Newspaper Page Text
NEWS OF OAKLAND, BERKELEY, ALAMEDA, HAYWARD AND SAN LEANDRO CLEVELAND BAKERS AT PERKINS' HOME Senator's Daughter Returns With Husband, Elected Ne= vada's Attorney General OAKLAND. Nov. lT._Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Baker are planning to spend the Christmas holiday at Palm Knoll, t Perkins* family residence in Ver heishts. Since their marriage years ago the Bakers have made ;i«r home in Nevada, where the beau tiful younajr matron has become a lead er with the smart set. Mrs. Baker was formerly Miss Pansy Perkins. Until her wedding she divided her time between California and Washington. D. C, where the presided over her fath er's establishment. At the recent election Baker was made attorney gen eral of Nevada. Mrs. John Brittain entertained a par ty of friends this afternoon at her Piedmont residence. Bridge followed by tea offered the diversion. - *• : ;~- • • .'\u25a0 - • - A number of the girls of the younger ret will cross the bay Saturday after noon to accept the hospitality of Miss Sue Becker and Mfss Margaret Becker, popular girls of Alameda society. A luncheon at the Palace will be provid r 1 for the party. Miss Elizabeth Stitt. who has been § entertained extensively since the an nouncement of her betrothal to Ches ter Ristenpait, will l»e the compliment* \u25a0 el guest at a card party Saturday af ternoon. November 2C, at which Hazel 1-awtcm wJI! preside as hostess. • • • Mrs. A-Irian Merle has invited 40 guests t«> gather at her home 5n Ala meda for »n hour at bridge and tea late this month. In honor of Mr. aii<l Mrs. Thomas Knowles, Mrs. William Thornton White wi'i give an elaborate dance for the piiiart set tomorrow evening: at her h'-n:e in Vernon heights. • • • Mifs and Mies Ellen Klelnschmidt ar« expected lioine this we<-k from their trip to Tahiti. • • • Mrs. Samuel Wp^ton is being wel come] J.y her Berkeley friends who j make h*>r occasional visits to the bay cities the occasion for interesting re unions. Since her marriage Mrs. Wes i"ii Iris livc-il near Hnnta Clara. While j in the college town, where she is plan ning to spend the Thanksgiving holi day. Mm. Weston will be the guest of her mother, Mrs. Joseph Steele Enst man. • * * Mrs. S. F. Mike! and hef son. Rossi- j ter MikO. are established In a home : In Oakland a\-eniie for the winter \ month*. Work lias been begun on J ilieir r;fw residence in Adams' point, | hut it will not be r*»ady for occupancy I before the early spring. Last summer | the MfkelJi went to Sacramento, where j ihfy planned to i-eniain for some time, I but business interests brought them back to the bay cities. • * .*. '\u25a0 .Mins Sue VVheelock; who returned -t(t j Cajjlforniai a week ago after an ab i-tn^f of p«vral years on the Atlantic I coast, was the honor gu«-st at a bridge j party which Airs. Gorge Tyson gave this afternoon at her home In Ala- Hie <J°lls. big and little, and garbed r. the latest of fashions, that are to ;..-- the center of attraction at the so clety doll show, are assembling at the home of Miss Grace Trevor in Merri !iia<- street. The women of the West «»akland home p.Ye working enthusias ii'ally for the success of the undertak ing, hoping to augment the funds of th*» institution and provide Christmas <heer for the little orphans who are inmates of the home. -;• A program of tableaux vlvantp, mu sic and special features is being pre j«ared by a committee of which Mrs. A. C. Pillsbury is chairman. Miss Maude Goodwin will give some of the dances in which she appeared at., the re«-ent kirmess across the- bay. A mystery booth presided over by Mrs. Charles J. Heeseman will be an attrac tion, and the <~an!^ stable- with' Mrs.. Eugene Van Court, as chairman will prove popular with the young folks. • ; Mrs. Walter Morgan, chairman of the fiincy work T>ooth, has. prepared a large assortment of dainty articles for Iter table. She will have as her assist ants: '••"-'• Mr*. S. J. Era }Mrs. W. . W. I.anrton Mr>. V\"il!iani N>lle iMrn. I*. N. f?nyder K. K. H^cil |Mi>. Cherlen Baker Mr*. •». F. Olson iMru. K. B. Ladd • Mrs. <;. W. Fortiiw»n jMiws O. Lobnbardt Mrs. C. A. Hutlierftfid | CONCERT TO BE GIVEN FOR CLUC PIANO FUND Popular Musicians Will Aid. Hillside Organization BERKELEY. Nov. IT. — A concert will be given at the Hillside club house ' Friday evening. November 30. for the ll benefit of the Berkeley Hillside club tI Piano fund. Among the entertainers V£ \u25a0; :! be Madame Eileen O'Moore, a vio linist, ivho will play the Pa&anini and Mendels&obn concertos and other fa mous numbers and John Carrington, sn Bng:lleb singer. The affair is being given by Mrs. I. B. Havre and Mrs. George H. Rich ardson, members of the Hillside club. The patronnesses are: Mrs. Franz Bopp. Mrs. E. M. Garth tvaite. Mrs. W. K. Sharon. Mrs. Alma -chmidt Kennedy, Mrs. E:dgar F. Tliom ?f=. Mrs. Earl H. Webb. Mrs. Orin Kip UcMurray, Mrs. Ora \V. Perkins and Mrs. William James Munro. TAX PAYERS PUT IN CLAIMS FOR REBATES Want Return of Money Paid in for Sewer Bonds OAKLAND. Nov. 17. — Claims for tax rebates in the recently annexed sani tary distrir-ts