OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, December 13, 1910, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1910-12-13/ed-1/seq-9/

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I F° r the Benefit of Call Readers This Page Is Devoted to |
a^^ I Holiday Announcements of the Leading Specialty I, /" 1
v V'|i^^^ I Shops Which Are Offering Goods Suitable ||| |
hjt 'r^2i^^fi^ I for Christmas Gifts at Popular Prices * f
LAL^lt^o! /Tl • j \'\'w' UPOO DOZEN SOc TIES
c M , the 7\ c $65 and $70 Suits : :
r on v oem ever known £ i^A <!^^|y/2MRfaS^^
g / 1 y^ /7/ ruiuvvn \ R vAiy j~i - Ifl^ 336 kearny street
O / I "J^iO rn//^n/\^ •/••-» »->>-» x-w >-% I I ** TV^ S XT •A \u25a0*! ff^'^l "tf^K T »t \t« • 'ii i^ \u25a0 I<f L^Ji- 'V.J 4iH^ Between Bush and Sutter Sta»» T.*
2 I \ 7/9 SCI&nOP TO DOSSP^S \ \ o , i ; , „ 1 1111 I 1 II Nothing more attractive or de-
\ wear and retain I &Z%JZ^a£L*. Dresden novelties of r^y^— i^ d - \u25a0 _ —
\Diamond_Brilliancy\ M . hS des -^taw,''. "— °- a Gl - iß^ | \u0084 . " =^
I FXCLII<;iVF COA^T AfiFNT I \ LADIES' TAILOR • 10l HOSt %*!•• 9* #"• W „ -_ i „ „ _«^^
\iii/ CA^LUOIVt^UMOI AUtni 209 POST STREET— 2o6^lead Bldg. Ash / (Tinn \u0084, a yiAwn 1 A /^iTrt^C I^rtlHk!KOirC
vYnU^/I I(%UM r nAVinQnilNj\JicEf/ Phone Douglas 4958. Trays ........ jI.UU Hl3 BROADWAY, OAKLAND I• U / \IiECID tJIIUpp^CI D
-729 m^ke-. it Chrislmas Mm IJt McNALLY'SI Sing Chong Co.'s
| m \u25a0 '-^-^ | Holders 4>£.*CJ 31st Annual Holiday Announcement '
CIRCULAR ON REQUEST | BSargainS I Toast C9 OR A >le AVlthout « Parallel H f./" 1 R
J l ?n- '• 'I w.zd tea j^; two Deauntul Dazaar
— * „ M f Pierced (TO Eft HflM CAPTOAn^
I IP 3 | | p^ g^ I Fruit Bowl ' JJ B Py MmgS vrtivuvnuo | Affords the greatest opportunity for the selection of novel
• I IW* iLJm ®%Z If Zn r« Just Arrived gifts. We have spared no expense to make our holiday
«AiTftlL7 TPiHiAIS fPaiTR lMsßl^€> T^frtFlKP^ 9 I f <?f > 1 Rll iSWI^ Slnar !, r ' A \?" e ' stock particularly attractive, and with this end in view our
AMy irOOII iLail IVia&e MOney | | Sets.... SO.UU f M Sri'Vn^ buve« Tin the Orient have secured for us a stock complete
a \u2666», «.\u2666!, o« »,„\u2666 «t* totoc » I OerWfii\ $ Covered Sardine Holders, ISii^kJ^ Mir W in 'character and exclusive in design.
