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OPHELIA |UIZS IJjESnONS lost one busy tittle day in Che school where Pip Gmt-ia, Watch the string and guess what's going to happen* Prize Funny Stories. Ten dollars a week is paid for these stories—ss for the best, for the others a dollar or more. Checks are mailed the Saturday following publication. Use Post Cards. No manuscripts returned or letters answered. Send the funniest stories you know to ' COMIC WEEKLY EDITOR, P. O. Box 1354, New York. A tourist, while travelling through China accompanied iby a Chinese valet, -was leaving hi 3 steamer lor a short trip on shore, when he was suddenly interrupted by his valet exclaiming "Lockee door, lockee door." "Why should I lock my door? The Chinese would not rob me, 1 would ; they?" ksked the tourist. ; . .": "No, no; Chinese no rob. Lot missionaries on board; better lockee door." \ george W. Whttp .. , *SS"IB"H|^HMHi .-. • 1E ' Ao. 33T Thirtj-se»enth ttitti, Brooklyn, N. T. ,-• ■' ■'■'■- J:-'■:■' .-'': '-iv*:/.:*". '.*'-."' ' ■*\ "\ '' '-".'•.."■■. ■ - Her : hat -obscured, his L view at the theatre, and in a ■ kindly : voice he leaned forward and asked her to remove it. A ; stiffening of the head was her only answer. After a few ; minutes he repeated his request. .Then she turned on Mai. "There is ;no demand for my doing so," she said. ';.;;. "No demand?" he echoed. - ' y;[ i. Them he rolled his overcoat and.placed it on his Beat, sat on It. and, • getting his-hat from under his seat, placed it,on his head. •;. ,\'?'.''' i. < ■ "'■."■ '■ r->i;- iif. i/- ■' '.r&i . .=;.■' • <In a moment • there was a cry of "Take it off! X Take that hat off!" f , And .with a swift movement the lady unfastened her hat pini ; ,- and removed her hat. So did the man. r' '." GEdkGE ELY RUSSELL. No. 8525 Pro»ptct .trett,' deTcUnd. O. .• - ■ • ■ •*■:■■. ,- . ■■ : . •■' hours were passing, and still the bore remained with her. ."Do you Hke music?'' she inquired, listlessly. " ■ _ . "Yes," he replied,, "I am always carried : away by music." ' • She: flew to the piano ? and played several airs. Tien ;she. turned and looked at him. ■ ■ '-* T • "You are not gone yet?" "No." he answered. "But you'told me that music always carried you away." <% :! "Yes," fhe retorted, "but I said: MUSIC." MAGGIE C. OCALLAGHAX. Kiwwne, Charlerillt, County Cork, Irelaid. • *•' >*J- '■-*'■ '.*':/f ..::-•■.■- ■ '■ - ; A little fellow had been taught to have no fear of anything for God was always .with-- him. * .. ' • ",. %-\--: . One night a terrific electric storm 'came up, he being upstairs, while: his parents were below. « j ' . -*'. : •' >■; '■'<• He "became; frightened when he ; found : himself alone and called ■ down sto his mother v that he wanted to come down. His mother answered him v, to have no .fear, for God was with. him.' The "; storm became" 1 more violent, so ] the little ilad• called " hi mother again, saying: \\ "Mamma, you ; come up ' here " with God andletm^come down and stay with papa." GEORGE E. CUETI3, No. 303 Idea! Bulldinf. Denier, Col. '<■ • • • -■■■ A man went into a restaurant and ordered a portion of duck. , After waiting an : hour .the man went up to the waiter and said: .-' : "Look here; how long am I going to wait for that portion of • duck I ordered?" ;, ; "Till somebody orders the other half," said the waiter. "We can't go out {an i \ kill; half : a duck." ;;;"", , ,V : ;-• WILLIAM : ;li;HEXRy.;«2 Whiton street, Jeney City, N. J. ; j -; .' ■.oC ; * . "■ ■ •, • '• ■« % , '..