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BE EARLY! A new supply of Booklovers* cata logues has been ordered, and their sale starts again this morning at 10 o'clock. Be an early bird! VOLUME CIX.—NO. 148. “THAT’S BRYCE,” SAYS MRS. INGERSOLL ON SEEING McNAMARA Prisoners Lodged in Los Angeles Jail Under Heavy Armed Guard WARRANTS FOR LORIMER SLUSH FOND KEEPERS Tilden, Cummings and Benedict Ordered Arrested by the Illinois Senate Packer and His Bankers Refuse . to Produce Bank Account of Former SPRINGFIELD, 111.. April 26.—Ed ward Tilden. Chicago packer, and William .*. Cummings and George M. Benedict, prisoner and cashier . ■">£ the Drovers' trust and savings bank °' Chicago, were ordered arrested on a contempt charge by the Illinois senate .tonight. The vote was 40 to 7. # This action was taken on recom "mVndation of the senate bribery In vestigation committee after Tilden. j Cummings and Benedict, through their lawyers, had refused to produce Til *den"s personal bank accounts for May, June, July and August, 1903. • Larimer Evidence Sought * .The committee believes there hank ■ accounts will show Evidence of the use •of money in the election of William Lorrinier to the United .States senate. Tilden had submitted „_ affidavit be r :;t be fore the committee saying, these* ac- J counts show nothing directly or lott dectVy bearing upon the election of Lorimer. He also offered. In a letter to the com mittee, to allow ono member of the , committee to go to Chicago and ex • s a-njine these bank accounts. Tilden made the express stipulation that he should be 'allowed ,to ••Ignate the member. * ... ; * - . Committee Spurns Offer • The committee took the position. in which It was sustained by the senate, • that it could not allow Tilden to dtc . tate the conditions upon which' the .. bank accounts should be investigated. The committee also Insisted that the ■ subpena served upon Tilde*, asking for the banking record, was sufficiently specific and was not a so called "drag net" subjena, as was contended by, his c6unsel. >" ' : . , Lieutenant Governor John C. Ogles by, immediately following the adoption of the committee recommendations,.an nounced that he would not assume re ' ''sponsibility of issuing the warrants * for the arrest of the three Chicago men. Senator Helm then placed the > responsibility upon the body of the i '"senate, directing Lieutenant Governor ; Oglesby to issue a ■■ arrant for the ar rest ot. Tilden. * - Warrants Are Issued When this motion had been adopted 0 the senate adopted similar motions in relation to Cummings and Benedict. Warrants for the three men were placed In the hands of K. H. Hatfield, assistant sergeant at arms, and he was directed to go immediately to Chicago •and make the arrests. Attorney Sears, counsel for Tilden, "before leaving the senate chamber told Senator Jones, floor leader, that habeas corpus proceedings will be started In 0 Chicago tomorrow morning." " The senate order for the arrest of the men followed an entire' day of. ar gument by counsel for both sides "and debate by members before the body of Jhe senate. M Former State Senator Cyril B. .landus of Chicago was' a witness before the * -enate ; committee" tonight. -"' *> 7 Jan'dus appeared with his bank ac counts for the year 1909. They showed that Janus made two deposits aggre gating $4,125 in June and July, 1909. He, was, unable to give the source of these deposits. In no other months in 1909. did Jandus deposits amount to nio're than a few hundred dollars. - MANUSCRIPT HUNTERS ROOT FOR THE BACON Long Sought .Works Object of , River Digging CHEPSTOW, England., April 26.—Dr. Orvllle W. Owen of Detroit and his lieu tenants started afresh 'today delving Into the mud of the River Wye for Ba con's "secret. -The American is thor oughly. optimistic and believes that the boatlike structure discovered in the bed of the river is the long hidden cache supposed to contain the Baconian man uscripts. * , .' : ..