OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, December 13, 1910, Image 16

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1910-12-13/ed-1/seq-16/

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Market Also Depressed by Re
ports of Meeting of Steel
and Iron Interests
Western Grain Movement In
creases, but Continues of
Moderate Proportions
\c*v VorU Stocfe L,lst
t;. I\ -Hutton & Co.. 430 California street,
liiffnbers trf the New York stock exchange, fur
nish the foHowlng list of bond and stock sales
Sa>s j STOCKS jHighj Low | Bid | Ask
Allis-Chalmers ...1.. J BVi S^i
Do pfd.. I 28 30
14,100 Amalg Copper 64^. C3Vi 63% C3?i
11.500 Amer Beet Sugar 40% 2» »*% n9 ls
I I)o pfd '. 92 94
200!Am<»r Can Co B^g 9 ; b Si
200! Do pfd 7714 77 77 75
TOOiAnj Car & Foun. 50H 49"4 i 48% 49%
1 Do nfd j 110 116
I,ooo; Amer "Cotton Oil. 59*4 59 K» Va 3»
- ; Do pfd 102 108
iAnior H& L 4H «%
i Do pfd 21 23
SCOAmer Ice Se^...) 1R 17H 1 17 IS
100 Aracr Unseed | H*-zi 11*2 H 12
i Do pfd I j i3O 32
Amer lx>o<>molive 1..... 1 36 'M*i
• -..! Do pfd j 105 lOC^a
' lArr.eriosn Malt 4 ~»
1 D« pfd 29 r,r,
15.100, Am Smelt & Ref. 75%j 73-fcj 74 744
40Oj Do pfd ilo4Vjl<>4^,lo4 i!O4l 3
300;Ajn«»r .*ugar 115^,'liri 1114 '115
! I»o pfd j ! 112V4|1]5
500" Amer Steel Kouui 44 ] 4S ! 4,"; | 44
\.itOOAaxPT Tel & Tel. . jlH^jl4l 1141 . 141^
iAtuer Tob pfd...! I P4 94^
200jA:no r Woolen |32 I Sl'-, 31 ' a 32^
i Do pfd ! 1 192 92%
.1 .•»-*! 39% j tO\i 39a*
100 Atlsn Coast Line- 118 Ills 1117 lls l a
U.4HI.A T i Sauta Fe. ,H>"-% ; HXi';ilOo 100H
300| Do pfd 102 j 101 **! 10134 102
SiX) Baltimore i Ohio;10fi ilOs^»jlOs 10."iVi
, Do pfd i \u25a0 (89 91
*00; Bethlehem Steel.. | 29 | 28% 29 29 »4
i Do rM ; ] 38% T.9U,
900 ; B R T i 74 v; 73« i! 73»i 74
Pacific..il92i* 101» 4 ;i91»« 192
2.«00;C & O I 80% 79U>i 79* 4 Sit
jo & a i ! 1 ;;o :n
,C <J W |22 ]22 22 22>i
i Do pfd 1 1 !43 46
WjCiSff ;141 !141 1140*fe!141
3.300 C M & St P 12G1£,121 *; 121 "i|l22
; I»rt pfd ' ' i,145»«'14«
.'.OO Ontral Leather. .; :>'i%\ 30^! 3(l^, 30»i
' 1M pfd ; I !l«2 ;tO3>2
Ohtral of N J. . . i ! 265 2K5
Chicago Terminal.l j | 2 I 4
Do pfd '\u25a0 ! I S j 20
COCA Bt L...' : <w»i! <;7
' Ito pfd j j «5%;103
600:Col<l I ik-1 & Iron 1 :!2 i 31^ ."I I 31 '^
i. Do pfd 1 1 11041117
.Columbus H «\u25a0 &!' j i 4 jr. 4j r.4
lOOjCoto Southern ! r.S '57 | ."7 j .".K
300 Do Ist pfd...J 73 jT2 170 j72
i Do 2.i pfd |....-i I«W 72
].'»«' <"on«o]f<iHr«l Ca*.j133%j132i4 n2»i]l3:{
tOOlCorn rro,iiiri- ..,' 1514* 35 "I 15 Js*4
- , Do |ifd ..-! i I 77% S<t
lK»(Del & Hnd6on..-.116*!i!1G3 163; l«>.:>i
|D LA- W i.....j.:...!49'> 575
KiD & n <;........ i :.-.»-( 2a 2s \ 28^
I Do pfd ! i j tKiv 4 i 70
Match . {....".j. ) ;«» j »."»
100 Distilling S*Tiir..j :;2 T S | 32 U ">- "2'i
Dultith S S A: A.|... ..;.....! 10 12
! Do pfd ; ! I 21 21
2.1 < "I Erie . i 27* 4 ! 27^, 2£'.n| 28-, (
400) Do Ist pfd 145 j 44» a 44^! 4.>' 8
I Do 2d ptd I !..... 33 I 33
I«m,Gfnpral Kl«-tri«-.. 154 ii 153'«j152«i 155
Gt Xorthorn Otp.'.l '. .i 53 s<>Vi
LaOOGt Noi-ihvru jjfd.jl22"i 122HJ122U 123% '
tOOOjtroldfleU «'ons ...) S%\ SM S%t sa 4 I
lllinoi>, Central. .. l i 131%|134
-Vi'i'lntertw^ro-MiiTl^. .; 19-. j l.ii! 1HV 4 | 194
1.5091 Do pM I 53* 4i4 i 53i 4 j 53m 5314
; Inter More Mariiu- i.....' 4=*ij 3» 3
I Do pfd ; .! -I 15Uj 1154
400;lnternat! Taper. • 134 13 1 13V.| 14'
\u25a0 1 Do pfd !.....! j 55 j 30
l.SOOjlDtematl Pump.. 40% j 40^1 4M | 40fi
I Da pfd j !....'. 83% 65'
»50n, Iovua Central I* 1 *! 17 3 i 17% 18U.
70. v Dr, pfd I ;«»*f 32 32 32Vs
4'« i Kaiiß Ciiy Booth.] 30^(30^ 30 31
lOtfj D.j pM 105 ;65 «4%l 654
Lake Kric & West! | 14 | 13
I D«> pfd ; 1 j 37 j 4<>
SS.TOOlLelllph VallL-y ... ivi% ]7s-: 4 i«ci ,Imii-
WOT. & N :i42- 4 !142%:i42 114:5
I Mackay • , j ,s.s | O.*{
'\u25a0 Do j.fd ...i I I 74% 74%
• -Manhattjin | j 137 138U
\u25a0 ,Mexi.-an CwitraL.] i j r,'.! m
" 'Mir.n fc Si I j ; 1 -Ji | 274
I Do Ist |.fd I. j 145 |34
IOOIM Bt I* &S S M.; 12» |12U 128««12ai4
lOo| Do pfd 148 (148 ,H«' 150 '
Mo Kan i Texas! | '. :;j 1 3ji:
»00| Do pfd «2 *62 02 «.-»
:'."" Missmiri Pacific., l.4SVJ 4.". | 4.", 45%
tOOjXationai I.<-ad ."2Ur."52> 4 t 31^i 52s
.• do pid i...::|...:.!i«n nm
National B:s«uit..i ; 109%|11l
I D" I>M i i :i2<> 130
T,r<o Nevada Ong .V.i l»%j 19 j lk&i 19
|S V Air 8rake. .;.... .j !<» 71
4. r.(tf< .\>w York <VntraMll2 I *;lli" h 'inu, 112
I IN V'€ftEt:| ; ...,.i 61%4| 63
\u25a0 : ' !>•• i«t pm.....; ; jioi hi)
Do; s4* pfd j j iS« su 1
30O1N YNH A. H ir.2'*;ls2U'3">2 '1"2%
N V «»ut & W...J \u0084...'. 40 42
2. 2<Vi Norfolk & West..; 98 | 97« 4 I>7' 4 97%
; Do pfd, ! i ! fin no
W North American. . i <52>i.| 62 | 02% fi2&;
3.0/K> Northern Pa. iflc. . 1115 "lll4i;:il4' 4 114%
Omaia { J...;.!13S 14R
j Do pfd I j :i.v> 170
.Pacifir Coast ' j | no
lOO'Paciflf Mail ; 304 3nu,| :jo J 31
lOO.Pae T& T Cn...j 434 4341 43i 4 44
! Do pfd !.... I wi, i»
l.Kfwi.Penn R R Co 129%J125%(125«£(1281i
JOOiPAoplp'c Gas. lOSiZiIOMiIIOS H^ '
100 Pittf-burg C0a1... 1 1« * lg I 174 iku
i Do pfd 1 6151, 70
)P CCi St L...1 W? j»7
;- ! Do pfd j i 108 114
Soo,Prr«se<l Ste^l Car! 314 31 I SO4 31
I Do pfd i.....|. ..'1.! 03 100
jRy Steel Springs. j j-'..-. -*>2 ::3
I Do pfd j I I 9214 »:{
ll«s.3ooißeading ! 1 48^4! 146"i 1147 147U
" 1 Do Ist pfd !.....!.... .| «5 fll
• " Do 2<j pfd ! 1 1 j>2 nr>
4<X.;RP|>uhlir g & 1..| 31 1 4 j .•}()% | :iii% :;i 1
70o; Do |.fd 934 j a-{i 4]4 ] fl.-?Sfcl n.14
2.oo*Vßo<-k island Vn. .' 3«\\ "31141 •*»?, «>flS4
loo: Do pfd !...:.)..._! ROU 6lg
COOSSloss SSil Co.! W 149 I 48% 40 ;
. i Do pfd I \ 1...;. lut; i
}StL &SF Ist pfd!.....f j«i «:; •
Do; 2d pfd ."..•»; 39 4-i4 -i j
lOOISt L i S W.....! 24i*j 244 i 244 »
.-• r 200 Do pfd ; r>94l !»2 &»2j 60 '
f..f>'» Sonth«m Pacific. |ll3^,jll2t3;il2islll2Ni
fiOO'Sontbeni Ry . . .! 24%! 24% 244 ->4^
70T.; Do pfd «l' W I flo'* 004
100,TennePsee <"opp«»r. 344 34V4J 344 f>
\u2666 Texas Pacific •>. .' 25 23U
. c IThird At ]Q jo%
BOO^Toledo St L&. VT 22\i 22>* 22 "2U
300 Do pfd 53-4 53%! r.2% r,4
» ! Twin City R T .. t'1074 10%%
: .Loion B & Paper 1 7 9
i Do pfd 52 159
lC3.SooUnion Pacific ... 170 L 4 tl6SV3ll<W\'insu
I I'o pfd 92 I ffifc
1.000 Unit Eds of S F. 24S 24N, 24U "7
100 Do pfd 324 52?? 51 S4
\u2666 LhC Iron Pipe jr 17 >
- . 10f» Do pfd 53 68 304 53
100 L 8 Rublwr 334 33U| 3»U 33%
V* 1M pfd 1 11091^ nO4
Do 2d pfd 7Z 7R
. r 15«.8001D S Steel c«r 73%! 72%] 72% I"*'.