maS to?2?D ft ~He was rlahl I ManufacurHe Furr" G r I £ ith t^ Rfl At rlces that «*<>' competi'tion. Cloisonne, Satsuma, Bronze, Ivory, Porcelain Wares,
Wise man IO Keep 11. lie was rigm | WianUiaCiUnng l<ttrr.er.| Trays , >5u.OU vpdv paw tpdmq Silk and Linen Embroideries, Kimonos, Dress Patterns,
(Sa-sjs^^a-gsa ,„,„,,,. IO ,n . I ana importer or | r , & ft VBKTBMY lCKm:> ; Silk Underwear, Jade Stone Jewelry, Ebony Furniture, Silk
ffi^§§il» Pr* T HE Nah ° nal ash Rc ? ter ByStcm I Fine Furs I Plates 52.50 ° Ur M AbL?ure%^acUo e n lnsure3 I Embroidered Tapestries and a hundred other suggestions
_ ggSaa^^^^g rnce is the result of 26 years' hard work i «-»««« i a X ->^^ MicciniM ctdbbt I ' representing the best in Chinese "and Japanese Arts and
m ®JM- $55 »ndn l iIHon J ofdoll m i n v« toK ntm l ooU I 3/- 39 Grailt AV6. 1 52 50 '\u25a0 Crafts. . Sing Chong Co.'s mark is a guarantee oJ quality, j :
if'llsS^^S^g^ and plant in order to work out (or store- t> w „.„*, 4 ,. 4l „.« c « \u25a0? corner Jft..MV Phonss: Mlsslon 202 , Home M35 , 6 . Our prices are right. Inspection invited.
i^if^lpililfev teepers the BEST way to look after their j^^^^^^^.^ | Sa^^^ each _ 50C ___2^l^2l__ ' QM^ CH(\HC CO Inr
iISnOpaSi&HS&sSL profiiJ. Costs nothing to . investigate. +^ < . w _ H » ! .4^. w ..j w _ H^. H^^. HH . lr ' • \u25a0 JlllVJ VllvllVl V_V/ V IllC.
Boolkt Md Pric " •"*• I EAGLFSON &CO t Real VaJueS R. DePAEZ RW. Corner Glifomia St. and Grant Avenue
Cwfli^^^^^, 1116^ 1 ' 0^ 03311116^ 61 " 00 - t MANUFIrniQFRS OF ? in Cut GIaSS first class look tin eu loosuitjng ]
i&^d^f^^^^^^ u ™ MAKKbi bIKI^ET f f Q . , «% /j «»\ «« « a f\? Managers.
»— »\u25a0*« --"- "»• 111 1 =_MEN f s=— I Cs $3.00 MEXICAN
. | FURNISHING GOODS I NN £ 3 .... ....;.; $1.25 RESTAURANT \u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0'
ASK FOR j Xseful Holiday Presents. ± Mayonnaise Boats, (fj nr Tamales, Enchiladas, Staffed Pep. lip".
¥ A AITrCTi I t UNDERWEAR | with Saucer .... M.ZO pers and Tortillas onr sfeelaltj-. DrfcAl^C! Cr> D rHDICTIM A C
LA QUESTA ITS'SLSt-Sil | T^fs^ I s PO on U % 734 broadway, BOOKS ™* tHKIb 1 MAh
Red Wines ?=s^4*^| I S^=S. C I? Jinn- J^H^sST; w*-^^*
u VY IIIC:^ J t o^ ee C L n u^B very thlng I P Perfect Fitting Shirts< I V-UU Orders taken for part3es and bapqnets Illustrated Gift Books— Latest Fiction
bT~ o «„. . Bush an^ Larkin^treeT^ B ' $ 726 and 1158 MdiYUt St. | [ W*!"" v'" t9 7R nnnnmn Small Gift Books in Daint >* Bindin^ Christmas Cards, Calen-
OSSQH £ ¥lCtOr Th^ b t T , Sai V Fr | n f CO ' I w i«Li figSSH JOHN ROBB NS dars, Books for Boys and Girls
yiBaUBB IJ4 ÜBUIiVB . .1.1JL.. rtf \u0084, 1 f' Los Angeles & Sacramento, f Water (TO rtn : WUllli «"«"•»« T rcT\vrvTc 1?*
PHQMQGRAPHS «Sd™ b wTrfd, each 1 **^*^*^^^H^> W I Carafe $Z JU ;^^^l IMPORTED NOVELTIES BIBLES ' TESTAMENTS, Etc.
