OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, December 13, 1910, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1910-12-13/ed-1/seq-1/

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• Wan one man who came back frt»ra
a desperate - experience in Alaska
*\u25a0 y Read Ma Morj- In
! The Sunday Call -r
VV lCm m&hty well vrorth reading
VOLUME ClX.— m 13.
New Orleans Men Want Delay,
but Westerners Demand
Prompt Action
Congress May Not Act on the
Panama Fair Before Holi
day Recess
WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 12.—
The Californians "have great
hopes that they can bring
cbout a decision of the house on the
exposition matter before congress ad
journs for the holidays. Congressmen
Kahn, Knowland and Bartlett of Ne
vada hel da conference today with
Congressman Estoplnal, Broussard
and Rainsdell of Louisiana and asked
the Louislanans if they were prepared
to proceed to a fight in the open house.
"TVe are not prepared to proceed,"
replied the southerners.
They explained that Governor
Saunders ,Mayor Behrman and other
New Orleans boosters were absent, but
would be here tomorrow night. They
said they were not empowered to act
for New Orleans and preferred to wait
t;nti! the exposition officials were^on
the groun.
Delay Sought
The Californians take this t* mean
that' Louisiana will fight for delay, pos
sibly until next congress, when a dem
ocratic majority may favor New Or
leans. But the Californians will not
, permit the matter to go over if . they.,
can help It. They intend to ask for a
rule from the committee on rrules call
ing up the exposition resolutions and
providing for a brief debate to con
< 'ud<> with a vote. They hope to do
This before the holiday adjournment.
J > The Call correspondent is informed,
• Jiowever. that many obstacles intervene
find that the rules committee is un
likely to force the exposition question
to the front to the exclusion of other
matter*?. Chairman Tawney of the ap
propriation committee has the right
of way and he is exceedingly anxious
to push his bills. The best information
at hand Indicates that San- Francisco
75-iust wait until after the holidays for
r determination of the recognition
,M. G. Arnold Disappeared Last
Saturday Afternoon
Demanding the best apartments at
the Palace hotel last Saturday night
f-.no 1 showing considerable money in the
form of checks which, however, failed
to convince the cashier, a young man
registering as M. G. Arnold was finally
ehown the door.
The cashier telephoned H. W. Colson,
jr.anager of the Pacific coast depart
ment of the Seaboard fire and marine
Insurance company, in which name the
checks were made out, and Colson said
that Artiold was cashier for the firm
end had no right to the money.
Colson yesterday said: "Arnold" has
heen cashJer for us for some time. He
disappeared earfy last Saturday after
'i noon and we have not seen him since.
•3 There is a slight sum missing from our
cash drawer, but I am not sure that
he Is responsible. I don't know where
he got the checks. He had probably
fceen drinking. We do not consider the
rr.atter worth following up."
Would Stretch Life Lines Along
the Shore of Monterey Bay
[Specie/ Dispatch to The Call]
SANTA CRUZ. Dec. 12. — Society
\u25a0women of the Saturday afternoon club
have undertaken a movement to install
life saving stations along the dangerous
point of the cliff drives skirting the
shores of Monterey bay. The many
accidental drownings along the coast
in years past have caused this action.
Mrs. E. B. Philbrook and Mrs. Leonard
McClelland of the civic department of
the club have already sought the aid
of the city council In regard to furnish
ing lifelines and preservers to be placed
at points of easy * access in case of
Railroad Officials to Discuss
Project With Committee;
SAN JOSE. Dec. 12. — Vice President
Oiarle^H. Schlacks ot the Western Pa
ific company has informed the San
Jose committee 'that he and the other
• ifficials of the company will be glad
to meet the committee to discuss the
proposition of constructing a branch
line from Niles to this city. Accord
ingly a meeting of the committee "has
i>«e;i called for next Friday afternoon.
vV^u it will /organize and. arrange for
• fiK^-g a conference. date with Schlacks
and other Western Pacific officials.
CREGOH POSTMASTEK— Washington. Dec. .12.
