OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, November 18, 1910, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1910-11-18/ed-1/seq-3/

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Tries Vainly to Readjust Wing
Tip Which Crumples in Sec=
ond Flight in Denver
Horror Stricken Hundreds *«Be«
come Ghouls in Mad Rush
to Get Souvenirs
DENVER. Nov. 17— With one wing
tip of his machine crumpled like a
piece of paper, Ralph Johnstone, the
young: aviator, holder of the world's
altitude record, dropped like a plum
met from a height of 500 feet into the
inclosure at Overlar.d park aviation
field today and was instantly killed.
When the spectators crowded about
the inclosure reached him his body
lay beneath the engine of the biplane
with the white planes that had failed
him in his time of need wrapped about
it like a shroud. Nearly ' every bone
:n bis body was broken.
He had gambled with death once too
oftm, but he" played the game to the
end. fighting coolly and grJmly to the
last, second to regain control of his
broken machine. \u25a0\u25a0 -
>Frekh from tiia triumphs at Belmont
park. wheY? he had broken the world's
rfccopa for altitude with a flight of
9.714 feet. Johnstone attempted to give
the thousands of spectators who stood
with craned necks to watch him an
*>xtra thrill with his most darinpr feat.
th*> spiral gHdf which had made the
Wrigrht aviators famous. The spec
tators pot their thrill, but it cost John
stone his life.
The fatal flight was the second John-
Eton* had r.iado this afternoon. In the
first fli;r!it. when he was in the air with
Hovßey and .Brookins, -h*» had gone
through his usual program of dips and
glides with his machine apparently
un<l'-r perfect control. Then Johnstone
ro,««». again, and after a few circuits
of ,the "rourfp to jrain height, headed
to*vnr<i file foothills.
Still apf-endinpr. ho sw^pt back in a
bis- circle, and «t= he reached the north
**n& of the inolosure ' lie started his
rpirai He was then at an alti
tude of about $00 feet. With hip planes
titlted at *a« ancrle of almost 9^ de
prrpe? lie swooped down in a narrow
circje. Hie aeroplane seeming to turn
alnmft in its own length.
As he started the second circle the
middle spur which braces the* left side
«">f the lower plane gave way and the
wing tips of both upper and lower
planes foKle-3 up as though they had
l'f»n hinged. For a second Johnstone
attempted to right the plane by warp
ing the nther winp tip. Then the hor
rifierj spectator* saw the plane swerve
like a wounded bird and , plunge
straight toward the earth.
JohnPt<">ne was thrown from his seat
as the nose of the plane swung down
•w-ar.l. He caugrht on one side of the
wire stays between the planes and
crrasp^d one of thf Wooden braoes of
ihe Tipp«-r plane with both hands. Then
working wTt,h. hands and feet he fought
by main strength to warp the planes
bo that th*ir surfaces might catch the
air and check his descent.' For a
second it seemed to the white faced
Fpectators almost under him that he
might succeed, for the football helmet
ho wore blew off and fell much more
rapi.lly than the plane.
The hope was only momentary.- how^
ever, for when only about 300 feet
fmm the ground the machine turned
completely over and the frightened
spectators fled trildly as the broken
plane with the tense faced boy still
lighting grimly In its mesh of wires
and stays plunged among them "with a
thud and crash that could be heard
over the big field.
Scarcely ha.J he hit the ground when
sensation mad brutes, both men and
women, swarmed over the wreck
age, lighting with one another for
souvenirs of the terrible occasion.
One of the broken wooden stays had
thrust its jagged end almost through
Johnstone's body. Before doctors or
police could reach- the scene one man
had torn the splinter from the crashed
and mangled bndy and ran gleefully
away, carrying his horrid trophy with
the aviator's Mood still dripping from
its end. Frantic the crowd tore away
the canvass from over his body anJ
fought for the very gloves that had
protected Johnstone's hands from cold:
The machine fell on the opposite side
of the field from the grandstand, and
there were but a few hundred persons
near the spot. Physlcjans and police
were rushed across as soon as possible.
Physicians declare death must have
been instantaneous, as Johnstone's
back, neck and both legs were broken,
the bones of his thighs being forced
through the flesh and the leather gar
ments he wore.
