William Matson, BFsistcd by her daugh ter. Miss LurUne Mat pon. entertained at an informal tea yesterday at the Ft. Francis hotel. Among those who en .ioyed the affair were: Mi*s Lillian Vsn Vorst > f i*» D<-Tnth.T Vsfl Sl-kJen Mis* Anna Olner MX« Amn'.ia Pimrxwn Mi»* Grs^e OiheoTj Mi**- Murpiiret Prott y.ui riT» <i»> ppcp U c ITlac Nsfdlie Hunt Mif« Murciirrite I»oe • • * Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Richards entertained at one;, of the elaborate dinner parties of the week at the Bellevue. An hour at bridge fol lowed the dinner. The decorations were roses snd ferns and the favors were silver souvenirs. Alameda High to Play Belmont Tomorrow A!»m#<la high school will clanh with the Belmont mflltary academy tomor row morning on the^ Belmont campus in, a jrame of Amprican football. These' two teams are undoubtedly thestrong *f=t pr*»p school teams playing: the old pa me, and the contest Is creating much talk In school circles. It> is not an academic league game, but merely the annual contest between the two schools. Alameda has a veteran eleven, while there are but three veterans on the Belmont team, but William Reid's abil- ; Sty to turn out a crackajack team with, but little material is well known and he will undoubtedly spring some sur prises on the boys from across the bay. The Belmont team will average 152, while Alameda Is a few pounds heavier. Pete Smith will referee; George irfcell, umpire; Sid Holman will be field Judge, and J. Bishop head linesman. The lineup: BelBVWt. Position. ' Alameda. Jone*. Kenny Center fieagrave Maze Right guard.... Antbosy Barker Right tackle Da vis I'unbam. l/>o»e Rigbt end .Ives C. Lane Left guard Howe, Madsea Ptmjjrsrd <Capt.)..Left tackle., B. Bruzzone T. Lace Left <>nd . M. Bruzzone (Capt.) I^atimer ..Qnarter Mackie Huntler It i eh t half Klser Brown Left ha1f..... Hasklns McHenry ....Full Jacobs, Etter BJG 1.13AG18 CONTRACTS. NEVf YORK. Nov. 17. — President Lynch of the National league an nounced approval of the following con tracts tonight: With Cincinnati — John W. Bates. George McQuillen and R. J. Egan, all 1511. Rl With New York — Arthur Devlin, 1311. The Smart Set The bridge party* is in high favor this week. Mrs. Frederick yon Pchrader entertained a score of army matrons at the favorite diversion yesterday at her home in Pierce street and served tea afterward. Mrs. Charles Deering will entertain at bridge this afternoon and Mrs. John R. Robertson -will be a bridge hostess for more than a score of gnrsts. Among the younger girls who en tertained at bridge in tlie last few days were Miss l)a Sonntag and Miss Helen Bowie and both had a large num ber of guests. • * • Mrs. T. T. Williams and Miss Helen Wil liams are at the j?t. Francis for a brief stay. They are being enter tained by their friends during their visit. Lieutenant Richard Furnival. United States army, will leave in a few days for the south ern part of the state, where ) 1P w jh ne enter tained by friends during his leave of absence. He will return to this city. • • • The home o f Mrs. Emma Shafter Howard in Pacific avenue will b« the scene of a bril liant affair this evening, when Miss Margaret Kemble will present the opera "Monna Vanna." The music is by Henry Fevrier and the libretto by Maurire Maeterlinck, as it was produced in Paris last season. There will be a large assembly of guests at the musi cal c. • • • Mr. and Mrs. C N. Belshaw have returned from their country home at St. -Helena and . are established nt the St. Francis for the winter. • • • Miss Marguerite Doe entertained a dozen girls at an Informal luncheon yesterday at the Palace. The table decorations were autumn leaves and chrysanthemums, with a center piece of foliage. Each guest received a corsage bouquet of vio lets. » • • • Miss Marie Louise Foster was hostess at a delightful tea given yesterday for a score of girls who were bidden to meet Miss Edith Lowe, the fiancee of Hans Wollmann. 'Dad' Moulton, III, Thinks Stanford Won [Soecial Dhpatch to The Call] STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Nov. 17.~ Slowly convalescing at his home in Palo Alto. Dad Moulton, Stanford's veteran trainer. Is happy In the thought that his proteges, the cardinal varsity, came out of the struggle last Saturday vic tors. At the time of the game. Dad was too 111 to go. although only after his wife's pleadings to him and the doc tors stern commands that he rest was he persuaded to remain at home. At that time, although the genial old man was very ill. he was not too 111 to be Intensely interested in the game and anxious to know how his "boys," some of whom had been Injured in prac tice games, stood the hard struggle. When the result of the game was known in Palo Alto it was thought that the shock of knowing the defeat of the cardinals would result disastrously for the old trainer, and he was told instead [ that the men he had watched over all the season hadi triumphed by a score of 15-6. Immensely pfeaned at this. Dad became easy and passed the first restful night since his illness had begun. He will not be told of the real, result until two weeks - have passed, and in order to make sureof. this, no visitors are to be allowed to ; see him and : all magazines and newspapers are being kept away from him. Although Sam Bellah did yeoman service at the game in Dad's place in looking after the Stanford men . who were Injured, the presence of Dad on the field wassorely missed. This was the first big game he had not attended since he had come to train the Stanford athletes/ '\u25a0<- :• \u25a0 ' — -\u25a0- <-»"»*•* CALIFORNIA MAY REVIVE BOATING — ' r Fate of Sport Will Be Decided by Vote of Associated Students [Special DUfiatch to The Call] BERKELEY,. Nov. 17.