Newspaper Page Text
20 8 WOMEN ARE MISSING AND 3 DEAD IN WRECK Excursion Train of Teachers Jumps Track and Coaches Are Burned List of Injured Totals Fifty and Several Are Expected to Succumb EASTON, .Pa., April 29,-lOut of 16» passengers efght are missing;, three are dead and more" tban 50 were * Injured when anl excursion train carrying school tea' hers was wrecked 'this aft ernoon ion the Belvldere-lielaware di vision of the Pennsylvania railway at Martins Creek, N. J., eight miles north of here. It is helirvml all the missing- are dead, wtiile of the injured several are expected sto die. The more seriously injured arc being cared for in the hos pital here. The train was a specr&l of t'.ic I'ela f> ar*. Ljfck&wanat and Western Hnd left rtica. N. V.. thi« morning, inrryins; from there nnd Syra cuse for a holiday at Washington. U. <\ The train was traveling 50 miles an Jiciur, and when the locomotive struck a sharp curve, where men had been re • pairing the tracks It jumped and ran • along a hillside, carrying four of the five cars with It. AH of the can took - fir« and burned like tinder, Not a splinter is left. Hardly had the train come to a stop before the fire started and spread so rapidly that some. of the imprisoned ]>asFenKprs t are believed to have burned to death. As the train left the track it broke a tank of oil, which ran over tlie wreckage and added to the fury of the flames. Physicians were < ailed from here and town within a radius of 10 miles a;>d went to the scene. In automobiles and special trains. Twenty minutes after the accident there were ■ of physicians r>n the ground, farmhouse near was quickly trans formed into an Improvised hospital, and farmers' wagons were pressed into s.-"\ice as ambulances. '/_ Unconscious forms were pinioned be neath the wreckage, with the flames leaping f toward them, when the less seriously injured, at great risk of their own lives, plunged Into the debris. Vrorked the* unconscious victims loose and carried them beyond reach of the fire. '",'Obi young worrrSn was fouiul singing ,;and dancing on th« railroad track half (i -mile fkorn thi scene of the wreck. "Fhe was cut, bruised and burned, but l'°lrr her hystfrif-al condition did not ap- Ipear conscious of pain or what had 'happened, t \ ,■>•[ SAN JOSE DEBATER WINS STATE SCHOOL CONTEST Gold Medal Presented to Albert '"'■', ;•; Coyle at Martinez 'J.'[specsat Dispatch to The Call] I MARTINEZ April 29.—At the annual convention' of the California high .c Whool debating league, held nerf today, "there was an .election of officers fol ! lowed by a debate In which all the dele gates participated. A dance, at -which the visitors ewere the guests of the Mar tinez, was given. ; ! The officers for the ensuins year are: Prea}dgnt, Frank W. Cunningham; flrnt vice president. Frank Srott, Kumholdt evening school, San Francisco; secom. vice president, I^eslie I). Schlingheyde, Applied Institute, Berkeley; secretary, Frederick Wtchmnn. Mission hta;h ■ehool, San Franci«>-o; treasurer. Uw rence Oxouf, Berkeley high school. The subject of the general debate was: •'Resrtlved, that there should he a possible, recall of all public officials, Including the Judiciary." First place was won by Albert Cojrle of San Jose, to whom the league will pp'esnt a gold medal. The next annual meeting: of the league will he. held in the Mission high school, San Francisco. DIXON TO CELEBRATE MAY DAY IN STYLE Baseball Games and Harness Races Scheduled [Spfcia/ Dispatch to The Call] DIXON. April 29.