B Davidson V-ss • today appolul«tl postiunster
at Prairie Clfcv Grant county. Ore., -rice 6. L.
. Beiknap, resigriear -2
The San Francisco Call.
Mme. Emma Eames
Engaged to Marry
Emilio de Gogorza
PARIS, Dec. 12.— A morning
paper announces the engage
ment of Mme. Emma Eames,
opera singer, and the barytone,
Emilio de Gogorza.
Mme. Eames is the divorced
wife of Julian Storey of Phila
delphia, the artist. The wife
of De Gogorza was Miss Elsa
She brought suit for separa
tion against her husband and
last year began suit in Phila
delphia against Mme. Eames,
charging her with having alien
ated the affections of her hus
Two Brazilian Dreadnoughts
Are Sent to Sea Under
Sealed Orders
RIO JANEIRO, Dec. .12.— The revolt
ing marines on Cobras island formally
surrendered today and fresh govern
ment troops occupied the barracks.
Upon the order of the government the
cruiser Barroso and the scouting ship
Rio Grande do Sul quit the harbor to
day for a destination not announced.
The Rio "Grande do Sul was the only
vessel which took part in the mutiny
which began Friday night and con
tinued until the rebels were dislodged
from the barracks on Cobras island.
. Late -today the other vessels of the
fleet, with the exception of the Dread
noghts Minas Geraes and Sao Paulo,
put to sea under sealed orders and with
government officers In command. The
breechlocks of the warships* guns are
in possession of government officials.
The chamber of deputies met today and
voted to hold the city in a state of
siege for 30 days.
The crews of the Sao Paulo and Minas
Geraes, with their officers, have been
placed on the island of Vlllogalnon;
Judge, Bailiff, Crier and U. S.
Deputy Marshal . Join in ;
Restoring Order
As a climax to an exciting session In
the Snell trial in the United States dis
trict court yesterday Attorney Bert
Schlesinger called Judge Bean's atten
tion to contradictions in the testimony
of Lawrence E. - Williams^ Dr. E. B.
Perrin's private secretary, and hinted
that he would have the witness prose
cuted for perjury at the conclusion of
the present trial.
The variances in the testimony of
Williams were so glaring that four
jurors in the box shot quetsions at him
in quick succession at the time. The
more he attempted to explain the
more confused Williams became, and
it was then Schlesinger jumped to his
feet and called attention to the wit
ness' discrepancies, adding that at the
close of the trial he would begin "fur
ther proceedings."
The defense in the trial appears to
have made the best showing yesterday.
Williams, testifying in reference to
Perrin's letter- written in 1905, speak
ing of Benson's nieces and nephews as
"nominee" land locaters, stated that
Doctor Perrin had been tricked into
writing the letter. He was thrown
into confusion, from which he doubt
fully" extricated himself, when SchleS
inger called his. attention to the testi
mony of Doctor Perrin that he had no
nominees.- •,'
Williams proved a good witness for
the prosecution when, in reply to a
question of United States District At
torney Platt, he stated that Perrin re
lied Implicitly on Snell both as attor
ney and timber cruiner and believed
everything the latter said was law.
Another important piece of Williams'
testimony was that he had written the
body of a $5,000 check, involved in the
land fraud transactions, which Snell
testified in the Perrin trial had been
drawn up by Perrin. This is one of
Snell's statements upon which the pres
ent perjury trial Is based.
While the entire session was filled
•with the quarreling of counsel in which
Schlesinger was invariably, the starter
.and aggressor and Platt was the firm
and persistent retallator, it was not un
til late in the afternoon -that Judge
Bean found his patience exhausted and
with his gavel Joined" the bailiff, crier
and deputy marshals In pounding for
This was when District Attorney
Platt objected; to the identification "of
certain handwriting by Miss Clara E.
Glover, for 25 years a clerk In the em
ploy of Perrin. As j Platt tried jto ex
plain his objection to: the court,.Schles
inger talked louder^ and louder, 1 voicing
personalities, until he concluded,, before
being stopped by Judge Bean pounding
for. order, by shouting at Platt: i\ .