— At, a meeting of the executive committee of the as sociated students It was decided to submit the question of re-establishing* boating: as an intercollegiate sport to an advisory vote of the associated students. Two years ago boating: was dropped from the liet of intercollegiate sports because it was argued that the sport was too expensive and that there were no proper facilities for boat rac ing in this vicinity. Since that time boating has been carried on by the boat clubs at Stanford and at the uni versity of California, and last ye<ar a regatta was held on Oakland estuary. This year the executive committee of the associated students at Stanford University has decided to put boating hack on the list of intercollegiate sports provided that California will do the same. G. A. Haves, president of the associated students of the uni versity of California, ' states that the matter will, be put to a' vote of the student body* within the next ten days. Meanwhile the boating men of the university are active and preliminary iwork for the development of, a crew is In progress. Two of the varsity crews were on the water yesterday af ternoon engaging in light fall train ing. From now on those out for the crew will be on the water twice a week, and if possible, three times a week. This has been impossible here tofore on account of the number of crew men who were working on the Rugby squacl. Considerable time will be spent during the remainder of this term in teaching new s men, and every afternoon ar number of veterans will be down at the water, for the purpose of instructing the new candidates. Yesterday's row extended over the tW;O mile intercollegiate course on the Oak land estuary. '.'.' , The following crews were •• on the water yesterday: First varsity— No- 1,' S. P. Colt; No.. 2. W. Wilson: No. 3. W. H. Schroeder; No. 4. C. Benl; No. 5. R. Maynard; Nn. 6. E. Ball; No. 7. T. Davidson; stroke, S. Malatesta; coxswain. Hut ton. Second varsity — No. 1, W. . Diaz: No. 2, R. Qutttioe: No. 3. E. Shaw; No. 4. J. F. Fuller; No. 5, E. Cope: No. 6, T. G. Mark-wart; No. 7, E. Brown; stroke, R. Eaton; coxswain, E. A. Captain and Mrs. \ Allen Haynes will spend' the winter at Fort Baker, where the cap- ! tain is in command. They will entertain at a series of informal af fairs. Major John W. Ruckman and Mrs. Ruckman have left the post and will be in town for a few days before sailing for the Philip- Th*» dance to be given tomorrow evening by the girls of the Alpha Phi sorority will be held in the white and gold ballroom at the Fair mont and will be at tended by a large num ber of guests. Among those who will be host esses are: Miss Dorothy Parker Mi»s Orsce Cflbnon V. ; \u25a0 Miss Jean Wbeeler Ml** Lurllne Matron \u25a0 Mi«s Elizabeth Wheeler Mist Dorothy Allen Miss Clsraseott Oondleu Mr*. Albert Vance Mis* CreßS.v Stone Miws Rose Barker Miss Florence Aik»n Miss Dorothy Mann Miss Ellse Young \u25a0 • • -" \u2666 .* :. The engagement of Miss Sally Simon and Paymaster. Kirby Van Mater was announced at an informal tea given yesterday by Mrs. Man ley D. Simons. The bride to be is popular In the service set and passes her time partly in the city and partly at Benl cia. The wedding is to take place December 10 and will be a pretty affair with the military appointments. Miss Barbara Parrott, who accompanied the Vicount and Vicomtesse Phlllippe de Tristan home from Paris, is re ceiving a cordial wel come from the younger set. She is at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Abby Parrott, at San Mateo, but will be a frequent visitor in the city this winter. Mrs. Fletcher Ryer will entertain a score of guests tomorrow even ing at the Fairmont. Another dinner hostess of the evening will be Mrs. William Fries, who will have about the same number of guests. • • • . Mrs. Norman Liver more entertained at one of the Informal luncheons of the week in* compliment to Miss Margaret Roosevelt, the young visitor from New York, who has been the feted guest at several parties. No More Enlargements of U. C. Bleachers BERKELEY. Nov. 17. —The regents of the university will not allow a fur ther enlargement of the bleachers on California field, and the seating ca pacity of the football stadium has now reached its maximum. The action of the regents followed the submission of a petition from resi dents in the vicinity of Bancroft way and Bowditch street asking that no bleachers be built at the south en.l of the field as planned. New bleachers erected prior to the big game at the north end of the fl*»ld accommodated more than 2,000 spectators. Objection was made by residents in the vicinity of the field that the bleach ers are unsightly and detrimental to propery values. . MEETINGS—LODGES A. & A. S. It. of Free Masonry, San Francisco Lodge of Perfection No. TST I—Seventh.1 —Seventh. Eighth and Ninth De- *« • green THIS FRIDAY. November «vlk IS, 1010. at Bp. m., GoU>n Gate /»£«r\ Commandery hall. 2133 Sutter et. M'fwi HENRY ABCROFT, Secretary. 2135 Sutter st. yCtujSAf KING SOLOMON'S chapter No. 95. R. _gBWBBri A. M., 1739 Fillmore fit—Th* Mark bs*3j&& Master. rlrerpp will be conferred If Tida Js THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING-. «t sr«rl o'rlork. after tb« 'stated mretiriß. wslaSsi HARRY BAEHR, Secretary. \u25a0 lUfii CALIFORNIA commandery No. 1. K. T-— _.-_ Stnted a^nembl.v THIS (FRIDAY) "WsjH EVENING, at 7:80 o'clock. Albert Pike JgW v 1v 1 Memorial temple, 1859 Geary Bt. Order of the Temple. All fratem cordially Invited. By order HARRY MAUNDRELL, Em. Commander. < WILLIAM R. .TOST. Recorder. BALDER lodge No. 303. F. & A. M.— X Sp pcinl meptinc THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock. Third De-TC3f gree. A. LUNDQVIST, Secretary, f^r* A3IITT lodge No. 370. F. & A. M-— A Special meeting THIS (FRIDAY) ,-J*_ EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock. Thir.lJEJpT Degree. T. WALTER WALKER, S<»e.\u0094 \ PRESUMO lodge No. 334. I. O. O. F.. 7th and Market sts. —First *3ks3§§3s3i nomination of of Brers FRIDAY EVENING, Nov. 17. Full attend- ance. 1 C. B. DOWNING, R. S. CALEDONIA CLUB meets THIS \u0084 W ». IFRIDAV) EVENING. November Sg 6S «3 1?. at Scottish hsll, 121 Lirkin Ft. SaJTJs? Election of officers. JAMES H. DUNCAN, Chief. ALLAN J. MACDONAIJ). Sec. UNITY lodge No. 61, K. of P.. will (£»_„. confer the Knight rank (long form) t3l» on FRIDAY EVENING, Not. 18, at 2§ML 8009 lGth ht. All Bro. Knights in- «j&isa& vlted. By order G. • C. HOLMES, C. C. S. W. GATF.S, K. of R. and S. > LOST AND FOUND IT XOU LOSE ANYTHlNG—Advertise It bere. It will be returned to you if an honest person finds It. Remarkable recoveries are brought about every day through this column. Ir YOU FIND ANYTHING BRING IT to Tbe Snn Francisco Call J Ijomt and Found Bureau ? J*Mt& and M»gteet Street»< Get a clelm check. Have it advertised. Reclaim It if the owner does not. THE LAW—People who find lost articles are interested in knowing that the state law is strict in requiring them to seek the owners through advertisements and otherwise, and that failure to do so, if proof can be shown. Involves a severe penalty. LOST—On Piedmont train at Key Route mole Tuesday, November 15, gold plated sterling fllver purso, $2.50 In silver, pass key and vis- iting card. Reward at 049 .