—Dlxon will cele brate the May day festival next Mon day an,] many residents throughout fiolano and Yolo counties are preparing to attend. The Solano county super- Visors have postponed their meeting until Tuesday In order to be present. One of the features will he the crown- Ing" of the May.queen. There will also toe baseball icarnes and harness races. Many fraternal societies from all of the cities of Solano county will exemplify •ritualistic work In the county. A parade will follow. There in to he dancing afternoon'and «v«ning and another big parade at right, EHCKMAN SUSPECTS TO f ACE BURGLARY TRIAL Rogers and Rathbun Will Be Arraigned in Lodi \Specjal Dispatch to The Call] T»ni \nr|i 29—Prank Roger* and JUI, .1 Kathbun must appear before jiiisuVe ti-HH-it*; next Wednesday when their, preliminary examination on th« charge of raving robbed the Beckman •tore TviM be held. The store was robbed on April 14. and a revolver taken from the premises was found in Rogers' po««esslon. He says he found It In a warehouse. Rathbun declares he did not know Rogers and that he •was not ngar Lodi on the night of the burglary. GOVERNOR TO BE GUEST ' AT STOCKTON BANQUET Chamber of Commefce Will Cel ebrate Its Anniversary [Special Dispatch to The Call] STOCKTON*, April Chairman D. B. Morrill of the committee on arrange ments for the chamber of commerce's tenth anniversary banquet to ;be held at the Stockton May 8, says' there Is a big demand for seat*. The guest of honor will be Governor Johnson. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED IN STOCKTON [Special Dispatch to The Call] STOCKTON. April Marriage li censes were granted today as follows: Joseph M. Patterson. Lodi, aged 24, and Mary L. Cathey.'Acampo,,aged 19. Foster Thomas 'Maxwell,' aged ' 27, and Sadla I,uietta Miller, aged 10, both «' Stockton. 1 - BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS +._ ,—_ ; ♦ 'I Marriage Licenses | +.__ _ _—: ,—, ; ; —— : —--♦■ The following marriage licenses were Issued in San Francisco. Saturday. April 29: , AKERS—PIKE—Harry A. Akcr*. 27. and Eleo nore C. Pike. 17. both of 4ts Eureka street. HAUI!\i;Y DlCKF.Y—Vietnr-, J. Barraey. 33. 38.1 Presidio aTenu*. and Susie C. Pickcy, S3, iai7 Ftllmore street. BLACK—PKTTIXGH.I«—J««<M>h M. C. Black, 24, ! 12Sft Pace street, and Edna M. Pettlnglll, 24, \'allel... BUINS William Brun«. 2f>. 8S Carl street, and Ruth U. Vetter, 17. 012 Persia street. ■■ ■-■■'- •-' •.■•.■" . ■ DAVIS—BORROWE—Howard W. Paris. SB, Au burn, and Caroline is. Borrowe, 30, 2010 I.yon street. EDUECrMBE—MANNING — Henry 11. F.djre enmbe. 30. Oregon, and Ixicy R. Manning, 27, San Franc,- * • XI.I 10TT MADDEN—AIburn R. Elliott. 21, 1257 Vermont streei. an<l Era l<. Maddea. IS, " 12", Vermont street. FIBISH IUNMN'; -Felix Fibush. 30. and Anna E. Dinning. TO. both of 2017 Pine street. GIOVO—CONNORS—Dominic P. C.loto. 27. 2RRA Waller street, and Agnes Connors, 21. 2420 (Jre»nwich street. HF-RMTZ—BARTUOI-n—William Herlltx. s*. 7.M Treat avenne, ami Anna Bartheld, 2.5, 1334 Biwhanan street. M.-';n.r. \V.\RI> Hu«h McClll. 30. and Bridget Ward. 2.1. both of 460 Third street. TTMM—GOTHAM--Ceorjrc- C. Timm, 3.1, 71"i Va lencia street, and Anna A. Gotham, 27, 301 Church street. TSorTSOrvvs — GEORGARA -Soter Tsont=oii Tas. "2. 1259 Nineteenth avenue, and Elene. (Jeor^nra. 2:. Sicramento. 'TYI.F.B—BITHAXAN—Sidney W. Tyler. 2«. Fnrt Wayne, and Helen S. Buchanan, 23, 1.>60 Sucromctito street. WATTS—KUECK-Harvey IV Waits. 21. .^42 Fifteenth avenue, and Aha.i G. Freck, 2?, Oakland. _______ BIRTHS AREGGER— In this city, April 2.'.. 1911. to the wife of D. C. Aregger (fonj«*Tly Albertlne I'lsemer), a aon. CHENEY—In this city. April 2«. 1911. to the wife of C. M Cheney (formerly Anna l.ang paap). a dauckter. CrxXIXOIIAM— In this city. April 25, 1911, to the wife of .lame* 8. Cunningham, a son. GREEN In this city, to Hie wife of H. A. Green, twin*—sons. HORNING—In this city, April 22. mil. to the wife of V. S. llornunil. a rtanchter. JOHNS—In this city. April 27. 1911. to the wife of J. F. Johns, a dauchter. MANNING—In this city. April 21, mil. to the wife of Daniel J. Manning (nee O'Sheat, a «00. I-QBRIXS— San .laciuto. Chl . April IS, 1011, to th« wife of W. B. Bobbins (nee. Van Ider- Ktine). I son. MARRIAGES . . ALTVATER—GREU.MAN— In tills city. April 27. 1911. by ReT. William Rader. Edward Iynls Altvater and Gertrude Augusta Grell man. bnth of this city. - FIREBAI'GII—POTTER—In this city, April 2,"?. 1011, by Rev. William Rader, Elmer J. Fire liaiißli and Evelyn 1.. Potter, both of Fresno, C:.l. FREDEXBL'RG—ALLEN—In this city. April M, 1911. by Re». William Rader. George B. Fre.lenbur|r of Point Richmond, I ai.. and Ethel Lots Allen of this city. nAVEX—BI'TCHER—In this city. A:ir!l 19. 