Newspaper Page Text
14 HEADS OF UNIONS WILL BE CHANGED Shakeups Expected in Many Of ficial Families of the Locals O. M. BOYLE -.^grrp-gj*^ During this month QfC : z. f ?!*^coy «?i> there will be a general shaking up Jn the official families of the various labor unions of the city. This Is not due to any dissatisfaction -with present officers, but is rather the result of a more healthy state of trade unionism in iva-n Francisco. The personnel of the labor council will also be affected. The annual election of plumbers" union No. 442 -will be held the last Fri day In this month. Nominations will be in order theNwo meetings prior to that date. It is expected a large at tendance will be at the next meeting, ss there will be spirited contests for th»» various offices to be filled. The offices to be voted for include not only the regular officers, but delegates to the convention of the California State association of plumbers, gas and steam fitters. Tli* following officers have been elected by carpenters' union No. 10S2: President, G. A. Nelson: vice president, William Snellgrove; financial tary. M. E. Waterman; recording sec retary, A. Calderwood; conductor, Charles Thurston; warden. A. Llnd utrom; delegates to. the bay counties district council of carpenters, F. E. Maxwell and C. C. Campbell. At a recent meeting of machinists' lodge of Oakland the following officers were chosen: President. Alexander Cairnes: recording secretary, W. H. Ivey; business* agent, P. W. Buckley: delegates to the iron trades conncil, P. W. Buckley, James Morrison and W. R. Stone. At the recent meeting of carpenters* union No. 1640 the following officers were chosen: President. F. J. Kreainer: rfce president. E. A. Walker; financial secretary. George 6. Brower; record ing secretary, C. Charlton: conductor, D. Reardon: warden. H. Minnamum; delegates to the building trades coun cil. G. S. Brower, F. .T. Kreamer, H. Jajnes. C. Charlton; delegates to the labor council, G. S. Brower. H. James, C. Charlton: delegate to the district council of carpenters. G. S. Brower; slternate. A. E. Walker. Woftd. wire and metal lathers' union No. €5 will give a benefit ball January 14 in Saratoga hall, the proceeds to go to the widow and orphans of Charles Walsh, former treasurer of the union and delegate to tli? building trades council. Walsh died recently and left three small children. The following cdraxnltte* will have charge of the af fair: J. D. Nagle. J. B. Bowen, Harry I. Mulcrevy. E. K. Rhodes. Charles F. Curry. John Welsh. Patrick Karrigan. Jerry Sullivan. William Maguire, John H'isan. William Peterson. Harry Rey- Iturn. J. Trade, A. Merrill and J. Bow man. •\u25a0• • f The special meeting of hoistijfg engi neers' union Saturday night brought out a large attendance. After a thor ough discussion the local voted against the proposed state license law. Vice President Reilly was in the chair at the Saturday night meeting of building material teamsters* union No. 21fi. Two candidates were obli gated and six applications were re ceived. The. usual donation was made to the L.os Angeles strikers and $50 was donated to the chauffeurs now on strike in this city. Business Agent Duryea reported business good. Gas workers' union at a recent meet ing made the following nominations for the ensuing term: President, Thomas Clasby; vice president. O. Mc- JLeorj and Joseph Reilly; recording sec retary. John J. Breslln, Ij. V. Marshall, John McGonigle and George Wands; financial secretary, Phil Knell; treas urer. John J. Cain and H. S. Cleveland; guide. A. Morrison; guardian. Charles Hawthorne: business agent. George W. Bell and George Wands; delegates to the district council of gas workers, George W. Bell, John J. Breslin, John J. Cain. Thomas Clasby, Phil Knell, Da.niel O'l^eary and Edward Parsons; executive board, William Bowles, Peter Kerkhout, A. Byrnes. J. F. Callinan, F. Crawford. B. Curtis. W. Eckhardt, G. R. Edminston. F. English, J. Fitzpatrick, Patrick Finncgan, George Graham, John Haley. John Lynch, Edward Bchulz and George Wands; delegates to the labor council, George W. Bell, J. J. Breslin. John J. Cain, J. F. Callinan, G. R. Edminston, Phil Knell, John Mc- Laughlin, Edward Parsons, Joseph Reilly and George Wands. Th* officials of the label section are distributing the pledge cards and^ but tons to those who are "willing .to work and talk for the union label and union made goods. Each one \u25a0who wears the button must sign the pledge to do all Within his power to further the label of the section. Millmen's union No. 550 of Oakland at the recent meeting elected the fol lowing officers: President, W. O'Leary; vice president, J. Johnson; recording secretary. Ed Neidt; financial secretary, E. C. Carter; treasurer, W. W. Farwell; conductor, C. Waillberg; warden, J. But ler; trustee. J. Minague;' auditor, J. Grondona; delegates to the bay district council of carpenters, B. E. Sevy and. C. Wallberg; alternates. R. A. Rice and Charles Moon. A large delegation left this city last night to attend a meeting of butchers in Sacramento. Among those in the party were D. J. Murray of the butch ers' union. Frank J. Weiss, John Patch ner. Martin Jager and Charles Weis heimer of the Journeymen butchers, and B. Davis, secretary of the retail butchers. It is more than probable that from this meeting a butchers* .union will be formed. It is said by those in authority that there will soon be a union of butchers In Oakland, BROKERS' WARRANTS HELD UP BY BOYLE Two attempts at fraud in cashing election officers' warrants discovered yesterday afternoon at the county audi tor's office proved the wisdom of Audi tor Boyle's order that for the next three days only warrants submitted by election officers themselves* should be I passed, those in the hands of note shavers and "brokers" being held until every election officer shall have had time to present his own. \u25a0ft" J. Evatt of 504 Fourth street and H. J. Vanderwater of 501 Fourth street, having served in the first precinct of the* twenty-first district, presented themselves at the auditor's window yesterday to have their \u25a0warrants ap proved for collection. It was found that the firm of I. Franklin &. Co. had pre«=tented, with a bitch of purchased salary warrants, alleged warrants bear ing tie supposed signatures of Vander water and his colleague. BoyJe passed the warrants presented by the two and Franklin will have to look up the claimants who discounted the fraudulent papers. Boyle said the 'brokers held about 5,000 of the 4,200 election warrants or demands for $30,000 of the total of J42.W)0 due, THIRTIETH PLANS CHRISTMAS CHEER Infantrymen to Spend Yuletide Week in Sports arid Social Recreations, Arrangements are being made by the Thirtieth infantry for an elaborate Christmas week celebration. It