< 36th - st.; nhone Piedmont 3504. •\u25a0:/;: -- LOST —Gold watch and arrowhead fob with monogram "T. A. N." on back of watch. Return to room 634, Pacific building; liberal : reward. IXiRT —A circular locket; diamond center- iu- ltialeil 11. A. G. Return to H. R. GLEESON 22.14. Fnlton St.: liberal reward. c - \u25a0 LEFT In Castro st. car, bankbook and letters* reward. H. F. MANN, care Williams & Surryhne. 128 Sntter st. LOST—Between the Emporium and Hale's, a small purse. Return to 1097 Green St., apt. 7: reward. . r LOST —Wednesday, gold ,watch witb-fleur de Us pin attached; monogram E. M. M. on front cover. Return t0'215 Vicksburg st.; reward: SINGLE stone diamond screw .earrings, between Emporium and Ellis and Flllmore sts.: Liberal reward at S3l Van Ness ay. LOST—Lady's gold watch \u25a0 fob, mark letter L. Retnrn to 129 Haight st.; reward. LOST—A black and whit* English setter bitch. -Retnrn to 1270 Guerrero, at.;; $20. EM PLO YM ENT WANTED A —FIRST CLASS Japanese and Chinese cooks, waiters, janitors,, porters, <etc.V- wish :to get situations. ABIA EMP. BUREAU. 531 Grant a y. Phone Douglas 3532. Home C4C65. \u25a0 AUTOMOBILE repairer; Al all around machinist wants situation in shop, or contract with prt- vate famUies. /M. M..» 1332 Hyde st. CHAUFFEUR, strictly temperance, desires sition with private family, or-delivery; doe^ own repairing; no "Joy rider.. Address »W. G. .WARREN.". 1113' Lincoln ay.. ; V.: CHAUFFEUR, competent, flrst iclass > mechanic; familiar : with . all European ; and : 'American , cars; excellent references. \u25a0\u25a0:• M.tM., {1632 Hyde.: CHINESE-^First' class cook.V wants S position in \u25a0. family in city.'. LOUIE, 810 Grant ay.; phone China 413. "\u25a0:' THE SAN FRANCISCO QALL. FRIDAY; NOVEMBER 18, 1910. EM Payment WANTED .._'- ' \u25a0 \u25a0" \u25a0'\u25a0 MALE— Continued — CHAUFFEUR. \u25a0 first classes wishes position wlfh nrm or private family- lost own car In recent garage flre ; good i mechanic: will ' demonstrate .._ ability; references. - Box f 7007. 1657 Flllmore. CHAUFFEUR and thorough mechanic desires petition In private family: city or country; can operate any car and willing kfi teach own- er. Box 7009. Pali of fl Pe . 1657 Fillmore. St.- CHAUFFEUR (German), honest, industrious, wishes, position in country; . <*an do own re- palrlng. Address Chauffeur.- 68-70 Clara st. EXPERIENCED valet who can give massage and ' do light cooking wants position: 1 good refer- ences. Address HENRY PICHTNER. 660 California n. EXPERIENCED carpenter foreman, all branches, wishes position, city or country. Address box ICS. Call office. EXPERIENCED quartz mine foreman who can furnish references wishes position at reasonable salary. Address box 117. Call office. FIRST clasn \u25a0 cook wants a ' good place — family boarding houp«.. hotel or restaurant. CHARLIE HONG. 775 Clay, st.. » HANDY MAN. GOOD. STRONG AND WILLING, WOULD LIKE A JOB. CITY OR COUNTRY, AT ANY KIND WORK; REFERENCES. PHONE SUTTER 1353. / KOREAN%student wants a position as a school- boy in a good family. • Apply V.. 232 Perry st.; phones Dougles 4350. Home J3595. PAINTER, paper hanger, tinter, gralner, , etc., wants work from owners; have tools for Inte- rior and exterior work; no Job too large or too small. Decorator. 255 Sth ay.. Richmond. Phone Paclflc 3064. PAINTER, paper hanger and tinter, has all j tools, .wants work from owners; | day or Job; good work: low prices. 1052 Capp st., phone Mission 5818.,: SHOW CARD writer, 25, good salesman for men's furnishings, wishes position: also In country. R. 8.. box 142. Call office. THOROUGH and competent machinist desires position to operate and repair high grade ma- chines. Box 52, Call office. WANTED— A position % by Al Janitor: speaks 4 languages. Address G. B. ANFOSSI, Ticino hotel. 621-623 Broadway. WANTED— Accounting work or a set of -double entry books to keep evenings by a competent person. Address box 2748. Call office. . YOUNG man, about 24, wishes position in the . mall order department of some good concern. Address box 7066, Call office, f , YOUNG man with good reference, used to driv- ing, knows the city well, wants work of any kind. Address C. NELSON. 725 Oapp St.. city. EMPLOYMENT WANTED FEBIALB FIRST CLASS laundress and houseworker wants a few more places by the day. Phone Mission 2450, mornings. LADY willow worker makes beautiful willow plumes from old feathers and boas. Phone West 221: small salary or # by day. LADY would like to go out br the day. cooking dinners or lunches. Ca11. 1861 Laguna cor. Pln«. LADY'S maid wishes position. jPhone Franklin 3203. . * _\u25a0:.:: MAN AND WIFE would like positions: man is a handy man and ranch hand, gardener or choreman, and the wife is a fine cook.' Please phone Sutter 1353. t NURSE girl will take care of 1 child; wages $20; \u25a0 references. Phone Franklin 3203. SWISS girl wants a situation doing -general housework and cooking; German family pre- ferred. 1630 17th st. cor. Carolina. MALE HELP WANTED ONE HUNDRED bright young men wanted to qualify for stenographic positions; we can . not fill one-fourth the calls offered by good firms; can arrange for a few to earn expense*. Call or address me personally for particulars. ALBERT G. WEAVER, president San Fran- cisco Business College, 908 Market et., S. F. WANTED— Men without experience to work at electricity, plumbing, automobiling, brick lay- ing; learn trade few months; no expense; 200 students last year; $30,000 contracts. United Trade School Contracting Co., 1623 Market. MEN wanted, age 18 to S3. for firemen. $100, monthly, and Drakemen $80, on nearby rail- roads; experience unnecessary; no strike;, pro- motion to engineers, conductors; railroad em- ploying headquarters;' over 600 men sent to positions monthly; state age; send stamp. Railway Association, care Call office. WANTED — A class A only gas engine sales manager, accustomed to both stationary and marine engine work, capable of taking charge of our San Francisco branch. SAMSON IRON WORKS. Stockton. Cal. MEN AND WOMEN— Learn the barber trade; do not be deceived by. so called colleges; get a scnolarsblp under the Moler system and learn right; 40 colleges In U. S. . We pay wage* while learning. Call Moler College. 