•••---•LL n2n 2 p . rd u«%ue%|ii6tt 116%
400:Ctsh Copper 4R4 45 »4 45% 46
\u25a0 1.900 Va-tar CCo 62H Cl 4 61 4J C24
,r. I Do pfd 1214 I*>S
c 300;Wabash l« 16 15% 16U
200 Do pfd I 334 3.3 MS
" Well* F Kipress 140 160
•• 'Western Union .. 714 71 71 7°
SOOjWestinshouse ... CH\ % 06 65W 6fi
j\V 6i L E 1 44 «n
•\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0[ [! nl^ pf ;!,----i l 2 14'
..j Do 2d pfd ...| I (5 j 8
473,«00— T0tal shares mH. "
>>w York Boßdx
D S ref 2s reg..lOO%jlnt Met 4V.S .. . 7i)ii
Do coupon 100%|lnt Mer Mar 44s 64U
Do 3s i-eg 102 iJapan , 4s BS T £
D« coupon ....102 |- f>o-44g ~ f14%
Do 4s reg 115>4'Kan City So Ist 3s 734
>. Do coupon ... .ll'»4iL Shor <Jeb 45.1931 93
AMs-Chal Ist ,'s. 76 il. & X unified 4s. 9.S'.i
- AmfT Agrlcul MiI^SUIJJJ X & Tex Ist 4s 974
, Amer TiT cv 4s.lt/4"n! Do gen 445. ... yi;
"'^mer Tobacco 4s. SO |Mo Pacific 4».... . 7GU
' Do 6s 10'iTrI Do cv 5s ai%
Armour 44s 92 IN R «f Jlei 445. 94=4
• Arch gen 4s »8* 4 jN V C gen 3^^.. S9 '
Do CT 4s 10341 Do deb 4s 93%
Do cv 5s 10741XY.NH& H cv 6«. 133^4
Atlan O \j Ist 4s 94^,|Xor & W Ist con4s 98Ti
Bait & Ohio 45.. 9S%f Do cr 4s ......100%
Do 3\i* . .. 82HilXor Pacific 45.. ..100
Do S ST 345.. 90 j Do 3s 70%
Brooklyn Tr cv 4« 82-MiJO S Line rfdg 4«. 82%
Ontral of Ga &s.IO(J«!Pa cv 34«, 1915. 85%
i>nt leather It.. fM% Pa con 4s .......103%
-iKR of XJ gn 5«.122 Reading gen 45... 08%
Ch<>s i Ohio 448.101 St I, &SF fg 4b. SI
• Do ref 5« 94% Do gen 5s 86%
•hi & Alto* :J4s. 70 St Li S W con 4s. 764
tC. B & Q joint 4s S»s4i Do Ist gold 45... SO%
Do -en 4s 97% (Seaboard A L il. 77ii
PC.M& StP gn S4s i*2VSo pacific col 45.. 92%
C.RI& Pac col 4s 72% Do ct 4» ...... 86%
Do refdg 45.'... S3 | . Do » lst ref 45. . 93%
Colo Indus 5*.... 75 'So Railway 5e....107^
Cclo Midland 45.. 65 j Do gen 4s 73ft
NEW YORK, Dec. 12.— Apart
from its fairly firm undertone the
greater part of the session,- the
course of today's stook ; market
was unimportant. Trading was
light and again confined, to the
better known speculative leaders.
The market opened irregular,
with pronounced weakness in the
Harriman issues. United \ States
steel and the other metal issues.
Following Its general recovery in
a movement lea by the coal stocks
the list held fairly, well until the
final hour, when reports of an
other meeting of the steel and
iron interests and advices from
Chicago, stating that a large ma
jority of the engineers employed
on the western roads had voted ( to
strike, sent prices of active issues
to the lowest level of the day
and caused a weak closing.
The grain movement in the
\u25a0west continues to be of moderate
proportions, although last week's
receipts at Chicago, amounting to
5.600.000 bushels, is an increase
of almost 1.100,000 bushels over
the previous week. The western
money market shows greater
ease, but this tendency is attrib
uted to decreasing business in
many lines. Keen competition
for the $3,500,000 South African
gold received in London resulted
in an advance of \kc, with a divi
sion of the metal, $1,300,000 going
to Berlin, the balance being
equally distributed between the
Bank of England and India. There
was no open American demand for
the gold, despite recent rumors to
that effect.
Domestic exports for November
showed fairly large Increases in
shipments of corn and cotton, with
an extraordinary falling off in
wheat. Shipments of this cereal
were more than 5.000,000 bushels
below November. 1909. Total ex
ports of feedstuffs for the 11
months of the calendar year are
less by over $56,000,000 than in
tb* corresponding period last
The bond market was easy.
Total sales par value $2,207,000.
United States bonds \u25a0were steady.
NEW YORK. Dec. 12.— E. F.
Hutton & Co.'s wire says: There
was practically nothing in the
matter of news over the •weekend
to influence sentiment in Wall
street today, and were it not for
some good buying in the hard coal
specialties the security market
would have remained uninterest
ing and professional. Bear trad
ers took the initiative this morn
ing at the opening and sold the
list freely, but the buying in
Reading and Lehigh Valley turned
the professionals to the bull side
of the account, causing general
advances until the late dealings,
when lack of continued inside
support weakened prices again.
The supreme court appointments
by the president seemed to be
favorably received by Wall street
Col So r&»xt 44s^>7 JLnlon PaciOc 45.. 100%
Drl & Hud rr 4s. 78?sT Do ry 4s 11C,V>
Den & Rio <; 4s. 94i 4 l Do Ist & ref 4s. 9G%
Do ref r.s 90 |U S Rubber 65.. .103
Dlrtillers. 5« 77 1 i:U S Steel M 0p.. 10.",%
Kr!o prior iio n 4 S . 64»4iV» Car Chom 5.5..100
1 Do sen 4s 74 V'lWn bash Ist 5s 109
Do ex 4s, scr A 72 I Do Ist & est 4s. 62%
Do cr 4s. spr B CflJ4| Western Md 45... 864
Gen Elect c\ ."5..14S ! Westing El ct ss. 91i 4*4 *
111 Cen.Jst ref 4s 9S !Wls Central 45... 93
Xew York Mining StookN
Alice 1.25'1r0n Silver 1.70
C»m Tunnel Stock 18jLeadvllle C n n .... 10
Tom Tunnel Bonds Ifi;Standard 1.25
Con Va Mm Co.. S::; Yellow Jacket ... 20
Iron Sil-ver 30!
Xew York Curb Stocks
Bill. Ask.? Bid. Ask.
Am^r Tob ..415 422 !(lliio 14 10-16
Braden 4 4'ilßay Central.. 2 1 * 2 3-lfS
Brit Coluni.. 6% "M^Ray Con 19i t 19^
Bte Coalition IS 19 iSan "l\>y 22 2S
Chi Subway. 3 T s 4 1» Standard Mill Vt 17
Chtno 214 21%! Do pfU ... 47 .52
Cons Ariz ..14 1 9-l^Standanl 011.615 Cl 7
Ltolores 5 54JSuper & Pitts 14. .14%
Davis Daly.. 1^ l"VlTri Bullion... 7-16 9-16
El Rayo ... 3% 3%iUn Copper .. 4»i 5
Kly Cent ... 12 13 I Do pfd ... 10 20
First Xatnl.. 2% 3%{L'n Rico .... 1 3
Kiroux 6% « 13-16; Yukon 4 1-16 4^
Daisy ."i 7 |Fr;n-tion IS 20
Florence . .15-lti 1 7-lfii.Tnrnbo Ex .. 23 24
(Jreene Can.. 7 7^!Mason Val .. 10 10^4
<Jug Express. 19S 200 [Kly Con 43 41
Inspiration ..9 5-1(5 9% I Belmont 4 7-16 44 i
Inter Rub .. 31* 3 31'siNev Hills ...2Vi 2 3-16
Kerr I.ske ..6 11-16 o%!Mays <!7 09
lA Rose ... 4% 4% Mune 11 15
Miami :. 19U lO^iKeystone 2«s •'.
Mines of Am 45 55 (Colorado 43 45
Do new .. 5Vs 5!- 4 iTiiolumne . . .4 13-10 5 ]
Montg Sho... 5 10 |Soo 29 31
Nipissing ... 10% 11 ;I B 7o 73
Boftton Stockn
BOSTON", Dec. 12.— E. F. Hutton & Co's
wire says: Boston copper shares are Bhowing
pome strength, although activity is confined i
to a few issues. . Calumet and Arizona has ;
been the feature, advancing to 52. Oseeola, i
Copper Range. Quincy and Oranby each show
similar gains of 2 points, although transactions
in the latter have been on a small scale. North
Butte and T^ake «ff quiet, but show a firm
undertone. Othrr departments liavi- developed
no features and trading has been r*»ry quiet. :
NEW YORK. Dec. 12.— Trading on the curb
today was quiet and price changes were narrow,
with the exception of Xipisslng and Ray Central. ;
which advanced «n inside buying. Chino ruled
closp to 22 and Ray consolidated to 19> 4 . The
$3.<t00.000 Rny consolidated 6 per cent, first*
mortgage convertible bonds 'recently offered to
sto,-k bold^s have practically all" been mib- I
scribed. Girour. Inspiration and Kerr were all .
firm. Last month I>a Rose produced 40.5.0^i0
ounces of silver and the net profits for the
month were .$153,000. The regular dividend was
declared today.