mUhUUIIHrnO rootn being fitted with a I |pm»«ftM^ Fern Dish, with CQ Kfi I'M fiCADV CT Special, TISSOT'S LIFE OF CHRIST, Cifl Rfl
pacv davmpmtc porcelain tub, supplied with 1 fJ I'J C • 1 1 Plated Lining ... J)O.OU p^^» "'^" UCAI\I Jl, Formerly $45.00; Now
EASY PAYMENTS. hot and cold salt and fresh | Holiday Specials Fern Dish,, with 4-Light P==^=^ QPFPIAI Q1 HH . "
A few more 10-inch disc records rec 1 Regular $3 9t 0 $35 Suits and | Can- ttl|| | W ™" . c' f r « Westminster BOOk Store
left, 25c each, 5 for $1.00; bargains in xnese tUD Datns arc rec- Overcoats made to order for i delabra 4)0. 0U II Men s Set, Cuff Formerly the new book store
pianos, electric slot pianos and organs, \ ommended by physicians I j . m OXE> -'•" ' _ !l».|?« Buttons and w. H. websteb, manager
new and used as being most beneficial for | ; $20 paxts ?5.00 axd rp. bugar and \) [\ uSsi \fim Scarf Pins, as- CTTTTT7T? ANH STOCKTON
nervousness, rheumatism I | Creamer i^^n \u25a0 sorted desiens SUTTER AND STOCKTON STKH.^TS
BACIGALUPI, 941 Market and insomnia. H NEUHAUS & CO.(InC) TAILORS I These are only a few sam- L-JLL, Other styles > J
UP STAIRS. A modern and sanitary |fl 5 0 6 Market st, near Battery st \ P le< values to be found in our $ I#so to $ 6>50 set — •
. laundry Is operated on the | stock.'. • : o RITJAININOFF 7 r?^ O jssl n
m premises, where . all suits M . \u25a0 ~ . , I ! ~ k j2~>~ — »w Manufttrfurin* |UTr>sa^^ Tl<% /P/fl ?A
An Ideal Gift for your I -fli=±S^ I I Photographs I".^™.,™! {Tal^T 35M!&, I /^S^ ** S s^. fIKC
pactprn TrißnrlQ Soectators free ' J _r-u _»_ ' — ' CIOC nn • rl I Vr «ewR.«iWANO3« - « Expert R«j>*iria«
eaSLcrn lneilUb opectaiors iree. ga qp THF CMTT TIQKAI $195.00 I] MgjQlsl h» si «sj 51 lick place
towmsend's hot air hair dryers § - . Ma a^ /Z - D/?£JV 246=2^8 Post Street £&^^£#ti I /o -»-«f^ "^1"" ""
, _ , FOR WOMEN BATHERS jj IjUSjIIJvELL \ Bet. Grnnt Ave. and stocktin menfs. Lflrgeaj exclusive ftiono | ! %£&&&&
PoilfnrniO PlOnO fniitO nu # u \»— — . . w^^^u,,^.,.,^^,^^ house in the Mission. II \u25a0'. .
uaiiiornia uiace nuns ijidlinel ' „*-> zzztT-r - — --•\u25a0\u25a0 ustlPS®^ \u0084tzzz.?.