- ■ ■ '^\. . An enterprising Yankee came ? over to England: and-, decided :■ to open a shop in Liverpool. ■ He obtained g premises next door to a man who also kept a shop of the same description, but was not very pushing ■ in■« his • business t methods, preferring» to ' jog; along in ' the same old conservative ' way. •. The I methods '; of - the ■ ■ Yankee, however, caused; the old i trader !; to wake j up, • and with : the spirit of [originality : J strong upon him. he affixed a notice. * over his door, with the words, "Established tSO years,",' painted - in large \ letters. '|||L|M|UH I liililWHWMilte Next day the Yankee replied to this with a notice over hit store to the following effect: "Established yesterday; .no dd stock." , ■ J- H. HARRINGTON, 29 FurnMs itrett, LiTerpool, Enjlind. YOU NEVER CAN TELL By Dwiggins j^^^^^pj THE: BEST'FLYING fjjjßgSSgl AEROPLANE' iir^ ■ ■■■' ■ THE. BLERIOT JR. ' . jail. Just like the famous Bleriot that flew 918 across the I English Channel P and has' {F|T taken the lead at late aviation meets. Very • . light, yet strong. Best flyer of all the junior models. Strong fabric stretched on frame ;of tough reed. I ] Flies 150 feet or more. No work :] required —all ready to fly when received from us. | It flies ; high and swift by its own power. Every boy should own this actual flying moilel of: this famous ) aeroplane. Just the model for y experimenters. It will demonstrate the prin ciples of flight. Send to-day 75 cents by money order or registered mail ; and we • will sendj^ou the aeroplane prepaid. k : . THE UNITED COMPANY, 1004 World Building, New York City, N.X BOYS'SCOUJ BASEBALL OUTFIT **? ■■ . ,-_ «_-«.-_-. >^VbL TOT* EXACT SIZE ;-J& mCTTC PR I?F fattfl SHIRT, handsome Era, —jglftOfcjifY;-' l/l/lll>/ ' 1 IVJuIU «'l«|^SjCS^ flannel, broad abouldera. '• MfiSE&v\ssKn : ~: . ! • " /.■ - r»*3 '■?>■"»•-'■ll«^J*a»^ button' front. - ( ffimPr^%^7 ■'' : Handsome, durable Scout ■ - ■** E^^J \Saels» ■ double sewed ■J«H«H^SP Sujts, ■• just • like' picture. i£*s?ffC> P A NT 8 , well I^&US firm, .tvonf Kl*kl. S«ut K> Wk • ,^T r . W 7 d be'u XI HfflrP •-. Suit •color. «- Suit consists f©Poyßsvl'■ knr~e - elastics. CAP. iJ3B*sl: ■;. of Coat. Trousers. Leg- JW fitt Bn*Pl>y new 1911 leagua jrinp ..d H.«. Coa, b« »»& Sk"'^ Ljfi BP .; bra" bottons. trousers axe WBtJ ,-yjjtg '■ uickei buckle. ALL OIVBN '' '^Hi CSKf-k-.^falU length: leK'nes ltCe up; 2r*r HB i'KEE for selling 2* :™r;!^'. bM: -id. sUtch,a brim. •■Br'.Ein-m-sst-!W Ls?aLifflii ■■ V• : iiS6?Sߣ?y?2 fHl piern of our gauds »l 10c. * M *« v }j^.-. ' SSI MILL ST.. ■ t f|»3 -! each. Write . for " good*. W ■ 'naui' ***■*Concord Junot.. Mas*. ■ Bj^ When sold return $2.40 aflJ for «hitt front FRFE, if you return moots within 'it-AJvExSI ' ii» 'tend thi« full Pcout Sun. ten da-is. We trust you with the BLUINE. ntSFir*^ TRIEND SOAP CO.. D«Dt. : —; '-1 : — ■ C' - - 238.- Boston, Mais. jfW^f ~ QpriOOf^ftPTirfc »»TTtr IPfflTi —v ■—- . — Bo«^g»fs<>g66qotta<>ouo»y r^^^™^-: ?a niti^, ! l2r^Ji ers *Seli e^foXlS*^ our Ctthartio Bern liy^^V*LM§r^Iiy^^V*LM§r^ • £?• "'£? .^i -T[Sf My at 25 GTS. a box. It selk Uk» ho! Mkea. fiSVidy IfiP^ TME PRBm'oO pment * «re ■ FBHE }^|^Xi!nNaT3a^ M,Hd?n7coiu."' WESTEM REKEST CO.SM 1360 Wills St. Chicago ,lll. «F«kJii a genuine American (Ids ■-.-•.. fJfSkj, ■4J STOU^'^iSTQEC : Wfjive » gsnume. Amirican Mo»t- STEM ,<^SSfcw?Bf R "fftfißlElaiJ'T'S^^!!? Witch.'Stem wind-and : MWi^^ %¥ MT|iM*?**& SpP -•f E%BB£d Uctory tested. Ouar*n-1 . SET^^^"'" SELLING PbSTCAROS 3|ratMil 6 yfan. Also Chain and - Affi&4dB<JK fO W SCtLINQ POSTCARDS BES4^^V^Va beautiful Sl"netßini -v Alt ;-:#&*KJtV#<%** »«i«..i t .(lm mi » btCm H,NT>. S3Q easT^ruint Post Cards it tOc. a K^^S^Sjl Os" w "*. *■«!'» i«.J..»Mro«»i* Br package. - When sold jead us the "ed» Jbs'.«™j««.w«»!»««.i»ii«.»- ». , ■ >•—. .»v>^.'"J «2.(X) and u-f will send *S**^scflfJ'»«ui»tMi;7iJr»rt«i-i«fi>«».'-Sli-^ - rau by rrturn mail Watsb. Ring and n „ «MGS!«riK«iti|tpon« .it __^S*i>«. Cham absolutely FBEE for your trouhle.^^^^^B . • "^wjjgj&f'^' >M • !»«'«• Ord.r nMEp& ttBCEMT mi Co>pt2lB, CWcap.Hl.^^ S^S-'SeS^W^STo^S!. WAT6ii, gold wkjdenjc clng no[ ■ v/Jw9mJv^M \?^• C?fS*fi~snA/rimk£Bl* *^IV..'ltLtt». bend for 12 pacfc^es of <w« fIa>2SVJHT9\K\Vw . «nva ,-,,'5 .^ivnflßl^^. beautiful. hi»hfrade gold -•- B»BSE)iiiSw*^»'^^'!^!" /A bowrt,Hw..rfi7od*««igi. By Wrßivr;l|//made .u>m-win<i irsteb with ISSF-'*^a " '*-'■ il^- Return us the Yi,lJ!m*f*fK!9'T SKo'^ta^S^.iriSa) lfc>,i 72SBJ will send you by return mill vMHßff^Jsri.-X W^af this *cry fine UK gold -filled J*""*!r- *i*»J? iV'rfs heity band riog. not ih« tnd wr will Mmd wstcn. r*nit 4cnain. r>h«an Win,-i i.i^mm ■ w