Thp following list lg furnished by E. F. Hut
ton & Co., 490 California street. San Francisco:
Bid. Ask.! Bid. Asfe.
Adventure ..7 R [North I>ake... HU 7
Allouez 394 4<'4 Oseeola I 2. r »' 127
Arcadian ... 34. 4 OJihway ..... 6 7
Ariz Com .. 144 15 IParrot 12 13
Atlantic .... 6 7 Qulncy 71 . 72
A P 4?g o^ilShannon 11% ht;
Do prd ... !•*• Js4iSanfa Vf> ... 1% 1%-
Balsklala ... 7 #7% United Shoe.. 54-S, 554
Bte Coalition I*4 — I Do pfj ... z&k, 2.71,
Cal &. Ariz.. 51 52 If-'nper & Bost 5% n
Cal &. H0c1a.540 555 |Snpcr & Pitts 14' 14>»
Ontennial .. 164 174!Snper Copper. 4:;^ 44
<'oppr Range 67 0* iTamarack ... — ">."
Daly West... 34 3"i|Trinity 4t; 5
East Butte.. 12% I2%fU S 'Mining. V,T, ' 35«
Franklin 9% 10 T Do pfd . . . 4fi 464
<;ranby ..... 404 414Ji;tah Aper ..2 2U
Hancock 22 22 4Ft ah Cons ..13V* 13i%
Helvetia 1% 2 Victoria ..T.. 2& 2%
Isle Royale.. 1R I SVi Wolverine ...117 120
Indiana 12«- 4 124 Wyandotte .. 14 2
Kerr Lake .. fi% 6% Winona 9 9i 4
Keweenaw ..3 — Greene Can... 6% 715
I^ke Copper. 334 53% Girour 6% l'
La SaU*« ... 7V4 8. Ray Con ... 19i| 19*5
M«M Con .. 7% 8 Algomab. — 8%
Mich Mln .. 3% 4 Bos & Malne.l23 —
Mohawk 45« 46 Bos & Albany.224 224^5
Xewhouse-... IVg 114 Bos Elev ...127 ;128; I28
Xorth Butte. 294 30 United Fruit.. l 96 196U
Xer Cons .. 18% IB
nnmtnn Curb Stock*
Bid. Ask.] Bid. Ask.
Ariz & Mich. 12 17 [Davis Da1y.. .17-16 14
Ahmeek . ISO 190 lEajrle &88. 60 7f
Bohemia ....• 4 4iJlEly Witch.... S 12
Boston Ely.. 1 1 1-16! Inspiration .. U% fli£
Calaveras ... 2% 2%|n> v Douglas. 2 2% \u25a0
Cactus 22 22%]0hi0 14 i^
Chief Cons.. 14 l%loneco ... 2 "i|
Corbln .44 4%!. Sup & Globe. 10 15'
Chemung .... — "8% South Lake... 7 7U
Chino 21H 21%|. .
London Cloning- Stockn
Cons for money.. 79 |T»ulsv & Xash 146%
Do for acct... 79 3-161 M. X & Texas 32%
Amal Copper Ki%|X V Central. ... ..1154
Anaconda ........ Xorfolk & West.. .loo'
Atchlson 103% Do pfd ........ 90
Do pfd 105 Ontario & West..; 42 :
Bait & Ohio 108»4 Pennsylvania 6GM
Can Pacific 1974 R-and Mines S«i '\u25a0
»'hes & Ohio S34|Readlnc 73%
Chi Great West.. 22U,|So Railway 25^
Chi. Mil & St P.l2S}i[ Do pfd 61
De Beers 17% So Pacinc 116%
Den & Rio O 29 | Union Pacific 174%
Do pfd 71%! Do pfd .., ; 94»V
Erie 28%jU S Steel 75%
Do Ist pfd 45%| Do pfd '.. 119 ii
Do 2d pfd. 36 Wabash 16%
Grand Trunk .... 23^1 Do pfd .3.-.'
11l Central fts jSpanish 4s ...... .,90
Bar pllver-^Steady; 25% d per ounce.
Money— 2(g24 per cent.
The rate of discount In- the open market for.
short hills in 3%. r>er cent and for three months'
bills 54«£3% per cent.
Condition of the Treasury
WASHINGTON*.. Dee: 12.— At the beginning of
business today the condition of the United States
treasury was:
c-J?"?* taR balan <' c In treasury offices, $38,487,
tSO; in bank and Philippine treasury, $33,737,369.
•c2v!?-»!S£? 1 balan « in the general fund was
d^ B J7 f^cPipts Saturday were $3,269,813,
with dlsbnrsrements of $2,172,054. '
The deficit to date thia fiscal year Is $6,353,830,
as^galnst $27,661,055 at thla .time last year.
Tties* figures exclude Panama canal and public
debt transactions. puouc
\u25a0 New York Money Market
XEW YORK. Dec. 12.— Money on call, steadx
- . \u25a0 . . -.. \u25a0 , •
Leading Oil Stocks Still Active
Brisk Business in Local Stocks
at 33 1/*1 /* fr'3'4 P p r cent; ruling rate, 3% per cent;
closing bid. 3% per cent; offered at 3% per cent.
Time loans, steady; CO and 90 days, 4 per cent;
six months, 4 per <-ent. :
Prime mercantile paper. 5@5% per cent.
Sterling exchange, steady, with actual busi
ness in bankers' bills at [email protected] for GO day
bills and at $4.3430 for demand.
Commercial bills, $4.51%54.51*i.
Bar silver. 54% c. * .
Mexican dollars. 4Gc.
Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds,
Northern ' Business
PORTLAND. Dec. 12. — Clearings, $2,110,173;
balances. $175.720. * \u25a0
TACOMA. Dec. 12.— Clearings, $776,790; bal
ances. J45. 640.
SPOKANE. Dcr. 12.— Clearings, $933,302; bal 5
ances. $76,608. .
SEATTLE. Dec. 12.— Clearings, ?1,5>15,940;
balances, $142,572.
Chicago Discount Rate
CHICAGO, Dec. 12.7— Exchange on New York,
5c premium.
Loans, Exchange and Silver
Silver was a fraction lower. New York ex
change 011 Paris was higher and local sterling
rates lower.
Prime mercantile pnper 5 @6 per cent
Loans on real estate 5%«£8 percent
Sterling exchange. GO days — ©4. 82%
Sterling exchange, sight — <0i4.85%;
Sterling exchange, cables — (ffi4.S6%
New York exchange, sight — (Spar
New York exchange, telegraphic. — @ .02%
Hongkong exchange, sight — & .45
Hongkong exchange, telegraphic. — @ .45%
Silver, per ounce — .54%
Mexican dollars, nominal — @ -50
New York on Paris 520%
New York on Mexico 201%
Paris on London 25.28%
Berlin on London 20.45
; .+
Trading in local securities continued active
yesterday, most of the business being confined
to stocks. The tone was generally firm. The
most notable change was an advance in City
Eloetric from $56.62^ to $58.50. Alaska Pack
ers was firmer at $SS and Associated Oil at
$4C(i/'4G.CS. Philippine Tel. & Tel. was higher
at $25.
MOXDAY. Dec. 12— 10:."0 a. m.
Bid. Ask.l Bid. Ask.
4s qr cp new — . 115%i3s qr coup... — —
Ala A W ss. — 100 |() O.L&H ."s.lOl —
Am HEI os. — 9jV-ionk Tran GR-lOSti —
Asso Oil os. 9Rii 97 1 4i0ak Tran 55.103^104
Bay CPO ns.lOl'^ — ' |O Tran Cn 5s — 104 %
Cal C G os.IOOV. — !O Trac Cn 5s 971,4 08'<j
Cal G& E g |O Trac Co 5s 92 —
ra &ct ss. 99' i 99% 1O W gtd ss. 94 05 Vi
Cal st C ss. 101 H — !Om Cable Bs.lOG —
Cal Wine ss. fl2 93 iPac G Im-4s. — 90%
City El 55.. SOU 90 IP E Ry 55.. — 10514
C C Wat ss. — 99i;|I'ar: L&P ss. — 93
Do cr ingr.s— <»4%i Do gtd 58-100% —
Ed EIT^A r.s 99 — |Pac T&T ss. 99% —
Ed L&P 6s. — — P & C H Os.loo —
DuPt P 4Us 80% — P & O R. 6s. — —
First FTrss — — j People's W3s 6S"i 89
F & C II 65.10 l — IPowell st 65.. 09. —
H C & S ."s.lOOi.i — !Sac EG&RS3; 100^4 —
Hon R X Os.loo 105 |S Diego R ss. — —
L Tah.ie Rss — 105 S J L&P ss. 95 1 /. —
I> A Elo.- ss. 9S _ SFEI Ry ss= —" —
LA(i &Elss 9S — jSF.O & SJ5s. — 106i/i
Do Cor ss. 97 U — I Do 2d mgss — 96
|Ii A Ry 55.. 105 - — I Do Cou ss. —
LAL gtd ss. — . 1.00 IS.T& SCTI 4V,s — 85
LAP lem ."5.102 Hts [Sierra R 65..100 100
LAP C>l ss. — 1021 SIS P of C Gs
Marin W .", 5.100% _ \ (1912) 102>i —
Mkt st C 0.5.102% — ISPC leg os.llo —
Do loui ss. — 100 |S P B R 65.125V»^^ —
! MV& MtTss. \u25a0— 102'i|SPRR Ist r4s 95^1 9fii t
Xatonia C 6s. 841^ — "|Stkn G&E 68.105% —
X Rof C ss. — 112 |SV W g mg4s 90% —
XC Ry 55.. 100 — |T7 G & B os. 95% —
XCPCo 5s 97 - lUR of SF 4s. M\ \ (\-
XOPCn 5s — 9li*i;ValCo P ss. 09 j 100
X El Co ss. — 95 !