were filed today by At torney Huffaker. representing tax payers who paid taxes for sewer bonds in 1&09. These bonds were recently de clared invalid by the supreme court. In &11 too much was collected In the sanitary districts. Recently de mands were made on the board of su pervisors for a refunding to the tax payers, but the Fupervisors refused to T'sss the claims without authorization from District Attorney Donahue. The latter is expected to give this opinion shortly. The claims filed today aggre gate $2,100. CHILDREN TO HEAR THANKSGIVING STORY OAKLAXD, Nor. 17. — Mrs. Eric Olsen <viil tell th«- Thanksgiving story in -the children's room of the free library. in Fourteenth street Saturday morning. Mrs. Olsen !s a professional story teller, recently arrived from the east, -where Story telling is no longer regarded as an experiment. Mrs. Olsen will illus trate her story with relics of colonial days, which will be lent by the new Oakland museum. H. B. Johnson Jr., New Yell Leader of College Students ASSISTANT CHOSEN AS YELL LEADER Fraternity Man Named to Direct Rooters in Songs and Battle Cries on Campus '\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0' \u2666 •\u25a0 -\u25a0 BERKELEY. Nov. 17.— Herbert B. Johnson Jr., son of a well known min ister of this city and a junior at the university; has been chosen as yell leader of the students. Johnson's ap pointment by the executive committee last night followed the resignation of J. D. Hartigan, who will leave college shortly. The honor paid Johnson .is a high one. as he is only a member of the junior class, and holds a position to which seniors are generally elected. The young student was assistant yell loader at the big game and is popular on the campus. He is a mem ber of the Delta Upsilon fraternity and the }>c Koven.and glee clubs. MANSON WILL SPEAK < FOR HETCH HETCHY Federated Improvement Clubs Will Listen to Arguments OAKLAND, Nov. 17.— Marsden Man- I pen, city engineer of San Francisco, I will ppeak before the members of the : Federated improvement clubs' of Ala ! nicdK county, at the regular monthly 'meeting" Friday ovening 1 at 8 o'clock, in the,, assembly hall of Chabot obser vatoVy, Eleventh and Grove Btreets. He will discuss the Hftch Hetchy water proposition and the Garfleld. permit, and show how the bay cities should be interested. $, Carl Abbott, representing the Oak- ; Ja-ml city council, will explain the present *t»tus of the water litigation between the People I *,' water company and the city of Oakland. Among other subjects to be " dis cussed will be the municipal water dis trict proposition. , " H. A. Johnson is president and Alex ander Mackie secretary of the "feder ated ClubS. '\u25a0 '?.'!' .• * VICTORIOUS DEBATERS WILL RECEIVE MEDALS BKRKELKY, N6v. 17.— ThP; congress debating; society Which reoeatly won tlie -int^rsoelety debate with" the sen ate will hold a banquot for. tlu* vic torious trio November 30. At that time gold medals will be given' the society's team, composed of B. B. Blake, *V M. Shipper and T. B. Kittredge. In charge of the arrangements for the banquet are: Delger Trowbrldge, I* S.. Black and S. R. Sterne. RAYMOND DUNCAN SHOWS GREEK DRESS TO ARTIST BERKELEY, • Nov. 17. — Clad in the costumes of the. ancient Grefeks Ray mond Duncan, his wife and son came to Berkeley yesterday and 'visited Charles Keeler's stone studio In the Claremont hills. Keeler and Duncan Tvere friends be fore the latte* vrent to Europe and they talked over the old times- before Duncan espoused the garments of the Greeks. HAIR HEALTH If You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble Take Advantage of This, Offer We could not afford to so strongly indorse Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and continue to sell it as we do if we were not certain that it would do all we i claim it will. Should our enthusiasm carry us away, and Rexall "93"\ Hair Tonic not give entire satisfaction to the users, they would lose faith in us and our statements and in consequence our business prestige would suffer. Therefore, when we assure you that if your hair is beginning to unnatural- ly fall out or If you have any scalp trouble. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate dandruff, stimulate hair growth and prevent premature baldness, you may rest assured that we know what we are talking about. " " Out of one hundred test cases Rexall -93" Hair Tonic gave entire satisfac- tion In ninety-three cases. It has been proved that it will grow hair even on bald heads when, of course, the bald- ness had not existed for so long" a time that the follicles, which are the roots of the hair, had not" become ab- solutely lifeless. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is vastly dif- ferent from other similar preparations. We believe that it will do more than any other human agency toward re- storing hair growth and hair health. It Is not. greasy and wilf not gum the scalp or hair or cause permanent stainv It is as pleasant to use as pure cold water. . Our faith in Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is bo strong that we ask you to try it on our positive guarantee that your money will 4 be cheerfully refunded without question or quibble If it, does not do as we claim.