Arch Hoxsey, who in a previous flight
this afternoon had reached an altitude
of 2.500 feet, had risen, just before I
Johnstone began his fatal glide and j
\u25a0was In the air when the accident took
place. As he swung around the other
end of the course he saw that John
stone had fallen, and guided his ma
chine directly over the body of his
friend. He descended as soon as he
could bring his* plane to the ground
and rushed to the wreckage, where he
and Walter Brookins helped to lift
the mangled body into an automobile,
which brought it to the city. y
Many of the spectators were watch
ing Hox6ey*s flight and- did . not see
JnhnPtone's 1 machine "collapse; but a
woman's shriek — "My God, he"s gone!" —
drew every eye In time to see the
doomed man dashed to death upon the
ground. The band in the grandstand,
blaring away under contract," never
ceased to play, and Johnstone's body
was driven out of the inclosure with
the strains of "A Grizzly Bear" for a
funeral march.
It would seem that many accidents
had happened throughout the aviation
meet here to warn the ill fated aviator.
Yesterday in alighting Johnstone broke
the- left wing of his machine against
the fence. It was the same tip that
gave way today and caused his death.
Today when he started on ' his first
flight one ,of the wheels on which the
aeroplane runs along the ground gave
way and he had to have it replaced.
As he prepared to start for his last
flight a fox terrier that had broken
through the fence stationed itself
directly in front of the machine and.
barking frantically, refused to be
driven away. As the machine rolled
down the track one of the wings swept
above the dog. which pursued the ma
chine until it lifted into the air.
In discussing his flights In this rare
atmosphere yesterday Johnstone de
clared he would attempts no "stunts"
here, as he considered it too dangerous.
Evidently, however, he believed he had
#oived ji:e problem &t \u25a0 Vzis altitude
Ralph Johnstone in his aeroplane, ready for a flight.
when he departed from his determina
Hnxsey's daring fUght over the foot
hills? seemed to fire him with a deter
mination to outdo his teammate, for the
first spiral, which he made safely, was
by far the most daring any of the
aviators had attpmpted at this meet.
The fliphts whirh had a. sad ending
in the death of Johnstone were pro
ductive oi the highesj flight over made
in this altitude. Arch Hoxsey, the
first of the Wright aviators in the air
today, started out to explore the cur
rent* of the upppr levels. Circling
around th*» course he mounted upward
in gradually widening circles until he
was flying far over the foothills to the
west and over the city to the north.
It was bitterly cold and Hoxsey
finally turned back, sweeping down in
beautiful spirals and figure eights. ITe
made a beautiful' landing, - coming to
the ground after a flight of 37 minutes,
so chilled he could hardly walk. While
Hoxsey was soaring high above them,
Brookins and Johnstone flew around
the course, jumping imaginary fences,
dipping and turning, with machines
under perfect control.
Johnstone was' first in the air for
the second flights. He was followed a
moment later by Hoxsey. hut Brookins
had not started his machine when
Johnstone's planes crumpled and his
fall put an end to all flights for the
Seemingly dazed by the death of their
teammate, neither Walter Brookins
nor Archie Hoxsey could be induced to
talk of the" sad affair. Hoxsey hid him
self away and could not be found to
night. Brookins was seen by a repre
sentative of th£ Associated Press and
begged not to be asked to discuss John
stone's death. ' .
The continuance of the meet, he said,
depended upon instructions from Roy
Knabenshue, the Wright representa
tive,, who has been wired for instruc
tions. . - , .
-No word has come from Mrs. John
stone. who was communicated with at
the Hotel Chamberlain, New York,
\u25a0 Johnstone's last known address. It Is
understood' Mrs. 'Johnstone •. and her
daughter are still in Xew .York, but the
son is in Berlin. :
Knabenshue Is Grieved
TjOS ANGELES. Nov. 17.— Ralph John
stone's style of operating his aeroplane
was contrary to the advice and repeat
ed warnings of- the Wright brothers,
according to Roy Knabenshue, general
manager of the exhibition department
of the Wright company. Knabenshue
Is In Lrf>s 'Angeles, having come to the
Pacific coast with a view of arranging
engagements for the three Wright
flyers. V^".
