FEDERAL PLUM WILL BE BALM FOR McKINLAY Post of Assistant Postmaster General the Salve for the Wounds of Defeat Gall Potion Prepared for Kent in Proposed Elevation of His Opponent GEORGE A VAN SMITH The post of assistant postmaster gren fral under his friend, Postmaster Gen eral Frank Hitchcock, is the salve that has been prepared, for the wounds in flicted upon Congressman Duncan E. McKinlay by' "William Kent and the people of the seeona California district. McKinlay's reluctance to accept the berth of surveyor of the port of San Francisco has been explained by the "grapevined" announcement of the gall potion that has been prepared for Kent, nominated and elected to congress on an insurgent republican platform. The selection of McKinlay to be as sistant postmaster general Is a piece of administration revenge characteristic of Hitchcock and worthy of his po litical imagination. The unofficial an nouncement of the plum prepared for M.-Kinlay describes it as first assistant postmaster general, the place that was made an odoriferous bed of applied fac tional politics by Hitchcock himself. n,iM giVey as balm The post of assistant postmaster gen eral is to be given McKinlay, It is said. In recognition of the services he ren dered Taft in the campaign for the president's nomination, and not as a balm for the injuries he suffered in the name of the president at the primary polls In the second district. McKinlay and Harry White, of Alas ka coal fame, were the promoters in chief and managers of the Pacific coast Taft clubs organized In the winter of IPOT and spring of 190 S. Subsequent discussion of another partnership, or \u25a0working- agreement, between White and MrKinlay were prominent features of the primary campaign, which resulted in McKinlay's defeat by William Kent. The transfer to MV-.Kinlay of the mantle which Hitchcock draped for a time on the shoulders of Doctor Grand field would be the very refinement of practical political cruelty. With that mantle goes the manipulation of 90 per cent of the great political powers of the pr>!=toffice department. When Hitch cork \ras promoted to be first assistant postmaster general, he drew to that department the divisions of appoint ments, inspection and city free deliv ery, which had been under Fourth As sistant Postmaster General Bristow. These divisions, in connection with that of salary and allowance, put the poli tics of the postoffice department in the hands of Hitchcock. Every postmaster in the nation was at his mercj'. .*'. BEAUTIES OF" SYSTEM The coercive powers of that com bination were not confined to post nas.ter6 and postoffice employes. Con gressmen, and even senators, were made to see the error of tfceir ways when those ways were not the ways of Frank Hitchcock. The beauties of this system «xere admirably exhibited in a G U M PS _Glft_ Suggestions From 50c to $10 Cut Glass 8-Inch fri\ Mi Bowls • UU Footed Bohemian Comport, 8 inches * £4 rf) '/high .- $1,311 Genuine Dresden EjA Salts and Peppers .ull Gilt Miniature &4 FO Jevvel Boxes 4> 1 .3U Cretonne Trays and Cft Photo Frames ,00 Hammered Brass &*% OK" Smoking Sets . $Z«ZO Brass Smoking &f% OP Stands .Jt./j Gold Plate Necktie £1 QC Holders $ | «Z0 Bronze Paper C 1 nil Knives..^ $ LUU Gilt Feni Basket, & i Art Bxl2 inches 7-Piece Brass Desk frn Cft Set and-Pad......)/.3U Bronze Busts of Fa- &4 pft mous Composers J/I.OU Umbrella &F fift Stands -4)I). UU Bronze -Reading C 1 fl flfi Lamp, 20 ins. highs |U . U U Brass Book « &i% fIP Racks 4)Z.ZO Japanese Hand- • fr.l Cft Painted Tea Set. -4) I . J U Japanese Hand- Oft Painted Cups .y (J Chantccler Hat CQ^ -l"r _\u25a0 Pins, a novelty BUb5 /3w frel: deli\"khy \u25a0w^TI^I^ T 100 MILES Make Your R^nervatlon** Xovr- 246=268 Post Street »"\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 • - \u25a0 ._... Bet* Grant Are. wmd Stockton middle western state where a ' repub-" Hcan unsatisfactory to Hitchcock was nominated and elected over, an* old; time machine man. The defeated machine man. who was given an insignificant federal job. dispensed the postoffice patronage in his district, to therais comflture and injury: of. the men who had been chosen over him by the re publican electors 'of: that district. • Does not tbat middle waft situation suggest the subtle. Beauties of the.sec ond California district "situation ;. with William- Kent- as -congressman aha Duncan E. McKinlay as first 'assistant postmaster general? : I.OVEI.Y TIME IX STOKE TVbat a \ lovely, time is in store ; for the postmasters and postoffiee employes In the district, who supported Kent. What charming . entertainment Kent will furnish, when he endeavor."