is planned to have "a variety of outdoor sports, competitive and otherwise. There will also be an excursion to the various points of interest about the bay, including a trip up Mount Tamal pais. The details of "the week's pro gram are Indefinite as yet, but it is though* that there will be a regi mental theater party among other things. Lieutenant Abney Payne has been as signed to the command of the Twenty seventh company, coast artillery corps, relieving Captain H. R. Casey, who is to go on duty with the state militia. Captain Waldron and Lieutenant Councilman of Fort Baker reported at the Presidio yesterday for court martial duty. Lieutenant Ruhlan has been as signed to the Sixty-seventh company, coast artillery corps, until he can com ply with the recent order assigning him to the Twenty-eighth company at San Diego. Leave of absence for 20 days, to take effect December 20. has been granted to Captain Henry W. Stamford, signal corps, Presidio of San Francisco. First Lieutenant Jose P. Brown of the Philippine scouts at Manila regis tered at army headquarters yester day. He is returning from leave of absence and is staying at 1901 Cali fornia street. Under the provisions of war depart ment general orders and instruction^ from the secretary of war an annual inspection of the specified arms of the organized militia of California will be made by the following officers: Csptain Frank Ferpuf»son. Robert E. L. MicWe, Twelfth caralry; Major George MeManus. Cap tain John B. Murphy. Captain Frederick H. Sargent. Captain H»nry W. Stamford. Lieutem ant Colonel E. B. FrJck. Captain L. M. Hatha vray. Second Lieutenant Philip -H. Sheridan, Fifth cavalry. Schofield barracks, Ha waii, is en route to Join his station. He is staying at the Palace hotel. Captain J. C. Johnson, coast artil lery corps, registered Bt army head quarters yesterday. He is to take charge of the office of the head of the signal corps during the absence of Major Greene. END OF TRAFFIC IN OPIUM TO BE OBJECT Twelve Nations Agree to Hold Conference on Subject WASHINGTON, Dec, 12.— The state department announced today the suc cessful completion of the long contin ued negotiations for an international conference to suppress the opium traf fic. May 30 next has been accepted as th*» date and The Hague as the place. The nations that have accepted the invitation, besides the United States, are China. Great Britain, France, Ger many. Italy, Japan, .The Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, Russia and Siam. Austria-Hungary declined because it has no commercial interest In the opium traffic. BOARD WILL PROBE TYPHOID EPIDEMIC Cause of Disease at Annapolis Will Be Determined \u25a0WASHINGTON. Dee. 12.— A board of naval physicians was appointed today by the secretary of the navy to investi gate the typhoid epidemic at Annapolis. The department, it is said, is not so much concerned over the prevalence of the disease as it is over the cause of the disease. It is believed the' fever has about spent its. force and that there is no cause for alarm. CONGRESSMAN AIcKINLAY LEAVES FOR WASHINGTON Family Will Spend Winter in Santa Rosa [Special Dispatch to The Call] SANTA RCJSA, Dec. . 12. — Congress man Duncan E. McKinlay, who has been confined to his home here for more than a week with rheumatism, was able to leave this morning for San Francisco en route east. He will leave San Francisco tomorrow morning, to remain until the close of the present session of congress on March 4, after which he will return here. Mrs. Mc- Kinlay and the family will remain here this winter. 1 BALLOONIST SUES FOR MARRIAGE ANNULMENT Alleges That Wife Was Not Separated From First Spouse NEW YORK. Dec. 12. — Augustus T. Post, the balloonist, who has figured in several daring flights, brought suit to day for the annulment of his marriage on the ground that his. *wife never was separated legally from her first hus band. The couple have | been living apart for two years. In her answer Mrs. Post, who has been married three times, denies the allegation. THERE'S_NO RISK If This Medicine Does Not Benefit You Pay Nothing A physician who made a specialty of stomach troubles, particularly dyspep- sia, after years of study perfected the formula from which Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are made. Our experience with Rexall Dyspep- sia Tablets; leads us to believe them to be the greatest remedy known for the relief of acute indigestion and chronic dyspepsia. Their ingredients are soothing and healing to the in r flamed membranes of the stomachl They are rich in pepsin, one of the greatest digestive aids known to medi- cine. The. relief they afford, is almost immediate. Their use with persistency and regularity for a short time brings about a cessation of the pains caused by stomach disorders. . . , ' Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will insure healthy appetite, aid digestion \u25a0and pro- mote • nutrition. As evidence of our sincere faith in Rexall Dyspepsia Tab- lets, we, ask you to . try -them ;at * our risk. "If they do not give you entire satisfaction, we.'will return you the money you paid. Ms for them without question or formality. 'They come in three- sizes,': prices 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00. Remember, you •>. can obtain them .only - at . The Ov/1 , Drug Co., Inc.. 1 710 Market. st... 778 r Market- st.,. Post st and Grantfav.. Fillmore.and Geary sts., Sixteenth and Mission sts. \u25a0 .' " \u25a0«.. . - • / - \u25a0 \u25a0:\u25a0 - „ . :\u25a0 : \u25a0 - , - : ' \u25a0: . •" - THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1910. - MURDER CHARGE FAILS; COUPLE DISCHARGED LOS .ANGELES, Dec, 12.-^George •A. Stone and his wife,, accused of murder ing; Morgan Shiveley, a motorman, at their, home near San Gabriel last* Ne w day. were discharged -today upon motion of the district attorney, insufficient evidence was given as the reason. , ' LIFE OF CORPORATION EXTENDED—Wash ington. Dec. 12.— The corporate existence of the First national bauk of Athena, Ore., has been extended for 20 years. MEETINGS— LODGES CALIFORNIA chapter No-. 5. R. A. M. $&gj§UL Special meeting THIS (TUESDAY'i {SrkTvl EVENING at 7:r.0 o'clock. 2135 Snt- 'O'l^-lg ter st. P. M. and M. E. 51. de- O&%* grees. EDWARD PEABODY. BairtS| • Secretary. vT 1 - *J SAN FRANCISCO lodge No. 360. F. & A A. M.. 1739 Fillmore St.— Third depree <«*»*• THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING at 7:30 /W\ " o'clock. Master Masons cordially in- , rited. /£. LEWIS E. SAWYER. Sec. MISSION commandexy No. 41. K. T-— J& Stated assembly THIS (TUESDAY) •*?%? EVENING at 8 o'clock. Mission Masonlc/^>\ temple. Rehearsal and drill. By order of the eminent commander.