"Won't you i keep your, seat a mo
ment; you're always objecting!"- i.; : : -
A plat was handed to ? Miss Glover,
whip* it is claimed by.' the ; prosecution
was drawn by Snell. Schleslngrer. elicit
ed -from the prosecution's witnesses- that
sh«=> had not drawn, the plat,, but that It
looked as if* It had been drawn? by : ?a
Miss Bunnle MoGillon. y 'This was three
quarters of an "hour ahead; of /the* usual,
tjme for adjourning court .but, Schles
inger . stated he was ill r and' secured, a
recess until this morning. ; Miss Mc-
Gillon has been subpenaed and^will be
ln'courf this morning. . :'= , '
- lnson. Kan.; Dec 12. — Bloodhounds ? were -un
able today to track the assassin int. Thomas
.• Kowler. \u25a0 deputy Bherlff f and ' secretary.; of the
Mate , antlborßetblejt association, . ' who,, was
\u25a0»hot and killed here last- iilplit'.wlllle attempt
log the arrest ul a man suspected of burglary.
Assayer Admits Buying Field Bullion
Picture hows bag in which E.L. Smith, kept filings of gold bullion.
Family Believe He Met ! With
Foul Play ; Police Say Death
Was Accidental
The remains of Patrick Higgins, a
contractor of \his city, who disap
peared Saturday, November 26, were
found yesterday in. the bay at the foot
of Second street 1 '- In /the "''man's; pockets
were found money, a watch and ajtring
B.nd -pap"ers." There were, no marks! of"
violence on th& body, and it is behaved
that Higgins accidentally fell ; into 1 the
water while walking on the wharf.
When Higgins disappeared his "fam
ily feared that he had^met with foul
play, and that theory was. not- entirely
abandoned yesterday by the family. It
was learned that on the day- of his dis
appearance a sailor on a schooner
heard a cry for help and, the splash of
a body falling, into ' the • water. A
search was made at that- time, but
nothing could be found to • indicate the
source of the cry. \lt is believed that
It was Higgins' last call that was
heard. .
Patrick Higgins lived at 131 Ran
dolph street with. his wife and had an
office at Mission' and Fifteenth streets.
On Saturday- afternoon,^November 26,
he telephoned his; wifej that he would
be home to' dinner.VHe did not appear.
Since that time nothing -was heard of
him by his family. / Detectives Minehan
and Nelson worked jOn. the case and
concluded;. that-rHiggins^had met with
an accident. ,;This, conclusion, was con
firmed Iby , thV.v'discovery.'of the body
yesterday. -\u2666» - \u25a0 ;\ '
Bloody Trousers Found in the
Home of JqKnp|Feagle,
Hunter andsfrapper
KANSAS-, .CnvYV-DecV 13.— The , police
of Kansas •City.'Kans.,; say that'some
time tonight ' they "will^ question John.
Feagle,' a hunter and "trapper/ held; as
a suspect for the /murder, of Mrs/'Eme
line Bernhardt, her son, George ; Thom
as Morgan and .James Graves, whose
bodies ; were found at'- the - Bernhardt
farm in Kansas, 20 miles south of here,,
last Saturday. Until then nothing^ more
will be done in, the case. '
v Today Feagle talked freely, telling of
having trouble with" -Mrs. .Bernhardt
and her son, but. denying that he .was
guilty of the murder. -He said they; had
quarreled because Morgan was j hunting
oh the Feagle; farm 'and* then' over a
boundary line, i He maintains, however,
that after ..the, second i quarrel he : left
Bernhardt : farm^ arid- went»* straight
home. At;s:3o -o'clock Wednesdayjaft
ernoon,' he says, he heard -screams, com
ing from the direction of the Bernhardt
home. \u25a0 "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0".-.. \u25a0:" " : - ' \_ , \u25a0 ' : : .' :
;\u25a0 Late : today/; Police - Inspector : Boyle
took an Impression of ; the > fingers $of
Feagle's' left .'hand,, which' he<will-com
pare ,with»:the'^ fingerprints t made with
blood'on the wall of ;the° closet' in. which
the , body^ of ;Mrs. < Bernhardt < was': found.