1911. by Jii.-Ijtp Ceoree A. Sturt°Tnnt. J. Q. A. Haven and Emma Winefud Butcher. " DEATHS Anfrlchtig. Bertha.. 11 ! Newman (Infants Barrett, Mll« 241 Newman. Sadie 83 Baxter. Robert 3.1 O'Donnell. Mary ... — Blake. Dr. Seldon L. 54 OHara. Hugh :...C2 Brettbaupt. Mary .. Xi Ramlierg. John 0. -"- Brew. Patrick 20 Ross. Hi-rnard 72 Carrillo. FVancisco.. — Rossi. Blanche N...4-' Vllynn. Mary 48 Rchntl, Emlle ..'... r.7 Haley, Bridget —Teller. Sarah J....74 Hanlen. Theresa ... :!2t Wafroer. Carl R....53 Hers. Henry N . ... 531 West, John P......49 Hernan, Martin ....55 HyUnd. ' Bernard .1. — Altken (Card> Johnson. Kittle A. ■ -'■'. Brooks <Card> Knl.ler, Asa A Ofi Faktor "....fCardl Kaesrr. Mabel . % .. 24 MaeOonnld (t'aMi Munson, Elizabeth 83. 73 Metbmann •cardi AUFRICHTIG In Los Angeles, April 20. 1911. I Bertha Aufrlchtlg. beloved wife of Morris Anfricbtig. »nd dearly beloved mother of Sam uel. Ike and Louis Anfrlchtig and Mrs." M*u ric» Helen and Mrs. Rae Thompson. aged Bl .'«■» 9 months and 25 days. , ■ Interment P»tem cemetery, tomorrow (Moo dnyi. May 1. lt:20 train. BARRETT— In this city. April 2S. Hit. at* the city and county hospital. Mllo Barrett, a na tive nt Ou-o, aged 24 year*. BAXTER In thin city, April 2*. Ml. Robert, . dearly below] husband of Margaret Baxter, a native of Boston, aged 3." years. The funeral will take place today (Sunday), at 3 o'clock p. m., from Odd Follow*' crema tory. Remains at the parlors of J. C. O'Con nor & Co.. 770 Turk street. BLAKE In this city. April 2R. 1811. Dr. Peldon 1.. Blake, dearly beloved husband '■( Y. M. Blake, ami father of Kin-ie and Elinor Blake, a native of Maine, aped 34 years. A niemhej of Trinity lodge No. 27. F. & A. M.. of.Wca- Terrille. Cal.. and the Society of Maine. : Friends and acquaintances are respectfully In vited to attend the funeral Tuesday. May 2. 1811. at 11:30.a. m.. from Golden Gate Com manacrr hall. Sutter street near Fillmore, under the auspices of California lodge No. 1. F. & A. M. Interment Mountain View ceme tery, Oakland, X o'clock creek route boat. Re mains at the roortnary chapel of the Golden dat« undertaking company, 2475 Mission street near "Twenty-first. r-' ■- BRETTHAuPT In this city, April 2*. 1011. Mary, beloved wife of the late' Jacob Brett haapt, and mother of Joseph Goeti. a native of Wurttemburg, Germany, aged 63 years 2 months and 10 day«. Friends anil acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday), May 1. at 10:43 a. in., from the. parlors of H. F. Snhr i Co.. 2911 Mission street between Twenty -fifth and .Twenty-sixth. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery, by 11:90 a. m. train from Twenty-fifth and Valencia streets. BEEW-In thin city, April 2«. ■ 1911. Patrick, dearly beloved son of John anil the.late .Mary Brew, a Dative of County Clare. Ireland, aged 'M rears. ,: ■ Remain* at the parlors of Mcßrearty & Me- Connlck. MS Valencia street near Twentieth. Notice of funeral hereafter. CARRIIXO In Vista firamlc, April 2R. 1911. Francisco Ciirrillo, beloved husband of Dolores C»rrlllo. a native of California. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday), May 1. 1911. at 10 o'clock a. m.. from "hi* late residency 81." Winter street. Vista Grande. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. OLYNN- In th!« city. April »>, [Ml. Mary, wife . of the late John I*. <>lynn. and daughter of Mr- Jane L»ff»rtT. and beloved mother of Mrs. William J. Walsh. M. P.. and John, Rita. Kdward. Charles. Mary. Florence, Harry. Edith. Clement and Anthony Glynn. 11 native of California, aged 46 years. 11 months anil 2 :: day*. ■ - ■. ;■"■;-■• v"- •-' ■ ■■■ - ' Funeral will lake place tomorrow (Monday), Mar 1. at 0::W x. m.. from her late residence. 1833 McAllister street, thence to Sacred Heart church, Flllni'Te and Fell street*, where a r»- qnlem high mass will he celebrated for th» repose of her soul." commencing at 10 a. m. Interment Holy CtaM cemetery, by electric funeral car from Thirteen and West Mission streets. CEliSiJfeSSlrlwf HALEY— In this city, April 29. 