234 3d st. WANTED — By real . estate concern, young man for general j stenographic work: nominal sal- ary; state and experience. Box 122. Call office. . DOUGLAS HOUSE. 758 Harrison st. nr. 3d— Now open: 200 hard finished rms.; reading rm.; hot I water; rooms 25c day; $1,25. $I.AO week. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL WATCHES AND DIAMONDS. EASY PAYMENTS; B.EF. REQ. BRILLIANT JEWELRY CO.. 704 MARKET. MEN and women for first class places. WHIT- AKER'S INFORMATION BUREAU, 321 Bush St.. room 107. WANTED— An active man, good talker; big money for right man ; $500 surety or cash bond required. Call 323 Phelan bldg. . DRIVER and solicitor for dyeing and cleaning; experienced preferred. G. F. THOMAS, 859 14th st. . ANDRE'S office. 1044 Larkin st. — Cook, commer- cial hotel, $60; farmer. $30 and found; young Frenchman to learn pastry, $25, and others. 5 JAPANESE men wanted to learn nice clean business; will pay $15 to $25 week. Room 211. 915 Van Ness ay. . f YOUNG^ man, minor, desiring business educa- tion. Call room &V Golden West hotel. WANTED — Boy in wholesale electrical ware- house. Apply at 162 Minna st. near 3d. STEADY man. light work, pays good wages: $160 cash required. 966 Market Bt., room 7. F.RRAND boy, dental laboratory; chance for promotion. 3245 Mission st. STRONG boy wanted; $6 a w«ek. PACIFIC FRAME -C O.. 824 Hayes st. BOYS and men wanted. ILLINOIS PACIFIC GLASS CO.. 15th and Folsom. MEN wanted at 103 3d st. to have their shoes repaired; sewed soles 75c. done in 10 minutes. COUPON agents, new proposition. SCHAFFER, photographer, 72 San Pablo ay., Oakland. NEW WESTERN, 1124 Howard — Single rooms, 15c and 20c per night; hot and cold water. 5 MEN to make cigars; good pay while learning; man to attend more. 11l Bth st. FEMALE H A LP WANTED AAAAA — Young women j wanted fas i operators by the Paclflc Telephone and Telegraph Company; most be bright, neat In appearance, between the ages of 17 and 25 years, at fair education and unquestionable character. LIGHT AND WELL VENTILATED OPER- ATING ROOMS. PLEASANT BEST AND LUNCH ROOMS. LIBERAL SALARY PAID WHILE I.EARN- - vsa. -i..- :•--. \u25a0 PERMANENT POSITIONS. OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVANCE. For full particulars call at the Operating School, Telephone Office. 2015 Stelner st. cor- ner Pine. - - . : .- v< ."^V- >5 SALESLADIES; must be capable and experi- enced In sale of ladies' coats and suits. Apply Saturday morning between 9 and 11 o'clock, MAURICE'S, ,- 152 Geary St. xIRL- for; general housework and '\u25a0 cooking, 2 In family, for country, best of wages; cook.for small American family in the ciry, $50; cook for a ranch, $40: German , second girl, city, $30; an Irish second girl for a Jewish" family, $30;. a Protestant second gtrl to * assist , with children, $30; a cook and laundress, ' 2 In fam- ily. «35; general housework girl, 2 In family, $30, Suudnys f ree . Call at MISS PLUN- KETT'S, • IaOO Sutter st. cor. Webster. ,:• - rYPIST experienced in the use of the dictaphone to transcribe ' correspondence on Remington |or Underwood typewriters; 'must, be 'rapid, "neat and accurate: 'high, school education desirable;, state experience in detail and salary expected. Address box 123, Call office. . »; i OAKLAND, . SIRLS TO MAKE OVERALLS. PAiD SALARY jEVI BTRAUSS & CO., 3D AND CLAY STS. APPLY TO MR. DAVIS. • -V2.IES, lMlrn h*lr dressing at i OALIF. COL- LEGE OF HAIR DRESSING and Beauty Cul- ture; diplomas and formulas given; individual rnstrnction. 967H Market St. bet. sth and 6th. .<EABN hair dressing, manicuring, hair working, massage; easy, terms; evening classes. The New Method Hair Parlors. 130 Geary st. 'IRL'.for \u25a0'\u25a0 housework * and . cooking; good . home; wageß $20-$25. 3859 -Washington near. Cherry. EXPERIENCED saleswoman wanted. Apply, by letter only, S.*& G. GUMP CO.. 268 Post at. N WOMEN " solicitors; 100 per cent .'commission. Call at Occidental, hotel. 9 to 12.v ; , ;;; :;•;.. Experienced saleslady. PRICE & •>ON, \4l; Stockton- st. f : : ,;;\u25a0.:;!. : :'< ./ - V" ANTED— ParIor « maid; K must be i, experienced worker: reference. ;_•• 2724 \u25a0 Pacific \u25a0 ar. URL* for Sundries,; department .of ;'. wholesale \u25a0 house. Address box \ 124, Call : office, _ FEMALE HELP WANTED - '\u25a0'-'\u25a0 ; *: TEACHER for a district school. J.iß. STEARNS. 2142 Shattudt a y.. Berkeley. .f . WANTKD— Young ladies to train for nnrses; paid while learning. , 819 Brash; rt., Oakland. EMPLO YMENT OFFICES PHONR PAC. D^G^AS^SS32?~HOME CMCeS? Ml GRANT AY.— ASIA EMPT. OFFICE FUR- NISHES BEST AND COMPETENT JAPANESB AND CHINESE HELP OF ALL KINDS. -: AAA— PHONE WEST 1781. • ' Largest Japanese and Chinese employment of. flee In city. T. TAMTJRA CO.. 1612 Lagnn* at. ~ WEST 5655— 54088. ~* 08CAR HATSCMI. Best help carefully selected; guaranteed. INDEPENDENT Employment Office Phone Mfein 579. Basement San Joaqutn Valley Bank bWg.. Hunter st... Stockton. Cal. \u25a0• A. 8. HORI. reliable Japanese-Shlnese help promptly furnished; open day and night. 174S Butter st. PHONES — WEST 2SOB. 82503. H. W. HONG. Chinees employment office. 805 Webster St.. Oakland; phone Pekln 25. -..-- J. CONN, Chinese employment bnreao— Phooe Donglas 3166. Home C-5095. 785 Pay st. STAR emp. office; Japanese-Chinese help. W. KODATA. 