The fingerprints fare - considered fone?of
the' strongest j clews tthe ; *offlcers ' have; '
, Though- Feagle ," was i allowed talk
today" and told 'several^contradictory
stories as to hbw> he '% spent > his Hlme*
last' Wednesday; i he} was not- told -that
a^ pair of; bloody,, overalls -; andtTaublbod
stained coat had .j. been JJfound: ln^his
home. ; He .will-be ". confronted ;wlth .these
when'questioned'.tonight.;!'. ' ; •\u25a0 ;> \u25a0;
..;. The- officers 'declare? thatl Feagle L is fa
littledeaf/and icould- hardly^ have"; heard
cries, of. distress""atjthe;Bernhardt|home
Wednesday^night'iwhenj he', was.' at * his
house^a half^mile^away." r; . . *" ; ;
FALL , FROM HORSE . FATAL— dW ? Moines, ? Dec!
v, IS.-r-FJrat Lieutenant "Albert Vv\'oud<v Slxtlr car-
airy, tlicd) today, from injuries recelvediwhen.be
was- thrown' from ?.\u25a0 his (-horse'- while" riding - to
Fort l>es Mollies' yesterday.' \u25a0 ;\u25a0\u25a0•.•". -\u25a0:.•-'. \-s.-.
j Airs. E? L. Smith, who has proved a. human enigma to police.
President Said to^rlaye" Erred -in? Computations Which
Show DecreaseHf Expendituresrfor Future
[SpechllDupaichito The Call]*, \u25a0\u25a0 ?
WASHINGTON, • Dec. 1 2.^-Ttflslwill jb'e , •
another i b'illioh ' dollar t session:' of^con-^
grress, according • to \u25a0 member's J^of^the f%
senate aridf house committees;on?appro-/;
priationk'^The reductions/in rthe"gpsti- <
mates {noted-iby^ the' president fare^not'^
real reductions, they -say,.' butfshnplytl
appear uso^ticcause »of \ the- system h of o
computatibn/employed ; by j th^ presidential
In j his'tmessage President, Taf ttsa'la : J' V*.
"The ffnal.estimates for the yeaf'end- '
Ing Jurie'i3o, / /1912, as they \u25a0n'erejseritjto •
the treasury ' November 29 tor. the Vqrdi-^
nary "expenses of the governmenth;in-'>
cludingr" those, 'for public -,bulldings,'?rlv-s|
ers andtharbors and therheavybuildingrj
SACRAMENTO, .Dec. ; rl2.— The" : com- \u0084
merclal'vyalue of babies Is; made the \u25a0
topic fof l aiT|artlcle in; the : bulletin- of i
the state 'board of health dss^i-ed . to- v ;
day. An'i estimate shows . the |j
cost ' of ., the ofa baby:" from |
birth is $4,150, \ and,: his ,
averagel'cornmercial value at that^tlme^
JsTs4,ofp:j .^These' figures • are' based on
|the-,net/earnlng capacity vof theVaver,-^
age.citlzenK; :'_. . .'- \ | •'-. < "'""- : - >'^
-Vlt is^estlmated the average^ man*at r^
[Special Dhp^ich ioThsCall] > * "
NEW.- YORK,: Dec;? 12. — -It looks : as •if gard :to the . construction *of the .- battle-
the . Empire state ; will . have ; to - wait
many years-for Its Dreadnought;name
sake.-. . ',ls* :.-:* -\u25a0 • :". - •' „
; At i the -\u25a0 New ; ,York . navy yard, ., where
the-: Greater -New York was to .have
been ibuilt^'Qrders, have been received
to discontinue'/vvork i.until, congres's'and
the. navy department consider the grave
complications which - have arisen in re
[Special Dispatch to The Call]
;';; ELKINS, -; W. ; Vi, :I>ec. 12. —.United'^
States ' Senator; Stephen? B.; Elkiris,\who ,
has-been ; "m .\ > ever-fsince Is.,the1 s .,the /adjourn*- .
ment of "the ' v 1 asjt ' : ; sessions of •\u25a0 congress, 5
is^slbwly^sinklng.s^i;^^'; *.i ';.\u25a0\u25a0 ;,v,;;/;^.