"The death of Johnstone is. a terrible
blow to all." said Knabenshue. "He was
such a lovable fellow. But he was too
Knabenshue said the death of John
stone left future exhibition plans some
what in doubt, but, he is satisfied they
will be resumed. There will^ however,
be no flights made by Brookins and
Hoxsey on the Pacific coast in the near
fture. \u25a0 :-:&
GIVES AWAY $3,500,000
Steel King Donates Big Sum to
Technical School
{Special Dispatch to. The Call]
PITTSBURG. Pa., Nov. 17.— 1n a
characteristic letter Andrew Carnegie
donates $3,500,000 toward the comple
tion of the Pittsburg Carnegie tech
nical school, the money to be i given
from time to time as it is needed. With
the new building made possible by this
gift, the schools will comfortably ac
commodate more than 3,000 pupils*
There are 2.200 attending the schools.
The letter is as follows:
. "Mr. Taylor/has^handed me. a report
of the directors and committee on ex
tension of the work of the technical
schools. h •\u25a0:;\u25a0
"In reply, I shall instruct AL Franks
to remit to you from time time as
needed the sum of $3,500,000 for new
construction. "Very truly yours,
;•?;- -ANDREW CARNEGIE." \u25a0
[Special Dispatch to The Call]
SANTA CLARA, Nov. 17. — Peter O.
Durell, a retired sea captain who' in
early days,: was widely, known In San
Francisco, is dead at his home here. -He
arrived In San Francisco in 1552 and
resided there many years. He was ana
tive of, Sweden. and- was' la bis seventy-
r clgUtbL^eax^ ; . - " \u25a0'"— r^l
Santa Rosan in Biplane Falls
Forty Feet, but Escapes
tSpecial Dizpatch to The Call]
RENO, Nov. 17.— Wrecked in hla
most successful flight before the Reno
public, Fred Wiseman of Santa. Rosa
narrowly escaped injury at the race
track today when his bipfk-rie was prac
tically demolished. Rising 40 feet from
the ground the blrdman was caught in
an air eddy from the grandstand,
which he overtopped. This overset his
machine,- sending It crashing to earth.
Wiseman was thrown out, but sus
tained no injuries. When up about 40
feet the biplane commenced to drop,
diving straight toward the earth, when
Wiseman managed to regain control
and altered its course slightly, bring
ing it back" to an even keel.' lt plunged
to earth, the motor spinning furiously,
ana struck square l.y In an . irrigating
ditch, thus preventing^ the wheels from
revolving and allowing a safe alight
There was a crash when the wheels
crumpled underneath and . jammed
through the bottom plane and one of
the wings bent, and snapped.
The birdman. shut off his engine as
he struck, preventing the propeller
from tearing the car to pieces. The
sudden shock threw Wiseman from his
precarious perch straight into the
wires and stays. He was caught, in
these and wavered to and fro. for a
few seconds as 'the machine quivered.
Then he extricated himself and jumped
away from the debris.
The aeroplane: will probably be taken
apart and the broken, planes and
mechanism packed away for shipment
to California) Wiseman, Prentice and
the half dozen mechanicians that ac
companied the outfit left^the race
track for Reno tonight. •
Former Employes of Missouri
Pacific Sent to Jail
KANSAS CITY, Nov. 17^— P. E.
Sweeney and W. G. Owens, who were
employed in the Missouri Pacific shops
at Sedalia until the machinists' strike
was declared May 2, pleaded guilty
here today to the charge of malicious
mischief, confessing that they, had been
in a plot to destroy the property of the
railroad. They were sentenced to six
months in jail. . .
ROME, Nov. 17.— A celebration of
the completion of the Vatican \u25a0 observa
tory under the direction or Father
Hagen, the Jesuit astronomer, was held
In the papal apartment today. A
speech was made, by Cardinal Maffl,
president of , the observatory, to which
the pope replied, highly complimenting
the work of ' Father Hagen. i
; For the Woman That's Fat.
A Detroit; physician says ; that the
cheapest ' and safest mixture a , fat
woman ; who .wants' to get thin can use'
Ist; % ounce Marmola ;(gret. it in the
original %-ounce package), %- ounce
'Fluid Extract Cascara Aromatic and
ZVz. ounces Peppermint Water. The
proper amount to take'is.ateaspoonful
after meals and at bedtime.