Marin Co .. 58% 01 IS V Wat Co. 50U —
I'eop w pfd :;s% 40 |
City El Co.. 55% 5934jPac L pfd... — —
X Cal Power 63% (v> j l)<\ com ... 71 —
Oro W, L&P 63 64 I
Cal Ins Co., 75 SO |Pnc C Cas C 0.155 173
Firemn's Fd.250 — j
Am Xtl Bk. — - — iFirst Xatn1.. 225 210
Anelo & Ty»n.lso»i — IMer Xat Bk. — —
Bank «f Cal. — 205% Union T Co. . — —
Cent Trust.. 12.1"*, V2f> !
Ger S & L.2R50 2900 IMut Say Bk. — —
Hum S 8k:.124 \u25a0— \u25a0 JRe<r Say Rk.. — 330
California ..125 — I Presidio — —
Dv Pont pfd S3 — Giant Con .. — —
Do com ..143 152
Hawaiian C. .'!2'i — IMakaweli SC — —
Honokaa SC V> — lOnomea S C. 36 —
Hutch SPC 15 — iPnaubaii SC. lf>?i —
Kilauea SC. 12 — jrnion S Co.. — 70
Amal Oil Co. 20\U — [Union Prov .. — —
Asso Oil Co. 40'^ — lUnltert Pet .. — —
Palmer Oil.. 1.62 1.67JW Coast. O pf - 101
Sterling- Oil-.. —\u25a0 2% Do com ... — —
Union Oil .. — 101 |
Alaska P A. S7 :s&%]Pac Aux FA — —
Cal F C A..104',;i0Gi 4 ;pac C Borax.lsn —
<"al Wine A. 44% — |Pae T&T pfd 94 —
MV& MtTm. — — *| Do com-. . 42% 4.">i 4
X Alas? SCo 95 105 i Philip T&T 25 —
X<Jtnins; Session
Board —
23 American Xat Bank 130.n0
100 Associated Oil Co 46.00
25 Associated Oil Co -..46.25
75 Associated OH Co.- '. . 46.12^
.to Californin Wine Assn '. . . . 45. 00'
90 City EWlrle Co 58.00
50 City Electric Co 58.25
SO City Electric Co 58.50
100 Onomea Susar C 0 ............. 36.00
200 Philippine Tel & Tel C0rp..... 25.00
$3,000 Pacific Tel & Tel 5s 100.00
$4,000 Spring Va] Wat gen mtge 45.. 90.25
$1,000 In i ted R It of S T 4s 06.50
100 City Electric Co 57.00
$6,000 United R R of S F 4s C 0.50. 50
Afternoon Session
5 Alaska Puckers' Assn SK.OO
70 City Electric Co 58.50 '
5 Hawaiian Coml /-Sugar 32 50
110 X Cal Power Co C 011.... . . 64.00
90 N Cal Power Co t'wi. li. 10 64.00
25 Spring Valley Water Co.. 50.75
$4,000 Oakland Trac thro Con 55.. 97 50
$2.4100 PnHflr- Tri & Tel 55.. .'."lOO.'oO
$5. 00f) People's Water Co 55... (J8.87U
$3,000 Peonlp's Water Co 5s 68]73 "
$1,000 Spring Val Wat gen mtge 45.. 90.25
Street —
$1,000 Cal Gas &El G M &' C T. 55.. 99.30
$1,000 California Wine Assn ss.'. ....92.00
„ „„ \u25a0 Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask
Pac S Sec Co. — 55c W Fargo Bnk. 175 ISO
Peop W com 2% 2Vi W X 0i1.... 2 — .
Honolulu Sug 3SV4 39% Turner 0H... 1 —
Do pool ... 38% 39 |S Cruz Cem.. 40 45 '
Pac G&E ss. 99% 99%|Repnbllc .... 45 \u25a0 —
Do com .. 68% 69 lOak IVac pfd — R7
West Pac 5s — 94 . 1 Ocean S Ryss 24%;25«
Cal Wine pfd S2 — | "
JO2 California Wine Assn (pfd).... 82.00
2O Wells Fargo Xcv Xat 8k..... .150 00
20 Pacific Gas &. Electric (com).. oS.6''%
$1,000 Western Pacific Ry 55.... 93. 00'
The \u25a0 Comstocks were weak yesterday, though
the decline In the leaders was slight.
In .the southern Neradas Belmont sold up to
$4.50 against $4.40 as Saturday's closing price
and Goldfleld Con. sold from $S.GO us .Satur
day's close down to SS.dO. , '
Montana was cs dividend of Ge. :
The output from 'the three leading Conistoek
north end mines for the, last week had a total
gross value of $13,187. 75, divided as follows:
Ophir, $10.785.7.", from the' following levels: 2100
IS." cars averaging $56.87: 2300. 22 cars averagl
Ing $ll.f)S. Con. Virginia, $317.40, including
85 cars from the ISOO stope. averaging $0.08-
Mexican. $1,834.03, as follows: 2200 level 27
cars. $24.04; 2300, 47 cars. $14; 2350, CO cars
$5.73; 2500, 13 cars, $12.17.
Following were the sales on the San Fran
cisco stuck exchange yesterday:
R'gii'a.- Morning Session
300 Best & Belch, lfll 100 Sierra \>v v l2
100 On Va M.... 86! 100 Union Con II! \% \u25a0
? - Afternoon Session ' , '
100 Best *& Belch. 15 200 Ophir 1 101/
.300 Bruns Cbollar. 20 400 Ophir """ ' I "7f.
400 Bruns Potosi.- 20 500 Savage * ** 07
200 Caledonia .... ;. 23 1000, Seg Belcher " l* Ofl
200 Challenge-.... 09 100 Union Con . lg
200 Hale & Norc. 12 500 Utah . . r£
200 Mexican ..... SO . "•***
Informal Session
500 Andes ....... 05 600 Ophir . : 110
300 Belcher .....; 47 200 Union Con \u25a0" *" is
200 Bullion .;:..;-. OS 500 Utah ... ; o?
100 Challenge, -09 1000 Utah. ......I** oZ
500 Gould & Cur.:. 13 v. ° 3
... :> Bid.Ask.l Rid A«t"
Alpha ....... 02 - Oil Hale & Norc. . 12 v
Alta ..........— lOUulin Con .... 03: 07
Andes.'....;.. 04 OolJiistlce .... _ in
Belcher ...... 43 _|Kentuck Con.. — 10
Best & Belch. 15 16 Mexican 80 82
Bruns Chollar. 20 Occidental 41 —
Bruns Potosi.. 20 —Ophir 1.10 1.12
Bullion ...... 07 OS Overman 27 —
Caledonia .... 23 25 Potosi — \u25a0 35
Challenge .... 09 10 Savage <£ 08,
C-nollar 12 1,3 Seg Belcher .. 06 07;
Confidence ... — 4', Soomlon 03 04
Con Va M..:: 82 I'M Stem Xcv ... 13 ' 14
Con Imperial. 01 02i'Sllver HUI ... 02 03
grown Point.. — 3« Union Con ... 17 18
Exchequer ... 05 07iUtah » 2 232 3
Gould & Cur. 12 13 yellow Jacket. 26 28
- \u0084 Regular Morning Session „„,/;
luOO Com Fraction. 201 200 Gld Con M.5. 62%
1000 Conqueror .... 01 200 Xcv Hills, b10.2.20 j
500 Cracker Jack. 01 500 Rescue Eula .. 11 ,
1000 Man Dexter... 05[ " " ;
:"vV „ Afternoon Session -- i
200 Cent Eureka. .l.oollooo Midway IS
200 Florence .. .1.37% h000 Spearhead Gld. 06
300 Gld Con \u25a0>!... 8.6512000 Yellow Tiger.. 05
500 Jim Butler . . 27|
"Informal Session
200 Belmont .....4.50 500 Jumbo Ex .... 2j
2SOO Com Fraction". 19 200 MacXamara . . 20
60 Old Con M... 8. 50 2000 MacXamara .. 21
100 Gld Con M... 8. 55 -500 Rescue Eula .: 11
100 Gld Con M.5. 52% 500 West End ... 59
500 Jim Butler -07
Bid.Ask.l Bid. Ask.
Argonaut 1.00 — jcent Eureka. ..l.oo —
TonopKb district 1
Bid. Ask. j B if AB nY
Belmont 4.47 4. so! Xorth Star ... 04 05
Jim Butler .. 26 2SI Rescue Eula ..11 12
MacXamara .. 20 21 Ton Exten ...1.00 1.05
Midway 17 is Ton of Xev. ..8.00 8.25
Mizpah Ex .. — 30 West End ... 5S 59
Montana S7
Goldfleld District
Adams 01 02IGld Kewanas.. 06 OS
Atlanta 12 14 Old Merger M. — 10
Blue Bell ... 02 03lGrandma 02 03
Blue Bull ... 04 05lGreat Bend ..01 02
Booth 07 OSJGrt Bend Anx. — 01
COD 15 KJiGrt Bend Ex. — 01
Columbia lit.. — 03TJuinbo Ex .... 25 26
Com Fraction. 19 20 Lone Star .... 02 04
Conqueror 01 02 Oro 0 s °"
Cracker Jack. 01 02 Red Hills 02 03
Dmdfld Trngl. — 01 Red Top Ex.. 04 05
Florence 1.35 1.371 Silver pick ..06 08
Frances Mhk. 01 Ist Ives — 15
Gold Bar Gld — 1O| Wonder — 01
Gld Con M.. .5. 50 5. 55 Yellow Tiger.. 05 07
Gld Portland. 01 02
Bullfrog District
Amethyst — OllMont Bullfrog. — 01
Bonnie Clare.. — 04!Montgomy Mt. — 01
Blfrg Xat Bk 01 021 Tramp Con ..02 04
Homestake K. — 01|Valley View... — 02
Mayflower Con 04 03|
Manhattan District
Man Con 03 04!Piue Xut — 01
Man Dexter... 05 06! Stray Dog ... — 02
Mineral Hill.. — 01|ThanksgIving. . 02 Oi
Mustang Man. 03 04|
Other Districts
Eagle's Nest.. 03 O4'Pltts S Peak.. 60 65
Fairvw « Bid 02 03 Ramsey 01 02
Falrvw Eagle. 30 40 Raw Coalition. 05 —
Fairvw Hailst 02 04 Round Mt .... — 40
Jack Pot 02 04 Tecopa Con . . — 35
Xcv Hills ...2.12 —
Asuegsmcnt Directory Coinstock Mine*
Company — Xo. Del. board. Sale day. Amt.
