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HEARST AGAIN IS TARGET OF LIBEL ACTIONS American Boy Scout Directors to Sue Editor for Three quarter Million Publisher Tried to Get Entire Organization Into His Personal Control [Special Dhpclch io The Cell] XE^V YORK. Dec. 12.— At the head quarters of the American Boy Scouts. The Call's correspondent was informed tonight that W. R. Hearst, who ap peared before the district attorney last weeic and lodged a complaint against the directors of that semi-military or ganization, would be sued by three of the directors for libel General James n Obeirne. C. P. Devare and James F. -IcGrath will each ask damages in th<* suru of $250,000. This was decided at a meeting of the directors held tonight s-t 233 Broadway. The suits are now being prepared and win reveal some inside workings <v Hearsts political agents. McGrath said tonight: "Heam had been a member* of our organization since May p. mo, but pursuing his old absentee habit as* a congressman, had attended but one meeting. This was held at the Hotel *\ aMorf Astoria November 23." Hearst, through his counsel, Clarence f he&rn - had prepared -a constitution " d cyiaws which practically placed t..e entire organization throughout the Cnited States in Hearst's personal control, whereby it could be used for his own personal, political aggran cizr.ient. "A deliberate attempt was made by Hearst, through his attorney. Shearii to secure the signature of the secretary to.a set of minutes, but had not been prepared by the secretary at the Wal dorf hotel meeting. "After resigning in a huff at the Wal r.orf meeting because the majority of The board of directors refused to do bis bidding. Hearst attempted to put :nto the American boy scout office a reporter fro mthe Evening Journal, who. when thus employed, served as a polit!cal organizer. \u25a0Heai-st also arrogated to himself the appointment of Shearn to act as coun sel for the American Boy scouts with out the consent of the board, and de ppipte the fa^t that a majority of the oirectors believed that much better counsel could be secured at a lower price. "Congressman T^evy Is playing Fido to Hearst with The idea that Hearst w!H g-ive him publicity as a United States senator from N>-w- York. "O'Reilly. Hearst's private secretary, ••ras with Levy at luncheon at the cafe ?ai*arin recently and Levy made a bid for Hearst's support to Mr.. O'Reilly. "Shearn, acting for Hearst, sum rr.oned me to his office December 3, and there threatened that if I did not ally myself with Hearst, he (Shearn>. would pet Hearst to break up the American Boy scout movement in America, '"v^e have received no letter of resig nation from Admiral Dewey, as print T ed in the Hearst newspapers." WIGWAM OF TAMMANY DAMAGED BY FLAMES Home of Political Organization Partly Destroyed by Fire JfBW YORK, Dec. 12. — Tammany ha!l, the "wigwam" home of the famous political organization known as the Tammany society, was partly destroyed by fire today. There was a fear of the blaze communicating to nearby build ings, including the old Academy of Music, the Olympic music hall and the Cer.tral hotel. The flames, however, were confined to the interior of Tammany hall itself. Torrents of water were poured into the hig structure and the greater % part of the damage was caused by this* deluge. Tanur.any hall stands in East Four teenth street In the heart of the old tirr.e theater district and one now thickly dotted "with ancient buildings, many of them of lnflammafcle char acter. WILL OF MILLIONAIRE IS DECLARED INVALID George S. Myers Held to Have Been of Unsound Mind SAN BERNARDINO. Dec. 12.— The will of the late George S. MyeYs, the St. Louis millionaire tobacco manufac turer, was declared Invalid today by Judge Foster. The court held that Mr. Myers wa« of unsound mind when he executed the instrument last April. The contest over the will involved property valued at $6,500,000, mostly in Kansas City and St. Louis. MAN BURIED WHO HELPED RESCUE DONNER PARTY Septon R. Moutrey Borne to Grave by Pioneers BAN JOSE. Dec. 12.— The funeral of Septon RHey Moutrey. »the last of the party who in 1546 rescued Fome forty members of the Dormer party when they were starving at Dormer lake, in £be Sierras, wa.