- . . A. HAWKSLEY. Rec. PACIFIC lodge No. 136. F. &A. M.. 1739 A Fillmore St., meets THIS EVENINu. «^Vte 7:30 p. m. 1 D. /^^\ GEORGE PENLINGTON. Sec. GOLDEN GATE lodge No. SO. F. & A- A M.— Third degree THIS (TUESDAY) JB%» EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. Fraternal f%J\ hall, I. O. O. F. bldg.. Market and 7th' sts. Master Masons cordially invited. EDWIN L. MEYER. See. GOLDEN GATE lodge No. 204, I. vjj^SSEfea. 0. O. F.— lnitiation THIS (TUES- 4f§gg|if§£ DAY) EVENING, Dec. 13. Mem- r Ivts requested to attend. Visitors ' " welcome. • R. GRUNOCK. N. G. F. LUTLEY. Rec. Sen. UNITY encampment No. 26, I. O. O. F. jfifo See«lon TUESDAY. December 18, 1910, *^T 7:SO o'clock. Admission of nine can- Js\ dldates. Grand Patriaroh S. B. Force *>-**» will be present. Patriarchs cordially invited. W. B. WAHLIN. C. P. LOST AND FOUND IF YOU LOSE ANYTHlNG— Advertise it here. It will be returned to you if an honest person finds It. Remarkable recoveries are brought about every day through this column. IF YOU FIND ANYTHING BRING IT to The ;*fan FranHsco Call ''! J .o*t and Found Bureau / ThfrdandMarlcetStTcets| Get a cTalm check. Have it advertised. Reclaim It if the owner does not. THE LAW — People who find lost articles are interested in knowing that the state law Is strict in requiring them to seek the owners thronph advertisements and otherwise, and that failure to do so. if proof can be shown, Involves a severe penalty. LOST — A passbook with the Hibernla Savines and Lonn Society of San Francisco, in the name of ISAAC WILLIAMS'. No. 382-672. The finder will please return to bank. Unless same is returned within 5 days a new book will be issued to the applicant. LOST — On Oakland ferry, 6:48 p. m. trip. Peeember 9. 1910. lady's handbag, containing money and Jerrplrr. Return to MRS. JESSIE KNOWLTON. 1569 Buchanan st., apt. 2, and receive liberal reward. LOST — Lady's plain gold watch> with monogram 1. H. Inside: In bark, full name. Isabella Hejs- kell; loft In the vicinity of Stockton. Geary aud O'Farrell sts. Return 2337^ Haste St., Berkeley: reward. LOST — 125 oollertor's account bills. Their re- turn to 2352 Mission st. will be liberally re- . warded. LOST — Elka' chann; head on. one side, upraised hand holding glass on other. Leave Palace ho- tel office and receive reward. LOST — Pair of eyeglasses; gold rim. Return against reward to 140 Spear st. LOST — Umbrella, ebony handle, from Union Bt. car. Sunday. Reward.- Phone Kearny 2647. LOST— White and black Llewellyn setter, in Richmond district: reward. Return 24 6th aT. LOST — Brown water spaniel, whlta spot on breast : reward. Phone j Pacific 788. EMPLOYMENT WANTED _^__^ MAt,B^ : -.-.^. -.'-.,-.' AAA PLEASE TRY ME AAA COMPETENT JAPANESE BOY OF THOR- OUGH EXPERIENCE DESIRES POSITION AS STORE OR OFFICE PORTER; SOBER AND RELIABLE. WEST 66SS. HOME S4OSS. FRANK KATO. 1509 GEARY ST. AN honest Japanese boy will be of service as a dinner boy every evening. S. KURA. 1615 Post st.: phones West 5745. Home 53459. CARPENTER (all round), store or office fitting, wants work by day or job; phone Mission SI 6O. CARPENTER wants work, day or Job, shingling. Address box 866, Call office. FIRST CLASS Chinese cook, in hotel, restaur- ant, boarding house or hospital. Call or ad r dress room 49, 950 Stockton St.; box 49.- FIRST CLASS baker and pastry cook wishes a situation; strictly sober; Is willing to work for small wages for light Box 363, Call. FIRST CLASS Japanese hotel cook; good on bak- ing and pastry: has best references: wishes a position in any place; wages reasonable. Ad- drßss- rxft. 376, Call office. GOOD Chinese boy wishes a position doing gen- eral housework. Address FRED JUE, BSI Clay st. V __^ GOOD young Japanese boy wants half day situa- tion, so as to permit him to attend night school. G. TSUJISAKA, 1554 Post St.," phone West 7368. < HANDY MAN. GOOD. STRONG AND WILLING. WOULD LIKE A JOB. CITY OR COUNTRY, AT ANY KIND OF WORK; REFERENCES. PHONE SUTTER 1353. JAPANESE boy wants position as cook and to do light housework; city or country. KUNI, IS2I Sutter gt. . \u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 JAPANESE boy wishes situation as schoolboy; 'wages no object. T. SUGITATB, 1531 Post St., S. F. Phone West 5604. . JAPANESE, gentle and honest, wishes work as laundry boy, besides waiting on table; $25 up a month; many references. FRANK, . care Fujiyama laundry, Oakland. PAINTER, paper hanger, tinter, gralner, etc., wants work from owners; nave tools for Inte- rior and exterior work; no Job too large or too email. Decorator, 255 Oth aT., Richmond. Phone Pacific 8064. \u25a0 *' V PAINTER, paper hanger and tinter, has all tools, wants work from owners, day or Job; pood work: low prices. 3208 23d St.; phone Mission 5818. • WANTED—^Accounting work or a set of double- entry books to keep evenings by a competent person. Address box 2748. Call office. WANTED— Position with. 6orae reliable real es- tate firm; have taken two correspondence courses In real estate and taking an advertis- ing course; no practical experience. Address B. M. SCOBEE. care Y. M. C. A. WANTED— Position ' with, good real estate firm by a young married man; no practical experi- ence, but have taken two courses with, good schools of real estate and also studying adver- tising: prefer working for_clty firm on country property. Address box 466. Call office. WELL experlenced'young man wishes position as clerk in mercantile store, either city or coun- try. Box 422. Call office. , j YOUNG man. 26 .- years • old, \u25a0 good, strong and sober, with porter experience and refs., wants a Job of any kind. Address I: WEISS, general delivery, city. ' YOUNG man (German) wants work in a grocery or saloon; not afraid to work. Box 400. : Call. YOUNG 'Japanese, plain cook and general house worker wants situation in private family; $7 a week. Address G. WATANABE. 1615 Post. EMPLOYMENT WANTED AA— STENOGRAPHER, BUSINESB COLLEGE GRADUATE. WITH EXPERIENCE. HAS KNOWLEDGE OF BOOK KEEPING AND OF- FICE WORK. ACCURATE AND CAREFUL WORKER. DESIRES A STEADY POSITION ; WILLING TO START AT A* MODERATE BALARY; GOOD REFERENCES. ADDRESS BOX 277. CALL OFFICE. Al MILLIN-ER calls jat homes; willow plumes made of feathers and boas; beet and cheapest • . in the city; hats remodeled. West . 221. 1398 O'Farrell st. . . COMPETENT Swedish young woman wishes gen- eral housework and cooking; wages small; city . or country. . Box 465, Call office. FIRST CLASS dress maker, ladles' tailor, elegant \u25a0i designer, rapid, is ready; for engagements by the day. Ring up Home phone T1751. v,, FI RST CLASS cook want6 position for birthday ; and. weddiug parties. .Apply MRS. RIESSIG; " phone Park 6757.': •'".-.: .'"\u25a0'. ; * '. ;. ; MAN AND. WIFE WISH POSITIONS OF ANY . KIND IN I EITHER - HOTEL. APARTMENT '. HOUSE OR KANCH; BOTH ARE GOOD ALL ' ROUND WORKERS. PHONE SUTTER; 1353. REPAIRING for ladles and '; children ; fine hand \u25a0 made lingerie work *\u25a0\u25a0 to order and for sa-le MARIE LOUISE. 