*' CRY OF KILL THE UMPIRE MAY BE HEARD AT HAGUE MINNEAPOLIS, April -6.—That dis putes between nations should'-be settled by an umpire, .as disputes be tween -rival' American "baseball teams are settled, was the keynote of ;an j -ddress delivered by Baron d'Estour * nelles de Constant, the French states ma**!'/, before the, students of the .Uni versity of Minnesota -today. THE San Francisco CALL Senator’s Report Calls Stephenson’s Election Corrupt [Special Dispatch to The Cell] MADISON, Wis., April 26.—The senate Judiciary committee of the Wisconsin legislature today rec ommended the adoption of a joint resolution requesting, the .United States to investigate "the man ner, means and methods by and through which Isaac Stephenson secured his election to the sen ate." The resolution is a substitute for the Hustlng resolution on the same subject introduced earlier In the session. The committee resolution is ex pected to pass .the legislature, though supporters of Senator Stephenson will do everything in their power to defect It. Senator Henry Bodenstab. Milwaukee, a supporter of Stephenson, was the only member of the committee to dissent from the committee's rec ommendation. The.resolution recites the find ings of the senate Investigation committee which were to the ef . feet that Stephenson, committed bribery and that hl3 campaign managers committed bribery and other acts in-violation of the cor rupt practices law to 'secure his election and that therefore his election was null and void. 'It also recites the recommendations of the senate investigation com mittee that the United States sen ate be asked to investigate the, action of Stephenson and that; prosecution be commenced against * the persons guilty of the perjury of corrupt practices in connection with the election. * , The resolution will come up Friday. ;,, ALASKA URGES ACTION ON COAL LAND CASES Cablegrams Sent to Taft Asking Court Hearing ..CORDOVA. Alaska, April ; Mer chants and mine operators of the Cop per river district have started a flood of cablegrams to President Taft urging him to endeavor to obtain a hearing of the Alaska coal land cases before the supreme court at the present term. For months many merchants have been, obtaining extensions ,'. of', credit With Wholesale, houses In the belief that an early settlement of ; the coal cases would he made. Business men say that If the coal 'cases are not de cided in May there Is no hope of na tive coal being available for the local markets until 1913. - ■ ■ WIFE DESERTER LOCATED BY NEWSPAPER DISPATCH Los Angeles: Woman Applies for. Pension, and Report 1-. Leads to Chargeof:Bigamy ; ';,;■': ■•; ; [Special Dispatch to The Call] P.EXTON HARBOR,, Mich.. April 26. The strange romance of a California man was' revealed here today. Fight ing his - way through;,the civil war, marrying, going to California in the early days, 'deserting his wife and three children* at Los Angeles, disap pearing for 16 years, marrying In this city again and keeping his secret from wife No. 2 at the age of 67,, Is part of the history of Fred, A. Clark, who was betrayed try a publication of a story from" Los Angeles, telling of "the action of Mrs. Clark *in a petition for a pen sion, and being Informed by."the' pen sion department that he lived in this city. ■Sixteen years ago Clark walked out of his California home. When* years passed and he did not show. up,.. Mrs. Clark at Los Angeles applied for a pension. . She doubted that her missing husband was alive, : but:,addressed a letter to Fred A. Clark , here. Mrs. Clark here had read the story in the Chicago".papers, and when the Los An geles letter arrived she managed to get possession' of it. HUMMING BIRD EGG IS LAID • : BY 8 POUND BERKELEY HEN [Special Diipatch to The Call] '7 BERKELET. April 26.