« held this morning from the family residence in St. Mary's street. The pioneers were in charge, and the interment was at Saratoga. FINE IMPOSED FOR SELLING TO MINORS San Jose Tobacco Dealer Must SAX JOSE. Dec 12.— T. C. Gullic. a local tobacco dealer, was sentenced this morning: in the police court to pay a fine of $25 for having sold tobacco to smell boys. BLACKMAILERS ACCUSED IN MAN'S DYING WORDS NEW YORK. Dec. 12. — When he was told that he was about to die. aged ?alvatore Tollizzano, mortally wound ded November . 30 by three revolver bullets," today told the Hoboken police lie had been shot for declining to pay :rlbute to blackmailers. Shortly after making his statement. the man died. A "arrant charging murder has been :ssued for a man supposed to be a life long friend of the victim. FORMER PREMIER OF PORTUGAL TO GO FREE _ LISBON. Dec 12.— The court of ap 3^¥ss today recommended the proceed n'Jf; against former Premier Franco »nd others, charging him with issu ng illegal r decrees and making im jroper expenditures wliile in office, be juashed. Schooner Plowing Through Heavy Fog Goes Ashore on Goat Island | Steamer Navarro, which rvenl ashore yesterday on Goat island, and Captain Hoffman, master of stranded coaster. \ NAVIGATORS STEER THROUGH DARKNESS Thick Weather Causes Much Confusion to Mariners in the Harbor A ttrte fog. the thickest and longest lived that has blanketed the bay in many months, yesterday made naviga tion about the harbor a game of hide and peek. To such good purpose did the mariners in charge of floating prop erty use their ears and eyes that, al though the air seemed filled with a bed lam of bells and whistles, no serious accident occurred. There were, many close calls, and one steam schooner, lost after entering the harbor, went ashore under the cliff at the northweEt end of Yerba Buena, where watching the salvage operations afforded an aft ernoon's entertainment' for the boys at the naval training station. The most serious accident was the stranding of the steam schooner Xa varro. The Navarro was from Crescent City with a cargo of lumber, an/1 all the wary from Point Arena its progress had been through a. heavy fog." Captain C. G. Hoffman, master of the coaster, had been on the bridge all night and was congratulating himself that his long vigil was at an end when the steamer hit Goat island. The fog had cleared as the steamer entered the harbor, but shut down thicker than ever after the Navarro passed Alcatraz. DAMAGE SMALL The next stop was Goat island. The steamer was going slowly, and is thought to have escaped serious dam age. Its bow touched the steep hillside and the spit of. land on the starboard side was so close that a man falling overboard would have been more likely to break his neck on the rocks than get drowned in the water. . The Navarro went ashore at 9 o'clock in the morning and. it was expected would float at high tide -last" night. Assistance was sent the "stranded steamer and part 'of the cargo' taken off in lighters. Captain Hoffman" said that the fog was so thick that he Jost his bearings and had to guess at the amount of leeway he was making. He guessed about 20 yards short and went ashore. The navy tug Vigilant contributed two collisions to the day's excitement. The first, off Goat island, was with the ferry steamer Berkeley bound to the city on its 7:30 o'clock a. m. trip. The Berkeley was crowded with passengers and when the Vigilant,^ head on.* struck the ferry steamer's guard, thpre was something •of a panic on The Southern Pacific boat. FERRY BOAT GASHED Captain Blaker, pilot of the Berke ley, had heard the Vigilant's whistle and Captain Lockyer of the Vigilant was aware of the Berkeley's close proximity but could not locate the steamer with sufficient accuracy to miss it. The Vigilant was making lit tle headway and the damage was lim ited to the big gash that the navy tug cut in the ferry steamer's guard. The Vigilant did more serious. dam CUR CREDIT TERHS as foflows: j I Accounts opea for men and \ro- I " | opgy k vjaflijsGs TurraL xmas. | *HE- SAN iM^^o«G|iii^pfiM^DE^MßEß^l3^M<); age on its next trip from Goat Island when it ran into the steamer Van guard as the lattor was backing away from Union street wharf. The Vigi lant tore away 15 feet of