^ to defend those postmasters ' and postoffice employes against the reports turned in by. the postoffice inspectors. But the joys Incident; to . those exhibitions^ will be as -nothing "compared- to -his - in : o The Christmas Jewelry Fairly ablaze with beautiful -novelties, many ' from abroad. The handsomest The Emporium has shown in years. AH Imported l^^^^li^sfi^ii^W^^ Reduced! A Reduction XJpon a Reduction! To clear out the last of the models, the} r are priced at less than original wholesale Paris prices.- These have been the window anclcase:display pieces. 4 Gowns arid 2 Evening Wraps, $79.50 \2 Gowns and 3 Evening Wraps, $97.50 2 Gowns, $127.50 - 4 Gowns $157.50 'All Included dt $10:75, $15.00, $19.75, $32.50 • - A wide variety of styles, as would be expected, since The \u25a0Emporium's entire, winter's stock is included in this sale at these four prices. Values phenomenal. 1 S Special Sale of Slumber Slippers 48c. Just received, a new shipment of these dainty bed slippers of heavy eiderdown in colors with bows to match. Each pair in individual holiday box. 'Sizes from 11 child's to 11 men's. ls,t floor, center aisle. Hosiery in Holiday Boxes The 6 pairs for $2. 75. Pure thread silk, fast black only, gauze lisle silk, lisle in blaI)EGEMBER 4. 1910. ability to get "McKinlay's: friends I out of the best patronage Jobs" In his dis trict/;'or, to ;.r get"; his .own: friends Lap pointed to the .places 'made yacant r .by : the assistant postmaster: general, -who departed* -the: : life; ,of a statesman -wrapped In a ,Taf t ; sh roud.v - ; Of course there will be .none of the rough work -that, marked; the initial ac complishments of Hitchcock/ :,The di vision of inspection is no longer, under the direction of. the first assistant post-, master general,- but its' headquartersils still, in . Washington \nd : ,run i by. men who, know ' that F!rank Hitchcock is i a niaker of; presidents and j assistants postmaster general and the preserver of the republican- party. Imagine, .if you -can, William' Kent, congressman; rooting "Bob" Richardson out 'of : the Sacramento 1 postoffice and one- of ,his own friends Into that.gqod: thing." with the assistance and cp-oper\t|on of First Assistant Postmaster General Duncan E. McKinlay. - AHGUMEXTS FOR WORKS ; , • ; Qne^of ; the latest; arguments jin j favor \u25a0 .Brimful of §W«fc® J^KiPfvfep^^ SftRMHf n/ngs From Christmas Things K^ M^^=^&W^^£^J_^MM^MSL. Now Until Christmas \u25a0\u25a0-.;. .\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0. ... , . .i-\\ - -- v • -r* ™ r ..\u25a0-\u25a0...'.-• \u25a0-' ' r - -~ • '- , Christmas Cards V With increased facilities the largest and fullest stocked toy department in the West, The Emporium is without a question San "Francisco's Headquarters for children's toys. It is Handcar — -Full steel black enam-, , eled" frame, with 7%x17-inch top board, $3.50. H" ;; _, ' j % / '' ' -\u25a0..-, \u25a0/' - ."/.: .Handcar— Same, as above, "but with - % -inch' rubber tired wheels and cog: driven gear, $5.00. Emporiimi Iron Kxpresn Wagon, 'with! 12x24-Inch body, nicely; "fin-; ishedln red -enamel and fitted with iron wheels, $1.50. M&Jldkßl'Ch^ QQwiw ess and Fineness Made Afem^rf The Most E^ jt's Holiday Handkerchief Day Tomorrow at the Emporium^ Irish, Belgium and otlaer European markets beside .s those at home have been searched in every nook and corner to uphold^The Emporium's reputation as Holiday HandkercMef Headquarters/ Better values than ever. Fancy Handkerchiefs In Holiday ßoxes Swiss embroidered, 6 in fan- cy box, $1125,-si.sO: Lace edge embroidered; 6 assorted in box, $1.50. Pure