1911.' Bridget. dearly beloved wfi> of Michael Haley, mid loving mother of John, Owen. Nellie. Michael nail Elizabeth Haley, and sister of Jam« Martin and the late John Kennedy, and niece of Thomas and Michael Walsh, and mother In law of Mrs. John Half a. native of Count; . Sligo. Ireland. ' lANLEK--ID this city. Aprl! 2"*. 1911. The.resa Katherlne. beloyed wife of 'Raymotxl W. Han len. loving daughter of Mrs. Theresa Sharke.y. »n>l sister of Miles A. Sharkey and the late Mrs. Winifred Smith and Mrs. Moolra Ryan. h natiTe of Carson City, Nev., aged 32 years 6 months and 29 days. tCar--oo city. Nev., pa pers pies se oopy. i Friends and acquaintance* are respectfully In Tltfd to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday). Ma; 1, at 8:43 a. m.. from the parlors of H. F. Ruhr & Co., 2018 Mission street be tween Twenty-fifth and. Twenty-siith. * thence to St. John's fh'irrli. where a requiem high hum will he eelehtated for the repose of her •on|. commencing lit 9:30 a.- m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, ny carriage. , HESZ In this city, April ' 28. 1»U. Henry N. Hers, a native of Germany, aged S3 year*. A member of Shoe Clerks' Union of Sao - Fran cisco. . :.-■; : Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend 'lie funeral today . lSnn<t«ji. April 30. at 3 p. ' m.. from the parlori of Theodor Dlerks A Co., < !KNi I)eTl«g(Sero street corner of McAllister, where " services will ;he held conJrjDctlTcly nnder > the anspice*; of the Odd Fellows' Bureau of Relief and the Board of Belief of the Independent Order of B'nai B'rlth. ; Cremation Odd Fellows' cemetery. HEaNAH—In this ■ eit.r. April 29, 1911.i Martin Hernan, dearly bek>Te<l husband of Mary Her nan. and lovinc father of John. Michael.- Mar tin and William Hernan and Mr*. N. E. Drlrer. " and Sarah and Mary Ilrrnan i and the late Mary. Sarah ami t nleman Hernan, a native of Coonty» Oalway, Ireland, - aged ,■• 85 . years : 6 • monthii and ■17 days. ;. A member of iJoMen Gate camp No. M. Woodmen of the World, and HfKl Carriers' Inion. Remalnii at his late residence. 333.1 Twenty flrat.atreet. ' Notice if funeral'hereafter. HYLASD In this city. April 29, 1 1911,; Bernard }.. • beloved huftband of the late Emma 11 jlmirl. and , loTln* father iof ► Bernard • and -. (Jertrude Hyland, and loving i brother :of Mary. John, Ttoman, ReMie and the late Margaret Hjland. a native of San Francisco. ' Notice nf funeral hereafter. Remain* at the parlor* of, Mcßrearty. A McConnick,'. 913, Va lencia street near Twentieth. JOHKBOK—In thin city. April 29, 1011. Kittle A. Johnson, dearly beloved wife of William .T. ■ Johnson,' and loving ; daiiirhter ■ of: Mrs. t Mary I/vke and : th* late Harry Locke," and grand ' daughter.: of ' Mm. Jane. Dunn' and the late Frank. Dunn." and sister of Frank. Willie and l : Elmer Locke and the late Harry l<orke, a na •tlTe of California, aged -'■ years 11 months 1 and 8 days.'rfMlßP'ißMflWfeHlJfr'WttWfcWWtflßttfJ Tunr-riil notice hereafter. Hcmaln.? at" the THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY. APRIL 30, 1911. mortuary chap»» of the Golden Gate undertak In* company, 2175 Mission street near Twenty first. - ■ .- • ■ '■* ■•. KABLEH In this city, April 2«, 1011, Asa Seldon Aphous abler, beloved husband; of Alice. Kabler. and devoted father of Mrs. Ethel DaTiR Herbert E.. Etta and William Kabler. and brother of Edward E. Coffee, a native of , San Francisco, aged 56 years 2. month* and V 12 days. Friends and acquaintance are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral -today (Sunday i. at 10:45 a. m.. from the parlors of H. F. Snhr A- (".. 2919 Mission street between Twenty fifth and Twenty-sixth. Interment Cypress ' Lawn cemetery, by . 11:30 a. m.. train from Twenty-fifth and Valencia streets. KAESEH -In fill* city. April 29. 1011. Mabel, beloved wife of Willie Kaeser, and loving mother of Willie and Mabel Kaeser. and (laughter of Dennis and the late Mary Me- Anliffe. and sister of Mazie. Cornelius. Morris . and Frank MeAuliffe. a native of San Fran ■ Cisco. Cat., aged 24 years 3 month» and I (lav. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in vited t-> attend the fnneral tomorrow (Monday*. May I. Itll, at R:45 o'clock a. m.. from her late residence. 2ia.\ Sixth avenue (Richmond district i. them* to the Star of the Sea church for-service!", commencing at 0 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. • STUNSON In this city, April £«. 1911. at her residence. «14 Sixth arena*. Elisabeth Searles | Mtinson. beloved wife of the late W. 1.. Mnn son. and loving mother of Mrs. Amiel H. Rrod and Mrs. William A. Newbold and Grant L. and Lincoln 11. Munson. aged 73 roars and 4 month*. Interment Auburn, Cal.. tomorrow (Mon day. May 1. 1911. • Please omit flowers. KEWMAK In thin ptty. April 27. 1911. I^otv ard 1... dearly beloved son of Davis and Ruth XmitM. a native of Fan Pnaciaeo, aged 1 month and 12 days. NEWMAN -In this city. April 2*. 1811, Sadie J. Newman, helmed wife of John M. New . man. and mother of Mm. W. B. Swears and Bertha, John E. and Kussoll B. Newman, a native of Cbambersburg, Pa., aged 63 years 3 mouths and 17 dars. . > ■ '■-■ The funeral service* will be held today (Sunday), April SO. 1011. at 1:30 o'clock p. m.. at her late residence. 173S Page street between Clayton and Cole. Interment Cypress Lawn craeterjv private. O'HARA- In thin city. April 2S. mil. Hugh, dearly beloved husband of Miry OHara. and lotliis uncle of Mrs. Joseph Steven*, and cousin of Nellie and Jennie o'Hara. a native of County Cavan, Ireland, aged 62 year*. A member of Oivislon No. 2. A. 0. H. of A. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral tomorrow iM.»nday>. May I. 1911. at R:IS o'clock a. ra.. from the funeral parlors of Creen. Ryan & Ponoooe. northeast corner of Sixteenth nnd Guerrero streets, thence to Mission Dolores church, where a requiem high muss will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9 O'clock, Interment Holy Cross cemetery. O'DOKXEXI^In Ixw T.atos. C«l.. April 2S. 1911. at the Oak's sanatorium. Mary, widow of the late Philip o'Oonnpll. and aunt at Sadie. Mamie and Joseph Rlley, a native of San Tran. Friend* and acquaintances are respectfully in vited to attend tb« fnneral tomorrow 1 Monday 1. Mar 1. from the Church of the Immaenlat* Conception. Lou Uatou. Pal., at fl o'clock a. m.. wiere a requiem hi»b mnss will be celebrated for the repose of her aoul. Interment Holy ("ro«i cemetery, on the arrival of the train I.os rtatoe. at 1 o'clock p. in. HAMBEHO— Modesto. Cal.. April 27, 1911. John O. Ramberg, a native of Sweden, aged 22 yearn. ■ Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in- Tlted to attend the funeral services tomorrow (Monday), at 1:30 o'clock p. m.. at the Swed ish-American ball, 2174 Market street, under the auspices of the Swedish Society. Inter ment Mount Olivet cemetery. . Remains at the chapel of Craig, Cochran * Co., 1169 Valencia street. ■ • >, ' " •■•■_: ,--,.f,-- ROSS tali city. ■ April 29. 1911. Bernard Ross, I native of England, aged 72 years. BOSSI— In tall city. April -'.». 1911. Blanche N.. dearly beloved wife of John F. Rossi, and de voted mother of Blanche Rossi, a native; of New Orleans. Iji.. aged 45 years. Remains at the parlors of Val»nte. Marini. Marals & Co.. «43 Green street between Stock ton and Powell. BCHVTZ In Oakland. April 2K. 1911. Kmlle. beloved husband of Annie B. Rchntz. «nd father of Chnr>s. Emile Jr. and Pauline Si-hntr ami Mrs. E I- Tomalts, n native of Frauce. iged ."" yr-.irs. TELLER At rest. hi Alameds, April 28, 1911. Sarah .F.. widnw-of the late J. D. P. Teller, . and mother of Philip S.. Walter. Frederick. John de P.. Charles W. Telly. Mrs. K. D. Holden. and crandmother of Harvey E., George and Mary 11.. Teller, aged 7» ypars,'. 1 Funeral serrlc^H will be held at th» . resi dence. 1811 Santa Clara avenue. Alameda. tomorrow (Monday), May 1, at 2p. m. Inter ment prlrate. WAGNER—At rest. In this city, April 29. 