the Van guard's guard on the port quarter and dented its own nose. V. T he fog;, which was low and unusu ally dense, interfered with navigation until about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Up to that time the ferry steajners ran on hourly schedules and vessels due to go to sea postponed their departure. WIFE A POKER JINX, SO SPOUSE ASKS DIVORCE Ole T. Olsen Says She Always "Hoodooed"; His Luck Prayers and poker in the one house hold did not appeal to -Ole T. Olseh ifc a seasonable or proper mixture, and serious quarrels with his wife. Alma Olsen, resulted. Ole was the poker player and Alma deeply offended him by bringing him bad luck- through her prayers, as Tie claimed. _ ' '.- ' '.* "Hp said T was. his hoodoo,", .testi fied Mrs. Olsen 'in iJudgre Graham's court yesterday in the trial; of her suit for divmrce. "He got very angry with me and said he never could win at poker so long as I Wept praying. I wa? !fis Jinx, he told me." Mrs. Olsen stated that. she would hot stop praying in order to assist her hue-band win at poker, and he became more violent against her. On one oc casion he kicked her out of bed at night, and . with her. child she waa obliged to seek shelter with a neighbor. Olsen' ' Is . a carpenter, earning $5 a day*, but most of this he lost at the poker table, -testified .the- wife, and therefore was unable' to maintain -his family. Judge" Graham granted. Mrs. Olsen a divorce. - . . - "... ' It's well to mix a little self-suspicion with polf-respect". - "Sterling Floor Coverings J%re Ideal Gifts'*/ 9x12 Axmlnstkr\^u^:'^2p- ; Arnew rug-will make the old'tfome look. like a- new^ home ' after Xhristmas. '\u25a0•\u25a0-'\u25a0\u25a0 The 9x12 foot. Axrhinster; Rug; we selUat^s2ous the .' biggest lvalue in the : '••-' \u25a0"\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 ' . state. \u25a0. .- It comes in a variety, of -and 'colorings.'-. \ '' . - \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'-:• \u25a0. Christmas Terms $iiso iSowh diidL!s2:oo a Week ' 9xl2 \Bqdy ßrussels ßug s2s Forthose who prefer a Body Brussels Rug we have a 9x12 ft.' in this popular weave that is an exceptionally] good -value: at $30/or $35. ' And you have a^ large assortment^of patterns to "clioosefrom. J y' ' . . { .'\u25a0'.-.' Christmas Terms Come and See the Hundred* i^pf^PrdcticaVFurm^re^ifis, FURNBTORE COMPANY CALIFORNIA ESTATE OF MILLS DIVIDED Two Children Receive Nearly All of Property Valued 1 at $2,200,000 ;. Practically the 'entire ; CaliforniaVes tate of D. O. Mills, appraised at $2,200, - 000, was ordered 'distributed yesterday by Judge Graham to the -two children of the decedent, Ogden Mills arid Mrs: "Whitelaw Reid, wife of the ambassador to (?r,eat Britain, i "- 1 ; \ ; >: ; \u25a0•; \u25a0 .; -', .Ogde^. Mills; testified -it hat, there; are^ no- debts dUeJby\ tlie estate' or.'unsatis- 1 ! fied\.claims and thatrs4oo-,000 willediby his father .".to, charity, ihad .been paid from: the "New. Ybvk". portion'" of the' es tate. ~. >.t~ : \u25a0-" '\u25a0-"[" [- y >: ;.\-:; :'-\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0. - The property^, divided yesterday . be tw'en the two'heirs includes $250,000 In cash, mor? than; sl,ooo,ooo' worth of gilt edged securities and- realty, in several counties. Among the realty- is the Mill-, brea ranch in San Mateo county and the reside.nee there. ' , '•• . ':'•'. , .. . ARTILLERY CORPORAL ATTEMPTS SUICIDE - Corporal -James J.- Barry -.-of * the Fifty-seventh company; coastTartillery corps, attempted , to commit -suicide, at the 'Prpsldio yesterday. '. morning, by shooting /.himself;' through- thej 'mouth, with, his rifle.- It is expected' that* he will die. \u25a0 • ' "•- • 1 k'r'i s- \u25a0 \u25a0 - \ : : ' WHY THE RAMBLER CARS ABE POPULAR Manager L. Hi Bill Gives Sbnw •; r-. Interesting^Facts About f tKe FactiDfy^ JC It is always, 'a pleasure to. meet a \u25a0man';whoris- enthusiastic. This is- es pecially : true -when, he 'has somethingr to be enthusiastic over. \u25a0\u25a0 . This" applies to'lManaVer- L.- : H.?'Bill,- of' the local branch of Thomas' B. Jeff ery. company. Bill in speaking of , the factory that builds ; the' Rambler says: , - 7 . TVithathe; experience gained" and r ample • capital accumulated • in' the ..manufacture ;of Rambler -bicycles, - the Thomas ,B. -Jeff ery company • • commenced the; manufacture 1 of • '.Rambler automobiles in -\u25a0 1901 un : der . -the- most;- favorable auspices.