Gould & Curry .. 18 Dec. 2 Dee. 27 .10
Chollur 14 Dec. 5 Dec. 30 .10
Caledonia 83 Dec. 8 Dec. 80 .10
Yellow Jackef .. 38 Dec. 17 Jan. 24-11 .15
Union Con 24 Dec. 18 Jan. 13-11 .10
Best & Bercher. . 94 Dec. 24 Jan. 19-11 .10
Belcher n.{ Dec. 30 Jan. 23-11 .10
Con. Imperial .. 71 Jan. 1-11 Jan. 30-11 .01
Bullion 1!> Jan. 5-11 Feb. 7-11 .05
Utah 12 Jan. 6-11 Jan. 31-11 ."5
Mexican 102 Jan. 6-11 Jan. 31-11 .20
Alpha Con 15 Jan. 9-11 Feb. 3-11 .05
The two active stocks yesterday were Asso
ciated ' and Palmer. The former was higher
at $40.37% and the latter steady at $1.65®
1.87%. Amy advanced to SJe and Illinois crude
declined to JOc. seller 10.
Stocks ox dividend were Caribou. 2%c, and ,
Record 7%c, the. dividends payable on the 15th,
and Mascot 4c. payable on the 20th.
The St. Elmo property, consisting of 60 acres, :
has' been sold to F. R. Strong and Warren
Gillellen of Jyis Angeles. \u25a0 The price paid Is re
ported as $110,000.
Gillellen is president of .the Broadway bank
and trust company of Los Angeles, and Strong
is a member of the real estate firm of Strong
& Dk-korson of the same city.
The St. Elmo is a good property in the shal
low territory, and has seven wells drilled on it.
The production is in the . neighborhood of 3,000
barrels per month. S. J. Hardison will remain
manager of the St. Elmo, or rather the'F. R.
Strong oil company, as it is now named.
The purchaser? of the St. Elmo property have
been financially interested in it for a long time,
ow.nlng a majority of the stock, and the pur
chase practically amounts to the. interest of
the other stock holders. <
Bid. Ask.] Bid. Ask.
Alnm — 1.00 Xcv County. 10 —
Aiuy ...... 85 — (Xcv Midway — SO
Apollo 07 10 New Pa Pet 54 55
Asso Oil ..46.25 46.50 Occidental .. 15 —
Blue Moon.. -\u25a0 — 07 Pac S Pet.. 27 —
Bmokshire.. 1.30 — Para f fine ... — 80
Cal Seabrd. — 25 Palmer 1.65 1.67
Caribou .... 1.80 I .4o| Peerless .... — 4.50
Clareunmt. . 1.40 1.45 Piedmont ... 10 15
Coalinga C. — 40 Pinal ....... 6.50 —
Coal Mohwk 1.17 1.25 Premier .... 74 77
Coal Xatnl. 10 12 Record — 5.;1l)
Con Midway 20 21 Republic ... 45 51
Creseeus ... _ 62 S F & McK. IO.OO 15.00
Dabney — 10 Saver Dough — 2.00
Dc Luxe .. 1.37 — Section 25 ..24.50 —
Dutuluion .. — 85 Sescon 3.0U —
Empire — 2.75 Shawmnt ... — 50
Enos 50 — ISilver Tip... 1.50 —
Fulton ..... — 1.25JS W & 8... 35
111 Crude... 10 — ISterllng 2.00 2.50
Junction ... — .",9lTurner 1.00 1.23
Kern River. — S.OOiUnited 0i1... 75 —
Maricopa X. 24 — [Wolverine .. 40 —
Maricopa 36 2.40 — W X Oil Co. 2.00 —
MeKittrick.. 15 20 Yellowstone. — 25
MoL»e Crist 2.50 2.f>o|Storage ctfs. 34% —
11:30 a. tn. —
90 Associated Oil 46.25
26 Associated Oil 46.12%
1000 Illinois Crude, s 10 10
1500 Palmer 1.65
1000 Palmer, b 30 1.67%
2 p. m. —
JiO Associated Oil -. . . . 40.37%
\u25a0 200 Amy .^ S5
1000 Do Luxe 1.40
400 Xew Pa Petroleum .54
.1000 Mariropji .National 24
1000 Palmer, s 10 1.65
1000 Palmer 1.65
1000 Palmer, b. 'JO. • 1.67%
2 Storage certificates (5,600 bbls) .. .33
[Special Diipatch to The Call]
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 12. — Amalgamated was
the leader on the oil stock exchange today. This
stock advanced 6 points during the day and closed
firm above $30. Mexican common and California
Midway also made gains. Consolidated Midway
was steady and Central Oil was in demand.
American petroleum was firm at $56. Union was
steady. Jade and Oleum showed a little im
provement. The call;
Producers — . Bid. Ask.
Amalgamated Oil 30.25 32.50
American Pet. Co. (pfd)...... — 95.00
American Pet. Co^ (com... 56.00 56.75
Associated Oil ....... 46.25 —
California Midway Oil C 0..... .53 .63%
Central Oil Co 1.81 1.83%
Cleveland Oil Co .850 .875
Coalingu Central Oil Co — -65
Columbia Oil Co 1.00
Consolidated Midway Oil Co.. .20% .20i;
Continental Oil Co ....:. — .35
Euclid Oil Co .65
Fullerton Oil Co * — " 5.00
Globe Oil C 0... 05 .15
Jade Oil C 0..... .2S .30
-Mexican Pet. Ltd. (pfd).. 68.00 70.00
Mexican Pot. Ltd. (c0m)..... 36.37% 36.62%
Mascot Oil C 0......... — 3.00
Olinda Land Co. (oil) — . .57
Palmer Oil Co. . ... ... 1.55 -1.64%
Perseus Oil Co. — .20
Pinal Oil C 0........... — 10.00
Pint Oil & L. C 0.. ....... -20 —
Rice Ranch Oil Co ........ — .80
Traders' Oil Co. ...70.00 90.00
Union Oil Co ...100.00 100.50"
Union Provident C 0..... 95.25 " —
United Oil C 0... .... .73% .77%
Western Union : ;...'.. • — 100.00
Nonproduoers — .
Oleum Development C 0 ........ .^>2Ts .03*4
: Morning Sales
"0 Amalgamated Oil C 0..<...... .<..... 28.00
10 Amalgamated Oil Co.. 28;50
10 Amalgamated Oil Co.. 29.00
10 Amalgamated Oil Co 29.50
.60 Associated Oil C 0..... 46.23
I *,000 California, Midway Oil C 0 ......... .51%
1,000 California Midway Oil C 0........ .51%
1.000 California Midway Oil C 0........ .51%
2,000 California Midway Oil Co. b 30... .52%
.: 1,000 California Midway 011.C0. ........ '.51%
1,000 California Midway 0i1'C0. ....... .51Ts
1,000 California Midway Oil Co, b 30... .52%
1,000 California Midway OH C 0........ " .52%
1.000 California Midway Oil C 0........ .52%
-8,000 CaliforniaMidwayOil C 0 ........ .52%
1,000 Consolidated Midway Oil C 0 ...... .20%'
10,000 Cleveland Oil C 0....... -•»•
1,000 Jade OH C0..U........V-.... .... -.30 '.
10 Mexican Pet. Ltd. (c0m) .......... 35 . 87%
10 Mexican Pet. Ltd.' (c0m)......... 36.00 >
10 Mexican Pet: Ltd. (c0m).'..'...;.; 36.12%
20 ' American • Pet. • Co. V (Ltd. . (com) ; .- 56.00
10 Uuion Provident 0i1C0........... 98.37%
New York stocks lower.
Cotton market shows little varia-
Local and oil stookn active.
Silver and sterling exchange
Barley easy. Corn lower.
"Wheat and oats ncchansed.
Unneed and coeoanut oil lower.
Pink beans easier, but no lower.
Hay conditions uncbangred.
Provisions show numerous
Barreled beef and pork declined.
Butter and eggs lower.
Potatoes and onions active and
firm N
Five cars of Central American
bananas In. ,
Twelve earn. of navel oranges *re-
ceived. ;.
Five cars of western poultry ar
8.000 Oleum Development Co - .03
Afternoon Sales \u25a0
1,000 California Midway Oil Co. .T,2%
4,000 California Midway Oil Co .K2%
1,000 California Midway Oil Co, b 30... .54
2,000 California Midway Oil Co. b 30. . . • .53%
2,000 California Midway Oil Co. 53
5,000 Consolidated Midway Oil Co .20%
3,000 Consolidated Midway Oil Co, b 30 .20%
6.000 Consolidated Midway Oil Co .20%
1,000 Consolidated Midway 011 Co, b3O .20%
iiO.ooo Cleveland Oil Co ".830
2,000 Central OH Co LSI
20 Mexican Pet. Ltd. (com) 36.75
10 Mexican Pet. Ltd. (com).. 38.50
20 Mexican Pet. Ltd. fcom). 36.62%
1,000 Oleum Development Co 03
•• i \u25a0 \u2666•
Wheat and Other Grains
Wheat — All market conditions remain as be
fore. .
Broomhall' reports advance in Liverpool dne
to large speculative buying based on further
floods In southern France and Italy, rains in
northern harvest sections of Argentina and less
favorable crop advances in parts of India.
California club, $1.45@1-50; Sonora. $1.62% <3
1.67%; white Australian. [email protected]: northern
club, $1.47%®1.50; Russian red, [email protected]%;
bluestem, [email protected].