160S Geary; tel. West IBT. S-4908. BARBERS AND SUPPLIES FOR the month of- Nevember only, we will run a special on-razors. Tonsorial Gem. $1.25 each, three for $3; Chimes, $2.25 each, three for $6.50; Mission. $1.50 each; Wet or Dry. $1 each: the old reliable Bine Steel, $2 each, three for $5.75. Call and see hb at 60 Sixth »t.. S. F.. or 373 12th .st.. Oakland, Cal. BECKEL & PRESHER, lpc. BARBERS, don't sacrifice your barber chairs, furniture or tools before you see Stoltz, 731 Market st.. where you receive full value in cash; he also exchanges anything in that line; you can also borrow money on them at low in- terest. Remember the number, 731 Market st. RENT half of store for ladles' hair dressing or manicuring parlors; hotel on O'Farrell st.; only those meaning business need reply. Box 151. Call office. $600 buys 3 chair shop; baths; 25c shave; no Sunday work; good business; long lease; rea- son for selling. W. R. GREGORY, box 401, Point Richmond. WANTED — Men and women to leara barberlng; we teach in 8 weeks; no limit to time. Call 8. r. BABBESK COLLEGE, 790 Howard at. near 4th. BEST pew chairs; also Koken's white chair, and Ml kinds on the market; new mirrors: nonfor- felting lease. 394 Hayes St.; phone Park 1242. 3 CHAIR barber shop for sale; cheap rent; present owner 13 years In same location: retlr- lng on account of sickness. Call 1494 Valencia. BARBER, union man, $19 guarantee and rent my 4 room house. $16.50. unfurnished. Ad- dresw box 154. Call office. - 2 CHAIR shop for sale, with living rooms com- plete; will bear inspection. Dwight way and Telegraph ay., Berkeley. ' '\u25a0*; FOR sale — 2 hydraulic chair outfit, as good aa new; cheap for cash. Room 1, 053 Clay St., Oakland. FIRST CLASS barber wishes a morning Job, or from opening till 4 or 5 o'clock job. Ad' dress BARBER. 2239 Sntter st. BARBER wanted at S44;Market st. ' GOOD barber wanted for Saturday and "Sunday. 2408 California st. nr. Flllmore. BARBER wanted from Saturday noon to Sunday noon. 1008 Guerrero st. near 22d. BARBER wanted; Saturday, Sunday. 622 Front - street. BARBER wanted for Saturday s.nd evenings. . . 25th and Myrtle sts.. Oakland. BARBER wanted steady. 362 3d st. BARBER wanted steady. 539 Turk st. BARBER for Saturday. 10S2 Folsom st? near 7th. \u25a0.•"\u25a0. \u25a0".'-:'\u25a0\u25a0, GOOD barber wanted for Saturday. 17S0 7th St., West Oakland. BARBER for Ne.Tad*. $25 guarantee; fare ad- vanced. Call at 20 3d St. FIRST CLASS porter (colored*, now emp.. wlnhes country position; state wages. Box 100, Call. FIRST CLASS barber wants a steady position. Address box OS, Call office. BARBERS' UNION 148. office 343 Van Neaa ay.; free employment; tel. Market BS9. - -. BARBER wanted for Saturday nights, steady; from 8 o'clock on ; good . wages. ' 2200 Bryant, BARBER wanted; steady; good wages. 606 Bth st.. Oakland. BARBER wanted; steady: 10c shop; commission paid. 410 6th St.. Oakland. THREE chair shop for sale; cash or easy terms. Call 641 Vallejo st. EASY money; use "Beef . Gall" shampoo. At Bauer's Barber Supplies. 39 O'Farrell st. • 3 KOKEN chairs and outfit, first class condition; very cheap. 3473 Mission St. BARBERS' Protective Union — Employment secre- tary. W. BARON. 775 Mkt.: phone Kny. 5584. SALESMEN AND SOLICITORS Two reliable stock salesmen; give age, experi- ence and references; Important opportunity for men of ability. Box 491, Call office. WANTED— Salesmen, experienced magazine men, to represent "Current Literature." Nineteen volume premium and the magazine for $13. Entirely new proposition, never has been shown on the coast; highest commissions. Apply after 1 p. m.. CURRENT LITERATURE PUBLISH- ING COMPANY. 413-417 Paclflc bldg. WANTED— Representative for prominent Phila- delphia mill,- manufacturing tapestry portieres, couch covers, sunfast materials, -etc.; state ex- perience and where you can be reached, so in- terview may be arranged. Address S. T. ROSE . Palace hotel. SOLICITOR for Daily Transcript: salary, com- misslon or half Interest. ; 952 Bdwy. Oakland. RENT THAT VACANT ROOM A 6MALL want ad in The Call will do it quicker than a dozen signs plastered on your windows , * and which spoil the looks of your home be- sides. Phooe Kearny 86 for an ad man to call and see you. ROOMS TO LET ~~ FURNISHED AND . UNFURNISHED A OOZY home for respectable ladles, 1130 Mar- . ket st. near Sth, under auspices of the SAL- VATION ABMY; elegantly furmshed; everj modern convenience ; eteam heat, electric light and elevator service: spotlessly clean; centrally located; thoroughly homelike; telephone Market 1349; prices very moderate, ranging from 28c per night ; np; special rates by the week or month.: See matron, room 83.. • DUBOCE ay., 193— 2. nicely furnished rooms in a private family, with use of phone and ehower bath, gas and electric light; breakfast if desired; terms very reasonable. DEWEY HOUSE, 4th and Howard— An modern conveniences; 300 rooms, 83c to $1 day, $2 to $5 a week; free baths: Howard or 4th st. cars. DEVISADEHO St.. 1123— Sunny, furnished or • unfurnished room; phone and bath ; cheap. . . EDELWEISS. 2211 Mission st.— Modern, newly . furn. \u25a0„ sunny rms. ; very reas. ; bath, phone. FILLMORE St., I73B^Stop here, means clean room, good bed,' hot water, bath free; very reas. QOLDEN GATE ay., 1001, opp. Jefferson square — Sunny room, 12 windows; , bath, phone; every convenience. , GROVE 6t., 676— Furnished rooms, in a quiet family; $1.50 week. \ HOWARD st., 2337— Large, sunny alcove room and pleasant side rooms; American family; . rent reasonable. ' ' "HOTEL YOLANDA," 1661 Market st. Junction Halght — Sunny-, furn. f rooms; hot and cold ;, water day and night ; elec. lights ; new house ; new furniture; baths;, $2.25 week. HOTEL METROPOLITAN. 975 Harrison— Quiet -Place; working people:, hot wat.: b.; $1.50 wk. LARKIN. 1318-^-Newly furnished sunny bay win- dow room, private; elec. light and phone ; $12. NEVADA,- 825 Van Ness ay. nr. Edfly St.— Furn " \u25a0 rooms, - rates 50c to $1 per day. $2 to $4 per week ; hot and cold ; water; also ; light house keeping rooms. .Take Eddy at. cars from ferry. OtFARBELLst,V-1274O t FARBELLst,V-1274^ — Newly furnished light sunny rooms; bath, phone; $1.50 week; also .. $2. week. :. .-/./\u25a0.;>> - -.-. '. \u0084:_ -;-.-,.-:..'--. OVERLAND < HOUSE," 569 tsacrameato st. below Montgomery— Now open; 200 rooms; hot and cold water In every room: 25c to $2 per day; XI.CO to $5 per week. EDW.EOLKIN. Prop. PRESIDIO ay., : 354, near ' Sacramento si—Sunny corner t bay j window." parlor • for 2 gentlemen* : sl6'per month. "\u25a0 ~- • '; ,\u25a0 :,: - --. ' 23D rst.,;; 3505, near \u25a0 Valencia— Nicely ; furnished sunny, rooia, connecting bathroom ; . with piano, phone; \u25a0 $10;; also ; smaller sunny room; < $6. . STH St.; 364. near FoUom— Light and airy rooms j. 35 cents per day up;.. running : water, -. gas ' and electric - lights; cars ; pass • the ;door; open all •2nlght.