6 EVENTS IN THE COUNTIES BORDERING ON THE BAY OF SAN FRANCISCO CHURCHES OBSERVE THANKSGIVING DAY Many Feasts Provided for the Poor and Friendless by Charity OAKLAND, Nor. 24.— Thanksgiving flay was celebrated for the most part at home today, and after the crowds had returned from the morning church services the streets of the city were not thronged, as on ordinary holidays. Fpecial services were held in the churches and a. number of charitable organizations gave turkey dinners to the poor, and the hearts of many were gladdened in this way. Union services, joined in by Prot estant denominations, were held in the morning at the First Congregational church. Rev. Charles R. Brown, pastor of the church, presided over the serv ice?, which were of a musical and lit erary nature, specially arranged for the day. The sermon was delivered by Rev. William Day Simonds, pastor of the First Unitarian church. The music •was eriven by the augmented choir of the First" Congregatipnal church, un der the direction of Alexander Stew art. The order of. services was as follows: . . Drvxologr: invocation. t>r Rpt. Thomas A. Boy er of the 'First Chrlstltn church; anthem, t>y tbe choir: rcspoaslTe re«dlng. by Rev. Homer J. Vosbnrsb of the First Baptist church; * 'Gloria Patri": reading of proclamation, by B«v. J. O. pick of the L'a!t«d Presbyterian church; scrip ture lesson, by Her. O. W. White of the First Methodist church, choir response; jrayer, offered »>y Her. V. L. Goodspeed of the First Presbyt<^ Vian churi-h; offering, announced by Rev. Charles R. Brown; offertory solo; hymn; sermon, by Rest to spread good cheer. At the West Oakland home the children were allowed to eat to their hearts* content of a feast provided by the bounty of Harry TV. Bishop. The Original Helping Hand wood yard and the Men's industrial home joined together in a banquet for the unemployed and friendless poor. A great numbor availed themselves of the invitation. J. C. Westenberg and James K. McKenzie were the hosts of the occasion. Thanksgiving Concert BERKELEY. Nov. 24. — A number of the prominent musicians of the stu dent body of the university took part this week in the annual Thanksgiving concert in Stiles hall under the auspi ces of the Young Women's Christian association of the university. Prominent among the musicians were members of the university Treble clef and Glee clubs. The program for the concert follows: Piano b^lo. "In the TToort*"' . Miss imcMa Kinslow; violin solo. Mls F Minnette Miller: folo. "Calvary" (RodneyK F. A. Plact: quartet. Mis* Gladys Lewis, Miss Msbello Woodman. Miss Alice Hick* and Miss Mediae Woodman. Union services of Berkeley churches were held in Central and South Berke ley today. At the First Presbyterian church the congregations of the First Congregational, Pt. Mark's Episcopal, St. John's Presbyterian, Trinity Metho dist Episcopal. First Christian. College avenue Methodist Episcopal, First Bap tist and First Presbyterian churches met for worship. The program for the mcrning service follows: Hymn. "Come. Yr Thankful People. Come": invocation. Rfv. Charles L. Campbell: scripture r«adtßjr. Rev. F. G. Wtllianis: an thorn, by the rhoir of St. John's Presbyterian cliurcb. "God Is My Guide": rending: of proclamation. Mayor Beverly L. Hodphead: prayer. Rev. C. B. Dal t«n: hymn. "O G Ifw t3 in order that her healtlx be preserved ~ <**.>i^ il iliiifcrfii^'*^ for future years. Mother's Friend; is "woman's safest reliance; it is a> medicine for external use, composed of oils and other Ingredients which assist nature in all necessary physical changes of the system. Its regular use before the coming of baby prepares the muscles^ and tendons for the unusual strain, aids in expanding the skin and flesh fibres, and strengthens all the membranes and tissues. Mother's Friend lessens the pain and danger at the crisis, and leaves . the mother in such healthful con- \V/J -'._ fft £'-_, .. , n v J Q ' rt - dition that her recovery is always IVj I /f"*^^ II \ h^tr Tjj) rapid and natural. Mother's Friend 101 YsJr || iiil f P*a if l^ C^ is sold at drug stores. Write for our h ~*v^*^ "**• . ~^.^ m ** free book for expectant mothers. f j ">* _ _ 4T~. *-^> BBADFniLD EEGULATOE CO., * I IF Ih^r^l llji Our entire stock of I :r y^^^^^^^ Shoulder Gapes and /.^t? \J? JLJI Make your -choice of any Ladies' Fur in the house and slice one-quarter off of the marked price. - /, "s We have had no Winter, yet, but it's coming. This freak of the season is all to your benefit. "'.'