- Certainly we can offer no stronger argument. It comes in two sizes, prices 50 cents and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain it. only at The Owl Drug Co., 1nc.,;710 Market St.. 778 Market st.. - Post and Grant ay., Sixteenth and Mission sts., Fillmore.and Gpary sts. < . THE S AN- •\u25a0• FRANCISCO GALL, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, xt9lo. BERKELEY TO HAVE A "CHARITY" DAY City t Commission Indorses Pro* posal to Collect Year's Revenue in Thanksgiving Season BERKELEY, Nov. 17.— The Berkeley charity commission, which" was ap pointed by the city council as a part of the order of things under the new charter, has indorsed the charity day which will be held here Saturday for the benefit of three semipublic institu tions. Hew E. L. Parsons is president of the commission,- which Is composed of Prof. H. R. Hatfleld, vice president; Miss Jessica Peixotto, secretary; J. TV. Flinn, J. L. Barker, L. H. Lewars and E. E. Nichols. The indorsement took the form of a letter, which was mailed broadcast throughout the city. today, as follows: The charity commission comes before the people of Berkeley ask ing for funds with which to carry on the relief work of our city for the coming year; Many people do\ not realize that Berkeley ! has a charity problem of its own, but last year about $10,000 was ex pended by" the organized charities, to say nothing of church, fraternal and personal relief. Up to this time these funds have annually been raised by a charity day, tag 'Jay and personal solicitation. As a public indorsement of the work, the charity commission has undertaken to raise all the funds • needed for Hie coming year and to apportion them among the three local public charities — the Charity Organization^ society, which looks after the deserving poor: the free dispensary, to aid the sick not able to provide for themselves, and the day nursery, which cares for fthe babies of working mothers during thojr hours of toil. To adequately maintain the work of these charities 81.000 a. month will be necessary. Tt is proposed trw raise the whole amount for the year, or $12,000 '.luring the Thanks giving season. This coming Satur day, November 19, is Berkeley's charity day. Provided this $12,000 is, secured no further calls for the mainten ance of these organizations will be made during the coming year. HUSBAND HAD YOUNG AND PRETTY AFFINITY Carpenter's Wife Says He Called Other Woman "a Peach" OAKLAND, Nov. 17.— Not only did Herman Llllenthal, a carpenter, find a woman who was younger and prettier than his wife, Theresa, whom he mar ried in 3SSO, but he was not backward at "all about telling" Mrs. Lilienthal so. "She's a peach," he told her. Mrs. Lilienthal brought suit for divorce to day, not mentioning the peach by name, however, as she does not know it. Florence Sankey brought suit for di vorce today against John B. Sankey on the ground of cruelty.. He" told her, Mrs. Sankey says, that it was none of her business where he spent his nights, and that the sooner she got out of his home the better It would be. Gilded cafes and gay women broke up the home of Clarence S. Buxton and his wife. Ernestine, according to the story told by the latter, who brought suit for divorce today. Mrs. Buxton says her husband threatened to kill her if she interfered in his amours. FREEHOLDERS WILL TELL OF NEW CHARTER Pardee and Elliot' Will Urge Its Adoption OAKLAND, Nov. 17. — Former Gov ernor George C. Pardee and Councilman A. H. Elliot will be the principal speak ers before the Santa Fe improvement association, Tuesday evening, November 22, at the headquarters of the club, 5497 Grove street. The subject to be discussed is the proposed new city charter. The two speakers were members of the board of freeholders which drafted the charter. F. Li. Shaw is president of the organization and L.. C. Levy is the secretary. ATLANTIC OCEAN TRAVEL _^ LONDON - PARIS -HAMBURG T Gibraltar, Algiers, Naples, Genoa TT By new 17,000 ton steamers, equipped with t'BATAVIA Dec. 3. 10 A. M. U. .„. ' modern safety appliances. Electric fKAISERO AUG. VIC. Dec 10, 12 M J3 - Bflth BVmnaslum , elevator, etc. JI'ItES. GRANT. . .Dec. 17, 10 A. M. • . : -- : > •PENNSVIA'AXIA, Dec. 22, HA. M. Q s. s. CLEVELAND. .Dec. 6, 10 A; M. tUnexcelled Klta Carlton ala Carte Hef- -^-j s. s. CINCINNATI. .Jan. B, Feb. 14 taurant, Gymnastiim, Elec Baths. Elcva- JEr _ „ „.„..„. .' vrk ' T _„ tor. Palm Garden. 'Second Cabin ouly. __ S.S.CLEVELAND ..Jan. 2S direct. H. . . ':\u25a0'-: Bnoklnj? for Nile Sorvire. . mmmmm Tourist Dept. for Trips Everywhere. P L E AS jU RE CRUBSES HDIfJMT January 28 by the SS. Cleveland -f17.000 tons), 80 days, UlVlCn 1 $325 and up. Finest trip ever planned. .Strictly flrst- Kgypt. clnsß. '\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. j ; Holy lift nil. - .Nile trips by the Hamburg and Anglo-American Nile ]VIIe. . Co.'s snperb steatnprs. SOU I H AMtKIvA January 21 by SS. Bluecher (12,500 tons), 74 $350 A<*ro«« the A*«le*, and up. Only opportunity to we South America right. Straits) of Mapellnn. WP<iTliVniF^7J rl \ rcr '^ January 24 and February 25 by SS. Moltke (12.500 WIOI inUlCrO \CruincH / tons). larc^Rt ship tcolnp to the • Caribbean. 