' Since Vria^t^-Wednesday^^He •\u25a0\u25a0has.-; been'
losing K grouind^and^M his 1 ;,- family '\u25a0]\u25a0. and*
physicians •haVe",'glveri -.'Tup -lliope^ of .' his:'
'/>.\u25a0\u25a0'. •\u25a0'.' \u25a0' :^' ! \u25a0•'-:.\u25a0.. ":\u25a0'.'- '>-\u25a0' :>i-':-s": >i-':-s" "--•;'\u25a0 \u25a0•?-:«•
nCHINZSE ; FINXIMI-*** Yan^thej Chinese ;trier
\u25a0J chant of San j'Jose.'who.i when J arrested "several
•"' months •» n^nfforr bavlDj:*eißhti;lns'Snr.?^lumi
T\ ander hl» \u25a0 kitchen , floors denied p knowieage;of I it"
Vi being - there, \> yesterdays pleaded* gnlltyi; In j; the
; 1 'nlteil i States district - court. JudKOj Robert ' S." 1
Jiean fined \u25a0 him ' $-50.*>. 'He; fine ' was \u25a0 paid. ":". •;_ j
«i • -' '\u25a0. \ -\u25a0> -* " - -
program, ;; s ;;aniopnt r , < to/ $630,491,013.12.
This" is •$52,964;'8S.'7.S6'filess^ than the ap
propriationstfdr ; the ' ; fiscal .year, ending
June';3b;f 19li;'. f 1t.M5''516,583;i53.44 less
than' the* tbtarestirhates," including sup
plemental estimates, ; submitted ' con
gress .by^theTtreasury :for the year 1911.
This, does . hot- agTee with the 1 totals
compiled in the^capital. The » estimates
calif for ;, $999,148, SOoy, /not ;ap
prppriatiohs to meet'deficiencies and for
miscellaneous itms. *
*The; president did not. include $58,000,-
OOO^lfoflth Panama canal, $61,000,000
necessary, for ithesinkingfund; and
proximately ; $250,000,000 of postal reve
nue:' .- \u25a0=' ' ;\u25a0
. y \u25a0.-.-•\u25a0.•.*\u25a0•\u25a0 \ - '
V3O. is ,^ worth- $K,OO0 T 4s4, ooo ßvalue plus
I $12,000 .; gross "earnings— and has cost
i $10;i50 T for growthjandtrnaintenance, or
ia^net '''galh^of ,-.55,85O w! ;ini 1 30Jye'ars. The
,; labors element'-^in ">the Estate -represents
J $6,B9s,ooo]X)Do,"a,or^approximately • twice
,'<the rtbtal'it.value *of * ali;. r othier Vof
»ourj wealth.! % ' '.'.• ,
7j 0 states Is /losing V through ;. pre
- yen table j and postponable deaths, expen
- dituresVfor^ilineasfand' the .like prob
f ablyliiooToOO.O Wr-^ " : a '
ship.' \u25a0\u25a0;• ,*>
:\u25a0• It -^ Is / found-; that vowing -to the high
cost.of labor in 'this vicinity and to!the
restrictions of ;the eight hour law," which
applies 1 to .government navy * yards, .the
vessel,! which * ; was * apportioned t to i the
New -York J^yard,' can" not; be! built i for
less. "than v s7,soo,ooo,'^ or'- $1^500,000 more
than the authorized cosU 1 .; ;t -C \u25a0 <
recovery. , v ", ;,-.. . ,' ;
7A. short-, time^ago. It} was decidedt by
the^family t rthat|if; ah.;, operation i.wbuld
remove?; the \ cause^ofi his an
,o^er^tloh'V;BHould^b > e''^'pjßrform'ed/.;".but
•..through; tHe ; : usefqfi, the '.Ih'ollowj needle*
it was t learned , - that ;'\u25a0 the r use {of the
i knife -would •fnot^be^riecessary... 1
JUSTICE <LOVELAND ILL-^-San Mateo..Dec.- 12.