These ingredients may be;. obtained
from, any- druggist lat -small, cpßt,Vand
make a \ combination that- is not' only
excellent as : a fat reducer, \u25a0 being able,
it is claimed, to take off a pound, a day
without causing.Vrinkles, b'ut^ is also . a
splendid help to the system : as a ;Wholei,
regulating the ; stomach' arid 'bowels
(where the fat perspn'sj troubles begin)
and (clearing ithe skin of pimples; and
, blotches. , v No ; exercise I. is required ;to
help theVremedy'iihits work -and,** best
of all;, no'.aieting ;is necessary 'while
ialtins^ i.tr=->:ou - can cleat ' jvliat lUte,
President Starts Home After
Four Days Spent in In*
specting Ditch
One Hundred Boiler Makers De
cide to Qu it Unless Their
Salaries Are Raised": : ,
, COLON, Panama, .Novi 17.— President
Taft sailed for. Charleston at 6 o'clock
this evening aboard tho armored cruiser
Tennessee, which wasiconvoyed -by the
Montana after four lnterestingdaye on
the isthmus. Before/leaving the presi
dent said: \u25a0 • ' ' J
This is'the fifth time I have .vis- '
ited the isthmus and I have gone
• overthe whole line and looked into \
every part of the improvements. \u25a0•It
I Islabout,22.months since I was last
here ; and'in that time, the progress -
, made has been, most satisfactory.
i Indeed, it. is, remarkable.- .
The first thing.that strikes one' ls
the fact that work is being done ap-",
parently on every foot of the 50
; -miles of the canal; and done under
an organization of men, plants and,
materials that operates as econom
ically and-effectively-as-if it, werea
machine with Goethals in control of •
a lever which, sets, and keeps the
whole machine. in operation. ;.
When I was here 22 months ago
the main, ouestion was the confirm- '
j ation of tlie judgment of congress .
in having adopted a lock type canal
instead of a' sea level. The extent
to which Gatun dam and the locks -
\u25a0 have been • completed .has removed
from every impartial observer, the '-
slightest- doubt of - the wisdom of j
the decision, made, and' the feasi
bility, of the -plan :, adopted. This
conclusion ;. is further confirmed .
and clinched by the difficulty .oc
casioned by slides in Culebra- cut;
\u25a0which for a. canal of 185 feet -level -"
necessltated'only an additional ex
cavation that - could readily be'
taken care of.
Any attempt, .however, to sink a,
canal in Culebra to a depth 85 feet
below the present proposed level
would lengthen the time of con-..
structiori, 1 exhaust ; the patience of'
the Americans, make the cost al
most prohibitory and leave It an ex
ceedingly doubtful question wheth
er, with the. 'difficulty presented by
the Chagres " river, such a canal
would be possible at all.. '
The Gatun dam lock with the
lake already 18* feet and slowly
rising to a level -of 85 feet, which .
will constitute the, key to the
whole plan of the canal, is so far
advanced that, taken with Culebra
cut and the locks on the Pacific
side, a definite picture is given of
what the canal is to be. which In
spires one with eagerness for its
completion. " . :
The landslides in Culebra can be •
easily removed, the further exca
vation and the widening of the'
slope where they occur merely ad
ding something to . the" amount of '
excavation previously calculated -
upon and to the cost, but the per
centage of both time and cost will
be very small, not enough -to in- •
crease the estimates for the com
pleted canal. ;
. The \vork;ls so far advanced that
.the -time -has come for the discus
sion of plans for the management ,
and maintenance of the canal, for
the government of Panama In
peacefully pursuing its course and
enjoying prosperity and political
calm in the -republic. The authori- v
ties in charge manifest every dis
position to assist the. United States
.ln the construction of the canal,
and to conform to every detail of
the obligation Imposed by the
treaty. , \u25a0 '
On the eve of President Taft's de
parture 100 bollermakers, dissatisfied
that after hearing their complaints
last evening the president would give
no immediate answer, to their demands,
gave five days' notice, of quitting work
and sailing, for home. Several of the
unions of machinists and blacksmiths
are threatening similar action. It is
not proposed to strike, but simply to
resign and leave the isthmus.
President Taft promised to consider
the. matter fully and cable his answer
from Charleston, but this did not sat
isfy some of the hotheaded among the
The canal commission this afternoon
Issued a statement, in part fol
The standard pay on the isthmus
Is, 65 cents on hour, which is from
10 to 30 cents higher than in the
United States. In addition, the'
workers receive free quarters, fuel,
light, medical attention and other
privileges -not granted In- the
, United States.
The reason given by the hun
dred men .. who have resigned is
that r the -president's promise to
send his answer from Charleston
is not satisfactory. This action of
• the bollermakers will not interfere"
with the canal construction work,
and will cause only temporary in
convenience until their places are
filled, which will be within a short
The commission Is not worried at
the outlook. The salaried men are not
affected. . / : \u25a0 :
OVEHUUSTD DlTCHElX— AHmquerque. N. M.,
Not. 17. The, went bound overland express on
the Atchison, Topeka and Santa- Fe railroad
was ditched near Bluewater, N. M., about 100
. miles west of here. No one was hnrt.