2024-Folsom st. '* . ? WANTED— Any; kind , of plain sewing to do at home; ladles' and children's. ~ Address Box 7013, 110S Valencia st. ; : * - WANTED — You can not obtain a -better, surer recommendation for a responsible position than a. CERTIFICATE OF CHARACTER. The PA- CIFIC SURETY* COMPANY will give. you ouc for $2. "it proves you" worthr." \u25a0" 707 FIRST." NATIONAL. BANK. BLDG. MEN wanted, age \u25a0' IS to 3.*>. for firemen : $110 monthly, and. braketnen' sSo. on - nearby rail- roads; experience unnecessary;' no strike: pro- motion "to engineers, conductors ; railroad em- ploying headquarters: over fiOOmen seat to positions monthly: state nge; send stamp. Railway Association, care Call office. .WANTED-"— Men by large contracting company; J2U.000 contract work going; can loarn auto- mobiles, electricity, plumbing, brick laying trade 'in few monthi; no apprentices' or help- ers' work and no expense; . catalogue free. United Trade School Contracting Co., 1201 Call bldg. MEN and women to learn barbering; special in- ducement to next . 10: we teach you in 8 weeks. Call San Francisco Barber College. 700 Howard st. ' WANTED — First clasn civil engineer for general field and office work: permanent position for right man: apply stating fully experience, ref- erences and salary , expected. Box 395. Call. YOUNG man to help in shipping departmoßt and to drive wagon; $7.50 per -week: good future for the right party. See DECKELMAN BROS., 162 Turk st. r \u25a0 \u25a0 WANTED— Cash boy. 14 to Ifi years of age. with schooling certificate. Apply superintendent's office 9to 11 a. m. HALE BROS.. Inc., Mar- ket and 6th'sts., S. F." \u25a0 • * WANTED — Experienced packer and crater for shipping department' Apply superintendent's office 9 to 11 a. m. HALE BROS.. Inc., Mar- ket and 6th sts.. S. F. WANTED — Errand bov for delivery room. Apply superintendent's office 9 to 11 a. m. HALE BROS.. Inc., Market and 6th sts.. S. F. AUTOMOBILE engineering taught: call or write. MOTOR ENGINEERING SCHOOLS., cor. 57th and Adeline ets.. Oakland. W-ANTED — Chauffeur for delivery automobile. Apply 10 o'clock Monday morning 1 to general manager NATHAN-DOHRMANN COMPANY- ENGRAVER. FIRST CLASS. ON JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. BALDWIN JEWELRY CO.. 33 KEARNY ST. . AGENTS WANTED TO SELL WATCHES AND DIAMONDS. EASY PAYMENTS; REF. REQ. BRILLIANT JEWELRY CO.. 704 MARKET. LUNCH waiter in the restaurant, IJOS Battery st. corner Union.' BOY wanted to drive wagon. 2195 Fillmore st. FIRST CLASS butler: must have first class local references: $70. $gQ. Box 440. Call office. NEW WESTERN. 1124 Howard — Single rooms, 15c and 20c per night: hot and cold water. MEN wanted at 103 3d at to have their shoes repaired; 6ewed soles 75c: done in 10 minutes. BOYS and men wanted. ILLINOIS PACIFIC GLASS CO.. 15th and Folsom. MISSION BRANCH OF THE CALL. MrLLER'S, STATIONER. SOU 16TH ST. WANTED AAAAA — Young women wanted as operators by the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; must be bright, neat in appearance, between the ages of 17 and 25 years, of fair education and unquestionable character. LIGHT AND WELL VENTILATED OPER- ATING ROOMS. PLEASANT REST AND LUNCH HOOMS. LIBERAL SALARY PAID WHILE LEARN- ING. PERMANENT POSITIONS. OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVANCE. For full particular* call at the Operating School, Telephone Office, 2015 Stelner at. cor- ner Pine. OAKLAND. ~ GIRLS TO MAKE OVERALLS. PAID SALARY WHILE LEARNING. LEVI STRAUSS Sc CO.. 3D AND CLAY ST3. APPLY TO MR. DAVIS.. '- LADIES, learn hair dressing at CALIF. COL- LEGE OF HAIR DRESSING and Beauty Cul- ture; diplomas and formulas given: individual instruction. 967# Market st bet Sth and 6th. ! YOUNG girl to do housework for two young men on chicken ranch, 7 miles from Petaluma: wages S2O month: easy position. Address box 153, route 4. Petaluma. Cal. <k EXPERIENCED girl for business office: no shorthand: mnst be good operator on type- writer; stßte experience and salarr. Box 4.53, Call office. WANTED — Experienced ca«hler who understands department store work. Apply superintendent's office 0 to 11 a. m. HALE BROS., Inc., Mar- ket and 6th sts.. S. F, LEARN hair dressing at New Mildred Parlors, 180 Geary st. Special for holiday month, full course. gls@s2o: day and evening classes. WOMAN of gootl common sense for business position; one who will work for employer's interest. Box 4SS. Call office. LADY clerk for store: reference required; call today. MILLER'S, 3011 16th St. " WANTED— GirI to assist in light housework. Apply 2273 .Mission st. AND SUPPLIES THE BARKER SANITARY CHAIR. The sample of our 1011 model porcelain enamel chair has arrived. Call and Inspect it. Cash price, $72; easy term*. $S3. $5 monthly. Shops completely fitted up on small Installments. Bargains in all kinds of second hand chairs. .TAMES BARKER. Inc., Phone Franklin 3599. 04 Turk st. .Eugene F. Panario, Manager. SPECIAL NOTICE TO BARBERS EVERY- WHERE — That new razor with the classy finish, the UNICUT, can now be had of your barber supply man: price $2.50 each to bar- bers only and the quality is higher than the price. This is the latest, the -best and tho cheapest in the end. You certainly should have one. « MEN and women, learn the barber trade; we guarantee to make you an expert and pay you wages while learning; always great de- mand for barbers; call and let us explain. MOLER COLLEGE. 234 3d st FOUR chair Bhop, best transient location in San *\u25a0 Francisco: halt lntereet for sale ou account of . other .-business: pay down what you can and make the balance out of _ the chop. Apply to owner. 948 Market St.; room 408. PRICE rejrulator— Old prices; all kinds of ber chairs, heaters, etc. ; my comp?titors - asked the trust not to furnish now goods un- less I raised prices. 594 Hayes st; phone Park 1242. PAYING barber shop, good location; 2 living rooms and basement; owner having bought a ranch is the absolute reason for selling. Ap- ply saloon, 867 Sansome «t cor. Pacific. FOR sale — 2 chair barber shop, $125; owner has other business. Apply BECKEL & PRESHER, 373 12th at, Oakland. \u25a0 FOR sale, ?250 — 8 chair barber shop: best loca- tion in town. 506 Sth st, Oakland. BARBER shop, 2 chairs: rent paid for month; living rooms; established 3 years. 1584 Folsom. FOR sale — 3 chair barber shop: good location; good business. 409 7th *t, Oakland. BARBER, first class, wants situation. Address BARBER, 719 Van Ness av.; tel. Frank. 369. "DE LUX" Massage Cream; new process; best ever. BAUER'S. Barber Supplies, 59 O'Farrell. FOR sale — I chair shop, best location on Market st. Call 447 Kearny st \u25a0 BARBER shop for sale; good business; leaving city. 428 Montgomery av. BARBERS' Protective Union — Employment secre- tary, W. BARON. 