10 a. m. Session
1 Xo quotations.
Barley — Xotlce of delivery of about 1,000 tons
call board barley on December contracts gaTe
the market an easier tone yesterday, but cash
prices showed 110 decline. December was 3c
Xo. 1 feed, $1.07%@1.0S 2 4; choice, $1.10: off
grades. $1.02%@1.05 per ctl; brewing and ship
ping grades, $1.1001.12%.
,10 a. m. Session
May, $1.10%* bid: $1.12 asked.
2 p. ni. Session
Open. High. Low. Close.
May 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11
December 1.07% 1.07% 1.06% 1.06%
•'Oats — There was no change to report yester
Red for feed. $1.07%ig1.12% for ordinary
and $1.15(g!1.30 for choice: red for seed. $1.32%
@1.40; black, $1.07%'<i1.12% for feed and
$1.37%@1.42% for seed; gray, nominal; white,
Corn — Western descriptions are lower. West
ern states new yellow, in bulk. San Francisco
track. $1.27: white. $1.28; mixed. $1.26; old,
s<g!loe higher: sacked prices. 7''-c higher: white
Egyptian, $1.4O(gl.5O; brown do, [email protected]%
per ctl.
Rye — $1.50(31-55 per ctl.
" v
Foreign Futsires
Wheat — Dec. March May
Opening 6 9% fi 10% 6 11
Closing 6 9% 6 11% 7 00>i
Wheat— 1_ Dec. Mar. -June
Opening 27.90 27. 55
Closing 27.85 27.75
Opening 37.95 37.30
Closing 37.90 - 37.25
Future Grain and Provisions
CHICAGO. Dec. 12. — Reports that prospects
were decidedly unfavorable for an average crop
in Oklahoma or tlm south and west parts of
Kansas tended today to advance the price of
wheat. A speculative advance in Liverpool had
also considerable effect. The close here was
at a net gain of ii 4c4 c tc^i' t r^%p. All the other
leading staples showed losses, corn finishing l '^%
%c down: oats, %c to %c, and provisions, 12%<3
15c to 37 %c.
Rising quotations for wheat were in the face
of an unusual array of bearish news. World
shipments were much larger than a year ago.
and there was said to be an increase of 84. 554.000
bushels In the Russian field, as compared with .
the .previous 12 months. The United States
visible supply, though nominally exhlbitiug a
decrease, did not Include a total of nearly
5.000.000 bushels In boats at Buffalo, Dulnth and
Canadian terminal harbors. Xews favoring the
bear side, however, a downpour in Texas, not ex
pected, had no weight on the. market, as there
was no important selling pressure. On th«
other hand, according to one authority. 50 per
cent of the wheat in -4,500.000 acres in Kansas
and Oklahoma has not germinated, and of the
plants that have sprouted 15 to 20 per rent are
dead. Because of the large handicap to the
winter crop the close was not far from the top
figures of the session. May fluctuated between
0534 c and 953& C, with last sales at 95% c, a net
gain of U<*-
Corn started strong:, but sagged later. May
ranged from 47' 4 o to 4~Tgc. with the close
ii 4c4 c net lower at \u25a047 I - 4 c.
Cash corn was weak. Xo. 2 yellow finished
at 51<g51%c
In oats shorts helped prices up early, but
receipts at primary markets were more than
double la»t year.
Accordingly weakness follows. May varied
from 33% cto 34% c and In, the end was ?c Off
at 33% (a 34c.
Business in hog products was on a decidedly
big .scale. Last sales left pork down 35c to
\u25a0 from 33%e; lard off 12% cto 15c, and ribs at a
; logs of 15fg20c.
Chicago Grain and Provision Future*
(Furnished by E. F. Hutton & Co.. 490 California street.)
The leading futures ranged as follows:
WHEAT — Open High Low Close l>c. 10 Year ago
December $0.91' i $O.PI» 4 $0.90^ $0.91 $0.90% $1.12^
Mny 95% .937, .93i 4 .05<S .95% 1.11». 4
July 93;» .93% .92% .931* .92^ 1.00%
December 46% .46% .45% .45% , .45% .64%
May 47» 4 .47» 4 .47% / .47t 4 .47% ' .67
Juh' 45% .45% .47Ts .47-s .45% .6R*i
December "l s i '«% -SI U 34 .31^ .44%
Mnv 34% .34% .S.V, '.ZS% .34« 4 .45%
July '-.- .31% .34% i33la -33%' .34 .43'
January 10.10 19.37% \u25a0 18.75 is. 73 10.12% 22.H2%
Jlny IS. 15 18.40 17. 50 17. 50 15. 15 21.87%
January 10.25 10.30 10.10 10.10 10. 25 13. A3
May •• 10.00 10.10 9.87% 9.57% 10.02% 12.07%
July 12.00
January 9.90 10.07% 9.80 9. 50 9.97% 11.97%
May \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 9.70 9.77% 9.50 9.50 9.7"> 11.52%
Cash Grain and Provisions
CHICAGO, Dec. 12. — Cash, quotations were
as follows:
Flonr— Steady. No. 2 rye. So%@Bl%c; feed
or mixing barley, 60@72c; fair to choice malt
ing. 82@S8c; flax seed. No. 1 southwestern,
$2.28; No. 1 northwestern, $2.41; timothy seed,
$10; clover, $14.75; mess pork, per bbl." $18.75®
19; lard, per 100 lbs, $10.10; short ribs, sides
(loose). $9. 55 '(1 10. 25: short clear sides (boxed),
[email protected]%. ...
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 510,000 bushels. Primary receipts
were 1.158,000- bushels/ compared with 612.000
bushels the corresponding .day a year aso. The
visible supply of wheat in the United States
decreased 323,000 \ bushels for the week. The
amount of breadstuff on ocean passage decreased
2,864,000 bushels. Estimated receipts for to
morrow: Wheat, 50 cars; corn; 870 cars; oats,
311 cars; hogs. 28.000 head.
Articles — - Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels. . . : 9,200 11,700
Wheat. Bushels .. 30,000 30,300
Corn, bushels -618,700 202,400
Oats, bushels . . ....... .469,5f)0 . 269,300
Rye, bushels 7,0(10 2.000
Barley, bushels ........ 81,000 8.200
CHICAGO, Dee. 12.— E.^ F. Hutton & Co.'s
wire says: "The wheat market has been a dull
and narrow one most of the day, but has worked
higher at the last. Saturday's closing level to
%c lower were the lowest figures today, despite
the. receipts of much bearish news. Higher
Liverpool markets, closing Id to l%d up. proved
the deciding influence, although all continental
European markets were lower. Statistical news
was also bearish. Some sensational figures Is
sued by the International Institute of Rome re
garding Russian yields made total European
Russian yield 521.521.000 bushels and Asiatic
Russia 93.513.000 bushels," or .^ total of 917.
634.000 bushels, all U>ld, agjfliist 753.000.000
bushels 'a year ago. This news had no weight on
the market, as there was no very large trade or
important selling pressure. There have been
estimates from Argentina today of exportable
surplus as low as 60,000,000 to C 5.000.000 bush
els, but the Buenos "Aires market quoted l%c to
2c per bushel ' lower. \u25a0 Harvesting is progressing
under favorable conditions and thrashing in the
north showing a good outturn. Cash wheat sales
here were 23,000 bushels. . St. Louis claims
sales .since Saturday of 1 73.000 bushels. - . .
, "Corn — The market started strong, and higher,
with wheat and an active pit buying of Decem
ber, .but it j has ' sagged steadily back to below
Saturday's closing level. - Consignments of corn
are enormous/* both from Illinois . and lowa. No
eastern outlet" worth: mentioning. Cash sales
reported today I were 1 50.000 bushels. Trade has
not . been • large. \u25a0 , The. .forecast *\u25a0 'n • the corn belt
shows snow; and, rain; probable from the Rockies
east .to the Mississippi river.
'.'Oats — Were bJsner early, witli other grains,
Numerous Changes: in Provisions
Buffer and Egg Markets Decline
but have sold off since. December shorts helped
the early market, but receipts at primary mar
kets are more then double last year's and cash
•prices are weakening. Cash oats In the sample
market were %c lower." »
Northern Wheat Market
TACO\IA.«I>Pf. I«'.— MMlnsr quotations: Blue
stem, St^c: clnb, SIV'C. re«l Rmslnn. "D'-sC.
Export— Bluestem. JUc; rt'rt Russian. 83cj cluh.
82c: red Russian. 80c. Car receipts — Wheat, 0:
barley. 3; hay, 1.
SEATTLE. \u25a0. Deo. 12.— Mllline: Eluestera.
SH'.c: forty-foltl. 7S)Uc: club. "S^c: fife. 7Si,c:
red Unssian. 76V-C. KsDort — Bhiestem. TSVif:
fort.v-fuld. "GVsc;" club, 75'ic: fife. 75Uc; red
Russian, 73^ic7
PORTLAND. Dec. 12. — Track prices: Clnh,
SOffSlc: bluestem. 82tf?s:?c: red Russian. 7Sc;
valley. SOe: forty-fold. SlfitS2e. Car receipts —
Wheat, 140; barley, 3; oats. 3; hay, IS.
Visible Grain Supply
NEW YORK. Vr<: 12. — The visible supply of
grain tn the United States Saturday. December
10. as compiled by tlie New York produce ex
change, was a« follows:
Wheat, 42.666,000 bushels, decrease 324.000
Corn, 1,510,000 bushels, decrease So.OOO bush
Oats. 13,349,000 bushels, decrease 409,000
Rye. 471. 0i">0 bushels, decrease 36.000 bushels.
Barley, 1,744.000 bushels, decrease 103,000
Xeir^York Grain Market
NEW YORK. D*e. 12. — Flour was about
steady nt old prices. Receipts, 27,000; ship
ments. SO.SSo.