— to be out done? by "Oakland, which claims, to be th? home of -a hen laying eggs of al most ostrich si-e, Berkeley broke '; Into the limelight today as possessing the hen which has broken all records for laying the smallest sized : egg. ; . r Carl Schmitt, a contractor .'and builder and Incidentally a.chicken fancier of 1609 Stuart street. is the :possessor -of an egg- laid by an > eight -pound black mlnorca,hen. The egg is but three eighths of an inch in diameter and but an inch long. It is smaller than.most birds' eggs and a robin's egg looms up large beside iu^V -*-. • SAN FRANCISCO, THURSDAY, APRIL 27,. 1911. "Tou.are my .missing husband." read the missive.^ "I ask only that;you tell me why you disappeared.: Tell'me this/ and-1' will bother you no more." ' The Michigan Mrs. Clark . wrote i to' the California woman. The description 5 which she received and the picture" which. she . sent conpleted ,the chain of, evidence against Clark./ Confronted by. his own picture of California days, he! admitted that he was the -missing 'man.' He ..was .arrested on a charge of big amy, but later was released. Mrs.. Clark here."stipulating that* he !should -leave- Michigan instead'ofbeing-prosecuted! Clark. accepted. - ",■ *, " .7 ■'■'. .:..', 77, '"He is gone-as though he were dead." said Mrs.:j ('"lark. "It J might as well have been' a--funeral.-.* for I never care to' see. him / again.',' < '■■"• 77"']' ".*"• - Perhaps the strangest part of the caseiwas.that the,news dispatch which flrst linked 1 the California and ; the Ben ton • Harbor * Clark -as one ■ also * restored to the missin pman a sister whom*" he had not seen for sft ' years. " She- re sided '.;at, Madinett, Wis. . Readlhg;,'pf. the, case.;she ;corresponded .with Clark here, and .soon theft* i relationship*■■' was established. "* . ' ."' Schmitt says, r that •' this hen also laid an egg which was about seven-tighths of an inch; in /-.diameter, and three fourths of an inch in length.' '■ He chal lenges chicken • fanciers from : one end of -" the country to the other <to equal this record. • . • .■' ' ■ ' r~T T. L. MteQUlan of 961 Sixteenth street; Oakland, boasts a black rninorca"'which has .laid .an . egg -7MxS ii inches ; and weighing one-quarter of- a pound. He says that "..while this 'is *a< great ; record he is confident that his* hen will ,beat this performance in the "hear future.*'"' "7/ . ■".''"' ",?*■"''"'. ".-,, '';_:_ LOCHINVAR OF THE RAISIN BELT USES AUTOMOBILE ! . ■ : : .\.... a 1 •£,.*•■';-., '. ..",„,. -, . ...■'. . . . , » " *'" \ . , :",>'.*- ■■■ -*: '4% Her Ma'ls, r Outwitted, Parson Dragged From Pulpit and • : County Clerk Kidnaped. in Shirtsleeves ' 1 '.'.".-. \J '77:2*777' 7'7.'7.y.i .'.••■."■._ .'.: '.-7 * ,'■•- -. _.-, t : ' - 72 . -- ' '.. ... 277.177-. ■■ 17- " ' -.■■-■ - ; - .**. .* " ... .• ■ [Special Diipatch to The Call] /,'., ,- .. .... : .FRESXO,- -April 26.— Seizing ' his be- .' trothed .fromi* th*- very . arms ■ "of * her, I mother. "IterbTrtlT.' Shaw, a young clerk" I of. this rCity.-ruehedxaway, with-her with .an automobile tonight and the two we're .. _. . . ■_. _r*. -a, a. *. /%.' _+•_-, .v.* .. - , ■ *-■__. -__, _x. -a y. r-^ mferried Ijy.Tlev. Diincan y"Wallace, pas--. tor of- "-the •«Cumberland - Presbyterian church. „' ■ t ;:■ m >,*-.>;, "7--7f t , *..-.'. t ■f' • • Shortly -before*6 o'clock'*. the ' young - man d^cjd'j(J lV tpibej! married-',"i Securing 1 an automobile, he rushed to the home of? the .bride, but was informed by.the mother"* that be could '-hot'"see" her.*'; Brushing--herjaside, he rushed through;' the house'to r the girl's room. ' ? 'V,'}' '"".'"."'. *? ... "Hurry us» and get your clones, we're 7, going to'he married tonight." he shout- ' cd. and she dad as she was ordered. ', V ". the jnofh'er ostulated and followed them» to '»■ the>machine, [ getting'" Into j the. automobile.:*!>: 7; *"*". •".. .***." t ■•."-*.