775 Mkt.: phone Krny. 5384. THE FILLMORE BRANCH OF THE CALL 13 AT 1657 FILLMORE ST. ' EMPLOYMENT OFFICES PHONE PAO. DOUGLAS 8532. HOME C4665; 531 GRANT- AV.— ASIA EMPT. OFFICE FUR- NISHES BEST AND COMPETENT JAPANESE. CHIENSE, FILIPINO HELP OF ALL KINDS. AAA— PHONE WEST 1731, 52615. Largest Japanese and Chinese employment of- flce in city. T. TAMUBA CO.. 1612 Laguna st. WEST SGBS— SIOSS. 1">0!> Geary st. OSCAR HA TSUMI. Best help carefully selected; gaaranteed. INDEPENDENT Employment Office — Phone Main 579. Basement San Joaqutn Valley Bank bldg.. Hunter st. Stockton. CaJ. A. S. • HORI, reliable Japanese-Chinese help promptly furnished: open : day and night. 174S Sntter st. : PHONES— WEST 2503. S2SO3. H. W. HONG, Chinese employment ofnee. fio3 Webster st. Oakland; phone Pektn 25. J. CONN, Chinese employment bureau— Phone nocclas 3166, Home C5*035. 765 Clay st. STAR emp. office- Japanese-Chinese help. W. . KODATA. 160S Geary; tel. West ; 167. 54908. AGENTS WANTED BOY and girl agents— Sell 288 pen points at lc each and receive :• a beautiful fountain pen S free; . writ* - today. F. R. -HATCH, dept 2, Gcerngville. i Cal. \u25a0.'-\u25a0---" .\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0 :>\u25a0:' \u25a0-' SALESMEN AND SOLICITORS SALESMEN wanted;- no experience required: hundreds of good positions open, paying 5100 •••to $500 monthly *nd expenses; -write, (or call) today for particulars" about how .to set one of them. Address National Salesmen's Iraimng Assn.. .10108 Metropolis Bank bidg., ban Francisco. Branches: Chicago, New York, Kansas City, Minneapolis. New Orleans. - If you have the ability to sell oil 'stock .it .will -pay you to write P. D. BURR/29 Bacon bids., ;-i \u25a0 .Oakland, C/»-:c - —-. ,' RENT THAT VACANT ROOM A SMALL want ad In The Call wUI do It quicker than a dozen signs plastered on your : windows and which spoil the looks of your . -.-* liome besides. ' Phone Kearny SO for an ad man to call and see -ou. . - ROOMS TO LET FUR\;iSHEp^Ayp UNFPRXIsnEn A COZY borne for rrtpectable . ladies, liao Mar- ket st.. near Sth, under- auspices of the SAL- VATION ARMY, tlegantly furnished: every modern convenience; steam heat, electric light and elevator service: spotlessly clean; centrally located; thoroughly homelike; telephone Market I 1349; prices very moderate ranging from 23c per night up; special rates liy the week or month. See matron, room S3. . y- BKOL-ERICK Ft.. 1711. near Bush— Pleasant, sunny room: bath and phone. j ERODEUICK st., 604 — Sunny, bay window room. I unfurnished: coal %:rate; large closet: dsc of kitchen if desired: also a large alcove room. CLAY St.. 2G61, opp. Alta plaza— Nicely fur- nished front room with modern conveniences; reasonable. \u25a0 • bEWEY HOUSE. 4th and Howard— All modern conveniences: 800 rooms. 33c to $1 \u25a0day, $2 to $5 a week; free baths: Howard or 4th st. ears. EDDY St.. 1236 — Sunny front room: large closet, hath, gas, phone; American family; $2 week; -no sign. \u0084 ELLIS st.. 027 — Large, newly furnished, sunny rooms, $2 a week; free baths, phone; also $2.50 room. GOLDEN GATE av.. 1001. opp. Jefferson square —Sunny room. $12; windows; bath, phone, every convenience. GKOVE St., 676 — Sunny front room. $2 week to \ gentleman; also another room, (1.50 week. HAIGHT St.. 60 — Nicely furnished room: gen- tlemen; running water; hot bath; walking distance. HAYES St. 603— Three elegant bay window rooms; corner: $3. 810 and $12. HOTEL METROPOLITAN. 975 Harrison— Oulet place: working people; hot wat.. b. ; $1.50 wk. OCTAVIA St., 1224 — Sunny rooms, single or con- necting; running water, gas; with or without house keeping; electricity; reasonable; phone West 4738. OVERLAND HOUSE, 559 Sacramento Bt. below Montgomery — Now open; 200 rooms hot and cold water In every room: 25c to $2 per day; >1.60 to $5 per week. EDW. ROLKIN. Prop. O'FARRELL St.. 1227 — Nice large room; sun" all day: bath, phone, all conveniences; reasonable. O'FARRELL St., 1240 — For gentleman, neatly furnished room; running water: $7; other rms. 4TH st., 504. corner Bryant — Furnished rooms, with or without kitchen: all light and airy; prices very reasonable; good car service. OTH St.. 864, near Folsom — Light aad airy rooms 85 cents per day up; running water, gas and electric lights; can pass the door; open all night ROOMS FOR HOUSE KEEPING AAA— STANFORD (The), 315 Van Ness — Suites, single rms.. hskp?. ; also single rooms for men. BAKER »t., 1818. bet. California and Sag-a- mento — 2 sunny rooms, nicely furnished; Con- venient for house keeping. ELLIg st.. 927— Newly furnished. 2 large. Punny rooms and connecting kitchen. $22.50 a month; free baths, phone, gas range. HAIGHT St., 60 — Large, sunny front room: hot and cold water; walking distance; reasonable. MCALLISTER at., 1449— Nicely furnished sunny room.- single or for bouse keeping. OAK st. 716, near Fillmore — Furnished house keeping rooms; bath, phone, laundry, grate free; modern; reasonable. OCTAVIA *t, 1410— Nicely furnished sunny house keeping rooms; also single rooms for gentlemen. OCTAVIA st. 1257. near O'Karrell — 2 basement house keeping rooms, $10; 1 front bay window room. $16: other rooms. SCOTT st~ 1605; West 3141— Hskpg. rooms, complete, reas.; attic rooms; cheap to right party. SCOTT st. 2040 — 2 clean, sunny, attic rooms. $8 per month; also $1.50 per week. Phone West 2014. VAN NESS av.. 719, nr. Turk st. — Sunny room, buffet kitchen. 14TH St.. 215. the Ramona — Single and house keeping rooms;' gas and electricity, bath, phone, etc. Let us show you. 2 FURNISHED rooms with alcove and bath; rent $15; extra value. Apply 2905 Grove st, Berke- ley, near Ashby ; phone Berk. 5396. ROOMS^and BOARD^OFFERED^ AAA— THE WEMPE, 419 Oak St.— Single and double rooms, with board. $30 per month up. CALIFORNIA St.. 2523— Nicely furnished sunny rooms; excellent board; phone; bath; §6 and $7 per week. CALIF, st. 1541— St Margaret's club, for girls, teachers, students, bus. women, tourists; sunny rms. ; fine bd.; rates reas. Fk. 3292. H. C2569. PEVISADERO St. . 2344. cor. Jackson— Just opened: swell furnished rooms and suites; elpgant: everything up to date; exquisite ta- ble French cooking; private bath, electric light. pas, hot and fold water. Phone West 2934. FIRST CLASS room and board in private home; select; $25 per mo., 2 meals. 2560 Pine st. ; phone WS3BI. ? FREE list of inspected boarding places: refs. \u25a0 DOMO DIRECTORY. 11 to 2. 822 Crocker bldg. LARGE front parlor for couple or 2 gentlemen; also single rooms. 2361 Sutter st PINE st,' 1030. nr. Taylor — Sunny, comfortable room with board, suitable for 2 young men; private family; excellent location and car service. 