1911. at bis late residence. I".. Casein avenue, Carl. n.. beloved husband of Anna Wagner, lov ing father of Mrs. K. Cook, and beloved brother of Mrs. Minnie Eggert, Mrs. T/viise Rucker of Arizona and the late Ludwlg Wagner of San Francisco and grandfather of Anna Cook, a native of German)-, aged .V. rears 8 months and 9 day«. A member of Hermann Stamm No. 224. U. 0. R. M., and coppersmiths' union, local No. Ds> FTloo^s and acquaintance* are respectfully In vited to attend the funeral today (Sunday i. April ' 30, «t 2:30 p. m., from the parlor* of H. F. Siihr & Co.. 2919 Mission street be tween Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth. Remains will be at his late residence, \Xi C'aselll aTe nne. until Sunday, 9:30 a. m. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery, by electric funeral car from Twenty »nd Valencia streets. WEST— In this city. April 29. mil, John P. West. beloved husband of Catherine G. West, and father of M. Irene and J. P. West Jr., and brother of Annie J. West, a native of San Francisco, aged ;48 years: 2 months and 14 days.. . -..■;. FrleniU Rnd acquaintances are respectfully in- Titeri to artend tUe funeral services tomorrow (Mondavi. May 1. JBII. at fc.Kl o'clock a. m.. at Ills late residence. 2'i Elgin Park, thence to St. Joseph's i hurch, where n mass will be celebrated for the repose of liix noijl. Inter ment Hoiv * ross cemetery. PIONEER COIXCII, NO. 1. TOUXG MEN'S IN STITUTE—To the officers »nd member* of I'ioneer Council No. 1. Young Men* Institute: .. Yon are hereby notified to attend the funeral of our late brother. John P. West, tomorrow (Monday.).- May 1. at 8:30 o'clock a. m.. from his late residence, 22 Elgin Park. r. 3. KIF.SEH, President. BOBKRT TOBIN. Secretary. CARD OF THANKS. AirKF.N—The family of the late Nnrs O. 1 Aitten herewith desire to express their sin cer* thanks to their "many friends for Hie floral offerings and the many acts of kindness extended to them In their late breavetnent— the loss of a loving wife, . mother, daughter and sister. £>i' r>;* CARD Of THANKS. We herewith desire to express our deepest gratitude to the many friends, the Amt I.ilien thaler Vereln. . also to Mr«. M. l,yden, who. by deeds of kindness lln<l words of sympathy, ■did much to comfort us srm lighten the heavy clouds which hung over us in the loss of ear dearly beloved husband and father. ■ ; . MRS. SOPHIA BROOKS, MRS. I.OIISA MCKPHV. . CARD OF.XIIANKS. FAKTOR—The family of the late "P. R. Faktor herewith desire to express their heart- i felt thank* to their many friends and relatives, and especially j to the officers and members of Germania lodge No. lift. I. O. O. F.; Walhalla encampment No. 7. 1. O. O. F.: San Francisco Scfauetxen Club: German!* Schuetz»n Club; San Francisco lodge . No. 2. Knights of ; the Royal Arch: s Suedd*utsch»r Vereln. Order ,of Owls and the Rough Rider* for the many ex pressions of kindness and sympathy and beau tiful floral offerings extended to us during th« • sad hours of ear bereavement. MRS. AMELIA FAKTOR and Family. CARD OF THANKS. . Mar-nONAU) The family of the late J. Ray MacPonald herewith express their deep appre ciation to the many friends for their "great assistance, also floral offerings received from rmnsmnir lodge. B. of R. T., and B. T., of Me- Cloud, and friends. | MRS. A. MacDONALI> and Family. CARD OF THANKS. i METHMANN—The family of the late Inge t>org Marie Methmann hereby extend their heart- ! - felt thanks to their relatives, many friends ■ • and the officer* and member* of • the various societies* for the many ; acts of kindness and sympathy and beautiful floral ■ offerings ex tended to us during the sad hours of our be reavement. ■.-•.' ; . JULIUS S. GODEAU Independent of the Trust For , STB Will * Furnlah ; Hrarae,' 3 i Car - lias?*, Embalming, Shroa«f nod . ' . Cloth Covered Casket Caskets at $35. aa good as sold by Trust Undertaken, for ........ .'.........\.. .;..