• Not 17. — As tba . result of injuries received a
week ago while playing football. 13 year did
John Fisher died In j his home in Brooklyn
today. . . ' ', ..: ,••\u25a0.'•.-•\u25a0'-
The Cecilian Player-Piano
An Ideal Family Gift
fl There is no home which could not be made happier by music.
Why not give -a piano which, every member of the household can
p lay_A CECILIAN PLAYER-PIANO.- Such a gift would
be enjoyed by family and"- friends, and for many Christmases to
• \u25a0\u25a0come.;*, ' / r^ T >-svj
\ There is one feature which alone, proves the' CECILIAN the
! most satisfactory Player-Piano at the price. Allthe action parts
are made of brass and phosphor bronze (instead of wood used y
iri other players), which we guaran tee not ", to rust. Wood Joes
swell, split and rot. The metal parts, then, insure perfect action
in any climate.v . . ; ,'„',''
Styles $500 to Sl^Or-Terms if Desired
"Hour of Music"— Player-Piano and Vicirola Recital
- , Saturday Afternoon at 3 o'clock ur our Recital Hall. Public
cordialli yinvitcd; fT^^evator to eighth floor J
olleillldli jpidy oG IjO.
\u25a0 --\u25a0;' •: '"\u25a0 ' ' \ ' : :: : ".:v^ : 'dgugfr' \u25a0 -^ ;; '-'-' \u25a0\u25a0-- - J - -.' '?*'•\u25a0'\u25a0
r Kcai^2 and ; Streets; San Francisco
jFo^teenth^and fClay v Streets,^ Oalclai^l \
; - Sacramento, Stoctto'n,; Fresno, Bafecrsfleld,: San Jose
"Shall It Be the Flag of the
Rising Sun or the Stars
and Stripes?";
Pacific Slope Congress to Have
Permanent Headquarters
in This City ,
Continued from Page 2
the Pacific slope only by harmonious
action. : . •\u25a0 :' . i . .
Committees- were, appointed .by -the
chair on permanent organization, con
stitution" and « •resolution: The "first
draft of the constitution was -not- fully
acceptabl© to the congress and.it was
referred back for amendment.
It ;,was determined, however, that
the organization should be known- as
.the. -Pacific slope^congress- and- that its
headquarters, should be . in the city of
San \u25a0, Francisco. „ . - :
The committees named by the gov- :
ernor included the following:.
Permanent organization — Robert P.
Troy, Senator Newlands of. Nevada,
General. Morton . of .Seattle,. Governor
elect .T. L. -Oddie' of Nevada, Rufus
Ch'oate of San. Diego, Fred P. Smith
of Portland, Andrew Carrigan of* r San
Francisco. J. A. McGregor, Theodore
Gier, D. E.. Skinner. "William H. Mars
ton, ;W.F. Jensen' of Salt Lake, Homer
Lea' of Long Beach, W. H. Corbett- of
Portland and Judge J/ F. Ellison.
Constitution— D. .W. Dickie of San
Francisco, Frank C. Savage of Ore
gon, .E. F. Coburn of Utah, W. K." An
drews; of Mexico. Joseph Scott of Los
Angeles, M. H. Robbins of San Fran-
. ciaco and James . Kolph - Jr. of San I
Francisco. ......
Resolutions— Fred P. Smith of .Port
land, Congressman Jamfes McLachkn of
Pasadena, D. E. Skinner of San> Fran
cisco, .Homer Lea of Long Beach, An
drew Carrigan of Slan Francisco, R. B.
Hale of San Francisco, and .F. W.
Georgeson^of Eureka. '
The visitors were entertained yester
day, morning as jguests during, an auto
mobile ; ride to points of interest about
the i clty.>ln;the.evenjnp,they attended
the reception at the Palace hotel.
The congress. . will. . convene at 9
o'clock this -morning... . The session of
the morning will be. devoted to a dis
cussion of the.merchant marine. In the
afternoon coast defense will be the
topic. In the , evening a banquet will
be. held, at fwhlch' Pacific coast exposi
tions will be the theme."