1716 Pacific av. — Business men and women want- ing Ist class board, pleasant home reas.. call. HOTELS HOTEL PANAMA, 176 4th st— Newly opened; hot water, steam heat, every room; .all out* g 6lde rooms; 50c day op; $2.50 week np. APARTMENTS AA — BROOKING apartments. 315 sth st — First ' class except the price; walking distance; 3 blocks from Emporium; electric lights, running water, free baths; pbon» and janitor service; 1-2-3 rooms, fully furnished for house keeping; $2.50 week up; bedrooms, $1.50 week up. LUNDY APTS.. Stanyon «t., at Frederick— The most complete In the city; hot and cold water, electric lights, baths, elevator service, janitor service; every room in bouse light: rents reas. ELTON apartments, 747 Ellis st — Completed Dec.- 1; sunny. 2 and 3 rooms and bath; steam heat, hot water, janitor service; partly fur- nlshed: $25 to $37.50. \u0084 - A— YERBA BUENA APTS., 1114 SUTTER ST. NEAR LARKIN— ELEGANT SUITES OF 2-3 RMS., BATH; COMPLETELY FURN.; REFS. ST. GABRIEL apartments, 1739 Pine st — Furn- ished 2-3-4 rooms and bath; hot water, heat, janitor, etc.; rent $20 to $45. See them. LARCHMONT, 1270 Pine Bt bet Leavenworth . and Hyde — New, beautifully furnished apart- ments of 2 and 3 rooms, with bath. KNICKERBOCKER apts., 1330 Pino st— 2 and 3 rooms, bath; hardwood floors, disappear- ing beds. ARDOISE APTS., COB. PINB AND GOUGH— SUNNY FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. THE ATHERSTONEj 645 O'FarreU st— Just opened; 2 and 3 room apts., furn., prtr. baths and dressing rooms; all modern conTenlencen. fcT. \u25a0 ELMO, 1452 Devisadero st — Furn. tronc or tingle suites: bath, phone; all con.; $12 to $40. SEVILLE. 115 HAIGHT— 3 RM. FURN. APT.; FRONT. SUNNY; HOT. COLD WATER. MOD. THREE r.oom apartment $22.50. 1325 Broad- vray. at Hyde st; cars. ARDEN apts.. Post and Larkln— 2 and 3 room furn. ;' sunny ;\u25a0 prlT. bath; steam, heat; $20 up. EUHKKA apm.. Mkt. and 17th, ets. — Beautiful 3 ami 4 r. apts. ; phone. Janitor service; snnny. AIiELINK APTS.. 610 Eddy— l. 2- and 3 room apts.;. hotel service: private exch.: most reaa. BERKELEY APARTMENTS NORTHGATE. ISO9 Euclid av. ; tel Berkeley 1615, Home F2534: north entrance of univer- sity campus— Apartments and private bath, single ; rooms, steam • heat and call bells \u25a0in every room: sleeping porches; flrst class table board; special winter, rates. M. M. HENRY. 2KEEHAVEN APARTMENTS, Ridge road neat Euclid av.. BERKELEY — UP TO DATE HOUSE KEEPING APTS., WITH EVERY - MODERN CONVENIENCE: CALL ANY TIME: MUST - BE SKKN. TO BE APPRECIATED. FLATS TO LET HAYES st, 1387, near; Devisaderor-Suny apart- ment flat^of 4 rooms an<J bath: hot. water. O'FARRELL and Broderick sts,' northeast corner —Plat of , 5 , rooms' and bath : rent $27.50. VAN NESS; ar.' and Lombard st, northeast cor- oner— Flat:' of 9 > rooms aad 2 baths; rent $60. BUCHANAN St.. ;. 2540. : nr. , Green — tower '\u25a0\u25a0 flat s 7 -rooms and. bath: 45 ft., frontage: light rs.; $35. POST; st. .1627— Elegant 8 and I> room flats; , bath,- yard. ; cellars Jots closet room: $33,-?4f>! MYRTLE av., SGI, nr. 'Laguna— 3 room flat; $10 a'month. - . • . ; « MYRTLE " av. , SCI, nr. " Laguna-^-3 rooms and bath, $12 month.: ;\ : , A'; . y CALIFORNIA '* st, ISO4, \ cor. Webster— s rooms and batb, -§2O monta.'' FLATS TO LET Continued ELM av.. 217. near Franklin st. — 5 rooms and bath. $17.50 month. IUT or 3 tesntlful. largr. somt room* and • bath.-- Call at BLAKE'S. 110S Valeccia »t. DOLORES, st.. 304 — To let. $20, sunny flat. .5 rooms and bath, v ' * 21ST st.. 2504, near Florida — 5 large, suany rooms and bath: rent $lfi. SAN CARLOS av.. 143— T0 let. rent $20; suaar flat. .6 rooms nnd bath; basement. FILLMORE St.. 3f04. nr. Union — Sunny Bat of I 5 rooms; bath: $20. . ] Ni>£ sr.. ;>:>\u25a0'. cor. laih — Sucny. modern, upp-r. I C rooms: ?20. . 1 HOUSES TO LET | FTJRXISHEn __ HOUSE. 6 rooms, furnished; 4 beds: pirl?r. . dining room: Z bedrooms: kitchen: laundry; $45. 126 20th av.. Richmond district. HOUSES TO Lea CTFPRXISHED ! TO rent — Music studios; splendidly equipped; * few left. KOHLER & CHASE bldg.. 23 O'Karrell *t. CALIFORNIA St.. 234S — Hous» of S room?, bath, with place in rear street, tor gsrar?: $30. OAKLAND HOUSES TO LET TJ^TroTtXISHEP SEND or call for new printed catalor. GEO. W. AUSTIN. 1018 Broadway. Oakland. OAKLAND HOUSES TO LET + FrR\I<TTFJ) _„__ FURNISHED house to lease: 10 rooms: hard- wood floor; 2 baths; tleeplng porch; garage: instantaneous heater and furnace. See owner. 876 28th St.. bet. Grove and Telegraph. HOUSE TO RENT of 17 rooms, suitable for rooming and boarding or institute. 1241 West \u25a0t. corner 15th. ALAMEDA HOUSES TO LET FT^SHEP BUNGALOW. 4 rooms and bath:- nice gronmls. beach, bathing, boating; fine vi«w; near Web- uter at. ctatlon. T3B Central aT.. Alamedt. COTTAGES TO LET FOR sole — To ba removed, cottage, 2 large rooms, cheap. Apply NW. cor. 17th ami Dolores sts. A. carload. oX fine furniture just received from factory; also carpets and linoleum; regular factory prices; we save you 25 to 40 per cent on all purchases; country orders loliclted. M. H. JOB. Factory Ageat. S3* Sotter wt. SEE H. SCHELLHAAS, the fornitcr- dealer. I. O. O. F. bldg.. 11th st. at Franklin. OakUnrt LARGEST buyers of furn.. carpets, pianos, desk*, merchandise, etc.; always pay cash. Mark J. Levy Auction Co.. 1142 McAllister. T. Park S6O. WILL pay top prices for furniture and mer- chandise, or sell, on' commission. L. 11. BURD. auctioneer. Phone Market 4053; 431 Van N»«*. WESTERN Furn. Co.. 1643 Devlsadero s:.. paT highest price for 2d hand furniture. We«t 544. S. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO.. 33*7 Sutter St.. phone Kearny 5552 (BLUE WAGON) — Carpets, rugs quickly, thoroughly cleaned oa floor, without removal; estimates free. ABSOLUTELY the best carpet cieaning, 3c ynn:: estimates giTen for altering and relaying; deal direct with P. A. RICE'S carpet works. ISo3 Harrison St.; phones Market 262. M1207. WHEN you become disgusted with poor wor*. eend your carpets to J. SPAULDING ft CO . 353 Tebarnji st.: Douglas 3054. Home J2347. iiISSLOW'S C. C. WORKS, 230 Vermont. Pars 6925. M33l7— Clean'g 4c. laid sc: f>stah. 20 vr«. WATT'S — Reliable carp?t cleaning, alteration.-*; rcnovat.. laying. 560 Devisadero: ph. Park 569. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co. — Artvin-M m*rh- «d«. OEO. WALCOM CO.. 1131-H33 Snlter «». CONKLIN BROS., carpet cleaning 3nd layuu-. 2400 Geary st. corner Baker: phone West tta MATHEWSON'S carpet beating works, 31". East 12th St.. Oakland: tel. Merritt 505. AA — NATIONAL Carpet Cleaning WS-.-ilin,.. ton & Ballly. 844-34S Churrh st. j Mprkpf I°> STORAGE nnd MOVING VANS j BEKIN3 VAN AND STORAGE COMPANtT~ I Fireproof warehouses. 13th and Mission. Phone Market 13-14. or Home M1313. — _ 1 WILSON BROS., Inc.