28 days.. $150 Pannma CnnnJU mid up. Al»o MARCH 28, Spring Cruise of 10 days, $85 A>ne«ucla.* C~ : and up. : \u25a0 ADHIIMn ( Tvvo \ •By the SS. Cleveland (17.000 tons), from Xpw York /\IVUUnL* Wnilvs ; November 1, • 11)11/ and from San Francisco February 17. THP WflPI PI r 1012. 110 clays. $650 Hnd np. Inclnrtlng .all neeessnry expen- 1 IlCr tt \SI\L,I/ t>o».' Optional Tours of 17 days in India, 14 days hi Japan. CUBA, JAiUAIvA, Kortniehtl.vnftpr Xovomhir Wby SS. Hamburg (ll.ono' HAVTF PANAMA tons). , Finest and largest ship to Cuba. Weekly by well- llrtl I!, rmmiilft, known •Trlnz" and othor otPfluicrs of the Atlas Service. Colombia, Cowtn Rlcn, Superb trips at moderate rates— 2.T and -2."> day cruises," and' $135 and $140. Also tours including .hotel expenses. "Went Const rolnt*. . BOOK VOAV! Senerifor illufitrated. pnmpblet and rnten. U AAIDBIEIf 11 : A AiiJrDIPA'AI I IM C -160 POWELL St. SiM D ¥laiSfcto"Mi¥li!!.MfßLMi« I Irat. l>homi K«-nm y 294 a \u25a0 lirVBilGJ«£BlU- iraSWlkllß Unil ftaißDß Ba s, nn Frnneinco, Cnl.v ; NILE SERVICE V HAMBURG°AND ANGLO- AMERICAN NIliE CO. Maintained •'by snperb ; steamers expressly built for service on the Nile. Equipped with all modern Improvements. \u25a0 • ' -TOURIST SERVICE between ./ Cairo ' and Assouan. . \u25a0 NEXT.' SAILINGS Nubia . . .". . . . . Dec. 2 Victoria \u0084...:.. Jan. 6 Puritan .....Dec." 16 Puritan ..... .Jan.-13' Gennania ....Dec. 30 Germania ....Jan. 20 , Service between First and Second Cataracts - by 8. S.' lndiana.— ' \u25a0 ,' \u25a0'- , Bi-weekly express service between Luxor and ? Assouan: . \u25a0 Through booklnps to Khartoum, the White \u25a0 NHe and Gondokoro, etc • . .•. \u25a0 : Special tours of 20 days' duration. \ Tours for 'family and private parties by special '^HAMBURG- AMERICAN LINE ".' -sGf> "Powell *-Bt:' (Phone- K«arny:2M6.)- •»"\u25a0\u2666 WITNESS AFRAID OF MRS. MARTIN - - . ... Attorney Howard K. James Kept § Off Stand at First Trial ; of; Woman OAKLAND, Now .17.— That he was afraid to testify against Mrs. ; Isabella J. Martin at her first' trial for dyna miting Judge Ogden's home, ,an'J that she tried to employ him as her attor ney at the second so, that he could:.not testify against her, were the, state ments maHe by., Howard X., James on the witness stand today in Judge Wells' court. . * \u25a0•' -\ : ' '•> . "I was not afraid on. my own ac count," James said in 1 answer to Mrs. Martln'R cross examination, . "but on that of my \u25a0. wife and two little chil dren. I know yqu are a 'desperate woman and T was afr»ld you. might be acquitted and that you. might harm them when, you got out of jail if ,1 testified against, you." : . / Mrs. Martin shouted that- James .was an unqualified liar. . ; , , James said that she had told • him that she "would get Judge Ogden." This was after Ogden had decided a case against her in which James • had acted as her- attorney. The other witnesses placed, on the stand today by the prosecution were Detective Dennis Holland, J. T. Chick, Walter High and John Whitmore. The latter told of Mrs. Martin's abllity>to handle dynamite and of her familiarity with it in Weaverville. Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS TO GIVE MINSTREL SHOW Garden Scene With Maids as Flowers IsCFeature BERKELEY, Nov. 17. — The women of the Y. W. C. A. will give a min strel show in the auditorium of the high school tomorrow night. A fea ture of the evening will be the flower garden scene in which each of the performers will ' take ' the part of a flower.. In the list of entertainers are: Vocal solo. Miss Leda Gregory; sword dance. Miss Alice Amiol; impersona tion, Mrs. Elinor -Lincoln Brown. " WHY BE SO THIN?" Thinness is Embarrassing, Unhealthy and >'ot Natural— Formula >'ow Used, Which Adds From One to Three Ponnds a Week. Every one ought to have some extrß ! flesh on the bony structure of the body, both for the sake of health- and self- esteem. Most thin people are sensitive to the harsh, unfeeling criticisms which are constantly being: hurled at them by the more fortunate well-figured persons. Every one pities a thin, \bony horse, but horses don't know it— while thin people are both pitied and ridiculed. Ifc-jought not , to be so. but- tt is. --, A -well rounded figure, he, it man or woman,, excites admiration; not only for the figure but for. the bright eyes, pink cheeks, red lips, and vigorous car- riage which accompany; a well-nour- ished body. Strength, health, beauty and sound flesh abound, if the', blood and nerves get enough nourishment out of the food eaten. . This prescription aids' nature: helps absorption, digestion and assimilation; helps distribute the blood and nerve elements which make sound flesh. Get j the ingredients and make it at home, and. see how very fast you gain in 1 weight. In a half pint bottle, obtain three ounces • of essence .of pepsin, three ounces of syrup of rhubarb. Then add one ounce compound essence cardlol, shake and let stand two hours: then add one ounce tincture cadomene com- pound (not cardamom). Shake well and -take a • teaspoonful before meals and one after meals. Also drink plenty of wator between f meals and. when re- tiring. Weigh yourself before begin- ning, j FRENCH LINE I CIE. GLE. TRANS ATLANTIQUB - M DIRECT LINE TO WRE^-PARIS 1 , Sailings ETery Thursday,- and Saturday. . H La Totraine.Nov. 24 .La Savoie. .... Dec. B^H La Bretag-ne..Dec. 1 La Lorraine.: Dec. 15 j EXTRA SAILINGS.; M • These 'steamers carry one j class (II) cabli I passengers j only. \u25a0. . .