^ j -->The. Rambler was of the earliest .production of 'the 'American made ; automobile,', and from the. first .the Thomas. 8., Jeffery: company made -practically all the, "* component 'parts .of Rambler \u25a0 cars. c.Manufac turing all the parts "of-' the -Ram | rblerV f rom ; the raw, iinaterial, they gj ,' saved the, middleman's profl/. Con ... sequently they, could, and did, as : - sume .an independent- position : in V the' trade In the matter of prices as well as policy- in marketing their ' product. \u25a0---'.-:. .From "the very \first a low "price \u25a0•• was. set Jon I " Rambler cars, and -es . ' pecial^".' lpw.~. prices', were , e&tab f lished-for the -component parts of the car : s0 ;as Mo .make, the' repair bills, or upkeep, of' ;the -Rambler •' automobile as low." as _possible,"and : • .also -to <make<it possible to , keep . Rambler cars in running order in- . definitely. -/True, the first Ram- . bier cars, i like all other automo biles' of those days, were :more or . less Imperfect, but, as the automo bile was improved the Thomas B. .Jeffery company invariably : ar ranged as far as possible to apply . - the improvements •on the old •. models. , ".As a result, we find single cylln - der and two \u25a0 cylinder Rambler cars running and. doing good work . everywhere. \u25a0 In its broad term .this can not be said of any other . car. The Rambler factory has brought its production up to . 2.500; automobiles per . year, and since 1901 has shipped and sold • . over 20,000 automobiles. Supply . ing all' these cars with parts as needed, keeping on" hand a stock of duplicate parts for: the oars that are .in use, has" brought into existence the largest automobile factory in America. The Rambler factory covers 21 acres of floor space,: and has over 1,000 pieces of the . most modern machinery.* ' besides innumerable special tools, jigs., dies, patterns, etc. The Rambler factory Is>' recog nized among the mechanical au thorities of the country as a model plant of economical and scientific manufacture. Instead of . striving for the production .of "the largest number; of \u25a0 cars.' .the Hambler fac tory • has used its capital and un limited facilities for producing a superior car, and by limiting its. production to- 2,500 cars per annum a uniform has . been made poss-ible. Nothing is- done in- a '. hurry. Every working day : In the , year the Rambler factory in. run ning :fullv. force, with.;, no* ;nlght work, no double shifts, and- no lay ing off of help: -A;position,-there fore .in the- Rambler, factory. .ls de- , sirable, and consequently, chansres' . in ; the ;working .forcetof the fac tory, especially among men -hold ing-positions of trust, are- of rare occurrence, which. -. In turn.* has developed the factory's -force into \u25ba % the •most.-skilled.S mechanics'. \u25a0', I 'Financlalb*.^ the^Thomas ;-B. Jef ,,-fery. company. w;'enjoy. an enviaWe ' reputation. '-"Dun- and v -Bradstreet . give this, company* Us: highest, rat ing. ' They- ; haye always been pre- . '. pared ,to meet any, emergency, and • . it is noteworthy to mention that during the financial panic of ,1907 . -not; a '.man-. in - : the. employ ; of- the Thomas. B.: Jeffery company was laid \u25a0 off. and every payday all the ' employes were paid' in full, and .th» production^ of Rambler ... cars - and parts continued .uninterrupt ' ' edy. "With ample capital. 10 years' experience, withnhe finest equipped: \u25a0 factory in the^world. having the most skilled and. experienced work men, and- wltfi an ambition to . build absolutely the best; it must; that- the Rambler of today "^ 'Is. the, equal" (g.tjd In rmany respects 'the superior) >- of-, any." car Jin .the "•» world." .'Mechanically.^;: we \u25a0\u25a0invite 5 • comparison, .and^'in<-"eJegance>- of • " rr ' }. finish .and.' -beauty^.'of ;.• appearance thelSil Ramblercar Is lncompar •able;-- -.'••-" ••\u25a0\u25a0 ; ' .-•\u25a0-'\u25a0.\u25a0 '--\u25a0''' Doctors Said He Would Die A Friend's Advice Saves Lifa I ' wiea to speak of . th« \u25a0 "wonderful cUxe.