*8J Ca*keta at $30, aa good as told * by. Trust - s Undertakers, for ......................... $90 O>k<*ts at $100. at good aa cold by Trust *■ Undertaken for • $150 41.vim Neta At«. --' ) MARKET 711 005 Montar'y At*. I Home M 3198 | 1305 Franklin Street. Oakland Auto , Ambulance aad Carriages (01 ' Hire. -. - Auto*- at Sam* Prices. I FUNERAL FLORAL WORK Is one of our Specialties. ~% Prices moderate.- Quality i and Service the best. P-LICANO, BOSS! & CO. 123 Kearny " Street C; • . i Country £ orders - given :; careful 5 attention. ' Phone Don;las 426. - Phone orders promptly attended to. ■■ ■■ " '■' ■ •-.'-■■-.■ ■.*■'« ' .-i ..'■;-■■■. ■**■? j At Grant Jive. Store <g&&£U Continue the Great Sale of the Splendid New R. D. Davis Co. Stock LARGE additional shipments of goods, purchased by Mr. Davis before we bought this slock, and which *-* were in transit, arrived Friday and Saturday, and will be marked and ready for sale Monday morning. So that, notwithstanding the immense selling of the fir^ three days, the addition of the new merchandise (not out Of New York two weeks) will make the slocks of Suits, Wai&s and Petticoats almost as complete in assortment as they were in the beginning. This is the greatest sale ever held in this city—the brand new stock of a store that only opened for business four weeks ago. Never Such Bargains Before. The very latest Summer Styles of Women's, Misses' and Children's Suits, Coats and Dresses, Smart Millinery, Silk Petticoats, Wqists, Muslinwear, Gloves, Etc., at Immense Reductions The Davis Suits The Davis Dresses 1 At a Fraction of Real Values At About Half His Prices ™, .. C 1 Ci V i *oA >- i-rt Fancy Silk Foulard and Voile Dresses— tiACA hite Serge Suits, values up to $30, some $1 OSO Dai ' )cs ,q aftcrnoon ■ and eveni wear . ▼ I U.«JU * ' J . <f I /»«/U Dainty styles lor afternoon and evening wear. J, %J slightly mussed in window and store display. -A .Vv '?■'• vain** to smo m-i c< -i. i , **oc /iv --tir' 1 * - wmf Marquisette Afternoon and 'Dancing- Ci €% K(\ Tailor Suits, values to $35--Gray Wor- $10 75 r"t \ V i i:a x> i ■ k-i 7 v.i /•ou ,- . ' * _ . „■ . , «P| X*'** rocks, white and colored Bulgarian embroidered. steds and mixtures; navy serges, plain & trimmed. JLU " $25 values Tailor Suits, values to $45-A splendid foA 75 Foulard and Fancy Silk Dresses, values to $A 75 Tailor Suits, values to $4o —A splendid XOil Is «. in , , *- $U.I«J • , v/IM*lv $20 each—all colors for street and evening wear, t/ line of fancy novelties in grays, navy, black, etc. mMM - • - - - The Davis Millinery The P^vis Gloves All at Great Reductions ■■ . A^ Under Re^lar Prices • $5 Rough Braid Pokes and Mushrooms. .$1.95 dies' ****"*?* . 2-piasp Ivid Gloves- &(\C $6.50 Street Hats-the new small shapes $3.50 Perfect fitting; all sizes; all colors and black OU Pr $6.00 Street Hats—the new small shapes. .....$3.50 & . _ wwFr $3.50 Kuox Block Sailors, fiL^VSrS^* ....... .$1.50 Ladies v $1.25 Cape and Mocha Gloves—the OiiC Flower Trimmed Hats, values to 1 $12.50........ 57.50 ca Pcs tan and mahogany; the Mocha in grays OOU r Children's $3.50 hand-made trimmed Hats... $1.95 Best $1.50 French Kid Gloves at $1 15 Misses' $4.50 and $5 trimmed Outing Hats.... $2.50 2 clasp; white, black and all Spring colors l*p Misses' $5.00 Tuscan trimmed Hats at ....... $2.50 $3.00 16-button length White Glace Kid Gloves $2.25 Flowers, Foliage, Fruits — to 75c bunch, ~~~ ———— in this sale at... ... .25c, 35c and 45c ' 117 9 li/f 1* Women s Muslinwear The Davis Waists Tub Dresses 40 At Cut Prices 25c me Oavis Waists luuuicwca 40c D mwcrs at 25c - ■ . • .v T Latest Acw York styles --. c Drawers it 48c1 At Absurdly Low Prices to Close tSS^^StSSi :i33 Night Gowns, 79c Lawn Waists worth to $1.50 each—in neat /»A t?*P?*Z, £' siM v"" $1-50 Night Gowns, •':"' embroidery trimmed and tailor effects, each 0"C ■ .^ 'l Vf^ Petticoats, $1.48 : Lingerie Waists worth to $2.25,each-manv J| JQ- $1.95, $2.98, $4.95 SESSifcS- $2.oogowhs, " Lingerie Waists worth to $2.2.) each-many $•■ JQ T *▼_ ' v r eo hiS«d- $3.50G0wn5,52.