-. , . m .Caroline ... .Nov. 26 . . . . . .Dec. 10 i I : Chicago \u25a0',... V.Nov. 26 La Gaicoene.Dec. 10 I FUGAZI BROS., Paciflc\Coa(it. Managers/. B 630 Montpomery street, San Francisco. ; Cabin H Office. 6SO Market street. .. -,-.,:.»\u25a0 I ! wfeICL^CALL,- $ 1 PER YEAR Miss Q. Bertolacei, WhoTakesPartin Theatrical Shows CHANNING CLUB PRODUCES FARCE "Higher Education" Staged by Group of Members of First Unitarian Church BERKELEY, Nov. 17.— "Higher Edu cation," a play which was cleverly staged by the members of the Charming club of the First Unitarian church sev eral months ago, was repeated tonight in Unity hall before a large audience of the members of the club and Its friends. ' , * Mrs. Charles H. Coulter, coach of the players, took part in a 'curtain raiser, entitled, "Ins and Outs of Matrimony," with Miss Genevieve Bertolacei, a grad uate of the Berkeley high school and former thespian in school. In the cast of "Higher Education" were Miss Ethel Eveleth, Miss Portia Collom. Miss Genevieve . Bertolacei, Harry Mills, Cyrus Van Deventer and Bert Winslow. .PACIFIC OCEA\ TRAVEL -^g\'c >s^ Steamprs leate from Broad- ygij>is-502^ wny Wharves (Piers 9 and /a/)3j|S£!S& V^ Low rates. Including berth I / \^^^s\ I } " n( l meals. I A Vp^'gaLy Special Round Trip Ratet. \^\ \/G/ LOS ANGELES SAN* DIEGO *^ •SANTA BARBARA President.. Nov. 21, Dec. 6, 4 p.m. G0vern0r.':......... .Nov. 28, 4 p. m. Queen Dec. 14. 11 a. m. *Santa Rosa ...Xov. 24, Dec. 2, 10. 11 a. m. •Only steamer calling at Santa Barbara. SEATTLE (DIRECT), '. TOWXSEXD TACOMA, VICTORIA, VANCOUVER ConnectlnK at Seattle for Skagway, Davrton, Fair- banks and all points on the Yukon. Governor X6v. 10, 2 p.m. President. ....Not. 27, 2 p. ta.; Dec. 11, 11 a. m. Pueb1a....~....K0v. 22, 2 p. m.; Dec. 7, 11 a. m. Queen Dec. 2. 2 p. m. EUREKA (HUMBOLDT BAY) Tope* a...... Nov. 19, 25. 29. Deo. 4, 9. 11 a. m. GUAVMAS, MAZATLAJV', LA PAZ EXSEXADA, SAN JOSE DEL CABO SAX PEDRO, ETC. Curacao.... 7th or each month, 12 m. XEAVE SEATTLE ALASKA CRUISES 1011 Spokane. .June 14. 28; July 12, 26; Aug. 9; 9 p.m. Right reserved to change taU schedule. TICKET OFFICES— PaIace Hotel, 653 Market et., 16 Market st. and Broadway Wharf. | Telephone Kearny 402. OAKLAND— II2O Broadway." Tel. Oakland 5680. • C. D. DUNANN. General Passenger Agent. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN |W§) STEAMSHIP COMPANY %;SJ& Tehuantepec Route \u25a0*Hsg&r '1 Hf-sjii Jar Fait Freleht. Scrvlcet NEW YORK TO PACIFIC COAST PORTS AND HAWAIIAN JSIaA.NDS. sailing: from New York every six days, making direct connection with Pacific steamers sailing from Sallna Cruz. Mex., every six days for San Francisco. ' PACIFIC COAST PORTS TO NEW YORK. -Also Ho Mexican and all prin- cipal European ports under through rates and through bills lading. Sail- ings from San Francisco every 12 days. For rates and further particulars ap- ply to DEARBORN. & LAPHAM, Gen- eral Agents. 8 Bridge street. New York. WILLIAMS, DIMOND & CO.. General Agents. Pacific Coast. -"^ ; ; . 310 ,Sansome St.. San Francisco \ I SEATTLE -TACOMA Beilingham, Anacortes, Everett, Port Town- sea/l> 'Victoria, Vancouver and all Alaska ports. S. S. BUCKMAN .. ......Not. 12 S. S. ADMIRAL SAMPSON.. Nov. 18 S. S. WATSON .Not. 24 LOS AHGELES DIRECT S. S. ADMIRAL SAMPSON .... . .Nov. 12 S. S. WATSON ..Nov. 18 S. S. BUCKMAN .Not. 24 Alaska-Pacific Steamship Co. TICKET OFFICES: ... General Agent's office, Howard street wharf No. 3. Ticket office, 54 Market street and 848 Market street. Sailing* from Howard street wharf No. 3. TOYOKISEH KAISHA ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. S. Nippon Maru . ..... Tuesday, Not. 22, 1910 3. S. Chiyo Maru (via Mani1a^.. .......... : •'- .................... ..Tuesday, Dec. 20, 1910 S. S. Tenyo Maru ..about. Tuesday, Jan. 10, 1911 Steamers pail ' from company's piers, Nos. 42, 44, near foot of Second street; at Ip.m., for Yokohama and Hongkong, calling at Honolulu. .Kobe. (Hiogo) and ; Nagasaki and .- Shanghai and connecting at Hongkong with steamers for Manila,: lndia, etc. No cargo. receiTed on board on day. of sailing. Round trip tickets at reduced rates. >• \u25a0 \u25a0 ' ' - For freight and passage npply at office. 240 James Flood bnilding. , W. H. AVERT. Assistant General Manager. UNpS^S.Cp.ofN.Z.Lt(I; New Through. Passenger and Freight Serrlce - \u25a0 Without Change.* \u25a0• . .. : SAN FRANCISCO TO. WELLINGTON. N. Z., VIA. TAHITI AND RAROTONGA. S. S. MAITAI (3.398 tons) 5ai15...... ...Dec 14 8. S. AOHANGI (4,268* tona) \u25a0ai15........ Jan. 11 .Sailings: every. 28 days; connection" at .Welling* I ton . and Auckland for New Zealand ports and Australia.- \u25a0•'-;\u25a0.. \u25a0'- ' .'' ; •'•'-' ; \u25a0-" • .'\u25a0-\u25a0' i \u25a0';•-" - \u25a0•:.\u25a0 <- ! OCKANIO S. S. Co.; General Agents. 00 Clay «t. Ticket Of flee. %7i Market «t. . Tel. Kearny 1231 -^M^-BMaa-aiaivMa — *-*-^^— —mm m^^v- I TAHITI AXD NEW ZEALAND — S. S. f I '-".- Mariposa sails. 11 a. m:.^Nov. 22. " ' • Soecial Tahiti round ! trip,' $135. first class, j HfllUni 111 II S. S. Sierra UO.OOO tons dls- DUnIULIJLU; pi ac^ m ent) sails 11 a. m.. Dec. ii S "< 19io: Special : round trip,' $110." first: class.* \u25a0 o'cKAVTC T.INR. 673 MRrkPt: ti»l Kearny 1231 liniini 111 II S.- S. Luriine (13,000 tons) sails Hllnllll 111 II "oon. Dec. 7. for Honolulu and lIUIIULULU ; - - 8 S* Wllhelmlna :(l3.soo tons). sails noon, l -- -'"\u25a0'\u25a0 "-Not 23,' for Honolulu and Hilo. Round, trip to Honolulu, flr«t class. $110 '\u25a0 and up. . ~: \u25a0 , ; MATSON NAVIGATION CO., \u25a0 \u25a0 . .- 268' Market St. SHAY'S CHARGE WILL BE SIFTED OAKLAND, Nov. 17. — The grand Jury will meet again tomorrow to make a further investigation' into the charge that County Assessor Henry P. Dalton required 'his 7 former' deputy. Frank Shay, to pay him $25 a month out of his salary. . Thomas M. Robinson, Dalton's chief deputy, to whom Shay swore he paid the money, is expected' to testify In Dalton's. behalf.- A number of Dal ton's .deputies, have already: testified that no. such practice as Shay described existed in the assessor's office. In view of this, and of former Gov- j ernor Pardec's testimony that Shay made a sworn statement to him that he never paid Dalton anything 1 . It is riot believed that an indictment will be returned. The future and the past are near re lations to .the present. 1 pa^B I vO Ba iH S£iA lO Q hI IBS Ak VB UL jybff tafKa TV Pi K?l mL vty TRAINS LEAVE AND ARE DUE TO ARRIVE FROM NOVEMBER 14. 1»IO VIA OAKLAND PIER VIA COAST LKVE Le*Te (Foot of Market Street) Arrive Leave ~ (Third and Townjend Streets) Arrrre • Nihs.. Tr»cv. Lathrqp. Stockton, tS.IO« Vilene:* Street. Own View. Colm. Lodi, Gait, nkGroTe,&aeramento.. lI.ISp Cuneteries. Badea, fc*a Bnsno... t*33» 6.40» Hsywd. Nfles. Ban Jote. 7.06 a 8.30« South Saa Francisco. Saa Jo«e, GOror. 7.002 Richmond, Port Cost*. Benwia, Suisun, 1 (Hoilister). Strgsat. Paiara. WaUon- Diioa. Sacrsm eato. RoMrffle. Uary>- } 7.28» t3l;. Santa Cruf 7JC? - i - ville. Redding, Dun «nair...... J 10.38p 7.10 a South San Franrjco. P»!o Alto, Saa 7.00 i Hiaira. Vaeavflle. Riawey. 7.28p Joae, TTav Stations. 7.^ 7.03* Davis. Woodland (MaryiviHe, Oro- 7.10 a M»yse!d, Lea Altos, LesGatot. ...... t7^o» ville). WiilUma, Mtxwe'J, Willowt, 8.-00 a Shore Lisa limited— P«» Eobiet Hamilton. Oorninj. Red Bluff.-. 7.28» HotSpriasa.. Santa Barbara, Lot 7.40* Vallejo, Napa, Cali» toga. Bant* Roes, „,„. Aajstet.. ............. .... B-WJ Martinet... : tJDBf 8J)5» The Coaster— Saa Jo*. Pajaro (^ ; *t» 7.40* Avon. Saa Ramon, livermors ft4Bi S*"/* Cru2 it OatroTine. 7^o» Nfles. Pleamnton. Livennore. Traey, (Del Monte. Moat er?y. Pacific Gror*), LuthroD. Stockton ; Lodi. Sacramento. 7.28p Saliaw. Soledad P«so Rebles Hot 7.40 a Traey, Log Bono*. Herman. Frerao. 4.28p Kprrass. San . Lois Obapo. gurf. B.oo* Newark (Oeaterville). Saa Jose. Lot (Loropoe\ Santa Barbara, Veatuxa. Gatos. Wright. Fdton (Boolder pxaard.Lot Anceles ~:\-' H,- 48 * Cree«.SaaU Cm 8.4« i B.lo* liaySeld. Los Altes. Les Gates. Wnjht. 8.201 Port CojU. Martin as. Byron. Tney. Ghawoodf Boulder Creek). Santa Croi, Stockton, Merced, Fresno. Goihea Watwnvaie, o>str ovgle. Ed lloate, Janctioa (Hanford, Armoaa), Visalia, Moatrrey, PaciSe Grove 8-0 C« ' ' Porterville. Bakertfi eld 4jW» 9.00* Saa Jose.Gilroy. Saßtaa, tf»so Robles 8.201 Yaaenita Vulley via Merced 4.48p Hot Sarian, Si a Lois Obiico— «.00a Niles. (3aa,Joee). Livermore. Stockton Tres Pinos— Watsoaville. S*ata (•MQtoa), Valley Spring. loß^ Sacra- Crua, Del Monte, Monterey. Paafia meato.. 4.28P Grov? 4.00» 9.00» Soaora, Tuolumne aad Aageb *-ZSf 10.40* South Saa Franruro. Burliajame. San 9.00* Atlaatio Express— Sacrameato, True- - Mateo. Palo Alto, can Joee to-JC* t^y^L^SZ'J**™: *22 9 10.40. Los^toe. Moat* V^LosCtcj I*}* 9.40» Riciimoad. Port Costa, Il&rtioes, 11.30* Valencia Street, Oceaa Tierr. Cctoa. Bar Point ." 6.CBp Cemeteries, Baden, Saa Bmno 1.35 i 10.20* Vallejo Mare Wand, Napa 11.28 a 11.40* South Saa Franeiaco. Saa Joae fB.2Ca 10.20* Los Anedes Pass *neer— Port Costs, 2.00p Del Moate Express— Ssa Jo*e. Garoy. Martinet. B>Toa, Tracy, Stockton, Sars«nt (WstsoaviHe. Santa Crt»), Merced. Fresno, (Hmnford. Coallnja, Del Uonte. Monterey. Pacific Grore, Vialia.) Bakersfi rid, Los Angles.... 7Mv nitm /Salinas) I2^C? 10.40 a S«a Evnoisco Overland Limited— 2-05b South Ssn Francisco. Palo Alto, San ' . - Benrtf. Kansas Qt|, St. Louis, _ Jose 8.45 i Omaha, Chicago 8.28p f£oo> Los Altc^ MoaU Vista. Los Gates. . . t3.25» II 20* Shasta Limited— Portland. Tacoma, 3.00p South San Francisco. Saa Mateo. Saa .Seattle 9.18p Jose. Gilroy, Tree Pinos. Stliuaa 10.10* 12.00n Goldfield Pass.