-.that .1 have; received from /yoar noted Swamp-Root, the "great 'kidney and bladder i cure.; Last summer I was taken ; .with • severe pains in \u25a0my . back and sides.- I could not breathe without difficulty arid : . was nearly wild with the desire : to urinate. "Was compelled to do, so. every 10 minutes with passage of -j>ure blood with the' urine^ I tried all the different. doctors from far and near, but they said It was no use to doctor, as I would die, anyway. I was at the end of my^ope and was so mis- erable with, pain and the thousrht that I-must die that words can not tell how I felt. One day a friend told me of the wonderful help \u25a0- she had received from Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. She gave me one of your pamphlets, which I, read, and determined to try Swamp- Root. After taking half a bottle I felt better. Have now taken 10 bottles and am : well as I ever was. thanks -to Swamp-Root. I wish to- tell all suffer- ing people that have kidney, liver or bladder' trouble, 'that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is the' best medicine on the. market. ,: ... . . All persons doubting this statement can write to rrie and I will answer them directly. . - i Yours very- truly,, CLYDE F. CAMERER. " - Rosalia, Wash. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23d day of July. 1909.. .... ; VERNE" TOWXE. Notary Public. ;' Dr. .'Kilmer ;& Co., I DlncbnintoD, . X. V. j Prove What Swamp-Rooi Will Do for You Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Blnsrham ton, N. V., for a sample bottle. It will convince any. one.. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, tell ing all about the kidneys and bladder. "When writing, be sure and mention The San ', Francisco Dally Call. For sale at all drug stores. Price 50c and $1. Health and Beauty Secrets BY MRS. \ MAE MARTTN. V. J.: To keep the scalp clean, sweet and healthful It Is necessary for many to shampoo once a week regularly. If your head Is Inclined to be oily or If you encounter much flying dust, you should shampoo weekly. Soaps make the hair dry,., hard and brittle— and cause streaks; don'fuse. them, no mat- ter how delicately perfumed or attrac- tively colored. You can "depend always upon canthrox' thoroughly cleansing your hair and Bcalp. removing all dan- druff, oil and dust. It makes an abund- ance of searching yet bland lather. Dis- solve a teaspoonful of canthrox In a cup of hot- water, pour a little on the head at a time, rub as you would with any shampoo: then rinse well. Your hair will dry quickly and evenly, so that It Is easy to do ' up, and it will b© so light, bright and fluffy that it will seem as if you have twice as much as before your shampoo. Mrs. X.: It is true your husband took you "for better or for worse." but I do not blame him 'for- urging you to do something: for your falllne hair, for a partly bald woman is about the most unattractive sight I can imagine. You can postpone the "for worse" many years if you will. The hair responds quickly to proper treatment. Use can- throx for shampoolnfr and rub into the scalp and hair 'roots twice a week a quinine tonic, which you can make at home at little cost as follows: G«t from your drueplst one ounce of quln- zoin. dissolve it .in one-half pint of al- cohol, then add one-half pint of water, and shake well. This inexpensive tonic feeds the follicles and gives the hair new . strength and life. It prevents dandruff and itching scalp, and keeps the hair clean, soft and silky. Quin- zoln will not change the color of the hair, but it will heighten the natural color and jrivft it luster. It will stop your hair falling out when you comb It. and will tend to make it grow in thick and long. \u25a0 .. . Blanche !