— Moving and storage, cor. 14th and Sanchea sts., one block from Market and Fillmore st. cars. Phone Park 271. A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN CO.— Brici; ! Warehouse. 2322 Fillmore at.: phone West 2S2S. j PIERCE-RODOLPH STORAGE AND MOVINU Co.. EddT and Fillirore: teU Wp«f R2<s. SCW!. SEWING MACHINES DOMESTIC, 1644 FILLiIORB near Pout; THE place to buy. rent or repair sewing machines of all makes; lowest prices; best term*. J. W. EVAN3. agent: phone West 3SOI. SEWING machines, all makes, renting, repair- Ing. McNALLY. 2C64 Mission: tel. Mission 202. FOs SALE— MISCELLANEOUS AAA— 1 cast iron porcelain bathtub. 1 elegant patent lavatory. 1 2 part wash tray. 1 30 gallon boiler, 200 pound test. 1 20x36 sink. "One Week Only." $37.50. CENTRAL PLUMBING SUPPLY CO.. 1459-1491 Market *t. near 11th. AAA—PLUMBING MATERIAL, CUT PRICES— We are not in the combine, and sell to any one. We also do contracting; work guaranteed. It will pay you to Inspect our goods: our prices are the lowest In town. C. P. PLUMB- ING MATERIAL SUPPLY CO.. Inc.. 320 to 323 McAllister st. nr. Larkln. Phone Market 4053. FOR sale — 40 np. gasoline engine; 25 K. W. Westlnghouse generator Installed only 4 months; 1 SO hp. steam engine, good as new. May be seen at Bay City Iron Works, cor. 3d and Washington sts.. Oakland. KUUANI i> and 5Vi foot porcelain tub*. $18 complete. P. E. O'HAIS. .*>SO VTcAll'ster st.. or 1489 Market rt. FEW unclaimed suits and overtoats ot half prire- alterations free. ENGLISH WOOLEN MILLS . Ltd., WORLD'S LARGEST TAILORS, tenth • floor, Phelan bldg.. Market st. Open evenings. SECOND HAND PIPE. : Largest dealers in standard pipe and screw eas- ing, dipped; prices right; guaranteed flrst class. PACIFIC PIPE CO.. Main and Howard sts. UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and trousers at less than cost at CHAS. LYONS', the London Tailor, 1432 Fillmore bet. Ellis and O'FarreD. , Open evenings till S. Saturdays 10 o'clock. AA — All sizes standard water pipe and screw casing, guaranteed good as new; get oor prices. WEISSBAUM PIPE WORKS. 131 lltb. CHICKENS— Five thoroughbred Rhode Island red cockerels at a bargain. Address box 376. Call office. STORE fixtures and furniture, mission style, for sale; part of large- store, centrally located for rent. 606 14th St.. Oakland. ARMY TENTS at factory prices. W. A. PLUM- MER CO.. SW corner of Front and Pine sts. IMPORTED Roller canaries. $5 cash. R. H* HEGER. 513 San Pablo av.. Oakland. NATIONAL cash registers, electric siias, rev taurant supplies: cheap. 579 McAllister st. CENTURY DICTIONARY; as upw : bargain KING'S BOOK STORK. 1716 Mkt..' ab. Cough! COAL STOVE, with waterback. slightly oseu. Dirt. cheap. 41.H Sntter st. \u25a0 ONE fresh milk cow for sale. 33d av. and Sloat boulevard, city. - • SAFES, new and second haad; all sizes. TilE HERMAN SAFE CO.. 120-130 Folsora st. EDISON agency moving picture machines aad stereopticons. GEO. BRECK. .70 Turk st. THREE cozy front rooms for house keeping; all conveniences : $17. 266 Dolores st. SAFE with 20 safe deposit boxes; t-uitaole tot hotel or saloon; caeap. 233 California st.. 3. F. cjAKC — IDside measurement i-t>^4xl'3 I *xiC.i a . \tim chest: bargain. $135. 671 Misslo'n st. BOOKS and libraries bought: THE HOLMES CO.. 1158 Market St.; phone Market . C DG. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS DRESS raits. Tuxedoes and othar Kelts bocra;. L. SKOLL. 305 Kearny at. Phone Kearny 22?0. ? BUTTONS AND PLEATING Steele'B button works. 222 EMis aad Maton; Pn Frank. 4'»21 nnd C4521. Mail orders »oll?!ted. MCDOWELL'S Drew Making and MiUlaery School, 121 Geary rt. near Grant aT. ; eTenin? classes; patterns rot to order. Douglas 4731. FLATS, RESIDENCES, LOFTS AND OFFICES TO LET OR LEASE k f * 111l ||, | "J. TT. WRIGHT & CO.. C2S MONTGOMERY ST.. MILLS BLDG. PHONES: DOUGLAS 4430. CISCS. HEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. FULL CHAItGE TAKEN OF PROPERTY. ,_/ LATS am> Ar-Ts. xor.Tn of market. 5.0 — s r. : H6.7 California nr. Fierce: upper: 1!^ . .' R «,! ra - dlninsr rm. and recept. hall connect. i-o to fijO — 7 r. and b. esch: elegant, modern flats, newly tiated tfcroujrhout: in hish class neijrhhorhood: marine view; N"K\ corner * a '' c -'° a!:(i Laguna sts. $5° — ll r - : 211 Laurel rr. Clay: marine view. i-oT^ h : "- S '" > Jacis< ™ nr. Walnut. ! J-2x-"°~ S r - : \u25a0' !2Si Jackson nr. Watrnt. • $.}£-« r.: 817 ttsna st nr. Pine: middle. \u0084.0—« « r. : 2..2S Van Ness nr. Union: modem: i —^ rfrl> rar<! aad garden: eleeant vietr. ?. : o— fi r . : i«a washinstoa nr. Hyde: upper. ( s,n—.u r .: £^17 Srou nr. upper. [S-1,..yu_7 r .: Hl4 I.oavMworth nr. Clay: twor. Jst...-rfi— 7 r.:j«:»> McAllister cr. r.rqd.; upper. ,- — ? r " " ' ' n ~ Br - L.ron; upper. $"»* — \u25a0> T -' 137K S.-icto. nr. Lparenworth; upper. apt.: hot water day and nlsht. $43—0 r. : 11SS .T.ickson nr. Jones: elegant ylptt. $42.30 — 6 r. ; mliidle: new bid?.: splendid sunny r'v>ms: Isrjre closets: maria? view, 116!* ; Filfcprt nr. Hyde: every convenience. $42.r.rt— 5 r.; 1735 TjtrUln oor. Jackson; ncdern. $40 — " r.: 133] Washington nr. Le.iv. ; upper. $10— 11 r.. 045 Stanran nr. Carl: upper. $-40— 7 r. : 9C6 Taylor nr. Pine; strictly modern: li?ht antf sunny: op<»a fireplaces. .£>7.'O— s large rms: every possible convenience; light and srcnriy: large closet*; marine view; 1173-18 Fi^rt st. nr Hyde. | S."7.r^—7 r . : 3t%s Washington nr. Lyon. $37..w—rt r . : 1353 Gre«n nr. Polk. $"7.50—7 r.: 240rt Fillmore o«r. Wash: m<**«r» upper: Jsnitor and girt^se service. S3ZSO~fI r.: 2212 Pnlk nr. Vallpjo: upper. $37.30 — 3 r. apt.; hot wafer, steam hest. hard- Tvrw-wl floor*, gun rar.zt**. wall bed3. etc.; 1831 Lisrkin nr. Waahinston. $3.1 — 7 r. : 1473 .Tncksoa nr. I.arkin: yard $.Vi — R r. : 1703 Hrde cor. Broadway :" upper. f 535— 7 r. : BCrt Fillmore nr. Fulton;' upper. ! $3.V-« r. : 2050 Union nr. Buchanan. *«V — fi r.: 2964 Fillmor* cor. L'nion; upper. $33-$37. t V> — t and 5 r. : beautifully appointed: lance rooms: ltsrht and snnny; laraie clos- ets; every conv. ; Thp Vernon. 1930 Hyde. $33 — 4 r.: 2C30 Hyde nr. Filbert: splendid s'iied room': lance closets: marine- view. $^"> each— 6 r. : 1441-5 Vallejo nr. Polk: uppers. $35-$42..V> — 6 r. : eaeh; brand new fiats: mod- ern; panoramic marine viow; lijht a=ii sunay: 1131-59 Filbert nr. Hyde. $3." — *» r. : 143S Jones nr. Washington. j S">3 — R r. ; 1314 McAllister nr. Scott; modem. I $3o — !> r. ; 2134 Brodericlr cor. Wash.; upper. $33 — R t.i 2Osft Golden Gate cor. Central ave. $3.^ — 7 r.; 1348 t'nfon nr. Octavia: modern. Sfo— 7 r.: 183« Golden Gate nr. Brodertc*. $33 — 5 r. : elegant modern apt.: The Lenox. SW. cor. Hatsnt and Broderick. 5.".2.."0— 3 r. : lf»31 Lron nr. Clay; upper. $:\2.-,<y— rt r.; 1314 Col» nr. Rivoli. I 532..