\-X\;-.y~;i ; - ....- ' -- - \u25a0 ?\u25a0: \u25a0-.--. MISSION; BRANCH. OF iTHB rxT.J.. FLAKE'S BAZAAR, 1108 VALENCIA STV^ • - i^7 FOLSOM St.. 1222. near Sth — House keeping and single rooms, with gas, bath and ' washroom. FRANKLIN st. 1600— Sunny house keeping room»; front view, well furnished; fleet., battJ, phone; \u25a0 • $15 month. - • ' FILLMORE St.. 1738—2 or 3 r. suite: good, clean bed. with or without bskpg. outfits; reas. GEARY, st.". 1417 — Large, sunny room: running water, kitchenette, grate; cheap at $yi; mincjr room $10; employed men and women; phono. bath*. \u25a0 ' - GOUGH Bt.. 1337 — Nice sunny rooms for light ; hot:*** keeping; modern convenience* ; yam, : laundry, private. ' \u25a0 • - HAVES st.. 818— Attic room and small kttehea, $0. Also 2 basement rooms. $8. .' HOWARD St.. 563— Front room and kitchen. $12; 2 connecting, gas or coal, $9 to $12; others, $1.25 to $3.50 week. LARGE bay window *nnny parlor with buffet kitchen: $16. 1325 Broadway. MARKET St.. 1796 — Two well fnrnisbed room* for light boose keeping: rent reasonable. MASON St.. 811. near Pine— 2 nicely furnished sunny bouse keeping rooms; mod. convenience*. OAK st.. 71«. nr. Fillmore— Sonny, furnished house; keeping rooms, tingle or en suite, mod- ern; rent reasonable. I POST St.. 14S1 — Large front bay window room, with alcove: running water; grate. SCOTT st., 160.T — Lovely, all day sunny hskpg. room; bay win.; also attic furn. rooms; reas. VAN NESS ay., ail,- corner Grove— Fnralahed. sunny suites, $20; single rooms. $2.50 to $3 per week ; gas, running water and telephone. OTH st.. 363— Furnished house keeping and sleeping rooms; running water; gas ana elec- tricity and bath; reasonable rates HSKG. ROOMS~ Sth St., I2(«k corner Magnolia— For rent In Oak- land. 4 or^S sunny rooms, furnished for house- keeping; these rooms are very conveniently lo- cated, being on streetcar line; only 2. blocks to either Key Route or Southern Paclflc ferry trains. S22^j^J^£SLS£S e SSS. AAA— THE WEMPE, 419 Oak St.— Single and double rooms, with board. $30 per month np. CALIF. St., 1541— St. Margaret's Club, ror girls, teachers, students, bus. women, tourists; gunny nas.; flnft bd.; rates reas. Fk. 3292. H. C 2569. CALIFORNIA st. 2523— Nicely furnished sunny rooms; excellent board; phone; bath; $8 and $7 per week. -_ EXCELLENT accommodation for couple or 2 gentlemen in refined private family: Western addition; reference. Phone West «14. FIRST class room and board Id private home to permanent parties. $25 per month; free phone. 2860 Pine st. Phone West 8581. LIST of inspected rooms, FREE. Nov. 12 to 26. See DOMO DIRECTORY. 11 to 2. 822 Crocker bldg. \u25a0- . • • PIERCE, st., 815, nr. McAllister— Front room; fine neighborhood: excellent board; 2 or 3 peo- ple; $20 month each. - PINE St., 1030, near Taylor— Nicely furnished room, with board, for 2 men: all conveniences. BT. FRANCIS Girls' Directory. , Central ay. and Waller at., San Francisco — A beautiful home, where old ladles, young girls and little chil- dren can board very reasonably. 4TH St., 485 — Two nicely furnished rooms in new flat, single or double, for gents, bath, phone. with 3 meals per day. $27.50 per month. OAKLAND ROOMS and BOARD ADELINE St., 2232— Furnished rooms, for 2 or 3 gentlemen; near Key Route and San Pablo ears. APARTMENTS AA — BROOKING apartments, 315 sth st. — rirst class except the price; walking distance; 3 blocks from Emporium; electric lights, running water, free baths; phono and Janitor service; 1-2-3 rooms, fully furnished for house keeping; $2.60 week np; bedroom n, $1.50 week up. ARCONA APARTMENTS. 851 California St., half block from Fairmont hotel; ideal homes of 5 and 6 large, sunny and airy unfurnished rooms and bath; modern; newly built; elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water, etc.; marine view unexcelled; $50 upward. AA— THE FRANCESCA. 073 OAK ST.— NEW; 3 ROOMS. BATH AND DRESSING ROOM: LARGE ROOMS; LIGHT AND SUNNY: RENT REASONABLE: MUST BE SEEN TO BE AP- PRECIATED; REFERENCES. BUCHANAN st.. 1732, nr. Sutter— Furnished apartment of 3 rooms, with kitchen attached; sunny and furnished complete for how keep- ing; free phone, hath: yard: strictly private; must see to appreciate.' LUNDY APTS.. Stanyan st. at Frederick— The most complete In the city; hot and cold water electric lights, baths, elevator service. Janitor \u25a0ervlce: e^ery room in honw light; rents reas. A— YERBA BUENA APTS.. 1114 SUTTER ST. NEAR LARKIN— ELEGANT SUITES OF 2-3 RM3.. BATH; COMPLETELY TURN.; RETS. SPHIER apartments, 227 9th st. — Sunny 2 room connecting, furnished and unfurnished apts.' gas and electric lights and bath free. ST. GABRIEL apartments. 1739 Pine st— Furn- ished 2-3-4 rooms and bath: hot water, heat. Janitor, etc.. rent $20 to $45. See them. LARCHMONT. 1270 Pine st. .bet. Leavenworth and Hyde — New, beautifully furnished apart- menta of 2 and 3 rooms, with bath. ARDOISE APTS.. COR. PINB AND GOUGH— BUNNY. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. SEVILLE. 115 HAIGHT— 3 ROOM. T'NFUR- ! NISHED APARTMENT. FRONT. SUNNY- ALSO 3 ROOM .FURNISnEP APARTMENT. ' ! BEST modern 4 room apis., furn. and nnfnrn. "' for the money at the Maryland. 383 Page st! EL FOREST apartments. 825 Bush st. nr Tay- ' lor — 3 and 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished. ; BT. ELMO. 1452 Devlsadero «t.— Fern, front or ' single suites; bath, phone; all con.; $12 to s4o. < EUREKA apts.. Mkt. and 17th sta.— Beautiful 3 \ and 4 r. apts.; phone. Janitor service; sonny. ' ADELINE APTS.. 640 Eddy— l. 2 sj>d 3 room ' apts.: hotel service; private ««xcb.: most rea». ! 7 j TKEEHAVEN APARTMENTS. BJdge road neat Eaclld ar., BERKELEY— UP TO DATB ! BOUSE KEEPING APTS., WITH EVERY J K22£ R £, C P NVE - VIE * CE : CALL ant time; i MUST BB SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. < HOTELS \ HOTEL BRISTON. 415 O'FarreU st.— All modern j conveniences; Toom. and bath $20 per month; j center of business section; single rooms $2.50 1 week np: country trade solicited. j HOTEL AMERICA. 1045 Market St.