m -^ \u25a0\u25a0 Baa u\l lira u £s\3 K™ la '{^^ \u25a0 - JVMt i\J\Jb, 1 J/. . 24-26 HILL STREET H
and CandieS -__. «. -5^ - - --ste> » Ban Francisco. OnAflPAl I lAfdnf flJo Off Valencia Street, between 21st || Phones Kenrny S5BT| Home C-5594
Two Stores: AT HS I "»'« * "88" HLL « 3nl ftDS P,.no S ,o"V^ w . pYtPS IVlfnrP PIPC
, s .£& 5 ,. «p^ Sip \u25a0 \u25a0 *f| sce S^sSp^i PMel Thev Give Satisfaction S^:^^ nlnE ""* tj * Jr>a BIT 01 llMri Pfl CAU " 1YI " lie riK^
47 Vf-ar. Id Pulace Hole! Bld K . BUSII and LarklD Streets m portrait. .' HICJ UI»C UailOiabllUll v;~.rA-v.i^VMtiJ^.^",'^v..^'.lt,-.^Ul^AgrT^Jl i l> Ml I 111 If" I 11l
'' ' Branch 2151 Oeary St 9.- .... v — .' /"' '"/v . \u25a0 '", V-'. \u25a0\u25a0'. :' '/, r '.. ,'.-.-_, ''.''/' \u25a0 , ' '' ' Ul II I LUIUILL UUI
X '"' V Near Oevljidero . ] i n iwiiiinn iiiiHiii nn umwiwimMa— «w^W|^- Importers of A V"** dtscriptio* of turn Sin Fratteiuo"
B— MJBMJiip'l GENUINE XI¥IAS BAftGpNSforYOUI fine brandies The city That is
— ' : :^^* > SSO' 000.00 '"^1 1 BORDEAUX WINES by rufus steele
SEWING MACHIHE m . mmM^ lumummmK botwartu ap npiFNTAi adt fihnD<^u I — The stor y of the gof san
H'""'-— -"""""' \u25a0"\u25a0"\u25a0"- «—ffi^ \sB& WUK I tl Or URICn lAL Alt I WUUUS P| M , JMll ,„ ftdllt Colll Francisco told with oower and
nnMP^TTf 's TNG E R ' T ADlF<\' TAITOf? 9 " \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•'•"• ' \u25a0 • : .. ii x-iciin-iscu, tutu wnn power ana
MT^Jxr uhmt?' \X7MTTF anA I ZZI I Consisting of Artistic Porcelain, Brass and Bronze Ware, Ladies' Quilt Wrappers and Jackets, Long and i X/AM f)CM RPRHM beauty.
NEW HOME, WHITt. and - __^ Short Kimonos, Antique Embroideries, an immense assortment of Toys, Rare Ornaments and innumerable ' VMI>I ULI>I DLnun « uu ' ° J \u25a0
all other makes, new and j%J • 1 SZ* 1 I^l I unique Trinkets. , lunc^ rp Qnrn at ? nivcp ' U K\ OK" GIN Beautitully illustrated.
slightly used. LOWLb 117GRANTAVE. % ' — ~ — , The best book about «^an
PRICES, easy payments Of 51 Exceptional "opportunity for I These goods were brought here for exhibition purposes but our home office faUed and the entire stock must : Ana Proprietor, of tie Celebrated . UC3L UUOK aooui oan
a week. ."•'- „ those desirous of having ad- " 1 be disposed of for the benefit of creditors. Come and see the beautiful -Christmas presents you can buy for * ly-z-xt ai/ima rranciSCO.
CHEAP drop head machines vanced styles combined with Ll "him," for "her" or for the little ones. And the prices are really tempting. \u0084 - • I\ULAI\IINn
as low as $14.50. guaranteed ,, workmanship and || | EV ERY ARTICLE IS MARKED AT -WHAT'^ IT ACTUALLY COST IN^-CHINAi WITHOUT THE highgrade California ' Price $1.00
it iriii pay yon to call on n« for rnrnii nrmi/Tn nmr>re El . DUTY OR FREIGHT ADDED. l ,«,«,,
X£X" wan " d In Bewta * ""- SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES I TUir />uimc» ADT TYUimTiAM An
AGEXT. 1 Untn JanUAry 15( 1911 . | B 971 IwIAKKET STREETj^ ;TWO= UOOrS BelOW HALt'5 J QO-03 LLLIO Ol nLL I 222 Stockton StT~t.
'"*^ \u25a0 * "\u25a0' .^^—^^^x UfcaL 'r*ZL "~!"*. "v^7 , fe^iiJfciaiiSSlfcHSSßßCStf -yj^jf ifrjffif-f 'j'. . , j;_ ~~_/ _! Xir iSHaUSHßaaißMflßHfcßaffiffi^ . -- - -— i... \u25a0 . l'.- r nl -V* Vr i— . o " |^y™ ! ™^™*™"™*fP™^ snn Frnnclico, Cfll. ITXIOX SQUARE*

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