Wheat — Spot, steady. No. 2 red. 97 S 9C ele
rator and 97*<iC f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern
Duluth. $1.17 ii f. n. b. afloat. The futures
market was. firm at the start on bullish cables,
sold off on favorable Argentine news, but was
steady late In absence of presssire. closing on
changed at 14 c net higher. December closed at
9fi%c: May closed at $1.02: July closed at $1.
Receipts, 90,000 btfshels; shipments, 190,363.
Minneapolis and Daluth Grain and Flax
MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 12.— Close— Wheat—
December. $1.00%: May. $1.03%: inly $1.04%.
Cash — Xo. 1 hard, $1.0.1%: No. 1 northern.
St.ol7i<gl.o2Ta: >\>. 2 northern. 99c@$1.01?i;
No. 3 wheat. 97 J K«c<S?l-00%.
Corn— No. 3 yellow, 41%<?242%e.
Oats— No. 3 white. So«i?3o%c.
Rye— No. 2, 76<Jt""%c.
Flax closed at $2.3!>.
DUIXTH, Dec. 12. — Flax on trark and to ar
rive, $2.33; December. $2.3S nominal: May. $2.44.
+. .^ : —^.
Receipts of Produce 1 December 12
Flour, qr sks l.Seo'nides, Xo .".85
Wheat, ctls .... 6001 Pelts. Xo 325
Barley, ctl? .... 4,36o! Lime, bbls 550
Oats, ctls l,42o|Wine. gals 65.100
Beans, sks 3.l9o ! Brandy. gals 800
Potatoes, sks .. .10.215' Quicksilver. flasks 170
Onions, sks . 600;Oran!:es. bi<> 4.500
Hay, tons 743! Lumber. M ft.... 2O !
Wool, sks ...... 2!Llvestock. Xo ... 250
Alfalfa seed, sks. 26<>'Paper. bdls 635 j
Hops, bales .... SJBroom com. bales 60 ;
Corn meal. sks.. 500! Raisins, bis 2.900
Leather, rolls ... 35 ! Apples, bxs \u25a0S.lSOi
Tallow, ctls 1151 -
Flour, qr sks Sn,i34 ! Bran. sks 1,820
Wheat, ctls 13.065J
Flour, qr sks 2U.64f>!Rran. sks ... 7.733
Wheat, ctls 2.2oo|Shorts, sks «.fi<sT>
Oats, ctls 3.400.
Flour, qr sks 1,0001 Corn, ctls .:.'. .*. . 600
Prices for baron, lard and barreled heof and
pork have received a general overhauling. The
two latter are lower all around.
Cottolenp— l half bbl. ll%c: 3 half "bbls,
ll?jc; 1 tierce, ll%c; 2 tierces, ll%c; 5 tierces,
lie per lb.
Ham.* and Bacop — Hams. 16*5 17% c: picnic
hams, 14c: California hams. 16<-; fancy bacon.
4 to 6 lbs. 29 %c; 6 to R lbs. 26c; 8 to 10 lbs.
25c: 10 to 12 lbs. 23% c: sugar cured. 25Uc:
light dry salt bacon. 8 to 10 lbs. 23^24c: 10 to
12 lbs. 21@22c: medium bacon, 18c; light me
dium bacon. 18c.
Lard— Tierces, 12%<Q1.>: 50s 12& 4 '213^0. in*
13 a 4C . 5s 13'ic, - 3s 14e: compound lard, tierces
10% c. 50s 10* 4 c\ 10r 11% c. 5s U%e. 333 3 11 %c:
yellow cooking oil. CSe per gal: white cooking
oil. 70c per gal: salad oil. 75c per gal: calir»n».
lie for 1 tierce, 10 7 8 c for 2 tierces and 10> 4 c
for 5 tierces.
Beef — Local prices are quoted. Export lots,
inspected by the government, are $1 per bbl
higher. Extra family beef. $18 per bbl: family
beef. $17.50 per bbl: extra mess beef. $17.50 per
bbl: smoked beef. 21 %c per lb.
Pork — Extra prime, in barrels. $,"W; clear. $."2:
mess. $30: pig pork. $34: pigs' feet. $5.75 for
half bbls, $2.40 for 35 lb kegs and $1.35 for kits.
Meat Market
Slaughterers* rates to dealers and butchers are
as follows:
Beef— B%(S9c pec lb for steers, 7<gSc for
cows and heifers.
Veal— S@Dc for large and 9%@10%c for
Mutton — Wethers, 9(g9%e; ewes. 7%@3%c
per lb.
Lamb — 10%@11%e per lb.
Dressed Pork (per lb) — 10Q12c.
The following quotations are for good, sound
livestock delivered in San Francisco, gross
Xo. 1 fat steers, over 900 lbs, alive, 5%@5%c
per lb; under 900 lbs. sH@s%c; second quality,
all weights, s@si4c; thin, undesirable steers.
Xo. 1 cows and* heifers. 4%@4%c; second
quality. 4r<J4\ic; common, thin, undesirable
cows, 3%@3%c.
Desirable bulls and stags, 2%@3c; half fat
or thin bulls 2@2%c.
Calves— Lightweight, per lb, 6@6%c; medium,
5%@5%c: heavy. 4%<gsc.
Sheep — Desirable wethers, 4%@5c; ewes, 4U
Lambs fner lb) — Unshorn lambs. 6@6^4c.
Hogs— Hard grain fed, weighing 100 to 150
lbs, 7%@7%c; 150 to 200 lbs. 8c; 250 lbs cp,
7%c per in.
Horse* and Mules
The following quotations for horses and mules
are furnished by the Butchers' and Stock Grow
ers' Journal: , *
There was no local auction of either horses or
mules during the week. What horses did cnange
hands here were made at private sale. These
sales were numrous and prices paid high. This
is particularly true when it came to any indi
vidual showing bone, weight and action. As the
season extends into the winter it Is developing
a marked scarcity of good horses, and further
that truck horses have been called upon to ex
ceed their working capacity, owing to a short
age* of team power. This condition, coupled
with the call from the fanner, should insure a
brisk market, with high prices.
The auction sale of horses and mules held at
Crows Landing during the week was a marked
success. Prices realized for both horses and
mules were fully up to quotations, quality con
sidered. The feature of the sale was the eager
ness with which farmers bought up the young
mules. This indicates a big shortage in hybrids
The sale realized over $20,000.
There will be an auction sale of unusual Inter
est held in San Francisco on Tuesday, when a
number of desirable light drafters will go under
the hammer. This sale should give buyers some
idea of what future values will be.
Another extra auction will b* held Pecember
19, when 50 pure bred Shire mares will be of
fered to breeders. This will be a rare oppor
tunity for farmers to secure a choice individual
which will more than earn her oats. and return
a handsome profit In the way of a classy colt.
Desirable drafters. 1,700 lbs and over $275fZ830Q
Light drafters, 1,530 to 1,650 lbs 223^*>7^
Chunks, 1,350 to 1.500 Iba... 200'§250
Wagon horses, 1.250 to 1.330 lbs 173^200
Delivery wagon horses, 1,050 to 1,250.. 125Q150
Desirable farm mares .....:. 135<§)150
Farm workers 75@i00
000 lbs, 4 to 7 yearsr 512301^0
1.000 lbs. 4 to 7 years 130521T5
1,100 lbs, 4 to 7 years 200Q225
1,200 lbs, 4 to 7 years..... ;. 230(3300
Over 7 years old range from $15 to $25 lower
Note — Shippers to this market most hare
horses close to type, with age. bone conformation \u25a0
and style, to command extreme quotations
Butter, Cheese and Eggs
Although butter continued to decline yester
day, the market was officially declared steady
on the exchange, but as was the case at the eltwe
of last week, the reeling in the street was one
of easiness, with nearly all recelrem carrying
ample stooks. Fre» a extras were %c lower at
•>-%c a pound and fre<b seconds dropped 2c to
a quotation of 27c a pound on offers to sell at
.that figure on change. The egg market developed
an easy tone and some liberal selling by large
receiTer* sent the price of fresh extras down to
40c a dozen, a deojine of 2%e. The dzoD in
extras earrind the price of firsts down with it.
the latter being 2c lower at .Iflc a dozen. In the
cheese department new Oregon fiats wer« %c
Sales on tTie exchange were as follows:
ponn<l teaSeS ° ° aSeS ° f r eSh eXtraa at 3Z^ C *
.E-S*^; 10 casps of fresh extras at 42e. 30 at
4t%c. 00 at 41c, 20 at 40% c and 2f> at 4Cc a
Receipts were 102.W0 pounds of bntter 21.000
pounds of cheese and 750 cases of eggs
it v c foI ' ow1 "« are official quotations estab
lished on the floor of the dairy exchange Prices
In the street, while goremed by the exchange
quotations, generally range from l%e to 2c
higher; owing to ttie rvinus charges to be added.
Grades— Dec. s Ue C . j> r>p C . t0 Pe< . q
Fresh extras.... 34 %c 33c 330 "^e
Fl***,F I ***, 3£e :>.o%c .TO%e «ov? c
Seconds 30c 29c :>rv 27c
Extra storage.. 3lc :Ji)%<> 3(>%c sn%,-
Cheese — California fancy flats. lrtUc per lb
steady; do firsts, 13c. steady; do seconds. 13c
steady; fancy Young Americas. 17c. «teadT- ri.i
firsts. 16% c. steady: Oregon flats. lCc. weak-
Wisconsin daisies. ISc. steady: California storasa
flats, steady at 13c for fancy aad 14% c for first* :
storage Young Americas. 16c, steady: Oregon
storage flats, 15% c. firm; do Young Americas,
17c. firm; eastern storage, IS@lS%c, steady.
Eggs — California fresh, per dozen, cases ir
eluded: *
Grades — Dec. S Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec 1 !
Extras 42Vic 4^i-,e 42%e -«V
Firsts .41c" 41c" 41c" 35»<-
Seconds :.3:Jc 33c 33c . 3.*!0
Storage extras. 32c 32c 32a "2c
Eastern extras.. 2Se 28c 2S.> "<;«•
Firsts 2« c 26c 2fio 2<V
Portland Batter Market
PORTLAND. Dec. 12.— City creamery, sotlrt
pack, 37c; eastern. -30@ 05c; butter fat. 3383%.