-P— 7 r.: IS.TS-I8 Fell st. nr. Ajhtinry: tjfper. j 532.r0— 6 r . ; S5O Central av. cor. McAllister. £32.30— 7 r. : 2906 Pine cor. Lyon: modern. $•".2.50 — R r. : 1343 Hayes nr. Broderietc: upper. .<— rt r.: 1745 Lyon cr. Pine; modern. S32LS0 — 6 r. : 19KO Devisadero cor. Calif.; upper. $02-50 — R r. : elegant sunnr lower; not 100 ft. from G. G. park: cheapest tit la neigh- borhood; rent red.: 230 Clayton nr. Fell. $32.50—6 r.: 1033 BrodericJE nr. Turk; modern and snnny upper. $30 — 6 r. ; J6OO Green cor. Goush; middle: strict- ly modern: easily worth $45; marina Tiew. $S0 — 5 r. : 21£»'-T Union cor. Fillmore. $30— R r . ; I*3o Peviaaciero nr. Sntter; reduced from $37.30: sunay and modem: epper. gO — * r. : 1471 Washlajton nr. Hyde; upper. 5^° — 3 r. : 12*1 Fi!bert nr. Larkin: upp«r; new'y ttntPd and painted throughout. $•^0 ea-h — 6 r. : 1742-1744 Union nr. Gocgh. $30 — 6 r. ; 3832 Sacramento nr. Cherry. $30— « r.: S.-.4 Filbert nr. Taylor. ($30 — 6 r. : 1131 VallMo nr. LeavenwiTrthT upper, i S3":— 6 r. : 1321 ilcAUtster nr. Lyon: upper: newly renovated, modera: very short stair*. $3(> — 7 r . . 3tos Clay nr. Baker: modern. #3ft — t r. ; 1714A Po:k nr. Clar; upper. $3<V- 6 r.: 214S BrodPrlck nr. Wasoington. $30—6 r. : 2074 Hares nr. Col*. ! ?3O_-6 r. ; 537 Clayton nr. Cart; upper. j ?20-$27.30-$3O — 6 r. ea. ; auaay and up to date; 743 51-33 Baker st. nr. Goldea Gate *t. : $2S— 5 r. : 1373 Union nr. Polk. ! $2S — 7 r. : 2532 STteiner nr. Broadway: tipper, j $27.50— 4 r.: IR7O Clay nr. Polk: modern apt.: ; disappearing bed3: Janitor service. «tc. $27.50 — 6 r. ; 1360 Greenwich nr. V«a Ne«3; op. $27.50—6 r. ; IRO4 Jones nr. Pacific. 527.50— 7 r. : CISO Washington nr. Lyoa. f $27.30—6 r. : 2204 Grove nr. Shrader. $27.50—6 r. ; I*52S Buchanan nr. Post; modem. j $27.5i"i — .% r. ; 4.*.*i Spruce nr. Sacramento. { $27.50—6 r. : 1417 Broderick nr. Post: npper. 1 $27.50 — 6 r. : elegant, sunny, upper fiat fa flrst class condition: 2460 Clay nr. Webster. $27 — 6 r. ; 1165 Broadway nr. Leavenworth. $26—6 r.: 02S Soott nr. Golden Oate. "\ $C3.3iV527.50— 5 r.; 1263A-638 Lombard nr. Polk. " ; 523— 5 r.; 1243 McAllister nr. Plllmare, 1 $23 — 6 r. : 1632 Buchanan nr. Post: modern. > $25 — 6 r. : 1735 Green nr. Octavia: upper. $25—6 r.: 3134 O'Farrell nr. Derisadero. $25 — 4 r. : 704 Central av. cor. Fulton; upper. $23—5 r. : 1135 Vallejo nr. Jones. $25 — 6 r. ; 2243 Leavenworth nr. Lombard. $2-"i — 5 r. : 1041 Filbert nr. Learenworth: upper. $25 — 5 r. : 1019 n st. nr. 10th *t. ; upper. $25 — 6 r. ; 633 Lyon st. nr. FuUon; tipper. $23-$33-$45 — 6 r. ea. : 3 modira flats: 263-7-3 Ist av. COR. California. $25 — 5 r. ; 1219A Geary nr. Gjuzh: upper. $25—6 r. : 1849 Filbert nr. Octavia. $25—6 r. ; 2531 Lastuna nr. Green. $23 — 7 r. : IS.V> Union nr. Laguna. $23 — 6 r. ; 943 Stanyan nr. Carl : modern. $25 — 6 r. : 833 H st. nr. 4th av. : modern: over- looking Golden Gate pwrk: large yard. $23—5 r.; 73r Shrader nr. Waller. $24 — 6 r. : 2838 Stelner nr. Broadway. $23—7 r.; f>2« Central av. nr. Golden Gate. $23—5 r.: 1^45 Filbert nr. Ortavia; modern. $22.50—3 rm. apt.: 1370A Pin* nr. Larkia. $22.50—7 r.; 832 Halght nr. I>evis»dero; npper. $22.50—4 r.: 12S0 Union nr. LerSin. $22.3!") — i r . ; 1440 Pacific nr. Hyda: upper. $22.30— S r.: 1707 Hayes cor. Central it.; strictly modern; upper; light and sunny. $22.50—5 r .; nil Broadway nr. Lear.; upper. $22.50—6 r.; 341 20th nr. nr. Clement- s2l.3O — 3 r. and b. : snnny. modem, up to data, middle; 2016-lg Octavia nr. Filbert; aplea- dld neighborhood; lowrr Cat $15. $21 — ' r. : 22R9 Turk nr. Central; upper. $20 — 3 r. : 1663 Washington nr. Polk; front. $20 to $27.5O — Elegant apfs.. 4 r. : disappeartnff beds; marine view; 80S Filbert nr. Taylor. $20 — 5 r.: 1654 Filbert nr. Gough: upper. $IS-s2O— 3 r. each; apt. flats; 1710 Larkln. nr. Wash.: neat and cozy: strictly modern. $20 — i r. ; 71 Glover nr. Leavenworta. $20 — 5 r. ; SW car. Hayes «. and Central aT. $20—4 r.; 1456 Sth ar.. Sunset. 520 — * '•; 1427 Jackson nr. Hyde; beanttfnl mod- ern flat; beam ceiling, etc. $1S — 1 r.; 1463 Vallejo nr. Polk; middle. $13—3 r.; 2290 Pt. Lobow av. near 12th ar. $15 — * r.: 700A Central aT. cor. Fulton. $1J— 3 r.; 2290 Pt. Lobos aT. corner Fulton. $17.50—4 r.; 10SO Filbert nr. Hyde. $17.30 — 4 r. : 2468 Sacramento nr. Webster. $16—5 r. and b.; 2319 Lomfcrard nr. Pierce; upper. I ,sls—4 r.; 137S 10th ar. nr. I st. 1 $14.50—3 r.: 2S Waldo place nr. Broadway. i $13—4 r.; 104.1 Filbert nr. Leavenworth. FURNISHED fiSxi 1 r - : lar ? e Spends: Oay nr. Maple. $100—6 r.; middle; 1224 Jackson nr. Jones. $.5—7 r.; 3323 CTay nr. Walnut; elegantly fnr- nl^h^d: grand piano; library, etc.; artistic home. Sr*^-* r - ho « sp : 19°« Webster nr. California. ?f,0 — 6 r. : 132G Leavenworth nr. Jackson: fiat. J02.50 — 3 r. : 1602 Jones nr. Pacific !Si-22~L. r-.5r -.52 d b " : 1355 claT cor - Leavenworth. $22.00 and $32.30—3 r. and b.: 31«!» California, nr. Lyon; furnished and partly furnished. ... , HOUSES NORTH OP MARKET. i $..-, — <» r. : 881 Ashbury nr. Frederick: earase jKn_lo r . ; 2524 Clay nr. Scott: modern. $u3 — 12 r. : 2029 Vallejo nr. Buchanan; elegant raar'ne view. $50— !> r. : 232S Gough nr. Vallejo. $40— S r.: 245 10th av. nr. Clement St.; modern; billiard room in basement. 543— t0 r.: .1118 Washington nr. Lyon. $12.50—3 r. and b.; 22 Pelgado OFF Hyde. STORES. LOFTS. ETC.. NORTH OP MARKET. _ $lCO~Basb aorl Krarny; ground fiijor s»iw«ce. }J3 — Elrsaat. larsjp. ligbt 2d tlonr: 436 Mkt. st_ $50 — 12HS Deri^ailero nr. Post: large $3S_ store. NE. cor. Untun ac-J I.arkin sts. S3(i-^-Store. 1944 Deri.«adero nr. Pine. $20— Fine location for frrrit stor». $23— Store and 4 rms.: 20«3 Wa3hiazton. $2.". and «3O— Stores. 2024-25 Hayes nr. Cole. $12.3n to $.10— Lar?e. light sample room*, i $10—1243 McAllister nr. Fillmore; 13x23. $50— 3.000 isq. ft. SE. cor. Market and Mata; cf- flre loft: elerafr; uteam heat; water and ' . light free. SOUTH OF MARKET AND MISSION $22.50— F1at of 7 r. : 1532 Folsoai nr. 14th. $r>0 — Stores with liTing rooms: 9ta nr. Folsoa. S30 — 5 r. : 1925 13th st. nr. Dolores: upper/ $25 each — 4 r. and b.; modern flats: brine com- pleted: flth st. nr Folaom. ; $22.30 — 7 r.: 246 Chattanooga ur. 23d: upper, ; $22.50 — 3 r.: 47 Alvarado nr. San Jose: upper, j strictly modern, up to> date, sunny Cat. ; $22.30 — t r.: elegant tpt. flat: 175 Duboca nr. Valencia: every convenience; npp«r; will be put in order fo fuit tenant. $23-s3f> — 4 r. and b. each; 1463 Folsom nr. 10th. $20—3 r. each: 27C0 23d st. cor. Potrero art.; 3 fine minny flats; every coareutn**. $20 — Beautiful modern cottage : «ua ia eTerr room: 4-"« Diamond nr. 22d. ttSJSO — 4 r. and b. : 134A Langton nr. Fel»om. $y-sl2— Modern aprs.. ." r. ea.: n?wly renoTatmi- 161 Morris at. nr. Bryant bet. sth and 6to. J. W. WEIGHT & CO.. .Sf 22S MONTGOMERY ST., / MILLS BUILDING. -._ Continued to Xejtt Pago J