— Port Coita. Benicia. • 3.00* Watsoavflle. Saata Crnt. CftstrovUle. Sacrameato. Truckee. Ha«n. Wa- . Del Moate. Monterey, Pacific Grore. IO.ICt buska (Yerlnzton, Maaoa). Mica, 3. 1 5p Santa Clara. West Saa Jose. Lcs Gatos, Tonopah. Goldfield, Laws, Keeler.... 7.48* Wrijht. (Bo alder Creek), fcaaU Crnt. 10.30* 112.00n Davis. Yolo, Williana, Colusa Juac- 4.00p Sonset Express — Tuckb. TemLng. tioa. Willows 2Mp H Paso, Houston. New Orleans. 12.00n Marysvflle. Chico, Red Blu£f 4.28p ' Pa» Robles Hot Srinsa, San Luis l.20» NUes. Irviagton. Saa Jose. 2.4fip Obispo, SaaU Barbara aad Los l.40» S»n Leaa.tro. Nfles. Centervflle.l 9.CBa Angeles.... IC.SSJ Newark, San Jose « 7.48> 4J3Of Kaasu City .St. Lonis. Chicaso 10.55* 2.03s Newark, Saa Jose, Los Gatov Wrijht. 4^oi South Saa Francisco. Saa Jose 18i>C» Feiton (Boulder Creek). Bant*Crut.. 9.68p fS.OSn Durliasime. San Mateo. Palo Alto, Z4O? Saa Ls*ndro, Niles, Saa Joee. 9.28 a Saa Joso and Way Stations fl-<si 3.00 a Benieia. 1 Whter^«SA cram ento— Wood- f5.20p Redwood. Pslo Alto. Saa Jose. i.ICi land, Knifhts Laadlnj. Tudor. Yub* t^23p Lo« Altoa. Moata Vista, Lcs Gatos... t3-2B| City. MarytrilU 10^48* f3.25« Buriiajame. San Jlateo, San J05e..... 3 25| 3.20p Port OmU (Stockton). Martinet. t3-30a Loop— Va!ea cia Street, Ocsaa View, Byroa, Modesto. Merced, Fresno.. 12.08p Cemeteries, South Saa Fraacisco, 3.45p VU Sausslito. Wtit Ntpa. St Helens. 23J Street. 3*l and Tomieend * B ' Cl Calistogs 10.38* 8.40 i Saa Bruno, S»n Mateo. Redwood, Pa!o I t'2s« 4.00p VaU-jo, Nap*. Calistoes, SanU Rosa. Alto. SaoU Clara. San Jose \ 7.35* Martina*. San Ramon, Livertaore. .. 9.28 a J5.40D Los Altos, Los Gatoe J».45i 4.00 a Niles (CeaterTille. Newark). Liver-/ 10.28* fB.oop Miflbrae. San 4lateo. Palo Alto. May- more, Tracy. Stockton. Lodi V I I.IBp field, Los Altos, Los Gatos tB.oot 4.401 San Leaadro. Hay ward. Niles, Pleat- ' t8.03p 23d Street. VLritaeica. South San anton, Livermore. Tracy, Newman, Francisco. Valencia Street T7.151 Ksrman, Fresno 11.18b 6.30» South Saa Fraa ci»eo Saa Jose 6.45| 5.00p VaU-jo, Port CosU, Benicia, Sacra- * O00» The Lark— Paao Robles Hot Sprisga, mento. Lincoln. Marvrville. Oroville. 11.2Ei SaaU Barbara. Lot Angeles S.ZCt 5.00p Davis, Woodland, Yolo. Arbudde, 8.05p Lo«AnireleaPa«*n jer— Gilror. Salinas, Williams, Colusa Junction, Willows.. 10.38? Paso Robles Hot Sprints, San Luis 5.03? Russell. Jose, Lo« Gates.. 1 9.25t Obispo. SanU Barbara arJ Lot 6.23 a 8»a Leandro. NBes. Saa Jote. 7.48* B^Cl 6.03p Owl Limitsd— Lot Anjeles... BXB* IO.OOi Saa Jose and Way SUtions 7.20 i B.4UP Eastern Express— Ofcden. Pueblo. Den- 1 1. 45p South Saa Fraacisco. Palo Alto. Saaf 7.45| Ter. Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Joae \ t 10.50p Port CosU. Benicis, Sacramento. ——— ———^—— — — — — — — — — • 6.40, H^d! KiZSS &'JiiV.V.V.:: SSp LOCAL FE ? BY WAWI-VI. Oakland t7.03a Vallejo, Port Costa, Marttaei. Bay To Oakland. Bwktlty, Berryman. Eatt Oakland tn« Point aad Way SUtions tll.lSp Fruitvale— Daily — From tJ.OO aja» and every twenrj 7.408 Riehmoml. Port CosU, Martinet. minutes until 7.00 p.m. raerusrve; then 7.40, 8.20. Cornwall. Byron. Tracy, Stockton ... 9.00. 9.40, 10.20. 11.00. 11.40 pjiu 12.20 anc 8.20b Oretton Elxpress — Da vis, (Sdcnmen to). 1.20 sjn. Willotrs, Redding. Ashland. Portland, . - ~ • Tacoma. Seattle. Spokane 9.08 a To Sather and MeVon vl» Senath St.— Dailr— From 9.00 a Chiaa and Japan Fast Mail— Ogden. 6.00 ajn., and every twenty minutes until 7.C0 pan. Cheyenne. Denver. Kansas Qty, brlusive. then 7.40. B^o, 9XO, 9.«. 10.20. ILO. Oaiftha. Chicago 2.48p aad 11.40 p^a. 9.00s Port Costa. Benieia, Sacramento, Col- \u0084 _ _ _ . .„ _-_ .„ fax Truckee Reno 1008* *• Stonehurrt— DaOy Except Euaday— B.oo, 7.00, B.CO \u25a0Moron, Fellow 8.28 a only 9 -0° *X 0 *on. 1.00, 2.00. ICO. 4.00. 5.C0 9.40b Richmond. Port "CosU, Tracy, Jlo- , 5.40 pjn. desto. Merced. Fresno. Haaford. j t Oakland Flrit St, Fraltvale. Alamsda. yl« Hermhot '. Coalinga, Vimlia. Tulare 8.28* —Daily— From t«.00, 6.20 aja. and every tvtaty , 9.40b Huater's Traia— Saturoay only. San minutes until 8.20 t jn. inclusive; then 9.C0. 9.20 Jose and Way SUtions J7.48p 10.00. 10.20. 11.00. 11.20 ajn^ 12m.. 1.20 11.40p Portland Express —Sacramentov Mary »-, S.CO. 1.20. Jl4O pjn. aad every t*entj Tille.Red Bluff. Weed,(Klamath Falls). minutesunta 7 pjn. indwive; 7.40. 8.20, 9.C0. 9.40 ; Ashland, Roseburg. Portland. Taco- 10.20. 11.00 and 11.40 p.m.. 12.20 and L2O ajn. ma. Seattle.... I2^Bp Addhwnal trsb to Oakland First St., 2.15 a.m. HETHERLAND'SROUTE— From Padflc Street Whart To Wtrt Berksley— Dafly Except Sunday— From lOC CoUinsrille, Emraaton, Rio Viita. Isleton, Ryde, Wtl- ajn. and every twenty minotee. until Bw2O ajn. mehs- nutGroTe. Vorden, CourtUnd, Clarksburg. Sacramento. sive: then 9.00 a.m. and every hour usti ICOpja. St»«m«r . Navajo, leaves San Francisco S:CO a.m. daily inclusive: thea 4.20 pjn. and every twenty miautet except Sunday, stopping at points shown, arriving Sac- ~ until 7XO p.m. briusive: then 7.40 pjn.. 8.20 ".CO ramento 6:00 p.m. LeaTes Sacrameato 9XO p.m. dairy ' 8.40, 10.20, 11.00. 