«.: To be. sure, you are likely to get fatter during the winter months unless you take proper steps to prevent the accumulation of excess flesh. In fact, you are even now en- tirely too stout for one of your height. Get from- your drug, store four ounces of pamotisand dissolve It in 1H pints of hot water. Then take a tablespoon- ful .before each meal. This remedy is harmless and a rapid flesh reducer that will not make It necessary for you to half starve yourself to keep from sret- ting too fat $ — - L. T.: No person's eyes will remain clear and "bright under all conditions. If yours are inclined to become dull, expressionless, red and inflamed -when exposed to sun. dust or "wind, you can easily remove the trouble 'by dropping one"or two drops of crystos eye tonio In each eye. Make this tonic yourself. J.ast'jret an ounce of .crystos from your druggist and' dissolve it in a pint of warm water. That is all there Is to this 'simple remedy, but it is so good The inside front cover of Col- lier's for December 17th will show* a handsome picture of a Garford But, Jbtmousmes are not really the point of— Never mind, we will explain it in the Gbllier ad. Send for Gr-8 Preliminary Circu- lar explaining tvhywe are obliged to make our cars die best. THE GARFORD COMPANY ELYRIA, 0., U. S A. (Licensed ; nnder Sdden Patent) • :'-flr": '-flr" -— v ' \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0" • •\u25a0\u25a0 ] JraOST a* t i ; r fr^TOCKTorc II UNION JSQUARB^ j / JSENSIB.LEf f GIVING f J| Our seven great floors il fare filled with offerings S, that make the finest of |'• g Christmas Gifts; fur- jr « niture for the horns. II I which will be appre-* f . . 1" Eciat'ed. You will be 1 delig h t e d with the K 1 splendid gifts — gifts : j which will be liked, too n : | — you can buy for very ; i e little money at Fred- i cricks*. > f Investigate Our System \u25a0 .%* cf Chzrgc Accountx .+ ! ! -» | -Want to Borrow Money? 1 I— SEE CALL WANT ADS 1 that many have been abl« to dispense with spectacles after using it for a month or fwo. B. V,".: Red hairs are no more dis- figuring on a woman's face than hairs of "Rny' other color. I 'think you are too sensitive, but you can easily get rid of that downy growth on your face and forearms.' tf you wish. Get from your druggist, one ounce of delatone. make a paste by mixing a little of th» powder with a little water, and apply to the surface from which you wish to remove the hairs, allow to remain two or three minutes, then wipe- off the paste and -wash thoroughly with warm water. This treatment will not injure the skin and can be repeated if the hairs should return. Two or three ap- plications will kill the hair follicles for good. Your druggist will charge you a dollar for one ounce «f delatone. but T know of nothing else so good. Tf cer- talnlv is much cheaper and less painful than electrolysis. Miss Patsy: You ask for some conv plexion beautifler more refined than powder. Try this: Dissolve four ounces of spurmax In a half Dint of hot -water. ?dd two teaspoonfuls of . glycerire. shake w»ll and let cool. Applv to th? face, neck and forearms with 4 the palm of the hand and rub gently tntil dry. Spurmax face "wash cools, freshens and whitens the skin, does not "shine" or streak with perspiration, and "holds'* all day. It prevents freckles, tan. 'red- ness and roughness. You will be de- Marht-d with Its delicate daintiness. T know. \u25a0_ R. F. C: You can make a face cream without grease that will remove Mack- heads and cure opfen pores If you .will get from your druggist one ounce of almozoin. dissolve It in one-half pint cold water, add two teaspoonfuls of glycerine, stir well and let stand over night. Massage with this almozofn cream Jelly nfsrhtly and It will pravent or arrest wrlnkle.s. and soften and- em- bellish the skin, for it carries Into th«» cuticle and pores the glow of health and gives that transparency and satiny feel so m,uc» desired. It quickly cor- rects a greasy, coarse skin, effectually braces It and stimulates it to healthy action. \u25a0 . Nancy:' You can not expect'to hav» a smooth, rosy complexion as lonar as your blood Is full of impurities from a deranged liver, which causes thoje usrly red pimples on your face. "What you need Is a good, cleansine. system tonic that will ourify your blood j»nd enable you to cultivate cood looks. Get an ounce of kardena from any Amg store: dissolve it In one-half r>lnt alco- hol, adding one-half cup susar. then enough hot water to make, a full quart. Take a tablespoonful before each meal and In a short tlm© this good, old fash- ioned "tonic will clear up your skin of sallowness, give you a good appetite and make you feel better and mere en- ergetic. It will really. Improve yonr looks a great deal and do you a world of good. \u25a0 . 5