• , if you are going to town with * us. we^won't*gef married tonight." said • Shaw, and the three went back to the ", RAKER ASKS STATE CAUCUS TO BOOST FUEL OIL FOR NAVY [Specie/ Dispatch te The Call] WASHINGTON. April V 26.—Represen tative John -.E^ Raker..", has written a letter - to ■hijf t fellow member's '"- of the California delegation suggesting a!'state,' caucus to consider legislation pertinent to the state and especially advocating the use of. fuel oil by tbe United States % s government on transport, ships \ and other vessels on the Paciflc coast. \ His. letter Is as -follows: '7- '.-,--- '. .* ' ~ \ 7 2 ..--..: •,. t...1 ( ,r.n.r.-V"-'.r,- --•■,-..,- #.'..".. : -Dear Congressman:,,-Respectful- - y- ly; suggesting* the advisability -of • a';•'* v m eealrlg' of the California ; delega ,,-', tion in ; congress *. for the *; purpose 1:: .-of discussing legislation pertinent f. ■ .-. "to California, among other things ■••'- - ; . the matter of using fuel oilbj* lie United .States government on trans- : . ...port ships and other vessels.on tha __*_*_£- * *::•. .... *•■•--*-'•*.- -■•■ • - "house. .As the mother reached the porch the two turned and ran for the auto and.sped away .to-town,-leaving; the ■mother at home. * "'Straight for the Calvary Presbyterian church the machine headed. - The pastor ;was conducting^ a missionary service; but this did not daunt: Shaw, and. he ' rushed j, up ,to the pulpit, seized the min ister by the arm' and led him'out of the church. ("Wallace did not have time .to get his* hat. The congregation crowded but iof the church to watch the. per formance. -" "'' *-" ' -,' '*." Rey. Mr. "Wallace . was , put into the machine.and it. was headed for the resi dence. of D. M..'Barnwell, county clerk. Barnwell was watering his lawn' and was in /his shirt, sleeves..' Shaw would not wait to let him get his coat, but made*him get into the machine, and the party went to get a llneense. * The wedding ceremony was performed at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George M.';Kohler.'* *. «, ' ' '.'. .'.". ':■, "■ ..""*.' > . * Paciflc coast. It Is unnecessary to in- call -• attention «• to -.-the - commercial < "benefit: that would accrue to our - * 'state: in case this .was done and as •- •,-• to the * question of expediency », and *. cheapness /there • can be \ no:; com- ' * parison ras between coal and oil. * I suggest that the California* delega- , ■ tion get vtogether. and' appoint a -■ ; committee from among'our number , ► -to,.call upon the secretary of war ■--*;and:urge a careful consideration of the matter. . , - , . '-, v *. Awaiting your .'pleasure, I 'am i'i yours 'most* truly*,**' ,".•.:' T * * •**.. - "'-, '■"{ . *'.''/' JOHN E. RAKER, M.-C. - * .f **-.v- ..*-* *■* -- -* -'"■-- *-■■ ■ ■. - - - -'. ■ .^. . •..'The members to whom the letter was addressed have not yet decided whether , they •'win -accept the. suggestion. ' f/J\THE WEATHER Y^TERDA Y---Highest temperature, 52; /orß-GSij . Tuesday night, 48. t fmECAST FOR TODAY—Shows; light .yg&ftlh mind, changing to moderate west. ■-■■•'■■..■■ -w> - '.-'.■- , *- . ■ '■; ; * - :■* - WOMAN CERTAIN ONE OF ACCUSED IS DYNAMITER Indicted Trio Are Spirited Into . Los Angeles in Speeding Automobles MEN ARE HANDCUFFED AND SHACKLED Detectives Fight Way Through Immense Throng in Pasadena and at County Prison f Special Dispatch to' The Call] LOS AXGELES, April 26—"It's undoubtedly Bryce." With thess words Mrs. D. H. Ingersoli of San Francisco, who gave the police a detailed description of the man known as J. B. Bryce, said to have; heen .the person who purchased the dynamite from the. powder works at Giant, a part of which, it is alleged, was used in the blowing up of the Times plant, today made her first; identification" of 7- 8.