-:' -^ * Instead of cutting prices after Christmas,. we have done it.now. Select Fur Gifts at Q nee ComelFriday and 1 choose Fur for gifts. You save one-fourth; the : stock is' unusually large [i or this stag e of the season; pay a small deposit and we will hold the Furs till' you -want them. ; \u2666 > : ; , , -. ~ : " : '-"\u25a0*' -\u25a0 •'•\u25a0-' -\u25a0\u25a0>>-'^'-' :'\u25a0 '^- -'\u25a0\u25a0' '-'-'>\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-' \u25a0<\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'-' - •-\u25a0' ''-\u25a0 ? \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0" ' • ''\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ; ;^ : ; ; -a- \u25a0 - : . ;- fPHEJ QUALITtV OF pURgFU^S, IS UNSURPASSED THE ONE-FOURTH ORF'SAEESTAR^ T:m-/SAyv-FR^^ BERKELEY PIONEER ANSWERS LAST CALL Mother of Former President of Harbor 'Commission Dies at Daughters Honie BERKELEY, Nov. 24.— Mrs. Elizabeth H. Spear, widow of Dr. Frederick A. Spear and mother of Charles H. Spear; formerly president of the state board of harbor commissioners, died at 2:30 o'clock this morning at the homo of her daughter. Mrs. T. C. Landregan, In Claremont. She was S3 years of age. Mrs. . Spear was a native of Boston and came to this state nearly 80 years ago. She lived her husband in Stockton for f 10 years and then they removed to Oakland, but the last 30 years the family home has been in' this city. Her son, Charles H. Spear, served for a term as president of the state board of harbor commissioners and^was can didate for mayor of Berkeley under the new charter in July, 1909. He was campaign manager for Alden Anderson in his primary campaign for governor. Two weeks '\u25a0 ago Mrs. Spear was at tacked with paralysis, complicated by uric acid poisoning,. the cause of death. For the last 60 hours she made a strug gle for life in 'the. face of heavy odds and she was thought to have a chance to recover, despite her- years. Besides Charles S. Spear, the follow ing daughters survive: Mrs. T. C. Lan dregan. Mrs. John Rooney and Mrs. C. W. Bartels, all of Berkeley. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Landre gan residence, 59 Plaza drive. Rev. John Howland Lathrop, pastor of the First Unitarian church, will conduct the service. Interment will be In Mountain View cemetery. TUBERCULAR CLINIC ' TO CHANGE LOCATION New Quarter's Leased at 527 Seventeenth Street OAKLAND, Nov. 24. — The free clinic for tubercular patients is to be moved shortly to new quarters .at 527 Seven teenth street, to which place the of fices of the Alameda County Society for the Study and Prevention of Tuber culosis will also be moved. A three year lease has been obtained. The proceeds of the sale of Red Cross seals this year will be devoted to the society. Last year about $2,000 was realized. The physicians who will form the staff at the clinic are Dr. Edward yon Adelung. Dr. Leroy Brlggs, Dr. A. A. Alexander, Dr. Ergo Majors and Dr. G. T. Pomeroy. . ASTRONOMERS TO MEET IN OAKLAND SATURDAY Director of Lick Observatory Will Lecture OAKLAND, Xov. 24. — The Astronomi cal Society of the Pacific will meet in the lecture hall of the Chabot observa tory Saturday evening, November. 26, at 8 o'clock. Dr. W. W. Campbell, di rector of the Lick observatory, will deliver an illustrated lecture on "Some Interesting Peculiarities in the. Motion of the Stars." After the meeting the members and their friends will make observations through the equatorial of the observatory. Fremont Morse is president and D. S. Richardson secre tary of the society. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 Mfsm M;Spear of v Berkeley; Who Died; Yesterday Morning NATIVE 1 DAUGHTERS PLAN ANNIVERSARY BALL OAKLAND, Nov. 24.— The members of Fruitvale parlor No. 177, Native Daughters, of the Golden West, are LET TOUB STOMACH HATE ITS 01VX WAY Do Not Try to Drive and Force It to "Work When It U-Xot Able or Yon Will Suffer All the More/' You can not treat, your stomach as some men treat a balky horse; force, drive or even starve It into doing Vork at which it rebels. The stomach is a patient and faithful servant and will stand much abuse . and ill-treatment before it "balks." but when it does you had better go slow with it and not at- tempt to maJte it work. Some people have the mistaken idea that they can make their- stomachs workf by starv- ing themselves. They might cure the stomach that way, -but it would take so long that they would have no use for a stomach when they got through. The sensible way out of th« difficulty is to let the/stomach rest if it wants to and employ \u25a0 a substitute to do its work. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will do the work; of your stomach for you and digest your food just as your stomach used to when it was well. You can prove this by putting your food in a glass jar with one of the tablets and sufficient water and- you will see the food digested In just the same time as the digestive fluids < of the: stomach would do it. . That will satisfy your mind. Now, ' to satisfy, both your mind and body take one of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after eating— eat all and what you want— and you will feel in your mind that your jfood is being digested because you will feel no dis- turbance or weight in your stomach; in fact, you will forget all about hav-; Ing a stomach., just -as. you did when you were a healthy boy or girl. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets act in a natural way because they contain only the natural elements of the gastric juices and other digestive fluids of the stomach. It makes no difference what condition the stomach ls/'in, they go | right- ahead of their own accord and Ido their work. Theyknqw their busi- "ness and surrounding conditions do not influence them In the least. They thus relieve the weak stomach of all its burdens and give it its much-needed rest and permit it to become strong and health}'. ' Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are for sale by all druggists at- 50 cents a box. They are so well known and their popularity Is so great that a druggist would as soon think of being out of alcohol or, quinlije as of them. In fact, physicians are' prescribing them all over the land, and if your own: doctor is real honest with ypu.'he will tell you frankly that there is 'nothing on earth- so - good • for .dyspepsia as Stuart's' Dyspepsia Tablets. \u25a0 ' making, preparations for theiiv anniversary .ball,* to be held In Eagles' hall Saturday evening, Decem ber- 3.%x ; 5-.:^rv . : - : / ;\u25a0,"'," HAIR pALTH If You Have Scalp or Hair 1 Trouble, Take Advantage of This Offer We could not afford to so strongly indorse Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and continue to sell it as we do If. 'we 'were not certain that It would do- all we claim it •will. "Should our enthusiasm carry us r away, arid Rexall "93" If air Tonic hot ' sive entire satisfaction to theusers, they would lose faith in us and ; our statements, and^ in conse- quence our business prestige would suffer. •". \u25a0 V Therefore,. when we assure you that if your hair is beginning to unnatural- ly fall out or if you have any scalp Urouble, Rexall, "93'\ Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate dandruff, stimulate hair; growth and -prevent premature baldness, you may rest assured that -we know. what we are talking about. OuUof one hundred test eases Rexall "93T Hair Tonic gave entire satisfac- tion in ninety-three cases. It has been proved that It .will. grow, hair even on bald : heads when, of .course, the bald- ness had not existed for so long- a time that the follicles, which are the roots of the hajr, had not become absolutely lifeless. Rexall "93"'Hair Tonic is vastly dif- , ferent from other similar preparations. .We .believe that it will do more than. anyother human agency toward re- storing hair:" growth and hair health. It is- not greasy and will not gum the scalp or hair or cause permanent stain. It is as pleasant to use as pure cold water. " Our faith in Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is so strong that we ask you to- try. it on ' our positive g'uarantee that your money will be cheerfully refunded without question or quibble if it does not do as we claim. Certainly. we can offer no stronger argument. It comes in two sizes, prices 50 cents and \u25a0 f 1.00. Remember you can obtain it only at The Owl Drug Co.. Inc.. 710 Market St., TTS'-Market St.. Post and Grant ave., Flllmore and Geary sts. and Sixteenth and Mission sts. • 1 Almost Kills for three days. She -was dls- t charged cured. Her mother Is J happy. 4> ; We hear from' the nurse every o month, as she Is paying her bill <> .here, and with each paynieut she <\u25ba expresses the satisfaction she de- 0 rived from the Gatlin Institute. What -we did for her -we can do * for any one addicted to drink. -AVe t* cure in' three days. \. '. ' I Beautifully Illustrated booklets.- S : containing true information of the wonderful Gatlin Treatment, free upon request. \u25a0 - Call,; write or - phone. Gatlin ? Institute, 142S Golden Gate ave- X - nue, San Francisco, Cal. Tele- •f phone West 75. For Travel There is no finer route than the Rock Island. It, operates through trains via El Paso and through cars via Salt Lake' Git}' and' Colo- rado from California to Chicago. Y Its i passenger equip- ment and organization is superb. I will help you plan your trip, q uote rates, reserve! berths, tell. you what there is to see 1 en route and why you 'should take the Rock Island.- Low rates to all points in Europe. .;.. ;> v . Come in and talk it .j-. over, or write. \u25a0 F*. "\V. THOMPSOX- General "WeMern Assent '''\u25a0--Vj-g-Trg^:'-' ! ' TICKET *&mtf l &3wi&7 OFFICES*: IMAill^*^' SS2 >*«rfcet St. Flood Bids., j^jgjCjjyjMlf*^ San Francisco i^^^r^^TCW 1120 Broadway *—< .