— Heart of { shopping dls.: 50c to $1 per day: strictly rood. * _ FLATS TO LET~ v. 5 NOB HlLL— Select apt. house; newly furnished 3 . 8 nn. apt. for aale at once; purchaser win ba « given advantage of amount already paid on \ goods; balance terms IX desired; reat of apt. \ (25. Including steam heat. Janitor and gar- \ bage service. ' „,„»• <»r 8 rm. outfit for $75. Apply HABRY J. MOORE FREE INFORMATION AND J RENTING BUREAU. • \u25a0 ' 40-82 O'FarreH st. near Market. t JACKSON St., 1565. near POLK— Convenient * downtown location. SAN BENITO apartment * flats of 4 rooms and bath each. Rents reduced t to $25. Janitor service, hall lights and J removal of garbage free. SHAINWALD $ BUCK BEE & Co.. 27 MONTGOMERY ST « Telephone DOUGLAS 47. . « CARL St.. 2fi3— New flat. 5 and 6 rooms and $ bath; beamed celling; marble vestibule- rea- I sonable. ' | BUSH St., 2069. bet. Webster and Buchanan ' Two elegant flats, 8 rooms .and bath each; rent - : cheap."*-, >;\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0_\u25a0 TAYLOR St., 1322, bet. Washington and Jaek- son — Grand, new ; room middle flat; unob- $ structed marine view; bargain. BUSH st., 1655. nr. Gough— Light and annoy 7 I rooms and bath; good renting location; reason- 4 able. y . __^ I CASTRO st.. 167 A, north of Market, near 13th— New flats; lease Just expired; rent reduced" * $15 up: 4 rooms and bath; Janitor. * STEINER St.. 554— Beautiful, artistic, new, 5 $ room flats, marble entrance: strictly first t class; must be seen: rent reasonable. \u25a0 1 10TH ay.. 169. nr. California sc— Elegant 5-6^7 * .. room, modern, strictly up to date flats with * or without garage; reasonable. " $ MARKET St.. 18&2— 2 flats. S rooms and bath I - each, and large." light store. NOE st., 140. near 14th— Sunny flat of 5 rooms S and bath; rent $20. - $ 18TH st.. 3501. -cor. Church, fronting Mission $ park — 2 flats of 6 and. 7 sunny rooms. *: MINNA St., 1321, near l-»th — t sunny rooms an<l \. . bath ; modem. ' *; CLAY St., 2421, nr. Fillmore— Lower modern flat. *\u25a0 3 sunny rooqis, bath, yard; no children; $18. FLAT of 3 beautiful, large, -sonny rooms and bath. Call at BLAKE'S. 1108 Valencia Bt. NOK et.. 895, cor. = ltttb — Sunny, modern UDixr 6 rooms; $20. COTTAGES TO LET \u25a0 ~ !j CO^ A^f' to I<t: 4 * UDny r <*»n»«; water;! $10" * 1499 Church *t.. •' . - j; OAKLAND COTTAGES TO LET * C^,.T,i w : - \u25a0'- - F URy f SHEP^_ S'lCELY.fnrnlshed cottage. 5 rooms, bath ;'cook7 ing stove, gas plate; reduced to $18: no email children. Call 1931 Magnolia uu ~T FLATS, RESIDENCES, LOFTS y' AND OFFICES TO LET OR LEASE _ J. W. WRIOHT * CO.. 22S MONTGOMERY ST.. MILLS BLDO. PHONES: DOUGLAS 4430. ClB=S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AUCTIONEERS. * RENTS COLLECTED. FULL CHARGE TAKEN" OF PROPEETY THIS LIST REVIS=3> DAILY. FLATS AND APTS. NORT3 OP MARKET. S7O—B r.: 2877 California nr. Scott; opP* r - sBs ea.— « and 0 r.; 2 elegant flats: nsarln* view; 3320-24 Washington nr. Walnut. *<«— ll r.; 244 Laurel nr. Clay: marine view. $83— 7 r.: «2.5« Jackson nr. Walnut. $20 to ISO—-'. 4. 5 and C rms.; beautiful apt«. : Just completed: finest on Nob Hill: faras» space, etc.; Clay nr. Leavenworta. Jfio— 7 r.; 2004 Vallejo cor. Lajrona: upper. $52.30—S r.; S2S4 Jackson nr. Walnut. $50-ss«V|6.'5 — 10 r. each: 3 modern fiats; marta» view; 2818 to 2«20 Lagnna nr. Broadway. $.">0 — 6 r. : 817 Mason st. nr. Pine. $30 — ¥> r.; 2*25 Van Ne*s nr. Union: modern. $50—8 r.; 1453 Washington nr. Hyde; upper. $30-$55 — 6 r^~. 13.C-SS California nr. Leaden- worth: hardwood floors: elegant vtew. $30—5 r.: apt.; disappearing beds, etc.; 325 Maple nr. Clay. $47.30—7 r.; 1314 Leavenworth nr. Clay: lower. $47.50—7 r.: 16SO McAllister nr. Brod.; upper. $45 — 8 r.; 3112 Clay nr. Lyon: upper. $43 — 5 r.; 1376 Sacto. nr. Leaven worth; upper. $43 — 7 r.; 23&4 Pine nr. Scott; upper. $43 — 6 r; 1168 Jackson nr. Jones; elegant view. $42.50—6 r.; middle: new bldz.; splendid, sunar rooms; large closets; marine view; 1189 Filbert nr. Hyde; every convenience. $42.50—5 r.; 173.3 Larkin cor. Jackson; modern. $42.50 — 8 r. : 460 Scott cor. Fell: upper. $40— 7 r.; 2000 Vallejo cor. Laguna. $40— S r.; 3315 Jackaon nr. Walnut. $40 — 7 r.; 1351 Washington, nr. Leav. : upper, gr, $40—7 r.; 1620 Broderick nr. Eush: upper. ?> $40 ea. — 8 r. ; 2 modern sunny flats: middle and upper; 20C!>-71 rush nr. Webster. $37.50 — 3 large rms.; «very possible convenience; light and sunny; Urge closets; marine view; 1173-73 Filbert st. nr. Hyde. $37.60 — 7 r. : 461 Spruce cor. California. $37.50—7 r.; 31SS Washington nr. Lyon. $37.50 — 6 r. ; 1«24 Leavenworth nr. J«ck3on. $37.30 — 6 r.; 464 Central ay. cor. Hayes. $37.r>0— « r.; 136« Grean nr. Polk. $37.50—6 r.: 2212 Polk nr. Vallejo; upper. $33 — 6 r.; 1703 Hyde cor. Broadway; upper. $33 — 7 r.; 92S Flllmore nr. Fulton: upper. $35 — 8 r.; 2030 Union nr. Bucbanan. , $33 — 7 r. ; 1730 Union nr. (Sough. $35 — 6 r.; 2964 Flllmore cor. Union; upper. $35 — 7 r. ; 270^ Laguna cor. Vallejo: middle. $33 — % r. : 136S Pine nr. Larkin: upper. $35-$37.30 — 4 and 5 r.; beautifully appointed. \ large rooms; light nnd annny; Urgf closets; every cony. ; The Vernon. 1830 Hyde st. $35—4 r. each; 2020 Hyde nr. Filbert: splendid sized rooms: large closets: marine view. $35 ea.— 1441-51 Vallejo nr. Polk; uppers. $35—6 r.; 1163 Devisadero COR. Eddy: reduced from $40; elegant, modern: middle- fist. $35-$42.50— « r. each: brand new flats; modern: panoramic marine v>w: light and sunny; 1151-50 Filbert nr. Hyde. $35 — 7 r. ; 926 Taylor nr. Tine: very low reat. $35—8 r.; 1436 Jones nr. Washington. $35—8 r.; 230 Clayton nr. Fell. $05 — 8 r.; 1514 McAllister nr. Scott: modern. $33 — 6 r.; 227 Clayton nr. Fell: auto space. $33—4 r.; IW4 Larkin cor. Wash.; hot water. $35 — 9 r. ; 2154 Broderick cor. Wash.; upper. $35 — 6 r.; 20SO Goldea Gate tw. Central ay. $32.50—6 r.; 955 Union nr. Jones. $32.50—6 r.; 3392 California cor. Cherry. $32.30—6 r.; 1434 Vallejo nr. Polk. $32.50—3 r.; 1951 Lycn nr. Clay; upper. $32.50—8 r.; 1.J14 Cole nr. Rlvoli. $32.50 — 7 r.; IS3S-4H Fell st. nr. Ashbury; upper. $32.50—5 r.; 1370 Union nr. Polk. $32.50— « r.; 1107 Mason nr. Clay; upper. $32.50—8 r.; 850 Central ay. cor. McAllister. \u266632.50 — 7 r.: 2906 Pine cor. Lyon: modern. $32.50 — 8 r. ; 1343 Hayes nr. Brcxlertck; upper. $30 and np — 2 and " r. apt*. ; h«t water, steam heat, hardwood floor", ga* ranges.