i Justices of )* the j. Peace s Walter..' G.: Loreland of
•; San*Mateoiiß! seriously «lH at his '\u25a0 home In San
i*Jlateo»heights|wUh' pneumonia:
'.-"\u25a0 -'.TiieVstihg. of ,'def eat" lasts longer than
the •aweeta^ of { .victory.-/.. \u25a0•" -: :---i
Secret Service Men Say the Place m
Montgomery Street Has Been Under
y Their Suspicion Several Times Before
Despite Constant Questioning Wife of Man Who
Had the Stolen Treasure, Denies Knowledge
Of Theft and Refuses to Give Clew Which
Will Aid in Recover}' of Remainder
WITH E. L. Smith and wife and their tools, the Woodson brothers,
safely in jail, the United States secret service and the police yesterday
- kept the'telegraph wires singing in an effort to run down the remain
ing members of the gang implicated in the theft of $57,500 from the steamer
Humboldt while it was bringing out a consignment of $170,000 in gold
bullion from Alaska to Seattle last September. . ;
• Since the quartet was apprehended in the sensational arrests of Friday
night the detectives have been subjecting the prisoners to most rigorous
examinations. The Woodsons have confessed that they sold the gold
filings for Smith, but the ringleader and his wife, have maintained a silence
which has tended greatly to baffle the authorities' in their efforts to solve
the mystifying crime which, has engrossed the attention of the police and
almost 'every detective- on the Pacific coast since the pig lead was substi
tuted Aor the gold bullion; on- the . Humboldt.
One of the developments of the day was that Hugo Landecker, an assaycr
and dealer -in gold at 111 Montgomery street, had purchased some of the gold
Uncle, Awakening Suddenly,
Grabs Shotgun and
ALBUQUERQUE. N.. M.. Dec- 12.—
*Mary Williamson,' a school teacher of
Encino who lived with her uncle, W.
A. Gray, on a homestead near that
town, was shot and killed by Gray
early today.
According to Gray's story when the
girl awakened him this morning for
breakfast he thought some one had
broken Into the house, grabbed his
shotgun and fired before he realized
what he was' doing. The charge of
buckshot caught the girl squarely in
the "breast, killing her instantly. No
arrest has been made.
A sister of the dead girl is believed
to be; in San Rafael. Cal.
Official Knows Nothings of Ru
mored * Changes '
Thomas J." O'Brien, United State* am
bassador^to Japan, -will leave- today on
the steamer; Manchuria -for his post at
Tokyo after a 60 days leave of absence.
He has been spending most of the time
in southern" California; and said last
evening.^ at' the ;sti Francis that he had
heard nothing . outside!. of i public" reports
that' he was -to be succeeded at the post
by former Vice-president Fairbanks,
litf Is • said : that the * federal' program
was ito" transfer, O'Brien to Constanti
nople, ".but O'Brien : said" that he. knows
nothing of the change.
'"vJ'There ' , are \u25a0 more Japanese coming
back home than .those who are -seeking
a s residence in America," O'Brien said.
/'Naturally ,itio.i Japanese are eeeklng a
ground^ for their, overflow population in
KoreaU.butv there ', are ! not ; many "going
into Manchuria. It iisja-*peculiar; thing
that a man has to travel to this country
to hear about;the ( possibillty of war be
tween'^the . States, and Japan.
ThereJis.no-such gossip : on he other
side." *.j .. . y-'i -/ »^ i".