Among the • delegates' to .the Pacific
coast congres- from' outside points are
the following: \
Senator George' C. Perkini". '
• ConßrPssman WilHam F. Erirlebrlght.
Concresßman Duncan B. McKlnlay.
Conprpupman Joseph B. Knowlsnd.
ConirrPPSman.' Jatn*» McLachlan.
Congressman -SylTester O.;Smlth. "
T. I>. Oddie, gorernor elect of'^'eTada.
Admiral T.S.>Phelps Jr.
Colonerr. A. Bcnton of Utah. '
W. p.- Jensen. Utah. -
. Judite E. F. COlburn.-Utah. . • '«
D. C. Collier, San Dfcgo.
Congressman George A. Bartlett, Reno, Ner.
J. E. Chllberjr, Seattle:
H. \u25a0Al Rhodes, • Taeotna.
> S.. A. -, Perkins, Taooma. «
A. A. Bro<lec. ETerett.
J. D. -Tx>wman.' Seattle. '
J. P. d* Mattes, Bellingham. y-r-r-t-
Alex Poison, Hoqulam. \u25a0 V^*i
S. E. Slade. Aberdeen.
I. M. SwartK. Vancouver.
General Charles Morton, U. S. Al, retired, Se.
attle. . , , .
Homer. l>a, I»ng Beach. Cal. : ' .
E. A. Mott-Smlth. Becretary of Ha-walt
Senator Frank G. Newlandß. Reno, NeT. "
•T. E. Wlckham. Los Angeles.
W, H. Andrews, delegate In congress, Alba
querque.-.N.' M.
Ijeroj- A. Wright. San Diego. •
William W. Bates, Denyer.
Robert S. Moore.
Benjamin I. Wheeler, UnlTerstty of California,
Berkeley. '
Wells Drury. Berkeley chamber of commerce.
E. C. Glltner, secretary Portland chamber of
commerce.- j
W. H. Corbett, manager Willamette iron
Frank C. Savage, capitalist, Oregon,
A. B. Manley. Portland.
Frederick P. Bmlth. Portland.
- A. A. Denlson, secretary . Oakland chamber of
commerce. . . v
Walter S. Mackay. Oakland.
H. C. Capwell, -Oakland.
I. H. Clay. Oakland.
Edwin Meese. Oakland.
Dudley G. Alien, secretary Aberdeen rtiamber
of commerce. - \u25a0
B. E. Slade. Aberdeen. Wash.
M. R. Sherwood, Aberdeen, Wash. -
C. H. Miller, secretary. Sacramento Valley de
velopment association.
- M. Digjrs. Sacramento.
Harry Thorpe, Sacramento.
1 A. E. Boynton. OrovlUe.
Mrs. W. S. Gre«n. Colnsa.
C. H. Dnnton. -Waterman. •\u25a0 \u25a0 •
J. T. Brown, Rio Vlrta.
Frank R. Devlin. Vallejo.
George W^ Pierce. Davis.
W. M. Finch.' WlUows.
John F. Ellison, -Red Bluff.
F. S. Reager. ' Orland.
W. T. Ellis Jr.. Marysville.'
Cllne Bull. Marysvllle.
B.F. Walton, Tuba City.
E. Franklin, Coif ax.
H. B. Onrley, secretary L©« Angeles- chamber
of commerce. » „ '
Joseph Scott, Los Angeles.
G. E. Blttlnsrer. I»s Angeles.
Judge Paul J. MeCormick, Los Angeles.
F. M. Hill. Fresno. \u25a0 :
F. W. Georgeson, Humboldt chamber of com
merce. \u25a0 , 4 )
MIDDLiETOWN. Conn., Nov. 17. — By
the faculty edict that no member of the
college body shall belong to any fresh
man or sophomore ; class , fraternity
Wesleyan University has practically
legislated out "of existence the parent
chapter of the : Theta Nu Epsllon
-==kOOS BROS.^s-'' '
•\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ' . • -"' 'i , ir i \u25a0: -• I
A GOOD overcoat is really a great treasure; wbrih-
a gopd deal to you; knowing beforehand that'lfs'
sure to be a good one is worth more to you than
js®^ Ceiling a good overcoat
depends more on where you
Msssg! \u25a0' . gel it than on what you pap
Jili&ff "~tlk lor lt ~ at ROOS BROS- \
s $Hk you cant get enp other hind. t
»^m|^V^ s - tfii For $15 - $2 ° or $25 n
'^^^^^^S^^ &g? show you overcoats and suits such
WSJ^^^^^^UW as you can t match for the money j
fit- if^ "v^ll anywhere else in the World. On
It p; ' -^v^^^ Friday and Saturday you have \ /
m^l* < -^- / an zddiiional advantage: on \
MWl^&^^i?"^ll esc a - Vs n>e display the new ar- ii
|li|l^;{!;n>/||i rivals from style creators, such as Jij
|fiP*' x^** V^*3® Hart, Schctfner & Marx, in ad-
IWgl^^^^m ditlon to our ovn "ROOS-
'*smf:\£SuWp MADE" creations. ||
fitti§ii&' \u25a0~*'<? ! zs> ' priced clothes — $30. $J5. $40. !