^ very choice styles—all sizes up to 44. This sale— Tl .; -■■ >1 ■ $1.75 g?l^J and ( 1oml)'nt'll. $1.25 Lingerie. Waists worth; to $3.50-many $* 95 Children S > $2.00^| r andCombnfn ? $1.50 daintily embroidered and lace trimmed styles, each .I ' Tub DrCSSeS NeW $$.so^Silk $4.50 Marquisette Waists with fast color $095 Dozens (if smart new p^H- rAaf c Embroideries, Dutch Neck, Kimono sleeves, each d styles to select from—Per- . 1»\/C*liJ> Marquisette and Batiste Waists—Bulgarian $0 # 45 hams" in 1 newest "'patterns \ $2.95 Each embroidery and lace and medallion trimmed, each. -4i* and colorings. Values to Beautiful Alessaline Taffet * ?40°- Xo^ and Dresden Silk Petticoat* Also Fine $7.50 Lingerie Waists at $3.95. 98c $1.45 $2.45 ordered b.v wire a week ago; ar , '" ' — * ■ : 9 *. >*r • rived by express Saturday, and included in the Davis Co. Sale $3.50 Royal Worcester Corsets $1.65 • •£!sS3^S*t°Z ■ ; About 150 of one of the newest and most popular models of the Royal Wor- S^gJ »™ ZV^rfa.cit cester Corsets—sizes 18 to 30— nt all average figures, medium bust, long silk Petticoat value you ever front, hips and back, made of handsome pink troche and lace trimmed; are saw at but $2.95 each, added to The R. D. Davis Stock Sale, starting Monday morning at only. $1.65 ea. ~ - — Only a few of the told J^^^^^^^^^^^^O Values to $8.50 dreds of bargains are told Values to $8.50 of in this adv. Come and ■■/j^ *»co*po**t£d &A QC L. see the offerings. Come in . yj^UVg**^ ipHr^l/O 6SICII th? mnrninfi if no^sih c /"^7^ A great collection of latest style lIIC mOrniUg II |JU»IU1«:. r _ ■ m separate skirts-Panamas and serges Grant Aye. and Geary Street I successors to lne K. U. UaviS Co. —plain and braid trimmed— We Will Make to Your Measure |||wOur Regular &E A <2PP|$75 Suit for $JU f$ W^^^ Order yonr Summer Suit now and enjoy the /vV»' OT pleasure in wearing clothes that are just right (W Wmsj^ In 'Tery particular and haTe been made to your •''^^lPfaMn '■ fadlrldaal meaaarement. We guarantee to ghe jon the best suit that you eyer wore. Vft^^^i Our exceptional organization, our immense flP*iiill '' hnyinf power of materials, oar modern methods Mg^is I of extensile operations in tailoring, enables us jlllJjflllPl ■.••' to make garments far better and superior to any Ijp; wM I other establishment in San Francisco. ■ B. KAPLAN • [ffij 270 Sutter Street, Hr^ ' Opposite White House. MjS^E^P^^^^ HOTEL ARGONAUT Society of California Ploneen'BaUdliiK : Fourth Street >Near Market ■■'■ California's Moat Popular •' Hotel 400 Rooms. ' '.'■'■. 300 Baths. European plan—sl.oo per day and op.-. Dining room seating 600. Table d'Hote or aj la Cart* serrlce.aa desired. •.-sSKBSWtKMHBSiw SPECIAL LUNCHEON EVERY DAY ,' From 11:30 a. m. to 2p. m —50 cents. , EDWARD BOLKIN. GKO. A. DIXON. ■■■-..-■ManaKer.'..-'^, .-,;■-. v-.. ... Aast. Manager. HOTEL YON DORN, 242 TURK; ST. European plan, $1 per day and tip; American plan, $2.25 per day and up. ?• American plan to permanent guest*. $50 mo. and op; European plan to permanent guests. (5 per week and up. Steel frame, class A. strictly - fireproof. EDDY ST CAB FROM FERRY. """TS'V gg^MMßflSj Cadillac Hotel SBni RHISI Cor- Ell'i- *nii leaven- MsslrsrHalai wortb ntreets. n«t3w& Amprtran plan to p<-r -[mU IMs>tfaT^ rf 1 w nmncnt gueats. *4.*. and up; Buropfan plau, $1 ■' 'S*" :■:;■■.<:>■■■': ■- ',-■: per, day. '. ■ ■. '; , WEEKLY CALL, $1 PER YEAR ■. ■. **..■-...■..,. ..-■■. HOTEL COLONIAL Stockton, Street, Above Butter ' San : Francisco ■• - American.- plan, $3.00. day • European plan, $1.50 day : ;•_ A hotel with «t«t modern conTenlenee. I Ettrx room connecting with bath. . , HOTEL TURPIN , . Newest and Most Popular Commercial HoteL , JX : 17-1» ' Powell Street at ' Mark**"V -, Six ' stories of . solid : comfort.; Ten 'flm * dass' "ting bouses within one block. V Bate* 41. $1.80 I lt-*Z i* dl '- 225 roomi; not a dark room In I the house. F. L. nd A. v TBRPIN• Preps, «nd Men. I Former owners Royal and Hamilton Hotel*. || BELLEVUE HOTEL I A (Inlet, Refined Home ''■ of Unusual ; ■ ;,-.■!" v\: V ' '•-*" I Excellence •"/ \ ■ American' Plan, >■ with:bath, from $4 a day.* European Plan, with bath, from $2 a day. \ SPECIAf. MONTHLY ; BATES. ,'/._.' Posltlirely Fireproof. I Half Block i from ) Columbia Tkeatw;