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : ^F thank you for the \u25a0\u25a0%- Chinese Herbs P; . . which: you so ; -\u25a0\u25a0II v'' kindly, sent to me :: -%^*"- - ' '. since. I have been •\u0084. \u25a0 J"'-" . '""-\u25a0 \u25a0- > .pretty^ r'n ear 1 y everything; that has-been • offered,! with- out 'isuccess.'V. Your. Herbs,' however,' seem to ! have » done me ? more f good s than's anj* other. ;»thiniEr. and I *- am; now ;wholly;; wholly; free from any cough .whatever.' - Yours -truly, K : * '\u25a0'\u25a0. v;;'; ; ; ,: E^TDRXET.:^ - ,'.. ', ; \u25a0\u25a0;.. 1608 Chronicle. Building. •" •\u25a0':>\u25a0 \u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0 '." :\u25a0 \u25a0 NOTE— This is the first of a series of ten very unusual real estate announcements. FolloTv them carefully, for they'll be different from any advertising you've ever read before. I Being a recital of oar intentions; a sort of Table of Contents of the nine stories which are to follow. ~ We are gping to entertain Heve it, already standing you for 10 days by a series of room was at a premium ! ten of the most interesting ad- "We certainly are,'* was our vertisements that it has'ever answer, "and we are not been our privilege to publish. afraid to announce it in ad- ut i .- 1 *•• { vance, either. We persuaded 'Interesting adv v 111 1 se- f buv f Qts g the ments? says a shrill, squeaky p - Tfacts &f and voice in the 19th row Who { „ held today at ever heard of such rot? Ad- - ran ginff'from $1,600 to vertismg^is the bane of the so & wc Ve no hesitancj- nation. Yon pay 10c for a %' um what we are magazine-its all advertising f^. . , -there s no more news m the K L?ertm^nryou nn c g anTmak; fefe you toVsome real II so -" So look out. Now, Mister Grouch, don't Our first persuader will be get excited. It takes all kinds .published in this paper to- of ideas 'to keep this glol?e morrow and it's going to be habitable and difference of we ll worth reading, and dif- opinions to make horse races. ferent from any advertise- We are certain that we will ment you've ever read be- make good— but if at any fore. ... time you find the series slack- In fact, we have decided to ing up in interest -just drop "take you all to a circus, out. Nobody has to read all \ijr'ir MATT rn ten announcements. FRANK K. HOTT CO. In fact, you neednt finish _.. \u0084,_ this if you don't want to. 5 1069 BROADWAY, OAKLAND "What are you going to QR - do? Going to try to persuade us to buy real estate?- This gREED & BANCROFT voice came from the back or the hall,, and, would you be- Oakland Bank of Sayings Building BUILDING OPERATIONS WILL SAVE MOHEY FOR BUYERS Of PROPERTY The Realty Syndicate Are Selling T.ots within naif a Block of These Cottage* for $25 a Front Foot The Realty Syndicate Adopt Aggressive Means for Stim- ulating Business; Some of the Best Lots in the Santa Fe Tracts to Be Sold at Special Prices If you vrantto make a good invest- prices for a limited period, rnent in Oakland real estate,' The "If we ever offered inducements t& Realty Syndicate £re certainly offering the public we are certainly doing so an inducement. In order to offset the now," said Mr. Morehouse. "Every handicap they are having to suffer on one of these lots is a bargain, and account of building operations, they anyone who has inquired into values are offering special prices on about 25 in this neighborhood during the past' lots, located on 49th, 50th and 51st six months cannot help but recognize streets, between Grove and Telegraph, the great value we arc offering. Our These lots are in the heart of the object in making these figures is Santa Fe tracts and are among the' simply to stimulate business while i most desirable moderately priced our new building is being erected. It residential properties in " Oakland. Jis vepy hard to ?:et people to come into They are close to the Key- Route and the office when scaffolding i3 in front near; to^ the car line. ; The neighbor- of the door, and iron workers are hood is: well built up and all street hammering outside. However, we work has been completed.. Although figure that if we can save a buyer \u25a0everything in the vicinity is, selling from $250 to $300 per lot, he should at $35 and $40 per foot, the Syndicate not object to a little noise 'outside." are.;offering> many of these lots for There is no finer property in Oak- asjlittle as>2s per foot. land for cottages and bungalows than In speaking of .the matter this that on 50th and 51st streets, between i morning Mr. P. W. Morehouse stated Broadway and Telegraph, and anyona | that; the prices they; had decided upon who is^ fortunate enough to secure > were-a considerable' rtduction over one of these lots is indeed to be con- I local J quotations, but . that they were gratulated. • anxious to keep business going, and The Realty Syndicate's offices are i were ,to .accept these special at 121S Broadway. i Oakland Office of I 468 11th St. J ' <( »\u25a0 'm-\u0094 ?• ~% -- f (BACON* BLOCK) '' • I TiwSan Francisco GaH\^ 08 * -