\wall beds, etc.; lt»l Larkin nr. Washington.' $00^ — « r. ; l««0 (irt?en cor. Gough; middle; strict- ly modern; easily worth $45: marine view. $30—5 r.; 2186 Union cor. Ftllmore. $30— 6 r.; 2430 Larkio nr. Flltert; upper. *3i^— 6 r.; 1«SO Devisadero nr. Sutter; re**ueed from $37.50; sunny and modern: upper. $30— « r.; ISB7 Bush nr. Octavia; upper. $30 — 6 r.; 957 Union nr. Jones. S3O — 5 r. ; 1544 Jones nr. Pacific; upper. $3«>-$35— 6 r.; 2233-2235 Suttw nr. Pierce. S3<>— 7 r.; 1337 Pacific nr. polk: upper. $3<J-$32.50 — t r.: 10,'U Leavenworth nr. California. $30—8 r .; 132 Flllmore nr. Waller. $30—5 r.; 1236-38 Cole st. nr. Alma. $30 — 6 r.; 3630 Sacramento nr. Spruce. $30 — 4 r. ; 1471 Washington nr. Hyde: npp»r. $30 — 8 r.; 3317 Clsy nr. Walnut; upper. $30—6 r.; 12SI Filbert nr. Larkfn: upper. $30— 4 r.; 1670 Clay nr. Polk: upper. I $30 ea. — 6 r. : 1742-44 Union nr. Gough. $30 — 6 r. ; 135 Buchanan nr. Waller; upper. $30 — 6 r. : 3872 Sacramento nr. Cherry. $30—6 r.; 854 Filbert nr. Taylor. $30—6 r.; 426 Frederick nr. Cole. $30—6 r.; 1131 Vallejo nr. Leavenworth: upper. $30— « r.; 1921 McAllister ur. Lyon; upper. $30—7 r.; 3108 Clay nr. Baker; modern. $30 — 4 r.; 1714 A Polk nr. Clay: upper. -j $3O— « r.; 2148 Broderick nr. Washington. $50 — « r . : 127* FUbTt nr. Polk. $Co— 6 »; 2074 Hayes nr. Cole. $30 — t r.; 1331 California nr. Leavenworta. $30^ — 6 r.; $37 Clayton nr. Carl; upper. *-S — 7 r. ; 2Sj2 Stelner nr. Broadway: upper. $2S — 6 r.; 2120 Leavenworth nr. Filbert. $28 — 6 r. ; 481 Page nr. Webster; upper. $27.50—6 r.; 1360 Greenwich nr. Van Nets; up. $27.50—6 r.; 3037 Washington nr. Baker. $27.."4>330— 5 r.: tiO-62 Alpine nr. Waller; NEW. $27.50—5 r.; 1542 Jones nr. Padde. ?27.50— 0 r.; ICO4 Jone* nr. Paclflc. $27.30 — 7 r.; 3 ISO Washington nr. Lyon. $27.50 — 8 r. : 33X4 Sacramento nr. Walnut. $27.50— 6 r.; 2204 Grove nr. Shrader. $27.5O — 6 r. ; 1628 Buchanan nr. Prmt; modern. $27.50 — 5 r. ; 433 Spruce nr. Sacramento. $27 — G r. : 11G5 Bn.-atlway nr. Lemvenworth. S2»5 — 6 r.: 923 Scott nr. Golden Gate. $23.50-$27.50 — 5 r. ; 1265A-658 Lombard nr. Polk. $25 — 6 r.; li>32 Bucbanan nr. Post; modern. $23 — 6 r. ; 1733 Green nr. Octavia; upper. $25-s3o— s r. each; Just completed; 19-21 Leßoy nr. Sacramento and Jones. $23 — 7 r. ; 270."> Laguna cor. Vallejo. $25 — 7 r.; 2425 Bucbanan nr. Jackson: npper. $25 — 6 r.; 2134 O'Farrell nr. De>vtsad«ro. #25—4 r. ; 704 Central 87. cor. Fulton: upper. $25 — 5 r. ; 1135 Vallejo nr. Jones. $25 — 6 r. ; 2243 Leavenworth nr. Lombard. $25 — 5 r. ; 1041 Filbert nr. Leavenworth- upper $23 — 5 r.; 1019 H st. nr. 10th ay. ; cpper. $25 — 633 Lyon st. nr. Frtlton: upper. $C 5-$33 $45 — 6 r. ea. : 3 modern flats; 263-7-9 Ist ay. COR. California. $23 — 6 r.: 718 Clement nr. IStn ay.; modern. $25—5 r.; 1219 A Geary nr. Gough; upper. $24—6 r.; 2SSS Steiner nr. Broadway. $23—5 r.; 1241 Union nr. Hyde; renovated. $23—7 r.; 926 Central ay. nr. Golden Gate. $22.50 — 5 r.; 37 California south nr. Ist ay $22.50—7 r.: 852 Haight nr. Devisadero; upper. $22.50—4 r.; 1280 Union nr. Larkin. $22.50 — I r. : 1440 Paclflc nr. Hyde: noner $22.50—3 r.; 1663 Washington nr. Polk. $22.50—5 r.; 1707 Hayes cor. Central ay $22.50— 5 r.; 1118 Broadway nr. Leav • upper f22.50f 22.50— 5 r.: 2013 Octavia nr. Filbert; modern! $21—4 r.: 1463 VaUejo nr. Polk. =«»«n. $20 to $27.50— Elegant apts.. 4 r.; disappearing beds; marine view: 858 Filbert nr. Taylor $20-s23— 3 and 4 r.: modern apt. flats; garage space; 225 Clayton nr. Fell; upper $20—5 r.; 1634 Filbert nr. Gough; upper $20 — 3 r.; 1531 Sacramento nr. Hyde; npper $20 — 5 r.: 1868 Union nr. Octavia. ?20 — 3 r.: 403 Walnut ror. Sacrament© $IS-S2O-$22.50— 3 r. each; apt. flats: 1710 Larkitt : nr. Wash.; neat and c"*y: strictly modern ?20 — 4 r. ; 71 Glover nr. Leavenworth. S-o— s r.; SW. cor. Hayes st. and Central «t. *20 — I r.: 1438 Sth ay.. Sunset. $20 to $30—4 r. ea. ; NE. cor. Sacto. and Locust. 118 — I r. : 2918 Oetavla nr. Filbert. Sl*— 2 r. and b.; 3844 California nr. Cherry $13—3 r.; 2200 Pu. Lobos nr. 12ta «,v. * $18 — 4 r.; 700 A Central ay. corner Fulton. M".3O — 1 r.; 1080 Filbert nr. Hyde. $IB— s r. and b. ; 231!) Lombard nr. Pierce; nnner Us— s r.; 1651 Golden Gate ay. nr. Scott. * (15 — t r.; 1378 19th ay. nr. I st. M-t.50— 3 r.; 28 Waldo place nr. Broadway U3 — t r.; 1041 Filbert nr. Leavenwortb 112 — I r.; 16 Lower terrace nr. Ashbury. 510 — 3 r.; 405 Walnnt cor. Sacramento. FURNISHED. >200— 11 r.; elegant; large grounds; Clay bt. Maple. 5100 — 6 r.: elegantly furnished; 1224 Jack****"" nr. Jones. 572.50—8 r. house: 1906 Webster nr. California 532.50 — 5 r.: 1602 Jones near Paclflc .27.50—3 r. and b.; 1385 Clay cor. Leavenwortb. 522.30 aad $32.50—3 r. ami b.; 316* California nr. Lyon; furnished and partly furnished JBo— 6 r.; 1526 Leavenworth nr. Jackson; furn'eL HOUSES NORTH OF MARKET. >73— S r-: 881 Ashbury nr. Frederick; garaae f65— 9 r.; completely lorn; 111 etb. ay. nr lV«» 560— ia r.; 2524 CUy nr. Scott; modern £33^ — 12. r.; 2029 Vallejo nr. Lagnna- view 550 — 9 r. ; 2523 Gough nr. Vallejo. ?40_8 r.; 248 10th ay. nr. Clement St.; modern. 545—10 r.: 3118 Washington nr. Lyon TOCrn * J12.50— 3 r. and b.; 22 Delgado OJJF Hyde. JTORES. LOFTS, ETC.. NORTH OF MARKET ilOfr—Bush and Kearny; ground floor spare ;75— Elegant, large, light 2d floor; 430 Mkt st. ;3S— Store. NE. corner Unioa aad Larkin sta. 30— Store; 61S Clement nr. 7th a* 30— Large store. 1760 O'Farrell near Flllmor* 20— Flue location for fruit store. *"""•. 23 and $30— Stores. 2024-26 Haye* near Cola 12.50 to $30— Large, light sample room*. SO— S.COO sq. ft. SE. cor. Market aad Main- of S-ht'free eleTatop ' Bteam neat 5 water 'aad SOUTn OF MARKET AND MISSIOV 40-Store and flat of 7 r.; ISO 2 Folsom nr 14 th. 30—5 r.; 1&23 15th st. nr. Dolores: upper 22.50—7 r.: 246 Chattanooga near 23cf~. nno«r 30-$25— 4 rJ and b. «acn; U6S Folsom nr. loth / 25—7 r.; 3S Sharon near 13th: upper I 20—5 r.; 1929 15th st. nr. Dolores; lower I ii 3 i^-i T r -, * nil b - : *5* A Aear Folsom / " pts - 3r " *"•' n *wly renovate"-* I 161 Morris «v. near Bryaat bet. sth aad J. W. WRIGHT A CO., -22S MONTGOMERY ST JIILL3 BUILDIXG.