linen, hand embroid- ered corners, box $h5O.s X 6 .patterns,. Swiss 'embroid- ered, painted baskets, $1.50. ) ;;'. SUPREMELY GOOD- VALUE FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS MONEY > of,the electiqn, of John -D. .Works. to; the United States senate in violation ; of the direct • law^ arid ; : theVpeo'ple,"; ts itiit^ TV'orks :,stands f f or Cthe ' cause f for Which < : the- people^ pf; California r voted: That argument; can 'mean but one thing! On ' its ' face ' it :' is an . attempt " to . make the . people.be.lieve :that John ?D. -.Works stands for : the. policies and principles of Theodore; Roosevelt, in "whose name the • winning;, republican ..priniary '^cam paign .was',made.y The y proponents of that? argument *know. that\lt ;is : uritrue. They 'know that f no man :in^the;public life of California^ andifew^ if' ariy v men; in the, public life v of ; the, nation; has so bitterly attacked ' Theodore Roosevelt and his .policies as John D. v Works,Vde feated candidate for.' the republican in dorsementf (or the States fsen-' ate. 5 .*-' \u25a0"'>: \u25a0\u25a0.:.;''\u25a0" •.:'\u25a0'•• .•'\u25a0'.. \u25a0 ; ~.;.:." \u25a0*;>".;« It. was John "• D.> Works, who, not>. in! the heat of ; debate, -but" in the 'calmly considered phrases.ofa.magazihe^arti cle, denounced Theodore Roosevelt, then president; of'the :. United States;. as ,;"an' ,enemy i of 'our.; 1 republican- /"institutions i Come, see the Christmas show windows. The Emporium is a store whose \vindows have helped to make the to^n famous, a point of in- tereft. holiday; displays far surpass any of its paS beS efforts. Sorrie 600 §uits in This 'Sid^epihg^Redudidn " \ 71// Nw^tsf -;y:; y : Winter Models . iaStdrcfemous for'ttsMS 1 Child's Automobile — Made of sheet iron, and selected wood; -fited with rubber tired 'wheels, $5.50. " ; Oak, • Easel - Blackboard— Front drops, down : % and'- converts itvinto .a desk; fitted with roll chart, Ssc. . Corded shamrock; deep; ini- tial. Box :-'$i: : ." VS ; . Donegal, hand embroid- ered on sheer shamrock, - with very dainty wreath initial. Box yery sheer linen, with -fine • ' \u25a0 '-- '\u25a0. -':.\u25a0\u25a0 ' r ': . \u25a0 \u25a0 ; : hand-made /French initial.ißox of 6, $1:50. r '« /-*, ; MMBfi^WS^^WS, The annual before Christmas clearance of- ' fers every woman 's cloth suit in the. entire stock vat a deep uiiderpricing. Plain and fancy niodels. $2M5: $32.50 : $37.50 Alterations, If Necessary, Will Be Charged For '-: --- /- ' . \u25a0 -' - - \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 * , ':'- • - • Women's Six in a Holiday Box and; an abettor,, of the most unworthy and . dangerous in public life." : -,\u25a0\u25a0 * PLEA IS DISHONEST rt, Judge "Works', magazine critclsms of Roosevelt and Rooseveltism would have no place ;ih the senatorial ."situation were I It "riot ' for the - fact that '-.his' supporters are asking. legislators to violate the. law^ and .their, obligations- to. their const!tu entsion-;the 'ground; that Works repre sents j the^cause for "which the » people voted."! ;ThTLt r arg'ument sis" as dishonest as' their every ; other :plea- for the tion of the provisions of the law for j which 'the people* f ought » for years, and ".thanks to, which -Hiram W.\ Johnson arid f elected governor of California. | Nothing, coilld more fully* disclose the hypocrisy; of this "stands fo.r nthe; cause" /plea;- than -the following excerptffrom'.an article contributed to the :JArena r from: the pen and.underthe signature |of '? John D. Works.' Here is an;.* illustration \of how "Roosevelt and »the;cause stood > with John D. Works be^ Elaborate Negligees and Tea Gowns L Repriced to Close Out Before Christmas • Save one-half to one-third on any of 24 supremely high grade negligee mod- els-imported or from New York designers. Silks, flannels or lingerie. Ideal gifts vSeldom More Than Three at a Price ; but Few Exceptions , : $12.50, $17.50, $18.50, $20.00, $27.50, $30.00, $35.00 and $50.00 Every primmed Hat in Stock Reduced S Five Lots at $3.45, 4&5 J$ 10.45, $15.45, $23.45 Neafina? the'end of a wonderfully successful season quantities are somewhat* restricted, but the hats — the same artistic models which have made the success. 