•lllPilPi^* " $60. $75 — for those who
x fllir* d&nand an overcoat or suit de \J
ARE YOU AWARE we are selling this celebrated Under- j
wear for MEN and YOUNG MEN, in heavy weight for
TWO DOLLARS per garment and in the MEDIUM . j
WEIGHT for the very low special C* tf *7 C
See what you have to pay elsewhere!
Ji Special Leader . J^^r»^^^^
For Friday and Saturday '^Mff^^ ill
BLUE SERGE and fancy mixture %£&< V * %kw\
; suits, sizes 15 to 21 years — suit styles S^gJ}'' '/'/-CT',
and suit materials that you would or- ;^^^^w
dinarily have to pay a much higher '»"-'» "-' - WijSr
price for, but this is the young mans store,
and the week-end is the young man's shop- iS^*~~ :~<]^§3k
ping time; hence, we have marked these Ipfl^vV-
special suits to the C* # ff ' i 4^«^#^fti^^ i
1 Young Men's §^W§
Overcoats S8
Models and woolens that are exclusive W8 |jl|i |
with . us. You can select your own collar ||sl fill! j
— — ** Presto** Convertible, Chin or Regu- llL«^iPfe^ !
lar. These are exceptional C* O C JSP^^i^
OUR HAT DEPARTMENT— to the right of our Market
Street entrance— will take care of your hat wants. The \
"COLLEGE CREASE* 9 telescope, or the "ROOS 19 Derby, \
with the Asqulth tilt; or the Christy wool hats; all at '
THREE DOLLARS, are full of young man style. J
Roos 'Juvenile Department
FULL OF. correct apparel for Children, Boys and Yoang
The very fact of its being a special store in itself and noi
just a small department tucked away in some comer, with a
limited stock to select from, gh>cs us the right to claim the
AT ALL TIMES we offer an immense asortment — <?»•
tinctive styles— really good tailoring — handsome patterns.
BOYS' Norfolk and Double Breasted, Russian and sailor
suits; reefers, overcoats, sizes 2 to 18 years, at prices ranging \\
from $3.50 to $25.
Today and tomorrow: I
BOYS' OVERCOATS, sizes 7 to 17, a very special \
assortment at the SPECIAL PRICE OF
The famous "GIBRALTAR" suits with two pairs of *
fully lined km c k CT oockers — not a special, but our grand
$5 value. \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\--- \u2666
CHILDREN'S LEGGINGS, in blue, brown, black, red
and white. Our regular One Dollar leggings, ON FRIDAY
AND SA TURD A V FOR 70£. | .
F^ " : BBA VBR
\ • V: v l DAY AT 52.65. "j ,
Children's Hose Special \
FORTY DOZEN ONLY, our regular 25c Children's
Stockings, in broken sizes, but we are pretty sure to have the j
Boys' Sweater Special
TEN DOZEN ONLY, in gray, red and /<K
navy, and the same colors trimmed -with con- I fl|\s
trasi 'colors: . Our regular One Dollar Fifty spe- /.. /rsy ¥&|\ «[
daily knitted Children's Sweater. TODAY (( /Msg2\ \
"Everwear" Hosiery * &^WS\
MENT— Men's, women Sy^^ Ji&pr^^ J,
and children's sizes. * jG$3vJ& /*
LADIES' "EVER- ' . l /J'
per box of six pairs, guar-
anteed for six months, $3. g^
MEWS "EVERWEAFT SOX y per box of six pairs,
guaranteed for [six months, $ 1 .50.
of three pairs, guaranteed for three months, $1. ]
Roos Bros. \\
Market -and Stockton
San / Francisco -.—. — \u25a0\u25a0 ||

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