Final >Try but, for Places to Be
Held *Next Semester
From j 110 J . candidates for parts in . the
sophomore ' play,- "On v the. Quiet," "'\u25a0 SO
have* been 'selected by Coach' Mathieu
for) 'the- final tryout during ' the fir3t
week' of 'next semester. .
;".The list of candidates eligible for the
flnal-^tryout is:
\u25a0 Misses M. D. 1 Parkinson. O. 31. McDennott,
3L J. M.ong.>E.!K. E. Dean. M. L. Gilbert. R.G.
Benjamin, \u25a0M. F. - Emmons, :M. •H. Thompson,
\u25a0H.:Ware. S. Stahem. F. S. Ober. J. M. Hall
:,». E/F. Kern, H. R. Spence. P. D. Xowetl, J. H.
Mathews,. E. B. : Gilmore. C.T.; Dunham. A. P.
Taber. G. C. Branner, J. J. M., Martin. W.,M.
Rannells, I. I. Injrraham. WV P. • Butcher. S. W.
Guthrle. ;; K. -C. ; Injram. ." P. ElieJ. -S. Brown,
C. T. Ke*ler, A. J. Scboll, -
YESTERDAY— Highest temperature, 58;
lowest Sunday night* 47.
FORECAST FOR TOD AY— Fair: low log
' . in morning; light east wind.
•filings from the Woodsons. It was
due to the activity of the Woodsons,
both of whom are advanced opium
fiends, in selling the filings that the
secret service officials first became
aware of the presence of the stolen
gold In this city.
Woodsons Were Trailed
From one dealer who waa approach?-*
by the Woodsons with th© filings Chief
Operative Moffltt of the United States
secret service learned that gold was
being disposed of under suspicious cir
cumstances by the two men. Immedi
ately detectives were detailed to trail
the brothers. In this way It was foutid
that the filings were being secured
from Smith and that Landecker was one
of the purchasers of ttie loot.
"About two weeks ago/* said Lan
decker, "a man who rseembles the pub
lished pictures of the Woodsons, came
to my place and offered for sale some
gold filings. He said that he was a
nugget jeweler and the filings were
tthe trimmings from the gold he worked
ith. I took the filings and melted
them into a bar: I think It amounted to
about $250. I am sure there was not
more than $1,000 worth of gold In the
lot. —
Sold to Others Also
"From my friends among the assay
ers I have heard that a man or men
answering the same general descrip
tion of the fellow who came to me sold
them gold. I did not ask the name of
the man who sold me th» gold and he
waited while I melted It and made the
"In my business I handle cosnlder
able gold. While I am careful not to
take any gold from persons whom I
might suspect of being thieves, it Is
difficult to make distinctions. Gold can
not be Identified and there Is little use
in asking any questions. If he Is hon
est he might become insulted or look
on the question as an impertinence, ami
ifjhe Is dishonest he will lie and you
learn^nothinm, so what's the use?"
Watched, Landecker Before
When flrat questioned Landecker
could only remember that he had
bought about 12 ounces at $15 per
ounce from "Little Tex," or J. T. Wootf
son. When he learned that he had
been under surveillance his memory
became more acute. This is not the
first time his place has been under sus
picion, say- the secret «ervice men.
Some time ago he bought SOO Mexican
dollars from a thief and was called
upon to explain his action.
With r the arrest- of the local ring
leaders of the bullion theft, the officials
proceeded more openly yesterday in
their efforts to ferret out the other
members of the gang. '.
During the greater part of the after
noonJ. B--Levlson. second" vice presi
dent and marine secretary of the Fire
man's Fund insurance company, which
had taken the risk of moving the gold
from the northern goldfields to Seattle,
was in consultation with Chief Opera
tive Harry Moffitt of the United States
secret service. Together they called
upon Assistant United States District
Attorney Alfred Black and went over
very thoroughly with him the details
"of the theft and the efforts that had
been made to apprehend the others Im
plicated In the crime. \as well as to
gain a lead , as to the whereabouts of
the remainder e£ the stolen bullion.

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