Eluln Batter
ELGIN. 111.. Dec. 12.— Market firm. 30c. Out
put. 6C0.300 pounds.
Ess Market in »arhy Counties
[Special Dispatch to The Call]
PETALUMA. Dec. 12.— The market showed a
drop of 2 is cents after receipt of transactions
from the San Francisco dairy exchange. The
Petaluma egg exchange paid 39 cents for extra
grade. Independent dealers and speculators
paid from 38 cents to ,"U cents, according to
the grade. Receipts of fr»^a produce are re
ported ln.-reasing daily. The demand is keen
and the eggs of best quality are warcer nn the
market than, any other grade on account of be
ing retained for hatching purposes. The weather
is warm am! gra**-* la growing rapidly. Poultry
is In fair demand and will continue ao until
after the holidays.
SAXTA ROSA. Dec. 12.— The local egg marker
feu off 2% cents at the opening of the week on
receipt of information regarding th» Monday
morning transactions on the San Francisco dal-y
produce exchange today. The focal dealers are
quoting ::s cents per dozen, cash, on dellverr.
for choice and 35 cents for seconds. The demand
is stronger for choit-e while the- snpply is light
as most of the produrer3 ar«» engaged in filling
their incubators for ta* spring hatch.' All in- •
dieations point to a much larger hatch thU sea
son than for several years.
SAXTA CRUZ. Dec. 12.— Another week opens
with egx* plentiful, bnt prices weak, consfder
ius conditions. With ff>ed high and eggs bring
ing fn>tn 40 to 42 cents per dozen, the margin
of profit to pnultrymen fa not encouraging, but
hopes are entertained for stronger prices. Some
of the Doultrymen say that the sudden drop In
price of pgs;s is partly due to the weak condi
tion of dairy produce which has fallen la price
considerably lately.
Potatoes, Onions and Vegetables
Arrivals cf tender garden vegetables from the
Los Ajieel»« r»g!on over Sunday were liberal,
and. althonzh thprp wa* a good demand, prices
for the leading descriptions were louver. Mush
rooms were in increased supply. "Tor 400 boxea
coming in. and prices were weaker, with mo*t
receivers selling by th» box. Forced growth
asparagus from the Sacramento river was offer
ing at 20*- a pound. Potatoes and onions were
active and firm at th<» previously quoted rate*.
Sweets were held at sn advance. -•«—
Potatoes— River whites. $t.35'31.50 per ctl;
Salinas Burbanks. $1.70^1.85 per ctl: Oregon
Burbanks. $1.3001.65 per ctl; sweet potatoes,
$Z65<§2.85 per ctl.
Onions— Sew yellow. $1.10^1.25 per ctl.
\egetahles— Tomatoes. S3c?|sl per crate: green
peas. 6?i9c per lb; summ»r beans. Stifle per lb:
lima beans. 7fg»c per lb; summer squash, $1«J
1.25 per box: .southern eggplant. 7^loc per lh;
green peppers. s@7c per lb: garlic. 5c per lb:
cabbage. 7.V per ctl: cucumbers, $2^2.30 pe
box; cauliflower. 40<g.1(V per dozen: turnips. V/
83e per sack; carrots. 75c per sack: celery, 23<@ 1
35c per dozen; mushrooms. 6*3 12W per lb. '\u25a0
Deeidnons and Citrus Fruits
The market for fresh fruits opened the week
dull, with retail tradesmen limiting their opera
tions to the filling of small orders for ordinary
routine wants. Th«»r«? were no new arrivals of
strawberries or raspberries, and what stock was
carried over from Saturday sold slowly at Irreg
ular rates. Cranberries. huekleberrW and grapes
were firmly h«'ld. Receipts of navel oranges
wpre 12 cars, including focr for export to Hono
lnln. Fivp cars of Central American banana*
were received. Moat of the stock waa overripe
anrJ prices had a wider ransa,
Srrawberries^ — Nominal.
Raspberries— $10^15 per chent.
Huckleberries — 7'glO<* per Ih.
Cranberries— Cape Cod. $14^15 per bbl for
late Howe and $10'gll for early black.
Apples (per box) — Fancy 4 tier red SSc^Sl:
Xewtown pippins. 9tV»gJl.lO: betlflower. TSetttl:
fhc-lce fruit. C'^SOc; Christmas apples, ii.7s'B '
2.75 per boT.
Pears— Winter Xellis, $252.30 per box; cook-
Ing varieties. 75c^$l per "box.
.Persimmons — 3C<&73c per box.
Pom?granat"(« — Nominal.
Grapes— Crate, $Ug1.50; small box?s. T^c'ijjt
Citrus Fruits iper bo.x> — X.irel nranse« $1 sft
(5,1.90 for choice and $2^2.50 for ext-a
choice: tangerines. $1(^1.50: grapefruit. 93Q3.30
for seedless and $1(1*1.50 for common: >mor<>.
$0.50Q4 for fancy. 52.75<??3 for choice ami $2®
2.50 for standard: Mexican limes. 54.5035.
Tropical Fruits^ — Bananas. 75c'g51.50 ncr bunch
for Hawaiian and $KW>tf?3 for Central Ameri
can; pineapples, [email protected] per dosen.
Drted Fruit*, Raisin*. Nut* anil Honey
Fruits — Evaporated apples, sv 4 iQ!>U|e; apricots.
HQtSc: fancy Moorparks. 13%®14c: peaches.
5%iU6%c; fancy. 7c; prunes, 6@B%c basis; fl^.
nominal; pears, 10<gl3c.
Raislrw — Layers, clusters— fi crowa $2.5 n : 3
crovrn. $2; 4 crown. $1.4O; 3 crown. $1.03; t
crown. $1: seeded. 4%c for choice and 5-? for
fancy; Thompson's seedless, 4%c; loose musca
tel, 4 crown. 4i 4 e; 3 crown. 3%c; 2 crewn. 3%c;
seedless, 3%'g4c; raisins In sweatbox at Fresno.
Nats — Almonds, nonpareils. 13c: IXL. 14c: n*
pins ultra. 13c: peerless. 12e; Drakes. 11 %c: lan- '
gcedocs, lie; hardshell. 7%<@Sc: shelled alaonds, ;
30«33c; new walnuts. 15c per lb for No." 1 soft
shells. 14% c for No. 1 standards; No. 2 stand
ard. He; pecans. 14%Q13c: peanuts. 4%Q3c;
pine nnts. 18@20c; Italian chestnuts. 9©12% c:
California chestnuts. B©loe per lb.
Hooey— water white comb. sag» hooey. 14®
16c; white (Jo. 12@12%e: amber do. lOigilc:
Sacramento river comb. 10i@13c; extracted. B%^
9c for white. 7@Se for Ugat amber and 5%@
<>%c per lb for amber.
Beeswax— 27 %©3oc per R> for light and 233
26c for dark.
Poultry and Game
,Eece:pt3 of western poultry wen* uneTrpectedlr
large over Sunday. 3 cars coming to hand. Deal
ers <lid not expect more than two. and- the mar
ket was easy In tone, wlta sellers willing to
snaie prices to larg<» buyers. Quotations for do
mestic stock, both lire and dressed, were nomi
nal, there being hardly anything received. Game
was la goDd request at satisfactory figures.
Poultry (per dozen) — Hens. 54.50<5&5 foe small.
50.30^6.50 for large and $SOIO for extra:
young rooster*. $5.50®6.50; do extra, $7<3»:
oM roosters. $4.30^5: fryers-. $5(35.50; broiler*.
J3Q3.50 for small and $4^5 for large: dncSs.
*«<Sl0; pigeons. $1.73<g2; squabs. $3.50^4:
ge««e^ $2.50^3 per pair; live sprins turkeys.
20@22<? per lb; dressed turkeys, nominal.
Game (per doxen) — Mallard ducks. $3®3:
canvasbacks. $0^8: sprig. $3(fJ6: teal. $2.50^
3.oO: widgeon. $2.50: spoonbills. $2^2.50; gray
geese. $3*53.50: white geese. $1..».0<f 2.50; brant.
JiS 2 - 50 tor «nall and [email protected] forlarffe; hare.
[email protected]; cottontail rabbits. $3.
Beans and Seeds
Pink beans hare become easier, though they
are no lower. The other kinds remain the «a=i?.
Beans (per ctl)— Bayoa. 14.73^5.23: small
white. $3.23®3.30; large white, |[email protected]: pla«.
$0.25<g3.40; red. $5®5.50: blackeye. $3(35.23;
lima. [email protected]: red kidneys, $3(33.73: cran
berry beans. [email protected]; garranzaa, [email protected];
horse beans. [email protected].
Seeds — Brown mustard. 4%c; yellow mustanl.
— — : fiaxseed. 3@3%e; caaary. 3*93% c: alfalfa.
JS^lSc; rape. l@2\c; Mmotay. B%e; hemp, 2%
@3c; millet. 3c pct • lb.
Dried Peas— Green, $3.73@4 D« ctl; Jtriea.
Flour and Fartnaeeon* Good*
Floor— California family extra. $5.40©3.50 net
without discount; bakers' extras. $3.40(93.90; «n
perfine, $4.50©4.70; Oregon and Washington, per
bbl. [email protected] far family, bakers' aad patents
*nd $4©4.25 for cutoff; Kansas patents. $a.70
a0 straights. $6.30; Dakota patents. $7.40; do
straights, 47.20;. Ho clear. $6.60 per bbl.
k Farinaceous Goods — Buckwheat flour. IXS*^
buckwheat flour, self-raising. $3; buckVjJat
groats. $S: corn meal, yellow $3. white $3, «&*
cream yellow $3.25. extra cream wfcite S3 23
corn flour. $3: cracked wheat. $3.30: entire wheat'
flour, $3.20: farina. $3.60; jrabam flwtf. $3- hom
iny, large $3. small $3. granulated $3; oat meal
$4.20; A> groats. $4.23: pearl barley. $4.20: rtc4
flonr, $6; rolled oats, 11,33; rolled waeat, $3.30;*

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