-McXamara as Bryce. • Under instructions from District Attorney Frederick?, Ingersoli returned here Tuesday, from San Francisco,' where she has been since testifying before the .special grand jury which investi gated the Times disaster. Today, in company with Eulah Hitchcock, a special woman detective, in the employ cf the district" attorney, Mrs. *"?crsoll went to Pasadena in an automobile to get her first glimpse,of «J. B. McXamara. . McNAMARA NOT HUSTLED INTO AUTO ; When McXamara, handcuffed to Private-Detective Barry of the Burns agency. was taken j from the. Santa Fe Limited he was rushed to the sidewalk, .but > was not hustled into an automobile, as had been McManigal a few moments previously, being compelled to stand for a few moments awaiting a car. * "'■ '" :« ■ ■ '.-■ ". -"' ..' ■- -7 ' -. .' ..." • ■ '/■ The delay was intentional. Close by, in another machine, sat Mrs.;lngersoll with the woman detective. That's McXamara." said Miss Hitchcock, indicating the prisoner. Mrs. Ingersoli gazed intently at the man a -Lew seconds, and then as his hand, with which he had been concealing his features from the press photographers, fell away for an instant, Mrs.. Ingersoli sank back in her seat and "was heard to say: "It's undoubtedly Bryce." When the auto containing McXamara finally whirled away, the car in 'which Mrs. Ingersoli was riding fell in behind it, and both the man said to be Bryce and the, woman who declared she knew hi mm San Francisco by that name were returned to this city. Mrs. Ingersoli soon after her arrival here was placed in care of the woman detective, who has been : her constant, companion ever since. She will be held under cover by "the district-attorney, it is said, until her testimony is needed in the case. PRISONERS LODGED BEHIND BARS John J. McXamara; secretary of the' international bridge and. structural ".'iron workers' association: his brother, James B. McXa mara, and 5 Ortie E^McManig-al^thcalleged dynamite' conspirators accused of having blown:up the Times newspaper, plant list October, killing 21. men, are in the Los Angeles county jail tonight, surrounded by extra : guards.'; All three charged with deliberate and con-" spired murder. ..**,' * - r a ...... - ■ • ■-■ *■: ""■■■.."-,*. . Before 2?o'clock; this afternoon all three- men 'were behind the bars of the county prison/'.three.-.blocks from the ruins !of the dvna pited newspaper building/but no attorneys came to visit and consult them, and there will not be any conference-between the accused men and counsel until tomorrow. '-*..." •' r. ", *.: ..." ;....." ■-:/ - . .' ... . . ,-: ' -. , . "It is* not known -when the .prisoners -will: be arraigned, and Dis trict 'Attorney, John D. 'Fredericks, who said yesterday. that !the state was ready to goto trial at once, announced that this ; formality would not await the.convenience of the defense. O. M. Hilton, chief . counsel. of the western federation of miners, who came here: yesterday, presumably .'; to join counsel for the defense; starte dtoday.-to establish headquarters and : a working force to* launch the battle, but stopped all preparations, when lie received a telegram from President Ryan of the iron workers' association saying that all matters pertaining to the defense of the international secretary and his reputed confederates were in the hands of Indian apolis lawyers. ___H_f___f'-^ ' '"'-'-J "There is almost an infinity, of 'things suffering'to be. done at • once," said Attorney Hilton.. j'But, although this is .a struggle that j means much to union labor, cas well as life or death to the accused, *' there have been no preparations and there is ,no money in sight ' except" the ■ fund aggregating * $250,000 pledged; by: President Mover " s of the western federation of miners. v '.'-.' t MUST BE TRIED ON ITS MERITS '—"'-^r — "I will wait until "tomorrow.' Then, if nothing transpires; I shall , go" back to my home -, in _\ Pomona /and wait until . technicalities art ■'{ PRICE FIVE CENTS.