1 \u25a0 - . . ' \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 - ; - - \u25a0 - \u25a0- . \u25a0 « Boy's Indian Salt— Well made and nicely trimmed, $1.50. . Uncle Sam Register B«nk, $1.25. 3lajrle JMntem— Complete with a set of slides, 65c. v - Child's Fainting: Set, 50c. i Pure - linenj I small hand - em- broidered initial, $1.50. , ' Pure linen; colored border, wreath $1.50. /Sun: Spun sheer linen, eyelet embroidery initial. . $2.00/ Sheer shamrock, hand hem- stitched r 'embroidery initial. \u25a0Box-of 6}for;s3;6o.6 } for;$3;6o. : fore-Works became a candidate for the United States seriate.: \ , , His^arbitrary methods, his lack, of ». restraint and determination to have his own way have made him a conspicuous "example of the dan- . ger to our institutions; of unchecked and uncontrolled power, intended to bring both the ilegislative and judi- . dal departments into his way of thinking and thus accomplish his, ends. \u25a0-\u25a0-•-' • •-,\u25a0= a president: of the United States . who " 'stoops to ac complish his purpose by pandering to this debased appetite, for the snolls of \u25a0\u25a0' office. . however worthy \u25a0 those purposes may be. is an enemy \ of our republican. Institutions and ; an abettor of; the most unworthy ' and dangerous 1 tendencies in public life.' - That is Jhe way Works stood for the cause when ; Roosevelt was president, and Works was not ~ a seeker after a seat In -the United States senate. In those gladsome days he penned "merry stabs for. the Roosevelt cause that might well bring smiles of complete satisfaction .to the Aldrich countenance. \ California Glace-Fruit * The Emporium, headquarters. Send a box to your Eastern friends. Packed for shipping if desired. Price, the pound, 65c Model Blouses—Fancy Waists Far Reduced "An opportunity extraordinary, for these make exquisite gifts. Beautiful lace beaded and novelty waists which have served for models t also a host of fancy waists at the popular prices. Second floor. Books for Christmas Gifts From a store noted for its boofe Table after table of beautiful books, beneath whose covers is the wisdom of ages; most sought and most acceptable for gifts. First floor under the dome. Alexandre Gloves The gift acceptable. Only at The Emporium The highest expression of glove excellence. They cost no more than other gloves and are the, world's best. Child's Sulky— The latest child's vehicle, $1.50. ' :-:"': -:"' r» Simplex Trpferrriter, $1.00, $2.00, $3.00. Rosewood -finished Piano with 12 keys, $1.00. Reed body Doll Carriage, lined iron wheels and parasol top, $1.25. - Reed body Gocart, with dash. Iron wheels and parasol top, $1.00. Men's Handkerchiefs In Holiday Boxes . Pure .linen initial - handker- - chiefs, Yz-vn.. hem; 6 for $2.75. P t ure linen initial' handker- chiefs, s^-in. hem; 6 in box, $2. "Pure linen initial handker- chiefs, J^rin. hem; "5 in -box, ~ ' $I^so = Sheer cambric initialed hand- • kercliiefs ;;6rin?bbx ; for 85c. \ and" which for direct venom were not excelled by the most adroit tongues ever hired by Standard oil. POSTOFFICE PREPARES FOR CHRISTMAS RUSH Postmaster Fisfc Is Personally. Directing the Work The postal department, under the personal direction of Postmaster- Ar thur* G. Fisk, is preparing for the han dling of the enormous Christmas mails. Almost 100 extra clerks have been engaged and special instructions have been sent to the outside stations. The government will not accept any packages to be sent by parcels post to Salvador unless they are exceptionally firmly tied and held together. Pack ages-for that country have been re ceived In very bad condition through negligent handling by the officials of that state. Laundry Bags a Christmas Special 33c A jobber's surplus of art ticking, burlap, cretonne, stamped and leather trimmed bags. (Art Department) Suits, Reefers Overcoats (Boys) If contemplating /*r mm one for a holiday gift, ' hk bring the boy here. Jf^ The Emporium boasts of the greatest variety of good clothing and the smallness of the price. (The Men's Store) 33