11.40 pjn. and 12.20 a.ra. /^ Stm a . d S ir<nO ' tOPBearO ' rte)>tlTiTlaB To Wtrt Barkeley-Sundav, ody-From •Xo<m- s" iiner Modoe or'Apuho. Icves Baa Francisco 1.00 *« 7.00. 7:40, 8:20. 9XO ajn. inctoiTe: thn ?JK P.-.W,. except SunV^eS- Francis 11.30 3**^2 S.^l^^ p - m ' ___ — — pjn. *nd 12L20 »jn. OAKLAND HARBOR FERRY —From Stn Francisco. Ta CorMn— Daily Except Sxnsday— From 6.00 aja. and Market Strttt VVhirf— Daily — Hourly from 8.00 ererr 20 minutes untfl 8.20 *.m. tadutrre. then • ajn. to 9.00 p.m.. inclusive. 9.00. 10.00 a.m_ 12.00 m.. 1.00. 2.00. 3.00. 4.0 a 4L20, :- : 140, 5.00,020, 5.40 and •.OOpjn. LOCAL FERRY TRAINS— VI* Attuned* Pltr. \u25a0 To o*W*nd »nd Alamtd*-t6.10. f6.45 a.m^ aad then To CorW it-Sundays ody— From 6.00 »jn.. then 9.C0 10 aad 45 minutes past the hour untfl 7.45 pjn.: then *•«?•• 9 -20 »Jn. *ad tTery twenty mnute* until a3O, 9.15. 10.00, IfIUS, 11.10 pjn. »nd 12.15 a jn. . «Xopjs. Ta Alameda and Frultvalt via Hortethot tame at atevt. To Sttflt. Richmond, Puflmm— 6.oo am, 5.40 pm 120 pai; [m for Morning. - '» for Afternoon, t Sunday exeepted; . . G* Sunday only, i Saturday and Sunday only. Unhm Transfer Co. authorised to check Bagsagt •Sunday and Monday only. direct from residence. v^§§&\ Schedule Effective rapiaij November 1, 1910 V«JU«^ UXIOX FERRY DEPOT • 'V>£iiy San Francisco Leave | Via Stmalito | Arrira 7:45 alPetaluma. Santa Kosa. Headls-| I burg, Cloverdale, Ukiah, Wil-[ ' •.. llts. Sherwood. •GnerneTiHe. •Monte Rio, 'Duncan Mills. Sebastopol .' 6:3.~p 8:15 a ••Sonoma. "Glen Ellen f3:33 \> 8:15 a Pt. Reyes. Camp Meeker, Caza- : dero ..... t«:35 p $8:45 a Petalama. Santa Kosa. Healds- . burg. -. Clorerdale. GuerneTille, Monte . Rio. ' Duncan Mi 11 5..... {7:33 p 10:45 a Petalnma. Santa R05a.'.......... 4:35 p 112:45 p Pt. Reyes, Camp Meeker (leares - from Cazadero) $7:05 p 3:15 p Petaluma.' Santa Rosa, Healds- "• - - burp. CloTerdale, TJtlah, Guer- neville. Monte Rio, Daaeaa .Mills,' Sebastopol 11:05 * 4 -43 p Sonoma. Glen . Ellen .". 9 :35 a 8:15 p Petalnma. Santa Rosa 8:85 a ELECTRIC SUBURBAN VIA BATTSALITO : Sausaiito. Mill Valley, San Rafael — Daily •\ery SO mlnutet from \u25a0 6:45 a. m. until 8:43 a;, m.:- hourly -until 2:45 p. m. (except the 2:43 n m does not run to" San Rafael on Sundays). then 3-15 p. m. and erery 30 minutes until 6:45 n m.. then 7:45. 9:45 p. m.; and 12:01 a. m. P Fairfax— Leares t6:45. -t7:13. 8:13, 8:45. 9-45 10:45, 11:45 a. m.. 12:45. 1:45. 2:45. 3:15, 3:45* 4:15. 4 :45. 3:15. 5:45. 6:15. 6:43. 7:45. 9'45-p m., $12:01 a. m. San Quentin via, San Raftel— S:4s a. ra.. 1:45 Din', $3:45 P- m. \u25a0' ' : \u25a0 Tiburon ana '\u25a0 Belvedere. yia> ' Saasalito — Week days: 6:45. 7:43. 8:45, 19:30 a. m.. 12:45. 3:15. 4-15 5:15. 6:15 p. in.; l|12:01 a. m. Sundays — ! 6 : 45' 7:45, 8:45. *9:30, 10:45. 11:45 a. m.. 12:45. 1-45 3:15, 4:15. .5:15.- 6:15 p. m.. 12:01 a. m. -•Sundays arrive 7:35 p. m. ••Sunday* arrive' 7:05 p. m. tExcept Sundays. ' $Sunday» only. only. ITiburon direct. { {Thursdays only. ~ :^|j^BsSNRWBHOiinBSBB4IBHfB99tHB : \ Pacific transfer company's agenti are author- \ lied to - check >. baggage : direct 1 from residence. FRIENDS MOURN McELROY'S DEATH OAKLAND. Nov. 17.— The funeral of James McElroy, who died Tuesday, was held today from St. Mary's cMurch. It was attended by many of his friends. McElroy. who was father of the late City Attorney John HcElroy. was prominent in Oakland for a great num. ber of years. Solemn requiem high mass was cele brated by Rev. Father Edward Dernp sey. assisted by Rev. Father Thomas Kennedy as deacon, and Rev. Father P. McGratton as subdeacon. The mas* was sung by a choir com posed of members of the Oakland con servatory of music. The pallbearers were: John Forest. B. McMannle. T. I. O'Brien. O. O'Brien, E. Dolan and T. Fitzpatrick. From tli? Tl^wpoint of a pr»tty woman la front of a mirror *n honest man Isn't tJ»» noblest wor!; of the creator. MUIR WOODS /£g|§s§k MT. TAMALPAIsi||II VIA SAUSALITO FERHY XHIX UNIOf SEPOT, FOOT OF MASKET STSSeT Itomd Trip fr»m tan FrincUc*. %\M » W«eMiy SmmJAr WwkJar SaMJay Weekly I Saixby 9:45 a 8:45 a t 7:20 a 11:50 a 7:20 a 10:40* 1:45p 9:45* 1:40» I:4flp 11:40* * 4:45p 10:45 a 2:43? l:50p 4:45p 1:40» 11:45* 4:50p 2:50p * 9:QOp 2:40p 1:45 i 3:50p 3:40p 2:45tl .1 4:40p 4:40» * Saturday g. f Mondays. w . Mt. Tuaaipsis only. TT , Vmk n *Ji (Sauaalito Ferry— Trf. Kearay <9SO Tjckrt OS«» J 874 jUrkrt-rTeL Douglas «07 General Office— Mia Valley. California. TetMill Valley 8t Imn if Tiaiijib" tsi "Hsir ta" m ahnn **n f»f ptrtj OCEAN SHORE RAILWAY F. S. Stratton.' Receiver. D«pot litn and Mtmloo. Leave San Francisco— *9 a. a.. 5:20 p. m. Leave Arleta— 6:lo a. m.. t1:35. t2:23 a. m. _ Leave Tanltas Glen— l l:3o. *2iOO p. m. •Stage for San Gresotlo and Pe«cadero. All -trains dally except tweek day* oal/; J Sundays only. " BAT AXD INTICR URBAN BOOTES "uftPAiaiiEirßOnfF BOBU leare 1.-00, 8:45 a.m , 12^0. 3:20. &00. &30 p. m. Meals ala Carte' Dock aad office. Morta lad terrj BaIWJaC • fkosei: Kcvay.4Qo; Boo* C 4708. 9